Index ¶
- func As[T gd.IsClass](value gd.IsClass) (T, bool)
- func Get(id ID) gd.Object
- func NameFor[T Class]() string
- func NameOf(T Class) string
- func Register[T Class](exports ...any)
- func Super[T gd.IsClass](class ExtensionTo[T]) T
- type AESContext
- type AStar2D
- type AStar3D
- type AStarGrid2D
- type AcceptDialog
- type AnimatableBody2D
- type AnimatableBody3D
- type AnimatedSprite2D
- type AnimatedSprite3D
- type AnimatedTexture
- type Animation
- type AnimationLibrary
- type AnimationMixer
- type AnimationNode
- type AnimationNodeAdd2
- type AnimationNodeAdd3
- type AnimationNodeAnimation
- type AnimationNodeBlend2
- type AnimationNodeBlend3
- type AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D
- type AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D
- type AnimationNodeBlendTree
- type AnimationNodeExtension
- type AnimationNodeOneShot
- type AnimationNodeOutput
- type AnimationNodeStateMachine
- type AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback
- type AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition
- type AnimationNodeSub2
- type AnimationNodeSync
- type AnimationNodeTimeScale
- type AnimationNodeTimeSeek
- type AnimationNodeTransition
- type AnimationPlayer
- type AnimationRootNode
- type AnimationTree
- type Area2D
- type Area3D
- type ArrayMesh
- type ArrayOccluder3D
- type AspectRatioContainer
- type AtlasTexture
- type AudioBusLayout
- type AudioEffect
- type AudioEffectAmplify
- type AudioEffectBandLimitFilter
- type AudioEffectBandPassFilter
- type AudioEffectCapture
- type AudioEffectChorus
- type AudioEffectCompressor
- type AudioEffectDelay
- type AudioEffectDistortion
- type AudioEffectEQ
- type AudioEffectEQ10
- type AudioEffectEQ21
- type AudioEffectEQ6
- type AudioEffectFilter
- type AudioEffectHardLimiter
- type AudioEffectHighPassFilter
- type AudioEffectHighShelfFilter
- type AudioEffectInstance
- type AudioEffectLimiter
- type AudioEffectLowPassFilter
- type AudioEffectLowShelfFilter
- type AudioEffectNotchFilter
- type AudioEffectPanner
- type AudioEffectPhaser
- type AudioEffectPitchShift
- type AudioEffectRecord
- type AudioEffectReverb
- type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer
- type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance
- type AudioEffectStereoEnhance
- type AudioListener2D
- type AudioListener3D
- type AudioSample
- type AudioSamplePlayback
- type AudioServer
- type AudioStream
- type AudioStreamGenerator
- type AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback
- type AudioStreamInteractive
- type AudioStreamMP3
- type AudioStreamMicrophone
- type AudioStreamOggVorbis
- type AudioStreamPlayback
- type AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive
- type AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis
- type AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist
- type AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic
- type AudioStreamPlaybackResampled
- type AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized
- type AudioStreamPlayer
- type AudioStreamPlayer2D
- type AudioStreamPlayer3D
- type AudioStreamPlaylist
- type AudioStreamPolyphonic
- type AudioStreamRandomizer
- type AudioStreamSynchronized
- type AudioStreamWAV
- type BackBufferCopy
- type BaseButton
- type BaseMaterial3D
- type BitMap
- type Bone2D
- type BoneAttachment3D
- type BoneMap
- type BoxContainer
- type BoxMesh
- type BoxOccluder3D
- type BoxShape3D
- type Button
- type ButtonGroup
- type CPUParticles2D
- type CPUParticles3D
- type CSGBox3D
- type CSGCombiner3D
- type CSGCylinder3D
- type CSGMesh3D
- type CSGPolygon3D
- type CSGPrimitive3D
- type CSGShape3D
- type CSGSphere3D
- type CSGTorus3D
- type CallbackTweener
- type Camera2D
- type Camera3D
- type CameraAttributes
- type CameraAttributesPhysical
- type CameraAttributesPractical
- type CameraFeed
- type CameraServer
- type CameraTexture
- type CanvasGroup
- type CanvasItem
- type CanvasItemMaterial
- type CanvasLayer
- type CanvasModulate
- type CanvasTexture
- type CapsuleMesh
- type CapsuleShape2D
- type CapsuleShape3D
- type CenterContainer
- type CharFXTransform
- type CharacterBody2D
- type CharacterBody3D
- type CheckBox
- type CheckButton
- type CircleShape2D
- type Class
- type ClassDB
- type CodeEdit
- type CodeHighlighter
- type CollisionObject2D
- type CollisionObject3D
- type CollisionPolygon2D
- type CollisionPolygon3D
- type CollisionShape2D
- type CollisionShape3D
- type ColorPalette
- type ColorPicker
- type ColorPickerButton
- type ColorRect
- type Compositor
- type CompositorEffect
- type CompressedCubemap
- type CompressedCubemapArray
- type CompressedTexture2D
- type CompressedTexture2DArray
- type CompressedTexture3D
- type CompressedTextureLayered
- type ConcavePolygonShape2D
- type ConcavePolygonShape3D
- type ConeTwistJoint3D
- type ConfigFile
- type ConfirmationDialog
- type Container
- type Control
- type ConvexPolygonShape2D
- type ConvexPolygonShape3D
- type Crypto
- type CryptoKey
- type Cubemap
- type CubemapArray
- type Curve
- type Curve2D
- type Curve3D
- type CurveTexture
- type CurveXYZTexture
- type CylinderMesh
- type CylinderShape3D
- type DTLSServer
- type DampedSpringJoint2D
- type Decal
- type DirAccess
- type DirectionalLight2D
- type DirectionalLight3D
- type DisplayServer
- type ENetConnection
- type ENetMultiplayerPeer
- type ENetPacketPeer
- type EditorCommandPalette
- type EditorContextMenuPlugin
- type EditorDebuggerPlugin
- type EditorDebuggerSession
- type EditorExportPlatform
- type EditorExportPlatformAndroid
- type EditorExportPlatformExtension
- type EditorExportPlatformIOS
- type EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD
- type EditorExportPlatformMacOS
- type EditorExportPlatformPC
- type EditorExportPlatformWeb
- type EditorExportPlatformWindows
- type EditorExportPlugin
- type EditorExportPreset
- type EditorFeatureProfile
- type EditorFileDialog
- type EditorFileSystem
- type EditorFileSystemDirectory
- type EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery
- type EditorImportPlugin
- type EditorInspector
- type EditorInspectorPlugin
- type EditorInterface
- type EditorNode3DGizmo
- type EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
- type EditorPaths
- type EditorPlugin
- type EditorProperty
- type EditorResourceConversionPlugin
- type EditorResourcePicker
- type EditorResourcePreview
- type EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
- type EditorResourceTooltipPlugin
- type EditorSceneFormatImporter
- type EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend
- type EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF
- type EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF
- type EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX
- type EditorScenePostImport
- type EditorScenePostImportPlugin
- type EditorScript
- type EditorScriptPicker
- type EditorSelection
- type EditorSettings
- type EditorSpinSlider
- type EditorSyntaxHighlighter
- type EditorToaster
- type EditorTranslationParserPlugin
- type EditorUndoRedoManager
- type EditorVCSInterface
- type EncodedObjectAsID
- type Engine
- type EngineDebugger
- type EngineProfiler
- type Environment
- type Expression
- type Extension
- type ExtensionTo
- type ExternalTexture
- type FBXDocument
- type FBXState
- type FastNoiseLite
- type FileAccess
- type FileDialog
- type FileSystemDock
- type FlowContainer
- type FogMaterial
- type FogVolume
- type Font
- type FontFile
- type FontVariation
- type FramebufferCacheRD
- type GDExtension
- type GDExtensionManager
- type GDScript
- type GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter
- type GLTFAccessor
- type GLTFAnimation
- type GLTFBufferView
- type GLTFCamera
- type GLTFDocument
- type GLTFDocumentExtension
- type GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh
- type GLTFLight
- type GLTFMesh
- type GLTFNode
- type GLTFObjectModelProperty
- type GLTFPhysicsBody
- type GLTFPhysicsShape
- type GLTFSkeleton
- type GLTFSkin
- type GLTFSpecGloss
- type GLTFState
- type GLTFTexture
- type GLTFTextureSampler
- type GPUParticles2D
- type GPUParticles3D
- type GPUParticlesAttractor3D
- type GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D
- type GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D
- type GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D
- type GPUParticlesCollision3D
- type GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D
- type GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D
- type GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D
- type GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D
- type Generic6DOFJoint3D
- type Geometry2D
- type Geometry3D
- type GeometryInstance3D
- type Gradient
- type GradientTexture1D
- type GradientTexture2D
- type GraphEdit
- type GraphElement
- type GraphFrame
- type GraphNode
- type GridContainer
- type GridMap
- type GridMapEditorPlugin
- type GrooveJoint2D
- type HBoxContainer
- type HFlowContainer
- type HMACContext
- type HScrollBar
- type HSeparator
- type HSlider
- type HSplitContainer
- type HTTPClient
- type HTTPRequest
- type HashingContext
- type HeightMapShape3D
- type HingeJoint3D
- type ID
- type IP
- type Image
- type ImageFormatLoader
- type ImageFormatLoaderExtension
- type ImageTexture
- type ImageTexture3D
- type ImageTextureLayered
- type ImmediateMesh
- type ImporterMesh
- type ImporterMeshInstance3D
- type Input
- type InputEvent
- type InputEventAction
- type InputEventFromWindow
- type InputEventGesture
- type InputEventJoypadButton
- type InputEventJoypadMotion
- type InputEventKey
- type InputEventMIDI
- type InputEventMagnifyGesture
- type InputEventMouse
- type InputEventMouseButton
- type InputEventMouseMotion
- type InputEventPanGesture
- type InputEventScreenDrag
- type InputEventScreenTouch
- type InputEventShortcut
- type InputEventWithModifiers
- type InputMap
- type InstancePlaceholder
- type IntervalTweener
- type ItemList
- type JNISingleton
- type JSON
- type JSONRPC
- type JavaClass
- type JavaClassWrapper
- type JavaObject
- type JavaScriptBridge
- type JavaScriptObject
- type Joint2D
- type Joint3D
- type KinematicCollision2D
- type KinematicCollision3D
- type Label
- type Label3D
- type LabelSettings
- type Light2D
- type Light3D
- type LightOccluder2D
- type LightmapGI
- type LightmapGIData
- type LightmapProbe
- type Lightmapper
- type LightmapperRD
- type Line2D
- type LineEdit
- type LinkButton
- type LookAtModifier3D
- type MainLoop
- type MarginContainer
- type Marker2D
- type Marker3D
- type Marshalls
- type Material
- type MenuBar
- type MenuButton
- type Mesh
- type MeshConvexDecompositionSettings
- type MeshDataTool
- type MeshInstance2D
- type MeshInstance3D
- type MeshLibrary
- type MeshTexture
- type MethodFlags
- type MethodTweener
- type MissingNode
- type MissingResource
- type MobileVRInterface
- type MovieWriter
- type MultiMesh
- type MultiMeshInstance2D
- type MultiMeshInstance3D
- type MultiplayerAPI
- type MultiplayerAPIExtension
- type MultiplayerPeer
- type MultiplayerPeerExtension
- type MultiplayerSpawner
- type MultiplayerSynchronizer
- type Mutex
- type NativeMenu
- type NavigationAgent2D
- type NavigationAgent3D
- type NavigationLink2D
- type NavigationLink3D
- type NavigationMesh
- type NavigationMeshGenerator
- type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D
- type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D
- type NavigationObstacle2D
- type NavigationObstacle3D
- type NavigationPathQueryParameters2D
- type NavigationPathQueryParameters3D
- type NavigationPathQueryResult2D
- type NavigationPathQueryResult3D
- type NavigationPolygon
- type NavigationRegion2D
- type NavigationRegion3D
- type NavigationServer2D
- type NavigationServer3D
- type NinePatchRect
- type Node
- type Node2D
- type Node3D
- type Node3DGizmo
- type Noise
- type NoiseTexture2D
- type NoiseTexture3D
- type ORMMaterial3D
- type OS
- type Occluder3D
- type OccluderInstance3D
- type OccluderPolygon2D
- type OfflineMultiplayerPeer
- type OggPacketSequence
- type OggPacketSequencePlayback
- type OmniLight3D
- type OpenXRAPIExtension
- type OpenXRAction
- type OpenXRActionBindingModifier
- type OpenXRActionMap
- type OpenXRActionSet
- type OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier
- type OpenXRBindingModifier
- type OpenXRBindingModifierEditor
- type OpenXRCompositionLayer
- type OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder
- type OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect
- type OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad
- type OpenXRDpadBindingModifier
- type OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension
- type OpenXRHand
- type OpenXRHapticBase
- type OpenXRHapticVibration
- type OpenXRIPBinding
- type OpenXRIPBindingModifier
- type OpenXRInteractionProfile
- type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor
- type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase
- type OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata
- type OpenXRInterface
- type OpenXRVisibilityMask
- type OptimizedTranslation
- type OptionButton
- type PCKPacker
- type PackedDataContainer
- type PackedDataContainerRef
- type PackedScene
- type PacketPeer
- type PacketPeerDTLS
- type PacketPeerExtension
- type PacketPeerStream
- type PacketPeerUDP
- type Panel
- type PanelContainer
- type PanoramaSkyMaterial
- type Parallax2D
- type ParallaxBackground
- type ParallaxLayer
- type ParticleProcessMaterial
- type Path2D
- type Path3D
- type PathFollow2D
- type PathFollow3D
- type Performance
- type PhysicalBone2D
- type PhysicalBone3D
- type PhysicalBoneSimulator3D
- type PhysicalSkyMaterial
- type PhysicsBody2D
- type PhysicsBody3D
- type PhysicsDirectBodyState2D
- type PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension
- type PhysicsDirectBodyState3D
- type PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension
- type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D
- type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension
- type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D
- type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension
- type PhysicsMaterial
- type PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D
- type PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D
- type PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D
- type PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D
- type PhysicsServer2D
- type PhysicsServer2DExtension
- type PhysicsServer2DManager
- type PhysicsServer3D
- type PhysicsServer3DExtension
- type PhysicsServer3DManager
- type PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler
- type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D
- type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D
- type PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D
- type PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D
- type PhysicsTestMotionResult2D
- type PhysicsTestMotionResult3D
- type PinJoint2D
- type PinJoint3D
- type PlaceholderCubemap
- type PlaceholderCubemapArray
- type PlaceholderMaterial
- type PlaceholderMesh
- type PlaceholderTexture2D
- type PlaceholderTexture2DArray
- type PlaceholderTexture3D
- type PlaceholderTextureLayered
- type PlaneMesh
- type PointLight2D
- type PointMesh
- type Polygon2D
- type PolygonOccluder3D
- type PolygonPathFinder
- type Popup
- type PopupMenu
- type PopupPanel
- type PortableCompressedTexture2D
- type PrimitiveMesh
- type PrismMesh
- type ProceduralSkyMaterial
- type ProgressBar
- type ProjectSettings
- type PropertyHint
- type PropertyTweener
- type PropertyUsageFlags
- type QuadMesh
- type QuadOccluder3D
- type RDAttachmentFormat
- type RDFramebufferPass
- type RDPipelineColorBlendState
- type RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment
- type RDPipelineDepthStencilState
- type RDPipelineMultisampleState
- type RDPipelineRasterizationState
- type RDPipelineSpecializationConstant
- type RDSamplerState
- type RDShaderFile
- type RDShaderSPIRV
- type RDShaderSource
- type RDTextureFormat
- type RDTextureView
- type RDUniform
- type RDVertexAttribute
- type RandomNumberGenerator
- type Range
- type RayCast2D
- type RayCast3D
- type RectangleShape2D
- type ReferenceRect
- type ReflectionProbe
- type RegEx
- type RegExMatch
- type RemoteTransform2D
- type RemoteTransform3D
- type RenderData
- type RenderDataExtension
- type RenderDataRD
- type RenderSceneBuffers
- type RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration
- type RenderSceneBuffersExtension
- type RenderSceneBuffersRD
- type RenderSceneData
- type RenderSceneDataExtension
- type RenderSceneDataRD
- type RenderingDevice
- type RenderingServer
- type Resource
- type ResourceFormatLoader
- type ResourceFormatSaver
- type ResourceImporter
- type ResourceImporterBMFont
- type ResourceImporterBitMap
- type ResourceImporterCSVTranslation
- type ResourceImporterDynamicFont
- type ResourceImporterImage
- type ResourceImporterImageFont
- type ResourceImporterLayeredTexture
- type ResourceImporterMP3
- type ResourceImporterOBJ
- type ResourceImporterOggVorbis
- type ResourceImporterScene
- type ResourceImporterShaderFile
- type ResourceImporterTexture
- type ResourceImporterTextureAtlas
- type ResourceImporterWAV
- type ResourceLoader
- type ResourcePreloader
- type ResourceSaver
- type ResourceUID
- type RetargetModifier3D
- type RibbonTrailMesh
- type RichTextEffect
- type RichTextLabel
- type RigidBody2D
- type RigidBody3D
- type RootMotionView
- type SceneMultiplayer
- type SceneReplicationConfig
- type SceneState
- type SceneTree
- type SceneTreeTimer
- type Script
- type ScriptCreateDialog
- type ScriptEditor
- type ScriptEditorBase
- type ScriptExtension
- type ScriptLanguage
- type ScriptLanguageExtension
- type ScrollBar
- type ScrollContainer
- type SegmentShape2D
- type Semaphore
- type SeparationRayShape2D
- type SeparationRayShape3D
- type Separator
- type Shader
- type ShaderGlobalsOverride
- type ShaderInclude
- type ShaderIncludeDB
- type ShaderMaterial
- type Shape2D
- type Shape3D
- type ShapeCast2D
- type ShapeCast3D
- type Shortcut
- type Skeleton2D
- type Skeleton3D
- type SkeletonIK3D
- type SkeletonModification2D
- type SkeletonModification2DCCDIK
- type SkeletonModification2DFABRIK
- type SkeletonModification2DJiggle
- type SkeletonModification2DLookAt
- type SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones
- type SkeletonModification2DStackHolder
- type SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK
- type SkeletonModificationStack2D
- type SkeletonModifier3D
- type SkeletonProfile
- type SkeletonProfileHumanoid
- type Skin
- type SkinReference
- type Sky
- type Slider
- type SliderJoint3D
- type SoftBody3D
- type SphereMesh
- type SphereOccluder3D
- type SphereShape3D
- type SpinBox
- type SplitContainer
- type SpotLight3D
- type SpringArm3D
- type SpringBoneCollision3D
- type SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D
- type SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D
- type SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D
- type SpringBoneSimulator3D
- type Sprite2D
- type Sprite3D
- type SpriteBase3D
- type SpriteFrames
- type StandardMaterial3D
- type StaticBody2D
- type StaticBody3D
- type StatusIndicator
- type StreamPeer
- type StreamPeerBuffer
- type StreamPeerExtension
- type StreamPeerGZIP
- type StreamPeerTCP
- type StreamPeerTLS
- type StyleBox
- type StyleBoxEmpty
- type StyleBoxFlat
- type StyleBoxLine
- type StyleBoxTexture
- type SubViewport
- type SubViewportContainer
- type SubtweenTweener
- type SurfaceTool
- type SyntaxHighlighter
- type SystemFont
- type TCPServer
- type TLSOptions
- type TabBar
- type TabContainer
- type TextEdit
- type TextLine
- type TextMesh
- type TextParagraph
- type TextServer
- type TextServerAdvanced
- type TextServerDummy
- type TextServerExtension
- type TextServerManager
- type Texture
- type Texture2D
- type Texture2DArray
- type Texture2DArrayRD
- type Texture2DRD
- type Texture3D
- type Texture3DRD
- type TextureButton
- type TextureCubemapArrayRD
- type TextureCubemapRD
- type TextureLayered
- type TextureLayeredRD
- type TextureProgressBar
- type TextureRect
- type Theme
- type ThemeDB
- type Thread
- type TileData
- type TileMap
- type TileMapLayer
- type TileMapPattern
- type TileSet
- type TileSetAtlasSource
- type TileSetScenesCollectionSource
- type TileSetSource
- type Time
- type Timer
- type Tool
- type TorusMesh
- type TouchScreenButton
- type Translation
- type TranslationDomain
- type TranslationServer
- type Tree
- type TreeItem
- type TriangleMesh
- type TubeTrailMesh
- type Tween
- type Tweener
- type UDPServer
- type UPNP
- type UPNPDevice
- type UndoRedo
- type UniformSetCacheRD
- type VBoxContainer
- type VFlowContainer
- type VScrollBar
- type VSeparator
- type VSlider
- type VSplitContainer
- type VehicleBody3D
- type VehicleWheel3D
- type VideoStream
- type VideoStreamPlayback
- type VideoStreamPlayer
- type VideoStreamTheora
- type Viewport
- type ViewportTexture
- type VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D
- type VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D
- type VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D
- type VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D
- type VisualInstance3D
- type VisualShader
- type VisualShaderNode
- type VisualShaderNodeBillboard
- type VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeClamp
- type VisualShaderNodeColorConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeColorFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeColorOp
- type VisualShaderNodeColorParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeComment
- type VisualShaderNodeCompare
- type VisualShaderNodeConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeCubemap
- type VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture
- type VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture
- type VisualShaderNodeCustom
- type VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeDeterminant
- type VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade
- type VisualShaderNodeDotProduct
- type VisualShaderNodeExpression
- type VisualShaderNodeFaceForward
- type VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeFloatOp
- type VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeFrame
- type VisualShaderNodeFresnel
- type VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression
- type VisualShaderNodeGroupBase
- type VisualShaderNodeIf
- type VisualShaderNodeInput
- type VisualShaderNodeIntConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeIntFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeIntOp
- type VisualShaderNodeIntParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeIs
- type VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth
- type VisualShaderNodeMix
- type VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd
- type VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct
- type VisualShaderNodeOutput
- type VisualShaderNodeParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeParameterRef
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter
- type VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter
- type VisualShaderNodeProximityFade
- type VisualShaderNodeRandomRange
- type VisualShaderNodeRemap
- type VisualShaderNodeReroute
- type VisualShaderNodeResizableBase
- type VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis
- type VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch
- type VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV
- type VisualShaderNodeSample3D
- type VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace
- type VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF
- type VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep
- type VisualShaderNodeStep
- type VisualShaderNodeSwitch
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture3D
- type VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar
- type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF
- type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformOp
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult
- type VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant
- type VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeUIntOp
- type VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter
- type VisualShaderNodeUVFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord
- type VisualShaderNodeVarying
- type VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter
- type VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter
- type VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant
- type VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter
- type VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant
- type VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter
- type VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant
- type VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorBase
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorLen
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorOp
- type VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract
- type VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth
- type VoxelGI
- type VoxelGIData
- type WeakRef
- type WebRTCDataChannel
- type WebRTCDataChannelExtension
- type WebRTCMultiplayerPeer
- type WebRTCPeerConnection
- type WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension
- type WebSocketMultiplayerPeer
- type WebSocketPeer
- type WebXRInterface
- type Window
- type WorkerThreadPool
- type World2D
- type World3D
- type WorldBoundaryShape2D
- type WorldBoundaryShape3D
- type WorldEnvironment
- type X509Certificate
- type XMLParser
- type XRAnchor3D
- type XRBodyModifier3D
- type XRBodyTracker
- type XRCamera3D
- type XRController3D
- type XRControllerTracker
- type XRFaceModifier3D
- type XRFaceTracker
- type XRHandModifier3D
- type XRHandTracker
- type XRInterface
- type XRInterfaceExtension
- type XRNode3D
- type XROrigin3D
- type XRPose
- type XRPositionalTracker
- type XRServer
- type XRTracker
- type XRVRS
- type ZIPPacker
- type ZIPReader
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Register ¶
Register registers a struct available for use inside The Engine as an object (or class) by extending the given 'Parent' Engine class. The 'Struct' type must be a named struct with the first field embedding Extension referring to itself and specifying the parent class to extend.
type MyClass struct { Class[MyClass, Node2D] `gd:"MyClass"` }
The tag can be adjusted in order to change the name of the class within The Engine.
Use this in a main or init function to register your Go structs and they will become available within The Engine for use in the editor and/or within scripts.
All exported fields and methods will be exposed to The Engine, so take caution when embedding types, as their fields and methods will be promoted. They will be exported as snake_case by default, for fields, the exported name can be adjusted with the 'gd' tag.
This function accepts a variable number of additional arguments, they may either be func, map[string]any (where each any is a func), map[string]string or map[string]int, these arguments can be used to register static methods, rename existing methods, add symbol documentation or to define constants respectively. As a special case, if a function is passed which name begins with 'New' and accepts no arguments, returning T, then it will be registered as the constructor for the class when it is instantiated from within The Engine.
If the Struct extends [EditorPluginClass] then it will be added to the editor as a plugin.
func Super ¶
func Super[T gd.IsClass](class ExtensionTo[T]) T
Types ¶
type AESContext ¶
type AESContext = [1]gdclass.AESContext
type AStarGrid2D ¶
type AStarGrid2D = [1]gdclass.AStarGrid2D
type AcceptDialog ¶
type AcceptDialog = [1]gdclass.AcceptDialog
type AnimatableBody2D ¶
type AnimatableBody2D = [1]gdclass.AnimatableBody2D
type AnimatableBody3D ¶
type AnimatableBody3D = [1]gdclass.AnimatableBody3D
type AnimatedSprite2D ¶
type AnimatedSprite2D = [1]gdclass.AnimatedSprite2D
type AnimatedSprite3D ¶
type AnimatedSprite3D = [1]gdclass.AnimatedSprite3D
type AnimatedTexture ¶
type AnimatedTexture = [1]gdclass.AnimatedTexture
type AnimationLibrary ¶
type AnimationLibrary = [1]gdclass.AnimationLibrary
type AnimationMixer ¶
type AnimationMixer = [1]gdclass.AnimationMixer
type AnimationNode ¶
type AnimationNode = [1]gdclass.AnimationNode
type AnimationNodeAdd2 ¶
type AnimationNodeAdd2 = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeAdd2
type AnimationNodeAdd3 ¶
type AnimationNodeAdd3 = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeAdd3
type AnimationNodeAnimation ¶
type AnimationNodeAnimation = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeAnimation
type AnimationNodeBlend2 ¶
type AnimationNodeBlend2 = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeBlend2
type AnimationNodeBlend3 ¶
type AnimationNodeBlend3 = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeBlend3
type AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D ¶
type AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D
type AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D ¶
type AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D
type AnimationNodeBlendTree ¶
type AnimationNodeBlendTree = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeBlendTree
type AnimationNodeExtension ¶
type AnimationNodeExtension = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeExtension
type AnimationNodeOneShot ¶
type AnimationNodeOneShot = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeOneShot
type AnimationNodeOutput ¶
type AnimationNodeOutput = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeOutput
type AnimationNodeStateMachine ¶
type AnimationNodeStateMachine = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeStateMachine
type AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback ¶
type AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback
type AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition ¶
type AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition
type AnimationNodeSub2 ¶
type AnimationNodeSub2 = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeSub2
type AnimationNodeSync ¶
type AnimationNodeSync = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeSync
type AnimationNodeTimeScale ¶
type AnimationNodeTimeScale = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeTimeScale
type AnimationNodeTimeSeek ¶
type AnimationNodeTimeSeek = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeTimeSeek
type AnimationNodeTransition ¶
type AnimationNodeTransition = [1]gdclass.AnimationNodeTransition
type AnimationPlayer ¶
type AnimationPlayer = [1]gdclass.AnimationPlayer
type AnimationRootNode ¶
type AnimationRootNode = [1]gdclass.AnimationRootNode
type AnimationTree ¶
type AnimationTree = [1]gdclass.AnimationTree
type ArrayOccluder3D ¶
type ArrayOccluder3D = [1]gdclass.ArrayOccluder3D
type AspectRatioContainer ¶
type AspectRatioContainer = [1]gdclass.AspectRatioContainer
type AtlasTexture ¶
type AtlasTexture = [1]gdclass.AtlasTexture
type AudioBusLayout ¶
type AudioBusLayout = [1]gdclass.AudioBusLayout
type AudioEffect ¶
type AudioEffect = [1]gdclass.AudioEffect
type AudioEffectAmplify ¶
type AudioEffectAmplify = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectAmplify
type AudioEffectBandLimitFilter ¶
type AudioEffectBandLimitFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectBandLimitFilter
type AudioEffectBandPassFilter ¶
type AudioEffectBandPassFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectBandPassFilter
type AudioEffectCapture ¶
type AudioEffectCapture = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectCapture
type AudioEffectChorus ¶
type AudioEffectChorus = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectChorus
type AudioEffectCompressor ¶
type AudioEffectCompressor = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectCompressor
type AudioEffectDelay ¶
type AudioEffectDelay = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectDelay
type AudioEffectDistortion ¶
type AudioEffectDistortion = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectDistortion
type AudioEffectEQ ¶
type AudioEffectEQ = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectEQ
type AudioEffectEQ10 ¶
type AudioEffectEQ10 = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectEQ10
type AudioEffectEQ21 ¶
type AudioEffectEQ21 = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectEQ21
type AudioEffectEQ6 ¶
type AudioEffectEQ6 = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectEQ6
type AudioEffectFilter ¶
type AudioEffectFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectFilter
type AudioEffectHardLimiter ¶
type AudioEffectHardLimiter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectHardLimiter
type AudioEffectHighPassFilter ¶
type AudioEffectHighPassFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectHighPassFilter
type AudioEffectHighShelfFilter ¶
type AudioEffectHighShelfFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectHighShelfFilter
type AudioEffectInstance ¶
type AudioEffectInstance = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectInstance
type AudioEffectLimiter ¶
type AudioEffectLimiter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectLimiter
type AudioEffectLowPassFilter ¶
type AudioEffectLowPassFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectLowPassFilter
type AudioEffectLowShelfFilter ¶
type AudioEffectLowShelfFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectLowShelfFilter
type AudioEffectNotchFilter ¶
type AudioEffectNotchFilter = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectNotchFilter
type AudioEffectPanner ¶
type AudioEffectPanner = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectPanner
type AudioEffectPhaser ¶
type AudioEffectPhaser = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectPhaser
type AudioEffectPitchShift ¶
type AudioEffectPitchShift = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectPitchShift
type AudioEffectRecord ¶
type AudioEffectRecord = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectRecord
type AudioEffectReverb ¶
type AudioEffectReverb = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectReverb
type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer ¶
type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer
type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance ¶
type AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance
type AudioEffectStereoEnhance ¶
type AudioEffectStereoEnhance = [1]gdclass.AudioEffectStereoEnhance
type AudioListener2D ¶
type AudioListener2D = [1]gdclass.AudioListener2D
type AudioListener3D ¶
type AudioListener3D = [1]gdclass.AudioListener3D
type AudioSample ¶
type AudioSample = [1]gdclass.AudioSample
type AudioSamplePlayback ¶
type AudioSamplePlayback = [1]gdclass.AudioSamplePlayback
type AudioServer ¶
type AudioServer = [1]gdclass.AudioServer
type AudioStream ¶
type AudioStream = [1]gdclass.AudioStream
type AudioStreamGenerator ¶
type AudioStreamGenerator = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamGenerator
type AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback ¶
type AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback
type AudioStreamInteractive ¶
type AudioStreamInteractive = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamInteractive
type AudioStreamMP3 ¶
type AudioStreamMP3 = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamMP3
type AudioStreamMicrophone ¶
type AudioStreamMicrophone = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamMicrophone
type AudioStreamOggVorbis ¶
type AudioStreamOggVorbis = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamOggVorbis
type AudioStreamPlayback ¶
type AudioStreamPlayback = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlayback
type AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive
type AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis
type AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist
type AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic
type AudioStreamPlaybackResampled ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackResampled = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackResampled
type AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized ¶
type AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized
type AudioStreamPlayer ¶
type AudioStreamPlayer = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlayer
type AudioStreamPlayer2D ¶
type AudioStreamPlayer2D = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlayer2D
type AudioStreamPlayer3D ¶
type AudioStreamPlayer3D = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlayer3D
type AudioStreamPlaylist ¶
type AudioStreamPlaylist = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPlaylist
type AudioStreamPolyphonic ¶
type AudioStreamPolyphonic = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamPolyphonic
type AudioStreamRandomizer ¶
type AudioStreamRandomizer = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamRandomizer
type AudioStreamSynchronized ¶
type AudioStreamSynchronized = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamSynchronized
type AudioStreamWAV ¶
type AudioStreamWAV = [1]gdclass.AudioStreamWAV
type BackBufferCopy ¶
type BackBufferCopy = [1]gdclass.BackBufferCopy
type BaseButton ¶
type BaseButton = [1]gdclass.BaseButton
type BaseMaterial3D ¶
type BaseMaterial3D = [1]gdclass.BaseMaterial3D
type BoneAttachment3D ¶
type BoneAttachment3D = [1]gdclass.BoneAttachment3D
type BoxContainer ¶
type BoxContainer = [1]gdclass.BoxContainer
type BoxOccluder3D ¶
type BoxOccluder3D = [1]gdclass.BoxOccluder3D
type BoxShape3D ¶
type BoxShape3D = [1]gdclass.BoxShape3D
type ButtonGroup ¶
type ButtonGroup = [1]gdclass.ButtonGroup
type CPUParticles2D ¶
type CPUParticles2D = [1]gdclass.CPUParticles2D
type CPUParticles3D ¶
type CPUParticles3D = [1]gdclass.CPUParticles3D
type CSGCombiner3D ¶
type CSGCombiner3D = [1]gdclass.CSGCombiner3D
type CSGCylinder3D ¶
type CSGCylinder3D = [1]gdclass.CSGCylinder3D
type CSGPolygon3D ¶
type CSGPolygon3D = [1]gdclass.CSGPolygon3D
type CSGPrimitive3D ¶
type CSGPrimitive3D = [1]gdclass.CSGPrimitive3D
type CSGShape3D ¶
type CSGShape3D = [1]gdclass.CSGShape3D
type CSGSphere3D ¶
type CSGSphere3D = [1]gdclass.CSGSphere3D
type CSGTorus3D ¶
type CSGTorus3D = [1]gdclass.CSGTorus3D
type CallbackTweener ¶
type CallbackTweener = [1]gdclass.CallbackTweener
type CameraAttributes ¶
type CameraAttributes = [1]gdclass.CameraAttributes
type CameraAttributesPhysical ¶
type CameraAttributesPhysical = [1]gdclass.CameraAttributesPhysical
type CameraAttributesPractical ¶
type CameraAttributesPractical = [1]gdclass.CameraAttributesPractical
type CameraFeed ¶
type CameraFeed = [1]gdclass.CameraFeed
type CameraServer ¶
type CameraServer = [1]gdclass.CameraServer
type CameraTexture ¶
type CameraTexture = [1]gdclass.CameraTexture
type CanvasGroup ¶
type CanvasGroup = [1]gdclass.CanvasGroup
type CanvasItem ¶
type CanvasItem = [1]gdclass.CanvasItem
type CanvasItemMaterial ¶
type CanvasItemMaterial = [1]gdclass.CanvasItemMaterial
type CanvasLayer ¶
type CanvasLayer = [1]gdclass.CanvasLayer
type CanvasModulate ¶
type CanvasModulate = [1]gdclass.CanvasModulate
type CanvasTexture ¶
type CanvasTexture = [1]gdclass.CanvasTexture
type CapsuleMesh ¶
type CapsuleMesh = [1]gdclass.CapsuleMesh
type CapsuleShape2D ¶
type CapsuleShape2D = [1]gdclass.CapsuleShape2D
type CapsuleShape3D ¶
type CapsuleShape3D = [1]gdclass.CapsuleShape3D
type CenterContainer ¶
type CenterContainer = [1]gdclass.CenterContainer
type CharFXTransform ¶
type CharFXTransform = [1]gdclass.CharFXTransform
type CharacterBody2D ¶
type CharacterBody2D = [1]gdclass.CharacterBody2D
type CharacterBody3D ¶
type CharacterBody3D = [1]gdclass.CharacterBody3D
type CheckButton ¶
type CheckButton = [1]gdclass.CheckButton
type CircleShape2D ¶
type CircleShape2D = [1]gdclass.CircleShape2D
type CodeHighlighter ¶
type CodeHighlighter = [1]gdclass.CodeHighlighter
type CollisionObject2D ¶
type CollisionObject2D = [1]gdclass.CollisionObject2D
type CollisionObject3D ¶
type CollisionObject3D = [1]gdclass.CollisionObject3D
type CollisionPolygon2D ¶
type CollisionPolygon2D = [1]gdclass.CollisionPolygon2D
type CollisionPolygon3D ¶
type CollisionPolygon3D = [1]gdclass.CollisionPolygon3D
type CollisionShape2D ¶
type CollisionShape2D = [1]gdclass.CollisionShape2D
type CollisionShape3D ¶
type CollisionShape3D = [1]gdclass.CollisionShape3D
type ColorPalette ¶
type ColorPalette = [1]gdclass.ColorPalette
type ColorPicker ¶
type ColorPicker = [1]gdclass.ColorPicker
type ColorPickerButton ¶
type ColorPickerButton = [1]gdclass.ColorPickerButton
type Compositor ¶
type Compositor = [1]gdclass.Compositor
type CompositorEffect ¶
type CompositorEffect = [1]gdclass.CompositorEffect
type CompressedCubemap ¶
type CompressedCubemap = [1]gdclass.CompressedCubemap
type CompressedCubemapArray ¶
type CompressedCubemapArray = [1]gdclass.CompressedCubemapArray
type CompressedTexture2D ¶
type CompressedTexture2D = [1]gdclass.CompressedTexture2D
type CompressedTexture2DArray ¶
type CompressedTexture2DArray = [1]gdclass.CompressedTexture2DArray
type CompressedTexture3D ¶
type CompressedTexture3D = [1]gdclass.CompressedTexture3D
type CompressedTextureLayered ¶
type CompressedTextureLayered = [1]gdclass.CompressedTextureLayered
type ConcavePolygonShape2D ¶
type ConcavePolygonShape2D = [1]gdclass.ConcavePolygonShape2D
type ConcavePolygonShape3D ¶
type ConcavePolygonShape3D = [1]gdclass.ConcavePolygonShape3D
type ConeTwistJoint3D ¶
type ConeTwistJoint3D = [1]gdclass.ConeTwistJoint3D
type ConfigFile ¶
type ConfigFile = [1]gdclass.ConfigFile
type ConfirmationDialog ¶
type ConfirmationDialog = [1]gdclass.ConfirmationDialog
type ConvexPolygonShape2D ¶
type ConvexPolygonShape2D = [1]gdclass.ConvexPolygonShape2D
type ConvexPolygonShape3D ¶
type ConvexPolygonShape3D = [1]gdclass.ConvexPolygonShape3D
type CubemapArray ¶
type CubemapArray = [1]gdclass.CubemapArray
type CurveTexture ¶
type CurveTexture = [1]gdclass.CurveTexture
type CurveXYZTexture ¶
type CurveXYZTexture = [1]gdclass.CurveXYZTexture
type CylinderMesh ¶
type CylinderMesh = [1]gdclass.CylinderMesh
type CylinderShape3D ¶
type CylinderShape3D = [1]gdclass.CylinderShape3D
type DTLSServer ¶
type DTLSServer = [1]gdclass.DTLSServer
type DampedSpringJoint2D ¶
type DampedSpringJoint2D = [1]gdclass.DampedSpringJoint2D
type DirectionalLight2D ¶
type DirectionalLight2D = [1]gdclass.DirectionalLight2D
type DirectionalLight3D ¶
type DirectionalLight3D = [1]gdclass.DirectionalLight3D
type DisplayServer ¶
type DisplayServer = [1]gdclass.DisplayServer
type ENetConnection ¶
type ENetConnection = [1]gdclass.ENetConnection
type ENetMultiplayerPeer ¶
type ENetMultiplayerPeer = [1]gdclass.ENetMultiplayerPeer
type ENetPacketPeer ¶
type ENetPacketPeer = [1]gdclass.ENetPacketPeer
type EditorCommandPalette ¶
type EditorCommandPalette = [1]gdclass.EditorCommandPalette
type EditorContextMenuPlugin ¶
type EditorContextMenuPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorContextMenuPlugin
type EditorDebuggerPlugin ¶
type EditorDebuggerPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorDebuggerPlugin
type EditorDebuggerSession ¶
type EditorDebuggerSession = [1]gdclass.EditorDebuggerSession
type EditorExportPlatform ¶
type EditorExportPlatform = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatform
type EditorExportPlatformAndroid ¶
type EditorExportPlatformAndroid = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformAndroid
type EditorExportPlatformExtension ¶
type EditorExportPlatformExtension = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformExtension
type EditorExportPlatformIOS ¶
type EditorExportPlatformIOS = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformIOS
type EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD ¶
type EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD
type EditorExportPlatformMacOS ¶
type EditorExportPlatformMacOS = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformMacOS
type EditorExportPlatformPC ¶
type EditorExportPlatformPC = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformPC
type EditorExportPlatformWeb ¶
type EditorExportPlatformWeb = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformWeb
type EditorExportPlatformWindows ¶
type EditorExportPlatformWindows = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlatformWindows
type EditorExportPlugin ¶
type EditorExportPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPlugin
type EditorExportPreset ¶
type EditorExportPreset = [1]gdclass.EditorExportPreset
type EditorFeatureProfile ¶
type EditorFeatureProfile = [1]gdclass.EditorFeatureProfile
type EditorFileDialog ¶
type EditorFileDialog = [1]gdclass.EditorFileDialog
type EditorFileSystem ¶
type EditorFileSystem = [1]gdclass.EditorFileSystem
type EditorFileSystemDirectory ¶
type EditorFileSystemDirectory = [1]gdclass.EditorFileSystemDirectory
type EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery ¶
type EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery = [1]gdclass.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery
type EditorImportPlugin ¶
type EditorImportPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorImportPlugin
type EditorInspector ¶
type EditorInspector = [1]gdclass.EditorInspector
type EditorInspectorPlugin ¶
type EditorInspectorPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorInspectorPlugin
type EditorInterface ¶
type EditorInterface = [1]gdclass.EditorInterface
type EditorNode3DGizmo ¶
type EditorNode3DGizmo = [1]gdclass.EditorNode3DGizmo
type EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin ¶
type EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
type EditorPaths ¶
type EditorPaths = [1]gdclass.EditorPaths
type EditorPlugin ¶
type EditorPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorPlugin
type EditorProperty ¶
type EditorProperty = [1]gdclass.EditorProperty
type EditorResourceConversionPlugin ¶
type EditorResourceConversionPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorResourceConversionPlugin
type EditorResourcePicker ¶
type EditorResourcePicker = [1]gdclass.EditorResourcePicker
type EditorResourcePreview ¶
type EditorResourcePreview = [1]gdclass.EditorResourcePreview
type EditorResourcePreviewGenerator ¶
type EditorResourcePreviewGenerator = [1]gdclass.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
type EditorResourceTooltipPlugin ¶
type EditorResourceTooltipPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin
type EditorSceneFormatImporter ¶
type EditorSceneFormatImporter = [1]gdclass.EditorSceneFormatImporter
type EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend ¶
type EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend = [1]gdclass.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend
type EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF ¶
type EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF = [1]gdclass.EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF
type EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF ¶
type EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF = [1]gdclass.EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF
type EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX ¶
type EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX = [1]gdclass.EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX
type EditorScenePostImport ¶
type EditorScenePostImport = [1]gdclass.EditorScenePostImport
type EditorScenePostImportPlugin ¶
type EditorScenePostImportPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorScenePostImportPlugin
type EditorScript ¶
type EditorScript = [1]gdclass.EditorScript
type EditorScriptPicker ¶
type EditorScriptPicker = [1]gdclass.EditorScriptPicker
type EditorSelection ¶
type EditorSelection = [1]gdclass.EditorSelection
type EditorSettings ¶
type EditorSettings = [1]gdclass.EditorSettings
type EditorSpinSlider ¶
type EditorSpinSlider = [1]gdclass.EditorSpinSlider
type EditorSyntaxHighlighter ¶
type EditorSyntaxHighlighter = [1]gdclass.EditorSyntaxHighlighter
type EditorToaster ¶
type EditorToaster = [1]gdclass.EditorToaster
type EditorTranslationParserPlugin ¶
type EditorTranslationParserPlugin = [1]gdclass.EditorTranslationParserPlugin
type EditorUndoRedoManager ¶
type EditorUndoRedoManager = [1]gdclass.EditorUndoRedoManager
type EditorVCSInterface ¶
type EditorVCSInterface = [1]gdclass.EditorVCSInterface
type EncodedObjectAsID ¶
type EncodedObjectAsID = [1]gdclass.EncodedObjectAsID
type EngineDebugger ¶
type EngineDebugger = [1]gdclass.EngineDebugger
type EngineProfiler ¶
type EngineProfiler = [1]gdclass.EngineProfiler
type Environment ¶
type Environment = [1]gdclass.Environment
type Expression ¶
type Expression = [1]gdclass.Expression
type Extension ¶
Extension can be embedded inside of a struct to represent a new Extension type. The extended class will be available by calling the Extension.Super method.
type ExtensionTo ¶
type ExternalTexture ¶
type ExternalTexture = [1]gdclass.ExternalTexture
type FBXDocument ¶
type FBXDocument = [1]gdclass.FBXDocument
type FastNoiseLite ¶
type FastNoiseLite = [1]gdclass.FastNoiseLite
type FileAccess ¶
type FileAccess = [1]gdclass.FileAccess
type FileDialog ¶
type FileDialog = [1]gdclass.FileDialog
type FileSystemDock ¶
type FileSystemDock = [1]gdclass.FileSystemDock
type FlowContainer ¶
type FlowContainer = [1]gdclass.FlowContainer
type FogMaterial ¶
type FogMaterial = [1]gdclass.FogMaterial
type FontVariation ¶
type FontVariation = [1]gdclass.FontVariation
type FramebufferCacheRD ¶
type FramebufferCacheRD = [1]gdclass.FramebufferCacheRD
type GDExtension ¶
type GDExtension = [1]gdclass.GDExtension
type GDExtensionManager ¶
type GDExtensionManager = [1]gdclass.GDExtensionManager
type GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter ¶
type GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter = [1]gdclass.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter
type GLTFAccessor ¶
type GLTFAccessor = [1]gdclass.GLTFAccessor
type GLTFAnimation ¶
type GLTFAnimation = [1]gdclass.GLTFAnimation
type GLTFBufferView ¶
type GLTFBufferView = [1]gdclass.GLTFBufferView
type GLTFCamera ¶
type GLTFCamera = [1]gdclass.GLTFCamera
type GLTFDocument ¶
type GLTFDocument = [1]gdclass.GLTFDocument
type GLTFDocumentExtension ¶
type GLTFDocumentExtension = [1]gdclass.GLTFDocumentExtension
type GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh ¶
type GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh = [1]gdclass.GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh
type GLTFObjectModelProperty ¶
type GLTFObjectModelProperty = [1]gdclass.GLTFObjectModelProperty
type GLTFPhysicsBody ¶
type GLTFPhysicsBody = [1]gdclass.GLTFPhysicsBody
type GLTFPhysicsShape ¶
type GLTFPhysicsShape = [1]gdclass.GLTFPhysicsShape
type GLTFSkeleton ¶
type GLTFSkeleton = [1]gdclass.GLTFSkeleton
type GLTFSpecGloss ¶
type GLTFSpecGloss = [1]gdclass.GLTFSpecGloss
type GLTFTexture ¶
type GLTFTexture = [1]gdclass.GLTFTexture
type GLTFTextureSampler ¶
type GLTFTextureSampler = [1]gdclass.GLTFTextureSampler
type GPUParticles2D ¶
type GPUParticles2D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticles2D
type GPUParticles3D ¶
type GPUParticles3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticles3D
type GPUParticlesAttractor3D ¶
type GPUParticlesAttractor3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesAttractor3D
type GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D ¶
type GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D
type GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D ¶
type GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D
type GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D ¶
type GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D
type GPUParticlesCollision3D ¶
type GPUParticlesCollision3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesCollision3D
type GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D ¶
type GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D
type GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D ¶
type GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D
type GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D ¶
type GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D
type GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D ¶
type GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D = [1]gdclass.GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D
type Generic6DOFJoint3D ¶
type Generic6DOFJoint3D = [1]gdclass.Generic6DOFJoint3D
type Geometry2D ¶
type Geometry2D = [1]gdclass.Geometry2D
type Geometry3D ¶
type Geometry3D = [1]gdclass.Geometry3D
type GeometryInstance3D ¶
type GeometryInstance3D = [1]gdclass.GeometryInstance3D
type GradientTexture1D ¶
type GradientTexture1D = [1]gdclass.GradientTexture1D
type GradientTexture2D ¶
type GradientTexture2D = [1]gdclass.GradientTexture2D
type GraphElement ¶
type GraphElement = [1]gdclass.GraphElement
type GraphFrame ¶
type GraphFrame = [1]gdclass.GraphFrame
type GridContainer ¶
type GridContainer = [1]gdclass.GridContainer
type GridMapEditorPlugin ¶
type GridMapEditorPlugin = [1]gdclass.GridMapEditorPlugin
type GrooveJoint2D ¶
type GrooveJoint2D = [1]gdclass.GrooveJoint2D
type HBoxContainer ¶
type HBoxContainer = [1]gdclass.HBoxContainer
type HFlowContainer ¶
type HFlowContainer = [1]gdclass.HFlowContainer
type HMACContext ¶
type HMACContext = [1]gdclass.HMACContext
type HScrollBar ¶
type HScrollBar = [1]gdclass.HScrollBar
type HSeparator ¶
type HSeparator = [1]gdclass.HSeparator
type HSplitContainer ¶
type HSplitContainer = [1]gdclass.HSplitContainer
type HTTPClient ¶
type HTTPClient = [1]gdclass.HTTPClient
type HTTPRequest ¶
type HTTPRequest = [1]gdclass.HTTPRequest
type HashingContext ¶
type HashingContext = [1]gdclass.HashingContext
type HeightMapShape3D ¶
type HeightMapShape3D = [1]gdclass.HeightMapShape3D
type HingeJoint3D ¶
type HingeJoint3D = [1]gdclass.HingeJoint3D
type ImageFormatLoader ¶
type ImageFormatLoader = [1]gdclass.ImageFormatLoader
type ImageFormatLoaderExtension ¶
type ImageFormatLoaderExtension = [1]gdclass.ImageFormatLoaderExtension
type ImageTexture ¶
type ImageTexture = [1]gdclass.ImageTexture
type ImageTexture3D ¶
type ImageTexture3D = [1]gdclass.ImageTexture3D
type ImageTextureLayered ¶
type ImageTextureLayered = [1]gdclass.ImageTextureLayered
type ImmediateMesh ¶
type ImmediateMesh = [1]gdclass.ImmediateMesh
type ImporterMesh ¶
type ImporterMesh = [1]gdclass.ImporterMesh
type ImporterMeshInstance3D ¶
type ImporterMeshInstance3D = [1]gdclass.ImporterMeshInstance3D
type InputEvent ¶
type InputEvent = [1]gdclass.InputEvent
type InputEventAction ¶
type InputEventAction = [1]gdclass.InputEventAction
type InputEventFromWindow ¶
type InputEventFromWindow = [1]gdclass.InputEventFromWindow
type InputEventGesture ¶
type InputEventGesture = [1]gdclass.InputEventGesture
type InputEventJoypadButton ¶
type InputEventJoypadButton = [1]gdclass.InputEventJoypadButton
type InputEventJoypadMotion ¶
type InputEventJoypadMotion = [1]gdclass.InputEventJoypadMotion
type InputEventKey ¶
type InputEventKey = [1]gdclass.InputEventKey
type InputEventMIDI ¶
type InputEventMIDI = [1]gdclass.InputEventMIDI
type InputEventMagnifyGesture ¶
type InputEventMagnifyGesture = [1]gdclass.InputEventMagnifyGesture
type InputEventMouse ¶
type InputEventMouse = [1]gdclass.InputEventMouse
type InputEventMouseButton ¶
type InputEventMouseButton = [1]gdclass.InputEventMouseButton
type InputEventMouseMotion ¶
type InputEventMouseMotion = [1]gdclass.InputEventMouseMotion
type InputEventPanGesture ¶
type InputEventPanGesture = [1]gdclass.InputEventPanGesture
type InputEventScreenDrag ¶
type InputEventScreenDrag = [1]gdclass.InputEventScreenDrag
type InputEventScreenTouch ¶
type InputEventScreenTouch = [1]gdclass.InputEventScreenTouch
type InputEventShortcut ¶
type InputEventShortcut = [1]gdclass.InputEventShortcut
type InputEventWithModifiers ¶
type InputEventWithModifiers = [1]gdclass.InputEventWithModifiers
type InstancePlaceholder ¶
type InstancePlaceholder = [1]gdclass.InstancePlaceholder
type IntervalTweener ¶
type IntervalTweener = [1]gdclass.IntervalTweener
type JNISingleton ¶
type JNISingleton = [1]gdclass.JNISingleton
type JavaClassWrapper ¶
type JavaClassWrapper = [1]gdclass.JavaClassWrapper
type JavaObject ¶
type JavaObject = [1]gdclass.JavaObject
type JavaScriptBridge ¶
type JavaScriptBridge = [1]gdclass.JavaScriptBridge
type JavaScriptObject ¶
type JavaScriptObject = [1]gdclass.JavaScriptObject
type KinematicCollision2D ¶
type KinematicCollision2D = [1]gdclass.KinematicCollision2D
type KinematicCollision3D ¶
type KinematicCollision3D = [1]gdclass.KinematicCollision3D
type LabelSettings ¶
type LabelSettings = [1]gdclass.LabelSettings
type LightOccluder2D ¶
type LightOccluder2D = [1]gdclass.LightOccluder2D
type LightmapGI ¶
type LightmapGI = [1]gdclass.LightmapGI
type LightmapGIData ¶
type LightmapGIData = [1]gdclass.LightmapGIData
type LightmapProbe ¶
type LightmapProbe = [1]gdclass.LightmapProbe
type Lightmapper ¶
type Lightmapper = [1]gdclass.Lightmapper
type LightmapperRD ¶
type LightmapperRD = [1]gdclass.LightmapperRD
type LinkButton ¶
type LinkButton = [1]gdclass.LinkButton
type LookAtModifier3D ¶
type LookAtModifier3D = [1]gdclass.LookAtModifier3D
type MarginContainer ¶
type MarginContainer = [1]gdclass.MarginContainer
type MenuButton ¶
type MenuButton = [1]gdclass.MenuButton
type MeshConvexDecompositionSettings ¶
type MeshConvexDecompositionSettings = [1]gdclass.MeshConvexDecompositionSettings
type MeshDataTool ¶
type MeshDataTool = [1]gdclass.MeshDataTool
type MeshInstance2D ¶
type MeshInstance2D = [1]gdclass.MeshInstance2D
type MeshInstance3D ¶
type MeshInstance3D = [1]gdclass.MeshInstance3D
type MeshLibrary ¶
type MeshLibrary = [1]gdclass.MeshLibrary
type MeshTexture ¶
type MeshTexture = [1]gdclass.MeshTexture
type MethodFlags ¶
type MethodFlags int
const ( /*Flag for a normal method.*/ MethodFlagNormal MethodFlags = 1 /*Flag for an editor method.*/ MethodFlagEditor MethodFlags = 2 /*Flag for a constant method.*/ MethodFlagConst MethodFlags = 4 /*Flag for a virtual method.*/ MethodFlagVirtual MethodFlags = 8 /*Flag for a method with a variable number of arguments.*/ MethodFlagVararg MethodFlags = 16 /*Flag for a static method.*/ MethodFlagStatic MethodFlags = 32 /*Used internally. Allows to not dump core virtual methods (such as [method Object._notification]) to the JSON API.*/ MethodFlagObjectCore MethodFlags = 64 /*Default method flags (normal).*/ MethodFlagsDefault MethodFlags = 1 )
type MethodTweener ¶
type MethodTweener = [1]gdclass.MethodTweener
type MissingNode ¶
type MissingNode = [1]gdclass.MissingNode
type MissingResource ¶
type MissingResource = [1]gdclass.MissingResource
type MobileVRInterface ¶
type MobileVRInterface = [1]gdclass.MobileVRInterface
type MovieWriter ¶
type MovieWriter = [1]gdclass.MovieWriter
type MultiMeshInstance2D ¶
type MultiMeshInstance2D = [1]gdclass.MultiMeshInstance2D
type MultiMeshInstance3D ¶
type MultiMeshInstance3D = [1]gdclass.MultiMeshInstance3D
type MultiplayerAPI ¶
type MultiplayerAPI = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerAPI
type MultiplayerAPIExtension ¶
type MultiplayerAPIExtension = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerAPIExtension
type MultiplayerPeer ¶
type MultiplayerPeer = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerPeer
type MultiplayerPeerExtension ¶
type MultiplayerPeerExtension = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerPeerExtension
type MultiplayerSpawner ¶
type MultiplayerSpawner = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerSpawner
type MultiplayerSynchronizer ¶
type MultiplayerSynchronizer = [1]gdclass.MultiplayerSynchronizer
type NativeMenu ¶
type NativeMenu = [1]gdclass.NativeMenu
type NavigationAgent2D ¶
type NavigationAgent2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationAgent2D
type NavigationAgent3D ¶
type NavigationAgent3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationAgent3D
type NavigationLink2D ¶
type NavigationLink2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationLink2D
type NavigationLink3D ¶
type NavigationLink3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationLink3D
type NavigationMesh ¶
type NavigationMesh = [1]gdclass.NavigationMesh
type NavigationMeshGenerator ¶
type NavigationMeshGenerator = [1]gdclass.NavigationMeshGenerator
type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D ¶
type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D
type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D ¶
type NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D
type NavigationObstacle2D ¶
type NavigationObstacle2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationObstacle2D
type NavigationObstacle3D ¶
type NavigationObstacle3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationObstacle3D
type NavigationPathQueryParameters2D ¶
type NavigationPathQueryParameters2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationPathQueryParameters2D
type NavigationPathQueryParameters3D ¶
type NavigationPathQueryParameters3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationPathQueryParameters3D
type NavigationPathQueryResult2D ¶
type NavigationPathQueryResult2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationPathQueryResult2D
type NavigationPathQueryResult3D ¶
type NavigationPathQueryResult3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationPathQueryResult3D
type NavigationPolygon ¶
type NavigationPolygon = [1]gdclass.NavigationPolygon
type NavigationRegion2D ¶
type NavigationRegion2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationRegion2D
type NavigationRegion3D ¶
type NavigationRegion3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationRegion3D
type NavigationServer2D ¶
type NavigationServer2D = [1]gdclass.NavigationServer2D
type NavigationServer3D ¶
type NavigationServer3D = [1]gdclass.NavigationServer3D
type NinePatchRect ¶
type NinePatchRect = [1]gdclass.NinePatchRect
type Node3DGizmo ¶
type Node3DGizmo = [1]gdclass.Node3DGizmo
type NoiseTexture2D ¶
type NoiseTexture2D = [1]gdclass.NoiseTexture2D
type NoiseTexture3D ¶
type NoiseTexture3D = [1]gdclass.NoiseTexture3D
type ORMMaterial3D ¶
type ORMMaterial3D = [1]gdclass.ORMMaterial3D
type Occluder3D ¶
type Occluder3D = [1]gdclass.Occluder3D
type OccluderInstance3D ¶
type OccluderInstance3D = [1]gdclass.OccluderInstance3D
type OccluderPolygon2D ¶
type OccluderPolygon2D = [1]gdclass.OccluderPolygon2D
type OfflineMultiplayerPeer ¶
type OfflineMultiplayerPeer = [1]gdclass.OfflineMultiplayerPeer
type OggPacketSequence ¶
type OggPacketSequence = [1]gdclass.OggPacketSequence
type OggPacketSequencePlayback ¶
type OggPacketSequencePlayback = [1]gdclass.OggPacketSequencePlayback
type OmniLight3D ¶
type OmniLight3D = [1]gdclass.OmniLight3D
type OpenXRAPIExtension ¶
type OpenXRAPIExtension = [1]gdclass.OpenXRAPIExtension
type OpenXRAction ¶
type OpenXRAction = [1]gdclass.OpenXRAction
type OpenXRActionBindingModifier ¶
type OpenXRActionBindingModifier = [1]gdclass.OpenXRActionBindingModifier
type OpenXRActionMap ¶
type OpenXRActionMap = [1]gdclass.OpenXRActionMap
type OpenXRActionSet ¶
type OpenXRActionSet = [1]gdclass.OpenXRActionSet
type OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier ¶
type OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier = [1]gdclass.OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier
type OpenXRBindingModifier ¶
type OpenXRBindingModifier = [1]gdclass.OpenXRBindingModifier
type OpenXRBindingModifierEditor ¶
type OpenXRBindingModifierEditor = [1]gdclass.OpenXRBindingModifierEditor
type OpenXRCompositionLayer ¶
type OpenXRCompositionLayer = [1]gdclass.OpenXRCompositionLayer
type OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder ¶
type OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder = [1]gdclass.OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder
type OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect ¶
type OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect = [1]gdclass.OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect
type OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad ¶
type OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad = [1]gdclass.OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad
type OpenXRDpadBindingModifier ¶
type OpenXRDpadBindingModifier = [1]gdclass.OpenXRDpadBindingModifier
type OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension ¶
type OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension = [1]gdclass.OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension
type OpenXRHand ¶
type OpenXRHand = [1]gdclass.OpenXRHand
type OpenXRHapticBase ¶
type OpenXRHapticBase = [1]gdclass.OpenXRHapticBase
type OpenXRHapticVibration ¶
type OpenXRHapticVibration = [1]gdclass.OpenXRHapticVibration
type OpenXRIPBinding ¶
type OpenXRIPBinding = [1]gdclass.OpenXRIPBinding
type OpenXRIPBindingModifier ¶
type OpenXRIPBindingModifier = [1]gdclass.OpenXRIPBindingModifier
type OpenXRInteractionProfile ¶
type OpenXRInteractionProfile = [1]gdclass.OpenXRInteractionProfile
type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor ¶
type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor = [1]gdclass.OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor
type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase ¶
type OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase = [1]gdclass.OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase
type OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata ¶
type OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata = [1]gdclass.OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata
type OpenXRInterface ¶
type OpenXRInterface = [1]gdclass.OpenXRInterface
type OpenXRVisibilityMask ¶
type OpenXRVisibilityMask = [1]gdclass.OpenXRVisibilityMask
type OptimizedTranslation ¶
type OptimizedTranslation = [1]gdclass.OptimizedTranslation
type OptionButton ¶
type OptionButton = [1]gdclass.OptionButton
type PackedDataContainer ¶
type PackedDataContainer = [1]gdclass.PackedDataContainer
type PackedDataContainerRef ¶
type PackedDataContainerRef = [1]gdclass.PackedDataContainerRef
type PackedScene ¶
type PackedScene = [1]gdclass.PackedScene
type PacketPeer ¶
type PacketPeer = [1]gdclass.PacketPeer
type PacketPeerDTLS ¶
type PacketPeerDTLS = [1]gdclass.PacketPeerDTLS
type PacketPeerExtension ¶
type PacketPeerExtension = [1]gdclass.PacketPeerExtension
type PacketPeerStream ¶
type PacketPeerStream = [1]gdclass.PacketPeerStream
type PacketPeerUDP ¶
type PacketPeerUDP = [1]gdclass.PacketPeerUDP
type PanelContainer ¶
type PanelContainer = [1]gdclass.PanelContainer
type PanoramaSkyMaterial ¶
type PanoramaSkyMaterial = [1]gdclass.PanoramaSkyMaterial
type Parallax2D ¶
type Parallax2D = [1]gdclass.Parallax2D
type ParallaxBackground ¶
type ParallaxBackground = [1]gdclass.ParallaxBackground
type ParallaxLayer ¶
type ParallaxLayer = [1]gdclass.ParallaxLayer
type ParticleProcessMaterial ¶
type ParticleProcessMaterial = [1]gdclass.ParticleProcessMaterial
type PathFollow2D ¶
type PathFollow2D = [1]gdclass.PathFollow2D
type PathFollow3D ¶
type PathFollow3D = [1]gdclass.PathFollow3D
type Performance ¶
type Performance = [1]gdclass.Performance
type PhysicalBone2D ¶
type PhysicalBone2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicalBone2D
type PhysicalBone3D ¶
type PhysicalBone3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicalBone3D
type PhysicalBoneSimulator3D ¶
type PhysicalBoneSimulator3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicalBoneSimulator3D
type PhysicalSkyMaterial ¶
type PhysicalSkyMaterial = [1]gdclass.PhysicalSkyMaterial
type PhysicsBody2D ¶
type PhysicsBody2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsBody2D
type PhysicsBody3D ¶
type PhysicsBody3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsBody3D
type PhysicsDirectBodyState2D ¶
type PhysicsDirectBodyState2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectBodyState2D
type PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension ¶
type PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension
type PhysicsDirectBodyState3D ¶
type PhysicsDirectBodyState3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectBodyState3D
type PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension ¶
type PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D ¶
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension ¶
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D ¶
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension ¶
type PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension
type PhysicsMaterial ¶
type PhysicsMaterial = [1]gdclass.PhysicsMaterial
type PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D ¶
type PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D
type PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D ¶
type PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D
type PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D ¶
type PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D
type PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D ¶
type PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D
type PhysicsServer2D ¶
type PhysicsServer2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer2D
type PhysicsServer2DExtension ¶
type PhysicsServer2DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer2DExtension
type PhysicsServer2DManager ¶
type PhysicsServer2DManager = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer2DManager
type PhysicsServer3D ¶
type PhysicsServer3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer3D
type PhysicsServer3DExtension ¶
type PhysicsServer3DExtension = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer3DExtension
type PhysicsServer3DManager ¶
type PhysicsServer3DManager = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer3DManager
type PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler ¶
type PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler = [1]gdclass.PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler
type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D ¶
type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D
type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D ¶
type PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D
type PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D ¶
type PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D
type PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D ¶
type PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D
type PhysicsTestMotionResult2D ¶
type PhysicsTestMotionResult2D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsTestMotionResult2D
type PhysicsTestMotionResult3D ¶
type PhysicsTestMotionResult3D = [1]gdclass.PhysicsTestMotionResult3D
type PinJoint2D ¶
type PinJoint2D = [1]gdclass.PinJoint2D
type PinJoint3D ¶
type PinJoint3D = [1]gdclass.PinJoint3D
type PlaceholderCubemap ¶
type PlaceholderCubemap = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderCubemap
type PlaceholderCubemapArray ¶
type PlaceholderCubemapArray = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderCubemapArray
type PlaceholderMaterial ¶
type PlaceholderMaterial = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderMaterial
type PlaceholderMesh ¶
type PlaceholderMesh = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderMesh
type PlaceholderTexture2D ¶
type PlaceholderTexture2D = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderTexture2D
type PlaceholderTexture2DArray ¶
type PlaceholderTexture2DArray = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderTexture2DArray
type PlaceholderTexture3D ¶
type PlaceholderTexture3D = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderTexture3D
type PlaceholderTextureLayered ¶
type PlaceholderTextureLayered = [1]gdclass.PlaceholderTextureLayered
type PointLight2D ¶
type PointLight2D = [1]gdclass.PointLight2D
type PolygonOccluder3D ¶
type PolygonOccluder3D = [1]gdclass.PolygonOccluder3D
type PolygonPathFinder ¶
type PolygonPathFinder = [1]gdclass.PolygonPathFinder
type PopupPanel ¶
type PopupPanel = [1]gdclass.PopupPanel
type PortableCompressedTexture2D ¶
type PortableCompressedTexture2D = [1]gdclass.PortableCompressedTexture2D
type PrimitiveMesh ¶
type PrimitiveMesh = [1]gdclass.PrimitiveMesh
type ProceduralSkyMaterial ¶
type ProceduralSkyMaterial = [1]gdclass.ProceduralSkyMaterial
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar = [1]gdclass.ProgressBar
type ProjectSettings ¶
type ProjectSettings = [1]gdclass.ProjectSettings
type PropertyHint ¶
type PropertyHint int
const ( /*The property has no hint for the editor.*/ PropertyHintNone PropertyHint = 0 /*Hints that an [int] or [float] property should be within a range specified via the hint string [code]"min,max"[/code] or [code]"min,max,step"[/code]. The hint string can optionally include [code]"or_greater"[/code] and/or [code]"or_less"[/code] to allow manual input going respectively above the max or below the min values. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"-360,360,1,or_greater,or_less"[/code]. Additionally, other keywords can be included: [code]"exp"[/code] for exponential range editing, [code]"radians_as_degrees"[/code] for editing radian angles in degrees (the range values are also in degrees), [code]"degrees"[/code] to hint at an angle and [code]"hide_slider"[/code] to hide the slider.*/ PropertyHintRange PropertyHint = 1 /*Hints that an [int] or [String] property is an enumerated value to pick in a list specified via a hint string. The hint string is a comma separated list of names such as [code]"Hello,Something,Else"[/code]. Whitespaces are [b]not[/b] removed from either end of a name. For integer properties, the first name in the list has value 0, the next 1, and so on. Explicit values can also be specified by appending [code]:integer[/code] to the name, e.g. [code]"Zero,One,Three:3,Four,Six:6"[/code].*/ PropertyHintEnum PropertyHint = 2 /*Hints that a [String] property can be an enumerated value to pick in a list specified via a hint string such as [code]"Hello,Something,Else"[/code]. Unlike [constant PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM], a property with this hint still accepts arbitrary values and can be empty. The list of values serves to suggest possible values.*/ PropertyHintEnumSuggestion PropertyHint = 3 /*Hints that a [float] property should be edited via an exponential easing function. The hint string can include [code]"attenuation"[/code] to flip the curve horizontally and/or [code]"positive_only"[/code] to exclude in/out easing and limit values to be greater than or equal to zero.*/ PropertyHintExpEasing PropertyHint = 4 /*Hints that a vector property should allow its components to be linked. For example, this allows [member Vector2.x] and [member Vector2.y] to be edited together.*/ PropertyHintLink PropertyHint = 5 /*Hints that an [int] property is a bitmask with named bit flags. The hint string is a comma separated list of names such as [code]"Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3"[/code]. Whitespaces are [b]not[/b] removed from either end of a name. The first name in the list has value 1, the next 2, then 4, 8, 16 and so on. Explicit values can also be specified by appending [code]:integer[/code] to the name, e.g. [code]"A:4,B:8,C:16"[/code]. You can also combine several flags ([code]"A:4,B:8,AB:12,C:16"[/code]). [b]Note:[/b] A flag value must be at least [code]1[/code] and at most [code]2 ** 32 - 1[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike [constant PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM], the previous explicit value is not taken into account. For the hint [code]"A:16,B,C"[/code], A is 16, B is 2, C is 4.*/ PropertyHintFlags PropertyHint = 6 /*Hints that an [int] property is a bitmask using the optionally named 2D render layers.*/ PropertyHintLayers2dRender PropertyHint = 7 /*Hints that an [int] property is a bitmask using the optionally named 2D physics layers.*/ PropertyHintLayers2dPhysics PropertyHint = 8 PropertyHintLayers2dNavigation PropertyHint = 9 /*Hints that an [int] property is a bitmask using the optionally named 3D render layers.*/ PropertyHintLayers3dRender PropertyHint = 10 /*Hints that an [int] property is a bitmask using the optionally named 3D physics layers.*/ PropertyHintLayers3dPhysics PropertyHint = 11 PropertyHintLayers3dNavigation PropertyHint = 12 /*Hints that an integer property is a bitmask using the optionally named avoidance layers.*/ PropertyHintLayersAvoidance PropertyHint = 37 /*Hints that a [String] property is a path to a file. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards like [code]"*.png,*.jpg"[/code].*/ PropertyHintFile PropertyHint = 13 /*Hints that a [String] property is a path to a directory. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path.*/ PropertyHintDir PropertyHint = 14 /*Hints that a [String] property is an absolute path to a file outside the project folder. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards, like [code]"*.png,*.jpg"[/code].*/ PropertyHintGlobalFile PropertyHint = 15 /*Hints that a [String] property is an absolute path to a directory outside the project folder. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path.*/ PropertyHintGlobalDir PropertyHint = 16 /*Hints that a property is an instance of a [Resource]-derived type, optionally specified via the hint string (e.g. [code]"Texture2D"[/code]). Editing it will show a popup menu of valid resource types to instantiate.*/ PropertyHintResourceType PropertyHint = 17 /*Hints that a [String] property is text with line breaks. Editing it will show a text input field where line breaks can be typed.*/ PropertyHintMultilineText PropertyHint = 18 /*Hints that a [String] property is an [Expression].*/ PropertyHintExpression PropertyHint = 19 /*Hints that a [String] property should show a placeholder text on its input field, if empty. The hint string is the placeholder text to use.*/ PropertyHintPlaceholderText PropertyHint = 20 /*Hints that a [Color] property should be edited without affecting its transparency ([member Color.a] is not editable).*/ PropertyHintColorNoAlpha PropertyHint = 21 /*Hints that the property's value is an object encoded as object ID, with its type specified in the hint string. Used by the debugger.*/ PropertyHintObjectId PropertyHint = 22 /*If a property is [String], hints that the property represents a particular type (class). This allows to select a type from the create dialog. The property will store the selected type as a string. If a property is [Array], hints the editor how to show elements. The [code]hint_string[/code] must encode nested types using [code]":"[/code] and [code]"/"[/code]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] # Array of elem_type. hint_string = "%d:" % [elem_type] hint_string = "%d/%d:%s" % [elem_type, elem_hint, elem_hint_string] # Two-dimensional array of elem_type (array of arrays of elem_type). hint_string = "%d:%d:" % [TYPE_ARRAY, elem_type] hint_string = "%d:%d/%d:%s" % [TYPE_ARRAY, elem_type, elem_hint, elem_hint_string] # Three-dimensional array of elem_type (array of arrays of arrays of elem_type). hint_string = "%d:%d:%d:" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_ARRAY, elem_type] hint_string = "%d:%d:%d/%d:%s" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_ARRAY, elem_type, elem_hint, elem_hint_string] [/gdscript] [csharp] // Array of elemType. hintString = $"{elemType:D}:"; hintString = $"{elemType:}/{elemHint:D}:{elemHintString}"; // Two-dimensional array of elemType (array of arrays of elemType). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{elemType:D}:"; hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{elemType:D}/{elemHint:D}:{elemHintString}"; // Three-dimensional array of elemType (array of arrays of arrays of elemType). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{elemType:D}:"; hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{elemType:D}/{elemHint:D}:{elemHintString}"; [/csharp] [/codeblocks] Examples: [codeblocks] [gdscript] hint_string = "%d:" % [TYPE_INT] # Array of integers. hint_string = "%d/%d:1,10,1" % [TYPE_INT, PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE] # Array of integers (in range from 1 to 10). hint_string = "%d/%d:Zero,One,Two" % [TYPE_INT, PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM] # Array of integers (an enum). hint_string = "%d/%d:Zero,One,Three:3,Six:6" % [TYPE_INT, PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM] # Array of integers (an enum). hint_string = "%d/%d:*.png" % [TYPE_STRING, PROPERTY_HINT_FILE] # Array of strings (file paths). hint_string = "%d/%d:Texture2D" % [TYPE_OBJECT, PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE] # Array of textures. hint_string = "%d:%d:" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_FLOAT] # Two-dimensional array of floats. hint_string = "%d:%d/%d:" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_STRING, PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT] # Two-dimensional array of multiline strings. hint_string = "%d:%d/%d:-1,1,0.1" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_FLOAT, PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE] # Two-dimensional array of floats (in range from -1 to 1). hint_string = "%d:%d/%d:Texture2D" % [TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_OBJECT, PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE] # Two-dimensional array of textures. [/gdscript] [csharp] hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Int:D}/{PropertyHint.Range:D}:1,10,1"; // Array of integers (in range from 1 to 10). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Int:D}/{PropertyHint.Enum:D}:Zero,One,Two"; // Array of integers (an enum). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Int:D}/{PropertyHint.Enum:D}:Zero,One,Three:3,Six:6"; // Array of integers (an enum). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.String:D}/{PropertyHint.File:D}:*.png"; // Array of strings (file paths). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Object:D}/{PropertyHint.ResourceType:D}:Texture2D"; // Array of textures. hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.Float:D}:"; // Two-dimensional array of floats. hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.String:D}/{PropertyHint.MultilineText:D}:"; // Two-dimensional array of multiline strings. hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.Float:D}/{PropertyHint.Range:D}:-1,1,0.1"; // Two-dimensional array of floats (in range from -1 to 1). hintString = $"{Variant.Type.Array:D}:{Variant.Type.Object:D}/{PropertyHint.ResourceType:D}:Texture2D"; // Two-dimensional array of textures. [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] The trailing colon is required for properly detecting built-in types.*/ PropertyHintTypeString PropertyHint = 23 PropertyHintNodePathToEditedNode PropertyHint = 24 /*Hints that an object is too big to be sent via the debugger.*/ PropertyHintObjectTooBig PropertyHint = 25 /*Hints that the hint string specifies valid node types for property of type [NodePath].*/ PropertyHintNodePathValidTypes PropertyHint = 26 /*Hints that a [String] property is a path to a file. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path for the file to be saved at. The dialog has access to the project's directory. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards like [code]"*.png,*.jpg"[/code]. See also [member FileDialog.filters].*/ PropertyHintSaveFile PropertyHint = 27 /*Hints that a [String] property is a path to a file. Editing it will show a file dialog for picking the path for the file to be saved at. The dialog has access to the entire filesystem. The hint string can be a set of filters with wildcards like [code]"*.png,*.jpg"[/code]. See also [member FileDialog.filters].*/ PropertyHintGlobalSaveFile PropertyHint = 28 PropertyHintIntIsObjectid PropertyHint = 29 /*Hints that an [int] property is a pointer. Used by GDExtension.*/ PropertyHintIntIsPointer PropertyHint = 30 /*Hints that a property is an [Array] with the stored type specified in the hint string.*/ PropertyHintArrayType PropertyHint = 31 /*Hints that a string property is a locale code. Editing it will show a locale dialog for picking language and country.*/ PropertyHintLocaleId PropertyHint = 32 /*Hints that a dictionary property is string translation map. Dictionary keys are locale codes and, values are translated strings.*/ PropertyHintLocalizableString PropertyHint = 33 /*Hints that a property is an instance of a [Node]-derived type, optionally specified via the hint string (e.g. [code]"Node2D"[/code]). Editing it will show a dialog for picking a node from the scene.*/ PropertyHintNodeType PropertyHint = 34 /*Hints that a quaternion property should disable the temporary euler editor.*/ PropertyHintHideQuaternionEdit PropertyHint = 35 /*Hints that a string property is a password, and every character is replaced with the secret character.*/ PropertyHintPassword PropertyHint = 36 /*Represents the size of the [enum PropertyHint] enum.*/ PropertyHintMax PropertyHint = 38 )
type PropertyTweener ¶
type PropertyTweener = [1]gdclass.PropertyTweener
type PropertyUsageFlags ¶
type PropertyUsageFlags int
const ( /*The property is not stored, and does not display in the editor. This is the default for non-exported properties.*/ PropertyUsageNone PropertyUsageFlags = 0 /*The property is serialized and saved in the scene file (default for exported properties).*/ PropertyUsageStorage PropertyUsageFlags = 2 /*The property is shown in the [EditorInspector] (default for exported properties).*/ PropertyUsageEditor PropertyUsageFlags = 4 /*The property is excluded from the class reference.*/ PropertyUsageInternal PropertyUsageFlags = 8 /*The property can be checked in the [EditorInspector].*/ PropertyUsageCheckable PropertyUsageFlags = 16 /*The property is checked in the [EditorInspector].*/ PropertyUsageChecked PropertyUsageFlags = 32 /*Used to group properties together in the editor. See [EditorInspector].*/ PropertyUsageGroup PropertyUsageFlags = 64 /*Used to categorize properties together in the editor.*/ PropertyUsageCategory PropertyUsageFlags = 128 /*Used to group properties together in the editor in a subgroup (under a group). See [EditorInspector].*/ PropertyUsageSubgroup PropertyUsageFlags = 256 /*The property is a bitfield, i.e. it contains multiple flags represented as bits.*/ PropertyUsageClassIsBitfield PropertyUsageFlags = 512 /*The property does not save its state in [PackedScene].*/ PropertyUsageNoInstanceState PropertyUsageFlags = 1024 /*Editing the property prompts the user for restarting the editor.*/ PropertyUsageRestartIfChanged PropertyUsageFlags = 2048 /*The property is a script variable which should be serialized and saved in the scene file.*/ PropertyUsageScriptVariable PropertyUsageFlags = 4096 /*The property value of type [Object] will be stored even if its value is [code]null[/code].*/ PropertyUsageStoreIfNull PropertyUsageFlags = 8192 /*If this property is modified, all inspector fields will be refreshed.*/ PropertyUsageUpdateAllIfModified PropertyUsageFlags = 16384 PropertyUsageScriptDefaultValue PropertyUsageFlags = 32768 /*The property is an enum, i.e. it only takes named integer constants from its associated enumeration.*/ PropertyUsageClassIsEnum PropertyUsageFlags = 65536 /*If property has [code]nil[/code] as default value, its type will be [Variant].*/ PropertyUsageNilIsVariant PropertyUsageFlags = 131072 /*The property is an array.*/ PropertyUsageArray PropertyUsageFlags = 262144 /*When duplicating a resource with [method Resource.duplicate], and this flag is set on a property of that resource, the property should always be duplicated, regardless of the [code]subresources[/code] bool parameter.*/ PropertyUsageAlwaysDuplicate PropertyUsageFlags = 524288 /*When duplicating a resource with [method Resource.duplicate], and this flag is set on a property of that resource, the property should never be duplicated, regardless of the [code]subresources[/code] bool parameter.*/ PropertyUsageNeverDuplicate PropertyUsageFlags = 1048576 /*The property is only shown in the editor if modern renderers are supported (the Compatibility rendering method is excluded).*/ PropertyUsageHighEndGfx PropertyUsageFlags = 2097152 /*The [NodePath] property will always be relative to the scene's root. Mostly useful for local resources.*/ PropertyUsageNodePathFromSceneRoot PropertyUsageFlags = 4194304 /*Use when a resource is created on the fly, i.e. the getter will always return a different instance. [ResourceSaver] needs this information to properly save such resources.*/ PropertyUsageResourceNotPersistent PropertyUsageFlags = 8388608 /*Inserting an animation key frame of this property will automatically increment the value, allowing to easily keyframe multiple values in a row.*/ PropertyUsageKeyingIncrements PropertyUsageFlags = 16777216 PropertyUsageDeferredSetResource PropertyUsageFlags = 33554432 /*When this property is a [Resource] and base object is a [Node], a resource instance will be automatically created whenever the node is created in the editor.*/ PropertyUsageEditorInstantiateObject PropertyUsageFlags = 67108864 /*The property is considered a basic setting and will appear even when advanced mode is disabled. Used for project settings.*/ PropertyUsageEditorBasicSetting PropertyUsageFlags = 134217728 /*The property is read-only in the [EditorInspector].*/ PropertyUsageReadOnly PropertyUsageFlags = 268435456 /*An export preset property with this flag contains confidential information and is stored separately from the rest of the export preset configuration.*/ PropertyUsageSecret PropertyUsageFlags = 536870912 /*Default usage (storage and editor).*/ PropertyUsageDefault PropertyUsageFlags = 6 /*Default usage but without showing the property in the editor (storage).*/ PropertyUsageNoEditor PropertyUsageFlags = 2 )
type QuadOccluder3D ¶
type QuadOccluder3D = [1]gdclass.QuadOccluder3D
type RDAttachmentFormat ¶
type RDAttachmentFormat = [1]gdclass.RDAttachmentFormat
type RDFramebufferPass ¶
type RDFramebufferPass = [1]gdclass.RDFramebufferPass
type RDPipelineColorBlendState ¶
type RDPipelineColorBlendState = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineColorBlendState
type RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment ¶
type RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment
type RDPipelineDepthStencilState ¶
type RDPipelineDepthStencilState = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineDepthStencilState
type RDPipelineMultisampleState ¶
type RDPipelineMultisampleState = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineMultisampleState
type RDPipelineRasterizationState ¶
type RDPipelineRasterizationState = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineRasterizationState
type RDPipelineSpecializationConstant ¶
type RDPipelineSpecializationConstant = [1]gdclass.RDPipelineSpecializationConstant
type RDSamplerState ¶
type RDSamplerState = [1]gdclass.RDSamplerState
type RDShaderFile ¶
type RDShaderFile = [1]gdclass.RDShaderFile
type RDShaderSPIRV ¶
type RDShaderSPIRV = [1]gdclass.RDShaderSPIRV
type RDShaderSource ¶
type RDShaderSource = [1]gdclass.RDShaderSource
type RDTextureFormat ¶
type RDTextureFormat = [1]gdclass.RDTextureFormat
type RDTextureView ¶
type RDTextureView = [1]gdclass.RDTextureView
type RDVertexAttribute ¶
type RDVertexAttribute = [1]gdclass.RDVertexAttribute
type RandomNumberGenerator ¶
type RandomNumberGenerator = [1]gdclass.RandomNumberGenerator
type RectangleShape2D ¶
type RectangleShape2D = [1]gdclass.RectangleShape2D
type ReferenceRect ¶
type ReferenceRect = [1]gdclass.ReferenceRect
type ReflectionProbe ¶
type ReflectionProbe = [1]gdclass.ReflectionProbe
type RegExMatch ¶
type RegExMatch = [1]gdclass.RegExMatch
type RemoteTransform2D ¶
type RemoteTransform2D = [1]gdclass.RemoteTransform2D
type RemoteTransform3D ¶
type RemoteTransform3D = [1]gdclass.RemoteTransform3D
type RenderData ¶
type RenderData = [1]gdclass.RenderData
type RenderDataExtension ¶
type RenderDataExtension = [1]gdclass.RenderDataExtension
type RenderDataRD ¶
type RenderDataRD = [1]gdclass.RenderDataRD
type RenderSceneBuffers ¶
type RenderSceneBuffers = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneBuffers
type RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration ¶
type RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration
type RenderSceneBuffersExtension ¶
type RenderSceneBuffersExtension = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneBuffersExtension
type RenderSceneBuffersRD ¶
type RenderSceneBuffersRD = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneBuffersRD
type RenderSceneData ¶
type RenderSceneData = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneData
type RenderSceneDataExtension ¶
type RenderSceneDataExtension = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneDataExtension
type RenderSceneDataRD ¶
type RenderSceneDataRD = [1]gdclass.RenderSceneDataRD
type RenderingDevice ¶
type RenderingDevice = [1]gdclass.RenderingDevice
type RenderingServer ¶
type RenderingServer = [1]gdclass.RenderingServer
type ResourceFormatLoader ¶
type ResourceFormatLoader = [1]gdclass.ResourceFormatLoader
type ResourceFormatSaver ¶
type ResourceFormatSaver = [1]gdclass.ResourceFormatSaver
type ResourceImporter ¶
type ResourceImporter = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporter
type ResourceImporterBMFont ¶
type ResourceImporterBMFont = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterBMFont
type ResourceImporterBitMap ¶
type ResourceImporterBitMap = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterBitMap
type ResourceImporterCSVTranslation ¶
type ResourceImporterCSVTranslation = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterCSVTranslation
type ResourceImporterDynamicFont ¶
type ResourceImporterDynamicFont = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterDynamicFont
type ResourceImporterImage ¶
type ResourceImporterImage = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterImage
type ResourceImporterImageFont ¶
type ResourceImporterImageFont = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterImageFont
type ResourceImporterLayeredTexture ¶
type ResourceImporterLayeredTexture = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture
type ResourceImporterMP3 ¶
type ResourceImporterMP3 = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterMP3
type ResourceImporterOBJ ¶
type ResourceImporterOBJ = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterOBJ
type ResourceImporterOggVorbis ¶
type ResourceImporterOggVorbis = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterOggVorbis
type ResourceImporterScene ¶
type ResourceImporterScene = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterScene
type ResourceImporterShaderFile ¶
type ResourceImporterShaderFile = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterShaderFile
type ResourceImporterTexture ¶
type ResourceImporterTexture = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterTexture
type ResourceImporterTextureAtlas ¶
type ResourceImporterTextureAtlas = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas
type ResourceImporterWAV ¶
type ResourceImporterWAV = [1]gdclass.ResourceImporterWAV
type ResourceLoader ¶
type ResourceLoader = [1]gdclass.ResourceLoader
type ResourcePreloader ¶
type ResourcePreloader = [1]gdclass.ResourcePreloader
type ResourceSaver ¶
type ResourceSaver = [1]gdclass.ResourceSaver
type ResourceUID ¶
type ResourceUID = [1]gdclass.ResourceUID
type RetargetModifier3D ¶
type RetargetModifier3D = [1]gdclass.RetargetModifier3D
type RibbonTrailMesh ¶
type RibbonTrailMesh = [1]gdclass.RibbonTrailMesh
type RichTextEffect ¶
type RichTextEffect = [1]gdclass.RichTextEffect
type RichTextLabel ¶
type RichTextLabel = [1]gdclass.RichTextLabel
type RigidBody2D ¶
type RigidBody2D = [1]gdclass.RigidBody2D
type RigidBody3D ¶
type RigidBody3D = [1]gdclass.RigidBody3D
type RootMotionView ¶
type RootMotionView = [1]gdclass.RootMotionView
type SceneMultiplayer ¶
type SceneMultiplayer = [1]gdclass.SceneMultiplayer
type SceneReplicationConfig ¶
type SceneReplicationConfig = [1]gdclass.SceneReplicationConfig
type SceneState ¶
type SceneState = [1]gdclass.SceneState
type SceneTreeTimer ¶
type SceneTreeTimer = [1]gdclass.SceneTreeTimer
type ScriptCreateDialog ¶
type ScriptCreateDialog = [1]gdclass.ScriptCreateDialog
type ScriptEditor ¶
type ScriptEditor = [1]gdclass.ScriptEditor
type ScriptEditorBase ¶
type ScriptEditorBase = [1]gdclass.ScriptEditorBase
type ScriptExtension ¶
type ScriptExtension = [1]gdclass.ScriptExtension
type ScriptLanguage ¶
type ScriptLanguage = [1]gdclass.ScriptLanguage
type ScriptLanguageExtension ¶
type ScriptLanguageExtension = [1]gdclass.ScriptLanguageExtension
type ScrollContainer ¶
type ScrollContainer = [1]gdclass.ScrollContainer
type SegmentShape2D ¶
type SegmentShape2D = [1]gdclass.SegmentShape2D
type SeparationRayShape2D ¶
type SeparationRayShape2D = [1]gdclass.SeparationRayShape2D
type SeparationRayShape3D ¶
type SeparationRayShape3D = [1]gdclass.SeparationRayShape3D
type ShaderGlobalsOverride ¶
type ShaderGlobalsOverride = [1]gdclass.ShaderGlobalsOverride
type ShaderInclude ¶
type ShaderInclude = [1]gdclass.ShaderInclude
type ShaderIncludeDB ¶
type ShaderIncludeDB = [1]gdclass.ShaderIncludeDB
type ShaderMaterial ¶
type ShaderMaterial = [1]gdclass.ShaderMaterial
type ShapeCast2D ¶
type ShapeCast2D = [1]gdclass.ShapeCast2D
type ShapeCast3D ¶
type ShapeCast3D = [1]gdclass.ShapeCast3D
type Skeleton2D ¶
type Skeleton2D = [1]gdclass.Skeleton2D
type Skeleton3D ¶
type Skeleton3D = [1]gdclass.Skeleton3D
type SkeletonIK3D ¶
type SkeletonIK3D = [1]gdclass.SkeletonIK3D
type SkeletonModification2D ¶
type SkeletonModification2D = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2D
type SkeletonModification2DCCDIK ¶
type SkeletonModification2DCCDIK = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DCCDIK
type SkeletonModification2DFABRIK ¶
type SkeletonModification2DFABRIK = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DFABRIK
type SkeletonModification2DJiggle ¶
type SkeletonModification2DJiggle = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DJiggle
type SkeletonModification2DLookAt ¶
type SkeletonModification2DLookAt = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DLookAt
type SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones ¶
type SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones
type SkeletonModification2DStackHolder ¶
type SkeletonModification2DStackHolder = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DStackHolder
type SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK ¶
type SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK
type SkeletonModificationStack2D ¶
type SkeletonModificationStack2D = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModificationStack2D
type SkeletonModifier3D ¶
type SkeletonModifier3D = [1]gdclass.SkeletonModifier3D
type SkeletonProfile ¶
type SkeletonProfile = [1]gdclass.SkeletonProfile
type SkeletonProfileHumanoid ¶
type SkeletonProfileHumanoid = [1]gdclass.SkeletonProfileHumanoid
type SkinReference ¶
type SkinReference = [1]gdclass.SkinReference
type SliderJoint3D ¶
type SliderJoint3D = [1]gdclass.SliderJoint3D
type SoftBody3D ¶
type SoftBody3D = [1]gdclass.SoftBody3D
type SphereMesh ¶
type SphereMesh = [1]gdclass.SphereMesh
type SphereOccluder3D ¶
type SphereOccluder3D = [1]gdclass.SphereOccluder3D
type SphereShape3D ¶
type SphereShape3D = [1]gdclass.SphereShape3D
type SplitContainer ¶
type SplitContainer = [1]gdclass.SplitContainer
type SpotLight3D ¶
type SpotLight3D = [1]gdclass.SpotLight3D
type SpringArm3D ¶
type SpringArm3D = [1]gdclass.SpringArm3D
type SpringBoneCollision3D ¶
type SpringBoneCollision3D = [1]gdclass.SpringBoneCollision3D
type SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D ¶
type SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D = [1]gdclass.SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D
type SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D ¶
type SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D = [1]gdclass.SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D
type SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D ¶
type SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D = [1]gdclass.SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D
type SpringBoneSimulator3D ¶
type SpringBoneSimulator3D = [1]gdclass.SpringBoneSimulator3D
type SpriteBase3D ¶
type SpriteBase3D = [1]gdclass.SpriteBase3D
type SpriteFrames ¶
type SpriteFrames = [1]gdclass.SpriteFrames
type StandardMaterial3D ¶
type StandardMaterial3D = [1]gdclass.StandardMaterial3D
type StaticBody2D ¶
type StaticBody2D = [1]gdclass.StaticBody2D
type StaticBody3D ¶
type StaticBody3D = [1]gdclass.StaticBody3D
type StatusIndicator ¶
type StatusIndicator = [1]gdclass.StatusIndicator
type StreamPeer ¶
type StreamPeer = [1]gdclass.StreamPeer
type StreamPeerBuffer ¶
type StreamPeerBuffer = [1]gdclass.StreamPeerBuffer
type StreamPeerExtension ¶
type StreamPeerExtension = [1]gdclass.StreamPeerExtension
type StreamPeerGZIP ¶
type StreamPeerGZIP = [1]gdclass.StreamPeerGZIP
type StreamPeerTCP ¶
type StreamPeerTCP = [1]gdclass.StreamPeerTCP
type StreamPeerTLS ¶
type StreamPeerTLS = [1]gdclass.StreamPeerTLS
type StyleBoxEmpty ¶
type StyleBoxEmpty = [1]gdclass.StyleBoxEmpty
type StyleBoxFlat ¶
type StyleBoxFlat = [1]gdclass.StyleBoxFlat
type StyleBoxLine ¶
type StyleBoxLine = [1]gdclass.StyleBoxLine
type StyleBoxTexture ¶
type StyleBoxTexture = [1]gdclass.StyleBoxTexture
type SubViewport ¶
type SubViewport = [1]gdclass.SubViewport
type SubViewportContainer ¶
type SubViewportContainer = [1]gdclass.SubViewportContainer
type SubtweenTweener ¶
type SubtweenTweener = [1]gdclass.SubtweenTweener
type SurfaceTool ¶
type SurfaceTool = [1]gdclass.SurfaceTool
type SyntaxHighlighter ¶
type SyntaxHighlighter = [1]gdclass.SyntaxHighlighter
type SystemFont ¶
type SystemFont = [1]gdclass.SystemFont
type TLSOptions ¶
type TLSOptions = [1]gdclass.TLSOptions
type TabContainer ¶
type TabContainer = [1]gdclass.TabContainer
type TextParagraph ¶
type TextParagraph = [1]gdclass.TextParagraph
type TextServer ¶
type TextServer = [1]gdclass.TextServer
type TextServerAdvanced ¶
type TextServerAdvanced = [1]gdclass.TextServerAdvanced
type TextServerDummy ¶
type TextServerDummy = [1]gdclass.TextServerDummy
type TextServerExtension ¶
type TextServerExtension = [1]gdclass.TextServerExtension
type TextServerManager ¶
type TextServerManager = [1]gdclass.TextServerManager
type Texture2DArray ¶
type Texture2DArray = [1]gdclass.Texture2DArray
type Texture2DArrayRD ¶
type Texture2DArrayRD = [1]gdclass.Texture2DArrayRD
type Texture2DRD ¶
type Texture2DRD = [1]gdclass.Texture2DRD
type Texture3DRD ¶
type Texture3DRD = [1]gdclass.Texture3DRD
type TextureButton ¶
type TextureButton = [1]gdclass.TextureButton
type TextureCubemapArrayRD ¶
type TextureCubemapArrayRD = [1]gdclass.TextureCubemapArrayRD
type TextureCubemapRD ¶
type TextureCubemapRD = [1]gdclass.TextureCubemapRD
type TextureLayered ¶
type TextureLayered = [1]gdclass.TextureLayered
type TextureLayeredRD ¶
type TextureLayeredRD = [1]gdclass.TextureLayeredRD
type TextureProgressBar ¶
type TextureProgressBar = [1]gdclass.TextureProgressBar
type TextureRect ¶
type TextureRect = [1]gdclass.TextureRect
type TileMapLayer ¶
type TileMapLayer = [1]gdclass.TileMapLayer
type TileMapPattern ¶
type TileMapPattern = [1]gdclass.TileMapPattern
type TileSetAtlasSource ¶
type TileSetAtlasSource = [1]gdclass.TileSetAtlasSource
type TileSetScenesCollectionSource ¶
type TileSetScenesCollectionSource = [1]gdclass.TileSetScenesCollectionSource
type TileSetSource ¶
type TileSetSource = [1]gdclass.TileSetSource
type Tool ¶
type Tool interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Tool can be embedded inside a struct to make it run in the editor.
type TouchScreenButton ¶
type TouchScreenButton = [1]gdclass.TouchScreenButton
type Translation ¶
type Translation = [1]gdclass.Translation
type TranslationDomain ¶
type TranslationDomain = [1]gdclass.TranslationDomain
type TranslationServer ¶
type TranslationServer = [1]gdclass.TranslationServer
type TriangleMesh ¶
type TriangleMesh = [1]gdclass.TriangleMesh
type TubeTrailMesh ¶
type TubeTrailMesh = [1]gdclass.TubeTrailMesh
type UPNPDevice ¶
type UPNPDevice = [1]gdclass.UPNPDevice
type UniformSetCacheRD ¶
type UniformSetCacheRD = [1]gdclass.UniformSetCacheRD
type VBoxContainer ¶
type VBoxContainer = [1]gdclass.VBoxContainer
type VFlowContainer ¶
type VFlowContainer = [1]gdclass.VFlowContainer
type VScrollBar ¶
type VScrollBar = [1]gdclass.VScrollBar
type VSeparator ¶
type VSeparator = [1]gdclass.VSeparator
type VSplitContainer ¶
type VSplitContainer = [1]gdclass.VSplitContainer
type VehicleBody3D ¶
type VehicleBody3D = [1]gdclass.VehicleBody3D
type VehicleWheel3D ¶
type VehicleWheel3D = [1]gdclass.VehicleWheel3D
type VideoStream ¶
type VideoStream = [1]gdclass.VideoStream
type VideoStreamPlayback ¶
type VideoStreamPlayback = [1]gdclass.VideoStreamPlayback
type VideoStreamPlayer ¶
type VideoStreamPlayer = [1]gdclass.VideoStreamPlayer
type VideoStreamTheora ¶
type VideoStreamTheora = [1]gdclass.VideoStreamTheora
type ViewportTexture ¶
type ViewportTexture = [1]gdclass.ViewportTexture
type VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D ¶
type VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D = [1]gdclass.VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D
type VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D ¶
type VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D = [1]gdclass.VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D
type VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D ¶
type VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D = [1]gdclass.VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D
type VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D ¶
type VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D = [1]gdclass.VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D
type VisualInstance3D ¶
type VisualInstance3D = [1]gdclass.VisualInstance3D
type VisualShader ¶
type VisualShader = [1]gdclass.VisualShader
type VisualShaderNode ¶
type VisualShaderNode = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNode
type VisualShaderNodeBillboard ¶
type VisualShaderNodeBillboard = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeBillboard
type VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant
type VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter
type VisualShaderNodeClamp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeClamp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeClamp
type VisualShaderNodeColorConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeColorConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeColorConstant
type VisualShaderNodeColorFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeColorFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeColorFunc
type VisualShaderNodeColorOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeColorOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeColorOp
type VisualShaderNodeColorParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeColorParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeColorParameter
type VisualShaderNodeComment ¶
type VisualShaderNodeComment = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeComment
type VisualShaderNodeCompare ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCompare = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCompare
type VisualShaderNodeConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeConstant
type VisualShaderNodeCubemap ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCubemap = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCubemap
type VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter
type VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture
type VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture
type VisualShaderNodeCustom ¶
type VisualShaderNodeCustom = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeCustom
type VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc
type VisualShaderNodeDeterminant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeDeterminant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeDeterminant
type VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade ¶
type VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade
type VisualShaderNodeDotProduct ¶
type VisualShaderNodeDotProduct = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeDotProduct
type VisualShaderNodeExpression ¶
type VisualShaderNodeExpression = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeExpression
type VisualShaderNodeFaceForward ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFaceForward = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFaceForward
type VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant
type VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc
type VisualShaderNodeFloatOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFloatOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFloatOp
type VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter
type VisualShaderNodeFrame ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFrame = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFrame
type VisualShaderNodeFresnel ¶
type VisualShaderNodeFresnel = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeFresnel
type VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression ¶
type VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression
type VisualShaderNodeGroupBase ¶
type VisualShaderNodeGroupBase = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeGroupBase
type VisualShaderNodeIf ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIf = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIf
type VisualShaderNodeInput ¶
type VisualShaderNodeInput = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeInput
type VisualShaderNodeIntConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIntConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIntConstant
type VisualShaderNodeIntFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIntFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIntFunc
type VisualShaderNodeIntOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIntOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIntOp
type VisualShaderNodeIntParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIntParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIntParameter
type VisualShaderNodeIs ¶
type VisualShaderNodeIs = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeIs
type VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth ¶
type VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth
type VisualShaderNodeMix ¶
type VisualShaderNodeMix = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeMix
type VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd ¶
type VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd
type VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct ¶
type VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct
type VisualShaderNodeOutput ¶
type VisualShaderNodeOutput = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeOutput
type VisualShaderNodeParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParameter
type VisualShaderNodeParameterRef ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParameterRef = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParameterRef
type VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator
type VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter
type VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity
type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit
type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter
type VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter
type VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle
type VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput
type VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness
type VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter
type VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter
type VisualShaderNodeProximityFade ¶
type VisualShaderNodeProximityFade = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeProximityFade
type VisualShaderNodeRandomRange ¶
type VisualShaderNodeRandomRange = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeRandomRange
type VisualShaderNodeRemap ¶
type VisualShaderNodeRemap = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeRemap
type VisualShaderNodeReroute ¶
type VisualShaderNodeReroute = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeReroute
type VisualShaderNodeResizableBase ¶
type VisualShaderNodeResizableBase = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeResizableBase
type VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis ¶
type VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis
type VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch ¶
type VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch
type VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV ¶
type VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV
type VisualShaderNodeSample3D ¶
type VisualShaderNodeSample3D = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeSample3D
type VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace ¶
type VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace
type VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF ¶
type VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF
type VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep ¶
type VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep
type VisualShaderNodeStep ¶
type VisualShaderNodeStep = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeStep
type VisualShaderNodeSwitch ¶
type VisualShaderNodeSwitch = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeSwitch
type VisualShaderNodeTexture ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter
type VisualShaderNodeTexture3D ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture3D = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture3D
type VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter
type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter
type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar
type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF
type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal
type VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose
type VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant
type VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose
type VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc
type VisualShaderNodeTransformOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformOp
type VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter
type VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult ¶
type VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult
type VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant
type VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc
type VisualShaderNodeUIntOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUIntOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUIntOp
type VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter
type VisualShaderNodeUVFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUVFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUVFunc
type VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord ¶
type VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord
type VisualShaderNodeVarying ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVarying = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVarying
type VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter
type VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter
type VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant
type VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter
type VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant
type VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter
type VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant
type VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter
type VisualShaderNodeVectorBase ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorBase = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorBase
type VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose
type VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose
type VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance
type VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc
type VisualShaderNodeVectorLen ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorLen = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorLen
type VisualShaderNodeVectorOp ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorOp = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorOp
type VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract ¶
type VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract
type VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth ¶
type VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth = [1]gdclass.VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth
type VoxelGIData ¶
type VoxelGIData = [1]gdclass.VoxelGIData
type WebRTCDataChannel ¶
type WebRTCDataChannel = [1]gdclass.WebRTCDataChannel
type WebRTCDataChannelExtension ¶
type WebRTCDataChannelExtension = [1]gdclass.WebRTCDataChannelExtension
type WebRTCMultiplayerPeer ¶
type WebRTCMultiplayerPeer = [1]gdclass.WebRTCMultiplayerPeer
type WebRTCPeerConnection ¶
type WebRTCPeerConnection = [1]gdclass.WebRTCPeerConnection
type WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension ¶
type WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension = [1]gdclass.WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension
type WebSocketMultiplayerPeer ¶
type WebSocketMultiplayerPeer = [1]gdclass.WebSocketMultiplayerPeer
type WebSocketPeer ¶
type WebSocketPeer = [1]gdclass.WebSocketPeer
type WebXRInterface ¶
type WebXRInterface = [1]gdclass.WebXRInterface
type WorkerThreadPool ¶
type WorkerThreadPool = [1]gdclass.WorkerThreadPool
type WorldBoundaryShape2D ¶
type WorldBoundaryShape2D = [1]gdclass.WorldBoundaryShape2D
type WorldBoundaryShape3D ¶
type WorldBoundaryShape3D = [1]gdclass.WorldBoundaryShape3D
type WorldEnvironment ¶
type WorldEnvironment = [1]gdclass.WorldEnvironment
type X509Certificate ¶
type X509Certificate = [1]gdclass.X509Certificate
type XRAnchor3D ¶
type XRAnchor3D = [1]gdclass.XRAnchor3D
type XRBodyModifier3D ¶
type XRBodyModifier3D = [1]gdclass.XRBodyModifier3D
type XRBodyTracker ¶
type XRBodyTracker = [1]gdclass.XRBodyTracker
type XRCamera3D ¶
type XRCamera3D = [1]gdclass.XRCamera3D
type XRController3D ¶
type XRController3D = [1]gdclass.XRController3D
type XRControllerTracker ¶
type XRControllerTracker = [1]gdclass.XRControllerTracker
type XRFaceModifier3D ¶
type XRFaceModifier3D = [1]gdclass.XRFaceModifier3D
type XRFaceTracker ¶
type XRFaceTracker = [1]gdclass.XRFaceTracker
type XRHandModifier3D ¶
type XRHandModifier3D = [1]gdclass.XRHandModifier3D
type XRHandTracker ¶
type XRHandTracker = [1]gdclass.XRHandTracker
type XRInterface ¶
type XRInterface = [1]gdclass.XRInterface
type XRInterfaceExtension ¶
type XRInterfaceExtension = [1]gdclass.XRInterfaceExtension
type XROrigin3D ¶
type XROrigin3D = [1]gdclass.XROrigin3D
type XRPositionalTracker ¶
type XRPositionalTracker = [1]gdclass.XRPositionalTracker
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package AESContext provides methods for working with AESContext object instances.
Package AESContext provides methods for working with AESContext object instances. |
Package AStar2D provides methods for working with AStar2D object instances.
Package AStar2D provides methods for working with AStar2D object instances. |
Package AStar3D provides methods for working with AStar3D object instances.
Package AStar3D provides methods for working with AStar3D object instances. |
Package AStarGrid2D provides methods for working with AStarGrid2D object instances.
Package AStarGrid2D provides methods for working with AStarGrid2D object instances. |
Package AcceptDialog provides methods for working with AcceptDialog object instances.
Package AcceptDialog provides methods for working with AcceptDialog object instances. |
Package AnimatableBody2D provides methods for working with AnimatableBody2D object instances.
Package AnimatableBody2D provides methods for working with AnimatableBody2D object instances. |
Package AnimatableBody3D provides methods for working with AnimatableBody3D object instances.
Package AnimatableBody3D provides methods for working with AnimatableBody3D object instances. |
Package AnimatedSprite2D provides methods for working with AnimatedSprite2D object instances.
Package AnimatedSprite2D provides methods for working with AnimatedSprite2D object instances. |
Package AnimatedSprite3D provides methods for working with AnimatedSprite3D object instances.
Package AnimatedSprite3D provides methods for working with AnimatedSprite3D object instances. |
Package AnimatedTexture provides methods for working with AnimatedTexture object instances.
Package AnimatedTexture provides methods for working with AnimatedTexture object instances. |
Package Animation provides methods for working with Animation object instances.
Package Animation provides methods for working with Animation object instances. |
Package AnimationLibrary provides methods for working with AnimationLibrary object instances.
Package AnimationLibrary provides methods for working with AnimationLibrary object instances. |
Package AnimationMixer provides methods for working with AnimationMixer object instances.
Package AnimationMixer provides methods for working with AnimationMixer object instances. |
Package AnimationNode provides methods for working with AnimationNode object instances.
Package AnimationNode provides methods for working with AnimationNode object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeAdd2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAdd2 object instances.
Package AnimationNodeAdd2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAdd2 object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeAdd3 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAdd3 object instances.
Package AnimationNodeAdd3 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAdd3 object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeAnimation provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAnimation object instances.
Package AnimationNodeAnimation provides methods for working with AnimationNodeAnimation object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeBlend2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlend2 object instances.
Package AnimationNodeBlend2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlend2 object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeBlend3 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlend3 object instances.
Package AnimationNodeBlend3 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlend3 object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D object instances.
Package AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D object instances.
Package AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeBlendTree provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendTree object instances.
Package AnimationNodeBlendTree provides methods for working with AnimationNodeBlendTree object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeExtension provides methods for working with AnimationNodeExtension object instances.
Package AnimationNodeExtension provides methods for working with AnimationNodeExtension object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeOneShot provides methods for working with AnimationNodeOneShot object instances.
Package AnimationNodeOneShot provides methods for working with AnimationNodeOneShot object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeOutput provides methods for working with AnimationNodeOutput object instances.
Package AnimationNodeOutput provides methods for working with AnimationNodeOutput object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeStateMachine provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachine object instances.
Package AnimationNodeStateMachine provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachine object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback object instances.
Package AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition object instances.
Package AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition provides methods for working with AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeSub2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeSub2 object instances.
Package AnimationNodeSub2 provides methods for working with AnimationNodeSub2 object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeSync provides methods for working with AnimationNodeSync object instances.
Package AnimationNodeSync provides methods for working with AnimationNodeSync object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeTimeScale provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTimeScale object instances.
Package AnimationNodeTimeScale provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTimeScale object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeTimeSeek provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTimeSeek object instances.
Package AnimationNodeTimeSeek provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTimeSeek object instances. |
Package AnimationNodeTransition provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTransition object instances.
Package AnimationNodeTransition provides methods for working with AnimationNodeTransition object instances. |
Package AnimationPlayer provides methods for working with AnimationPlayer object instances.
Package AnimationPlayer provides methods for working with AnimationPlayer object instances. |
Package AnimationRootNode provides methods for working with AnimationRootNode object instances.
Package AnimationRootNode provides methods for working with AnimationRootNode object instances. |
Package AnimationTree provides methods for working with AnimationTree object instances.
Package AnimationTree provides methods for working with AnimationTree object instances. |
Package Area2D provides methods for working with Area2D object instances.
Package Area2D provides methods for working with Area2D object instances. |
Package Area3D provides methods for working with Area3D object instances.
Package Area3D provides methods for working with Area3D object instances. |
Package ArrayMesh provides methods for working with ArrayMesh object instances.
Package ArrayMesh provides methods for working with ArrayMesh object instances. |
Package ArrayOccluder3D provides methods for working with ArrayOccluder3D object instances.
Package ArrayOccluder3D provides methods for working with ArrayOccluder3D object instances. |
Package AspectRatioContainer provides methods for working with AspectRatioContainer object instances.
Package AspectRatioContainer provides methods for working with AspectRatioContainer object instances. |
Package AtlasTexture provides methods for working with AtlasTexture object instances.
Package AtlasTexture provides methods for working with AtlasTexture object instances. |
Package AudioBusLayout provides methods for working with AudioBusLayout object instances.
Package AudioBusLayout provides methods for working with AudioBusLayout object instances. |
Package AudioEffect provides methods for working with AudioEffect object instances.
Package AudioEffect provides methods for working with AudioEffect object instances. |
Package AudioEffectAmplify provides methods for working with AudioEffectAmplify object instances.
Package AudioEffectAmplify provides methods for working with AudioEffectAmplify object instances. |
Package AudioEffectBandLimitFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectBandLimitFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectBandLimitFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectBandLimitFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectBandPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectBandPassFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectBandPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectBandPassFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectCapture provides methods for working with AudioEffectCapture object instances.
Package AudioEffectCapture provides methods for working with AudioEffectCapture object instances. |
Package AudioEffectChorus provides methods for working with AudioEffectChorus object instances.
Package AudioEffectChorus provides methods for working with AudioEffectChorus object instances. |
Package AudioEffectCompressor provides methods for working with AudioEffectCompressor object instances.
Package AudioEffectCompressor provides methods for working with AudioEffectCompressor object instances. |
Package AudioEffectDelay provides methods for working with AudioEffectDelay object instances.
Package AudioEffectDelay provides methods for working with AudioEffectDelay object instances. |
Package AudioEffectDistortion provides methods for working with AudioEffectDistortion object instances.
Package AudioEffectDistortion provides methods for working with AudioEffectDistortion object instances. |
Package AudioEffectEQ provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ object instances.
Package AudioEffectEQ provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ object instances. |
Package AudioEffectEQ10 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ10 object instances.
Package AudioEffectEQ10 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ10 object instances. |
Package AudioEffectEQ21 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ21 object instances.
Package AudioEffectEQ21 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ21 object instances. |
Package AudioEffectEQ6 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ6 object instances.
Package AudioEffectEQ6 provides methods for working with AudioEffectEQ6 object instances. |
Package AudioEffectFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectHardLimiter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHardLimiter object instances.
Package AudioEffectHardLimiter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHardLimiter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectHighPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHighPassFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectHighPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHighPassFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectHighShelfFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHighShelfFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectHighShelfFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectHighShelfFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectInstance provides methods for working with AudioEffectInstance object instances.
Package AudioEffectInstance provides methods for working with AudioEffectInstance object instances. |
Package AudioEffectLimiter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLimiter object instances.
Package AudioEffectLimiter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLimiter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectLowPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLowPassFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectLowPassFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLowPassFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectLowShelfFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLowShelfFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectLowShelfFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectLowShelfFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectNotchFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectNotchFilter object instances.
Package AudioEffectNotchFilter provides methods for working with AudioEffectNotchFilter object instances. |
Package AudioEffectPanner provides methods for working with AudioEffectPanner object instances.
Package AudioEffectPanner provides methods for working with AudioEffectPanner object instances. |
Package AudioEffectPhaser provides methods for working with AudioEffectPhaser object instances.
Package AudioEffectPhaser provides methods for working with AudioEffectPhaser object instances. |
Package AudioEffectPitchShift provides methods for working with AudioEffectPitchShift object instances.
Package AudioEffectPitchShift provides methods for working with AudioEffectPitchShift object instances. |
Package AudioEffectRecord provides methods for working with AudioEffectRecord object instances.
Package AudioEffectRecord provides methods for working with AudioEffectRecord object instances. |
Package AudioEffectReverb provides methods for working with AudioEffectReverb object instances.
Package AudioEffectReverb provides methods for working with AudioEffectReverb object instances. |
Package AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer provides methods for working with AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer object instances.
Package AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer provides methods for working with AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer object instances. |
Package AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance provides methods for working with AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance object instances.
Package AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance provides methods for working with AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance object instances. |
Package AudioEffectStereoEnhance provides methods for working with AudioEffectStereoEnhance object instances.
Package AudioEffectStereoEnhance provides methods for working with AudioEffectStereoEnhance object instances. |
Package AudioListener2D provides methods for working with AudioListener2D object instances.
Package AudioListener2D provides methods for working with AudioListener2D object instances. |
Package AudioListener3D provides methods for working with AudioListener3D object instances.
Package AudioListener3D provides methods for working with AudioListener3D object instances. |
Package AudioSample provides methods for working with AudioSample object instances.
Package AudioSample provides methods for working with AudioSample object instances. |
Package AudioSamplePlayback provides methods for working with AudioSamplePlayback object instances.
Package AudioSamplePlayback provides methods for working with AudioSamplePlayback object instances. |
Package AudioServer provides methods for working with AudioServer object instances.
Package AudioServer provides methods for working with AudioServer object instances. |
Package AudioStream provides methods for working with AudioStream object instances.
Package AudioStream provides methods for working with AudioStream object instances. |
Package AudioStreamGenerator provides methods for working with AudioStreamGenerator object instances.
Package AudioStreamGenerator provides methods for working with AudioStreamGenerator object instances. |
Package AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback provides methods for working with AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback object instances.
Package AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback provides methods for working with AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback object instances. |
Package AudioStreamInteractive provides methods for working with AudioStreamInteractive object instances.
Package AudioStreamInteractive provides methods for working with AudioStreamInteractive object instances. |
Package AudioStreamMP3 provides methods for working with AudioStreamMP3 object instances.
Package AudioStreamMP3 provides methods for working with AudioStreamMP3 object instances. |
Package AudioStreamMicrophone provides methods for working with AudioStreamMicrophone object instances.
Package AudioStreamMicrophone provides methods for working with AudioStreamMicrophone object instances. |
Package AudioStreamOggVorbis provides methods for working with AudioStreamOggVorbis object instances.
Package AudioStreamOggVorbis provides methods for working with AudioStreamOggVorbis object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlayback provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayback object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlayback provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayback object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackInteractive object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackPlaylist object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackResampled provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackResampled object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackResampled provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackResampled object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaybackSynchronized object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlayer provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlayer provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlayer2D provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer2D object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlayer2D provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer2D object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlayer3D provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer3D object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlayer3D provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlayer3D object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPlaylist provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaylist object instances.
Package AudioStreamPlaylist provides methods for working with AudioStreamPlaylist object instances. |
Package AudioStreamPolyphonic provides methods for working with AudioStreamPolyphonic object instances.
Package AudioStreamPolyphonic provides methods for working with AudioStreamPolyphonic object instances. |
Package AudioStreamRandomizer provides methods for working with AudioStreamRandomizer object instances.
Package AudioStreamRandomizer provides methods for working with AudioStreamRandomizer object instances. |
Package AudioStreamSynchronized provides methods for working with AudioStreamSynchronized object instances.
Package AudioStreamSynchronized provides methods for working with AudioStreamSynchronized object instances. |
Package AudioStreamWAV provides methods for working with AudioStreamWAV object instances.
Package AudioStreamWAV provides methods for working with AudioStreamWAV object instances. |
Package BackBufferCopy provides methods for working with BackBufferCopy object instances.
Package BackBufferCopy provides methods for working with BackBufferCopy object instances. |
Package BaseButton provides methods for working with BaseButton object instances.
Package BaseButton provides methods for working with BaseButton object instances. |
Package BaseMaterial3D provides methods for working with BaseMaterial3D object instances.
Package BaseMaterial3D provides methods for working with BaseMaterial3D object instances. |
Package BitMap provides methods for working with BitMap object instances.
Package BitMap provides methods for working with BitMap object instances. |
Package Bone2D provides methods for working with Bone2D object instances.
Package Bone2D provides methods for working with Bone2D object instances. |
Package BoneAttachment3D provides methods for working with BoneAttachment3D object instances.
Package BoneAttachment3D provides methods for working with BoneAttachment3D object instances. |
Package BoneMap provides methods for working with BoneMap object instances.
Package BoneMap provides methods for working with BoneMap object instances. |
Package BoxContainer provides methods for working with BoxContainer object instances.
Package BoxContainer provides methods for working with BoxContainer object instances. |
Package BoxMesh provides methods for working with BoxMesh object instances.
Package BoxMesh provides methods for working with BoxMesh object instances. |
Package BoxOccluder3D provides methods for working with BoxOccluder3D object instances.
Package BoxOccluder3D provides methods for working with BoxOccluder3D object instances. |
Package BoxShape3D provides methods for working with BoxShape3D object instances.
Package BoxShape3D provides methods for working with BoxShape3D object instances. |
Package Button provides methods for working with Button object instances.
Package Button provides methods for working with Button object instances. |
Package ButtonGroup provides methods for working with ButtonGroup object instances.
Package ButtonGroup provides methods for working with ButtonGroup object instances. |
Package CPUParticles2D provides methods for working with CPUParticles2D object instances.
Package CPUParticles2D provides methods for working with CPUParticles2D object instances. |
Package CPUParticles3D provides methods for working with CPUParticles3D object instances.
Package CPUParticles3D provides methods for working with CPUParticles3D object instances. |
Package CSGBox3D provides methods for working with CSGBox3D object instances.
Package CSGBox3D provides methods for working with CSGBox3D object instances. |
Package CSGCombiner3D provides methods for working with CSGCombiner3D object instances.
Package CSGCombiner3D provides methods for working with CSGCombiner3D object instances. |
Package CSGCylinder3D provides methods for working with CSGCylinder3D object instances.
Package CSGCylinder3D provides methods for working with CSGCylinder3D object instances. |
Package CSGMesh3D provides methods for working with CSGMesh3D object instances.
Package CSGMesh3D provides methods for working with CSGMesh3D object instances. |
Package CSGPolygon3D provides methods for working with CSGPolygon3D object instances.
Package CSGPolygon3D provides methods for working with CSGPolygon3D object instances. |
Package CSGPrimitive3D provides methods for working with CSGPrimitive3D object instances.
Package CSGPrimitive3D provides methods for working with CSGPrimitive3D object instances. |
Package CSGShape3D provides methods for working with CSGShape3D object instances.
Package CSGShape3D provides methods for working with CSGShape3D object instances. |
Package CSGSphere3D provides methods for working with CSGSphere3D object instances.
Package CSGSphere3D provides methods for working with CSGSphere3D object instances. |
Package CSGTorus3D provides methods for working with CSGTorus3D object instances.
Package CSGTorus3D provides methods for working with CSGTorus3D object instances. |
Package CallbackTweener provides methods for working with CallbackTweener object instances.
Package CallbackTweener provides methods for working with CallbackTweener object instances. |
Package Camera2D provides methods for working with Camera2D object instances.
Package Camera2D provides methods for working with Camera2D object instances. |
Package Camera3D provides methods for working with Camera3D object instances.
Package Camera3D provides methods for working with Camera3D object instances. |
Package CameraAttributes provides methods for working with CameraAttributes object instances.
Package CameraAttributes provides methods for working with CameraAttributes object instances. |
Package CameraAttributesPhysical provides methods for working with CameraAttributesPhysical object instances.
Package CameraAttributesPhysical provides methods for working with CameraAttributesPhysical object instances. |
Package CameraAttributesPractical provides methods for working with CameraAttributesPractical object instances.
Package CameraAttributesPractical provides methods for working with CameraAttributesPractical object instances. |
Package CameraFeed provides methods for working with CameraFeed object instances.
Package CameraFeed provides methods for working with CameraFeed object instances. |
Package CameraServer provides methods for working with CameraServer object instances.
Package CameraServer provides methods for working with CameraServer object instances. |
Package CameraTexture provides methods for working with CameraTexture object instances.
Package CameraTexture provides methods for working with CameraTexture object instances. |
Package CanvasGroup provides methods for working with CanvasGroup object instances.
Package CanvasGroup provides methods for working with CanvasGroup object instances. |
Package CanvasItem provides methods for working with CanvasItem object instances.
Package CanvasItem provides methods for working with CanvasItem object instances. |
Package CanvasItemMaterial provides methods for working with CanvasItemMaterial object instances.
Package CanvasItemMaterial provides methods for working with CanvasItemMaterial object instances. |
Package CanvasLayer provides methods for working with CanvasLayer object instances.
Package CanvasLayer provides methods for working with CanvasLayer object instances. |
Package CanvasModulate provides methods for working with CanvasModulate object instances.
Package CanvasModulate provides methods for working with CanvasModulate object instances. |
Package CanvasTexture provides methods for working with CanvasTexture object instances.
Package CanvasTexture provides methods for working with CanvasTexture object instances. |
Package CapsuleMesh provides methods for working with CapsuleMesh object instances.
Package CapsuleMesh provides methods for working with CapsuleMesh object instances. |
Package CapsuleShape2D provides methods for working with CapsuleShape2D object instances.
Package CapsuleShape2D provides methods for working with CapsuleShape2D object instances. |
Package CapsuleShape3D provides methods for working with CapsuleShape3D object instances.
Package CapsuleShape3D provides methods for working with CapsuleShape3D object instances. |
Package CenterContainer provides methods for working with CenterContainer object instances.
Package CenterContainer provides methods for working with CenterContainer object instances. |
Package CharFXTransform provides methods for working with CharFXTransform object instances.
Package CharFXTransform provides methods for working with CharFXTransform object instances. |
Package CharacterBody2D provides methods for working with CharacterBody2D object instances.
Package CharacterBody2D provides methods for working with CharacterBody2D object instances. |
Package CharacterBody3D provides methods for working with CharacterBody3D object instances.
Package CharacterBody3D provides methods for working with CharacterBody3D object instances. |
Package CheckBox provides methods for working with CheckBox object instances.
Package CheckBox provides methods for working with CheckBox object instances. |
Package CheckButton provides methods for working with CheckButton object instances.
Package CheckButton provides methods for working with CheckButton object instances. |
Package CircleShape2D provides methods for working with CircleShape2D object instances.
Package CircleShape2D provides methods for working with CircleShape2D object instances. |
Package ClassDB provides methods for working with ClassDB object instances.
Package ClassDB provides methods for working with ClassDB object instances. |
Package CodeEdit provides methods for working with CodeEdit object instances.
Package CodeEdit provides methods for working with CodeEdit object instances. |
Package CodeHighlighter provides methods for working with CodeHighlighter object instances.
Package CodeHighlighter provides methods for working with CodeHighlighter object instances. |
Package CollisionObject2D provides methods for working with CollisionObject2D object instances.
Package CollisionObject2D provides methods for working with CollisionObject2D object instances. |
Package CollisionObject3D provides methods for working with CollisionObject3D object instances.
Package CollisionObject3D provides methods for working with CollisionObject3D object instances. |
Package CollisionPolygon2D provides methods for working with CollisionPolygon2D object instances.
Package CollisionPolygon2D provides methods for working with CollisionPolygon2D object instances. |
Package CollisionPolygon3D provides methods for working with CollisionPolygon3D object instances.
Package CollisionPolygon3D provides methods for working with CollisionPolygon3D object instances. |
Package CollisionShape2D provides methods for working with CollisionShape2D object instances.
Package CollisionShape2D provides methods for working with CollisionShape2D object instances. |
Package CollisionShape3D provides methods for working with CollisionShape3D object instances.
Package CollisionShape3D provides methods for working with CollisionShape3D object instances. |
Package ColorPalette provides methods for working with ColorPalette object instances.
Package ColorPalette provides methods for working with ColorPalette object instances. |
Package ColorPicker provides methods for working with ColorPicker object instances.
Package ColorPicker provides methods for working with ColorPicker object instances. |
Package ColorPickerButton provides methods for working with ColorPickerButton object instances.
Package ColorPickerButton provides methods for working with ColorPickerButton object instances. |
Package ColorRect provides methods for working with ColorRect object instances.
Package ColorRect provides methods for working with ColorRect object instances. |
Package Compositor provides methods for working with Compositor object instances.
Package Compositor provides methods for working with Compositor object instances. |
Package CompositorEffect provides methods for working with CompositorEffect object instances.
Package CompositorEffect provides methods for working with CompositorEffect object instances. |
Package CompressedCubemap provides methods for working with CompressedCubemap object instances.
Package CompressedCubemap provides methods for working with CompressedCubemap object instances. |
Package CompressedCubemapArray provides methods for working with CompressedCubemapArray object instances.
Package CompressedCubemapArray provides methods for working with CompressedCubemapArray object instances. |
Package CompressedTexture2D provides methods for working with CompressedTexture2D object instances.
Package CompressedTexture2D provides methods for working with CompressedTexture2D object instances. |
Package CompressedTexture2DArray provides methods for working with CompressedTexture2DArray object instances.
Package CompressedTexture2DArray provides methods for working with CompressedTexture2DArray object instances. |
Package CompressedTexture3D provides methods for working with CompressedTexture3D object instances.
Package CompressedTexture3D provides methods for working with CompressedTexture3D object instances. |
Package CompressedTextureLayered provides methods for working with CompressedTextureLayered object instances.
Package CompressedTextureLayered provides methods for working with CompressedTextureLayered object instances. |
Package ConcavePolygonShape2D provides methods for working with ConcavePolygonShape2D object instances.
Package ConcavePolygonShape2D provides methods for working with ConcavePolygonShape2D object instances. |
Package ConcavePolygonShape3D provides methods for working with ConcavePolygonShape3D object instances.
Package ConcavePolygonShape3D provides methods for working with ConcavePolygonShape3D object instances. |
Package ConeTwistJoint3D provides methods for working with ConeTwistJoint3D object instances.
Package ConeTwistJoint3D provides methods for working with ConeTwistJoint3D object instances. |
Package ConfigFile provides methods for working with ConfigFile object instances.
Package ConfigFile provides methods for working with ConfigFile object instances. |
Package ConfirmationDialog provides methods for working with ConfirmationDialog object instances.
Package ConfirmationDialog provides methods for working with ConfirmationDialog object instances. |
Package Container provides methods for working with Container object instances.
Package Container provides methods for working with Container object instances. |
Package Control provides methods for working with Control object instances.
Package Control provides methods for working with Control object instances. |
Package ConvexPolygonShape2D provides methods for working with ConvexPolygonShape2D object instances.
Package ConvexPolygonShape2D provides methods for working with ConvexPolygonShape2D object instances. |
Package ConvexPolygonShape3D provides methods for working with ConvexPolygonShape3D object instances.
Package ConvexPolygonShape3D provides methods for working with ConvexPolygonShape3D object instances. |
Package Crypto provides methods for working with Crypto object instances.
Package Crypto provides methods for working with Crypto object instances. |
Package CryptoKey provides methods for working with CryptoKey object instances.
Package CryptoKey provides methods for working with CryptoKey object instances. |
Package Cubemap provides methods for working with Cubemap object instances.
Package Cubemap provides methods for working with Cubemap object instances. |
Package CubemapArray provides methods for working with CubemapArray object instances.
Package CubemapArray provides methods for working with CubemapArray object instances. |
Package Curve provides methods for working with Curve object instances.
Package Curve provides methods for working with Curve object instances. |
Package Curve2D provides methods for working with Curve2D object instances.
Package Curve2D provides methods for working with Curve2D object instances. |
Package Curve3D provides methods for working with Curve3D object instances.
Package Curve3D provides methods for working with Curve3D object instances. |
Package CurveTexture provides methods for working with CurveTexture object instances.
Package CurveTexture provides methods for working with CurveTexture object instances. |
Package CurveXYZTexture provides methods for working with CurveXYZTexture object instances.
Package CurveXYZTexture provides methods for working with CurveXYZTexture object instances. |
Package CylinderMesh provides methods for working with CylinderMesh object instances.
Package CylinderMesh provides methods for working with CylinderMesh object instances. |
Package CylinderShape3D provides methods for working with CylinderShape3D object instances.
Package CylinderShape3D provides methods for working with CylinderShape3D object instances. |
Package DTLSServer provides methods for working with DTLSServer object instances.
Package DTLSServer provides methods for working with DTLSServer object instances. |
Package DampedSpringJoint2D provides methods for working with DampedSpringJoint2D object instances.
Package DampedSpringJoint2D provides methods for working with DampedSpringJoint2D object instances. |
Package Decal provides methods for working with Decal object instances.
Package Decal provides methods for working with Decal object instances. |
Package DirAccess provides methods for working with DirAccess object instances.
Package DirAccess provides methods for working with DirAccess object instances. |
Package DirectionalLight2D provides methods for working with DirectionalLight2D object instances.
Package DirectionalLight2D provides methods for working with DirectionalLight2D object instances. |
Package DirectionalLight3D provides methods for working with DirectionalLight3D object instances.
Package DirectionalLight3D provides methods for working with DirectionalLight3D object instances. |
Package DisplayServer provides methods for working with DisplayServer object instances.
Package DisplayServer provides methods for working with DisplayServer object instances. |
Package ENetConnection provides methods for working with ENetConnection object instances.
Package ENetConnection provides methods for working with ENetConnection object instances. |
Package ENetMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with ENetMultiplayerPeer object instances.
Package ENetMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with ENetMultiplayerPeer object instances. |
Package ENetPacketPeer provides methods for working with ENetPacketPeer object instances.
Package ENetPacketPeer provides methods for working with ENetPacketPeer object instances. |
Package EditorCommandPalette provides methods for working with EditorCommandPalette object instances.
Package EditorCommandPalette provides methods for working with EditorCommandPalette object instances. |
Package EditorContextMenuPlugin provides methods for working with EditorContextMenuPlugin object instances.
Package EditorContextMenuPlugin provides methods for working with EditorContextMenuPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorDebuggerPlugin provides methods for working with EditorDebuggerPlugin object instances.
Package EditorDebuggerPlugin provides methods for working with EditorDebuggerPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorDebuggerSession provides methods for working with EditorDebuggerSession object instances.
Package EditorDebuggerSession provides methods for working with EditorDebuggerSession object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatform provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatform object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatform provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatform object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformAndroid provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformAndroid object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformAndroid provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformAndroid object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformExtension provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformExtension object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformExtension provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformExtension object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformIOS provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformIOS object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformIOS provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformIOS object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformMacOS provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformMacOS object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformMacOS provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformMacOS object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformPC provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformPC object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformPC provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformPC object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformWeb provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformWeb object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformWeb provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformWeb object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlatformWindows provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformWindows object instances.
Package EditorExportPlatformWindows provides methods for working with EditorExportPlatformWindows object instances. |
Package EditorExportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorExportPlugin object instances.
Package EditorExportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorExportPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorExportPreset provides methods for working with EditorExportPreset object instances.
Package EditorExportPreset provides methods for working with EditorExportPreset object instances. |
Package EditorFeatureProfile provides methods for working with EditorFeatureProfile object instances.
Package EditorFeatureProfile provides methods for working with EditorFeatureProfile object instances. |
Package EditorFileDialog provides methods for working with EditorFileDialog object instances.
Package EditorFileDialog provides methods for working with EditorFileDialog object instances. |
Package EditorFileSystem provides methods for working with EditorFileSystem object instances.
Package EditorFileSystem provides methods for working with EditorFileSystem object instances. |
Package EditorFileSystemDirectory provides methods for working with EditorFileSystemDirectory object instances.
Package EditorFileSystemDirectory provides methods for working with EditorFileSystemDirectory object instances. |
Package EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery provides methods for working with EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery object instances.
Package EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery provides methods for working with EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery object instances. |
Package EditorImportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorImportPlugin object instances.
Package EditorImportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorImportPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorInspector provides methods for working with EditorInspector object instances.
Package EditorInspector provides methods for working with EditorInspector object instances. |
Package EditorInspectorPlugin provides methods for working with EditorInspectorPlugin object instances.
Package EditorInspectorPlugin provides methods for working with EditorInspectorPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorInterface provides methods for working with EditorInterface object instances.
Package EditorInterface provides methods for working with EditorInterface object instances. |
Package EditorNode3DGizmo provides methods for working with EditorNode3DGizmo object instances.
Package EditorNode3DGizmo provides methods for working with EditorNode3DGizmo object instances. |
Package EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin provides methods for working with EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin object instances.
Package EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin provides methods for working with EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorPaths provides methods for working with EditorPaths object instances.
Package EditorPaths provides methods for working with EditorPaths object instances. |
Package EditorPlugin provides methods for working with EditorPlugin object instances.
Package EditorPlugin provides methods for working with EditorPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorProperty provides methods for working with EditorProperty object instances.
Package EditorProperty provides methods for working with EditorProperty object instances. |
Package EditorResourceConversionPlugin provides methods for working with EditorResourceConversionPlugin object instances.
Package EditorResourceConversionPlugin provides methods for working with EditorResourceConversionPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorResourcePicker provides methods for working with EditorResourcePicker object instances.
Package EditorResourcePicker provides methods for working with EditorResourcePicker object instances. |
Package EditorResourcePreview provides methods for working with EditorResourcePreview object instances.
Package EditorResourcePreview provides methods for working with EditorResourcePreview object instances. |
Package EditorResourcePreviewGenerator provides methods for working with EditorResourcePreviewGenerator object instances.
Package EditorResourcePreviewGenerator provides methods for working with EditorResourcePreviewGenerator object instances. |
Package EditorResourceTooltipPlugin provides methods for working with EditorResourceTooltipPlugin object instances.
Package EditorResourceTooltipPlugin provides methods for working with EditorResourceTooltipPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorSceneFormatImporter provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporter object instances.
Package EditorSceneFormatImporter provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporter object instances. |
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend object instances.
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend object instances. |
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF object instances.
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF object instances. |
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF object instances.
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF object instances. |
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX object instances.
Package EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX provides methods for working with EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX object instances. |
Package EditorScenePostImport provides methods for working with EditorScenePostImport object instances.
Package EditorScenePostImport provides methods for working with EditorScenePostImport object instances. |
Package EditorScenePostImportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorScenePostImportPlugin object instances.
Package EditorScenePostImportPlugin provides methods for working with EditorScenePostImportPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorScript provides methods for working with EditorScript object instances.
Package EditorScript provides methods for working with EditorScript object instances. |
Package EditorScriptPicker provides methods for working with EditorScriptPicker object instances.
Package EditorScriptPicker provides methods for working with EditorScriptPicker object instances. |
Package EditorSelection provides methods for working with EditorSelection object instances.
Package EditorSelection provides methods for working with EditorSelection object instances. |
Package EditorSettings provides methods for working with EditorSettings object instances.
Package EditorSettings provides methods for working with EditorSettings object instances. |
Package EditorSpinSlider provides methods for working with EditorSpinSlider object instances.
Package EditorSpinSlider provides methods for working with EditorSpinSlider object instances. |
Package EditorSyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with EditorSyntaxHighlighter object instances.
Package EditorSyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with EditorSyntaxHighlighter object instances. |
Package EditorToaster provides methods for working with EditorToaster object instances.
Package EditorToaster provides methods for working with EditorToaster object instances. |
Package EditorTranslationParserPlugin provides methods for working with EditorTranslationParserPlugin object instances.
Package EditorTranslationParserPlugin provides methods for working with EditorTranslationParserPlugin object instances. |
Package EditorUndoRedoManager provides methods for working with EditorUndoRedoManager object instances.
Package EditorUndoRedoManager provides methods for working with EditorUndoRedoManager object instances. |
Package EditorVCSInterface provides methods for working with EditorVCSInterface object instances.
Package EditorVCSInterface provides methods for working with EditorVCSInterface object instances. |
Package EncodedObjectAsID provides methods for working with EncodedObjectAsID object instances.
Package EncodedObjectAsID provides methods for working with EncodedObjectAsID object instances. |
Package Engine provides methods for working with Engine object instances.
Package Engine provides methods for working with Engine object instances. |
Package EngineDebugger provides methods for working with EngineDebugger object instances.
Package EngineDebugger provides methods for working with EngineDebugger object instances. |
Package EngineProfiler provides methods for working with EngineProfiler object instances.
Package EngineProfiler provides methods for working with EngineProfiler object instances. |
Package Environment provides methods for working with Environment object instances.
Package Environment provides methods for working with Environment object instances. |
Package Expression provides methods for working with Expression object instances.
Package Expression provides methods for working with Expression object instances. |
Package ExternalTexture provides methods for working with ExternalTexture object instances.
Package ExternalTexture provides methods for working with ExternalTexture object instances. |
Package FBXDocument provides methods for working with FBXDocument object instances.
Package FBXDocument provides methods for working with FBXDocument object instances. |
Package FBXState provides methods for working with FBXState object instances.
Package FBXState provides methods for working with FBXState object instances. |
Package FastNoiseLite provides methods for working with FastNoiseLite object instances.
Package FastNoiseLite provides methods for working with FastNoiseLite object instances. |
Package FileAccess provides methods for working with FileAccess object instances.
Package FileAccess provides methods for working with FileAccess object instances. |
Package FileDialog provides methods for working with FileDialog object instances.
Package FileDialog provides methods for working with FileDialog object instances. |
Package FileSystemDock provides methods for working with FileSystemDock object instances.
Package FileSystemDock provides methods for working with FileSystemDock object instances. |
Package FlowContainer provides methods for working with FlowContainer object instances.
Package FlowContainer provides methods for working with FlowContainer object instances. |
Package FogMaterial provides methods for working with FogMaterial object instances.
Package FogMaterial provides methods for working with FogMaterial object instances. |
Package FogVolume provides methods for working with FogVolume object instances.
Package FogVolume provides methods for working with FogVolume object instances. |
Package Font provides methods for working with Font object instances.
Package Font provides methods for working with Font object instances. |
Package FontFile provides methods for working with FontFile object instances.
Package FontFile provides methods for working with FontFile object instances. |
Package FontVariation provides methods for working with FontVariation object instances.
Package FontVariation provides methods for working with FontVariation object instances. |
Package FramebufferCacheRD provides methods for working with FramebufferCacheRD object instances.
Package FramebufferCacheRD provides methods for working with FramebufferCacheRD object instances. |
Package GDExtension provides methods for working with GDExtension object instances.
Package GDExtension provides methods for working with GDExtension object instances. |
Package GDExtensionManager provides methods for working with GDExtensionManager object instances.
Package GDExtensionManager provides methods for working with GDExtensionManager object instances. |
Package GDScript provides methods for working with GDScript object instances.
Package GDScript provides methods for working with GDScript object instances. |
Package GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter object instances.
Package GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter object instances. |
Package GLTFAccessor provides methods for working with GLTFAccessor object instances.
Package GLTFAccessor provides methods for working with GLTFAccessor object instances. |
Package GLTFAnimation provides methods for working with GLTFAnimation object instances.
Package GLTFAnimation provides methods for working with GLTFAnimation object instances. |
Package GLTFBufferView provides methods for working with GLTFBufferView object instances.
Package GLTFBufferView provides methods for working with GLTFBufferView object instances. |
Package GLTFCamera provides methods for working with GLTFCamera object instances.
Package GLTFCamera provides methods for working with GLTFCamera object instances. |
Package GLTFDocument provides methods for working with GLTFDocument object instances.
Package GLTFDocument provides methods for working with GLTFDocument object instances. |
Package GLTFDocumentExtension provides methods for working with GLTFDocumentExtension object instances.
Package GLTFDocumentExtension provides methods for working with GLTFDocumentExtension object instances. |
Package GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh provides methods for working with GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh object instances.
Package GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh provides methods for working with GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh object instances. |
Package GLTFLight provides methods for working with GLTFLight object instances.
Package GLTFLight provides methods for working with GLTFLight object instances. |
Package GLTFMesh provides methods for working with GLTFMesh object instances.
Package GLTFMesh provides methods for working with GLTFMesh object instances. |
Package GLTFNode provides methods for working with GLTFNode object instances.
Package GLTFNode provides methods for working with GLTFNode object instances. |
Package GLTFObjectModelProperty provides methods for working with GLTFObjectModelProperty object instances.
Package GLTFObjectModelProperty provides methods for working with GLTFObjectModelProperty object instances. |
Package GLTFPhysicsBody provides methods for working with GLTFPhysicsBody object instances.
Package GLTFPhysicsBody provides methods for working with GLTFPhysicsBody object instances. |
Package GLTFPhysicsShape provides methods for working with GLTFPhysicsShape object instances.
Package GLTFPhysicsShape provides methods for working with GLTFPhysicsShape object instances. |
Package GLTFSkeleton provides methods for working with GLTFSkeleton object instances.
Package GLTFSkeleton provides methods for working with GLTFSkeleton object instances. |
Package GLTFSkin provides methods for working with GLTFSkin object instances.
Package GLTFSkin provides methods for working with GLTFSkin object instances. |
Package GLTFSpecGloss provides methods for working with GLTFSpecGloss object instances.
Package GLTFSpecGloss provides methods for working with GLTFSpecGloss object instances. |
Package GLTFState provides methods for working with GLTFState object instances.
Package GLTFState provides methods for working with GLTFState object instances. |
Package GLTFTexture provides methods for working with GLTFTexture object instances.
Package GLTFTexture provides methods for working with GLTFTexture object instances. |
Package GLTFTextureSampler provides methods for working with GLTFTextureSampler object instances.
Package GLTFTextureSampler provides methods for working with GLTFTextureSampler object instances. |
Package GPUParticles2D provides methods for working with GPUParticles2D object instances.
Package GPUParticles2D provides methods for working with GPUParticles2D object instances. |
Package GPUParticles3D provides methods for working with GPUParticles3D object instances.
Package GPUParticles3D provides methods for working with GPUParticles3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesAttractor3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractor3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesAttractor3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractor3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesCollision3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollision3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesCollision3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollision3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D object instances. |
Package GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D object instances.
Package GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D provides methods for working with GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D object instances. |
Package Generic6DOFJoint3D provides methods for working with Generic6DOFJoint3D object instances.
Package Generic6DOFJoint3D provides methods for working with Generic6DOFJoint3D object instances. |
Package Geometry2D provides methods for working with Geometry2D object instances.
Package Geometry2D provides methods for working with Geometry2D object instances. |
Package Geometry3D provides methods for working with Geometry3D object instances.
Package Geometry3D provides methods for working with Geometry3D object instances. |
Package GeometryInstance3D provides methods for working with GeometryInstance3D object instances.
Package GeometryInstance3D provides methods for working with GeometryInstance3D object instances. |
Package Gradient provides methods for working with Gradient object instances.
Package Gradient provides methods for working with Gradient object instances. |
Package GradientTexture1D provides methods for working with GradientTexture1D object instances.
Package GradientTexture1D provides methods for working with GradientTexture1D object instances. |
Package GradientTexture2D provides methods for working with GradientTexture2D object instances.
Package GradientTexture2D provides methods for working with GradientTexture2D object instances. |
Package GraphEdit provides methods for working with GraphEdit object instances.
Package GraphEdit provides methods for working with GraphEdit object instances. |
Package GraphElement provides methods for working with GraphElement object instances.
Package GraphElement provides methods for working with GraphElement object instances. |
Package GraphFrame provides methods for working with GraphFrame object instances.
Package GraphFrame provides methods for working with GraphFrame object instances. |
Package GraphNode provides methods for working with GraphNode object instances.
Package GraphNode provides methods for working with GraphNode object instances. |
Package GridContainer provides methods for working with GridContainer object instances.
Package GridContainer provides methods for working with GridContainer object instances. |
Package GridMap provides methods for working with GridMap object instances.
Package GridMap provides methods for working with GridMap object instances. |
Package GridMapEditorPlugin provides methods for working with GridMapEditorPlugin object instances.
Package GridMapEditorPlugin provides methods for working with GridMapEditorPlugin object instances. |
Package GrooveJoint2D provides methods for working with GrooveJoint2D object instances.
Package GrooveJoint2D provides methods for working with GrooveJoint2D object instances. |
Package HBoxContainer provides methods for working with HBoxContainer object instances.
Package HBoxContainer provides methods for working with HBoxContainer object instances. |
Package HFlowContainer provides methods for working with HFlowContainer object instances.
Package HFlowContainer provides methods for working with HFlowContainer object instances. |
Package HMACContext provides methods for working with HMACContext object instances.
Package HMACContext provides methods for working with HMACContext object instances. |
Package HScrollBar provides methods for working with HScrollBar object instances.
Package HScrollBar provides methods for working with HScrollBar object instances. |
Package HSeparator provides methods for working with HSeparator object instances.
Package HSeparator provides methods for working with HSeparator object instances. |
Package HSlider provides methods for working with HSlider object instances.
Package HSlider provides methods for working with HSlider object instances. |
Package HSplitContainer provides methods for working with HSplitContainer object instances.
Package HSplitContainer provides methods for working with HSplitContainer object instances. |
Package HTTPClient provides methods for working with HTTPClient object instances.
Package HTTPClient provides methods for working with HTTPClient object instances. |
Package HTTPRequest provides methods for working with HTTPRequest object instances.
Package HTTPRequest provides methods for working with HTTPRequest object instances. |
Package HashingContext provides methods for working with HashingContext object instances.
Package HashingContext provides methods for working with HashingContext object instances. |
Package HeightMapShape3D provides methods for working with HeightMapShape3D object instances.
Package HeightMapShape3D provides methods for working with HeightMapShape3D object instances. |
Package HingeJoint3D provides methods for working with HingeJoint3D object instances.
Package HingeJoint3D provides methods for working with HingeJoint3D object instances. |
Package IP provides methods for working with IP object instances.
Package IP provides methods for working with IP object instances. |
Package Image provides methods for working with Image object instances.
Package Image provides methods for working with Image object instances. |
Package ImageFormatLoader provides methods for working with ImageFormatLoader object instances.
Package ImageFormatLoader provides methods for working with ImageFormatLoader object instances. |
Package ImageFormatLoaderExtension provides methods for working with ImageFormatLoaderExtension object instances.
Package ImageFormatLoaderExtension provides methods for working with ImageFormatLoaderExtension object instances. |
Package ImageTexture provides methods for working with ImageTexture object instances.
Package ImageTexture provides methods for working with ImageTexture object instances. |
Package ImageTexture3D provides methods for working with ImageTexture3D object instances.
Package ImageTexture3D provides methods for working with ImageTexture3D object instances. |
Package ImageTextureLayered provides methods for working with ImageTextureLayered object instances.
Package ImageTextureLayered provides methods for working with ImageTextureLayered object instances. |
Package ImmediateMesh provides methods for working with ImmediateMesh object instances.
Package ImmediateMesh provides methods for working with ImmediateMesh object instances. |
Package ImporterMesh provides methods for working with ImporterMesh object instances.
Package ImporterMesh provides methods for working with ImporterMesh object instances. |
Package ImporterMeshInstance3D provides methods for working with ImporterMeshInstance3D object instances.
Package ImporterMeshInstance3D provides methods for working with ImporterMeshInstance3D object instances. |
Package Input provides methods for working with Input object instances.
Package Input provides methods for working with Input object instances. |
Package InputEvent provides methods for working with InputEvent object instances.
Package InputEvent provides methods for working with InputEvent object instances. |
Package InputEventAction provides methods for working with InputEventAction object instances.
Package InputEventAction provides methods for working with InputEventAction object instances. |
Package InputEventFromWindow provides methods for working with InputEventFromWindow object instances.
Package InputEventFromWindow provides methods for working with InputEventFromWindow object instances. |
Package InputEventGesture provides methods for working with InputEventGesture object instances.
Package InputEventGesture provides methods for working with InputEventGesture object instances. |
Package InputEventJoypadButton provides methods for working with InputEventJoypadButton object instances.
Package InputEventJoypadButton provides methods for working with InputEventJoypadButton object instances. |
Package InputEventJoypadMotion provides methods for working with InputEventJoypadMotion object instances.
Package InputEventJoypadMotion provides methods for working with InputEventJoypadMotion object instances. |
Package InputEventKey provides methods for working with InputEventKey object instances.
Package InputEventKey provides methods for working with InputEventKey object instances. |
Package InputEventMIDI provides methods for working with InputEventMIDI object instances.
Package InputEventMIDI provides methods for working with InputEventMIDI object instances. |
Package InputEventMagnifyGesture provides methods for working with InputEventMagnifyGesture object instances.
Package InputEventMagnifyGesture provides methods for working with InputEventMagnifyGesture object instances. |
Package InputEventMouse provides methods for working with InputEventMouse object instances.
Package InputEventMouse provides methods for working with InputEventMouse object instances. |
Package InputEventMouseButton provides methods for working with InputEventMouseButton object instances.
Package InputEventMouseButton provides methods for working with InputEventMouseButton object instances. |
Package InputEventMouseMotion provides methods for working with InputEventMouseMotion object instances.
Package InputEventMouseMotion provides methods for working with InputEventMouseMotion object instances. |
Package InputEventPanGesture provides methods for working with InputEventPanGesture object instances.
Package InputEventPanGesture provides methods for working with InputEventPanGesture object instances. |
Package InputEventScreenDrag provides methods for working with InputEventScreenDrag object instances.
Package InputEventScreenDrag provides methods for working with InputEventScreenDrag object instances. |
Package InputEventScreenTouch provides methods for working with InputEventScreenTouch object instances.
Package InputEventScreenTouch provides methods for working with InputEventScreenTouch object instances. |
Package InputEventShortcut provides methods for working with InputEventShortcut object instances.
Package InputEventShortcut provides methods for working with InputEventShortcut object instances. |
Package InputEventWithModifiers provides methods for working with InputEventWithModifiers object instances.
Package InputEventWithModifiers provides methods for working with InputEventWithModifiers object instances. |
Package InputMap provides methods for working with InputMap object instances.
Package InputMap provides methods for working with InputMap object instances. |
Package InstancePlaceholder provides methods for working with InstancePlaceholder object instances.
Package InstancePlaceholder provides methods for working with InstancePlaceholder object instances. |
Package IntervalTweener provides methods for working with IntervalTweener object instances.
Package IntervalTweener provides methods for working with IntervalTweener object instances. |
Package ItemList provides methods for working with ItemList object instances.
Package ItemList provides methods for working with ItemList object instances. |
Package JNISingleton provides methods for working with JNISingleton object instances.
Package JNISingleton provides methods for working with JNISingleton object instances. |
Package JSON provides methods for working with JSON object instances.
Package JSON provides methods for working with JSON object instances. |
Package JSONRPC provides methods for working with JSONRPC object instances.
Package JSONRPC provides methods for working with JSONRPC object instances. |
Package JavaClass provides methods for working with JavaClass object instances.
Package JavaClass provides methods for working with JavaClass object instances. |
Package JavaClassWrapper provides methods for working with JavaClassWrapper object instances.
Package JavaClassWrapper provides methods for working with JavaClassWrapper object instances. |
Package JavaObject provides methods for working with JavaObject object instances.
Package JavaObject provides methods for working with JavaObject object instances. |
Package JavaScriptBridge provides methods for working with JavaScriptBridge object instances.
Package JavaScriptBridge provides methods for working with JavaScriptBridge object instances. |
Package JavaScriptObject provides methods for working with JavaScriptObject object instances.
Package JavaScriptObject provides methods for working with JavaScriptObject object instances. |
Package Joint2D provides methods for working with Joint2D object instances.
Package Joint2D provides methods for working with Joint2D object instances. |
Package Joint3D provides methods for working with Joint3D object instances.
Package Joint3D provides methods for working with Joint3D object instances. |
Package KinematicCollision2D provides methods for working with KinematicCollision2D object instances.
Package KinematicCollision2D provides methods for working with KinematicCollision2D object instances. |
Package KinematicCollision3D provides methods for working with KinematicCollision3D object instances.
Package KinematicCollision3D provides methods for working with KinematicCollision3D object instances. |
Package Label provides methods for working with Label object instances.
Package Label provides methods for working with Label object instances. |
Package Label3D provides methods for working with Label3D object instances.
Package Label3D provides methods for working with Label3D object instances. |
Package LabelSettings provides methods for working with LabelSettings object instances.
Package LabelSettings provides methods for working with LabelSettings object instances. |
Package Light2D provides methods for working with Light2D object instances.
Package Light2D provides methods for working with Light2D object instances. |
Package Light3D provides methods for working with Light3D object instances.
Package Light3D provides methods for working with Light3D object instances. |
Package LightOccluder2D provides methods for working with LightOccluder2D object instances.
Package LightOccluder2D provides methods for working with LightOccluder2D object instances. |
Package LightmapGI provides methods for working with LightmapGI object instances.
Package LightmapGI provides methods for working with LightmapGI object instances. |
Package LightmapGIData provides methods for working with LightmapGIData object instances.
Package LightmapGIData provides methods for working with LightmapGIData object instances. |
Package LightmapProbe provides methods for working with LightmapProbe object instances.
Package LightmapProbe provides methods for working with LightmapProbe object instances. |
Package Lightmapper provides methods for working with Lightmapper object instances.
Package Lightmapper provides methods for working with Lightmapper object instances. |
Package LightmapperRD provides methods for working with LightmapperRD object instances.
Package LightmapperRD provides methods for working with LightmapperRD object instances. |
Package Line2D provides methods for working with Line2D object instances.
Package Line2D provides methods for working with Line2D object instances. |
Package LineEdit provides methods for working with LineEdit object instances.
Package LineEdit provides methods for working with LineEdit object instances. |
Package LinkButton provides methods for working with LinkButton object instances.
Package LinkButton provides methods for working with LinkButton object instances. |
Package LookAtModifier3D provides methods for working with LookAtModifier3D object instances.
Package LookAtModifier3D provides methods for working with LookAtModifier3D object instances. |
Package MainLoop provides methods for working with MainLoop object instances.
Package MainLoop provides methods for working with MainLoop object instances. |
Package MarginContainer provides methods for working with MarginContainer object instances.
Package MarginContainer provides methods for working with MarginContainer object instances. |
Package Marker2D provides methods for working with Marker2D object instances.
Package Marker2D provides methods for working with Marker2D object instances. |
Package Marker3D provides methods for working with Marker3D object instances.
Package Marker3D provides methods for working with Marker3D object instances. |
Package Marshalls provides methods for working with Marshalls object instances.
Package Marshalls provides methods for working with Marshalls object instances. |
Package Material provides methods for working with Material object instances.
Package Material provides methods for working with Material object instances. |
Package MenuBar provides methods for working with MenuBar object instances.
Package MenuBar provides methods for working with MenuBar object instances. |
Package MenuButton provides methods for working with MenuButton object instances.
Package MenuButton provides methods for working with MenuButton object instances. |
Package Mesh provides methods for working with Mesh object instances.
Package Mesh provides methods for working with Mesh object instances. |
Package MeshConvexDecompositionSettings provides methods for working with MeshConvexDecompositionSettings object instances.
Package MeshConvexDecompositionSettings provides methods for working with MeshConvexDecompositionSettings object instances. |
Package MeshDataTool provides methods for working with MeshDataTool object instances.
Package MeshDataTool provides methods for working with MeshDataTool object instances. |
Package MeshInstance2D provides methods for working with MeshInstance2D object instances.
Package MeshInstance2D provides methods for working with MeshInstance2D object instances. |
Package MeshInstance3D provides methods for working with MeshInstance3D object instances.
Package MeshInstance3D provides methods for working with MeshInstance3D object instances. |
Package MeshLibrary provides methods for working with MeshLibrary object instances.
Package MeshLibrary provides methods for working with MeshLibrary object instances. |
Package MeshTexture provides methods for working with MeshTexture object instances.
Package MeshTexture provides methods for working with MeshTexture object instances. |
Package MethodTweener provides methods for working with MethodTweener object instances.
Package MethodTweener provides methods for working with MethodTweener object instances. |
Package MissingNode provides methods for working with MissingNode object instances.
Package MissingNode provides methods for working with MissingNode object instances. |
Package MissingResource provides methods for working with MissingResource object instances.
Package MissingResource provides methods for working with MissingResource object instances. |
Package MobileVRInterface provides methods for working with MobileVRInterface object instances.
Package MobileVRInterface provides methods for working with MobileVRInterface object instances. |
Package MovieWriter provides methods for working with MovieWriter object instances.
Package MovieWriter provides methods for working with MovieWriter object instances. |
Package MultiMesh provides methods for working with MultiMesh object instances.
Package MultiMesh provides methods for working with MultiMesh object instances. |
Package MultiMeshInstance2D provides methods for working with MultiMeshInstance2D object instances.
Package MultiMeshInstance2D provides methods for working with MultiMeshInstance2D object instances. |
Package MultiMeshInstance3D provides methods for working with MultiMeshInstance3D object instances.
Package MultiMeshInstance3D provides methods for working with MultiMeshInstance3D object instances. |
Package MultiplayerAPI provides methods for working with MultiplayerAPI object instances.
Package MultiplayerAPI provides methods for working with MultiplayerAPI object instances. |
Package MultiplayerAPIExtension provides methods for working with MultiplayerAPIExtension object instances.
Package MultiplayerAPIExtension provides methods for working with MultiplayerAPIExtension object instances. |
Package MultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with MultiplayerPeer object instances.
Package MultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with MultiplayerPeer object instances. |
Package MultiplayerPeerExtension provides methods for working with MultiplayerPeerExtension object instances.
Package MultiplayerPeerExtension provides methods for working with MultiplayerPeerExtension object instances. |
Package MultiplayerSpawner provides methods for working with MultiplayerSpawner object instances.
Package MultiplayerSpawner provides methods for working with MultiplayerSpawner object instances. |
Package MultiplayerSynchronizer provides methods for working with MultiplayerSynchronizer object instances.
Package MultiplayerSynchronizer provides methods for working with MultiplayerSynchronizer object instances. |
Package Mutex provides methods for working with Mutex object instances.
Package Mutex provides methods for working with Mutex object instances. |
Package NativeMenu provides methods for working with NativeMenu object instances.
Package NativeMenu provides methods for working with NativeMenu object instances. |
Package NavigationAgent2D provides methods for working with NavigationAgent2D object instances.
Package NavigationAgent2D provides methods for working with NavigationAgent2D object instances. |
Package NavigationAgent3D provides methods for working with NavigationAgent3D object instances.
Package NavigationAgent3D provides methods for working with NavigationAgent3D object instances. |
Package NavigationLink2D provides methods for working with NavigationLink2D object instances.
Package NavigationLink2D provides methods for working with NavigationLink2D object instances. |
Package NavigationLink3D provides methods for working with NavigationLink3D object instances.
Package NavigationLink3D provides methods for working with NavigationLink3D object instances. |
Package NavigationMesh provides methods for working with NavigationMesh object instances.
Package NavigationMesh provides methods for working with NavigationMesh object instances. |
Package NavigationMeshGenerator provides methods for working with NavigationMeshGenerator object instances.
Package NavigationMeshGenerator provides methods for working with NavigationMeshGenerator object instances. |
Package NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D provides methods for working with NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D object instances.
Package NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D provides methods for working with NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D object instances. |
Package NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D provides methods for working with NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D object instances.
Package NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D provides methods for working with NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D object instances. |
Package NavigationObstacle2D provides methods for working with NavigationObstacle2D object instances.
Package NavigationObstacle2D provides methods for working with NavigationObstacle2D object instances. |
Package NavigationObstacle3D provides methods for working with NavigationObstacle3D object instances.
Package NavigationObstacle3D provides methods for working with NavigationObstacle3D object instances. |
Package NavigationPathQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryParameters2D object instances.
Package NavigationPathQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryParameters2D object instances. |
Package NavigationPathQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryParameters3D object instances.
Package NavigationPathQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryParameters3D object instances. |
Package NavigationPathQueryResult2D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryResult2D object instances.
Package NavigationPathQueryResult2D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryResult2D object instances. |
Package NavigationPathQueryResult3D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryResult3D object instances.
Package NavigationPathQueryResult3D provides methods for working with NavigationPathQueryResult3D object instances. |
Package NavigationPolygon provides methods for working with NavigationPolygon object instances.
Package NavigationPolygon provides methods for working with NavigationPolygon object instances. |
Package NavigationRegion2D provides methods for working with NavigationRegion2D object instances.
Package NavigationRegion2D provides methods for working with NavigationRegion2D object instances. |
Package NavigationRegion3D provides methods for working with NavigationRegion3D object instances.
Package NavigationRegion3D provides methods for working with NavigationRegion3D object instances. |
Package NavigationServer2D provides methods for working with NavigationServer2D object instances.
Package NavigationServer2D provides methods for working with NavigationServer2D object instances. |
Package NavigationServer3D provides methods for working with NavigationServer3D object instances.
Package NavigationServer3D provides methods for working with NavigationServer3D object instances. |
Package NinePatchRect provides methods for working with NinePatchRect object instances.
Package NinePatchRect provides methods for working with NinePatchRect object instances. |
Package Node provides methods for working with Node object instances.
Package Node provides methods for working with Node object instances. |
Package Node2D provides methods for working with Node2D object instances.
Package Node2D provides methods for working with Node2D object instances. |
Package Node3D provides methods for working with Node3D object instances.
Package Node3D provides methods for working with Node3D object instances. |
Package Node3DGizmo provides methods for working with Node3DGizmo object instances.
Package Node3DGizmo provides methods for working with Node3DGizmo object instances. |
Package Noise provides methods for working with Noise object instances.
Package Noise provides methods for working with Noise object instances. |
Package NoiseTexture2D provides methods for working with NoiseTexture2D object instances.
Package NoiseTexture2D provides methods for working with NoiseTexture2D object instances. |
Package NoiseTexture3D provides methods for working with NoiseTexture3D object instances.
Package NoiseTexture3D provides methods for working with NoiseTexture3D object instances. |
Package ORMMaterial3D provides methods for working with ORMMaterial3D object instances.
Package ORMMaterial3D provides methods for working with ORMMaterial3D object instances. |
Package OS provides methods for working with OS object instances.
Package OS provides methods for working with OS object instances. |
Package Occluder3D provides methods for working with Occluder3D object instances.
Package Occluder3D provides methods for working with Occluder3D object instances. |
Package OccluderInstance3D provides methods for working with OccluderInstance3D object instances.
Package OccluderInstance3D provides methods for working with OccluderInstance3D object instances. |
Package OccluderPolygon2D provides methods for working with OccluderPolygon2D object instances.
Package OccluderPolygon2D provides methods for working with OccluderPolygon2D object instances. |
Package OfflineMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with OfflineMultiplayerPeer object instances.
Package OfflineMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with OfflineMultiplayerPeer object instances. |
Package OggPacketSequence provides methods for working with OggPacketSequence object instances.
Package OggPacketSequence provides methods for working with OggPacketSequence object instances. |
Package OggPacketSequencePlayback provides methods for working with OggPacketSequencePlayback object instances.
Package OggPacketSequencePlayback provides methods for working with OggPacketSequencePlayback object instances. |
Package OmniLight3D provides methods for working with OmniLight3D object instances.
Package OmniLight3D provides methods for working with OmniLight3D object instances. |
Package OpenXRAPIExtension provides methods for working with OpenXRAPIExtension object instances.
Package OpenXRAPIExtension provides methods for working with OpenXRAPIExtension object instances. |
Package OpenXRAction provides methods for working with OpenXRAction object instances.
Package OpenXRAction provides methods for working with OpenXRAction object instances. |
Package OpenXRActionBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRActionBindingModifier object instances.
Package OpenXRActionBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRActionBindingModifier object instances. |
Package OpenXRActionMap provides methods for working with OpenXRActionMap object instances.
Package OpenXRActionMap provides methods for working with OpenXRActionMap object instances. |
Package OpenXRActionSet provides methods for working with OpenXRActionSet object instances.
Package OpenXRActionSet provides methods for working with OpenXRActionSet object instances. |
Package OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier object instances.
Package OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRAnalogThresholdModifier object instances. |
Package OpenXRBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRBindingModifier object instances.
Package OpenXRBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRBindingModifier object instances. |
Package OpenXRBindingModifierEditor provides methods for working with OpenXRBindingModifierEditor object instances.
Package OpenXRBindingModifierEditor provides methods for working with OpenXRBindingModifierEditor object instances. |
Package OpenXRCompositionLayer provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayer object instances.
Package OpenXRCompositionLayer provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayer object instances. |
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder object instances.
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerCylinder object instances. |
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect object instances.
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerEquirect object instances. |
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad object instances.
Package OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad provides methods for working with OpenXRCompositionLayerQuad object instances. |
Package OpenXRDpadBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRDpadBindingModifier object instances.
Package OpenXRDpadBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRDpadBindingModifier object instances. |
Package OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension provides methods for working with OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension object instances.
Package OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension provides methods for working with OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension object instances. |
Package OpenXRHand provides methods for working with OpenXRHand object instances.
Package OpenXRHand provides methods for working with OpenXRHand object instances. |
Package OpenXRHapticBase provides methods for working with OpenXRHapticBase object instances.
Package OpenXRHapticBase provides methods for working with OpenXRHapticBase object instances. |
Package OpenXRHapticVibration provides methods for working with OpenXRHapticVibration object instances.
Package OpenXRHapticVibration provides methods for working with OpenXRHapticVibration object instances. |
Package OpenXRIPBinding provides methods for working with OpenXRIPBinding object instances.
Package OpenXRIPBinding provides methods for working with OpenXRIPBinding object instances. |
Package OpenXRIPBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRIPBindingModifier object instances.
Package OpenXRIPBindingModifier provides methods for working with OpenXRIPBindingModifier object instances. |
Package OpenXRInteractionProfile provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfile object instances.
Package OpenXRInteractionProfile provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfile object instances. |
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor object instances.
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileEditor object instances. |
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase object instances.
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileEditorBase object instances. |
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata object instances.
Package OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata provides methods for working with OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata object instances. |
Package OpenXRInterface provides methods for working with OpenXRInterface object instances.
Package OpenXRInterface provides methods for working with OpenXRInterface object instances. |
Package OpenXRVisibilityMask provides methods for working with OpenXRVisibilityMask object instances.
Package OpenXRVisibilityMask provides methods for working with OpenXRVisibilityMask object instances. |
Package OptimizedTranslation provides methods for working with OptimizedTranslation object instances.
Package OptimizedTranslation provides methods for working with OptimizedTranslation object instances. |
Package OptionButton provides methods for working with OptionButton object instances.
Package OptionButton provides methods for working with OptionButton object instances. |
Package PCKPacker provides methods for working with PCKPacker object instances.
Package PCKPacker provides methods for working with PCKPacker object instances. |
Package PackedDataContainer provides methods for working with PackedDataContainer object instances.
Package PackedDataContainer provides methods for working with PackedDataContainer object instances. |
Package PackedDataContainerRef provides methods for working with PackedDataContainerRef object instances.
Package PackedDataContainerRef provides methods for working with PackedDataContainerRef object instances. |
Package PackedScene provides methods for working with PackedScene object instances.
Package PackedScene provides methods for working with PackedScene object instances. |
Package PacketPeer provides methods for working with PacketPeer object instances.
Package PacketPeer provides methods for working with PacketPeer object instances. |
Package PacketPeerDTLS provides methods for working with PacketPeerDTLS object instances.
Package PacketPeerDTLS provides methods for working with PacketPeerDTLS object instances. |
Package PacketPeerExtension provides methods for working with PacketPeerExtension object instances.
Package PacketPeerExtension provides methods for working with PacketPeerExtension object instances. |
Package PacketPeerStream provides methods for working with PacketPeerStream object instances.
Package PacketPeerStream provides methods for working with PacketPeerStream object instances. |
Package PacketPeerUDP provides methods for working with PacketPeerUDP object instances.
Package PacketPeerUDP provides methods for working with PacketPeerUDP object instances. |
Package Panel provides methods for working with Panel object instances.
Package Panel provides methods for working with Panel object instances. |
Package PanelContainer provides methods for working with PanelContainer object instances.
Package PanelContainer provides methods for working with PanelContainer object instances. |
Package PanoramaSkyMaterial provides methods for working with PanoramaSkyMaterial object instances.
Package PanoramaSkyMaterial provides methods for working with PanoramaSkyMaterial object instances. |
Package Parallax2D provides methods for working with Parallax2D object instances.
Package Parallax2D provides methods for working with Parallax2D object instances. |
Package ParallaxBackground provides methods for working with ParallaxBackground object instances.
Package ParallaxBackground provides methods for working with ParallaxBackground object instances. |
Package ParallaxLayer provides methods for working with ParallaxLayer object instances.
Package ParallaxLayer provides methods for working with ParallaxLayer object instances. |
Package ParticleProcessMaterial provides methods for working with ParticleProcessMaterial object instances.
Package ParticleProcessMaterial provides methods for working with ParticleProcessMaterial object instances. |
Package Path2D provides methods for working with Path2D object instances.
Package Path2D provides methods for working with Path2D object instances. |
Package Path3D provides methods for working with Path3D object instances.
Package Path3D provides methods for working with Path3D object instances. |
Package PathFollow2D provides methods for working with PathFollow2D object instances.
Package PathFollow2D provides methods for working with PathFollow2D object instances. |
Package PathFollow3D provides methods for working with PathFollow3D object instances.
Package PathFollow3D provides methods for working with PathFollow3D object instances. |
Package Performance provides methods for working with Performance object instances.
Package Performance provides methods for working with Performance object instances. |
Package PhysicalBone2D provides methods for working with PhysicalBone2D object instances.
Package PhysicalBone2D provides methods for working with PhysicalBone2D object instances. |
Package PhysicalBone3D provides methods for working with PhysicalBone3D object instances.
Package PhysicalBone3D provides methods for working with PhysicalBone3D object instances. |
Package PhysicalBoneSimulator3D provides methods for working with PhysicalBoneSimulator3D object instances.
Package PhysicalBoneSimulator3D provides methods for working with PhysicalBoneSimulator3D object instances. |
Package PhysicalSkyMaterial provides methods for working with PhysicalSkyMaterial object instances.
Package PhysicalSkyMaterial provides methods for working with PhysicalSkyMaterial object instances. |
Package PhysicsBody2D provides methods for working with PhysicsBody2D object instances.
Package PhysicsBody2D provides methods for working with PhysicsBody2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsBody3D provides methods for working with PhysicsBody3D object instances.
Package PhysicsBody3D provides methods for working with PhysicsBody3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState2D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState2D object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState2D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState3D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState3D object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState3D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsMaterial provides methods for working with PhysicsMaterial object instances.
Package PhysicsMaterial provides methods for working with PhysicsMaterial object instances. |
Package PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D object instances.
Package PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D object instances.
Package PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D object instances.
Package PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D object instances.
Package PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer2D provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2D object instances.
Package PhysicsServer2D provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsServer2DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer2DManager provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2DManager object instances.
Package PhysicsServer2DManager provides methods for working with PhysicsServer2DManager object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer3D provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3D object instances.
Package PhysicsServer3D provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DExtension object instances.
Package PhysicsServer3DExtension provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DExtension object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer3DManager provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DManager object instances.
Package PhysicsServer3DManager provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DManager object instances. |
Package PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler object instances.
Package PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler provides methods for working with PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler object instances. |
Package PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D object instances.
Package PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D object instances.
Package PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D object instances.
Package PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D object instances.
Package PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D object instances. |
Package PhysicsTestMotionResult2D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionResult2D object instances.
Package PhysicsTestMotionResult2D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionResult2D object instances. |
Package PhysicsTestMotionResult3D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionResult3D object instances.
Package PhysicsTestMotionResult3D provides methods for working with PhysicsTestMotionResult3D object instances. |
Package PinJoint2D provides methods for working with PinJoint2D object instances.
Package PinJoint2D provides methods for working with PinJoint2D object instances. |
Package PinJoint3D provides methods for working with PinJoint3D object instances.
Package PinJoint3D provides methods for working with PinJoint3D object instances. |
Package PlaceholderCubemap provides methods for working with PlaceholderCubemap object instances.
Package PlaceholderCubemap provides methods for working with PlaceholderCubemap object instances. |
Package PlaceholderCubemapArray provides methods for working with PlaceholderCubemapArray object instances.
Package PlaceholderCubemapArray provides methods for working with PlaceholderCubemapArray object instances. |
Package PlaceholderMaterial provides methods for working with PlaceholderMaterial object instances.
Package PlaceholderMaterial provides methods for working with PlaceholderMaterial object instances. |
Package PlaceholderMesh provides methods for working with PlaceholderMesh object instances.
Package PlaceholderMesh provides methods for working with PlaceholderMesh object instances. |
Package PlaceholderTexture2D provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture2D object instances.
Package PlaceholderTexture2D provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture2D object instances. |
Package PlaceholderTexture2DArray provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture2DArray object instances.
Package PlaceholderTexture2DArray provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture2DArray object instances. |
Package PlaceholderTexture3D provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture3D object instances.
Package PlaceholderTexture3D provides methods for working with PlaceholderTexture3D object instances. |
Package PlaceholderTextureLayered provides methods for working with PlaceholderTextureLayered object instances.
Package PlaceholderTextureLayered provides methods for working with PlaceholderTextureLayered object instances. |
Package PlaneMesh provides methods for working with PlaneMesh object instances.
Package PlaneMesh provides methods for working with PlaneMesh object instances. |
Package PointLight2D provides methods for working with PointLight2D object instances.
Package PointLight2D provides methods for working with PointLight2D object instances. |
Package PointMesh provides methods for working with PointMesh object instances.
Package PointMesh provides methods for working with PointMesh object instances. |
Package Polygon2D provides methods for working with Polygon2D object instances.
Package Polygon2D provides methods for working with Polygon2D object instances. |
Package PolygonOccluder3D provides methods for working with PolygonOccluder3D object instances.
Package PolygonOccluder3D provides methods for working with PolygonOccluder3D object instances. |
Package PolygonPathFinder provides methods for working with PolygonPathFinder object instances.
Package PolygonPathFinder provides methods for working with PolygonPathFinder object instances. |
Package Popup provides methods for working with Popup object instances.
Package Popup provides methods for working with Popup object instances. |
Package PopupMenu provides methods for working with PopupMenu object instances.
Package PopupMenu provides methods for working with PopupMenu object instances. |
Package PopupPanel provides methods for working with PopupPanel object instances.
Package PopupPanel provides methods for working with PopupPanel object instances. |
Package PortableCompressedTexture2D provides methods for working with PortableCompressedTexture2D object instances.
Package PortableCompressedTexture2D provides methods for working with PortableCompressedTexture2D object instances. |
Package PrimitiveMesh provides methods for working with PrimitiveMesh object instances.
Package PrimitiveMesh provides methods for working with PrimitiveMesh object instances. |
Package PrismMesh provides methods for working with PrismMesh object instances.
Package PrismMesh provides methods for working with PrismMesh object instances. |
Package ProceduralSkyMaterial provides methods for working with ProceduralSkyMaterial object instances.
Package ProceduralSkyMaterial provides methods for working with ProceduralSkyMaterial object instances. |
Package ProgressBar provides methods for working with ProgressBar object instances.
Package ProgressBar provides methods for working with ProgressBar object instances. |
Package ProjectSettings provides methods for working with ProjectSettings object instances.
Package ProjectSettings provides methods for working with ProjectSettings object instances. |
Package PropertyTweener provides methods for working with PropertyTweener object instances.
Package PropertyTweener provides methods for working with PropertyTweener object instances. |
Package QuadMesh provides methods for working with QuadMesh object instances.
Package QuadMesh provides methods for working with QuadMesh object instances. |
Package QuadOccluder3D provides methods for working with QuadOccluder3D object instances.
Package QuadOccluder3D provides methods for working with QuadOccluder3D object instances. |
Package RDAttachmentFormat provides methods for working with RDAttachmentFormat object instances.
Package RDAttachmentFormat provides methods for working with RDAttachmentFormat object instances. |
Package RDFramebufferPass provides methods for working with RDFramebufferPass object instances.
Package RDFramebufferPass provides methods for working with RDFramebufferPass object instances. |
Package RDPipelineColorBlendState provides methods for working with RDPipelineColorBlendState object instances.
Package RDPipelineColorBlendState provides methods for working with RDPipelineColorBlendState object instances. |
Package RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment provides methods for working with RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment object instances.
Package RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment provides methods for working with RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment object instances. |
Package RDPipelineDepthStencilState provides methods for working with RDPipelineDepthStencilState object instances.
Package RDPipelineDepthStencilState provides methods for working with RDPipelineDepthStencilState object instances. |
Package RDPipelineMultisampleState provides methods for working with RDPipelineMultisampleState object instances.
Package RDPipelineMultisampleState provides methods for working with RDPipelineMultisampleState object instances. |
Package RDPipelineRasterizationState provides methods for working with RDPipelineRasterizationState object instances.
Package RDPipelineRasterizationState provides methods for working with RDPipelineRasterizationState object instances. |
Package RDPipelineSpecializationConstant provides methods for working with RDPipelineSpecializationConstant object instances.
Package RDPipelineSpecializationConstant provides methods for working with RDPipelineSpecializationConstant object instances. |
Package RDSamplerState provides methods for working with RDSamplerState object instances.
Package RDSamplerState provides methods for working with RDSamplerState object instances. |
Package RDShaderFile provides methods for working with RDShaderFile object instances.
Package RDShaderFile provides methods for working with RDShaderFile object instances. |
Package RDShaderSPIRV provides methods for working with RDShaderSPIRV object instances.
Package RDShaderSPIRV provides methods for working with RDShaderSPIRV object instances. |
Package RDShaderSource provides methods for working with RDShaderSource object instances.
Package RDShaderSource provides methods for working with RDShaderSource object instances. |
Package RDTextureFormat provides methods for working with RDTextureFormat object instances.
Package RDTextureFormat provides methods for working with RDTextureFormat object instances. |
Package RDTextureView provides methods for working with RDTextureView object instances.
Package RDTextureView provides methods for working with RDTextureView object instances. |
Package RDUniform provides methods for working with RDUniform object instances.
Package RDUniform provides methods for working with RDUniform object instances. |
Package RDVertexAttribute provides methods for working with RDVertexAttribute object instances.
Package RDVertexAttribute provides methods for working with RDVertexAttribute object instances. |
Package RandomNumberGenerator provides methods for working with RandomNumberGenerator object instances.
Package RandomNumberGenerator provides methods for working with RandomNumberGenerator object instances. |
Package Range provides methods for working with Range object instances.
Package Range provides methods for working with Range object instances. |
Package RayCast2D provides methods for working with RayCast2D object instances.
Package RayCast2D provides methods for working with RayCast2D object instances. |
Package RayCast3D provides methods for working with RayCast3D object instances.
Package RayCast3D provides methods for working with RayCast3D object instances. |
Package RectangleShape2D provides methods for working with RectangleShape2D object instances.
Package RectangleShape2D provides methods for working with RectangleShape2D object instances. |
Package ReferenceRect provides methods for working with ReferenceRect object instances.
Package ReferenceRect provides methods for working with ReferenceRect object instances. |
Package ReflectionProbe provides methods for working with ReflectionProbe object instances.
Package ReflectionProbe provides methods for working with ReflectionProbe object instances. |
Package RegEx provides methods for working with RegEx object instances.
Package RegEx provides methods for working with RegEx object instances. |
Package RegExMatch provides methods for working with RegExMatch object instances.
Package RegExMatch provides methods for working with RegExMatch object instances. |
Package RemoteTransform2D provides methods for working with RemoteTransform2D object instances.
Package RemoteTransform2D provides methods for working with RemoteTransform2D object instances. |
Package RemoteTransform3D provides methods for working with RemoteTransform3D object instances.
Package RemoteTransform3D provides methods for working with RemoteTransform3D object instances. |
Package RenderData provides methods for working with RenderData object instances.
Package RenderData provides methods for working with RenderData object instances. |
Package RenderDataExtension provides methods for working with RenderDataExtension object instances.
Package RenderDataExtension provides methods for working with RenderDataExtension object instances. |
Package RenderDataRD provides methods for working with RenderDataRD object instances.
Package RenderDataRD provides methods for working with RenderDataRD object instances. |
Package RenderSceneBuffers provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffers object instances.
Package RenderSceneBuffers provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffers object instances. |
Package RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration object instances.
Package RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration object instances. |
Package RenderSceneBuffersExtension provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersExtension object instances.
Package RenderSceneBuffersExtension provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersExtension object instances. |
Package RenderSceneBuffersRD provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersRD object instances.
Package RenderSceneBuffersRD provides methods for working with RenderSceneBuffersRD object instances. |
Package RenderSceneData provides methods for working with RenderSceneData object instances.
Package RenderSceneData provides methods for working with RenderSceneData object instances. |
Package RenderSceneDataExtension provides methods for working with RenderSceneDataExtension object instances.
Package RenderSceneDataExtension provides methods for working with RenderSceneDataExtension object instances. |
Package RenderSceneDataRD provides methods for working with RenderSceneDataRD object instances.
Package RenderSceneDataRD provides methods for working with RenderSceneDataRD object instances. |
Package RenderingDevice provides methods for working with RenderingDevice object instances.
Package RenderingDevice provides methods for working with RenderingDevice object instances. |
Package RenderingServer provides methods for working with RenderingServer object instances.
Package RenderingServer provides methods for working with RenderingServer object instances. |
Package Resource provides methods for working with Resource object instances.
Package Resource provides methods for working with Resource object instances. |
Package ResourceFormatLoader provides methods for working with ResourceFormatLoader object instances.
Package ResourceFormatLoader provides methods for working with ResourceFormatLoader object instances. |
Package ResourceFormatSaver provides methods for working with ResourceFormatSaver object instances.
Package ResourceFormatSaver provides methods for working with ResourceFormatSaver object instances. |
Package ResourceImporter provides methods for working with ResourceImporter object instances.
Package ResourceImporter provides methods for working with ResourceImporter object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterBMFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterBMFont object instances.
Package ResourceImporterBMFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterBMFont object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterBitMap provides methods for working with ResourceImporterBitMap object instances.
Package ResourceImporterBitMap provides methods for working with ResourceImporterBitMap object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterCSVTranslation provides methods for working with ResourceImporterCSVTranslation object instances.
Package ResourceImporterCSVTranslation provides methods for working with ResourceImporterCSVTranslation object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterDynamicFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterDynamicFont object instances.
Package ResourceImporterDynamicFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterDynamicFont object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterImage provides methods for working with ResourceImporterImage object instances.
Package ResourceImporterImage provides methods for working with ResourceImporterImage object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterImageFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterImageFont object instances.
Package ResourceImporterImageFont provides methods for working with ResourceImporterImageFont object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterLayeredTexture provides methods for working with ResourceImporterLayeredTexture object instances.
Package ResourceImporterLayeredTexture provides methods for working with ResourceImporterLayeredTexture object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterMP3 provides methods for working with ResourceImporterMP3 object instances.
Package ResourceImporterMP3 provides methods for working with ResourceImporterMP3 object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterOBJ provides methods for working with ResourceImporterOBJ object instances.
Package ResourceImporterOBJ provides methods for working with ResourceImporterOBJ object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterOggVorbis provides methods for working with ResourceImporterOggVorbis object instances.
Package ResourceImporterOggVorbis provides methods for working with ResourceImporterOggVorbis object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterScene provides methods for working with ResourceImporterScene object instances.
Package ResourceImporterScene provides methods for working with ResourceImporterScene object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterShaderFile provides methods for working with ResourceImporterShaderFile object instances.
Package ResourceImporterShaderFile provides methods for working with ResourceImporterShaderFile object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterTexture provides methods for working with ResourceImporterTexture object instances.
Package ResourceImporterTexture provides methods for working with ResourceImporterTexture object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterTextureAtlas provides methods for working with ResourceImporterTextureAtlas object instances.
Package ResourceImporterTextureAtlas provides methods for working with ResourceImporterTextureAtlas object instances. |
Package ResourceImporterWAV provides methods for working with ResourceImporterWAV object instances.
Package ResourceImporterWAV provides methods for working with ResourceImporterWAV object instances. |
Package ResourceLoader provides methods for working with ResourceLoader object instances.
Package ResourceLoader provides methods for working with ResourceLoader object instances. |
Package ResourcePreloader provides methods for working with ResourcePreloader object instances.
Package ResourcePreloader provides methods for working with ResourcePreloader object instances. |
Package ResourceSaver provides methods for working with ResourceSaver object instances.
Package ResourceSaver provides methods for working with ResourceSaver object instances. |
Package ResourceUID provides methods for working with ResourceUID object instances.
Package ResourceUID provides methods for working with ResourceUID object instances. |
Package RetargetModifier3D provides methods for working with RetargetModifier3D object instances.
Package RetargetModifier3D provides methods for working with RetargetModifier3D object instances. |
Package RibbonTrailMesh provides methods for working with RibbonTrailMesh object instances.
Package RibbonTrailMesh provides methods for working with RibbonTrailMesh object instances. |
Package RichTextEffect provides methods for working with RichTextEffect object instances.
Package RichTextEffect provides methods for working with RichTextEffect object instances. |
Package RichTextLabel provides methods for working with RichTextLabel object instances.
Package RichTextLabel provides methods for working with RichTextLabel object instances. |
Package RigidBody2D provides methods for working with RigidBody2D object instances.
Package RigidBody2D provides methods for working with RigidBody2D object instances. |
Package RigidBody3D provides methods for working with RigidBody3D object instances.
Package RigidBody3D provides methods for working with RigidBody3D object instances. |
Package RootMotionView provides methods for working with RootMotionView object instances.
Package RootMotionView provides methods for working with RootMotionView object instances. |
Package SceneMultiplayer provides methods for working with SceneMultiplayer object instances.
Package SceneMultiplayer provides methods for working with SceneMultiplayer object instances. |
Package SceneReplicationConfig provides methods for working with SceneReplicationConfig object instances.
Package SceneReplicationConfig provides methods for working with SceneReplicationConfig object instances. |
Package SceneState provides methods for working with SceneState object instances.
Package SceneState provides methods for working with SceneState object instances. |
Package SceneTree provides methods for working with SceneTree object instances.
Package SceneTree provides methods for working with SceneTree object instances. |
Package SceneTreeTimer provides methods for working with SceneTreeTimer object instances.
Package SceneTreeTimer provides methods for working with SceneTreeTimer object instances. |
Package Script provides methods for working with Script object instances.
Package Script provides methods for working with Script object instances. |
Package ScriptCreateDialog provides methods for working with ScriptCreateDialog object instances.
Package ScriptCreateDialog provides methods for working with ScriptCreateDialog object instances. |
Package ScriptEditor provides methods for working with ScriptEditor object instances.
Package ScriptEditor provides methods for working with ScriptEditor object instances. |
Package ScriptEditorBase provides methods for working with ScriptEditorBase object instances.
Package ScriptEditorBase provides methods for working with ScriptEditorBase object instances. |
Package ScriptExtension provides methods for working with ScriptExtension object instances.
Package ScriptExtension provides methods for working with ScriptExtension object instances. |
Package ScriptLanguage provides methods for working with ScriptLanguage object instances.
Package ScriptLanguage provides methods for working with ScriptLanguage object instances. |
Package ScriptLanguageExtension provides methods for working with ScriptLanguageExtension object instances.
Package ScriptLanguageExtension provides methods for working with ScriptLanguageExtension object instances. |
Package ScrollBar provides methods for working with ScrollBar object instances.
Package ScrollBar provides methods for working with ScrollBar object instances. |
Package ScrollContainer provides methods for working with ScrollContainer object instances.
Package ScrollContainer provides methods for working with ScrollContainer object instances. |
Package SegmentShape2D provides methods for working with SegmentShape2D object instances.
Package SegmentShape2D provides methods for working with SegmentShape2D object instances. |
Package Semaphore provides methods for working with Semaphore object instances.
Package Semaphore provides methods for working with Semaphore object instances. |
Package SeparationRayShape2D provides methods for working with SeparationRayShape2D object instances.
Package SeparationRayShape2D provides methods for working with SeparationRayShape2D object instances. |
Package SeparationRayShape3D provides methods for working with SeparationRayShape3D object instances.
Package SeparationRayShape3D provides methods for working with SeparationRayShape3D object instances. |
Package Separator provides methods for working with Separator object instances.
Package Separator provides methods for working with Separator object instances. |
Package Shader provides methods for working with Shader object instances.
Package Shader provides methods for working with Shader object instances. |
Package ShaderGlobalsOverride provides methods for working with ShaderGlobalsOverride object instances.
Package ShaderGlobalsOverride provides methods for working with ShaderGlobalsOverride object instances. |
Package ShaderInclude provides methods for working with ShaderInclude object instances.
Package ShaderInclude provides methods for working with ShaderInclude object instances. |
Package ShaderIncludeDB provides methods for working with ShaderIncludeDB object instances.
Package ShaderIncludeDB provides methods for working with ShaderIncludeDB object instances. |
Package ShaderMaterial provides methods for working with ShaderMaterial object instances.
Package ShaderMaterial provides methods for working with ShaderMaterial object instances. |
Package Shape2D provides methods for working with Shape2D object instances.
Package Shape2D provides methods for working with Shape2D object instances. |
Package Shape3D provides methods for working with Shape3D object instances.
Package Shape3D provides methods for working with Shape3D object instances. |
Package ShapeCast2D provides methods for working with ShapeCast2D object instances.
Package ShapeCast2D provides methods for working with ShapeCast2D object instances. |
Package ShapeCast3D provides methods for working with ShapeCast3D object instances.
Package ShapeCast3D provides methods for working with ShapeCast3D object instances. |
Package Shortcut provides methods for working with Shortcut object instances.
Package Shortcut provides methods for working with Shortcut object instances. |
Package Skeleton2D provides methods for working with Skeleton2D object instances.
Package Skeleton2D provides methods for working with Skeleton2D object instances. |
Package Skeleton3D provides methods for working with Skeleton3D object instances.
Package Skeleton3D provides methods for working with Skeleton3D object instances. |
Package SkeletonIK3D provides methods for working with SkeletonIK3D object instances.
Package SkeletonIK3D provides methods for working with SkeletonIK3D object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2D provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2D object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2D provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2D object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DCCDIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DCCDIK object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DCCDIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DCCDIK object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DFABRIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DFABRIK object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DFABRIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DFABRIK object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DJiggle provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DJiggle object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DJiggle provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DJiggle object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DLookAt provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DLookAt object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DLookAt provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DLookAt object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DStackHolder provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DStackHolder object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DStackHolder provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DStackHolder object instances. |
Package SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK object instances.
Package SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK provides methods for working with SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK object instances. |
Package SkeletonModificationStack2D provides methods for working with SkeletonModificationStack2D object instances.
Package SkeletonModificationStack2D provides methods for working with SkeletonModificationStack2D object instances. |
Package SkeletonModifier3D provides methods for working with SkeletonModifier3D object instances.
Package SkeletonModifier3D provides methods for working with SkeletonModifier3D object instances. |
Package SkeletonProfile provides methods for working with SkeletonProfile object instances.
Package SkeletonProfile provides methods for working with SkeletonProfile object instances. |
Package SkeletonProfileHumanoid provides methods for working with SkeletonProfileHumanoid object instances.
Package SkeletonProfileHumanoid provides methods for working with SkeletonProfileHumanoid object instances. |
Package Skin provides methods for working with Skin object instances.
Package Skin provides methods for working with Skin object instances. |
Package SkinReference provides methods for working with SkinReference object instances.
Package SkinReference provides methods for working with SkinReference object instances. |
Package Sky provides methods for working with Sky object instances.
Package Sky provides methods for working with Sky object instances. |
Package Slider provides methods for working with Slider object instances.
Package Slider provides methods for working with Slider object instances. |
Package SliderJoint3D provides methods for working with SliderJoint3D object instances.
Package SliderJoint3D provides methods for working with SliderJoint3D object instances. |
Package SoftBody3D provides methods for working with SoftBody3D object instances.
Package SoftBody3D provides methods for working with SoftBody3D object instances. |
Package SphereMesh provides methods for working with SphereMesh object instances.
Package SphereMesh provides methods for working with SphereMesh object instances. |
Package SphereOccluder3D provides methods for working with SphereOccluder3D object instances.
Package SphereOccluder3D provides methods for working with SphereOccluder3D object instances. |
Package SphereShape3D provides methods for working with SphereShape3D object instances.
Package SphereShape3D provides methods for working with SphereShape3D object instances. |
Package SpinBox provides methods for working with SpinBox object instances.
Package SpinBox provides methods for working with SpinBox object instances. |
Package SplitContainer provides methods for working with SplitContainer object instances.
Package SplitContainer provides methods for working with SplitContainer object instances. |
Package SpotLight3D provides methods for working with SpotLight3D object instances.
Package SpotLight3D provides methods for working with SpotLight3D object instances. |
Package SpringArm3D provides methods for working with SpringArm3D object instances.
Package SpringArm3D provides methods for working with SpringArm3D object instances. |
Package SpringBoneCollision3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollision3D object instances.
Package SpringBoneCollision3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollision3D object instances. |
Package SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D object instances.
Package SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionCapsule3D object instances. |
Package SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D object instances.
Package SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionPlane3D object instances. |
Package SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D object instances.
Package SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneCollisionSphere3D object instances. |
Package SpringBoneSimulator3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneSimulator3D object instances.
Package SpringBoneSimulator3D provides methods for working with SpringBoneSimulator3D object instances. |
Package Sprite2D provides methods for working with Sprite2D object instances.
Package Sprite2D provides methods for working with Sprite2D object instances. |
Package Sprite3D provides methods for working with Sprite3D object instances.
Package Sprite3D provides methods for working with Sprite3D object instances. |
Package SpriteBase3D provides methods for working with SpriteBase3D object instances.
Package SpriteBase3D provides methods for working with SpriteBase3D object instances. |
Package SpriteFrames provides methods for working with SpriteFrames object instances.
Package SpriteFrames provides methods for working with SpriteFrames object instances. |
Package StandardMaterial3D provides methods for working with StandardMaterial3D object instances.
Package StandardMaterial3D provides methods for working with StandardMaterial3D object instances. |
Package StaticBody2D provides methods for working with StaticBody2D object instances.
Package StaticBody2D provides methods for working with StaticBody2D object instances. |
Package StaticBody3D provides methods for working with StaticBody3D object instances.
Package StaticBody3D provides methods for working with StaticBody3D object instances. |
Package StatusIndicator provides methods for working with StatusIndicator object instances.
Package StatusIndicator provides methods for working with StatusIndicator object instances. |
Package StreamPeer provides methods for working with StreamPeer object instances.
Package StreamPeer provides methods for working with StreamPeer object instances. |
Package StreamPeerBuffer provides methods for working with StreamPeerBuffer object instances.
Package StreamPeerBuffer provides methods for working with StreamPeerBuffer object instances. |
Package StreamPeerExtension provides methods for working with StreamPeerExtension object instances.
Package StreamPeerExtension provides methods for working with StreamPeerExtension object instances. |
Package StreamPeerGZIP provides methods for working with StreamPeerGZIP object instances.
Package StreamPeerGZIP provides methods for working with StreamPeerGZIP object instances. |
Package StreamPeerTCP provides methods for working with StreamPeerTCP object instances.
Package StreamPeerTCP provides methods for working with StreamPeerTCP object instances. |
Package StreamPeerTLS provides methods for working with StreamPeerTLS object instances.
Package StreamPeerTLS provides methods for working with StreamPeerTLS object instances. |
Package StyleBox provides methods for working with StyleBox object instances.
Package StyleBox provides methods for working with StyleBox object instances. |
Package StyleBoxEmpty provides methods for working with StyleBoxEmpty object instances.
Package StyleBoxEmpty provides methods for working with StyleBoxEmpty object instances. |
Package StyleBoxFlat provides methods for working with StyleBoxFlat object instances.
Package StyleBoxFlat provides methods for working with StyleBoxFlat object instances. |
Package StyleBoxLine provides methods for working with StyleBoxLine object instances.
Package StyleBoxLine provides methods for working with StyleBoxLine object instances. |
Package StyleBoxTexture provides methods for working with StyleBoxTexture object instances.
Package StyleBoxTexture provides methods for working with StyleBoxTexture object instances. |
Package SubViewport provides methods for working with SubViewport object instances.
Package SubViewport provides methods for working with SubViewport object instances. |
Package SubViewportContainer provides methods for working with SubViewportContainer object instances.
Package SubViewportContainer provides methods for working with SubViewportContainer object instances. |
Package SubtweenTweener provides methods for working with SubtweenTweener object instances.
Package SubtweenTweener provides methods for working with SubtweenTweener object instances. |
Package SurfaceTool provides methods for working with SurfaceTool object instances.
Package SurfaceTool provides methods for working with SurfaceTool object instances. |
Package SyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with SyntaxHighlighter object instances.
Package SyntaxHighlighter provides methods for working with SyntaxHighlighter object instances. |
Package SystemFont provides methods for working with SystemFont object instances.
Package SystemFont provides methods for working with SystemFont object instances. |
Package TCPServer provides methods for working with TCPServer object instances.
Package TCPServer provides methods for working with TCPServer object instances. |
Package TLSOptions provides methods for working with TLSOptions object instances.
Package TLSOptions provides methods for working with TLSOptions object instances. |
Package TabBar provides methods for working with TabBar object instances.
Package TabBar provides methods for working with TabBar object instances. |
Package TabContainer provides methods for working with TabContainer object instances.
Package TabContainer provides methods for working with TabContainer object instances. |
Package TextEdit provides methods for working with TextEdit object instances.
Package TextEdit provides methods for working with TextEdit object instances. |
Package TextLine provides methods for working with TextLine object instances.
Package TextLine provides methods for working with TextLine object instances. |
Package TextMesh provides methods for working with TextMesh object instances.
Package TextMesh provides methods for working with TextMesh object instances. |
Package TextParagraph provides methods for working with TextParagraph object instances.
Package TextParagraph provides methods for working with TextParagraph object instances. |
Package TextServer provides methods for working with TextServer object instances.
Package TextServer provides methods for working with TextServer object instances. |
Package TextServerAdvanced provides methods for working with TextServerAdvanced object instances.
Package TextServerAdvanced provides methods for working with TextServerAdvanced object instances. |
Package TextServerDummy provides methods for working with TextServerDummy object instances.
Package TextServerDummy provides methods for working with TextServerDummy object instances. |
Package TextServerExtension provides methods for working with TextServerExtension object instances.
Package TextServerExtension provides methods for working with TextServerExtension object instances. |
Package TextServerManager provides methods for working with TextServerManager object instances.
Package TextServerManager provides methods for working with TextServerManager object instances. |
Package Texture provides methods for working with Texture object instances.
Package Texture provides methods for working with Texture object instances. |
Package Texture2D provides methods for working with Texture2D object instances.
Package Texture2D provides methods for working with Texture2D object instances. |
Package Texture2DArray provides methods for working with Texture2DArray object instances.
Package Texture2DArray provides methods for working with Texture2DArray object instances. |
Package Texture2DArrayRD provides methods for working with Texture2DArrayRD object instances.
Package Texture2DArrayRD provides methods for working with Texture2DArrayRD object instances. |
Package Texture2DRD provides methods for working with Texture2DRD object instances.
Package Texture2DRD provides methods for working with Texture2DRD object instances. |
Package Texture3D provides methods for working with Texture3D object instances.
Package Texture3D provides methods for working with Texture3D object instances. |
Package Texture3DRD provides methods for working with Texture3DRD object instances.
Package Texture3DRD provides methods for working with Texture3DRD object instances. |
Package TextureButton provides methods for working with TextureButton object instances.
Package TextureButton provides methods for working with TextureButton object instances. |
Package TextureCubemapArrayRD provides methods for working with TextureCubemapArrayRD object instances.
Package TextureCubemapArrayRD provides methods for working with TextureCubemapArrayRD object instances. |
Package TextureCubemapRD provides methods for working with TextureCubemapRD object instances.
Package TextureCubemapRD provides methods for working with TextureCubemapRD object instances. |
Package TextureLayered provides methods for working with TextureLayered object instances.
Package TextureLayered provides methods for working with TextureLayered object instances. |
Package TextureLayeredRD provides methods for working with TextureLayeredRD object instances.
Package TextureLayeredRD provides methods for working with TextureLayeredRD object instances. |
Package TextureProgressBar provides methods for working with TextureProgressBar object instances.
Package TextureProgressBar provides methods for working with TextureProgressBar object instances. |
Package TextureRect provides methods for working with TextureRect object instances.
Package TextureRect provides methods for working with TextureRect object instances. |
Package Theme provides methods for working with Theme object instances.
Package Theme provides methods for working with Theme object instances. |
Package ThemeDB provides methods for working with ThemeDB object instances.
Package ThemeDB provides methods for working with ThemeDB object instances. |
Package Thread provides methods for working with Thread object instances.
Package Thread provides methods for working with Thread object instances. |
Package TileData provides methods for working with TileData object instances.
Package TileData provides methods for working with TileData object instances. |
Package TileMap provides methods for working with TileMap object instances.
Package TileMap provides methods for working with TileMap object instances. |
Package TileMapLayer provides methods for working with TileMapLayer object instances.
Package TileMapLayer provides methods for working with TileMapLayer object instances. |
Package TileMapPattern provides methods for working with TileMapPattern object instances.
Package TileMapPattern provides methods for working with TileMapPattern object instances. |
Package TileSet provides methods for working with TileSet object instances.
Package TileSet provides methods for working with TileSet object instances. |
Package TileSetAtlasSource provides methods for working with TileSetAtlasSource object instances.
Package TileSetAtlasSource provides methods for working with TileSetAtlasSource object instances. |
Package TileSetScenesCollectionSource provides methods for working with TileSetScenesCollectionSource object instances.
Package TileSetScenesCollectionSource provides methods for working with TileSetScenesCollectionSource object instances. |
Package TileSetSource provides methods for working with TileSetSource object instances.
Package TileSetSource provides methods for working with TileSetSource object instances. |
Package Time provides methods for working with Time object instances.
Package Time provides methods for working with Time object instances. |
Package Timer provides methods for working with Timer object instances.
Package Timer provides methods for working with Timer object instances. |
Package TorusMesh provides methods for working with TorusMesh object instances.
Package TorusMesh provides methods for working with TorusMesh object instances. |
Package TouchScreenButton provides methods for working with TouchScreenButton object instances.
Package TouchScreenButton provides methods for working with TouchScreenButton object instances. |
Package Translation provides methods for working with Translation object instances.
Package Translation provides methods for working with Translation object instances. |
Package TranslationDomain provides methods for working with TranslationDomain object instances.
Package TranslationDomain provides methods for working with TranslationDomain object instances. |
Package TranslationServer provides methods for working with TranslationServer object instances.
Package TranslationServer provides methods for working with TranslationServer object instances. |
Package Tree provides methods for working with Tree object instances.
Package Tree provides methods for working with Tree object instances. |
Package TreeItem provides methods for working with TreeItem object instances.
Package TreeItem provides methods for working with TreeItem object instances. |
Package TriangleMesh provides methods for working with TriangleMesh object instances.
Package TriangleMesh provides methods for working with TriangleMesh object instances. |
Package TubeTrailMesh provides methods for working with TubeTrailMesh object instances.
Package TubeTrailMesh provides methods for working with TubeTrailMesh object instances. |
Package Tween provides methods for working with Tween object instances.
Package Tween provides methods for working with Tween object instances. |
Package Tweener provides methods for working with Tweener object instances.
Package Tweener provides methods for working with Tweener object instances. |
Package UDPServer provides methods for working with UDPServer object instances.
Package UDPServer provides methods for working with UDPServer object instances. |
Package UPNP provides methods for working with UPNP object instances.
Package UPNP provides methods for working with UPNP object instances. |
Package UPNPDevice provides methods for working with UPNPDevice object instances.
Package UPNPDevice provides methods for working with UPNPDevice object instances. |
Package UndoRedo provides methods for working with UndoRedo object instances.
Package UndoRedo provides methods for working with UndoRedo object instances. |
Package UniformSetCacheRD provides methods for working with UniformSetCacheRD object instances.
Package UniformSetCacheRD provides methods for working with UniformSetCacheRD object instances. |
Package VBoxContainer provides methods for working with VBoxContainer object instances.
Package VBoxContainer provides methods for working with VBoxContainer object instances. |
Package VFlowContainer provides methods for working with VFlowContainer object instances.
Package VFlowContainer provides methods for working with VFlowContainer object instances. |
Package VScrollBar provides methods for working with VScrollBar object instances.
Package VScrollBar provides methods for working with VScrollBar object instances. |
Package VSeparator provides methods for working with VSeparator object instances.
Package VSeparator provides methods for working with VSeparator object instances. |
Package VSlider provides methods for working with VSlider object instances.
Package VSlider provides methods for working with VSlider object instances. |
Package VSplitContainer provides methods for working with VSplitContainer object instances.
Package VSplitContainer provides methods for working with VSplitContainer object instances. |
Package VehicleBody3D provides methods for working with VehicleBody3D object instances.
Package VehicleBody3D provides methods for working with VehicleBody3D object instances. |
Package VehicleWheel3D provides methods for working with VehicleWheel3D object instances.
Package VehicleWheel3D provides methods for working with VehicleWheel3D object instances. |
Package VideoStream provides methods for working with VideoStream object instances.
Package VideoStream provides methods for working with VideoStream object instances. |
Package VideoStreamPlayback provides methods for working with VideoStreamPlayback object instances.
Package VideoStreamPlayback provides methods for working with VideoStreamPlayback object instances. |
Package VideoStreamPlayer provides methods for working with VideoStreamPlayer object instances.
Package VideoStreamPlayer provides methods for working with VideoStreamPlayer object instances. |
Package VideoStreamTheora provides methods for working with VideoStreamTheora object instances.
Package VideoStreamTheora provides methods for working with VideoStreamTheora object instances. |
Package Viewport provides methods for working with Viewport object instances.
Package Viewport provides methods for working with Viewport object instances. |
Package ViewportTexture provides methods for working with ViewportTexture object instances.
Package ViewportTexture provides methods for working with ViewportTexture object instances. |
Package VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D object instances.
Package VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D object instances. |
Package VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D object instances.
Package VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D object instances. |
Package VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D object instances.
Package VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D object instances. |
Package VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D object instances.
Package VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D provides methods for working with VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D object instances. |
Package VisualInstance3D provides methods for working with VisualInstance3D object instances.
Package VisualInstance3D provides methods for working with VisualInstance3D object instances. |
Package VisualShader provides methods for working with VisualShader object instances.
Package VisualShader provides methods for working with VisualShader object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNode provides methods for working with VisualShaderNode object instances.
Package VisualShaderNode provides methods for working with VisualShaderNode object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeBillboard provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBillboard object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeBillboard provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBillboard object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeClamp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeClamp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeClamp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeClamp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeColorConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeColorConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeColorFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeColorFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeColorOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeColorOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeColorParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeColorParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeColorParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeComment provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeComment object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeComment provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeComment object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCompare provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCompare object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCompare provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCompare object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCubemap provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCubemap object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCubemap provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCubemap object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeCustom provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCustom object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeCustom provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeCustom object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeDeterminant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDeterminant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeDeterminant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDeterminant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeDotProduct provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDotProduct object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeDotProduct provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeDotProduct object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeExpression provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeExpression object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeExpression provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeExpression object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFaceForward provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFaceForward object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFaceForward provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFaceForward object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFrame provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFrame object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFrame provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFrame object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeFresnel provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFresnel object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeFresnel provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeFresnel object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeGroupBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeGroupBase object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeGroupBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeGroupBase object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIf provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIf object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIf provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIf object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeInput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeInput object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeInput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeInput object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIntConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIntConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIntFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIntFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIntOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIntOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIntParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIntParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIntParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeIs provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIs object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeIs provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeIs object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeMix provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeMix object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeMix provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeMix object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeOutput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeOutput object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeOutput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeOutput object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParameterRef provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParameterRef object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParameterRef provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParameterRef object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeProximityFade provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeProximityFade object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeProximityFade provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeProximityFade object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeRandomRange provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRandomRange object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeRandomRange provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRandomRange object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeRemap provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRemap object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeRemap provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRemap object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeReroute provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeReroute object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeReroute provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeReroute object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeResizableBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeResizableBase object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeResizableBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeResizableBase object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeSample3D provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSample3D object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeSample3D provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSample3D object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeStep provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeStep object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeStep provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeStep object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeSwitch provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSwitch object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeSwitch provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeSwitch object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture3D provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture3D object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture3D provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture3D object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUVFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUVFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUVFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUVFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVarying provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVarying object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVarying provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVarying object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorBase object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorBase provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorBase object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorLen provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorLen object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorLen provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorLen object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorOp object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorOp provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorOp object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract object instances. |
Package VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth object instances.
Package VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth provides methods for working with VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth object instances. |
Package VoxelGI provides methods for working with VoxelGI object instances.
Package VoxelGI provides methods for working with VoxelGI object instances. |
Package VoxelGIData provides methods for working with VoxelGIData object instances.
Package VoxelGIData provides methods for working with VoxelGIData object instances. |
Package WeakRef provides methods for working with WeakRef object instances.
Package WeakRef provides methods for working with WeakRef object instances. |
Package WebRTCDataChannel provides methods for working with WebRTCDataChannel object instances.
Package WebRTCDataChannel provides methods for working with WebRTCDataChannel object instances. |
Package WebRTCDataChannelExtension provides methods for working with WebRTCDataChannelExtension object instances.
Package WebRTCDataChannelExtension provides methods for working with WebRTCDataChannelExtension object instances. |
Package WebRTCMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with WebRTCMultiplayerPeer object instances.
Package WebRTCMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with WebRTCMultiplayerPeer object instances. |
Package WebRTCPeerConnection provides methods for working with WebRTCPeerConnection object instances.
Package WebRTCPeerConnection provides methods for working with WebRTCPeerConnection object instances. |
Package WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension provides methods for working with WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension object instances.
Package WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension provides methods for working with WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension object instances. |
Package WebSocketMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with WebSocketMultiplayerPeer object instances.
Package WebSocketMultiplayerPeer provides methods for working with WebSocketMultiplayerPeer object instances. |
Package WebSocketPeer provides methods for working with WebSocketPeer object instances.
Package WebSocketPeer provides methods for working with WebSocketPeer object instances. |
Package WebXRInterface provides methods for working with WebXRInterface object instances.
Package WebXRInterface provides methods for working with WebXRInterface object instances. |
Package Window provides methods for working with Window object instances.
Package Window provides methods for working with Window object instances. |
Package WorkerThreadPool provides methods for working with WorkerThreadPool object instances.
Package WorkerThreadPool provides methods for working with WorkerThreadPool object instances. |
Package World2D provides methods for working with World2D object instances.
Package World2D provides methods for working with World2D object instances. |
Package World3D provides methods for working with World3D object instances.
Package World3D provides methods for working with World3D object instances. |
Package WorldBoundaryShape2D provides methods for working with WorldBoundaryShape2D object instances.
Package WorldBoundaryShape2D provides methods for working with WorldBoundaryShape2D object instances. |
Package WorldBoundaryShape3D provides methods for working with WorldBoundaryShape3D object instances.
Package WorldBoundaryShape3D provides methods for working with WorldBoundaryShape3D object instances. |
Package WorldEnvironment provides methods for working with WorldEnvironment object instances.
Package WorldEnvironment provides methods for working with WorldEnvironment object instances. |
Package X509Certificate provides methods for working with X509Certificate object instances.
Package X509Certificate provides methods for working with X509Certificate object instances. |
Package XMLParser provides methods for working with XMLParser object instances.
Package XMLParser provides methods for working with XMLParser object instances. |
Package XRAnchor3D provides methods for working with XRAnchor3D object instances.
Package XRAnchor3D provides methods for working with XRAnchor3D object instances. |
Package XRBodyModifier3D provides methods for working with XRBodyModifier3D object instances.
Package XRBodyModifier3D provides methods for working with XRBodyModifier3D object instances. |
Package XRBodyTracker provides methods for working with XRBodyTracker object instances.
Package XRBodyTracker provides methods for working with XRBodyTracker object instances. |
Package XRCamera3D provides methods for working with XRCamera3D object instances.
Package XRCamera3D provides methods for working with XRCamera3D object instances. |
Package XRController3D provides methods for working with XRController3D object instances.
Package XRController3D provides methods for working with XRController3D object instances. |
Package XRControllerTracker provides methods for working with XRControllerTracker object instances.
Package XRControllerTracker provides methods for working with XRControllerTracker object instances. |
Package XRFaceModifier3D provides methods for working with XRFaceModifier3D object instances.
Package XRFaceModifier3D provides methods for working with XRFaceModifier3D object instances. |
Package XRFaceTracker provides methods for working with XRFaceTracker object instances.
Package XRFaceTracker provides methods for working with XRFaceTracker object instances. |
Package XRHandModifier3D provides methods for working with XRHandModifier3D object instances.
Package XRHandModifier3D provides methods for working with XRHandModifier3D object instances. |
Package XRHandTracker provides methods for working with XRHandTracker object instances.
Package XRHandTracker provides methods for working with XRHandTracker object instances. |
Package XRInterface provides methods for working with XRInterface object instances.
Package XRInterface provides methods for working with XRInterface object instances. |
Package XRInterfaceExtension provides methods for working with XRInterfaceExtension object instances.
Package XRInterfaceExtension provides methods for working with XRInterfaceExtension object instances. |
Package XRNode3D provides methods for working with XRNode3D object instances.
Package XRNode3D provides methods for working with XRNode3D object instances. |
Package XROrigin3D provides methods for working with XROrigin3D object instances.
Package XROrigin3D provides methods for working with XROrigin3D object instances. |
Package XRPose provides methods for working with XRPose object instances.
Package XRPose provides methods for working with XRPose object instances. |
Package XRPositionalTracker provides methods for working with XRPositionalTracker object instances.
Package XRPositionalTracker provides methods for working with XRPositionalTracker object instances. |
Package XRServer provides methods for working with XRServer object instances.
Package XRServer provides methods for working with XRServer object instances. |
Package XRTracker provides methods for working with XRTracker object instances.
Package XRTracker provides methods for working with XRTracker object instances. |
Package XRVRS provides methods for working with XRVRS object instances.
Package XRVRS provides methods for working with XRVRS object instances. |
Package ZIPPacker provides methods for working with ZIPPacker object instances.
Package ZIPPacker provides methods for working with ZIPPacker object instances. |
Package ZIPReader provides methods for working with ZIPReader object instances.
Package ZIPReader provides methods for working with ZIPReader object instances. |