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Path | Synopsis |
Package Inventory containing example part structures and defines a PartSource interface which allows the making of a custom inventory.
Package Inventory containing example part structures and defines a PartSource interface which allows the making of a custom inventory. |
Example labware definitions
Example labware definitions |
Example liquidclasses and liquid properties
Example liquidclasses and liquid properties |
Package parser provides methods for reading file formats, in particular focused toward dna sequence parsing
Package parser provides methods for reading file formats, in particular focused toward dna sequence parsing |
Package for working with bioprocessing unitoperations
Package for working with bioprocessing unitoperations |
Package for dealing with manipulation of buffers Package for dealing with manipulation of buffers
Package for dealing with manipulation of buffers Package for dealing with manipulation of buffers |
pacakge order deals with adding order details to an LHComponent.
pacakge order deals with adding order details to an LHComponent. |
Look up tables stroring device properties.
Look up tables stroring device properties. |
Package doe facilitates DOE methodology in antha
Package doe facilitates DOE methodology in antha |
Package containing formulae for the estimation of evaporation times based upon thermodynamics and empirical equations Package for performing engineering calculations; at present this consists of evaporation rate estimation, thawtime estimation and fluid dynamics Package for performing engineering calculations; at present this consists of evaporation rate estimation, thawtime estimation and fluid dynamics
Package containing formulae for the estimation of evaporation times based upon thermodynamics and empirical equations Package for performing engineering calculations; at present this consists of evaporation rate estimation, thawtime estimation and fluid dynamics Package for performing engineering calculations; at present this consists of evaporation rate estimation, thawtime estimation and fluid dynamics |
Package enzymes for working with enzymes; in particular restriction enzymes
Package enzymes for working with enzymes; in particular restriction enzymes |
Package lookup enables looking up restriction enzyme properties from name.
Package lookup enables looking up restriction enzyme properties from name. |
Package export provides functions for exporting common file formats into the Antha File type.
Package export provides functions for exporting common file formats into the Antha File type. |
Package for interacting with the iGem registry
Package for interacting with the iGem registry |
Package jobfile provides for basic operations for manipulating files associated with a job
Package jobfile provides for basic operations for manipulating files associated with a job |
This is a package that contains types and function used for PCR reactions
This is a package that contains types and function used for PCR reactions |
Package platereader contains functions for manipulating absorbance readings and platereader data.
Package platereader contains functions for manipulating absorbance readings and platereader data. |
interface platereaderparse.go Part of the Antha language Copyright (C) 2015 The Antha authors.
interface platereaderparse.go Part of the Antha language Copyright (C) 2015 The Antha authors. |
Package plot provides methods for plotting data.
Package plot provides methods for plotting data. |
Package for interacting with the pubchem database to look up chemical properties
Package for interacting with the pubchem database to look up chemical properties |
Package rebase for parsing the rebase restriction enzyme database
Package rebase for parsing the rebase restriction enzyme database |
Package schemas contains utilities for defining data schemas.
Package schemas contains utilities for defining data schemas. |
Package search is a utility package providing functions useful for: Searching for a target entry in a slice; Removing duplicate values from a slice; Comparing the Name of two entries of any type with a Name() method returning a string.
Package search is a utility package providing functions useful for: Searching for a target entry in a slice; Removing duplicate values from a slice; Comparing the Name of two entries of any type with a Name() method returning a string. |
Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype synthesisvalidation.go Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype
Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype synthesisvalidation.go Package sequences is for interacting with and manipulating biological sequences; in extension to methods available in wtype |
Package for processing sequencing results
Package for processing sequencing results |
Package align allows aligning Antha sequences using the biogo implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman alignment algorithms
Package align allows aligning Antha sequences using the biogo implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman alignment algorithms |
Package feat provides the base for storage and manipulation of biological interval information.
Package feat provides the base for storage and manipulation of biological interval information. |
Package seqio provides interfaces for sequence I/O functions.
Package seqio provides interfaces for sequence I/O functions. |
Package fasta provides types to read and write FASTA format files.
Package fasta provides types to read and write FASTA format files. |
Package seq provides the base for storage and manipulation of biological sequence information.
Package seq provides the base for storage and manipulation of biological sequence information. |
Package linear handles single sequences.
Package linear handles single sequences. |
Package blast provides support for interaction with the NCBI BLAST service.
Package blast provides support for interaction with the NCBI BLAST service. |
Package entrez provides support for interaction with the NCBI Entrez Utility Programs (E-utilities).
Package entrez provides support for interaction with the NCBI Entrez Utility Programs (E-utilities). |
Package ncbi provides support for interaction with the NCBI services, Entrez and Blast.
Package ncbi provides support for interaction with the NCBI services, Entrez and Blast. |
Package for performing blast queries
Package for performing blast queries |
package for querying all of NCBI databases
package for querying all of NCBI databases |
Package for designing oligos
Package for designing oligos |
package parse converts DNA sequence files into a set of DNA sequences.
package parse converts DNA sequence files into a set of DNA sequences. |
package fasta converts DNA sequence files in FASTA format into a set of DNA sequences.
package fasta converts DNA sequence files in FASTA format into a set of DNA sequences. |
package gdx converts DNA sequence files in .gdx format into a set of DNA sequences.
package gdx converts DNA sequence files in .gdx format into a set of DNA sequences. |
package genbank converts DNA sequence files in genbank format into a set of DNA sequences.
package genbank converts DNA sequence files in genbank format into a set of DNA sequences. |
Package plasmid checks for common plasmid features in a test DNA sequence.
Package plasmid checks for common plasmid features in a test DNA sequence. |
Functions used in calculating mass transfer in microwells
Functions used in calculating mass transfer in microwells |
solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents utility package for working with solutions solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents
solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents utility package for working with solutions solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents |
Package spreadsheet for interacting with spreadsheets Package spreadsheet for interacting with spreadsheets
Package spreadsheet for interacting with spreadsheets Package spreadsheet for interacting with spreadsheets |
Package text formats strings for printing in a terminal using ansi codes
Package text formats strings for printing in a terminal using ansi codes |
Package data provides lazy data tables with file format support.
Package data provides lazy data tables with file format support. |
Package csv provides tools for data tables seriaization to/from CSV files.
Package csv provides tools for data tables seriaization to/from CSV files. |
Package parquet provides tools for data tables serialization to and from Parquet files - in the form of files on disk, memory buffer or io.Reader/io.Writer.
Package parquet provides tools for data tables serialization to and from Parquet files - in the form of files on disk, memory buffer or io.Reader/io.Writer. |
Package mixer deals with mixing and sampling in Antha
Package mixer deals with mixing and sampling in Antha |
Package num provides tools for floats arithmetic.
Package num provides tools for floats arithmetic. |
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents Package wtype contains core Antha types
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents Package wtype contains core Antha types |
Package wunit is a core Antha package for dealing with units in Antha Core Antha package for dealing with units in Antha
Package wunit is a core Antha package for dealing with units in Antha Core Antha package for dealing with units in Antha |
Utility package anthalib/wutil/ints.go: Part of the Antha language Copyright (C) 2016 The Antha authors.
Utility package anthalib/wutil/ints.go: Part of the Antha language Copyright (C) 2016 The Antha authors. |
Package text formats strings for printing in a terminal using ansi codes
Package text formats strings for printing in a terminal using ansi codes |
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go/Antha packages.
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go/Antha packages. |
Package compile declares the functions required to translate an Antha AST into a go source file
Package compile declares the functions required to translate an Antha AST into a go source file |
Package format implements standard formatting of Go/Antha source.
Package format implements standard formatting of Go/Antha source. |
Package parser implements a parser for Go/Antha source files.
Package parser implements a parser for Go/Antha source files. |
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes.
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes. |
Package scanner implements a scanner for Go/Antha source text.
Package scanner implements a scanner for Go/Antha source text. |
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Antha programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates).
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Antha programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates). |
Package org_antha_lang_antha_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package org_antha_lang_antha_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package codegen compiles generic instructions to target-specific ones.
Package codegen compiles generic instructions to target-specific ones. |
Package antha_framework_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_framework_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package antha_human_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_human_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package antha_platereader_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_platereader_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package antha_quantstudio_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_quantstudio_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package antha_runner_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_runner_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package antha_shakerincubator_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package antha_shakerincubator_v1 is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package pb is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package pb is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package execute connects Antha elements to the trace execution infrastructure.
Package execute connects Antha elements to the trace execution infrastructure. |
Package graph provides common graph algorithms
Package graph provides common graph algorithms |
Package inject implements delayed binding of function calls to runtime.
Package inject implements delayed binding of function calls to runtime. |
Package meta provides functions for manipulating golang objects generically
Package meta provides functions for manipulating golang objects generically |
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests |
Package target provides the construction of a target machine from a collection of devices
Package target provides the construction of a target machine from a collection of devices |
Package auto provides methods for creating a simulation target based on auto discovery of drivers via gRPC
Package auto provides methods for creating a simulation target based on auto discovery of drivers via gRPC |
Package workflow implements DAG scheduling of networks of functions generated at runtime.
Package workflow implements DAG scheduling of networks of functions generated at runtime. |
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