Overview ¶
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests
defines types for dealing with liquid handling requests
solutions is a utility package for working with solutions of LHComponents
Package wtype contains core Antha types
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func A1ArrayFromWellCoords(arr []WellCoords) []string
- func A1ArrayFromWells(wells []*LHWell) []string
- func AddSubComponent(component *Liquid, subcomponent *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) error
- func AddSubComponents(component *Liquid, allsubComponents ComponentList) error
- func ChannelWells(prm LHChannelParameter, plt Plate, wellsfrom []string) []string
- func ChannelsUsed(wf []string) []bool
- func ClassOf(o interface{}) string
- func Comp(s string) string
- func CompareStringWellCoordsCol(sw1, sw2 string) int
- func CompareStringWellCoordsRow(sw1, sw2 string) int
- func CompareWellCoordsCol(w1, w2 WellCoords) int
- func CompareWellCoordsRow(w1, w2 WellCoords) int
- func CopyRulesFromPolicy(ruleSet *LHPolicyRuleSet, policyToCopyRulesFrom, policyToCopyRulesTo string) (err error)
- func EqualLists(list1, list2 ComponentList) error
- func EquivalentPolicies(policy1, policy2 LHPolicy) bool
- func ErrorDesc(code int) string
- func ErrorName(code int) string
- func FirstIndexInStrArray(s string, a []string) int
- func GetUUID() string
- func HumanizeWellCoords(coords []WellCoords) string
- func IDOf(o interface{}) string
- func IndexOfString(query string, pa *[]string) int
- func IndexOfStringArray(s string, a []string) int
- func Initialize_Wells(plate *Plate)
- func InsType(i int) string
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func LHError(code int, detail string) error
- func LHErrorCodeFromErr(err error) int
- func LHErrorIsInternal(err error) bool
- func LHErrorf(code int, format string, values ...interface{}) error
- func MakePolicies() map[string]LHPolicy
- func MakeTGraph(inss []*LHInstruction) (tGraph, error)
- func Makeseq(dir string, seq BioSequence) string
- func MarshalDeckObject(object LHObject) ([]byte, error)
- func MatchString(s1, s2 string) bool
- func NameOf(o interface{}) string
- func NewSTip(tip *LHTip) *sTip
- func NewUUID() string
- func NormaliseComponentName(component *Liquid) error
- func NormaliseName(name string) (normalised string)
- func Normalize(tx []string) []string
- func Prefix(seq string, lengthofprefix int) (prefix string)
- func ReturnNormalisedComponentName(component *Liquid) string
- func Rev(s string) string
- func RevComp(s string) string
- func ShapeTypeFromName(name string) *shapeType
- func SimulateMix(samples ...*Liquid) (newComponentList ComponentList, mixSteps []ComponentListSample, warning error)
- func Suffix(seq string, lengthofsuffix int) (suffix string)
- func TipsPerWell(prm LHChannelParameter, p Plate) (int, int)
- func TypeOf(o interface{}) string
- func UpdateComponentDetails(productOfMixes *Liquid, mixes ...*Liquid) error
- func ValidAA(seq string) error
- func ValidDNA(seq string) error
- func ValidRNA(seq string) error
- func WCArrayCols(wcA []WellCoords) []int
- func WCArrayRows(wcA []WellCoords) []int
- type AParam
- type AParamSet
- type Absorbance
- type AddressIterator
- type AddressSliceIterator
- func NewColumnIterator(addr Addressable, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool) AddressSliceIterator
- func NewRowIterator(addr Addressable, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool) AddressSliceIterator
- func NewTickingIterator(addr Addressable, order MajorOrder, ver VerticalDirection, ...) AddressSliceIterator
- type Addressable
- type AlignedBioSequence
- type AlignedSequence
- type AminoAcid
- type Annotatable
- type AnthaData
- type BBox
- func (self BBox) Contains(rhs Coordinates3D) bool
- func (self BBox) ContainsBox(rhs BBox) bool
- func (self *BBox) Dup() *BBox
- func (bb BBox) Equals(bb2 BBox) bool
- func (self BBox) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self BBox) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self BBox) IntersectsBox(rhs BBox) bool
- func (self BBox) IntersectsPoint(rhs Coordinates3D) bool
- func (self *BBox) SetPosition(c Coordinates3D)
- func (self *BBox) SetSize(c Coordinates3D)
- func (self BBox) String() string
- func (self BBox) ZMax() float64
- type BLASTSearchParameters
- type BioSequence
- type BlastHit
- type BlastResults
- type BlockID
- type ByColumn
- type ByResultComponent
- type CentrifugeParameters
- type ChannelOrientation
- type ChannelPositions
- type Classy
- type Codon
- type CodonSet
- type CodonTable
- type ComponentList
- func (c ComponentList) Add(component *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) (newlist ComponentList)
- func (c ComponentList) AllComponents() []string
- func (c ComponentList) Dup() ComponentList
- func (c ComponentList) Get(component *Liquid) (conc wunit.Concentration, err error)
- func (c ComponentList) GetByName(component string) (conc wunit.Concentration, err error)
- func (c ComponentList) List(options ...bool) string
- func (c ComponentList) RemoveConcsFromSubComponentNames() (nc ComponentList)
- type ComponentListSample
- type ComponentMatch
- type ComponentVector
- func (cv ComponentVector) Dup() ComponentVector
- func (cv1 ComponentVector) Equal(cv2 ComponentVector) bool
- func (cv ComponentVector) Filter(filters ...func(*Liquid) bool) ComponentVector
- func (cv ComponentVector) GetNames() []string
- func (cv ComponentVector) GetPlateIds() []string
- func (cv ComponentVector) GetVols() []wunit.Volume
- func (cv ComponentVector) GetWellCoords() []string
- func (cv ComponentVector) IsEmpty() bool
- func (cv ComponentVector) Map(maps ...func(*Liquid) *Liquid) ComponentVector
- func (cv ComponentVector) String() string
- func (cv ComponentVector) SubtractVolume(vol wunit.Volume)
- func (cv ComponentVector) Volume() wunit.Volume
- type ConfigItem
- type Coordinates2D
- func (self Coordinates2D) Abs() float64
- func (self Coordinates2D) Add(rhs Coordinates2D) Coordinates2D
- func (self Coordinates2D) Divide(factor float64) Coordinates2D
- func (self Coordinates2D) Equals(rhs Coordinates2D) bool
- func (self Coordinates2D) Multiply(factor float64) Coordinates2D
- func (self Coordinates2D) String() string
- func (self Coordinates2D) Subtract(rhs Coordinates2D) Coordinates2D
- type Coordinates3D
- func (self Coordinates3D) Abs() float64
- func (self Coordinates3D) AbsXY() float64
- func (self Coordinates3D) Add(rhs Coordinates3D) Coordinates3D
- func (a Coordinates3D) Dim(x int) float64
- func (self Coordinates3D) Divide(v float64) Coordinates3D
- func (self Coordinates3D) Dot(rhs Coordinates3D) float64
- func (c Coordinates3D) Equals(c2 Coordinates3D) bool
- func (self Coordinates3D) Multiply(v float64) Coordinates3D
- func (self Coordinates3D) String() string
- func (self Coordinates3D) StringXY() string
- func (self Coordinates3D) Subtract(rhs Coordinates3D) Coordinates3D
- func (self Coordinates3D) To2D() Coordinates2D
- func (self Coordinates3D) Unit() Coordinates3D
- type DNA
- type DNASeqSet
- type DNASequence
- func Annotate(dnaseq DNASequence, features []Feature) (annotated DNASequence)
- func MakeDNASequence(name string, seqstring string, properties []string) (seq DNASequence, err error)
- func MakeLinearDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
- func MakePlasmidDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
- func MakeSingleStrandedDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
- func Phosphorylate(dnaseq DNASequence) (phosphorylateddna DNASequence, err error)
- func (seq *DNASequence) AddBluntEnd(end int) (err error)
- func (seq *DNASequence) AddOverhang(end int, sequence string) (err error)
- func (seq *DNASequence) AddUnderhang(end int, sequence string) (err error)
- func (dna *DNASequence) Append(s string) error
- func (seq *DNASequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
- func (seq DNASequence) Dup() DNASequence
- func (annotated DNASequence) FeatureNames() (featurenames []string)
- func (annotated DNASequence) GetFeatureByName(featureName string) (returnedFeatures []Feature)
- func (seq *DNASequence) MolecularWeight() float64
- func (dna *DNASequence) Name() string
- func (dna *DNASequence) Prepend(s string) error
- func (dna *DNASequence) RevComp() string
- func (dna *DNASequence) Sequence() string
- func (seq *DNASequence) Set3PrimeEnd(overhang Overhang) (err error)
- func (seq *DNASequence) Set5PrimeEnd(overhang Overhang) (err error)
- func (dna *DNASequence) SetName(name string)
- func (dna *DNASequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
- type ElectroshockParameters
- type Entity
- type Enzyme
- type Feature
- type File
- type FileSeries
- type FromFactory
- type Haswelladdress
- type HorizontalDirection
- type IChain
- func (it *IChain) AsList(ica []*IChain) []*IChain
- func (self *IChain) AssertInstructionsSeparate() error
- func (it *IChain) FindEnd() *IChain
- func (it *IChain) FlattenInstructionIDs() []string
- func (it *IChain) GetOrderedLHInstructions() []*LHInstruction
- func (it *IChain) Height() int
- func (it *IChain) Print()
- func (it *IChain) PruneOut(Remove map[string]bool) *IChain
- func (it *IChain) Reverse()
- func (ic *IChain) SortInstructions(byComponent bool)
- func (it *IChain) SplitMixedNodes() *IChain
- func (ch *IChain) SwapForChain(newch *IChain) *IChain
- func (it *IChain) ValueIDs() []string
- type Identifiable
- type Kind
- type LHAdaptor
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) AdaptorType() string
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) AddTip(channelNumber int, tip *LHTip)
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) Dup() *LHAdaptor
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) DupKeepIDs() *LHAdaptor
- func (self *LHAdaptor) GetLargestChannelSpacing() Coordinates2D
- func (self *LHAdaptor) GetMostCompactChannelPositions() ChannelPositions
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) GetParams() *LHChannelParameter
- func (self *LHAdaptor) GetSmallestChannelSpacing() Coordinates2D
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) GetTip(channelNumber int) *LHTip
- func (self *LHAdaptor) GetWellTargets(well *LHWell) []Coordinates2D
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) IsTipLoaded(channelNumber int) bool
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) NumTipsLoaded() int
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) RemoveTip(channelNumber int) *LHTip
- func (lha *LHAdaptor) RemoveTips() []*LHTip
- type LHCategoryCondition
- type LHChannelParameter
- func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) CanMove(v wunit.Volume, oneshot bool) bool
- func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) Dup() *LHChannelParameter
- func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) DupKeepIDs() *LHChannelParameter
- func (lhcprm *LHChannelParameter) Equals(prm2 *LHChannelParameter) bool
- func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) GetConstraint(n int) LHMultiChannelConstraint
- func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) MergeWithTip(tip *LHTip) *LHChannelParameter
- func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) String() string
- func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) VolumeLimitString() string
- type LHComponent
- type LHCondition
- type LHContainer
- type LHDeck
- func (self *LHDeck) Accepts(name string, child LHObject) bool
- func (self *LHDeck) AddSlot(name string, position Coordinates3D, size Coordinates2D)
- func (self *LHDeck) Clear(name string) error
- func (self *LHDeck) ClearParent()
- func (self *LHDeck) DimensionsString() string
- func (self *LHDeck) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) GetChild(name string) (LHObject, bool)
- func (self *LHDeck) GetChildBelow(point Coordinates3D) LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) GetClass() string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetID() string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetManufacturer() string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetName() string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotContaining(obj LHObject) string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotNames() []string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotNamesBelow(point Coordinates3D) []string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotPosition(name string) Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotSize(name string) Coordinates2D
- func (self *LHDeck) GetType() string
- func (self *LHDeck) GetVChildren(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHDeck) SetChild(name string, child LHObject) error
- func (self *LHDeck) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *LHDeck) SetParent(o LHObject) error
- func (self *LHDeck) SetSlotAccepts(name string, class string)
- type LHDevice
- type LHGlobals
- type LHHead
- type LHHeadAssembly
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) AddPosition(Offset Coordinates3D)
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) CountHeadsLoaded() int
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) CountPositions() int
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) DupWithoutHeads() *LHHeadAssembly
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) GetLoadedHeads() []*LHHead
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) LoadHead(head *LHHead) error
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) UnloadAllHeads()
- func (self *LHHeadAssembly) UnloadHead(head *LHHead) error
- type LHHeadAssemblyPosition
- type LHInstruction
- func (inst *LHInstruction) AddInput(cmp *Liquid)
- func (inst *LHInstruction) AddOutput(cmp *Liquid)
- func (ins *LHInstruction) AdjustVolumesBy(r float64)
- func (ins *LHInstruction) ComponentsMoving() []*Liquid
- func (ins *LHInstruction) DupLiquids()
- func (ins *LHInstruction) Generation() int
- func (inst *LHInstruction) GetID() string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) HasAnyParent() bool
- func (ins *LHInstruction) HasParent(id string) bool
- func (ins *LHInstruction) InputVolumeMap(addition wunit.Volume) map[string]wunit.Volume
- func (inst *LHInstruction) InsType() string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) IsDummy() bool
- func (ins *LHInstruction) IsMixInPlace() bool
- func (ins *LHInstruction) NamesOfComponentsMoving() string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) ParentString() string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) SetGeneration(i int)
- func (ins *LHInstruction) SetPlateID(pid string)
- func (ins LHInstruction) String() string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) Summarize(indent int) string
- func (ins *LHInstruction) Wellcoords() WellCoords
- type LHInstructions
- func (insts LHInstructions) AssertDestinationsSet() error
- func (insts LHInstructions) AssertMixResultsCorrect() error
- func (insts LHInstructions) AssertNoPointerReuse() error
- func (insts LHInstructions) AssertTotalVolumesMatch() error
- func (insts LHInstructions) AssertVolumesNonNegative() error
- func (insts LHInstructions) DupLiquids()
- type LHMultiChannelConstraint
- type LHNumericCondition
- type LHObject
- type LHParent
- type LHPlate
- type LHPolicy
- func AdjustPostMixVolume(mixToVol wunit.Volume) LHPolicy
- func AdjustPreMixVolume(mixToVol wunit.Volume) LHPolicy
- func DupLHPolicy(in LHPolicy) LHPolicy
- func GetPolicyByName(policyname PolicyName) (lhpolicy LHPolicy, err error)
- func GetPolicyByType(liquidType LiquidType) (lhpolicy LHPolicy, err error)
- func MakeCarbonSourcePolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeColonyMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeColonyPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeCulturePolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeCultureReusePolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDNACELLSMixMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDNACELLSMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDNAMixMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDNAMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDNAPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDefaultPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDetergentPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeGlycerolPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeHVFlowRatePolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeHVOffsetPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeJBPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeLVDNAMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeLVExtraPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeLoadPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeLoadWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeMultiWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeNeedToMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeNitrogenSourcePolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakePEGPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakePaintPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakePlateOutPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeProteinPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeProtoplastPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeSingleChannelPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeSmartMixSingleChannelPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeSolventPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeTOPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeViscousPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MakeXYOffsetTestPolicy() LHPolicy
- func MegaMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func NewLHPolicy() LHPolicy
- func PostMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func PreMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func SmartMixPolicy() LHPolicy
- func TurnOffBlowoutPolicy() LHPolicy
- func TurnOffPostMix() LHPolicy
- func TurnOffPostMixAndPermitTipReUse() LHPolicy
- func (lhp LHPolicy) IsEqualTo(lh2 LHPolicy) bool
- func (lhp LHPolicy) MergeWith(other LHPolicy) LHPolicy
- func (policy LHPolicy) Name() string
- func (plhp *LHPolicy) Set(item string, value interface{}) error
- func (policy *LHPolicy) SetName(name string) error
- func (plhp *LHPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type LHPolicyRule
- type LHPolicyRuleSet
- func AddUniversalRules(originalRuleSet *LHPolicyRuleSet, policies map[string]LHPolicy) (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet, err error)
- func CloneLHPolicyRuleSet(parent *LHPolicyRuleSet) *LHPolicyRuleSet
- func GetLHPolicyForTest() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
- func GetSystemLHPolicies() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
- func NewLHPolicyRuleSet() *LHPolicyRuleSet
- func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) AddRule(rule LHPolicyRule, consequent LHPolicy)
- func (lhpr LHPolicyRuleSet) GetEquivalentRuleTo(rule LHPolicyRule) string
- func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) IsEqualTo(lhp2 *LHPolicyRuleSet) bool
- func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) MergeWith(policyToMerge *LHPolicyRuleSet)
- func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) SetOption(optname string, value interface{}) error
- type LHPosition
- type LHSolution
- type LHTip
- func (self *LHTip) AddComponent(v *Liquid) error
- func (self *LHTip) ClearParent()
- func (self *LHTip) Contents() *Liquid
- func (self *LHTip) CurrentVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (self *LHTip) CurrentWorkingVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (self *LHTip) DimensionsString() string
- func (tip *LHTip) Dup() *LHTip
- func (tip *LHTip) DupKeepID() *LHTip
- func (self *LHTip) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (self *LHTip) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (self *LHTip) GetClass() string
- func (self *LHTip) GetEffectiveHeight() float64
- func (self *LHTip) GetID() string
- func (self *LHTip) GetName() string
- func (tip *LHTip) GetParams() *LHChannelParameter
- func (self *LHTip) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *LHTip) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHTip) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTip) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTip) GetType() string
- func (self *LHTip) IsEmpty() bool
- func (tip *LHTip) IsNil() bool
- func (self *LHTip) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (self *LHTip) RemoveVolume(v wunit.Volume) (*Liquid, error)
- func (self *LHTip) ResidualVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (self *LHTip) SetContents(v *Liquid) error
- func (self *LHTip) SetOffset(point Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *LHTip) SetParent(o LHObject) error
- func (self *LHTip) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type LHTipbox
- func (tb *LHTipbox) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
- func (self *LHTipbox) ClearParent()
- func (tb *LHTipbox) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
- func (self *LHTipbox) DimensionsString() string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) Dup() *LHTipbox
- func (tb *LHTipbox) DupKeepIDs() *LHTipbox
- func (self *LHTipbox) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (tb *LHTipbox) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetClass() string
- func (tb LHTipbox) GetID() string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) GetName() string
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTipbox) GetTipBounds() BBox
- func (tb *LHTipbox) GetTips(mirror bool, multi int, orient ChannelOrientation) []string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) GetTipsMasked(mask []bool, ori ChannelOrientation, canTrim bool) ([]string, error)
- func (tb *LHTipbox) GetType() string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) HasEnoughTips(requested int) bool
- func (tb *LHTipbox) HasTipAt(c WellCoords) bool
- func (tb *LHTipbox) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (self *LHTipbox) NCols() int
- func (self *LHTipbox) NRows() int
- func (tb *LHTipbox) N_clean_tips() int
- func (tb LHTipbox) Output() string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) PutTip(c WellCoords, tip *LHTip) bool
- func (tb *LHTipbox) Refill()
- func (tb *LHTipbox) Refresh()
- func (tb *LHTipbox) Remove(sa []string) bool
- func (tb *LHTipbox) RemoveTip(c WellCoords) *LHTip
- func (self *LHTipbox) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *LHTipbox) SetParent(p LHObject) error
- func (tb LHTipbox) String() string
- func (tb *LHTipbox) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (tb *LHTipbox) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
- type LHTipwaste
- func (self *LHTipwaste) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
- func (self *LHTipwaste) ClearParent()
- func (self *LHTipwaste) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
- func (self *LHTipwaste) DimensionsString() string
- func (lht *LHTipwaste) Dispose(channels []*LHChannelParameter) ([]WellCoords, bool)
- func (lht *LHTipwaste) DisposeNum(num int) bool
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) Dup() *LHTipwaste
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) DupKeepIDs() *LHTipwaste
- func (self *LHTipwaste) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (lht *LHTipwaste) Empty()
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetClass() string
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetID() string
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetName() string
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetTargetOffset(adaptorName string, channel int) Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHTipwaste) GetTargets(adaptorName string) []Coordinates3D
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetType() string
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (self *LHTipwaste) NCols() int
- func (self *LHTipwaste) NRows() int
- func (self *LHTipwaste) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *LHTipwaste) SetParent(p LHObject) error
- func (tw LHTipwaste) SpaceLeft() int
- func (te LHTipwaste) String() string
- func (tw *LHTipwaste) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (self *LHTipwaste) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
- type LHVariableCondition
- type LHWell
- func (w *LHWell) AddComponent(c *Liquid) error
- func (lhw *LHWell) CDup() *LHWell
- func (lhw *LHWell) CalculateMaxCrossSectionArea() (ca wunit.Area, err error)
- func (lhw *LHWell) CalculateMaxVolume() (vol wunit.Volume, err error)
- func (w LHWell) CheckExtraKey(s string) error
- func (w *LHWell) Clean()
- func (w *LHWell) Clear()
- func (self *LHWell) ClearParent()
- func (w *LHWell) ClearUserAllocated()
- func (w *LHWell) ContainerType() string
- func (w *LHWell) Contains(cmp *Liquid) bool
- func (w *LHWell) Contents() *Liquid
- func (w *LHWell) CurrentVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (w *LHWell) CurrentWorkingVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (well *LHWell) DeclareAutoallocated()
- func (well *LHWell) DeclareNotAutoallocated()
- func (self *LHWell) DimensionsString() string
- func (lhw *LHWell) Dup() *LHWell
- func (lhw *LHWell) DupKeepIDs() *LHWell
- func (self *LHWell) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (lhw *LHWell) GetAfVFunc() wutil.Func1Prm
- func (self *LHWell) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (self *LHWell) GetClass() string
- func (self *LHWell) GetID() string
- func (self *LHWell) GetName() string
- func (self *LHWell) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *LHWell) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *LHWell) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHWell) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (self *LHWell) GetType() string
- func (self *LHWell) GetVolumeUnit() string
- func (self *LHWell) GetWellCoords() WellCoords
- func (w *LHWell) GetWellTargets(adaptor string) []Coordinates3D
- func (well *LHWell) IsAutoallocated() bool
- func (w *LHWell) IsEmpty() bool
- func (w *LHWell) IsUserAllocated() bool
- func (w *LHWell) IsVolumeValid() bool
- func (w *LHWell) ListAdaptorsWithTargets() []string
- func (lhw *LHWell) Location_ID() string
- func (lhw *LHWell) Location_Name() string
- func (w *LHWell) MaxVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (w *LHWell) MaxWorkingVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (w *LHWell) PlateLocation() PlateLocation
- func (w *LHWell) RemoveCarry(v wunit.Volume)
- func (w *LHWell) RemoveVolume(v wunit.Volume) (*Liquid, error)
- func (w *LHWell) ResetPlateID(newID string)
- func (w *LHWell) ResidualVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (lhw *LHWell) SetAfVFunc(f string)
- func (w *LHWell) SetContents(newContents *Liquid) error
- func (self *LHWell) SetOffset(point Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *LHWell) SetParent(p LHObject) error
- func (w *LHWell) SetUserAllocated()
- func (w *LHWell) SetWellTargets(adaptor string, offsets []Coordinates3D)
- func (lhw *LHWell) Shape() *Shape
- func (w LHWell) String() string
- func (w *LHWell) UpdateContentID(IDBefore string, after *Liquid) bool
- func (w *LHWell) ValidateVolume() error
- func (w *LHWell) XDim() float64
- func (w *LHWell) YDim() float64
- func (w *LHWell) ZDim() float64
- type Liquid
- func (lhc *Liquid) AddDNASequence(seq DNASequence, options ...bool) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) AddDaughterComponent(cmp2 *Liquid)
- func (cmp *Liquid) AddParentComponent(cmp2 *Liquid)
- func (lhc *Liquid) AddPolicy(pol LHPolicy) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) AddSubComponent(subcomponent *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) AddSubComponents(allsubComponents ComponentList) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) AddVolumeRule(minvol, maxvol float64, pol LHPolicy) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) CNID() string
- func (cmp *Liquid) Clean()
- func (lhc *Liquid) Concentration() (conc wunit.Concentration)
- func (lhc *Liquid) Cp() *Liquid
- func (lhc *Liquid) DNASequences() ([]DNASequence, error)
- func (lhc *Liquid) DeclareInstance()
- func (lhc *Liquid) DeclareNotInstance()
- func (lhc *Liquid) Dup() *Liquid
- func (l1 *Liquid) EqualTypeVolume(l2 *Liquid) bool
- func (l1 *Liquid) EqualTypeVolumeID(l2 *Liquid) bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) FindDNASequence(seq DNASequence) (seqs []DNASequence, positions []int, err error)
- func (cmp Liquid) FullyQualifiedName() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) Generation() int
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetClass() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetConc() float64
- func (c *Liquid) GetConcentrationOf(subComponentName string) (wunit.Concentration, error)
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetCunit() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetExtra() map[string]interface{}
- func (lhc Liquid) GetID() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetName() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetPolicies() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetSmax() float64
- func (cmp *Liquid) GetSubComponents() (ComponentList, error)
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetType() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetVisc() float64
- func (lhc *Liquid) GetVunit() string
- func (cmp *Liquid) HasAnyParent() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) HasConcentration() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) HasDaughter(id string) bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) HasParent(s string) bool
- func (c *Liquid) HasSubComponent(subComponentName string) bool
- func (cmp Liquid) IDOrName() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) IsInstance() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) IsSameKindAs(c2 *Liquid) bool
- func (cmp *Liquid) IsSample() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) IsValuable() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) IsZero() bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) Kind() string
- func (cmp *Liquid) Matches(cmp2 *Liquid) bool
- func (l *Liquid) MeaningfulName() string
- func (cmp *Liquid) Mix(cmp2 *Liquid)
- func (cmp *Liquid) MixPreserveTvol(cmp2 *Liquid)
- func (lhc *Liquid) ModifyLHPolicyParameter(parameter string, value interface{}) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) Name() string
- func (cmp *Liquid) OverwriteSubComponents(allsubComponents ComponentList) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) ParentTree() graph.StringGraph
- func (cmp *Liquid) ParentTreeString() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) PlateID() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) PlateLocation() PlateLocation
- func (lhc *Liquid) PolicyName() PolicyName
- func (lhc *Liquid) Remove(v wunit.Volume) wunit.Volume
- func (lhc *Liquid) RemoveDNASequence(seq DNASequence) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) RemoveDNASequenceAtPosition(position int) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) RemoveDNASequences() error
- func (cmp *Liquid) ReplaceDaughterID(ID1, ID2 string)
- func (lhc *Liquid) Sample(v wunit.Volume) (*Liquid, error)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetConcentration(conc wunit.Concentration)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetDNASequences(seqs []DNASequence, options ...bool) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetGeneration(i int)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetName(name string)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetPolicies(rs *LHPolicyRuleSet) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetPolicyName(policy PolicyName, options ...PolicyOption) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) SetSample(flag bool) bool
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetValue(b bool)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetVolume(v wunit.Volume)
- func (lhc *Liquid) SetWellLocation(wellLocation string) error
- func (cmp *Liquid) String() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) Summarize() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) TotalVolume() wunit.Volume
- func (lhc *Liquid) TypeName() string
- func (lhc *Liquid) UpdateDNASequence(seq DNASequence) error
- func (lhc *Liquid) Volume() wunit.Volume
- func (lhc *Liquid) WellLocation() string
- type LiquidType
- type MajorOrder
- type Match
- type Named
- type Organism
- type OverHangType
- type Overhang
- type PRInstruction
- type Plasmid
- type Plate
- func (lhp *Plate) AddComponent(cmp *Liquid, overflow bool) (wc []WellCoords, err error)
- func (self *Plate) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
- func (p *Plate) AllAutoallocated() bool
- func (p *Plate) AllContents() []*Liquid
- func (p *Plate) AllNonEmptyWells() []*LHWell
- func (lhp *Plate) AllWellPositions(byrow bool) (wellpositionarray []string)
- func (p *Plate) AreWellTargetsEnabled(adaptorChannels int, channelSpacing float64) bool
- func (lhp *Plate) AvailableContents(wv []WellCoords) ComponentVector
- func (lhp *Plate) BetterGetComponent(cmp *Liquid, mpv wunit.Volume, legacyVolume bool) ([]WellCoords, []wunit.Volume, bool)
- func (p Plate) CheckExtraKey(k string) error
- func (lhp *Plate) Clean()
- func (p *Plate) ClearData(k string) error
- func (self *Plate) ClearParent()
- func (p *Plate) ColVol() wunit.Volume
- func (self *Plate) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
- func (p *Plate) DeclareAutoallocated()
- func (p *Plate) DeclareSpecial()
- func (self *Plate) DimensionsString() string
- func (lhp *Plate) Dup() *Plate
- func (lhp *Plate) DupKeepIDs() *Plate
- func (self *Plate) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
- func (p *Plate) FindAndUpdateID(before string, after *Liquid) bool
- func (lhp *Plate) GetA1WellCoordsFromOrdering(ordinals []int, byrow bool) []string
- func (p *Plate) GetAllConstraints() map[string][]string
- func (self *Plate) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
- func (self *Plate) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
- func (self *Plate) GetClass() string
- func (lhp *Plate) GetComponent(cmp *Liquid, mpv wunit.Volume) ([]WellCoords, []wunit.Volume, bool)
- func (p Plate) GetData(key string) ([]byte, error)
- func (lhp *Plate) GetID() string
- func (plate Plate) GetLayout() string
- func (lhp *Plate) GetName() string
- func (lhp *Plate) GetOrderingFromA1WellCoords(wa1 []string, byrow bool) []int
- func (lhp *Plate) GetOrderingFromWellCoords(wc []WellCoords, byrow bool) []int
- func (self *Plate) GetParent() LHObject
- func (self *Plate) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
- func (self *Plate) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
- func (self *Plate) GetSize() Coordinates3D
- func (p *Plate) GetTargetOffset(adaptorName string, channel int) Coordinates3D
- func (p *Plate) GetTargets(adaptorName string) []Coordinates3D
- func (lhp *Plate) GetType() string
- func (self *Plate) GetWellBounds() BBox
- func (lhp *Plate) GetWellCoordsFromOrdering(ordinals []int, byrow bool) []WellCoords
- func (self *Plate) GetWellCorner() Coordinates3D
- func (self *Plate) GetWellOffset() Coordinates3D
- func (self *Plate) GetWellSize() Coordinates3D
- func (p *Plate) Height() float64
- func (p *Plate) IsConstrainedOn(platform string) ([]string, bool)
- func (lhp *Plate) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p *Plate) IsSpecial() bool
- func (p *Plate) IsUserAllocated() bool
- func (p *Plate) ListAdaptorsWithTargets() []string
- func (p *Plate) MarkNonEmptyWellsUserAllocated()
- func (lhp *Plate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (p *Plate) MergeWith(p2 *Plate)
- func (lhp *Plate) NCols() int
- func (lhp *Plate) NRows() int
- func (lhp Plate) Name() string
- func (lhp *Plate) NextEmptyWell(it AddressIterator) WellCoords
- func (plate Plate) OutputLayout()
- func (p *Plate) RemoveComponent(well string, vol wunit.Volume) *Liquid
- func (p *Plate) ResetID(newID string)
- func (p *Plate) SetConstrained(platform string, positions []string)
- func (p *Plate) SetData(key string, data []byte) error
- func (lhp *Plate) SetName(name string)
- func (self *Plate) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
- func (self *Plate) SetParent(p LHObject) error
- func (lhp Plate) String() string
- func (p *Plate) ToSLHPLate() SLHPlate
- func (lhp *Plate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- func (lhp *Plate) ValidateVolumes() error
- func (lhp *Plate) WellAt(wc WellCoords) (*LHWell, bool)
- func (lhp *Plate) WellAtString(s string) (*LHWell, bool)
- func (self *Plate) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
- func (lhp *Plate) WellMap() map[string]*LHWell
- func (lhp *Plate) Wells() [][]*LHWell
- func (lhp *Plate) WellsX() int
- func (lhp *Plate) WellsY() int
- type PlateLocation
- type Platedestmap
- type PointSet
- type PolicyName
- type PolicyOption
- type Population
- type Protein
- type ProteinSequence
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) Append(s string) error
- func (seq *ProteinSequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
- func (seq *ProteinSequence) Molecularweight() (daltons float64)
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) Name() string
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) Prepend(s string) error
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) Sequence() string
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) SetName(name string)
- func (prot *ProteinSequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
- type RNA
- type RNASequence
- func (rna *RNASequence) Append(s string) error
- func (seq *RNASequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
- func (rna *RNASequence) Name() string
- func (rna *RNASequence) Prepend(s string) error
- func (rna *RNASequence) Sequence() string
- func (rna *RNASequence) SetName(name string)
- func (rna *RNASequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
- type Rational
- type ReadEMParameters
- type Reading
- type ReallySimpleAlignment
- type Rectangle
- type RestrictionEnzyme
- type SLHPlate
- type SequenceDatabase
- type SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour
- type SerializableHead
- type SerializableHeadAssembly
- type Shape
- func (sh *Shape) Depth() wunit.Length
- func (sh *Shape) Dup() *Shape
- func (sh *Shape) Equals(sh2 *Shape) bool
- func (sh *Shape) Height() wunit.Length
- func (st *Shape) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (sh *Shape) MaxCrossSectionalArea() (wunit.Area, error)
- func (sh *Shape) String() string
- func (st *Shape) UnmarshalJSON(bs []byte) error
- func (sh *Shape) Volume() (volume wunit.Volume, err error)
- func (sh *Shape) Width() wunit.Length
- type SimpleAlignment
- type SortableRules
- type Suspension
- type TOL
- type Targetted
- type Ticker
- type TipEstimate
- type TipLoadingBehaviour
- type TypeIIs
- type Typed
- type VelocityRange
- type VerticalDirection
- type Warning
- type WellBottomType
- type WellCoordArrayCol
- type WellCoordArrayRow
- type WellCoordSlice
- type WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoords(wc string) WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoords1A(a1 string) WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoordsA1(a1 string) WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoordsArray(sa []string) []WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoordsXY(xy string) WellCoords
- func MakeWellCoordsXYsep(x, y string) WellCoords
- func WCArrayFromStrings(arr []string) []WellCoords
- func WCArrayFromWells(wells []*LHWell) []WellCoords
- func ZeroWellCoords() WellCoords
- func (wc WellCoords) ColLessThan(wc2 WellCoords) bool
- func (wc WellCoords) ColNumString() string
- func (wc WellCoords) Equals(w2 WellCoords) bool
- func (wc WellCoords) Format1A() string
- func (wc WellCoords) FormatA1() string
- func (wc WellCoords) FormatXY() string
- func (wc WellCoords) IsZero() bool
- func (wc WellCoords) RowLessThan(wc2 WellCoords) bool
- func (wc WellCoords) RowLettString() string
- func (wc WellCoords) WellNumber(platetype *Plate, byRow bool) int
- type WellReference
Constants ¶
const ( ORF = "ORF" CDS = "CDS" GENE = "gene" MISC_FEATURE = "misc_feature" PROMOTER = "promoter" TRNA = "tRNA" RRNA = "rRNA" NCRNA = "ncRNA" REGULATORY = "regulatory" REPEAT_REGION = "repeat_region" )
feature class options based on genbank conventions
const ( // Option to feed into coordinates method. // HUMANFRIENDLY returns a sequence PositionPair's start and end positions in a human friendly format // i.e. in a Sequence "ATGTGTTG" position 1 is A, 2 is T. HUMANFRIENDLY = "humanFriendly" // Option to feed into coordinates method. // CODEFRIENDLY returns a sequence PositionPair's start and end positions in a code friendly format // i.e. in a Sequence "ATGTGTTG" position 0 is A, 1 is T. CODEFRIENDLY = "codeFriendly" // Option to feed into coordinates method. // IGNOREDIRECTION is a constant to specify that direction of a feature position // should be ignored when returning start and end positions of a feature. // If selected, the start position will be the first position at which the feature is encountered regardless of orientation. IGNOREDIRECTION = "ignoreDirection" )
const ( // PolicyNameField returns the map entry of a liquid policy corresponding to the name of the policy. PolicyNameField string = "POLICYNAME" // PolicyNameField returns the map entry of a liquid policy corresponding to the name of the policy. PolicyDescriptionField string = "DESCRIPTION" // LiquidClass is the name of the liquid type checked at instruction generation. // Currently this is analogous to the POLICYNAME LiquidClass string = "LIQUIDCLASS" // This value will be used for aspirating, dispensing and mixing. DefaultPipetteSpeed string = "DEFAULTPIPETTESPEED" )
const ( NEITHER = 0 // Top strand, or coding strand TOP = 1 // Bottom strand, or complimentary strand. BOTTOM = 2 )
Options for Strand choice
const ( LHIMIX = iota LHIPRM LHISPL )
const ( LHP_AND int = iota LHP_OR )
const ( BYROW = true BYCOLUMN = false )
const DefaultLHPolicy = LTDefault
DefaultLHPolicy which will be used if no policy is set.
const (
FORCE bool = true // Optional parameter to use in AddDNASequence method to override error check preventing addition of a duplicate sequence.
const InPlaceMarker = "-INPLACE"
const SEQSKEY = "DNASequences"
const SubComponentsHeader = "SubComponents"
SubComponentsHeader is the header found to be used in the plate CSV files to specify Sub components of liquids.
Variables ¶
var ( TAXLINE = regexp.MustCompile(`^taxid\s+(\d+)`) CODLINE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([ACTG]{3,3})\s+([A-Z*])\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9.]+)`) )
var ( OnSmartMix = categoricCondition{"LIQUIDCLASS", "SmartMix"} OnPostMix = categoricCondition{"LIQUIDCLASS", "PostMix"} OnPreMix = categoricCondition{"LIQUIDCLASS", "PreMix"} OnNeedToMix = categoricCondition{"LIQUIDCLASS", "NeedToMix"} OnMegaMix = categoricCondition{"LIQUIDCLASS", "MegaMix"} )
Conditions to apply to LHpolicyRules based on liquid policy used
var ( IntoEmpty = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{Lower: 0.0, Upper: 0.009}} IntoLessThan20ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{Lower: 0.01, Upper: 20.0}} IntoBetween20ulAnd50ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{20.1, 50.0}} IntoBetween50ulAnd100ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{50.1, 100.0}} IntoBetween100ulAnd200ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{100.1, 200.0}} IntoBetween200ulAnd1000ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLTOVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{200.1, 1000.0}} )
Conditions to apply to LHpolicyRules based on volume of liquid that a sample is being pipetted into at the destination well
var ( LessThan20ul = numericCondition{Class: "VOLUME", Range: conditionRange{0.0, 20.0}} GreaterThan20ul = numericCondition{Class: "VOLUME", Range: conditionRange{20.1, 1000.0}} Between20ulAnd200ul = numericCondition{Class: "VOLUME", Range: conditionRange{20.01, 200.0}} )
Conditions to apply to LHpolicyRules based on volume of liquid being transferred
var ( FromBetween100ulAnd200ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLFROMVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{100.0, 200.0}} FromBetween200ulAnd1000ul = numericCondition{Class: "WELLFROMVOLUME", Range: conditionRange{200.1, 1000.0}} )
Conditions to apply to LHpolicyRules based on volume of liquid in source well from which a sample is taken
var ( UnknownShape = (*shapeType)(nil) CylinderShape = newShapeType("cylinder", true) CircleShape = newShapeType("circle", true) RoundShape = newShapeType("round", true) SphereShape = newShapeType("sphere", true) SquareShape = newShapeType("square", false) BoxShape = newShapeType("box", false) RectangleShape = newShapeType("rectangle", false) TrapezoidShape = newShapeType("trapezoid", false) )
var (
CONSTRAINTMARKER = "constraint-"
var DefaultPolicies map[string]LHPolicy = MakePolicies()
var GLOBALCARRYVOLUME wunit.Volume = wunit.NewVolume(0.5, "ul")
var InsNames = []string{"MIX", "PROMPT", "SPLIT"}
var NotFoundError = errors.New("not found")
var SBSFootprint = Coordinates2D{X: 127.76, Y: 85.48}
SBSFootprint the size of standard SBS format plates
var WellBottomNames []string = []string{"flat", "U", "V"}
Functions ¶
func A1ArrayFromWellCoords ¶
func A1ArrayFromWellCoords(arr []WellCoords) []string
func A1ArrayFromWells ¶
func AddSubComponent ¶
func AddSubComponent(component *Liquid, subcomponent *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) error
AddSubComponent adds a subcomponent with concentration to a component. An error is returned if subcomponent is already found.
func AddSubComponents ¶
func AddSubComponents(component *Liquid, allsubComponents ComponentList) error
AddSubComponents adds a component list to a component. If a conflicting sub component concentration is already present then an error will be returned. To overwrite all subcomponents ignoring conficts, use OverWriteSubComponents.
func ChannelWells ¶
func ChannelWells(prm LHChannelParameter, plt Plate, wellsfrom []string) []string
func ChannelsUsed ¶
func CompareWellCoordsCol ¶
func CompareWellCoordsCol(w1, w2 WellCoords) int
func CompareWellCoordsRow ¶
func CompareWellCoordsRow(w1, w2 WellCoords) int
func CopyRulesFromPolicy ¶
func CopyRulesFromPolicy(ruleSet *LHPolicyRuleSet, policyToCopyRulesFrom, policyToCopyRulesTo string) (err error)
CopyRulesFromPolicy will copy all instances of rules which mention tthe liquid class policyToCopyRulesFrom into duplicate rules set on policyToCopyRulesTo.
func EqualLists ¶
func EqualLists(list1, list2 ComponentList) error
EqualLists compares two ComponentLists and returns an error if the lists are not identical.
func EquivalentPolicies ¶
EquivalentPolicies checks for equality of two policies. We're being conservative here. It's possible that at the point at which low level instructions are generated that two policies of different length will be actioned in exactly the same way. Since we cannot guarantee this at this point, we'll say they're not equivalent.
func FirstIndexInStrArray ¶
func GetUUID ¶
func GetUUID() string
this package wraps the uuid library appropriately by generating a V4 UUID
func HumanizeWellCoords ¶
func HumanizeWellCoords(coords []WellCoords) string
HumanizeWellCoords convenience function to make displaying a slice of WellCoords more human readable
func IndexOfString ¶
func IndexOfStringArray ¶
func Initialize_Wells ¶
func Initialize_Wells(plate *Plate)
func IsNotFound ¶
IsNotFound returns true if the underlying error is NotFoundError
func LHErrorCodeFromErr ¶
func LHErrorIsInternal ¶
func MakePolicies ¶
func MakeTGraph ¶
func MakeTGraph(inss []*LHInstruction) (tGraph, error)
func Makeseq ¶
func Makeseq(dir string, seq BioSequence) string
creates a fasta file containing the sequence
func MarshalDeckObject ¶
MarshalDeckObject marshals any object which can be placed on a deck into valid JSON in a way such that it can be unmarshalled by UnMarshalDeckObject
func MatchString ¶
func NormaliseComponentName ¶
NormaliseComponentName will change the name of the component to the normalised form returned by ReturnNormalisedComponentName. If sub components exist the name will be changed to the list of sub components with concentrations. e.g. a solution called LB with a concentration of 10X and components 10g/L Yeast Extract and 5g/L Tryptone will be normalised to 10g/L Yeast Extract + 5g/L Tryptone. An LB solution with concentration 1 X and no components is returned as 1X LB. An LB solution with no concentration and no components is returned as LB.
func NormaliseName ¶
NormaliseName evaluates whether a string contains a concentration and attempts to normalise the name in a standardised format. e.g. 10ng/ul glucose will be normalised to 10 mg/l glucose or 10mM glucose to 10 mM/l glucose or 10mM/l glucose to 10 mM/l glucose or glucose 10mM/l to 10 mM/l glucose A concatanenated name such as 10g/L glucose + 10g/L yeast extract will be returned with no modifications
func Normalize ¶
TODO -- fill in some normalizations - water + salt = saline might be an eg but unlikely to be useful
func ReturnNormalisedComponentName ¶
ReturnNormalisedComponentName will return the component name in a normalised form. If sub components exist the name will be changed to the list of sub components with concentrations. e.g. a solution called LB with a concentration of 10X and components 10g/L Yeast Extract and 5g/L Tryptone will be normalised to 10g/L Yeast Extract + 5g/L Tryptone. An LB solution with concentration 1 X and no components is returned as 1X LB. An LB solution with no concentration and no components is returned as LB.
func ShapeTypeFromName ¶
func ShapeTypeFromName(name string) *shapeType
shapeTypeFromName get a shape type by string name, required for deserialisation returns nil if the name is unknown
func SimulateMix ¶
func SimulateMix(samples ...*Liquid) (newComponentList ComponentList, mixSteps []ComponentListSample, warning error)
SimulateMix simulates the resulting list of components and concentrations which would be generated by mixing the samples together. This will only add the component name itself to the new component list if the sample has no components this is to prevent potential duplication since if a component has a list of sub components the name is considered to be an alias and the component list the true meaning of what the component is. If any sample concentration of zero is found the component list will be made but an error returned.
func TipsPerWell ¶
func TipsPerWell(prm LHChannelParameter, p Plate) (int, int)
func UpdateComponentDetails ¶
UpdateComponentDetails corrects the sub component list and normalises the name of a component with the details of all sample mixes which are specified to be the source of that component. This must currently be updated manually using this function.
func ValidAA ¶
ValidAA checks a sequence given as a string for validity as a ProteinSequence. All standard single letter AminoAcids are valid as well as * indicating stop.
func ValidDNA ¶
ValidDNA checks a sequence given as a string for validity as a DNASequence. Any IUPAC nucleotide is considered valid, not just ACTG.
func ValidRNA ¶
ValidRNA checks a sequence given as a string for validity as an RNASequence. ACGU are valid entries.
func WCArrayCols ¶
func WCArrayCols(wcA []WellCoords) []int
func WCArrayRows ¶
func WCArrayRows(wcA []WellCoords) []int
Types ¶
type AParamSet ¶
func GetLHPolicyOptions ¶
func GetLHPolicyOptions() AParamSet
func GetPolicyConsequents ¶
func GetPolicyConsequents() AParamSet
func MakeInstructionParameters ¶
func MakeInstructionParameters() AParamSet
func MakePolicyItems ¶
func MakePolicyItems() AParamSet
func (AParamSet) OrderedList ¶
type Absorbance ¶
type Absorbance struct { WellLocation WellCoords Reading float64 Wavelength float64 Pathlength wunit.Length Reader string // Annotations is a field to add custom user labels Annotations []string }
func (*Absorbance) BlankCorrect ¶
func (sample *Absorbance) BlankCorrect(blank Absorbance)
func (*Absorbance) PathlengthCorrect ¶
func (sample *Absorbance) PathlengthCorrect(pathlength wunit.Length)
func (Absorbance) WavelengthAsInt ¶
func (a Absorbance) WavelengthAsInt() int
WavelengthAsInt will return the Wavelength field as an int. Whilst it is possible that the wavelength used may be a decimal, Wavelength would typically be expected to be in the form of an integer of the wavelength in nm. In some platereader data sets this is stored as a float so this method is intended to take the safest representation, as a float, and return the more common representation, as an int, for parsers where it is known that the wavelength is stored as an int. This method would therefore not be safe to use for situations where the wavelength may in fact be represented by a decimal.
type AddressIterator ¶
type AddressIterator interface { Next() WellCoords Curr() WellCoords MoveTo(WellCoords) Reset() GetAddressable() Addressable Valid() bool }
AddressIterator iterates through the addresses in an Addressable
func NewAddressIterator ¶
func NewAddressIterator(addr Addressable, order MajorOrder, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool) AddressIterator
NewAddressIterator iterates through the addresses in addr in order order, moving in directions ver and hor when all addresses are returned, resets to the first address if repeat is true, otherwise Valid() returns false
type AddressSliceIterator ¶
type AddressSliceIterator interface { Next() []WellCoords Curr() []WellCoords MoveTo(WellCoords) Reset() GetAddressable() Addressable Valid() bool }
AddressSliceIterator iterates through slices of addresses
func NewColumnIterator ¶
func NewColumnIterator(addr Addressable, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool) AddressSliceIterator
NewColumnIterator get an iterator which iterates through the columns of the addressible, optionally repeating
func NewRowIterator ¶
func NewRowIterator(addr Addressable, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool) AddressSliceIterator
NewRowIterator get an iterator which iterates through the columns of the addressible, optionally repeating
func NewTickingIterator ¶
func NewTickingIterator(addr Addressable, order MajorOrder, ver VerticalDirection, hor HorizontalDirection, repeat bool, chunkSize, stepSize, repeatAddresses int) AddressSliceIterator
GetTickingIterator iterates through the addresses in addr in order order, moving in directions ver and hor, returning the output in slices of length chunkSize. In the direction specified by order, steps are of size stepSize (which is assumed to a factor of the number of adresses in that direction), and repeat such that every address is returned. Each address is repeated repeatAddresses times. For example, if addr is of size 4x4, then the iterator returned by
NewTickingIterator(addr, RowOrder, TopToBottom, LeftToRight, false, 4, 2, 2)
[[A1,A1,C1,C2],[B1,B1,D1,D1],[A2,A2, ...
type Addressable ¶
type Addressable interface { //AddressExists Do the given coordinates exist in the object? AddressExists(WellCoords) bool NRows() int NCols() int //GetChildByAddress Returns the object at the given well coords //nil if empty or position doesn't exist GetChildByAddress(WellCoords) LHObject //CoordsToWellCoords Convert Real world coordinates //(relative to the object origin) to WellCoords. //The returned WellCoords should be the closest //addressable location to the coorinates, and shold only be //invalid if the object has no adressable locations (e.g. wells //or tips). The second return value gives the offset from the top //of the center of the well/tip to the given coordinate //(this leaves the caller to ascertain whether any mis-alignment //is acceptable) CoordsToWellCoords(Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D) //WellCoordsToCoords Get the physical location of an addressable //position relative to the object origin. //WellCoords should be valid in the object, or the bool will //return false and Coordinates are undefined. //WellReference is the position within a well. //Requesting LiquidReference on a LHTipbox will return false WellCoordsToCoords(WellCoords, WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool) }
Addressable unifies the interface to objects which have sub-components that can be addressed by WellCoords (e.g. "A1") for example tip-boxes, plates, etc
type AlignedBioSequence ¶
type AlignedSequence ¶
type AlignedSequence struct { Qstrand string Sstrand string Qstart int Qend int Sstart int Send int Qseq string Sseq string ID float64 }
struct for holding an aligned sequence
func NewAlignedSequence ¶
func NewAlignedSequence() AlignedSequence
constructor for an AlignedSequence object, makes an empty structure
func (AlignedSequence) CentreToQuery ¶
func (aln AlignedSequence) CentreToQuery(q string) (string, string)
CentreToQuery trims aligned (subject) sequences to only those residues/nucleotides aligned to those in the query. This removes inserts (with respect to the query) from aligned sequences. Gaps within the interior of the aligned sequence are already represented by '-' characters, however gaps at the ends of the aligned sequence must be added here as well. The resulting aligned sequences will have the same length as the query.
type AminoAcid ¶
type AminoAcid string
AminoAcid is a single letter format amino acid in string form. It can be validated as a valid AminoAcid using the SetAminoAcid function.
func SetAminoAcid ¶
SetAminoAcid creates an AminoAcid from a string input and returns an error if the string is not a valid amino acid.
type Annotatable ¶
type BBox ¶
type BBox struct { Position Coordinates3D Size Coordinates3D }
BBox is a simple LHObject representing a bounding box, useful for checking if there's stuff in the way
func NewBBox ¶
func NewBBox(pos, Size Coordinates3D) *BBox
func (BBox) Contains ¶
func (self BBox) Contains(rhs Coordinates3D) bool
func (BBox) ContainsBox ¶
func (BBox) Equals ¶
Equals defines an equivalence relation over bounding boxes returns true iff position and size are both equal
func (BBox) GetPosition ¶
func (self BBox) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
func (BBox) GetSize ¶
func (self BBox) GetSize() Coordinates3D
func (BBox) IntersectsBox ¶
IntersectsBox checks for bounding box intersection
func (BBox) IntersectsPoint ¶
func (self BBox) IntersectsPoint(rhs Coordinates3D) bool
func (*BBox) SetPosition ¶
func (self *BBox) SetPosition(c Coordinates3D)
func (*BBox) SetSize ¶
func (self *BBox) SetSize(c Coordinates3D)
type BLASTSearchParameters ¶
type BLASTSearchParameters struct { Evalthreshold float64 Matrix string Filter bool Open int Extend int DBSeqs int DBAlns int GCode int }
func DefaultBLASTSearchParameters ¶
func DefaultBLASTSearchParameters() BLASTSearchParameters
type BioSequence ¶
type BioSequence interface { Name() string Sequence() string Append(string) error Prepend(string) error Blast() ([]Hit, error) MolecularWeight() float64 }
defines things which have biosequences... useful for operations valid on biosequences such as BLASTing / other alignment methods
type BlastHit ¶
type BlastHit struct { Name string Score float64 Eval float64 Alignments []AlignedSequence }
struct for holding a particular hit
type BlastResults ¶
type BlastResults struct { Program string DBname string DBSizeSeqs int DBSizeLetters int Query string Hits []BlastHit }
struct for holding results of a blast search
func NewBlastResults ¶
func NewBlastResults() BlastResults
constructor, makes an empty BlastResults structure
func (BlastResults) QueryCentredAlignment ¶
func (res BlastResults) QueryCentredAlignment() []AlignedBioSequence
type BlockID ¶
type BlockID struct {
Value string
A block of instructions associated with a particular job, etc.
func NewBlockID ¶
type ByColumn ¶
type ByColumn []*LHInstruction
type ByResultComponent ¶
type ByResultComponent []*LHInstruction
Optimally - order by component.
func (ByResultComponent) Len ¶
func (bg ByResultComponent) Len() int
func (ByResultComponent) Less ¶
func (bg ByResultComponent) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByResultComponent) Swap ¶
func (bg ByResultComponent) Swap(i, j int)
type CentrifugeParameters ¶
type CentrifugeParameters map[string]interface{}
type ChannelOrientation ¶
type ChannelOrientation bool
const ( LHVChannel ChannelOrientation = iota%2 == 1 // vertical orientation LHHChannel // horizontal orientation )
func (ChannelOrientation) String ¶
func (o ChannelOrientation) String() string
type ChannelPositions ¶
type ChannelPositions []Coordinates2D
A list of 2d coordinates of the channels of an adaptor in channel order
func (ChannelPositions) Add ¶
func (self ChannelPositions) Add(rhs Coordinates2D) ChannelPositions
Add return a new set of channel positions with the offset added
func (ChannelPositions) GetCenter ¶
func (self ChannelPositions) GetCenter() Coordinates2D
GetCenter return the center of the channel coordinates
func (ChannelPositions) Size ¶
func (self ChannelPositions) Size(channelRadius float64) Coordinates2D
Size get the total footprint size of the channel positions including the radius
func (ChannelPositions) Subtract ¶
func (self ChannelPositions) Subtract(rhs Coordinates2D) ChannelPositions
Subtract return a new set of channel positions with the offset subtracted
type Classy ¶
type Classy interface {
GetClass() string
the class of thing it is, mainly for more helpful errors
type Codon ¶
type Codon string
Codon is a triplet of valid nucleotides which encodes an amino acid or stop codon. It can be validated using the SetCodon function.
type CodonSet ¶
func (CodonSet) ChooseWeighted ¶
type CodonTable ¶
type CodonTable struct { TaxID string CodonByAA map[string]CodonSet // maps amino acid to set of codons AAByCodon map[string]string // maps codon to amino acid }
func NewCodonTable ¶
func NewCodonTable() CodonTable
func ParseCodonTableSimpleFormat ¶
func ParseCodonTableSimpleFormat(sa []string) CodonTable
these are tables devised by wholesale analysis of CDS sets
func (CodonTable) ChooseWeighted ¶
func (ct CodonTable) ChooseWeighted(aa string) string
type ComponentList ¶
type ComponentList struct {
Components map[string]wunit.Concentration `json:"Components"`
List of the components and corresponding concentrations contained within an LHComponent
func GetSubComponents ¶
func GetSubComponents(component *Liquid) (componentMap ComponentList, err error)
GetSubComponents returns a component list from a component
func MixComponentLists ¶
func MixComponentLists(sample1, sample2 ComponentListSample) (newList ComponentList, err error)
MixComponentLists merges two componentListSamples. When two ComponentListSamples are mixed a new diluted ComponentList is generated. An error may be generated if two components with the same name exist within the two lists with incompatible concentration units. In this instance, the molecular weight for that component will be looked up in pubchem in order to change the units in both lists to g/l, which will be able to be added.
func (ComponentList) Add ¶
func (c ComponentList) Add(component *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) (newlist ComponentList)
add a single entry to a component list
func (ComponentList) AllComponents ¶
func (c ComponentList) AllComponents() []string
Returns all component names present in component list, sorted in alphabetical order.
func (ComponentList) Dup ¶
func (c ComponentList) Dup() ComponentList
func (ComponentList) Get ¶
func (c ComponentList) Get(component *Liquid) (conc wunit.Concentration, err error)
Get a single concentration set point for a named component present in a component list. An error will be returned if the component is not present.
func (ComponentList) GetByName ¶
func (c ComponentList) GetByName(component string) (conc wunit.Concentration, err error)
Get a single concentration set point using just the name of a component present in a component list. An error will be returned if the component is not present.
func (ComponentList) List ¶
func (c ComponentList) List(options ...bool) string
List all Components and concentration set points present in a component list. if verbose is set to true the field annotations for each component and concentration will be included for each component. option1 is verbose, option2 is use mixdelimiter
func (ComponentList) RemoveConcsFromSubComponentNames ¶
func (c ComponentList) RemoveConcsFromSubComponentNames() (nc ComponentList)
type ComponentListSample ¶
type ComponentListSample struct { ComponentList Volume wunit.Volume }
ComponentListSample is a sample of a Component list at a specified volume when two ComponentListSamples are mixed a new diluted ComponentList is generated
type ComponentMatch ¶
type ComponentMatch struct {
Matches []Match
type ComponentVector ¶
type ComponentVector []*Liquid
func (ComponentVector) Dup ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) Dup() ComponentVector
func (ComponentVector) Equal ¶
func (cv1 ComponentVector) Equal(cv2 ComponentVector) bool
func (ComponentVector) Filter ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) Filter(filters ...func(*Liquid) bool) ComponentVector
Filter returns the subset of the liquids in cv for which every filter returns true does not guarantee to call every filter on every liquid
func (ComponentVector) GetNames ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) GetNames() []string
func (ComponentVector) GetPlateIds ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) GetPlateIds() []string
func (ComponentVector) GetVols ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) GetVols() []wunit.Volume
func (ComponentVector) GetWellCoords ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) GetWellCoords() []string
func (ComponentVector) IsEmpty ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if there is no volume in the component vector
func (ComponentVector) Map ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) Map(maps ...func(*Liquid) *Liquid) ComponentVector
Map return a new componentvector which is the result calling each function in maps sequentially on each element
func (ComponentVector) String ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) String() string
func (ComponentVector) SubtractVolume ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) SubtractVolume(vol wunit.Volume)
func (ComponentVector) Volume ¶
func (cv ComponentVector) Volume() wunit.Volume
Volume get the total volume of liquid in the component vector
type ConfigItem ¶
type ConfigItem map[string]interface{}
type Coordinates2D ¶
func (Coordinates2D) Abs ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Abs() float64
Abs return the L2 norm of the coordinate
func (Coordinates2D) Add ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Add(rhs Coordinates2D) Coordinates2D
Add return a new coordinate which is the sum of the two
func (Coordinates2D) Divide ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Divide(factor float64) Coordinates2D
Divide return a new coordinate scaled by the reciprocal of factor if factor is zero, inf will be returned
func (Coordinates2D) Equals ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Equals(rhs Coordinates2D) bool
Equals return true if the two coordinates are equal
func (Coordinates2D) Multiply ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Multiply(factor float64) Coordinates2D
Multiply return a new coordinate scaled by factor
func (Coordinates2D) String ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) String() string
String string representation of the coordinate
func (Coordinates2D) Subtract ¶
func (self Coordinates2D) Subtract(rhs Coordinates2D) Coordinates2D
Subtract return a new coordinate which is self minus rhs
type Coordinates3D ¶
func OriginOf ¶
func OriginOf(o LHObject) Coordinates3D
get the origin for the objects coordinate system
func (Coordinates3D) Add ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) Add(rhs Coordinates3D) Coordinates3D
Add Addition returns a new wtype.Coordinates
func (Coordinates3D) Divide ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) Divide(v float64) Coordinates3D
Divide returns a new wtype.Coordinates divided by v. If v is zero, inf will be returned
func (Coordinates3D) Equals ¶
func (c Coordinates3D) Equals(c2 Coordinates3D) bool
func (Coordinates3D) Multiply ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) Multiply(v float64) Coordinates3D
Multiply returns a new wtype.Coordinates
func (Coordinates3D) StringXY ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) StringXY() string
func (Coordinates3D) Subtract ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) Subtract(rhs Coordinates3D) Coordinates3D
Subtract returns a new wtype.Coordinates
func (Coordinates3D) To2D ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) To2D() Coordinates2D
To2D return a two dimensional coordinate by dropping z dimension
func (Coordinates3D) Unit ¶
func (self Coordinates3D) Unit() Coordinates3D
Unit return a Unit vector in the same direction as the coordinates
type DNA ¶
type DNA struct {
Seq DNASequence
defines something as physical DNA hence it is physical and has a DNASequence
type DNASeqSet ¶
type DNASeqSet []*DNASequence
func (DNASeqSet) AsBioSequences ¶
func (dss DNASeqSet) AsBioSequences() []BioSequence
type DNASequence ¶
type DNASequence struct { Nm string `json:"nm"` Seq string `json:"seq"` Plasmid bool `json:"plasmid"` Singlestranded bool `json:"single_stranded"` Overhang5prime Overhang `json:"overhang_5_prime"` Overhang3prime Overhang `json:"overhang_3_prime"` Methylation string `json:"methylation"` // add histones etc? Features []Feature `json:"features"` }
DNAsequence is a type of Biosequence
func Annotate ¶
func Annotate(dnaseq DNASequence, features []Feature) (annotated DNASequence)
func MakeDNASequence ¶
func MakeDNASequence(name string, seqstring string, properties []string) (seq DNASequence, err error)
func MakeLinearDNASequence ¶
func MakeLinearDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
func MakePlasmidDNASequence ¶
func MakePlasmidDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
func MakeSingleStrandedDNASequence ¶
func MakeSingleStrandedDNASequence(name string, seqstring string) (seq DNASequence)
func Phosphorylate ¶
func Phosphorylate(dnaseq DNASequence) (phosphorylateddna DNASequence, err error)
func (*DNASequence) AddBluntEnd ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) AddBluntEnd(end int) (err error)
AddBluntOverhang adds a blunt overhang to a specified end. Valid options are either 5 (for 5 prime/upstream end) or 3 (for 3 prime/upstream end).
func (*DNASequence) AddOverhang ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) AddOverhang(end int, sequence string) (err error)
AddOverhang adds an overhang to a specified end. Valid options are either 5 (for 5 prime/upstream end) or 3 (for 3 prime/upstream end).
func (*DNASequence) AddUnderhang ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) AddUnderhang(end int, sequence string) (err error)
AddUnderhang adds an underhang to a specified end. Valid options are either 5 (for 5 prime/upstream end) or 3 (for 3 prime/upstream end).
func (*DNASequence) Append ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) Append(s string) error
Append appends the existing dna sequence with the upper case of the string added
func (*DNASequence) Blast ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
Blast performs a blast search on the sequence and returns any hits found. An error is returned if a problem interacting with the blast server occurs.
func (DNASequence) Dup ¶
func (seq DNASequence) Dup() DNASequence
func (DNASequence) FeatureNames ¶
func (annotated DNASequence) FeatureNames() (featurenames []string)
FeatureNames returns a list of all feature names in the sequence
func (DNASequence) GetFeatureByName ¶
func (annotated DNASequence) GetFeatureByName(featureName string) (returnedFeatures []Feature)
GetFeatureByName returns all features found which match the specified feature name. Searches are not case sensitive.
func (*DNASequence) MolecularWeight ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) MolecularWeight() float64
MolecularWeight calculates the molecular weight of the specified DNA sequence. For accuracy it is important to specify if the DNA is single stranded or doublestranded along with phosphorylation.
func (*DNASequence) Name ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) Name() string
Name returns the name of the DNASequence
func (*DNASequence) Prepend ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) Prepend(s string) error
Preprend adds the requested sequence to the beginning of the existing sequence.
func (*DNASequence) RevComp ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) RevComp() string
RevComp returns the reverse complement of the DNASequence.
func (*DNASequence) Sequence ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) Sequence() string
Sequence returns the sequence of the DNA Sequence
func (*DNASequence) Set3PrimeEnd ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) Set3PrimeEnd(overhang Overhang) (err error)
Set3PrimeEnd adds a 3 prime overhang to a sequence. Validation is performed on the compatibility of the overhang with the sequence.
func (*DNASequence) Set5PrimeEnd ¶
func (seq *DNASequence) Set5PrimeEnd(overhang Overhang) (err error)
Set5PrimeEnd adds a 5 prime overhang to a sequence. Validation is performed on the compatibility of the overhang with the sequence.
func (*DNASequence) SetName ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) SetName(name string)
SetName sets the names of the dna sequence
func (*DNASequence) SetSequence ¶
func (dna *DNASequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
SetSequence checks the validity of sequence given as an argument and if all characters are present in ValidNucleotides If invalid characters are found an error returned listing all invalid characters and their positions in human friendly form. i.e. the first position is 1 and not 0.
type ElectroshockParameters ¶
type ElectroshockParameters map[string]interface{}
type Enzyme ¶
type Enzyme struct { Properties map[string]wunit.Measurement Nm string }
structure which defines an enzyme -- solutions containing enzymes need careful handling as they can be quite delicate
type Feature ¶
type Feature struct { Name string `json:"name"` Class string `json:"class "` // defined by constants above Reverse bool `json:"reverse"` StartPosition int `json:"start_position"` // in human friendly format EndPosition int `json:"end_position"` // in human friendly format DNASeq string `json:"dna_seq"` Protseq string `json:"prot_seq"` }
Feature describes a feature within a sequence, it's position in the sequence, in human friendly format, a protein sequence if applicablae and a class. Use the MakeFeature and AddFeature functions from the sequences packages. valid class fields are:
ORF = "ORF" CDS = "CDS" GENE = "gene" MISC_FEATURE = "misc_feature" PROMOTER = "promoter" TRNA = "tRNA" RRNA = "rRNA" NCRNA = "ncRNA" REGULATORY = "regulatory" REPEAT_REGION = "repeat_region"
func (*Feature) Coordinates ¶
Coordinates returns the start and end positions of the feature by default this will return the start position followed by the end position in human friendly format Available options are: HUMANFRIENDLY returns a sequence PositionPair's start and end positions in a human friendly format i.e. in a Sequence "ATGTGTTG" position 1 is A, 2 is T. CODEFRIENDLY returns a sequence PositionPair's start and end positions in a code friendly format i.e. in a Sequence "ATGTGTTG" position 0 is A, 1 is T. IGNOREDIRECTION is a constant to specify that direction of a feature position should be ignored when returning start and end positions of a feature. If selected, the start position will be the first position at which the feature is encountered regardless of orientation.
func (Feature) DNASequence ¶
func (f Feature) DNASequence() DNASequence
DNASequence returns the linear DNA sequence of the feature.
type File ¶
type File struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Representation of a file.
func AutoExportPlateCSV ¶
AutoExportPlateCSV exports an LHPlate and its contents as a csv file. This is not 100% safe to use in elements since, currently, at the time of running an element, the scheduler will not have allocated positions for the components so, for example, accurate well information cannot currently be obtained with this function. If allocating wells manually use the ExportPlateCSV function and explicitely set the sample locations and volumes.
func ExportPlateCSV ¶
func ExportPlateCSV(outputFileName string, plate *Plate, plateName string, wells []string, liquids []*Liquid, volumes []wunit.Volume) (file File, err error)
ExportPlateCSV a exports an LHPlate and its contents as a csv file. The caller is required to set the well locations and volumes explicitely with this function.
func (File) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*File) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FileSeries ¶
type FileSeries struct {
Files []File
FileSeries is a datatype representing a set of files for data processing usecases: - the files are related to the same entity (likely to the same device); - the files implicitly form a single dataset - i.e. they likely have the same data schema; A parameter of type FileSeries signals to the UI that it should be set using a special query dialog (rather than manually filling the list of files).
type FromFactory ¶
type FromFactory struct {
String string
func (*FromFactory) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f *FromFactory) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*FromFactory) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *FromFactory) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type Haswelladdress ¶
type Haswelladdress interface { PlateID() string WellCoords() WellCoords }
type HorizontalDirection ¶
type HorizontalDirection int
const ( LeftToRight HorizontalDirection = 1 RightToLeft HorizontalDirection = -1 )
func (HorizontalDirection) String ¶
func (s HorizontalDirection) String() string
type IChain ¶
type IChain struct { Parent *IChain Child *IChain Values []*LHInstruction Depth int }
func MakeNewIChain ¶
func MakeNewIChain(vals ...[]*LHInstruction) *IChain
MakeNewIChain return a chain containing one node for each argument, linked in sequence skip any empty sets
func (*IChain) AssertInstructionsSeparate ¶
AssertInstructionsSeparate check that there's only one type of instruction in each link of the chain
func (*IChain) FlattenInstructionIDs ¶
FlattenInstructionIDs returns a slice containing the IDs of each instruction in the chain in order
func (*IChain) GetOrderedLHInstructions ¶
func (it *IChain) GetOrderedLHInstructions() []*LHInstruction
GetOrderedLHInstructions get the instructions in order
func (*IChain) SortInstructions ¶
SortInstructions sort the instructions within each link of the chain
func (*IChain) SplitMixedNodes ¶
func (*IChain) SwapForChain ¶
SwapForChain replace node ch with the node chain starting with newch
if ch is the head of the chain, return newch as the new head otherwise return nil
type Identifiable ¶
type Identifiable interface {
GetID() string
type LHAdaptor ¶
type LHAdaptor struct { Name string ID string Manufacturer string Params *LHChannelParameter Tips []*LHTip }
func NewLHAdaptor ¶
func NewLHAdaptor(name, mf string, params *LHChannelParameter) *LHAdaptor
NewLHAdaptor make a new adaptor
func (*LHAdaptor) AdaptorType ¶
AdaptorType the manufacturer and name of the adaptor
func (*LHAdaptor) AddTip ¶
AddTip Load a tip to the specified channel, overwriting any tip already present
func (*LHAdaptor) DupKeepIDs ¶
DupKeepIDs duplicate the adaptor and any loaded tips keeping the same IDs
func (*LHAdaptor) GetLargestChannelSpacing ¶
func (self *LHAdaptor) GetLargestChannelSpacing() Coordinates2D
GetLargestChannelSpacing get the largest possible distance between successive channels
func (*LHAdaptor) GetMostCompactChannelPositions ¶
func (self *LHAdaptor) GetMostCompactChannelPositions() ChannelPositions
GetMostCompactChannelPositions get the relative channel positions for the adaptor in the most tightly bunched layout supported
func (*LHAdaptor) GetParams ¶
func (lha *LHAdaptor) GetParams() *LHChannelParameter
GetParams get the channel parameters for the adaptor, combined with any loaded tips
func (*LHAdaptor) GetSmallestChannelSpacing ¶
func (self *LHAdaptor) GetSmallestChannelSpacing() Coordinates2D
GetSmallestChannelSpacing get the smallest possible distance between successive channels
func (*LHAdaptor) GetWellTargets ¶
func (self *LHAdaptor) GetWellTargets(well *LHWell) []Coordinates2D
GetWellTargets get the offset from the center of the well for each channel that can access the well simultaneously returns nil if the well cannot fit multiple channels
func (*LHAdaptor) IsTipLoaded ¶
IsTipLoaded Is there a tip loaded on channelNumber
func (*LHAdaptor) NumTipsLoaded ¶
NumTipsLoaded the number of tips currently loaded
func (*LHAdaptor) RemoveTips ¶
RemoveTips Return all previously loaded tips, with nils removed
type LHCategoryCondition ¶
type LHCategoryCondition struct {
Category string
func (LHCategoryCondition) IsEqualTo ¶
func (lhcc LHCategoryCondition) IsEqualTo(other LHCondition) bool
func (LHCategoryCondition) Match ¶
func (lhcc LHCategoryCondition) Match(v interface{}) bool
func (LHCategoryCondition) Type ¶
func (lhcc LHCategoryCondition) Type() string
type LHChannelParameter ¶
type LHChannelParameter struct { ID string Platform string Name string Minvol wunit.Volume Maxvol wunit.Volume Minspd wunit.FlowRate Maxspd wunit.FlowRate Multi int Independent bool Orientation ChannelOrientation Head int }
describes sets of parameters which can be used to create a configuration
func NewLHChannelParameter ¶
func NewLHChannelParameter(name, platform string, minvol, maxvol wunit.Volume, minspd, maxspd wunit.FlowRate, multi int, independent bool, orientation ChannelOrientation, head int) *LHChannelParameter
func (LHChannelParameter) CanMove ¶
func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) CanMove(v wunit.Volume, oneshot bool) bool
can you move this much? If oneshot is true it's strictly Minvol <= v <= Maxvol otherwise it's just Minvol <= v
func (*LHChannelParameter) Dup ¶
func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) Dup() *LHChannelParameter
func (*LHChannelParameter) DupKeepIDs ¶
func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) DupKeepIDs() *LHChannelParameter
func (*LHChannelParameter) Equals ¶
func (lhcprm *LHChannelParameter) Equals(prm2 *LHChannelParameter) bool
func (LHChannelParameter) GetConstraint ¶
func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) GetConstraint(n int) LHMultiChannelConstraint
given the dimension of the plate, what is the constraint on multichannel access?
func (*LHChannelParameter) MergeWithTip ¶
func (lhcp *LHChannelParameter) MergeWithTip(tip *LHTip) *LHChannelParameter
func (LHChannelParameter) String ¶
func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) String() string
func (LHChannelParameter) VolumeLimitString ¶
func (lhcp LHChannelParameter) VolumeLimitString() string
type LHComponent ¶
type LHComponent = Liquid
LHComponent is an alias for Liquid to preserve backwards compatibility Liquid describes a liquid component and its desired properties
type LHCondition ¶
type LHCondition interface { Match(interface{}) bool Type() string IsEqualTo(LHCondition) bool }
type LHContainer ¶
type LHContainer interface { Contents() *Liquid CurrentVolume() wunit.Volume ResidualVolume() wunit.Volume //WorkingVolume = CurrentVolume - ResidualVolume CurrentWorkingVolume() wunit.Volume //Add to the container AddComponent(*Liquid) error //Set the contents of the container SetContents(*Liquid) error //Remove from the container RemoveVolume(wunit.Volume) (*Liquid, error) }
LHContainer a tip or a well or something that holds liquids
type LHDeck ¶
type LHDeck struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LHDeck Represents a robot deck
func (*LHDeck) AddSlot ¶
func (self *LHDeck) AddSlot(name string, position Coordinates3D, size Coordinates2D)
func (*LHDeck) DimensionsString ¶
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children.
func (*LHDeck) GetBoxIntersections ¶
func (*LHDeck) GetChildBelow ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetChildBelow(point Coordinates3D) LHObject
Return the nearest object below the point, nil if none. The base of the object is used as reference, so e.g. a point within a well will return the plate
func (*LHDeck) GetManufacturer ¶
func (*LHDeck) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
func (*LHDeck) GetPosition ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
func (*LHDeck) GetSlotContaining ¶
func (*LHDeck) GetSlotNames ¶
func (*LHDeck) GetSlotNamesBelow ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotNamesBelow(point Coordinates3D) []string
func (*LHDeck) GetSlotPosition ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotPosition(name string) Coordinates3D
func (*LHDeck) GetSlotSize ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetSlotSize(name string) Coordinates2D
func (*LHDeck) GetVChildren ¶
func (self *LHDeck) GetVChildren(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
get all objects above and below the point
func (*LHDeck) SetOffset ¶
func (self *LHDeck) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
func (*LHDeck) SetSlotAccepts ¶
type LHDevice ¶
func NewLHDevice ¶
type LHHead ¶
type LHHead struct { Name string Manufacturer string ID string Adaptor *LHAdaptor Params *LHChannelParameter TipLoading TipLoadingBehaviour // defines the way in which tips are loaded into the head }
func NewLHHead ¶
func NewLHHead(name, mf string, params *LHChannelParameter) *LHHead
NewLHHead constructor for liquid handling heads
func (*LHHead) CanReach ¶
func (head *LHHead) CanReach(plate *LHPlate, addresses WellCoordSlice) bool
CanReach return true if the head can service the given addresses in the given object simultaneously. addresses is a slice of well addresses which should be serviced by successive channels of the head, eg. ["A1", "B1", "", "D1",] means channels 0, 1, and 3 should address wells A1, B1, and D1 respectively and channels 2 and 4-7 should not be used. Repeated addresses (e.g. ["A1", "A1", "A1"]) imply multiple tips per well, with exact positioning for each tip calculated with LHHead.GetWellTargets(). Addresses are not reordered, and so ["A1", "B1"] != ["B1", "A1"].
func (*LHHead) DupKeepIDs ¶
DupKeepIDs duplicate the head and adaptor, keeping the IDs the same
func (*LHHead) GetParams ¶
func (lhh *LHHead) GetParams() *LHChannelParameter
GetParams get the channel parameters of the head or the adaptor if one is loaded
type LHHeadAssembly ¶
type LHHeadAssembly struct { Positions []*LHHeadAssemblyPosition MotionLimits *BBox //the limits on range of motion of the head assembly, nil if unspecified VelocityLimits *VelocityRange // the range of valid velocities for the head, nil if unspecified }
LHHeadAssembly represent a set of LHHeads which are constrained to move together
func NewLHHeadAssembly ¶
func NewLHHeadAssembly(MotionLimits *BBox) *LHHeadAssembly
NewLHHeadAssembly build a new head assembly
func (*LHHeadAssembly) AddPosition ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) AddPosition(Offset Coordinates3D)
AddPosition add a position to the head assembly with the given offset
func (*LHHeadAssembly) CountHeadsLoaded ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) CountHeadsLoaded() int
GetNumHeadsLoaded get the number of heads that are loaded into the assembly
func (*LHHeadAssembly) CountPositions ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) CountPositions() int
GetNumPositions get the number of positions added to the head assembly
func (*LHHeadAssembly) DupWithoutHeads ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) DupWithoutHeads() *LHHeadAssembly
DupWithoutHeads copy the headassembly leaving all positions in the new assembly unloaded
func (*LHHeadAssembly) GetLoadedHeads ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) GetLoadedHeads() []*LHHead
GetLoadedHeads get an ordered slice of all the heads that have been loaded into the assembly
func (*LHHeadAssembly) LoadHead ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) LoadHead(head *LHHead) error
LoadHead load a head into the next available position in the assembly, returns error if no positions are available
func (*LHHeadAssembly) UnloadAllHeads ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) UnloadAllHeads()
UnloadAllHeads unload all heads from the assembly
func (*LHHeadAssembly) UnloadHead ¶
func (self *LHHeadAssembly) UnloadHead(head *LHHead) error
UnloadHead unload a head from the assembly, return an error if the head is not loaded
type LHHeadAssemblyPosition ¶
type LHHeadAssemblyPosition struct { Offset Coordinates3D Head *LHHead }
LHHeadAssemblyPosition a position within a head assembly
type LHInstruction ¶
type LHInstruction struct { ID string BlockID BlockID Inputs []*Liquid Outputs []*Liquid ContainerType string Welladdress string PlateID string Platetype string Vol float64 Type int Conc float64 Tvol float64 Majorlayoutgroup int PlateName string OutPlate *Plate Message string WaitTime time.Duration // contains filtered or unexported fields }
high-level instruction to a liquid handler
func NewLHMixInstruction ¶
func NewLHMixInstruction() *LHInstruction
func NewLHPromptInstruction ¶
func NewLHPromptInstruction() *LHInstruction
func NewLHSplitInstruction ¶
func NewLHSplitInstruction() *LHInstruction
func (*LHInstruction) AddInput ¶
func (inst *LHInstruction) AddInput(cmp *Liquid)
func (*LHInstruction) AddOutput ¶
func (inst *LHInstruction) AddOutput(cmp *Liquid)
func (*LHInstruction) AdjustVolumesBy ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) AdjustVolumesBy(r float64)
func (*LHInstruction) ComponentsMoving ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) ComponentsMoving() []*Liquid
func (*LHInstruction) DupLiquids ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) DupLiquids()
func (*LHInstruction) Generation ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) Generation() int
func (*LHInstruction) GetID ¶
func (inst *LHInstruction) GetID() string
GetID returns the ID of the instruction, useful for interfaces
func (*LHInstruction) HasAnyParent ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) HasAnyParent() bool
func (*LHInstruction) HasParent ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) HasParent(id string) bool
func (*LHInstruction) InputVolumeMap ¶
func (*LHInstruction) InsType ¶
func (inst *LHInstruction) InsType() string
func (*LHInstruction) IsDummy ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) IsDummy() bool
IsDummy return true if the instruction has no effect
func (*LHInstruction) IsMixInPlace ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) IsMixInPlace() bool
func (*LHInstruction) NamesOfComponentsMoving ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) NamesOfComponentsMoving() string
func (*LHInstruction) ParentString ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) ParentString() string
func (*LHInstruction) SetGeneration ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) SetGeneration(i int)
func (*LHInstruction) SetPlateID ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) SetPlateID(pid string)
func (LHInstruction) String ¶
func (ins LHInstruction) String() string
func (*LHInstruction) Summarize ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) Summarize(indent int) string
Summarize get a string summary of the instruction for end users
func (*LHInstruction) Wellcoords ¶
func (ins *LHInstruction) Wellcoords() WellCoords
type LHInstructions ¶
type LHInstructions map[string]*LHInstruction
func (LHInstructions) AssertDestinationsSet ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) AssertDestinationsSet() error
AssertDestinationsSet make certain that a destination has been set for each instruction, returning a descriptive error if not
func (LHInstructions) AssertMixResultsCorrect ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) AssertMixResultsCorrect() error
assertMixResultsCorrect checks that volumes of the mix result matches either the sum of the input, or the total volume if specified
func (LHInstructions) AssertNoPointerReuse ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) AssertNoPointerReuse() error
AssertNoPointerReuse make certain that inputs and outputs are not shared among LHInstructions as should be ensured by calling DupLiquids()
func (LHInstructions) AssertTotalVolumesMatch ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) AssertTotalVolumesMatch() error
assertTotalVolumesMatch checks that component total volumes are all the same in mix instructions
func (LHInstructions) AssertVolumesNonNegative ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) AssertVolumesNonNegative() error
assertVolumesNonNegative tests that the volumes within the LHRequest are zero or positive
func (LHInstructions) DupLiquids ¶
func (insts LHInstructions) DupLiquids()
DupLiquids duplicate the input and output liquids for each LHInstruction, thereby making certain that there can be no pointer-reuse between the instructions
type LHMultiChannelConstraint ¶
what constraints apply to adjacent channels
func (LHMultiChannelConstraint) Equals ¶
func (lhmcc LHMultiChannelConstraint) Equals(lhmcc2 LHMultiChannelConstraint) bool
func (LHMultiChannelConstraint) Satisfied ¶
func (lhmcc LHMultiChannelConstraint) Satisfied(wc1, wc2 WellCoords) bool
func (LHMultiChannelConstraint) SatisfiedV ¶
func (lhmcc LHMultiChannelConstraint) SatisfiedV(awc1, awc2 []WellCoords) bool
type LHNumericCondition ¶
func (LHNumericCondition) IsEqualTo ¶
func (lhnc LHNumericCondition) IsEqualTo(other LHCondition) bool
func (LHNumericCondition) Match ¶
func (lhnc LHNumericCondition) Match(v interface{}) bool
func (LHNumericCondition) Type ¶
func (lhnc LHNumericCondition) Type() string
type LHObject ¶
type LHObject interface { //GetPosition get the absolute position of the object (mm) GetPosition() Coordinates3D //GetSize get the size of the object (mm) GetSize() Coordinates3D //GetBoxIntersections get a list of LHObjects (can be this object or children) which intersect with the BBox GetBoxIntersections(BBox) []LHObject //GetPointIntersections get a list of LHObjects (can be this object or children) which intersect with the given point GetPointIntersections(Coordinates3D) []LHObject //SetOffset set the offset of the object relative to its parent (global if parent is nil) SetOffset(Coordinates3D) error //SetParent Store the offset of the object SetParent(LHObject) error //ClearParent Clear the parent of the object ClearParent() //GetParent GetParent() LHObject //GetID GetID() string //Dup duplicate the object, optionally keeping the IDs identical Duplicate(bool) LHObject //DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children. //useful for debugging DimensionsString() string }
LHObject Provides a unified interface to physical size and location of objects that exist within a liquid handler
func UnmarshalDeckObject ¶
UnmarshalDeckObject unmarshal an on-deck object serialised with MarshalDeckObject retaining the correct underlying type
type LHParent ¶
type LHParent interface { //GetChild get the child in the specified slot, nil if none. bool is false if the slot doesn't exists GetChild(string) (LHObject, bool) //GetSlotNames get a list of the slots GetSlotNames() []string //SetChild put the object in the slot SetChild(string, LHObject) error //Accepts test if slot can accept a certain class Accepts(string, LHObject) bool //GetSlotSize GetSlotSize(string) Coordinates2D }
LHParent An LHObject that can hold other LHObjects
type LHPlate ¶
type LHPlate = Plate
LHPlate is an alias for Plate to preserve backwards compatibility. Plate is the principle type for Liquid handling Plates in Antha. The structure describing a microplate.
type LHPolicy ¶
type LHPolicy map[string]interface{}
LHPolicy defines parameters for a liquid handling policy. Valid key and value pairs are found aparam.go
func AdjustPostMixVolume ¶
func AdjustPreMixVolume ¶
func DupLHPolicy ¶
func GetPolicyByName ¶
func GetPolicyByName(policyname PolicyName) (lhpolicy LHPolicy, err error)
func GetPolicyByType ¶
func GetPolicyByType(liquidType LiquidType) (lhpolicy LHPolicy, err error)
GetPolicyByType will return the default LHPolicy corresponding to a LiquidType. An error is returned if an invalid liquidType is specified.
func MakeCarbonSourcePolicy ¶
func MakeCarbonSourcePolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeColonyMixPolicy ¶
func MakeColonyMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeColonyPolicy ¶
func MakeColonyPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeCulturePolicy ¶
func MakeCulturePolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeCultureReusePolicy ¶
func MakeCultureReusePolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDNACELLSMixMultiPolicy ¶
func MakeDNACELLSMixMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDNACELLSMixPolicy ¶
func MakeDNACELLSMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDNAMixMultiPolicy ¶
func MakeDNAMixMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDNAMixPolicy ¶
func MakeDNAMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDNAPolicy ¶
func MakeDNAPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDefaultPolicy ¶
func MakeDefaultPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDetergentPolicy ¶
func MakeDetergentPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidMultiPolicy ¶
func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidMultiPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidPolicy ¶
func MakeDispenseAboveLiquidPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeGlycerolPolicy ¶
func MakeGlycerolPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeHVFlowRatePolicy ¶
func MakeHVFlowRatePolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeHVOffsetPolicy ¶
func MakeHVOffsetPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeJBPolicy ¶
func MakeJBPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeLVDNAMixPolicy ¶
func MakeLVDNAMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeLVExtraPolicy ¶
func MakeLVExtraPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeLoadPolicy ¶
func MakeLoadPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeLoadWaterPolicy ¶
func MakeLoadWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeMultiWaterPolicy ¶
func MakeMultiWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeNeedToMixPolicy ¶
func MakeNeedToMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeNitrogenSourcePolicy ¶
func MakeNitrogenSourcePolicy() LHPolicy
func MakePEGPolicy ¶
func MakePEGPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakePaintPolicy ¶
func MakePaintPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakePlateOutPolicy ¶
func MakePlateOutPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeProteinPolicy ¶
func MakeProteinPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeProtoplastPolicy ¶
func MakeProtoplastPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeSingleChannelPolicy ¶
func MakeSingleChannelPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeSmartMixSingleChannelPolicy ¶
func MakeSmartMixSingleChannelPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeSolventPolicy ¶
func MakeSolventPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeTOPolicy ¶
func MakeTOPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeViscousPolicy ¶
func MakeViscousPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeWaterPolicy ¶
func MakeWaterPolicy() LHPolicy
func MakeXYOffsetTestPolicy ¶
func MakeXYOffsetTestPolicy() LHPolicy
func MegaMixPolicy ¶
func MegaMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func PostMixPolicy ¶
func PostMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func PreMixPolicy ¶
func PreMixPolicy() LHPolicy
func SmartMixPolicy ¶
func SmartMixPolicy() LHPolicy
3 post mixes of the sample being transferred. Volume is adjusted based upon the volume of liquid in the destination well. No tip reuse permitted. Rules added to adjust post mix volume based on volume of the destination well. volume now capped at max for tip type (MIX_VOLUME_OVERRIDE_TIP_MAX)
func TurnOffBlowoutPolicy ¶
func TurnOffBlowoutPolicy() LHPolicy
func TurnOffPostMix ¶
func TurnOffPostMix() LHPolicy
func TurnOffPostMixAndPermitTipReUse ¶
func TurnOffPostMixAndPermitTipReUse() LHPolicy
func (LHPolicy) MergeWith ¶
clobber everything in here with the other policy then return the merged copy
func (*LHPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LHPolicyRule ¶
type LHPolicyRule struct { Name string Conditions []LHVariableCondition Priority int Type int // AND =0 OR = 1 }
conditions are ANDed together there is no chaining
func NewLHPolicyRule ¶
func NewLHPolicyRule(name string) LHPolicyRule
func (*LHPolicyRule) AddCategoryConditionOn ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRule) AddCategoryConditionOn(variable, category string) error
func (*LHPolicyRule) AddNumericConditionOn ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRule) AddNumericConditionOn(variable string, low, up float64) error
func (LHPolicyRule) HasCondition ¶
func (lhpr LHPolicyRule) HasCondition(cond LHVariableCondition) bool
func (LHPolicyRule) IsEqualTo ¶
func (lhpr LHPolicyRule) IsEqualTo(other LHPolicyRule) bool
this just looks for the same conditions, doesn't matter if the rules lead to different outcomes... not sure if this quite gives us the right behaviour but let's plough on for now
type LHPolicyRuleSet ¶
type LHPolicyRuleSet struct { Policies map[string]LHPolicy Rules map[string]LHPolicyRule Options map[string]interface{} }
func AddUniversalRules ¶
func AddUniversalRules(originalRuleSet *LHPolicyRuleSet, policies map[string]LHPolicy) (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet, err error)
func CloneLHPolicyRuleSet ¶
func CloneLHPolicyRuleSet(parent *LHPolicyRuleSet) *LHPolicyRuleSet
func GetLHPolicyForTest ¶
func GetLHPolicyForTest() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
GetLHPolicyForTest gets a set of Test LHPolicies for unit tests. This is not guaranteed to be consistent with the default system policies returned from GetSystemLHPolicies().
func GetSystemLHPolicies ¶
func GetSystemLHPolicies() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
GetSystemLHPolicies is used to set the default System Policies.
func NewLHPolicyRuleSet ¶
func NewLHPolicyRuleSet() *LHPolicyRuleSet
func (*LHPolicyRuleSet) AddRule ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) AddRule(rule LHPolicyRule, consequent LHPolicy)
func (LHPolicyRuleSet) GetEquivalentRuleTo ¶
func (lhpr LHPolicyRuleSet) GetEquivalentRuleTo(rule LHPolicyRule) string
func (*LHPolicyRuleSet) IsEqualTo ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) IsEqualTo(lhp2 *LHPolicyRuleSet) bool
func (*LHPolicyRuleSet) MergeWith ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) MergeWith(policyToMerge *LHPolicyRuleSet)
MergeWith merges the policyToMerge with the current LHPolicyRuleSet. if equivalent rules are found in the policyToMerge these are given priority over the existing rules.
func (*LHPolicyRuleSet) SetOption ¶
func (lhpr *LHPolicyRuleSet) SetOption(optname string, value interface{}) error
type LHPosition ¶
type LHPosition struct { Name string // human readable name of the position chosen by device driver Location Coordinates3D // absolute position of read left corner of the position Size Coordinates2D // size of the position - equal to the footprint of objects which can be accepted }
describes a position on the liquid handling deck
func NewLHPosition ¶
func NewLHPosition(name string, location Coordinates3D, size Coordinates2D) *LHPosition
NewLHPosition constructs a new position on a liquidhandling deck
type LHSolution ¶
type LHSolution struct { ID string BlockID BlockID Inst string SName string Order int Components []*Liquid ContainerType string Welladdress string Plateaddress string PlateID string Platetype string Vol float64 // in S.I units only for now Type string Conc float64 Tvol float64 Majorlayoutgroup int Minorlayoutgroup int }
structure describing a solution: a combination of liquid components deprecated and no longer used... may well need to be deleted
func NewLHSolution ¶
func NewLHSolution() *LHSolution
func New_Solution ¶
func New_Solution() *LHSolution
func (*LHSolution) GetAssignment ¶
func (lhs *LHSolution) GetAssignment() string
func (LHSolution) GetComponentVolume ¶
func (sol LHSolution) GetComponentVolume(key string) float64
func (LHSolution) String ¶
func (sol LHSolution) String() string
type LHTip ¶
type LHTip struct { ID string Type string Mnfr string Dirty bool MaxVol wunit.Volume MinVol wunit.Volume Shape *Shape Bounds BBox EffectiveHeight float64 Filtered bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TODO remove BBox once shape implements LHObject
func (*LHTip) AddComponent ¶
@implement LHContainer
func (*LHTip) CurrentVolume ¶
@implement LHContainer
func (*LHTip) CurrentWorkingVolume ¶
@implement LHContainer
func (*LHTip) DimensionsString ¶
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children.
func (*LHTip) GetBoxIntersections ¶
@implement LHObject
func (*LHTip) GetEffectiveHeight ¶
GetEffectiveHeight get the height of the tip when actually loaded onto a channel
func (*LHTip) GetParams ¶
func (tip *LHTip) GetParams() *LHChannelParameter
func (*LHTip) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *LHTip) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
@implement LHObject
func (*LHTip) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*LHTip) RemoveVolume ¶
@implement LHContainer
func (*LHTip) ResidualVolume ¶
@implement LHContainer
func (*LHTip) SetContents ¶
SetContents set the contents of the tip, returns an error if the tip is overfilled
func (*LHTip) SetOffset ¶
func (self *LHTip) SetOffset(point Coordinates3D) error
@implement LHObject
func (*LHTip) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LHTipbox ¶
type LHTipbox struct { ID string Boxname string Type string Mnfr string Nrows int Ncols int Height float64 Tiptype *LHTip AsWell *LHWell NTips int Tips [][]*LHTip // Tips[row][col] TipXOffset float64 TipYOffset float64 TipXStart float64 TipYStart float64 TipZStart float64 Bounds BBox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLHTipbox ¶
func (*LHTipbox) AddressExists ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
func (*LHTipbox) CoordsToWellCoords ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
func (*LHTipbox) DimensionsString ¶
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children. useful for debugging
func (*LHTipbox) DupKeepIDs ¶
func (*LHTipbox) GetBoxIntersections ¶
func (*LHTipbox) GetChildByAddress ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
func (*LHTipbox) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *LHTipbox) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
func (*LHTipbox) GetPosition ¶
func (self *LHTipbox) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
func (*LHTipbox) GetSize ¶
func (self *LHTipbox) GetSize() Coordinates3D
func (*LHTipbox) GetTipBounds ¶
func (*LHTipbox) GetTips ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) GetTips(mirror bool, multi int, orient ChannelOrientation) []string
deprecated shortly
func (*LHTipbox) GetTipsMasked ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) GetTipsMasked(mask []bool, ori ChannelOrientation, canTrim bool) ([]string, error)
find tips that fit the pattern and return in the same format
func (*LHTipbox) HasEnoughTips ¶
HasEnoughTips returns true if the tipbox has at least requested tips equivalent to tb.N_clean_tips() > requested
func (*LHTipbox) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*LHTipbox) N_clean_tips ¶
func (*LHTipbox) SetOffset ¶
func (self *LHTipbox) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
func (*LHTipbox) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*LHTipbox) WellCoordsToCoords ¶
func (tb *LHTipbox) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
type LHTipwaste ¶
type LHTipwaste struct { Name string ID string Type string Mnfr string Capacity int Contents int Height float64 WellXStart float64 WellYStart float64 WellZStart float64 AsWell *LHWell Bounds BBox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLHTipwaste ¶
func NewLHTipwaste(capacity int, typ, mfr string, size Coordinates3D, w *LHWell, wellxstart, wellystart, wellzstart float64) *LHTipwaste
func (*LHTipwaste) AddressExists ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
func (*LHTipwaste) CoordsToWellCoords ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
func (*LHTipwaste) DimensionsString ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) DimensionsString() string
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children.
func (*LHTipwaste) Dispose ¶
func (lht *LHTipwaste) Dispose(channels []*LHChannelParameter) ([]WellCoords, bool)
Dispose attempt to eject the tips from non-nil channels into the tipwaste. Returns a slice of well coordinates which specify where each tip should be ejected (undefined for nil channels), and a bool which is true if the tips were disposed of successfully, false if the tipbox is over capacity
func (*LHTipwaste) DisposeNum ¶
func (lht *LHTipwaste) DisposeNum(num int) bool
func (*LHTipwaste) Dup ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) Dup() *LHTipwaste
func (*LHTipwaste) DupKeepIDs ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) DupKeepIDs() *LHTipwaste
func (*LHTipwaste) Duplicate ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) Duplicate(keepIDs bool) LHObject
Duplicate copies an LHObject
func (*LHTipwaste) Empty ¶
func (lht *LHTipwaste) Empty()
func (*LHTipwaste) GetBoxIntersections ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetBoxIntersections(box BBox) []LHObject
func (*LHTipwaste) GetChildByAddress ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
func (*LHTipwaste) GetClass ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetClass() string
func (*LHTipwaste) GetID ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetID() string
func (*LHTipwaste) GetName ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetName() string
func (*LHTipwaste) GetParent ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetParent() LHObject
func (*LHTipwaste) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
func (*LHTipwaste) GetPosition ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
func (*LHTipwaste) GetSize ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetSize() Coordinates3D
func (*LHTipwaste) GetTargetOffset ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetTargetOffset(adaptorName string, channel int) Coordinates3D
GetTargetOffset get the offset for addressing a well with the named adaptor and channel
func (*LHTipwaste) GetTargets ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) GetTargets(adaptorName string) []Coordinates3D
GetTargets return all the defined targets for the named adaptor
func (*LHTipwaste) GetType ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) GetType() string
func (*LHTipwaste) MarshalJSON ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*LHTipwaste) NCols ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) NCols() int
func (*LHTipwaste) NRows ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) NRows() int
func (*LHTipwaste) SetOffset ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
func (*LHTipwaste) SetParent ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) SetParent(p LHObject) error
func (LHTipwaste) SpaceLeft ¶
func (tw LHTipwaste) SpaceLeft() int
func (LHTipwaste) String ¶
func (te LHTipwaste) String() string
func (*LHTipwaste) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (tw *LHTipwaste) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*LHTipwaste) WellCoordsToCoords ¶
func (self *LHTipwaste) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
type LHVariableCondition ¶
type LHVariableCondition struct { TestVariable string Condition LHCondition }
func NewLHVariableCondition ¶
func NewLHVariableCondition(testvariable string) LHVariableCondition
func (LHVariableCondition) IsEqualTo ¶
func (lhvc LHVariableCondition) IsEqualTo(other LHVariableCondition) bool
func (*LHVariableCondition) SetCategoric ¶
func (lhvc *LHVariableCondition) SetCategoric(category string) error
func (*LHVariableCondition) SetNumeric ¶
func (lhvc *LHVariableCondition) SetNumeric(low, up float64) error
func (*LHVariableCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (lh *LHVariableCondition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LHWell ¶
type LHWell struct { ID string Inst string Crds WellCoords MaxVol float64 //Maximum total capacity of the well WContents *Liquid Rvol float64 //Residual volume which can't be removed from the well WShape *Shape Bottom WellBottomType Bounds BBox Bottomh float64 Extra map[string]interface{} Plate LHObject `gotopb:"-" json:"-"` }
structure representing a well on a microplate - description of a destination
func Get_Next_Well ¶
this function is somewhat buggy... need to define its responsibilities better
func NewLHWell ¶
func NewLHWell(vunit string, vol, rvol float64, shape *Shape, bott WellBottomType, xdim, ydim, zdim, bottomh float64, dunit string) *LHWell
make a new well structure
func (*LHWell) AddComponent ¶
AddComponent add some liquid to the well
func (*LHWell) CalculateMaxCrossSectionArea ¶
func (*LHWell) CalculateMaxVolume ¶
func (LHWell) CheckExtraKey ¶
CheckExtraKey checks if the key is a reserved name
func (*LHWell) Clean ¶
func (w *LHWell) Clean()
Clean resets the volume in the well so that it's empty
func (*LHWell) ClearUserAllocated ¶
func (w *LHWell) ClearUserAllocated()
func (*LHWell) ContainerType ¶
func (*LHWell) CurrentVolume ¶
CurrentVolume return the volume of the component currently in the well
func (*LHWell) CurrentWorkingVolume ¶
CurrentWorkingVolume return the available working volume in the well - i.e. current volume minus residual volume
func (*LHWell) DeclareAutoallocated ¶
func (well *LHWell) DeclareAutoallocated()
func (*LHWell) DeclareNotAutoallocated ¶
func (well *LHWell) DeclareNotAutoallocated()
func (*LHWell) DimensionsString ¶
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children.
func (*LHWell) DupKeepIDs ¶
func (*LHWell) GetAfVFunc ¶
func (*LHWell) GetBoxIntersections ¶
@implement LHObject
func (*LHWell) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *LHWell) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
@implement LHObject
func (*LHWell) GetVolumeUnit ¶
func (*LHWell) GetWellCoords ¶
func (self *LHWell) GetWellCoords() WellCoords
func (*LHWell) GetWellTargets ¶
func (w *LHWell) GetWellTargets(adaptor string) []Coordinates3D
GetWellTargets return the well targets for the given adaptor if the adaptor has no defined targets, simply returns the well center
func (*LHWell) IsAutoallocated ¶
func (*LHWell) IsEmpty ¶
IsEmpty returns true if the well contains nothing, though this does not mean that the working volume is greater than zero
func (*LHWell) IsUserAllocated ¶
func (*LHWell) IsVolumeValid ¶
IsVolumeValid tests whether the volume in the well is within the allowable range
func (*LHWell) ListAdaptorsWithTargets ¶
GetAdaptorsWithTargets gets the list of the names of adaptors which have targets defined for the well
func (*LHWell) Location_ID ¶
func (*LHWell) Location_Name ¶
func (*LHWell) MaxWorkingVolume ¶
MaxWorkingVolume get the total maximum working volume in the well, i.e. the max volume minus residual volume
func (*LHWell) PlateLocation ¶
func (w *LHWell) PlateLocation() PlateLocation
func (*LHWell) RemoveCarry ¶
RemoveCarry Remove the carry volume
func (*LHWell) RemoveVolume ¶
RemoveVolume remove some liquid from the well
func (*LHWell) ResetPlateID ¶
func (*LHWell) ResidualVolume ¶
func (*LHWell) SetAfVFunc ¶
func (*LHWell) SetContents ¶
func (*LHWell) SetOffset ¶
func (self *LHWell) SetOffset(point Coordinates3D) error
@implement LHObject
func (*LHWell) SetUserAllocated ¶
func (w *LHWell) SetUserAllocated()
func (*LHWell) SetWellTargets ¶
func (w *LHWell) SetWellTargets(adaptor string, offsets []Coordinates3D)
SetWellTargets sets the targets for each channel when accessing the well using adaptor. offsets is a list of coordinates which specify the offset in mm from the well center for each channel. len(offsets) specifies the maximum number of channels which can access the well simultaneously using adaptor
func (*LHWell) UpdateContentID ¶
func (*LHWell) ValidateVolume ¶
ValidateVolume validates that the volume in the well is within allowable range
type Liquid ¶
type Liquid struct { ID string BlockID BlockID DaughtersID map[string]struct{} ParentID string Inst string Order int CName string Type LiquidType Vol float64 Conc float64 Vunit string Cunit string Tvol float64 Smax float64 // maximum solubility Visc float64 StockConcentration float64 SubComponents ComponentList // List of all sub components in the LHComponent. Extra map[string]interface{} Loc string // refactor to PlateLocation Destination string Policy LHPolicy // Policy is where a custom liquid policy is stored }
Liquid is the principle liquid handling type in Antha. A liquid describes a liquid component and its desired properties
func CopyComponentArray ¶
func NewLHComponent ¶
func NewLHComponent() *Liquid
func (*Liquid) AddDNASequence ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) AddDNASequence(seq DNASequence, options ...bool) error
AddDNASequence adds DNASequence to the LHComponent. If a Sequence already exists an error is returned and the sequence is not added unless an additional boolean argument (FORCEADD or true) is specified to ignore duplicates. A warning will be returned in either case if a duplicate sequence is already found.
func (*Liquid) AddDaughterComponent ¶
func (*Liquid) AddParentComponent ¶
func (*Liquid) AddSubComponent ¶
func (cmp *Liquid) AddSubComponent(subcomponent *Liquid, conc wunit.Concentration) error
AddSubComponent adds a subcomponent with concentration to a component. An error is returned if subcomponent is already found.
func (*Liquid) AddSubComponents ¶
func (cmp *Liquid) AddSubComponents(allsubComponents ComponentList) error
AddSubComponents adds a component list to a component. If a conflicting sub component concentration is already present then an error will be returned. To overwrite all subcomponents ignoring conficts, use OverWriteSubComponents.
func (*Liquid) AddVolumeRule ¶
func (*Liquid) Concentration ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) Concentration() (conc wunit.Concentration)
Concentration returns the Concentration of the LHComponent
func (*Liquid) DNASequences ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) DNASequences() ([]DNASequence, error)
DNASequences returns DNA Sequences asociated with an LHComponent. An error is also returned indicating whether a sequence was found.
func (*Liquid) DeclareInstance ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) DeclareInstance()
func (*Liquid) DeclareNotInstance ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) DeclareNotInstance()
func (*Liquid) EqualTypeVolume ¶
func (*Liquid) EqualTypeVolumeID ¶
func (*Liquid) FindDNASequence ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) FindDNASequence(seq DNASequence) (seqs []DNASequence, positions []int, err error)
FindDNASequence searches for the presence of a DNASequence in the LHComponent. Search is based upon both name of the sequence and sequence. If multiple copies of the sequence exists and error is returned. If a Sequence does not exist, the sequence is added and an error is returned.
func (Liquid) FullyQualifiedName ¶
func (*Liquid) Generation ¶
func (*Liquid) GetConcentrationOf ¶
func (c *Liquid) GetConcentrationOf(subComponentName string) (wunit.Concentration, error)
GetConcentrationOf attempts to retrieve the concentration of subComponentName in component. If the component name is equal to subComponentName, the concentration of the component itself is returned.
func (*Liquid) GetPolicies ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) GetPolicies() (*LHPolicyRuleSet, error)
func (*Liquid) GetSubComponents ¶
func (cmp *Liquid) GetSubComponents() (ComponentList, error)
GetSubComponents returns a component list from a component
func (*Liquid) HasAnyParent ¶
func (*Liquid) HasConcentration ¶
HasConcentration checks whether a Concentration is set for the LHComponent
func (*Liquid) HasDaughter ¶
func (*Liquid) HasSubComponent ¶
HasSubComponent evaluates if a sub component with subComponentName is found in component. If the component name is equal to subComponentName, true will be returned.
func (*Liquid) IsInstance ¶
func (*Liquid) IsSameKindAs ¶
func (*Liquid) IsValuable ¶
func (*Liquid) MeaningfulName ¶
MeaningfulName returns the name of the liquid if one has been explicitly set (e.g. with SetName) or the empty string if only an autogenerated name is available
func (*Liquid) MixPreserveTvol ¶
func (*Liquid) ModifyLHPolicyParameter ¶
ModifyLHPolicyParameter specifies that this LHComponent or instance of the LHComponent should be handled with a modified LHPolicy parameter. e.g. to Change number of post mixes to 5: lhc.ModifyLHPolicyParameter("POST_MIX", 5) Valid parameters and value types are specified in aparam.go An error is returned if an invalid parameter or value type for that parameter is specified.
func (*Liquid) OverwriteSubComponents ¶
func (cmp *Liquid) OverwriteSubComponents(allsubComponents ComponentList) error
OverwriteSubComponents Adds a component list to a component. Any existing component list will be overwritten. To add a ComponentList checking for duplicate entries, use AddSubComponents.
func (*Liquid) ParentTree ¶
func (cmp *Liquid) ParentTree() graph.StringGraph
func (*Liquid) PlateLocation ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) PlateLocation() PlateLocation
func (*Liquid) PolicyName ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) PolicyName() PolicyName
PolicyName returns the PolicyName of the LHComponent's LiquidType
func (*Liquid) RemoveDNASequence ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) RemoveDNASequence(seq DNASequence) error
RemoveDNASequence removes an existing DNASequence from the LHComponent. Search is based upon both name of the sequence and sequence. If multiple copies of the sequence exists and error is returned. If a Sequence does not exist, the sequence is added and an error is returned.
func (*Liquid) RemoveDNASequenceAtPosition ¶
RemoveDNASequenceAtPosition removes a DNA sequence from a specific position. Designed for cases where FindDNASequnce() method returns multiple instances of the dna sequence.
func (*Liquid) RemoveDNASequences ¶
RemoveDNASequences removes all DNASequences from the component.
func (*Liquid) ReplaceDaughterID ¶
func (*Liquid) SetConcentration ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) SetConcentration(conc wunit.Concentration)
SetConcentration sets a concentration to an LHComponent; assumes conc is valid; overwrites existing concentration
func (*Liquid) SetDNASequences ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) SetDNASequences(seqs []DNASequence, options ...bool) error
SetDNASequences adds a set of DNASequences to the LHComponent. If a Sequence already exists an error is returned and the sequence is not added unless an additional boolean argument (FORCEADD or true) is specified to ignore duplicates. A warning will be returned in either case if a duplicate sequence is already found.
func (*Liquid) SetGeneration ¶
func (*Liquid) SetPolicies ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) SetPolicies(rs *LHPolicyRuleSet) error
in future this will be deprecated... should not let user completely reset policies
func (*Liquid) SetPolicyName ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) SetPolicyName(policy PolicyName, options ...PolicyOption) error
SetPolicyName adds the LiquidType associated with a PolicyName to the LHComponent. If the PolicyName is invalid and the DoNotPermitCustomPolicies option is used as an argument then an error is returned. By default, custom policyNames may be added and the validity of these will be checked later when robot instructions are generated, rather than in the element.
func (*Liquid) SetWellLocation ¶
SetWellLocation sets the well location to an LHComponent in A1 format.
func (*Liquid) TotalVolume ¶
func (*Liquid) TypeName ¶
TypeName returns the PolicyName of the LHComponent's LiquidType as a string
func (*Liquid) UpdateDNASequence ¶
func (lhc *Liquid) UpdateDNASequence(seq DNASequence) error
UpdateDNASequence replaces an existing DNASequence to the LHComponent. Search is based upon both name of the sequence and sequence. If multiple copies of the sequence exists and error is returned. If a Sequence does not exist, the sequence is added and an error is returned.
func (*Liquid) WellLocation ¶
WellLocation returns the well location in A1 format.
type LiquidType ¶
type LiquidType string
LiquidType represents the type of a Liquid
const ( LTNIL LiquidType = "nil" LTWater LiquidType = "water" LTDefault LiquidType = "default" LTCulture LiquidType = "culture" LTProtoplasts LiquidType = "protoplasts" LTDNA LiquidType = "dna" LTDNAMIX LiquidType = "dna_mix" LTProtein LiquidType = "protein" LTMultiWater LiquidType = "multiwater" LTLoad LiquidType = "load" LTVISCOUS LiquidType = "viscous" LTPEG LiquidType = "peg" LTPAINT LiquidType = "paint" LTNeedToMix LiquidType = "NeedToMix" LTPostMix LiquidType = "PostMix" LTload LiquidType = "load" LTGlycerol LiquidType = "glycerol" LTPLATEOUT LiquidType = "plateout" LTDetergent LiquidType = "detergent" LTCOLONY LiquidType = "colony" LTNSrc LiquidType = "nitrogen_source" InvalidPolicyName LiquidType = "InvalidPolicyName" LTEthanol LiquidType = "ethanol" LTDoNotMix LiquidType = "DoNotMix" LTloadwater LiquidType = "loadwater" LTPreMix LiquidType = "PreMix" LTDISPENSEABOVE LiquidType = "DispenseAboveLiquid" LTDISPENSEABOVEMULTI LiquidType = "DispenseAboveLiquidMulti" LTCulutureReuse LiquidType = "culturereuse" LTDNAMIXMULTI LiquidType = "dna_mix_multi" LTCOLONYMIX LiquidType = "colonymix" LTDNACELLSMIX LiquidType = "dna_cells_mix" LTDNACELLSMIXMULTI LiquidType = "dna_cells_mix_multi" LTCSrc LiquidType = "carbon_source" LTMegaMix LiquidType = "MegaMix" LTSolvent LiquidType = "solvent" LTSmartMix LiquidType = "SmartMix" LTSingleChannel LiquidType = "SingleChannel" LTSmartMixSingleChannel LiquidType = "SmartMixSingleChannel" LTLiquidLevel LiquidType = "LiquidLevel" LTSmartMixLiquidLevel LiquidType = "SmartMixLiquidLevel" )
Valid default LiquidTypes
func LiquidTypeFromString ¶
func LiquidTypeFromString(s PolicyName, options ...PolicyOption) (LiquidType, error)
LiquidTypeFromString returns a LiquidType from a PolicyName If the PolicyName is invalid and the DoNotPermitCustomPolicies option is used as an argument then an error is returned. By default, custom policyNames may be added and the validity of these will be checked later when robot instructions are generated, rather than in the element.
func (LiquidType) String ¶
func (l LiquidType) String() (PolicyName, error)
type MajorOrder ¶
type MajorOrder int
const ( RowWise MajorOrder = iota ColumnWise )
func (MajorOrder) String ¶
func (s MajorOrder) String() string
type Match ¶
type Match struct { IDs []string // PlateIDs in 'got' array WCs []string // Wellcoords in 'got' array Vols []wunit.Volume // vols (before suck) in 'got' M []int // offsets in 'got' array Sc float64 // total score for this match }
func MatchComponents ¶
func MatchComponents(want, got ComponentVector, independent, debug bool) (Match, error)
matchComponents takes one bite each time... the best it can find needs to be run repeatedly to pick everything up TODO: needs to supply more options
type Organism ¶
type Organism struct {
Species *TOL // position on the TOL
structure which defines an organism. These need specific handling -- some detail is derived using the TOL structure
type OverHangType ¶
type OverHangType int
OverHangType represents the type of an overhang. Valid options are
FALSE OverHangType = 0 BLUNT OverHangType = 1 OVERHANG OverHangType = 2 UNDERHANG OverHangType = -1
const ( // no overhang FALSE OverHangType = 0 // A blunt overhang BLUNT OverHangType = 1 // An overhang (5' sequence overhangs complementary strand) OVERHANG OverHangType = 2 // an underhang (5' sequence underhangs complementary strand) UNDERHANG OverHangType = -1 )
Valid overhang types
type Overhang ¶
type Overhang struct { // Valid options are 5 (5 Prime end), 3 (3 prime end) or 0 (nul) End int `json:"end"` // Valid options are FALSE, BLUNT, OVERHANG, UNDERHANG Type OverHangType `json:"type"` // Overhang sequence Seq string `json:"sequence"` // Whether the overhang is phosphorylated. Phosphorylation bool `json:"phosphorylation"` }
Overhang represents an end of a DNASequence.
func MakeOverHang ¶
func MakeOverHang(overhangSequence string, end int, toporbottom int, phosphorylated bool) (overhang Overhang, err error)
MakeOverHang is used to create an overhang.
type PRInstruction ¶
PRInstruction is a high-level instruction to a plate reader to measure a sample
func NewPRInstruction ¶
func NewPRInstruction() *PRInstruction
NewPRInstruction creates a new PRInstruction
func (PRInstruction) String ¶
func (ins PRInstruction) String() string
type Plate ¶
type Plate struct { ID string Inst string Loc string // location of plate PlateName string // user-definable plate name Type string // plate type Mnfr string // manufacturer WlsX int // wells along long axis WlsY int // wells along short axis Nwells int // total number of wells HWells map[string]*LHWell // map of well IDs to well Rows [][]*LHWell Cols [][]*LHWell Welltype *LHWell Wellcoords map[string]*LHWell // map of coords in A1 format to wells WellXOffset float64 // distance (mm) between well centres in X direction WellYOffset float64 // distance (mm) between well centres in Y direction WellXStart float64 // offset (mm) to first well in X direction WellYStart float64 // offset (mm) to first well in Y direction WellZStart float64 // offset (mm) to bottom of well in Z direction Bounds BBox // (relative) position of the plate (mm), set by parent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Plate is the principle type for Liquid handling Plates in Antha. The structure describing a microplate.
func NewLHPlate ¶
func (*Plate) AddComponent ¶
func (lhp *Plate) AddComponent(cmp *Liquid, overflow bool) (wc []WellCoords, err error)
func (*Plate) AddressExists ¶
func (self *Plate) AddressExists(c WellCoords) bool
func (*Plate) AllAutoallocated ¶
AllAutoallocated returns true if the plate only contains liquids which were autoallocated i.e. nothing user-defined
func (*Plate) AllContents ¶
AllContents returns all the components on the plate
func (*Plate) AllNonEmptyWells ¶
func (*Plate) AllWellPositions ¶
func (*Plate) AreWellTargetsEnabled ¶
AreaWellTargetsEnabled should well targets be set with this plate? aim is to deprecate IsSpecial
func (*Plate) AvailableContents ¶
func (lhp *Plate) AvailableContents(wv []WellCoords) ComponentVector
AvailableContents accepts a slice of well coordinates, wv, and returns the Liquids that could be taken from each well in subsequent steps. if any well coordinate in wv does not exist, a nil liquid is returned in that position
func (*Plate) BetterGetComponent ¶
func (lhp *Plate) BetterGetComponent(cmp *Liquid, mpv wunit.Volume, legacyVolume bool) ([]WellCoords, []wunit.Volume, bool)
this gets ONE component... possibly from several wells
func (Plate) CheckExtraKey ¶
CheckExtraKey checks if the key is a reserved name
func (*Plate) Clean ¶
func (lhp *Plate) Clean()
Clean empty all the wells of the plate so that IsEmpty returns true
func (*Plate) CoordsToWellCoords ¶
func (self *Plate) CoordsToWellCoords(r Coordinates3D) (WellCoords, Coordinates3D)
func (*Plate) DeclareAutoallocated ¶
func (p *Plate) DeclareAutoallocated()
func (*Plate) DeclareSpecial ¶
func (p *Plate) DeclareSpecial()
func (*Plate) DimensionsString ¶
DimensionsString returns a string description of the position and size of the object and its children.
func (*Plate) DupKeepIDs ¶
func (*Plate) GetA1WellCoordsFromOrdering ¶
func (*Plate) GetAllConstraints ¶
func (*Plate) GetBoxIntersections ¶
func (*Plate) GetChildByAddress ¶
func (self *Plate) GetChildByAddress(c WellCoords) LHObject
func (*Plate) GetComponent ¶
func (*Plate) GetOrderingFromA1WellCoords ¶
func (*Plate) GetOrderingFromWellCoords ¶
func (lhp *Plate) GetOrderingFromWellCoords(wc []WellCoords, byrow bool) []int
func (*Plate) GetPointIntersections ¶
func (self *Plate) GetPointIntersections(point Coordinates3D) []LHObject
func (*Plate) GetPosition ¶
func (self *Plate) GetPosition() Coordinates3D
func (*Plate) GetSize ¶
func (self *Plate) GetSize() Coordinates3D
func (*Plate) GetTargetOffset ¶
func (p *Plate) GetTargetOffset(adaptorName string, channel int) Coordinates3D
GetTargetOffset get the offset for addressing a well with the named adaptor and channel
func (*Plate) GetTargets ¶
func (p *Plate) GetTargets(adaptorName string) []Coordinates3D
GetTargets return all the defined targets for the named adaptor
func (*Plate) GetWellBounds ¶
func (*Plate) GetWellCoordsFromOrdering ¶
func (lhp *Plate) GetWellCoordsFromOrdering(ordinals []int, byrow bool) []WellCoords
func (*Plate) GetWellCorner ¶
func (self *Plate) GetWellCorner() Coordinates3D
func (*Plate) GetWellOffset ¶
func (self *Plate) GetWellOffset() Coordinates3D
func (*Plate) GetWellSize ¶
func (self *Plate) GetWellSize() Coordinates3D
func (*Plate) IsUserAllocated ¶
func (*Plate) ListAdaptorsWithTargets ¶
ListAdaptorsWithTargets get a list of the names of all the adaptors with targets set
func (*Plate) MarkNonEmptyWellsUserAllocated ¶
func (p *Plate) MarkNonEmptyWellsUserAllocated()
func (*Plate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Plate) MergeWith ¶
semantics are: put stuff from p2 into p unless the well in p is declared as user allocated
func (*Plate) NextEmptyWell ¶
func (lhp *Plate) NextEmptyWell(it AddressIterator) WellCoords
func (Plate) OutputLayout ¶
func (plate Plate) OutputLayout()
func (*Plate) RemoveComponent ¶
func (*Plate) SetConstrained ¶
func (*Plate) SetOffset ¶
func (self *Plate) SetOffset(o Coordinates3D) error
func (*Plate) ToSLHPLate ¶
func (*Plate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*Plate) ValidateVolumes ¶
func (*Plate) WellCoordsToCoords ¶
func (self *Plate) WellCoordsToCoords(wc WellCoords, r WellReference) (Coordinates3D, bool)
type PlateLocation ¶
type PlateLocation struct { ID string Coords WellCoords }
func PlateLocationFromString ¶
func PlateLocationFromString(s string) PlateLocation
func ZeroPlateLocation ¶
func ZeroPlateLocation() PlateLocation
func (PlateLocation) Equals ¶
func (pc PlateLocation) Equals(opc PlateLocation) bool
func (PlateLocation) IsZero ¶
func (pc PlateLocation) IsZero() bool
func (PlateLocation) ToString ¶
func (pc PlateLocation) ToString() string
type Platedestmap ¶
type Platedestmap [][][]*LHInstruction
func NewPlatedestmap ¶
func NewPlatedestmap() Platedestmap
func (Platedestmap) Print ¶
func (pdm Platedestmap) Print()
type PointSet ¶
type PointSet []Coordinates3D
func (PointSet) CentreTo ¶
func (ps PointSet) CentreTo(c Coordinates3D) PointSet
type PolicyName ¶
type PolicyName string
PolicyName represents the name of a liquid handling policy used to look up the details of that policy.
func LiquidTypeName ¶
func LiquidTypeName(lt LiquidType) (PolicyName, error)
LiquidTypeName returns a PolicyName from a LiquidType
func PolicyNameFromString ¶
func PolicyNameFromString(s string) PolicyName
func (PolicyName) String ¶
func (l PolicyName) String() string
type PolicyOption ¶
type PolicyOption string
PolicyOption allows specification of advanced options to feed into the SetPolicyName method.
var DoNotPermitCustomPolicies PolicyOption = "DoNotPermitCustomPolicies"
DoNotPermitCustomPolicies is an option to pass into SetPolicyName to ensure only valid system policies are specified. With this flag set, custom user policies are not permitted.
type Protein ¶
type Protein struct {
Seq ProteinSequence
physical protein sample has a ProteinSequence
type ProteinSequence ¶
ProteinSequence object is a type of Biosequence
func (*ProteinSequence) Append ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) Append(s string) error
func (*ProteinSequence) Blast ¶
func (seq *ProteinSequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
func (*ProteinSequence) Molecularweight ¶
func (seq *ProteinSequence) Molecularweight() (daltons float64)
Estimate molecular weight of protein product
func (*ProteinSequence) Name ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) Name() string
func (*ProteinSequence) Prepend ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) Prepend(s string) error
func (*ProteinSequence) Sequence ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) Sequence() string
func (*ProteinSequence) SetName ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) SetName(name string)
func (*ProteinSequence) SetSequence ¶
func (prot *ProteinSequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
type RNASequence ¶
RNASequence object is a type of Biosequence
func (*RNASequence) Append ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) Append(s string) error
func (*RNASequence) Blast ¶
func (seq *RNASequence) Blast() (hits []Hit, err error)
func (*RNASequence) Name ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) Name() string
func (*RNASequence) Prepend ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) Prepend(s string) error
func (*RNASequence) Sequence ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) Sequence() string
func (*RNASequence) SetName ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) SetName(name string)
func (*RNASequence) SetSequence ¶
func (rna *RNASequence) SetSequence(seq string) error
type ReadEMParameters ¶
type ReadEMParameters map[string]interface{}
type Reading ¶
type Reading interface { BlankCorrect(blank Absorbance) PathlengthCorrect(pathlength wunit.Length) NormaliseTo(target Absorbance) CorrecttoRefStandard() }
type ReallySimpleAlignment ¶
type ReallySimpleAlignment []string
no guarantees... it's just some strings
func (ReallySimpleAlignment) Column ¶
func (aln ReallySimpleAlignment) Column(i int) string
func (ReallySimpleAlignment) MultiColumn ¶
func (aln ReallySimpleAlignment) MultiColumn(i, j int) []string
find column of length j slices at pos i
func (ReallySimpleAlignment) TrimToFrame ¶
func (aln ReallySimpleAlignment) TrimToFrame(frame int) ReallySimpleAlignment
type Rectangle ¶
type Rectangle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
a rectangle
func NewBoundingRectangle ¶
func NewBoundingRectangle(coords []Coordinates2D) Rectangle
NewBoundingRectangle create a new rectangle which is the smallest rectangle to include all the given coordinates
func NewRectangle ¶
func NewRectangle(firstCorner, secondCorner Coordinates2D) Rectangle
NewRectangle create a new rectangle from any two opposing corners
func (Rectangle) Center ¶
func (self Rectangle) Center() Coordinates2D
Center the central point of the rectangle
func (Rectangle) Contains ¶
func (self Rectangle) Contains(pos Coordinates2D) bool
Contains return true if the given coordinate is within the rectangle
type RestrictionEnzyme ¶
type RestrictionEnzyme struct { Enzyme // sequence RecognitionSequence string EndLength int Prototype string Topstrand3primedistancefromend int Bottomstrand5primedistancefromend int MethylationSite string //"attr, <4>" CommercialSource []string //string "attr, <5>" References []int Class string Isoschizomers []string }
RestrictionEnzyme is an enzyme which cleaves DNA
type SLHPlate ¶
type SLHPlate struct { ID string Inst string Loc string Name string Type string Mnfr string WellsX int WellsY int Nwells int Bounds BBox Welltype *LHWell Wellcoords map[string]*LHWell WellXOffset float64 // distance (mm) between well centres in X direction WellYOffset float64 // distance (mm) between well centres in Y direction WellXStart float64 // offset (mm) to first well in X direction WellYStart float64 // offset (mm) to first well in Y direction WellZStart float64 // offset (mm) to bottom of well in Z direction }
serializable, stripped-down version of the LHPlate
type SequenceDatabase ¶
type SequenceDatabase struct { Name string Filename string Type string Sequences []BioSequence }
type SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour ¶
type SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour int
const ( //NoSequentialTipLoading tips are loaded all at once, an error is raised if not possible NoSequentialTipLoading SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour = iota //ForwardSequentialTipLoading chunks of contiguous tips are loaded sequentially in the order encountered ForwardSequentialTipLoading //ReverseSequentialTipLoading chunks of contiguous tips are loaded sequentially in reverse order ReverseSequentialTipLoading )
func (SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour) String ¶
func (s SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour) String() string
type SerializableHead ¶
type SerializableHead struct { Name string Manufacturer string ID string AdaptorIndex int Params *LHChannelParameter TipLoading TipLoadingBehaviour }
func NewSerializableHead ¶
func NewSerializableHead(head *LHHead, adaptors map[*LHAdaptor]int) *SerializableHead
func (*SerializableHead) Fill ¶
func (sh *SerializableHead) Fill(head *LHHead, adaptors []*LHAdaptor)
type SerializableHeadAssembly ¶
type SerializableHeadAssembly struct { Positions []*sHeadAssemblyPosition MotionLimits *BBox VelocityLimits *VelocityRange }
SerializableHeadAssembly an easily serialisable representation of LHHEadAssembly referring to heads by index in some array
func NewSerializableHeadAssembly ¶
func NewSerializableHeadAssembly(ha *LHHeadAssembly, heads map[*LHHead]int) *SerializableHeadAssembly
NewSerializableHeadAssembly convert to an easily serialisable representation of a head assembly heads is a map of heads to list index
func (*SerializableHeadAssembly) Fill ¶
func (sha *SerializableHeadAssembly) Fill(ha *LHHeadAssembly, heads []*LHHead)
type SimpleAlignment ¶
type SimpleAlignment []AlignedBioSequence
func (SimpleAlignment) Column ¶
func (aln SimpleAlignment) Column(i int) string
type SortableRules ¶
type SortableRules []LHPolicyRule
func (SortableRules) Len ¶
func (s SortableRules) Len() int
func (SortableRules) Less ¶
func (s SortableRules) Less(i, j int) bool
func (SortableRules) Swap ¶
func (s SortableRules) Swap(i, j int)
type Suspension ¶
type Suspension struct { }
type TOL ¶
we use the open tree of life to define taxonomic relationships
func (TOL) Get_taxonomy ¶
extract the lineage of one particular node
func (TOL) IsAncestorOf ¶
returns the string name of the LCA if t is the ancestor of t2
type Targetted ¶
type Targetted interface { //GetTargetOffset Gets the well target location for the numbered channel of the named adaptor GetTargetOffset(string, int) Coordinates3D //GetTargets return all the defined targets for the named adaptor GetTargets(string) []Coordinates3D }
type TipEstimate ¶
type TipEstimate struct { TipType string // identifier describing which tips are to be used NTips int // count of tips used total NTipBoxes int // count of tip boxes to be used }
A Tip Estimate provides information on how many tips and tip boxes of a given type are expected to be used
func (TipEstimate) String ¶
func (self TipEstimate) String() string
type TipLoadingBehaviour ¶
type TipLoadingBehaviour struct { //OverrideLoadTipsCommand true it the liquid handler will override which tips are loaded OverrideLoadTipsCommand bool //AutoRefillTipboxes are tipboxes automaticall refilled AutoRefillTipboxes bool //LoadingOrder are tips loaded ColumnWise or RowWise LoadingOrder MajorOrder //VerticalLoadingDirection the direction along which columns are loaded VerticalLoadingDirection VerticalDirection //HorizontalLoadingDirection the direction along which rows are loaded HorizontalLoadingDirection HorizontalDirection //ChunkingBehaviour how to load tips when the requested number aren't available contiguously ChunkingBehaviour SequentialTipLoadingBehaviour }
TipLoadingBehaviour describe the way in which tips are loaded
func (TipLoadingBehaviour) String ¶
func (s TipLoadingBehaviour) String() string
String get a string description for debuggin
type TypeIIs ¶
type TypeIIs struct {
func ToTypeIIs ¶
func ToTypeIIs(typeIIenzyme RestrictionEnzyme) (typeIIsenz TypeIIs, err error)
type VelocityRange ¶
type VelocityRange struct {
Min, Max *wunit.Velocity3D
VelocityRange the minimum and maximum velocities for the head assembly. nil implies no limit
func (*VelocityRange) Dup ¶
func (self *VelocityRange) Dup() *VelocityRange
Dup return a copy of the range
type VerticalDirection ¶
type VerticalDirection int
const ( BottomToTop VerticalDirection = -1 TopToBottom VerticalDirection = 1 )
func (VerticalDirection) String ¶
func (s VerticalDirection) String() string
type Warning ¶
type Warning string
Warning is a representation of a non fatal error in Antha which implements the golang error interface.
func NewWarning ¶
func NewWarning(arguments ...interface{}) Warning
NewWarning generate a new Warning using the default formats for its arguments. Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
func NewWarningf ¶
NewWarningf generates a new Warning from a formatted string.
type WellBottomType ¶
type WellBottomType int
const ( FlatWellBottom WellBottomType = iota UWellBottom VWellBottom )
func (WellBottomType) String ¶
func (bt WellBottomType) String() string
type WellCoordArrayCol ¶
type WellCoordArrayCol []WellCoords
func (WellCoordArrayCol) Len ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayCol) Len() int
func (WellCoordArrayCol) Less ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayCol) Less(i, j int) bool
func (WellCoordArrayCol) Swap ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayCol) Swap(i, j int)
type WellCoordArrayRow ¶
type WellCoordArrayRow []WellCoords
func (WellCoordArrayRow) Len ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayRow) Len() int
func (WellCoordArrayRow) Less ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayRow) Less(i, j int) bool
func (WellCoordArrayRow) Swap ¶
func (wca WellCoordArrayRow) Swap(i, j int)
type WellCoordSlice ¶
type WellCoordSlice []WellCoords
func (WellCoordSlice) Trim ¶
func (self WellCoordSlice) Trim() WellCoordSlice
Trim remove nil well coords from begining and end of the slice
type WellCoords ¶
convenience structure for handling well coordinates
func MakeWellCoords ¶
func MakeWellCoords(wc string) WellCoords
func MakeWellCoords1A ¶
func MakeWellCoords1A(a1 string) WellCoords
make well coordinates in the "1A" convention
func MakeWellCoordsA1 ¶
func MakeWellCoordsA1(a1 string) WellCoords
make well coordinates in the "A1" convention
func MakeWellCoordsArray ¶
func MakeWellCoordsArray(sa []string) []WellCoords
func MakeWellCoordsXY ¶
func MakeWellCoordsXY(xy string) WellCoords
func MakeWellCoordsXYsep ¶
func MakeWellCoordsXYsep(x, y string) WellCoords
make well coordinates in a manner compatble with "X1,Y1" etc.
func WCArrayFromStrings ¶
func WCArrayFromStrings(arr []string) []WellCoords
func WCArrayFromWells ¶
func WCArrayFromWells(wells []*LHWell) []WellCoords
func ZeroWellCoords ¶
func ZeroWellCoords() WellCoords
func (WellCoords) ColLessThan ¶
func (wc WellCoords) ColLessThan(wc2 WellCoords) bool
func (WellCoords) ColNumString ¶
func (wc WellCoords) ColNumString() string
func (WellCoords) Equals ¶
func (wc WellCoords) Equals(w2 WellCoords) bool
func (WellCoords) Format1A ¶
func (wc WellCoords) Format1A() string
func (WellCoords) FormatA1 ¶
func (wc WellCoords) FormatA1() string
func (WellCoords) FormatXY ¶
func (wc WellCoords) FormatXY() string
return well coordinates in "X1Y1" format
func (WellCoords) IsZero ¶
func (wc WellCoords) IsZero() bool
func (WellCoords) RowLessThan ¶
func (wc WellCoords) RowLessThan(wc2 WellCoords) bool
func (WellCoords) RowLettString ¶
func (wc WellCoords) RowLettString() string
func (WellCoords) WellNumber ¶
func (wc WellCoords) WellNumber(platetype *Plate, byRow bool) int
WellNumber returns the index of the well coordinates on a platetype based on looking up the number of wells in the X, Y directions of the platetype. Setting byRow to true will count along each sequential row rather down each sequential column. e.g. if byRow == true: A1 = 0, A2 = 1, A12 = 11 if byRow == false: A1 = 0, B1 = 1, E1 = 4
type WellReference ¶
type WellReference int
WellReference used for specifying position within a well particularly for signify the intended locations for tip movements. Offsets are taken relative to these
const ( UnknownReference WellReference = iota - 1 // -1 BottomReference //0 TopReference //1 LiquidReference //2 )
func NewWellReference ¶
func NewWellReference(s string) (WellReference, error)
NewWellReference construct a WellReference from its descriptive name. returns UnkonwnReference and an error if the reference is not recognised
func (WellReference) AsInt ¶
func (self WellReference) AsInt() int
func (WellReference) String ¶
func (self WellReference) String() string
String returns a descriptive name for the reference which is interpreted by the front end
Source Files
- LiquidType.go
- absorbance.go
- annotatable.go
- annotatedsequence.go
- aparam.go
- bioinformatics.go
- biology.go
- biotree.go
- boundingbox.go
- centrifuge.go
- codontable.go
- componentvector.go
- configitem.go
- const.go
- electroshock.go
- entity.go
- executetypes.go
- file.go
- fileseries.go
- functions.go
- geometry.go
- globals.go
- haswelladdress.go
- ichain.go
- instructionparameter.go
- iterators.go
- lhadaptor.go
- lhdeck.go
- lherror.go
- lhhead.go
- lhinstruction.go
- lhinterfaces.go
- lhpolicy.go
- lhtip.go
- lhtipbox.go
- lhtipwaste.go
- lhtypes.go
- lhwell.go
- liquid.go
- makelhpolicy.go
- matchComponent.go
- normaliseName.go
- plate.go
- platedestmap.go
- platelocation.go
- prinstruction.go
- rational.go
- readem.go
- serialize.go
- shape.go
- subcomponents.go
- suspension.go
- tgraph.go
- ticker.go
- tipestimate.go
- uuid.go
- warning.go
- wellcoords.go
- wtype.go