Index ¶
- Constants
- type Object
- func (obj *Object) AggressionLevel(level float32)
- func (obj *Object) ApplyForce(force ns.Pointf)
- func (obj *Object) Attack(target ns.Positioner)
- func (obj *Object) AwardSpell(spell spell.Spell) bool
- func (obj *Object) BaseSpeed() float32
- func (obj *Object) CanSee(obj2 ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) CarryMaxWeight() int
- func (obj *Object) ChangeGold(delta int)
- func (obj *Object) ChangeScore(score int)
- func (obj *Object) Chat(message ns.StringID)
- func (obj *Object) ChatStr(message string)
- func (obj *Object) ChatStrTimer(message string, dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) ChatTimer(message ns.StringID, dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) Class() object.Class
- func (obj *Object) CreateMover(wp ns.WaypointObj, speed float32) ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) CurrentHealth() int
- func (obj *Object) CurrentMana() int
- func (obj *Object) CurrentSpeed() float32
- func (obj *Object) CursorObj() ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) CursorPos() types.Pointf
- func (obj *Object) Damage(source ns.Obj, amount int, typ damage.Type) bool
- func (obj *Object) Delete()
- func (obj *Object) DeleteAfter(dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) DestroyChat()
- func (obj *Object) Direction() ns.Direction
- func (obj *Object) DisplayName() string
- func (obj *Object) Drop(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) Enable(enable bool)
- func (obj *Object) Enchant(enchant enchant.Enchant, dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) EnchantOff(enchant enchant.Enchant)
- func (obj *Object) Equip(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) Equipment(conditions ...ns.ObjCond) []ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) FindItems(fnc func(obj ns.Obj) bool, conditions ...ns.ObjCond) int
- func (obj *Object) Flags() object.Flags
- func (obj *Object) FlagsDisable(v object.Flags)
- func (obj *Object) FlagsEnable(v object.Flags)
- func (obj *Object) Flee(target ns.Positioner, dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) Follow(target ns.Positioner)
- func (obj *Object) Freeze(freeze bool)
- func (obj *Object) GetClass() player.Class
- func (obj *Object) GetElevatorStatus() int
- func (obj *Object) GetGold() int
- func (obj *Object) GetHolder() ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) GetLastItem() ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) GetLevel() int
- func (obj *Object) GetPreviousItem() ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) GetScore() int
- func (obj *Object) GiveXp(xp float32)
- func (obj *Object) Guard(p1, p2 ns.Pointf, distance float32)
- func (obj *Object) HasClass(class class.Class) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasEnchant(enchant enchant.Enchant) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasEquipment(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasItem(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasOwner(owner ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasOwnerIn(owners ns.ObjGroup) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasSubclass(subclass subclass.SubClass) bool
- func (obj *Object) HasTeam(t ns.Team) bool
- func (obj *Object) HitMelee(p ns.Pointf)
- func (obj *Object) HitRanged(p ns.Pointf)
- func (obj *Object) Hunt()
- func (obj *Object) Idle()
- func (obj *Object) InEquipment() ns.ObjSearcher
- func (obj *Object) InItems() ns.ObjSearcher
- func (obj *Object) InventoryWeight() int
- func (obj *Object) IsAttackedBy(by ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) IsEnabled() bool
- func (obj *Object) IsLocked() bool
- func (obj *Object) Items(conditions ...ns.ObjCond) []ns.Obj
- func (obj *Object) Lock(lock bool)
- func (obj *Object) LookAtDirection(dir ns.Direction)
- func (obj *Object) LookAtObject(target ns.Positioner)
- func (obj *Object) LookWithAngle(angle int)
- func (obj *Object) Mass() float32
- func (obj *Object) MaxHealth() int
- func (obj *Object) MaxMana() int
- func (obj *Object) MonsterStatus() object.MonsterStatus
- func (obj *Object) MonsterStatusDisable(v object.MonsterStatus)
- func (obj *Object) MonsterStatusEnable(v object.MonsterStatus)
- func (obj *Object) Move(wp ns.WaypointObj)
- func (obj *Object) ObjScriptID() int
- func (obj *Object) OnEvent(event ns.ObjectEvent, fnc ns.Func)
- func (obj *Object) Pause(dt ns.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) Pickup(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) Player() ns.Player
- func (obj *Object) Pos() ns.Pointf
- func (obj *Object) PushTo(pos ns.Positioner, force float32)
- func (obj *Object) RaiseZombie()
- func (obj *Object) RestoreHealth(amount int)
- func (obj *Object) ResumeLevel(percent float32)
- func (obj *Object) RetreatLevel(percent float32)
- func (obj *Object) Return()
- func (obj *Object) ScriptID() int
- func (obj *Object) SetBaseSpeed(v float32)
- func (obj *Object) SetCarryMaxWeight(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetColor(ind int, cl ns.Color)
- func (obj *Object) SetDisplayName(name string, cl ns.Color)
- func (obj *Object) SetFlags(v object.Flags)
- func (obj *Object) SetGold(amount int)
- func (obj *Object) SetHealth(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetHealthRegenPerFrame(v float32)
- func (obj *Object) SetHealthRegenToMaxDur(t time.Duration)
- func (obj *Object) SetMana(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetMass(v float32)
- func (obj *Object) SetMaxHealth(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetMaxMana(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetMonsterStatus(v object.MonsterStatus)
- func (obj *Object) SetOwner(owner ns.Obj)
- func (obj *Object) SetOwners(owners ns.ObjGroup)
- func (obj *Object) SetPos(p ns.Pointf)
- func (obj *Object) SetRoamFlag(flags int)
- func (obj *Object) SetShopText(message ns.StringID)
- func (obj *Object) SetSightRange(val float32)
- func (obj *Object) SetStrength(v int)
- func (obj *Object) SetTeam(t ns.Team)
- func (obj *Object) SetZ(z float32)
- func (obj *Object) Strength() int
- func (obj *Object) Team() ns.Team
- func (obj *Object) Toggle() bool
- func (obj *Object) TrapSpells(spells ...spell.Spell)
- func (obj *Object) TrapSpellsAdv(spells []ns.TrapSpell)
- func (obj *Object) Type() ns.ObjType
- func (obj *Object) Unequip(item ns.Obj) bool
- func (obj *Object) Update()
- func (obj *Object) Vel() ns.Pointf
- func (obj *Object) WalkTo(p ns.Pointf)
- func (obj *Object) Wander()
- func (obj *Object) Weight() int
- func (obj *Object) Z() float32
- func (obj *Object) ZombieStayDown()
- type ObjectType
- func (t *ObjectType) Class() object.Class
- func (t *ObjectType) Create(pos ns.Positioner) ns.Obj
- func (t *ObjectType) Flags() object.Flags
- func (t *ObjectType) HasClass(class class.Class) bool
- func (t *ObjectType) HasSubclass(subclass subclass.SubClass) bool
- func (t *ObjectType) Index() int
- func (t *ObjectType) Name() string
- type ObjectTypes
- type Objects
- type Player
- func (p *Player) Blind(blind bool)
- func (p *Player) ChangeScore(score int)
- func (p *Player) CursorPos() types.Pointf
- func (p *Player) GetScore() int
- func (p *Player) HasTeam(t ns.Team) bool
- func (p *Player) Name() string
- func (p *Player) Pos() ns.Pointf
- func (p *Player) Print(message ns.StringID)
- func (p *Player) PrintStr(message string)
- func (p *Player) Store(typ ns.StorageType) ns.Storage
- func (p *Player) Team() ns.Team
- func (p *Player) Unit() ns.Obj
- type Players
- type Runtime
- func (r *Runtime) AudioEvent(audio audio.Name, p ns.Positioner)
- func (r *Runtime) AutoSave()
- func (r *Runtime) BecomeEnemy(obj ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) BecomePet(obj ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) Blind()
- func (r *Runtime) CancelDialog(obj ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) CastSpell(spell spell.Spell, source, target ns.Positioner)
- func (r *Runtime) CastSpellLvl(spell spell.Spell, lvl int, source, target ns.Positioner)
- func (r *Runtime) ClearMessages(player ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) CreateObject(typ ns.ObjTypeName, pos ns.Positioner) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) DeathScreen(which int)
- func (r *Runtime) DestroyEveryChat()
- func (r *Runtime) Effect(effect effect.Effect, p1, p2 ns.Positioner)
- func (r *Runtime) EndGame(class player.Class)
- func (r *Runtime) FindObjects(fnc func(it ns.Obj) bool, conditions ...ns.ObjCond) int
- func (r *Runtime) FindWalls(fnc func(it ns.WallObj) bool, conditions ...ns.WallCond) int
- func (r *Runtime) Frame() int
- func (r *Runtime) FrameRate() int
- func (r *Runtime) GetAnswer(obj ns.Obj) ns.DialogAnswer
- func (r *Runtime) GetCaller() ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) GetCharacterData(field int) int
- func (r *Runtime) GetHost() ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) GetQuestStatus(name string) int
- func (r *Runtime) GetQuestStatusFloat(name string) float32
- func (r *Runtime) GetTrigger() ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) HostPlayer() ns.Player
- func (r *Runtime) ImmediateBlind()
- func (r *Runtime) IsCaller(obj ns.Obj) bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsCrown(obj ns.Obj) bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsGameBall(obj ns.Obj) bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsSummoned(obj ns.Obj) bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsTalking() bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsTrading() bool
- func (r *Runtime) IsTrigger(obj ns.Obj) bool
- func (r *Runtime) JournalDelete(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID)
- func (r *Runtime) JournalDeleteStr(obj ns.Obj, message string)
- func (r *Runtime) JournalEdit(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID, typ ns.EntryType)
- func (r *Runtime) JournalEditStr(obj ns.Obj, message string, typ ns.EntryType)
- func (r *Runtime) JournalEntry(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID, typ ns.EntryType)
- func (r *Runtime) JournalEntryStr(obj ns.Obj, message string, typ ns.EntryType)
- func (r *Runtime) LoadMap(name string, opts *ns.LoadMapOptions)
- func (r *Runtime) MakeEnemy(obj ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) MakeFriendly(obj ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) Music(music int, volume int)
- func (r *Runtime) MusicEvent()
- func (r *Runtime) MusicPopEvent()
- func (r *Runtime) MusicPushEvent()
- func (r *Runtime) NewAbilityBook(pos ns.Positioner, abil abil.Ability) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewEnchantUseItem(typ ns.ObjTypeName, pos ns.Positioner, enc enchant.Enchant, dur ns.Duration) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewFieldGuide(pos ns.Positioner, creature ns.ObjTypeName) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewHealthPotion(pos ns.Positioner, health int) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewManaPotion(pos ns.Positioner, mana int) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewObject(typ *ObjectType, name string, pos types.Pointf) *Object
- func (r *Runtime) NewObjectType(cl object.Class, name string) *ObjectType
- func (r *Runtime) NewPlayer(name string) *Player
- func (r *Runtime) NewSpellBook(pos ns.Positioner, spell spell.Spell) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewSpellUseItem(typ ns.ObjTypeName, pos ns.Positioner, spell spell.Spell, lvl int) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewTimer(dt ns.Duration, fnc ns.Func, args ...any) ns.Timer
- func (r *Runtime) NewTrap(pos ns.Positioner, spells []ns.TrapSpell) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) NewWaypoint(name string, pos ns.Pointf) ns.WaypointObj
- func (r *Runtime) NoWallSound(noWallSound bool)
- func (r *Runtime) Object(name string) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) ObjectByHandle(h ns.ObjHandle) ns.Obj
- func (r *Runtime) ObjectGroup(name string) ns.ObjGroup
- func (r *Runtime) ObjectGroupByHandle(h ns.ObjGroupHandle) ns.ObjGroup
- func (r *Runtime) ObjectType(name string) ns.ObjType
- func (r *Runtime) ObjectTypeByInd(ind int) ns.ObjType
- func (r *Runtime) OnChat(fnc ns.ChatFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) OnFrame(fnc ns.FrameFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) OnMapEvent(typ ns.MapEvent, fnc ns.MapEventFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerDeath(fnc ns.PlayerDeathFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerJoin(fnc ns.PlayerJoinFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerLeave(fnc ns.PlayerLeaveFunc)
- func (r *Runtime) Players() []ns.Player
- func (r *Runtime) Print(message ns.StringID)
- func (r *Runtime) PrintStr(message string)
- func (r *Runtime) PrintStrToAll(message string)
- func (r *Runtime) PrintToAll(message ns.StringID)
- func (r *Runtime) Random(min int, max int) int
- func (r *Runtime) RandomFloat(min float32, max float32) float32
- func (r *Runtime) ResetFrame()
- func (r *Runtime) ResetQuestStatus(name string)
- func (r *Runtime) SetDialog(obj ns.Obj, typ ns.DialogType, start ns.Func, end ns.Func)
- func (r *Runtime) SetHalberd(upgrade ns.HalberdLevel)
- func (r *Runtime) SetQuestStatus(status int, name string)
- func (r *Runtime) SetQuestStatusFloat(status float32, name string)
- func (r *Runtime) SetShopkeeperText(obj ns.Obj, text ns.StringID)
- func (r *Runtime) SetShopkeeperTextStr(obj ns.Obj, text string)
- func (r *Runtime) StartDialog(obj ns.Obj, other ns.Obj)
- func (r *Runtime) StartupScreen(which int)
- func (r *Runtime) StopScript(value any)
- func (r *Runtime) Store(typ ns.StorageType) ns.Storage
- func (r *Runtime) StoryPic(obj ns.Obj, name string)
- func (r *Runtime) Teams() []ns.Team
- func (r *Runtime) TellStory(audio audio.Name, story ns.StringID)
- func (r *Runtime) TellStoryStr(audio audio.Name, story string)
- func (r *Runtime) Time() time.Duration
- func (r *Runtime) TimerByHandle(h ns.TimerHandle) ns.Timer
- func (r *Runtime) UnBlind()
- func (r *Runtime) Unknownb8(id int) bool
- func (r *Runtime) Unknownb9(id int) bool
- func (r *Runtime) Unknownc4()
- func (r *Runtime) Unused1f(id int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused20(id int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused50()
- func (r *Runtime) Unused58(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused59(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused5a(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused5b(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused5c(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused5d(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Unused5e(str string) int
- func (r *Runtime) Unused74(arg1 int, arg2 int)
- func (r *Runtime) Update()
- func (r *Runtime) UpdateFor(dt time.Duration)
- func (r *Runtime) UpdateN(frames int)
- func (r *Runtime) Wall(x int, y int) ns.WallObj
- func (r *Runtime) WallByHandle(h ns.WallHandle) ns.WallObj
- func (r *Runtime) WallGroup(name string) ns.WallGroupObj
- func (r *Runtime) WallGroupByHandle(h ns.WallGroupHandle) ns.WallGroupObj
- func (r *Runtime) Waypoint(name string) ns.WaypointObj
- func (r *Runtime) WaypointByHandle(h ns.WaypointHandle) ns.WaypointObj
- func (r *Runtime) WaypointGroup(name string) ns.WaypointGroupObj
- func (r *Runtime) WaypointGroupByHandle(h ns.WaypointGroupHandle) ns.WaypointGroupObj
- func (r *Runtime) Waypoints() []ns.WaypointObj
- func (r *Runtime) WideScreen(enable bool)
- func (r *Runtime) WithArgs(caller, trigger *Object) func()
- type Storage
- type Store
- type Timer
- type Timers
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( FrameRate = 30 FrameTime = time.Second/FrameRate + 1 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Object ¶
type Object struct { PosVec types.Pointf VelVec types.Pointf ZVal float32 WeightVal int CarryWeightVal int PlayerPtr *Player // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Object) AggressionLevel ¶
func (*Object) ApplyForce ¶
func (obj *Object) ApplyForce(force ns.Pointf)
func (*Object) CarryMaxWeight ¶ added in v4.23.0
func (*Object) ChangeGold ¶
func (*Object) ChangeScore ¶
func (*Object) ChatStrTimer ¶
func (*Object) CreateMover ¶
func (*Object) CurrentHealth ¶
func (*Object) CurrentMana ¶
func (*Object) CurrentSpeed ¶
func (*Object) DeleteAfter ¶
func (obj *Object) DeleteAfter(dt ns.Duration)
func (*Object) DestroyChat ¶
func (obj *Object) DestroyChat()
func (*Object) DisplayName ¶
func (*Object) EnchantOff ¶
func (*Object) FlagsDisable ¶
func (*Object) FlagsEnable ¶
func (*Object) GetElevatorStatus ¶
func (*Object) GetLastItem ¶
func (obj *Object) GetLastItem() ns.Obj
func (*Object) GetPreviousItem ¶
func (obj *Object) GetPreviousItem() ns.Obj
func (*Object) HasEquipment ¶
func (*Object) HasOwnerIn ¶
func (*Object) InEquipment ¶
func (obj *Object) InEquipment() ns.ObjSearcher
func (*Object) InventoryWeight ¶ added in v4.23.0
func (*Object) IsAttackedBy ¶
func (*Object) LookAtDirection ¶
func (obj *Object) LookAtDirection(dir ns.Direction)
func (*Object) LookAtObject ¶
func (obj *Object) LookAtObject(target ns.Positioner)
func (*Object) LookWithAngle ¶
func (*Object) MonsterStatus ¶
func (obj *Object) MonsterStatus() object.MonsterStatus
func (*Object) MonsterStatusDisable ¶
func (obj *Object) MonsterStatusDisable(v object.MonsterStatus)
func (*Object) MonsterStatusEnable ¶
func (obj *Object) MonsterStatusEnable(v object.MonsterStatus)
func (*Object) ObjScriptID ¶
func (*Object) RaiseZombie ¶
func (obj *Object) RaiseZombie()
func (*Object) RestoreHealth ¶
func (*Object) ResumeLevel ¶
func (*Object) RetreatLevel ¶
func (*Object) SetBaseSpeed ¶
func (*Object) SetCarryMaxWeight ¶ added in v4.23.0
func (*Object) SetDisplayName ¶
func (*Object) SetHealthRegenPerFrame ¶
func (*Object) SetHealthRegenToMaxDur ¶
func (*Object) SetMaxHealth ¶
func (*Object) SetMaxMana ¶
func (*Object) SetMonsterStatus ¶
func (obj *Object) SetMonsterStatus(v object.MonsterStatus)
func (*Object) SetRoamFlag ¶
func (*Object) SetShopText ¶ added in v4.23.0
func (obj *Object) SetShopText(message ns.StringID)
func (*Object) SetSightRange ¶
func (*Object) SetStrength ¶
func (*Object) TrapSpells ¶
func (*Object) TrapSpellsAdv ¶
func (obj *Object) TrapSpellsAdv(spells []ns.TrapSpell)
func (*Object) ZombieStayDown ¶
func (obj *Object) ZombieStayDown()
type ObjectType ¶
func (*ObjectType) Class ¶
func (t *ObjectType) Class() object.Class
func (*ObjectType) Create ¶
func (t *ObjectType) Create(pos ns.Positioner) ns.Obj
func (*ObjectType) Flags ¶
func (t *ObjectType) Flags() object.Flags
func (*ObjectType) HasSubclass ¶
func (t *ObjectType) HasSubclass(subclass subclass.SubClass) bool
func (*ObjectType) Index ¶
func (t *ObjectType) Index() int
func (*ObjectType) Name ¶
func (t *ObjectType) Name() string
type ObjectTypes ¶
type ObjectTypes struct { ByID map[uint32]*ObjectType ByName map[string]*ObjectType Player *ObjectType NPC *ObjectType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ObjectTypes) New ¶
func (s *ObjectTypes) New(r *Runtime, cl object.Class, name string) *ObjectType
type Objects ¶
type Objects struct { ByID map[uint32]*Object ByName map[string]*Object Host *Object // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Player ¶
type Player struct { Storage Storage UnitPtr *Object ClassVal player.Class ScoreVal int CursorPosVec types.Pointf // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Player) ChangeScore ¶
type Players ¶
type Runtime ¶
type Runtime struct { Timers Timers Storage Storage Objects Objects Types ObjectTypes PlayersData Players Trigger *Object Caller *Object // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetRuntime ¶
func GetRuntime() *Runtime
func NewRuntime ¶
func NewRuntime() *Runtime
func (*Runtime) AudioEvent ¶
func (*Runtime) BecomeEnemy ¶
func (r *Runtime) BecomeEnemy(obj ns.Obj)
func (*Runtime) CancelDialog ¶
func (r *Runtime) CancelDialog(obj ns.Obj)
func (*Runtime) CastSpellLvl ¶
func (*Runtime) ClearMessages ¶
func (r *Runtime) ClearMessages(player ns.Obj)
func (*Runtime) CreateObject ¶
func (r *Runtime) CreateObject(typ ns.ObjTypeName, pos ns.Positioner) ns.Obj
func (*Runtime) DeathScreen ¶
func (*Runtime) DestroyEveryChat ¶
func (r *Runtime) DestroyEveryChat()
func (*Runtime) FindObjects ¶
func (*Runtime) GetCharacterData ¶
func (*Runtime) GetQuestStatus ¶
func (*Runtime) GetQuestStatusFloat ¶
func (*Runtime) GetTrigger ¶
func (r *Runtime) GetTrigger() ns.Obj
func (*Runtime) HostPlayer ¶
func (r *Runtime) HostPlayer() ns.Player
func (*Runtime) ImmediateBlind ¶
func (r *Runtime) ImmediateBlind()
func (*Runtime) IsGameBall ¶
func (*Runtime) IsSummoned ¶
func (*Runtime) JournalDelete ¶
func (r *Runtime) JournalDelete(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID)
func (*Runtime) JournalDeleteStr ¶
func (*Runtime) JournalEdit ¶
func (r *Runtime) JournalEdit(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID, typ ns.EntryType)
func (*Runtime) JournalEditStr ¶
func (*Runtime) JournalEntry ¶
func (r *Runtime) JournalEntry(obj ns.Obj, message ns.StringID, typ ns.EntryType)
func (*Runtime) JournalEntryStr ¶
func (*Runtime) MakeFriendly ¶
func (r *Runtime) MakeFriendly(obj ns.Obj)
func (*Runtime) MusicEvent ¶
func (r *Runtime) MusicEvent()
func (*Runtime) MusicPopEvent ¶
func (r *Runtime) MusicPopEvent()
func (*Runtime) MusicPushEvent ¶
func (r *Runtime) MusicPushEvent()
func (*Runtime) NewAbilityBook ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewEnchantUseItem ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewFieldGuide ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (r *Runtime) NewFieldGuide(pos ns.Positioner, creature ns.ObjTypeName) ns.Obj
func (*Runtime) NewHealthPotion ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewManaPotion ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewObjectType ¶
func (r *Runtime) NewObjectType(cl object.Class, name string) *ObjectType
func (*Runtime) NewSpellBook ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewSpellUseItem ¶ added in v4.25.0
func (*Runtime) NewTrap ¶
func (r *Runtime) NewTrap(pos ns.Positioner, spells []ns.TrapSpell) ns.Obj
func (*Runtime) NewWaypoint ¶
func (*Runtime) NoWallSound ¶
func (*Runtime) ObjectByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) ObjectByHandle(h ns.ObjHandle) ns.Obj
func (*Runtime) ObjectGroup ¶
func (*Runtime) ObjectGroupByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) ObjectGroupByHandle(h ns.ObjGroupHandle) ns.ObjGroup
func (*Runtime) ObjectType ¶
func (*Runtime) ObjectTypeByInd ¶
func (*Runtime) OnMapEvent ¶
func (r *Runtime) OnMapEvent(typ ns.MapEvent, fnc ns.MapEventFunc)
func (*Runtime) OnPlayerDeath ¶
func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerDeath(fnc ns.PlayerDeathFunc)
func (*Runtime) OnPlayerJoin ¶
func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerJoin(fnc ns.PlayerJoinFunc)
func (*Runtime) OnPlayerLeave ¶
func (r *Runtime) OnPlayerLeave(fnc ns.PlayerLeaveFunc)
func (*Runtime) PrintStrToAll ¶
func (*Runtime) PrintToAll ¶
func (r *Runtime) PrintToAll(message ns.StringID)
func (*Runtime) ResetFrame ¶
func (r *Runtime) ResetFrame()
func (*Runtime) ResetQuestStatus ¶
func (*Runtime) SetDialog ¶
func (r *Runtime) SetDialog(obj ns.Obj, typ ns.DialogType, start ns.Func, end ns.Func)
func (*Runtime) SetHalberd ¶
func (r *Runtime) SetHalberd(upgrade ns.HalberdLevel)
func (*Runtime) SetQuestStatus ¶
func (*Runtime) SetQuestStatusFloat ¶
func (*Runtime) SetShopkeeperText ¶
func (r *Runtime) SetShopkeeperText(obj ns.Obj, text ns.StringID)
func (*Runtime) SetShopkeeperTextStr ¶
func (*Runtime) StartDialog ¶
func (r *Runtime) StartDialog(obj ns.Obj, other ns.Obj)
func (*Runtime) StartupScreen ¶
func (*Runtime) StopScript ¶
func (*Runtime) TimerByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) TimerByHandle(h ns.TimerHandle) ns.Timer
func (*Runtime) WallByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) WallByHandle(h ns.WallHandle) ns.WallObj
func (*Runtime) WallGroupByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) WallGroupByHandle(h ns.WallGroupHandle) ns.WallGroupObj
func (*Runtime) WaypointByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) WaypointByHandle(h ns.WaypointHandle) ns.WaypointObj
func (*Runtime) WaypointGroup ¶
func (*Runtime) WaypointGroupByHandle ¶
func (r *Runtime) WaypointGroupByHandle(h ns.WaypointGroupHandle) ns.WaypointGroupObj
func (*Runtime) WideScreen ¶
type Storage ¶
func (*Storage) Persistent ¶
type Timer ¶
type Timer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Timer) TimerScriptID ¶
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