Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddGovPropFlagsToCmd(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func BuildCreateValidatorMsg(clientCtx client.Context, config TxCreateValidatorConfig, txBldr tx.Factory, ...) (tx.Factory, sdk.Msg, error)
- func CmdCreateProviderAttributes() *cobra.Command
- func CmdDeleteProviderAttributes() *cobra.Command
- func ConvertBech32Cmd() *cobra.Command
- func CreateValidatorMsgFlagSet(ipDefault string) (fs *flag.FlagSet, defaultsDesc string)
- func DetectBidDeposit(ctx context.Context, flags *pflag.FlagSet, cl client.QueryClient) (sdk.Coin, error)
- func DetectDeploymentDeposit(ctx context.Context, flags *pflag.FlagSet, cl client.QueryClient) (sdk.Coin, error)
- func DiscoverClient(ctx context.Context, cctx sdkclient.Context, opts ...cltypes.ClientOption) (v1beta3.Client, error)
- func DiscoverQueryClient(ctx context.Context, cctx sdkclient.Context) (v1beta3.LightClient, error)
- func GetAuditProviderCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetAuditProvidersCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetAuthMultiSignCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetAuxToFeeCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetBroadcastCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetClientContextFromCmd(cmd *cobra.Command) sdkclient.Context
- func GetClientQueryContext(cmd *cobra.Command) (sdkclient.Context, error)
- func GetClientTxContext(cmd *cobra.Command) (sdkclient.Context, error)
- func GetDecodeCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetDeploymentGroupPauseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetDeploymentGroupStartCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetEncodeCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetGenesisAddAccountCmd(defaultNodeHome string) *cobra.Command
- func GetGenesisCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, txCfg client.TxEncodingConfig, defaultNodeHome string) *cobra.Command
- func GetGenesisCollectCmd(genBalIterator types.GenesisBalancesIterator, defaultNodeHome string, ...) *cobra.Command
- func GetGenesisGenTxCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, txEncCfg client.TxEncodingConfig, ...) *cobra.Command
- func GetGenesisInitCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, defaultNodeHome string) *cobra.Command
- func GetMigrationCallback(version string) types.MigrationCallback
- func GetMigrationVersions() []string
- func GetMultiSignBatchCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuditCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthAccountAddressByIDCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthAccountCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthAccountsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthModuleAccountByNameCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthModuleAccountsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthTxCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthTxsByEventsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthzCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthzGranteeGrantsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthzGranterGrantsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryAuthzGrantsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankBalancesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankDenomsMetadataCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankSendEnabledCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankSpendableBalancesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryBankTotalSupplyCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryCertCertificatesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryCertCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDeploymentCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDeploymentCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDeploymentGroupCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDeploymentGroupCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDeploymentsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionCommunityPoolCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionDelegatorRewardsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionValidatorCommissionCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionValidatorDistributionInfoCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionValidatorOutstandingRewardsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryDistributionValidatorSlashesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryEscrowBlocksRemainingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryEscrowCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryEvidenceCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryFeeGrantCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranteeCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranterCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryFeegrantCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGetProvidersCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovDepositCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovDepositsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovParamCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovProposalCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovProposalsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovProposerCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovQueryParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovTallyCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovVoteCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryGovVotesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketBidCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketBidCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketBidsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketLeaseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketLeaseCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketLeasesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketOrderCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketOrderCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMarketOrdersCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMintAnnualProvisionsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMintCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMintInflationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryMintParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryParamsSubspaceCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryProviderCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryProviderCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetQuerySlashingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQuerySlashingParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQuerySlashingSigningInfoCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQuerySlashingSigningInfosCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingAllTokenizeShareRecordsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingDelegationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingDelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingHistoricalInfoCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingLastTokenizeShareRecordIDCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingParamsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingPoolCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingRedelegationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingRedelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareLockInfoCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByDenomCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByIDCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordsOwnedCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTotalLiquidStakedCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingTotalTokenizeSharedAssetsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingValidatorCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingValidatorDelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingValidatorRedelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingValidatorUnbondingDelegationsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryStakingValidatorsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryUpgradeAppliedPlanCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryUpgradeCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryUpgradeCurrentPlanCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetQueryUpgradeModuleVersionsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetSignBatchCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetSignCommand() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuditAttributesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuditCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuthzCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuthzExecAuthorizationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuthzGrantAuthorizationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxAuthzRevokeAuthorizationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxBankCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxBankMultiSendTxCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxBankSendTxCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertGenerateClientCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertGenerateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertGenerateServerCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertPublishClientCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertPublishCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertPublishServerCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertRevokeCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertRevokeServerCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCertsRevokeClientCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCrisisCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxCrisisVerifyInvariantTxCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentAuthzCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentCloseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentCreateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentDepositCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentGrantAuthorizationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentGroupCloseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentGroupCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentRevokeAuthorizationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDeploymentUpdateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionFundCommunityPoolCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionSetWithdrawAddrCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllRewardsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionWithdrawRewardsCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxDistributionWithdrawTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxEncoder(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino) (encoder sdk.TxEncoder)
- func GetTxEscrowCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxEvidenceCmd(childCmds []*cobra.Command) *cobra.Command
- func GetTxFeegrantCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxFeegrantGrantCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxFeegrantRevokeCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovCmd(legacyPropCmds []*cobra.Command) *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovDepositCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovDraftProposalCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovSubmitLegacyProposalCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovSubmitProposalCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovVoteCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxGovWeightedVoteCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketBidCloseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketBidCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketBidCreateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketLeaseCloseCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketLeaseCmds() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketLeaseCreateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxMarketLeaseWithdrawCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxParamsSubmitParamChangeProposalCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxProviderCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxProviderCreateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxProviderUpdateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxSlashingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxSlashingUnjailCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingCancelUnbondingDelegationCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingCreateValidatorCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingDelegateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingDisableTokenizeShares() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingEditValidatorCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingEnableTokenizeShares() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingRedeemTokensCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingRedelegateCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingTokenizeSharesCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingTransferTokenizeShareRecordCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingUnbondCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingUnbondValidatorCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxStakingValidatorBondCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxUpgradeCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyCancelUpgradeProposal() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyUpgradeProposal() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxVestingCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxVestingCreateAccountCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxVestingCreatePeriodicAccountCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetTxVestingCreatePermanentLockedAccountCmd() *cobra.Command
- func GetValidateSignaturesCommand() *cobra.Command
- func LeaseCalcBalanceRemain(balance sdk.Dec, currBlock, settledAt int64, leasePrice sdk.Dec) float64
- func LeaseCalcBlocksRemain(balance float64, leasePrice sdk.Dec) int64
- func MigrateGenesisCmd() *cobra.Command
- func MigrateHandler(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, migrations types.MigrationMap) error
- func MustClientFromContext(ctx context.Context) v1beta3.Client
- func MustQueryClientFromContext(ctx context.Context) v1beta3.LightClient
- func ParseQueryResponse(bz []byte) (sdk.SimulationResponse, error)
- func ParseSigArgs(args []string) ([]string, error)
- func Prompt[T any](data T, namePrefix string) (T, error)
- func PromptMetadata(skip bool) (types.ProposalMetadata, error)
- func QueryCmd() *cobra.Command
- func QueryPersistentPreRunE(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error
- func RPCAkash(_ *cmtrpctypes.Context) (*aclient.Akash, error)
- func ReadGovPropFlags(clientCtx client.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (*govv1.MsgSubmitProposal, error)
- func ReadPersistentCommandFlags(cctx sdkclient.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (sdkclient.Context, error)
- func ReadQueryCommandFlags(cctx sdkclient.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (sdkclient.Context, error)
- func ReadTxCommandFlags(cctx sdkclient.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (sdkclient.Context, error)
- func ReadTxFromFile(ctx client.Context, filename string) (tx sdk.Tx, err error)
- func SetCmdClientContext(cmd *cobra.Command, cctx sdkclient.Context) error
- func SetCmdClientContextHandler(cctx sdkclient.Context, cmd *cobra.Command) (err error)
- func SignTx(txFactory tx.Factory, clientCtx client.Context, name string, ...) error
- func SignTxWithSignerAddress(txFactory tx.Factory, clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, ...) (err error)
- func SubmitEvidenceCmd() *cobra.Command
- func TxCmd() *cobra.Command
- func TxPersistentPreRunE(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error
- func ValidateCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error
- type BatchScanner
- type BroadcastReq
- type ContextType
- type FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) Append(rhs FlagsSet) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) With(flags ...string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAccountNumber(val uint64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAllowList(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAllowedMsgs(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAllowedValidators(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAmount(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithAux() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithBidID(val mtypes.BidID) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithBroadcastModeBlock() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithBroadcastModeSync() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithChainID(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithCommission() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithCommissionMaxChangeRate(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithCommissionMaxRate(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithCommissionRate(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDenom(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDenyValidators(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDeploymentID(val dv1.DeploymentID) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDeposit(coin sdk.Coin) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDepositor(acc sdk.Address) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDescription(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDetails(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithDseq(val uint64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithEvents(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithExpiration(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithFeeGranter(val sdk.AccAddress) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithFeePayer(val sdk.AccAddress) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithFees(coins sdk.Coins) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithFrom(acc string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithGas(val int) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithGasAutoFlags() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithGenerateOnly() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithGroupID(val dv1.GroupID) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithGseq(val uint32) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithHeight(val uint64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithHome(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithIdentity(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithLeaseID(val mtypes.LeaseID) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithLimit(val int64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithMetadata(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithMoniker(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithMsgType(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithMultisig(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithNote(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOffline() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOrderID(val mtypes.OrderID) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOseq(val uint32) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOutput(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOutputJSON() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOutputText() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOutputYAML() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOverwrite() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithOwner(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithPeriod(val int64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithPeriodLimit(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithPrice(coin sdk.DecCoin) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithProposal(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithProposalType(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithProvider(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithPubkey(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSecurityContact(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSequence(val uint64) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSerial(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSignMode(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSignatureOnly() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSkipConfirm() FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithSpendLimit(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithState(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithStatus(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithTip(val sdk.Coin) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithTitle(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithType(val string) FlagsSet
- func (df FlagsSet) WithWebsite(val string) FlagsSet
- type GasEstimateResponse
- type InputPeriod
- type ProviderConfig
- type TxCreateValidatorConfig
- type VestingData
Constants ¶
const ( ContextTypeClient = ContextType("context-client") ContextTypeQueryClient = ContextType("context-query-client") )
const ClientContextKey = sdk.ContextKey("client.context")
const (
MaxMessagesPerTxDefault = 0
const ServerContextKey = sdk.ContextKey("server.context")
Variables ¶
var ( FlagCommission = "commission" FlagMaxMessagesPerTx = "max-msgs" )
Transaction flags for the x/distribution module
var ( DefaultPowerReduction = sdkmath.NewIntFromUint64(sdk.DefaultPowerReduction.Uint64()) DefaultMinDepositTokens = sdkmath.NewIntFromUint64(govv1.DefaultMinDepositTokens.Uint64()) )
var (
DefaultTokens = sdk.DefaultPowerReduction.Mul(sdk.NewInt(100))
default values
var ProposalFlags = []string{ cflags.FlagTitle, cflags.FlagDescription, cflags.FlagProposalType, cflags.FlagDeposit, }
ProposalFlags defines the core required fields of a legacy proposal. It is used to verify that these values are not provided in conjunction with a JSON proposal file.
Functions ¶
func AddGovPropFlagsToCmd ¶
AddGovPropFlagsToCmd adds flags for defining MsgSubmitProposal fields.
See also ReadGovPropFlags.
func BuildCreateValidatorMsg ¶
func BuildCreateValidatorMsg(clientCtx client.Context, config TxCreateValidatorConfig, txBldr tx.Factory, generateOnly bool) (tx.Factory, sdk.Msg, error)
BuildCreateValidatorMsg makes a new MsgCreateValidator.
func ConvertBech32Cmd ¶
ConvertBech32Cmd get cmd to convert any bech32 address to an akash prefix.
func CreateValidatorMsgFlagSet ¶
CreateValidatorMsgFlagSet returns the flagset, particular flags, and a description of defaults this is anticipated to be used with the gen-tx
func DetectBidDeposit ¶
func DetectDeploymentDeposit ¶
func DiscoverClient ¶
func DiscoverQueryClient ¶
func GetAuthMultiSignCmd ¶
GetAuthMultiSignCmd returns the multi-sign command
func GetBroadcastCommand ¶
GetBroadcastCommand returns the tx broadcast command.
func GetClientContextFromCmd ¶
GetClientContextFromCmd returns a Context from a command or an empty Context if it has not been set.
func GetClientQueryContext ¶
GetClientQueryContext returns a Context from a command with fields set based on flags defined in AddQueryFlagsToCmd. An error is returned if any flag query fails.
- client.Context field not pre-populated & flag not set: uses default flag value - client.Context field not pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag not set: uses pre-populated value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value
func GetClientTxContext ¶
GetClientTxContext returns a Context from a command with fields set based on flags defined in AddTxFlagsToCmd. An error is returned if any flag query fails.
- client.Context field not pre-populated & flag not set: uses default flag value - client.Context field not pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag not set: uses pre-populated value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value
func GetDecodeCommand ¶
GetDecodeCommand returns the decode command to take serialized bytes and turn it into a JSON-encoded transaction.
func GetEncodeCommand ¶
GetEncodeCommand returns the encode command to take a JSONified transaction and turn it into Amino-serialized bytes
func GetGenesisAddAccountCmd ¶
GetGenesisAddAccountCmd returns add-genesis-account cobra Command. This command is provided as a default, applications are expected to provide their own command if custom genesis accounts are needed.
func GetGenesisCmd ¶
func GetGenesisCmd( mbm module.BasicManager, txCfg client.TxEncodingConfig, defaultNodeHome string, ) *cobra.Command
func GetGenesisCollectCmd ¶
func GetGenesisCollectCmd(genBalIterator types.GenesisBalancesIterator, defaultNodeHome string, validator types.MessageValidator) *cobra.Command
GetGenesisCollectCmd - return the cobra command to collect genesis transactions
func GetGenesisGenTxCmd ¶
func GetGenesisGenTxCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, txEncCfg client.TxEncodingConfig, genBalIterator types.GenesisBalancesIterator, defaultNodeHome string) *cobra.Command
GetGenesisGenTxCmd builds the application's gentx command.
func GetGenesisInitCmd ¶
func GetGenesisInitCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, defaultNodeHome string) *cobra.Command
GetGenesisInitCmd returns a command that initializes all files needed for Tendermint and the respective application.
func GetMigrationCallback ¶
func GetMigrationCallback(version string) types.MigrationCallback
GetMigrationCallback returns a MigrationCallback for a given version.
func GetMigrationVersions ¶
func GetMigrationVersions() []string
GetMigrationVersions get all migration version in a sorted slice.
func GetQueryAuthAccountAddressByIDCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthAccountAddressByIDCmd returns a query account that will display the account address of a given account id.
func GetQueryAuthAccountCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthAccountCmd returns a query account that will display the state of the account at a given address.
func GetQueryAuthAccountsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthAccountsCmd returns a query command that will display a list of accounts
func GetQueryAuthCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthCmd returns the transaction commands for this module
func GetQueryAuthModuleAccountByNameCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthModuleAccountByNameCmd returns a command to
func GetQueryAuthModuleAccountsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthModuleAccountsCmd returns a list of all the existing module accounts with their account information and permissions
func GetQueryAuthParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthParamsCmd returns the command handler for evidence parameter querying.
func GetQueryAuthTxCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthTxCmd implements the default command for a tx query.
func GetQueryAuthTxsByEventsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthTxsByEventsCmd returns a command to search through transactions by events.
func GetQueryAuthzCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthzCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQueryAuthzGranteeGrantsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthzGranteeGrantsCmd returns cmd to query for all grants for a grantee.
func GetQueryAuthzGranterGrantsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthzGranterGrantsCmd returns cmd to query for all grants for a granter.
func GetQueryAuthzGrantsCmd ¶
GetQueryAuthzGrantsCmd implements the query authorization command.
func GetQueryBankCmd ¶
GetQueryBankCmd returns the parent command for all x/bank CLi query commands. The provided cctx should have, at a minimum, a verifier, Tendermint RPC client, and marshaler set.
func GetQueryBankDenomsMetadataCmd ¶
GetQueryBankDenomsMetadataCmd defines the cobra command to query client denomination metadata.
func GetQueryDeploymentCmds ¶
GetQueryDeploymentCmds returns the query commands for the deployment module
func GetQueryDistributionCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQueryDistributionCommunityPoolCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionCommunityPoolCmd returns the command for fetching community pool info.
func GetQueryDistributionDelegatorRewardsCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionDelegatorRewardsCmd implements the query delegator rewards command.
func GetQueryDistributionParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionParamsCmd implements the query params command.
func GetQueryDistributionTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd implements the query tokenize share record rewards
func GetQueryDistributionValidatorCommissionCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionValidatorCommissionCmd implements the query validator commission command.
func GetQueryDistributionValidatorDistributionInfoCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionValidatorDistributionInfoCmd implements the query validator distribution info command.
func GetQueryDistributionValidatorOutstandingRewardsCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionValidatorOutstandingRewardsCmd implements the query validator outstanding rewards command.
func GetQueryDistributionValidatorSlashesCmd ¶
GetQueryDistributionValidatorSlashesCmd implements the query validator slashes command.
func GetQueryEvidenceCmd ¶
GetQueryEvidenceCmd returns the CLI command with all evidence module query commands mounted.
func GetQueryFeeGrantCmd ¶
GetQueryFeeGrantCmd returns cmd to query for a grant between granter and grantee.
func GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranteeCmd ¶
GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranteeCmd returns cmd to query for all grants for a grantee.
func GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranterCmd ¶
GetQueryFeeGrantsByGranterCmd returns cmd to query for all grants by a granter.
func GetQueryFeegrantCmd ¶
GetQueryFeegrantCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQueryGovCmd ¶
GetQueryGovCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQueryGovDepositCmd ¶
GetQueryGovDepositCmd implements the query proposal deposit command. Command to get a specific Deposit Information.
func GetQueryGovDepositsCmd ¶
GetQueryGovDepositsCmd implements the command to query for proposal deposits.
func GetQueryGovParamCmd ¶
GetQueryGovParamCmd implements the query param command.
func GetQueryGovProposalCmd ¶
GetQueryGovProposalCmd implements the query proposal command.
func GetQueryGovProposalsCmd ¶
GetQueryGovProposalsCmd implements a query proposals command. Command to Get Proposals Information.
func GetQueryGovProposerCmd ¶
GetQueryGovProposerCmd implements the query proposer command.
func GetQueryGovQueryParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryGovQueryParamsCmd implements the query params command.
nolint:staticcheck // this function contains deprecated commands that we need.
func GetQueryGovTallyCmd ¶
GetQueryGovTallyCmd implements the command to query for proposal tally result.
func GetQueryGovVoteCmd ¶
GetQueryGovVoteCmd implements the query proposal vote command. Command to Get a Vote Information.
func GetQueryGovVotesCmd ¶
GetQueryGovVotesCmd implements the command to query for proposal votes.
func GetQueryMarketCmds ¶
GetQueryMarketCmds returns the transaction commands for the market module
func GetQueryMintAnnualProvisionsCmd ¶
GetQueryMintAnnualProvisionsCmd implements a command to return the current minting annual provisions value.
func GetQueryMintCmd ¶
GetQueryMintCmd returns the cli query commands for the minting module.
func GetQueryMintInflationCmd ¶
GetQueryMintInflationCmd implements a command to return the current minting inflation value.
func GetQueryMintParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryMintParamsCmd implements a command to return the current minting parameters.
func GetQueryParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryParamsCmd returns a root CLI command handler for all x/params query commands.
func GetQueryParamsSubspaceCmd ¶
GetQueryParamsSubspaceCmd returns a CLI command handler for querying subspace parameters managed by the x/params module.
func GetQueryProviderCmds ¶
GetQueryProviderCmds returns the transaction commands for the provider module
func GetQuerySlashingCmd ¶
GetQuerySlashingCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQuerySlashingParamsCmd ¶
GetQuerySlashingParamsCmd implements a command to fetch slashing parameters.
func GetQuerySlashingSigningInfoCmd ¶
GetQuerySlashingSigningInfoCmd implements the command to query signing info.
func GetQuerySlashingSigningInfosCmd ¶
GetQuerySlashingSigningInfosCmd implements the command to query signing infos.
func GetQueryStakingAllTokenizeShareRecordsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingAllTokenizeShareRecordsCmd implements the query for all tokenize share records
func GetQueryStakingCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingCmd returns the cli query commands for this module
func GetQueryStakingDelegationCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingDelegationCmd the query delegation command.
func GetQueryStakingDelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingDelegationsCmd implements the command to query all the delegations made from one delegator.
func GetQueryStakingHistoricalInfoCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingHistoricalInfoCmd implements the historical info query command
func GetQueryStakingLastTokenizeShareRecordIDCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingLastTokenizeShareRecordIDCmd implements the query for last tokenize share record id
func GetQueryStakingParamsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingParamsCmd implements the params query command.
func GetQueryStakingPoolCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingPoolCmd implements the pool query command.
func GetQueryStakingRedelegationCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingRedelegationCmd implements the command to query a single redelegation record.
func GetQueryStakingRedelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingRedelegationsCmd implements the command to query all the redelegation records for a delegator.
func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareLockInfoCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareLockInfoCmd returns the tokenize share lock status for a user
func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByDenomCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByDenomCmd implements the query for individual tokenize share record information by share denom
func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByIDCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordByIDCmd implements the query for individual tokenize share record information by share by id
func GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordsOwnedCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTokenizeShareRecordsOwnedCmd implements the query tokenize share records by address
func GetQueryStakingTotalLiquidStakedCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTotalLiquidStakedCmd implements the query for total liquid staked tokens
func GetQueryStakingTotalTokenizeSharedAssetsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingTotalTokenizeSharedAssetsCmd implements the query for total tokenized staked assets
func GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationCmd implements the command to query a single unbonding-delegation record.
func GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsCmd implements the command to query all the unbonding-delegation records for a delegator.
func GetQueryStakingValidatorCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingValidatorCmd implements the validator query command.
func GetQueryStakingValidatorDelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingValidatorDelegationsCmd implements the command to query all the delegations to a specific validator.
func GetQueryStakingValidatorRedelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingValidatorRedelegationsCmd implements the query all redelegatations from a validator command.
func GetQueryStakingValidatorUnbondingDelegationsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingValidatorUnbondingDelegationsCmd implements the query all unbonding delegatations from a validator command.
func GetQueryStakingValidatorsCmd ¶
GetQueryStakingValidatorsCmd implements the query all validators command.
func GetQueryUpgradeAppliedPlanCmd ¶
GetQueryUpgradeAppliedPlanCmd returns information about the block at which a completed upgrade was applied.
func GetQueryUpgradeCmd ¶
GetQueryUpgradeCmd returns the parent command for all x/upgrade CLI query commands.
func GetQueryUpgradeCurrentPlanCmd ¶
GetQueryUpgradeCurrentPlanCmd returns the query upgrade plan command.
func GetQueryUpgradeModuleVersionsCmd ¶
GetModuleVersionsCmd returns the module version list from state
func GetSignBatchCommand ¶
GetSignBatchCommand returns the transaction sign-batch command.
func GetSignCommand ¶
GetSignCommand returns the transaction sign command.
func GetTxAuditCmd ¶
GetTxAuditCmd returns the transaction commands for audit module
func GetTxAuthzCmd ¶
GetTxAuthzCmd returns the transaction commands for this module
func GetTxAuthzExecAuthorizationCmd ¶
GetTxAuthzExecAuthorizationCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgExec transaction.
func GetTxAuthzGrantAuthorizationCmd ¶
GetTxAuthzGrantAuthorizationCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgGrant transaction.
func GetTxAuthzRevokeAuthorizationCmd ¶
GetTxAuthzRevokeAuthorizationCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgRevoke transaction.
func GetTxBankCmd ¶
GetTxBankCmd returns a root CLI command handler for all x/bank transaction commands.
func GetTxBankMultiSendTxCmd ¶
GetTxBankMultiSendTxCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgMultiSend transaction. For a better UX this command is limited to send funds from one account to two or more accounts.
func GetTxBankSendTxCmd ¶
GetTxBankSendTxCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgSend transaction.
func GetTxCrisisCmd ¶
GetTxCrisisCmd returns a root CLI command handler for all x/crisis transaction commands.
func GetTxCrisisVerifyInvariantTxCmd ¶
GetTxCrisisVerifyInvariantTxCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgVerifyInvariant transaction.
func GetTxDeploymentCmds ¶
GetTxDeploymentCmds returns the transaction commands for this module
func GetTxDeploymentGrantAuthorizationCmd ¶
func GetTxDeploymentRevokeAuthorizationCmd ¶
func GetTxDistributionFundCommunityPoolCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionFundCommunityPoolCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgFundCommunityPool transaction.
func GetTxDistributionSetWithdrawAddrCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionSetWithdrawAddrCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgSetWithdrawAddress transaction.
func GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllRewardsCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllRewardsCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward transaction.
func GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionWithdrawAllTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd defines a method to withdraw reward for all owning TokenizeShareRecord
func GetTxDistributionWithdrawRewardsCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionWithdrawRewardsCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward transaction.
func GetTxDistributionWithdrawTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd ¶
GetTxDistributionWithdrawTokenizeShareRecordRewardCmd defines a method to withdraw reward for an owning TokenizeShareRecord
func GetTxEncoder ¶
func GetTxEncoder(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino) (encoder sdk.TxEncoder)
GetTxEncoder return tx encoder from global sdk configuration if ones is defined. Otherwise, returns encoder with default logic.
func GetTxEvidenceCmd ¶
GetTxEvidenceCmd returns a CLI command that has all the native evidence module tx commands mounted. In addition, it mounts all childCmds, implemented by outside modules, under a sub-command. This allows external modules to implement custom Evidence types and Handlers while having the ability to create and sign txs containing them all from a single root command.
func GetTxFeegrantCmd ¶
GetTxFeegrantCmd returns the transaction commands for this module
func GetTxFeegrantGrantCmd ¶
GetTxFeegrantGrantCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgGrantAllowance transaction.
func GetTxFeegrantRevokeCmd ¶
GetTxFeegrantRevokeCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgRevokeAllowance transaction.
func GetTxGovCmd ¶
GetTxGovCmd returns the transaction commands for this module governance ModuleClient is slightly different from other ModuleClients in that it contains a slice of legacy "proposal" child commands. These commands are respective to the proposal type handlers that are implemented in other modules but are mounted under the governance CLI (eg. parameter change proposals).
func GetTxGovDepositCmd ¶
GetTxGovDepositCmd implements depositing tokens for an active proposal.
func GetTxGovDraftProposalCmd ¶
GetTxGovDraftProposalCmd let a user generate a draft proposal.
func GetTxGovSubmitLegacyProposalCmd ¶
GetTxGovSubmitLegacyProposalCmd implements submitting a proposal transaction command. Deprecated: please use GetTxGovSubmitProposalCmd instead.
func GetTxGovSubmitProposalCmd ¶
GetTxGovSubmitProposalCmd implements submitting a proposal transaction command.
func GetTxGovVoteCmd ¶
GetTxGovVoteCmd implements creating a new vote command.
func GetTxGovWeightedVoteCmd ¶
GetTxGovWeightedVoteCmd implements creating a new weighted vote command.
func GetTxMarketCmds ¶
GetTxMarketCmds returns the transaction commands for market module
func GetTxParamsSubmitParamChangeProposalCmd ¶
GetTxParamsSubmitParamChangeProposalCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a parameter change proposal governance transaction.
func GetTxProviderCmd ¶
GetTxProviderCmd returns the transaction commands for provider module
func GetTxSlashingCmd ¶
GetTxSlashingCmd returns a root CLI command handler for all x/slashing transaction commands.
func GetTxSlashingUnjailCmd ¶
GetTxSlashingUnjailCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgUnjail transaction.
func GetTxStakingCancelUnbondingDelegationCmd ¶
GetTxStakingCancelUnbondingDelegationCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgCancelUnbondingDelegation transaction.
func GetTxStakingCmd ¶
GetTxStakingCmd returns a root CLI command handler for all x/staking transaction commands.
func GetTxStakingCreateValidatorCmd ¶
GetTxStakingCreateValidatorCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgCreateValidator transaction.
func GetTxStakingDelegateCmd ¶
GetTxStakingDelegateCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgDelegate transaction.
func GetTxStakingDisableTokenizeShares ¶
GetTxStakingDisableTokenizeShares defines a command to disable tokenization for an address
func GetTxStakingEditValidatorCmd ¶
GetTxStakingEditValidatorCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgEditValidator transaction.
func GetTxStakingEnableTokenizeShares ¶
GetTxStakingEnableTokenizeShares defines a command to re-enable tokenization for an address
func GetTxStakingRedeemTokensCmd ¶
GetTxStakingRedeemTokensCmd defines a command for redeeming tokens from a validator for shares.
func GetTxStakingRedelegateCmd ¶
GetTxStakingRedelegateCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgBeginRedelegate transaction.
func GetTxStakingTokenizeSharesCmd ¶
GetTxStakingTokenizeSharesCmd defines a command for tokenizing shares from a validator.
func GetTxStakingTransferTokenizeShareRecordCmd ¶
GetTxStakingTransferTokenizeShareRecordCmd defines a command to transfer ownership of TokenizeShareRecord
func GetTxStakingUnbondCmd ¶
GetTxStakingUnbondCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgUndelegate transaction.
func GetTxStakingValidatorBondCmd ¶
GetTxStakingValidatorBondCmd defines a command to mark a delegation as a validator self bond
func GetTxUpgradeCmd ¶
GetTxUpgradeCmd returns the transaction commands for this module
func GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyCancelUpgradeProposal ¶
GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyCancelUpgradeProposal implements a command handler for submitting a software upgrade cancel proposal transaction. Deprecated: please use NewCmdSubmitCancelUpgradeProposal instead.
func GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyUpgradeProposal ¶
GetTxUpgradeSubmitLegacyUpgradeProposal implements a command handler for submitting a software upgrade proposal transaction.
func GetTxVestingCmd ¶
GetTxVestingCmd returns vesting module's transaction commands.
func GetTxVestingCreateAccountCmd ¶
GetTxVestingCreateAccountCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgCreateVestingAccount transaction.
func GetTxVestingCreatePeriodicAccountCmd ¶
GetTxVestingCreatePeriodicAccountCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgCreatePeriodicVestingAccountCmd transaction.
func GetTxVestingCreatePermanentLockedAccountCmd ¶
GetTxVestingCreatePermanentLockedAccountCmd returns a CLI command handler for creating a MsgCreatePermanentLockedAccount transaction.
func LeaseCalcBalanceRemain ¶
func MigrateGenesisCmd ¶
MigrateGenesisCmd returns a command to execute genesis state migration.
func MigrateHandler ¶
MigrateHandler handles the migration command with a migration map as input, returning an error upon failure.
func MustQueryClientFromContext ¶
func MustQueryClientFromContext(ctx context.Context) v1beta3.LightClient
func ParseQueryResponse ¶
func ParseQueryResponse(bz []byte) (sdk.SimulationResponse, error)
func ParseSigArgs ¶
ParseSigArgs parses comma-separated signatures from the CLI arguments.
func Prompt ¶
Prompt prompts the user for all values of the given type. data is the struct to be filled namePrefix is the name to be displayed as "Enter <namePrefix> <field>"
func PromptMetadata ¶
func PromptMetadata(skip bool) (types.ProposalMetadata, error)
PromptMetadata prompts for proposal metadata or only title and summary if skip is true
func ReadGovPropFlags ¶
func ReadGovPropFlags(clientCtx client.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (*govv1.MsgSubmitProposal, error)
ReadGovPropFlags parses a MsgSubmitProposal from the provided context and flags. Setting the messages is up to the caller.
See also AddGovPropFlagsToCmd.
func ReadPersistentCommandFlags ¶
func ReadPersistentCommandFlags(cctx sdkclient.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (sdkclient.Context, error)
ReadPersistentCommandFlags returns a Context with fields set for "persistent" or common flags that do not necessarily change with context.
Note, the provided clientCtx may have field pre-populated. The following order of precedence occurs:
- client.Context field not pre-populated & flag not set: uses default flag value - client.Context field not pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag not set: uses pre-populated value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value
func ReadQueryCommandFlags ¶
func ReadQueryCommandFlags(cctx sdkclient.Context, flagSet *pflag.FlagSet) (sdkclient.Context, error)
ReadQueryCommandFlags returns an updated Context with fields set based on flags defined in AddQueryFlagsToCmd. An error is returned if any flag query fails.
Note, the provided clientCtx may have field pre-populated. The following order of precedence occurs:
- client.Context field not pre-populated & flag not set: uses default flag value - client.Context field not pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag not set: uses pre-populated value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value
func ReadTxCommandFlags ¶
ReadTxCommandFlags returns an updated Context with fields set based on flags defined in AddTxFlagsToCmd. An error is returned if any flag query fails.
Note, the provided clientCtx may have field pre-populated. The following order of precedence occurs:
- client.Context field not pre-populated & flag not set: uses default flag value - client.Context field not pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag not set: uses pre-populated value - client.Context field pre-populated & flag set: uses set flag value
func ReadTxFromFile ¶
ReadTxFromFile and decode a StdTx from the given filename. Can pass "-" to read from stdin.
func SetCmdClientContext ¶
SetCmdClientContext sets a command's Context value to the provided argument.
func SetCmdClientContextHandler ¶
SetCmdClientContextHandler is to be used in a command pre-hook execution to read flags that populate a Context and sets that to the command's Context.
func SignTx ¶
func SignTx(txFactory tx.Factory, clientCtx client.Context, name string, txBuilder client.TxBuilder, offline, overwriteSig bool) error
SignTx signs a transaction managed by the TxBuilder using a `name` key stored in Keybase. The new signature is appended to the TxBuilder when overwrite=false or overwritten otherwise. Don't perform online validation or lookups if offline is true.
func SignTxWithSignerAddress ¶
func SignTxWithSignerAddress(txFactory tx.Factory, clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, name string, txBuilder client.TxBuilder, offline, overwrite bool, ) (err error)
SignTxWithSignerAddress attaches a signature to a transaction. Don't perform online validation or lookups if offline is true, else populate account and sequence numbers from a foreign account. This function should only be used when signing with a multisig. For normal keys, please use SignTx directly.
func SubmitEvidenceCmd ¶
SubmitEvidenceCmd returns the top-level evidence submission command handler. All concrete evidence submission child command handlers should be registered under this command.
Types ¶
type BatchScanner ¶
BatchScanner provides a convenient interface for reading batch data such as a file of newline-delimited JSON encoded StdTx.
func NewBatchScanner ¶
func NewBatchScanner(cfg client.TxConfig, r io.Reader) *BatchScanner
NewBatchScanner returns a new BatchScanner to read newline-delimited StdTx transactions from r.
func ReadTxsFromInput ¶
func ReadTxsFromInput(txCfg client.TxConfig, filenames ...string) (scanner *BatchScanner, err error)
ReadTxsFromInput reads multiples txs from the given filename(s). Can pass "-" to read from stdin. Unlike ReadTxFromFile, this function does not decode the txs.
func (*BatchScanner) Scan ¶
func (bs *BatchScanner) Scan() bool
Scan advances the Scanner to the next line.
func (BatchScanner) Tx ¶
func (bs BatchScanner) Tx() sdk.Tx
Tx returns the most recent Tx unmarshalled by a call to Scan.
func (BatchScanner) UnmarshalErr ¶
func (bs BatchScanner) UnmarshalErr() error
UnmarshalErr returns the first unmarshalling error that was encountered by the scanner.
type BroadcastReq ¶
type BroadcastReq struct { Tx legacytx.StdTx `json:"tx" yaml:"tx"` Mode string `json:"mode" yaml:"mode"` }
BroadcastReq defines a tx broadcasting request.
type FlagsSet ¶
type FlagsSet []string
func (FlagsSet) WithAllowedValidators ¶
func (FlagsSet) WithCommissionMaxChangeRate ¶
func (FlagsSet) WithCommissionMaxRate ¶
func (FlagsSet) WithDeploymentID ¶
func (df FlagsSet) WithDeploymentID(val dv1.DeploymentID) FlagsSet
func (FlagsSet) WithFeeGranter ¶
func (df FlagsSet) WithFeeGranter(val sdk.AccAddress) FlagsSet
func (FlagsSet) WithFeePayer ¶
func (df FlagsSet) WithFeePayer(val sdk.AccAddress) FlagsSet
type GasEstimateResponse ¶
type GasEstimateResponse struct {
GasEstimate uint64 `json:"gas_estimate" yaml:"gas_estimate"`
GasEstimateResponse defines a response definition for tx gas estimation.
func (GasEstimateResponse) String ¶
func (gr GasEstimateResponse) String() string
type InputPeriod ¶
type ProviderConfig ¶
type ProviderConfig struct { Host string `json:"host" yaml:"host"` Info types.Info `json:"info" yaml:"info"` Attributes tattr.Attributes `json:"attributes" yaml:"attributes"` }
ProviderConfig is the struct that stores provider config
func ReadProviderConfigPath ¶
func ReadProviderConfigPath(path string) (ProviderConfig, error)
ReadProviderConfigPath reads and parses file
func (ProviderConfig) GetAttributes ¶
func (c ProviderConfig) GetAttributes() tattr.Attributes
GetAttributes returns config attributes into key value pairs
type TxCreateValidatorConfig ¶
type TxCreateValidatorConfig struct { ChainID string NodeID string Moniker string Amount string CommissionRate string CommissionMaxRate string CommissionMaxChangeRate string PubKey cryptotypes.PubKey IP string P2PPort uint Website string SecurityContact string Details string Identity string }
func PrepareConfigForTxCreateValidator ¶
func PrepareConfigForTxCreateValidator(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, moniker, nodeID, chainID string, valPubKey cryptotypes.PubKey) (TxCreateValidatorConfig, error)
type VestingData ¶
type VestingData struct { StartTime int64 `json:"start_time"` Periods []InputPeriod `json:"periods"` }
Source Files
- audit_query.go
- audit_tx.go
- auth_flags.go
- auth_multisign.go
- auth_query.go
- auth_tips.go
- auth_tx.go
- authz_query.go
- authz_tx.go
- bank_query.go
- bank_tx.go
- bech32.go
- broadcast.go
- cctx.go
- cert_query.go
- cert_tx.go
- client.go
- crisis_tx.go
- deployment_query.go
- deployment_tx.go
- distribution_query.go
- distribution_tx.go
- escrow_query.go
- escrow_tx.go
- evidence_query.go
- evidence_tx.go
- feegrant_query.go
- feegrant_tx.go
- genesis.go
- genesis_collect.go
- genesis_genaccount.go
- genesis_gentx.go
- genesis_init.go
- genesis_migrate.go
- genesis_validate.go
- gov_query.go
- gov_tx.go
- gov_util.go
- init.go
- market_query.go
- market_tx.go
- mint_query.go
- params_query.go
- params_tx.go
- provider_query.go
- provider_tx.go
- query.go
- slashing_query.go
- slashing_tx.go
- staking_query.go
- staking_tx.go
- test_helpers.go
- tx.go
- upgrade_query.go
- upgrade_tx.go
- utils.go
- validate.go
- vesting_tx.go