
v0.0.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 14, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 0




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var (
	Command = &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "token",
		Short: "T0ken utilities",

	DeployCommand = &cobra.Command{
		Use:     "deploy <name> <symbol> <decimals>",
		Short:   "Deploys a new t0ken contract",
		Example: "t0ken token deploy --keystoreAddress owner",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.ExactArgs(3), cli.UintArgFunc("decimals", 2, 8)),
		PreRun:  commands.ConnectWithKeyStore,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

			name := args[0]
			symbol := args[1]
			decimals, err := strconv.ParseInt(args[2], 10, 8)

			addr, tx, _, err := erc20.DeployT0ken(cli.Conn.Opts, cli.Conn.Client, name, symbol, uint8(decimals))
			cli.CheckErr(cmd, err)
			cmd.Println("   Contract:", addr.String())
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(tx, nil)

	AuditCommand = &cobra.Command{
		Use:    "audit",
		Short:  "Audit the holders of the t0ken, outputting CSV to <stdout>",
		PreRun: connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, arts []string) {

			header, err := cli.Conn.HeaderByNumber(context.Background(), nil)
			cli.CheckErr(cmd, err)

			callSession.CallOpts.BlockNumber = header.Number
			n, err := callSession.Shareholders()
			cli.CheckErr(cmd, err)

			one := big.NewInt(1)
			index := big.NewInt(0)
			cmd.Printf("Block: %s\n", header.Number.String())
			for i := int64(0); i < n.Int64(); i++ {
				holder, err := callSession.HolderAt(index)
				cli.CheckErr(cmd, err)

				balance, err := callSession.BalanceOf(holder)
				cli.CheckErr(cmd, err)

				fmt.Printf("%s,%s\n", holder.String(), balance.String())
				index.Add(index, one)
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var GetterCommands = []*cobra.Command{
		Use:     "abi",
		Short:   "Outputs the T0ken ABI",
		Example: "t0ken investor abi",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		Run:     func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { cmd.Println(erc20.T0kenABI) },
		Use:     "bin",
		Short:   "Outputs the T0ken Binary",
		Example: "t0ken investor bin",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		Run:     func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { cmd.Println(erc20.T0kenBin) },
		Use:     "allowance <owner> <spender>",
		Short:   "Gets the amount of tokens the <owner> has approved the <spender> to transfer",
		Example: "t0ken token allowance 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 0xa01a0a93716633058d69a28fbd472fd40e7c6b79",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.ExactArgs(2), cli.AddressArgFunc("owner", 0), cli.AddressArgFunc("spender", 1)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			owner := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			spender := common.HexToAddress(args[1])
			cli.CheckGetter(cmd)(callSession.Allowance(owner, spender))
		Use:     "balanceOf <address>",
		Short:   "Gets the balance of the given <address>",
		Example: "t0ken token balanceOf 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "cancellations <address>",
		Short:   "Gets the replacement address of the given <address>, or a zero-address when it has not been cancelled",
		Example: "t0ken token cancellations 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "compliance",
		Short:   "Gets the compliance contract address for the t0ken",
		Example: "t0ken token compliance",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "decimals",
		Short:   "Gets the number of decimals the t0ken is set to",
		Example: "t0ken token decimals",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "getSuperseded <address>",
		Short:   "Gets the superseded address of the given <address>",
		Example: "t0ken token getSuperseded 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "holderAt <index>",
		Short:   "Gets the holder address at the given <index>",
		Example: "t0ken token holderAt 5",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.IntArgFunc("index", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			index, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[0], 10)
		Use:     "isHolder <address>",
		Short:   "Checks if the given <address> is a current holder",
		Example: "t0ken token isHolder 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "isSuperseded <address>",
		Short:   "Checks if the <address> is superseded by another",
		Example: "t0ken token isSuperseded 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "issuer",
		Short:   "Gets the issuer of the t0ken",
		Example: "t0ken token issuer",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "issuingFinished",
		Short:   "Returns if issuing has been finished",
		Example: "t0ken token issuingFinished",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "name",
		Short:   "Gets the name of the t0ken",
		Example: "t0ken token name",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "shareholders",
		Short:   "Gets the total number of shareholders",
		Example: "t0ken token shareholders",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "symbol",
		Short:   "Gets the symbol of the t0ken",
		Example: "t0ken token symbol",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "totalSupply",
		Short:   "Gets the total supply",
		Example: "t0ken token totalSupply",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectCaller,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
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var SetterCommands = []*cobra.Command{
		Use:     "approve <address> <tokens>",
		Short:   "Approves <address> to transfer <tokens> on your behalf",
		Example: "t0ken token approve 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 0xa01a0a93716633058d69a28fbd472fd40e7c6b79 --keystoreAddress 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(2), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0), cli.BigIntArgFunc("tokens", 1)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			quantity, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[1], 10)
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(transSession.Approve(addr, quantity))
		Use:     "cancelAndReissue <originalAddress> <replacementAddress>",
		Short:   "Cancels the <originalAddress> and replaces it with <replacemenmtAddress>",
		Example: "t0ken token cancelAndReissue 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 0xa01a0a93716633058d69a28fbd472fd40e7c6b79 --keystoreAddress issuer",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.ExactArgs(2), cli.AddressArgFunc("originalAddress", 0), cli.AddressArgFunc("replacementAddress", 1)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			replacement := common.HexToAddress(args[1])
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(transSession.CancelAndReissue(addr, replacement))
		Use:     "finishIssuing",
		Short:   "Finishes issuing for the token (can't be undone)",
		Example: "t0ken token finishIssuing --keystoreAddress issuer",
		Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		Use:     "issueTokens <quantity>",
		Short:   "Issues <quantity> of tokens to the issuer",
		Example: "t0ken token issueTokens 5000 --keystoreAddress issuer",
		Args:    cli.IntArgFunc("quantity", 0),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			quantity, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[0], 10)
		Use:     "setCompliance <address>",
		Short:   "Sets the compliance contract <address>",
		Example: "t0ken token setCompliance 0x397e7b9c15ff22ba67ec6e78f46f1e21540bcb36 --keystoreAddress owner",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.ExactArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "setIssuer <address>",
		Short:   "Sets the issuer to the <address>",
		Example: "t0ken token setIssuer 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b --keystoreAddress owner",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.ExactArgs(1), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
		Use:     "transfer <address> <quantity>",
		Short:   "Transfers <quantity> of tokens from your address to <address>",
		Example: "t0ken token transfer 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 15 --keystoreAddress 0xa01a0a93716633058d69a28fbd472fd40e7c6b79",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(2), cli.AddressArgFunc("address", 0), cli.BigIntArgFunc("quantity", 1)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			addr := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			qty, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[1], 10)
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(transSession.Transfer(addr, qty))
		Use:     "transferFrom <sender> <recipient> <quantity>",
		Short:   "Transfers <quantity> of tokens from the <sender> address to the <recipient> address (requires approval)",
		Example: "t0ken token transferFrom 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 0xf02f537578d03f6aece28f249eac19542d848f20 15 --keystoreAddress 0xa01a0a93716633058d69a28fbd472fd40e7c6b79",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(3), cli.AddressArgFunc("sender", 0), cli.AddressArgFunc("recipient", 1), cli.BigIntArgFunc("quantity", 2)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			sender := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			recipient := common.HexToAddress(args[1])
			qty, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[2], 10)
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(transSession.TransferFrom(sender, recipient, qty))
		Use:     "transferOverride <sender> <recipient> <quantity>",
		Short:   "Transfers <quantity> of tokens from the <sender> address to the <recipient> address (invoker must be an admin, and t0ken must have compliance set)",
		Example: "t0ken token transferOverride 0xf01ff29dcbee147e9ca151a281bfdf136f66a45b 0xf02f537578d03f6aece28f249eac19542d848f20 15 --keystoreAddress admin",
		Args:    cli.ChainArgs(cobra.MaximumNArgs(3), cli.AddressArgFunc("sender", 0), cli.AddressArgFunc("recipient", 1), cli.BigIntArgFunc("quantity", 2)),
		PreRun:  connectTransactor,
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			sender := common.HexToAddress(args[0])
			recipient := common.HexToAddress(args[1])
			qty, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(args[2], 10)
			cli.PrintTransactionFn(cmd)(transSession.TransferOverride(sender, recipient, qty))


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