Hiboot is a cloud native web and cli application framework written in Go.
Hiboot is not trying to reinvent everything, it integrates popular libraries but make it simpler, easier to use.
With auto configuration, you can integrate any other libraries easily with dependency injection support.
- Web MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- Auto Configuration, pre-create instance with properties configs for dependency injection
- Dependency injection with struct tag name `inject:""` or Init method
- Apps
- cli - command line application
- web - web application
- Starters
- actuator - health check
- grpc - grpc application starter
- bolt - bolt database starter
- gorm - gorm orm starter, support mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlite
- Tags
- inject - inject generic instance into object
- default - inject default value into struct object
- value - inject string value or references / variables into struct string field
- cmd - inject command into parent command for cli application
- flag - inject flag / options into command object
- Utils
- cmap - concurrent map
- copier - copy between struct
- crypto - aes, base64, md5, and rsa encryption / decryption
- gotest - go test util
- idgen - twitter snowflake id generator
- io - file io util
- mapstruct - convert map to struct
- replacer - replacing stuct field value with references or environment variables
- sort - sort slice elements
- str - string util enhancement util
- validator - struct field validation
and more on the wey ...
Getting started
This section will show you how to create and run a simplest hiboot application. Let’s get started!
Getting started with Hiboot web application
Get the source code
go get -u github.com/hidevopsio/hiboot
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hidevopsio/hiboot/examples/web/helloworld/
Sample code
Below is the simplest web application in Go.
// Line 1: main package
package main
// Line 2: import web starter from hiboot
import "github.com/hidevopsio/hiboot/pkg/app/web"
// Line 3-5: RESTful Controller, derived from web.Controller. The context mapping of this controller is '/' by default
type Controller struct {
// Line 6-8: Get method, the context mapping of this method is '/' by default
// the Method name Get means that the http request method is GET
func (c *Controller) Get() string {
// response data
return "Hello world"
// Line 9-11: main function
func main() {
// create new web application and run it
Run web application
dep ensure
go run main.go
Testing the API by curl
curl http://localhost:8080/
Hello, world
Getting started with Hiboot cli application
Writing Hiboot cli application is as simple as web application, you can take the advantage of dependency injection introduced by Hiboot.
e.g. flag tag dependency injection
// declare main package
package main
// import cli starter and fmt
import "github.com/hidevopsio/hiboot/pkg/app/cli"
import "fmt"
// define the command
type HelloCommand struct {
// embedding cli.BaseCommand in each command
// inject (bind) flag to field 'To', so that it can be used on Run method, please note that the data type must be pointer
To *string `flag:"name=to,shorthand=t,value=world,usage=e.g. --to=world or -t world"`
// Init constructor
func (c *HelloCommand) Init() {
c.Use = "hello"
c.Short = "hello command"
c.Long = "run hello command for getting started"
// Run run the command
func (c *HelloCommand) Run(args []string) error {
fmt.Printf("Hello, %v\n", *c.To)
return nil
// main function
func main() {
// create new cli application and run it
Run cli application
dep ensure
go run main.go
Hello, world
Build the cli application and run
go build
Let's get help
./hello --help
run hello command for getting started
hello [flags]
-h, --help help for hello
-t, --to string e.g. --to=world or -t world (default "world")
Greeting to Hiboot
./hello --to Hiboot
Hello, Hiboot