Overview ¶
Package hiboot is a web/cli app application framework
Hiboot is a cloud native web and cli application framework written in Go.
Hiboot integrates the popular libraries but make them simpler, easier to use. It borrowed some of the Spring features like dependency injection, aspect oriented programming, and auto configuration. You can integrate any other libraries easily by auto configuration with dependency injection support. hiboot-data is the typical project that implement customized hiboot starters. see
Web MVC - (Model-View-Controller). Auto Configuration - pre-create instance with properties configs for dependency injection. Dependency injection - with struct tag name `inject:""` or Constructor func.
Introduction to Hiboot ¶
One of the most significant feature of Hiboot is Dependency Injection. Hiboot implements JSR-330 standard.
Let's say that we have two implementations of AuthenticationService, below will explain how does Hiboot work.
type AuthenticationService interface { Authenticate(credential Credential) error } type basicAuthenticationService struct { } func newBasicAuthenticationService() AuthenticationService { return &basicAuthenticationService{} } func (s *basicAuthenticationService) Authenticate(credential Credential) error { // business logic ... return nil } type oauth2AuthenticationService struct { } func newOauth2AuthenticationService() AuthenticationService { return &oauth2AuthenticationService{} } func (s *oauth2AuthenticationService) Authenticate(credential Credential) error { // business logic ... return nil } func init() { app.Register(newBasicAuthenticationService, newOauth2AuthenticationService) }
Field Injection ¶
In Hiboot the injection into fields is triggered by `inject:""` struct tag. when inject tag is present on a field, Hiboot tries to resolve the object to inject by the type of the field. If several implementations of the same service interface are available, you have to disambiguate which implementation you want to be injected. This can be done by naming the field to specific implementation.
type userController struct { web.Controller BasicAuthenticationService AuthenticationService `inject:""` Oauth2AuthenticationService AuthenticationService `inject:""` } func newUserController() { return &userController{} } func init() { app.Register(newUserController) }
Constructor Injection ¶
Although Field Injection is pretty convenient, but the Constructor Injection is the first-class citizen, we usually advise people to use constructor injection as it has below advantages,
It's testable, easy to implement unit test.
Syntax validation, with syntax validation on most of the IDEs to avoid typo.
No need to use a dedicated mechanism to ensure required properties are set.
type userController struct { web.Controller
basicAuthenticationService AuthenticationService }
// Hiboot will inject the implementation of AuthenticationService func newUserController(basicAuthenticationService AuthenticationService) { return &userController{ basicAuthenticationService: basicAuthenticationService, } }
func init() { app.Register(newUserController) }
App cli - command line application web - web application Starters actuator - health check locale - locale starter logging - customized logging settings jwt - jwt starter grpc - grpc application starter Tags inject - inject generic instance into object default - inject default value into struct object value - inject string value or references / variables into struct string field Utils cmap - concurrent map copier - copy between struct crypto - aes, base64, md5, and rsa encryption / decryption gotest - go test util idgen - twitter snowflake id generator io - file io util mapstruct - convert map to struct replacer - replacing stuct field value with references or environment variables sort - sort slice elements str - string util enhancement util validator - struct field validation
Getting started ¶
This section will show you how to create and run a simplest hiboot application. Let’s get started!
Getting started with Hiboot web application ¶
Get the source code
go get -u cd $GOPATH/src/
Source Code
Example ¶
This is a simple hello world example
package main import "" // This is a simple hello world example func main() { // the web application entry web.NewApplication(new(Controller)).Run() } // Controller is the RESTful Controller, derived from web.Controller. // The context path of this controller is '/' by default // if you name it HelloController, then the default context path will be /hello // which the context path of this controller is hello type Controller struct { web.Controller } // Get method, the context mapping of this method is '/' by default // the Method name Get means that the http request method is GET func (c *Controller) Get() string { // response data return "Hello world" }
Path | Synopsis |
Package cli provides hiboot command line application examples
Package cli provides hiboot command line application examples |
Package grpc provides hiboot web application service examples that communicate with gRpc protocol
Package grpc provides hiboot web application service examples that communicate with gRpc protocol |
Package mock_protobuf is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_protobuf is a generated GoMock package. |
Package web provides hiboot web application examples
Package web provides hiboot web application examples |
Package helloworld provides the quick start web application example main package
Package helloworld provides the quick start web application example main package |
Package app provides abstract layer for cli/web application Package app provides hiboot app application interface
Package app provides abstract layer for cli/web application Package app provides hiboot app application interface |
Package cli provides quick start framework for command line application.
Package cli provides quick start framework for command line application. |
Package fake provides fake.ApplicationContext for unit testing
Package fake provides fake.ApplicationContext for unit testing |
Package web provides quick start framework for web application.
Package web provides quick start framework for web application. |
Package at provides annotations for struct Package at provides annotations for web RestController
Package at provides annotations for struct Package at provides annotations for web RestController |
Package factory provides hiboot factory interface Package factory provides InstantiateFactory and ConfigurableFactory interface
Package factory provides hiboot factory interface Package factory provides InstantiateFactory and ConfigurableFactory interface |
Package autoconfigure implement ConfigurableFactory
Package autoconfigure implement ConfigurableFactory |
Package depends provides dependency resolver for factory
Package depends provides dependency resolver for factory |
Package bar is the test package for package depends
Package bar is the test package for package depends |
Package fake is the test package for package depends
Package fake is the test package for package depends |
Package foo is the test package for package depends
Package foo is the test package for package depends |
Package instantiate implement InstantiateFactory
Package instantiate implement InstantiateFactory |
Package inject implements dependency injection.
Package inject implements dependency injection. |
Package log provides logging with level debug, info, warn, error, fatal.
Package log provides logging with level debug, info, warn, error, fatal. |
Package model provides common request and response models.
Package model provides common request and response models. |
Package starter provides quick starters for hiboot cli/web application.
Package starter provides quick starters for hiboot cli/web application. |
Package actuator provide the health check endpoint for web application Package controller provide the controller for health check
Package actuator provide the health check endpoint for web application Package controller provide the controller for health check |
Package grpc provides the hiboot starter for injectable grpc client and server dependency
Package grpc provides the hiboot starter for injectable grpc client and server dependency |
Package mockgrpc is a generated GoMock package.
Package mockgrpc is a generated GoMock package. |
Package jwt provides the hiboot starter for injectable jwt dependency
Package jwt provides the hiboot starter for injectable jwt dependency |
Package locale provides the hiboot starter for injectable locale (i18n) dependency
Package locale provides the hiboot starter for injectable locale (i18n) dependency |
Package logging provides the hiboot starter for injectable logging dependency
Package logging provides the hiboot starter for injectable logging dependency |
Package websocket provides web socket auto configuration for web/cli application
Package websocket provides web socket auto configuration for web/cli application |
Package system provides system builder which response for properties dependency injection.
Package system provides system builder which response for properties dependency injection. |
Package types provides all const types name
Package types provides all const types name |
Package utils provides useful utilities
Package utils provides useful utilities |
Package cmap provides concurrent map
Package cmap provides concurrent map |
Package copier provides utility that copy element between structs
Package copier provides utility that copy element between structs |
Package crypto provides crypto encryption/decryption utilities
Package crypto provides crypto encryption/decryption utilities |
Package aes provides aes encryption/decryption utilities
Package aes provides aes encryption/decryption utilities |
Package base64 provides base64 encryption/decryption utilities
Package base64 provides base64 encryption/decryption utilities |
Package md5 provides md5 encryption utilities
Package md5 provides md5 encryption utilities |
Package rsa provides rsa encryption/decryption utilities
Package rsa provides rsa encryption/decryption utilities |
Package gotest provides function to check whether is running in go test mode.
Package gotest provides function to check whether is running in go test mode. |
Package idgen provides unique id generation utilities that use twitter's snowflake algorithm
Package idgen provides unique id generation utilities that use twitter's snowflake algorithm |
Package io provides file or directory io utilities.
Package io provides file or directory io utilities. |
Package mapstruct provides utilities that decode map and inject values into struct
Package mapstruct provides utilities that decode map and inject values into struct |
Package reflector provides utilities for reflection
Package reflector provides utilities for reflection |
Package replacer provides utilities that replace the reference and environment variables with its value
Package replacer provides utilities that replace the reference and environment variables with its value |
Package sort provides utility that sort slice by length
Package sort provides utility that sort slice by length |
Package str provides enhanced string utilities
Package str provides enhanced string utilities |
Package validator provides data validation utilities
Package validator provides data validation utilities |