A generic worker to load a newline delimited json (ndj) into a sql database
Initially only postgresql will be supported
info query params:
origin : (required) file, or folder path (all files) to parse and insert into table
table : (required), the name of the table to be inserted into i.e., schema.table_name
delete : will build and run a delete statement based on provided params
this is executed before the insert statements
provide a list of delete key:values to be used in the delete statement
truncate: will truncate (delete all) from the table before the insert
fields : allows mapping different json key values to different database column names
provide a list of field name mapping {json key name}:{DB column name} to be mapped
cached_insert : will create a temp table for insert
this temp table data will then be inserted into the [table_name]
batch_size : number of rows to insert at once (default: 1000)
Example tasks:
// These will use the sql batch loader
// These examples will use the cached_insert
// this creates a temp table to insert the data,
// and inserts into the main table from the temp table to improve insert loading time