A generic worker to load a newline delimited json (ndj) into a sql database
Initially only postgresql will be supported
info query params:
: (required) file, or folder path (all files) to parse and insert intotable
: (required), the name of the table to be inserted into i.e., schema.table_namedelete
: will build and run a delete statement based on provided params- this is executed before the insert statements
- provide a list of delete key:values to be used in the delete statement
: will truncate (delete all) from thetable
before the insertfields
: allows mapping different json key values to different database column names- provide a list of field name mapping {json key name}:{DB column name} to be mapped
: will create a temp table for insert- this temp table data will then be inserted into the [
] - greatly improves performance.
- supports array data types
- this temp table data will then be inserted into the [
: number of rows to insert at once (default: 1000)
Example tasks:
// These will use the sql batch loader
// These examples will use the cached_insert
// this creates a temp table to insert the data,
// and inserts into the main table from the temp table to improve insert loading time
JSON and ARRAY postgres types
When loading json or jsonb column types you can load the following:
When loading ARRAY postgres types, if the value is a json object array it can be loaded normally.
When loading a quoted string for an ARRAY type it must be enclosed in {}
curly braces
Below are examples of data loading for CSV and JSON files
CSV files and loading JSON and ARRAY postgres types
When loading a csv file that has json or array types, you must escape quotes by double quoting them. See below:
Here is an example of a properly formatted csv file with json and array types.
2,"2a name","{""test"":[""1"",""2"",""3""]}"
3,3a name,"{""key2"":""value2""}","{""test"":[""1"",""2"",""3""]}","{""a"",""b"",""c""}","{1,2,3}"
JSON loading with JSON and ARRAY postgres types
When loading JSON values as part of a JSON row, values can be loaded either as quoted strings, or as actual json objects. For example here are two rows to load that have the same data formatted as a escaped string or as an actual json object.
{"id":12, "name": "12a name", "json_field": {"one":1,"string":"string","array":["a","b","c"]}, "array_string_type":[1,"two","three"], "array_int_type":"{6,7,8}"}
{"id":13, "name": "13a name", "jsonb_field": {"one":1,"string":"string","array":["a","b","c"]}, "array_string_type":"{1,\"two\",\"three\"}", "array_int_type":[6,7,8]}
data flow through channels
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.