OpenEBSCTL is a kubectl plugin to manage OpenEBS storage components.
Project Status
Alpha. Under active development and seeking contributions from the community.
The CLI currently supports managing cStor, Jiva, LocalPV-LVM, LocalPV-ZFS Cas-Engines.
Clone this repo to your system. git clone
cd openebsctl
Run make openebsctl
$ kubectl openebs
openebs is a a kubectl plugin for interacting with OpenEBS storage components such as storage(pools, volumegroups), volumes, blockdevices, pvcs.
Find out more about OpenEBS on
kubectl openebs [command] [resource] [...names] [flags]
Available Commands:
completion Outputs shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
describe Provide detailed information about an OpenEBS resource
get Provides fetching operations related to a Volume/Pool
help Help about any command
version Shows openebs kubectl plugin's version
-h, --help help for openebs
-n, --namespace string If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request
--openebs-namespace string to read the openebs namespace from user.
If not provided it is determined from components.
--cas-type to specify the cas-type of the engine, for engine based filtering.
ex- cstor, jiva, localpv-lvm, localpv-zfs.
--debug to launch the debugging mode for cstor pvcs.
Use "kubectl openebs command --help" for more information about a command.
To know more about various engine specific commands check these:-