OpenEBSCTL is a kubectl plugin to manage OpenEBS storage components.
Project Status
Alpha. Under active development and seeking contributions from the community.
The CLI currently supports managing LocalPV-LVM, LocalPV-ZFS and LocalPV-HostPath Engines.
Clone this repo to your system. git clone
cd openebsctl
Run make openebsctl
$ kubectl openebs
kubectl openebs is a a kubectl plugin for interacting with OpenEBS storage components such as storage(zfspools, volumegroups), volumes, pvcs.
Find out more about OpenEBS on
openebs [command]
Available Commands:
cluster-info Show component version, status and running components for each installed engine
completion Outputs shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
describe Provide detailed information about an OpenEBS resource
get Provides fetching operations related to a Volume/Storage
help Help about any command
version Shows openebs kubectl plugin's version
-h, --help help for openebs
-c, --kubeconfig string path to config file
-v, --version version for openebs
Use "openebs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To know more about various engine specific commands check these:-