
v5.14.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 16, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 78 Imported by: 11




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var (
	// ReadmeReady is a template for system.status.readme
	ReadmeReady = template.Must(template.New("system_status_readme_ready").

	// ReadmeProgress is a template for system.status.readme
	ReadmeProgress = template.Must(template.New("system_status_readme_progress").

	// ReadmeRejected is a template for system.status.readme
	ReadmeRejected = template.Must(template.New("system_status_readme_rejected").


func CheckMongoURL

func CheckMongoURL(sys *nbv1.NooBaa) error

CheckMongoURL checks if the mongourl structure is valid and if we use mongo as db

func CheckNooBaaDBImages

func CheckNooBaaDBImages(cmd *cobra.Command, sys *nbv1.NooBaa, args []string) string

CheckNooBaaDBImages runs a CLI command

func CheckNooBaaImages

func CheckNooBaaImages(cmd *cobra.Command, sys *nbv1.NooBaa, args []string) string

CheckNooBaaImages runs a CLI command

func CheckOperatorImage

func CheckOperatorImage(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) string

CheckOperatorImage runs a CLI command

func CheckSystem

func CheckSystem(sys *nbv1.NooBaa) bool

CheckSystem checks the state of the system and initializes its status fields

func CheckWaitingFor

func CheckWaitingFor(sys *nbv1.NooBaa) error

CheckWaitingFor checks what the system deployment is waiting for in order to become ready in order to help the user troubleshoot common deployment issues.

func Cmd

func Cmd() *cobra.Command

Cmd returns a CLI command

func CmdAPICall

func CmdAPICall() *cobra.Command

CmdAPICall returns a CLI command

func CmdCreate

func CmdCreate() *cobra.Command

CmdCreate returns a CLI command

func CmdDelete

func CmdDelete() *cobra.Command

CmdDelete returns a CLI command

func CmdList

func CmdList() *cobra.Command

CmdList returns a CLI command

func CmdReconcile

func CmdReconcile() *cobra.Command

CmdReconcile returns a CLI command

func CmdSetDebugLevel added in v5.12.4

func CmdSetDebugLevel() *cobra.Command

CmdSetDebugLevel returns a CLI command

func CmdStatus

func CmdStatus() *cobra.Command

CmdStatus returns a CLI command

func CmdYaml

func CmdYaml() *cobra.Command

CmdYaml returns a CLI command

func GetDesiredDBImage

func GetDesiredDBImage(sys *nbv1.NooBaa) string

GetDesiredDBImage returns the desired DB image according to spec or env or default (in options)

func GetNBClient

func GetNBClient() nb.Client

GetNBClient returns an api client

func LoadConfigMapFromFlags

func LoadConfigMapFromFlags()

LoadConfigMapFromFlags loads a config-map with values from the cli flags, if provided.

func LoadSystemDefaults

func LoadSystemDefaults() *nbv1.NooBaa

LoadSystemDefaults loads a noobaa system CR from bundled yamls and apply's changes from CLI flags to the defaults.

func RunAPICall

func RunAPICall(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunAPICall runs a CLI command

func RunCreate

func RunCreate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunCreate runs a CLI command

func RunDelete

func RunDelete(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunDelete runs a CLI command

func RunList

func RunList(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunList runs a CLI command

func RunOperatorCreate

func RunOperatorCreate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunOperatorCreate creates the default system when the operator starts.

func RunReconcile

func RunReconcile(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunReconcile runs a CLI command

func RunSetDebugLevel added in v5.12.4

func RunSetDebugLevel(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunSetDebugLevel sets the system debug level

func RunStatus

func RunStatus(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunStatus runs a CLI command

func RunSystemVersionsStatus

func RunSystemVersionsStatus(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunSystemVersionsStatus runs a CLI command

func RunYaml

func RunYaml(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string)

RunYaml runs a CLI command

func SetAllowNoobaaDeletion added in v5.11.0

func SetAllowNoobaaDeletion(noobaa *nbv1.NooBaa) error

SetAllowNoobaaDeletion sets AllowNoobaaDeletion Noobaa CR field to true so the webhook won't block the deletion

func WaitReady

func WaitReady() bool

WaitReady waits until the system phase changes to ready by the operator


type Client

type Client struct {
	NooBaa      *nbv1.NooBaa
	ServiceMgmt *corev1.Service
	SecretOp    *corev1.Secret
	SecretAdmin *corev1.Secret
	NBClient    nb.Client
	MgmtURL     *url.URL
	S3URL       *url.URL

Client is the system client for making mgmt or s3 calls (with operator/admin credentials)

func Connect

func Connect(isExternal bool) (*Client, error)

Connect loads the mgmt and S3 api details from the system. It gets the endpoint address and token from the system status and secret that the operator creates for the system. When isExternal is true we return : s3 => external DNS, mgmt => port-forwarding (router) When isExternal is false we return : s3 => internal DNS, mgmt => node-port

type Reconciler

type Reconciler struct {
	Request               types.NamespacedName
	Client                client.Client
	Scheme                *runtime.Scheme
	Ctx                   context.Context
	Logger                *logrus.Entry
	Recorder              record.EventRecorder
	NBClient              nb.Client
	CoreVersion           string
	OperatorVersion       string
	OAuthEndpoints        *util.OAuth2Endpoints
	MongoConnectionString string
	ApplyCAsToPods        string

	NooBaa                    *nbv1.NooBaa
	ServiceAccount            *corev1.ServiceAccount
	CoreApp                   *appsv1.StatefulSet
	CoreAppConfig             *corev1.ConfigMap
	DefaultCoreApp            *corev1.Container
	NooBaaMongoDB             *appsv1.StatefulSet
	PostgresDBConf            *corev1.ConfigMap
	PostgresDBInitDb          *corev1.ConfigMap
	NooBaaPostgresDB          *appsv1.StatefulSet
	ServiceMgmt               *corev1.Service
	ServiceS3                 *corev1.Service
	ServiceSts                *corev1.Service
	ServiceDb                 *corev1.Service
	ServiceDbPg               *corev1.Service
	SecretServer              *corev1.Secret
	SecretDB                  *corev1.Secret
	SecretOp                  *corev1.Secret
	SecretAdmin               *corev1.Secret
	SecretEndpoints           *corev1.Secret
	SecretRootMasterKey       string
	SecretRootMasterMap       *corev1.Secret
	AWSCloudCreds             *cloudcredsv1.CredentialsRequest
	AWSSTSRoleSessionName     string
	IsAWSSTSCluster           bool
	AzureCloudCreds           *cloudcredsv1.CredentialsRequest
	AzureContainerCreds       *corev1.Secret
	GCPBucketCreds            *corev1.Secret
	GCPCloudCreds             *cloudcredsv1.CredentialsRequest
	IBMCloudCOSCreds          *corev1.Secret
	DefaultBackingStore       *nbv1.BackingStore
	DefaultBucketClass        *nbv1.BucketClass
	OBCStorageClass           *storagev1.StorageClass
	PrometheusRule            *monitoringv1.PrometheusRule
	ServiceMonitorMgmt        *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor
	ServiceMonitorS3          *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor
	SystemInfo                *nb.SystemInfo
	CephObjectStoreUser       *cephv1.CephObjectStoreUser
	CephObjectStore           *cephv1.CephObjectStore
	RouteMgmt                 *routev1.Route
	RouteS3                   *routev1.Route
	RouteSts                  *routev1.Route
	DeploymentEndpoint        *appsv1.Deployment
	DefaultDeploymentEndpoint *corev1.PodSpec
	JoinSecret                *corev1.Secret
	UpgradeJob                *batchv1.Job
	CaBundleConf              *corev1.ConfigMap
	KedaTriggerAuthentication *kedav1alpha1.TriggerAuthentication
	KedaScaled                *kedav1alpha1.ScaledObject
	AdapterHPA                *autoscalingv2.HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Reconciler is the context for loading or reconciling a noobaa system

func NewReconciler

func NewReconciler(
	req types.NamespacedName,
	client client.Client,
	scheme *runtime.Scheme,
	recorder record.EventRecorder,
) *Reconciler

NewReconciler initializes a reconciler to be used for loading or reconciling a noobaa system

func (*Reconciler) ApplyMonitoringLabels

func (r *Reconciler) ApplyMonitoringLabels(serviceMonitor *monitoringv1.ServiceMonitor)

ApplyMonitoringLabels function adds the name of the resource that manages noobaa, as a label on the noobaa metrics

func (*Reconciler) CheckAccountNameAvailability

func (r *Reconciler) CheckAccountNameAvailability(accountName string) (storage.CheckNameAvailabilityResult, error)

CheckAccountNameAvailability checks if the storage account name is available. Storage account names must be unique across Azure and meet other requirements.

func (*Reconciler) CheckAll

func (r *Reconciler) CheckAll()

CheckAll checks the state of all the objects controlled by the system

func (*Reconciler) CheckJoinSecret

func (r *Reconciler) CheckJoinSecret() error

CheckJoinSecret checks that all need information to allow to join another noobaa clauster is specified in the join secret

func (*Reconciler) CheckServiceStatus

func (r *Reconciler) CheckServiceStatus(srv *corev1.Service, route *routev1.Route, status *nbv1.ServiceStatus, portName string)

CheckServiceStatus populates the status of a service by detecting all of its addresses

func (*Reconciler) CheckSystemCR

func (r *Reconciler) CheckSystemCR() error

CheckSystemCR checks the validity of the system CR (i.e and system.spec.image) and updates the status accordingly

func (*Reconciler) CleanupMigrationJob

func (r *Reconciler) CleanupMigrationJob() error

CleanupMigrationJob deletes the migration job and all its pods

func (*Reconciler) CreateContainer

func (r *Reconciler) CreateContainer(accountName, accountGroupName, containerName string) (azblob.ContainerURL, error)

CreateContainer creates a new container with the specified name in the specified account

func (*Reconciler) CreateStorageAccount

func (r *Reconciler) CreateStorageAccount(accountName, accountGroupName string) (storage.Account, error)

CreateStorageAccount starts creation of a new storage account and waits for the account to be created.

func (*Reconciler) DeleteContainer

func (r *Reconciler) DeleteContainer(accountName, accountGroupName, containerName string) error

DeleteContainer deletes the named container.

func (*Reconciler) DeleteStorageAccount

func (r *Reconciler) DeleteStorageAccount(accountName, accountGroupName string) (autorest.Response, error)

DeleteStorageAccount deletes an existing storate account

func (*Reconciler) Environment

func (r *Reconciler) Environment() *azure.Environment

Environment returns an `azure.Environment{...}` for the current cloud.

func (*Reconciler) GetAccountKeys

func (r *Reconciler) GetAccountKeys(accountName, accountGroupName string) (storage.AccountListKeysResult, error)

GetAccountKeys gets the storage account keys

func (*Reconciler) GetContainer

func (r *Reconciler) GetContainer(accountName, accountGroupName, containerName string) (azblob.ContainerURL, error)

GetContainer gets info about an existing container.

func (*Reconciler) GetResourceManagementAuthorizer

func (r *Reconciler) GetResourceManagementAuthorizer() (autorest.Authorizer, error)

GetResourceManagementAuthorizer gets an OAuthTokenAuthorizer for Azure Resource Manager

func (*Reconciler) GetStorageAccount

func (r *Reconciler) GetStorageAccount(accountName, accountGroupName string) (storage.Account, error)

GetStorageAccount gets details on the specified storage account

func (*Reconciler) InitNBClient

func (r *Reconciler) InitNBClient() error

InitNBClient initialize the noobaa client for making calls to the server.

func (*Reconciler) Own

func (r *Reconciler) Own(obj metav1.Object)

Own sets the object owner references to the noobaa system

func (*Reconciler) PrintMemUsage

func (r *Reconciler) PrintMemUsage(phase string)

PrintMemUsage prints memory usage message.

func (*Reconciler) Reconcile

func (r *Reconciler) Reconcile() (reconcile.Result, error)

Reconcile reads that state of the cluster for a System object, and makes changes based on the state read and what is in the System.Spec. The Controller will requeue the Request to be processed again if the returned error is non-nil or Result.Requeue is true, otherwise upon completion it will remove the work from the queue.

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileAWSCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileAWSCredentials() error

ReconcileAWSCredentials creates a CredentialsRequest resource if cloud credentials operator is available

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileAzureCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileAzureCredentials() error

ReconcileAzureCredentials creates a CredentialsRequest resource if cloud credentials operator is available

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileBackingStoreCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileBackingStoreCredentials() error

ReconcileBackingStoreCredentials creates a CredentialsRequest resource if necessary and returns the bucket name allowed for the credentials. nil is returned if cloud credentials are not supported

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileCAInject added in v5.12.4

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileCAInject() error

ReconcileCAInject checks if a namespace called openshift-config exist (OCP) if so creates a cofig map for OCP to inject supported CAs to

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileDB

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileDB() error

ReconcileDB choose between different types of DB

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileDBConfigMap

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileDBConfigMap(cm *corev1.ConfigMap, desiredFunc func() error) (bool, error)

ReconcileDBConfigMap reconcile provided postgres db config map

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileDefaultBackingStore

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileDefaultBackingStore() error

ReconcileDefaultBackingStore attempts to get credentials to cloud storage using the cloud-credentials operator and use it for the default backing store

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileDefaultBucketClass

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileDefaultBucketClass() error

ReconcileDefaultBucketClass creates the default bucket class

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileDeploymentEndpointStatus

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileDeploymentEndpointStatus() error

ReconcileDeploymentEndpointStatus creates/updates the endpoints deployment

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileGCPCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileGCPCredentials() error

ReconcileGCPCredentials creates a CredentialsRequest resource if cloud credentials operator is available

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileHPAEndpoint

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileHPAEndpoint() error

ReconcileHPAEndpoint reconcile the endpoint's HPA and report the configuration back to the noobaa core

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileIBMCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileIBMCredentials() error

ReconcileIBMCredentials sets IsIBMCloud to indicate operator is running in IBM Cloud

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileKeyRotation added in v5.13.0

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileKeyRotation() error

ReconcileKeyRotation checks if key rotation is enabled if so creates a cron job to run every time set

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileNamespaceStores

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileNamespaceStores(namespaceResources []nb.NamespaceResourceInfo) error

ReconcileNamespaceStores syncs between core namespace resources with namespace bucketclasses

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileOBCStorageClass

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileOBCStorageClass() error

ReconcileOBCStorageClass reconciles default OBC storage class for the system

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileObject

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileObject(obj client.Object, desiredFunc func() error) error

ReconcileObject is a generic call to reconcile a kubernetes object desiredFunc can be passed to modify the object before create/update. Currently we ignore enforcing a desired state, but it might be needed on upgrades.

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileObjectOptional

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileObjectOptional(obj client.Object, desiredFunc func() error) error

ReconcileObjectOptional is like ReconcileObject but also ignores if the CRD is missing

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseConfiguring

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseConfiguring() error

ReconcilePhaseConfiguring runs the reconcile phase

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseConnecting

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseConnecting() error

ReconcilePhaseConnecting runs the reconcile phase

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseCreating

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseCreating() error

ReconcilePhaseCreating runs the reconcile phase

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseCreatingForMainClusters

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseCreatingForMainClusters() error

ReconcilePhaseCreatingForMainClusters reconcile all object for full deployment clusters

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseVerifying

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhaseVerifying() error

ReconcilePhaseVerifying runs the reconcile verify phase

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePhases

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePhases() error

ReconcilePhases runs the reconcile flow and populates System.Status.

func (*Reconciler) ReconcilePrometheusRule

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcilePrometheusRule() error

ReconcilePrometheusRule reconciles prometheus rule

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileRGWCredentials

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileRGWCredentials() error

ReconcileRGWCredentials creates a ceph objectstore user if a ceph objectstore exists in the same namespace

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileReadSystem

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileReadSystem() error

ReconcileReadSystem calls read_system on noobaa server and stores the result

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileRootSecret

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileRootSecret() error

ReconcileRootSecret choose KMS for root secret key

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileSecretMap added in v5.13.0

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileSecretMap(data map[string]string) error

ReconcileSecretMap sets the root master key for rotating key / map

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileSecretString added in v5.13.0

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileSecretString(data string) error

ReconcileSecretString sets the root master key for single string secret

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileServiceMonitors

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileServiceMonitors() error

ReconcileServiceMonitors reconciles service monitors

func (*Reconciler) ReconcileSystemSecrets

func (r *Reconciler) ReconcileSystemSecrets() error

ReconcileSystemSecrets reconciles secrets used by the system and create the system if does not exists

func (*Reconciler) RegisterToCluster

func (r *Reconciler) RegisterToCluster() error

RegisterToCluster registers the noobaa client with the noobaa cluster

func (*Reconciler) RestartDbPods

func (r *Reconciler) RestartDbPods() error

RestartDbPods restart db pods

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredAgentProfile

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredAgentProfile(profileString string) string

SetDesiredAgentProfile updates the value of the AGENT_PROFILE env

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredCoreApp

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredCoreApp() error

SetDesiredCoreApp updates the CoreApp as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredCoreAppConfig

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredCoreAppConfig() error

SetDesiredCoreAppConfig initiate the config map with predifined environment variables and their values

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredDeploymentEndpoint

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredDeploymentEndpoint() error

SetDesiredDeploymentEndpoint updates the endpoint deployment as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredJobUpgradeDB

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredJobUpgradeDB() error

SetDesiredJobUpgradeDB updates the UpgradeJob as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredNooBaaDB

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredNooBaaDB() error

SetDesiredNooBaaDB updates the NooBaaDB as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredPostgresDBConf

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredPostgresDBConf() error

SetDesiredPostgresDBConf fill desired postgres db config map

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredPostgresDBInitDb

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredPostgresDBInitDb() error

SetDesiredPostgresDBInitDb fill desired postgres db init config map

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretAdmin

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretAdmin() error

SetDesiredSecretAdmin set auth related info in admin secret

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretAdminAccountInfo

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretAdminAccountInfo() error

SetDesiredSecretAdminAccountInfo set account related info in admin secret

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretEndpoints

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretEndpoints() error

SetDesiredSecretEndpoints set auth related info in endpoints secret

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretOp

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredSecretOp() error

SetDesiredSecretOp set auth token in operator secret

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceAccount

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceAccount() error

SetDesiredServiceAccount updates the ServiceAccount as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceDBForMongo

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceDBForMongo() error

SetDesiredServiceDBForMongo updates the mongodb service

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceDBForPostgres

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceDBForPostgres() error

SetDesiredServiceDBForPostgres updates the postgres service

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceMgmt

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceMgmt() error

SetDesiredServiceMgmt updates the ServiceMgmt as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceS3

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceS3() error

SetDesiredServiceS3 updates the ServiceS3 as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceSts added in v5.11.0

func (r *Reconciler) SetDesiredServiceSts() error

SetDesiredServiceSts updates the ServiceSts as desired for reconciling

func (*Reconciler) SetEndpointsDeploymentReplicas

func (r *Reconciler) SetEndpointsDeploymentReplicas(replicas int32) error

SetEndpointsDeploymentReplicas updates the number of replicas on the endpoints deployment

func (*Reconciler) SetPhase

func (r *Reconciler) SetPhase(phase nbv1.SystemPhase, reason string, message string)

SetPhase updates the status phase and conditions

func (*Reconciler) SetReadme

func (r *Reconciler) SetReadme(t *template.Template)

SetReadme runs the template and sets the readme

func (*Reconciler) UpdateBackingStoresPhase

func (r *Reconciler) UpdateBackingStoresPhase(pools []nb.PoolInfo)

UpdateBackingStoresPhase updates newPhase of backingstore after readSystem

func (*Reconciler) UpdateBucketClassesPhase

func (r *Reconciler) UpdateBucketClassesPhase(Buckets []nb.BucketInfo)

UpdateBucketClassesPhase updates newPhase of bucketclass after readSystem

func (*Reconciler) UpdateNamespaceStoresPhase

func (r *Reconciler) UpdateNamespaceStoresPhase(namespaceResources []nb.NamespaceResourceInfo)

UpdateNamespaceStoresPhase updates newPhase of namespace resource after readSystem

func (*Reconciler) UpdateStatus

func (r *Reconciler) UpdateStatus() error

UpdateStatus updates the system status in kubernetes from the memory

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeMigrateDB

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeMigrateDB() error

UpgradeMigrateDB performs a db upgrade between mongodb to postgres

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDB

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDB() error

UpgradeSplitDB removes the old pvc and create a new one with the same PV

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBCreateNewPVC

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBCreateNewPVC(oldPvc *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error

UpgradeSplitDBCreateNewPVC creates new pvc and checks it

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldPVC

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldPVC(oldPVC *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error

UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldPVC deletes the parameter oldPvc and checks it

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldSTS

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldSTS() error

UpgradeSplitDBDeleteOldSTS deletes old STS named noobaa-core and checks it

func (*Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBSetReclaimPolicy

func (r *Reconciler) UpgradeSplitDBSetReclaimPolicy(oldPvc *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim, reclaim corev1.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy) error

UpgradeSplitDBSetReclaimPolicy sets the reclaim policy to reclaim parameter and checks it

func (*Reconciler) VerifyObjectBucketCleanup

func (r *Reconciler) VerifyObjectBucketCleanup() error

VerifyObjectBucketCleanup checks if the un-installation is in mode graceful and if OBs still exist in the system the operator will wait and the finalizer on noobaa CR won't be removed

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