Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CalAppropriateTime(minTime, maxTime, minSafeTime time.Time) time.Time
- func CanExprsPushDown(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, ...) bool
- func CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, ...) bool
- func CanImplicitEvalInt(expr Expression) bool
- func CanImplicitEvalReal(expr Expression) bool
- func CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(args ...Expression) error
- func CheckFuncInExpr(e Expression, funcName string) bool
- func CheckNonDeterministic(e Expression) bool
- func CompareDecimal(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareDuration(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareInt(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareJSON(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareReal(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareStringWithCollationInfo(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row, ...) (int64, bool, error)
- func CompareTime(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func ConstructPositionExpr(p *driver.ParamMarkerExpr) *ast.PositionExpr
- func ContainCorrelatedColumn(exprs []Expression) bool
- func ContainOuterNot(expr Expression) bool
- func ContainVirtualColumn(exprs []Expression) bool
- func Contains(exprs []Expression, e Expression) bool
- func ConvertJSON2Tp(v types.BinaryJSON, targetType *types.FieldType) (any, error)
- func DeriveCollationFromExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs ...Expression) (dstCharset, dstCollation string)
- func DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr(expr Expression)
- func EvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, row chunk.Row) (bool, bool, error)
- func EvalExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, evalType types.EvalType, ...) (err error)
- func ExplainColumnList(cols []*Column) []byte
- func ExplainExpressionList(exprs []Expression, schema *Schema) string
- func ExprFromSchema(expr Expression, schema *Schema) bool
- func ExprNotNull(expr Expression) bool
- func ExpressionsToPBList(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client) (pbExpr []*tipb.Expr, err error)
- func ExtractColumnSet(exprs ...Expression) *intsets.Sparse
- func ExtractEquivalenceColumns(result [][]Expression, exprs []Expression) [][]Expression
- func FastLocateHashPartition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conds []Expression, piExpr Expression) (int64, bool, bool)
- func FieldTypeFromPB(ft *tipb.FieldType) *types.FieldType
- func FindFieldName(names types.NameSlice, astCol *ast.ColumnName) (int, error)
- func FindFieldNameIdxByColName(names []*types.FieldName, colName string) int
- func GcColumnExprIsTidbShard(virtualExpr Expression) bool
- func GetAccurateCmpType(lhs, rhs Expression) types.EvalType
- func GetBuiltinList() []string
- func GetColumn(_ types.EvalType, _ int) (*chunk.Column, error)
- func GetDisplayName(name string) string
- func GetFormatBytes(bytes float64) string
- func GetFormatNanoTime(time float64) string
- func GetIntFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (int, bool, error)
- func GetMinSafeTime(sessionCtx sessionctx.Context) time.Time
- func GetRowLen(e Expression) int
- func GetStmtTimestamp(ctx sessionctx.Context) (time.Time, error)
- func GetStringFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (string, bool, error)
- func GetTimeCurrentTimestamp(ctx sessionctx.Context, tp byte, fsp int) (d types.Datum, err error)
- func GetTimeValue(ctx sessionctx.Context, v interface{}, tp byte, fsp int) (d types.Datum, err error)
- func GetUint64FromConstant(expr Expression) (uint64, bool, bool)
- func GetUsedList(usedCols []*Column, schema *Schema) []bool
- func GroupByItemToPB(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, client kv.Client, expr Expression) *tipb.ByItem
- func HandleOverflowOnSelection(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, val int64, err error) (int64, error)
- func HasAssignSetVarFunc(expr Expression) bool
- func HasGetSetVarFunc(expr Expression) bool
- func InferType4ControlFuncs(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, lexp, rexp Expression) (*types.FieldType, error)
- func IsBinaryLiteral(expr Expression) bool
- func IsEQCondFromIn(expr Expression) bool
- func IsFunctionSupported(name string) bool
- func IsInmutableExpr(expr Expression) bool
- func IsMutableEffectsExpr(expr Expression) bool
- func IsPushDownEnabled(name string, storeType kv.StoreType) bool
- func IsRuntimeConstExpr(expr Expression) bool
- func IsValidCurrentTimestampExpr(exprNode ast.ExprNode, fieldType *types.FieldType) bool
- func MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) bool
- func PbTypeToFieldType(tp *tipb.FieldType) *types.FieldType
- func PosFromPositionExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *ast.PositionExpr) (int, bool, error)
- func PropConstOverOuterJoin(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinConds, filterConds []Expression, ...) ([]Expression, []Expression)
- func PropagateType(evalType types.EvalType, args ...Expression)
- func PushDownExprs(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, ...) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression)
- func PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, ...) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression)
- func PutColumn(buf *chunk.Column)
- func Quote(str string) string
- func ReHashCode(sf *ScalarFunction, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext)
- func RemoveMutableConst(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression)
- func ResolveType4Between(args [3]Expression) types.EvalType
- func SetBinFlagOrBinStr(argTp *types.FieldType, resTp *types.FieldType)
- func SortByItemToPB(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, client kv.Client, expr Expression, desc bool) *tipb.ByItem
- func SortedExplainExpressionList(exprs []Expression) []byte
- func SortedExplainNormalizedExpressionList(exprs []Expression) []byte
- func SortedExplainNormalizedScalarFuncList(exprs []*ScalarFunction) []byte
- func ToPBFieldType(ft *types.FieldType) *tipb.FieldType
- func ToPBFieldTypeWithCheck(ft *types.FieldType, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.FieldType, error)
- func VecEvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, input *chunk.Chunk, ...) ([]bool, []bool, error)
- func Vectorizable(exprs []Expression) bool
- func VectorizedExecute(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, ...) error
- func VectorizedFilter(ctx sessionctx.Context, filters []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, ...) (_ []bool, err error)
- func VectorizedFilterConsiderNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, filters []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, ...) ([]bool, []bool, error)
- func VerifyArgsWrapper(name string, l int) error
- type Assignment
- type CNFExprs
- type Coercibility
- type CollationInfo
- type Column
- func ColInfo2Col(cols []*Column, col *model.ColumnInfo) *Column
- func ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbName, tblName model.CIStr, ...) ([]*Column, types.NameSlice, error)
- func ExtractColumns(expr Expression) []*Column
- func ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, list []Expression) []*Column
- func ExtractColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, exprs []Expression, filter func(*Column) bool) []*Column
- func ExtractDependentColumns(expr Expression) []*Column
- func FindPrefixOfIndex(cols []*Column, idxColIDs []int64) []*Column
- func IndexCol2Col(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, col *model.IndexColumn) *Column
- func IndexInfo2Cols(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, index *model.IndexInfo) ([]*Column, []int)
- func IndexInfo2PrefixCols(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, index *model.IndexInfo) ([]*Column, []int)
- func SortColumns(cols []*Column) []*Column
- func (c *Column) CharsetAndCollation() (string, string)
- func (col *Column) CleanHashCode()
- func (col *Column) Clone() Expression
- func (col *Column) Coercibility() Coercibility
- func (col *Column) ConstItem(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
- func (col *Column) Decorrelate(_ *Schema) Expression
- func (col *Column) Equal(_ sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
- func (col *Column) EqualByExprAndID(_ sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
- func (col *Column) Eval(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Time, bool, error)
- func (col *Column) EvalVirtualColumn(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error)
- func (col *Column) ExplainInfo() string
- func (col *Column) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (col *Column) GetType() *types.FieldType
- func (c *Column) HasCoercibility() bool
- func (col *Column) HashCode(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
- func (col *Column) InColumnArray(cols []*Column) bool
- func (col *Column) IsCorrelated() bool
- func (col *Column) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (col *Column) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (col *Column) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
- func (col *Column) Repertoire() Repertoire
- func (col *Column) ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error)
- func (col *Column) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool)
- func (col *Column) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
- func (c *Column) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
- func (c *Column) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
- func (c *Column) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
- func (col *Column) String() string
- func (col *Column) SupportReverseEval() bool
- func (col *Column) ToInfo() *model.ColumnInfo
- func (col *Column) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *Column) Vectorized() bool
- type CompareFunc
- type Constant
- func DatumToConstant(d types.Datum, tp byte, flag uint) *Constant
- func NewNull() *Constant
- func NewOne() *Constant
- func NewZero() *Constant
- func ParamMarkerExpression(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *driver.ParamMarkerExpr, needParam bool) (*Constant, error)
- func RefineComparedConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, targetFieldType types.FieldType, con *Constant, ...) (_ *Constant, isExceptional bool)
- func (c *Constant) CharsetAndCollation() (string, string)
- func (c *Constant) Clone() Expression
- func (c *Constant) Coercibility() Coercibility
- func (c *Constant) ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
- func (c *Constant) Decorrelate(_ *Schema) Expression
- func (c *Constant) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, b Expression) bool
- func (c *Constant) Eval(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Duration, isNull bool, err error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
- func (c *Constant) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Time, isNull bool, err error)
- func (expr *Constant) ExplainInfo() string
- func (expr *Constant) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (c *Constant) GetType() *types.FieldType
- func (c *Constant) HasCoercibility() bool
- func (c *Constant) HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
- func (c *Constant) IsCorrelated() bool
- func (c *Constant) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Constant) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (c *Constant) RemapColumn(_ map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
- func (c *Constant) Repertoire() Repertoire
- func (c *Constant) ResolveIndices(_ *Schema) (Expression, error)
- func (c *Constant) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(_ *Schema) (Expression, bool)
- func (c *Constant) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
- func (c *Constant) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
- func (c *Constant) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
- func (c *Constant) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
- func (c *Constant) String() string
- func (c *Constant) SupportReverseEval() bool
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (c *Constant) Vectorized() bool
- type CorrelatedColumn
- func (c *CorrelatedColumn) CharsetAndCollation() (string, string)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Clone() Expression
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ConstItem(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Eval(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Time, bool, error)
- func (c *CorrelatedColumn) HasCoercibility() bool
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) IsCorrelated() bool
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndices(_ *Schema) (Expression, error)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(_ *Schema) (Expression, bool)
- func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
- func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
- func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- type EvaluatorSuite
- type ExprCollation
- type Expression
- func Args2Expressions4Test(args ...interface{}) []Expression
- func BuildCastCollationFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, ec *ExprCollation, ...) Expression
- func BuildCastFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
- func BuildCastFunction4Union(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
- func BuildCastFunctionWithCheck(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression, err error)
- func BuildFromBinaryFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
- func BuildGetVarFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, retType *types.FieldType) (Expression, error)
- func BuildNotNullExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func BuildToBinaryFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) (res Expression)
- func Column2Exprs(cols []*Column) []Expression
- func ColumnSubstitute(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) Expression
- func ColumnSubstituteAll(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) (bool, Expression)
- func ColumnSubstituteImpl(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression, fail1Return bool) (bool, bool, Expression)
- func ComposeCNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression
- func ComposeDNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression
- func DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF(expr Expression, schema *Schema) Expression
- func EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *Schema, expr Expression) Expression
- func ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar(ctx sessionctx.Context, result []Expression, exprs []Expression) []Expression
- func ExtractFiltersFromDNFs(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression
- func Filter(result []Expression, input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) []Expression
- func FilterOutInPlace(input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) (remained, filteredOut []Expression)
- func FlattenCNFConditions(CNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression
- func FlattenDNFConditions(DNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression
- func FoldConstant(expr Expression) Expression
- func GetExprInsideIsTruth(expr Expression) Expression
- func GetFuncArg(e Expression, idx int) Expression
- func HandleBinaryLiteral(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, ec *ExprCollation, funcName string) Expression
- func NewFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, ...) (Expression, error)
- func NewFunctionBase(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, ...) (Expression, error)
- func NewFunctionInternal(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, ...) Expression
- func NewFunctionTryFold(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, ...) (Expression, error)
- func PBToExpr(expr *tipb.Expr, tps []*types.FieldType, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) (Expression, error)
- func PBToExprs(pbExprs []*tipb.Expr, fieldTps []*types.FieldType, ...) ([]Expression, error)
- func ParseSimpleExprCastWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, tableInfo *model.TableInfo, ...) (Expression, error)
- func ParseSimpleExprWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, tableInfo *model.TableInfo) (Expression, error)
- func ParseSimpleExprsWithNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, schema *Schema, names types.NameSlice) ([]Expression, error)
- func PopRowFirstArg(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) (ret Expression, err error)
- func PropagateConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression
- func PushDownNot(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func RemoveDupExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) []Expression
- func RewriteSimpleExprWithNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode, schema *Schema, ...) (Expression, error)
- func RewriteSimpleExprWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, tbl *model.TableInfo, expr ast.ExprNode, ...) (Expression, error)
- func ScalarFuncs2Exprs(funcs []*ScalarFunction) []Expression
- func SetExprColumnInOperand(expr Expression) Expression
- func SplitCNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression
- func SplitDNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression
- func SubstituteCorCol2Constant(expr Expression) (Expression, error)
- func TryPushCastIntoControlFunctionForHybridType(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
- func WrapWithCastAsDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsString(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
- func WrapWithCastAsTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) Expression
- type GLCmpStringMode
- type GLRetTimeType
- type KeyInfo
- type ParamMarker
- type ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker
- type PbConverter
- type PropagateConstantSolver
- type Repertoire
- type ReverseExpr
- type SQLDigestTextRetriever
- type ScalarFunction
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) CharsetAndCollation() (string, string)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Clone() Expression
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Coercibility() Coercibility
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) bool
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Eval(row chunk.Row) (d types.Datum, err error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Time, bool, error)
- func (expr *ScalarFunction) ExplainInfo() string
- func (expr *ScalarFunction) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetArgs() []Expression
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetCtx() sessionctx.Context
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetSingleColumn(reverse bool) (*Column, bool)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetType() *types.FieldType
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) HasCoercibility() bool
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) IsCorrelated() bool
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Repertoire() Repertoire
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) String() string
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) SupportReverseEval() bool
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
- func (sf *ScalarFunction) Vectorized() bool
- type Schema
- func (s *Schema) Append(col ...*Column)
- func (s *Schema) Clone() *Schema
- func (s *Schema) ColumnIndex(col *Column) int
- func (s *Schema) ColumnsByIndices(offsets []int) []*Column
- func (s *Schema) ColumnsIndices(cols []*Column) (ret []int)
- func (s *Schema) Contains(col *Column) bool
- func (s *Schema) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*Column) ([][]int, []int)
- func (s *Schema) IsUnique(col *Column) bool
- func (s *Schema) IsUniqueKey(col *Column) bool
- func (s *Schema) Len() int
- func (s *Schema) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Schema) RetrieveColumn(col *Column) *Column
- func (s *Schema) SetUniqueKeys(keys []KeyInfo)
- func (s *Schema) String() string
- type TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType
- type VarAssignment
- type VecExpr
Constants ¶
const ( SHA0 = 0 SHA224 = 224 SHA256 = 256 SHA384 = 384 SHA512 = 512 )
Supported hash length of SHA-2 family
const ( // ASCII is pure ASCII U+0000..U+007F. ASCII Repertoire = 0x01 // EXTENDED is extended characters: U+0080..U+FFFF EXTENDED = ASCII << 1 // UNICODE is ASCII | EXTENDED UNICODE = ASCII | EXTENDED )
const InternalFuncFromBinary = "from_binary"
InternalFuncFromBinary accepts a string and returns another string decode in a given charset.
const InternalFuncToBinary = "to_binary"
InternalFuncToBinary accepts a string and returns another string encoded in a given charset.
Variables ¶
var ( // CollationStrictnessGroup group collation by strictness CollationStrictnessGroup = map[string]int{ "utf8_general_ci": 1, "utf8mb4_general_ci": 1, "utf8_unicode_ci": 2, "utf8mb4_unicode_ci": 2, charset.CollationASCII: 3, charset.CollationLatin1: 3, charset.CollationUTF8: 3, charset.CollationUTF8MB4: 3, charset.CollationBin: 4, } // CollationStrictness indicates the strictness of comparison of the collation. The unequal order in a weak collation also holds in a strict collation. // For example, if a != b in a weak collation(e.g. general_ci), then there must be a != b in a strict collation(e.g. _bin). // collation group id in value is stricter than collation group id in key CollationStrictness = map[int][]int{ 1: {3, 4}, 2: {3, 4}, 3: {4}, 4: {}, } )
var ( // All the exported errors are defined here: ErrIncorrectParameterCount = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongParamcountToNativeFct) ErrDivisionByZero = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrDivisionByZero) ErrRegexp = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrRegexp) ErrOperandColumns = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrOperandColumns) ErrCutValueGroupConcat = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrCutValueGroupConcat) ErrFunctionsNoopImpl = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrNotSupportedYet, pmysql.Message("function %s has only noop implementation in tidb now, use tidb_enable_noop_functions to enable these functions", nil)) ErrInvalidArgumentForLogarithm = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidArgumentForLogarithm) ErrIncorrectType = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrIncorrectType) ErrInvalidTypeForJSON = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidTypeForJSON) ErrInvalidTableSample = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidTableSample) ErrInternal = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrInternal) ErrNoDB = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNoDB) ErrNotSupportedYet = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotSupportedYet) ErrInvalidJSONForFuncIndex = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidJSONValueForFuncIndex) ErrDataOutOfRangeFuncIndex = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrDataOutOfRangeFunctionalIndex) ErrFuncIndexDataIsTooLong = dbterror.ClassExpression.NewStd(mysql.ErrFunctionalIndexDataIsTooLong) )
Error instances.
var AllowedPartition4BinaryOpMap = map[opcode.Op]struct{}{ opcode.Plus: {}, opcode.Minus: {}, opcode.Mul: {}, opcode.IntDiv: {}, opcode.Mod: {}, }
AllowedPartition4BinaryOpMap store the operator for Binary Expr See for more details
var AllowedPartition4UnaryOpMap = map[opcode.Op]struct{}{ opcode.Plus: {}, opcode.Minus: {}, }
AllowedPartition4UnaryOpMap store the operator for Unary Expr
var AllowedPartitionFuncMap = map[string]struct{}{ ast.ToDays: {}, ast.ToSeconds: {}, ast.DayOfMonth: {}, ast.Month: {}, ast.DayOfYear: {}, ast.Quarter: {}, ast.YearWeek: {}, ast.Year: {}, ast.Weekday: {}, ast.DayOfWeek: {}, ast.Day: {}, ast.Hour: {}, ast.Minute: {}, ast.Second: {}, ast.TimeToSec: {}, ast.MicroSecond: {}, ast.UnixTimestamp: {}, ast.FromDays: {}, ast.Extract: {}, ast.Abs: {}, ast.Ceiling: {}, ast.DateDiff: {}, ast.Floor: {}, ast.Mod: {}, }
AllowedPartitionFuncMap stores functions which can be used in the partition expression.
var DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist *atomic.Value
DefaultExprPushDownBlacklist indicates the expressions which can not be pushed down to TiKV.
var DeferredFunctions = map[string]struct{}{ ast.Now: {}, ast.RandomBytes: {}, ast.CurrentTimestamp: {}, ast.UTCTime: {}, ast.Curtime: {}, ast.CurrentTime: {}, ast.UTCTimestamp: {}, ast.UnixTimestamp: {}, ast.Curdate: {}, ast.CurrentDate: {}, ast.UTCDate: {}, }
DeferredFunctions stores functions which are foldable but should be deferred as well when plan cache is enabled. Note that, these functions must be foldable at first place, i.e, they are not in `unFoldableFunctions`.
var DisableFoldFunctions = map[string]struct{}{ ast.Benchmark: {}, }
DisableFoldFunctions stores functions which prevent child scope functions from being constant folded. Typically, these functions shall also exist in unFoldableFunctions, to stop from being folded when they themselves are in child scope of an outer function, and the outer function is recursively folding its children.
var EvalAstExpr func(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode) (types.Datum, error)
EvalAstExpr evaluates ast expression directly. Note: initialized in planner/core import expression and planner/core together to use EvalAstExpr
var IllegalFunctions4GeneratedColumns = map[string]struct{}{ ast.ConnectionID: {}, ast.LoadFile: {}, ast.LastInsertId: {}, ast.Rand: {}, ast.UUID: {}, ast.UUIDShort: {}, ast.Curdate: {}, ast.CurrentDate: {}, ast.Curtime: {}, ast.CurrentTime: {}, ast.CurrentTimestamp: {}, ast.LocalTime: {}, ast.LocalTimestamp: {}, ast.Now: {}, ast.UnixTimestamp: {}, ast.UTCDate: {}, ast.UTCTime: {}, ast.UTCTimestamp: {}, ast.Benchmark: {}, ast.CurrentUser: {}, ast.Database: {}, ast.FoundRows: {}, ast.GetLock: {}, ast.IsFreeLock: {}, ast.IsUsedLock: {}, ast.MasterPosWait: {}, ast.NameConst: {}, ast.ReleaseLock: {}, ast.RowFunc: {}, ast.RowCount: {}, ast.Schema: {}, ast.SessionUser: {}, ast.Sleep: {}, ast.Sysdate: {}, ast.SystemUser: {}, ast.User: {}, ast.Values: {}, ast.Encrypt: {}, ast.Version: {}, ast.JSONMerge: {}, ast.SetVar: {}, ast.GetVar: {}, ast.ReleaseAllLocks: {}, }
IllegalFunctions4GeneratedColumns stores functions that is illegal for generated columns. See for details
var MaxPropagateColsCnt = 100
MaxPropagateColsCnt means the max number of columns that can participate propagation.
var NonPreparedPlanCacheableOp = map[string]struct{}{ ast.LogicAnd: {}, ast.LogicOr: {}, ast.GE: {}, ast.LE: {}, ast.EQ: {}, ast.LT: {}, ast.GT: {}, }
NonPreparedPlanCacheableOp stores function which can be cached to non-prepared plan cache.
var RewriteAstExpr func(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode, schema *Schema, names types.NameSlice, allowCastArray bool) (Expression, error)
RewriteAstExpr rewrites ast expression directly. Note: initialized in planner/core import expression and planner/core together to use EvalAstExpr
var TryFoldFunctions = map[string]struct{}{ ast.If: {}, ast.Ifnull: {}, ast.Case: {}, ast.LogicAnd: {}, ast.LogicOr: {}, ast.Coalesce: {}, ast.Interval: {}, }
TryFoldFunctions stores functions which try to fold constant in child scope functions if without errors/warnings, otherwise, the child functions do not fold constant. Note: the function itself should fold constant.
var UnCacheableFunctions = map[string]struct{}{ ast.Database: {}, ast.CurrentUser: {}, ast.CurrentRole: {}, ast.User: {}, ast.ConnectionID: {}, ast.LastInsertId: {}, ast.RowCount: {}, ast.Version: {}, ast.Like: {}, }
UnCacheableFunctions stores functions which can not be cached to plan cache.
Functions ¶
func CalAppropriateTime ¶
CalAppropriateTime directly calls calAppropriateTime
func CanExprsPushDown ¶
func CanExprsPushDown(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType) bool
CanExprsPushDown return true if all the expr in exprs can be pushed down
func CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo ¶
func CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType, canEnumPush bool) bool
CanExprsPushDownWithExtraInfo return true if all the expr in exprs can be pushed down
func CanImplicitEvalInt ¶
func CanImplicitEvalInt(expr Expression) bool
CanImplicitEvalInt represents the builtin functions that have an implicit path to evaluate as integer, regardless of the type that type inference decides it to be. This is a nasty way to match the weird behavior of MySQL functions like `dayname()` being implicitly evaluated as integer. See for details.
func CanImplicitEvalReal ¶
func CanImplicitEvalReal(expr Expression) bool
CanImplicitEvalReal represents the builtin functions that have an implicit path to evaluate as real, regardless of the type that type inference decides it to be. This is a nasty way to match the weird behavior of MySQL functions like `dayname()` being implicitly evaluated as real. See for details.
func CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow ¶
func CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(args ...Expression) error
CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow checks the args are not multi-column row.
func CheckFuncInExpr ¶
func CheckFuncInExpr(e Expression, funcName string) bool
CheckFuncInExpr checks whether there's a given function in the expression.
func CheckNonDeterministic ¶
func CheckNonDeterministic(e Expression) bool
CheckNonDeterministic checks whether the current expression contains a non-deterministic func.
func CompareDecimal ¶
func CompareDecimal(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareDecimal compares two decimals.
func CompareDuration ¶
func CompareDuration(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareDuration compares two durations.
func CompareInt ¶
func CompareInt(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareInt compares two integers.
func CompareJSON ¶
func CompareJSON(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareJSON compares two JSONs.
func CompareReal ¶
func CompareReal(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareReal compares two float-point values.
func CompareStringWithCollationInfo ¶
func CompareStringWithCollationInfo(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row, collation string) (int64, bool, error)
CompareStringWithCollationInfo compares two strings with the specified collation information.
func CompareTime ¶
func CompareTime(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareTime compares two datetime or timestamps.
func ConstructPositionExpr ¶
func ConstructPositionExpr(p *driver.ParamMarkerExpr) *ast.PositionExpr
ConstructPositionExpr constructs PositionExpr with the given ParamMarkerExpr.
func ContainCorrelatedColumn ¶
func ContainCorrelatedColumn(exprs []Expression) bool
ContainCorrelatedColumn checks if the expressions contain a correlated column
func ContainOuterNot ¶
func ContainOuterNot(expr Expression) bool
ContainOuterNot checks if there is an outer `not`.
func ContainVirtualColumn ¶
func ContainVirtualColumn(exprs []Expression) bool
ContainVirtualColumn checks if the expressions contain a virtual column
func Contains ¶
func Contains(exprs []Expression, e Expression) bool
Contains tests if `exprs` contains `e`.
func ConvertJSON2Tp ¶
ConvertJSON2Tp returns a function that can convert JSON to the specified type.
func DeriveCollationFromExprs ¶
func DeriveCollationFromExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs ...Expression) (dstCharset, dstCollation string)
DeriveCollationFromExprs derives collation information from these expressions. Deprecated, use CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs instead. TODO: remove this function after the all usage is replaced by CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs
func DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr ¶
func DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr(expr Expression)
DisableParseJSONFlag4Expr disables ParseToJSONFlag for `expr` except Column. We should not *PARSE* a string as JSON under some scenarios. ParseToJSONFlag is 0 for JSON column yet(as well as JSON correlated column), so we can skip it. Moreover, Column.RetType refers to the infoschema, if we modify it, data race may happen if another goroutine read from the infoschema at the same time.
func EvalBool ¶
EvalBool evaluates expression list to a boolean value. The first returned value indicates bool result of the expression list, the second returned value indicates whether the result of the expression list is null, it can only be true when the first returned values is false.
func EvalExpr ¶
func EvalExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, evalType types.EvalType, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) (err error)
EvalExpr evaluates this expr according to its type. And it selects the method for evaluating expression based on the environment variables and whether the expression can be vectorized. Note: the input argument `evalType` is needed because of that when `expr` is of the hybrid type(ENUM/SET/BIT), we need the invoker decide the actual EvalType.
func ExplainColumnList ¶
ExplainColumnList generates explain information for a list of columns.
func ExplainExpressionList ¶
func ExplainExpressionList(exprs []Expression, schema *Schema) string
ExplainExpressionList generates explain information for a list of expressions.
func ExprFromSchema ¶
func ExprFromSchema(expr Expression, schema *Schema) bool
ExprFromSchema checks if all columns of this expression are from the same schema.
func ExprNotNull ¶
func ExprNotNull(expr Expression) bool
ExprNotNull checks if an expression is possible to be null.
func ExpressionsToPBList ¶
func ExpressionsToPBList(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client) (pbExpr []*tipb.Expr, err error)
ExpressionsToPBList converts expressions to tipb.Expr list for new plan.
func ExtractColumnSet ¶
func ExtractColumnSet(exprs ...Expression) *intsets.Sparse
ExtractColumnSet extracts the different values of `UniqueId` for columns in expressions.
func ExtractEquivalenceColumns ¶
func ExtractEquivalenceColumns(result [][]Expression, exprs []Expression) [][]Expression
ExtractEquivalenceColumns detects the equivalence from CNF exprs.
func FastLocateHashPartition ¶
func FastLocateHashPartition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conds []Expression, piExpr Expression) (int64, bool, bool)
FastLocateHashPartition is used to get hash partition quickly.
func FieldTypeFromPB ¶
FieldTypeFromPB converts *tipb.FieldType to *types.FieldType.
func FindFieldName ¶
FindFieldName finds the column name from NameSlice.
func FindFieldNameIdxByColName ¶
FindFieldNameIdxByColName finds the index of corresponding name in the given slice. -1 for not found.
func GcColumnExprIsTidbShard ¶
func GcColumnExprIsTidbShard(virtualExpr Expression) bool
GcColumnExprIsTidbShard check whether the expression is tidb_shard()
func GetAccurateCmpType ¶
func GetAccurateCmpType(lhs, rhs Expression) types.EvalType
GetAccurateCmpType uses a more complex logic to decide the EvalType of the two args when compare with each other than getBaseCmpType does.
func GetBuiltinList ¶
func GetBuiltinList() []string
GetBuiltinList returns a list of builtin functions
func GetColumn ¶
GetColumn allocates a column. The allocator is not responsible for initializing the column, so please initialize it before using.
func GetDisplayName ¶
GetDisplayName translate a function name to its display name
func GetFormatBytes ¶
GetFormatBytes convert byte count to value with units.
func GetFormatNanoTime ¶
GetFormatNanoTime convert time in nanoseconds to value with units.
func GetIntFromConstant ¶
func GetIntFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (int, bool, error)
GetIntFromConstant gets an interger value from the Constant expression.
func GetMinSafeTime ¶
func GetMinSafeTime(sessionCtx sessionctx.Context) time.Time
GetMinSafeTime get minSafeTime
func GetRowLen ¶
func GetRowLen(e Expression) int
GetRowLen gets the length if the func is row, returns 1 if not row.
func GetStmtTimestamp ¶
func GetStmtTimestamp(ctx sessionctx.Context) (time.Time, error)
GetStmtTimestamp directly calls getTimeZone with timezone
func GetStringFromConstant ¶
func GetStringFromConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, value Expression) (string, bool, error)
GetStringFromConstant gets a string value from the Constant expression.
func GetTimeCurrentTimestamp ¶
GetTimeCurrentTimestamp is used for generating a timestamp for some special cases: cast null value to timestamp type with not null flag.
func GetTimeValue ¶
func GetTimeValue(ctx sessionctx.Context, v interface{}, tp byte, fsp int) (d types.Datum, err error)
GetTimeValue gets the time value with type tp.
func GetUint64FromConstant ¶
func GetUint64FromConstant(expr Expression) (uint64, bool, bool)
GetUint64FromConstant gets a uint64 from constant expression.
func GetUsedList ¶
GetUsedList shows whether each column in schema is contained in usedCols.
func GroupByItemToPB ¶
func GroupByItemToPB(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, client kv.Client, expr Expression) *tipb.ByItem
GroupByItemToPB converts group by items to pb.
func HandleOverflowOnSelection ¶
HandleOverflowOnSelection handles Overflow errors when evaluating selection filters. We should ignore overflow errors when evaluating selection conditions:
INSERT INTO t VALUES ("999999999999999999"); SELECT * FROM t WHERE v;
func HasAssignSetVarFunc ¶
func HasAssignSetVarFunc(expr Expression) bool
HasAssignSetVarFunc checks whether an expression contains SetVar function and assign a value
func HasGetSetVarFunc ¶
func HasGetSetVarFunc(expr Expression) bool
HasGetSetVarFunc checks whether an expression contains SetVar/GetVar function.
func InferType4ControlFuncs ¶
func InferType4ControlFuncs(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, lexp, rexp Expression) (*types.FieldType, error)
InferType4ControlFuncs infer result type for builtin IF, IFNULL, NULLIF, LEAD and LAG.
func IsBinaryLiteral ¶
func IsBinaryLiteral(expr Expression) bool
IsBinaryLiteral checks whether an expression is a binary literal
func IsEQCondFromIn ¶
func IsEQCondFromIn(expr Expression) bool
IsEQCondFromIn checks if an expression is equal condition converted from `[not] in (subq)`.
func IsFunctionSupported ¶
IsFunctionSupported check if given function name is a builtin sql function.
func IsInmutableExpr ¶
func IsInmutableExpr(expr Expression) bool
IsInmutableExpr checks whether this expression only consists of foldable functions and inmutable constants. This expression can be evaluated by using `expr.Eval(chunk.Row{})` directly if it's inmutable.
func IsMutableEffectsExpr ¶
func IsMutableEffectsExpr(expr Expression) bool
IsMutableEffectsExpr checks if expr contains function which is mutable or has side effects.
func IsPushDownEnabled ¶
IsPushDownEnabled returns true if the input expr is not in the expr_pushdown_blacklist
func IsRuntimeConstExpr ¶
func IsRuntimeConstExpr(expr Expression) bool
IsRuntimeConstExpr checks if a expr can be treated as a constant in **executor**.
func IsValidCurrentTimestampExpr ¶
IsValidCurrentTimestampExpr returns true if exprNode is a valid CurrentTimestamp expression. Here `valid` means it is consistent with the given fieldType's decimal.
func MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache ¶
func MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) bool
MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache used to check whether an optimization can work for the statement when we enable the plan cache. In some situations, some optimizations maybe over-optimize and cache an overOptimized plan. The cached plan may not get the correct result when we reuse the plan for other statements. For example, `pk>=$a and pk<=$b` can be optimized to a PointGet when `$a==$b`, but it will cause wrong results when `$a!=$b`. So we need to do the check here. The check includes the following aspects: 1. Whether the plan cache switch is enable. 2. Whether the statement can be cached. 3. Whether the expressions contain a lazy constant. TODO: Do more careful check here.
func PbTypeToFieldType ¶
PbTypeToFieldType converts tipb.FieldType to FieldType
func PosFromPositionExpr ¶
func PosFromPositionExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *ast.PositionExpr) (int, bool, error)
PosFromPositionExpr generates a position value from PositionExpr.
func PropConstOverOuterJoin ¶
func PropConstOverOuterJoin(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinConds, filterConds []Expression, outerSchema, innerSchema *Schema, nullSensitive bool) ([]Expression, []Expression)
PropConstOverOuterJoin propagate constant equal and column equal conditions over outer join. First step is to extract `outerCol = const` from join conditions and filter conditions, and substitute `outerCol` in join conditions with `const`; Second step is to extract `outerCol = innerCol` from join conditions, and derive new join conditions based on this column equal condition and `outerCol` related expressions in join conditions and filter conditions;
func PropagateType ¶
func PropagateType(evalType types.EvalType, args ...Expression)
PropagateType propagates the type information to the `expr`. Note: For now, we only propagate type for the function CastDecimalAsDouble.
e.g. > create table t(a decimal(9, 8)); > insert into t values(5.04600000) > select a/36000 from t; Type: NEWDECIMAL Length: 15 Decimals: 12 +------------------+ | 5.04600000/36000 | +------------------+ | 0.000140166667 | +------------------+
> select cast(a/36000 as double) as result from t; Type: DOUBLE Length: 23 Decimals: 31 +----------------------+ | result | +----------------------+ | 0.000140166666666666 | +----------------------+ The expected `decimal` and `length` of the outer cast_as_double need to be propagated to the inner div.
func PushDownExprs ¶
func PushDownExprs(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression)
PushDownExprs split the input exprs into pushed and remained, pushed include all the exprs that can be pushed down
func PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo ¶
func PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, exprs []Expression, client kv.Client, storeType kv.StoreType, canEnumPush bool) (pushed []Expression, remained []Expression)
PushDownExprsWithExtraInfo split the input exprs into pushed and remained, pushed include all the exprs that can be pushed down
func Quote ¶
Quote produce a result that can be used as a properly escaped data value in an SQL statement.
func ReHashCode ¶
func ReHashCode(sf *ScalarFunction, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext)
ReHashCode is used after we change the argument in place.
func RemoveMutableConst ¶
func RemoveMutableConst(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression)
RemoveMutableConst used to remove the `ParamMarker` and `DeferredExpr` in the `Constant` expr.
func ResolveType4Between ¶
func ResolveType4Between(args [3]Expression) types.EvalType
ResolveType4Between resolves eval type for between expression.
func SetBinFlagOrBinStr ¶
SetBinFlagOrBinStr sets resTp to binary string if argTp is a binary string, if not, sets the binary flag of resTp to true if argTp has binary flag. We need to check if the tp is enum or set, if so, don't add binary flag directly unless it has binary flag.
func SortByItemToPB ¶
func SortByItemToPB(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, client kv.Client, expr Expression, desc bool) *tipb.ByItem
SortByItemToPB converts order by items to pb.
func SortedExplainExpressionList ¶
func SortedExplainExpressionList(exprs []Expression) []byte
SortedExplainExpressionList generates explain information for a list of expressions in order. In some scenarios, the expr's order may not be stable when executing multiple times. So we add a sort to make its explain result stable.
func SortedExplainNormalizedExpressionList ¶
func SortedExplainNormalizedExpressionList(exprs []Expression) []byte
SortedExplainNormalizedExpressionList is same like SortedExplainExpressionList, but use for generating normalized information.
func SortedExplainNormalizedScalarFuncList ¶
func SortedExplainNormalizedScalarFuncList(exprs []*ScalarFunction) []byte
SortedExplainNormalizedScalarFuncList is same like SortedExplainExpressionList, but use for generating normalized information.
func ToPBFieldType ¶
ToPBFieldType converts *types.FieldType to *tipb.FieldType.
func ToPBFieldTypeWithCheck ¶
ToPBFieldTypeWithCheck converts *types.FieldType to *tipb.FieldType with checking the valid decimal for TiFlash
func VecEvalBool ¶
func VecEvalBool(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprList CNFExprs, input *chunk.Chunk, selected, nulls []bool) ([]bool, []bool, error)
VecEvalBool does the same thing as EvalBool but it works in a vectorized manner.
func Vectorizable ¶
func Vectorizable(exprs []Expression) bool
Vectorizable checks whether a list of expressions can employ vectorized execution.
func VectorizedExecute ¶
func VectorizedExecute(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, output *chunk.Chunk) error
VectorizedExecute evaluates a list of expressions column by column and append their results to "output" Chunk.
func VectorizedFilter ¶
func VectorizedFilter(ctx sessionctx.Context, filters []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, selected []bool) (_ []bool, err error)
VectorizedFilter applies a list of filters to a Chunk and returns a bool slice, which indicates whether a row is passed the filters. Filters is executed vectorized.
func VectorizedFilterConsiderNull ¶
func VectorizedFilterConsiderNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, filters []Expression, iterator *chunk.Iterator4Chunk, selected []bool, isNull []bool) ([]bool, []bool, error)
VectorizedFilterConsiderNull applies a list of filters to a Chunk and returns two bool slices, `selected` indicates whether a row passed the filters, `isNull` indicates whether the result of the filter is null. Filters is executed vectorized.
func VerifyArgsWrapper ¶
VerifyArgsWrapper verifies a function by its name and the count of the arguments. Note that this function assumes that the function is supported.
Types ¶
type Assignment ¶
type Assignment struct { Col *Column // ColName indicates its original column name in table schema. It's used for outputting helping message when executing meets some errors. ColName model.CIStr Expr Expression // LazyErr is used in statement like `INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES (1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a= (SELECT b FROM source);`, ErrSubqueryMoreThan1Row // should be evaluated after the duplicate situation is detected in the executing procedure. LazyErr error }
Assignment represents a set assignment in Update, such as Update t set c1 = hex(12), c2 = c3 where c2 = 1
func (*Assignment) MemoryUsage ¶
func (a *Assignment) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Assignment
type Coercibility ¶
type Coercibility int32
Coercibility values are used to check whether the collation of one item can be coerced to the collation of other. See
const ( // CoercibilityExplicit is derived from an explicit COLLATE clause. CoercibilityExplicit Coercibility = 0 // CoercibilityNone is derived from the concatenation of two strings with different collations. CoercibilityNone Coercibility = 1 // CoercibilityImplicit is derived from a column or a stored routine parameter or local variable or cast() function. CoercibilityImplicit Coercibility = 2 // CoercibilitySysconst is derived from a “system constant” (the string returned by functions such as USER() or VERSION()). CoercibilitySysconst Coercibility = 3 // CoercibilityCoercible is derived from a literal. CoercibilityCoercible Coercibility = 4 // CoercibilityNumeric is derived from a numeric or temporal value. CoercibilityNumeric Coercibility = 5 // CoercibilityIgnorable is derived from NULL or an expression that is derived from NULL. CoercibilityIgnorable Coercibility = 6 )
type CollationInfo ¶
type CollationInfo interface { // HasCoercibility returns if the Coercibility value is initialized. HasCoercibility() bool // Coercibility returns the coercibility value which is used to check collations. Coercibility() Coercibility // SetCoercibility sets a specified coercibility for this expression. SetCoercibility(val Coercibility) // Repertoire returns the repertoire value which is used to check collations. Repertoire() Repertoire // SetRepertoire sets a specified repertoire for this expression. SetRepertoire(r Repertoire) // CharsetAndCollation gets charset and collation. CharsetAndCollation() (string, string) // SetCharsetAndCollation sets charset and collation. SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string) }
CollationInfo contains all interfaces about dealing with collation.
type Column ¶
type Column struct { RetType *types.FieldType // ID is used to specify whether this column is ExtraHandleColumn or to access histogram. // We'll try to remove it in the future. ID int64 // UniqueID is the unique id of this column. UniqueID int64 // Index is used for execution, to tell the column's position in the given row. Index int // VirtualExpr is used to save expression for virtual column VirtualExpr Expression OrigName string IsHidden bool // IsPrefix indicates whether this column is a prefix column in index. // // for example: // pk(col1, col2), index(col1(10)), key: col1(10)_col1_col2 => index's col1 will be true // pk(col1(10), col2), index(col1), key: col1_col1(10)_col2 => pk's col1 will be true IsPrefix bool // InOperand indicates whether this column is the inner operand of column equal condition converted // from `[not] in (subq)`. InOperand bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Column represents a column.
func ColInfo2Col ¶
func ColInfo2Col(cols []*Column, col *model.ColumnInfo) *Column
ColInfo2Col finds the corresponding column of the ColumnInfo in a column slice.
func ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames ¶
func ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbName, tblName model.CIStr, colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, tblInfo *model.TableInfo) ([]*Column, types.NameSlice, error)
ColumnInfos2ColumnsAndNames converts the ColumnInfo to the *Column and NameSlice.
func ExtractColumns ¶
func ExtractColumns(expr Expression) []*Column
ExtractColumns extracts all columns from an expression.
func ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions ¶
func ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, list []Expression) []*Column
ExtractColumnsAndCorColumnsFromExpressions extracts columns and correlated columns from expressions and append them to `result`.
func ExtractColumnsFromExpressions ¶
func ExtractColumnsFromExpressions(result []*Column, exprs []Expression, filter func(*Column) bool) []*Column
ExtractColumnsFromExpressions is a more efficient version of ExtractColumns for batch operation. filter can be nil, or a function to filter the result column. It's often observed that the pattern of the caller like this:
cols := ExtractColumns(...)
for _, col := range cols { if xxx(col) {...} }
Provide an additional filter argument, this can be done in one step. To avoid allocation for cols that not need.
func ExtractDependentColumns ¶
func ExtractDependentColumns(expr Expression) []*Column
ExtractDependentColumns extracts all dependent columns from a virtual column.
func FindPrefixOfIndex ¶
FindPrefixOfIndex will find columns in index by checking the unique id. So it will return at once no matching column is found.
func IndexCol2Col ¶
func IndexCol2Col(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, col *model.IndexColumn) *Column
IndexCol2Col finds the corresponding column of the IndexColumn in a column slice.
func IndexInfo2Cols ¶
func IndexInfo2Cols(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, index *model.IndexInfo) ([]*Column, []int)
IndexInfo2Cols gets the corresponding []*Column of the indexInfo's []*IndexColumn, together with a []int containing their lengths. If this index has three IndexColumn that the 1st and 3rd IndexColumn has corresponding *Column, the return value will be [col1, nil, col2].
func IndexInfo2PrefixCols ¶
func IndexInfo2PrefixCols(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, cols []*Column, index *model.IndexInfo) ([]*Column, []int)
IndexInfo2PrefixCols gets the corresponding []*Column of the indexInfo's []*IndexColumn, together with a []int containing their lengths. If this index has three IndexColumn that the 1st and 3rd IndexColumn has corresponding *Column, the return value will be only the 1st corresponding *Column and its length. TODO: Use a struct to represent {*Column, int}. And merge IndexInfo2PrefixCols and IndexInfo2Cols.
func SortColumns ¶
SortColumns sort columns based on UniqueID.
func (*Column) CharsetAndCollation ¶
func (*Column) CleanHashCode ¶
func (col *Column) CleanHashCode()
CleanHashCode will clean the hashcode you may be cached before. It's used especially in schema-cloned & reallocated-uniqueID's cases.
func (*Column) Coercibility ¶
func (col *Column) Coercibility() Coercibility
Coercibility returns the coercibility value which is used to check collations.
func (*Column) ConstItem ¶
func (col *Column) ConstItem(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
ConstItem implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) Decorrelate ¶
func (col *Column) Decorrelate(_ *Schema) Expression
Decorrelate implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) Equal ¶
func (col *Column) Equal(_ sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
Equal implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) EqualByExprAndID ¶
func (col *Column) EqualByExprAndID(_ sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
EqualByExprAndID extends Equal by comparing virual expression
func (*Column) EvalDecimal ¶
func (col *Column) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
EvalDecimal returns decimal representation of Column.
func (*Column) EvalDuration ¶
func (col *Column) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
EvalDuration returns Duration representation of Column.
func (*Column) EvalJSON ¶
func (col *Column) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
EvalJSON returns JSON representation of Column.
func (*Column) EvalString ¶
EvalString returns string representation of Column.
func (*Column) EvalVirtualColumn ¶
EvalVirtualColumn evals the virtual column
func (*Column) ExplainInfo ¶
ExplainInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*Column) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*Column) HasCoercibility ¶
func (c *Column) HasCoercibility() bool
func (*Column) HashCode ¶
func (col *Column) HashCode(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
HashCode implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) InColumnArray ¶
InColumnArray check whether the col is in the cols array
func (*Column) IsCorrelated ¶
IsCorrelated implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface.
func (*Column) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Column
func (*Column) RemapColumn ¶
func (col *Column) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression
func (*Column) Repertoire ¶
func (col *Column) Repertoire() Repertoire
Repertoire returns the repertoire value which is used to check collations.
func (*Column) ResolveIndices ¶
func (col *Column) ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error)
ResolveIndices implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr ¶
func (col *Column) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool)
ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr implements Expression interface.
func (*Column) ReverseEval ¶
func (col *Column) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
ReverseEval evaluates the only one column value with given function result.
func (*Column) SetCharsetAndCollation ¶
func (c *Column) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
func (*Column) SetCoercibility ¶
func (c *Column) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
SetCoercibility implements CollationInfo SetCoercibility interface.
func (*Column) SetRepertoire ¶
func (c *Column) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
func (*Column) SupportReverseEval ¶
SupportReverseEval checks whether the builtinFunc support reverse evaluation.
func (*Column) ToInfo ¶
func (col *Column) ToInfo() *model.ColumnInfo
ToInfo converts the expression.Column to model.ColumnInfo for casting values, beware it doesn't fill all the fields of the model.ColumnInfo.
func (*Column) VecEvalDecimal ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalDuration ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalInt ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalJSON ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalReal ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalString ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) VecEvalTime ¶
func (col *Column) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Column) Vectorized ¶
Vectorized returns if this expression supports vectorized evaluation.
type CompareFunc ¶
type CompareFunc = func(sctx sessionctx.Context, lhsArg, rhsArg Expression, lhsRow, rhsRow chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
CompareFunc defines the compare function prototype.
func GetCmpFunction ¶
func GetCmpFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, lhs, rhs Expression) CompareFunc
GetCmpFunction get the compare function according to two arguments.
type Constant ¶
type Constant struct { Value types.Datum RetType *types.FieldType // DeferredExpr holds deferred function in PlanCache cached plan. // it's only used to represent non-deterministic functions(see expression.DeferredFunctions) // in PlanCache cached plan, so let them can be evaluated until cached item be used. DeferredExpr Expression // ParamMarker holds param index inside sessionVars.PreparedParams. // It's only used to reference a user variable provided in the `EXECUTE` statement or `COM_EXECUTE` binary protocol. ParamMarker *ParamMarker // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Constant stands for a constant value.
func DatumToConstant ¶
DatumToConstant generates a Constant expression from a Datum.
func ParamMarkerExpression ¶
func ParamMarkerExpression(ctx sessionctx.Context, v *driver.ParamMarkerExpr, needParam bool) (*Constant, error)
ParamMarkerExpression generate a getparam function expression.
func RefineComparedConstant ¶
func RefineComparedConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, targetFieldType types.FieldType, con *Constant, op opcode.Op) (_ *Constant, isExceptional bool)
RefineComparedConstant changes a non-integer constant argument to its ceiling or floor result by the given op. isExceptional indicates whether the 'int column cmp const' might be true/false. If isExceptional is true, ExecptionalVal is returned. Or, CorrectVal is returned. CorrectVal: The computed result. If the constant can be converted to int without exception, return the val. Else return 'con'(the input). ExceptionalVal : It is used to get more information to check whether 'int column cmp const' is true/false
If the op == LT,LE,GT,GE and it gets an Overflow when converting, return inf/-inf. If the op == EQ,NullEQ and the constant can never be equal to the int column, return ‘con’(the input, a non-int constant).
func (*Constant) CharsetAndCollation ¶
func (*Constant) Clone ¶
func (c *Constant) Clone() Expression
Clone implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) Coercibility ¶
func (c *Constant) Coercibility() Coercibility
Coercibility returns the coercibility value which is used to check collations.
func (*Constant) ConstItem ¶
func (c *Constant) ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
ConstItem implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) Decorrelate ¶
func (c *Constant) Decorrelate(_ *Schema) Expression
Decorrelate implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) Equal ¶
func (c *Constant) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, b Expression) bool
Equal implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) EvalDecimal ¶
func (c *Constant) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
EvalDecimal returns decimal representation of Constant.
func (*Constant) EvalDuration ¶
func (c *Constant) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Duration, isNull bool, err error)
EvalDuration returns Duration representation of Constant.
func (*Constant) EvalJSON ¶
func (c *Constant) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
EvalJSON returns JSON representation of Constant.
func (*Constant) EvalString ¶
EvalString returns string representation of Constant.
func (*Constant) EvalTime ¶
func (c *Constant) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Time, isNull bool, err error)
EvalTime returns DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP representation of Constant.
func (*Constant) ExplainInfo ¶
ExplainInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*Constant) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*Constant) HasCoercibility ¶
func (c *Constant) HasCoercibility() bool
func (*Constant) HashCode ¶
func (c *Constant) HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
HashCode implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) IsCorrelated ¶
IsCorrelated implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface.
func (*Constant) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Constant
func (*Constant) RemapColumn ¶
func (c *Constant) RemapColumn(_ map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression
func (*Constant) Repertoire ¶
func (c *Constant) Repertoire() Repertoire
func (*Constant) ResolveIndices ¶
func (c *Constant) ResolveIndices(_ *Schema) (Expression, error)
ResolveIndices implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr ¶
func (c *Constant) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(_ *Schema) (Expression, bool)
ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr implements Expression interface.
func (*Constant) ReverseEval ¶
func (c *Constant) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
ReverseEval evaluates the only one column value with given function result.
func (*Constant) SetCharsetAndCollation ¶
func (c *Constant) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
func (*Constant) SetCoercibility ¶
func (c *Constant) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
SetCoercibility implements CollationInfo SetCoercibility interface.
func (*Constant) SetRepertoire ¶
func (c *Constant) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
func (*Constant) SupportReverseEval ¶
SupportReverseEval checks whether the builtinFunc support reverse evaluation.
func (*Constant) VecEvalDecimal ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalDuration ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalInt ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalJSON ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalReal ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalString ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) VecEvalTime ¶
func (c *Constant) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*Constant) Vectorized ¶
Vectorized returns if this expression supports vectorized evaluation.
type CorrelatedColumn ¶
type CorrelatedColumn struct {}
CorrelatedColumn stands for a column in a correlated sub query.
func ExtractCorColumns ¶
func ExtractCorColumns(expr Expression) (cols []*CorrelatedColumn)
ExtractCorColumns extracts correlated column from given expression.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) CharsetAndCollation ¶
func (*CorrelatedColumn) Clone ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Clone() Expression
Clone implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) ConstItem ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ConstItem(_ *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
ConstItem implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) Decorrelate ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression
Decorrelate implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) Equal ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) bool
Equal implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalDecimal ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
EvalDecimal returns decimal representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalDuration ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
EvalDuration returns Duration representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalInt ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
EvalInt returns int representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalJSON ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
EvalJSON returns JSON representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalReal ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
EvalReal returns real representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalString ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
EvalString returns string representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) EvalTime ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Time, bool, error)
EvalTime returns DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP representation of CorrelatedColumn.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) HasCoercibility ¶
func (c *CorrelatedColumn) HasCoercibility() bool
func (*CorrelatedColumn) IsCorrelated ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) IsCorrelated() bool
IsCorrelated implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) MemoryUsage ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of CorrelatedColumn
func (*CorrelatedColumn) RemapColumn ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression
func (*CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndices ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndices(_ *Schema) (Expression, error)
ResolveIndices implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(_ *Schema) (Expression, bool)
ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr implements Expression interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) SetCharsetAndCollation ¶
func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
func (*CorrelatedColumn) SetCoercibility ¶
func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
SetCoercibility implements CollationInfo SetCoercibility interface.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) SetRepertoire ¶
func (c *CorrelatedColumn) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDecimal ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDuration ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalInt ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalJSON ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalReal ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalString ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalTime ¶
func (col *CorrelatedColumn) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
type EvaluatorSuite ¶
type EvaluatorSuite struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EvaluatorSuite is responsible for the evaluation of a list of expressions. It separates them to "column" and "other" expressions and evaluates "other" expressions before "column" expressions.
func NewEvaluatorSuite ¶
func NewEvaluatorSuite(exprs []Expression, avoidColumnEvaluator bool) *EvaluatorSuite
NewEvaluatorSuite creates an EvaluatorSuite to evaluate all the exprs. avoidColumnEvaluator can be removed after column pool is supported.
func (*EvaluatorSuite) Run ¶
func (e *EvaluatorSuite) Run(ctx sessionctx.Context, input, output *chunk.Chunk) error
Run evaluates all the expressions hold by this EvaluatorSuite. NOTE: "defaultEvaluator" must be evaluated before "columnEvaluator".
func (*EvaluatorSuite) Vectorizable ¶
func (e *EvaluatorSuite) Vectorizable() bool
Vectorizable checks whether this EvaluatorSuite can use vectorizd execution mode.
type ExprCollation ¶
type ExprCollation struct { Coer Coercibility Repe Repertoire Charset string Collation string }
ExprCollation is a struct that store the collation related information.
func CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs ¶
func CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, evalType types.EvalType, args ...Expression) (et *ExprCollation, err error)
CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs derives collation information from these expressions, return error if derives collation error.
type Expression ¶
type Expression interface { fmt.Stringer goJSON.Marshaler VecExpr ReverseExpr CollationInfo // Eval evaluates an expression through a row. Eval(row chunk.Row) (types.Datum, error) // EvalInt returns the int64 representation of expression. EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val int64, isNull bool, err error) // EvalReal returns the float64 representation of expression. EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val float64, isNull bool, err error) // EvalString returns the string representation of expression. EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val string, isNull bool, err error) // EvalDecimal returns the decimal representation of expression. EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val *types.MyDecimal, isNull bool, err error) // EvalTime returns the DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP representation of expression. EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Time, isNull bool, err error) // EvalDuration returns the duration representation of expression. EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.Duration, isNull bool, err error) // EvalJSON returns the JSON representation of expression. EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (val types.BinaryJSON, isNull bool, err error) // GetType gets the type that the expression returns. GetType() *types.FieldType // Clone copies an expression totally. Clone() Expression // Equal checks whether two expressions are equal. Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) bool IsCorrelated() bool // ConstItem checks if this expression is constant item, regardless of query evaluation state. // An expression is constant item if it: // refers no tables. // refers no correlated column. // refers no subqueries that refers any tables. // refers no non-deterministic functions. // refers no statement parameters. // refers no param markers when prepare plan cache is enabled. ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool // Decorrelate try to decorrelate the expression by schema. Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression // ResolveIndices resolves indices by the given schema. It will copy the original expression and return the copied one. ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error) // ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr resolves indices by the given schema in terms of virual expression. It will copy the original expression and return the copied one. ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool) // RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression RemapColumn(map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error) // ExplainInfo returns operator information to be explained. ExplainInfo() string // ExplainNormalizedInfo returns operator normalized information for generating digest. ExplainNormalizedInfo() string // HashCode creates the hashcode for expression which can be used to identify itself from other expression. // It generated as the following: // Constant: ConstantFlag+encoded value // Column: ColumnFlag+encoded value // ScalarFunction: SFFlag+encoded function name + encoded arg_1 + encoded arg_2 + ... HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte // MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Expression MemoryUsage() int64 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Expression represents all scalar expression in SQL.
func Args2Expressions4Test ¶
func Args2Expressions4Test(args ...interface{}) []Expression
Args2Expressions4Test converts these values to an expression list. This conversion is incomplete, so only use for test.
func BuildCastCollationFunction ¶
func BuildCastCollationFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, ec *ExprCollation, enumOrSetRealTypeIsStr bool) Expression
BuildCastCollationFunction builds a ScalarFunction which casts the collation.
func BuildCastFunction ¶
func BuildCastFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
BuildCastFunction builds a CAST ScalarFunction from the Expression.
func BuildCastFunction4Union ¶
func BuildCastFunction4Union(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
BuildCastFunction4Union build a implicitly CAST ScalarFunction from the Union Expression.
func BuildCastFunctionWithCheck ¶
func BuildCastFunctionWithCheck(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression, err error)
BuildCastFunctionWithCheck builds a CAST ScalarFunction from the Expression and return error if any.
func BuildFromBinaryFunction ¶
func BuildFromBinaryFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
BuildFromBinaryFunction builds from_binary function.
func BuildGetVarFunction ¶
func BuildGetVarFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, retType *types.FieldType) (Expression, error)
BuildGetVarFunction builds a GetVar ScalarFunction from the Expression.
func BuildNotNullExpr ¶
func BuildNotNullExpr(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
BuildNotNullExpr wraps up `not(isnull())` for given expression.
func BuildToBinaryFunction ¶
func BuildToBinaryFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) (res Expression)
BuildToBinaryFunction builds to_binary function.
func Column2Exprs ¶
func Column2Exprs(cols []*Column) []Expression
Column2Exprs will transfer column slice to expression slice.
func ColumnSubstitute ¶
func ColumnSubstitute(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) Expression
ColumnSubstitute substitutes the columns in filter to expressions in select fields. e.g. select * from (select b as a from t) k where a < 10 => select * from (select b as a from t where b < 10) k.
func ColumnSubstituteAll ¶
func ColumnSubstituteAll(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression) (bool, Expression)
ColumnSubstituteAll substitutes the columns just like ColumnSubstitute, but we don't accept partial substitution. Only accept:
1: substitute them all once find col in schema. 2: nothing in expr can be substituted.
func ColumnSubstituteImpl ¶
func ColumnSubstituteImpl(expr Expression, schema *Schema, newExprs []Expression, fail1Return bool) (bool, bool, Expression)
ColumnSubstituteImpl tries to substitute column expr using newExprs, the newFunctionInternal is only called if its child is substituted @return bool means whether the expr has changed. @return bool means whether the expr should change (has the dependency in schema, while the corresponding expr has some compatibility), but finally fallback. @return Expression, the original expr or the changed expr, it depends on the first @return bool.
func ComposeCNFCondition ¶
func ComposeCNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression
ComposeCNFCondition composes CNF items into a balance deep CNF tree, which benefits a lot for pb decoder/encoder.
func ComposeDNFCondition ¶
func ComposeDNFCondition(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions ...Expression) Expression
ComposeDNFCondition composes DNF items into a balance deep DNF tree.
func DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF ¶
func DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF(expr Expression, schema *Schema) Expression
DeriveRelaxedFiltersFromDNF given a DNF expression, derive a relaxed DNF expression which only contains columns in specified schema; the derived expression is a superset of original expression, i.e, any tuple satisfying the original expression must satisfy the derived expression. Return nil when the derived expression is universal set. A running example is: for schema of t1, `(t1.a=1 and t2.a=1) or (t1.a=2 and t2.a=2)` would be derived as `t1.a=1 or t1.a=2`, while `t1.a=1 or t2.a=1` would get nil.
func EvaluateExprWithNull ¶
func EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *Schema, expr Expression) Expression
EvaluateExprWithNull sets columns in schema as null and calculate the final result of the scalar function. If the Expression is a non-constant value, it means the result is unknown.
func ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar ¶
func ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar(ctx sessionctx.Context, result []Expression, exprs []Expression) []Expression
ExtractConstantEqColumnsOrScalar detects the constant equal relationship from CNF exprs.
func ExtractFiltersFromDNFs ¶
func ExtractFiltersFromDNFs(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression
ExtractFiltersFromDNFs checks whether the cond is DNF. If so, it will get the extracted part and the remained part. The original DNF will be replaced by the remained part or just be deleted if remained part is nil. And the extracted part will be appended to the end of the orignal slice.
func Filter ¶
func Filter(result []Expression, input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) []Expression
Filter the input expressions, append the results to result.
func FilterOutInPlace ¶
func FilterOutInPlace(input []Expression, filter func(Expression) bool) (remained, filteredOut []Expression)
FilterOutInPlace do the filtering out in place. The remained are the ones who doesn't match the filter, storing in the original slice. The filteredOut are the ones match the filter, storing in a new slice.
func FlattenCNFConditions ¶
func FlattenCNFConditions(CNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression
FlattenCNFConditions extracts CNF expression's leaf item. e.g. and(and(a>1, a>2), and(a>3, a>4)), we'll get [a>1, a>2, a>3, a>4].
func FlattenDNFConditions ¶
func FlattenDNFConditions(DNFCondition *ScalarFunction) []Expression
FlattenDNFConditions extracts DNF expression's leaf item. e.g. or(or(a=1, a=2), or(a=3, a=4)), we'll get [a=1, a=2, a=3, a=4].
func FoldConstant ¶
func FoldConstant(expr Expression) Expression
FoldConstant does constant folding optimization on an expression excluding deferred ones.
func GetExprInsideIsTruth ¶
func GetExprInsideIsTruth(expr Expression) Expression
GetExprInsideIsTruth get the expression inside the `istrue_with_null` and `istrue`. This is useful when handling expressions from "not" or "!", because we might wrap `istrue_with_null` or `istrue` when handling them. See pushNotAcrossExpr() and wrapWithIsTrue() for details.
func GetFuncArg ¶
func GetFuncArg(e Expression, idx int) Expression
GetFuncArg gets the argument of the function at idx.
func HandleBinaryLiteral ¶
func HandleBinaryLiteral(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, ec *ExprCollation, funcName string) Expression
HandleBinaryLiteral wraps `expr` with to_binary or from_binary sig.
func NewFunction ¶
func NewFunction(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, args ...Expression) (Expression, error)
NewFunction creates a new scalar function or constant via a constant folding.
func NewFunctionBase ¶
func NewFunctionBase(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, args ...Expression) (Expression, error)
NewFunctionBase creates a new scalar function with no constant folding.
func NewFunctionInternal ¶
func NewFunctionInternal(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, args ...Expression) Expression
NewFunctionInternal is similar to NewFunction, but do not returns error, should only be used internally.
func NewFunctionTryFold ¶
func NewFunctionTryFold(ctx sessionctx.Context, funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, args ...Expression) (Expression, error)
NewFunctionTryFold creates a new scalar function with trying constant folding.
func PBToExpr ¶
func PBToExpr(expr *tipb.Expr, tps []*types.FieldType, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) (Expression, error)
PBToExpr converts pb structure to expression.
func PBToExprs ¶
func PBToExprs(pbExprs []*tipb.Expr, fieldTps []*types.FieldType, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) ([]Expression, error)
PBToExprs converts pb structures to expressions.
func ParseSimpleExprCastWithTableInfo ¶
func ParseSimpleExprCastWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, tableInfo *model.TableInfo, targetFt *types.FieldType) (Expression, error)
ParseSimpleExprCastWithTableInfo parses simple expression string to Expression. And the expr returns will cast to the target type.
func ParseSimpleExprWithTableInfo ¶
func ParseSimpleExprWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, tableInfo *model.TableInfo) (Expression, error)
ParseSimpleExprWithTableInfo parses simple expression string to Expression. The expression string must only reference the column in table Info.
func ParseSimpleExprsWithNames ¶
func ParseSimpleExprsWithNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprStr string, schema *Schema, names types.NameSlice) ([]Expression, error)
ParseSimpleExprsWithNames parses simple expression string to Expression. The expression string must only reference the column in the given NameSlice.
func PopRowFirstArg ¶
func PopRowFirstArg(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) (ret Expression, err error)
PopRowFirstArg pops the first element and returns the rest of row. e.g. After this function (1, 2, 3) becomes (2, 3).
func PropagateConstant ¶
func PropagateConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression
PropagateConstant propagate constant values of deterministic predicates in a condition.
func PushDownNot ¶
func PushDownNot(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
PushDownNot pushes the `not` function down to the expression's arguments.
func RemoveDupExprs ¶
func RemoveDupExprs(ctx sessionctx.Context, exprs []Expression) []Expression
RemoveDupExprs removes identical exprs. Not that if expr contains functions which are mutable or have side effects, we cannot remove it even if it has duplicates; if the plan is going to be cached, we cannot remove expressions containing `?` neither.
func RewriteSimpleExprWithNames ¶
func RewriteSimpleExprWithNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode, schema *Schema, names []*types.FieldName) (Expression, error)
RewriteSimpleExprWithNames rewrites simple ast.ExprNode to expression.Expression.
func RewriteSimpleExprWithTableInfo ¶
func RewriteSimpleExprWithTableInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, tbl *model.TableInfo, expr ast.ExprNode, allowCastArray bool) (Expression, error)
RewriteSimpleExprWithTableInfo rewrites simple ast.ExprNode to expression.Expression.
func ScalarFuncs2Exprs ¶
func ScalarFuncs2Exprs(funcs []*ScalarFunction) []Expression
ScalarFuncs2Exprs converts []*ScalarFunction to []Expression.
func SetExprColumnInOperand ¶
func SetExprColumnInOperand(expr Expression) Expression
SetExprColumnInOperand is used to set columns in expr as InOperand.
func SplitCNFItems ¶
func SplitCNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression
SplitCNFItems splits CNF items. CNF means conjunctive normal form, e.g. "a and b and c".
func SplitDNFItems ¶
func SplitDNFItems(onExpr Expression) []Expression
SplitDNFItems splits DNF items. DNF means disjunctive normal form, e.g. "a or b or c".
func SubstituteCorCol2Constant ¶
func SubstituteCorCol2Constant(expr Expression) (Expression, error)
SubstituteCorCol2Constant will substitute correlated column to constant value which it contains. If the args of one scalar function are all constant, we will substitute it to constant.
func TryPushCastIntoControlFunctionForHybridType ¶
func TryPushCastIntoControlFunctionForHybridType(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) (res Expression)
TryPushCastIntoControlFunctionForHybridType try to push cast into control function for Hybrid Type. If necessary, it will rebuild control function using changed args. When a hybrid type is the output of a control function, the result may be as a numeric type to subsequent calculation We should perform the `Cast` operation early to avoid using the wrong type for calculation For example, the condition `if(1, e, 'a') = 1`, `if` function will output `e` and compare with `1`. If the evaltype is ETString, it will get wrong result. So we can rewrite the condition to `IfInt(1, cast(e as int), cast('a' as int)) = 1` to get the correct result.
func WrapWithCastAsDecimal ¶
func WrapWithCastAsDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsDecimal wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type decimal, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsDuration ¶
func WrapWithCastAsDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsDuration wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type duration, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsInt ¶
func WrapWithCastAsInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsInt wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type int, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsJSON ¶
func WrapWithCastAsJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsJSON wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type json, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsReal ¶
func WrapWithCastAsReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsReal wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type real, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsString ¶
func WrapWithCastAsString(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression) Expression
WrapWithCastAsString wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not type string, otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
func WrapWithCastAsTime ¶
func WrapWithCastAsTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, expr Expression, tp *types.FieldType) Expression
WrapWithCastAsTime wraps `expr` with `cast` if the return type of expr is not same as type of the specified `tp` , otherwise, returns `expr` directly.
type GLCmpStringMode ¶
type GLCmpStringMode uint8
GLCmpStringMode represents Greatest/Least interal string comparison mode
const ( // GLCmpStringDirectly Greatest and Least function compares string directly GLCmpStringDirectly GLCmpStringMode = iota // GLCmpStringAsDate Greatest/Least function compares string as 'yyyy-mm-dd' format GLCmpStringAsDate // GLCmpStringAsDatetime Greatest/Least function compares string as 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' format GLCmpStringAsDatetime )
type GLRetTimeType ¶
type GLRetTimeType uint8
GLRetTimeType represents Greatest/Least return time type
const ( // GLRetNoneTemporal Greatest/Least function returns non temporal time GLRetNoneTemporal GLRetTimeType = iota // GLRetDate Greatest/Least function returns date type, 'yyyy-mm-dd' GLRetDate // GLRetDatetime Greatest/Least function returns datetime type, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' GLRetDatetime )
type ParamMarker ¶
type ParamMarker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParamMarker indicates param provided by COM_STMT_EXECUTE.
func (*ParamMarker) GetUserVar ¶
func (d *ParamMarker) GetUserVar() types.Datum
GetUserVar returns the corresponding user variable presented in the `EXECUTE` statement or `COM_EXECUTE` command.
type ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker ¶
type ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker struct {
InPrepareStmt bool
ParamMarkerInPrepareChecker checks whether the given ast tree has paramMarker and is in prepare statement.
type PbConverter ¶
type PbConverter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PbConverter supplies methods to convert TiDB expressions to TiPB.
func NewPBConverter ¶
func NewPBConverter(client kv.Client, sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) PbConverter
NewPBConverter creates a PbConverter.
func (PbConverter) ExprToPB ¶
func (pc PbConverter) ExprToPB(expr Expression) *tipb.Expr
ExprToPB converts Expression to TiPB.
type PropagateConstantSolver ¶
type PropagateConstantSolver interface {
PropagateConstant(ctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []Expression) []Expression
PropagateConstantSolver is a constant propagate solver.
type Repertoire ¶
type Repertoire int
The Repertoire of a character set is the collection of characters in the set. See Only String expression has Repertoire, for non-string expression, it does not matter what the value it is.
type ReverseExpr ¶
type ReverseExpr interface { // SupportReverseEval checks whether the builtinFunc support reverse evaluation. SupportReverseEval() bool // ReverseEval evaluates the only one column value with given function result. ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error) }
ReverseExpr contains all resersed evaluation methods.
type SQLDigestTextRetriever ¶
type SQLDigestTextRetriever struct { // SQLDigestsMap is the place to put the digests that's requested for getting SQL text and also the place to put // the query result. SQLDigestsMap map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SQLDigestTextRetriever is used to find the normalized SQL statement text by SQL digests in statements_summary table. It's exported for test purposes. It's used by the `tidb_decode_sql_digests` builtin function, but also exposed to be used in other modules.
func NewSQLDigestTextRetriever ¶
func NewSQLDigestTextRetriever() *SQLDigestTextRetriever
NewSQLDigestTextRetriever creates a new SQLDigestTextRetriever.
func (*SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveGlobal ¶
func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveGlobal(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error
RetrieveGlobal tries to retrieve the SQL text of the SQL digests from the information of the whole cluster.
func (*SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveLocal ¶
func (r *SQLDigestTextRetriever) RetrieveLocal(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context) error
RetrieveLocal tries to retrieve the SQL text of the SQL digests from local information.
type ScalarFunction ¶
type ScalarFunction struct { FuncName model.CIStr // RetType is the type that ScalarFunction returns. // TODO: Implement type inference here, now we use ast's return type temporarily. RetType *types.FieldType Function builtinFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ScalarFunction is the function that returns a value.
func NewValuesFunc ¶
func NewValuesFunc(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int, retTp *types.FieldType) *ScalarFunction
NewValuesFunc creates a new values function.
func (*ScalarFunction) CharsetAndCollation ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) CharsetAndCollation() (string, string)
CharsetAndCollation gets charset and collation.
func (*ScalarFunction) Clone ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Clone() Expression
Clone implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) Coercibility ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Coercibility() Coercibility
Coercibility returns the coercibility value which is used to check collations.
func (*ScalarFunction) ConstItem ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) ConstItem(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) bool
ConstItem implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) Decorrelate ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Decorrelate(schema *Schema) Expression
Decorrelate implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) Equal ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, e Expression) bool
Equal implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalDecimal ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (*types.MyDecimal, bool, error)
EvalDecimal implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalDuration ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Duration, bool, error)
EvalDuration implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalInt ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error)
EvalInt implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalJSON ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.BinaryJSON, bool, error)
EvalJSON implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalReal ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (float64, bool, error)
EvalReal implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalString ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (string, bool, error)
EvalString implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) EvalTime ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) EvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) (types.Time, bool, error)
EvalTime implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) ExplainInfo ¶
func (expr *ScalarFunction) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (expr *ScalarFunction) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements the Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) GetArgs ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetArgs() []Expression
GetArgs gets arguments of function.
func (*ScalarFunction) GetCtx ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetCtx() sessionctx.Context
GetCtx gets the context of function.
func (*ScalarFunction) GetSingleColumn ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetSingleColumn(reverse bool) (*Column, bool)
GetSingleColumn returns (Col, Desc) when the ScalarFunction is equivalent to (Col, Desc) when used as a sort key, otherwise returns (nil, false).
Can only handle: - ast.Plus - ast.Minus - ast.UnaryMinus
func (*ScalarFunction) GetType ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) GetType() *types.FieldType
GetType implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) HasCoercibility ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) HasCoercibility() bool
HasCoercibility ...
func (*ScalarFunction) HashCode ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) HashCode(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext) []byte
HashCode implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) IsCorrelated ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) IsCorrelated() bool
IsCorrelated implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) MemoryUsage ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of ScalarFunction
func (*ScalarFunction) RemapColumn ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) RemapColumn(m map[int64]*Column) (Expression, error)
RemapColumn remaps columns with provided mapping and returns new expression
func (*ScalarFunction) Repertoire ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Repertoire() Repertoire
Repertoire returns the repertoire value which is used to check collations.
func (*ScalarFunction) ResolveIndices ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) ResolveIndices(schema *Schema) (Expression, error)
ResolveIndices implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr(schema *Schema) (Expression, bool)
ResolveIndicesByVirtualExpr implements Expression interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) ReverseEval ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) ReverseEval(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, res types.Datum, rType types.RoundingType) (val types.Datum, err error)
ReverseEval evaluates the only one column value with given function result.
func (*ScalarFunction) SetCharsetAndCollation ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetCharsetAndCollation(chs, coll string)
SetCharsetAndCollation sets charset and collation.
func (*ScalarFunction) SetCoercibility ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetCoercibility(val Coercibility)
SetCoercibility sets a specified coercibility for this expression.
func (*ScalarFunction) SetRepertoire ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) SetRepertoire(r Repertoire)
SetRepertoire sets a specified repertoire for this expression.
func (*ScalarFunction) String ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) String() string
String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (*ScalarFunction) SupportReverseEval ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) SupportReverseEval() bool
SupportReverseEval returns if this expression supports reversed evaluation.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalDecimal ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalDuration ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalInt ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalJSON ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalReal ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalString ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) VecEvalTime ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error
VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner.
func (*ScalarFunction) Vectorized ¶
func (sf *ScalarFunction) Vectorized() bool
Vectorized returns if this expression supports vectorized evaluation.
type Schema ¶
type Schema struct { Columns []*Column Keys []KeyInfo // UniqueKeys stores those unique indexes that allow null values, but Keys does not allow null values. // since equivalence conditions can filter out null values, in this case a unique index with null values can be a Key. UniqueKeys []KeyInfo }
Schema stands for the row schema and unique key information get from input.
func MergeSchema ¶
MergeSchema will merge two schema into one schema. We shouldn't need to consider unique keys. That will be processed in build_key_info.go.
func TableInfo2SchemaAndNames ¶
func TableInfo2SchemaAndNames(ctx sessionctx.Context, dbName model.CIStr, tbl *model.TableInfo) (*Schema, []*types.FieldName, error)
TableInfo2SchemaAndNames converts the TableInfo to the schema and name slice.
func (*Schema) ColumnIndex ¶
ColumnIndex finds the index for a column.
func (*Schema) ColumnsByIndices ¶
ColumnsByIndices returns columns by multiple offsets. Callers should guarantee that all the offsets provided should be valid, which means offset should: 1. not smaller than 0, and 2. not exceed len(s.Columns)
func (*Schema) ColumnsIndices ¶
ColumnsIndices will return a slice which contains the position of each column in schema. If there is one column that doesn't match, nil will be returned.
func (*Schema) ExtractColGroups ¶
ExtractColGroups checks if column groups are from current schema, and returns offsets of those satisfied column groups.
func (*Schema) IsUnique ¶
IsUnique checks if this column is a unique key which may contain duplicate nulls .
func (*Schema) IsUniqueKey ¶
IsUniqueKey checks if this column is a unique key.
func (*Schema) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Schema
func (*Schema) RetrieveColumn ¶
RetrieveColumn retrieves column in expression from the columns in schema.
func (*Schema) SetUniqueKeys ¶
SetUniqueKeys will set the value of Schema.Keys.
type TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType ¶
type TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType int
TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType is used to identify the decoder function in context.
const TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKey TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType = 0
TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKey is used to identify the decoder function in context.
func (TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType) String ¶
func (k TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKeyType) String() string
String() implements Stringer.
type VarAssignment ¶
type VarAssignment struct { Name string Expr Expression IsDefault bool IsGlobal bool IsSystem bool ExtendValue *Constant }
VarAssignment represents a variable assignment in Set, such as set global a = 1.
type VecExpr ¶
type VecExpr interface { // Vectorized returns if this expression supports vectorized evaluation. Vectorized() bool // VecEvalInt evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalInt(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalReal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalReal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalString evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalString(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalDecimal evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalDecimal(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalTime evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalTime(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalDuration evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalDuration(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error // VecEvalJSON evaluates this expression in a vectorized manner. VecEvalJSON(ctx sessionctx.Context, input *chunk.Chunk, result *chunk.Column) error }
VecExpr contains all vectorized evaluation methods.
Source Files
- builtin.go
- builtin_arithmetic.go
- builtin_arithmetic_vec.go
- builtin_cast.go
- builtin_cast_vec.go
- builtin_compare.go
- builtin_compare_vec.go
- builtin_compare_vec_generated.go
- builtin_control.go
- builtin_control_vec_generated.go
- builtin_convert_charset.go
- builtin_encryption.go
- builtin_encryption_vec.go
- builtin_info.go
- builtin_info_vec.go
- builtin_json.go
- builtin_json_vec.go
- builtin_like.go
- builtin_like_vec.go
- builtin_math.go
- builtin_math_vec.go
- builtin_miscellaneous.go
- builtin_miscellaneous_vec.go
- builtin_op.go
- builtin_op_vec.go
- builtin_other.go
- builtin_other_vec.go
- builtin_other_vec_generated.go
- builtin_regexp.go
- builtin_regexp_util.go
- builtin_string.go
- builtin_string_vec.go
- builtin_string_vec_generated.go
- builtin_time.go
- builtin_time_vec.go
- builtin_time_vec_generated.go
- builtin_vectorized.go
- chunk_executor.go
- collation.go
- column.go
- constant.go
- constant_fold.go
- constant_propagation.go
- distsql_builtin.go
- errors.go
- evaluator.go
- explain.go
- expr_to_pb.go
- expression.go
- extension.go
- function_traits.go
- helper.go
- partition_pruner.go
- scalar_function.go
- schema.go
- simple_rewriter.go
- util.go
- vectorized.go