Index ¶
- Constants
- func AddGitRepoOptionsArguments(cmd *cobra.Command, repositoryOptions *gits.GitRepositoryOptions)
- func BinaryShouldBeInstalled(d string) string
- func CopyBuildPack(dest, src string) error
- func FindGitCredentials(gitProvider gits.GitProvider, secrets *corev1.SecretList) string
- func GetSafeUsername(username string) string
- func SeeAlsoText(commands ...string) string
- func ShouldInstallBinary(name string) (fileName string, download bool, err error)
- type BranchPatterns
- type CommonDevPodOptions
- type CommonOptions
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddChartRepos(dir string, helmBinary string, chartRepos map[string]string) error
- func (options *CommonOptions) AddCommonFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddHelmBinaryRepoIfMissing(helmUrl, repoName, username, password string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddHelmRepoIfMissing(helmUrl, repoName, username, password string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddJenkinsJobs(jenkins gojenkins.JenkinsClient, jobMap *map[string]gojenkins.Job, ...)
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddRequiredBinary(binName string, deps []string) []string
- func (o *CommonOptions) AddonAuthConfigService(secrets *corev1.SecretList) (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) ApiExtensionsClient() (apiextensionsclientset.Interface, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) AuthConfigService(file string) (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CertManagerClient() (certmngclient.Interface, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) ChartmuseumAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CleanExposecontrollerReources(ns string)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CloneJXVersionsRepo(versionRepository string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) ComplianceClient() (*client.SonobuoyClient, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateAddonAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateBucket(cb *CreateBucketValues, settings *v1.TeamSettings) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateBucketFromURL(bucketURL string, bucket *blob.Bucket, cb *CreateBucketValues) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateChatAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateChatProvider(chatConfig *config.ChatConfig) (chats.ChatProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateClusterAdmin() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateCustomJenkinsClient(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions) (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceDryRun(dryRun bool) (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceFromSecrets(fileName string, secrets *corev1.SecretList, isCDPipeline bool) (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitProvider(dir string) (*gits.GitRepository, gits.GitProvider, issues.IssueProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitProviderForURLWithoutKind(gitURL string) (gits.GitProvider, *gits.GitRepository, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateIssueProvider(dir string) (issues.IssueProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateIssueTrackerAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (options *CommonOptions) CreatePullRequest(o *PullRequestDetails, modifyFn func() error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateTable() table.Table
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateVersionResolver(repo string) (*VersionResolver, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CreateWebhookProw(gitURL string, gitProvider gits.GitProvider) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsClient(jenkinsServiceName string) (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsURL(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, ...) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultModifyDevEnvironment(callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultModifyEnvironment(name string, callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultReleaseCharts() map[string]string
- func (o *CommonOptions) DeleteChart(releaseName string, purge bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) DiscoverAppName() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) DiscoverGitURL(gitConf string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) DoInstallMissingDependencies(install []string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) DockerRegistry() string
- func (o *CommonOptions) DockerRegistryOrg(repository *gits.GitRepository) string
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureAddonServiceAvailable(serviceName string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureCertManager() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleBinding(clusterRoleBindingName string, role string, serviceAccountNamespace string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleExists(roleName string, namespace string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureGitServiceCRD(server *auth.AuthServer) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureHelm() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureServiceAccount(ns string, serviceAccountName string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) EnvironmentsDir() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) Expose(devNamespace, targetNamespace, password string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) FilterInstalledDependencies(deps []string) []string
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindAddonServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags, kind string) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindChartValuesYaml(dir string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindChatServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindEnvironmentNamespace(envName string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindGitInfo(dir string) (*gits.GitRepository, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindGitServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindHelmChart() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindHelmChartInDir(dir string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindIssueTrackerServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags, defaultKind string, ...) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindService(name string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) FindServiceInNamespace(name string, ns string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetAddonAuth(serviceURL string) (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetAddonAuthByKind(kind, serverURL string) (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetAllPipelineJobNames(jenkinsClient gojenkins.JenkinsClient, jobNames *[]string, jobName string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetBranchName(dir string) string
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetBuildNumber() string
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetCloudProvider(p string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetClusterDependencies(depsToInstall []string) []string
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetClusterUserName() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetCommandOutput(dir string, name string, args ...string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetDefaultAdminPassword(devNamespace string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetDevEnv() (gitOps bool, devEnv *jenkinsv1.Environment)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetDomain(client kubernetes.Interface, domain string, provider string, ...) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetErr() io.Writer
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetFactory() clients.Factory
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGKEClusterNameFromContext() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleProjectId() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegion(projectId string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegionWithDefault(projectId string, defaultRegion string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleZone(projectId string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleZoneWithDefault(projectId string, defaultZone string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetIn() terminal.FileReader
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetInstalledChartRepos(helmBinary string) (map[string]string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobName() string
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobs(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, filter string) (map[string]gojenkins.Job, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsURL() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestJXVersion() (semver.Version, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuild(pipeline string) (string, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuildByCRD(pipeline string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetOut() terminal.FileWriter
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetPipelineGitAuth() (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetPipelineName(gitInfo *gits.GitRepository, pipeline string, build string, appName string) (string, string)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetPluginCommandGroups(verifier extensions.PathVerifier) (templates.PluginCommandGroups, bool, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetSecretsLocation() secrets.SecretsLocationKind
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetUsername(userName string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetVersionNumber(kind version.VersionKind, name, repo string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GetWebHookEndpoint() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) Git() gits.Gitter
- func (o *CommonOptions) GitProviderForGitServerURL(gitServiceUrl string, gitKind string) (gits.GitProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GitProviderForURL(gitURL string, message string) (gits.GitProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GitServerHostURLKind(hostURL string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) GitServerKind(gitInfo *gits.GitRepository) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) Helm() helm.Helmer
- func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInit(dir string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitDependency(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitDependencyBuild(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitRecursiveDependencyBuild(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ImportProject(gitURL string, dir string, jenkinsfile string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InCDPipeline() bool
- func (o *CommonOptions) InCluster() bool
- func (o *CommonOptions) InitBuildPacks() (string, *v1.TeamSettings, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) InitGitConfigAndUser() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InitHelm(config InitHelmConfig) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallAws() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallAzureCli() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallBrew() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallBrewIfRequired() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChart(releaseName string, chart string, version string, ns string, helmUpdate bool, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartAt(dir string, releaseName string, chart string, version string, ns string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartOrGitOps(isGitOps bool, gitOpsDir string, gitOpsEnvDir string, releaseName string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartWithOptions(options helm.InstallChartOptions) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallEksCtl(skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallEksCtlWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallGcloud() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallGlooctl() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHelm() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHelm3() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAws(skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAwsWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHyperkit() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloud(skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloudWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallJx(upgrade bool, version string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKSync() (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKops() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKubectl(skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKubectlWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKustomize() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKvm() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKvm2() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMavenIfRequired() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMinikube() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMinishift() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMissingDependencies(providerSpecificDeps []string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOc() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOciCli() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOrUpdateBinary(options InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallProw(useTekton bool, isGitOps bool, gitOpsDir string, gitOpsEnvDir string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallRequirements(cloudProvider string, extraDependencies ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallTerraform() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallTiller() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallVaultCli() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallVirtualBox() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InstallXhyve() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) Installhyperv() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) InvokeDraftPack(i *InvokeDraftPack) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) IsHelmRepoMissing(helmUrlString string) (bool, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) IsProw() (bool, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) IstioClient() (istioclient.Interface, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JXClient() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JXClientAndAdminNamespace() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JXClientAndDevNamespace() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JXClientDevAndAdminNamespace() (versioned.Interface, string, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JenkinsAuthConfigService(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string, ...) (auth.ConfigService, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) JenkinsClient() (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) KnativeBuildClient() (buildclient.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) KnativeServeClient() (kserve.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) Kube() kube.Kuber
- func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClient() (kubernetes.Interface, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClientAndDevNamespace() (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClientAndNamespace() (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) LoadPipelineSecrets(kind, serviceKind string) (*corev1.SecretList, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) LogImportedProject(isEnvironment bool, gitInfo *gits.GitRepository)
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironment(callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironmentWithNs(jxClient versioned.Interface, ns string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyEnvironment(name string, callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyHelmValuesFile(dir string, fn func(string) (string, error)) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyTeam(adminNs string, teamName string, callback func(env *v1.Team) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyUser(userName string, callback func(env *v1.User) error) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) NewGitProvider(gitURL string, message string, authConfigSvc auth.ConfigService, ...) (gits.GitProvider, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) NewHelm(verbose bool, helmBinary string, noTiller bool, helmTemplate bool) helm.Helmer
- func (o *CommonOptions) PickCustomJenkinsName(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, ...) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) PickGitRemoteURL(config *gitcfg.Config) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) PickPipelineUserAuth(config *auth.AuthConfig, server *auth.AuthServer) (*auth.UserAuth, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentRoleBindingCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterLocalHelmRepo(repoName, ns string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterPipelineActivityCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterReleaseCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterTeamCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterUserCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterWorkflowCRD() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ReleaseChartMuseumUrl() string
- func (o *CommonOptions) ResetClientsAndNamespaces()
- func (o *CommonOptions) ResetSecretsLocation() error
- func (o *CommonOptions) ResourcesInstaller() resources.Installer
- func (o *CommonOptions) Retry(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, call func() error) (err error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RetryQuiet(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, call func() error) (err error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RetryQuietlyUntilTimeout(timeout time.Duration, sleep time.Duration, call func() error) (err error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RetryUntilFatalError(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, call func() (*FatalError, error)) (err error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RetryUntilTrueOrTimeout(timeout time.Duration, sleep time.Duration, call func() (bool, error)) (err error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommand(name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandFromDir(dir, name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractive(interactive bool, name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractiveInDir(interactive bool, dir string, name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandQuietly(name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandVerbose(name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandVerboseAt(dir string, name string, args ...string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) RunExposecontroller(devNamespace, targetNamespace string, ic kube.IngressConfig, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetApiExternsionsClient(client apiextensionsclientset.Interface)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetBatchMode(batchMode bool)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetCurrentNamespace(ns string)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetDevNamespace(ns string)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetEnvironmentsDir(dir string)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetFactory(f clients.Factory)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetFakeGitProvider(provider *gits.FakeProvider)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetGit(git gits.Gitter)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetHelm(helmer helm.Helmer)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetJenkinsClient(jenkinsClient gojenkins.JenkinsClient)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetJxClient(jxClient versioned.Interface)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetKnativeServeClient(client kserve.Interface)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetKube(kuber kube.Kuber)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetKubeClient(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetResourcesInstaller(installer resources.Installer)
- func (o *CommonOptions) SetSecretsLocation(location secrets.SecretsLocationKind, persist bool) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) SystemVaultClient(namespace string) (vault.Client, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) TailJenkinsBuildLog(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, jobName string, ...) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) TailLogs(ns string, pod string, containerName string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) TeamAndEnvironmentNames() (string, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) TeamBranchPatterns() (*BranchPatterns, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) TeamHelmBin() (string, bool, bool, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) TeamSettings() (*v1.TeamSettings, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) TektonClient() (tektonclient.Interface, string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) UninstallBinary(binDir string, name string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) UpdateJenkinsURL(namespaces []string) error
- func (o *CommonOptions) UpdatePipelineGitCredentialsSecret(server *auth.AuthServer, userAuth *auth.UserAuth) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) VaultClient(name string, namespace string) (vault.Client, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) VaultOperatorClient() (vaultoperatorclient.Interface, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyKnativeBuildPod(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForDeployment(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, name string, names []string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelector(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, selector labels.Selector, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
- func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelectorLabels(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, labels map[string]string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
- type CreateBucketValues
- type FatalError
- type InitHelmConfig
- type InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions
- type InvokeDraftPack
- type JenkinsSelectorOptions
- type ModifyDevEnvironmentFn
- type ModifyEnvironmentFn
- type Prow
- type PullRequestDetails
- type ServerFlags
- type VersionResolver
Constants ¶
const ( OptionServerName = "name" OptionServerURL = "url" OptionBatchMode = "batch-mode" OptionVerbose = "verbose" OptionLogLevel = "log-level" OptionNoBrew = "no-brew" OptionInstallDeps = "install-dependencies" OptionSkipAuthSecMerge = "skip-auth-secrets-merge" OptionEnvironment = "env" OptionApplication = "app" OptionTimeout = "timeout" )
const ( // DefaultChartRepo default URL for charts repository DefaultChartRepo = "http://jenkins-x-chartmuseum:8080" // DefaultTillerNamesapce default namespace for helm tiller server DefaultTillerNamesapce = "kube-system" // DefaultTillerRole default cluster role for service account of helm tiller server DefaultTillerRole = "cluster-admin" // DefaultOnlyHelmClient indicates if only the client is initialized DefaultOnlyHelmClient = false // DefaultHelm3 indicates if helm 3 is used DefaultHelm3 = false // DefaultSkipTiller skips the tiller server initialization DefaultSkipTiller = false // DefaultGlobalTiller indicates if a global tiller server is used DefaultGlobalTiller = true // DefaultRemoteTiller indicates that a remote tiller server is used DefaultRemoteTiller = true // DefaultSkipClusterRole skips the cluster role creation DefaultSkipClusterRole = false )
const ( AdminSecretsFile = "adminSecrets.yaml" ExtraValuesFile = "extraValues.yaml" JXInstallConfig = "jx-install-config" CloudEnvValuesFile = "myvalues.yaml" CloudEnvSecretsFile = "secrets.yaml" CloudEnvSopsConfigFile = ".sops.yaml" DefaultInstallTimeout = "6000" DefaultCloudEnvironmentsURL = "" DefaultVersionsURL = "" )
const GkeClusterListHeader = "PROJECT_ID"
GkeClusterListHeader header name for GCP project ID when listing the GKE clusters
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AddGitRepoOptionsArguments ¶
func AddGitRepoOptionsArguments(cmd *cobra.Command, repositoryOptions *gits.GitRepositoryOptions)
AddGitRepoOptionsArguments adds common git flags to the given cobra command
func BinaryShouldBeInstalled ¶
BinaryShouldBeInstalled appends the binary to the deps array if it cannot be found on the $PATH
func CopyBuildPack ¶
CopyBuildPack copies the build pack from the source dir to the destination dir
func FindGitCredentials ¶
func FindGitCredentials(gitProvider gits.GitProvider, secrets *corev1.SecretList) string
FindGitCredentials finds the credential name from the pipeline git Secrets
func GetSafeUsername ¶
GetSafeUsername returns username by checking the active configuration
func SeeAlsoText ¶
SeeAlsoText returns text to describe which other commands to look at which are related to the current command
Types ¶
type BranchPatterns ¶
type CommonDevPodOptions ¶
type CommonDevPodOptions struct {
Username string
CommonDevPodOptions are common flags that are to be applied across all DevPod commands
func (*CommonDevPodOptions) AddCommonDevPodFlags ¶
func (o *CommonDevPodOptions) AddCommonDevPodFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddCommonDevPodFlags adds the dev pod common flags to the given cobra command
type CommonOptions ¶
type CommonOptions struct { Prow In terminal.FileReader Out terminal.FileWriter Err io.Writer Cmd *cobra.Command Args []string BatchMode bool Verbose bool LogLevel string NoBrew bool InstallDependencies bool SkipAuthSecretsMerge bool ServiceAccount string Username string ExternalJenkinsBaseURL string ModifyDevEnvironmentFn ModifyDevEnvironmentFn ModifyEnvironmentFn ModifyEnvironmentFn // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CommonOptions contains common options and helper methods
func NewCommonOptions ¶
func NewCommonOptions(devNamespace string, factory clients.Factory) CommonOptions
NewCommonOptions a helper method to create a new CommonOptions instance pre configured in a specific devNamespace
func NewCommonOptionsWithFactory ¶
func NewCommonOptionsWithFactory(factory clients.Factory) CommonOptions
NewCommonOptionsWithFactory creates a new CommonOptions instance with the given factory
func NewCommonOptionsWithTerm ¶
func NewCommonOptionsWithTerm(factory clients.Factory, in terminal.FileReader, out terminal.FileWriter, err io.Writer) *CommonOptions
NewCommonOptionsWithTerm creates a new CommonOptions instance with given terminal input, output and error
func (*CommonOptions) AddChartRepos ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddChartRepos(dir string, helmBinary string, chartRepos map[string]string) error
AddChartRepos add chart repositories
func (*CommonOptions) AddCommonFlags ¶
func (options *CommonOptions) AddCommonFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
addCommonFlags adds the common flags to the given command
func (*CommonOptions) AddHelmBinaryRepoIfMissing ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddHelmBinaryRepoIfMissing(helmUrl, repoName, username, password string) error
func (*CommonOptions) AddHelmRepoIfMissing ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddHelmRepoIfMissing(helmUrl, repoName, username, password string) error
AddHelmRepoIfMissing adds the given helm repo if its not already added
func (*CommonOptions) AddJenkinsJobs ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddJenkinsJobs(jenkins gojenkins.JenkinsClient, jobMap *map[string]gojenkins.Job, filter string, prefix string, jobs []gojenkins.Job)
AddJenkinsJobs add the given jobs to Jenkins
func (*CommonOptions) AddRequiredBinary ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddRequiredBinary(binName string, deps []string) []string
AddRequiredBinary add the required binary
func (*CommonOptions) AddonAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AddonAuthConfigService(secrets *corev1.SecretList) (auth.ConfigService, error)
AddonAuthConfigService creates the addon auth config service
func (*CommonOptions) ApiExtensionsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ApiExtensionsClient() (apiextensionsclientset.Interface, error)
ApiExtensionsClient return or creates the api extension client
func (*CommonOptions) AuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) AuthConfigService(file string) (auth.ConfigService, error)
AuthConfigService creates the auth config service for given file
func (*CommonOptions) CertManagerClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CertManagerClient() (certmngclient.Interface, error)
CertManagerClient returns or creates the cert-manager client
func (*CommonOptions) ChartmuseumAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ChartmuseumAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
ChartmuseumAuthConfigService creates the chart museum auth config service
func (*CommonOptions) CleanExposecontrollerReources ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CleanExposecontrollerReources(ns string)
CleanExposecontrollerReources cleans expose controller resources
func (*CommonOptions) CloneJXVersionsRepo ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CloneJXVersionsRepo(versionRepository string) (string, error)
CloneJXVersionsRepo clones the jenkins-x versions repo to a local working dir
func (*CommonOptions) ComplianceClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ComplianceClient() (*client.SonobuoyClient, error)
ComplianceClient returns or creates the compliance client
func (*CommonOptions) CreateAddonAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateAddonAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateAddonAuthConfigService creates an addon auth config service
func (*CommonOptions) CreateBucket ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateBucket(cb *CreateBucketValues, settings *v1.TeamSettings) (string, error)
CreateBucket creates a new bucket using the create bucket values and team settings returning the newly created bucket URL
func (*CommonOptions) CreateBucketFromURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateBucketFromURL(bucketURL string, bucket *blob.Bucket, cb *CreateBucketValues) error
CreateBucketFromURL creates a bucket if it does not already exist
func (*CommonOptions) CreateChatAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateChatAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateChatAuthConfigService creates a new chat auth service
func (*CommonOptions) CreateChatProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateChatProvider(chatConfig *config.ChatConfig) (chats.ChatProvider, error)
CreateChatProvider creates a new chart provider from the given configuration
func (*CommonOptions) CreateClusterAdmin ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateClusterAdmin() error
CreateClusterAdmin creates a cluster admin
func (*CommonOptions) CreateCustomJenkinsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateCustomJenkinsClient(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions) (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
CreateCustomJenkinsClient creates either a regular Jenkins client or if useCustom is true creates a JenkinsClient for a custom jenkins App. If no customJenkinsName is specified and there is only one available it is used. Otherwise the user is prompted to pick the Jenkins App to use if not in batch mode.
func (*CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateGitAuthConfigService creates git auth config service
func (*CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceDryRun ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceDryRun(dryRun bool) (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateGitAuthConfigServiceDryRun creates git auth config service, skips the effective creation when dry run is set
func (*CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceFromSecrets ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitAuthConfigServiceFromSecrets(fileName string, secrets *corev1.SecretList, isCDPipeline bool) (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateGitAuthConfigServiceFromSecrets Creates a git auth config service from secrets
func (*CommonOptions) CreateGitProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitProvider(dir string) (*gits.GitRepository, gits.GitProvider, issues.IssueProvider, error)
CreateGitProvider creates a git from the given directory
func (*CommonOptions) CreateGitProviderForURLWithoutKind ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateGitProviderForURLWithoutKind(gitURL string) (gits.GitProvider, *gits.GitRepository, error)
CreateGitProviderForURLWithoutKind creates a git provider from URL wihtout kind
func (*CommonOptions) CreateIssueProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateIssueProvider(dir string) (issues.IssueProvider, error)
CreateIssueProvider creates a issues provider
func (*CommonOptions) CreateIssueTrackerAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateIssueTrackerAuthConfigService() (auth.ConfigService, error)
CreateIssueTrackerAuthConfigService creates auth config service for issue tracker
func (*CommonOptions) CreatePullRequest ¶
func (options *CommonOptions) CreatePullRequest(o *PullRequestDetails, modifyFn func() error) error
CreatePullRequest creates a Pull Request on the given repository
func (*CommonOptions) CreateTable ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateTable() table.Table
CreateTable creates a new Table
func (*CommonOptions) CreateVersionResolver ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateVersionResolver(repo string) (*VersionResolver, error)
CreateVersionResolver creates a new VersionResolver service
func (*CommonOptions) CreateWebhookProw ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CreateWebhookProw(gitURL string, gitProvider gits.GitProvider) error
CreateWebhookProw create a webhook for prow using the given git provider
func (*CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsClient(jenkinsServiceName string) (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
CustomJenkinsClient returns the Jenkins client for the custom jenkins app
func (*CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) CustomJenkinsURL(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, ns string) (string, error)
CustomJenkinsURL returns the default or the custom Jenkins URL
func (*CommonOptions) Debugf ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
Debugf outputs the given text to the console if verbose mode is enabled
func (*CommonOptions) DefaultModifyDevEnvironment ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultModifyDevEnvironment(callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
defaultModifyDevEnvironment default implementation of modifying the Development environment settings
func (*CommonOptions) DefaultModifyEnvironment ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultModifyEnvironment(name string, callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
defaultModifyEnvironment default implementation of modifying an environment
func (*CommonOptions) DefaultReleaseCharts ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DefaultReleaseCharts() map[string]string
DefaultReleaseCharts returns the default release charts
func (*CommonOptions) DeleteChart ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DeleteChart(releaseName string, purge bool) error
DeleteChart deletes the given chart
func (*CommonOptions) DiscoverAppName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DiscoverAppName() (string, error)
DiscoverAppNam discovers an app name from a helm chart installation
func (*CommonOptions) DiscoverGitURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DiscoverGitURL(gitConf string) (string, error)
DiscoverGitURL discovers the Git URL
func (*CommonOptions) DoInstallMissingDependencies ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DoInstallMissingDependencies(install []string) error
DoInstallMissingDependencies install missing dependencies from the given list
func (*CommonOptions) DockerRegistry ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DockerRegistry() string
DockerRegistry parses the docker registry from various places
func (*CommonOptions) DockerRegistryOrg ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) DockerRegistryOrg(repository *gits.GitRepository) string
DockerRegistryOrg parses the docker registry organisation from various places
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureAddonServiceAvailable ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureAddonServiceAvailable(serviceName string) (string, error)
EnsureAddonServiceAvailable ensures that the given service name is available for addon
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureCertManager ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureCertManager() error
EnsureCertManager ensures cert-manager is installed
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleBinding ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleBinding(clusterRoleBindingName string, role string, serviceAccountNamespace string, serviceAccountName string) error
EnsureClusterRoleBinding ensures cluster role binding exists
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleExists ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureClusterRoleExists(roleName string, namespace string) error
EnsureClusterRoleBinding ensures cluster role exists Todo: use permissions from somewhere, or provide common ones in a class that we can pass in here this is an unimplemented and unused method for building upon that may eventually be of use
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureGitServiceCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureGitServiceCRD(server *auth.AuthServer) error
EnsureGitServiceCRD ensure that the GitService CRD is installed
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureHelm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureHelm() error
EnsureHelm ensures helm is installed
func (*CommonOptions) EnsureServiceAccount ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnsureServiceAccount(ns string, serviceAccountName string) error
EnsureServiceAccount ensures service account exists in the given namespace
func (*CommonOptions) EnvironmentsDir ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) EnvironmentsDir() (string, error)
EnvironmentsDir is the local directory the environments are stored in - can be faked out for tests
func (*CommonOptions) Expose ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) Expose(devNamespace, targetNamespace, password string) error
Expose runs expose controller in the given target namespace
func (*CommonOptions) FilterInstalledDependencies ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FilterInstalledDependencies(deps []string) []string
FilterInstalledDependencies filters installed dependencies
func (*CommonOptions) FindAddonServer ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindAddonServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags, kind string) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
FindAddonServer finds the addon server from the given flags or returns an error
func (*CommonOptions) FindChartValuesYaml ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindChartValuesYaml(dir string) (string, error)
FindChartValuesYaml finds the helm chart value.yaml in the given dir. If no dir is specified then the current dir is used
func (*CommonOptions) FindChatServer ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindChatServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
FindChatServer finds the chat server from the given flags or returns an error
func (*CommonOptions) FindEnvironmentNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindEnvironmentNamespace(envName string) (string, error)
FindEnvironmentNamespace returns the namespace of a given environment
func (*CommonOptions) FindGitInfo ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindGitInfo(dir string) (*gits.GitRepository, error)
FindGitInfo parses the git information from the given directory
func (*CommonOptions) FindGitServer ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindGitServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
FindGitServer finds the Git server from the given flags or returns an error
func (*CommonOptions) FindHelmChart ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindHelmChart() (string, error)
FindHelmChart finds the helm chart in the current dir
func (*CommonOptions) FindHelmChartInDir ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindHelmChartInDir(dir string) (string, error)
FindHelmChartInDir finds the helm chart in the given dir. If no dir is specified then the current dir is used
func (*CommonOptions) FindIssueTrackerServer ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindIssueTrackerServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
FindIssueTrackerServer finds the issue tracker server from the given flags or returns an error
func (*CommonOptions) FindServer ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindServer(config *auth.AuthConfig, serverFlags *ServerFlags, defaultKind string, missingServerDescription string, lazyCreate bool) (*auth.AuthServer, error)
FindServer find the server flags from the given flags or returns an error
func (*CommonOptions) FindService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindService(name string) (string, error)
FindService finds the given service and returns its URL
func (*CommonOptions) FindServiceInNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) FindServiceInNamespace(name string, ns string) (string, error)
FindServiceInNamespace searches a service in a given namespace. If found, it returns the service URL
func (*CommonOptions) GetAddonAuth ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetAddonAuth(serviceURL string) (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
GetAddonAuth returns the server and user auth for the given addon service URL
func (*CommonOptions) GetAddonAuthByKind ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetAddonAuthByKind(kind, serverURL string) (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
GetAddonAuth returns the server and user auth for the given addon service URL. Returns null values if there is no server
func (*CommonOptions) GetAllPipelineJobNames ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetAllPipelineJobNames(jenkinsClient gojenkins.JenkinsClient, jobNames *[]string, jobName string) error
GetAllPipelineJobNames returns all the pipeline job names
func (*CommonOptions) GetBranchName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetBranchName(dir string) string
func (*CommonOptions) GetBuildNumber ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetBuildNumber() string
GetBuildNumber retuns the build number
func (*CommonOptions) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetCloudProvider(p string) (string, error)
GetCloudProvider returns the cloud provider
func (*CommonOptions) GetClusterDependencies ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetClusterDependencies(depsToInstall []string) []string
GetClusterDependencies returns the dependencies for a cloud provider
func (*CommonOptions) GetClusterUserName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetClusterUserName() (string, error)
GetClusterUserName returns cluster and user name
func (*CommonOptions) GetCommandOutput ¶
GetCommandOutput evaluates the given command and returns the trimmed output
func (*CommonOptions) GetDefaultAdminPassword ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetDefaultAdminPassword(devNamespace string) (string, error)
GetDefaultAdminPassword returns the default admin password from dev namespace
func (*CommonOptions) GetDevEnv ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetDevEnv() (gitOps bool, devEnv *jenkinsv1.Environment)
GetDevEnv gets the Development Environment CRD as devEnv, and also tells the user whether the development environment is using gitOps
func (*CommonOptions) GetDomain ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetDomain(client kubernetes.Interface, domain string, provider string, ingressNamespace string, ingressService string, externalIP string) (string, error)
GetDomain returns the domain name, trying to infer it either from various Kuberntes resources or cloud provider. If no domain can be determined, it will prompt to the user for a value.
func (*CommonOptions) GetErr ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetErr() io.Writer
GetErr returns the command error writer
func (*CommonOptions) GetFactory ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetFactory() clients.Factory
GetFactory lazily creates a Factory if its not already created
func (*CommonOptions) GetGKEClusterNameFromContext ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGKEClusterNameFromContext() (string, error)
GetGKEClusterNameFromContext returns the GKE cluster name from current Kubernetes context
func (*CommonOptions) GetGoogleProjectId ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleProjectId() (string, error)
GetGoogleProjectId asks to chose from existing projects or optionally creates one if none exist
func (*CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegion(projectId string) (string, error)
GetGoogleRegion returns the GCP region
func (*CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegionWithDefault ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleRegionWithDefault(projectId string, defaultRegion string) (string, error)
func (*CommonOptions) GetGoogleZone ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleZone(projectId string) (string, error)
GetGoogleZone returns the GCP zone
func (*CommonOptions) GetGoogleZoneWithDefault ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetGoogleZoneWithDefault(projectId string, defaultZone string) (string, error)
GetGoogleZoneWithDefault returns the GCP zone, if not zone is found returns the default zone
func (*CommonOptions) GetIn ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetIn() terminal.FileReader
GetIn returns the command inputs writer
func (*CommonOptions) GetInstalledChartRepos ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetInstalledChartRepos(helmBinary string) (map[string]string, error)
GetInstalledChartRepos retruns the installed chart repositories
func (*CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobName() string
GetJenkinsJobName returns the Jenkins job name
func (*CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobs ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsJobs(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, filter string) (map[string]gojenkins.Job, error)
GetJenkinsJobs returns the existing Jenkins jobs
func (*CommonOptions) GetJenkinsURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetJenkinsURL() (string, error)
getJenkinsURL return the Jenkins URL
func (*CommonOptions) GetLatestJXVersion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestJXVersion() (semver.Version, error)
GetLatestJXVersion returns latest jx version
func (*CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuild ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuild(pipeline string) (string, string, error)
getLatestPipelineBuild for the given pipeline name lets try find the Jenkins Pipeline and the latest build
func (*CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuildByCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetLatestPipelineBuildByCRD(pipeline string) (string, error)
GetLatestPipelineBuildByCRD returns the latest pipeline build
func (*CommonOptions) GetOut ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetOut() terminal.FileWriter
GetOut returns the command output writer
func (*CommonOptions) GetPipelineGitAuth ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetPipelineGitAuth() (*auth.AuthServer, *auth.UserAuth, error)
GetPipelineGitAuth returns the pipeline git authentication credentials
func (*CommonOptions) GetPipelineName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetPipelineName(gitInfo *gits.GitRepository, pipeline string, build string, appName string) (string, string)
GetPipelineName return the pipeline name
func (*CommonOptions) GetPluginCommandGroups ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetPluginCommandGroups(verifier extensions.PathVerifier) (templates.PluginCommandGroups, bool, error)
GetPluginCommandGroups returns the plugin groups
func (*CommonOptions) GetSecretsLocation ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetSecretsLocation() secrets.SecretsLocationKind
GetSecretsLocation returns the location of the secrets
func (*CommonOptions) GetUsername ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetUsername(userName string) (string, error)
GetUsername retuns current user name
func (*CommonOptions) GetVersionNumber ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetVersionNumber(kind version.VersionKind, name, repo string) (string, error)
GetVersionNumber returns the version number for the given kind and name or blank string if there is no locked version
func (*CommonOptions) GetWebHookEndpoint ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GetWebHookEndpoint() (string, error)
GetWebHookEndpoint returns the webhook endpoint
func (*CommonOptions) GitProviderForGitServerURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GitProviderForGitServerURL(gitServiceUrl string, gitKind string) (gits.GitProvider, error)
GitProviderForURL returns a GitProvider for the given Git server URL
func (*CommonOptions) GitProviderForURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GitProviderForURL(gitURL string, message string) (gits.GitProvider, error)
GitProviderForURL returns a GitProvider for the given git URL
func (*CommonOptions) GitServerHostURLKind ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GitServerHostURLKind(hostURL string) (string, error)
GitServerHostURLKind returns the kind of git server host URL
func (*CommonOptions) GitServerKind ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) GitServerKind(gitInfo *gits.GitRepository) (string, error)
GitServerKind returns the kind of the git server
func (*CommonOptions) Helm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) Helm() helm.Helmer
Helm returns or creates the helm client
func (*CommonOptions) HelmInit ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInit(dir string) error
HelmInit initialises helm
func (*CommonOptions) HelmInitDependency ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitDependency(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) (string, error)
HelmInitDependency initialises helm dependencies
func (*CommonOptions) HelmInitDependencyBuild ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitDependencyBuild(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) (string, error)
HelmInitDependencyBuild initialises the dependencies an run the build
func (*CommonOptions) HelmInitRecursiveDependencyBuild ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) HelmInitRecursiveDependencyBuild(dir string, chartRepos map[string]string) error
HelmInitRecursiveDependencyBuild helm initialises the dependencies recursively
func (*CommonOptions) ImportProject ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ImportProject(gitURL string, dir string, jenkinsfile string, branchPattern, credentials string, failIfExists bool, gitProvider gits.GitProvider, authConfigSvc auth.ConfigService, isEnvironment bool, batchMode bool) error
ImportProject imports a MultiBranchProject into Jenkins for the given git URL
func (*CommonOptions) InCDPipeline ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InCDPipeline() bool
InCDPipeline return true if the command execution takes place in the CD pipeline
func (*CommonOptions) InCluster ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InCluster() bool
InCluster return true if the command execution takes place in k8s cluster
func (*CommonOptions) InitBuildPacks ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InitBuildPacks() (string, *v1.TeamSettings, error)
InitBuildPacks initialise the build packs
func (*CommonOptions) InitGitConfigAndUser ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InitGitConfigAndUser() error
InitGitConfigAndUser validates we have git setup
func (*CommonOptions) InitHelm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InitHelm(config InitHelmConfig) error
InitHelm initializes hlem client and server (tillter)
func (*CommonOptions) InstallAws ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallAws() error
InstallAws installs aws
func (*CommonOptions) InstallAzureCli ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallAzureCli() error
InstallAzureCli installs azure cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallBrew ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallBrew() error
InstallBrew installs brew
func (*CommonOptions) InstallBrewIfRequired ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallBrewIfRequired() error
InstallBrewIfRequired installs brew if required
func (*CommonOptions) InstallChart ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChart(releaseName string, chart string, version string, ns string, helmUpdate bool, setValues []string, valueFiles []string, repo string) error
InstallChart installs the given chart
func (*CommonOptions) InstallChartAt ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartAt(dir string, releaseName string, chart string, version string, ns string, helmUpdate bool, setValues []string, valueFiles []string, repo string) error
InstallChartAt installs the given chart
func (*CommonOptions) InstallChartOrGitOps ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartOrGitOps(isGitOps bool, gitOpsDir string, gitOpsEnvDir string, releaseName string, chart string, alias string, version string, ns string, helmUpdate bool, setValues []string, setSecrets []string, valueFiles []string, repo string) error
InstallChartOrGitOps if using gitOps lets write files otherwise lets use helm
func (*CommonOptions) InstallChartWithOptions ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallChartWithOptions(options helm.InstallChartOptions) error
func (*CommonOptions) InstallEksCtl ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallEksCtl(skipPathScan bool) error
InstallEksCtl installs eks cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallEksCtlWithVersion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallEksCtlWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
InstallEksCtlWithVersion install a specific version of eks cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallGcloud ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallGcloud() error
InstallGcloud installs gcloud cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallGlooctl ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallGlooctl() error
InstallGlooctl Installs glooctl tool
func (*CommonOptions) InstallHelm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHelm() error
InstallHelm install helm cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallHelm3 ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHelm3() error
InstallHelm3 installs helm3 cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAws ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAws(skipPathScan bool) error
InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAws install heptio authenticator for AWS
func (*CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAwsWithVersion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAwsWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
InstallHeptioAuthenticatorAwsWithVersion install a specific version of heptio authenticator for AWS
func (*CommonOptions) InstallHyperkit ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallHyperkit() error
InstallHyperkit installs hyperkit
func (*CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloud ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloud(skipPathScan bool) error
InstallIBMCloud installs IBM cloud cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloudWithVersion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallIBMCloudWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
InstallIBMCloudWithVersion installs a specific version of IBM cloud CLI
func (*CommonOptions) InstallJx ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallJx(upgrade bool, version string) error
InstallJx installs jx cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKSync ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKSync() (string, error)
InstallKSync install ksync
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKops ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKops() error
InstallKops installs kops
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKubectl ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKubectl(skipPathScan bool) error
InstallKubectl installs kubectl
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKubectlWithVersion ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKubectlWithVersion(version string, skipPathScan bool) error
InstallKubectlWithVersion install a specific version of kubectl
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKustomize ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKustomize() error
InstallKustomize installs kustomize
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKvm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKvm() error
InstallKvm installs kvm
func (*CommonOptions) InstallKvm2 ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallKvm2() error
InstallKvm2 install kvm2
func (*CommonOptions) InstallMavenIfRequired ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMavenIfRequired() error
InstallMavenIfRequired installs maven if not available
func (*CommonOptions) InstallMinikube ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMinikube() error
InstallMinikube installs minikube
func (*CommonOptions) InstallMinishift ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMinishift() error
InstallMinishift installs minishift
func (*CommonOptions) InstallMissingDependencies ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallMissingDependencies(providerSpecificDeps []string) error
InstallMissingDependencies installs missing dependencies
func (*CommonOptions) InstallOc ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOc() error
InstallOc installs oc cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallOciCli ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOciCli() error
InstallOciCli installs oci cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallOrUpdateBinary ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallOrUpdateBinary(options InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions) error
InstallOrUpdateBinary installs or updates a binary
func (*CommonOptions) InstallProw ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallProw(useTekton bool, isGitOps bool, gitOpsDir string, gitOpsEnvDir string, gitUsername string) error
InstallProw installs prow
func (*CommonOptions) InstallRequirements ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallRequirements(cloudProvider string, extraDependencies ...string) error
InstallRequirements installs any requirements for the given provider kind
func (*CommonOptions) InstallTerraform ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallTerraform() error
InstallTerraform installs terraform
func (*CommonOptions) InstallTiller ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallTiller() error
InstallTiller installs tiller
func (*CommonOptions) InstallVaultCli ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallVaultCli() error
InstallVaultCli installs vault cli
func (*CommonOptions) InstallVirtualBox ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallVirtualBox() error
InstallVirtualBox installs virtual box
func (*CommonOptions) InstallXhyve ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InstallXhyve() error
InstallXhyve installs xhyve
func (*CommonOptions) Installhyperv ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) Installhyperv() error
Installhyperv installs hyperv
func (*CommonOptions) InvokeDraftPack ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) InvokeDraftPack(i *InvokeDraftPack) (string, error)
InvokeDraftPack invokes a draft pack copying in a Jenkinsfile if required
func (*CommonOptions) IsHelmRepoMissing ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) IsHelmRepoMissing(helmUrlString string) (bool, error)
IsHelmRepoMissing checks if the given helm repository is missing
func (*CommonOptions) IsProw ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) IsProw() (bool, error)
IsProw checks if prow is available in the cluster
func (*CommonOptions) IstioClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) IstioClient() (istioclient.Interface, error)
IstioClient creates a new Kubernetes client for Istio resources
func (*CommonOptions) JXClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) JXClient() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
JXClient returns or creates the jx client and current namespace
func (*CommonOptions) JXClientAndAdminNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) JXClientAndAdminNamespace() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
JXClientAndAdminNamespace returns or creates the jx client and admin namespace
func (*CommonOptions) JXClientAndDevNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) JXClientAndDevNamespace() (versioned.Interface, string, error)
JXClientAndDevNamespace returns and creates the jx client and dev namespace
func (*CommonOptions) JXClientDevAndAdminNamespace ¶
JXClientDevAndAdminNamespace returns or creates the jx client, dev and admin namespaces
func (*CommonOptions) JenkinsAuthConfigService ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) JenkinsAuthConfigService(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string, selector *JenkinsSelectorOptions) (auth.ConfigService, error)
JenkinsAuthConfigService creates the jenkins auth config service
func (*CommonOptions) JenkinsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) JenkinsClient() (gojenkins.JenkinsClient, error)
JenkinsClient returns the Jenkins client
func (*CommonOptions) KnativeBuildClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) KnativeBuildClient() (buildclient.Interface, string, error)
KnativeBuildClient returns or creates the knative build client
func (*CommonOptions) KnativeServeClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) KnativeServeClient() (kserve.Interface, string, error)
KnativeServeClient returns or creates the knative serve client
func (*CommonOptions) Kube ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) Kube() kube.Kuber
Kube returns the k8s config client
func (*CommonOptions) KubeClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClient() (kubernetes.Interface, error)
KubeClient returns or creates the kube client
func (*CommonOptions) KubeClientAndDevNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClientAndDevNamespace() (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
KubeClientAndDevNamespace returns a kube client and the development namespace
func (*CommonOptions) KubeClientAndNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) KubeClientAndNamespace() (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
KubeClientAndNamespace returns or creates the kube client and the current namespace
func (*CommonOptions) LoadPipelineSecrets ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) LoadPipelineSecrets(kind, serviceKind string) (*corev1.SecretList, error)
LoadPipelineSecrets loads the pipeline secrets from kubernetes secrets
func (*CommonOptions) LogImportedProject ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) LogImportedProject(isEnvironment bool, gitInfo *gits.GitRepository)
LogImportedProject logs more details for an imported project
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironment ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironment(callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
ModifyDevEnvironment modifies the development environment settings
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironmentWithNs ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyDevEnvironmentWithNs(jxClient versioned.Interface, ns string, fn func(env *jenkinsv1.Environment) error) error
ModifyDevEnvironment performs some mutation on the Development environment to modify team settings
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyEnvironment ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyEnvironment(name string, callback func(env *v1.Environment) error) error
ModifyDevEnvironment modifies the development environment settings
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyHelmValuesFile ¶
ModifyHelmValuesFile modifies the helm values.yaml file using some kind of callback
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyTeam ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ModifyTeam(adminNs string, teamName string, callback func(env *v1.Team) error) error
ModifyTeam lazily creates the Team CRD if it does not exist or updates it if it requires a change. The Team CRD will be modified in the specified admin namespace.
func (*CommonOptions) ModifyUser ¶
ModifyUser lazily creates the user if it does not exist or updates it if it requires a change
func (*CommonOptions) NewGitProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) NewGitProvider(gitURL string, message string, authConfigSvc auth.ConfigService, gitKind string, batchMode bool, gitter gits.Gitter) (gits.GitProvider, error)
NewGitProvider creates a new git provider for the given list of argumentes
func (*CommonOptions) NewHelm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) NewHelm(verbose bool, helmBinary string, noTiller bool, helmTemplate bool) helm.Helmer
NewHelm cerates a new helm client from the given list of parameters
func (*CommonOptions) PickCustomJenkinsName ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) PickCustomJenkinsName(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, ns string) (string, error)
PickCustomJenkinsName picks the name of a custom jenkins server App if available
func (*CommonOptions) PickGitRemoteURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) PickGitRemoteURL(config *gitcfg.Config) (string, error)
PickGitRemoteURL picks a git remote URL from git config, or prompts to the user if no URL is found
func (*CommonOptions) PickPipelineUserAuth ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) PickPipelineUserAuth(config *auth.AuthConfig, server *auth.AuthServer) (*auth.UserAuth, error)
PickPipelineUserAuth returns the user auth for pipeline user
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentCRD() error
RegisterEnvironmentCRD registers the CRD for environmnt
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentRoleBindingCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterEnvironmentRoleBindingCRD() error
RegisterEnvironmentRoleBindingCRD register RegisterEnvironmentRoleBinding CRD
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterLocalHelmRepo ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterLocalHelmRepo(repoName, ns string) error
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterPipelineActivityCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterPipelineActivityCRD() error
RegisterPipelineActivityCRD register PipelineActivity CRD
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterReleaseCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterReleaseCRD() error
RegisterReleaseCRD register Release CRD
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterTeamCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterTeamCRD() error
RegisterTeamCRD registers Team CRD
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterUserCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterUserCRD() error
RegisterUserCRD registers user CRD
func (*CommonOptions) RegisterWorkflowCRD ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RegisterWorkflowCRD() error
RegisterWorkflowCRD registers Workflow CRD
func (*CommonOptions) ReleaseChartMuseumUrl ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ReleaseChartMuseumUrl() string
func (*CommonOptions) ResetClientsAndNamespaces ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ResetClientsAndNamespaces()
ResetClientsAndNamespaces resets the current clients and namespaces
func (*CommonOptions) ResetSecretsLocation ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ResetSecretsLocation() error
ResetSecretsLocation resets the secrets location
func (*CommonOptions) ResourcesInstaller ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) ResourcesInstaller() resources.Installer
ResourcesInstaller returns the installer for Kubernetes resources
func (*CommonOptions) Retry ¶
Retry executes a given function and reties 'attempts' times with a delay of 'sleep' between the executions
func (*CommonOptions) RetryQuiet ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RetryQuiet(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, call func() error) (err error)
RetryQuiet executes a given function call with retry when an error occurs without printing any logs
func (*CommonOptions) RetryQuietlyUntilTimeout ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RetryQuietlyUntilTimeout(timeout time.Duration, sleep time.Duration, call func() error) (err error)
RetryQuietlyUntilTimeout executes a function call with retry when an error occurs. It stops retrying when the timeout is reached.
func (*CommonOptions) RetryUntilFatalError ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RetryUntilFatalError(attempts int, sleep time.Duration, call func() (*FatalError, error)) (err error)
RetryUntilFatalError executes a given function call with retry when the function fails. It stops retrying when a fatal error is encountered.
func (*CommonOptions) RetryUntilTrueOrTimeout ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RetryUntilTrueOrTimeout(timeout time.Duration, sleep time.Duration, call func() (bool, error)) (err error)
RetryUntilTrueOrTimeout waits until complete is true, an error occurs or the timeout
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommand ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommand(name string, args ...string) error
RunCommand runs a given command command with arguments
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandFromDir ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandFromDir(dir, name string, args ...string) error
TODO Refactor to use util.Run or util.RunWithoutRetry? RunCommandFromDir runs a command in the given directory
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractive ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractive(interactive bool, name string, args ...string) error
RunCommandInteractive run a given command interactively
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractiveInDir ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandInteractiveInDir(interactive bool, dir string, name string, args ...string) error
RunCommandInteractiveInDir run a given command interactively in a given directory
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandQuietly ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandQuietly(name string, args ...string) error
RunCommandQuietly runs commands and discard the stdout and stderr
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandVerbose ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandVerbose(name string, args ...string) error
RunCommandVerbose runs a given command with arguments in verbose mode
func (*CommonOptions) RunCommandVerboseAt ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunCommandVerboseAt(dir string, name string, args ...string) error
RunCommandVerboseAt runs a given command in a given folder in verbose mode
func (*CommonOptions) RunExposecontroller ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) RunExposecontroller(devNamespace, targetNamespace string, ic kube.IngressConfig, services ...string) error
RunExposecontroller runs exponse controller in the given target dir with the given ingress configuration
func (*CommonOptions) SetApiExternsionsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetApiExternsionsClient(client apiextensionsclientset.Interface)
SetApiExternsionsClient sets the api extensions client
func (*CommonOptions) SetBatchMode ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetBatchMode(batchMode bool)
SetBatchMode configures the batch mode
func (*CommonOptions) SetCurrentNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetCurrentNamespace(ns string)
func (*CommonOptions) SetDevNamespace ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetDevNamespace(ns string)
SetDevNamespace configures the current dev namespace
func (*CommonOptions) SetEnvironmentsDir ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetEnvironmentsDir(dir string)
SetEnvironmentsDir sets the environment directory
func (*CommonOptions) SetFactory ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetFactory(f clients.Factory)
SetFactory sets the factory to use
func (*CommonOptions) SetFakeGitProvider ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetFakeGitProvider(provider *gits.FakeProvider)
SetFakeGitProvider set the fake git provider for testing purposes
func (*CommonOptions) SetGit ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetGit(git gits.Gitter)
SetGit sets the git client
func (*CommonOptions) SetHelm ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetHelm(helmer helm.Helmer)
SetHelm sets the helmer used for this object
func (*CommonOptions) SetJenkinsClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetJenkinsClient(jenkinsClient gojenkins.JenkinsClient)
SetJenkinsClient sets the JenkinsClient - usually used in testing
func (*CommonOptions) SetJxClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetJxClient(jxClient versioned.Interface)
SetJxClient set the jx client
func (*CommonOptions) SetKnativeServeClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetKnativeServeClient(client kserve.Interface)
SetKnativeServeClient sets the kantive serve client
func (*CommonOptions) SetKube ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetKube(kuber kube.Kuber)
SetKube sets the kube config client
func (*CommonOptions) SetKubeClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetKubeClient(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface)
SetKubeClient sets the kube client
func (*CommonOptions) SetResourcesInstaller ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetResourcesInstaller(installer resources.Installer)
SetResourcesInstaller configures the installer for Kubernetes resources
func (*CommonOptions) SetSecretsLocation ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SetSecretsLocation(location secrets.SecretsLocationKind, persist bool) error
SetSecretsLocation sets the secrets location
func (*CommonOptions) SystemVaultClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) SystemVaultClient(namespace string) (vault.Client, error)
SystemVaultClient return or creates the system vault client
func (*CommonOptions) TailJenkinsBuildLog ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TailJenkinsBuildLog(jenkinsSelector *JenkinsSelectorOptions, jobName string, build *gojenkins.Build) error
TailJenkinsBuildLog tail the build log of the given Jenkins jobs name
func (*CommonOptions) TailLogs ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TailLogs(ns string, pod string, containerName string) error
TailLogs returns the logs from a given pod
func (*CommonOptions) TeamAndEnvironmentNames ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TeamAndEnvironmentNames() (string, string, error)
TeamAndEnvironmentNames returns team and environment namespace
func (*CommonOptions) TeamBranchPatterns ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TeamBranchPatterns() (*BranchPatterns, error)
TeamBranchPatterns returns the team branch patterns used to enable CI/CD on branches when creating/importing projects
func (*CommonOptions) TeamHelmBin ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TeamHelmBin() (string, bool, bool, error)
TeamHelmBin returns the helm binary used for a team and whether a remote tiller is disabled
func (*CommonOptions) TeamSettings ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TeamSettings() (*v1.TeamSettings, error)
TeamSettings returns the team settings
func (*CommonOptions) TektonClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) TektonClient() (tektonclient.Interface, string, error)
TektonClient lazily creates a new Knative Pipeline client
func (*CommonOptions) UninstallBinary ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) UninstallBinary(binDir string, name string) error
UninstallBinary uninstalls given binary
func (*CommonOptions) UpdateJenkinsURL ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) UpdateJenkinsURL(namespaces []string) error
UpdateJenkinsURL updates the Jenkins URL
func (*CommonOptions) UpdatePipelineGitCredentialsSecret ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) UpdatePipelineGitCredentialsSecret(server *auth.AuthServer, userAuth *auth.UserAuth) (string, error)
UpdatePipelineGitCredentialsSecret updates the pipeline git credentials in a kubernetes secret
func (*CommonOptions) VaultClient ¶
VaultClient returns or creates the vault client
func (*CommonOptions) VaultOperatorClient ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) VaultOperatorClient() (vaultoperatorclient.Interface, error)
VaultOperatorClient returns or creates the vault operator client
func (*CommonOptions) WaitForReadyKnativeBuildPod ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyKnativeBuildPod(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
WaitForReadyKnativeBuildPod waits for knative build pod to be ready
func (*CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForDeployment ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForDeployment(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, name string, names []string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
WaitForReadyPodForDeployment waits for a pod of a deployment to be ready
func (*CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelector ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelector(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, selector labels.Selector, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
WaitForReadyPodForSelector waits for a pod to which the selector applies to be ready
func (*CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelectorLabels ¶
func (o *CommonOptions) WaitForReadyPodForSelectorLabels(c kubernetes.Interface, ns string, labels map[string]string, readyOnly bool) (string, error)
WaitForReadyPodForSelectorLabels waits for a pod selected by the given labels to be ready
type CreateBucketValues ¶
type CreateBucketValues struct { Bucket string BucketKind string // GKE specific values GKEProjectID string GKEZone string }
CreateBucketValues contains the values to create a Bucket on cloud storage
func (*CreateBucketValues) AddCreateBucketFlags ¶
func (cb *CreateBucketValues) AddCreateBucketFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddCreateBucketFlags adds the CLI arguments to be able to specify to create a new bucket along with any cloud specific parameters
func (*CreateBucketValues) IsEmpty ¶
func (cb *CreateBucketValues) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if there is no bucket name specified
type FatalError ¶
type FatalError struct {
E error
FatalError is a wrapper structure around regular error indicating that re(try) processing flow should be interrupted immediately.
func (*FatalError) Error ¶
func (err *FatalError) Error() string
Error converts a fatal error into a string
type InitHelmConfig ¶
type InitHelmConfig struct { Namespace string OnlyHelmClient bool Helm3 bool SkipTiller bool GlobalTiller bool TillerNamespace string TillerRole string }
InitHelmConfig configuration for helm initialization
type InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions ¶
type InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions struct { Binary string GitHubOrganization string DownloadUrlTemplate string DownloadUrlTemplateLowerCase bool Version string SkipPathScan bool VersionExtractor packages.VersionExtractor Archived bool ArchiveDirectory string }
InstallOrUpdateBinaryOptions options for install or update binary
type InvokeDraftPack ¶
type InvokeDraftPack struct { Dir string CustomDraftPack string Jenkinsfile string DefaultJenkinsfile string WithRename bool InitialisedGit bool DisableJenkinsfileCheck bool DisableAddFiles bool UseNextGenPipeline bool CreateJenkinsxYamlIfMissing bool ProjectConfig *config.ProjectConfig }
InvokeDraftPack used to pass arguments into the draft pack invocation
type JenkinsSelectorOptions ¶
type JenkinsSelectorOptions struct { UseCustomJenkins bool CustomJenkinsName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
JenkinsSelectorOptions used to represent the options used to refer to a Jenkins. if nothing is specified it assumes the current team is using a static Jenkins server as its execution engine. otherwise we can refer to other additional Jenkins Apps to implement custom Jenkins servers
func (*JenkinsSelectorOptions) AddFlags ¶
func (o *JenkinsSelectorOptions) AddFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddFlags add the command flags for picking a custom Jenkins App to work with
func (*JenkinsSelectorOptions) IsCustom ¶
func (o *JenkinsSelectorOptions) IsCustom() bool
IsCustom returns true if a custom Jenkins App is specified
type ModifyDevEnvironmentFn ¶
type ModifyDevEnvironmentFn func(callback func(env *jenkinsv1.Environment) error) error
ModifyDevEnvironmentFn a callback to create/update the development Environment
type ModifyEnvironmentFn ¶
type ModifyEnvironmentFn func(name string, callback func(env *jenkinsv1.Environment) error) error
ModifyEnvironmentFn a callback to create/update an Environment
type Prow ¶
type Prow struct { Version string Chart string SetValues string ReleaseName string HMACToken string OAUTHToken string }
Prow keeps install information for prow chart
type PullRequestDetails ¶
type PullRequestDetails struct { Dir string RepositoryGitURL string RepositoryBranch string RepositoryMessage string BranchNameText string Title string Message string }
PullRequestDetails details to pass in to create a PullRequest if the repository is modified
type ServerFlags ¶
ServerFlags keeps generic server flags
func (*ServerFlags) AddGitServerFlags ¶
func (o *ServerFlags) AddGitServerFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddGitServerFlags add git server flags to the given cobra command
func (*ServerFlags) IsEmpty ¶
func (f *ServerFlags) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if the server flags and server URL are tempry
type VersionResolver ¶
type VersionResolver struct {
VersionsDir string
VersionResolver resolves versions of charts, packages or docker images
func (*VersionResolver) ResolveDockerImage ¶
func (v *VersionResolver) ResolveDockerImage(image string) (string, error)
ResolveDockerImage ensures the given docker image has a valid version if there is one in the version stream
func (*VersionResolver) StableVersion ¶
func (v *VersionResolver) StableVersion(kind version.VersionKind, name string) (*version.StableVersion, error)
StableVersion returns the stable version of the given kind name
func (*VersionResolver) StableVersionNumber ¶
func (v *VersionResolver) StableVersionNumber(kind version.VersionKind, name string) (string, error)
StableVersionNumber returns the stable version number of the given kind name
Source Files
- addon.go
- auth.go
- bucket.go
- buildpacks.go
- cert_manager.go
- chat.go
- commands.go
- common.go
- devpod.go
- docker.go
- domain.go
- environments.go
- expose.go
- gcp.go
- git.go
- helm.go
- import.go
- install.go
- issues.go
- jenkins.go
- kube_rbac.go
- logs.go
- pipelines.go
- plugins.go
- pod.go
- pullrequest.go
- team_settings.go
- version.go