= README for Autobind
Author <jeroen@hierynomus.com>
:source-highlighter: pygments
Autobind is a library that can use Golang struct annotations to automatically bind Viper and Cobra flags to struct fields.
It is inspired by the excellent work of @spf13 on Viper and Cobra.
Installing Autobind is as simple as running:
go get github.com/hierynomus/autobind
package main
import (
type Config struct {
Host string `cobra:"host" env:"HOST" viper:"host" default:"localhost"`
Port int `cobra:"port" env:"PORT" viper:"port" default:"8080"`
func main() {
var config Config
vp := viper.New()
if err := vp.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError); ok {
logger.Warn().Msg("No config file found... Continuing with defaults")
// Config file not found; ignore error if desired
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s", err)
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Do something with config
binder := &autobind.Autobinder{
ConfigObject: &config,
Viper: vp,
EnvPrefix: "MYAPP",
binder.Bind(context.Background(), cmd, []string{})
The following items can be set on the `Autobind` struct:
| Name | Description
| `ConfigObject` | The (pointer to the) struct that should be bound to the flags and environment variables.
| `Viper` | The instantiated Viper instace.
| `UseNesting` | Whether to use nested keys in Viper if encountering a sub-struct in the config object.
| `EnvPrefix` | The prefix to use for environment variables.
| `SetDefaults` | Whether to set the default values on config object.
| `Casters` | A map of custom cast functions to use for specific types.