Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CommandPrettyPrintln(a ...interface{}) (int, error)
- func CommandPrintErrorln(a ...interface{}) (int, error)
- func CommandPrintln(a ...interface{}) (int, error)
- func InitDBCommandContextCobra(command *cobra.Command) (*app.App, error)
- func InitDBCommandContextCobraReadWrite(command *cobra.Command) (*app.App, error)
- func Run(args []string) error
- func Setup(t testing.TB) *testHelper
- func SetupWithStoreMock(t testing.TB) *testHelper
- func UpdateMap(configMap map[string]interface{}, configSettings []string, newVal []string) error
- type Command
Constants ¶
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const ( DeactivatedUser = "deactivated" GuestUser = "guest" )
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const ChannelArgSeparator = ":"
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const CommandArgsSeparator = ":"
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const CustomDefaultsEnvVar = "MM_CUSTOM_DEFAULTS_PATH"
Variables ¶
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var ActianceExportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "actiance",
Short: "Export data from Mattermost in Actiance format",
Long: "Export data from Mattermost in Actiance format",
Example: "export actiance --exportFrom=12345",
RunE: buildExportCmdF("actiance"),
View Source
var AddChannelUsersCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "add [channel] [users]", Short: "Add users to channel", Long: "Add some users to channel", Example: " channel add myteam:mychannel username", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: addChannelUsersCmdF, }
View Source
var AddUsersCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "add [team] [users]", Short: "Add users to team", Long: "Add some users to team", Example: " team add myteam username", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: addUsersCmdF, }
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var ArchiveChannelsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "archive [channels]", Short: "Archive channels", Long: `Archive some channels. Archive a channel along with all related information including posts from the database. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]. ie. myteam:mychannel or by channel ID.`, Example: " channel archive myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: archiveChannelsCmdF, }
View Source
var ArchiveTeamCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "archive [teams]", Short: "Archive teams", Long: "Archive teams based on name", Example: " team archive team1", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: archiveTeamCmdF, }
View Source
var BulkExportCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "bulk [file]", Short: "Export bulk data.", Long: "Export data to a file compatible with the Mattermost Bulk Import format.", Example: "export bulk bulk_data.json", RunE: bulkExportCmdF, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), }
View Source
var BulkImportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "bulk [file]",
Short: "Import bulk data.",
Long: "Import data from a Mattermost Bulk Import File.",
Example: " import bulk bulk_data.json",
RunE: bulkImportCmdF,
View Source
var ChannelCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "channel",
Short: "Management of channels",
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var ChannelCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create a channel",
Long: `Create a channel.`,
Example: ` channel create --team myteam --name mynewchannel --display_name "My New Channel"
channel create --team myteam --name mynewprivatechannel --display_name "My New Private Channel" --private`,
RunE: createChannelCmdF,
View Source
var ChannelGroupCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "channel",
Short: "Management of channel groups",
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var ChannelGroupDisableCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "disable [team]:[channel]", Short: "Disables group constraint on the specified channel", Example: " group channel disable myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: channelGroupDisableCmdF, }
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var ChannelGroupEnableCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "enable [team]:[channel]", Short: "Enables group constraint on the specified channel", Example: " group channel enable myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: channelGroupEnableCmdF, }
View Source
var ChannelGroupListCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "list [team]:[channel]", Short: "List channel groups", Long: "Lists the groups associated with a channel", Example: " group channel list myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: channelGroupListCmdF, }
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var ChannelGroupStatusCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "status [team]:[channel]", Short: "Shows the group constraint status of the specified channel", Example: " group channel status myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: channelGroupStatusCmdF, }
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var ChannelRenameCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "rename", Short: "Rename a channel", Long: `Rename a channel.`, Example: `" channel rename myteam:mychannel newchannelname --display_name "New Display Name"`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: renameChannelCmdF, }
View Source
var CommandCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "command",
Short: "Management of slash commands",
View Source
var CommandCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "create [team]", Short: "Create a custom slash command", Long: `Create a custom slash command for the specified team.`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), Example: ` command create myteam --title MyCommand --description "My Command Description" --trigger-word mycommand --url http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler --creator myusername --response-username my-bot-username --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --autocomplete --post`, RunE: createCommandCmdF, }
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var CommandDeleteCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete", Short: "Delete a slash command", Long: `Delete a slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.`, Example: ` command delete commandID`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: deleteCommandCmdF, }
View Source
var CommandListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list",
Short: "List all commands on specified teams.",
Long: `List all commands on specified teams.`,
Example: ` command list myteam`,
RunE: listCommandCmdF,
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var CommandModifyCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "modify", Short: "Modify a slash command", Long: `Modify a slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.`, Example: ` command modify commandID`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: modifyCommandCmdF, }
View Source
var CommandMoveCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "move",
Short: "Move a slash command to a different team",
Long: `Move a slash command to a different team. Commands can be specified by [team]:[command-trigger-word]. ie. myteam:trigger or by command ID.`,
Example: ` command move newteam oldteam:command`,
RunE: moveCommandCmdF,
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var CommandShowCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "show", Short: "Show a custom slash command", Long: `Show a custom slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), Example: ` command show commandID`, RunE: showCommandCmdF, }
View Source
var ConfigCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "config",
Short: "Configuration",
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var ConfigGetCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "get", Short: "Get config setting", Long: "Gets the value of a config setting by its name in dot notation.", Example: `config get SqlSettings.DriverName`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: configGetCmdF, }
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var ConfigResetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "reset",
Short: "Reset config setting",
Long: "Resets the value of a config setting by its name in dot notation or a setting section. Accepts multiple values for array settings.",
Example: "config reset SqlSettings.DriverName LogSettings",
RunE: configResetCmdF,
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var ConfigSetCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "set", Short: "Set config setting", Long: "Sets the value of a config setting by its name in dot notation. Accepts multiple values for array settings", Example: "config set SqlSettings.DriverName mysql", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: configSetCmdF, }
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var ConfigShowCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "show",
Short: "Writes the server configuration to STDOUT",
Long: "Pretty-prints the server configuration and writes to STDOUT",
Example: "config show",
RunE: configShowCmdF,
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var ConfigSubpathCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "subpath",
Short: "Update client asset loading to use the configured subpath",
Long: "Update the hard-coded production client asset paths to take into account Mattermost running on a subpath.",
Example: ` config subpath
config subpath --path /mattermost
config subpath --path /`,
RunE: configSubpathCmdF,
View Source
var CsvExportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "csv",
Short: "Export data from Mattermost in CSV format",
Long: "Export data from Mattermost in CSV format",
Example: "export csv --exportFrom=12345",
RunE: buildExportCmdF("csv"),
View Source
var DbCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "db",
Short: "Commands related to the database",
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var DeleteAllUsersCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "deleteall",
Short: "Delete all users and all posts",
Long: "Permanently delete all users and all related information including posts.",
Example: " user deleteall",
RunE: deleteAllUsersCommandF,
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var DeleteChannelsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete [channels]", Short: "Delete channels", Long: `Permanently delete some channels. Permanently deletes a channel along with all related information including posts from the database. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]. ie. myteam:mychannel or by channel ID.`, Example: " channel delete myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: deleteChannelsCmdF, }
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var DeleteTeamsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "delete [teams]", Short: "Delete teams", Long: `Permanently delete some teams. Permanently deletes a team along with all related information including posts from the database.`, Example: " team delete myteam", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: deleteTeamsCmdF, }
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var DeleteUserCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [users]",
Short: "Delete users and all posts",
Long: "Permanently delete user and all related information including posts.",
Example: " user delete",
RunE: deleteUserCmdF,
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var ExportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "export",
Short: "Export data from Mattermost",
Long: "Export data from Mattermost in a format suitable for import into a third-party application or another Mattermost instance",
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var ExportPermissionsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "export", Short: "Export permissions data", Long: "Export Roles and Schemes to JSONL for use by Mattermost permissions import.", Example: " permissions export > export.jsonl", RunE: exportPermissionsCmdF, PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { os.Setenv("MM_LOGSETTINGS_CONSOLELEVEL", "error") }, }
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var GlobalRelayZipExportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "global-relay-zip",
Short: "Export data from Mattermost into a zip file containing emails to send to Global Relay for debug and testing purposes only.",
Long: "Export data from Mattermost into a zip file containing emails to send to Global Relay for debug and testing purposes only. This does not archive any information in Global Relay.",
Example: "export global-relay-zip --exportFrom=12345",
RunE: buildExportCmdF("globalrelay-zip"),
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var GroupCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "group",
Short: "Management of groups",
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var ImportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "import",
Short: "Import data.",
View Source
var ImportPermissionsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "import [file]",
Short: "Import permissions data",
Long: "Import Roles and Schemes JSONL data as created by the Mattermost permissions export.",
Example: " permissions import export.jsonl",
RunE: importPermissionsCmdF,
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var InitDbCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "init", Short: "Initialize the database", Long: `Initialize the database for a given DSN, executing the migrations and loading the custom defaults if any. This command should be run using a database configuration DSN.`, Example: ` # you can use the config flag to pass the DSN $ mattermost db init --config postgres://localhost/mattermost # or you can use the MM_CONFIG environment variable $ MM_CONFIG=postgres://localhost/mattermost mattermost db init # and you can set a custom defaults file to be loaded into the database $ MM_CUSTOM_DEFAULTS_PATH=custom.json MM_CONFIG=postgres://localhost/mattermost mattermost db init`, Args: cobra.NoArgs, RunE: initDbCmdF, }
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var IntegrityCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "integrity",
Short: "Check database data integrity",
RunE: integrityCmdF,
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var JobserverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "jobserver",
Short: "Start the Mattermost job server",
RunE: jobserverCmdF,
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var LdapCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "ldap",
Short: "LDAP related utilities",
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var LdapIdMigrate = &cobra.Command{ Use: "idmigrate", Short: "Migrate LDAP IdAttribute to new value", Long: "Migrate LDAP IdAttribute to new value. Run this utility then change the IdAttribute to the new value.", Example: " ldap idmigrate objectGUID", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: ldapIdMigrateCmdF, }
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var LdapSyncCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sync",
Short: "Synchronize now",
Long: "Synchronize all LDAP users now.",
Example: " ldap sync",
RunE: ldapSyncCmdF,
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var LicenseCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "license",
Short: "Licensing commands",
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var ListChannelsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "list [teams]", Short: "List all channels on specified teams.", Long: `List all channels on specified teams. Archived channels are appended with ' (archived)'. Private channels are appended with ' (private)'.`, Example: " channel list myteam", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: listChannelsCmdF, }
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var ListTeamsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list",
Short: "List all teams.",
Long: `List all teams on the server.`,
Example: " team list",
RunE: listTeamsCmdF,
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var LogsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "logs",
Short: "Display logs in a human-readable format",
RunE: logsCmdF,
View Source
var MakeMemberCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "member [users]",
Short: "Remove system admin privileges",
Long: "Remove system admin privileges from some users.",
Example: " roles member user1",
RunE: makeMemberCmdF,
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var MakeSystemAdminCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "system_admin [users]",
Short: "Set a user as system admin",
Long: "Make some users system admins",
Example: " roles system_admin user1",
RunE: makeSystemAdminCmdF,
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var MigrateAuthCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "migrate_auth [from_auth] [to_auth] [migration-options]", Short: "Mass migrate user accounts authentication type", Long: `Migrates accounts from one authentication provider to another. For example, you can upgrade your authentication provider from email to ldap.`, Example: " user migrate_auth email saml users.json", Args: func(command *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if len(args) < 2 { return errors.New("Auth migration requires at least 2 arguments.") } toAuth := args[1] if toAuth != "ldap" && toAuth != "saml" { return errors.New("Invalid to_auth parameter, must be saml or ldap.") } if toAuth == "ldap" && len(args) != 3 { return errors.New("Ldap migration requires 3 arguments.") } autoFlag, _ := command.Flags().GetBool("auto") if toAuth == "saml" && autoFlag { if len(args) != 2 { return errors.New("Saml migration requires two arguments when using the --auto flag. See help text for details.") } } if toAuth == "saml" && !autoFlag { if len(args) != 3 { return errors.New("Saml migration requires three arguments when not using the --auto flag. See help text for details.") } } return nil }, RunE: migrateAuthCmdF, }
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var MigrateConfigCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "migrate [from_config] [to_config]", Short: "Migrate existing config between backends", Long: "Migrate a file-based configuration to (or from) a database-based configuration. Point the Mattermost server at the target configuration to start using it", Example: `config migrate path/to/config.json "postgres://mmuser:mostest@localhost:5432/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10"`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(2), RunE: configMigrateCmdF, }
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var ModifyChannelCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "modify [channel] [flags] --username [user]", Short: "Modify a channel's public/private type", Long: `Change the public/private type of a channel. Channel can be specified by [team]:[channel]. ie. myteam:mychannel or by channel ID.`, Example: " channel modify myteam:mychannel --private --username myusername", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: modifyChannelCmdF, }
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var ModifyTeamCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "modify [team] [flag]", Short: "Modify a team's privacy setting to public or private", Long: `Modify a team's privacy setting to public or private.`, Example: " team modify myteam --private", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: modifyTeamCmdF, }
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var MoveChannelsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "move [team] [channels] --username [user]", Short: "Moves channels to the specified team", Long: `Moves the provided channels to the specified team. Validates that all users in the channel belong to the target team. Incoming/Outgoing webhooks are moved along with the channel. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]. ie. myteam:mychannel or by channel ID.`, Example: " channel move newteam oldteam:mychannel --username myusername", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: moveChannelsCmdF, }
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var PermissionsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "permissions",
Short: "Management of the Permissions system",
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var PluginAddCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "add [plugins]",
Short: "Add plugins",
Long: "Add plugins to your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin add hovercardexample.tar.gz pluginexample.tar.gz`,
RunE: pluginAddCmdF,
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var PluginAddPublicKeyCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "add [keys]",
Short: "Adds public key(s)",
Long: "Adds public key(s) for plugins on your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin keys add my-pk-file1 my-pk-file2`,
RunE: pluginAddPublicKeyCmdF,
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var PluginCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "plugin",
Short: "Management of plugins",
View Source
var PluginDeleteCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [plugins]",
Short: "Delete plugins",
Long: "Delete previously uploaded plugins from your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin delete hovercardexample pluginexample`,
RunE: pluginDeleteCmdF,
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var PluginDeletePublicKeyCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete [keys]",
Short: "Deletes public key(s)",
Long: "Deletes public key(s) for plugins on your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin keys delete my-pk-file1 my-pk-file2`,
RunE: pluginDeletePublicKeyCmdF,
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var PluginDisableCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "disable [plugins]",
Short: "Disable plugins",
Long: "Disable plugins. Disabled plugins are immediately removed from the user interface and logged out of all sessions.",
Example: ` plugin disable hovercardexample pluginexample`,
RunE: pluginDisableCmdF,
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var PluginEnableCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "enable [plugins]",
Short: "Enable plugins",
Long: "Enable plugins for use on your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin enable hovercardexample pluginexample`,
RunE: pluginEnableCmdF,
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var PluginListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list",
Short: "List plugins",
Long: "List all enabled and disabled plugins installed on your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin list`,
RunE: pluginListCmdF,
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var PluginPublicKeysCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "keys",
Short: "List public keys",
Long: "List names of all public keys installed on your Mattermost server.",
Example: ` plugin keys
plugin keys --verbose`,
RunE: pluginPublicKeysCmdF,
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var RemoveChannelUsersCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "remove [channel] [users]",
Short: "Remove users from channel",
Long: "Remove some users from channel",
Example: ` channel remove myteam:mychannel username
channel remove myteam:mychannel --all-users`,
RunE: removeChannelUsersCmdF,
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var RemoveUsersCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "remove [team] [users]", Short: "Remove users from team", Long: "Remove some users from team", Example: " team remove myteam username", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: removeUsersCmdF, }
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var ResetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "reset",
Short: "Reset the database to initial state",
Long: "Completely erases the database causing the loss of all data. This will reset Mattermost to its initial state.",
RunE: resetCmdF,
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var ResetPermissionsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "reset",
Short: "Reset the permissions system to its default state",
Long: "Reset the permissions system to its default state",
Example: " permissions reset",
RunE: resetPermissionsCmdF,
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var ResetUserMfaCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "resetmfa [users]",
Short: "Turn off MFA",
Long: `Turn off multi-factor authentication for a user.
If MFA enforcement is enabled, the user will be forced to re-enable MFA as soon as they login.`,
Example: " user resetmfa",
RunE: resetUserMfaCmdF,
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var ResetUserPasswordCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "password [user] [password]",
Short: "Set a user's password",
Long: "Set a user's password",
Example: " user password Password1",
RunE: resetUserPasswordCmdF,
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var RestoreChannelsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "restore [channels]", Short: "Restore some channels", Long: `Restore a previously deleted channel Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]. ie. myteam:mychannel or by channel ID.`, Example: " channel restore myteam:mychannel", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: restoreChannelsCmdF, }
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var RestoreTeamsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "restore [teams]", Short: "Restore some teams", Long: `Restore a previously deleted team`, Example: " team restore myteam", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: restoreTeamsCmdF, }
View Source
var RolesCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "roles",
Short: "Management of user roles",
View Source
var RootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "mattermost",
Short: "Open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative",
Long: `Mattermost offers workplace messaging across web, PC and phones with archiving, search and integration with your existing systems. Documentation available at`,
View Source
var RunServerForWebClientTestsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "web_client_tests_server",
Short: "Run the server configured for running the web client tests against it",
RunE: serverForWebClientTestsCmdF,
View Source
var RunWebClientTestsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "web_client_tests",
Short: "Run the web client tests",
RunE: webClientTestsCmdF,
View Source
var SampleDataCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sampledata",
Short: "Generate sample data",
RunE: sampleDataCmdF,
View Source
var ScheduleExportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "schedule",
Short: "Schedule an export data job in Mattermost",
Long: "Schedule an export data job in Mattermost (this will run asynchronously via a background worker)",
Example: "export schedule --format=actiance --exportFrom=12345 --timeoutSeconds=12345",
RunE: scheduleExportCmdF,
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var SearchChannelCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "search [channel]\n mattermost search --team [team] [channel]", Short: "Search a channel", Long: `Search a channel by channel name. Channel can be specified by team. ie. --team myTeam myChannel or by team ID.`, Example: ` channel search myChannel channel search --team myTeam myChannel`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: searchChannelCmdF, }
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var SearchTeamCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "search [teams]", Short: "Search for teams", Long: "Search for teams based on name", Example: " team search team1", Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: searchTeamCmdF, }
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var SearchUserCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "search [users]",
Short: "Search for users",
Long: "Search for users based on username, email, or user ID.",
Example: " user search",
RunE: searchUserCmdF,
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var SlackImportCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "slack [team] [file]",
Short: "Import a team from Slack.",
Long: "Import a team from a Slack export zip file.",
Example: " import slack myteam",
RunE: slackImportCmdF,
View Source
var TeamCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "team",
Short: "Management of teams",
View Source
var TeamCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create a team",
Long: `Create a team.`,
Example: ` team create --name mynewteam --display_name "My New Team"
team create --name private --display_name "My New Private Team" --private`,
RunE: createTeamCmdF,
View Source
var TeamGroupCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "team",
Short: "Management of team groups",
View Source
var TeamGroupDisableCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "disable [team]", Short: "Disables group constraint on the specified team", Example: " group team disable myteam", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: teamGroupDisableCmdF, }
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var TeamGroupEnableCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "enable [team]", Short: "Enables group constraint on the specified team", Example: " group team enable myteam", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: teamGroupEnableCmdF, }
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var TeamGroupListCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "list [team]", Short: "List team groups", Long: "Lists the groups associated with a team", Example: " group team list myteam", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: teamGroupListCmdF, }
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var TeamGroupStatusCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "status [team]", Short: "Shows the group constraint status of the specified team", Example: " group team status myteam", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: teamGroupStatusCmdF, }
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var TeamRenameCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "rename", Short: "Rename a team", Long: `Rename a team.`, Example: ` team rename myteam newteamname --display_name "My New Team Name" team rename myteam - --display_name "My New Team Name"`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(2), RunE: renameTeamCmdF, }
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var TestCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "test", Short: "Testing Commands", Hidden: true, }
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var UploadLicenseCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "upload [license]",
Short: "Upload a license.",
Long: "Upload a license. Replaces current license.",
Example: " license upload /path/to/license/mylicensefile.mattermost-license",
RunE: uploadLicenseCmdF,
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var UserActivateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "activate [emails, usernames, userIds]",
Short: "Activate users",
Long: "Activate users that have been deactivated.",
Example: ` user activate
user activate username`,
RunE: userActivateCmdF,
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var UserCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "user",
Short: "Management of users",
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var UserConvertCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "convert [emails, usernames, userIds] --bot", Short: "Convert users to bots, or a bot to a user", Long: "Convert users to bots, or a bot to a user", Example: ` user convert anotherUser --bot user convert botusername --email --password password --user`, Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1), RunE: userConvertCmdF, }
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var UserCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create a user",
Long: "Create a user",
Example: ` user create --email --username userexample --password Password1`,
RunE: userCreateCmdF,
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var UserDeactivateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "deactivate [emails, usernames, userIds]",
Short: "Deactivate users",
Long: "Deactivate users. Deactivated users are immediately logged out of all sessions and are unable to log back in.",
Example: ` user deactivate
user deactivate username`,
RunE: userDeactivateCmdF,
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var UserInviteCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "invite [email] [teams]",
Short: "Send user an email invite to a team.",
Long: `Send user an email invite to a team.
You can invite a user to multiple teams by listing them.
You can specify teams by name or ID.`,
Example: ` user invite myteam
user invite myteam1 myteam2`,
RunE: userInviteCmdF,
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var ValidateConfigCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "validate",
Short: "Validate config file",
Long: "If the config file is valid, this command will output a success message and have a zero exit code. If it is invalid, this command will output an error and have a non-zero exit code.",
RunE: configValidateCmdF,
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var VerifyUserCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "verify [users]",
Short: "Verify email of users",
Long: "Verify the emails of some users.",
Example: " user verify user1",
RunE: verifyUserCmdF,
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var VersionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Display version information",
RunE: versionCmdF,
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var WebhookCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "webhook",
Short: "Management of webhooks",
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var WebhookCreateIncomingCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create-incoming",
Short: "Create incoming webhook",
Long: "create incoming webhook which allows external posting of messages to specific channel",
Example: " webhook create-incoming --channel [channelID] --user [userID] --display-name [displayName] --description [webhookDescription] --lock-to-channel --icon [iconURL]",
RunE: createIncomingWebhookCmdF,
View Source
var WebhookCreateOutgoingCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "create-outgoing",
Short: "Create outgoing webhook",
Long: "create outgoing webhook which allows external posting of messages from a specific channel",
Example: ` webhook create-outgoing --team myteam --user myusername --display-name mywebhook --trigger-word "build" --trigger-word "test" --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler
webhook create-outgoing --team myteam --channel mychannel --user myusername --display-name mywebhook --description "My cool webhook" --trigger-when start --trigger-word build --trigger-word test --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler --content-type "application/json"`,
RunE: createOutgoingWebhookCmdF,
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var WebhookDeleteCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete",
Short: "Delete webhooks",
Long: "Delete webhook with given id",
Example: " webhook delete [webhookID]",
RunE: deleteWebhookCmdF,
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var WebhookListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list",
Short: "List webhooks",
Long: "list all webhooks",
Example: " webhook list myteam",
RunE: listWebhookCmdF,
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var WebhookModifyIncomingCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "modify-incoming",
Short: "Modify incoming webhook",
Long: "Modify existing incoming webhook by changing its title, description, channel or icon url",
Example: " webhook modify-incoming [webhookID] --channel [channelID] --display-name [displayName] --description [webhookDescription] --lock-to-channel --icon [iconURL]",
RunE: modifyIncomingWebhookCmdF,
View Source
var WebhookModifyOutgoingCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "modify-outgoing",
Short: "Modify outgoing webhook",
Long: "Modify existing outgoing webhook by changing its title, description, channel, icon, url, content-type, and triggers",
Example: ` webhook modify-outgoing [webhookId] --channel [channelId] --display-name [displayName] --description "New webhook description" --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler --content-type "application/json" --trigger-word test --trigger-when start`,
RunE: modifyOutgoingWebhookCmdF,
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var WebhookMoveOutgoingCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "move-outgoing", Short: "Move outgoing webhook", Long: "Move outgoing webhook with an id", Example: " webhook move-outgoing newteam oldteam:webhook-id --channel new-default-channel", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(2), RunE: moveOutgoingWebhookCmd, }
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var WebhookShowCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "show [webhookId]", Short: "Show a webhook", Long: "Show the webhook specified by [webhookId]", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), Example: " webhook show w16zb5tu3n1zkqo18goqry1je", RunE: showWebhookCmdF, }
Functions ¶
func CommandPrettyPrintln ¶
func CommandPrintErrorln ¶
func CommandPrintln ¶
func SetupWithStoreMock ¶
Setup creates an instance of testHelper.
Types ¶
Source Files
- channel.go
- channelargs.go
- cmdtestlib.go
- command.go
- commandargs.go
- config.go
- db.go
- export.go
- group.go
- import.go
- init.go
- integrity.go
- jobserver.go
- ldap.go
- license.go
- logs.go
- output.go
- permissions.go
- plugin.go
- reset.go
- roles.go
- root.go
- sampledata.go
- server.go
- team.go
- teamargs.go
- test.go
- user.go
- userargs.go
- utils.go
- version.go
- webhook.go
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