
package module
v0.0.0-...-5ae2d39 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 10, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 34 Imported by: 0



mt-multiserver-proxy is a reverse proxy designed for linking multiple Minetest servers together. It is the successor to multiserver.


This project was made possible by anon55555's mt module.

Supported Minetest versions

Each commit only supports a single Minetest minor version.

This is because each minor version breaks compatibility with its predecessors. Patch versions should be safe. Example: A proxy commit for 5.5.0 should also work with 5.5.1 but is highly likely to break when used with 5.6.0.

All internal servers should have strict version checking enabled. Otherwise version mismatches may remain undetected.

Compatibility breaks because upstream Minetest doesn't take the protocol version into account when sending packets and instead expects the receiver to ignore any new fields it doesn't recognize. This causes a trailing data error on the proxy that prevents the packet from being parsed and processed.

Proxy updates

Only the currently supported Minetest version will get proxy updates, i.e. features and bug fixes won't be backported to earlier Minetest versions. If you need this you can manually merge the commits yourself.

Commit hashes for Minetest releases

The latest main usually supports the latest Minetest release unless it isn't supported yet. The following list contains the commit hashes for all versions that were ever supported:

The chat command plugin commit hashes are mainly specified for old proxy versions that didn't support automatic plugin building and version management yet. Using the mt-build-plugin tool should be sufficient, though there may be API changes preventing the plugin from compiling against an old proxy version in which case the commit hashes are needed too. Conclusively it's important to downgrade the plugin to that version if you want it to work with an old proxy version without automatic plugin building and version management or if it doesn't compile against old proxy versions anymore.

Minetest development builds

Development builds aren't supported at all because it would be a monumental maintenance effort. If you have to use one, try the proxy version for its release first and continue with the proxy version for the last release preceeding the development build. If this doesn't work you'll have to edit the code of the proxy yourself.

Development builds may pass the version check performed by the proxy and experience major breakage. This is because the protocol version isn't bumped when a new development phase is started after a release.


It is recommended to explicitly set the GOBIN environment variable to a directory that is only used for the proxy binaries, databases and configuration files.

Go 1.21 or higher is required. Run

export GOBIN=~/.local/share/mt-multiserver-proxy
mkdir -p ${GOBIN}
go install

to download and compile the project. A mt-multiserver-proxy executable will be created in your ${GOBIN} directory. The same command is also used to upgrade to the latest version. You will need to recompile all plugins after upgrading.

In addition to the main mt-multiserver-proxy binary the following additional utilities are installed:

  • mt-auth-convert: Helper program to convert between authentication database formats.
  • mt-build-plugin: Utility for building plugins against the correct proxy version.

You can replace the ... in the installation command with any of the binary names to limit installation and updating to a single executable. This is not recommended, however, as it can cause version mismatches between them.

Development builds

Build the following binaries from the proxy repository directory:

go build -race ./cmd/mt-auth-convert
go build -race ./cmd/mt-build-plugin
go build -race ./cmd/mt-multiserver-proxy

Do not move the binaries! Doing so breaks automatic plugin builds.


The proxy can be run in Docker. See doc/ for instructions and details.



Run ${GOBIN}/mt-multiserver-proxy. The configuration file and other required files are created automatically in the directory the executable is in, so make sure to install the executable to the desired location. Symlinks to the executable will be followed, only the real path matters.


mt-multiserver-proxy reacts to SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGHUP. It stops listening for new connections, kicks all clients, disconnects from all servers and exits. If some clients aren't responding, mt-multiserver-proxy waits until they have timed out.


The configuration file name and format including a minimal example are described in doc/

All internal servers need to allow empty passwords and must not be reachable from the internet!

Authentication database migration

It is possible to import existing Minetest authentication databases. See doc/ for details.

Chat commands

The default chat commands can be installed as a plugin.


This proxy supports loading Go plugins. Consult doc/ for details on how to develop or install them.


The proxy can be run in Docker. See doc/ for details.



Package proxy is a minetest reverse proxy for multiple servers. It also provides an API for plugins.



This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	ErrAuthBackendExists   = errors.New("auth backend already set")
	ErrInvalidSRPHeader    = errors.New("encoded password is not SRP")
	ErrLastSrvNotSupported = errors.New("auth backend does not support server information")
View Source
var (
	ErrNoServerConn = errors.New("no server connection")
	ErrNoSuchServer = errors.New("inexistent server")
	ErrNewMediaPool = errors.New("media pool unknown to client")
View Source
var (
	ErrEmptyAuthBackendName = errors.New("auth backend name is empty")
	ErrNilAuthBackend       = errors.New("auth backend is nil")
	ErrBuiltinAuthBackend   = errors.New("auth backend name collision with builtin")
View Source
var ChatCmdTimeout = 10 * time.Second

ChatCmdTimeout is the time needed until a user is warned about a chat command that's taking long to execute.

View Source
var (
	ErrEmptySrvSelectorName = errors.New("server selector name is empty")
View Source
var ErrNoBuildInfo = errors.New("unable to retrieve proxy version: no build info")


func AddServer

func AddServer(name string, s Server) bool

AddServer dynamically configures a new Server at runtime. Servers added in this way are ephemeral and will be lost when the proxy shuts down. The server must be part of a media pool with at least one other member. At least one of the other members always needs to be reachable. WARNING: Reloading the config will not overwrite servers added using this function. The server definition from the configuration file will silently be ignored.

func BuildPlugin

func BuildPlugin() error

func ChatCmdExists

func ChatCmdExists(name string) bool

ChatCmdExists reports if a ChatCmd exists.

func ChatCmds

func ChatCmds() map[string]ChatCmd

ChatCmds returns a map of all ChatCmds indexed by their names.

func Clts

func Clts() map[*ClientConn]struct{}

Clts returns all ClientConns currently connected to the proxy.

func Colorize

func Colorize(text, color string) string

Colorize returns the minetest-colorized version of the input.

func DecodeVerifierAndSalt

func DecodeVerifierAndSalt(encodedPasswd string) ([]byte, []byte, error)

func EncodeVerifierAndSalt

func EncodeVerifierAndSalt(salt, verifier []byte) string

func FormspecEscape

func FormspecEscape(formspec string) string

FormspecEscape escapes characters that cannot be used in formspecs.

func LoadConfig

func LoadConfig() error

LoadConfig attempts to parse the configuration file. It leaves the config unchanged if there is an error and returns the error.

func LoadPlugins

func LoadPlugins()

LoadPlugins loads all plugins. Further calls are no-ops. This function is not intended to be called by plugins. It is meant for tools such as mt-auth-convert.

func Path

func Path(path ...string) string

Path prepends the directory the executable is in to the given path. It follows symlinks to the executable.

func Players

func Players() map[string]struct{}

Players returns the names of all players that are currently connected to the proxy.

func RegisterAuthBackend

func RegisterAuthBackend(name string, ab AuthBackend) error

RegisterAuthBackend registers a new authentication backend implementation. The name must be unique, non-empty and must not collide with a builtin authentication backend. The authentication backend must be non-nil. Registered backends can be enabled by specifying their name in the AuthBackend config option. Backend-specific configuration is handled by the calling plugin's configuration mechanism at initialization time. Backends must be registered at initialization time (before the init functions return). Backends registered after initialization time will not be available to the user.

func RegisterChatCmd

func RegisterChatCmd(cmd ChatCmd) bool

RegisterChatCmd adds a new ChatCmd. It returns true on success and false if a command with the same name already exists.

func RegisterInteractionHandler

func RegisterInteractionHandler(handler InteractionHandler)

RegisterInteractionHandler adds a new InteractionHandler.

func RegisterOnChatMsg

func RegisterOnChatMsg(handler func(*ClientConn, string) string)

RegisterOnChatMsg registers a handler that is called when a client sends a chat message that is not a proxy command. The returned string overrides the original message. Later handlers will receive the modified message. Handlers are called in registration order. If the final message is empty, it is not forwarded to the upstream server.

func RegisterOnCltModChanMsg

func RegisterOnCltModChanMsg(handler func(string, *ClientConn, string) bool)

RegisterOnCltModChanMsg registers a handler that is called when a client sends a message on a modchannel. If any handler returns true, the message is not forwarded to the upstream server.

func RegisterOnInvAction

func RegisterOnInvAction(handler func(*ClientConn, string) string)

RegisterOnInvAction registers a handler that is called when a client attempts to perform an inventory action. The returned string overrides the original action. Later handlers will receive the modified action. Handlers are called in registration order. If the final action string is empty, the action is not forwarded to the upstream server. You may use the mt package to interact with the action strings.

func RegisterOnJoin

func RegisterOnJoin(handler func(*ClientConn) string)

RegisterOnJoin registers a handler that is called when a client finishes connecting to the proxy (TOSERVER_CLIENT_READY packet) but before it is connected to an upstream server. If any handler returns a non-empty string, the client is kicked with that message. Handlers are run sequentially and block the client's connection and packet handling procedure.

func RegisterOnLeave

func RegisterOnLeave(handler func(*ClientConn))

RegisterOnLeave registers a handler that is called when a client disconnects for any reason after reaching the ready stage. Handlers are run sequentially.

func RegisterOnPlayerReceiveFields

func RegisterOnPlayerReceiveFields(formname string, handler func(*ClientConn, []mt.Field))

RegisterOnPlayerReceiveFields registers a callback that is called when a client submits a specific formspec. Events triggering this callback include a button being pressed, Enter being pressed while a text field is focused, a checkbox being toggled, an item being selected in a dropdown list, selecting a new tab, changing the selection in a textlist or table, selecting an entry in a textlist or table, a scrollbar being moved or the form actively being closed by the player.

func RegisterOnSrvModChanMsg

func RegisterOnSrvModChanMsg(handler func(*ClientConn, string, string, string) bool)

RegisterOnSrvModChanMsg registers a handler that is called when another client of the current upstream server or a server mod sends a message on a modchannel. If any handler returns true, the message is not forwarded to the client.

func RegisterSrvSelector

func RegisterSrvSelector(name string, sel func(*ClientConn) (string, Server)) error

RegisterSrvSelector registers a server selection handler which can be enabled using the `SrvSelector` config option. Empty names are an error. If the handler returns an empty server name, the regular server selection procedure is used. Only one server selector can be active at a time.

func ReplaceAllStringSubmatchFunc

func ReplaceAllStringSubmatchFunc(re *regexp.Regexp, str string, repl func([]string) string) string

func RmServer

func RmServer(name string) bool

RmServer deletes a Server from the Config at runtime. Only servers added using AddServer can be deleted at runtime. Returns true on success or if the server doesn't exist.

func Run

func Run()

Run initializes the proxy and starts the main listener loop. It blocks forever.

func SendModChanMsg

func SendModChanMsg(channel, msg string)

func TDodEisK

func TDodEisK() error

func Uptime

func Uptime() time.Duration

Uptime returns the time the proxy has been running for

func Version

func Version() (string, error)

Version returns the version string of the running instance.


type AuthBackend

type AuthBackend interface {
	// Exists reports whether a user with the specified name exists.
	// The result is false if an error is encountered.
	Exists(name string) bool
	// Passwd returns the SRP verifier and salt of the user
	// with the specified name or an error.
	Passwd(name string) (salt, verifier []byte, err error)
	// SetPasswd sets the SRP verifier and salt of the user
	// with the specified name.
	SetPasswd(name string, salt, verifier []byte) error
	// LastSrv returns the name of the last server the user
	// with the specified name intentionally connected to or an error.
	// This method should return an error if this feature is unsupported.
	// Errors are handled gracefully (by connecting the user
	// to the default server or group) and aren't logged.
	LastSrv(name string) (string, error)
	// SetLastSrv sets the name of the last server the user
	// with the specified name intentionally connected to.
	// This method should not return an error if this feature is unsupported.
	// Errors will make server hopping fail.
	SetLastSrv(name, srv string) error
	// Timestamp returns the last time the user with the specified name
	// connected to the proxy or an error.
	Timestamp(name string) (time.Time, error)
	// Import adds or modifies authentication entries in bulk.
	Import(in []User) error
	// Export returns all authentication entries or an error.
	Export() ([]User, error)

	// Ban adds a ban entry for a network address and an associated name.
	// Only the specified network address is banned from connecting.
	// Existing connections are not kicked.
	Ban(addr, name string) error
	// Unban deletes a ban entry by network address or username.
	Unban(id string) error
	// Banned reports whether a network address or username is banned.
	// The result is true if either identifier is banned
	// or if an error is encountered.
	Banned(addr, name string) bool
	// RecordFail records an authentication failure regarding a certain
	// network address and username. The implementation is not required
	// to process this event in any way, but the intent is to allow
	// rate limiting / brute-force protection to be implemented by plugins.
	RecordFail(addr, name string, sudo bool) error
	// ImportBans adds or modifies ban entries in bulk.
	ImportBans(in []Ban) error
	// Export returns all ban entries or an error.
	ExportBans() ([]Ban, error)

An AuthBackend provides authentication and moderation functionality. This typically includes persistent storage. It does not handle authorization, i.e. permission checks. All methods are safe for concurrent use.

func Auth

func Auth(name string) (AuthBackend, bool)

Auth returns an authentication backend by name or false if it doesn't exist.

func DefaultAuth

func DefaultAuth() AuthBackend

DefaultAuth returns the authentication backend that is currently in use or nil during initialization time.

type AuthFiles

type AuthFiles struct{}

func (AuthFiles) Ban

func (a AuthFiles) Ban(addr, name string) error

Ban adds a ban entry for a network address and an associated name.

func (AuthFiles) Banned

func (a AuthFiles) Banned(addr, name string) bool

Banned reports whether a network address is banned. Error cases count as banned.

func (AuthFiles) Exists

func (a AuthFiles) Exists(name string) bool

Exists reports whether a user is registered. Error cases count as inexistent.

func (AuthFiles) Export

func (a AuthFiles) Export() ([]User, error)

Export returns data that can be processed by Import or an error.

func (AuthFiles) ExportBans

func (a AuthFiles) ExportBans() ([]Ban, error)

ExportBans returns data that can be processed by ImportBans or an error,

func (AuthFiles) Import

func (a AuthFiles) Import(in []User) error

Import deletes all users and adds the passed users.

func (AuthFiles) ImportBans

func (a AuthFiles) ImportBans(in []Ban) error

ImportBans deletes all ban entries and adds the passed entries.

func (AuthFiles) LastSrv

func (a AuthFiles) LastSrv(name string) (string, error)

LastSrv returns the last server a user was on.

func (AuthFiles) Passwd

func (a AuthFiles) Passwd(name string) (salt, verifier []byte, err error)

Passwd returns the SRP salt and verifier of a user or an error.

func (AuthFiles) RecordFail

func (a AuthFiles) RecordFail(addr, name string, sudo bool) error

RecordFail is a no-op.

func (AuthFiles) SetLastSrv

func (a AuthFiles) SetLastSrv(name, srv string) error

SetLastSrv sets the last server a user was on.

func (AuthFiles) SetPasswd

func (a AuthFiles) SetPasswd(name string, salt, verifier []byte) error

SetPasswd creates a password entry if necessary and sets the password of a user.

func (AuthFiles) Timestamp

func (a AuthFiles) Timestamp(name string) (time.Time, error)

Timestamp returns the last time an authentication entry was accessed or an error.

func (AuthFiles) Unban

func (a AuthFiles) Unban(id string) error

Unban deletes a ban entry. It accepts both network addresses and player names.

type AuthMTPostgreSQL

type AuthMTPostgreSQL struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A handle to a PostgreSQL authentication database. The upstream Minetest schema is used.

Table info:

                           Table "public.auth"
Column   |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |              Default


id         | integer |           | not null | nextval('auth_id_seq'::regclass)
name       | text    |           |          |
password   | text    |           |          |
last_login | integer |           | not null | 0


"auth_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"auth_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)

Sequence info:

                 Sequence "public.auth_id_seq"
Type   | Start | Minimum |  Maximum   | Increment | Cycles? | Cache


integer |     1 |       1 | 2147483647 |         1 | no      |     1

Owned by:

func NewAuthMTPostgreSQL

func NewAuthMTPostgreSQL(conn string) (*AuthMTPostgreSQL, error)

NewAuthMTPostgreSQL opens the PostgreSQL authentication database at the specified connection string.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Ban

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Ban(addr, name string) error

Ban adds a ban entry for a network address and an associated name.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Banned

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Banned(addr, name string) bool

Banned reports whether a network address is banned. Error cases count as banned.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Close

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Close() error

Close closes the underlying PostgreSQL database handle.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Exists

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Exists(name string) bool

Exists reports whether a user is registered. Error cases count as inexistent.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Export

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Export() ([]User, error)

Export returns data that can be processed by Import or an error.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) ExportBans

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) ExportBans() ([]Ban, error)

ExportBans returns data that can be processed by ImportBans or an error.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Import

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Import(in []User) error

Import adds the passed users.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) ImportBans

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) ImportBans(in []Ban) error

ImportBans adds the passed entries.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) LastSrv

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) LastSrv(_ string) (string, error)

LastSrv always returns an error since the Minetest database schema cannot store this information.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Passwd

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Passwd(name string) (salt, verifier []byte, err error)

Passwd returns the SRP salt and verifier of a user or an error.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) RecordFail

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) RecordFail(addr, name string, sudo bool) error

RecordFail is a no-op.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) SetLastSrv

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) SetLastSrv(_, _ string) error

SetLastSrv is a no-op since the Minetest database schema cannot store this information.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) SetPasswd

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) SetPasswd(name string, salt, verifier []byte) error

SetPasswd creates a password entry if necessary and sets the password of a user.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Timestamp

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Timestamp(name string) (time.Time, error)

Timestamp returns the last time an authentication entry was accessed or an error.

func (*AuthMTPostgreSQL) Unban

func (a *AuthMTPostgreSQL) Unban(id string) error

Unban deletes a ban entry. It accepts bot network addresses and player names.

type AuthMTSQLite3

type AuthMTSQLite3 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A handle to a SQLite3 authentication database. The upstream Minetest schema is used.

Table info:

0|id|INTEGER|0||1 1|name|VARCHAR(32)|0||0 2|password|VARCHAR(512)|0||0 3|last_login|INTEGER|0||0

func NewAuthMTSQLite3

func NewAuthMTSQLite3() (*AuthMTSQLite3, error)

NewAuthMTSQLite3 opens the SQLite3 authentication database at auth.sqlite.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Ban

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Ban(addr, name string) error

Ban adds a ban entry for a network address and an associated name.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Banned

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Banned(addr, name string) bool

Banned reports whether a network address is banned. Error cases count as banned.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Close

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Close() error

Close closes the underlying SQLite3 database handle.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Exists

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Exists(name string) bool

Exists reports whether a user is registered. Error cases count as inexistent.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Export

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Export() ([]User, error)

Export returns data that can be processed by Import or an error.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) ExportBans

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) ExportBans() ([]Ban, error)

ExportBans returns data that can be processed by ImportBans or an error.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Import

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Import(in []User) error

Import adds the passed users.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) ImportBans

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) ImportBans(in []Ban) error

ImportBans adds the passed entries.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) LastSrv

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) LastSrv(_ string) (string, error)

LastSrv always returns an error since the Minetest database schema cannot store this information.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Passwd

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Passwd(name string) (salt, verifier []byte, err error)

Passwd returns the SRP salt and verifier of a user or an error.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) RecordFail

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) RecordFail(addr, name string, sudo bool) error

RecordFail is a no-op.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) SetLastSrv

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) SetLastSrv(_, _ string) error

SetLastSrv is a no-op since the Minetest database schema cannot store this information.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) SetPasswd

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) SetPasswd(name string, salt, verifier []byte) error

SetPasswd creates a password entry if necessary and sets the password of a user.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Timestamp

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Timestamp(name string) (time.Time, error)

Timestamp returns the last time an authentication entry was accessed or an error.

func (*AuthMTSQLite3) Unban

func (a *AuthMTSQLite3) Unban(id string) error

Unban deletes a ban entry. It accepts bot network addresses and player names.

type Ban

type Ban struct {
	Addr string
	Name string

type ChatCmd

type ChatCmd struct {
	Name    string
	Perm    string
	Help    string
	Usage   string
	Handler func(*ClientConn, ...string) string

A ChatCmd holds information on how to handle a chat command.

type ClientConn

type ClientConn struct {

	FormspecPrepend string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A ClientConn is a connection to a minetest client.

func Find

func Find(name string) *ClientConn

Find returns the ClientConn that has the specified player name. If no ClientConn is found, nil is returned.

func (*ClientConn) Ban

func (cc *ClientConn) Ban() error

Ban disconnects the ClientConn and prevents the underlying network address from connecting again.

func (*ClientConn) DoChatMsg

func (cc *ClientConn) DoChatMsg(msg string)

DoChatMsg handles a chat message string as if it was sent by the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) HasPerms

func (cc *ClientConn) HasPerms(want ...string) bool

HasPerms returns true if the ClientConn has all of the specified permissions. Otherwise it returns false. This method matches wildcards, but they may only be used at the end of a raw permission. Asterisks in other places will be treated as regular characters.

func (*ClientConn) Hop

func (cc *ClientConn) Hop(serverName string) (err error)

Hop connects the ClientConn to the specified upstream server or the first working fallback server, saving the player's last server unless `ForceDefaultSrv` is enabled. If all attempts fail the client stays connected to the current server with the potential for inconsistent state. At the moment the ClientConn is NOT fixed if an error occurs so the player may have to reconnect.

func (*ClientConn) HopGroup

func (cc *ClientConn) HopGroup(groupName string) error

HopGroup connects the ClientConn to the specified server group or the first working fallback server, saving the player's last server unless `ForceDefaultSrv` is enabled. See the documentation on `Server.Groups` in `doc/` for details on how a specific game server is selected from the group name. If all attempts fail the client stays connected to the current server with the potential for inconsistent state. At the moment the ClientConn is NOT fixed if an error occurs so the player may have to reconnect.

func (*ClientConn) HopRaw

func (cc *ClientConn) HopRaw(serverName string) error

HopRaw connects the ClientConn to the specified upstream server. At the moment the ClientConn is NOT fixed if an error occurs so the player may have to reconnect.

This method ignores fallback servers and doesn't save the player's last server. You may use the `Hop` wrapper for these purposes.

func (*ClientConn) Init

func (cc *ClientConn) Init() <-chan struct{}

Init returns a channel that is closed when the ClientConn enters the csActive state.

func (*ClientConn) Inv

func (cc *ClientConn) Inv() mt.Inv

Inv returns a copy of the current server-provided inventory of the client or nil if the client is not connected to a server.

func (*ClientConn) IsModChanJoined

func (cc *ClientConn) IsModChanJoined(channel string) bool

IsModChanJoined returns whether this client is currently subscribed to the specified modchannel. This is mainly useful for tracking success across server hops.

func (*ClientConn) IsNew

func (cc *ClientConn) IsNew() bool

IsNew reports whether a new account was registered for the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) JoinModChan

func (cc *ClientConn) JoinModChan(channel string) <-chan bool

JoinModChan attempts to subscribe to a modchannel, returning a channel that yields a boolean indicating success. The proxy will try to rejoin the channel after switching servers, but this is not guaranteed to succeed and errors will not be reported to the caller. This condition can be checked against using the IsModChanJoined method. This method may block indefinitely if the client switches servers before a response is received. If this cannot be controlled, using a select statement with a timeout is recommended.

func (*ClientConn) Kick

func (cc *ClientConn) Kick(reason string)

Kick sends mt.ToCltKick with the specified custom reason and closes the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) LeaveModChan

func (cc *ClientConn) LeaveModChan(channel string) <-chan bool

LeaveModChan attempts to unscribe from a modchannel, returning a channel yielding a boolean indicating success.

func (*ClientConn) Log

func (cc *ClientConn) Log(dir string, v ...interface{})

Log logs an interaction with the ClientConn. dir indicates the direction of the interaction.

func (*ClientConn) Name

func (cc *ClientConn) Name() string

Name returns the player name of the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) Perms

func (cc *ClientConn) Perms() []string

Perms returns the raw permissions of the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) SendChatMsg

func (cc *ClientConn) SendChatMsg(msg ...any)

SendChatMsg sends a chat message to the ClientConn.

func (*ClientConn) SendModChanMsg

func (cc *ClientConn) SendModChanMsg(channel, msg string) bool

SendModChanMsg sends a message to the current upstream server and all subscribed clients connected to it on a modchannel.

func (*ClientConn) ServerName

func (cc *ClientConn) ServerName() string

ServerName returns the name of the current upstream server of the ClientConn. It is empty if there is no upstream connection.

func (*ClientConn) ShowFormspec

func (cc *ClientConn) ShowFormspec(formname string, formspec string)

ShowFormspec opens a formspec on the client. The form name should follow the standard minetest naming convention, i.e. "pluginname:formname". If formname is empty, it reshows the inventory formspec without updating it for future opens. If formspec is empty, the formspec is closed. If formname is empty at the same time, any formspec is closed regardless of its name.

func (*ClientConn) ToSrvCltInfo

func (cc *ClientConn) ToSrvCltInfo() *mt.ToSrvCltInfo

CltInfo returns the ToSrvCltInfo known about the client.

type Config

type Config struct {
	NoPlugins        bool
	NoAutoPlugins    bool
	CmdPrefix        string
	RequirePasswd    bool
	SendInterval     float32
	UserLimit        int
	AuthBackend      string
	AuthPostgresConn string
	NoTelnet         bool
	TelnetAddr       string
	BindAddr         string
	DefaultSrv       string
	SrvSelector      string
	Servers          map[string]Server
	ForceDefaultSrv  bool
	KickOnNewPool    bool
	CSMRF            struct {
		NoCSMs          bool
		ChatMsgs        bool
		ItemDefs        bool
		NodeDefs        bool
		NoLimitMapRange bool
		PlayerList      bool
	MapRange   uint32
	DropCSMRF  bool
	Groups     map[string][]string
	UserGroups map[string]string
	List       struct {
		Enable   bool
		Addr     string
		Interval int

		Name     string
		Desc     string
		URL      string
		Creative bool
		Dmg      bool
		PvP      bool
		Game     string
		FarNames bool
		Mods     []string

A Config contains information from the configuration file that affects the way the proxy works.

func Conf

func Conf() Config

Conf returns a copy of the Config used by the proxy. Any modifications will not affect the original Config.

func (Config) DefaultServer

func (cnf Config) DefaultServer() Server

DefaultServer returns information about the default server. If no servers exist the returned struct will be uninitialized. This is a faster shortcut for Config.Servers[Config.DefaultServerName()]. You should thus only use this method or the DefaultServerInfo method.

func (Config) DefaultServerInfo

func (cnf Config) DefaultServerInfo() (string, Server)

DefaultServerInfo returns both the name of the default server and information about it. The return values are uninitialized if no servers exist.

func (Config) DefaultServerName

func (cnf Config) DefaultServerName() string

DefaultServerName returns the name of the default server. If no servers exist it returns an empty string.

func (Config) Pools

func (cnf Config) Pools() map[string]map[string]Server

Pools returns all media pools and their member servers.

func (Config) RandomGroupServer

func (cnf Config) RandomGroupServer(search string) (string, bool)

RandomGroupServer returns the name of a random member of a server group or the input string if it is a valid, existent server name. It also returns a boolean indicating success. The returned string is blank if there is a failure, i.e. if the input string is neither a server nor a group.

func (Config) ServerGroups

func (cnf Config) ServerGroups() map[string]map[string]Server

Groups returns all server groups and their member servers.

type Interaction

type Interaction uint8
const (
	Dig Interaction = iota
	AnyInteraction = 255

type InteractionHandler

type InteractionHandler struct {
	Type    Interaction
	Handler func(*ClientConn, *mt.ToSrvInteract) bool

A InteractionHandler holds information on how to handle a Minetest Interaction.

type LogWriter

type LogWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LogWriter) Write

func (lw *LogWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Write writes the input data to os.Stderr and the log file. It returns the number of bytes written and an error.

type Server

type Server struct {
	Addr      string
	MediaPool string
	Groups    []string
	Fallback  string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ServerConn

type ServerConn struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A ServerConn is a connection to a minetest server.

func (*ServerConn) Init

func (sc *ServerConn) Init() <-chan struct{}

Init returns a channel that is closed when the ServerConn enters the csActive state.

func (*ServerConn) Log

func (sc *ServerConn) Log(dir string, v ...interface{})

Log logs an interaction with the ServerConn. dir indicates the direction of the interaction.

type User

type User struct {
	Name      string
	Salt      []byte
	Verifier  []byte
	Timestamp time.Time


Path Synopsis
mt-auth-convert converts between authentication backends.
mt-auth-convert converts between authentication backends.
mt-build-plugin builds a plugin using the proxy version the tool was built for.
mt-build-plugin builds a plugin using the proxy version the tool was built for.
mt-multiserver-proxy starts the reverse proxy.
mt-multiserver-proxy starts the reverse proxy.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL