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Published: Dec 10, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 35 Imported by: 153


Huma Rest API Framework

HUMA Powered CI codecov Docs Go Report Card

A modern, simple, fast & flexible micro framework for building HTTP REST/RPC APIs in Go backed by OpenAPI 3 and JSON Schema. Pronounced IPA: /'hjuːmɑ/. The goals of this project are to provide:

  • Incremental adoption for teams with existing services
    • Bring your own router, middleware, and logging/metrics
    • Extensible OpenAPI & JSON Schema layer to document existing routes
  • A modern REST or HTTP RPC API backend framework for Go developers
  • Guard rails to prevent common mistakes
  • Documentation that can't get out of date
  • High-quality generated developer tooling

Features include:

  • Declarative interface on top of your router of choice:
    • Operation & model documentation
    • Request params (path, query, or header)
    • Request body
    • Responses (including errors)
    • Response headers
  • JSON Errors using RFC7807 and application/problem+json by default (but can be changed)
  • Per-operation request size limits with sane defaults
  • Content negotiation between server and client
    • Support for JSON (RFC 8259) and CBOR (RFC 7049) content types via the Accept header with the default config.
  • Conditional requests support, e.g. If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since header utilities.
  • Optional automatic generation of PATCH operations that support:
  • Annotated Go types for input and output models
    • Generates JSON Schema from Go types
    • Static typing for path/query/header params, bodies, response headers, etc.
    • Automatic input model validation & error handling
  • Documentation generation using Stoplight Elements
  • Optional CLI built-in, configured via arguments or environment variables
    • Set via e.g. -p 8000, --port=8000, or SERVICE_PORT=8000
    • Startup actions & graceful shutdown built-in
  • Generates OpenAPI for access to a rich ecosystem of tools
  • Generates JSON Schema for each resource using optional describedby link relation headers as well as optional $schema properties in returned objects that integrate into editors for validation & completion.

This project was inspired by FastAPI. Logo & branding designed by Kari Taylor.


Install via go get. Note that Go 1.20 or newer is required.

# After: go mod init ...
go get -u


Here is a complete basic hello world example in Huma, that shows how to initialize a Huma app complete with CLI, declare a resource operation, and define its handler function.

package main

import (


// Options for the CLI.
type Options struct {
	Port int `help:"Port to listen on" short:"p" default:"8888"`

// GreetingInput represents the greeting operation request.
type GreetingInput struct {
	Name string `path:"name" maxLength:"30" example:"world" doc:"Name to greet"`

// GreetingOutput represents the greeting operation response.
type GreetingOutput struct {
	Body struct {
		Message string `json:"message" example:"Hello, world!" doc:"Greeting message"`

func main() {
	// Create a CLI app which takes a port option.
	cli := huma.NewCLI(func(hooks huma.Hooks, options *Options) {
		// Create a new router & API
		router := chi.NewMux()
		api := humachi.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))

		// Register GET /greeting/{name}
		huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
			OperationID: "get-greeting",
			Summary:     "Get a greeting",
			Method:      http.MethodGet,
			Path:        "/greeting/{name}",
		}, func(ctx context.Context, input *GreetingInput) (*GreetingOutput, error) {
			resp := &GreetingOutput{}
			resp.Body.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", input.Name)
			return resp, nil

		// Tell the CLI how to start your router.
		hooks.OnStart(func() {
			http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", options.Port), router)

	// Run the CLI. When passed no commands, it starts the server.

You can test it with go run greet.go (optionally pass --port to change the default) and make a sample request using Restish (or curl):

# Get the message from the server
$ restish :8888/greeting/world
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	$schema: "http://localhost:8888/schemas/GreetingOutputBody.json",
	message: "Hello, world!"

Even though the example is tiny you can also see some generated documentation at http://localhost:8888/docs. The generated OpenAPI is available at http://localhost:8888/openapi.json or http://localhost:8888/openapi.yaml.


See the website for full documentation in a presentation that's easier to navigate and search then this README. You can find the source for the site in the docs directory of this repo.

Official Go package documentation can always be found at



Package huma provides a framework for building REST APIs in Go. It is designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use. It is also designed to generate OpenAPI 3.1 specifications and JSON Schema documents describing the API and providing a quick & easy way to generate docs, mocks, SDKs, CLI clients, and more.




View Source
const (
	TypeBoolean = "boolean"
	TypeInteger = "integer"
	TypeNumber  = "number"
	TypeString  = "string"
	TypeArray   = "array"
	TypeObject  = "object"

JSON Schema type constants


View Source
var DefaultCBORFormat = Format{
	Marshal: func(w io.Writer, v any) error {
		return cborEncMode.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v)
	Unmarshal: cbor.Unmarshal,

DefaultCBORFormat is the default CBOR formatter that can be set in the API's `Config.Formats` map. This is used by the `DefaultConfig` function.

config := huma.Config{}
config.Formats = map[string]huma.Format{
	"application/cbor": huma.DefaultCBORFormat,
	"cbor":             huma.DefaultCBORFormat,
View Source
var DefaultJSONFormat = Format{
	Marshal: func(w io.Writer, v any) error {
		return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v)
	Unmarshal: json.Unmarshal,

DefaultJSONFormat is the default JSON formatter that can be set in the API's `Config.Formats` map. This is used by the `DefaultConfig` function.

config := huma.Config{}
config.Formats = map[string]huma.Format{
	"application/json": huma.DefaultJSONFormat,
	"json":             huma.DefaultJSONFormat,
View Source
var ErrSchemaInvalid = errors.New("schema is invalid")

ErrSchemaInvalid is sent when there is a problem building the schema.

View Source
var ErrUnknownContentType = errors.New("unknown content type")
View Source
var NewError = func(status int, msg string, errs ...error) StatusError {
	details := make([]*ErrorDetail, len(errs))
	for i := 0; i < len(errs); i++ {
		if converted, ok := errs[i].(ErrorDetailer); ok {
			details[i] = converted.ErrorDetail()
		} else {
			details[i] = &ErrorDetail{Message: errs[i].Error()}
	return &ErrorModel{
		Status: status,
		Title:  http.StatusText(status),
		Detail: msg,
		Errors: details,

NewError creates a new instance of an error model with the given status code, message, and optional error details. If the error details implement the `ErrorDetailer` interface, the error details will be used. Otherwise, the error string will be used as the message. This function is used by all the error response utility functions, like `huma.Error400BadRequest`.

Replace this function to use your own error type. Example:

type MyDetail struct {
	Message string	`json:"message"`
	Location string	`json:"location"`

type MyError struct {
	status  int
	Message string	`json:"message"`
	Errors  []error	`json:"errors"`

func (e *MyError) Error() string {
	return e.Message

func (e *MyError) GetStatus() int {
	return e.status

huma.NewError = func(status int, msg string, errs ...error) StatusError {
	return &MyError{
		status:  status,
		Message: msg,
		Errors:  errs,


func AutoRegister

func AutoRegister(api API, server any)

AutoRegister auto-detects operation registration methods and registers them with the given API. Any method named `Register...` will be called and passed the API as the only argument. Since registration happens at service startup, no errors are returned and methods should panic on error.

type ItemsHandler struct {}

func (s *ItemsHandler) RegisterListItems(api API) {
	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID: "ListItems",
		Method: http.MethodGet,
		Path: "/items",
	}, s.ListItems)

func main() {
	router := chi.NewMux()
	config := huma.DefaultConfig("My Service", "1.0.0")
	api := huma.NewExampleAPI(router, config)

	itemsHandler := &ItemsHandler{}
	huma.AutoRegister(api, itemsHandler)
package main

import (


// Item represents a single item with a unique ID.
type Item struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

// ItemsResponse is a response containing a list of items.
type ItemsResponse struct {
	Body []Item `json:"body"`

// ItemsHandler handles item-related CRUD operations.
type ItemsHandler struct{}

// RegisterListItems registers the `list-items` operation with the given API.
// Because the method starts with `Register` it will be automatically called
// by `huma.AutoRegister` down below.
func (s *ItemsHandler) RegisterListItems(api huma.API) {
	// Register a list operation to get all the items.
	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID: "list-items",
		Method:      http.MethodGet,
		Path:        "/items",
	}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{}) (*ItemsResponse, error) {
		resp := &ItemsResponse{}
		resp.Body = []Item{{ID: "123"}}
		return resp, nil

func main() {
	// Create the router and API.
	router := chi.NewMux()
	api := NewExampleAPI(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My Service", "1.0.0"))

	// Create the item handler and register all of its operations.
	itemsHandler := &ItemsHandler{}
	huma.AutoRegister(api, itemsHandler)

	// Confirm the list operation was registered.


func DefaultSchemaNamer

func DefaultSchemaNamer(t reflect.Type, hint string) string

DefaultSchemaNamer provides schema names for types. It uses the type name when possible, ignoring the package name. If the type is generic, e.g. `MyType[SubType]`, then the brackets are removed like `MyTypeSubType`. If the type is unnamed, then the name hint is used. Note: if you plan to use types with the same name from different packages, you should implement your own namer function to prevent issues. Nested anonymous types can also present naming issues.

func FieldSelectTransform

func FieldSelectTransform(ctx Context, status string, v any) (any, error)

FieldSelectTransform is an example of a transform that can use an input header value to modify the response on the server, providing a GraphQL-like way to send only the fields that the client wants over the wire.

func Register

func Register[I, O any](api API, op Operation, handler func(context.Context, *I) (*O, error))

Register an operation handler for an API. The handler must be a function that takes a context and a pointer to the input struct and returns a pointer to the output struct and an error. The input struct must be a struct with fields for the request path/query/header parameters and/or body. The output struct must be a struct with fields for the output headers and body of the operation, if any.

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "get-greeting",
	Method:      http.MethodGet,
	Path:        "/greeting/{name}",
	Summary:     "Get a greeting",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *GreetingInput) (*GreetingOutput, error) {
	if input.Name == "bob" {
		return nil, huma.Error404NotFound("no greeting for bob")
	resp := &GreetingOutput{}
	resp.MyHeader = "MyValue"
	resp.Body.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", input.Name)
	return resp, nil

func SetReadDeadline

func SetReadDeadline(w http.ResponseWriter, deadline time.Time) error

SetReadDeadline is a utility to set the read deadline on a response writer, if possible. If not, it will not incur any allocations (unlike the stdlib `http.ResponseController`). This is mostly a convenience function for adapters so they can be more efficient.

huma.SetReadDeadline(w, time.Now().Add(5*time.Second))

func Validate

func Validate(r Registry, s *Schema, path *PathBuffer, mode ValidateMode, v any, res *ValidateResult)

Validate an input value against a schema, collecting errors in the validation result object. If successful, `res.Errors` will be empty. It is suggested to use a `sync.Pool` to reuse the PathBuffer and ValidateResult objects, making sure to call `Reset()` on them before returning them to the pool.

registry := huma.NewMapRegistry("#/prefix", huma.DefaultSchemaNamer)
schema := huma.SchemaFromType(registry, reflect.TypeOf(MyType{}))
pb := huma.NewPathBuffer([]byte(""), 0)
res := &huma.ValidateResult{}

var value any
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"foo": "bar"}`), &v)
huma.Validate(registry, schema, pb, huma.ModeWriteToServer, value, res)
for _, err := range res.Errors {

func WithOptions

func WithOptions[Options any](f func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, options *Options)) func(*cobra.Command, []string)

WithOptions is a helper for custom commands that need to access the options.

	Use: "my-custom-command",
	Run: huma.WithOptions(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, opts *Options) {
		fmt.Println("Hello " + opts.Name)

func WriteErr

func WriteErr(api API, ctx Context, status int, msg string, errs ...error) error

WriteErr writes an error response with the given context, using the configured error type and with the given status code and message. It is marshaled using the API's content negotiation methods.


type API

type API interface {
	// Adapter returns the router adapter for this API, providing a generic
	// interface to get request information and write responses.
	Adapter() Adapter

	// OpenAPI returns the OpenAPI spec for this API. You may edit this spec
	// until the server starts.
	OpenAPI() *OpenAPI

	// Negotiate returns the selected content type given the client's `accept`
	// header and the server's supported content types. If the client does not
	// send an `accept` header, then JSON is used.
	Negotiate(accept string) (string, error)

	// Transform runs the API transformers on the given value. The `status` is
	// the key in the operation's `Responses` map that corresponds to the
	// response being sent (e.g. "200" for a 200 OK response).
	Transform(ctx Context, status string, v any) (any, error)

	// Marshal marshals the given value into the given writer. The
	// content type is used to determine which format to use. Use `Negotiate` to
	// get the content type from an accept header.
	Marshal(w io.Writer, contentType string, v any) error

	// Unmarshal unmarshals the given data into the given value. The content type
	Unmarshal(contentType string, data []byte, v any) error

	// UseMiddleware appends a middleware handler to the API middleware stack.
	// The middleware stack for any API will execute before searching for a matching
	// route to a specific handler, which provides opportunity to respond early,
	// change the course of the request execution, or set request-scoped values for
	// the next Middleware.
	UseMiddleware(middlewares ...func(ctx Context, next func(Context)))

	// Middlewares returns a slice of middleware handler functions.
	Middlewares() Middlewares

API represents a Huma API wrapping a specific router.

func NewAPI

func NewAPI(config Config, a Adapter) API

NewAPI creates a new API with the given configuration and router adapter. You usually don't need to use this function directly, and can instead use the `New(...)` function provided by the adapter packages which call this function internally.

When the API is created, this function will ensure a schema registry exists (or create a new map registry if not), will set a default format if not set, and will set up the handlers for the OpenAPI spec, documentation, and JSON schema routes if the paths are set in the config.

router := chi.NewMux()
adapter := humachi.NewAdapter(router)
config := huma.DefaultConfig("Example API", "1.0.0")
api := huma.NewAPI(config, adapter)

type Adapter

type Adapter interface {
	Handle(op *Operation, handler func(ctx Context))
	ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

Adapter is an interface that allows the API to be used with different HTTP routers and frameworks. It is designed to work with the standard library `http.Request` and `http.ResponseWriter` types as well as types like `gin.Context` or `fiber.Ctx` that provide both request and response functionality in one place, by using the `huma.Context` interface which abstracts away those router-specific differences.

The handler function takes uses the context to get request information like path / query / header params, the input body, and provide response data like a status code, response headers, and a response body.

Example (Handle)

ExampleAdapter_handle demonstrates how to use the adapter directly instead of using the `huma.Register` convenience function to add a new operation and handler to the API.

Note that you are responsible for defining all of the operation details, including the parameter and response definitions & schemas.

// Create an adapter for your chosen router.
adapter := NewExampleAdapter(chi.NewMux())

// Register an operation with a custom handler.
	OperationID: "example-operation",
	Method:      "GET",
	Path:        "/example/{name}",
	Summary:     "Example operation",
	Parameters: []*huma.Param{
			Name:        "name",
			In:          "path",
			Description: "Name to return",
			Required:    true,
			Schema: &huma.Schema{
				Type: "string",
	Responses: map[string]*huma.Response{
		"200": {
			Description: "OK",
			Content: map[string]*huma.MediaType{
				"text/plain": {
					Schema: &huma.Schema{
						Type: "string",
}, func(ctx huma.Context) {
	// Get the `name` path parameter.
	name := ctx.Param("name")

	// Set the response content type, status code, and body.
	ctx.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
	ctx.BodyWriter().Write([]byte("Hello, " + name))

type AddOpFunc

type AddOpFunc func(oapi *OpenAPI, op *Operation)

type AutoConfig

type AutoConfig struct {
	Security string                   `json:"security"`
	Headers  map[string]string        `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	Prompt   map[string]AutoConfigVar `json:"prompt,omitempty"`
	Params   map[string]string        `json:"params"`

AutoConfig holds an API's automatic configuration settings for the CLI. These are advertised via OpenAPI extension and picked up by the CLI to make it easier to get started using an API. This struct should be put into the `OpenAPI.Extensions` map under the key `x-cli-config`. See also:

type AutoConfigVar

type AutoConfigVar struct {
	Description string        `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Example     string        `json:"example,omitempty"`
	Default     interface{}   `json:"default,omitempty"`
	Enum        []interface{} `json:"enum,omitempty"`

	// Exclude the value from being sent to the server. This essentially makes
	// it a value which is only used in param templates.
	Exclude bool `json:"exclude,omitempty"`

AutoConfigVar represents a variable given by the user when prompted during auto-configuration setup of an API.

type CLI

type CLI interface {
	// Run the CLI. This will parse the command-line arguments and environment
	// variables and then run the appropriate command. If no command is given,
	// the default command will call the `OnStart` function to start a server.

	// Root returns the root Cobra command. This can be used to add additional
	// commands or flags. Customize it however you like.
	Root() *cobra.Command

CLI is an optional command-line interface for a Huma service. It is provided as a convenience for quickly building a service with configuration from the environment and/or command-line options, all tied to a simple type-safe Go struct.

// First, define your input options.
type Options struct {
	Debug bool   `doc:"Enable debug logging"`
	Host  string `doc:"Hostname to listen on."`
	Port  int    `doc:"Port to listen on." short:"p" default:"8888"`

// Then, create the CLI.
cli := huma.NewCLI(func(hooks huma.Hooks, opts *Options) {
	fmt.Printf("Options are debug:%v host:%v port%v\n",
		opts.Debug, opts.Host, opts.Port)

	// Set up the router & API
	router := chi.NewRouter()
	api := humachi.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))

	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID: "hello",
		Method:      http.MethodGet,
		Path:        "/hello",
	}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{}) (*struct{}, error) {
		// TODO: implement handler
		return nil, nil

	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:    fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port),
		Handler: router,
		// TODO: Set up timeouts!

	hooks.OnStart(func() {
		if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
			log.Fatalf("listen: %s\n", err)

	hooks.OnStop(func() {

// Run the thing!

func NewCLI

func NewCLI[O any](onParsed func(Hooks, *O)) CLI

NewCLI creates a new CLI. The `onParsed` callback is called after the command options have been parsed and the options struct has been populated. You should set up a `hooks.OnStart` callback to start the server with your chosen router.

// First, define your input options.
type Options struct {
	Debug bool   `doc:"Enable debug logging"`
	Host  string `doc:"Hostname to listen on."`
	Port  int    `doc:"Port to listen on." short:"p" default:"8888"`

// Then, create the CLI.
cli := huma.NewCLI(func(hooks huma.Hooks, opts *Options) {
	fmt.Printf("Options are debug:%v host:%v port%v\n",
		opts.Debug, opts.Host, opts.Port)

	// Set up the router & API
	router := chi.NewRouter()
	api := humachi.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))
	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port),
		Handler: router,
		// TODO: Set up timeouts!

	hooks.OnStart(func() {
		if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
			log.Fatalf("listen: %s\n", err)

	hooks.OnStop(func() {

// Run the thing!

type Components

type Components struct {
	// Schemas is an object to hold reusable Schema Objects.
	Schemas Registry `yaml:"schemas,omitempty"`

	// Responses is an object to hold reusable Response Objects.
	Responses map[string]*Response `yaml:"responses,omitempty"`

	// Parameters is an object to hold reusable Parameter Objects.
	Parameters map[string]*Param `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`

	// Examples is an object to hold reusable Example Objects.
	Examples map[string]*Example `yaml:"examples,omitempty"`

	// RequestBodies is an object to hold reusable Request Body Objects.
	RequestBodies map[string]*RequestBody `yaml:"requestBodies,omitempty"`

	// Headers is an object to hold reusable Header Objects.
	Headers map[string]*Header `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`

	// SecuritySchemes is an object to hold reusable Security Scheme Objects.
	SecuritySchemes map[string]*SecurityScheme `yaml:"securitySchemes,omitempty"`

	// Links is an object to hold reusable Link Objects.
	Links map[string]*Link `yaml:"links,omitempty"`

	// Callbacks is an object to hold reusable Callback Objects.
	Callbacks map[string]*PathItem `yaml:"callbacks,omitempty"`

	// PathItems is an object to hold reusable Path Item Objects.
	PathItems map[string]*PathItem `yaml:"pathItems,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Components holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the OAS. All objects defined within the components object will have no effect on the API unless they are explicitly referenced from properties outside the components object.

      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int32
          type: string
      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int64
          type: string
      type: object
          type: integer
          format: int64
          type: string
      name: skip
      in: query
      description: number of items to skip
      required: true
        type: integer
        format: int32
      name: limit
      in: query
      description: max records to return
      required: true
        type: integer
        format: int32
      description: Entity not found.
      description: Illegal input for operation.
      description: General Error
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeneralError'
      type: apiKey
      name: api_key
      in: header
      type: oauth2
            write:pets: modify pets in your account
            read:pets: read your pets

type Config

type Config struct {
	// OpenAPI spec for the API. You should set at least the `Info.Title` and
	// `Info.Version` fields.

	// OpenAPIPath is the path to the OpenAPI spec without extension. If set
	// to `/openapi` it will allow clients to get `/openapi.json` or
	// `/openapi.yaml`, for example.
	OpenAPIPath string

	// DocsPath is the path to the API documentation. If set to `/docs` it will
	// allow clients to get `/docs` to view the documentation in a browser. If
	// you wish to provide your own documentation renderer, you can leave this
	// blank and attach it directly to the router or adapter.
	DocsPath string

	// SchemasPath is the path to the API schemas. If set to `/schemas` it will
	// allow clients to get `/schemas/{schema}` to view the schema in a browser
	// or for use in editors like VSCode to provide autocomplete & validation.
	SchemasPath string

	// Formats defines the supported request/response formats by content type or
	// extension (e.g. `json` for `application/my-format+json`).
	Formats map[string]Format

	// DefaultFormat specifies the default content type to use when the client
	// does not specify one. If unset, the default type will be randomly
	// chosen from the keys of `Formats`.
	DefaultFormat string

	// Transformers are a way to modify a response body before it is serialized.
	Transformers []Transformer

Config represents a configuration for a new API. See `huma.DefaultConfig()` as a starting point.

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig(title, version string) Config

DefaultConfig returns a default configuration for a new API. It is a good starting point for creating your own configuration. It supports JSON and CBOR formats out of the box. The registry uses references for structs and a link transformer is included to add `$schema` fields and links into responses. The `/openapi.[json|yaml]`, `/docs`, and `/schemas` paths are set up to serve the OpenAPI spec, docs UI, and schemas respectively.

// Create and customize the config (if desired).
config := huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0")

// Create the API using the config.
router := chi.NewMux()
api := humachi.New(router, config)

type Contact

type Contact struct {
	// Name of the contact person/organization.
	Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`

	// URL pointing to the contact information.
	URL string `yaml:"url,omitempty"`

	// Email address of the contact person/organization.
	Email string `yaml:"email,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Contact information to get support for the API.

name: API Support

type ContentTypeFilter

type ContentTypeFilter interface {
	ContentType(string) string

ContentTypeFilter allows you to override the content type for responses, allowing you to return a different content type like `application/problem+json` after using the `application/json` marshaller. This should be implemented by the response body struct.

type Context

type Context interface {
	// Operation returns the OpenAPI operation that matched the request.
	Operation() *Operation

	// Context returns the underlying request context.
	Context() context.Context

	// Method returns the HTTP method for the request.
	Method() string

	// Host returns the HTTP host for the request.
	Host() string

	// URL returns the full URL for the request.
	URL() url.URL

	// Param returns the value for the given path parameter.
	Param(name string) string

	// Query returns the value for the given query parameter.
	Query(name string) string

	// Header returns the value for the given header.
	Header(name string) string

	// EachHeader iterates over all headers and calls the given callback with
	// the header name and value.
	EachHeader(cb func(name, value string))

	// BodyReader returns the request body reader.
	BodyReader() io.Reader

	// GetMultipartForm returns the parsed multipart form, if any.
	GetMultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

	// SetReadDeadline sets the read deadline for the request body.
	SetReadDeadline(time.Time) error

	// SetStatus sets the HTTP status code for the response.
	SetStatus(code int)

	// SetHeader sets the given header to the given value, overwriting any
	// existing value. Use `AppendHeader` to append a value instead.
	SetHeader(name, value string)

	// AppendHeader appends the given value to the given header.
	AppendHeader(name, value string)

	// BodyWriter returns the response body writer.
	BodyWriter() io.Writer

Context is the current request/response context. It provides a generic interface to get request information and write responses.

type Encoding

type Encoding struct {
	// ContentType for encoding a specific property. Default value depends on the
	// property type: for object - application/json; for array – the default is
	// defined based on the inner type; for all other cases the default is
	// application/octet-stream. The value can be a specific media type (e.g.
	// application/json), a wildcard media type (e.g. image/*), or a
	// comma-separated list of the two types.
	ContentType string `yaml:"contentType,omitempty"`

	// Headers is a map allowing additional information to be provided as headers,
	// for example Content-Disposition. Content-Type is described separately and
	// SHALL be ignored in this section. This property SHALL be ignored if the
	// request body media type is not a multipart.
	Headers map[string]*Header `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`

	// Style describes how a specific property value will be serialized depending
	// on its type. See Parameter Object for details on the style property. The
	// behavior follows the same values as query parameters, including default
	// values. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is
	// not application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. If a value is
	// explicitly defined, then the value of contentType (implicit or explicit)
	// SHALL be ignored.
	Style string `yaml:"style,omitempty"`

	// Explode, when true, property values of type array or object generate
	// separate parameters for each value of the array, or key-value-pair of the
	// map. For other types of properties this property has no effect. When style
	// is form, the default value is true. For all other styles, the default value
	// is false. This property SHALL be ignored if the request body media type is
	// not application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. If a value is
	// explicitly defined, then the value of contentType (implicit or explicit)
	// SHALL be ignored.
	Explode *bool `yaml:"explode,omitempty"`

	// AllowReserved determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved
	// characters, as defined by [RFC3986] :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;= to be included
	// without percent-encoding. The default value is false. This property SHALL
	// be ignored if the request body media type is not
	// application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. If a value is
	// explicitly defined, then the value of contentType (implicit or explicit)
	// SHALL be ignored.
	AllowReserved bool `yaml:"allowReserved,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Encoding is a single encoding definition applied to a single schema property.

        type: object
            # default is text/plain
            type: string
            format: uuid
            # default is application/json
            type: object
            properties: {}
            # need to declare XML format!
            description: metadata in XML format
            type: object
            properties: {}
          profileImage: {}
          # require XML Content-Type in utf-8 encoding
          contentType: application/xml; charset=utf-8
          # only accept png/jpeg
          contentType: image/png, image/jpeg
              description: The number of allowed requests in the current period
                type: integer

type ErrorDetail

type ErrorDetail struct {
	// Message is a human-readable explanation of the error.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty" doc:"Error message text"`

	// Location is a path-like string indicating where the error occurred.
	// It typically begins with `path`, `query`, `header`, or `body`. Example:
	// `body.items[3].tags` or `path.thing-id`.
	Location string `json:"location,omitempty" doc:"Where the error occurred, e.g. 'body.items[3].tags' or 'path.thing-id'"`

	// Value is the value at the given location, echoed back to the client
	// to help with debugging. This can be useful for e.g. validating that
	// the client didn't send extra whitespace or help when the client
	// did not log an outgoing request.
	Value any `json:"value,omitempty" doc:"The value at the given location"`

ErrorDetail provides details about a specific error.

func (*ErrorDetail) Error

func (e *ErrorDetail) Error() string

Error returns the error message / satisfies the `error` interface. If a location and value are set, they will be included in the error message, otherwise just the message is returned.

func (*ErrorDetail) ErrorDetail

func (e *ErrorDetail) ErrorDetail() *ErrorDetail

ErrorDetail satisfies the `ErrorDetailer` interface.

type ErrorDetailer

type ErrorDetailer interface {
	ErrorDetail() *ErrorDetail

ErrorDetailer returns error details for responses & debugging. This enables the use of custom error types. See `NewError` for more details.

type ErrorModel

type ErrorModel struct {
	// Type is a URI to get more information about the error type.
	Type string `` /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Title provides a short static summary of the problem. Huma will default this
	// to the HTTP response status code text if not present.
	Title string `` /* 166-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Status provides the HTTP status code for client convenience. Huma will
	// default this to the response status code if unset. This SHOULD match the
	// response status code (though proxies may modify the actual status code).
	Status int `json:"status,omitempty" example:"400" doc:"HTTP status code"`

	// Detail is an explanation specific to this error occurrence.
	Detail string `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Instance is a URI to get more info about this error occurrence.
	Instance string `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */

	// Errors provides an optional mechanism of passing additional error details
	// as a list.
	Errors []*ErrorDetail `json:"errors,omitempty" doc:"Optional list of individual error details"`

ErrorModel defines a basic error message model based on RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs ( It is augmented with an `errors` field of `huma.ErrorDetail` objects that can help provide exhaustive & descriptive errors.

err := &huma.ErrorModel{
	Title: http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest),
	Status http.StatusBadRequest,
	Detail: "Validation failed",
	Errors: []*huma.ErrorDetail{
			Message: "expected required property id to be present",
			Location: "body.friends[0]",
			Value: nil,
			Message: "expected boolean",
			Location: "body.friends[1].active",
			Value: 5,

func (*ErrorModel) Add

func (e *ErrorModel) Add(err error)

Add an error to the `Errors` slice. If passed a struct that satisfies the `huma.ErrorDetailer` interface, then it is used, otherwise the error string is used as the error detail message.

err := &ErrorModel{ /* ... */ }
	Message: "expected boolean",
	Location: "body.friends[1].active",
	Value: 5

func (*ErrorModel) ContentType

func (e *ErrorModel) ContentType(ct string) string

ContentType provides a filter to adjust response content types. This is used to ensure e.g. `application/problem+json` content types defined in RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs are used in responses to clients.

func (*ErrorModel) Error

func (e *ErrorModel) Error() string

Error satisfies the `error` interface. It returns the error's detail field.

func (*ErrorModel) GetStatus

func (e *ErrorModel) GetStatus() int

GetStatus returns the HTTP status that should be returned to the client for this error.

type Example

type Example struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// Summary is a short summary of the example.
	Summary string `yaml:"summary,omitempty"`

	// Description is a long description of the example. CommonMark syntax MAY
	// be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Value is an embedded literal example. The `value` field and `externalValue`
	// field are mutually exclusive. To represent examples of media types that
	// cannot naturally represented in JSON or YAML, use a string value to contain
	// the example, escaping where necessary.
	Value any `yaml:"value,omitempty"`

	// ExternalValue is a URI that points to the literal example. This provides
	// the capability to reference examples that cannot easily be included in JSON
	// or YAML documents. The `value` field and `externalValue` field are mutually
	// exclusive. See the rules for resolving Relative References.
	ExternalValue string `yaml:"externalValue,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Example value of a request param or body or response header or body.

        $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address'
          summary: A foo example
          value: {"foo": "bar"}
          summary: A bar example
          value: {"bar": "baz"}

type ExternalDocs

type ExternalDocs struct {
	// Description of the target documentation. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for
	// rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// URL is REQUIRED. The URL for the target documentation. Value MUST be in the
	// format of a URL.
	URL string `yaml:"url"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

ExternalDocs allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.

description: Find more info here

type Format

type Format struct {
	// Marshal a value to a given writer (e.g. response body).
	Marshal func(writer io.Writer, v any) error

	// Unmarshal a value into `v` from the given bytes (e.g. request body).
	Unmarshal func(data []byte, v any) error

Format represents a request / response format. It is used to marshal and unmarshal data.

type Header = Param

Header object follows the structure of the Parameter Object with the following changes:

  • name MUST NOT be specified, it is given in the corresponding headers map.

  • in MUST NOT be specified, it is implicitly in header.

  • All traits that are affected by the location MUST be applicable to a location of header (for example, style).


description: The number of allowed requests in the current period
  type: integer

type Hooks

type Hooks interface {
	// OnStart sets a function to call when the service should be started. This
	// is called by the default command if no command is given. The callback
	// should take whatever steps are necessary to start the server, such as
	// `httpServer.ListenAndServer(...)`.

	// OnStop sets a function to call when the service should be stopped. This
	// is called by the default command if no command is given. The callback
	// should take whatever steps are necessary to stop the server, such as
	// `httpServer.Shutdown(...)`.

Hooks is an interface for setting up callbacks for the CLI. It is used to start and stop the service.

type Info

type Info struct {
	// Title of the API.
	Title string `yaml:"title"`

	// Description of the API. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// TermsOfService URL for the API.
	TermsOfService string `yaml:"termsOfService,omitempty"`

	// Contact information to get support for the API.
	Contact *Contact `yaml:"contact,omitempty"`

	// License name & link for using the API.
	License *License `yaml:"license,omitempty"`

	// Version of the OpenAPI document (which is distinct from the OpenAPI Specification version or the API implementation version).
	Version string `yaml:"version"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Info object that provides metadata about the API. The metadata MAY be used by the clients if needed, and MAY be presented in editing or documentation generation tools for convenience.

title: Sample Pet Store App
summary: A pet store manager.
description: This is a sample server for a pet store.
  name: API Support
  name: Apache 2.0
version: 1.0.1

type License

type License struct {
	// Name of the license.
	Name string `yaml:"name"`

	// Identifier SPDX license expression for the API. This field is mutually
	// exclusive with the URL field.
	Identifier string `yaml:"identifier,omitempty"`

	// URL pointing to the license. This field is mutually exclusive with the
	// Identifier field.
	URL string `yaml:"url,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

License name & link for using the API.

name: Apache 2.0
identifier: Apache-2.0
type Link struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// OperationRef is a relative or absolute URI reference to an OAS operation.
	// This field is mutually exclusive of the operationId field, and MUST point
	// to an Operation Object. Relative operationRef values MAY be used to locate
	// an existing Operation Object in the OpenAPI definition. See the rules for
	// resolving Relative References.
	OperationRef string `yaml:"operationRef,omitempty"`

	// OperationID is the name of an existing, resolvable OAS operation, as
	// defined with a unique operationId. This field is mutually exclusive of the
	// operationRef field.
	OperationID string `yaml:"operationId,omitempty"`

	// Parameters is a map representing parameters to pass to an operation as
	// specified with operationId or identified via operationRef. The key is the
	// parameter name to be used, whereas the value can be a constant or an
	// expression to be evaluated and passed to the linked operation. The
	// parameter name can be qualified using the parameter location [{in}.]{name}
	// for operations that use the same parameter name in different locations
	// (e.g.
	Parameters map[string]any `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`

	// RequestBody is a literal value or {expression} to use as a request body
	// when calling the target operation.
	RequestBody any `yaml:"requestBody,omitempty"`

	// Description of the link. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Server object to be used by the target operation.
	Server *Server `yaml:"server,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Link object represents a possible design-time link for a response. The presence of a link does not guarantee the caller’s ability to successfully invoke it, rather it provides a known relationship and traversal mechanism between responses and other operations.

Unlike dynamic links (i.e. links provided in the response payload), the OAS linking mechanism does not require link information in the runtime response.

For computing links, and providing instructions to execute them, a runtime expression is used for accessing values in an operation and using them as parameters while invoking the linked operation.

    - name: id
      in: path
      required: true
      description: the user identifier, as userId
        type: string
          description: the user being returned
                type: object
                  uuid: # the unique user id
                    type: string
                    format: uuid
              # the target link operationId
              operationId: getUserAddress
                # get the `id` field from the request path parameter named `id`
                userId: $
  # the path item of the linked operation
    - name: userid
      in: path
      required: true
      description: the user identifier, as userId
        type: string
    # linked operation
      operationId: getUserAddress
          description: the user's address

type MediaType

type MediaType struct {
	// Schema defining the content of the request, response, or parameter.
	Schema *Schema `yaml:"schema,omitempty"`

	// Example of the media type. The example object SHOULD be in the correct
	// format as specified by the media type. The example field is mutually
	// exclusive of the examples field. Furthermore, if referencing a schema which
	// contains an example, the example value SHALL override the example provided
	// by the schema.
	Example any `yaml:"example,omitempty"`

	// Examples of the media type. Each example object SHOULD match the media type
	// and specified schema if present. The examples field is mutually exclusive
	// of the example field. Furthermore, if referencing a schema which contains
	// an example, the examples value SHALL override the example provided by the
	// schema.
	Examples map[string]*Example `yaml:"examples,omitempty"`

	// Encoding is a map between a property name and its encoding information. The
	// key, being the property name, MUST exist in the schema as a property. The
	// encoding object SHALL only apply to requestBody objects when the media type
	// is multipart or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
	Encoding map[string]*Encoding `yaml:"encoding,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

MediaType object provides schema and examples for the media type identified by its key.

    $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
      summary: An example of a cat
        name: Fluffy
        petType: Cat
        color: White
        gender: male
        breed: Persian

type Middlewares

type Middlewares []func(ctx Context, next func(Context))

Middlewares is a list of middleware functions that can be attached to an API and will be called for all incoming requests.

func (Middlewares) Handler

func (m Middlewares) Handler(endpoint func(Context)) func(Context)

Handler builds and returns a handler func from the chain of middlewares, with `endpoint func` as the final handler.

type ModelValidator

type ModelValidator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ModelValidator is a utility for validating e.g. JSON loaded data against a Go struct model. It is not goroutine-safe and should not be used in HTTP handlers! Schemas are generated on-the-fly on first use and re-used on subsequent calls. This utility can be used to easily validate data outside of the normal request/response flow, for example on application startup:

type MyExample struct {
	Name string `json:"name" maxLength:"5"`
	Age int `json:"age" minimum:"25"`

var value any
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "abcdefg", "age": 1}`), &value)

validator := ModelValidator()
errs := validator.Validate(reflect.TypeOf(MyExample{}), value)
if errs != nil {
	fmt.Println("Validation error", errs)
// Define a type you want to validate.
type Model struct {
	Name string `json:"name" maxLength:"5"`
	Age  int    `json:"age" minimum:"25"`

typ := reflect.TypeOf(Model{})

// Unmarshal some JSON into an `any` for validation. This input should not
// validate against the schema for the struct above.
var val any
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "abcdefg", "age": 1}`), &val)

// Validate the unmarshaled data against the type and print errors.
validator := huma.NewModelValidator()
errs := validator.Validate(typ, val)

// Try again with valid data!
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "foo", "age": 25}`), &val)
errs = validator.Validate(typ, val)

[expected length <= 5 (name: abcdefg) expected number >= 25 (age: 1)]

func NewModelValidator

func NewModelValidator() *ModelValidator

NewModelValidator creates a new model validator with all the components it needs to create schemas, validate them, and return any errors.

func (*ModelValidator) Validate

func (v *ModelValidator) Validate(typ reflect.Type, value any) []error

Validate the inputs. The type should be the Go struct with validation field tags and the value should be e.g. JSON loaded into an `any`. A list of errors is returned if validation failed, otherwise `nil`.

type MyExample struct {
	Name string `json:"name" maxLength:"5"`
	Age int `json:"age" minimum:"25"`

var value any
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"name": "abcdefg", "age": 1}`), &value)

validator := ModelValidator()
errs := validator.Validate(reflect.TypeOf(MyExample{}), value)
if errs != nil {
	fmt.Println("Validation error", errs)

type OAuthFlow

type OAuthFlow struct {
	// AuthorizationURL is REQUIRED. The authorization URL to be used for this
	// flow. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the
	// use of TLS.
	AuthorizationURL string `yaml:"authorizationUrl"`

	// TokenURL is REQUIRED. The token URL to be used for this flow. This MUST be
	// in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.
	TokenURL string `yaml:"tokenUrl"`

	// RefreshURL is the URL to be used for obtaining refresh tokens. This MUST be
	// in the form of a URL. The OAuth2 standard requires the use of TLS.
	RefreshURL string `yaml:"refreshUrl,omitempty"`

	// Scopes are REQUIRED. The available scopes for the OAuth2 security scheme. A
	// map between the scope name and a short description for it. The map MAY be
	// empty.
	Scopes map[string]string `yaml:"scopes"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

OAuthFlow stores configuration details for a supported OAuth Flow.

type: oauth2
      write:pets: modify pets in your account
      read:pets: read your pets
      write:pets: modify pets in your account
      read:pets: read your pets

type OAuthFlows

type OAuthFlows struct {
	// Implicit is the configuration for the OAuth Implicit flow.
	Implicit *OAuthFlow `yaml:"implicit,omitempty"`

	// Password is the configuration for the OAuth Resource Owner Password flow.
	Password *OAuthFlow `yaml:"password,omitempty"`

	// ClientCredentials is the configuration for the OAuth Client Credentials
	// flow. Previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0.
	ClientCredentials *OAuthFlow `yaml:"clientCredentials,omitempty"`

	// AuthorizationCode is the configuration for the OAuth Authorization Code
	// flow. Previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0.
	AuthorizationCode *OAuthFlow `yaml:"authorizationCode,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

OAuthFlows allows configuration of the supported OAuth Flows.

type OpenAPI

type OpenAPI struct {
	// OpenAPI is REQUIRED. This string MUST be the version number of the OpenAPI
	// Specification that the OpenAPI document uses. The openapi field SHOULD be
	// used by tooling to interpret the OpenAPI document. This is not related to
	// the API info.version string.
	OpenAPI string `yaml:"openapi"`

	// Info is REQUIRED. Provides metadata about the API. The metadata MAY be used
	// by tooling as required.
	Info *Info `yaml:"info"`

	// JSONSchemaDialect is he default value for the $schema keyword within Schema
	// Objects contained within this OAS document. This MUST be in the form of a
	// URI.
	JSONSchemaDialect string `yaml:"jsonSchemaDialect,omitempty"`

	// Servers is an array of Server Objects, which provide connectivity
	// information to a target server. If the servers property is not provided, or
	// is an empty array, the default value would be a Server Object with a url
	// value of /.
	Servers []*Server `yaml:"servers,omitempty"`

	// Paths are the available paths and operations for the API.
	Paths map[string]*PathItem `yaml:"paths,omitempty"`

	// Webhooks that MAY be received as part of this API and that the API consumer
	// MAY choose to implement. Closely related to the callbacks feature, this
	// section describes requests initiated other than by an API call, for example
	// by an out of band registration. The key name is a unique string to refer to
	// each webhook, while the (optionally referenced) Path Item Object describes
	// a request that may be initiated by the API provider and the expected
	// responses. An example is available.
	Webhooks map[string]*PathItem `yaml:"webhooks,omitempty"`

	// Components is an element to hold various schemas for the document.
	Components *Components `yaml:"components,omitempty"`

	// Security is a declaration of which security mechanisms can be used across
	// the API. The list of values includes alternative security requirement
	// objects that can be used. Only one of the security requirement objects need
	// to be satisfied to authorize a request. Individual operations can override
	// this definition. To make security optional, an empty security requirement
	// ({}) can be included in the array.
	Security []map[string][]string `yaml:"security,omitempty"`

	// Tags are a list of tags used by the document with additional metadata. The
	// order of the tags can be used to reflect on their order by the parsing
	// tools. Not all tags that are used by the Operation Object must be declared.
	// The tags that are not declared MAY be organized randomly or based on the
	// tools’ logic. Each tag name in the list MUST be unique.
	Tags []*Tag `yaml:"tags,omitempty"`

	// ExternalDocs is additional external documentation.
	ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

	// OnAddOperation is called when an operation is added to the OpenAPI via
	// `AddOperation`. You may bypass this by directly writing to the `Paths`
	// map instead.
	OnAddOperation []AddOpFunc `yaml:"-"`

OpenAPI is the root object of the OpenAPI document.

func (*OpenAPI) AddOperation

func (o *OpenAPI) AddOperation(op *Operation)

AddOperation adds an operation to the OpenAPI. This is the preferred way to add operations to the OpenAPI, as it will ensure that the operation is properly added to the Paths map, and will call any registered OnAddOperation functions.

func (*OpenAPI) MarshalJSON

func (o *OpenAPI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

type Operation

type Operation struct {

	// Method is the HTTP method for this operation
	Method string `yaml:"-"`

	// Path is the URL path for this operation
	Path string `yaml:"-"`

	// DefaultStatus is the default HTTP status code for this operation. It will
	// be set to 200 or 204 if not specified, depending on whether the handler
	// returns a response body.
	DefaultStatus int `yaml:"-"`

	// MaxBodyBytes is the maximum number of bytes to read from the request
	// body. If not specified, the default is 1MB. Use -1 for unlimited. If
	// the limit is reached, then an HTTP 413 error is returned.
	MaxBodyBytes int64 `yaml:"-"`

	// BodyReadTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the request
	// body to be read. If not specified, the default is 5 seconds. Use -1
	// for unlimited. If the timeout is reached, then an HTTP 408 error is
	// returned. This value supercedes the server's read timeout, and a value
	// of -1 can unset the server's timeout.
	BodyReadTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"-"`

	// Errors is a list of HTTP status codes that the handler may return. If
	// not specified, then a default error response is added to the OpenAPI.
	// This is a convenience for handlers that return a fixed set of errors
	// where you do not wish to provide each one as an OpenAPI response object.
	// Each error specified here is expanded into a response object with the
	// schema generated from the type returned by `huma.NewError()`.
	Errors []int `yaml:"-"`

	// SkipValidateParams disables validation of path, query, and header
	// parameters. This can speed up request processing if you want to handle
	// your own validation. Use with caution!
	SkipValidateParams bool `yaml:"-"`

	// SkipValidateBody disables validation of the request body. This can speed
	// up request processing if you want to handle your own validation. Use with
	// caution!
	SkipValidateBody bool `yaml:"-"`

	// Hidden will skip documenting this operation in the OpenAPI. This is
	// useful for operations that are not intended to be used by clients but
	// you'd still like the benefits of using Huma. Generally not recommended.
	Hidden bool `yaml:"-"`

	// Metadata is a map of arbitrary data that can be attached to the operation.
	// This can be used to store custom data, such as custom settings for
	// functions which generate operations.
	Metadata map[string]any `yaml:"-"`

	// Tags is a list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for
	// logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier.
	Tags []string `yaml:"tags,omitempty"`

	// Summary is a short summary of what the operation does.
	Summary string `yaml:"summary,omitempty"`

	// Description is a verbose explanation of the operation behavior. CommonMark
	// syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// ExternalDocs describes additional external documentation for this
	// operation.
	ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"`

	// OperationID is a unique string used to identify the operation. The id MUST
	// be unique among all operations described in the API. The operationId value
	// is case-sensitive. Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely
	// identify an operation, therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to follow common
	// programming naming conventions.
	OperationID string `yaml:"operationId,omitempty"`

	// Parameters is a list of parameters that are applicable for this operation.
	// If a parameter is already defined at the Path Item, the new definition will
	// override it but can never remove it. The list MUST NOT include duplicated
	// parameters. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and
	// location. The list can use the Reference Object to link to parameters that
	// are defined at the OpenAPI Object’s components/parameters.
	Parameters []*Param `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`

	// RequestBody applicable for this operation. The requestBody is fully
	// supported in HTTP methods where the HTTP 1.1 specification [RFC7231] has
	// explicitly defined semantics for request bodies. In other cases where the
	// HTTP spec is vague (such as GET, HEAD and DELETE), requestBody is permitted
	// but does not have well-defined semantics and SHOULD be avoided if possible.
	RequestBody *RequestBody `yaml:"requestBody,omitempty"`

	// Responses is the list of possible responses as they are returned from
	// executing this operation.
	Responses map[string]*Response `yaml:"responses,omitempty"`

	// Callbacks is a map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent
	// operation. The key is a unique identifier for the Callback Object. Each
	// value in the map is a Callback Object that describes a request that may be
	// initiated by the API provider and the expected responses.
	Callbacks map[string]*PathItem `yaml:"callbacks,omitempty"`

	// Deprecated declares this operation to be deprecated. Consumers SHOULD
	// refrain from usage of the declared operation. Default value is false.
	Deprecated bool `yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"`

	// Security is a declaration of which security mechanisms can be used for this
	// operation. The list of values includes alternative security requirement
	// objects that can be used. Only one of the security requirement objects need
	// to be satisfied to authorize a request. To make security optional, an empty
	// security requirement ({}) can be included in the array. This definition
	// overrides any declared top-level security. To remove a top-level security
	// declaration, an empty array can be used.
	Security []map[string][]string `yaml:"security,omitempty"`

	// Servers is an alternative server array to service this operation. If an
	// alternative server object is specified at the Path Item Object or Root
	// level, it will be overridden by this value.
	Servers []*Server `yaml:"servers,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Operation describes a single API operation on a path.

- pet
summary: Updates a pet in the store with form data
operationId: updatePetWithForm
- name: petId
  in: path
  description: ID of pet that needs to be updated
  required: true
    type: string
       type: object
            description: Updated name of the pet
            type: string
            description: Updated status of the pet
            type: string
         - status
    description: Pet updated.
      'application/json': {}
      'application/xml': {}
    description: Method Not Allowed
      'application/json': {}
      'application/xml': {}
- petstore_auth:
  - write:pets
  - read:pets

type Param

type Param struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// Name is REQUIRED. The name of the parameter. Parameter names are case
	// sensitive.
	//   - If in is "path", the name field MUST correspond to a template expression
	//     occurring within the path field in the Paths Object. See Path Templating
	//     for further information.
	//   - If in is "header" and the name field is "Accept", "Content-Type" or
	//     "Authorization", the parameter definition SHALL be ignored.
	//   - For all other cases, the name corresponds to the parameter name used by
	//     the in property.
	Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`

	// In is REQUIRED. The location of the parameter. Possible values are "query",
	// "header", "path" or "cookie".
	In string `yaml:"in,omitempty"`

	// Description of the parameter. This could contain examples of use.
	// CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Required determines whether this parameter is mandatory. If the parameter
	// location is "path", this property is REQUIRED and its value MUST be true.
	// Otherwise, the property MAY be included and its default value is false.
	Required bool `yaml:"required,omitempty"`

	// Deprecated specifies that a parameter is deprecated and SHOULD be
	// transitioned out of usage. Default value is false.
	Deprecated bool `yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"`

	// AllowEmptyValue sets the ability to pass empty-valued parameters. This is
	// valid only for query parameters and allows sending a parameter with an
	// empty value. Default value is false. If style is used, and if behavior is
	// n/a (cannot be serialized), the value of allowEmptyValue SHALL be ignored.
	// Use of this property is NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is likely to be removed in a
	// later revision.
	AllowEmptyValue bool `yaml:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty"`

	// Style describes how the parameter value will be serialized depending on the
	// type of the parameter value. Default values (based on value of in): for
	// query - form; for path - simple; for header - simple; for cookie - form.
	Style string `yaml:"style,omitempty"`

	// Explode, when true, makes parameter values of type array or object generate
	// separate parameters for each value of the array or key-value pair of the
	// map. For other types of parameters this property has no effect. When style
	// is form, the default value is true. For all other styles, the default value
	// is false.
	Explode *bool `yaml:"explode,omitempty"`

	// AllowReserved determines whether the parameter value SHOULD allow reserved
	// characters, as defined by [RFC3986] :/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;= to be included
	// without percent-encoding. This property only applies to parameters with an
	// in value of query. The default value is false.
	AllowReserved bool `yaml:"allowReserved,omitempty"`

	// Schema defining the type used for the parameter.
	Schema *Schema `yaml:"schema,omitempty"`

	// Example of the parameter’s potential value. The example SHOULD match the
	// specified schema and encoding properties if present. The example field is
	// mutually exclusive of the examples field. Furthermore, if referencing a
	// schema that contains an example, the example value SHALL override the
	// example provided by the schema. To represent examples of media types that
	// cannot naturally be represented in JSON or YAML, a string value can contain
	// the example with escaping where necessary.
	Example any `yaml:"example,omitempty"`

	// Examples of the parameter’s potential value. Each example SHOULD contain a
	// value in the correct format as specified in the parameter encoding. The
	// examples field is mutually exclusive of the example field. Furthermore, if
	// referencing a schema that contains an example, the examples value SHALL
	// override the example provided by the schema.
	Examples map[string]*Example `yaml:"examples,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Param Describes a single operation parameter.

A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location.

name: username
in: path
description: username to fetch
required: true
  type: string

type PathBuffer

type PathBuffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PathBuffer is a low-allocation helper for building a path string like ``. It is not goroutine-safe. Combined with `sync.Pool` it can result in zero allocations, and is used for validation. It is significantly better than `strings.Builder` and `bytes.Buffer` for this use case.

Path buffers can be converted to strings for use in responses or printing using either the `pb.String()` or `pb.With("field")` methods.

pb := NewPathBuffer([]byte{}, 0)
pb.Push("foo")  // foo
pb.PushIndex(1) // foo[1]
pb.Push("bar")  // foo[1].bar
pb.Pop()        // foo[1]
pb.Pop()        // foo

func NewPathBuffer

func NewPathBuffer(buf []byte, offset int) *PathBuffer

NewPathBuffer creates a new path buffer given an existing byte slice. Tip: using `sync.Pool` can significantly reduce buffer allocations.

pb := NewPathBuffer([]byte{}, 0)

func (*PathBuffer) Bytes

func (b *PathBuffer) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the underlying slice of bytes of the path.

func (*PathBuffer) Len

func (b *PathBuffer) Len() int

Len returns the length of the current path.

func (*PathBuffer) Pop

func (b *PathBuffer) Pop()

Pop the latest entry off the path.

pb.Push("foo")  // foo
pb.PushIndex(1) // foo[1]
pb.Push("bar")  // foo[1].bar
pb.Pop()        // foo[1]
pb.Pop()        // foo

func (*PathBuffer) Push

func (b *PathBuffer) Push(s string)

Push an entry onto the path, adding a `.` separator as needed.

pb.Push("foo") // foo
pb.Push("bar") //

func (*PathBuffer) PushIndex

func (b *PathBuffer) PushIndex(i int)

PushIndex pushes an entry onto the path surrounded by `[` and `]`.

pb.Push("foo")  // foo
pb.PushIndex(1) // foo[1]

func (*PathBuffer) Reset

func (b *PathBuffer) Reset()

Reset the path buffer to empty, keeping and reusing the underlying bytes.

func (*PathBuffer) String

func (b *PathBuffer) String() string

String converts the path buffer to a string.

func (*PathBuffer) With

func (b *PathBuffer) With(s string) string

With is shorthand for push, convert to string, and pop. This is useful when you want the location of a field given a path buffer as a prefix.

pb.With("bar") // returns

type PathItem

type PathItem struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// Summary is an optional, string summary, intended to apply to all operations
	// in this path.
	Summary string `yaml:"summary,omitempty"`

	// Description is an optional, string description, intended to apply to all
	// operations in this path. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text
	// representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Get is a definition of a GET operation on this path.
	Get *Operation `yaml:"get,omitempty"`

	// Put is a definition of a PUT operation on this path.
	Put *Operation `yaml:"put,omitempty"`

	// Post is a definition of a POST operation on this path.
	Post *Operation `yaml:"post,omitempty"`

	// Delete is a definition of a DELETE operation on this path.
	Delete *Operation `yaml:"delete,omitempty"`

	// Options is a definition of a OPTIONS operation on this path.
	Options *Operation `yaml:"options,omitempty"`

	// Head is a definition of a HEAD operation on this path.
	Head *Operation `yaml:"head,omitempty"`

	// Patch is a definition of a PATCH operation on this path.
	Patch *Operation `yaml:"patch,omitempty"`

	// Trace is a definition of a TRACE operation on this path.
	Trace *Operation `yaml:"trace,omitempty"`

	// Servers is an alternative server array to service all operations in this
	// path.
	Servers []*Server `yaml:"servers,omitempty"`

	// Parameters is a list of parameters that are applicable for all the
	// operations described under this path. These parameters can be overridden at
	// the operation level, but cannot be removed there. The list MUST NOT include
	// duplicated parameters. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a
	// name and location. The list can use the Reference Object to link to
	// parameters that are defined at the OpenAPI Object’s components/parameters.
	Parameters []*Param `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

PathItem describes the operations available on a single path. A Path Item MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will not know which operations and parameters are available.

  description: Returns pets based on ID
  summary: Find pets by ID
  operationId: getPetsById
      description: pet response
        '*/*' :
            type: array
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
      description: error payload
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorModel'
- name: id
  in: path
  description: ID of pet to use
  required: true
    type: array
      type: string
  style: simple

type Registry

type Registry interface {
	Schema(t reflect.Type, allowRef bool, hint string) *Schema
	SchemaFromRef(ref string) *Schema
	TypeFromRef(ref string) reflect.Type
	Map() map[string]*Schema

Registry creates and stores schemas and their references, and supports marshalling to JSON/YAML for use as an OpenAPI #/components/schemas object. Behavior is implementation-dependent, but the design allows for recursive schemas to exist while being flexible enough to support other use cases like only inline objects (no refs) or always using refs for structs.

func NewMapRegistry

func NewMapRegistry(prefix string, namer func(t reflect.Type, hint string) string) Registry

NewMapRegistry creates a new registry that stores schemas in a map and returns references to them using the given prefix.

type RequestBody

type RequestBody struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// Description of the request body. This could contain examples of use.
	// CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Content is REQUIRED. The content of the request body. The key is a media
	// type or media type range and the value describes it. For requests that
	// match multiple keys, only the most specific key is applicable. e.g.
	// text/plain overrides text/*
	Content map[string]*MediaType `yaml:"content"`

	// Required Determines if the request body is required in the request.
	// Defaults to false.
	Required bool `yaml:"required,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

RequestBody describes a single request body.

description: user to add to the system
      $ref: '#/components/schemas/User'
        summary: User Example
        externalValue: ''

type Resolver

type Resolver interface {
	Resolve(ctx Context) []error

Resolver runs a `Resolve` function after a request has been parsed, enabling you to run custom validation or other code that can modify the request and / or return errors.

package main

import (


// Step 1: Create your input struct where you want to do additional validation.
// This struct must implement the `huma.Resolver` interface.
type ExampleInputBody struct {
	Count int `json:"count" minimum:"0"`

func (b *ExampleInputBody) Resolve(ctx huma.Context, prefix *huma.PathBuffer) []error {
	// Return an error if some arbitrary rule is broken. In this case, if it's
	// a multiple of 30 we return an error.
	if b.Count%30 == 0 {
		return []error{&huma.ErrorDetail{
			Location: prefix.With("count"),
			Message:  "multiples of 30 are not allowed",
			Value:    b.Count,

	return nil

func main() {
	// Create the API.
	r := chi.NewRouter()
	api := NewExampleAPI(r, huma.DefaultConfig("Example API", "1.0.0"))

	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID: "resolver-example",
		Method:      http.MethodPut,
		Path:        "/resolver",
	}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
		// Step 2: Use your custom struct with the resolver as a field in the
		// request input. Here we use it as the body of the request.
		Body ExampleInputBody
	}) (*struct{}, error) {
		// Do nothing. Validation should catch the error!
		return nil, nil

	// Make an example request showing the validation error response.
	req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, "/resolver", strings.NewReader(`{"count": 30}`))
	req.Host = ""
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	w := httptest.NewRecorder()

	r.ServeHTTP(w, req)

	out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	json.Indent(out, w.Body.Bytes(), "", "  ")

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Unprocessable Entity",
  "status": 422,
  "detail": "validation failed",
  "errors": [
      "message": "multiples of 30 are not allowed",
      "location": "body.count",
      "value": 30

type ResolverWithPath

type ResolverWithPath interface {
	Resolve(ctx Context, prefix *PathBuffer) []error

ResolverWithPath runs a `Resolve` function after a request has been parsed, enabling you to run custom validation or other code that can modify the request and / or return errors. The `prefix` is the path to the current location for errors, e.g. `[0].bar`.

type Response

type Response struct {
	// Ref is a reference to another example. This field is mutually exclusive
	// with the other fields.
	Ref string `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`

	// Description is REQUIRED. A description of the response. CommonMark syntax
	// MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Headers maps a header name to its definition. [RFC7230] states header names
	// are case insensitive. If a response header is defined with the name
	// "Content-Type", it SHALL be ignored.
	Headers map[string]*Param `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`

	// Content is a map containing descriptions of potential response payloads.
	// The key is a media type or media type range and the value describes it. For
	// responses that match multiple keys, only the most specific key is
	// applicable. e.g. text/plain overrides text/*
	Content map[string]*MediaType `yaml:"content,omitempty"`

	// Links is a map of operations links that can be followed from the response.
	// The key of the map is a short name for the link, following the naming
	// constraints of the names for Component Objects.
	Links map[string]*Link `yaml:"links,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Response describes a single response from an API Operation, including design-time, static links to operations based on the response.

description: A complex object array response
      type: array
        $ref: '#/components/schemas/VeryComplexType'

type Schema

type Schema struct {
	Type                 string             `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
	Title                string             `yaml:"title,omitempty"`
	Description          string             `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
	Ref                  string             `yaml:"$ref,omitempty"`
	Format               string             `yaml:"format,omitempty"`
	ContentEncoding      string             `yaml:"contentEncoding,omitempty"`
	Default              any                `yaml:"default,omitempty"`
	Examples             []any              `yaml:"examples,omitempty"`
	Items                *Schema            `yaml:"items,omitempty"`
	AdditionalProperties any                `yaml:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`
	Properties           map[string]*Schema `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`
	Enum                 []any              `yaml:"enum,omitempty"`
	Minimum              *float64           `yaml:"minimum,omitempty"`
	ExclusiveMinimum     *float64           `yaml:"exclusiveMinimum,omitempty"`
	Maximum              *float64           `yaml:"maximum,omitempty"`
	ExclusiveMaximum     *float64           `yaml:"exclusiveMaximum,omitempty"`
	MultipleOf           *float64           `yaml:"multipleOf,omitempty"`
	MinLength            *int               `yaml:"minLength,omitempty"`
	MaxLength            *int               `yaml:"maxLength,omitempty"`
	Pattern              string             `yaml:"pattern,omitempty"`
	MinItems             *int               `yaml:"minItems,omitempty"`
	MaxItems             *int               `yaml:"maxItems,omitempty"`
	UniqueItems          bool               `yaml:"uniqueItems,omitempty"`
	Required             []string           `yaml:"required,omitempty"`
	MinProperties        *int               `yaml:"minProperties,omitempty"`
	MaxProperties        *int               `yaml:"maxProperties,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly             bool               `yaml:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	WriteOnly            bool               `yaml:"writeOnly,omitempty"`
	Deprecated           bool               `yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"`
	Extensions           map[string]any     `yaml:",inline"`

	OneOf []*Schema `yaml:"oneOf,omitempty"`
	AnyOf []*Schema `yaml:"anyOf,omitempty"`
	AllOf []*Schema `yaml:"allOf,omitempty"`
	Not   *Schema   `yaml:"not,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Schema represents a JSON Schema compatible with OpenAPI 3.1. It is extensible with your own custom properties. It supports a subset of the full JSON Schema spec, designed specifically for use with Go structs and to enable fast zero or near-zero allocation happy-path validation for incoming requests.

Typically you will use a registry and `huma.SchemaFromType` to generate schemas for your types. You can then use `huma.Validate` to validate incoming requests.

// Create a registry and register a type.
registry := huma.NewMapRegistry("#/prefix", huma.DefaultSchemaNamer)
schema := huma.SchemaFromType(registry, reflect.TypeOf(MyType{}))

Note that the registry may create references for your types.

func SchemaFromField

func SchemaFromField(registry Registry, f reflect.StructField, hint string) *Schema

SchemaFromField generates a schema for a given struct field. If the field is a struct (or slice/map of structs) then the registry is used to potentially get a reference to that type.

This is used by `huma.SchemaFromType` when it encounters a struct, and is used to generate schemas for path/query/header parameters.

func SchemaFromType

func SchemaFromType(r Registry, t reflect.Type) *Schema

SchemaFromType returns a schema for a given type, using the registry to possibly create references for nested structs. The schema that is returned can then be passed to `huma.Validate` to efficiently validate incoming requests.

// Create a registry and register a type.
registry := huma.NewMapRegistry("#/prefix", huma.DefaultSchemaNamer)
schema := huma.SchemaFromType(registry, reflect.TypeOf(MyType{}))

func (*Schema) MarshalJSON

func (s *Schema) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals the schema into JSON, respecting the `Extensions` map to marshal extensions inline.

func (*Schema) PrecomputeMessages

func (s *Schema) PrecomputeMessages()

PrecomputeMessages tries to precompute as many validation error messages as possible so that new strings aren't allocated during request validation.

type SchemaLinkTransformer

type SchemaLinkTransformer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SchemaLinkTransformer is a transform that adds a `$schema` field to the response (if it is a struct) and a Link header pointing to the JSON Schema that describes the response structure. This is useful for clients to understand the structure of the response and enables things like as-you-type validation & completion of HTTP resources in editors like VSCode.

func NewSchemaLinkTransformer

func NewSchemaLinkTransformer(prefix, schemasPath string) *SchemaLinkTransformer

NewSchemaLinkTransformer creates a new transformer that will add a `$schema` field to the response (if it is a struct) and a Link header pointing to the JSON Schema that describes the response structure. This is useful for clients to understand the structure of the response and enables things like as-you-type validation & completion of HTTP resources in editors like VSCode.

func (*SchemaLinkTransformer) OnAddOperation

func (t *SchemaLinkTransformer) OnAddOperation(oapi *OpenAPI, op *Operation)

OnAddOperation is triggered whenever a new operation is added to the API, enabling this transformer to precompute & cache information about the response and schema.

func (*SchemaLinkTransformer) Transform

func (t *SchemaLinkTransformer) Transform(ctx Context, status string, v any) (any, error)

Transform is called for every response to add the `$schema` field and/or the Link header pointing to the JSON Schema.

type SchemaProvider

type SchemaProvider interface {
	Schema(r Registry) *Schema

SchemaProvider is an interface that can be implemented by types to provide a custom schema for themselves, overriding the built-in schema generation. This can be used by custom types with their own special serialization rules.

type SecurityScheme

type SecurityScheme struct {
	// Type is REQUIRED. The type of the security scheme. Valid values are
	// "apiKey", "http", "mutualTLS", "oauth2", "openIdConnect".
	Type string `yaml:"type"`

	// Description for security scheme. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich
	// text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Name is REQUIRED. The name of the header, query or cookie parameter to be
	// used.
	Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`

	// In is REQUIRED. The location of the API key. Valid values are "query",
	// "header" or "cookie".
	In string `yaml:"in,omitempty"`

	// Scheme is REQUIRED. The name of the HTTP Authorization scheme to be used in
	// the Authorization header as defined in [RFC7235]. The values used SHOULD be
	// registered in the IANA Authentication Scheme registry.
	Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`

	// BearerFormat is a hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is
	// formatted. Bearer tokens are usually generated by an authorization server,
	// so this information is primarily for documentation purposes.
	BearerFormat string `yaml:"bearerFormat,omitempty"`

	// Flows is REQUIRED. An object containing configuration information for the
	// flow types supported.
	Flows *OAuthFlows `yaml:"flows,omitempty"`

	// OpenIDConnectURL is REQUIRED. OpenId Connect URL to discover OAuth2
	// configuration values. This MUST be in the form of a URL. The OpenID Connect
	// standard requires the use of TLS.
	OpenIDConnectURL string `yaml:"openIdConnectUrl,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

SecurityScheme defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations.

Supported schemes are HTTP authentication, an API key (either as a header, a cookie parameter or as a query parameter), mutual TLS (use of a client certificate), OAuth2’s common flows (implicit, password, client credentials and authorization code) as defined in [RFC6749], and OpenID Connect Discovery. Please note that as of 2020, the implicit flow is about to be deprecated by OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice. Recommended for most use case is Authorization Code Grant flow with PKCE.

type: http
scheme: bearer
bearerFormat: JWT

type Server

type Server struct {
	// URL to the target host. This URL supports Server Variables and MAY be relative, to indicate that the host location is relative to the location where the OpenAPI document is being served. Variable substitutions will be made when a variable is named in {brackets}.
	URL string `yaml:"url"`

	// Description of the host designated by the URL. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Variables map between a variable name and its value. The value is used for substitution in the server’s URL template.
	Variables map[string]*ServerVariable `yaml:"variables,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Server URL, optionally with variables.

- url:
  description: Development server
- url:
  description: Staging server
- url:
  description: Production server

type ServerVariable

type ServerVariable struct {
	// Enumeration of string values to be used if the substitution options are from a limited set. The array MUST NOT be empty.
	Enum []string `yaml:"enum,omitempty"`

	// Default value to use for substitution, which SHALL be sent if an alternate value is not supplied.
	Default string `yaml:"default"`

	// Description for the server variable. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

ServerVariable for server URL template substitution.

type StatusError

type StatusError interface {
	GetStatus() int
	Error() string

StatusError is an error that has an HTTP status code. When returned from an operation handler, this sets the response status code before sending it to the client.

func Error400BadRequest

func Error400BadRequest(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error400BadRequest returns a 400.

func Error401Unauthorized

func Error401Unauthorized(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error401Unauthorized returns a 401.

func Error403Forbidden

func Error403Forbidden(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error403Forbidden returns a 403.

func Error404NotFound

func Error404NotFound(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error404NotFound returns a 404.

func Error405MethodNotAllowed

func Error405MethodNotAllowed(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error405MethodNotAllowed returns a 405.

func Error406NotAcceptable

func Error406NotAcceptable(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error406NotAcceptable returns a 406.

func Error409Conflict

func Error409Conflict(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error409Conflict returns a 409.

func Error410Gone

func Error410Gone(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error410Gone returns a 410.

func Error412PreconditionFailed

func Error412PreconditionFailed(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error412PreconditionFailed returns a 412.

func Error415UnsupportedMediaType

func Error415UnsupportedMediaType(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error415UnsupportedMediaType returns a 415.

func Error422UnprocessableEntity

func Error422UnprocessableEntity(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error422UnprocessableEntity returns a 422.

func Error429TooManyRequests

func Error429TooManyRequests(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error429TooManyRequests returns a 429.

func Error500InternalServerError

func Error500InternalServerError(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error500InternalServerError returns a 500.

func Error501NotImplemented

func Error501NotImplemented(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error501NotImplemented returns a 501.

func Error502BadGateway

func Error502BadGateway(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error502BadGateway returns a 502.

func Error503ServiceUnavailable

func Error503ServiceUnavailable(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error503ServiceUnavailable returns a 503.

func Error504GatewayTimeout

func Error504GatewayTimeout(msg string, errs ...error) StatusError

Error504GatewayTimeout returns a 504.

func Status304NotModified

func Status304NotModified() StatusError

Status304NotModified returns a 304. This is not really an error, but provides a way to send non-default responses.

type StreamResponse

type StreamResponse struct {
	Body func(ctx Context)

StreamResponse is a response that streams data to the client. The body function will be called once the response headers have been written and the body writer is ready to be written to.

func handler(ctx context.Context, input *struct{}) (*huma.StreamResponse, error) {
	return &huma.StreamResponse{
		Body: func(ctx huma.Context) {
			ctx.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/my-type")

			// Write some data to the stream.
			writer := ctx.BodyWriter()
			writer.Write([]byte("Hello "))

			// Flush the stream to the client.
			if f, ok := writer.(http.Flusher); ok {

			// Write some more...

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	// Name is REQUIRED. The name of the tag.
	Name string `yaml:"name"`

	// Description for the tag. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text
	// representation.
	Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`

	// ExternalDocs is additional external documentation for this tag.
	ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"`

	// Extensions (user-defined properties), if any. Values in this map will
	// be marshalled as siblings of the other properties above.
	Extensions map[string]any `yaml:",inline"`

Tag adds metadata to a single tag that is used by the Operation Object. It is not mandatory to have a Tag Object per tag defined in the Operation Object instances.

type Transformer

type Transformer func(ctx Context, status string, v any) (any, error)

Transformer is a function that can modify a response body before it is serialized. The `status` is the HTTP status code for the response and `v` is the value to be serialized. The return value is the new value to be serialized or an error.

type ValidateMode

type ValidateMode int

ValidateMode describes the direction of validation (server -> client or client -> server). It impacts things like how read-only or write-only fields are handled.

const (
	// ModeReadFromServer is a read mode (response output) that may ignore or
	// reject write-only fields that are non-zero, as these write-only fields
	// are meant to be sent by the client.
	ModeReadFromServer ValidateMode = iota

	// ModeWriteToServer is a write mode (request input) that may ignore or
	// reject read-only fields that are non-zero, as these are owned by the
	// server and the client should not try to modify them.

type ValidateResult

type ValidateResult struct {
	Errors []error

ValidateResult tracks validation errors. It is safe to use for multiple validations as long as `Reset()` is called between uses.

func (*ValidateResult) Add

func (r *ValidateResult) Add(path *PathBuffer, v any, msg string)

Add an error to the validation result at the given path and with the given value.

func (*ValidateResult) Addf

func (r *ValidateResult) Addf(path *PathBuffer, v any, format string, args ...any)

Addf adds an error to the validation result at the given path and with the given value, allowing for fmt.Printf-style formatting.

func (*ValidateResult) Reset

func (r *ValidateResult) Reset()

Reset the validation error so it can be used again.


Path Synopsis
Package autopatch provides a way to automatically generate PATCH operations for resources which have a GET & PUT but no PATCH.
Package autopatch provides a way to automatically generate PATCH operations for resources which have a GET & PUT but no PATCH.
Package conditional provides utilities for working with HTTP conditional requests using the `If-Match`, `If-None-Match`, `If-Modified-Since`, and `If-Unmodified-Since` headers along with ETags and last modified times.
Package conditional provides utilities for working with HTTP conditional requests using the `If-Match`, `If-None-Match`, `If-Modified-Since`, and `If-Unmodified-Since` headers along with ETags and last modified times.
This example shows how to handle omittable/nullable fields and an optional body in JSON input.
This example shows how to handle omittable/nullable fields and an optional body in JSON input.
This example show how to respond to API requests with different versions of the response body.
This example show how to respond to API requests with different versions of the response body.
This example shows how to reuse a parameter in the path and body.
This example shows how to reuse a parameter in the path and body.
This example shows how to use resolvers to provide additional validation for params and body fields, and how exhaustive errors are returned.
This example shows how to use resolvers to provide additional validation for params and body fields, and how exhaustive errors are returned.
This example shows how to use the CLI to create a server with a command to print the OpenAPI spec.
This example shows how to use the CLI to create a server with a command to print the OpenAPI spec.
This example shows how to use Server Sent Events (SSE) with Huma to send messages to a client over a long-lived connection.
This example shows how to use Server Sent Events (SSE) with Huma to send messages to a client over a long-lived connection.
An example showing how to use Huma v1 middleware in a Huma v2 project.
An example showing how to use Huma v1 middleware in a Huma v2 project.
Package humatest provides testing utilities for Huma services.
Package humatest provides testing utilities for Huma services.
Package negotiation provides utilities for working with HTTP client- driven content negotiation.
Package negotiation provides utilities for working with HTTP client- driven content negotiation.
Package queryparam provides utilities for efficiently working with query parameters in URLs.
Package queryparam provides utilities for efficiently working with query parameters in URLs.
Package sse provides utilities for working with Server Sent Events (SSE).
Package sse provides utilities for working with Server Sent Events (SSE).

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