= CloudBees action: Configure EKS credentials
Use this action to configure Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) credentials for use in CloudBees workflows.
This action updates your `\~/.kube/config` with credentials for connecting to an EKS cluster.
== Prerequisites
Make sure to add the following to your YAML file:
- name: Check out repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-aws-credentials@v0
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-github-actions-role
aws-region: aws-region-1
For more information, refer to xref:configure-aws-credentials.adoc[].
== Inputs
.Input details
| Input name
| Data type
| Required?
| Description
| `name`
| String
| Yes
| The EKS cluster name.
| `role-to-assume`
| String
| No
| The EKS role to assume.
| `user-alias`
| String
| No
| The user alias.
| `alias`
| String
| No
| The EKS alias.
== Usage examples
=== Current credentials role
Authenticate to {EKS} with the current credentials role.
- name: Login to Amazon EKS
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v0
name: my-eks-cluster-name
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
kubectl apply -k ...
=== Assume a different role
To get correct credentials for {EKS}, you may at times need to assume a role different from your current role.
NOTE: The current {AWS} credentials must be able to assume the role.
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v0
name: my-eks-cluster-name
role-to-assume: my-eks-admin-role
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
helm install ...
TIP: To assume a different role, use the `role-session-name` and `role-external-id` options from xref:configure-aws-credentials.adoc[].
=== Connect to multiple clusters
Merge the credentials into `\~/.kube/config` so you can chain multiple times; for example, if you need to have multiple EKS clusters authenticated, or switch between different authentications for the same cluster.
NOTE: The workflow always sets the current context, so the last one takes precedence.
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS as admin
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v0
name: my-eks-cluster-name
role-to-assume: my-eks-admin-role
user-alias: admin
alias: cluster-with-admin
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS as regular user
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v0
name: my-eks-cluster-name
user-alias: standard
alias: cluster-without-admin
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
helm --kubecontext cluster-with-admin install ...
kubectl --context cluster-without-admin get pods ...
kubectl --context cluster-with-admin patch ...
== License
This code is made available under the
link:https://opensource.org/license/mit/[MIT license].
== References
* Learn more about link:https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-saas-platform-actions/latest/[using actions in CloudBees workflows].
* Learn about link:https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-saas-platform/latest/[the CloudBees platform].