= CloudBees action: Configure EKS credentials
Use this action to configure Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) credentials for use in CloudBees workflows.
This action updates your `\~/.kube/config` with credentials for connecting to an EKS cluster.
== Prerequisites
Make sure to add the following to your YAML file:
- name: Check out repo
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-aws-credentials@v1
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-github-actions-role
aws-region: aws-region-1
== Inputs
.Input details
| Input name
| Data type
| Required?
| Description
| `name`
| String
| Yes
| The EKS cluster name.
| `role-to-assume`
| String
| No
| The EKS role to assume.
| `user-alias`
| String
| No
| The user alias.
| `alias`
| String
| No
| The EKS alias.
== Usage examples
=== Current credentials role
Authenticate to EKS with the current credentials role.
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v1
name: my-eks-cluster-name
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
kubectl apply -k ...
=== Assume a different role
To get correct credentials for EKS, you may at times need to assume a role different from your current role.
NOTE: The current AWS credentials must be able to assume the role.
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v1
name: my-eks-cluster-name
role-to-assume: my-eks-admin-role
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
helm install ...
TIP: To assume a different role, use the `role-session-name` and `role-external-id` options available in link:https://github.com/cloudbee-io[configure AWS credentials action].
=== Connect to multiple clusters
Merge the credentials into `\~/.kube/config` so you can chain multiple times; for example, if you need to have multiple EKS clusters authenticated, or switch between different authentications for the same cluster.
NOTE: The workflow always sets the current context, so the last one takes precedence.
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS as admin
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v1
name: my-eks-cluster-name
role-to-assume: my-eks-admin-role
user-alias: admin
alias: cluster-with-admin
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS as regular user
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v1
name: my-eks-cluster-name
user-alias: standard
alias: cluster-without-admin
- name: Do some things with the cluster
uses: docker://alpine/k8s:latest
run: |
helm --kubecontext cluster-with-admin install ...
kubectl --context cluster-without-admin get pods ...
kubectl --context cluster-with-admin patch ...
=== Connect to a cluster in a different region
When you authenticate to AWS you specify the region to connect to.
By default, the cluster to connect to must be in the same region, however if you specify the region you can connect to a cluster in a different region without updating the AWS configured region.
NOTE: this can be combined with the above merging of credentials into `\~/.kube/config` to simplify applying operations across multiple regions.
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-aws-credentials@v1
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-cloudbees-actions-role
aws-region: aws-region-1
- name: Log in to Amazon EKS cluster in a different region
uses: cloudbees-io/configure-eks-credentials@v1
name: my-eks-cluster-name
region: aws-region-2
== License
This code is made available under the
link:https://opensource.org/license/mit/[MIT license].
== References
* Learn more about link:https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-saas-platform-actions/latest/[using actions in CloudBees workflows].
* Learn about link:https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-saas-platform/latest/[the CloudBees platform].