The TSS module's main purpose is to manage the threshold signature scheme (TSS) signing process, allowing other system modules to utilize this method for cryptographic signing.
To handle a signing process, the module has to create a group with selected members. These selected members then submit encrypted secret shares to create a public shared secret of the group, which is subsequently formed and owned by the caller module.
Once the group is established, the group's owner can request specific signatures. The resulting group signature, which can be verified using the group's public key, proves useful in various situations, rendering the TSS module quite valuable. This method of creating signatures not only ensures trust among all participants but also adds an extra layer of security to the system.
The x/tss
module defines a Group
type to which a user requests a signature on a specific message. A group contains a group public key and a threshold, which specifies the number of members being required for creating a group signature.
A group is formed through a call by external module with a set of selected members. In a group creation process, each assigned member has to go through a key generation process. During the process, they receive their private key that will be used to generate part of the signature of the group.
type Group struct {
ID github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.GroupID
Size_ uint64
Threshold uint64
PubKey github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
Status GroupStatus
CreatedHeight uint64
ModuleOwner string
The x/tss
module defines a Member
type to represent each participant's status and public key within a specific group. Member's public key is obtained during the group creation process. The member's status IsActive
indicates if the member should be selected during the signing process.
type Member struct {
ID github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.MemberID
GroupID github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.GroupID
Address string
PubKey github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
IsMalicious bool
IsActive bool
Group Creation
When other module call the x/tss
module to create a group, the x/tss
module will emit an event and wait for the selected members to submit their information to generate a group public key. The steps required for members to generate a group public keys are the following.
First, members submit a coefficient commit and temporary public key for decrypting a message with their signature on the commit and their public key, which the x/tss
module will check against if their input is valid. If every member submits their information (round-1 information), the x/tss
module will aggregate members' coefficient commit, emit an event, and waiting members to submit other information.
After the members acknowledge that other members submit their coefficient commit, they generate a secret, called encrypted secret share, to each member and submit into a chain as a round-2 information. Once, every member submits round-2 information, the x/tss
module emits an event to notify members.
Once the members are notified, they validate those public encrypted secrets that stored in the chain and send a confirm message if those secrets are valid, or a complaint message on specific members if not. If every member submits their confirm message, the group will be successfully created and, if any, trigger a callback to a requester module to process further on that module.
The x/tss
module defines a Signing
type that stores all information about the signing request, including message, and assigned nonces of each member. When a user requests a signing from the group, each member must use the key of the group to sign on the message which will then be combined to generate the final signature of the group.
type Signing struct {
ID github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.SigningID
CurrentAttempt uint64
GroupID github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.GroupID
GroupPubKey github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
Originator github_com_cometbft_cometbft_libs_bytes.HexBytes
Message github_com_cometbft_cometbft_libs_bytes.HexBytes
GroupPubNonce github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
Signature github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Signature
Status SigningStatus
CreatedHeight uint64
CreatedTimestamp time.Time
In generating partial signature, the x/tss
module uses DE submitted from members as a nonce for generating group public nonce for forming a group signature. Members must maintain their DEs for being selected as a signer in signing process.
type DE struct {
PubD github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
PubE github_com_bandprotocol_chain_v2_pkg_tss.Point
The x/tss
module stores group information and the number of group existing on chain.
- GroupCount:
0x00 -> BigEndian(#group)
. Store the number of group existing on chain.
- Group:
0x10 | GroupID -> Group
. Store the information of the group.
The x/tss
module stores member information for checking their status during the group and signing request creation process; users can be in multiple groups.
- Member:
0x11 | GroupID | MemberID -> Member
. Store a member information of the specific group.
Group Creation
During the group creation process, the x/tss
module stores information for generating group public key and they will be removed after the group creation process is expired.
- PendingProcessGroups:
0x02 -> []GroupID
. Store the list of groupID whose status and information should be updated at the EndBlock.
- DKGContext:
0x12 | GroupID -> []byte
. Store a nonce that being used in a group creation process.
- Round1Info:
0x13 | GroupID | MemberID -> Round1Info
. Store an information that member submits during the 1st round group creation message.
- Round1InfoCount:
0x14 | GroupID -> BigEndian(#Round1Info)
. Store the number of round1 information message.
- AccumulatedCommit:
0x15 | GroupID | index -> []byte
. Store accumulated commit point for generating a group public key
- Round2Info:
0x16 | GroupID | MemberID -> Round2Info
. Store an information that member submits during the 1st round group creation message.
- Round2InfoCount:
0x17 | GroupID -> BigEndian(#Round2Info)
. Store the number of round2 information message.
- ComplaintWithStatus:
0x18 | GroupID | MemberID -> ComplaintWithStatus
. Store a complaint information that member submits during the 3rd round group creation message with its status.
- ConfirmComplaintCount:
0x19 | GroupID -> BigEndian(#Confirm + #Complaint)
. Store the number of round3 information message.
- Confirm:
0x1a | GroupID | MemberID -> Confirm
. Store a confirm information that member submits during the 3rd round group creation message.
In signing process, the x/tss
module stores partial signature submitted from assigned members and aggregates them once every member submits it. The aggregated signature (group signature) will be stored in the signing object and those partial signatures will be removed.
- SigningCount:
0x01 -> BigEndian(#signing)
. Store the number of signings existing on chain.
- PendingProcessSignings:
0x03 -> []SigningID
. Store the list of signingID whose status and information should be updated at the EndBlock.
- SigningExpirations:
0x05 -> []SigningExpiration
. Store the list of signing expiration information. The order of expiration time should be increasing (from beginning of the list to the end).
- Signing
0x1d | SigningID -> Signing
. Store the information of the signing request.
- PartialSignatureCount:
0x1e | SigningID | Attempt -> BigEndian(#PartialSigning)
. Store the number of partial signature of the given signing ID.
- PartialSignature:
0x1f | SigningID | Attempt | MemberID -> PartialSignature
. Store the partial signature of the member of the given signing ID.
- SigningAttempt:
0x20 | SigningID | Attempt -> SigningAttempt
. Store the signing attempt object of the given signing ID and specific attempt. The SigningAttempt object store assigned members and expiration height of that attempt.
In generating partial signature, the x/tss
module uses DE submitted from members as a nonce for generating group public nonce for forming a group signature. Members must maintain their DEs for being selected as a signer in signing process.
- DE
0x1b | address | index -> DE
. Store the DE object
- DEQueue
0x1c | address -> DEQueue
. Store the DEQueue object to identify an index of valid DE.
The x/tss
module stores its params in state with the prefix of 0x20
, it can be updated with governance proposal or the address with authority.
The x/tss
module contains the following parameters
message Params {
// max_group_size is the maximum of the member capacity of the group.
uint64 max_group_size = 1;
// max_d_e_size is the maximum of the de capacity of the member.
uint64 max_d_e_size = 2;
// creation_period is the number of blocks allowed to creating tss group.
uint64 creation_period = 3;
// signing_period is the number of blocks allowed to sign.
uint64 signing_period = 4;
// max_signing_attempt is the maximum number of signing retry process per signingID.
uint64 max_signing_attempt = 5;
// max_memo_length is the maximum length of the memo in the direct originator.
uint64 max_memo_length = 6;
// max_message_length is the maximum length of the message in the TextSignatureOrder.
uint64 max_message_length = 7;
Msg Service
This message is used to send round 1 information in the DKG process of the group.
When a group is created, all members of the group are required to send this message to the chain. So, the chain can proceed to the next step of the DKG process.
message MsgSubmitDKGRound1 {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgSubmitDKGRound1";
// group_id is ID of the group.
uint64 group_id = 1
[(gogoproto.customname) = "GroupID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.GroupID"];
// round1_info is all data that require to handle round 1.
Round1Info round1_info = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// sender is the user address that submits the group creation information;
// must be a member of this group.
string sender = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
This message is used to send round 2 information in the DKG process of the group.
When a group is passed round 1, all members of the group are required to send this message to the chain. So, the chain can proceed to the next step of the DKG process.
message MsgSubmitDKGRound2 {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgSubmitDKGRound2";
// group_id is ID of the group.
uint64 group_id = 1
[(gogoproto.customname) = "GroupID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.GroupID"];
// round2_info is all data that is required to handle round 2.
Round2Info round2_info = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// sender is the user address that submits the group creation information;
// must be a member of this group.
string sender = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
This message is used to complain to any malicious member of the group if their shared secret data doesn't align with public information.
A member can send this message when the group is in round 3 of the DKG process. If there is one valid MsgComplain
in this round, the group creation process will fail and the malicious member will be punished.
message MsgComplain {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgComplaint";
// group_id is ID of the group.
uint64 group_id = 1
[(gogoproto.customname) = "GroupID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.GroupID"];
// complaints is a list of complaints.
repeated Complaint complaints = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// sender is the user address that submits the group creation information;
// must be a member of this group.
string sender = 3 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
This message is used to confirm that all information from other members is correct.
A member can send this message when the group is in round 3 of the DKG process. They are required to send MsgConfirm
or MsgComplain
in this process. Otherwise, they will be deactivated from the TSS system.
message MsgConfirm {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgConfirm";
// group_id is ID of the group.
uint64 group_id = 1
[(gogoproto.customname) = "GroupID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.GroupID"];
// member_id is ID of the sender.
uint64 member_id = 2
[(gogoproto.customname) = "MemberID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.MemberID"];
// own_pub_key_sig is a signature of the member_i on its own PubKey to confirm
// that the address is able to derive the PubKey.
bytes own_pub_key_sig = 3 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.Signature"];
// sender is the user address that submits the group creation information;
// must be a member of this group.
string sender = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
In the signing process, each member is required to have their nonces (D and E values). MsgSubmitDEs
is the message for a member to send their public nonce to the chain. So, the chain can assign their nonce in the signing process.
message MsgSubmitDEs {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgSubmitDEs";
// des is a list of DE objects.
repeated DE des = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "DEs", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// sender is the user address that submits DE objects.
string sender = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
It's expected to fail if:
- The number of remaining DEs exceeds the maximum size (
) per user.
When a user requests a signature from the group, the assigned member of the group is required to send MsgSubmitSignature
to the chain. It contains signing_id
, member_id
, address
, and signature
Once all assigned member sends their signature to the chain, the chain will aggregate those signatures to be the final signature of the group for that request.
message MsgSubmitSignature {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgSubmitSignature";
// signing_id is the unique identifier of the signing process.
uint64 signing_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.customname) = "SigningID",
(gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.SigningID"
// member_id is the unique identifier of the signer in the group.
uint64 member_id = 2
[(gogoproto.customname) = "MemberID", (gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.MemberID"];
// signature is the signature produced by the signer.
bytes signature = 3 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "github.com/bandprotocol/chain/v3/pkg/tss.Signature"];
// signer is the address who signs a message; must be a member of the group.
string signer = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
When anyone wants to update the parameters of the TSS module, they will have to open a governance proposal by using the MsgUpdateParams
of the TSS module to update those parameters.
message MsgUpdateParams {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "authority";
option (amino.name) = "tss/MsgUpdateParams";
// params defines the x/tss parameters to update.
Params params = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// authority is the address of the governance account.
string authority = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
A module can register its callback object within the x/tss module. This callback will be triggered when the group associated with the module acts on a specific process. The callback must provide the following methods:
- Trigger-by: Endblock of the group creation process. It will be triggered when every members in the group successfully submit their confirm message.
- Trigger-by: Endblock of the group creation process. It will be triggered when some members in the group submit complain message due to invalid encrypted secret shares.
- Trigger-by: Endblock of the group-creation expiration process. It will be triggered when the process takes too long.
- Trigger-by: Endblock of the signing process. It will be triggered after every members in the group submit their partial signature and their signatures are combined to form a group signature.
- Trigger-by: A retry signing process, It will be triggered when the signing process is retried over the limit, which is defined by the module's parameter.
- Trigger-by: Endblock of the signing expiration process. It will be triggered when the process waits assign members to submit their partial signature for too long.
The TSS module emits the following events:
This event ( create_group
) is emitted when the group is created.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
size |
{groupSize} |
threshold |
{groupThreshold} |
pub_key |
"" |
status |
{groupStatus} |
dkg_context |
{groupDKGContext} |
module_owner |
{moduleName} |
This event ( submit_dkg_round1
) is emitted when a member submits round 1 information of the DKG process.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
member_id |
{groupSize} |
threshold |
{groupThreshold} |
round1_info |
{round1Info} |
This event ( round1_success
) is emitted at the end block when all members of the group submit round 1 information.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
status |
This event ( submit_dkg_round2
) is emitted when a member submits information about round 2 in the DKG process.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
member_id |
{groupSize} |
threshold |
{groupThreshold} |
round2_info |
{round2Info} |
This event ( round2_success
) is emitted at the end block when all members of the group submit round 2 information.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
status |
This event ( complain_success
) is emitted when a member submits MsgComplain
and the complaint is successful.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
complainant_id |
{complianantID} |
respondent_id |
{respondentID} |
key_sym |
{keySym} |
signature |
{signature} |
address |
{memberAddress} |
This event ( complain_failed
) is emitted when a member submits MsgComplain
and the complaint fails
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
complainant_id |
{complianantID} |
respondent_id |
{respondentID} |
key_sym |
{keySym} |
signature |
{signature} |
address |
{memberAddress} |
This event ( confirm_success
) is emitted when a member submits MsgComfirm
and the confirmation is successful.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
member_id |
{memberID} |
own_pub_key_sig |
{ownPublicKeySignature} |
address |
{memberAddress} |
This event ( round3_success
) is emitted at the end block when all members of the group submit round 3 information ( MsgConfirm
/ MsgComplain
) and the process is successful.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
status |
This event ( round3_failed
) is emitted at the end block when all members of the group submit round 3 information ( MsgConfirm
/ MsgComplain
) and the process fails.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
status |
This event ( request_signature
) is emitted when the group is requested to sign the data.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
group_id |
{groupID} |
signing_id |
{signingID} |
message |
{message} |
group_pub_nonce |
{groupPublicNonce} |
attempt |
{signing.CurrentAttempt} |
member_id[] |
{assignedMemberIDs} |
address[] |
{assignedMemberAddresses} |
binding_factor[] |
{assignedMemberBindingFactors} |
pub_nonce[] |
{assignedMemberPublicNonces} |
pub_d[] |
{assignedMemberPublicDs} |
pub_e[] |
{assignedMemberPublicEs} |
This event ( signing_success
) is emitted at the end block when all assigned members submit their signatures and the aggregation process is successful.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
signing_id |
{signingID} |
group_id |
{groupID} |
signature |
{signature} |
This event ( submit_signature
) is emitted when an assigned member submits his or her signature on the signing request.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
signing_id |
{signingID} |
group_id |
{groupID} |
member_id |
{assignedMemberID} |
address |
{assignedMemberAddress} |
pub_d |
{assignedMemberPublicD} |
pub_e |
{assignedMemberPublicE} |
signature |
{assignedMemberSignature} |
This event ( signing_failed
) is emitted at the end block when all assigned members submit their signatures and the aggregation process fails.
Attribute Key |
Attribute Value |
signing_id |
{signingID} |
group_id |
{groupID} |
reason |
{failedReason} |
A user can query and interact with the TSS
module using the CLI.
The query
commands allow users to query the group
bandd query tss --help
The Counts
command allows users to query the number of existing group and signing in the x/tss
bandd query tss counts [flags]
The DELists
command allows users to query the existing DE of the specific address on chain.
bandd query tss de-list [address]
bandd query tss de-list band1nx0xkpnytk35wvflsg7gszf9smw3vaeauk248q
The Group
command allows users to query for group information by given group ID.
bandd query tss group [id] [flags]
bandd query tss group 1
The IsGrantee
command allows users to query if a given address is a grantee of the specific granter
bandd query tss is-grantee [granter_address] [grantee_address] [flags]
bandd query tss de-list band1nx0xkpnytk35wvflsg7gszf9smw3vaeauk248q band1w8yurh6naeqg4mjx4zcs7hsu3fppwu0f4q4l7f
The Members
command allows users to query the member information of the specific groupID
bandd query tss members [group-id] [flags]
bandd query tss members 1
Pending Signings
The Pending Signings
command allows users to query list of signings that waiting the given address to be signed
bandd query tss pending-signings [address] [flags]
bandd queue tss pending-signings band1nx0xkpnytk35wvflsg7gszf9smw3vaeauk248q
The Signing
command allows users to query for signing information by giving a signing ID.
bandd query tss signing [id] [flags]
bandd query tss signing 1
A user can query the TSS
module using gRPC endpoints.
The Group
endpoint allows users to query for group information by given group ID.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{"group_id":1}' localhost:9090 tss.v1beta1.Query/Group
The Signing
endpoint allows users to query for signing information by giving a signing ID.
grpcurl -plaintext \
-d '{"signing_id":"1"}' localhost:9090 tss.v1beta1.Query/Signing
A user can query the TSS
module using REST endpoints.
The Group
endpoint allows users to query for group information by given group ID.
curl localhost:1317/tss/v1beta1/groups/1
The Signing
endpoint allows users to query for signing information by giving a signing ID.
curl localhost:1317/tss/v1beta1/signings/1