
v1.1.4-rc2 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 9, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0




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var AllowListLocalPathsFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "allow-listed-local-paths",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeAllowListedLocalPaths,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.AllowListedLocalPaths,
		Description:  "Local paths that are allowed to be mounted into jobs",
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var CapacityFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:             "ignore-physical-resource-limits",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeComputeCapacityIgnorePhysicalResourceLimits,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.IgnorePhysicalResourceLimits,
		Description:          `When set the compute node will ignore is physical resource limits`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_CAPACITY_MANAGER_OVER_COMMIT"},
		FlagName:     "limit-total-cpu",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityTotalResourceLimitsCPU,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.TotalResourceLimits.CPU,
		Description:  `Total CPU core limit to run all jobs (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).`,
		FlagName:     "limit-total-memory",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityTotalResourceLimitsMemory,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.TotalResourceLimits.Memory,
		Description:  `Total Memory limit to run all jobs  (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).`,
		FlagName:     "limit-total-gpu",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityTotalResourceLimitsGPU,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.TotalResourceLimits.GPU,
		Description:  `Total GPU limit to run all jobs (e.g. 1, 2, or 8).`,
		FlagName:     "limit-job-cpu",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityJobResourceLimitsCPU,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.JobResourceLimits.CPU,
		Description:  `Job CPU core limit to run all jobs (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).`,
		FlagName:     "limit-job-memory",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityDefaultJobResourceLimitsMemory,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.JobResourceLimits.Memory,
		Description:  `Job Memory limit to run all jobs  (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).`,
		FlagName:     "limit-job-gpu",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeCapacityJobResourceLimitsGPU,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.Capacity.JobResourceLimits.GPU,
		Description:  `Job GPU limit to run all jobs (e.g. 1, 2, or 8).`,
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var ClientAPIFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "api-host",
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.ClientAPI.Host,
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeClientAPIHost,
		Description: `The host for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
Ignored if BACALHAU_API_HOST environment variable is set.`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_API_HOST"},
		FlagName:     "api-port",
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.ClientAPI.Port,
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeClientAPIPort,
		Description: `The port for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
Ignored if BACALHAU_API_PORT environment variable is set.`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_API_PORT"},
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var ComputeStorageFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:             "compute-execution-store-type",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeComputeExecutionStoreType,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.Compute.ExecutionStore.Type,
		Description:          "The type of store used by the compute node (BoltDB or InMemory)",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_COMPUTE_STORE_TYPE"},
		FlagName:             "compute-execution-store-path",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeComputeExecutionStorePath,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.Compute.ExecutionStore.Path,
		Description:          "The path used for the compute execution store when using BoltDB",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_COMPUTE_STORE_PATH"},
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var ComputeTimeoutFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "job-execution-timeout-bypass-client-id",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobTimeoutsJobExecutionTimeoutClientIDBypassList,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobTimeouts.JobExecutionTimeoutClientIDBypassList,
		Description:  `List of IDs of clients that are allowed to bypass the job execution timeout check`,
		FlagName:     "job-negotiation-timeout",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobTimeoutsJobNegotiationTimeout,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobTimeouts.JobNegotiationTimeout,
		Description:  `Timeout value to hold a bid for a job.`,
		FlagName:     "min-job-execution-timeout",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobTimeoutsMinJobExecutionTimeout,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobTimeouts.MinJobExecutionTimeout,
		Description:  `The minimum execution timeout this compute node supports. Jobs with lower timeout requirements will not be bid on.`,
		FlagName:     "max-job-execution-timeout",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobTimeoutsMaxJobExecutionTimeout,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobTimeouts.MaxJobExecutionTimeout,
		Description:  `The maximum execution timeout this compute node supports. Jobs with higher timeout requirements will not be bid on.`,
		FlagName:     "default-job-execution-timeout",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobTimeoutsJobExecutionTimeoutClientIDBypassList,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobTimeouts.DefaultJobExecutionTimeout,
		Description:  `default value for the execution timeout this compute node will assign to jobs with no timeout requirement defined.`,

Default is the default value used by flags. It will be overridden by any values in the config file. We can configure the default flag values by setting `Default` to a different config environment.

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var DisabledFeatureFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "disable-engine",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeDisabledFeaturesEngines,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.DisabledFeatures.Engines,
		Description:  "Engine types to disable",
		FlagName:     "disabled-publisher",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeDisabledFeaturesPublishers,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.DisabledFeatures.Publishers,
		Description:  "Publisher types to disable",
		FlagName:     "disable-storage",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeDisabledFeaturesStorages,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.DisabledFeatures.Storages,
		Description:  "Storage types to disable",
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var IPFSFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:             "ipfs-swarm-addrs",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeIPFSSwarmAddresses,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.IPFS.SwarmAddresses,
		Description:          "IPFS multiaddress to connect the in-process IPFS node to - cannot be used with --ipfs-connect.",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_IPFS_SWARM_ADDRESSES"},
		FlagName:             "ipfs-swarm-key",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeIPFSSwarmKeyPath,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.IPFS.SwarmKeyPath,
		Description:          "Optional IPFS swarm key required to connect to a private IPFS swarm",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_IPFS_SWARM_KEY"},
		FlagName:     "ipfs-connect",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeIPFSConnect,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.IPFS.Connect,
		Description:  "The ipfs host multiaddress to connect to, otherwise an in-process IPFS node will be created if not set.",
		FlagName:     "private-internal-ipfs",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeIPFSPrivateInternal,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.IPFS.PrivateInternal,
		Description: "Whether the in-process IPFS node should auto-discover other nodes, including the public IPFS network - " +
			"cannot be used with --ipfs-connect. " +
			"Use \"--private-internal-ipfs=false\" to disable. " +
			"To persist a local Ipfs node, set BACALHAU_SERVE_IPFS_PATH to a valid path.",
		FlagName:             "ipfs-serve-path",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeIPFSServePath,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.IPFS.ServePath,
		Description:          "path local Ipfs node will persist data to",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_SERVE_IPFS_PATH"},
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var JobSelectionFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "job-selection-data-locality",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobSelectionLocality,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobSelection.Locality,
		Description:  `Only accept jobs that reference data we have locally ("local") or anywhere ("anywhere").`,
		FlagName:     "job-selection-reject-stateless",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobSelectionRejectStatelessJobs,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobSelection.RejectStatelessJobs,
		Description:  `Reject jobs that don't specify any data.`,
		FlagName:     "job-selection-accept-networked",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobSelectionAcceptNetworkedJobs,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobSelection.AcceptNetworkedJobs,
		Description:  `Accept jobs that require network access.`,
		FlagName:     "job-selection-probe-http",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobSelectionProbeHTTP,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobSelection.ProbeHTTP,
		Description:  `Use the result of a HTTP POST to decide if we should take on the job.`,
		FlagName:     "job-selection-probe-exec",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeComputeJobSelectionProbeExec,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Compute.JobSelection.ProbeExec,
		Description:  `Use the result of a exec an external program to decide if we should take on the job.`,
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var LabelFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "labels",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeLabels,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Labels,

		Description: `Labels to be associated with the node that can be used for node selection and filtering. (e.g. --labels key1=value1,key2=value2)`,
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var Libp2pFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "peer",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeLibp2pPeerConnect,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Libp2p.PeerConnect,
		Description: `A comma-separated list of libp2p multiaddress to connect to. ` +
			`Use "none" to avoid connecting to any peer, ` +
			`"env" to connect to the default peer list of your active environment (see BACALHAU_ENVIRONMENT env var).`,
		FlagName:     "swarm-port",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeLibp2pSwarmPort,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Libp2p.SwarmPort,
		Description:  `The port to listen on for swarm connections.`,
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var LogFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "log-mode",
		DefaultValue: logger.LogModeDefault,
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeLoggingMode,
		Description:  `Log format: 'default','station','json','combined','event'`,
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var NodeTypeFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "node-type",
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeType,
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.Type,
		Description:  `Whether the node is a compute, requester or both.`,
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var RequesterJobStorageFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:             "requester-job-store-type",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeRequesterJobStoreType,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.Requester.JobStore.Type,
		Description:          "The type of job store used by the requester node (BoltDB or InMemory)",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_JOB_STORE_TYPE"},
		FlagName:             "requester-job-store-path",
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeRequesterJobStorePath,
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.Requester.JobStore.Path,
		Description:          "The path used for the requester job store store when using BoltDB",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_JOB_STORE_PATH"},
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var RequesterTLSFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:     "autocert",
		DefaultValue: Default.Node.ServerAPI.TLS.AutoCert,
		ConfigPath:   types.NodeServerAPITLSAutoCert,
		Description: `Specifies a host name for which ACME is used to obtain a TLS Certificate.
Using this option results in the API serving over HTTPS`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_AUTO_TLS"},
		FlagName:             "tlscert",
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.ServerAPI.TLS.ServerCertificate,
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeServerAPITLSServerCertificate,
		Description:          `Specifies a TLS certificate file to be used by the requester node`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_TLS_CERT"},
		FlagName:             "tlskey",
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.ServerAPI.TLS.ServerKey,
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeServerAPITLSServerKey,
		Description:          `Specifies a TLS key file matching the certificate to be used by the requester node`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_TLS_KEY"},
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var ServerAPIFlags = []Definition{
		FlagName:             "port",
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.ServerAPI.Port,
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeServerAPIPort,
		Description:          `The port to server on.`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_SERVER_PORT"},
		FlagName:             "host",
		DefaultValue:         Default.Node.ServerAPI.Host,
		ConfigPath:           types.NodeServerAPIHost,
		Description:          `The host to serve on.`,
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"BACALHAU_SERVER_HOST"},


func BindFlags

func BindFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, register map[string][]Definition) error

BindFlags binds flags from a command to Viper using the provided definitions. This method should be called in command `PreRun`

func FlagNameForKey added in v1.1.0

func FlagNameForKey(key string, def ...Definition) string

FlagNameForKey accepts a configuration key and slice of Definition's containing the key. It returns the name of the flag corresponding to the key prefixed with `--`, or panics if the key is not part of the definition.

func PreRun added in v1.1.2

func PreRun(flags map[string][]Definition) func(*cobra.Command, []string) error

PreRun returns a run hook that binds the passed flag sets onto the command.

func RegisterFlags

func RegisterFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, register map[string][]Definition) error

RegisterFlags adds flags to the command based on provided definitions. This method should be called before the command runs to register flags accordingly.


type Definition

type Definition struct {
	FlagName             string
	ConfigPath           string
	DefaultValue         interface{}
	Description          string
	EnvironmentVariables []string

Definition serves as a bridge between Cobra's command-line flags and Viper's configuration management. Each instance of `Definition` maps a flag (as presented to the user via the CLI) to its corresponding configuration setting in Viper. Here's a breakdown:

  • FlagName: The name of the flag as it appears on the command line.
  • ConfigPath: The path/key used by Viper to store and retrieve the flag's value. This path can represent nested configuration settings. It is also the environment variable (replace '.' with '_')
  • DefaultValue: The default value for the flag, used both in Cobra (when the flag is not explicitly provided) and in Viper (as the initial configuration value).
  • Description: A human-readable description of the flag's purpose, shown in help messages and documentation.

By defining flags in this manner, we establish a clear and consistent pattern for integrating Cobra and Viper, ensuring that command-line interactions seamlessly reflect and influence the underlying configuration state.

func FlagDefForKey added in v1.1.0

func FlagDefForKey(key string, def ...Definition) Definition

FlagDefForKey accepts a configuration key and slice of Definition's containing the key. It returns the Definition for the specific key or panics if the key is not part of the definition.

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