Index ¶
- type AnteDecorator
- type AppOptions
- type BankKeeper
- func (_m *BankKeeper) AllBalances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllBalancesRequest) (*types.QueryAllBalancesResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) AppendSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) Balance(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryBalanceRequest) (*types.QueryBalanceResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) BlockedAddr(addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) BurnCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) ClearSendRestriction()
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, delegatorAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DeleteSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denoms ...string)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomMetadata(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomMetadataRequest) (*types.QueryDenomMetadataResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomMetadataByQueryString(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringRequest) (*types.QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomOwners(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomOwnersRequest) (*types.QueryDenomOwnersResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomOwnersByQuery(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomOwnersByQueryRequest) (*types.QueryDenomOwnersByQueryResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomsMetadata(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomsMetadataRequest) (*types.QueryDenomsMetadataResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) ExportGenesis(_a0 context.Context) *types.GenesisState
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAccountsBalances(ctx context.Context) []types.Balance
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllBalances(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context) []types.Metadata
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllSendEnabledEntries(ctx context.Context) []types.SendEnabled
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAuthority() string
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetBlockedAddresses() map[string]bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denom string) (types.Metadata, bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetPaginatedTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, pagination *query.PageRequest) (cosmos_sdktypes.Coins, *query.PageResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetParams(ctx context.Context) types.Params
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSendEnabledEntry(ctx context.Context, denom string) (types.SendEnabled, bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
- func (_m *BankKeeper) HasBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) HasDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) HasSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) InitGenesis(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.GenesisState)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) InputOutputCoins(ctx context.Context, input types.Input, outputs []types.Output) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoin(ctx context.Context, coin cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoins(ctx context.Context, coins ...cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledDenom(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAccountBalances(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAllBalances(ctx context.Context, ...)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAllDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, cb func(types.Metadata) bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateSendEnabledEntries(ctx context.Context, cb func(string, bool) bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) LockedCoins(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
- func (_m *BankKeeper) MintCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) Params(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryParamsRequest) (*types.QueryParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) PrependSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoins(ctx context.Context, fromAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientModule string, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SendEnabled(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySendEnabledRequest) (*types.QuerySendEnabledResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SetAllSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, sendEnableds []*types.SendEnabled)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SetDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denomMetaData types.Metadata)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SetParams(ctx context.Context, params types.Params) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SetSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denom string, value bool)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableBalanceByDenom(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomRequest) (*types.QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableBalances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySpendableBalancesRequest) (*types.QuerySpendableBalancesResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableCoin(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableCoins(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
- func (_m *BankKeeper) SupplyOf(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySupplyOfRequest) (*types.QuerySupplyOfResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) TotalSupply(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryTotalSupplyRequest) (*types.QueryTotalSupplyResponse, error)
- func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleAccAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, ...) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) ValidateBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) error
- func (_m *BankKeeper) WithMintCoinsRestriction(_a0 types.MintingRestrictionFn) keeper.BaseKeeper
- type BigIntCache
- type CacheMultiStore
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) LatestVersion() int64
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool
- func (_m *CacheMultiStore) Write()
- type ClobKeeper
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, ...) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) BatchCancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgBatchCancel) ([]uint32, []uint32, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) ConvertLiquidationPriceToSubticks(ctx types.Context, liquidationPrice *big.Rat, isLiquidatingLong bool, ...) clobtypes.Subticks
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) CreatePerpetualClobPair(ctx types.Context, clobPairId uint32, perpetualId uint32, ...) (clobtypes.ClobPair, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetAllClobPairs(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.ClobPair
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBestPerpetualPositionToLiquidate(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBlockRateLimitConfiguration(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.BlockRateLimitConfiguration
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.ClobPair, bool)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetFillablePrice(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (*big.Rat, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetInsuranceFundBalanceInQuoteQuantums(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) *big.Int
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationInsuranceFundFeeAndRemainingAvailableCollateral(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetMaxQuantumsInsuranceDelta(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetNextSubaccountToLiquidate(ctx types.Context, subaccountIds *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap, ...) (subaccountstypes.Subaccount, *heap.LiquidationPriority)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.ProcessProposerMatchesEvents
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) *big.Int
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) clobtypes.SubaccountLiquidationInfo
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) Initialize(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeBlockRateLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.BlockRateLimitConfiguration) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeEquityTierLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.EquityTierLimitConfiguration) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeNewGrpcStreams(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) IsInitialized() bool
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) LiquidateSubaccountsAgainstOrderbookInternal(ctx types.Context, subaccountIds *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap, ...) ([]heap.SubaccountToDeleverage, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeGetLiquidationOrder(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (*clobtypes.LiquidationOrder, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustRemoveStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context, ...)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder, ...) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformStatefulOrderValidation(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32, ...) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlacePerpetualLiquidation(ctx types.Context, liquidationOrder clobtypes.LiquidationOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlaceShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, error)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlaceStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) ProcessProposerOperations(ctx types.Context, operations []clobtypes.OperationRaw) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch(ctx types.Context, matchWithOrders *clobtypes.MatchWithOrders) (bool, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, ...)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitBatchCancel(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgBatchCancel) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitCancelOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitPlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices(ctx types.Context, blockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateClobPair(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair) error
- func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig) error
- type Configurator
- func (_m *Configurator) Error() error
- func (_m *Configurator) MsgServer() grpc.Server
- func (_m *Configurator) QueryServer() grpc.Server
- func (_m *Configurator) RegisterMigration(moduleName string, fromVersion uint64, handler module.MigrationHandler) error
- func (_m *Configurator) RegisterService(sd *google_golang_orggrpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})
- type DelayMsgKeeper
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DelayMessageByBlocks(ctx types.Context, msg proto.Message, blockDelay uint32) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DeleteMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) error
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetAllDelayedMessages(ctx types.Context) []*delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetBlockMessageIds(ctx types.Context, blockHeight uint32) (delaymsgtypes.BlockMessageIds, bool)
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage, bool)
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Router() lib.MsgRouter
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetDelayedMessage(ctx types.Context, msg *delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage) error
- func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetNextDelayedMessageId(ctx types.Context, nextDelayedMessageId uint32)
- type EthQueryClient
- type ExchangeConfigUpdater
- type ExchangeQueryHandler
- type ExchangeToMarketPrices
- func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetAllPrices() map[string][]types.MarketPriceTimestamp
- func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetDaemonPrice(marketId uint32, cutoffTime time.Time, resolver pricefeedtypes.Resolver) (uint64, int)
- func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) UpdatePrice(exchangeId string, marketPriceTimestamp *types.MarketPriceTimestamp)
- type ExtendVoteClobKeeper
- type ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper
- type ExtendVotePricesKeeper
- func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
- func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
- func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates
- type FileHandler
- type GrpcClient
- type GrpcServer
- type HealthCheckable
- type ICS4Wrapper
- func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) GetAppVersion(ctx types.Context, portID string, channelID string) (string, bool)
- func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) SendPacket(ctx types.Context, chanCap *capabilitytypes.Capability, sourcePort string, ...) (uint64, error)
- func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) WriteAcknowledgement(ctx types.Context, chanCap *capabilitytypes.Capability, ...) error
- type IndexerEventManager
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddBlockEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, ...)
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddTxnEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, version uint32, dataByes []byte)
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) ClearEvents(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) Enabled() bool
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) ProduceBlock(ctx types.Context) *indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintBlock
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOffchainData(message msgsender.Message)
- func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOnchainData(block *indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintBlock)
- type IndexerMessageSender
- type Logger
- func (_m *Logger) Debug(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})
- func (_m *Logger) Error(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})
- func (_m *Logger) Impl() interface{}
- func (_m *Logger) Info(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})
- func (_m *Logger) Warn(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})
- func (_m *Logger) With(keyVals ...interface{}) log.Logger
- type Marshaler
- type MemClob
- func (_m *MemClob) CancelOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) (*clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
- func (_m *MemClob) CountSubaccountShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) uint32
- func (_m *MemClob) CreateOrderbook(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair)
- func (_m *MemClob) DeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetCancelOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (uint32, bool)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetMidPrice(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.Subticks, clobtypes.Order, clobtypes.Order, bool)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsRaw(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.OperationRaw
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsToReplay(ctx types.Context) ([]clobtypes.InternalOperation, map[clobtypes.OrderHash][]byte)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.Order, bool)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderFilledAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderRemainingAmount(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, bool)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) GetPricePremium(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair, ...) (int32, error)
- func (_m *MemClob) GetSubaccountOrders(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, ...) ([]clobtypes.Order, error)
- func (_m *MemClob) InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...)
- func (_m *MemClob) MaybeCreateOrderbook(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair)
- func (_m *MemClob) PlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, ...)
- func (_m *MemClob) PlacePerpetualLiquidation(ctx types.Context, liquidationOrder clobtypes.LiquidationOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, ...)
- func (_m *MemClob) PurgeInvalidMemclobState(ctx types.Context, fullyFilledOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, ...) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, localValidatorOperationsQueue []clobtypes.InternalOperation)
- func (_m *MemClob) RemoveOrderIfFilled(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *MemClob) ReplayOperations(ctx types.Context, localOperations []clobtypes.InternalOperation, ...) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
- func (_m *MemClob) SetClobKeeper(keeper clobtypes.MemClobKeeper)
- func (_m *MemClob) SetMemclobGauges(ctx types.Context)
- type MemClobKeeper
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, ...) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) AddPreexistingStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.Order, memclob clobtypes.MemClob) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, ...)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CanDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) (bool, bool, error)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (bool, subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, uint32)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) *big.Int
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition(ctx types.Context, liquidatedSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) ([]clobtypes.MatchPerpetualDeleveraging_Fill, *big.Int)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch(ctx types.Context, matchWithOrders *clobtypes.MatchWithOrders) (bool, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, ...)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ReplayPlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, ...)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)
- func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) error
- type Msg
- type MsgRouter
- type MultiStore
- func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore
- func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)
- func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap
- func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap
- func (_m *MultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore
- func (_m *MultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store
- func (_m *MultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType
- func (_m *MultiStore) LatestVersion() int64
- func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore
- func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore
- func (_m *MultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool
- type PerpetualsClobKeeper
- type PerpetualsKeeper
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) AddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context, votes []perpetualstypes.FundingPremium) error
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) CreatePerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, ...) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context) *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllCollateralPools(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.CollateralPool
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllLiquidityTiers(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.LiquidityTier
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllPerpetuals(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.Perpetual
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (perpetualstypes.CollateralPool, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, ...) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetCollateral(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetNotional(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteAssetIdFromPerpetualId(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (uint32, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteCurrencyAtomicResolutionFromPerpetualId(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (int32, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) HasCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, id uint32) bool
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) IsMainCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (bool, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyOpenInterest(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, openInterestDeltaBaseQuantums *big.Int) error
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, ...) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation(ctx types.Context, msg *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes) error
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SendOIUpdatesToIndexer(ctx types.Context)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetLiquidityTier(ctx types.Context, id uint32, name string, initialMarginPpm uint32, ...) (perpetualstypes.LiquidityTier, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetParams(ctx types.Context, params perpetualstypes.Params) error
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) UpsertCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, collateralPoolId uint32, ...) (perpetualstypes.CollateralPool, error)
- func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ValidateAndSetPerpetual(ctx types.Context, perpetual perpetualstypes.Perpetual) error
- type PreBlockExecPricesKeeper
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetSmoothedSpotPrice(markedId uint32) (uint64, bool)
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetValidMarketSpotPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) []*pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdate *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
- func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices(ctx types.Context, ...) error
- type PrepareClobKeeper
- type PreparePerpetualsKeeper
- type PreparePricesKeeper
- func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
- func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates
- func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates, ...) error
- type PriceUpdatesCache
- type PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs
- func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceEncoder(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)
- func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceFetcher(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)
- func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy(id string) (*types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, error)
- func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetMarketConfigCopies(markets []uint32) ([]*types.MutableMarketConfig, error)
- func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) UpdateMarkets(marketParams []pricestypes.MarketParam) (map[uint32]error, error)
- type PricesKeeper
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) CreateMarket(ctx types.Context, param pricestypes.MarketParam, ...) (pricestypes.MarketParam, error)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParamPrices(ctx types.Context) ([]pricestypes.MarketParamPrice, error)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketPrices(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketPrice
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketIdToValidDaemonPrice(ctx types.Context) map[uint32]pricestypes.MarketSpotPrice
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketPrice(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketPrice, error)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) ModifyMarketParam(ctx types.Context, param pricestypes.MarketParam) (pricestypes.MarketParam, error)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPnlPriceUpdate) error
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices(ctx types.Context, ...) error
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices(ctx types.Context, updates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) error
- func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate) error
- type ProcessClobKeeper
- type ProcessPerpetualKeeper
- func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
- func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetSettlementPpm(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, quantums *big.Int, index *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
- func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)
- type ProcessProposalVEApplier
- type ProcessStakingKeeper
- type QueryClient
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllCollateralPools(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllCollateralPoolsRequest, ...) (*types.QueryAllCollateralPoolsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllDowntimeInfo(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryAllDowntimeInfoRequest, ...) (*blocktimetypes.QueryAllDowntimeInfoResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllLiquidityTiers(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllLiquidityTiersRequest, ...) (*types.QueryAllLiquidityTiersResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllMarketParams(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryAllMarketParamsRequest, ...) (*pricestypes.QueryAllMarketParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllMarketPrices(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryAllMarketPricesRequest, ...) (*pricestypes.QueryAllMarketPricesResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllPendingSendPackets(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.QueryAllPendingSendPacketsRequest, ...) (*ratelimittypes.QueryAllPendingSendPacketsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) AllPerpetuals(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllPerpetualsRequest, ...) (*types.QueryAllPerpetualsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) BlockRateLimitConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryBlockRateLimitConfigurationRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.QueryBlockRateLimitConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) CapacityByDenom(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.QueryCapacityByDenomRequest, ...) (*ratelimittypes.QueryCapacityByDenomResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) ClobPair(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryGetClobPairRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.QueryClobPairResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) ClobPairAll(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryAllClobPairRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.QueryClobPairAllResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) CollateralPoolAddress(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryCollateralPoolAddressRequest, ...) (*subaccountstypes.QueryCollateralPoolAddressResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) DowntimeParams(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryDowntimeParamsRequest, ...) (*blocktimetypes.QueryDowntimeParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) EquityTierLimitConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryEquityTierLimitConfigurationRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.QueryEquityTierLimitConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) GetAssetYieldIndexQuery(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.GetAssetYieldIndexQueryRequest, ...) (*ratelimittypes.GetAssetYieldIndexQueryResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) GetSDAIPriceQuery(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.GetSDAIPriceQueryRequest, ...) (*ratelimittypes.GetSDAIPriceQueryResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo(ctx context.Context, ...) (*subaccountstypes.QueryGetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfoResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) LiquidationsConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryLiquidationsConfigurationRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.QueryLiquidationsConfigurationResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) ListLimitParams(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.ListLimitParamsRequest, ...) (*ratelimittypes.ListLimitParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) MarketParam(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryMarketParamRequest, ...) (*pricestypes.QueryMarketParamResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) MarketPrice(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryMarketPriceRequest, ...) (*pricestypes.QueryMarketPriceResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) MevNodeToNodeCalculation(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.MevNodeToNodeCalculationRequest, ...) (*clobtypes.MevNodeToNodeCalculationResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) Params(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) Perpetual(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPerpetualRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryPerpetualResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) PremiumSamples(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPremiumSamplesRequest, ...) (*types.QueryPremiumSamplesResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) PremiumVotes(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPremiumVotesRequest, ...) (*types.QueryPremiumVotesResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) PreviousBlockInfo(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryPreviousBlockInfoRequest, ...) (*blocktimetypes.QueryPreviousBlockInfoResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) StreamOrderbookUpdates(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.StreamOrderbookUpdatesRequest, ...) (clobtypes.Query_StreamOrderbookUpdatesClient, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) Subaccount(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryGetSubaccountRequest, ...) (*subaccountstypes.QuerySubaccountResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) SubaccountAll(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryAllSubaccountRequest, ...) (*subaccountstypes.QuerySubaccountAllResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) UpdateMarketPrices(ctx context.Context, in *api.UpdateMarketPricesRequest, ...) (*api.UpdateMarketPricesResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryClient) UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemon(ctx context.Context, ...) (*deleveragingapi.UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemonResponse, error)
- type QueryServer
- func (_m *QueryServer) AllMarketParams(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllMarketParamsRequest) (*types.QueryAllMarketParamsResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryServer) AllMarketPrices(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllMarketPricesRequest) (*types.QueryAllMarketPricesResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryServer) MarketParam(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryMarketParamRequest) (*types.QueryMarketParamResponse, error)
- func (_m *QueryServer) MarketPrice(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryMarketPriceRequest) (*types.QueryMarketPriceResponse, error)
- type RequestHandler
- type SDAIEthClient
- type SDAIEventManager
- type SDAIServiceClient
- type SendingKeeper
- func (_m *SendingKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
- func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessDepositToSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, ...) error
- func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessTransfer(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, transfer *types.Transfer) error
- func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, ...) error
- func (_m *SendingKeeper) SendFromModuleToAccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msg *types.MsgSendFromModuleToAccount) error
- type Server
- type SubaccountsKeeper
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) CanUpdateSubaccounts(ctx types.Context, updates []subaccountstypes.Update, ...) (bool, []subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, error)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount(ctx types.Context, fromAccount types.AccAddress, ...) error
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetAllSubaccount(ctx types.Context) []subaccountstypes.Subaccount
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (uint32, bool, error)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, update subaccountstypes.Update) (*big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetRandomSubaccount(ctx types.Context, _a1 *rand.Rand) (subaccountstypes.Subaccount, error)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetSubaccount(ctx types.Context, id subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) subaccountstypes.Subaccount
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) SetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, blockHeight uint32) error
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) SetSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccount subaccountstypes.Subaccount)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) TransferFundsFromSubaccountToSubaccount(ctx types.Context, senderSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) error
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) UpdateSubaccounts(ctx types.Context, updates []subaccountstypes.Update, ...) (bool, []subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, error)
- func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount(ctx types.Context, fromSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, ...) error
- type TimeProvider
- type TxBuilder
- func (_m *TxBuilder) AddAuxSignerData(_a0 tx.AuxSignerData) error
- func (_m *TxBuilder) GetTx() signing.Tx
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeeAmount(amount types.Coins)
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeeGranter(feeGranter types.AccAddress)
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeePayer(feePayer types.AccAddress)
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetGasLimit(limit uint64)
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetMemo(memo string)
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetMsgs(msgs ...proto.Message) error
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetSignatures(signatures ...txsigning.SignatureV2) error
- func (_m *TxBuilder) SetTimeoutHeight(height uint64)
- type TxConfig
- func (_m *TxConfig) MarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []signing.SignatureV2) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *TxConfig) NewTxBuilder() client.TxBuilder
- func (_m *TxConfig) SignModeHandler() *txsigning.HandlerMap
- func (_m *TxConfig) SigningContext() *txsigning.Context
- func (_m *TxConfig) TxDecoder() types.TxDecoder
- func (_m *TxConfig) TxEncoder() types.TxEncoder
- func (_m *TxConfig) TxJSONDecoder() types.TxDecoder
- func (_m *TxConfig) TxJSONEncoder() types.TxEncoder
- func (_m *TxConfig) UnmarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []byte) ([]signing.SignatureV2, error)
- func (_m *TxConfig) WrapTxBuilder(_a0 types.Tx) (client.TxBuilder, error)
- type VEApplierClobInterface
- func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) CacheSeenExtendedVotes(ctx types.Context, req *abcitypes.RequestCommit) error
- func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) GetVECache() *vecache.VeCache
- func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) VoteAggregator() aggregator.VoteAggregator
- func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) WritePricesToStoreAndMaybeCache(ctx types.Context, prices map[string]voteweighted.AggregatorPricePair, ...) error
- func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) WriteSDaiConversionRateToStoreAndMaybeCache(ctx types.Context, sDaiConversionRate *big.Int, txHash []byte, ...) error
- type VEApplierInterface
- type VEApplierPricesKeeper
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPnlPriceUpdate) error
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) error
- func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate) error
- type VEApplierRatelimitKeeper
- type ValidatorPubKeyStore
- type ValidatorStore
- func (_m *ValidatorStore) GetAllValidators(ctx context.Context) ([]types.Validator, error)
- func (_m *ValidatorStore) GetPubKeyByConsAddr(_a0 context.Context, _a1 cosmos_sdktypes.ConsAddress) (crypto.PublicKey, error)
- func (_m *ValidatorStore) GetValidator(ctx context.Context, valAddr cosmos_sdktypes.ValAddress) (types.Validator, error)
- func (_m *ValidatorStore) TotalBondedTokens(ctx context.Context) (math.Int, error)
- func (_m *ValidatorStore) ValidatorByConsAddr(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.ConsAddress) (types.ValidatorI, error)
- type VoteAggregator
- type VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AnteDecorator ¶
AnteDecorator is an autogenerated mock type for the AnteDecorator type
func NewAnteDecorator ¶
func NewAnteDecorator(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AnteDecorator
NewAnteDecorator creates a new instance of AnteDecorator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AnteDecorator) AnteHandle ¶
func (_m *AnteDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx types.Context, tx types.Tx, simulate bool, next types.AnteHandler) (types.Context, error)
AnteHandle provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tx, simulate, next
type AppOptions ¶
AppOptions is an autogenerated mock type for the AppOptions type
func NewAppOptions ¶
func NewAppOptions(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *AppOptions
NewAppOptions creates a new instance of AppOptions. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*AppOptions) Get ¶
func (_m *AppOptions) Get(_a0 string) interface{}
Get provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type BankKeeper ¶
BankKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the Keeper type
func NewBankKeeper ¶
func NewBankKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *BankKeeper
NewBankKeeper creates a new instance of BankKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*BankKeeper) AllBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) AllBalances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllBalancesRequest) (*types.QueryAllBalancesResponse, error)
AllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) AppendSendRestriction ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) AppendSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)
AppendSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: restriction
func (*BankKeeper) Balance ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) Balance(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryBalanceRequest) (*types.QueryBalanceResponse, error)
Balance provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) BlockedAddr ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) BlockedAddr(addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) bool
BlockedAddr provides a mock function with given fields: addr
func (*BankKeeper) BurnCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) BurnCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
BurnCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleName, amt
func (*BankKeeper) ClearSendRestriction ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) ClearSendRestriction()
ClearSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*BankKeeper) DelegateCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, delegatorAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, moduleAccAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
DelegateCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, delegatorAddr, moduleAccAddr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderAddr, recipientModule, amt
func (*BankKeeper) DeleteSendEnabled ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DeleteSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denoms ...string)
DeleteSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denoms
func (*BankKeeper) DenomMetadata ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomMetadata(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomMetadataRequest) (*types.QueryDenomMetadataResponse, error)
DenomMetadata provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) DenomMetadataByQueryString ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomMetadataByQueryString(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringRequest) (*types.QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringResponse, error)
DenomMetadataByQueryString provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) DenomOwners ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomOwners(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomOwnersRequest) (*types.QueryDenomOwnersResponse, error)
DenomOwners provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) DenomOwnersByQuery ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomOwnersByQuery(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomOwnersByQueryRequest) (*types.QueryDenomOwnersByQueryResponse, error)
DenomOwnersByQuery provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) DenomsMetadata ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) DenomsMetadata(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryDenomsMetadataRequest) (*types.QueryDenomsMetadataResponse, error)
DenomsMetadata provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) ExportGenesis ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) ExportGenesis(_a0 context.Context) *types.GenesisState
ExportGenesis provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*BankKeeper) GetAccountsBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAccountsBalances(ctx context.Context) []types.Balance
GetAccountsBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*BankKeeper) GetAllBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllBalances(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
GetAllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr
func (*BankKeeper) GetAllDenomMetaData ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context) []types.Metadata
GetAllDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*BankKeeper) GetAllSendEnabledEntries ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllSendEnabledEntries(ctx context.Context) []types.SendEnabled
GetAllSendEnabledEntries provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*BankKeeper) GetAuthority ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAuthority() string
GetAuthority provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*BankKeeper) GetBalance ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
GetBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, denom
func (*BankKeeper) GetBlockedAddresses ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetBlockedAddresses() map[string]bool
GetBlockedAddresses provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*BankKeeper) GetDenomMetaData ¶
GetDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) GetPaginatedTotalSupply ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetPaginatedTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, pagination *query.PageRequest) (cosmos_sdktypes.Coins, *query.PageResponse, error)
GetPaginatedTotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pagination
func (*BankKeeper) GetParams ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetParams(ctx context.Context) types.Params
GetParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*BankKeeper) GetSendEnabledEntry ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSendEnabledEntry(ctx context.Context, denom string) (types.SendEnabled, bool)
GetSendEnabledEntry provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) GetSupply ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
GetSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) HasBalance ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) HasBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool
HasBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) HasDenomMetaData ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) HasDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
HasDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) HasSupply ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) HasSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
HasSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) InitGenesis ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) InitGenesis(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.GenesisState)
InitGenesis provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) InputOutputCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) InputOutputCoins(ctx context.Context, input types.Input, outputs []types.Output) error
InputOutputCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, input, outputs
func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoin ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoin(ctx context.Context, coin cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool
IsSendEnabledCoin provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, coin
func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoins(ctx context.Context, coins ...cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) error
IsSendEnabledCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, coins
func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledDenom ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledDenom(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool
IsSendEnabledDenom provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom
func (*BankKeeper) IterateAccountBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAccountBalances(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)
IterateAccountBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, cb
func (*BankKeeper) IterateAllBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAllBalances(ctx context.Context, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)
IterateAllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb
func (*BankKeeper) IterateAllDenomMetaData ¶
IterateAllDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb
func (*BankKeeper) IterateSendEnabledEntries ¶
IterateSendEnabledEntries provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb
func (*BankKeeper) IterateTotalSupply ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)
IterateTotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb
func (*BankKeeper) LockedCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) LockedCoins(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
LockedCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr
func (*BankKeeper) MintCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) MintCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
MintCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleName, amt
func (*BankKeeper) Params ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) Params(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryParamsRequest) (*types.QueryParamsResponse, error)
Params provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) PrependSendRestriction ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) PrependSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)
PrependSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: restriction
func (*BankKeeper) SendCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoins(ctx context.Context, fromAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, toAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
SendCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromAddr, toAddr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
SendCoinsFromAccountToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderAddr, recipientModule, amt
func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToModule ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
SendCoinsFromModuleToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientModule, amt
func (*BankKeeper) SendEnabled ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SendEnabled(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySendEnabledRequest) (*types.QuerySendEnabledResponse, error)
SendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) SetAllSendEnabled ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SetAllSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, sendEnableds []*types.SendEnabled)
SetAllSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sendEnableds
func (*BankKeeper) SetDenomMetaData ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SetDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denomMetaData types.Metadata)
SetDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denomMetaData
func (*BankKeeper) SetSendEnabled ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SetSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denom string, value bool)
SetSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom, value
func (*BankKeeper) SpendableBalanceByDenom ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableBalanceByDenom(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomRequest) (*types.QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomResponse, error)
SpendableBalanceByDenom provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) SpendableBalances ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableBalances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySpendableBalancesRequest) (*types.QuerySpendableBalancesResponse, error)
SpendableBalances provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) SpendableCoin ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableCoin(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin
SpendableCoin provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, denom
func (*BankKeeper) SpendableCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableCoins(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) cosmos_sdktypes.Coins
SpendableCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr
func (*BankKeeper) SupplyOf ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) SupplyOf(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QuerySupplyOfRequest) (*types.QuerySupplyOfResponse, error)
SupplyOf provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) TotalSupply ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) TotalSupply(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryTotalSupplyRequest) (*types.QueryTotalSupplyResponse, error)
TotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*BankKeeper) UndelegateCoins ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleAccAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, delegatorAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
UndelegateCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleAccAddr, delegatorAddr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error
UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt
func (*BankKeeper) ValidateBalance ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) ValidateBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) error
ValidateBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr
func (*BankKeeper) WithMintCoinsRestriction ¶
func (_m *BankKeeper) WithMintCoinsRestriction(_a0 types.MintingRestrictionFn) keeper.BaseKeeper
WithMintCoinsRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type BigIntCache ¶
BigIntCache is an autogenerated mock type for the BigIntCache type
func NewBigIntCache ¶
func NewBigIntCache(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *BigIntCache
NewBigIntCache creates a new instance of BigIntCache. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*BigIntCache) GetValue ¶
func (_m *BigIntCache) GetValue() *big.Int
GetValue provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*BigIntCache) HasValidValue ¶
func (_m *BigIntCache) HasValidValue(currTxHash []byte) bool
HasValidValue provides a mock function with given fields: currTxHash
type CacheMultiStore ¶
CacheMultiStore is an autogenerated mock type for the CacheMultiStore type
func NewCacheMultiStore ¶
func NewCacheMultiStore(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *CacheMultiStore
NewCacheMultiStore creates a new instance of CacheMultiStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStore ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore
CacheMultiStore provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)
CacheMultiStoreWithVersion provides a mock function with given fields: version
func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheWrap ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap
CacheWrap provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap
CacheWrapWithTrace provides a mock function with given fields: w, tc
func (*CacheMultiStore) GetKVStore ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore
GetKVStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*CacheMultiStore) GetStore ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store
GetStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*CacheMultiStore) GetStoreType ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType
GetStoreType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CacheMultiStore) LatestVersion ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) LatestVersion() int64
LatestVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CacheMultiStore) SetTracer ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore
SetTracer provides a mock function with given fields: w
func (*CacheMultiStore) SetTracingContext ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore
SetTracingContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*CacheMultiStore) TracingEnabled ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool
TracingEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CacheMultiStore) Write ¶
func (_m *CacheMultiStore) Write()
Write provides a mock function with given fields:
type ClobKeeper ¶
ClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ClobKeeper type
func NewClobKeeper ¶
func NewClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ClobKeeper
NewClobKeeper creates a new instance of ClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId][]clobtypes.PendingOpenOrder) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)
AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders
func (*ClobKeeper) BatchCancelShortTermOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) BatchCancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgBatchCancel) ([]uint32, []uint32, error)
BatchCancelShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*ClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
CancelShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*ClobKeeper) CancelStatefulOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
CancelStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*ClobKeeper) ConvertLiquidationPriceToSubticks ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) ConvertLiquidationPriceToSubticks(ctx types.Context, liquidationPrice *big.Rat, isLiquidatingLong bool, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair) clobtypes.Subticks
ConvertLiquidationPriceToSubticks provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidationPrice, isLiquidatingLong, clobPair
func (*ClobKeeper) CreatePerpetualClobPair ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) CreatePerpetualClobPair(ctx types.Context, clobPairId uint32, perpetualId uint32, stepSizeInBaseQuantums subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, quantumConversionExponent int32, subticksPerTick uint32, status clobtypes.ClobPair_Status) (clobtypes.ClobPair, error)
CreatePerpetualClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, perpetualId, stepSizeInBaseQuantums, quantumConversionExponent, subticksPerTick, status
func (*ClobKeeper) DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetAllClobPairs ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetAllClobPairs(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.ClobPair
GetAllClobPairs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantums
func (*ClobKeeper) GetBestPerpetualPositionToLiquidate ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBestPerpetualPositionToLiquidate(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (uint32, error)
GetBestPerpetualPositionToLiquidate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetBlockRateLimitConfiguration ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBlockRateLimitConfiguration(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.BlockRateLimitConfiguration
GetBlockRateLimitConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) GetClobPair ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.ClobPair, bool)
GetClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ClobKeeper) GetFillablePrice ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetFillablePrice(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Rat, error)
GetFillablePrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager
GetIndexerEventManager provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClobKeeper) GetInsuranceFundBalanceInQuoteQuantums ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetInsuranceFundBalanceInQuoteQuantums(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) *big.Int
GetInsuranceFundBalanceInQuoteQuantums provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationInsuranceFundFeeAndRemainingAvailableCollateral ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationInsuranceFundFeeAndRemainingAvailableCollateral(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, isBuy bool, fillAmount uint64, subticks clobtypes.Subticks) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
GetLiquidationInsuranceFundFeeAndRemainingAvailableCollateral provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, isBuy, fillAmount, subticks
func (*ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationsConfig ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig
GetLiquidationsConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)
GetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetMaxQuantumsInsuranceDelta ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetMaxQuantumsInsuranceDelta(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)
GetMaxQuantumsInsuranceDelta provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetNextSubaccountToLiquidate ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetNextSubaccountToLiquidate(ctx types.Context, subaccountIds *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap, isolatedPositionsPriorityHeap *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap, numIsolatedLiquidations *int) (subaccountstypes.Subaccount, *heap.LiquidationPriority)
GetNextSubaccountToLiquidate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountIds, isolatedPositionsPriorityHeap, numIsolatedLiquidations
func (*ClobKeeper) GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.ProcessProposerMatchesEvents
GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) GetStatePosition ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *big.Int
GetStatePosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, clobPairId
func (*ClobKeeper) GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId
GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime
func (*ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) clobtypes.SubaccountLiquidationInfo
GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*ClobKeeper) HasAuthority ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority
func (*ClobKeeper) Initialize ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) Initialize(ctx types.Context)
Initialize provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeBlockRateLimit ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeBlockRateLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.BlockRateLimitConfiguration) error
InitializeBlockRateLimit provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config
func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeEquityTierLimit ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeEquityTierLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.EquityTierLimitConfiguration) error
InitializeEquityTierLimit provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config
func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeNewGrpcStreams ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeNewGrpcStreams(ctx types.Context)
InitializeNewGrpcStreams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) IsInitialized ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) IsInitialized() bool
IsInitialized provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)
IsLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*ClobKeeper) LiquidateSubaccountsAgainstOrderbookInternal ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) LiquidateSubaccountsAgainstOrderbookInternal(ctx types.Context, subaccountIds *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap, isolatedPositionsPriorityHeap *heap.LiquidationPriorityHeap) ([]heap.SubaccountToDeleverage, error)
LiquidateSubaccountsAgainstOrderbookInternal provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountIds, isolatedPositionsPriorityHeap
func (*ClobKeeper) Logger ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) MaybeDeleverageSubaccount ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)
MaybeDeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId
func (*ClobKeeper) MaybeGetLiquidationOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeGetLiquidationOrder(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (*clobtypes.LiquidationOrder, error)
MaybeGetLiquidationOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*ClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime, orderId
func (*ClobKeeper) MustRemoveStatefulOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustRemoveStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
MustRemoveStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*ClobKeeper) MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context, processProposerMatchesEvents clobtypes.ProcessProposerMatchesEvents)
MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, processProposerMatchesEvents
func (*ClobKeeper) MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32)
MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId
func (*ClobKeeper) PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder, blockHeight uint32) error
PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder, blockHeight
func (*ClobKeeper) PerformStatefulOrderValidation ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformStatefulOrderValidation(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32, isPreexistingStatefulOrder bool) error
PerformStatefulOrderValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight, isPreexistingStatefulOrder
func (*ClobKeeper) PlacePerpetualLiquidation ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlacePerpetualLiquidation(ctx types.Context, liquidationOrder clobtypes.LiquidationOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, error)
PlacePerpetualLiquidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidationOrder
func (*ClobKeeper) PlaceShortTermOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlaceShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, error)
PlaceShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*ClobKeeper) PlaceStatefulOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlaceStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error
PlaceStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*ClobKeeper) ProcessProposerOperations ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) ProcessProposerOperations(ctx types.Context, operations []clobtypes.OperationRaw) error
ProcessProposerOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operations
func (*ClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch(ctx types.Context, matchWithOrders *clobtypes.MatchWithOrders) (bool, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
ProcessSingleMatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, matchWithOrders
func (*ClobKeeper) PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context)
PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ClobKeeper) RateLimitBatchCancel ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitBatchCancel(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgBatchCancel) error
RateLimitBatchCancel provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*ClobKeeper) RateLimitCancelOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitCancelOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
RateLimitCancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*ClobKeeper) RateLimitPlaceOrder ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitPlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error
RateLimitPlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveClobPair ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId)
RemoveClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices(ctx types.Context, blockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId
RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, blockTime
func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveOrderFillAmount ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
RemoveOrderFillAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*ClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)
SendOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offchainUpdates, snapshot
func (*ClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)
SetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight
func (*ClobKeeper) UpdateClobPair ¶
UpdateClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair
func (*ClobKeeper) UpdateLiquidationsConfig ¶
func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig) error
UpdateLiquidationsConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config
type Configurator ¶
Configurator is an autogenerated mock type for the Configurator type
func NewConfigurator ¶
func NewConfigurator(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *Configurator
NewConfigurator creates a new instance of Configurator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Configurator) Error ¶
func (_m *Configurator) Error() error
Error provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Configurator) MsgServer ¶
func (_m *Configurator) MsgServer() grpc.Server
MsgServer provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Configurator) QueryServer ¶
func (_m *Configurator) QueryServer() grpc.Server
QueryServer provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Configurator) RegisterMigration ¶
func (_m *Configurator) RegisterMigration(moduleName string, fromVersion uint64, handler module.MigrationHandler) error
RegisterMigration provides a mock function with given fields: moduleName, fromVersion, handler
func (*Configurator) RegisterService ¶
func (_m *Configurator) RegisterService(sd *google_golang_orggrpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})
RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss
type DelayMsgKeeper ¶
DelayMsgKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the DelayMsgKeeper type
func NewDelayMsgKeeper ¶
func NewDelayMsgKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *DelayMsgKeeper
NewDelayMsgKeeper creates a new instance of DelayMsgKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) DelayMessageByBlocks ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DelayMessageByBlocks(ctx types.Context, msg proto.Message, blockDelay uint32) (uint32, error)
DelayMessageByBlocks provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg, blockDelay
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) DeleteMessage ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DeleteMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) error
DeleteMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetAllDelayedMessages ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetAllDelayedMessages(ctx types.Context) []*delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage
GetAllDelayedMessages provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetBlockMessageIds ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetBlockMessageIds(ctx types.Context, blockHeight uint32) (delaymsgtypes.BlockMessageIds, bool)
GetBlockMessageIds provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, blockHeight
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetMessage ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage, bool)
GetMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) HasAuthority ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) Logger ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) Router ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Router() lib.MsgRouter
Router provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) SetDelayedMessage ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetDelayedMessage(ctx types.Context, msg *delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage) error
SetDelayedMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*DelayMsgKeeper) SetNextDelayedMessageId ¶
func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetNextDelayedMessageId(ctx types.Context, nextDelayedMessageId uint32)
SetNextDelayedMessageId provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, nextDelayedMessageId
type EthQueryClient ¶
EthQueryClient is an autogenerated mock type for the EthQueryClient type
func NewEthQueryClient ¶
func NewEthQueryClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *EthQueryClient
NewEthQueryClient creates a new instance of EthQueryClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*EthQueryClient) QueryDaiConversionRate ¶
func (_m *EthQueryClient) QueryDaiConversionRate(client *ethclient.Client) (string, error)
QueryDaiConversionRate provides a mock function with given fields: client
type ExchangeConfigUpdater ¶
ExchangeConfigUpdater is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeConfigUpdater type
func NewExchangeConfigUpdater ¶
func NewExchangeConfigUpdater(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExchangeConfigUpdater
NewExchangeConfigUpdater creates a new instance of ExchangeConfigUpdater. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExchangeConfigUpdater) GetExchangeId ¶
func (_m *ExchangeConfigUpdater) GetExchangeId() string
GetExchangeId provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ExchangeConfigUpdater) UpdateMutableExchangeConfig ¶
func (_m *ExchangeConfigUpdater) UpdateMutableExchangeConfig(newExchangeConfig *types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, newMarketConfigs []*types.MutableMarketConfig) error
UpdateMutableExchangeConfig provides a mock function with given fields: newExchangeConfig, newMarketConfigs
type ExchangeQueryHandler ¶
ExchangeQueryHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeQueryHandler type
func NewExchangeQueryHandler ¶
func NewExchangeQueryHandler(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExchangeQueryHandler
NewExchangeQueryHandler creates a new instance of ExchangeQueryHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExchangeQueryHandler) Now ¶
func (_m *ExchangeQueryHandler) Now() time.Time
Now provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ExchangeQueryHandler) Query ¶
func (_m *ExchangeQueryHandler) Query(ctx context.Context, exchangeQueryDetails *types.ExchangeQueryDetails, exchangeConfig *types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, marketIds []uint32, requestHandler daemonstypes.RequestHandler, marketPriceExponent map[uint32]int32) ([]*types.MarketPriceTimestamp, map[uint32]error, error)
Query provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, exchangeQueryDetails, exchangeConfig, marketIds, requestHandler, marketPriceExponent
type ExchangeToMarketPrices ¶
ExchangeToMarketPrices is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeToMarketPrices type
func NewExchangeToMarketPrices ¶
func NewExchangeToMarketPrices(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExchangeToMarketPrices
NewExchangeToMarketPrices creates a new instance of ExchangeToMarketPrices. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetAllPrices ¶
func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetAllPrices() map[string][]types.MarketPriceTimestamp
GetAllPrices provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetDaemonPrice ¶
func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetDaemonPrice(marketId uint32, cutoffTime time.Time, resolver pricefeedtypes.Resolver) (uint64, int)
GetDaemonPrice provides a mock function with given fields: marketId, cutoffTime, resolver
func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) UpdatePrice ¶
func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) UpdatePrice(exchangeId string, marketPriceTimestamp *types.MarketPriceTimestamp)
UpdatePrice provides a mock function with given fields: exchangeId, marketPriceTimestamp
type ExtendVoteClobKeeper ¶
ExtendVoteClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ExtendVoteClobKeeper type
func NewExtendVoteClobKeeper ¶
func NewExtendVoteClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExtendVoteClobKeeper
NewExtendVoteClobKeeper creates a new instance of ExtendVoteClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExtendVoteClobKeeper) GetClobPair ¶
func (_m *ExtendVoteClobKeeper) GetClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.ClobPair, bool)
GetClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ExtendVoteClobKeeper) GetSingleMarketClobMetadata ¶
func (_m *ExtendVoteClobKeeper) GetSingleMarketClobMetadata(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair) clobtypes.ClobMetadata
GetSingleMarketClobMetadata provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair
type ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper ¶
ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper type
func NewExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper ¶
func NewExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper
NewExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper creates a new instance of ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper) GetPerpetual ¶
func (_m *ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper) GetPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
GetPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
type ExtendVotePricesKeeper ¶
ExtendVotePricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ExtendVotePricesKeeper type
func NewExtendVotePricesKeeper ¶
func NewExtendVotePricesKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ExtendVotePricesKeeper
NewExtendVotePricesKeeper creates a new instance of ExtendVotePricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetMarketParam ¶
func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
GetMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates ¶
func (_m *ExtendVotePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates
GetValidMarketPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type FileHandler ¶
FileHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the FileHandler type
func NewFileHandler ¶
func NewFileHandler(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *FileHandler
NewFileHandler creates a new instance of FileHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*FileHandler) RemoveAll ¶
func (_m *FileHandler) RemoveAll(path string) error
RemoveAll provides a mock function with given fields: path
type GrpcClient ¶
GrpcClient is an autogenerated mock type for the GrpcClient type
func NewGrpcClient ¶
func NewGrpcClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *GrpcClient
NewGrpcClient creates a new instance of GrpcClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*GrpcClient) CloseConnection ¶
func (_m *GrpcClient) CloseConnection(grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn) error
CloseConnection provides a mock function with given fields: grpcConn
func (*GrpcClient) NewGrpcConnection ¶
func (_m *GrpcClient) NewGrpcConnection(ctx context.Context, socketAddress string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
NewGrpcConnection provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, socketAddress
func (*GrpcClient) NewTcpConnection ¶
func (_m *GrpcClient) NewTcpConnection(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
NewTcpConnection provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, endpoint
type GrpcServer ¶
GrpcServer is an autogenerated mock type for the GrpcServer type
func NewGrpcServer ¶
func NewGrpcServer(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *GrpcServer
NewGrpcServer creates a new instance of GrpcServer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*GrpcServer) RegisterService ¶
func (_m *GrpcServer) RegisterService(sd *grpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})
RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss
func (*GrpcServer) Serve ¶
func (_m *GrpcServer) Serve(lis net.Listener) error
Serve provides a mock function with given fields: lis
func (*GrpcServer) Stop ¶
func (_m *GrpcServer) Stop()
Stop provides a mock function with given fields:
type HealthCheckable ¶
HealthCheckable is an autogenerated mock type for the HealthCheckable type
func NewHealthCheckable ¶
func NewHealthCheckable(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *HealthCheckable
NewHealthCheckable creates a new instance of HealthCheckable. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*HealthCheckable) HealthCheck ¶
func (_m *HealthCheckable) HealthCheck() error
HealthCheck provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*HealthCheckable) ReportFailure ¶
func (_m *HealthCheckable) ReportFailure(err error)
ReportFailure provides a mock function with given fields: err
func (*HealthCheckable) ReportSuccess ¶
func (_m *HealthCheckable) ReportSuccess()
ReportSuccess provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*HealthCheckable) ServiceName ¶
func (_m *HealthCheckable) ServiceName() string
ServiceName provides a mock function with given fields:
type ICS4Wrapper ¶
ICS4Wrapper is an autogenerated mock type for the ICS4Wrapper type
func NewICS4Wrapper ¶
func NewICS4Wrapper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ICS4Wrapper
NewICS4Wrapper creates a new instance of ICS4Wrapper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ICS4Wrapper) GetAppVersion ¶
func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) GetAppVersion(ctx types.Context, portID string, channelID string) (string, bool)
GetAppVersion provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, portID, channelID
func (*ICS4Wrapper) SendPacket ¶
func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) SendPacket(ctx types.Context, chanCap *capabilitytypes.Capability, sourcePort string, sourceChannel string, timeoutHeight clienttypes.Height, timeoutTimestamp uint64, data []byte) (uint64, error)
SendPacket provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, chanCap, sourcePort, sourceChannel, timeoutHeight, timeoutTimestamp, data
func (*ICS4Wrapper) WriteAcknowledgement ¶
func (_m *ICS4Wrapper) WriteAcknowledgement(ctx types.Context, chanCap *capabilitytypes.Capability, packet exported.PacketI, acknowledgement exported.Acknowledgement) error
WriteAcknowledgement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, chanCap, packet, acknowledgement
type IndexerEventManager ¶
IndexerEventManager is an autogenerated mock type for the IndexerEventManager type
func NewIndexerEventManager ¶
func NewIndexerEventManager(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *IndexerEventManager
NewIndexerEventManager creates a new instance of IndexerEventManager. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*IndexerEventManager) AddBlockEvent ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddBlockEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, blockEvent indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintEvent_BlockEvent, version uint32, dataBytes []byte)
AddBlockEvent provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subType, blockEvent, version, dataBytes
func (*IndexerEventManager) AddTxnEvent ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddTxnEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, version uint32, dataByes []byte)
AddTxnEvent provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subType, version, dataByes
func (*IndexerEventManager) ClearEvents ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) ClearEvents(ctx types.Context)
ClearEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*IndexerEventManager) Enabled ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) Enabled() bool
Enabled provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*IndexerEventManager) ProduceBlock ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) ProduceBlock(ctx types.Context) *indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintBlock
ProduceBlock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*IndexerEventManager) SendOffchainData ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOffchainData(message msgsender.Message)
SendOffchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message
func (*IndexerEventManager) SendOnchainData ¶
func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOnchainData(block *indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintBlock)
SendOnchainData provides a mock function with given fields: block
type IndexerMessageSender ¶
IndexerMessageSender is an autogenerated mock type for the IndexerMessageSender type
func NewIndexerMessageSender ¶
func NewIndexerMessageSender(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *IndexerMessageSender
NewIndexerMessageSender creates a new instance of IndexerMessageSender. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*IndexerMessageSender) Close ¶
func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) Close() error
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*IndexerMessageSender) Enabled ¶
func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) Enabled() bool
Enabled provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*IndexerMessageSender) SendOffchainData ¶
func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) SendOffchainData(message msgsender.Message)
SendOffchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message
func (*IndexerMessageSender) SendOnchainData ¶
func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) SendOnchainData(message msgsender.Message)
SendOnchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message
type Logger ¶
Logger is an autogenerated mock type for the Logger type
func NewLogger ¶
NewLogger creates a new instance of Logger. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Logger) Impl ¶
func (_m *Logger) Impl() interface{}
Impl provides a mock function with given fields:
type Marshaler ¶
Marshaler is an autogenerated mock type for the Marshaler type
func NewMarshaler ¶
NewMarshaler creates a new instance of Marshaler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type MemClob ¶
MemClob is an autogenerated mock type for the MemClob type
func NewMemClob ¶
NewMemClob creates a new instance of MemClob. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*MemClob) CancelOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClob) CancelOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) (*clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
CancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder
func (*MemClob) CountSubaccountShortTermOrders ¶
func (_m *MemClob) CountSubaccountShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) uint32
CountSubaccountShortTermOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*MemClob) CreateOrderbook ¶
CreateOrderbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair
func (*MemClob) DeleverageSubaccount ¶
func (_m *MemClob) DeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantums *big.Int, isFinalSettlement bool) (*big.Int, error)
DeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantums, isFinalSettlement
func (*MemClob) GetCancelOrder ¶
GetCancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClob) GetMidPrice ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetMidPrice(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.Subticks, clobtypes.Order, clobtypes.Order, bool)
GetMidPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId
func (*MemClob) GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId
func (*MemClob) GetOperationsRaw ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsRaw(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.OperationRaw
GetOperationsRaw provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*MemClob) GetOperationsToReplay ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsToReplay(ctx types.Context) ([]clobtypes.InternalOperation, map[clobtypes.OrderHash][]byte)
GetOperationsToReplay provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*MemClob) GetOrderFilledAmount ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderFilledAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums
GetOrderFilledAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClob) GetOrderRemainingAmount ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderRemainingAmount(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, bool)
GetOrderRemainingAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClob) GetPricePremium ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetPricePremium(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair, params perpetualstypes.GetPricePremiumParams) (int32, error)
GetPricePremium provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair, params
func (*MemClob) GetSubaccountOrders ¶
func (_m *MemClob) GetSubaccountOrders(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, side clobtypes.Order_Side) ([]clobtypes.Order, error)
GetSubaccountOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountId, side
func (*MemClob) InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue ¶
func (_m *MemClob) InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32)
InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId
func (*MemClob) MaybeCreateOrderbook ¶
MaybeCreateOrderbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair
func (*MemClob) PlaceOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClob) PlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
PlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
func (*MemClob) PlacePerpetualLiquidation ¶
func (_m *MemClob) PlacePerpetualLiquidation(ctx types.Context, liquidationOrder clobtypes.LiquidationOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
PlacePerpetualLiquidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidationOrder
func (*MemClob) PurgeInvalidMemclobState ¶
func (_m *MemClob) PurgeInvalidMemclobState(ctx types.Context, fullyFilledOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, expiredStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, canceledStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, removedStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, existingOffchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
PurgeInvalidMemclobState provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fullyFilledOrderIds, expiredStatefulOrderIds, canceledStatefulOrderIds, removedStatefulOrderIds, existingOffchainUpdates
func (*MemClob) RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue ¶
func (_m *MemClob) RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, localValidatorOperationsQueue []clobtypes.InternalOperation)
RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, localValidatorOperationsQueue
func (*MemClob) RemoveOrderIfFilled ¶
RemoveOrderIfFilled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClob) ReplayOperations ¶
func (_m *MemClob) ReplayOperations(ctx types.Context, localOperations []clobtypes.InternalOperation, shortTermOrderTxBytes map[clobtypes.OrderHash][]byte, existingOffchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates
ReplayOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, localOperations, shortTermOrderTxBytes, existingOffchainUpdates
func (*MemClob) SetClobKeeper ¶
func (_m *MemClob) SetClobKeeper(keeper clobtypes.MemClobKeeper)
SetClobKeeper provides a mock function with given fields: keeper
func (*MemClob) SetMemclobGauges ¶
SetMemclobGauges provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type MemClobKeeper ¶
MemClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the MemClobKeeper type
func NewMemClobKeeper ¶
func NewMemClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *MemClobKeeper
NewMemClobKeeper creates a new instance of MemClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*MemClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId][]clobtypes.PendingOpenOrder) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)
AddOrderToOrderbookSubaccountUpdatesCheck provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders
func (*MemClobKeeper) AddPreexistingStatefulOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) AddPreexistingStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.Order, memclob clobtypes.MemClob) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
AddPreexistingStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, memclob
func (*MemClobKeeper) CanDeleverageSubaccount ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CanDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (bool, bool, error)
CanDeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId
func (*MemClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error
CancelShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder
func (*MemClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager
GetIndexerEventManager provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MemClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)
GetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClobKeeper) GetOrderFillAmount ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (bool, subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, uint32)
GetOrderFillAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId
func (*MemClobKeeper) GetStatePosition ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *big.Int
GetStatePosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, clobPairId
func (*MemClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)
IsLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId
func (*MemClobKeeper) Logger ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*MemClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)
MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime, orderId
func (*MemClobKeeper) OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition(ctx types.Context, liquidatedSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantumsTotal *big.Int, isFinalSettlement bool) ([]clobtypes.MatchPerpetualDeleveraging_Fill, *big.Int)
OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidatedSubaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantumsTotal, isFinalSettlement
func (*MemClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch(ctx types.Context, matchWithOrders *clobtypes.MatchWithOrders) (bool, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
ProcessSingleMatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, matchWithOrders
func (*MemClobKeeper) ReplayPlaceOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ReplayPlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)
ReplayPlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*MemClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)
SendOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offchainUpdates, snapshot
func (*MemClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)
SetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight
func (*MemClobKeeper) ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder ¶
func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) error
ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order
type Msg ¶
Msg is an autogenerated mock type for the Msg type
func NewMsg ¶
func NewMsg(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMsg) *Msg
NewMsg creates a new instance of Msg. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func (*Msg) GetSigners ¶
func (_m *Msg) GetSigners() []types.AccAddress
GetSigners provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Msg) ProtoMessage ¶
func (_m *Msg) ProtoMessage()
ProtoMessage provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Msg) ValidateBasic ¶
ValidateBasic provides a mock function with given fields:
type MsgRouter ¶
MsgRouter is an autogenerated mock type for the MsgRouter type
func NewMsgRouter ¶
NewMsgRouter creates a new instance of MsgRouter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type MultiStore ¶
MultiStore is an autogenerated mock type for the MultiStore type
func NewMultiStore ¶
func NewMultiStore(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *MultiStore
NewMultiStore creates a new instance of MultiStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*MultiStore) CacheMultiStore ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore
CacheMultiStore provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)
CacheMultiStoreWithVersion provides a mock function with given fields: version
func (*MultiStore) CacheWrap ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap
CacheWrap provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap
CacheWrapWithTrace provides a mock function with given fields: w, tc
func (*MultiStore) GetKVStore ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore
GetKVStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*MultiStore) GetStore ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store
GetStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*MultiStore) GetStoreType ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType
GetStoreType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MultiStore) LatestVersion ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) LatestVersion() int64
LatestVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MultiStore) SetTracer ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore
SetTracer provides a mock function with given fields: w
func (*MultiStore) SetTracingContext ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore
SetTracingContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*MultiStore) TracingEnabled ¶
func (_m *MultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool
TracingEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:
type PerpetualsClobKeeper ¶
PerpetualsClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PerpetualsClobKeeper type
func NewPerpetualsClobKeeper ¶
func NewPerpetualsClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PerpetualsClobKeeper
NewPerpetualsClobKeeper creates a new instance of PerpetualsClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PerpetualsClobKeeper) GetPricePremiumForPerpetual ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsClobKeeper) GetPricePremiumForPerpetual(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, params perpetualstypes.GetPricePremiumParams) (int32, error)
GetPricePremiumForPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, params
func (*PerpetualsClobKeeper) IsPerpetualClobPairActive ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsClobKeeper) IsPerpetualClobPairActive(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (bool, error)
IsPerpetualClobPairActive provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
type PerpetualsKeeper ¶
PerpetualsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PerpetualsKeeper type
func NewPerpetualsKeeper ¶
func NewPerpetualsKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PerpetualsKeeper
NewPerpetualsKeeper creates a new instance of PerpetualsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) AddPremiumVotes ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) AddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context, votes []perpetualstypes.FundingPremium) error
AddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, votes
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) CreatePerpetual ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) CreatePerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, atomicResolution int32, defaultFundingPpm int32, liquidityTier uint32, dangerIndexPpm uint32, collateralPoolId uint32, yieldIndex string) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
CreatePerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, ticker, marketId, atomicResolution, defaultFundingPpm, liquidityTier, dangerIndexPpm, collateralPoolId, yieldIndex
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context) *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes
GetAddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllCollateralPools ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllCollateralPools(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.CollateralPool
GetAllCollateralPools provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllLiquidityTiers ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllLiquidityTiers(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.LiquidityTier
GetAllLiquidityTiers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllPerpetuals ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAllPerpetuals(ctx types.Context) []perpetualstypes.Perpetual
GetAllPerpetuals provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetCollateralPool ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (perpetualstypes.CollateralPool, error)
GetCollateralPool provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetMarginRequirements ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution int32) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
GetMarginRequirements provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetCollateral ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetCollateral(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution int32) (*big.Int, error)
GetNetCollateral provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetNotional ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetNotional(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution int32) (*big.Int, error)
GetNetNotional provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums, quoteCurrencyAtomicResolution
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteAssetIdFromPerpetualId ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteAssetIdFromPerpetualId(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (uint32, error)
GetQuoteAssetIdFromPerpetualId provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteCurrencyAtomicResolutionFromPerpetualId ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetQuoteCurrencyAtomicResolutionFromPerpetualId(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (int32, error)
GetQuoteCurrencyAtomicResolutionFromPerpetualId provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) HasAuthority ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) HasCollateralPool ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) HasCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, id uint32) bool
HasCollateralPool provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) IsMainCollateralPool ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) IsMainCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (bool, error)
IsMainCollateralPool provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch(ctx types.Context)
MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)
MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyOpenInterest ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyOpenInterest(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, openInterestDeltaBaseQuantums *big.Int) error
ModifyOpenInterest provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, openInterestDeltaBaseQuantums
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyPerpetual ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, defaultFundingPpm int32, liquidityTier uint32, dangerIndexPpm uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
ModifyPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, ticker, marketId, defaultFundingPpm, liquidityTier, dangerIndexPpm
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation(ctx types.Context, msg *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes) error
PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) SendOIUpdatesToIndexer ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SendOIUpdatesToIndexer(ctx types.Context)
SendOIUpdatesToIndexer provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) SetLiquidityTier ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetLiquidityTier(ctx types.Context, id uint32, name string, initialMarginPpm uint32, maintenanceFractionPpm uint32, impactNotional uint64, openInterestLowerCap uint64, openInterestUpperCap uint64) (perpetualstypes.LiquidityTier, error)
SetLiquidityTier provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, name, initialMarginPpm, maintenanceFractionPpm, impactNotional, openInterestLowerCap, openInterestUpperCap
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) SetParams ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetParams(ctx types.Context, params perpetualstypes.Params) error
SetParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, params
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) UpsertCollateralPool ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) UpsertCollateralPool(ctx types.Context, collateralPoolId uint32, maxCumulativeInsuranceFundDeltaPerBlock uint64, multiCollateralAssets *perpetualstypes.MultiCollateralAssetsArray, quoteAssetId uint32) (perpetualstypes.CollateralPool, error)
UpsertCollateralPool provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, collateralPoolId, maxCumulativeInsuranceFundDeltaPerBlock, multiCollateralAssets, quoteAssetId
func (*PerpetualsKeeper) ValidateAndSetPerpetual ¶
func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ValidateAndSetPerpetual(ctx types.Context, perpetual perpetualstypes.Perpetual) error
ValidateAndSetPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetual
type PreBlockExecPricesKeeper ¶
PreBlockExecPricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PreBlockExecPricesKeeper type
func NewPreBlockExecPricesKeeper ¶
func NewPreBlockExecPricesKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper
NewPreBlockExecPricesKeeper creates a new instance of PreBlockExecPricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
GetMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetSmoothedSpotPrice ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetSmoothedSpotPrice(markedId uint32) (uint64, bool)
GetSmoothedSpotPrice provides a mock function with given fields: markedId
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetValidMarketSpotPriceUpdates ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) GetValidMarketSpotPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) []*pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate
GetValidMarketSpotPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdate *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, marketPriceUpdate
func (*PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices ¶
func (_m *PreBlockExecPricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices(ctx types.Context, linearInterpolateFunc func(uint64, uint64, uint32) (uint64, error)) error
UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, linearInterpolateFunc
type PrepareClobKeeper ¶
PrepareClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PrepareClobKeeper type
func NewPrepareClobKeeper ¶
func NewPrepareClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PrepareClobKeeper
NewPrepareClobKeeper creates a new instance of PrepareClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PrepareClobKeeper) GetOperations ¶
func (_m *PrepareClobKeeper) GetOperations(ctx types.Context) *clobtypes.MsgProposedOperations
GetOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type PreparePerpetualsKeeper ¶
PreparePerpetualsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PreparePerpetualsKeeper type
func NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper ¶
func NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PreparePerpetualsKeeper
NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper creates a new instance of PreparePerpetualsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PreparePerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes ¶
func (_m *PreparePerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context) *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes
GetAddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type PreparePricesKeeper ¶
PreparePricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PreparePricesKeeper type
func NewPreparePricesKeeper ¶
func NewPreparePricesKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PreparePricesKeeper
NewPreparePricesKeeper creates a new instance of PreparePricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PreparePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PreparePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates ¶
func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates
GetValidMarketPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PreparePricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation ¶
func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdates, performNonDeterministicValidation bool) error
PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, marketPriceUpdates, performNonDeterministicValidation
type PriceUpdatesCache ¶
PriceUpdatesCache is an autogenerated mock type for the PriceUpdatesCache type
func NewPriceUpdatesCache ¶
func NewPriceUpdatesCache(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PriceUpdatesCache
NewPriceUpdatesCache creates a new instance of PriceUpdatesCache. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PriceUpdatesCache) GetPriceUpdates ¶
func (_m *PriceUpdatesCache) GetPriceUpdates() pricecache.PriceUpdates
GetPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*PriceUpdatesCache) HasValidValues ¶
func (_m *PriceUpdatesCache) HasValidValues(currTxHash []byte) bool
HasValidValues provides a mock function with given fields: currTxHash
func (*PriceUpdatesCache) SetPriceUpdates ¶
func (_m *PriceUpdatesCache) SetPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context, updates pricecache.PriceUpdates, txHash []byte)
SetPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates, txHash
type PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs ¶
PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs is an autogenerated mock type for the PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs type
func NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs ¶
func NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs
NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs creates a new instance of PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceEncoder ¶
func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceEncoder(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)
AddPriceEncoder provides a mock function with given fields: updater
func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceFetcher ¶
func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceFetcher(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)
AddPriceFetcher provides a mock function with given fields: updater
func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy ¶
func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy(id string) (*types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, error)
GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetMarketConfigCopies ¶
func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetMarketConfigCopies(markets []uint32) ([]*types.MutableMarketConfig, error)
GetMarketConfigCopies provides a mock function with given fields: markets
func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) UpdateMarkets ¶
func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) UpdateMarkets(marketParams []pricestypes.MarketParam) (map[uint32]error, error)
UpdateMarkets provides a mock function with given fields: marketParams
type PricesKeeper ¶
PricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PricesKeeper type
func NewPricesKeeper ¶
func NewPricesKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *PricesKeeper
NewPricesKeeper creates a new instance of PricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*PricesKeeper) CreateMarket ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) CreateMarket(ctx types.Context, param pricestypes.MarketParam, price pricestypes.MarketPrice) (pricestypes.MarketParam, error)
CreateMarket provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, param, price
func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParamPrices ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParamPrices(ctx types.Context) ([]pricestypes.MarketParamPrice, error)
GetAllMarketParamPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketPrices(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketPrice
GetAllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketIdToValidDaemonPrice ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketIdToValidDaemonPrice(ctx types.Context) map[uint32]pricestypes.MarketSpotPrice
GetMarketIdToValidDaemonPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketParam ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
GetMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketPrice ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketPrice(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketPrice, error)
GetMarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*PricesKeeper) HasAuthority ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority
func (*PricesKeeper) Logger ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger
Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*PricesKeeper) ModifyMarketParam ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) ModifyMarketParam(ctx types.Context, param pricestypes.MarketParam) (pricestypes.MarketParam, error)
ModifyMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, param
func (*PricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, marketPriceUpdates
func (*PricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPnlPriceUpdate) error
UpdatePnlPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
func (*PricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices(ctx types.Context, linearInterpolateFunc func(uint64, uint64, uint32) (uint64, error)) error
UpdateSmoothedSpotPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, linearInterpolateFunc
func (*PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices(ctx types.Context, updates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) error
UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates
func (*PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice ¶
func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate) error
UpdateSpotPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
type ProcessClobKeeper ¶
ProcessClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessClobKeeper type
func NewProcessClobKeeper ¶
func NewProcessClobKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ProcessClobKeeper
NewProcessClobKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetrics ¶
func (_m *ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetrics(ctx types.Context, stakingKeeper process.ProcessStakingKeeper, perpetualKeeper process.ProcessPerpetualKeeper, msgProposedOperations *clobtypes.MsgProposedOperations)
RecordMevMetrics provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, stakingKeeper, perpetualKeeper, msgProposedOperations
func (*ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled ¶
func (_m *ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled() bool
RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:
type ProcessPerpetualKeeper ¶
ProcessPerpetualKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessPerpetualKeeper type
func NewProcessPerpetualKeeper ¶
func NewProcessPerpetualKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ProcessPerpetualKeeper
NewProcessPerpetualKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessPerpetualKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetPerpetual ¶
func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)
GetPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetSettlementPpm ¶
func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetSettlementPpm(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, quantums *big.Int, index *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)
GetSettlementPpm provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, quantums, index
func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch ¶
func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)
MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
type ProcessProposalVEApplier ¶
ProcessProposalVEApplier is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessProposalVEApplier type
func NewProcessProposalVEApplier ¶
func NewProcessProposalVEApplier(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ProcessProposalVEApplier
NewProcessProposalVEApplier creates a new instance of ProcessProposalVEApplier. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type ProcessStakingKeeper ¶
ProcessStakingKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessStakingKeeper type
func NewProcessStakingKeeper ¶
func NewProcessStakingKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ProcessStakingKeeper
NewProcessStakingKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessStakingKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ProcessStakingKeeper) GetValidatorByConsAddr ¶
func (_m *ProcessStakingKeeper) GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx context.Context, consAddr types.ConsAddress) (stakingtypes.Validator, error)
GetValidatorByConsAddr provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, consAddr
type QueryClient ¶
QueryClient is an autogenerated mock type for the QueryClient type
func NewQueryClient ¶
func NewQueryClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *QueryClient
NewQueryClient creates a new instance of QueryClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*QueryClient) AllCollateralPools ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllCollateralPools(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllCollateralPoolsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryAllCollateralPoolsResponse, error)
AllCollateralPools provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllDowntimeInfo ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllDowntimeInfo(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryAllDowntimeInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*blocktimetypes.QueryAllDowntimeInfoResponse, error)
AllDowntimeInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllLiquidityTiers ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllLiquidityTiers(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllLiquidityTiersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryAllLiquidityTiersResponse, error)
AllLiquidityTiers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllMarketParams(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryAllMarketParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*pricestypes.QueryAllMarketParamsResponse, error)
AllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllMarketPrices(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryAllMarketPricesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*pricestypes.QueryAllMarketPricesResponse, error)
AllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllPendingSendPackets ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllPendingSendPackets(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.QueryAllPendingSendPacketsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ratelimittypes.QueryAllPendingSendPacketsResponse, error)
AllPendingSendPackets provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) AllPerpetuals ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) AllPerpetuals(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryAllPerpetualsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryAllPerpetualsResponse, error)
AllPerpetuals provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) BlockRateLimitConfiguration ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) BlockRateLimitConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryBlockRateLimitConfigurationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.QueryBlockRateLimitConfigurationResponse, error)
BlockRateLimitConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) CapacityByDenom ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) CapacityByDenom(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.QueryCapacityByDenomRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ratelimittypes.QueryCapacityByDenomResponse, error)
CapacityByDenom provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) ClobPair ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) ClobPair(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryGetClobPairRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.QueryClobPairResponse, error)
ClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) ClobPairAll ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) ClobPairAll(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryAllClobPairRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.QueryClobPairAllResponse, error)
ClobPairAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) CollateralPoolAddress ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) CollateralPoolAddress(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryCollateralPoolAddressRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*subaccountstypes.QueryCollateralPoolAddressResponse, error)
CollateralPoolAddress provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) DowntimeParams ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) DowntimeParams(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryDowntimeParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*blocktimetypes.QueryDowntimeParamsResponse, error)
DowntimeParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) EquityTierLimitConfiguration ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) EquityTierLimitConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryEquityTierLimitConfigurationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.QueryEquityTierLimitConfigurationResponse, error)
EquityTierLimitConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) GetAssetYieldIndexQuery ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) GetAssetYieldIndexQuery(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.GetAssetYieldIndexQueryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ratelimittypes.GetAssetYieldIndexQueryResponse, error)
GetAssetYieldIndexQuery provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) GetSDAIPriceQuery ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) GetSDAIPriceQuery(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.GetSDAIPriceQueryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ratelimittypes.GetSDAIPriceQueryResponse, error)
GetSDAIPriceQuery provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryGetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*subaccountstypes.QueryGetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfoResponse, error)
GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) LiquidationsConfiguration ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) LiquidationsConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.QueryLiquidationsConfigurationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.QueryLiquidationsConfigurationResponse, error)
LiquidationsConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) ListLimitParams ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) ListLimitParams(ctx context.Context, in *ratelimittypes.ListLimitParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ratelimittypes.ListLimitParamsResponse, error)
ListLimitParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) MarketParam ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) MarketParam(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryMarketParamRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*pricestypes.QueryMarketParamResponse, error)
MarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) MarketPrice ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) MarketPrice(ctx context.Context, in *pricestypes.QueryMarketPriceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*pricestypes.QueryMarketPriceResponse, error)
MarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) MevNodeToNodeCalculation ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) MevNodeToNodeCalculation(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.MevNodeToNodeCalculationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*clobtypes.MevNodeToNodeCalculationResponse, error)
MevNodeToNodeCalculation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) Params ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) Params(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryParamsResponse, error)
Params provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) Perpetual ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) Perpetual(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPerpetualRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryPerpetualResponse, error)
Perpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) PremiumSamples ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) PremiumSamples(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPremiumSamplesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryPremiumSamplesResponse, error)
PremiumSamples provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) PremiumVotes ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) PremiumVotes(ctx context.Context, in *types.QueryPremiumVotesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.QueryPremiumVotesResponse, error)
PremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) PreviousBlockInfo ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) PreviousBlockInfo(ctx context.Context, in *blocktimetypes.QueryPreviousBlockInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*blocktimetypes.QueryPreviousBlockInfoResponse, error)
PreviousBlockInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) StreamOrderbookUpdates ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) StreamOrderbookUpdates(ctx context.Context, in *clobtypes.StreamOrderbookUpdatesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (clobtypes.Query_StreamOrderbookUpdatesClient, error)
StreamOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) Subaccount ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) Subaccount(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryGetSubaccountRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*subaccountstypes.QuerySubaccountResponse, error)
Subaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) SubaccountAll ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) SubaccountAll(ctx context.Context, in *subaccountstypes.QueryAllSubaccountRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*subaccountstypes.QuerySubaccountAllResponse, error)
SubaccountAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) UpdateMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) UpdateMarketPrices(ctx context.Context, in *api.UpdateMarketPricesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*api.UpdateMarketPricesResponse, error)
UpdateMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*QueryClient) UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemon ¶
func (_m *QueryClient) UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemon(ctx context.Context, in *deleveragingapi.UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemonRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*deleveragingapi.UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemonResponse, error)
UpdateSubaccountsListForDeleveragingDaemon provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
type QueryServer ¶
QueryServer is an autogenerated mock type for the QueryServer type
func NewQueryServer ¶
func NewQueryServer(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *QueryServer
NewQueryServer creates a new instance of QueryServer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*QueryServer) AllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *QueryServer) AllMarketParams(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllMarketParamsRequest) (*types.QueryAllMarketParamsResponse, error)
AllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*QueryServer) AllMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *QueryServer) AllMarketPrices(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryAllMarketPricesRequest) (*types.QueryAllMarketPricesResponse, error)
AllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*QueryServer) MarketParam ¶
func (_m *QueryServer) MarketParam(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryMarketParamRequest) (*types.QueryMarketParamResponse, error)
MarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*QueryServer) MarketPrice ¶
func (_m *QueryServer) MarketPrice(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.QueryMarketPriceRequest) (*types.QueryMarketPriceResponse, error)
MarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
type RequestHandler ¶
RequestHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the RequestHandler type
func NewRequestHandler ¶
func NewRequestHandler(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *RequestHandler
NewRequestHandler creates a new instance of RequestHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type SDAIEthClient ¶
SDAIEthClient is an autogenerated mock type for the SDAIEthClient type
func NewSDAIEthClient ¶
func NewSDAIEthClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *SDAIEthClient
NewSDAIEthClient creates a new instance of SDAIEthClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*SDAIEthClient) QueryDaiConversionRate ¶
QueryDaiConversionRate provides a mock function with given fields: client
type SDAIEventManager ¶
SDAIEventManager is an autogenerated mock type for the SDAIEventManager type
func NewSDAIEventManager ¶
func NewSDAIEventManager(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *SDAIEventManager
NewSDAIEventManager creates a new instance of SDAIEventManager. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*SDAIEventManager) AddsDAIEvent ¶
func (_m *SDAIEventManager) AddsDAIEvent(event *api.AddsDAIEventRequest) error
AddsDAIEvent provides a mock function with given fields: event
func (*SDAIEventManager) GetSDaiPrice ¶
func (_m *SDAIEventManager) GetSDaiPrice() api.AddsDAIEventRequest
GetSDaiPrice provides a mock function with given fields:
type SDAIServiceClient ¶
SDAIServiceClient is an autogenerated mock type for the SDAIServiceClient type
func NewSDAIServiceClient ¶
func NewSDAIServiceClient(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *SDAIServiceClient
NewSDAIServiceClient creates a new instance of SDAIServiceClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*SDAIServiceClient) AddsDAIEvent ¶
func (_m *SDAIServiceClient) AddsDAIEvent(ctx context.Context, in *api.AddsDAIEventRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*api.AddsDAIEventResponse, error)
AddsDAIEvent provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
type SendingKeeper ¶
SendingKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the SendingKeeper type
func NewSendingKeeper ¶
func NewSendingKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *SendingKeeper
NewSendingKeeper creates a new instance of SendingKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*SendingKeeper) HasAuthority ¶
func (_m *SendingKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool
HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority
func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessDepositToSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessDepositToSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msgDepositToSubaccount *types.MsgDepositToSubaccount) error
ProcessDepositToSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgDepositToSubaccount
func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessTransfer ¶
func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessTransfer(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, transfer *types.Transfer) error
ProcessTransfer provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, transfer
func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msgWithdrawFromSubaccount *types.MsgWithdrawFromSubaccount) error
ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgWithdrawFromSubaccount
func (*SendingKeeper) SendFromModuleToAccount ¶
func (_m *SendingKeeper) SendFromModuleToAccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msg *types.MsgSendFromModuleToAccount) error
SendFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg
type Server ¶
Server is an autogenerated mock type for the Server type
func NewServer ¶
NewServer creates a new instance of Server. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Server) RegisterService ¶
func (_m *Server) RegisterService(sd *grpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})
RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss
type SubaccountsKeeper ¶
SubaccountsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the SubaccountsKeeper type
func NewSubaccountsKeeper ¶
func NewSubaccountsKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *SubaccountsKeeper
NewSubaccountsKeeper creates a new instance of SubaccountsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) CanUpdateSubaccounts ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) CanUpdateSubaccounts(ctx types.Context, updates []subaccountstypes.Update, updateType subaccountstypes.UpdateType) (bool, []subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, error)
CanUpdateSubaccounts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates, updateType
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount(ctx types.Context, fromAccount types.AccAddress, toSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, assetId uint32, amount *big.Int) error
DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromAccount, toSubaccountId, assetId, amount
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetAllSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetAllSubaccount(ctx types.Context) []subaccountstypes.Subaccount
GetAllSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (uint32, bool, error)
GetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, update subaccountstypes.Update) (*big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error)
GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetRandomSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetRandomSubaccount(ctx types.Context, _a1 *rand.Rand) (subaccountstypes.Subaccount, error)
GetRandomSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetSubaccount(ctx types.Context, id subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) subaccountstypes.Subaccount
GetSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) SetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) SetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, blockHeight uint32) error
SetNegativeTncSubaccountSeenAtBlock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, blockHeight
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) SetSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) SetSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccount subaccountstypes.Subaccount)
SetSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccount
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) TransferFundsFromSubaccountToSubaccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) TransferFundsFromSubaccountToSubaccount(ctx types.Context, senderSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, recipientSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, assetId uint32, quantums *big.Int) error
TransferFundsFromSubaccountToSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderSubaccountId, recipientSubaccountId, assetId, quantums
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) UpdateSubaccounts ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) UpdateSubaccounts(ctx types.Context, updates []subaccountstypes.Update, updateType subaccountstypes.UpdateType) (bool, []subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, error)
UpdateSubaccounts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates, updateType
func (*SubaccountsKeeper) WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount ¶
func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount(ctx types.Context, fromSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, toAccount types.AccAddress, assetId uint32, amount *big.Int) error
WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromSubaccountId, toAccount, assetId, amount
type TimeProvider ¶
TimeProvider is an autogenerated mock type for the TimeProvider type
func NewTimeProvider ¶
func NewTimeProvider(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *TimeProvider
NewTimeProvider creates a new instance of TimeProvider. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TimeProvider) Now ¶
func (_m *TimeProvider) Now() time.Time
Now provides a mock function with given fields:
type TxBuilder ¶
TxBuilder is an autogenerated mock type for the TxBuilder type
func NewTxBuilder ¶
NewTxBuilder creates a new instance of TxBuilder. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TxBuilder) AddAuxSignerData ¶
func (_m *TxBuilder) AddAuxSignerData(_a0 tx.AuxSignerData) error
AddAuxSignerData provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*TxBuilder) SetFeeAmount ¶
SetFeeAmount provides a mock function with given fields: amount
func (*TxBuilder) SetFeeGranter ¶
func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeeGranter(feeGranter types.AccAddress)
SetFeeGranter provides a mock function with given fields: feeGranter
func (*TxBuilder) SetFeePayer ¶
func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeePayer(feePayer types.AccAddress)
SetFeePayer provides a mock function with given fields: feePayer
func (*TxBuilder) SetGasLimit ¶
SetGasLimit provides a mock function with given fields: limit
func (*TxBuilder) SetSignatures ¶
func (_m *TxBuilder) SetSignatures(signatures ...txsigning.SignatureV2) error
SetSignatures provides a mock function with given fields: signatures
func (*TxBuilder) SetTimeoutHeight ¶
SetTimeoutHeight provides a mock function with given fields: height
type TxConfig ¶
TxConfig is an autogenerated mock type for the TxConfig type
func NewTxConfig ¶
NewTxConfig creates a new instance of TxConfig. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*TxConfig) MarshalSignatureJSON ¶
func (_m *TxConfig) MarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []signing.SignatureV2) ([]byte, error)
MarshalSignatureJSON provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*TxConfig) NewTxBuilder ¶
NewTxBuilder provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TxConfig) SignModeHandler ¶
func (_m *TxConfig) SignModeHandler() *txsigning.HandlerMap
SignModeHandler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TxConfig) SigningContext ¶
SigningContext provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TxConfig) TxJSONDecoder ¶
TxJSONDecoder provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TxConfig) TxJSONEncoder ¶
TxJSONEncoder provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TxConfig) UnmarshalSignatureJSON ¶
func (_m *TxConfig) UnmarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []byte) ([]signing.SignatureV2, error)
UnmarshalSignatureJSON provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type VEApplierClobInterface ¶
VEApplierClobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the VEApplierClobInterface type
func NewVEApplierClobInterface ¶
func NewVEApplierClobInterface(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VEApplierClobInterface
NewVEApplierClobInterface creates a new instance of VEApplierClobInterface. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*VEApplierClobInterface) CacheSeenExtendedVotes ¶
func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) CacheSeenExtendedVotes(ctx types.Context, req *abcitypes.RequestCommit) error
CacheSeenExtendedVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, req
func (*VEApplierClobInterface) GetVECache ¶
func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) GetVECache() *vecache.VeCache
GetVECache provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*VEApplierClobInterface) VoteAggregator ¶
func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) VoteAggregator() aggregator.VoteAggregator
VoteAggregator provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*VEApplierClobInterface) WritePricesToStoreAndMaybeCache ¶
func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) WritePricesToStoreAndMaybeCache(ctx types.Context, prices map[string]voteweighted.AggregatorPricePair, txHash []byte, writeToCache bool) error
WritePricesToStoreAndMaybeCache provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, prices, txHash, writeToCache
func (*VEApplierClobInterface) WriteSDaiConversionRateToStoreAndMaybeCache ¶
func (_m *VEApplierClobInterface) WriteSDaiConversionRateToStoreAndMaybeCache(ctx types.Context, sDaiConversionRate *big.Int, txHash []byte, writeToCache bool) error
WriteSDaiConversionRateToStoreAndMaybeCache provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sDaiConversionRate, txHash, writeToCache
type VEApplierInterface ¶
VEApplierInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the VEApplierInterface type
func NewVEApplierInterface ¶
func NewVEApplierInterface(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VEApplierInterface
NewVEApplierInterface creates a new instance of VEApplierInterface. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
type VEApplierPricesKeeper ¶
VEApplierPricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the VEApplierPricesKeeper type
func NewVEApplierPricesKeeper ¶
func NewVEApplierPricesKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VEApplierPricesKeeper
NewVEApplierPricesKeeper creates a new instance of VEApplierPricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam
GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)
GetMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) (bool, bool)
PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, marketPriceUpdates
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdatePnlPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPnlPriceUpdate) error
UpdatePnlPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketPriceUpdate) error
UpdateSpotAndPnlMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
func (*VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice ¶
func (_m *VEApplierPricesKeeper) UpdateSpotPrice(ctx types.Context, update *pricestypes.MarketSpotPriceUpdate) error
UpdateSpotPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update
type VEApplierRatelimitKeeper ¶
VEApplierRatelimitKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the VEApplierRatelimitKeeper type
func NewVEApplierRatelimitKeeper ¶
func NewVEApplierRatelimitKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VEApplierRatelimitKeeper
NewVEApplierRatelimitKeeper creates a new instance of VEApplierRatelimitKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*VEApplierRatelimitKeeper) ProcessNewSDaiConversionRateUpdate ¶
func (_m *VEApplierRatelimitKeeper) ProcessNewSDaiConversionRateUpdate(ctx types.Context, sDaiConversionRate *big.Int, blockHeight *big.Int) error
ProcessNewSDaiConversionRateUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sDaiConversionRate, blockHeight
type ValidatorPubKeyStore ¶
ValidatorPubKeyStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ValidatorPubKeyStore type
func NewValidatorPubKeyStore ¶
func NewValidatorPubKeyStore(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ValidatorPubKeyStore
NewValidatorPubKeyStore creates a new instance of ValidatorPubKeyStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ValidatorPubKeyStore) GetPubKeyByConsAddr ¶
func (_m *ValidatorPubKeyStore) GetPubKeyByConsAddr(_a0 context.Context, _a1 types.ConsAddress) (crypto.PublicKey, error)
GetPubKeyByConsAddr provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
type ValidatorStore ¶
ValidatorStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ValidatorStore type
func NewValidatorStore ¶
func NewValidatorStore(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *ValidatorStore
NewValidatorStore creates a new instance of ValidatorStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*ValidatorStore) GetAllValidators ¶
GetAllValidators provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ValidatorStore) GetPubKeyByConsAddr ¶
func (_m *ValidatorStore) GetPubKeyByConsAddr(_a0 context.Context, _a1 cosmos_sdktypes.ConsAddress) (crypto.PublicKey, error)
GetPubKeyByConsAddr provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*ValidatorStore) GetValidator ¶
func (_m *ValidatorStore) GetValidator(ctx context.Context, valAddr cosmos_sdktypes.ValAddress) (types.Validator, error)
GetValidator provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, valAddr
func (*ValidatorStore) TotalBondedTokens ¶
TotalBondedTokens provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*ValidatorStore) ValidatorByConsAddr ¶
func (_m *ValidatorStore) ValidatorByConsAddr(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.ConsAddress) (types.ValidatorI, error)
ValidatorByConsAddr provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr
type VoteAggregator ¶
VoteAggregator is an autogenerated mock type for the VoteAggregator type
func NewVoteAggregator ¶
func NewVoteAggregator(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VoteAggregator
NewVoteAggregator creates a new instance of VoteAggregator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*VoteAggregator) AggregateDaemonVEIntoFinalPricesAndConversionRate ¶
func (_m *VoteAggregator) AggregateDaemonVEIntoFinalPricesAndConversionRate(ctx types.Context, votes []aggregator.Vote) (map[string]voteweighted.AggregatorPricePair, *big.Int, error)
AggregateDaemonVEIntoFinalPricesAndConversionRate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, votes
type VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper ¶
VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper type
func NewVoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper ¶
func NewVoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper(t interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) }) *VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper
NewVoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper creates a new instance of VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper) GetSDAILastBlockUpdated ¶
GetSDAILastBlockUpdated provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
func (*VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper) GetSDAIPrice ¶
GetSDAIPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx
Source Files
- AnteDecorator.go
- AppOptions.go
- BankKeeper.go
- BigIntCache.go
- CacheMultiStore.go
- ClobKeeper.go
- Configurator.go
- DelayMsgKeeper.go
- EthQueryClient.go
- ExchangeConfigUpdater.go
- ExchangeQueryHandler.go
- ExchangeToMarketPrices.go
- ExtendVoteClobKeeper.go
- ExtendVotePerpetualsKeeper.go
- ExtendVotePricesKeeper.go
- FileHandler.go
- GrpcClient.go
- GrpcServer.go
- HealthCheckable.go
- ICS4Wrapper.go
- IndexerEventManager.go
- IndexerMessageSender.go
- Marshaler.go
- MemClob.go
- MemClobKeeper.go
- Msg.go
- MsgRouter.go
- MultiStore.go
- PerpetualsClobKeeper.go
- PerpetualsKeeper.go
- PreBlockExecPricesKeeper.go
- PrepareClobKeeper.go
- PreparePerpetualsKeeper.go
- PreparePricesKeeper.go
- PriceUpdatesCache.go
- PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs.go
- PricesKeeper.go
- ProcessClobKeeper.go
- ProcessPerpetualKeeper.go
- ProcessProposalVEApplier.go
- ProcessStakingKeeper.go
- QueryClient.go
- QueryServer.go
- RequestHandler.go
- SDAIEthClient.go
- SDAIEventManager.go
- SDAIServiceClient.go
- SendingKeeper.go
- Server.go
- SubaccountsKeeper.go
- TimeProvider.go
- TxBuilder.go
- TxConfig.go
- VEApplierClobInterface.go
- VEApplierInterface.go
- VEApplierPricesKeeper.go
- VEApplierRatelimitKeeper.go
- ValidatorPubKeyStore.go
- ValidatorStore.go
- VoteAggregator.go
- VoteExtensionRateLimitKeeper.go
- logger.go