
v0.0.0-...-cd4288d Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 20, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 42 Imported by: 0



We use mockery for generating mocks from Go interfaces for unit tests.

Adding a new Mock

To add a new mock, append a line to the Makefile in this directory in the following form:

mockery --name=InterfaceName --dir=path/to/package --recursive --output=./mocks

Note that if the mock being generated is for an external package, you'll need to use the $(GOPATH) variable to reference the package, otherwise the --dir argument should be relative to the root of this repository.

After adding your Mock to the Makefile, run make mock-gen from the repository root. Mocks are checked in to source control along with your tests.

Be aware that updating any of the interfaces used by mocks will require you to rerun make mock-gen, otherwise any tests using those mocks will fail to compile (as the interfaces will no longer match).




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type AnteDecorator

type AnteDecorator struct {

AnteDecorator is an autogenerated mock type for the AnteDecorator type

func NewAnteDecorator

func NewAnteDecorator(t mockConstructorTestingTNewAnteDecorator) *AnteDecorator

NewAnteDecorator creates a new instance of AnteDecorator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*AnteDecorator) AnteHandle

func (_m *AnteDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx types.Context, tx types.Tx, simulate bool, next types.AnteHandler) (types.Context, error)

AnteHandle provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, tx, simulate, next

type AppOptions

type AppOptions struct {

AppOptions is an autogenerated mock type for the AppOptions type

func NewAppOptions

func NewAppOptions(t mockConstructorTestingTNewAppOptions) *AppOptions

NewAppOptions creates a new instance of AppOptions. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*AppOptions) Get

func (_m *AppOptions) Get(_a0 string) interface{}

Get provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

type BankKeeper

type BankKeeper struct {

BankKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the Keeper type

func NewBankKeeper

func NewBankKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewBankKeeper) *BankKeeper

NewBankKeeper creates a new instance of BankKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*BankKeeper) AllBalances

AllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) AppendSendRestriction

func (_m *BankKeeper) AppendSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)

AppendSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: restriction

func (*BankKeeper) Balance

Balance provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) BlockedAddr

func (_m *BankKeeper) BlockedAddr(addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) bool

BlockedAddr provides a mock function with given fields: addr

func (*BankKeeper) BurnCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) BurnCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

BurnCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleName, amt

func (*BankKeeper) ClearSendRestriction

func (_m *BankKeeper) ClearSendRestriction()

ClearSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*BankKeeper) DelegateCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, delegatorAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, moduleAccAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

DelegateCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, delegatorAddr, moduleAccAddr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule

func (_m *BankKeeper) DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

DelegateCoinsFromAccountToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderAddr, recipientModule, amt

func (*BankKeeper) DeleteSendEnabled

func (_m *BankKeeper) DeleteSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denoms ...string)

DeleteSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denoms

func (*BankKeeper) DenomMetadata

DenomMetadata provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) DenomMetadataByQueryString

DenomMetadataByQueryString provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) DenomOwners

DenomOwners provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) DenomOwnersByQuery

DenomOwnersByQuery provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) DenomsMetadata

DenomsMetadata provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) ExportGenesis

func (_m *BankKeeper) ExportGenesis(_a0 context.Context) *types.GenesisState

ExportGenesis provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*BankKeeper) GetAccountsBalances

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAccountsBalances(ctx context.Context) []types.Balance

GetAccountsBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*BankKeeper) GetAllBalances

GetAllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr

func (*BankKeeper) GetAllDenomMetaData

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context) []types.Metadata

GetAllDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*BankKeeper) GetAllSendEnabledEntries

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAllSendEnabledEntries(ctx context.Context) []types.SendEnabled

GetAllSendEnabledEntries provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*BankKeeper) GetAuthority

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetAuthority() string

GetAuthority provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*BankKeeper) GetBalance

GetBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, denom

func (*BankKeeper) GetBlockedAddresses

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetBlockedAddresses() map[string]bool

GetBlockedAddresses provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*BankKeeper) GetDenomMetaData

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denom string) (types.Metadata, bool)

GetDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) GetPaginatedTotalSupply

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetPaginatedTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, pagination *query.PageRequest) (cosmos_sdktypes.Coins, *query.PageResponse, error)

GetPaginatedTotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, pagination

func (*BankKeeper) GetParams

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetParams(ctx context.Context) types.Params

GetParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*BankKeeper) GetSendEnabledEntry

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSendEnabledEntry(ctx context.Context, denom string) (types.SendEnabled, bool)

GetSendEnabledEntry provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) GetSupply

func (_m *BankKeeper) GetSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin

GetSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) HasBalance

HasBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) HasDenomMetaData

func (_m *BankKeeper) HasDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool

HasDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) HasSupply

func (_m *BankKeeper) HasSupply(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool

HasSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) InitGenesis

func (_m *BankKeeper) InitGenesis(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *types.GenesisState)

InitGenesis provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) InputOutputCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) InputOutputCoins(ctx context.Context, input types.Input, outputs []types.Output) error

InputOutputCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, input, outputs

func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoin

func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoin(ctx context.Context, coin cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool

IsSendEnabledCoin provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, coin

func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledCoins(ctx context.Context, coins ...cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) error

IsSendEnabledCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, coins

func (*BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledDenom

func (_m *BankKeeper) IsSendEnabledDenom(ctx context.Context, denom string) bool

IsSendEnabledDenom provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom

func (*BankKeeper) IterateAccountBalances

func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAccountBalances(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)

IterateAccountBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, cb

func (*BankKeeper) IterateAllBalances

func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAllBalances(ctx context.Context, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)

IterateAllBalances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb

func (*BankKeeper) IterateAllDenomMetaData

func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateAllDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, cb func(types.Metadata) bool)

IterateAllDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb

func (*BankKeeper) IterateSendEnabledEntries

func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateSendEnabledEntries(ctx context.Context, cb func(string, bool) bool)

IterateSendEnabledEntries provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb

func (*BankKeeper) IterateTotalSupply

func (_m *BankKeeper) IterateTotalSupply(ctx context.Context, cb func(cosmos_sdktypes.Coin) bool)

IterateTotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cb

func (*BankKeeper) LockedCoins

LockedCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr

func (*BankKeeper) MintCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) MintCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleName string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

MintCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleName, amt

func (*BankKeeper) Params

Params provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) PrependSendRestriction

func (_m *BankKeeper) PrependSendRestriction(restriction types.SendRestrictionFn)

PrependSendRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: restriction

func (*BankKeeper) SendCoins

SendCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromAddr, toAddr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule

func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx context.Context, senderAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

SendCoinsFromAccountToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderAddr, recipientModule, amt

func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount

func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToModule

func (_m *BankKeeper) SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientModule string, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

SendCoinsFromModuleToModule provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientModule, amt

func (*BankKeeper) SendEnabled

SendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) SetAllSendEnabled

func (_m *BankKeeper) SetAllSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, sendEnableds []*types.SendEnabled)

SetAllSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, sendEnableds

func (*BankKeeper) SetDenomMetaData

func (_m *BankKeeper) SetDenomMetaData(ctx context.Context, denomMetaData types.Metadata)

SetDenomMetaData provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denomMetaData

func (*BankKeeper) SetParams

func (_m *BankKeeper) SetParams(ctx context.Context, params types.Params) error

SetParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, params

func (*BankKeeper) SetSendEnabled

func (_m *BankKeeper) SetSendEnabled(ctx context.Context, denom string, value bool)

SetSendEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, denom, value

func (*BankKeeper) SpendableBalanceByDenom

SpendableBalanceByDenom provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) SpendableBalances

SpendableBalances provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) SpendableCoin

func (_m *BankKeeper) SpendableCoin(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, denom string) cosmos_sdktypes.Coin

SpendableCoin provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr, denom

func (*BankKeeper) SpendableCoins

SpendableCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr

func (*BankKeeper) SupplyOf

SupplyOf provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) TotalSupply

TotalSupply provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*BankKeeper) UndelegateCoins

func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoins(ctx context.Context, moduleAccAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, delegatorAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

UndelegateCoins provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, moduleAccAddr, delegatorAddr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount

func (_m *BankKeeper) UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx context.Context, senderModule string, recipientAddr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress, amt cosmos_sdktypes.Coins) error

UndelegateCoinsFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, senderModule, recipientAddr, amt

func (*BankKeeper) ValidateBalance

func (_m *BankKeeper) ValidateBalance(ctx context.Context, addr cosmos_sdktypes.AccAddress) error

ValidateBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, addr

func (*BankKeeper) WithMintCoinsRestriction

func (_m *BankKeeper) WithMintCoinsRestriction(_a0 types.MintingRestrictionFn) keeper.BaseKeeper

WithMintCoinsRestriction provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

type CacheMultiStore

type CacheMultiStore struct {

CacheMultiStore is an autogenerated mock type for the CacheMultiStore type

func NewCacheMultiStore

func NewCacheMultiStore(t mockConstructorTestingTNewCacheMultiStore) *CacheMultiStore

NewCacheMultiStore creates a new instance of CacheMultiStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStore

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore

CacheMultiStore provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)

CacheMultiStoreWithVersion provides a mock function with given fields: version

func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheWrap

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap

CacheWrap provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*CacheMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap

CacheWrapWithTrace provides a mock function with given fields: w, tc

func (*CacheMultiStore) GetKVStore

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore

GetKVStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*CacheMultiStore) GetStore

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store

GetStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*CacheMultiStore) GetStoreType

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType

GetStoreType provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*CacheMultiStore) LatestVersion

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) LatestVersion() int64

LatestVersion provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*CacheMultiStore) SetTracer

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore

SetTracer provides a mock function with given fields: w

func (*CacheMultiStore) SetTracingContext

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore

SetTracingContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*CacheMultiStore) TracingEnabled

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool

TracingEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*CacheMultiStore) Write

func (_m *CacheMultiStore) Write()

Write provides a mock function with given fields:

type ClobKeeper

type ClobKeeper struct {

ClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ClobKeeper type

func NewClobKeeper

func NewClobKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewClobKeeper) *ClobKeeper

NewClobKeeper creates a new instance of ClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck

func (_m *ClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId][]clobtypes.PendingOpenOrder) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)

AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders

func (*ClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error

CancelShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*ClobKeeper) CancelStatefulOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) CancelStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error

CancelStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*ClobKeeper) ConvertFillablePriceToSubticks

func (_m *ClobKeeper) ConvertFillablePriceToSubticks(ctx types.Context, fillablePrice *big.Rat, isLiquidatingLong bool, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair) clobtypes.Subticks

ConvertFillablePriceToSubticks provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fillablePrice, isLiquidatingLong, clobPair

func (*ClobKeeper) CreatePerpetualClobPair

func (_m *ClobKeeper) CreatePerpetualClobPair(ctx types.Context, clobPairId uint32, perpetualId uint32, stepSizeInBaseQuantums subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, quantumConversionExponent int32, subticksPerTick uint32, status clobtypes.ClobPair_Status) (clobtypes.ClobPair, error)

CreatePerpetualClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, perpetualId, stepSizeInBaseQuantums, quantumConversionExponent, subticksPerTick, status

func (*ClobKeeper) DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement

func (_m *ClobKeeper) DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

DeleteLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetAllClobPairs

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetAllClobPairs(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.ClobPair

GetAllClobPairs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)

GetBankruptcyPriceInQuoteQuantums provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantums

func (*ClobKeeper) GetClobPair

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.ClobPair, bool)

GetClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*ClobKeeper) GetFillablePrice

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetFillablePrice(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Rat, error)

GetFillablePrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantums

func (*ClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager

GetIndexerEventManager provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*ClobKeeper) GetInsuranceFundBalance

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetInsuranceFundBalance(ctx types.Context) *big.Int

GetInsuranceFundBalance provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationInsuranceFundDelta

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationInsuranceFundDelta(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, isBuy bool, fillAmount uint64, subticks clobtypes.Subticks) (*big.Int, error)

GetLiquidationInsuranceFundDelta provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, isBuy, fillAmount, subticks

func (*ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationsConfig

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig

GetLiquidationsConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)

GetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetMaxAndMinPositionNotionalLiquidatable

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetMaxAndMinPositionNotionalLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, positionToLiquidate *subaccountstypes.PerpetualPosition) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)

GetMaxAndMinPositionNotionalLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, positionToLiquidate

func (*ClobKeeper) GetPerpetualPositionToLiquidate

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetPerpetualPositionToLiquidate(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (uint32, error)

GetPerpetualPositionToLiquidate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context) clobtypes.ProcessProposerMatchesEvents

GetProcessProposerMatchesEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) GetStatePosition

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *big.Int

GetStatePosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, clobPairId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId

GetStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime

func (*ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) clobtypes.SubaccountLiquidationInfo

GetSubaccountLiquidationInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountMaxInsuranceLost

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountMaxInsuranceLost(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)

GetSubaccountMaxInsuranceLost provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountMaxNotionalLiquidatable

func (_m *ClobKeeper) GetSubaccountMaxNotionalLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)

GetSubaccountMaxNotionalLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*ClobKeeper) HasAuthority

func (_m *ClobKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool

HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority

func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeBlockRateLimit

func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeBlockRateLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.BlockRateLimitConfiguration) error

InitializeBlockRateLimit provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config

func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeEquityTierLimit

func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeEquityTierLimit(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.EquityTierLimitConfiguration) error

InitializeEquityTierLimit provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config

func (*ClobKeeper) InitializeNewGrpcStreams

func (_m *ClobKeeper) InitializeNewGrpcStreams(ctx types.Context)

InitializeNewGrpcStreams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable

func (_m *ClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)

IsLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*ClobKeeper) Logger

func (_m *ClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger

Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) MaybeDeleverageSubaccount

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (*big.Int, error)

MaybeDeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*ClobKeeper) MaybeGetLiquidationOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MaybeGetLiquidationOrder(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (*clobtypes.LiquidationOrder, error)

MaybeGetLiquidationOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*ClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime, orderId

func (*ClobKeeper) MustRemoveStatefulOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustRemoveStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

MustRemoveStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*ClobKeeper) MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents(ctx types.Context, processProposerMatchesEvents clobtypes.ProcessProposerMatchesEvents)

MustSetProcessProposerMatchesEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, processProposerMatchesEvents

func (*ClobKeeper) MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated

func (_m *ClobKeeper) MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32)

MustUpdateSubaccountPerpetualLiquidated provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*ClobKeeper) PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation

func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder, blockHeight uint32) error

PerformOrderCancellationStatefulValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder, blockHeight

func (*ClobKeeper) PerformStatefulOrderValidation

func (_m *ClobKeeper) PerformStatefulOrderValidation(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32, isPreexistingStatefulOrder bool) error

PerformStatefulOrderValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight, isPreexistingStatefulOrder

func (*ClobKeeper) PlacePerpetualLiquidation

func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlacePerpetualLiquidation(ctx types.Context, liquidationOrder clobtypes.LiquidationOrder) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, clobtypes.OrderStatus, error)

PlacePerpetualLiquidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidationOrder

func (*ClobKeeper) PlaceShortTermOrder

PlaceShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*ClobKeeper) PlaceStatefulOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) PlaceStatefulOrder(ctx types.Context, msg *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error

PlaceStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*ClobKeeper) ProcessProposerOperations

func (_m *ClobKeeper) ProcessProposerOperations(ctx types.Context, operations []clobtypes.OperationRaw) error

ProcessProposerOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, operations

func (*ClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch

ProcessSingleMatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, matchWithOrders

func (*ClobKeeper) PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders

func (_m *ClobKeeper) PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context)

PruneStateFillAmountsForShortTermOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*ClobKeeper) RateLimitCancelOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitCancelOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error

RateLimitCancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

func (*ClobKeeper) RateLimitPlaceOrder

func (_m *ClobKeeper) RateLimitPlaceOrder(ctx types.Context, order *clobtypes.MsgPlaceOrder) error

RateLimitPlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveClobPair

func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveClobPair(ctx types.Context, id clobtypes.ClobPairId)

RemoveClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices

func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices(ctx types.Context, blockTime time.Time) []clobtypes.OrderId

RemoveExpiredStatefulOrdersTimeSlices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, blockTime

func (*ClobKeeper) RemoveOrderFillAmount

func (_m *ClobKeeper) RemoveOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

RemoveOrderFillAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*ClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates

func (_m *ClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)

SendOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offchainUpdates, snapshot

func (*ClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement

func (_m *ClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)

SetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight

func (*ClobKeeper) UpdateClobPair

func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateClobPair(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair) error

UpdateClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair

func (*ClobKeeper) UpdateLiquidationsConfig

func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateLiquidationsConfig(ctx types.Context, config clobtypes.LiquidationsConfig) error

UpdateLiquidationsConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, config

func (*ClobKeeper) UpdateSubaccountLiquidationInfo

func (_m *ClobKeeper) UpdateSubaccountLiquidationInfo(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, notionalLiquidatedQuoteQuantums *big.Int, insuranceFundDeltaQuoteQuantums *big.Int)

UpdateSubaccountLiquidationInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, notionalLiquidatedQuoteQuantums, insuranceFundDeltaQuoteQuantums

type Configurator

type Configurator struct {

Configurator is an autogenerated mock type for the Configurator type

func NewConfigurator

func NewConfigurator(t mockConstructorTestingTNewConfigurator) *Configurator

NewConfigurator creates a new instance of Configurator. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*Configurator) Error

func (_m *Configurator) Error() error

Error provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Configurator) MsgServer

func (_m *Configurator) MsgServer() grpc.Server

MsgServer provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Configurator) QueryServer

func (_m *Configurator) QueryServer() grpc.Server

QueryServer provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Configurator) RegisterMigration

func (_m *Configurator) RegisterMigration(moduleName string, fromVersion uint64, handler module.MigrationHandler) error

RegisterMigration provides a mock function with given fields: moduleName, fromVersion, handler

func (*Configurator) RegisterService

func (_m *Configurator) RegisterService(sd *google_golang_orggrpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})

RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss

type DelayMsgKeeper

type DelayMsgKeeper struct {

DelayMsgKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the DelayMsgKeeper type

func NewDelayMsgKeeper

func NewDelayMsgKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewDelayMsgKeeper) *DelayMsgKeeper

NewDelayMsgKeeper creates a new instance of DelayMsgKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) DelayMessageByBlocks

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DelayMessageByBlocks(ctx types.Context, msg proto.Message, blockDelay uint32) (uint32, error)

DelayMessageByBlocks provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg, blockDelay

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) DeleteMessage

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) DeleteMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) error

DeleteMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetAllDelayedMessages

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetAllDelayedMessages(ctx types.Context) []*delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage

GetAllDelayedMessages provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetBlockMessageIds

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetBlockMessageIds(ctx types.Context, blockHeight uint32) (delaymsgtypes.BlockMessageIds, bool)

GetBlockMessageIds provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, blockHeight

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) GetMessage

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) GetMessage(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage, bool)

GetMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) HasAuthority

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool

HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) Logger

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger

Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) Router

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) Router() lib.MsgRouter

Router provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) SetDelayedMessage

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetDelayedMessage(ctx types.Context, msg *delaymsgtypes.DelayedMessage) error

SetDelayedMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*DelayMsgKeeper) SetNextDelayedMessageId

func (_m *DelayMsgKeeper) SetNextDelayedMessageId(ctx types.Context, nextDelayedMessageId uint32)

SetNextDelayedMessageId provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, nextDelayedMessageId

type EthClient

type EthClient struct {

EthClient is an autogenerated mock type for the EthClient type

func NewEthClient

func NewEthClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewEthClient) *EthClient

NewEthClient creates a new instance of EthClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*EthClient) ChainID

func (_m *EthClient) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)

ChainID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*EthClient) FilterLogs

func (_m *EthClient) FilterLogs(ctx context.Context, q ethereum.FilterQuery) ([]coretypes.Log, error)

FilterLogs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, q

type ExchangeConfigUpdater

type ExchangeConfigUpdater struct {

ExchangeConfigUpdater is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeConfigUpdater type

func NewExchangeConfigUpdater

func NewExchangeConfigUpdater(t mockConstructorTestingTNewExchangeConfigUpdater) *ExchangeConfigUpdater

NewExchangeConfigUpdater creates a new instance of ExchangeConfigUpdater. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ExchangeConfigUpdater) GetExchangeId

func (_m *ExchangeConfigUpdater) GetExchangeId() string

GetExchangeId provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*ExchangeConfigUpdater) UpdateMutableExchangeConfig

func (_m *ExchangeConfigUpdater) UpdateMutableExchangeConfig(newExchangeConfig *types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, newMarketConfigs []*types.MutableMarketConfig) error

UpdateMutableExchangeConfig provides a mock function with given fields: newExchangeConfig, newMarketConfigs

type ExchangeQueryHandler

type ExchangeQueryHandler struct {

ExchangeQueryHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeQueryHandler type

func NewExchangeQueryHandler

func NewExchangeQueryHandler(t mockConstructorTestingTNewExchangeQueryHandler) *ExchangeQueryHandler

NewExchangeQueryHandler creates a new instance of ExchangeQueryHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ExchangeQueryHandler) Now

func (_m *ExchangeQueryHandler) Now() time.Time

Now provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*ExchangeQueryHandler) Query

func (_m *ExchangeQueryHandler) Query(ctx context.Context, exchangeQueryDetails *types.ExchangeQueryDetails, exchangeConfig *types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, marketIds []uint32, requestHandler daemonstypes.RequestHandler, marketPriceExponent map[uint32]int32) ([]*types.MarketPriceTimestamp, map[uint32]error, error)

Query provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, exchangeQueryDetails, exchangeConfig, marketIds, requestHandler, marketPriceExponent

type ExchangeToMarketPrices

type ExchangeToMarketPrices struct {

ExchangeToMarketPrices is an autogenerated mock type for the ExchangeToMarketPrices type

func NewExchangeToMarketPrices

func NewExchangeToMarketPrices(t mockConstructorTestingTNewExchangeToMarketPrices) *ExchangeToMarketPrices

NewExchangeToMarketPrices creates a new instance of ExchangeToMarketPrices. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetAllPrices

func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetAllPrices() map[string][]types.MarketPriceTimestamp

GetAllPrices provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetIndexPrice

func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) GetIndexPrice(marketId uint32, cutoffTime time.Time, resolver pricefeedtypes.Resolver) (uint64, int)

GetIndexPrice provides a mock function with given fields: marketId, cutoffTime, resolver

func (*ExchangeToMarketPrices) UpdatePrice

func (_m *ExchangeToMarketPrices) UpdatePrice(exchangeId string, marketPriceTimestamp *types.MarketPriceTimestamp)

UpdatePrice provides a mock function with given fields: exchangeId, marketPriceTimestamp

type FileHandler

type FileHandler struct {

FileHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the FileHandler type

func NewFileHandler

func NewFileHandler(t mockConstructorTestingTNewFileHandler) *FileHandler

NewFileHandler creates a new instance of FileHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*FileHandler) RemoveAll

func (_m *FileHandler) RemoveAll(path string) error

RemoveAll provides a mock function with given fields: path

type GrpcClient

type GrpcClient struct {

GrpcClient is an autogenerated mock type for the GrpcClient type

func NewGrpcClient

func NewGrpcClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewGrpcClient) *GrpcClient

NewGrpcClient creates a new instance of GrpcClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*GrpcClient) CloseConnection

func (_m *GrpcClient) CloseConnection(grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn) error

CloseConnection provides a mock function with given fields: grpcConn

func (*GrpcClient) NewGrpcConnection

func (_m *GrpcClient) NewGrpcConnection(ctx context.Context, socketAddress string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)

NewGrpcConnection provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, socketAddress

func (*GrpcClient) NewTcpConnection

func (_m *GrpcClient) NewTcpConnection(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)

NewTcpConnection provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, endpoint

type GrpcServer

type GrpcServer struct {

GrpcServer is an autogenerated mock type for the GrpcServer type

func NewGrpcServer

func NewGrpcServer(t mockConstructorTestingTNewGrpcServer) *GrpcServer

NewGrpcServer creates a new instance of GrpcServer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*GrpcServer) RegisterService

func (_m *GrpcServer) RegisterService(sd *grpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})

RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss

func (*GrpcServer) Serve

func (_m *GrpcServer) Serve(lis net.Listener) error

Serve provides a mock function with given fields: lis

func (*GrpcServer) Stop

func (_m *GrpcServer) Stop()

Stop provides a mock function with given fields:

type HealthCheckable

type HealthCheckable struct {

HealthCheckable is an autogenerated mock type for the HealthCheckable type

func NewHealthCheckable

func NewHealthCheckable(t mockConstructorTestingTNewHealthCheckable) *HealthCheckable

NewHealthCheckable creates a new instance of HealthCheckable. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*HealthCheckable) HealthCheck

func (_m *HealthCheckable) HealthCheck() error

HealthCheck provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*HealthCheckable) ReportFailure

func (_m *HealthCheckable) ReportFailure(err error)

ReportFailure provides a mock function with given fields: err

func (*HealthCheckable) ReportSuccess

func (_m *HealthCheckable) ReportSuccess()

ReportSuccess provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*HealthCheckable) ServiceName

func (_m *HealthCheckable) ServiceName() string

ServiceName provides a mock function with given fields:

type IndexerEventManager

type IndexerEventManager struct {

IndexerEventManager is an autogenerated mock type for the IndexerEventManager type

func NewIndexerEventManager

func NewIndexerEventManager(t mockConstructorTestingTNewIndexerEventManager) *IndexerEventManager

NewIndexerEventManager creates a new instance of IndexerEventManager. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*IndexerEventManager) AddBlockEvent

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddBlockEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, blockEvent indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintEvent_BlockEvent, version uint32, dataBytes []byte)

AddBlockEvent provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subType, blockEvent, version, dataBytes

func (*IndexerEventManager) AddTxnEvent

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) AddTxnEvent(ctx types.Context, subType string, version uint32, dataByes []byte)

AddTxnEvent provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subType, version, dataByes

func (*IndexerEventManager) ClearEvents

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) ClearEvents(ctx types.Context)

ClearEvents provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*IndexerEventManager) Enabled

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) Enabled() bool

Enabled provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*IndexerEventManager) ProduceBlock

ProduceBlock provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*IndexerEventManager) SendOffchainData

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOffchainData(message msgsender.Message)

SendOffchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message

func (*IndexerEventManager) SendOnchainData

func (_m *IndexerEventManager) SendOnchainData(block *indexer_manager.IndexerTendermintBlock)

SendOnchainData provides a mock function with given fields: block

type IndexerMessageSender

type IndexerMessageSender struct {

IndexerMessageSender is an autogenerated mock type for the IndexerMessageSender type

func NewIndexerMessageSender

func NewIndexerMessageSender(t mockConstructorTestingTNewIndexerMessageSender) *IndexerMessageSender

NewIndexerMessageSender creates a new instance of IndexerMessageSender. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*IndexerMessageSender) Close

func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) Close() error

Close provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*IndexerMessageSender) Enabled

func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) Enabled() bool

Enabled provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*IndexerMessageSender) SendOffchainData

func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) SendOffchainData(message msgsender.Message)

SendOffchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message

func (*IndexerMessageSender) SendOnchainData

func (_m *IndexerMessageSender) SendOnchainData(message msgsender.Message)

SendOnchainData provides a mock function with given fields: message

type Logger

type Logger struct {

Logger is an autogenerated mock type for the Logger type

func NewLogger

func NewLogger(t mockConstructorTestingTNewLogger) *Logger

NewLogger creates a new instance of Logger. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*Logger) Debug

func (_m *Logger) Debug(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})

Debug provides a mock function with given fields: msg, keyVals

func (*Logger) Error

func (_m *Logger) Error(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})

Error provides a mock function with given fields: msg, keyVals

func (*Logger) Impl

func (_m *Logger) Impl() interface{}

Impl provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Logger) Info

func (_m *Logger) Info(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})

Info provides a mock function with given fields: msg, keyVals

func (*Logger) Warn

func (_m *Logger) Warn(msg string, keyVals ...interface{})

Warn provides a mock function with given fields: msg, keyVals

func (*Logger) With

func (_m *Logger) With(keyVals ...interface{}) log.Logger

With provides a mock function with given fields: keyVals

type Marshaler

type Marshaler struct {

Marshaler is an autogenerated mock type for the Marshaler type

func NewMarshaler

func NewMarshaler(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMarshaler) *Marshaler

NewMarshaler creates a new instance of Marshaler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*Marshaler) Marshal

func (_m *Marshaler) Marshal(pb proto.Message) ([]byte, error)

Marshal provides a mock function with given fields: pb

type MemClob

type MemClob struct {

MemClob is an autogenerated mock type for the MemClob type

func NewMemClob

func NewMemClob(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMemClob) *MemClob

NewMemClob creates a new instance of MemClob. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*MemClob) CancelOrder

func (_m *MemClob) CancelOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) (*clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, error)

CancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder

func (*MemClob) CountSubaccountShortTermOrders

func (_m *MemClob) CountSubaccountShortTermOrders(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) uint32

CountSubaccountShortTermOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*MemClob) CreateOrderbook

func (_m *MemClob) CreateOrderbook(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair)

CreateOrderbook provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair

func (*MemClob) DeleverageSubaccount

func (_m *MemClob) DeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantums *big.Int, isFinalSettlement bool) (*big.Int, error)

DeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantums, isFinalSettlement

func (*MemClob) GetCancelOrder

func (_m *MemClob) GetCancelOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (uint32, bool)

GetCancelOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) GetMidPrice

func (_m *MemClob) GetMidPrice(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) (clobtypes.Subticks, clobtypes.Order, clobtypes.Order, bool)

GetMidPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId

func (*MemClob) GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot

func (_m *MemClob) GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

GetOffchainUpdatesForOrderbookSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId

func (*MemClob) GetOperationsRaw

func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsRaw(ctx types.Context) []clobtypes.OperationRaw

GetOperationsRaw provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*MemClob) GetOperationsToReplay

func (_m *MemClob) GetOperationsToReplay(ctx types.Context) ([]clobtypes.InternalOperation, map[clobtypes.OrderHash][]byte)

GetOperationsToReplay provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*MemClob) GetOrder

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrder(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.Order, bool)

GetOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) GetOrderFilledAmount

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderFilledAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums

GetOrderFilledAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) GetOrderRemainingAmount

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderRemainingAmount(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) (subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, bool)

GetOrderRemainingAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderRemoval provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate

func (_m *MemClob) GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

GetOrderbookUpdatesForOrderUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) GetPricePremium

func (_m *MemClob) GetPricePremium(ctx types.Context, clobPair clobtypes.ClobPair, params perpetualstypes.GetPricePremiumParams) (int32, error)

GetPricePremium provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPair, params

func (*MemClob) GetSubaccountOrders

func (_m *MemClob) GetSubaccountOrders(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, side clobtypes.Order_Side) ([]clobtypes.Order, error)

GetSubaccountOrders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountId, side

func (*MemClob) InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue

func (_m *MemClob) InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32)

InsertZeroFillDeleveragingIntoOperationsQueue provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*MemClob) PlaceOrder

PlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

func (*MemClob) PlacePerpetualLiquidation

PlacePerpetualLiquidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidationOrder

func (*MemClob) PurgeInvalidMemclobState

func (_m *MemClob) PurgeInvalidMemclobState(ctx types.Context, fullyFilledOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, expiredStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, canceledStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, removedStatefulOrderIds []clobtypes.OrderId, existingOffchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

PurgeInvalidMemclobState provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fullyFilledOrderIds, expiredStatefulOrderIds, canceledStatefulOrderIds, removedStatefulOrderIds, existingOffchainUpdates

func (*MemClob) RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue

func (_m *MemClob) RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue(ctx types.Context, localValidatorOperationsQueue []clobtypes.InternalOperation)

RemoveAndClearOperationsQueue provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, localValidatorOperationsQueue

func (*MemClob) RemoveOrderIfFilled

func (_m *MemClob) RemoveOrderIfFilled(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

RemoveOrderIfFilled provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClob) ReplayOperations

func (_m *MemClob) ReplayOperations(ctx types.Context, localOperations []clobtypes.InternalOperation, shortTermOrderTxBytes map[clobtypes.OrderHash][]byte, existingOffchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates) *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates

ReplayOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, localOperations, shortTermOrderTxBytes, existingOffchainUpdates

func (*MemClob) SetClobKeeper

func (_m *MemClob) SetClobKeeper(keeper clobtypes.MemClobKeeper)

SetClobKeeper provides a mock function with given fields: keeper

func (*MemClob) SetMemclobGauges

func (_m *MemClob) SetMemclobGauges(ctx types.Context)

SetMemclobGauges provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

type MemClobKeeper

type MemClobKeeper struct {

MemClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the MemClobKeeper type

func NewMemClobKeeper

func NewMemClobKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMemClobKeeper) *MemClobKeeper

NewMemClobKeeper creates a new instance of MemClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*MemClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck(ctx types.Context, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId][]clobtypes.PendingOpenOrder) (bool, map[subaccountstypes.SubaccountId]subaccountstypes.UpdateResult)

AddOrderToOrderbookCollatCheck provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, clobPairId, subaccountOpenOrders

func (*MemClobKeeper) AddPreexistingStatefulOrder

AddPreexistingStatefulOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, memclob

func (*MemClobKeeper) CanDeleverageSubaccount

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CanDeleverageSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32) (bool, bool, error)

CanDeleverageSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, perpetualId

func (*MemClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) CancelShortTermOrder(ctx types.Context, msgCancelOrder *clobtypes.MsgCancelOrder) error

CancelShortTermOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgCancelOrder

func (*MemClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetIndexerEventManager() indexer_manager.IndexerEventManager

GetIndexerEventManager provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*MemClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (clobtypes.LongTermOrderPlacement, bool)

GetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClobKeeper) GetOrderFillAmount

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetOrderFillAmount(ctx types.Context, orderId clobtypes.OrderId) (bool, subaccountstypes.BaseQuantums, uint32)

GetOrderFillAmount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orderId

func (*MemClobKeeper) GetStatePosition

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) GetStatePosition(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, clobPairId clobtypes.ClobPairId) *big.Int

GetStatePosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId, clobPairId

func (*MemClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) IsLiquidatable(ctx types.Context, subaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId) (bool, error)

IsLiquidatable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccountId

func (*MemClobKeeper) Logger

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger

Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*MemClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice(ctx types.Context, goodTilBlockTime time.Time, orderId clobtypes.OrderId)

MustAddOrderToStatefulOrdersTimeSlice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, goodTilBlockTime, orderId

func (*MemClobKeeper) OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition(ctx types.Context, liquidatedSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, perpetualId uint32, deltaQuantumsTotal *big.Int, isFinalSettlement bool) ([]clobtypes.MatchPerpetualDeleveraging_Fill, *big.Int)

OffsetSubaccountPerpetualPosition provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, liquidatedSubaccountId, perpetualId, deltaQuantumsTotal, isFinalSettlement

func (*MemClobKeeper) ProcessSingleMatch

ProcessSingleMatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, matchWithOrders

func (*MemClobKeeper) ReplayPlaceOrder

ReplayPlaceOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*MemClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SendOrderbookUpdates(ctx types.Context, offchainUpdates *clobtypes.OffchainUpdates, snapshot bool)

SendOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, offchainUpdates, snapshot

func (*MemClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) SetLongTermOrderPlacement(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order, blockHeight uint32)

SetLongTermOrderPlacement provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order, blockHeight

func (*MemClobKeeper) ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder

func (_m *MemClobKeeper) ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder(ctx types.Context, order clobtypes.Order) error

ValidateSubaccountEquityTierLimitForNewOrder provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, order

type Msg

type Msg struct {

Msg is an autogenerated mock type for the Msg type

func NewMsg

func NewMsg(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMsg) *Msg

NewMsg creates a new instance of Msg. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*Msg) GetSigners

func (_m *Msg) GetSigners() []types.AccAddress

GetSigners provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Msg) ProtoMessage

func (_m *Msg) ProtoMessage()

ProtoMessage provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Msg) Reset

func (_m *Msg) Reset()

Reset provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Msg) String

func (_m *Msg) String() string

String provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*Msg) ValidateBasic

func (_m *Msg) ValidateBasic() error

ValidateBasic provides a mock function with given fields:

type MsgRouter

type MsgRouter struct {

MsgRouter is an autogenerated mock type for the MsgRouter type

func NewMsgRouter

func NewMsgRouter(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMsgRouter) *MsgRouter

NewMsgRouter creates a new instance of MsgRouter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*MsgRouter) Handler

func (_m *MsgRouter) Handler(msg proto.Message) func(types.Context, proto.Message) (*types.Result, error)

Handler provides a mock function with given fields: msg

type MultiStore

type MultiStore struct {

MultiStore is an autogenerated mock type for the MultiStore type

func NewMultiStore

func NewMultiStore(t mockConstructorTestingTNewMultiStore) *MultiStore

NewMultiStore creates a new instance of MultiStore. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*MultiStore) CacheMultiStore

func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore

CacheMultiStore provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*MultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion

func (_m *MultiStore) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error)

CacheMultiStoreWithVersion provides a mock function with given fields: version

func (*MultiStore) CacheWrap

func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap

CacheWrap provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*MultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace

func (_m *MultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(w io.Writer, tc types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap

CacheWrapWithTrace provides a mock function with given fields: w, tc

func (*MultiStore) GetKVStore

func (_m *MultiStore) GetKVStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.KVStore

GetKVStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*MultiStore) GetStore

func (_m *MultiStore) GetStore(_a0 types.StoreKey) types.Store

GetStore provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*MultiStore) GetStoreType

func (_m *MultiStore) GetStoreType() types.StoreType

GetStoreType provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*MultiStore) LatestVersion

func (_m *MultiStore) LatestVersion() int64

LatestVersion provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*MultiStore) SetTracer

func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore

SetTracer provides a mock function with given fields: w

func (*MultiStore) SetTracingContext

func (_m *MultiStore) SetTracingContext(_a0 types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore

SetTracingContext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*MultiStore) TracingEnabled

func (_m *MultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool

TracingEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:

type PerpetualsClobKeeper

type PerpetualsClobKeeper struct {

PerpetualsClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PerpetualsClobKeeper type

func NewPerpetualsClobKeeper

func NewPerpetualsClobKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPerpetualsClobKeeper) *PerpetualsClobKeeper

NewPerpetualsClobKeeper creates a new instance of PerpetualsClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PerpetualsClobKeeper) GetPricePremiumForPerpetual

func (_m *PerpetualsClobKeeper) GetPricePremiumForPerpetual(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, params perpetualstypes.GetPricePremiumParams) (int32, error)

GetPricePremiumForPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, params

func (*PerpetualsClobKeeper) IsPerpetualClobPairActive

func (_m *PerpetualsClobKeeper) IsPerpetualClobPairActive(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32) (bool, error)

IsPerpetualClobPairActive provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId

type PerpetualsKeeper

type PerpetualsKeeper struct {

PerpetualsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PerpetualsKeeper type

func NewPerpetualsKeeper

func NewPerpetualsKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPerpetualsKeeper) *PerpetualsKeeper

NewPerpetualsKeeper creates a new instance of PerpetualsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) AddPremiumVotes

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) AddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context, votes []perpetualstypes.FundingPremium) error

AddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, votes

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) CreatePerpetual

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) CreatePerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, atomicResolution int32, defaultFundingPpm int32, liquidityTier uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)

CreatePerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, ticker, marketId, atomicResolution, defaultFundingPpm, liquidityTier

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes(ctx types.Context) *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes

GetAddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetMarginRequirements

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)

GetMarginRequirements provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetCollateral

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetCollateral(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)

GetNetCollateral provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetNotional

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNetNotional(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)

GetNetNotional provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuantums

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) GetNotionalInBaseQuantums

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) GetNotionalInBaseQuantums(ctx types.Context, id uint32, bigQuoteQuantums *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)

GetNotionalInBaseQuantums provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, bigQuoteQuantums

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) HasAuthority

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool

HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch(ctx types.Context)

MaybeProcessNewFundingSampleEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)

MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyPerpetual

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) ModifyPerpetual(ctx types.Context, id uint32, ticker string, marketId uint32, defaultFundingPpm int32, liquidityTier uint32) (perpetualstypes.Perpetual, error)

ModifyPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, ticker, marketId, defaultFundingPpm, liquidityTier

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation(ctx types.Context, msg *perpetualstypes.MsgAddPremiumVotes) error

PerformStatefulPremiumVotesValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) SetLiquidityTier

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetLiquidityTier(ctx types.Context, id uint32, name string, initialMarginPpm uint32, maintenanceFractionPpm uint32, impactNotional uint64) (perpetualstypes.LiquidityTier, error)

SetLiquidityTier provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id, name, initialMarginPpm, maintenanceFractionPpm, impactNotional

func (*PerpetualsKeeper) SetParams

func (_m *PerpetualsKeeper) SetParams(ctx types.Context, params perpetualstypes.Params) error

SetParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, params

type PrepareClobKeeper

type PrepareClobKeeper struct {

PrepareClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PrepareClobKeeper type

func NewPrepareClobKeeper

func NewPrepareClobKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPrepareClobKeeper) *PrepareClobKeeper

NewPrepareClobKeeper creates a new instance of PrepareClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PrepareClobKeeper) GetOperations

GetOperations provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

type PreparePerpetualsKeeper

type PreparePerpetualsKeeper struct {

PreparePerpetualsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PreparePerpetualsKeeper type

func NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper

func NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPreparePerpetualsKeeper) *PreparePerpetualsKeeper

NewPreparePerpetualsKeeper creates a new instance of PreparePerpetualsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PreparePerpetualsKeeper) GetAddPremiumVotes

GetAddPremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

type PreparePricesKeeper

type PreparePricesKeeper struct {

PreparePricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PreparePricesKeeper type

func NewPreparePricesKeeper

func NewPreparePricesKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPreparePricesKeeper) *PreparePricesKeeper

NewPreparePricesKeeper creates a new instance of PreparePricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PreparePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates

func (_m *PreparePricesKeeper) GetValidMarketPriceUpdates(ctx types.Context) *pricestypes.MsgUpdateMarketPrices

GetValidMarketPriceUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

type PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs

type PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs struct {

PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs is an autogenerated mock type for the PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs type

func NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs

func NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs

NewPricefeedMutableMarketConfigs creates a new instance of PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceEncoder

func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceEncoder(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)

AddPriceEncoder provides a mock function with given fields: updater

func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceFetcher

func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) AddPriceFetcher(updater types.ExchangeConfigUpdater)

AddPriceFetcher provides a mock function with given fields: updater

func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy

func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy(id string) (*types.MutableExchangeMarketConfig, error)

GetExchangeMarketConfigCopy provides a mock function with given fields: id

func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetMarketConfigCopies

func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) GetMarketConfigCopies(markets []uint32) ([]*types.MutableMarketConfig, error)

GetMarketConfigCopies provides a mock function with given fields: markets

func (*PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) UpdateMarkets

func (_m *PricefeedMutableMarketConfigs) UpdateMarkets(marketParams []pricestypes.MarketParam) (map[uint32]error, error)

UpdateMarkets provides a mock function with given fields: marketParams

type PricesKeeper

type PricesKeeper struct {

PricesKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the PricesKeeper type

func NewPricesKeeper

func NewPricesKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewPricesKeeper) *PricesKeeper

NewPricesKeeper creates a new instance of PricesKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*PricesKeeper) CreateMarket

CreateMarket provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, param, price

func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParamPrices

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParamPrices(ctx types.Context) ([]pricestypes.MarketParamPrice, error)

GetAllMarketParamPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketParams(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketParam

GetAllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketPrices

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetAllMarketPrices(ctx types.Context) []pricestypes.MarketPrice

GetAllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketIdToValidIndexPrice

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketIdToValidIndexPrice(ctx types.Context) map[uint32]pricestypes.MarketPrice

GetMarketIdToValidIndexPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketParam

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketParam(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketParam, bool)

GetMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*PricesKeeper) GetMarketPrice

func (_m *PricesKeeper) GetMarketPrice(ctx types.Context, id uint32) (pricestypes.MarketPrice, error)

GetMarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*PricesKeeper) HasAuthority

func (_m *PricesKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool

HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority

func (*PricesKeeper) Logger

func (_m *PricesKeeper) Logger(ctx types.Context) log.Logger

Logger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*PricesKeeper) ModifyMarketParam

func (_m *PricesKeeper) ModifyMarketParam(ctx types.Context, param pricestypes.MarketParam) (pricestypes.MarketParam, error)

ModifyMarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, param

func (*PricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation

func (_m *PricesKeeper) PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation(ctx types.Context, marketPriceUpdates *pricestypes.MsgUpdateMarketPrices, performNonDeterministicValidation bool) error

PerformStatefulPriceUpdateValidation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, marketPriceUpdates, performNonDeterministicValidation

func (*PricesKeeper) UpdateMarketPrices

func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateMarketPrices(ctx types.Context, updates []*pricestypes.MsgUpdateMarketPrices_MarketPrice) error

UpdateMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates

func (*PricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedPrices

func (_m *PricesKeeper) UpdateSmoothedPrices(ctx types.Context, linearInterpolateFunc func(uint64, uint64, uint32) (uint64, error)) error

UpdateSmoothedPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, linearInterpolateFunc

type ProcessClobKeeper

type ProcessClobKeeper struct {

ProcessClobKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessClobKeeper type

func NewProcessClobKeeper

func NewProcessClobKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewProcessClobKeeper) *ProcessClobKeeper

NewProcessClobKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessClobKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetrics

func (_m *ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetrics(ctx types.Context, stakingKeeper process.ProcessStakingKeeper, perpetualKeeper process.ProcessPerpetualKeeper, msgProposedOperations *clobtypes.MsgProposedOperations)

RecordMevMetrics provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, stakingKeeper, perpetualKeeper, msgProposedOperations

func (*ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled

func (_m *ProcessClobKeeper) RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled() bool

RecordMevMetricsIsEnabled provides a mock function with given fields:

type ProcessPerpetualKeeper

type ProcessPerpetualKeeper struct {

ProcessPerpetualKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessPerpetualKeeper type

func NewProcessPerpetualKeeper

func NewProcessPerpetualKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewProcessPerpetualKeeper) *ProcessPerpetualKeeper

NewProcessPerpetualKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessPerpetualKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetPerpetual

GetPerpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetSettlementPpm

func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) GetSettlementPpm(ctx types.Context, perpetualId uint32, quantums *big.Int, index *big.Int) (*big.Int, *big.Int, error)

GetSettlementPpm provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, perpetualId, quantums, index

func (*ProcessPerpetualKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch

func (_m *ProcessPerpetualKeeper) MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch(ctx types.Context)

MaybeProcessNewFundingTickEpoch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

type ProcessStakingKeeper

type ProcessStakingKeeper struct {

ProcessStakingKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the ProcessStakingKeeper type

func NewProcessStakingKeeper

func NewProcessStakingKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewProcessStakingKeeper) *ProcessStakingKeeper

NewProcessStakingKeeper creates a new instance of ProcessStakingKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*ProcessStakingKeeper) GetValidatorByConsAddr

func (_m *ProcessStakingKeeper) GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx context.Context, consAddr types.ConsAddress) (stakingtypes.Validator, error)

GetValidatorByConsAddr provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, consAddr

type QueryClient

type QueryClient struct {

QueryClient is an autogenerated mock type for the QueryClient type

func NewQueryClient

func NewQueryClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewQueryClient) *QueryClient

NewQueryClient creates a new instance of QueryClient. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*QueryClient) AllDowntimeInfo

AllDowntimeInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) AllLiquidityTiers

AllLiquidityTiers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) AllMarketParams

AllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) AllMarketPrices

AllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) AllPerpetuals

AllPerpetuals provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) BlockRateLimitConfiguration

BlockRateLimitConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) ClobPair

ClobPair provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) ClobPairAll

ClobPairAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) DowntimeParams

DowntimeParams provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) EquityTierLimitConfiguration

EquityTierLimitConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo

GetWithdrawalAndTransfersBlockedInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) LiquidateSubaccounts

LiquidateSubaccounts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) LiquidationsConfiguration

LiquidationsConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) MarketParam

MarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) MarketPrice

MarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) MevNodeToNodeCalculation

MevNodeToNodeCalculation provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) Params

Params provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) Perpetual

Perpetual provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) PremiumSamples

PremiumSamples provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) PremiumVotes

PremiumVotes provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) PreviousBlockInfo

PreviousBlockInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) StreamOrderbookUpdates

StreamOrderbookUpdates provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) Subaccount

Subaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) SubaccountAll

SubaccountAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

func (*QueryClient) UpdateMarketPrices

UpdateMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts

type QueryServer

type QueryServer struct {

QueryServer is an autogenerated mock type for the QueryServer type

func NewQueryServer

func NewQueryServer(t mockConstructorTestingTNewQueryServer) *QueryServer

NewQueryServer creates a new instance of QueryServer. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*QueryServer) AllMarketParams

AllMarketParams provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*QueryServer) AllMarketPrices

AllMarketPrices provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*QueryServer) MarketParam

MarketParam provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

func (*QueryServer) MarketPrice

MarketPrice provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1

type RequestHandler

type RequestHandler struct {

RequestHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the RequestHandler type

func NewRequestHandler

func NewRequestHandler(t mockConstructorTestingTNewRequestHandler) *RequestHandler

NewRequestHandler creates a new instance of RequestHandler. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*RequestHandler) Get

func (_m *RequestHandler) Get(ctx context.Context, url string) (*http.Response, error)

Get provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, url

type SendingKeeper

type SendingKeeper struct {

SendingKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the SendingKeeper type

func NewSendingKeeper

func NewSendingKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewSendingKeeper) *SendingKeeper

NewSendingKeeper creates a new instance of SendingKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*SendingKeeper) HasAuthority

func (_m *SendingKeeper) HasAuthority(authority string) bool

HasAuthority provides a mock function with given fields: authority

func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessDepositToSubaccount

func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessDepositToSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msgDepositToSubaccount *types.MsgDepositToSubaccount) error

ProcessDepositToSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgDepositToSubaccount

func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessTransfer

func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessTransfer(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, transfer *types.Transfer) error

ProcessTransfer provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, transfer

func (*SendingKeeper) ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount

func (_m *SendingKeeper) ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msgWithdrawFromSubaccount *types.MsgWithdrawFromSubaccount) error

ProcessWithdrawFromSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msgWithdrawFromSubaccount

func (*SendingKeeper) SendFromModuleToAccount

func (_m *SendingKeeper) SendFromModuleToAccount(ctx cosmos_sdktypes.Context, msg *types.MsgSendFromModuleToAccount) error

SendFromModuleToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, msg

type Server

type Server struct {

Server is an autogenerated mock type for the Server type

func NewServer

func NewServer(t mockConstructorTestingTNewServer) *Server

NewServer creates a new instance of Server. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*Server) RegisterService

func (_m *Server) RegisterService(sd *grpc.ServiceDesc, ss interface{})

RegisterService provides a mock function with given fields: sd, ss

type SubaccountsKeeper

type SubaccountsKeeper struct {

SubaccountsKeeper is an autogenerated mock type for the SubaccountsKeeper type

func NewSubaccountsKeeper

func NewSubaccountsKeeper(t mockConstructorTestingTNewSubaccountsKeeper) *SubaccountsKeeper

NewSubaccountsKeeper creates a new instance of SubaccountsKeeper. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) CanUpdateSubaccounts

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) CanUpdateSubaccounts(ctx types.Context, updates []subaccountstypes.Update, updateType subaccountstypes.UpdateType) (bool, []subaccountstypes.UpdateResult, error)

CanUpdateSubaccounts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates, updateType

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount(ctx types.Context, fromAccount types.AccAddress, toSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, assetId uint32, amount *big.Int) error

DepositFundsFromAccountToSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromAccount, toSubaccountId, assetId, amount

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetAllSubaccount

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetAllSubaccount(ctx types.Context) []subaccountstypes.Subaccount

GetAllSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements(ctx types.Context, update subaccountstypes.Update) (*big.Int, *big.Int, *big.Int, error)

GetNetCollateralAndMarginRequirements provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, update

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetRandomSubaccount

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) GetRandomSubaccount(ctx types.Context, _a1 *rand.Rand) (subaccountstypes.Subaccount, error)

GetRandomSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, _a1

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) GetSubaccount

GetSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) SetSubaccount

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) SetSubaccount(ctx types.Context, subaccount subaccountstypes.Subaccount)

SetSubaccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, subaccount

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) UpdateSubaccounts

UpdateSubaccounts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, updates, updateType

func (*SubaccountsKeeper) WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount

func (_m *SubaccountsKeeper) WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount(ctx types.Context, fromSubaccountId subaccountstypes.SubaccountId, toAccount types.AccAddress, assetId uint32, amount *big.Int) error

WithdrawFundsFromSubaccountToAccount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, fromSubaccountId, toAccount, assetId, amount

type TimeProvider

type TimeProvider struct {

TimeProvider is an autogenerated mock type for the TimeProvider type

func NewTimeProvider

func NewTimeProvider(t mockConstructorTestingTNewTimeProvider) *TimeProvider

NewTimeProvider creates a new instance of TimeProvider. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*TimeProvider) Now

func (_m *TimeProvider) Now() time.Time

Now provides a mock function with given fields:

type TxBuilder

type TxBuilder struct {

TxBuilder is an autogenerated mock type for the TxBuilder type

func NewTxBuilder

func NewTxBuilder(t mockConstructorTestingTNewTxBuilder) *TxBuilder

NewTxBuilder creates a new instance of TxBuilder. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*TxBuilder) AddAuxSignerData

func (_m *TxBuilder) AddAuxSignerData(_a0 tx.AuxSignerData) error

AddAuxSignerData provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*TxBuilder) GetTx

func (_m *TxBuilder) GetTx() signing.Tx

GetTx provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxBuilder) SetFeeAmount

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeeAmount(amount types.Coins)

SetFeeAmount provides a mock function with given fields: amount

func (*TxBuilder) SetFeeGranter

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeeGranter(feeGranter types.AccAddress)

SetFeeGranter provides a mock function with given fields: feeGranter

func (*TxBuilder) SetFeePayer

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetFeePayer(feePayer types.AccAddress)

SetFeePayer provides a mock function with given fields: feePayer

func (*TxBuilder) SetGasLimit

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetGasLimit(limit uint64)

SetGasLimit provides a mock function with given fields: limit

func (*TxBuilder) SetMemo

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetMemo(memo string)

SetMemo provides a mock function with given fields: memo

func (*TxBuilder) SetMsgs

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetMsgs(msgs ...proto.Message) error

SetMsgs provides a mock function with given fields: msgs

func (*TxBuilder) SetSignatures

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetSignatures(signatures ...txsigning.SignatureV2) error

SetSignatures provides a mock function with given fields: signatures

func (*TxBuilder) SetTimeoutHeight

func (_m *TxBuilder) SetTimeoutHeight(height uint64)

SetTimeoutHeight provides a mock function with given fields: height

type TxConfig

type TxConfig struct {

TxConfig is an autogenerated mock type for the TxConfig type

func NewTxConfig

func NewTxConfig(t mockConstructorTestingTNewTxConfig) *TxConfig

NewTxConfig creates a new instance of TxConfig. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.

func (*TxConfig) MarshalSignatureJSON

func (_m *TxConfig) MarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []signing.SignatureV2) ([]byte, error)

MarshalSignatureJSON provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*TxConfig) NewTxBuilder

func (_m *TxConfig) NewTxBuilder() client.TxBuilder

NewTxBuilder provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) SignModeHandler

func (_m *TxConfig) SignModeHandler() *txsigning.HandlerMap

SignModeHandler provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) SigningContext

func (_m *TxConfig) SigningContext() *txsigning.Context

SigningContext provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) TxDecoder

func (_m *TxConfig) TxDecoder() types.TxDecoder

TxDecoder provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) TxEncoder

func (_m *TxConfig) TxEncoder() types.TxEncoder

TxEncoder provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) TxJSONDecoder

func (_m *TxConfig) TxJSONDecoder() types.TxDecoder

TxJSONDecoder provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) TxJSONEncoder

func (_m *TxConfig) TxJSONEncoder() types.TxEncoder

TxJSONEncoder provides a mock function with given fields:

func (*TxConfig) UnmarshalSignatureJSON

func (_m *TxConfig) UnmarshalSignatureJSON(_a0 []byte) ([]signing.SignatureV2, error)

UnmarshalSignatureJSON provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

func (*TxConfig) WrapTxBuilder

func (_m *TxConfig) WrapTxBuilder(_a0 types.Tx) (client.TxBuilder, error)

WrapTxBuilder provides a mock function with given fields: _a0

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