operator-utils library
This library layers on top of the Operator SDK, having set of utilities function as a library to easily create Kubernetes operators.
Kubernetes / OpenShift Version Support
In July of 2020, our team moved away from using the term master
for our default branch. As a result, our branching scheme is as follows:
- The main (default) branch currently supports OCP 4.7 (K8S 1.20), the latest GA release.
- The next branch currently supports OCP 4.9 (K8S 1.21).
- For versions of
targeting earlier releases of OCP (starting with 4.2), please refer to the tags section.
- tag
indicates support for OCP vX.Y
- With each General Availability release of OCP, the
branch will be given a tag matching the previously supported OCP version in main
, then the next
branch will be rebased onto main
Contributing to the operator-utils
All bugs, tasks, fixes or enhancements should be tracked as GitHub Issues & Pull Requests.
- To contribute features targeting OCP 4.7 only, use a local feature branch based off of & targeting
with any PR's. Reference any JIRA/GitHub issues in PR's where applicable.
- To contribute features targeting OCP 4.9 only, use a local feature branch based off of & targeting
with any PR's, Reference any JIRA/GitHub issues in PR's where applicable.
- To contribute features targeting both currently supported versions, first complete the commit/PR work targeting
. Once that PR is merged to next
, create a new PR with cherry-pick of the commit targeting main
- Contributions targeting OCP versions older than what's currently supported by
will typically no longer be accepted. Please contact contributors for further discussion.
Declaring operator-utils dependency
Regardless of dependency framework, we suggest following the best practice of declaring any and all dependencies your project utilizes regardless of target branch, tag, or revision.
With regards to operator-utils
, please carefully consider the given version support information above when declaring your dependency, as depending on or defaulting to main
branch will likely result in future build complications as our project continues to evolve and cycle minor version support.
- Go.mod example specifying REVISION:
github.com/RHsyseng/operator-utils v0.0.0-20200108204558-82090ef57586
- managing CR and CRD validation
- pods deployment status
- resource comparison, adding, updating and deleting
- platform detection Kubernetes VS Openshift
Managing CR and CRD validation
Operator util library use package validation
for validate the CRD and CR file, these function use as a unit test within operator
CRD validation Usage:
schema := getCompleteSchema(t)
missingEntries := schema.GetMissingEntries(&sampleApp{})
for _, missing := range missingEntries {
if strings.HasPrefix(missing.Path, "/status") {
//Not using subresources, so status is not expected to appear in CRD
} else {
assert.Fail(t, "Discrepancy between CRD and Struct", "Missing or incorrect schema validation at %v, expected type %v", missing.Path, missing.Type)
CR validation Usage:
schema, err := New([]byte(schemaYaml))
assert.NoError(t, err)
type myAppSpec struct {
Number float64 `json:"number,omitempty"`
type myApp struct {
Spec myAppSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
cr := myApp{
Spec: myAppSpec{
Number: float64(23),
missingEntries := schema.GetMissingEntries(&cr)
assert.Len(t, missingEntries, 0, "Expect no missing entries in CRD for this struct: %v", missingEntries)
A full example is provided here
Pods deployment status
showes the status of the deployment on OLM UI in the form of PI chart, as seen in below screenshot
Below seen line required to add into types.go status structure
PodStatus olm.DeploymentStatus `json:"podStatus"`
Add these lines into CSV file inside statusDescriptors section:
- description: The current pods
displayName: Pods Status
path: podStatus
- "urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:podStatuses"
For DeploymentConfig deployment status:
var dcs []oappsv1.DeploymentConfig
deploymentStatus := olm.GetDeploymentConfigStatus(dcs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(instance.Status.Deployments, deploymentStatus) {
r.reqLogger.Info("Deployment status will be updated")
instance.Status.Deployments = deploymentStatus
err = r.client.Status().Update(context.TODO(), instance)
if err != nil {
r.reqLogger.Error(err, "Failed to update deployment status")
return err
For StatefulSet Deployment status:
var status olm.DeploymentStatus
sfsFound := &appsv1.StatefulSet{}
err := client.Get(context.TODO(), namespacedName, sfsFound)
if err == nil {
status = olm.GetSingleStatefulSetStatus(*sfsFound)
} else {
dsFound := &appsv1.DaemonSet{}
err = client.Get(context.TODO(), namespacedName, dsFound)
if err == nil {
status = olm.GetSingleDaemonSetStatus(*dsFound)
Resource comparison (adding, updating and deleting)
Common function for listing, adding, updating, deleting kubernetes objects like seen below:
List of objects that are deployed
reader := read.New(client).WithNamespace(instance.Namespace).WithOwnerObject(instance)
resourceMap, err := reader.ListAll(
Compare what's deployed with what should be deployed
requested := compare.NewMapBuilder().Add(requestedResources...).ResourceMap()
comparator := compare.NewMapComparator()
deltas := comparator.Compare(deployed, requested)
Adding the objects:
added, err := writer.AddResources(delta.Added)
Updating the objects:
updated, err := writer.UpdateResources(deployed[resourceType], delta.Updated)
Removing the objects:
removed, err := writer.RemoveResources(delta.Removed)
A full usage is provided here
To detect platform whether operator is running on kuberenete or openshift or what version of openshift is using
info, err := pv.GetPlatformInfo(c.discoverer, c.config)
A full example is provided here
Who is using this Library
operator-utils is used by several Red Hat product & community operators, including the following: