Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var BadgePlayerGiveCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "badge:player:give", Short: "Gives a player a badge", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) < 2 { logrus.Error("You must provide a badge id and a player id") return } badgeId, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } playerId, err := strconv.Atoi(args[1]) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } _, err = db.GetUserById(playerId) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error retrieving player: ", err) return } hasBadge, err := db.UserHasBadge(playerId, badgeId) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error checking user has badge: ", err) return } if hasBadge { logrus.Info("User already has badge") return } badge := &db.UserBadge{ UserId: playerId, BadgeId: badgeId, } if err := badge.Insert(); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error inserting badge: ", err) return } logrus.Info("Done!") }, }
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var CacheClanLeaderboard = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cache:leaderboard:clan", Short: "Caches the clan leaderboard", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { batchSize := 1000 offset := 0 logrus.Info("Caching clan leaderboards...") for { var clans = make([]*db.Clan, 0) result := db.SQL. Preload("Stats"). Limit(batchSize). Offset(offset). Order("id ASC"). Find(&clans) if result.Error != nil { logrus.Error(result.Error) return } if len(clans) == 0 { break } for _, clan := range clans { if err := db.UpdateAllClanLeaderboards(clan); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } offset += batchSize } logrus.Info("Complete!") }, }
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var CacheClearCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cache:clear", Short: "Clears the cache", Long: `Clears the application cache.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { keys, err := db.Redis.Keys(db.RedisCtx, "quaver:*").Result() if err != nil && err != redis.Nil { logrus.Println(err) return } if len(keys) > 0 { delCount, err := db.Redis.Del(db.RedisCtx, keys...).Result() if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Failed to DELETE keys: %v", err) return } logrus.Printf("Deleted %d keys\n", delCount) } logrus.Println("Cache has been cleared.") }, }
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var CacheLeaderboardCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cache:leaderboard", Short: "Populates the leaderboards in cache", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) > 0 && strings.ToLower(args[0]) == "delete-all" { if err := deleteOldLeaderboards(); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } logrus.Println("Populating leaderboards...") if err := populateLeaderboard(); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Println("Leaderboards populated.") }, }
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var CacheScoreboardClearCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cache:scoreboards:clear", Short: "Clears the scoreboard cache", Long: `Clears the scoreboard cache.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { keys, err := db.Redis.Keys(db.RedisCtx, "quaver:scoreboard:*").Result() if err != nil && err != redis.Nil { logrus.Println(err) return } if len(keys) > 0 { delCount, err := db.Redis.Del(db.RedisCtx, keys...).Result() if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Failed to DELETE keys: %v", err) return } logrus.Printf("Deleted %d keys\n", delCount) } logrus.Info("Scoreboard cache has been cleared.") }, }
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var ClanRankMapCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "clan:rank:map", Short: "Ranks a map for clans", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { const increment = 17 for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { for j := 0; j < 3; j++ { mapQua, err := getRandomMap(i, float64(j*increment), float64((j+1)*increment)) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error retrieving random map", err) } if err := db.UpdateMapClanRanked(mapQua.Id, true); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error updating clan ranked status: ", err) return } clanUsers, err := db.GetAllUsersInAClan() if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error retrieving users a part of a clan", err) return } for _, user := range clanUsers { if err := db.NewClanMapRankedNotification(mapQua, user.Id).Insert(); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error inserting clan map ranked notification", err) return } } if err := sendClanMapToRedis(mapQua); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error sending clan map to redis: ", err) } logrus.Info("Ranked Clan Map: ", mapQua.Id, mapQua, mapQua.DifficultyRating) _ = webhooks.SendClanRankedWebhook(mapQua) } } }, }
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var ClanRecalculateCommand = &cobra.Command{ Use: "clan:recalc", Short: "Recalculates all clans", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { clans, err := db.GetClans() if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } for _, clan := range clans { if err := db.PerformFullClanRecalculation(clan); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } for _, clan := range clans { for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { if err := db.UpdateClanLeaderboard(clan, enums.GameMode(i)); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } } }, }
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var DatabaseBackupCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "backup:database", Short: "Backs up the database and uploads to s3", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { sqlPath, _ := filepath.Abs(fmt.Sprintf("%v/backup.sql", files.GetBackupsDirectory())) zipPath, _ := filepath.Abs(fmt.Sprintf("%v/", files.GetBackupsDirectory())) if err := deletePreviousBackups(s3BackupFolderName, 28); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(false, err) return } files, err := s3util.Instance().ListFiles(s3BackupFolderName) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(false, err) return } s3FileName := "" if len(files) > 0 { name := strings.Replace(files[len(files)-1], ".zip", "", -1) name = strings.Replace(name, fmt.Sprintf("%v/", s3BackupFolderName), "", -1) fileNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(name) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(false, err) return } s3FileName = fmt.Sprintf("", fileNumber+1) } if err := performDatabaseBackupBackup(sqlPath, zipPath, s3BackupFolderName, s3FileName); err != nil { _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(false, err) return } _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(true) }, }
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var DatabaseBackupHourlyCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "backup:database:hourly", Short: "Backs up the database hourly and uploads to s3", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { sqlPath, _ := filepath.Abs(fmt.Sprintf("%v/backup-hourly.sql", files.GetBackupsDirectory())) s3FileName := "" zipPath, _ := filepath.Abs(fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", files.GetBackupsDirectory(), s3FileName)) if err := performDatabaseBackupBackup(sqlPath, zipPath, s3HourlyBackupFolderName, s3FileName); err != nil { _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(false, err) return } _ = webhooks.SendBackupWebhook(true) }, }
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var DatabaseScoresBatchDeleteFailed = &cobra.Command{ Use: "database:scores:batch:delete", Short: "Deletes every failed score", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { batchSize := 5000 offset := 0 for { var scoreIDs []int result := db.SQL. Model(&db.Score{}). Where("failed = 1"). Limit(batchSize). Offset(offset). Pluck("id", &scoreIDs) if result.Error != nil { logrus.Info("Something went wrong") break } if len(scoreIDs) == 0 { if offset == 0 { logrus.Info("No more failed scores found!") } else { logrus.Info("There are no scores left to delete!") } break } deletedBatch := db.SQL.Where("id IN ?", scoreIDs).Delete(&db.Score{}) if deletedBatch.Error != nil { logrus.Info("Something went wrong when deleting scores") break } logrus.Infof("Deleted %d failed scores", deletedBatch.RowsAffected) offset += batchSize } }, }
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var DeleteScoreCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "score:delete", Short: "Soft deletes a score from the db", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { logrus.Error("You must provide a score to delete") } id, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } score, err := db.GetScoreById(id) if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { logrus.Error(err) return } if score == nil { logrus.Error("Score not found") return } if err := score.SoftDelete(); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("The provided score has been soft deleted.") }, }
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var DenyOnHoldCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "ranking:queue:hold:deny", Short: "Denies mapsets in the ranking queue that are on hold for a month", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { onHoldMapsets, err := db.GetOldOnHoldMapsetsInRankingQueue() if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } for _, mapset := range onHoldMapsets { if err := mapset.UpdateStatus(db.RankingQueueDenied); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Auto-denied on hold mapset: ", mapset.MapsetId) avatar := webhooks.QuaverLogo _ = webhooks.SendQueueWebhook(&db.User{ Id: 2, Username: "QuaverBot", AvatarUrl: &avatar, }, mapset.Mapset, db.RankingQueueActionDeny) } }, }
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var ElasticIndexMapsets = &cobra.Command{ Use: "elastic:index:mapsets", Short: "Indexes all mapsets in Elastic Search", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if err := db.IndexAllElasticSearchMapsets(true); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Complete!") }, }
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var FixStatsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "stats:fix", Short: "Fixes missing stats on a user", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { logrus.Error("You must provide a user id to fix") } id, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } user, err := db.GetUserById(id) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } if user.StatsKeys4 == nil { if err := db.SQL.Create(&db.UserStatsKeys4{UserId: user.Id}).Error; err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Fixed missing 4K stats for user: ", user.Id) } if user.StatsKeys7 == nil { if err := db.SQL.Create(&db.UserStatsKeys7{UserId: user.Id}).Error; err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Fixed missing 7K stats for user: ", user.Id) } }, }
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var PlayerDonatorCheckCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "player:donator:check", Short: "Checks if a player is a donator", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { expiredUsers := map[int]*db.UserNotification{} removeExpiredDonator(expiredUsers) addDiscordPremiumDonator(expiredUsers) for _, notification := range expiredUsers { if err := notification.Insert(); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error inserting donator expired notification: ", err) } } }, }
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var RemoveUnrankedClanScores = &cobra.Command{ Use: "clan:remove:unranked", Short: "Removes unranked clan scores", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { scores := make([]*db.Score, 0) result := db.SQL. Where("clan_id IS NOT NULL AND mods > 0"). Find(&scores) if result.Error != nil { logrus.Error(result.Error) return } for _, score := range scores { if enums.IsModComboRanked(enums.Mods(score.Modifiers)) { continue } err := db.SQL.Model(&db.Score{}). Where("id = ?", score.Id). Update("clan_id", nil).Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Removed clan score: ", score.Id) } }, }
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var SupervisorActivityCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "supervisor:activity", Short: "Handles providing donator for supervisor activity", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { supervisors, err := db.GetRankingSupervisors(true) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error retrieving supervisors from DB: ", err) return } if len(supervisors) == 0 { return } timeStart := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -7).UnixMilli() timeEnd := time.Now().UnixMilli() var userActions = map[*db.User]int{} for _, supervisor := range supervisors { actions, err := db.GetUserRankingQueueComments(supervisor.Id, timeStart, timeEnd) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error retrieving ranking queue comments: ", err) return } userActions[supervisor] = len(actions) if len(actions) < config.Instance.RankingQueue.WeeklyRequiredSupervisorActions { continue } var endTime int64 if supervisor.DonatorEndTime == 0 { endTime = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 7).UnixMilli() } else { endTime = time.UnixMilli(supervisor.DonatorEndTime).AddDate(0, 0, 7).UnixMilli() } if err := supervisor.UpdateDonatorEndTime(endTime); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error updating supervisor donator end time: ", err) return } logrus.Infof("[Supervisor Activity] Gave 1 week donator to: %v (#%v)", supervisor.Username, supervisor.Id) if enums.HasUserGroup(supervisor.UserGroups, enums.UserGroupDonator) { continue } if err := supervisor.UpdateUserGroups(supervisor.UserGroups | enums.UserGroupDonator); err != nil { logrus.Error("Error updating supervisor donator usergroup: ", err) return } logrus.Infof("[Supervisor Activity] Gave dono group to: %v (#%v)", supervisor.Username, supervisor.Id) } _ = webhooks.SendSupervisorActivityWebhook(userActions, timeStart, timeEnd) }, }
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var UpdateStripePriceId = &cobra.Command{ Use: "update:stripe:id", Short: "Updates the stripe price id for an order item", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) < 2 { logrus.Error("You must provide an order item id and a stripe price id.") return } id, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } item, err := db.GetOrderItemById(db.OrderItemId(id)) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } if item.Id == db.OrderItemDonator { logrus.Error("Cannot update donator price id") return } if err := item.UpdateStripePriceId(args[1]); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } logrus.Info("Done!") }, }
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var UserRankCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "stats:rank", Short: "Inserts the rank stats for all users ", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { batchSize := 1000 offset := 0 for { var users = make([]*db.User, 0) result := db.SQL. Where("allowed = 1"). Limit(batchSize). Offset(offset). Find(&users) if result.Error != nil { logrus.Println(result.Error) } if len(users) == 0 { break } for _, user := range users { for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { key := fmt.Sprintf("quaver:leaderboard:%v", i) userStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", user.Id) data, err := db.Redis.ZRevRankWithScore(db.RedisCtx, key, userStr).Result() if err != nil && err != redis.Nil { logrus.Error(err) return } if err == redis.Nil { logrus.Info("Skipping user: ", user.Id, " (no rank found)") continue } switch enums.GameMode(i) { case enums.GameModeKeys4: rank := &db.UserRankKeys4{ UserId: user.Id, Rank: int(data.Rank + 1), OverallPerformanceRating: data.Score, Timestamp: time.Now(), } if err := db.SQL.Create(&rank).Error; err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } case enums.GameModeKeys7: rank := &db.UserRankKeys7{ UserId: user.Id, Rank: int(data.Rank + 1), OverallPerformanceRating: data.Score, Timestamp: time.Now(), } if err := db.SQL.Create(&rank).Error; err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } logrus.Info("Inserted rank for user: ", user.Id) } } offset += batchSize } for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { table := fmt.Sprintf("user_rank_%v", enums.GetGameModeString(enums.GameMode(i))) query := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %v WHERE timestamp <= (CURDATE() - INTERVAL 90 DAY)", table) result := db.SQL.Exec(query) if result.Error != nil { logrus.Error(result.Error) return } } logrus.Info("Complete!") }, }
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var WeeklyMostPlayedMapsetsCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "mapsets:weekly:cache", Short: "Caches the most played mapsets of the week in redis", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { mapsets, err := db.GetWeeklyMostPlayedMapsets(true) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error caching weekly most played mapsets", err) } logrus.Infof("Successfully cached: %v weekly most played mapsets", len(mapsets)) }, }
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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Source Files
- badge_player_give.go
- cache_clear.go
- cache_leaderboard.go
- cache_leaderboard_clan.go
- cache_scoreboards_clear.go
- clan_rank_map.go
- clan_recalc.go
- database_backup.go
- database_backup_hourly.go
- database_scores_batch_delete_failed.go
- delete_score.go
- deny_on_hold.go
- elastic_index_mapsets.go
- fix_stats.go
- player_donator_check.go
- remove_mod_clan_scores.go
- stripe_price_id.go
- supervisor_activity.go
- user_rank.go
- weekly_most_played.go
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