Overview ¶
Package containerregistryv1 : Operations and models for the ContainerRegistryV1 service
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetServiceURLForRegion(region string) (string, error)
- func UnmarshalAccountSettings(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalAuthOptions(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalConfig(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalHealthConfig(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteError(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalImageDeleteResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalImageDigest(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalImageInspection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalNamespace(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalNamespaceDetails(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalPlan(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalQuota(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalQuotaDetails(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalRemoteAPIImage(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalRestoreResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalRetentionPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalRootFs(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- func UnmarshalTrash(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
- type AccountSettings
- type AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo(imagesPerRepo int64) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged(retainUntagged bool) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- type AssignNamespaceOptions
- type AuthOptions
- type BulkDeleteImagesOptions
- type Config
- type ContainerRegistryV1
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicy(analyzeRetentionPolicyOptions *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) (result map[string][]string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (result map[string][]string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespace(assignNamespaceOptions *AssignNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, assignNamespaceOptions *AssignNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImages(bulkDeleteImagesOptions *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) (result *ImageBulkDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, bulkDeleteImagesOptions *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) (result *ImageBulkDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) Clone() *ContainerRegistryV1
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespace(createNamespaceOptions *CreateNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createNamespaceOptions *CreateNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImage(deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTag(deleteImageTagOptions *DeleteImageTagOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTagWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageTagOptions *DeleteImageTagOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespace(deleteNamespaceOptions *DeleteNamespaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteNamespaceOptions *DeleteNamespaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DisableRetries()
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) EnableRetries(maxRetries int, maxRetryInterval time.Duration)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuth(getAuthOptions *GetAuthOptions) (result *AuthOptions, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, getAuthOptions *GetAuthOptions) (result *AuthOptions, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetEnableGzipCompression() bool
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifest(getImageManifestOptions *GetImageManifestOptions) (result map[string]interface{}, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifestWithContext(ctx context.Context, getImageManifestOptions *GetImageManifestOptions) (result map[string]interface{}, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessages(getMessagesOptions *GetMessagesOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, getMessagesOptions *GetMessagesOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlans(getPlansOptions *GetPlansOptions) (result *Plan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlansWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPlansOptions *GetPlansOptions) (result *Plan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuota(getQuotaOptions *GetQuotaOptions) (result *Quota, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, getQuotaOptions *GetQuotaOptions) (result *Quota, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicy(getRetentionPolicyOptions *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) (result *RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getRetentionPolicyOptions *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) (result *RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetServiceURL() string
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettings(getSettingsOptions *GetSettingsOptions) (result *AccountSettings, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettingsWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSettingsOptions *GetSettingsOptions) (result *AccountSettings, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImage(inspectImageOptions *InspectImageOptions) (result *ImageInspection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, inspectImageOptions *InspectImageOptions) (result *ImageInspection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImages(listDeletedImagesOptions *ListDeletedImagesOptions) (result map[string]Trash, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDeletedImagesOptions *ListDeletedImagesOptions) (result map[string]Trash, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigests(listImageDigestsOptions *ListImageDigestsOptions) (result []ImageDigest, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigestsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImageDigestsOptions *ListImageDigestsOptions) (result []ImageDigest, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImages(listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result []RemoteAPIImage, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result []RemoteAPIImage, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetails(listNamespaceDetailsOptions *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) (result []NamespaceDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetailsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNamespaceDetailsOptions *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) (result []NamespaceDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaces(listNamespacesOptions *ListNamespacesOptions) (result []string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNamespacesOptions *ListNamespacesOptions) (result []string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPolicies(listRetentionPoliciesOptions *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions) (result map[string]RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, ...) (result map[string]RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAssignNamespaceOptions(xAuthResourceGroup string, name string) *AssignNamespaceOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewBulkDeleteImagesOptions(bulkDelete []string) *BulkDeleteImagesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewCreateNamespaceOptions(name string) *CreateNamespaceOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageOptions(image string) *DeleteImageOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageTagOptions(image string) *DeleteImageTagOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteNamespaceOptions(name string) *DeleteNamespaceOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetAuthOptions() *GetAuthOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetImageManifestOptions(image string) *GetImageManifestOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetMessagesOptions() *GetMessagesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetPlansOptions() *GetPlansOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetQuotaOptions() *GetQuotaOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *GetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetSettingsOptions() *GetSettingsOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewInspectImageOptions(image string) *InspectImageOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListDeletedImagesOptions() *ListDeletedImagesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImageDigestsOptions() *ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImagesOptions() *ListImagesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespaceDetailsOptions() *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespacesOptions() *ListNamespacesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListRetentionPoliciesOptions() *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreImageOptions(image string) *RestoreImageOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreTagsOptions(digest string) *RestoreTagsOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRetentionPolicy(namespace string) (_model *RetentionPolicy, err error)
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewSetRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewTagImageOptions(fromimage string, toimage string) *TagImageOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateAuthOptions() *UpdateAuthOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdatePlansOptions() *UpdatePlansOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateQuotaOptions() *UpdateQuotaOptions
- func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateSettingsOptions() *UpdateSettingsOptions
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImage(restoreImageOptions *RestoreImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, restoreImageOptions *RestoreImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTags(restoreTagsOptions *RestoreTagsOptions) (result *RestoreResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTagsWithContext(ctx context.Context, restoreTagsOptions *RestoreTagsOptions) (result *RestoreResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetDefaultHeaders(headers http.Header)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetEnableGzipCompression(enableGzip bool)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicy(setRetentionPolicyOptions *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, setRetentionPolicyOptions *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetServiceURL(url string) error
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) TagImage(tagImageOptions *TagImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) TagImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, tagImageOptions *TagImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuth(updateAuthOptions *UpdateAuthOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateAuthOptions *UpdateAuthOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlans(updatePlansOptions *UpdatePlansOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlansWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePlansOptions *UpdatePlansOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuota(updateQuotaOptions *UpdateQuotaOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateQuotaOptions *UpdateQuotaOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettings(updateSettingsOptions *UpdateSettingsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettingsWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSettingsOptions *UpdateSettingsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
- type ContainerRegistryV1Options
- type CreateNamespaceOptions
- type DeleteImageOptions
- type DeleteImageTagOptions
- type DeleteNamespaceOptions
- type GetAuthOptions
- type GetImageManifestOptions
- type GetMessagesOptions
- type GetPlansOptions
- type GetQuotaOptions
- type GetRetentionPolicyOptions
- type GetSettingsOptions
- type HealthConfig
- type ImageBulkDeleteError
- type ImageBulkDeleteResult
- type ImageDeleteResult
- type ImageDigest
- type ImageInspection
- type InspectImageOptions
- type ListDeletedImagesOptions
- type ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeTagged(excludeTagged bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeVa(excludeVa bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetIncludeIBM(includeIBM bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
- func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetRepositories(repositories []string) *ListImageDigestsOptions
- type ListImagesOptions
- func (options *ListImagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeIBM(includeIBM bool) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeManifestLists(includeManifestLists bool) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludePrivate(includePrivate bool) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetRepository(repository string) *ListImagesOptions
- func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities bool) *ListImagesOptions
- type ListNamespaceDetailsOptions
- type ListNamespacesOptions
- type ListRetentionPoliciesOptions
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceDetails
- type Plan
- type Quota
- type QuotaDetails
- type RemoteAPIImage
- type RestoreImageOptions
- type RestoreResult
- type RestoreTagsOptions
- type RetentionPolicy
- type RootFs
- type SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo(imagesPerRepo int64) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged(retainUntagged bool) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
- type TagImageOptions
- type Trash
- type UpdateAuthOptions
- type UpdatePlansOptions
- type UpdateQuotaOptions
- type UpdateSettingsOptions
Constants ¶
const DefaultServiceName = "container_registry"
DefaultServiceName is the default key used to find external configuration information.
const DefaultServiceURL = ""
DefaultServiceURL is the default URL to make service requests to.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetServiceURLForRegion ¶
GetServiceURLForRegion returns the service URL to be used for the specified region
func UnmarshalAccountSettings ¶
func UnmarshalAccountSettings(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalAccountSettings unmarshals an instance of AccountSettings from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalAuthOptions ¶
func UnmarshalAuthOptions(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalAuthOptions unmarshals an instance of AuthOptions from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalConfig ¶
func UnmarshalConfig(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalConfig unmarshals an instance of Config from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalHealthConfig ¶
func UnmarshalHealthConfig(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalHealthConfig unmarshals an instance of HealthConfig from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteError ¶
func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteError(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteError unmarshals an instance of ImageBulkDeleteError from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteResult ¶
func UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalImageBulkDeleteResult unmarshals an instance of ImageBulkDeleteResult from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalImageDeleteResult ¶
func UnmarshalImageDeleteResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalImageDeleteResult unmarshals an instance of ImageDeleteResult from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalImageDigest ¶ added in v0.0.7
func UnmarshalImageDigest(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalImageDigest unmarshals an instance of ImageDigest from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalImageInspection ¶
func UnmarshalImageInspection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalImageInspection unmarshals an instance of ImageInspection from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalNamespace ¶
func UnmarshalNamespace(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalNamespace unmarshals an instance of Namespace from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalNamespaceDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
func UnmarshalNamespaceDetails(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalNamespaceDetails unmarshals an instance of NamespaceDetails from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalPlan ¶
func UnmarshalPlan(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalPlan unmarshals an instance of Plan from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalQuota ¶
func UnmarshalQuota(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalQuota unmarshals an instance of Quota from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalQuotaDetails ¶
func UnmarshalQuotaDetails(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalQuotaDetails unmarshals an instance of QuotaDetails from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalRemoteAPIImage ¶
func UnmarshalRemoteAPIImage(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalRemoteAPIImage unmarshals an instance of RemoteAPIImage from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalRestoreResult ¶
func UnmarshalRestoreResult(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalRestoreResult unmarshals an instance of RestoreResult from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalRetentionPolicy ¶
func UnmarshalRetentionPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalRetentionPolicy unmarshals an instance of RetentionPolicy from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalRootFs ¶ added in v0.0.8
func UnmarshalRootFs(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalRootFs unmarshals an instance of RootFs from the specified map of raw messages.
func UnmarshalTrash ¶
func UnmarshalTrash(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)
UnmarshalTrash unmarshals an instance of Trash from the specified map of raw messages.
Types ¶
type AccountSettings ¶
type AccountSettings struct { // Opt in to IBM Cloud Container Registry publishing platform metrics. PlatformMetrics *bool `json:"platform_metrics,omitempty"` }
AccountSettings : Account settings for the targeted IBM Cloud account.
type AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
type AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions struct { // The namespace to which the retention policy is attached. Namespace *string `json:"namespace" validate:"required"` // Determines how many images are retained in each repository when the retention policy is processed. The value -1 // denotes 'Unlimited' (all images are retained). ImagesPerRepo *int64 `json:"images_per_repo,omitempty"` // Determines whether untagged images are retained when the retention policy is processed. The value is false by // default, which means that untagged images can be deleted when the policy runs. RetainUntagged *bool `json:"retain_untagged,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions : The AnalyzeRetentionPolicy options.
func (*AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo ¶
func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo(imagesPerRepo int64) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
SetImagesPerRepo : Allow user to set ImagesPerRepo
func (*AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace ¶
func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
SetNamespace : Allow user to set Namespace
func (*AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged ¶
func (_options *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged(retainUntagged bool) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
SetRetainUntagged : Allow user to set RetainUntagged
type AssignNamespaceOptions ¶
type AssignNamespaceOptions struct { // The ID of the resource group to which you want to add the namespace. XAuthResourceGroup *string `json:"X-Auth-Resource-Group" validate:"required"` // The name of the namespace that you want to udpate. Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
AssignNamespaceOptions : The AssignNamespace options.
func (*AssignNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *AssignNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AssignNamespaceOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*AssignNamespaceOptions) SetName ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (_options *AssignNamespaceOptions) SetName(name string) *AssignNamespaceOptions
SetName : Allow user to set Name
func (*AssignNamespaceOptions) SetXAuthResourceGroup ¶
func (_options *AssignNamespaceOptions) SetXAuthResourceGroup(xAuthResourceGroup string) *AssignNamespaceOptions
SetXAuthResourceGroup : Allow user to set XAuthResourceGroup
type AuthOptions ¶
type AuthOptions struct { // Enable role based authorization when authenticating with IBM Cloud IAM. IamAuthz *bool `json:"iam_authz,omitempty"` // Restrict account to only be able to push and pull images over private connections. PrivateOnly *bool `json:"private_only,omitempty"` }
AuthOptions : The authorization options for the targeted IBM Cloud account.
type BulkDeleteImagesOptions ¶
type BulkDeleteImagesOptions struct { // The full IBM Cloud registry path to the images that you want to delete, including its digest. All tags for the // supplied digest are removed. BulkDelete []string `json:"BulkDelete" validate:"required"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
BulkDeleteImagesOptions : The BulkDeleteImages options.
func (*BulkDeleteImagesOptions) SetBulkDelete ¶
func (_options *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) SetBulkDelete(bulkDelete []string) *BulkDeleteImagesOptions
SetBulkDelete : Allow user to set BulkDelete
func (*BulkDeleteImagesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *BulkDeleteImagesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // True if command is already escaped (Windows specific). ArgsEscaped *bool `json:"ArgsEscaped,omitempty"` // If true, standard error is attached. AttachStderr *bool `json:"AttachStderr,omitempty"` // If true, standard input is attached, which makes possible user interaction. AttachStdin *bool `json:"AttachStdin,omitempty"` // If true, standard output is attached. AttachStdout *bool `json:"AttachStdout,omitempty"` // Command that is run when starting the container. Cmd []string `json:"Cmd,omitempty"` // The FQDN for the container. Domainname *string `json:"Domainname,omitempty"` // Entrypoint to run when starting the container. Entrypoint []string `json:"Entrypoint,omitempty"` // List of environment variables to set in the container. Env []string `json:"Env,omitempty"` // A list of exposed ports in a format [123:{},456:{}]. ExposedPorts map[string]interface{} `json:"ExposedPorts,omitempty"` Healthcheck *HealthConfig `json:"Healthcheck,omitempty"` // The host name of the container. Hostname *string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // Name of the image as it was passed by the operator (eg. could be symbolic). Image *string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // List of labels set to this container. Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels,omitempty"` // The MAC Address of the container. MacAddress *string `json:"MacAddress,omitempty"` // If true, containers are not given network access. NetworkDisabled *bool `json:"NetworkDisabled,omitempty"` // ONBUILD metadata that were defined on the image Dockerfile // OnBuild []string `json:"OnBuild,omitempty"` // Open stdin. OpenStdin *bool `json:"OpenStdin,omitempty"` // Shell for shell-form of RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT. Shell []string `json:"Shell,omitempty"` // If true, close stdin after the 1 attached client disconnects. StdinOnce *bool `json:"StdinOnce,omitempty"` // Signal to stop a container. StopSignal *string `json:"StopSignal,omitempty"` // Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container. StopTimeout *int64 `json:"StopTimeout,omitempty"` // Attach standard streams to a tty, including stdin if it is not closed. Tty *bool `json:"Tty,omitempty"` // The user that will run the command(s) inside the container. User *string `json:"User,omitempty"` // List of volumes (mounts) used for the container. Volumes map[string]interface{} `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` // Current working directory (PWD) in the command will be launched. WorkingDir *string `json:"WorkingDir,omitempty"` }
Config : The configuration data about a container.
type ContainerRegistryV1 ¶
type ContainerRegistryV1 struct { Service *core.BaseService // The unique ID for your IBM Cloud account. Account *string }
ContainerRegistryV1 : Management interface for IBM Cloud Container Registry
API Version: 1.1
func NewContainerRegistryV1 ¶
func NewContainerRegistryV1(options *ContainerRegistryV1Options) (service *ContainerRegistryV1, err error)
NewContainerRegistryV1 : constructs an instance of ContainerRegistryV1 with passed in options.
func NewContainerRegistryV1UsingExternalConfig ¶
func NewContainerRegistryV1UsingExternalConfig(options *ContainerRegistryV1Options) (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1, err error)
NewContainerRegistryV1UsingExternalConfig : constructs an instance of ContainerRegistryV1 with passed in options and external configuration.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicy ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicy(analyzeRetentionPolicyOptions *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) (result map[string][]string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
AnalyzeRetentionPolicy : Analyze retention policy Analyze a retention policy, and get a list of what would be deleted by it.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicyWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AnalyzeRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, analyzeRetentionPolicyOptions *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions) (result map[string][]string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
AnalyzeRetentionPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the AnalyzeRetentionPolicy method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespace ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespace(assignNamespaceOptions *AssignNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
AssignNamespace : Assign namespace Assign a namespace to the specified resource group in the targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespaceWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) AssignNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, assignNamespaceOptions *AssignNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
AssignNamespaceWithContext is an alternate form of the AssignNamespace method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImages ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImages(bulkDeleteImagesOptions *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) (result *ImageBulkDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
BulkDeleteImages : Bulk delete images Remove multiple container images from the registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImagesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) BulkDeleteImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, bulkDeleteImagesOptions *BulkDeleteImagesOptions) (result *ImageBulkDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
BulkDeleteImagesWithContext is an alternate form of the BulkDeleteImages method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) Clone ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) Clone() *ContainerRegistryV1
Clone makes a copy of "containerRegistry" suitable for processing requests.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespace ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespace(createNamespaceOptions *CreateNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
CreateNamespace : Create namespace Add a namespace to the targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespaceWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) CreateNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createNamespaceOptions *CreateNamespaceOptions) (result *Namespace, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
CreateNamespaceWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateNamespace method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImage ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImage(deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteImage : Delete image Delete a container image from the registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTag ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTag(deleteImageTagOptions *DeleteImageTagOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteImageTag : Delete tag Untag a container image in the registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTagWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageTagWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageTagOptions *DeleteImageTagOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteImageTagWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteImageTag method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (result *ImageDeleteResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteImageWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteImage method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespace ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespace(deleteNamespaceOptions *DeleteNamespaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteNamespace : Delete namespace Delete the IBM Cloud Container Registry namespace from the targeted IBM Cloud account, and removes all images that were in that namespace.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespaceWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DeleteNamespaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteNamespaceOptions *DeleteNamespaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
DeleteNamespaceWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteNamespace method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) DisableRetries ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) DisableRetries()
DisableRetries disables automatic retries for requests invoked for this service instance.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) EnableRetries ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) EnableRetries(maxRetries int, maxRetryInterval time.Duration)
EnableRetries enables automatic retries for requests invoked for this service instance. If either parameter is specified as 0, then a default value is used instead.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuth ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuth(getAuthOptions *GetAuthOptions) (result *AuthOptions, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetAuth : Get authorization options Get authorization options for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuthWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, getAuthOptions *GetAuthOptions) (result *AuthOptions, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetAuthWithContext is an alternate form of the GetAuth method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetEnableGzipCompression ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetEnableGzipCompression() bool
GetEnableGzipCompression returns the service's EnableGzipCompression field
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifest ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifest(getImageManifestOptions *GetImageManifestOptions) (result map[string]interface{}, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetImageManifest : Get image manifest Get the manifest for a container image in the private registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifestWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetImageManifestWithContext(ctx context.Context, getImageManifestOptions *GetImageManifestOptions) (result map[string]interface{}, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetImageManifestWithContext is an alternate form of the GetImageManifest method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessages ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessages(getMessagesOptions *GetMessagesOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetMessages : Get messages Return any published system messages.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessagesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetMessagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, getMessagesOptions *GetMessagesOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetMessagesWithContext is an alternate form of the GetMessages method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlans ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlans(getPlansOptions *GetPlansOptions) (result *Plan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetPlans : Get plans Get plans for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlansWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetPlansWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPlansOptions *GetPlansOptions) (result *Plan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetPlansWithContext is an alternate form of the GetPlans method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuota ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuota(getQuotaOptions *GetQuotaOptions) (result *Quota, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetQuota : Get quotas Get quotas for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuotaWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, getQuotaOptions *GetQuotaOptions) (result *Quota, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetQuotaWithContext is an alternate form of the GetQuota method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicy ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicy(getRetentionPolicyOptions *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) (result *RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetRetentionPolicy : Get retention policy Get the retention policy for the specified namespace.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicyWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getRetentionPolicyOptions *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) (result *RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetRetentionPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetRetentionPolicy method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetServiceURL ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetServiceURL() string
GetServiceURL returns the service URL
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettings ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettings(getSettingsOptions *GetSettingsOptions) (result *AccountSettings, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetSettings : Get account settings Get account settings for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettingsWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) GetSettingsWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSettingsOptions *GetSettingsOptions) (result *AccountSettings, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
GetSettingsWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSettings method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImage ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImage(inspectImageOptions *InspectImageOptions) (result *ImageInspection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
InspectImage : Inspect an image Inspect a container image in the private registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImageWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) InspectImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, inspectImageOptions *InspectImageOptions) (result *ImageInspection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
InspectImageWithContext is an alternate form of the InspectImage method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImages ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImages(listDeletedImagesOptions *ListDeletedImagesOptions) (result map[string]Trash, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListDeletedImages : List deleted images List all images that are in the trash can.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImagesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListDeletedImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDeletedImagesOptions *ListDeletedImagesOptions) (result map[string]Trash, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListDeletedImagesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListDeletedImages method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigests ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigests(listImageDigestsOptions *ListImageDigestsOptions) (result []ImageDigest, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListImageDigests : List images by digest List all images by digest in namespaces in a targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigestsWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImageDigestsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImageDigestsOptions *ListImageDigestsOptions) (result []ImageDigest, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListImageDigestsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListImageDigests method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListImages ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImages(listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result []RemoteAPIImage, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListImages : List images List all images in namespaces in a targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListImagesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result []RemoteAPIImage, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListImagesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListImages method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetails ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetails(listNamespaceDetailsOptions *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) (result []NamespaceDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListNamespaceDetails : Detailed namespace list Retrieves details, such as resource group, for all your namespaces in the targeted registry.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetailsWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaceDetailsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNamespaceDetailsOptions *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) (result []NamespaceDetails, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListNamespaceDetailsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListNamespaceDetails method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaces ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespaces(listNamespacesOptions *ListNamespacesOptions) (result []string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListNamespaces : List namespaces List authorized namespaces in the targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespacesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListNamespacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNamespacesOptions *ListNamespacesOptions) (result []string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListNamespacesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListNamespaces method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPolicies ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPolicies(listRetentionPoliciesOptions *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions) (result map[string]RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListRetentionPolicies : List retention policies List retention policies for all namespaces in the targeted IBM Cloud account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPoliciesWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) ListRetentionPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listRetentionPoliciesOptions *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions) (result map[string]RetentionPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
ListRetentionPoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListRetentionPolicies method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
NewAnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions : Instantiate AnalyzeRetentionPolicyOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAssignNamespaceOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewAssignNamespaceOptions(xAuthResourceGroup string, name string) *AssignNamespaceOptions
NewAssignNamespaceOptions : Instantiate AssignNamespaceOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewBulkDeleteImagesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewBulkDeleteImagesOptions(bulkDelete []string) *BulkDeleteImagesOptions
NewBulkDeleteImagesOptions : Instantiate BulkDeleteImagesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewCreateNamespaceOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewCreateNamespaceOptions(name string) *CreateNamespaceOptions
NewCreateNamespaceOptions : Instantiate CreateNamespaceOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageOptions(image string) *DeleteImageOptions
NewDeleteImageOptions : Instantiate DeleteImageOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageTagOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteImageTagOptions(image string) *DeleteImageTagOptions
NewDeleteImageTagOptions : Instantiate DeleteImageTagOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteNamespaceOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewDeleteNamespaceOptions(name string) *DeleteNamespaceOptions
NewDeleteNamespaceOptions : Instantiate DeleteNamespaceOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetAuthOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetAuthOptions() *GetAuthOptions
NewGetAuthOptions : Instantiate GetAuthOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetImageManifestOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetImageManifestOptions(image string) *GetImageManifestOptions
NewGetImageManifestOptions : Instantiate GetImageManifestOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetMessagesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetMessagesOptions() *GetMessagesOptions
NewGetMessagesOptions : Instantiate GetMessagesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetPlansOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetPlansOptions() *GetPlansOptions
NewGetPlansOptions : Instantiate GetPlansOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetQuotaOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetQuotaOptions() *GetQuotaOptions
NewGetQuotaOptions : Instantiate GetQuotaOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *GetRetentionPolicyOptions
NewGetRetentionPolicyOptions : Instantiate GetRetentionPolicyOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetSettingsOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewGetSettingsOptions() *GetSettingsOptions
NewGetSettingsOptions : Instantiate GetSettingsOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewInspectImageOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewInspectImageOptions(image string) *InspectImageOptions
NewInspectImageOptions : Instantiate InspectImageOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListDeletedImagesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListDeletedImagesOptions() *ListDeletedImagesOptions
NewListDeletedImagesOptions : Instantiate ListDeletedImagesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImageDigestsOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImageDigestsOptions() *ListImageDigestsOptions
NewListImageDigestsOptions : Instantiate ListImageDigestsOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImagesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListImagesOptions() *ListImagesOptions
NewListImagesOptions : Instantiate ListImagesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespaceDetailsOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespaceDetailsOptions() *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions
NewListNamespaceDetailsOptions : Instantiate ListNamespaceDetailsOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespacesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListNamespacesOptions() *ListNamespacesOptions
NewListNamespacesOptions : Instantiate ListNamespacesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListRetentionPoliciesOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewListRetentionPoliciesOptions() *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions
NewListRetentionPoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListRetentionPoliciesOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreImageOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreImageOptions(image string) *RestoreImageOptions
NewRestoreImageOptions : Instantiate RestoreImageOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreTagsOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRestoreTagsOptions(digest string) *RestoreTagsOptions
NewRestoreTagsOptions : Instantiate RestoreTagsOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRetentionPolicy ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewRetentionPolicy(namespace string) (_model *RetentionPolicy, err error)
NewRetentionPolicy : Instantiate RetentionPolicy (Generic Model Constructor)
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewSetRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewSetRetentionPolicyOptions(namespace string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
NewSetRetentionPolicyOptions : Instantiate SetRetentionPolicyOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewTagImageOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewTagImageOptions(fromimage string, toimage string) *TagImageOptions
NewTagImageOptions : Instantiate TagImageOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateAuthOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateAuthOptions() *UpdateAuthOptions
NewUpdateAuthOptions : Instantiate UpdateAuthOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdatePlansOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdatePlansOptions() *UpdatePlansOptions
NewUpdatePlansOptions : Instantiate UpdatePlansOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateQuotaOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateQuotaOptions() *UpdateQuotaOptions
NewUpdateQuotaOptions : Instantiate UpdateQuotaOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateSettingsOptions ¶
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) NewUpdateSettingsOptions() *UpdateSettingsOptions
NewUpdateSettingsOptions : Instantiate UpdateSettingsOptions
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImage ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImage(restoreImageOptions *RestoreImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
RestoreImage : Restore deleted image Restore an image from the trash can.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImageWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, restoreImageOptions *RestoreImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
RestoreImageWithContext is an alternate form of the RestoreImage method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTags ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTags(restoreTagsOptions *RestoreTagsOptions) (result *RestoreResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
RestoreTags : Restore a digest and all associated tags In the targeted region, restore a digest, and all of its tags in the same repository, from the trash.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTagsWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) RestoreTagsWithContext(ctx context.Context, restoreTagsOptions *RestoreTagsOptions) (result *RestoreResult, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
RestoreTagsWithContext is an alternate form of the RestoreTags method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) SetDefaultHeaders ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetDefaultHeaders(headers http.Header)
SetDefaultHeaders sets HTTP headers to be sent in every request
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) SetEnableGzipCompression ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetEnableGzipCompression(enableGzip bool)
SetEnableGzipCompression sets the service's EnableGzipCompression field
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicy ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicy(setRetentionPolicyOptions *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
SetRetentionPolicy : Set retention policy Set the retention policy for the specified namespace.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicyWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetRetentionPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, setRetentionPolicyOptions *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
SetRetentionPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the SetRetentionPolicy method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) SetServiceURL ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) SetServiceURL(url string) error
SetServiceURL sets the service URL
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) TagImage ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) TagImage(tagImageOptions *TagImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
TagImage : Create tag Create a new tag in a private registry that refers to an existing image in the same region. If the fromimage has Red Hat® signatures and the toimage is in a different repository, those signatures are copied to that repository.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) TagImageWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) TagImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, tagImageOptions *TagImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
TagImageWithContext is an alternate form of the TagImage method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuth ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuth(updateAuthOptions *UpdateAuthOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateAuth : Update authorization options Update authorization options for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuthWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateAuthOptions *UpdateAuthOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateAuthWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateAuth method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlans ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlans(updatePlansOptions *UpdatePlansOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdatePlans : Update plans Update plans for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlansWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdatePlansWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePlansOptions *UpdatePlansOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdatePlansWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdatePlans method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuota ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuota(updateQuotaOptions *UpdateQuotaOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateQuota : Update quotas Update quotas for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuotaWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateQuotaWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateQuotaOptions *UpdateQuotaOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateQuotaWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateQuota method which supports a Context parameter
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettings ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettings(updateSettingsOptions *UpdateSettingsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateSettings : Update account settings Update settings for the targeted account.
func (*ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettingsWithContext ¶
func (containerRegistry *ContainerRegistryV1) UpdateSettingsWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSettingsOptions *UpdateSettingsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error)
UpdateSettingsWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSettings method which supports a Context parameter
type ContainerRegistryV1Options ¶
type ContainerRegistryV1Options struct { ServiceName string URL string Authenticator core.Authenticator // The unique ID for your IBM Cloud account. Account *string `validate:"required"` }
ContainerRegistryV1Options : Service options
type CreateNamespaceOptions ¶
type CreateNamespaceOptions struct { // The name of the namespace that you want to create. Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` // The ID of the resource group to which you want to add the namespace. XAuthResourceGroup *string `json:"X-Auth-Resource-Group,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
CreateNamespaceOptions : The CreateNamespace options.
func (*CreateNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *CreateNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateNamespaceOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*CreateNamespaceOptions) SetName ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (_options *CreateNamespaceOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateNamespaceOptions
SetName : Allow user to set Name
func (*CreateNamespaceOptions) SetXAuthResourceGroup ¶
func (_options *CreateNamespaceOptions) SetXAuthResourceGroup(xAuthResourceGroup string) *CreateNamespaceOptions
SetXAuthResourceGroup : Allow user to set XAuthResourceGroup
type DeleteImageOptions ¶
type DeleteImageOptions struct { // The full IBM Cloud registry path to the image that you want to delete, including its tag. If you do not provide a // specific tag, the version with the `latest` tag is removed. Image *string `json:"image" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
DeleteImageOptions : The DeleteImage options.
func (*DeleteImageOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *DeleteImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteImageOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*DeleteImageOptions) SetImage ¶
func (_options *DeleteImageOptions) SetImage(image string) *DeleteImageOptions
SetImage : Allow user to set Image
type DeleteImageTagOptions ¶
type DeleteImageTagOptions struct { // The name of the image that you want to delete, in the format <REPOSITORY>:<TAG>. Image *string `json:"image" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
DeleteImageTagOptions : The DeleteImageTag options.
func (*DeleteImageTagOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *DeleteImageTagOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteImageTagOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*DeleteImageTagOptions) SetImage ¶
func (_options *DeleteImageTagOptions) SetImage(image string) *DeleteImageTagOptions
SetImage : Allow user to set Image
type DeleteNamespaceOptions ¶
type DeleteNamespaceOptions struct { // The name of the namespace that you want to delete. Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
DeleteNamespaceOptions : The DeleteNamespace options.
func (*DeleteNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *DeleteNamespaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteNamespaceOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*DeleteNamespaceOptions) SetName ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (_options *DeleteNamespaceOptions) SetName(name string) *DeleteNamespaceOptions
SetName : Allow user to set Name
type GetAuthOptions ¶
type GetAuthOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetAuthOptions : The GetAuth options.
func (*GetAuthOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetAuthOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetAuthOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type GetImageManifestOptions ¶
type GetImageManifestOptions struct { // The full IBM Cloud registry path to the image that you want to inspect. Run `ibmcloud cr images` or call the `GET // /images/json` endpoint to review images that are in the registry. Image *string `json:"image" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetImageManifestOptions : The GetImageManifest options.
func (*GetImageManifestOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetImageManifestOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetImageManifestOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*GetImageManifestOptions) SetImage ¶
func (_options *GetImageManifestOptions) SetImage(image string) *GetImageManifestOptions
SetImage : Allow user to set Image
type GetMessagesOptions ¶
type GetMessagesOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetMessagesOptions : The GetMessages options.
func (*GetMessagesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetMessagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetMessagesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type GetPlansOptions ¶
type GetPlansOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetPlansOptions : The GetPlans options.
func (*GetPlansOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetPlansOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetPlansOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type GetQuotaOptions ¶
type GetQuotaOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetQuotaOptions : The GetQuota options.
func (*GetQuotaOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetQuotaOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetQuotaOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type GetRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
type GetRetentionPolicyOptions struct { // Gets the retention policy for the specified namespace. Namespace *string `json:"namespace" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetRetentionPolicyOptions : The GetRetentionPolicy options.
func (*GetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*GetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace ¶
func (_options *GetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *GetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetNamespace : Allow user to set Namespace
type GetSettingsOptions ¶
type GetSettingsOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
GetSettingsOptions : The GetSettings options.
func (*GetSettingsOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *GetSettingsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSettingsOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type HealthConfig ¶
type HealthConfig struct { // A Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 nanosecond count. Interval *int64 `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // The number of consecutive failures needed to consider a container as unhealthy. Zero means inherit. Retries *int64 `json:"Retries,omitempty"` // The test to perform to check that the container is healthy. An empty slice means to inherit the default. The options // are: // {} : inherit healthcheck // {"NONE"} : disable healthcheck // {"CMD", args...} : exec arguments directly // {"CMD-SHELL", command} : run command with system's default shell. Test []string `json:"Test,omitempty"` // A Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 nanosecond count. Timeout *int64 `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
HealthConfig : HealthConfig struct
type ImageBulkDeleteError ¶
type ImageBulkDeleteError struct { // An API error code. Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"` // The English text message associated with the error code. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
ImageBulkDeleteError : Information about a failure to delete an image as part of a bulk delete.
type ImageBulkDeleteResult ¶
type ImageBulkDeleteResult struct { // A map of digests to the error object that explains the failure. Error map[string]ImageBulkDeleteError `json:"error,omitempty"` // A list of digests which were deleted successfully. Success []string `json:"success,omitempty"` }
ImageBulkDeleteResult : The results of a bulk image delete request.
type ImageDeleteResult ¶
type ImageDeleteResult struct {
Untagged *string `json:"Untagged,omitempty"`
ImageDeleteResult : ImageDeleteResult struct
type ImageDigest ¶ added in v0.0.7
type ImageDigest struct { // The build date of the image. Created *int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` // The image digest. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The type of the image, such as 'Docker Image Manifest V2, Schema 2' or 'OCI Image Manifest v1'. ManifestType *string `json:"manifestType,omitempty"` // A map of image repositories to tags. RepoTags map[string]interface{} `json:"repoTags,omitempty"` // The size of the image in bytes. Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` }
ImageDigest : Important information about an image.
type ImageInspection ¶
type ImageInspection struct { // The processor architecture used to build this image, and required to run it. Architecture *string `json:"Architecture,omitempty"` // The author of the image. Author *string `json:"Author,omitempty"` // A plain text description of the image. Comment *string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // The configuration data about a container. Config *Config `json:"Config,omitempty"` // The ID of the container which created this image. Container *string `json:"Container,omitempty"` // The configuration data about a container. ContainerConfig *Config `json:"ContainerConfig,omitempty"` // The unix timestamp for the date when the image was created. Created *string `json:"Created,omitempty"` // The Docker version used to build this image. DockerVersion *string `json:"DockerVersion,omitempty"` // The image ID. ID *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Media type of the manifest for the image. ManifestType *string `json:"ManifestType,omitempty"` // The operating system family used to build this image, and required to run it. Os *string `json:"Os,omitempty"` // The version of the operating system used to build this image. OsVersion *string `json:"OsVersion,omitempty"` // The ID of the base image for this image. Parent *string `json:"Parent,omitempty"` // RootFS contains information about the root filesystem of a container image. RootFs *RootFs `json:"RootFS,omitempty"` // The size of the image in bytes. Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty"` // The sum of the size of each layer in the image in bytes. VirtualSize *int64 `json:"VirtualSize,omitempty"` }
ImageInspection : An image JSON output consistent with the Docker Remote API.
type InspectImageOptions ¶
type InspectImageOptions struct { // The full IBM Cloud registry path to the image that you want to inspect. Run `ibmcloud cr images` or call the `GET // /images/json` endpoint to review images that are in the registry. Image *string `json:"image" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
InspectImageOptions : The InspectImage options.
func (*InspectImageOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *InspectImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *InspectImageOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*InspectImageOptions) SetImage ¶
func (_options *InspectImageOptions) SetImage(image string) *InspectImageOptions
SetImage : Allow user to set Image
type ListDeletedImagesOptions ¶
type ListDeletedImagesOptions struct { // Limit results to trash can images in the given namespace only. Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListDeletedImagesOptions : The ListDeletedImages options.
func (*ListDeletedImagesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListDeletedImagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListDeletedImagesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*ListDeletedImagesOptions) SetNamespace ¶
func (_options *ListDeletedImagesOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *ListDeletedImagesOptions
SetNamespace : Allow user to set Namespace
type ListImageDigestsOptions ¶
type ListImageDigestsOptions struct { // ExcludeTagged returns only untagged digests. ExcludeTagged *bool `json:"exclude_tagged,omitempty"` // ExcludeVA returns the digest list with no VA scan results. ExcludeVa *bool `json:"exclude_va,omitempty"` // When true, API will return the IBM public images if they exist in the targeted region. IncludeIBM *bool `json:"include_ibm,omitempty"` // Repositories in which to restrict the output. If left empty all images for the account will be returned. Repositories []string `json:"repositories,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListImageDigestsOptions : The ListImageDigests options.
func (*ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeTagged ¶
func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeTagged(excludeTagged bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
SetExcludeTagged : Allow user to set ExcludeTagged
func (*ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeVa ¶
func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetExcludeVa(excludeVa bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
SetExcludeVa : Allow user to set ExcludeVa
func (*ListImageDigestsOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImageDigestsOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*ListImageDigestsOptions) SetIncludeIBM ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetIncludeIBM(includeIBM bool) *ListImageDigestsOptions
SetIncludeIBM : Allow user to set IncludeIBM
func (*ListImageDigestsOptions) SetRepositories ¶
func (_options *ListImageDigestsOptions) SetRepositories(repositories []string) *ListImageDigestsOptions
SetRepositories : Allow user to set Repositories
type ListImagesOptions ¶
type ListImagesOptions struct { // Lists images that are stored in the specified namespace only. Query multiple namespaces by specifying this option // for each namespace. If this option is not specified, images from all namespaces in the specified IBM Cloud account // are listed. Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // Includes IBM-provided public images in the list of images. If this option is not specified, private images are // listed only. If this option is specified more than once, the last parsed setting is the setting that is used. IncludeIBM *bool `json:"includeIBM,omitempty"` // Includes private images in the list of images. If this option is not specified, private images are listed. If this // option is specified more than once, the last parsed setting is the setting that is used. IncludePrivate *bool `json:"includePrivate,omitempty"` // Includes tags that reference multi-architecture manifest lists in the image list. If this option is not specified, // tagged manifest lists are not shown in the list. If this option is specified more than once, the last parsed setting // is the setting that is used. IncludeManifestLists *bool `json:"includeManifestLists,omitempty"` // Displays Vulnerability Advisor status for the listed images. If this option is specified more than once, the last // parsed setting is the setting that is used. Vulnerabilities *bool `json:"vulnerabilities,omitempty"` // Lists images that are stored in the specified repository, under your namespaces. Query multiple repositories by // specifying this option for each repository. If this option is not specified, images from all repos are listed. Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListImagesOptions : The ListImages options.
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListImagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImagesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeIBM ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeIBM(includeIBM bool) *ListImagesOptions
SetIncludeIBM : Allow user to set IncludeIBM
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeManifestLists ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludeManifestLists(includeManifestLists bool) *ListImagesOptions
SetIncludeManifestLists : Allow user to set IncludeManifestLists
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetIncludePrivate ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetIncludePrivate(includePrivate bool) *ListImagesOptions
SetIncludePrivate : Allow user to set IncludePrivate
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetNamespace ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *ListImagesOptions
SetNamespace : Allow user to set Namespace
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetRepository ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetRepository(repository string) *ListImagesOptions
SetRepository : Allow user to set Repository
func (*ListImagesOptions) SetVulnerabilities ¶
func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities bool) *ListImagesOptions
SetVulnerabilities : Allow user to set Vulnerabilities
type ListNamespaceDetailsOptions ¶
type ListNamespaceDetailsOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListNamespaceDetailsOptions : The ListNamespaceDetails options.
func (*ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListNamespaceDetailsOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type ListNamespacesOptions ¶
type ListNamespacesOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListNamespacesOptions : The ListNamespaces options.
func (*ListNamespacesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListNamespacesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListNamespacesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type ListRetentionPoliciesOptions ¶
type ListRetentionPoliciesOptions struct { // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
ListRetentionPoliciesOptions : The ListRetentionPolicies options.
func (*ListRetentionPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListRetentionPoliciesOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct {
Namespace *string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
Namespace : Namespace struct
type NamespaceDetails ¶ added in v0.0.7
type NamespaceDetails struct { // The IBM Cloud account that owns the namespace. Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"` // The creation date of the namespace. CreatedDate *string `json:"created_date,omitempty"` // If the namespace is assigned to a resource group, the IBM Cloud CRN representing the namespace. CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The date that the namespace was assigned to a resource group. ResourceCreatedDate *string `json:"resource_created_date,omitempty"` // The ID of the resource group to which the namespace is assigned. ResourceGroup *string `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` // The date that the namespace was last updated. UpdatedDate *string `json:"updated_date,omitempty"` }
NamespaceDetails : Details of a namespace.
type Plan ¶
type Plan struct {
Plan *string `json:"plan,omitempty"`
Plan : The plan for the targeted IBM Cloud account.
type Quota ¶
type Quota struct { Limit *QuotaDetails `json:"limit,omitempty"` Usage *QuotaDetails `json:"usage,omitempty"` }
Quota : Current usage and limits for the targeted IBM Cloud account.
type QuotaDetails ¶
type QuotaDetails struct { // Storage quota or usage in bytes. The value -1 denotes "Unlimited". StorageBytes *int64 `json:"storage_bytes,omitempty"` // Traffic quota or usage in bytes. The value -1 denotes "Unlimited". TrafficBytes *int64 `json:"traffic_bytes,omitempty"` }
QuotaDetails : QuotaDetails struct
type RemoteAPIImage ¶
type RemoteAPIImage struct { ConfigurationIssueCount *int64 `json:"ConfigurationIssueCount,omitempty"` Created *int64 `json:"Created,omitempty"` DigestTags map[string][]string `json:"DigestTags,omitempty"` ExemptIssueCount *int64 `json:"ExemptIssueCount,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"Id,omitempty"` IssueCount *int64 `json:"IssueCount,omitempty"` Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels,omitempty"` ManifestType *string `json:"ManifestType,omitempty"` ParentID *string `json:"ParentId,omitempty"` RepoDigests []string `json:"RepoDigests,omitempty"` RepoTags []string `json:"RepoTags,omitempty"` Size *int64 `json:"Size,omitempty"` VirtualSize *int64 `json:"VirtualSize,omitempty"` VulnerabilityCount *int64 `json:"VulnerabilityCount,omitempty"` Vulnerable *string `json:"Vulnerable,omitempty"` }
RemoteAPIImage : Information about an image, in a format consistent with the Docker Remote API format.
type RestoreImageOptions ¶
type RestoreImageOptions struct { // The name of the image that you want to restore, in the format <REPOSITORY>:<TAG>. Run `ibmcloud cr // trash-list` or call the `GET /trash/json` endpoint to review images that are in the trash. Image *string `json:"image" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
RestoreImageOptions : The RestoreImage options.
func (*RestoreImageOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *RestoreImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RestoreImageOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*RestoreImageOptions) SetImage ¶
func (_options *RestoreImageOptions) SetImage(image string) *RestoreImageOptions
SetImage : Allow user to set Image
type RestoreResult ¶
type RestoreResult struct { // Successful is a list of tags that were restored. Successful []string `json:"successful,omitempty"` // Unsuccessful is a list of tags that were not restored because of a conflict. Unsuccessful []string `json:"unsuccessful,omitempty"` }
RestoreResult : The result of restoring tags for a digest. In a successful request the digest is always restored, and zero or more of its tags may be restored.
type RestoreTagsOptions ¶
type RestoreTagsOptions struct { // The full IBM Cloud registry digest reference for the digest that you want to restore such as // ``. Call the `GET /trash/json` endpoint to review digests that are in the trash // and their tags in the same repository. Digest *string `json:"digest" validate:"required,ne="` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
RestoreTagsOptions : The RestoreTags options.
func (*RestoreTagsOptions) SetDigest ¶
func (_options *RestoreTagsOptions) SetDigest(digest string) *RestoreTagsOptions
SetDigest : Allow user to set Digest
func (*RestoreTagsOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *RestoreTagsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RestoreTagsOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
type RetentionPolicy ¶
type RetentionPolicy struct { // Determines how many images are retained in each repository when the retention policy is processed. The value -1 // denotes 'Unlimited' (all images are retained). ImagesPerRepo *int64 `json:"images_per_repo,omitempty"` // The namespace to which the retention policy is attached. Namespace *string `json:"namespace" validate:"required"` // Determines whether untagged images are retained when the retention policy is processed. The value is false by // default, which means that untagged images can be deleted when the policy runs. RetainUntagged *bool `json:"retain_untagged,omitempty"` }
RetentionPolicy : A document that contains the image retention settings for a namespace.
type RootFs ¶ added in v0.0.8
type RootFs struct { // Descriptor for the base layer in the image. BaseLayer *string `json:"BaseLayer,omitempty"` // Descriptors for each layer in the image. Layers []string `json:"Layers,omitempty"` // The type of filesystem. Type *string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
RootFs : RootFS contains information about the root filesystem of a container image.
type SetRetentionPolicyOptions ¶
type SetRetentionPolicyOptions struct { // The namespace to which the retention policy is attached. Namespace *string `json:"namespace" validate:"required"` // Determines how many images are retained in each repository when the retention policy is processed. The value -1 // denotes 'Unlimited' (all images are retained). ImagesPerRepo *int64 `json:"images_per_repo,omitempty"` // Determines whether untagged images are retained when the retention policy is processed. The value is false by // default, which means that untagged images can be deleted when the policy runs. RetainUntagged *bool `json:"retain_untagged,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
SetRetentionPolicyOptions : The SetRetentionPolicy options.
func (*SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo ¶
func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetImagesPerRepo(imagesPerRepo int64) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetImagesPerRepo : Allow user to set ImagesPerRepo
func (*SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace ¶
func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetNamespace(namespace string) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetNamespace : Allow user to set Namespace
func (*SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged ¶
func (_options *SetRetentionPolicyOptions) SetRetainUntagged(retainUntagged bool) *SetRetentionPolicyOptions
SetRetainUntagged : Allow user to set RetainUntagged
type TagImageOptions ¶
type TagImageOptions struct { // The name of the image that you want to create a new tag for, in the format <REPOSITORY>:<TAG>. Run // `ibmcloud cr images` or call the `GET /images/json` endpoint to review images that are in the registry. Fromimage *string `json:"fromimage" validate:"required"` // The new tag for the image, in the format <REPOSITORY>:<TAG>. Toimage *string `json:"toimage" validate:"required"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
TagImageOptions : The TagImage options.
func (*TagImageOptions) SetFromimage ¶
func (_options *TagImageOptions) SetFromimage(fromimage string) *TagImageOptions
SetFromimage : Allow user to set Fromimage
func (*TagImageOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *TagImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *TagImageOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*TagImageOptions) SetToimage ¶
func (_options *TagImageOptions) SetToimage(toimage string) *TagImageOptions
SetToimage : Allow user to set Toimage
type Trash ¶
type Trash struct { DaysUntilExpiry *int64 `json:"daysUntilExpiry,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
Trash : Details of the tags and days until expiry.
type UpdateAuthOptions ¶
type UpdateAuthOptions struct { // Enable role based authorization when authenticating with IBM Cloud IAM. IamAuthz *bool `json:"iam_authz,omitempty"` // Restrict account to only be able to push and pull images over private connections. PrivateOnly *bool `json:"private_only,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
UpdateAuthOptions : The UpdateAuth options.
func (*UpdateAuthOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *UpdateAuthOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateAuthOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*UpdateAuthOptions) SetIamAuthz ¶
func (_options *UpdateAuthOptions) SetIamAuthz(iamAuthz bool) *UpdateAuthOptions
SetIamAuthz : Allow user to set IamAuthz
func (*UpdateAuthOptions) SetPrivateOnly ¶
func (_options *UpdateAuthOptions) SetPrivateOnly(privateOnly bool) *UpdateAuthOptions
SetPrivateOnly : Allow user to set PrivateOnly
type UpdatePlansOptions ¶
type UpdatePlansOptions struct { Plan *string `json:"plan,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
UpdatePlansOptions : The UpdatePlans options.
func (*UpdatePlansOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *UpdatePlansOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdatePlansOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*UpdatePlansOptions) SetPlan ¶
func (_options *UpdatePlansOptions) SetPlan(plan string) *UpdatePlansOptions
SetPlan : Allow user to set Plan
type UpdateQuotaOptions ¶
type UpdateQuotaOptions struct { // Storage quota in megabytes. The value -1 denotes "Unlimited". StorageMegabytes *int64 `json:"storage_megabytes,omitempty"` // Traffic quota in megabytes. The value -1 denotes "Unlimited". TrafficMegabytes *int64 `json:"traffic_megabytes,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
UpdateQuotaOptions : The UpdateQuota options.
func (*UpdateQuotaOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *UpdateQuotaOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateQuotaOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*UpdateQuotaOptions) SetStorageMegabytes ¶
func (_options *UpdateQuotaOptions) SetStorageMegabytes(storageMegabytes int64) *UpdateQuotaOptions
SetStorageMegabytes : Allow user to set StorageMegabytes
func (*UpdateQuotaOptions) SetTrafficMegabytes ¶
func (_options *UpdateQuotaOptions) SetTrafficMegabytes(trafficMegabytes int64) *UpdateQuotaOptions
SetTrafficMegabytes : Allow user to set TrafficMegabytes
type UpdateSettingsOptions ¶
type UpdateSettingsOptions struct { // Opt in to IBM Cloud Container Registry publishing platform metrics. PlatformMetrics *bool `json:"platform_metrics,omitempty"` // Allows users to set headers on API requests Headers map[string]string }
UpdateSettingsOptions : The UpdateSettings options.
func (*UpdateSettingsOptions) SetHeaders ¶
func (options *UpdateSettingsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSettingsOptions
SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers
func (*UpdateSettingsOptions) SetPlatformMetrics ¶
func (_options *UpdateSettingsOptions) SetPlatformMetrics(platformMetrics bool) *UpdateSettingsOptions
SetPlatformMetrics : Allow user to set PlatformMetrics