
v5.18.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 7, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 34 Imported by: 447



Package core contains functionality used by Go SDK's generated by the IBM OpenAPI 3 SDK Generator (openapi-sdkgen). Authenticators

The go-sdk-core project supports the following types of authentication:

Basic Authentication
Bearer Token
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Cloud Pak for Data
No Authentication

The authentication types that are appropriate for a particular service may vary from service to service. Each authentication type is implemented as an Authenticator for consumption by a service. To read more about authenticators and how to use them see here:


Services are the API clients generated by the IBM OpenAPI 3 SDK Generator. These services make use of the code within the core package BaseService instances to perform service operations.



View Source
const (
	// IBM_CREDENTIAL_FILE_ENVVAR is the environment key used to find the path to
	// a credentials file.

	// DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME is the default filename for a credentials file.
	// It is used when "IBM_CREDENTIALS_FILE" is not specified. The filename will
	// be searched for within the program's working directory, and then the OS's
	// current user directory.
	DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME = "ibm-credentials.env"
View Source
const (
	// Supported authentication types.
	AUTHTYPE_BASIC        = "basic"
	AUTHTYPE_NOAUTH       = "noAuth"
	AUTHTYPE_IAM          = "iam"
	AUTHTYPE_IAM_ASSUME   = "iamAssume"
	AUTHTYPE_CP4D         = "cp4d"
	AUTHTYPE_CONTAINER    = "container"
	AUTHTYPE_VPC          = "vpc"
	AUTHTYPE_MCSP         = "mcsp"

	// Service client properties.
	PROPNAME_SVC_URL            = "URL"

	// Authenticator properties.
	PROPNAME_SCOPE            = "SCOPE"

	// SSL error
	SSL_CERTIFICATION_ERROR = "x509: certificate"

	// Common error messages.
	ERRORMSG_PROP_MISSING            = "The %s property is required but was not specified."
	ERRORMSG_PROP_INVALID            = "The %s property is invalid. Please remove any surrounding {, }, or \" characters."
	ERRORMSG_EXCLUSIVE_PROPS_ERROR   = "Exactly one of %s or %s must be specified."
	ERRORMSG_ATLEAST_ONE_PROP_ERROR  = "At least one of %s or %s must be specified."
	ERRORMSG_ATMOST_ONE_PROP_ERROR   = "At most one of %s or %s may be specified."
	ERRORMSG_NO_AUTHENTICATOR        = "Authentication information was not properly configured."
	ERRORMSG_AUTHTYPE_UNKNOWN        = "Unrecognized authentication type: %s"
	ERRORMSG_PROPS_MAP_NIL           = "The 'properties' map cannot be nil."
	ERRORMSG_SSL_VERIFICATION_FAILED = "The connection failed because the SSL certificate is not valid. To use a " +
		"self-signed certificate, disable verification of the server's SSL certificate " +
		"by invoking the DisableSSLVerification() function on your service instance " +
		"and/or use the DisableSSLVerification option of the authenticator."
	ERRORMSG_AUTHENTICATE_ERROR      = "An error occurred while performing the 'authenticate' step: %s"
	ERRORMSG_READ_RESPONSE_BODY      = "An error occurred while reading the response body: %s"
	ERRORMSG_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE     = "The response contained unexpected content, Content-Type=%s, operation resultType=%s"
	ERRORMSG_UNMARSHAL_RESPONSE_BODY = "An error occurred while processing the HTTP response: %s"
	ERRORMSG_NIL_SLICE               = "The 'slice' parameter cannot be nil"
	ERRORMSG_PARAM_NOT_SLICE         = "The 'slice' parameter must be a slice"
	ERRORMSG_MARSHAL_SLICE           = "An error occurred while marshalling the slice: %s"
	ERRORMSG_CONVERT_SLICE           = "An error occurred while converting 'slice' to string slice"
	ERRORMSG_UNEXPECTED_STATUS_CODE  = "Unexpected HTTP status code %d (%s)"
	ERRORMSG_UNMARSHAL_AUTH_RESPONSE = "error unmarshalling authentication response: %s"
	ERRORMSG_UNABLE_RETRIEVE_CRTOKEN = "unable to retrieve compute resource token value: %s"          // #nosec G101
	ERRORMSG_IAM_GETTOKEN_ERROR      = "IAM 'get token' error, status code %d received from '%s': %s" // #nosec G101
	ERRORMSG_UNABLE_RETRIEVE_IITOKEN = "unable to retrieve instance identity token value: %s"         // #nosec G101
	ERRORMSG_VPCMDS_OPERATION_ERROR  = "VPC metadata service error, status code %d received from '%s': %s"
	ERRORMSG_ACCOUNTID_PROP_ERROR    = "IAMAccountID must be specified if and only if IAMProfileName is specified"

	// The name of this module - matches the value in the go.mod file.
View Source
const (
	ErrorSeverity   problemSeverity = "error"
	WarningSeverity problemSeverity = "warning"
View Source
const (
	POST   = http.MethodPost
	GET    = http.MethodGet
	DELETE = http.MethodDelete
	PUT    = http.MethodPut
	PATCH  = http.MethodPatch
	HEAD   = http.MethodHead

common HTTP methods

View Source
const (
	Accept                  = "Accept"
	APPLICATION_JSON        = "application/json"
	CONTENT_DISPOSITION     = "Content-Disposition"
	CONTENT_ENCODING        = "Content-Encoding"
	CONTENT_TYPE            = "Content-Type"
	FORM_URL_ENCODED_HEADER = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

	ERRORMSG_SERVICE_URL_INVALID = "error parsing service URL: %s"
	ERRORMSG_PATH_PARAM_EMPTY    = "path parameter '%s' is empty"

common headers


Validate is a shared validator instance used to perform validation of structs.


func BoolPtr

func BoolPtr(literal bool) *bool

BoolPtr returns a pointer to boolean literal.

func ByteArrayPtr added in v5.12.0

func ByteArrayPtr(literal []byte) *[]byte

ByteArrayPtr returns a pointer to []byte literal.

func ComputeConsoleMessage added in v5.16.0

func ComputeConsoleMessage(o OrderableProblem) string

func ComputeDebugMessage added in v5.16.0

func ComputeDebugMessage(o OrderableProblem) string

func ConstructServiceURL added in v5.5.0

func ConstructServiceURL(
	parameterizedUrl string,
	defaultUrlVariables map[string]string,
	providedUrlVariables map[string]string,
) (string, error)

ConstructServiceURL returns a service URL that is constructed by formatting a parameterized URL.


parameterizedUrl: URL that contains variable placeholders, e.g. "{scheme}://".

defaultUrlVariables: map from variable names to default values.

Each variable in the parameterized URL must have a default value specified in this map.

providedUrlVariables: map from variable names to desired values.

If a variable is not provided in this map,
the default variable value will be used instead.

func ConvertSlice

func ConvertSlice(slice interface{}) (s []string, err error)

ConvertSlice marshals 'slice' to a json string, performs string manipulation on the resulting string, and converts the string to a '[]string'. If 'slice' is nil, not a 'slice' type, or an error occurred during conversion, an error will be returned

func CreateIDHash added in v5.16.0

func CreateIDHash(prefix string, fields ...string) string

CreateIDHash computes a unique ID based on a given prefix and problem attribute fields.

func DefaultHTTPClient

func DefaultHTTPClient() *http.Client

DefaultHTTPClient returns a non-retryable http client with default configuration.

func EnrichHTTPProblem added in v5.16.0

func EnrichHTTPProblem(err error, operationID string, component *ProblemComponent)

EnrichHTTPProblem takes an problem and, if it originated as an HTTPProblem, populates the fields of the underlying HTTP problem with the given service/operation information.

func Float32Ptr

func Float32Ptr(literal float32) *float32

Float32Ptr returns a pointer to float32 literal.

func Float64Ptr

func Float64Ptr(literal float64) *float64

Float64Ptr returns a pointer to float64 literal.

func GetCurrentTime

func GetCurrentTime() int64

GetCurrentTime returns the current Unix time.

func GetQueryParam added in v5.2.0

func GetQueryParam(urlStr *string, param string) (value *string, err error)

GetQueryParam returns a pointer to the value of query parameter `param` from urlStr, or nil if not found.

func GetQueryParamAsInt added in v5.10.0

func GetQueryParamAsInt(urlStr *string, param string) (value *int64, err error)

GetQueryParamAsInt returns a pointer to the value of query parameter `param` from urlStr converted to an int64 value, or nil if not found.

func GetServiceProperties

func GetServiceProperties(serviceName string) (serviceProps map[string]string, err error)

GetServiceProperties returns a map containing configuration properties for the specified service that are retrieved from external configuration sources in the following precedence order: 1) credential file 2) environment variables 3) VCAP_SERVICES

'serviceName' is used as a filter against the property names. For example, if serviceName is passed in as "my_service", then configuration properties whose names begin with "MY_SERVICE_" will be returned in the map.

func HasBadFirstOrLastChar

func HasBadFirstOrLastChar(str string) bool

HasBadFirstOrLastChar checks if the string starts with `{` or `"` or ends with `}` or `"`.

func IBMCloudSDKBackoffPolicy

func IBMCloudSDKBackoffPolicy(min, max time.Duration, attemptNum int, resp *http.Response) time.Duration

IBMCloudSDKBackoffPolicy provides a default implementation of the Backoff interface associated with a retryablehttp.Client. This function will return the wait time to be associated with the next retry attempt.

func IBMCloudSDKRetryPolicy

func IBMCloudSDKRetryPolicy(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response, err error) (bool, error)

IBMCloudSDKRetryPolicy provides a default implementation of the CheckRetry interface associated with a retryablehttp.Client. This function will return true if the specified request/response should be retried.

func Int64Ptr

func Int64Ptr(literal int64) *int64

Int64Ptr returns a pointer to int64 literal.

func IsJSONMimeType

func IsJSONMimeType(mimeType string) bool

IsJSONMimeType Returns true iff the specified mimeType value represents a "JSON" mimetype.

func IsJSONPatchMimeType

func IsJSONPatchMimeType(mimeType string) bool

IsJSONPatchMimeType returns true iff the specified mimeType value represents a "JSON Patch" mimetype.

func IsNil

func IsNil(object interface{}) bool

IsNil checks if the specified object is nil or not.

func NewGzipCompressionReader

func NewGzipCompressionReader(uncompressedReader io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)

NewGzipCompressionReader will return an io.Reader instance that will deliver the gzip-compressed version of the "uncompressedReader" argument. This function was inspired by this github gist:

func NewGzipDecompressionReader

func NewGzipDecompressionReader(compressedReader io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)

NewGzipDecompressionReader will return an io.Reader instance that will deliver the gzip-decompressed version of the "compressedReader" argument.

func NewRetryableClientWithHTTPClient added in v5.9.4

func NewRetryableClientWithHTTPClient(httpClient *http.Client) *retryablehttp.Client

NewRetryableClientWithHTTPClient will return a new instance of a retryable client, using "httpClient" as the embedded client used to invoke individual requests within the retry logic. If "httpClient" is passed in as nil, then a default HTTP client will be used as the embedded client instead.

func NewRetryableHTTPClient

func NewRetryableHTTPClient() *retryablehttp.Client

NewRetryableHTTPClient returns a new instance of a retryable client with a default configuration that supports Go SDK usage.

func NormalizeDateTimeUTC

func NormalizeDateTimeUTC(t time.Time) time.Time

NormalizeDateTimeUTC normalizes t to reflect UTC timezone for marshaling

func ParseDate added in v5.1.0

func ParseDate(dateString string) (fmtDate strfmt.Date, err error)

ParseDate parses the specified RFC3339 full-date string (YYYY-MM-DD) and returns a strfmt.Date instance. If the string is empty the return value will be the unix epoch (1970-01-01).

func ParseDateTime added in v5.1.0

func ParseDateTime(dateString string) (strfmt.DateTime, error)

ParseDateTime parses the specified date-time string and returns a strfmt.DateTime instance. If the string is empty the return value will be the unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z).

func PrettyPrint

func PrettyPrint(result interface{}, resultName string)

PrettyPrint print pretty.

func RedactSecrets added in v5.7.1

func RedactSecrets(input string) string

RedactSecrets() returns the input string with secrets redacted.

func RepurposeSDKProblem added in v5.16.0

func RepurposeSDKProblem(err error, discriminator string) error

RepurposeSDKProblem provides a convenient way to take a problem from another function in the same component and contextualize it to the current function. Should only be used in public (exported) functions.

func SetLogger

func SetLogger(logger Logger)

SetLogger sets the specified Logger instance as the logger to be used by the Go core library.

func SetLoggingLevel

func SetLoggingLevel(level LogLevel)

SetLoggingLevel will enable the specified logging level in the Go core library.

func SliceContains

func SliceContains(slice []string, contains string) bool

SliceContains returns true iff "contains" is an element of "slice"

func StringNilMapper

func StringNilMapper(s *string) string

StringNilMapper de-references the parameter 's' and returns the result, or "" if 's' is nil.

func StringPtr

func StringPtr(literal string) *string

StringPtr returns a pointer to string literal.

func SystemInfo

func SystemInfo() string

SystemInfo returns the system information.

func UUIDPtr added in v5.1.0

func UUIDPtr(literal strfmt.UUID) *strfmt.UUID

UUIDPtr returns a pointer to strfmt.UUID literal.

func UnmarshalFileWithMetadata added in v5.4.0

func UnmarshalFileWithMetadata(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error)

UnmarshalFileWithMetadata unmarshals an instance of FileWithMetadata from the specified map of raw messages. The "data" field is assumed to be a string, the value of which is assumed to be a path to the file that contains the data intended for the FileWithMetadata struct.

func UnmarshalModel

func UnmarshalModel(rawInput interface{}, propertyName string, result interface{}, unmarshaller ModelUnmarshaller) (err error)

UnmarshalModel unmarshals 'rawInput' into 'result' while using 'unmarshaller' to unmarshal model instances. This function is the single public interface to the various flavors of model-related unmarshal functions. The values passed in for the 'rawInput', 'propertyName' and 'result' fields will determine the function performed.

Parameters: rawInput: the unmarshal input source. The various types associated with this parameter are described below in "Usage Notes".

propertyName: an optional property name. If specified as "", then 'rawInput' is assumed to directly contain the input source to be used for the unmarshal operation. If propertyName is specified as a non-empty string, then 'rawInput' is assumed to be a map[string]json.RawMessage, and rawInput[propertyName] contains the input source to be unmarshalled.

result: the unmarshal destination. This should be passed in as one of the following types of values:

  • **<model> (a ptr to a ptr to a <model> instance)
  • *[]<model> (a ptr to a <model> slice)
  • *[][]<model> (a ptr to a slice of <model> slices)
  • *map[string]<model> (a ptr to a map of <model> instances)
  • *map[string][]<model> (a ptr to a map of <model> slices)

unmarshaller: the unmarshaller function to be used to unmarshal each model instance

Usage Notes: if 'result' is a: | and propertyName is: | then 'rawInput' should be: -------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ **Foo | == "" | a map[string]json.RawMessage which directly

|                          | contains an instance of model Foo (i.e. each map entry represents
|                          | a property of Foo)
|                          |

**Foo | != "" (e.g. "prop") | a map[string]json.RawMessage and rawInput["prop"]

|                          | should contain an instance of Foo (i.e. it can itself be
|                          | unmarshalled into a map[string]json.RawMessage whose entries
|                          | represent the properties of Foo)

-------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ *[]Foo | == "" | a []json.RawMessage where each slice element contains

|                          | an instance of Foo (i.e. the json.RawMessage can be unmarshalled
|                          | into a Foo instance)
|                          |

*[]Foo | != "" (e.g. "prop") | a map[string]json.RawMessage and rawInput["prop"]

|                          | contains a []Foo (slice of Foo instances)

-------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ *[][]Foo | == "" | a []json.RawMessage where each slice element contains

|                          | a []Foo (i.e. the json.RawMessage can be unmarshalled
|                          | into a []Foo)
|                          |

*[][]Foo | != "" (e.g. "prop") | a map[string]json.RawMessage and rawInput["prop"]

|                          | contains a [][]Foo (slice of Foo slices)

-------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ *map[string]Foo | == "" | a map[string]json.RawMessage which directly contains the

|                          | map[string]Foo (i.e. the value within each entry in 'rawInput'
|                          | contains an instance of Foo)
|                          |

*map[string]Foo | != "" (e.g. "prop") | a map[string]json.RawMessage and rawInput["prop"]

|                          | contains an instance of map[string]Foo

-------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ *map[string][]Foo | == "" | a map[string]json.RawMessage which directly contains the

|                          | map[string][]Foo (i.e. the value within each entry in 'rawInput'
|                          | contains a []Foo)

*map[string][]Foo | != "" (e.g. "prop") | a map[string]json.RawMessage and rawInput["prop"]

|                          | contains an instance of map[string][]Foo


func UnmarshalPrimitive

func UnmarshalPrimitive(rawInput map[string]json.RawMessage, propertyName string, result interface{}) (err error)

UnmarshalPrimitive retrieves the specified property from 'rawInput', then unmarshals the resulting value into 'result'.

This function will typically be invoked from within a model's generated "Unmarshal<model>()" method to unmarshal a struct field (model property) involving a primitive type (a scalar value, a slice, a map of the primitive, etc.). In this context, "primitive" refers to a type other than a user-defined model type within an OpenAPI definition. The 'rawInput' parameter is expected to be a map that contains an instance of a user-defined model type.


rawInput: the unmarshal input source in the form of a map[string]json.RawMessage The value 'rawInput[propertyName]' must be a json.RawMessage that contains an instance of the type inferred from the value passed in as 'result'.

propertyName: the name of the property (map entry) to retrieve from 'rawInput'. This entry's value will be used as the unmarshal input source.

result: a pointer to the unmarshal destination. This could be any of the following:

  • *<primitive-type>
  • **<primitive-type>
  • *[]<primitive-type>
  • *[][]<primitive-type>
  • *map[string]<primitive-type>
  • *map[string][]<primitive-type>
  • *[]map[string]<primitive-type>
  • *[]map[string][]<primitive-type>

Where <primitive-type> could be any of the following:

  • string, bool, []byte, int64, float32, float64, strfmt.Date, strfmt.DateTime, strfmt.UUID, interface{} (any), or map[string]interface{} (any object).


type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 *string,
    Field2 map[string]int64

myStruct := new(MyStruct) jsonString := `{ "field1": "value1", "field2": {"foo": 44, "bar": 74}}` var rawMessageMap map[string]json.RawMessage var err error err = UnmarshalPrimitive(rawMessageMap, "field1", &myStruct.Field1) err = UnmarshalPrimitive(rawMessageMap, "field2", &myString.Field2)

func UserHomeDir

func UserHomeDir() string

UserHomeDir returns the user home directory.

func ValidateNotNil

func ValidateNotNil(object interface{}, errorMsg string) error

ValidateNotNil returns the specified error if 'object' is nil, nil otherwise.

func ValidateStruct

func ValidateStruct(param interface{}, paramName string) error

ValidateStruct validates 'param' (assumed to be a ptr to a struct) according to the annotations attached to its fields.


type AuthenticationError

type AuthenticationError struct {
	Err error

AuthenticationError describes the problem returned when authentication over HTTP fails.

func NewAuthenticationError

func NewAuthenticationError(response *DetailedResponse, err error) *AuthenticationError

NewAuthenticationError is a deprecated function that was previously used for creating new AuthenticationError structs. HTTPProblem types should be used instead of AuthenticationError types.

type Authenticator

type Authenticator interface {
	AuthenticationType() string
	Authenticate(*http.Request) error
	Validate() error

Authenticator describes the set of methods implemented by each authenticator.

func GetAuthenticatorFromEnvironment

func GetAuthenticatorFromEnvironment(credentialKey string) (authenticator Authenticator, err error)

GetAuthenticatorFromEnvironment instantiates an Authenticator using service properties retrieved from external config sources.

type BaseService

type BaseService struct {
	// Configuration values for a service.
	Options *ServiceOptions

	// A set of "default" http headers to be included with each outbound request.
	DefaultHeaders http.Header

	// The HTTP Client used to send requests and receive responses.
	Client *http.Client

	// The value to be used for the "User-Agent" HTTP header that is added to each
	// outbound request. If this value is not set, then a default value will be
	// used for the header.
	UserAgent string

BaseService implements the common functionality shared by generated services to manage requests and responses, authenticate outbound requests, etc.

func NewBaseService

func NewBaseService(options *ServiceOptions) (*BaseService, error)

NewBaseService constructs a new instance of BaseService. Validation on input parameters and service options will be performed before instance creation.

func (*BaseService) Clone

func (service *BaseService) Clone() *BaseService

Clone will return a copy of "service" suitable for use by a generated service instance to process requests.

func (*BaseService) ConfigureService

func (service *BaseService) ConfigureService(serviceName string) error

ConfigureService updates the service with external configuration values.

func (*BaseService) DisableRetries

func (service *BaseService) DisableRetries()

DisableRetries will disable automatic retries in the service.

func (*BaseService) DisableSSLVerification

func (service *BaseService) DisableSSLVerification()

DisableSSLVerification will configure the service to skip the verification of server certificates and hostnames. This will make the client susceptible to "man-in-the-middle" attacks. This should be used only for testing or in secure environments.

func (*BaseService) EnableRetries

func (service *BaseService) EnableRetries(maxRetries int, maxRetryInterval time.Duration)

EnableRetries will configure the service to perform automatic retries of failed requests. If "maxRetries" and/or "maxRetryInterval" are specified as 0, then default values are used instead.

In a scenario where retries ARE NOT enabled: - BaseService.Client will be a "normal" http.Client instance used to invoke requests - BaseService.Client.Transport will be an instance of the default http.RoundTripper - BaseService.Client.Do() calls http.RoundTripper.RoundTrip() to invoke the request - Only one http.Client instance needed/used (BaseService.Client) in this scenario - Result: "normal" request processing without any automatic retries being performed

In a scenario where retries ARE enabled:

  • BaseService.Client will be a "shim" http.Client instance
  • BaseService.Client.Transport will be an instance of retryablehttp.RoundTripper
  • BaseService.Client.Do() calls retryablehttp.RoundTripper.RoundTrip() (via the shim) to invoke the request
  • The retryablehttp.RoundTripper instance is configured with the retryablehttp.Client instance which holds the various retry config properties (max retries, max interval, etc.)
  • The retryablehttp.RoundTripper.RoundTrip() method triggers the retry logic in the retryablehttp.Client
  • The retryablehttp.Client instance's HTTPClient field holds a "normal" http.Client instance, which is used to invoke individual requests within the retry loop.
  • To summarize, there are three client instances used for request processing in this scenario: 1. The "shim" http.Client instance (BaseService.Client) 2. The retryablehttp.Client instance that implements the retry logic 3. The "normal" http.Client instance embedded in the retryablehttp.Client which is used to invoke individual requests within the retry logic
  • Result: Each request is invoked such that the automatic retry logic is employed

func (*BaseService) GetEnableGzipCompression

func (service *BaseService) GetEnableGzipCompression() bool

GetEnableGzipCompression returns the service's EnableGzipCompression field

func (*BaseService) GetHTTPClient added in v5.9.4

func (service *BaseService) GetHTTPClient() *http.Client

GetHTTPClient will return the http.Client instance used to invoke individual HTTP requests. If automatic retries are enabled, the returned value will be the http.Client instance embedded within the retryable client. If automatic retries are not enabled, then the returned value will simply be the "Client" field of the base service.

func (*BaseService) GetServiceURL

func (service *BaseService) GetServiceURL() string

GetServiceURL returns the service URL.

func (*BaseService) IsSSLDisabled

func (service *BaseService) IsSSLDisabled() bool

IsSSLDisabled returns true if and only if the service's http.Client instance is configured to skip verification of server SSL certificates.

func (*BaseService) Request

func (service *BaseService) Request(req *http.Request, result interface{}) (detailedResponse *DetailedResponse, err error)

Request invokes the specified HTTP request and returns the response.

Parameters: req: the http.Request object that holds the request information

result: a pointer to the operation result. This should be one of:

  • *io.ReadCloser (for a byte-stream type response)
  • *<primitive>, *[]<primitive>, *map[string]<primitive>
  • *map[string]json.RawMessage, *[]json.RawMessage

Return values: detailedResponse: a DetailedResponse instance containing the status code, headers, etc.

err: a non-nil error object if an error occurred

func (*BaseService) SetDefaultHeaders

func (service *BaseService) SetDefaultHeaders(headers http.Header)

SetDefaultHeaders sets HTTP headers to be sent in every request.

func (*BaseService) SetEnableGzipCompression

func (service *BaseService) SetEnableGzipCompression(enableGzip bool)

SetEnableGzipCompression sets the service's EnableGzipCompression field

func (*BaseService) SetHTTPClient

func (service *BaseService) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)

SetHTTPClient will set "client" as the http.Client instance to be used to invoke individual HTTP requests. If automatic retries are currently enabled on "service", then "client" will be set as the embedded client instance within the retryable client; otherwise "client" will be stored directly on "service".

func (*BaseService) SetServiceURL

func (service *BaseService) SetServiceURL(url string) error

SetServiceURL sets the service URL.

func (*BaseService) SetURL deprecated

func (service *BaseService) SetURL(url string) error

SetURL sets the service URL.

Deprecated: use SetServiceURL instead.

func (*BaseService) SetUserAgent

func (service *BaseService) SetUserAgent(userAgent string)

SetUserAgent sets the user agent value.

type BasicAuthenticator

type BasicAuthenticator struct {
	// Username is the user-supplied basic auth username [required].
	Username string
	// Password is the user-supplied basic auth password [required].
	Password string

BasicAuthenticator takes a user-supplied username and password, and adds them to requests via an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Basic <encoded username and password>

func NewBasicAuthenticator

func NewBasicAuthenticator(username string, password string) (*BasicAuthenticator, error)

NewBasicAuthenticator constructs a new BasicAuthenticator instance.

func (*BasicAuthenticator) Authenticate

func (authenticator *BasicAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds basic authentication information to a request.

Basic Authorization will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Basic <encoded username and password>

func (BasicAuthenticator) AuthenticationType

func (BasicAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (BasicAuthenticator) Validate

func (authenticator BasicAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures the username and password are not Nil. Additionally, ensures they do not contain invalid characters.

type BearerTokenAuthenticator

type BearerTokenAuthenticator struct {
	// The bearer token value to be used to authenticate request [required].
	BearerToken string

BearerTokenAuthenticator will take a user-supplied bearer token and adds it to requests via an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>

func NewBearerTokenAuthenticator

func NewBearerTokenAuthenticator(bearerToken string) (*BearerTokenAuthenticator, error)

NewBearerTokenAuthenticator constructs a new BearerTokenAuthenticator instance.

func (*BearerTokenAuthenticator) Authenticate

func (authenticator *BearerTokenAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds bearer authentication information to the request.

The bearer token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>

func (BearerTokenAuthenticator) AuthenticationType

func (BearerTokenAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (BearerTokenAuthenticator) Validate

func (authenticator BearerTokenAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures the bearer token is not Nil.

type CloudPakForDataAuthenticator

type CloudPakForDataAuthenticator struct {
	// The URL representing the Cloud Pak for Data token service endpoint [required].
	URL string

	// The username used to obtain a bearer token [required].
	Username string

	// The password used to obtain a bearer token [required if APIKey not specified].
	// One of Password or APIKey must be specified.
	Password string

	// The apikey used to obtain a bearer token [required if Password not specified].
	// One of Password or APIKey must be specified.
	APIKey string

	// A flag that indicates whether verification of the server's SSL certificate
	// should be disabled; defaults to false [optional].
	DisableSSLVerification bool

	// Default headers to be sent with every CP4D token request [optional].
	Headers map[string]string

	// The http.Client object used to invoke token server requests [optional]. If
	// not specified, a suitable default Client will be constructed.
	Client *http.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CloudPakForDataAuthenticator uses either a username/password pair or a username/apikey pair to obtain a suitable bearer token from the CP4D authentication service, and adds the bearer token to requests via an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticator

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticator(url string, username string, password string,
	disableSSLVerification bool, headers map[string]string) (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator, error)

NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticator constructs a new CloudPakForDataAuthenticator instance from a username/password pair. This is the default way to create an authenticator and is a wrapper around the NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingPassword() function

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingAPIKey

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingAPIKey(url string, username string, apikey string,
	disableSSLVerification bool, headers map[string]string) (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator, error)

NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingAPIKey constructs a new CloudPakForDataAuthenticator instance from a username/apikey pair.

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingPassword

func NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingPassword(url string, username string, password string,
	disableSSLVerification bool, headers map[string]string) (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator, error)

NewCloudPakForDataAuthenticatorUsingPassword constructs a new CloudPakForDataAuthenticator instance from a username/password pair.

func (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) Authenticate

func (authenticator *CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds the bearer token (obtained from the token server) to the specified request.

The CP4D bearer token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>

func (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) AuthenticationType

func (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.5.1

func (authenticator *CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken: returns an access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist, needs to be refreshed, or the existing token has expired), a new access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) Validate

func (authenticator *CloudPakForDataAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures the username, password, and url are not Nil. Additionally, ensures they do not contain invalid characters.

type ContainerAuthenticator added in v5.6.3

type ContainerAuthenticator struct {
	// [optional] The name of the file containing the injected CR token value (applies to
	// IKS-managed compute resources).
	// Default value: (1) "/var/run/secrets/tokens/vault-token" or (2) "/var/run/secrets/tokens/sa-token",
	// whichever is found first.
	CRTokenFilename string

	// [optional] The name of the linked trusted IAM profile to be used when obtaining the IAM access token.
	// One of IAMProfileName or IAMProfileID must be specified.
	// Default value: ""
	IAMProfileName string

	// [optional] The id of the linked trusted IAM profile to be used when obtaining the IAM access token.
	// One of IAMProfileName or IAMProfileID must be specified.
	// Default value: ""
	IAMProfileID string

	// [optional] The IAM token server's base endpoint URL.
	// Default value: ""
	URL string

	// [optional] The ClientID and ClientSecret fields are used to form a "basic auth"
	// Authorization header for interactions with the IAM token server.
	// If neither field is specified, then no Authorization header will be sent
	// with token server requests.
	// These fields are both optional, but must be specified together.
	// Default value: ""
	ClientID     string
	ClientSecret string

	// [optional] A flag that indicates whether verification of the server's SSL certificate
	// should be disabled.
	// Default value: false
	DisableSSLVerification bool

	// [optional] The "scope" to use when fetching the access token from the IAM token server.
	// This can be used to obtain an access token with a specific scope.
	// Default value: ""
	Scope string

	// [optional] A set of key/value pairs that will be sent as HTTP headers in requests
	// made to the IAM token server.
	// Default value: nil
	Headers map[string]string

	// [optional] The http.Client object used in interacts with the IAM token server.
	// If not specified by the user, a suitable default Client will be constructed.
	Client *http.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ContainerAuthenticator implements an IAM-based authentication schema whereby it retrieves a "compute resource token" from the local compute resource (VM) and uses that to obtain an IAM access token by invoking the IAM "get token" operation with grant-type=cr-token. The resulting IAM access token is then added to outbound requests in an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) Authenticate added in v5.6.3

func (authenticator *ContainerAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds IAM authentication information to the request.

The IAM access token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) AuthenticationType added in v5.6.3

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.6.3

func (authenticator *ContainerAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken returns an access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist or the existing token has expired), a new access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) RequestToken added in v5.6.3

func (authenticator *ContainerAuthenticator) RequestToken() (*IamTokenServerResponse, error)

RequestToken first retrieves a CR token value from the current compute resource, then uses that to obtain a new IAM access token from the IAM token server.

func (*ContainerAuthenticator) Validate added in v5.6.3

func (authenticator *ContainerAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures that one of IAMProfileName or IAMProfileID are specified, and the ClientId and ClientSecret pair are mutually inclusive.

type ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.6.3

type ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder struct {

ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder is used to construct an instance of the ContainerAuthenticator

func NewContainerAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.6.3

func NewContainerAuthenticatorBuilder() *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder

NewContainerAuthenticatorBuilder returns a new builder struct that can be used to construct a ContainerAuthenticator instance.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) Build added in v5.6.3

Build() returns a validated instance of the ContainerAuthenticator with the config that was set in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetCRTokenFilename added in v5.6.3

func (builder *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetCRTokenFilename(s string) *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder

SetCRTokenFilename sets the CRTokenFilename field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient added in v5.6.3

SetClient sets the Client field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret added in v5.6.3

func (builder *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret(clientID, clientSecret string) *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder

SetClientIDSecret sets the ClientID and ClientSecret fields in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification added in v5.6.3

func (builder *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification(b bool) *ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder

SetDisableSSLVerification sets the DisableSSLVerification field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders added in v5.6.3

SetHeaders sets the Headers field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileID added in v5.6.3

SetIAMProfileID sets the IAMProfileID field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileName added in v5.6.3

SetIAMProfileName sets the IAMProfileName field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetScope added in v5.6.3

SetScope sets the Scope field in the builder.

func (*ContainerAuthenticatorBuilder) SetURL added in v5.6.3

SetURL sets the URL field in the builder.

type DetailedResponse

type DetailedResponse struct {

	// The HTTP status code associated with the response.
	StatusCode int `yaml:"status_code"`

	// The HTTP headers contained in the response.
	Headers http.Header `yaml:"headers"`

	// Result - this field will contain the result of the operation (obtained from the response body).
	// If the operation was successful and the response body contains a JSON response, it is un-marshalled
	// into an object of the appropriate type (defined by the particular operation), and the Result field will contain
	// this response object.  If there was an error while un-marshalling the JSON response body, then the RawResult field
	// will be set to the byte array containing the response body.
	// Alternatively, if the generated SDK code passes in a result object which is an io.ReadCloser instance,
	// the JSON un-marshalling step is bypassed and the response body is simply returned in the Result field.
	// This scenario would occur in a situation where the SDK would like to provide a streaming model for large JSON
	// objects.
	// If the operation was successful and the response body contains a non-JSON response,
	// the Result field will be an instance of io.ReadCloser that can be used by generated SDK code
	// (or the application) to read the response data.
	// If the operation was unsuccessful and the response body contains a JSON error response,
	// this field will contain an instance of map[string]interface{} which is the result of un-marshalling the
	// response body as a "generic" JSON object.
	// If the JSON response for an unsuccessful operation could not be properly un-marshalled, then the
	// RawResult field will contain the raw response body.
	Result interface{} `yaml:"result,omitempty"`

	// This field will contain the raw response body as a byte array under these conditions:
	// 1) there was a problem un-marshalling a JSON response body -
	// either for a successful or unsuccessful operation.
	// 2) the operation was unsuccessful, and the response body contains a non-JSON response.
	RawResult []byte `yaml:"raw_result,omitempty"`

DetailedResponse holds the response information received from the server.

func (*DetailedResponse) GetHeaders

func (response *DetailedResponse) GetHeaders() http.Header

GetHeaders returns the headers

func (*DetailedResponse) GetRawResult

func (response *DetailedResponse) GetRawResult() []byte

GetRawResult returns the raw response body as a byte array.

func (*DetailedResponse) GetResult

func (response *DetailedResponse) GetResult() interface{}

GetResult returns the result from the service

func (*DetailedResponse) GetResultAsMap

func (response *DetailedResponse) GetResultAsMap() (map[string]interface{}, bool)

GetResultAsMap returns the result as a map (generic JSON object), if the DetailedResponse.Result field contains an instance of a map.

func (*DetailedResponse) GetStatusCode

func (response *DetailedResponse) GetStatusCode() int

GetStatusCode returns the HTTP status code

func (*DetailedResponse) String

func (response *DetailedResponse) String() string

type Error

type Error struct {
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Code    string `json:"code,omitempty"`

Error is a struct used to represent a single error received in an operation response.

type Errors

type Errors struct {
	Errors []Error `json:"errors,omitempty"`

Errors is a struct used to hold an array of errors received in an operation response.

type FileWithMetadata added in v5.4.0

type FileWithMetadata struct {
	// The data / content for the file.
	Data io.ReadCloser `json:"data" validate:"required"`

	// The filename of the file.
	Filename *string `json:"filename,omitempty"`

	// The content type of the file.
	ContentType *string `json:"content_type,omitempty"`

FileWithMetadata : A file with its associated metadata.

func NewFileWithMetadata added in v5.4.0

func NewFileWithMetadata(data io.ReadCloser) (model *FileWithMetadata, err error)

NewFileWithMetadata : Instantiate FileWithMetadata (Generic Model Constructor)

type FormData

type FormData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FormData stores information for form data.

type HTTPProblem added in v5.16.0

type HTTPProblem struct {

	// OperationID identifies the operation of an API
	// that the failed request was made to.
	OperationID string

	// Response contains the full HTTP error response
	// returned as a result of the failed request,
	// including the body and all headers.
	Response *DetailedResponse

HTTPProblem provides a type suited to problems that occur as the result of an HTTP request. It extends the base "IBMProblem" type with fields to store information about the HTTP request/response.

func (*HTTPProblem) GetConsoleMessage added in v5.16.0

func (e *HTTPProblem) GetConsoleMessage() string

GetConsoleMessage returns all public fields of the problem, formatted in YAML.

func (*HTTPProblem) GetConsoleOrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

func (e *HTTPProblem) GetConsoleOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

GetConsoleOrderedMaps returns an ordered-map representation of an HTTPProblem instance suited for a console message.

func (*HTTPProblem) GetDebugMessage added in v5.16.0

func (e *HTTPProblem) GetDebugMessage() string

GetDebugMessage returns all information about the problem, formatted in YAML.

func (*HTTPProblem) GetDebugOrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

func (e *HTTPProblem) GetDebugOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

GetDebugOrderedMaps returns an ordered-map representation of an HTTPProblem instance, with additional information suited for a debug message.

func (*HTTPProblem) GetID added in v5.16.0

func (e *HTTPProblem) GetID() string

GetID returns the computed identifier, computed from the "Component", "discriminator", and "OperationID" fields, as well as the status code of the stored response and the identifier of the "causedBy" problem, if it exists.

func (*HTTPProblem) Is added in v5.16.2

func (e *HTTPProblem) Is(target error) bool

Is allows an HTTPProblem instance to be compared against another error for equality. An HTTPProblem is considered equal to another error if 1) the error is also a Problem and 2) it has the same ID (i.e. it is the same problem scenario).

type IBMProblem added in v5.16.0

type IBMProblem struct {

	// Summary is the informative, user-friendly message that describes
	// the problem and what caused it.
	Summary string

	// Component is a structure providing information about the actual
	// component that the problem occurred in: the name of the component
	// and the version of the component being used with the problem occurred.
	// Examples of components include cloud services, SDK clients, the IBM
	// Terraform Provider, etc. For programming libraries, the Component name
	// should match the module name for the library (i.e. the name a user
	// would use to install it).
	Component *ProblemComponent

	// Severity represents the severity level of the problem,
	// e.g. error, warning, or info.
	Severity problemSeverity
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IBMProblem holds the base set of fields that all problem types should include. It is geared more towards embedding in other structs than towards use on its own.

func IBMErrorf added in v5.16.0

func IBMErrorf(err error, component *ProblemComponent, summary, discriminator string) *IBMProblem

IBMErrorf creates and returns a new instance of an IBMProblem struct with "error" level severity. It is primarily meant for embedding IBMProblem structs in other types.

func (*IBMProblem) Error added in v5.16.0

func (e *IBMProblem) Error() string

Error returns the problem's message and implements the native "error" interface.

func (*IBMProblem) GetBaseSignature added in v5.16.0

func (e *IBMProblem) GetBaseSignature() string

GetBaseSignature provides a convenient way of retrieving the fields needed to compute the hash that are common to every kind of problem.

func (*IBMProblem) GetCausedBy added in v5.16.0

func (e *IBMProblem) GetCausedBy() Problem

GetCausedBy returns the underlying "causedBy" problem, if it exists.

func (*IBMProblem) Unwrap added in v5.16.0

func (e *IBMProblem) Unwrap() []error

Unwrap implements an interface the native Go "errors" package uses to check for embedded problems in a given problem instance. IBM problem types are not embedded in the traditional sense, but they chain previous problem instances together with the "causedBy" field. This allows error interface instances to be cast into any of the problem types in the chain using the native "errors.As" function. This can be useful for, as an example, extracting an HTTPProblem from the chain if it exists. Note that this Unwrap method returns only the chain of "caused by" problems; it does not include the error instance the method is called on - that is looked at separately by the "errors" package in functions like "As".

type IamAssumeAuthenticator added in v5.18.0

type IamAssumeAuthenticator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IamAssumeAuthenticator obtains an IAM access token using the IAM "get-token" operation's "assume" grant type. The authenticator obtains an initial IAM access token from a user-supplied apikey, then exchanges this initial IAM access token for another IAM access token that has "assumed the identity" of the specified trusted profile.

The resulting IAM access token is added to each outbound request in an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) Authenticate added in v5.18.0

func (authenticator *IamAssumeAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds IAM authentication information to the request.

The IAM access token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) AuthenticationType added in v5.18.0

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.18.0

func (authenticator *IamAssumeAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken returns an access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist, needs to be refreshed, or the existing token has expired), a new access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) NewBuilder added in v5.18.0

func (authenticator *IamAssumeAuthenticator) NewBuilder() *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder

NewBuilder returns an IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder instance configured with the contents of "authenticator".

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) RequestToken added in v5.18.0

func (authenticator *IamAssumeAuthenticator) RequestToken() (*IamTokenServerResponse, error)

RequestToken fetches a new access token from the token server and returns the response structure.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticator) Validate added in v5.18.0

func (authenticator *IamAssumeAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate will verify the authenticator's configuration.

type IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.18.0

type IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder struct {

	// Properties needed to construct an IamAuthenticator instance.

	// Properties needed to construct an IamAssumeAuthenticator instance.

IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder is used to construct an IamAssumeAuthenticator instance.

func NewIamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.18.0

func NewIamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder() *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder

NewIamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder returns a new builder struct that can be used to construct an IamAssumeAuthenticator instance.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) Build added in v5.18.0

Build() returns a validated instance of the IamAssumeAuthenticator with the config that was set in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetApiKey added in v5.18.0

SetApiKey sets the ApiKey field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient added in v5.18.0

SetClient sets the Client field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret added in v5.18.0

func (builder *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret(clientID, clientSecret string) *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder

SetClientIDSecret sets the ClientId and ClientSecret fields in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification added in v5.18.0

func (builder *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification(b bool) *IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder

SetDisableSSLVerification sets the DisableSSLVerification field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders added in v5.18.0

SetHeaders sets the Headers field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMAccountID added in v5.18.0

SetIAMAccountID sets the iamAccountID field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileCRN added in v5.18.0

SetIAMProfileCRN sets the iamProfileCRN field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileID added in v5.18.0

SetIAMProfileID sets the iamProfileID field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileName added in v5.18.0

SetIAMProfileName sets the iamProfileName field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetScope added in v5.18.0

SetScope sets the Scope field in the builder.

func (*IamAssumeAuthenticatorBuilder) SetURL added in v5.18.0

SetURL sets the url field in the builder.

type IamAuthenticator

type IamAuthenticator struct {
	// The apikey used to fetch the bearer token from the IAM token server.
	// You must specify either ApiKey or RefreshToken.
	ApiKey string

	// The refresh token used to fetch the bearer token from the IAM token server.
	// You must specify either ApiKey or RefreshToken.
	// If this property is specified, then you also must supply appropriate values
	// for the ClientId and ClientSecret properties (i.e. they must be the same
	// values that were used to obtain the refresh token).
	RefreshToken string

	// The URL representing the IAM token server's endpoint; If not specified,
	// a suitable default value will be used [optional].
	URL string

	// If neither field is specified, then no Authorization header will be sent
	// with token server requests [optional]. These fields are optional, but must
	// be specified together.
	ClientId     string
	ClientSecret string

	// A flag that indicates whether verification of the server's SSL certificate
	// should be disabled; defaults to false [optional].
	DisableSSLVerification bool

	// [Optional] The "scope" to use when fetching the bearer token from the
	// IAM token server.   This can be used to obtain an access token
	// with a specific scope.
	Scope string

	// [Optional] A set of key/value pairs that will be sent as HTTP headers in requests
	// made to the token server.
	Headers map[string]string

	// [Optional] The http.Client object used to invoke token server requests.
	// If not specified by the user, a suitable default Client will be constructed.
	Client *http.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IamAuthenticator uses an apikey to obtain an IAM access token, and adds the access token to requests via an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func NewIamAuthenticator

func NewIamAuthenticator(apiKey string, url string, clientId string, clientSecret string,
	disableSSLVerification bool, headers map[string]string) (*IamAuthenticator, error)

NewIamAuthenticator constructs a new IamAuthenticator instance. Deprecated - use the IamAuthenticatorBuilder instead.

func (*IamAuthenticator) Authenticate

func (authenticator *IamAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds IAM authentication information to the request.

The IAM access token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*IamAuthenticator) AuthenticationType

func (*IamAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*IamAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.5.1

func (authenticator *IamAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken: returns an access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist, needs to be refreshed, or the existing token has expired), a new access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*IamAuthenticator) RequestToken

func (authenticator *IamAuthenticator) RequestToken() (*IamTokenServerResponse, error)

RequestToken fetches a new access token from the token server.

func (*IamAuthenticator) Validate

func (authenticator *IamAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures that the ApiKey and RefreshToken properties are mutually exclusive, and that the ClientId and ClientSecret properties are mutually inclusive.

type IamAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.9.0

type IamAuthenticatorBuilder struct {

IamAuthenticatorBuilder is used to construct an IamAuthenticator instance.

func NewIamAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.9.0

func NewIamAuthenticatorBuilder() *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

NewIamAuthenticatorBuilder returns a new builder struct that can be used to construct an IamAuthenticator instance.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) Build added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) Build() (*IamAuthenticator, error)

Build() returns a validated instance of the IamAuthenticator with the config that was set in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetApiKey added in v5.9.0

SetApiKey sets the ApiKey field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient(client *http.Client) *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

SetClient sets the Client field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClientIDSecret(clientID, clientSecret string) *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

SetClientIDSecret sets the ClientId and ClientSecret fields in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification(b bool) *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

SetDisableSSLVerification sets the DisableSSLVerification field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

SetHeaders sets the Headers field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetRefreshToken added in v5.9.0

func (builder *IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetRefreshToken(s string) *IamAuthenticatorBuilder

SetRefreshToken sets the RefreshToken field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetScope added in v5.9.0

SetScope sets the Scope field in the builder.

func (*IamAuthenticatorBuilder) SetURL added in v5.9.0

SetURL sets the URL field in the builder.

type IamTokenServerResponse

type IamTokenServerResponse struct {
	AccessToken  string `json:"access_token"`
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
	TokenType    string `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn    int64  `json:"expires_in"`
	Expiration   int64  `json:"expiration"`

IamTokenServerResponse : This struct models a response received from the token server.

type LogLevel

type LogLevel int

LogLevel defines a type for logging levels

const (
	LevelNone LogLevel = iota

Log level constants

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Log(level LogLevel, format string, inserts ...interface{})
	Error(format string, inserts ...interface{})
	Warn(format string, inserts ...interface{})
	Info(format string, inserts ...interface{})
	Debug(format string, inserts ...interface{})

	SetLogLevel(level LogLevel)
	GetLogLevel() LogLevel
	IsLogLevelEnabled(level LogLevel) bool

Logger is the logging interface implemented and used by the Go core library. Users of the library can supply their own implementation by calling SetLogger().

func GetLogger

func GetLogger() Logger

GetLogger returns the Logger instance currently used by the Go core.

type MCSPAuthenticator added in v5.15.0

type MCSPAuthenticator struct {
	// [Required] The apikey used to fetch the bearer token from the token server.
	ApiKey string

	// [Required] The endpoint base URL for the token server.
	URL string

	// [Optional] A flag that indicates whether verification of the token server's SSL certificate
	// should be disabled; defaults to false.
	DisableSSLVerification bool

	// [Optional] A set of key/value pairs that will be sent as HTTP headers in requests
	// made to the token server.
	Headers map[string]string

	// [Optional] The http.Client object used to invoke token server requests.
	// If not specified by the user, a suitable default Client will be constructed.
	Client *http.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MCSPAuthenticator uses an apikey to obtain an access token, and adds the access token to requests via an Authorization header of the form: "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>"

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) Authenticate added in v5.15.0

func (authenticator *MCSPAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds the Authorization header to the request. The value will be of the form: "Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>""

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) AuthenticationType added in v5.15.0

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.15.0

func (authenticator *MCSPAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken: returns an access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist, needs to be refreshed, or the existing token has expired), a new access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) RequestToken added in v5.15.0

func (authenticator *MCSPAuthenticator) RequestToken() (*MCSPTokenServerResponse, error)

RequestToken fetches a new access token from the token server.

func (*MCSPAuthenticator) Validate added in v5.15.0

func (authenticator *MCSPAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures that the ApiKey and URL properties are both specified.

type MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.15.0

type MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder struct {

MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder is used to construct an MCSPAuthenticator instance.

func NewMCSPAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.15.0

func NewMCSPAuthenticatorBuilder() *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder

NewMCSPAuthenticatorBuilder returns a new builder struct that can be used to construct an MCSPAuthenticator instance.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) Build added in v5.15.0

func (builder *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) Build() (*MCSPAuthenticator, error)

Build() returns a validated instance of the MCSPAuthenticator with the config that was set in the builder.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetApiKey added in v5.15.0

SetApiKey sets the ApiKey field in the builder.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient added in v5.15.0

func (builder *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient(client *http.Client) *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder

SetClient sets the Client field in the builder.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification added in v5.15.0

func (builder *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetDisableSSLVerification(b bool) *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder

SetDisableSSLVerification sets the DisableSSLVerification field in the builder.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders added in v5.15.0

func (builder *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder

SetHeaders sets the Headers field in the builder.

func (*MCSPAuthenticatorBuilder) SetURL added in v5.15.0

SetURL sets the URL field in the builder.

type MCSPTokenServerResponse added in v5.15.0

type MCSPTokenServerResponse struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn int64  `json:"expires_in"`

MCSPTokenServerResponse : This struct models a response received from the token server.

type ModelUnmarshaller

type ModelUnmarshaller func(rawInput map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) error

ModelUnmarshaller defines the interface for a generated Unmarshal<model>() function, which is used by the various "UnmarshalModel" functions below to unmarshal an instance of the user-defined model type.

Parameters: rawInput: a map[string]json.RawMessage that is assumed to contain an instance of the model type.

result: the unmarshal destination. This should be a **<model> (i.e. a ptr to a ptr to a model instance). A new instance of the model is constructed by the unmarshaller function and is returned through the ptr passed in as 'result'.

type NoAuthAuthenticator

type NoAuthAuthenticator struct {

NoAuthAuthenticator is simply a placeholder implementation of the Authenticator interface that performs no authentication. This might be useful in testing/debugging situations.

func NewNoAuthAuthenticator

func NewNoAuthAuthenticator() (*NoAuthAuthenticator, error)

func (*NoAuthAuthenticator) Authenticate

func (this *NoAuthAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

func (NoAuthAuthenticator) AuthenticationType

func (NoAuthAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

func (NoAuthAuthenticator) Validate

func (NoAuthAuthenticator) Validate() error

type OrderableProblem added in v5.16.0

type OrderableProblem interface {
	GetConsoleOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps
	GetDebugOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

OrderableProblem provides an interface for retrieving ordered representations of problems in order to print YAML messages with a controlled ordering of the fields.

type OrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

type OrderedMaps struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OrderedMaps provides a wrapper around the yaml package's MapItem type and provides convenience functionality beyond what would be available with the MapSlice type, which is similar. It enables the ordering of fields in a map for controlling the order of keys in the printed YAML strings.

func NewOrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

func NewOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

NewOrderedMaps initializes and returns a new instance of OrderedMaps.

func (*OrderedMaps) Add added in v5.16.0

func (m *OrderedMaps) Add(key string, value interface{})

Add appends a key/value pair to the ordered list of maps.

func (*OrderedMaps) GetMaps added in v5.16.0

func (m *OrderedMaps) GetMaps() []yaml.MapItem

GetMaps returns the actual list of ordered maps stored in the OrderedMaps instance. Each element is MapItem type, which will be serialized by the yaml package in a special way that allows the ordering of fields in the YAML.

type Problem added in v5.16.0

type Problem interface {

	// GetConsoleMessage returns a message suited to the practitioner
	// or end user. It should tell the user what went wrong, and why,
	// without unnecessary implementation details.
	GetConsoleMessage() string

	// GetDebugMessage returns a message suited to the developer, in
	// order to assist in debugging. It should give enough information
	// for the developer to identify the root cause of the issue.
	GetDebugMessage() string

	// GetID returns an identifier or code for a given problem. It is computed
	// from the attributes of the problem, so that the same problem scenario
	// will always have the same ID, even when encountered by different users.
	GetID() string

	// Error returns the message associated with a given problem and guarantees
	// every instance of Problem also implements the native "error" interface.
	Error() string

Problem is an interface that describes the common behavior of custom IBM problem message types.

type ProblemComponent added in v5.16.0

type ProblemComponent struct {
	Name    string
	Version string

ProblemComponent is a structure that holds information about a given component.

func NewProblemComponent added in v5.16.0

func NewProblemComponent(name, version string) *ProblemComponent

type RequestBuilder

type RequestBuilder struct {
	Method string
	URL    *url.URL
	Header http.Header
	Body   io.Reader
	Query  map[string][]string
	Form   map[string][]FormData

	// EnableGzipCompression indicates whether or not request bodies
	// should be gzip-compressed.
	// This field has no effect on response bodies.
	// If enabled, the Body field will be gzip-compressed and
	// the "Content-Encoding" header will be added to the request with the
	// value "gzip".
	EnableGzipCompression bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RequestBuilder is used to build an HTTP Request instance.

func NewRequestBuilder

func NewRequestBuilder(method string) *RequestBuilder

NewRequestBuilder initiates a new request.

func (*RequestBuilder) AddFormData

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) AddFormData(fieldName string, fileName string, contentType string,
	contents interface{}) *RequestBuilder

AddFormData adds a new mime part (constructed from the input parameters) to the request's multi-part form.

func (*RequestBuilder) AddHeader

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) AddHeader(name string, value string) *RequestBuilder

AddHeader adds a header name and value to the request.

func (*RequestBuilder) AddQuery

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) AddQuery(name string, value string) *RequestBuilder

AddQuery adds a query parameter name and value to the request.

func (*RequestBuilder) AddQuerySlice

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) AddQuerySlice(param string, slice interface{}) (err error)

AddQuerySlice converts the passed in slice 'slice' by calling the ConverSlice method, and adds the converted slice to the request's query string. An error is returned when conversion fails.

func (*RequestBuilder) Build

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) Build() (req *http.Request, err error)

Build builds an HTTP Request object from this RequestBuilder instance.

func (*RequestBuilder) ConstructHTTPURL

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) ConstructHTTPURL(serviceURL string, pathSegments []string, pathParameters []string) (*RequestBuilder, error)

ConstructHTTPURL creates a properly-encoded URL with path parameters. This function returns an error if the serviceURL is "" or is an invalid URL string (e.g. ":<badscheme>").

func (*RequestBuilder) ResolveRequestURL

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) ResolveRequestURL(serviceURL string, path string, pathParams map[string]string) (*RequestBuilder, error)

ResolveRequestURL creates a properly-encoded URL with path params. This function returns an error if the serviceURL is "" or is an invalid URL string (e.g. ":<badscheme>"). Parameters: serviceURL - the base URL associated with the service endpoint (e.g. "") path - the unresolved path string (e.g. "/resource/{resource_id}/type/{type_id}") pathParams - a map containing the path params, keyed by the path param base name (e.g. {"type_id": "type-1", "resource_id": "res-123-456-789-abc"}) The resulting request URL: ""

func (*RequestBuilder) SetBodyContent

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) SetBodyContent(contentType string, jsonContent interface{}, jsonPatchContent interface{},
	nonJSONContent interface{}) (builder *RequestBuilder, err error)

SetBodyContent sets the body content from one of three different sources.

func (*RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentForMultipart

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentForMultipart(contentType string, content interface{}, writer io.Writer) error

SetBodyContentForMultipart sets the body content for a part in a multi-part form.

func (*RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentJSON

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentJSON(bodyContent interface{}) (*RequestBuilder, error)

SetBodyContentJSON sets the body content from a JSON structure.

func (*RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentStream

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentStream(bodyContent io.Reader) (*RequestBuilder, error)

SetBodyContentStream sets the body content from an io.Reader instance.

func (*RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentString

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) SetBodyContentString(bodyContent string) (*RequestBuilder, error)

SetBodyContentString sets the body content from a string.

func (*RequestBuilder) WithContext

func (requestBuilder *RequestBuilder) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RequestBuilder

WithContext sets "ctx" as the Context to be associated with the http.Request instance that will be constructed by the Build() method.

type SDKLoggerImpl

type SDKLoggerImpl struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SDKLoggerImpl is the Go core's implementation of the Logger interface. This logger contains two instances of Go's log.Logger interface which are used to perform message logging. "infoLogger" is used to log info/warn/debug messages. If specified as nil, then a default log.Logger instance that uses stdout will be created and used for "infoLogger". "errorLogger" is used to log error messages. If specified as nil, then a default log.Logger instance that uses stderr will be created and used for "errorLogger".

func NewLogger

func NewLogger(level LogLevel, infoLogger *log.Logger, errorLogger *log.Logger) *SDKLoggerImpl

NewLogger constructs an SDKLoggerImpl instance with the specified logging level enabled. The "infoLogger" parameter is the log.Logger instance to be used to log info/warn/debug messages. If specified as nil, then a default log.Logger instance that writes messages to "stdout" will be used. The "errorLogger" parameter is the log.Logger instance to be used to log error messages. If specified as nil, then a default log.Logger instance that writes messages to "stderr" will be used.

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) Debug

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) Debug(format string, inserts ...interface{})

Debug logs a message at level "Debug"

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) Error

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) Error(format string, inserts ...interface{})

Error logs a message at level "Error"

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) GetLogLevel

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) GetLogLevel() LogLevel

GetLogLevel sets level to be the current logging level

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) Info

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) Info(format string, inserts ...interface{})

Info logs a message at level "Info"

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) IsLogLevelEnabled

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) IsLogLevelEnabled(level LogLevel) bool

IsLogLevelEnabled returns true iff the logger's current logging level indicates that 'level' is enabled.

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) Log

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) Log(level LogLevel, format string, inserts ...interface{})

Log will log the specified message on the appropriate log.Logger instance if "level" is currently enabled.

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) SetLogLevel

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) SetLogLevel(level LogLevel)

SetLogLevel sets level to be the current logging level

func (*SDKLoggerImpl) Warn

func (l *SDKLoggerImpl) Warn(format string, inserts ...interface{})

Warn logs a message at level "Warn"

type SDKProblem added in v5.16.0

type SDKProblem struct {

	// Function provides the name of the in-code
	// function or method in which the problem
	// occurred.
	Function string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SDKProblem provides a type suited to problems that occur in SDK projects. It extends the base "IBMProblem" type with a field to store the function being called when the problem occurs.

func SDKErrorf added in v5.16.0

func SDKErrorf(err error, summary, discriminator string, component *ProblemComponent) *SDKProblem

SDKErrorf creates and returns a new instance of "SDKProblem" with "error" level severity.

func (*SDKProblem) GetConsoleMessage added in v5.16.0

func (e *SDKProblem) GetConsoleMessage() string

GetConsoleMessage returns all public fields of the problem, formatted in YAML.

func (*SDKProblem) GetConsoleOrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

func (e *SDKProblem) GetConsoleOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

GetConsoleOrderedMaps returns an ordered-map representation of an SDKProblem instance suited for a console message.

func (*SDKProblem) GetDebugMessage added in v5.16.0

func (e *SDKProblem) GetDebugMessage() string

GetDebugMessage returns all information about the problem, formatted in YAML.

func (*SDKProblem) GetDebugOrderedMaps added in v5.16.0

func (e *SDKProblem) GetDebugOrderedMaps() *OrderedMaps

GetDebugOrderedMaps returns an ordered-map representation of an SDKProblem instance, with additional information suited for a debug message.

func (*SDKProblem) GetID added in v5.16.0

func (e *SDKProblem) GetID() string

GetID returns the computed identifier, computed from the "Component", "discriminator", and "Function" fields, as well as the identifier of the "causedBy" problem, if it exists.

func (*SDKProblem) Is added in v5.16.2

func (e *SDKProblem) Is(target error) bool

Is allows an SDKProblem instance to be compared against another error for equality. An SDKProblem is considered equal to another error if 1) the error is also a Problem and 2) it has the same ID (i.e. it is the same problem scenario).

type ServiceOptions

type ServiceOptions struct {
	// This is the base URL associated with the service instance. This value will
	// be combined with the paths for each operation to form the request URL
	// [required].
	URL string

	// Authenticator holds the authenticator implementation to be used by the
	// service instance to authenticate outbound requests, typically by adding the
	// HTTP "Authorization" header.
	Authenticator Authenticator

	// EnableGzipCompression indicates whether or not request bodies
	// should be gzip-compressed.
	// This field has no effect on response bodies.
	// If enabled, the Body field will be gzip-compressed and
	// the "Content-Encoding" header will be added to the request with the
	// value "gzip".
	EnableGzipCompression bool

ServiceOptions is a struct of configuration values for a service.

type VpcInstanceAuthenticator added in v5.8.0

type VpcInstanceAuthenticator struct {
	// [optional] The CRN of the linked trusted IAM profile to be used as the identity of the compute resource.
	// At most one of IAMProfileCRN or IAMProfileID may be specified.  If neither one is specified, then
	// the default IAM profile defined for the compute resource will be used.
	// Default value: ""
	IAMProfileCRN string

	// [optional] The ID of the linked trusted IAM profile to be used when obtaining the IAM access token.
	// At most one of IAMProfileCRN or IAMProfileID may be specified.  If neither one is specified, then
	// the default IAM profile defined for the compute resource will be used.
	// Default value: ""
	IAMProfileID string

	// [optional] The VPC Instance Metadata Service's base endpoint URL.
	// Default value: ""
	URL string

	// [optional] The http.Client object used to interact with the VPC Instance Metadata Service API.
	// If not specified by the user, a suitable default Client will be constructed.
	Client *http.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VpcInstanceAuthenticator implements an authentication scheme in which it retrieves an "instance identity token" and exchanges that for an IAM access token using the VPC Instance Metadata Service API which is available on the local compute resource (VM). The instance identity token is similar to an IAM apikey, except that it is managed automatically by the compute resource provider (VPC). The resulting IAM access token is then added to outbound requests in an Authorization header of the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) Authenticate added in v5.8.0

func (authenticator *VpcInstanceAuthenticator) Authenticate(request *http.Request) error

Authenticate adds IAM authentication information to the request.

The IAM access token will be added to the request's headers in the form:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) AuthenticationType added in v5.8.0

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) AuthenticationType() string

AuthenticationType returns the authentication type for this authenticator.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) GetToken added in v5.8.0

func (authenticator *VpcInstanceAuthenticator) GetToken() (string, error)

GetToken returns an IAM access token to be used in an Authorization header. Whenever a new IAM access token is needed (when a token doesn't yet exist or the existing token has expired), a new IAM access token is fetched from the token server.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) RequestToken added in v5.8.0

func (authenticator *VpcInstanceAuthenticator) RequestToken() (iamTokenResponse *IamTokenServerResponse, err error)

RequestToken will use the VPC Instance Metadata Service to (1) retrieve a fresh instance identity token and then (2) exchange that for an IAM access token.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticator) Validate added in v5.8.0

func (authenticator *VpcInstanceAuthenticator) Validate() error

Validate the authenticator's configuration.

Ensures that one of IAMProfileName or IAMProfileID are specified, and the ClientId and ClientSecret pair are mutually inclusive.

type VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.8.0

type VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder struct {

VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder is used to construct an instance of the VpcInstanceAuthenticator

func NewVpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder added in v5.8.0

func NewVpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder() *VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder

NewVpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder returns a new builder struct that can be used to construct a VpcInstanceAuthenticator instance.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder) Build added in v5.8.0

Build() returns a validated instance of the VpcInstanceAuthenticator with the config that was set in the builder.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder) SetClient added in v5.8.0

SetClient sets the Client field in the builder.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileCRN added in v5.8.0

SetIAMProfileCRN sets the IAMProfileCRN field in the builder.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder) SetIAMProfileID added in v5.8.0

SetIAMProfileID sets the IAMProfileID field in the builder.

func (*VpcInstanceAuthenticatorBuilder) SetURL added in v5.8.0

SetURL sets the URL field in the builder.

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