
v0.13.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 1, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 4 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AddCharacterTokenScopeParams

type AddCharacterTokenScopeParams struct {
	CharacterTokenID int64
	ScopeID          int64

type Cache added in v0.12.0

type Cache struct {
	ID        int64
	CreatedAt time.Time
	ExpiresAt sql.NullTime
	Key       string
	Value     []byte

type CacheGetParams added in v0.12.0

type CacheGetParams struct {
	Key string
	Now sql.NullTime

type CacheSetParams added in v0.12.0

type CacheSetParams struct {
	ExpiresAt sql.NullTime
	Key       string
	Value     []byte

type CalcCharacterNotificationUnreadCountsRow

type CalcCharacterNotificationUnreadCountsRow struct {
	TypeID int64
	Name   string
	Sum    sql.NullFloat64

type Character

type Character struct {
	ID                int64
	AssetValue        sql.NullFloat64
	HomeID            sql.NullInt64
	LastLoginAt       sql.NullTime
	LocationID        sql.NullInt64
	ShipID            sql.NullInt64
	TotalSp           sql.NullInt64
	UnallocatedSp     sql.NullInt64
	WalletBalance     sql.NullFloat64
	IsTrainingWatched bool

type CharacterAsset

type CharacterAsset struct {
	ID              int64
	CharacterID     int64
	EveTypeID       int64
	IsBlueprintCopy bool
	IsSingleton     bool
	ItemID          int64
	LocationFlag    string
	LocationID      int64
	LocationType    string
	Name            string
	Quantity        int64

type CharacterAttribute

type CharacterAttribute struct {
	ID            int64
	BonusRemaps   int64
	CharacterID   int64
	Charisma      int64
	Intelligence  int64
	LastRemapDate sql.NullTime
	Memory        int64
	Perception    int64
	Willpower     int64

type CharacterContract added in v0.11.0

type CharacterContract struct {
	ID                  int64
	AcceptorID          sql.NullInt64
	AssigneeID          sql.NullInt64
	Availability        string
	Buyout              float64
	CharacterID         int64
	Collateral          float64
	ContractID          int64
	DateAccepted        sql.NullTime
	DateCompleted       sql.NullTime
	DateExpired         time.Time
	DateIssued          time.Time
	DaysToComplete      int64
	EndLocationID       sql.NullInt64
	ForCorporation      bool
	IssuerCorporationID int64
	IssuerID            int64
	Price               float64
	Reward              float64
	StartLocationID     sql.NullInt64
	Status              string
	StatusNotified      string
	Title               string
	Type                string
	UpdatedAt           time.Time
	Volume              float64

type CharacterContractBid added in v0.11.0

type CharacterContractBid struct {
	ID         int64
	ContractID int64
	Amount     float64
	BidID      int64
	BidderID   int64
	DateBid    time.Time

type CharacterContractItem added in v0.11.0

type CharacterContractItem struct {
	ID          int64
	ContractID  int64
	IsIncluded  bool
	IsSingleton bool
	Quantity    int64
	RawQuantity int64
	RecordID    int64
	TypeID      int64

type CharacterImplant

type CharacterImplant struct {
	ID          int64
	CharacterID int64
	EveTypeID   int64

type CharacterJumpClone

type CharacterJumpClone struct {
	ID          int64
	CharacterID int64
	JumpCloneID int64
	LocationID  int64
	Name        string

type CharacterJumpCloneImplant

type CharacterJumpCloneImplant struct {
	ID        int64
	CloneID   int64
	EveTypeID int64

type CharacterMail

type CharacterMail struct {
	ID          int64
	Body        string
	CharacterID int64
	FromID      int64
	IsProcessed bool
	IsRead      bool
	MailID      int64
	Subject     string
	Timestamp   time.Time

type CharacterMailLabel

type CharacterMailLabel struct {
	ID          int64
	CharacterID int64
	Color       string
	LabelID     int64
	Name        string
	UnreadCount int64

type CharacterMailList

type CharacterMailList struct {
	ID          int64
	CharacterID int64
	EveEntityID int64

type CharacterMailMailLabel

type CharacterMailMailLabel struct {
	ID                   int64
	CharacterMailLabelID int64
	CharacterMailID      int64

type CharacterMailsRecipient

type CharacterMailsRecipient struct {
	ID          int64
	MailID      int64
	EveEntityID int64

type CharacterNotification

type CharacterNotification struct {
	ID             int64
	Body           sql.NullString
	CharacterID    int64
	IsProcessed    bool
	IsRead         bool
	NotificationID int64
	SenderID       int64
	Text           string
	Timestamp      time.Time
	Title          sql.NullString
	TypeID         int64

type CharacterPlanet added in v0.8.0

type CharacterPlanet struct {
	ID           int64
	CharacterID  int64
	EvePlanetID  int64
	LastUpdate   time.Time
	LastNotified sql.NullTime
	UpgradeLevel int64

type CharacterSectionStatus

type CharacterSectionStatus struct {
	ID          int64
	CharacterID int64
	SectionID   string
	CreatedAt   time.Time
	UpdatedAt   time.Time
	ContentHash string
	CompletedAt sql.NullTime
	Error       string
	StartedAt   sql.NullTime

type CharacterSkill

type CharacterSkill struct {
	ID                 int64
	ActiveSkillLevel   int64
	CharacterID        int64
	EveTypeID          int64
	SkillPointsInSkill int64
	TrainedSkillLevel  int64

type CharacterSkillqueueItem

type CharacterSkillqueueItem struct {
	ID              int64
	CharacterID     int64
	EveTypeID       int64
	FinishDate      sql.NullTime
	FinishedLevel   int64
	LevelEndSp      sql.NullInt64
	LevelStartSp    sql.NullInt64
	QueuePosition   int64
	StartDate       sql.NullTime
	TrainingStartSp sql.NullInt64

type CharacterToken

type CharacterToken struct {
	ID           int64
	AccessToken  string
	CharacterID  int64
	ExpiresAt    time.Time
	RefreshToken string
	TokenType    string

type CharacterTokenScope

type CharacterTokenScope struct {
	ID               int64
	CharacterTokenID int64
	ScopeID          int64

type CharacterWalletJournalEntry

type CharacterWalletJournalEntry struct {
	ID            int64
	Amount        float64
	Balance       float64
	CharacterID   int64
	ContextID     int64
	ContextIDType string
	Date          time.Time
	Description   string
	FirstPartyID  sql.NullInt64
	RefID         int64
	Reason        string
	RefType       string
	SecondPartyID sql.NullInt64
	Tax           float64
	TaxReceiverID sql.NullInt64

type CharacterWalletTransaction

type CharacterWalletTransaction struct {
	ID            int64
	CharacterID   int64
	ClientID      int64
	Date          time.Time
	EveTypeID     int64
	IsBuy         bool
	IsPersonal    bool
	JournalRefID  int64
	LocationID    int64
	Quantity      int64
	TransactionID int64
	UnitPrice     float64

type CreateCharacterAssetParams

type CreateCharacterAssetParams struct {
	CharacterID     int64
	EveTypeID       int64
	IsBlueprintCopy bool
	IsSingleton     bool
	ItemID          int64
	LocationFlag    string
	LocationID      int64
	LocationType    string
	Name            string
	Quantity        int64

type CreateCharacterContractBidParams added in v0.11.0

type CreateCharacterContractBidParams struct {
	ContractID int64
	Amount     float64
	BidID      int64
	BidderID   int64
	DateBid    time.Time

type CreateCharacterContractItemParams added in v0.11.0

type CreateCharacterContractItemParams struct {
	ContractID  int64
	IsIncluded  bool
	IsSingleton bool
	Quantity    int64
	RawQuantity int64
	RecordID    int64
	TypeID      int64

type CreateCharacterContractParams added in v0.11.0

type CreateCharacterContractParams struct {
	AcceptorID          sql.NullInt64
	AssigneeID          sql.NullInt64
	Availability        string
	Buyout              float64
	CharacterID         int64
	Collateral          float64
	ContractID          int64
	DateAccepted        sql.NullTime
	DateCompleted       sql.NullTime
	DateExpired         time.Time
	DateIssued          time.Time
	DaysToComplete      int64
	EndLocationID       sql.NullInt64
	ForCorporation      bool
	IssuerCorporationID int64
	IssuerID            int64
	Price               float64
	Reward              float64
	StartLocationID     sql.NullInt64
	Status              string
	StatusNotified      string
	Title               string
	Type                string
	UpdatedAt           time.Time
	Volume              float64

type CreateCharacterImplantParams

type CreateCharacterImplantParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveTypeID   int64

type CreateCharacterJumpCloneImplantParams

type CreateCharacterJumpCloneImplantParams struct {
	CloneID   int64
	EveTypeID int64

type CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams

type CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	JumpCloneID int64
	LocationID  int64
	Name        string

type CreateCharacterMailLabelParams

type CreateCharacterMailLabelParams struct {
	Color       string
	Name        string
	UnreadCount int64
	CharacterID int64
	LabelID     int64

type CreateCharacterMailListParams

type CreateCharacterMailListParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveEntityID int64

type CreateCharacterNotificationParams

type CreateCharacterNotificationParams struct {
	Body           sql.NullString
	CharacterID    int64
	IsProcessed    bool
	IsRead         bool
	NotificationID int64
	SenderID       int64
	Text           string
	Timestamp      time.Time
	Title          sql.NullString
	TypeID         int64

type CreateCharacterPlanetParams added in v0.8.0

type CreateCharacterPlanetParams struct {
	CharacterID  int64
	EvePlanetID  int64
	LastNotified sql.NullTime
	LastUpdate   time.Time
	UpgradeLevel int64

type CreateCharacterSkillqueueItemParams

type CreateCharacterSkillqueueItemParams struct {
	EveTypeID       int64
	FinishDate      sql.NullTime
	FinishedLevel   int64
	LevelEndSp      sql.NullInt64
	LevelStartSp    sql.NullInt64
	QueuePosition   int64
	CharacterID     int64
	StartDate       sql.NullTime
	TrainingStartSp sql.NullInt64

type CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams

type CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams struct {
	Amount        float64
	Balance       float64
	ContextID     int64
	ContextIDType string
	Date          time.Time
	Description   string
	FirstPartyID  sql.NullInt64
	RefID         int64
	CharacterID   int64
	Reason        string
	RefType       string
	SecondPartyID sql.NullInt64
	Tax           float64
	TaxReceiverID sql.NullInt64

type CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams

type CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams struct {
	ClientID      int64
	Date          time.Time
	EveTypeID     int64
	IsBuy         bool
	IsPersonal    bool
	JournalRefID  int64
	CharacterID   int64
	LocationID    int64
	Quantity      int64
	TransactionID int64
	UnitPrice     float64

type CreateEveCategoryParams

type CreateEveCategoryParams struct {
	ID          int64
	Name        string
	IsPublished bool

type CreateEveCharacterParams

type CreateEveCharacterParams struct {
	ID             int64
	AllianceID     sql.NullInt64
	Birthday       time.Time
	CorporationID  int64
	Description    string
	FactionID      sql.NullInt64
	Gender         string
	Name           string
	RaceID         int64
	SecurityStatus float64
	Title          string

type CreateEveConstellationParams

type CreateEveConstellationParams struct {
	ID          int64
	EveRegionID int64
	Name        string

type CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams

type CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams struct {
	ID           int64
	DefaultValue float64
	Description  string
	DisplayName  string
	IconID       int64
	Name         string
	IsHighGood   bool
	IsPublished  bool
	IsStackable  bool
	UnitID       int64

type CreateEveEntityParams

type CreateEveEntityParams struct {
	ID       int64
	Category string
	Name     string

type CreateEveGroupParams

type CreateEveGroupParams struct {
	ID            int64
	EveCategoryID int64
	Name          string
	IsPublished   bool

type CreateEveMoonParams

type CreateEveMoonParams struct {
	ID               int64
	Name             string
	EveSolarSystemID int64

type CreateEvePlanetParams

type CreateEvePlanetParams struct {
	ID               int64
	Name             string
	EveSolarSystemID int64
	EveTypeID        int64

type CreateEveRaceParams

type CreateEveRaceParams struct {
	ID          int64
	Description string
	Name        string

type CreateEveRegionParams

type CreateEveRegionParams struct {
	ID          int64
	Description string
	Name        string

type CreateEveSchematicParams added in v0.8.0

type CreateEveSchematicParams struct {
	ID        int64
	Name      string
	CycleTime int64

type CreateEveSolarSystemParams

type CreateEveSolarSystemParams struct {
	ID                 int64
	EveConstellationID int64
	Name               string
	SecurityStatus     float64

type CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams

type CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams struct {
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	EveTypeID        int64
	Value            float64

type CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams

type CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams struct {
	DogmaEffectID int64
	EveTypeID     int64
	IsDefault     bool

type CreateEveTypeParams

type CreateEveTypeParams struct {
	ID             int64
	EveGroupID     int64
	Capacity       float64
	Description    string
	GraphicID      int64
	IconID         int64
	IsPublished    bool
	MarketGroupID  int64
	Mass           float64
	Name           string
	PackagedVolume float64
	PortionSize    int64
	Radius         float64
	Volume         float64

type CreateMailCharacterMailLabelParams

type CreateMailCharacterMailLabelParams struct {
	CharacterMailLabelID int64
	CharacterMailID      int64

type CreateMailParams

type CreateMailParams struct {
	Body        string
	CharacterID int64
	FromID      int64
	IsProcessed bool
	IsRead      bool
	MailID      int64
	Subject     string
	Timestamp   time.Time

type CreateMailRecipientParams

type CreateMailRecipientParams struct {
	MailID      int64
	EveEntityID int64

type CreatePlanetPinParams added in v0.8.0

type CreatePlanetPinParams struct {
	CharacterPlanetID      int64
	ExtractorProductTypeID sql.NullInt64
	FactorySchemaID        sql.NullInt64
	SchematicID            sql.NullInt64
	TypeID                 int64
	ExpiryTime             sql.NullTime
	InstallTime            sql.NullTime
	LastCycleStart         sql.NullTime
	PinID                  int64

type CreateShipSkillParams

type CreateShipSkillParams struct {
	Rank        int64
	ShipTypeID  int64
	SkillTypeID int64
	SkillLevel  int64

type DBTX

type DBTX interface {
	ExecContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
	PrepareContext(context.Context, string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
	QueryContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
	QueryRowContext(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row

type DeleteCharacterAssetsParams added in v0.2.3

type DeleteCharacterAssetsParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	ItemIds     []int64

type DeleteCharacterPlanetsParams added in v0.8.0

type DeleteCharacterPlanetsParams struct {
	CharacterID  int64
	EvePlanetIds []int64

type DeleteCharacterSkillsParams added in v0.2.3

type DeleteCharacterSkillsParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveTypeIds  []int64

type DeleteMailParams

type DeleteMailParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	MailID      int64

type DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabelsParams

type DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabelsParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	CharacterID_2 int64

type DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailListsParams

type DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailListsParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	CharacterID_2 int64
	CharacterID_3 int64

type EveCategory

type EveCategory struct {
	ID          int64
	Name        string
	IsPublished bool

type EveCharacter

type EveCharacter struct {
	AllianceID     sql.NullInt64
	Birthday       time.Time
	CorporationID  int64
	Description    string
	Gender         string
	FactionID      sql.NullInt64
	ID             int64
	Name           string
	RaceID         int64
	SecurityStatus float64
	Title          string

type EveConstellation

type EveConstellation struct {
	ID          int64
	EveRegionID int64
	Name        string

type EveDogmaAttribute

type EveDogmaAttribute struct {
	ID           int64
	DefaultValue float64
	Description  string
	DisplayName  string
	IconID       int64
	Name         string
	IsHighGood   bool
	IsPublished  bool
	IsStackable  bool
	UnitID       int64

type EveEntity

type EveEntity struct {
	ID       int64
	Category string
	Name     string

type EveGroup

type EveGroup struct {
	ID            int64
	EveCategoryID int64
	Name          string
	IsPublished   bool

type EveLocation

type EveLocation struct {
	ID               int64
	EveSolarSystemID sql.NullInt64
	EveTypeID        sql.NullInt64
	Name             string
	OwnerID          sql.NullInt64
	UpdatedAt        time.Time

type EveMarketPrice

type EveMarketPrice struct {
	TypeID        int64
	AdjustedPrice float64
	AveragePrice  float64

type EveMoon

type EveMoon struct {
	ID               int64
	Name             string
	EveSolarSystemID int64

type EvePlanet

type EvePlanet struct {
	ID               int64
	Name             string
	EveSolarSystemID int64
	EveTypeID        int64

type EveRace

type EveRace struct {
	ID          int64
	Description string
	Name        string

type EveRegion

type EveRegion struct {
	ID          int64
	Description string
	Name        string

type EveSchematic added in v0.8.0

type EveSchematic struct {
	ID        int64
	Name      string
	CycleTime int64

type EveShipSkill

type EveShipSkill struct {
	ID          int64
	Rank        int64
	ShipTypeID  int64
	SkillTypeID int64
	SkillLevel  int64

type EveSolarSystem

type EveSolarSystem struct {
	ID                 int64
	EveConstellationID int64
	Name               string
	SecurityStatus     float64

type EveType

type EveType struct {
	ID             int64
	EveGroupID     int64
	Capacity       float64
	Description    string
	GraphicID      int64
	IconID         int64
	IsPublished    bool
	MarketGroupID  int64
	Mass           float64
	Name           string
	PackagedVolume float64
	PortionSize    int64
	Radius         float64
	Volume         float64

type EveTypeDogmaAttribute

type EveTypeDogmaAttribute struct {
	ID               int64
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	EveTypeID        int64
	Value            float64

type EveTypeDogmaEffect

type EveTypeDogmaEffect struct {
	ID            int64
	DogmaEffectID int64
	EveTypeID     int64
	IsDefault     bool

type GeneralSectionStatus

type GeneralSectionStatus struct {
	ID          int64
	SectionID   string
	CreatedAt   time.Time
	UpdatedAt   time.Time
	ContentHash string
	CompletedAt sql.NullTime
	Error       string
	StartedAt   sql.NullTime

type GetCharacterAssetParams

type GetCharacterAssetParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	ItemID      int64

type GetCharacterAssetRow

type GetCharacterAssetRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type GetCharacterContractBidParams added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractBidParams struct {
	ContractID int64
	BidID      int64

type GetCharacterContractBidRow added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractBidRow struct {
	CharacterContractBid CharacterContractBid
	EveEntity            EveEntity

type GetCharacterContractItemParams added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractItemParams struct {
	ContractID int64
	RecordID   int64

type GetCharacterContractItemRow added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractItemRow struct {
	CharacterContractItem CharacterContractItem
	EveType               EveType
	EveGroup              EveGroup
	EveCategory           EveCategory

type GetCharacterContractParams added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	ContractID  int64

type GetCharacterContractRow added in v0.11.0

type GetCharacterContractRow struct {
	CharacterContract    CharacterContract
	EveEntity            EveEntity
	EveEntity_2          EveEntity
	AcceptorName         sql.NullString
	AcceptorCategory     sql.NullString
	AssigneeName         sql.NullString
	AssigneeCategory     sql.NullString
	EndLocationName      sql.NullString
	StartLocationName    sql.NullString
	EndSolarSystemID     sql.NullInt64
	EndSolarSystemName   sql.NullString
	StartSolarSystemID   sql.NullInt64
	StartSolarSystemName sql.NullString
	Items                interface{}

type GetCharacterImplantParams

type GetCharacterImplantParams struct {
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	CharacterID      int64
	EveTypeID        int64

type GetCharacterImplantRow

type GetCharacterImplantRow struct {
	CharacterImplant CharacterImplant
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory
	SlotNum          sql.NullFloat64

type GetCharacterJumpCloneParams

type GetCharacterJumpCloneParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	JumpCloneID int64

type GetCharacterJumpCloneRow

type GetCharacterJumpCloneRow struct {
	CharacterJumpClone CharacterJumpClone
	LocationName       string
	RegionID           sql.NullInt64
	RegionName         sql.NullString

type GetCharacterMailLabelParams

type GetCharacterMailLabelParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	LabelID     int64

type GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCountsRow

type GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCountsRow struct {
	LabelID      int64
	UnreadCount2 int64

type GetCharacterMailListParams

type GetCharacterMailListParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveEntityID int64

type GetCharacterMailListUnreadCountsRow

type GetCharacterMailListUnreadCountsRow struct {
	ListID       int64
	UnreadCount2 int64

type GetCharacterNotificationParams

type GetCharacterNotificationParams struct {
	CharacterID    int64
	NotificationID int64

type GetCharacterNotificationRow

type GetCharacterNotificationRow struct {
	CharacterNotification CharacterNotification
	EveEntity             EveEntity
	NotificationType      NotificationType

type GetCharacterPlanetParams added in v0.8.0

type GetCharacterPlanetParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EvePlanetID int64

type GetCharacterPlanetRow added in v0.8.0

type GetCharacterPlanetRow struct {
	CharacterPlanet  CharacterPlanet
	EvePlanet        EvePlanet
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type GetCharacterRow

type GetCharacterRow struct {
	Character        Character
	EveCharacter     EveCharacter
	EveEntity        EveEntity
	EveRace          EveRace
	AllianceName     sql.NullString
	AllianceCategory sql.NullString
	FactionName      sql.NullString
	FactionCategory  sql.NullString
	HomeID           sql.NullInt64
	LocationID       sql.NullInt64
	ShipID           sql.NullInt64

type GetCharacterSectionStatusParams

type GetCharacterSectionStatusParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	SectionID   string

type GetCharacterSkillParams

type GetCharacterSkillParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveTypeID   int64

type GetCharacterSkillRow

type GetCharacterSkillRow struct {
	CharacterSkill CharacterSkill
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory

type GetCharacterSkillqueueItemParams

type GetCharacterSkillqueueItemParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	QueuePosition int64

type GetCharacterSkillqueueItemRow

type GetCharacterSkillqueueItemRow struct {
	CharacterSkillqueueItem CharacterSkillqueueItem
	SkillName               string
	GroupName               string
	SkillDescription        string

type GetCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams

type GetCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	RefID       int64

type GetCharacterWalletJournalEntryRow

type GetCharacterWalletJournalEntryRow struct {
	CharacterWalletJournalEntry CharacterWalletJournalEntry
	FirstName                   sql.NullString
	FirstCategory               sql.NullString
	SecondName                  sql.NullString
	SecondCategory              sql.NullString
	TaxName                     sql.NullString
	TaxCategory                 sql.NullString

type GetCharacterWalletTransactionParams

type GetCharacterWalletTransactionParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	TransactionID int64

type GetCharacterWalletTransactionRow

type GetCharacterWalletTransactionRow struct {
	CharacterWalletTransaction CharacterWalletTransaction
	EveEntity                  EveEntity
	EveTypeName                string
	LocationName               string

type GetEveCharacterRow

type GetEveCharacterRow struct {
	EveCharacter     EveCharacter
	EveEntity        EveEntity
	EveRace          EveRace
	AllianceName     sql.NullString
	AllianceCategory sql.NullString
	FactionName      sql.NullString
	FactionCategory  sql.NullString

type GetEveConstellationRow

type GetEveConstellationRow struct {
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type GetEveGroupRow

type GetEveGroupRow struct {
	EveGroup    EveGroup
	EveCategory EveCategory

type GetEveMoonRow

type GetEveMoonRow struct {
	EveMoon          EveMoon
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type GetEvePlanetRow

type GetEvePlanetRow struct {
	EvePlanet        EvePlanet
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory

type GetEveSolarSystemRow

type GetEveSolarSystemRow struct {
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type GetEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams

type GetEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams struct {
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	EveTypeID        int64

type GetEveTypeDogmaEffectParams

type GetEveTypeDogmaEffectParams struct {
	DogmaEffectID int64
	EveTypeID     int64

type GetEveTypeRow

type GetEveTypeRow struct {
	EveType     EveType
	EveGroup    EveGroup
	EveCategory EveCategory

type GetMailParams

type GetMailParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	MailID      int64

type GetMailRow

type GetMailRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type GetPlanetPinParams added in v0.8.0

type GetPlanetPinParams struct {
	CharacterPlanetID int64
	PinID             int64

type GetPlanetPinRow added in v0.8.0

type GetPlanetPinRow struct {
	PlanetPin             PlanetPin
	EveType               EveType
	EveGroup              EveGroup
	EveCategory           EveCategory
	SchematicName         sql.NullString
	SchematicCycle        sql.NullInt64
	FactorySchematicName  sql.NullString
	FactorySchematicCycle sql.NullInt64

type GetShipSkillParams

type GetShipSkillParams struct {
	ShipTypeID int64
	Rank       int64

type GetShipSkillRow

type GetShipSkillRow struct {
	Rank        int64
	ShipTypeID  int64
	SkillTypeID int64
	SkillName   string
	SkillLevel  int64

type ListAllCharacterAssetsRow

type ListAllCharacterAssetsRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type ListAllCharacterPlanetsRow added in v0.8.0

type ListAllCharacterPlanetsRow struct {
	CharacterPlanet  CharacterPlanet
	EvePlanet        EvePlanet
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangarParams

type ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangarParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	LocationID    int64
	LocationFlag  string
	EveCategoryID int64

type ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangarRow

type ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangarRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterAssetsInLocationParams

type ListCharacterAssetsInLocationParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	LocationID  int64

type ListCharacterAssetsInLocationRow

type ListCharacterAssetsInLocationRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangarParams

type ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangarParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	LocationID    int64
	LocationFlag  string
	EveCategoryID int64

type ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangarRow

type ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangarRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterAssetsRow

type ListCharacterAssetsRow struct {
	CharacterAsset CharacterAsset
	EveType        EveType
	EveGroup       EveGroup
	EveCategory    EveCategory
	Price          sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterContractBidsRow added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterContractBidsRow struct {
	CharacterContractBid CharacterContractBid
	EveEntity            EveEntity

type ListCharacterContractItemsRow added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterContractItemsRow struct {
	CharacterContractItem CharacterContractItem
	EveType               EveType
	EveGroup              EveGroup
	EveCategory           EveCategory

type ListCharacterContractsForNotifyParams added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterContractsForNotifyParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	UpdatedAt   time.Time

type ListCharacterContractsForNotifyRow added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterContractsForNotifyRow struct {
	CharacterContract    CharacterContract
	EveEntity            EveEntity
	EveEntity_2          EveEntity
	AcceptorName         sql.NullString
	AcceptorCategory     sql.NullString
	AssigneeName         sql.NullString
	AssigneeCategory     sql.NullString
	EndLocationName      sql.NullString
	StartLocationName    sql.NullString
	EndSolarSystemID     sql.NullInt64
	EndSolarSystemName   sql.NullString
	StartSolarSystemID   sql.NullInt64
	StartSolarSystemName sql.NullString
	Items                interface{}

type ListCharacterContractsRow added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterContractsRow struct {
	CharacterContract    CharacterContract
	EveEntity            EveEntity
	EveEntity_2          EveEntity
	AcceptorName         sql.NullString
	AcceptorCategory     sql.NullString
	AssigneeName         sql.NullString
	AssigneeCategory     sql.NullString
	EndLocationName      sql.NullString
	StartLocationName    sql.NullString
	EndSolarSystemID     sql.NullInt64
	EndSolarSystemName   sql.NullString
	StartSolarSystemID   sql.NullInt64
	StartSolarSystemName sql.NullString
	Items                interface{}

type ListCharacterImplantsParams

type ListCharacterImplantsParams struct {
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	CharacterID      int64

type ListCharacterImplantsRow

type ListCharacterImplantsRow struct {
	CharacterImplant CharacterImplant
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory
	SlotNum          sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterJumpCloneImplantParams

type ListCharacterJumpCloneImplantParams struct {
	DogmaAttributeID int64
	CloneID          int64

type ListCharacterJumpCloneImplantRow

type ListCharacterJumpCloneImplantRow struct {
	CharacterJumpCloneImplant CharacterJumpCloneImplant
	EveType                   EveType
	EveGroup                  EveGroup
	EveCategory               EveCategory
	SlotNum                   sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterJumpClonesRow

type ListCharacterJumpClonesRow struct {
	CharacterJumpClone CharacterJumpClone
	LocationName       string
	RegionID           sql.NullInt64
	RegionName         sql.NullString
	ImplantsCount      int64

type ListCharacterMailLabelsByIDsParams

type ListCharacterMailLabelsByIDsParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	Ids         []int64

type ListCharacterNotificationsAllRow added in v0.6.0

type ListCharacterNotificationsAllRow struct {
	CharacterNotification CharacterNotification
	EveEntity             EveEntity
	NotificationType      NotificationType

type ListCharacterNotificationsTypesParams

type ListCharacterNotificationsTypesParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	Names       []string

type ListCharacterNotificationsTypesRow

type ListCharacterNotificationsTypesRow struct {
	CharacterNotification CharacterNotification
	EveEntity             EveEntity
	NotificationType      NotificationType

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessedParams added in v0.11.0

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessedParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	Timestamp   time.Time

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessedRow

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessedRow struct {
	CharacterNotification CharacterNotification
	EveEntity             EveEntity
	NotificationType      NotificationType

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnreadRow

type ListCharacterNotificationsUnreadRow struct {
	CharacterNotification CharacterNotification
	EveEntity             EveEntity
	NotificationType      NotificationType

type ListCharacterPlanetsRow added in v0.8.0

type ListCharacterPlanetsRow struct {
	CharacterPlanet  CharacterPlanet
	EvePlanet        EvePlanet
	EveType          EveType
	EveGroup         EveGroup
	EveCategory      EveCategory
	EveSolarSystem   EveSolarSystem
	EveConstellation EveConstellation
	EveRegion        EveRegion

type ListCharacterShipSkillsParams

type ListCharacterShipSkillsParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	ShipTypeID  int64

type ListCharacterShipSkillsRow

type ListCharacterShipSkillsRow struct {
	Rank              int64
	ShipTypeID        int64
	SkillTypeID       int64
	SkillName         string
	SkillLevel        int64
	ActiveSkillLevel  sql.NullInt64
	TrainedSkillLevel sql.NullInt64

type ListCharacterShipsAbilitiesParams

type ListCharacterShipsAbilitiesParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	Name        string

type ListCharacterShipsAbilitiesRow

type ListCharacterShipsAbilitiesRow struct {
	TypeID    int64
	TypeName  string
	GroupID   int64
	GroupName string
	CanFly    bool

type ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgressParams

type ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgressParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	EveCategoryID int64

type ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgressRow

type ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgressRow struct {
	EveGroupID   int64
	EveGroupName string
	Total        int64
	Trained      sql.NullFloat64

type ListCharacterSkillProgressParams

type ListCharacterSkillProgressParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveGroupID  int64

type ListCharacterSkillProgressRow

type ListCharacterSkillProgressRow struct {
	ID                int64
	Name              string
	Description       string
	ActiveSkillLevel  sql.NullInt64
	TrainedSkillLevel sql.NullInt64

type ListCharacterSkillqueueItemsRow

type ListCharacterSkillqueueItemsRow struct {
	CharacterSkillqueueItem CharacterSkillqueueItem
	SkillName               string
	GroupName               string
	SkillDescription        string

type ListCharacterWalletJournalEntriesRow

type ListCharacterWalletJournalEntriesRow struct {
	CharacterWalletJournalEntry CharacterWalletJournalEntry
	FirstName                   sql.NullString
	FirstCategory               sql.NullString
	SecondName                  sql.NullString
	SecondCategory              sql.NullString
	TaxName                     sql.NullString
	TaxCategory                 sql.NullString

type ListCharacterWalletTransactionsRow

type ListCharacterWalletTransactionsRow struct {
	CharacterWalletTransaction CharacterWalletTransaction
	EveEntity                  EveEntity
	EveTypeName                string
	LocationName               string

type ListCharactersRow

type ListCharactersRow struct {
	Character        Character
	EveCharacter     EveCharacter
	EveEntity        EveEntity
	EveRace          EveRace
	AllianceName     sql.NullString
	AllianceCategory sql.NullString
	FactionName      sql.NullString
	FactionCategory  sql.NullString
	HomeID           sql.NullInt64
	LocationID       sql.NullInt64
	ShipID           sql.NullInt64

type ListCharactersShortRow

type ListCharactersShortRow struct {
	ID   int64
	Name string

type ListEveEntityByNameAndCategoryParams

type ListEveEntityByNameAndCategoryParams struct {
	Name     string
	Category string

type ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForTypeRow

type ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForTypeRow struct {
	EveDogmaAttribute EveDogmaAttribute
	EveType           EveType
	EveGroup          EveGroup
	EveCategory       EveCategory
	Value             float64

type ListMailsForLabelOrderedParams

type ListMailsForLabelOrderedParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	LabelID     int64

type ListMailsForLabelOrderedRow

type ListMailsForLabelOrderedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListMailsForListOrderedParams

type ListMailsForListOrderedParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	EveEntityID int64

type ListMailsForListOrderedRow

type ListMailsForListOrderedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListMailsNoLabelOrderedRow

type ListMailsNoLabelOrderedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListMailsOrderedRow

type ListMailsOrderedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListMailsUnprocessedParams

type ListMailsUnprocessedParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	LabelID     int64
	Timestamp   time.Time

type ListMailsUnprocessedRow

type ListMailsUnprocessedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListMailsUnreadOrderedRow added in v0.6.0

type ListMailsUnreadOrderedRow struct {
	CharacterMail CharacterMail
	EveEntity     EveEntity

type ListPlanetPinsRow added in v0.8.0

type ListPlanetPinsRow struct {
	PlanetPin             PlanetPin
	EveType               EveType
	EveGroup              EveGroup
	EveCategory           EveCategory
	SchematicName         sql.NullString
	SchematicCycle        sql.NullInt64
	FactorySchematicName  sql.NullString
	FactorySchematicCycle sql.NullInt64

type ListShipSkillsRow

type ListShipSkillsRow struct {
	Rank        int64
	ShipTypeID  int64
	SkillTypeID int64
	SkillName   string
	SkillLevel  int64

type NotificationType

type NotificationType struct {
	ID   int64
	Name string

type PlanetPin added in v0.8.0

type PlanetPin struct {
	ID                     int64
	CharacterPlanetID      int64
	ExpiryTime             sql.NullTime
	ExtractorProductTypeID sql.NullInt64
	FactorySchemaID        sql.NullInt64
	InstallTime            sql.NullTime
	LastCycleStart         sql.NullTime
	PinID                  int64
	SchematicID            sql.NullInt64
	TypeID                 int64

type Queries

type Queries struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(db DBTX) *Queries

func (*Queries) AddCharacterTokenScope

func (q *Queries) AddCharacterTokenScope(ctx context.Context, arg AddCharacterTokenScopeParams) error

func (*Queries) CacheCleanUp added in v0.12.0

func (q *Queries) CacheCleanUp(ctx context.Context, now sql.NullTime) error

func (*Queries) CacheClear added in v0.12.0

func (q *Queries) CacheClear(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Queries) CacheDelete added in v0.12.0

func (q *Queries) CacheDelete(ctx context.Context, key string) error

func (*Queries) CacheGet added in v0.12.0

func (q *Queries) CacheGet(ctx context.Context, arg CacheGetParams) (Cache, error)

func (*Queries) CacheSet added in v0.12.0

func (q *Queries) CacheSet(ctx context.Context, arg CacheSetParams) error

func (*Queries) CalcCharacterNotificationUnreadCounts

func (q *Queries) CalcCharacterNotificationUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]CalcCharacterNotificationUnreadCountsRow, error)

func (*Queries) CalculateCharacterAssetTotalValue

func (q *Queries) CalculateCharacterAssetTotalValue(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (sql.NullFloat64, error)

func (*Queries) ClearCharacterTokenScopes

func (q *Queries) ClearCharacterTokenScopes(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterAsset

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterAssetParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterContract added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterContractBid added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterContractBid(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractBidParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterContractItem added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterContractItem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractItemParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterImplant

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterImplant(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterImplantParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterJumpClone

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterJumpClone(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterJumpCloneImplant

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterJumpCloneImplant(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterJumpCloneImplantParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterMailLabel

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterMailLabelParams) (CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterMailList

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterMailList(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterMailListParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterNotification

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterNotificationParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterPlanet added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterPlanetParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterSkillqueueItem

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterSkillqueueItem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterSkillqueueItemParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntry

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntry(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateCharacterWalletTransaction

func (q *Queries) CreateCharacterWalletTransaction(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveCategory

func (q *Queries) CreateEveCategory(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCategoryParams) (EveCategory, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveCharacter

func (q *Queries) CreateEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCharacterParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveConstellation

func (q *Queries) CreateEveConstellation(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveConstellationParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveDogmaAttribute

func (q *Queries) CreateEveDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams) (EveDogmaAttribute, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveEntity

func (q *Queries) CreateEveEntity(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveEntityParams) (EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveGroup

func (q *Queries) CreateEveGroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveGroupParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveMoon

func (q *Queries) CreateEveMoon(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveMoonParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEvePlanet

func (q *Queries) CreateEvePlanet(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEvePlanetParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveRace

func (q *Queries) CreateEveRace(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveRaceParams) (EveRace, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveRegion

func (q *Queries) CreateEveRegion(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveRegionParams) (EveRegion, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveSchematic added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) CreateEveSchematic(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSchematicParams) (EveSchematic, error)

func (*Queries) CreateEveSolarSystem

func (q *Queries) CreateEveSolarSystem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSolarSystemParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveType

func (q *Queries) CreateEveType(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveTypeDogmaAttribute

func (q *Queries) CreateEveTypeDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateEveTypeDogmaEffect

func (q *Queries) CreateEveTypeDogmaEffect(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateMail

func (q *Queries) CreateMail(ctx context.Context, arg CreateMailParams) (CharacterMail, error)

func (*Queries) CreateMailCharacterMailLabel

func (q *Queries) CreateMailCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg CreateMailCharacterMailLabelParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateMailRecipient

func (q *Queries) CreateMailRecipient(ctx context.Context, arg CreateMailRecipientParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateNotificationType

func (q *Queries) CreateNotificationType(ctx context.Context, name string) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreatePlanetPin added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) CreatePlanetPin(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlanetPinParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateScope

func (q *Queries) CreateScope(ctx context.Context, name string) (Scope, error)

func (*Queries) CreateShipSkill

func (q *Queries) CreateShipSkill(ctx context.Context, arg CreateShipSkillParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacter

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacter(ctx context.Context, id int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterAssets added in v0.2.3

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteCharacterAssetsParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterImplants

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterImplants(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterJumpClones

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterJumpClones(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterPlanets added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterPlanets(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteCharacterPlanetsParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterSkillqueueItems

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterSkillqueueItems(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteCharacterSkills added in v0.2.3

func (q *Queries) DeleteCharacterSkills(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteCharacterSkillsParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteEveCharacter

func (q *Queries) DeleteEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, id int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteMail

func (q *Queries) DeleteMail(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteMailParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteMailCharacterMailLabels

func (q *Queries) DeleteMailCharacterMailLabels(ctx context.Context, characterMailID int64) error

func (*Queries) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabels

func (q *Queries) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabels(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabelsParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLists

func (q *Queries) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLists(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailListsParams) error

func (*Queries) DeletePlanetPins added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) DeletePlanetPins(ctx context.Context, characterPlanetID int64) error

func (*Queries) DisableAllTrainingWatchers added in v0.9.0

func (q *Queries) DisableAllTrainingWatchers(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Queries) GetAllMailUnreadCount added in v0.13.0

func (q *Queries) GetAllMailUnreadCount(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacter

func (q *Queries) GetCharacter(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetCharacterRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterAsset

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterAssetParams) (GetCharacterAssetRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterAssetValue

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterAssetValue(ctx context.Context, id int64) (sql.NullFloat64, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterAttributes

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterAttributes(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (CharacterAttribute, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterContract added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterContractParams) (GetCharacterContractRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterContractBid added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterContractBid(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterContractBidParams) (GetCharacterContractBidRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterContractItem added in v0.11.0

func (*Queries) GetCharacterImplant

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterImplant(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterImplantParams) (GetCharacterImplantRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterJumpClone

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterJumpClone(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterJumpCloneParams) (GetCharacterJumpCloneRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterMailLabel

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterMailLabelParams) (CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCounts

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCountsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterMailLabels

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterMailLabels(ctx context.Context, characterMailID int64) ([]CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterMailList

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterMailList(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterMailListParams) (CharacterMailList, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterMailListUnreadCounts

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterMailListUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]GetCharacterMailListUnreadCountsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterNotification

func (*Queries) GetCharacterPlanet added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterPlanetParams) (GetCharacterPlanetRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterSectionStatus

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterSectionStatusParams) (CharacterSectionStatus, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterSkill

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterSkill(ctx context.Context, arg GetCharacterSkillParams) (GetCharacterSkillRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetCharacterToken

func (q *Queries) GetCharacterToken(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (CharacterToken, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveCategory

func (q *Queries) GetEveCategory(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveCategory, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveCharacter

func (q *Queries) GetEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveCharacterRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveConstellation

func (q *Queries) GetEveConstellation(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveConstellationRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveDogmaAttribute

func (q *Queries) GetEveDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveDogmaAttribute, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveEntity

func (q *Queries) GetEveEntity(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveGroup

func (q *Queries) GetEveGroup(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveGroupRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveMarketPrice

func (q *Queries) GetEveMarketPrice(ctx context.Context, typeID int64) (EveMarketPrice, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveMoon

func (q *Queries) GetEveMoon(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveMoonRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEvePlanet

func (q *Queries) GetEvePlanet(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEvePlanetRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveRace

func (q *Queries) GetEveRace(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveRace, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveRegion

func (q *Queries) GetEveRegion(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveRegion, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveSchematic added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) GetEveSchematic(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveSchematic, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveSolarSystem

func (q *Queries) GetEveSolarSystem(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveSolarSystemRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveType

func (q *Queries) GetEveType(ctx context.Context, id int64) (GetEveTypeRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveTypeDogmaAttribute

func (q *Queries) GetEveTypeDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg GetEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams) (EveTypeDogmaAttribute, error)

func (*Queries) GetEveTypeDogmaEffect

func (q *Queries) GetEveTypeDogmaEffect(ctx context.Context, arg GetEveTypeDogmaEffectParams) (EveTypeDogmaEffect, error)

func (*Queries) GetGeneralSectionStatus

func (q *Queries) GetGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, sectionID string) (GeneralSectionStatus, error)

func (*Queries) GetLocation

func (q *Queries) GetLocation(ctx context.Context, id int64) (EveLocation, error)

func (*Queries) GetMail

func (q *Queries) GetMail(ctx context.Context, arg GetMailParams) (GetMailRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetMailCount

func (q *Queries) GetMailCount(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) GetMailRecipients

func (q *Queries) GetMailRecipients(ctx context.Context, mailID int64) ([]EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) GetMailUnreadCount

func (q *Queries) GetMailUnreadCount(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) GetNotificationTypeID

func (q *Queries) GetNotificationTypeID(ctx context.Context, name string) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) GetPlanetPin added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) GetPlanetPin(ctx context.Context, arg GetPlanetPinParams) (GetPlanetPinRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetScope

func (q *Queries) GetScope(ctx context.Context, name string) (Scope, error)

func (*Queries) GetShipSkill

func (q *Queries) GetShipSkill(ctx context.Context, arg GetShipSkillParams) (GetShipSkillRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetTotalTrainingTime

func (q *Queries) GetTotalTrainingTime(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) (sql.NullFloat64, error)

func (*Queries) ListAllCharacterAssets

func (q *Queries) ListAllCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]ListAllCharacterAssetsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListAllCharacterPlanets added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) ListAllCharacterPlanets(ctx context.Context) ([]ListAllCharacterPlanetsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterAssetIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterAssetIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterAssets

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterAssetsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContractBidIDs added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterContractBidIDs(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContractBids added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterContractBids(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) ([]ListCharacterContractBidsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContractIDs added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterContractIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContractItems added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterContractItems(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) ([]ListCharacterContractItemsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContracts added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterContracts(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterContractsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterContractsForNotify added in v0.11.0

func (*Queries) ListCharacterIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterImplants

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterImplants(ctx context.Context, arg ListCharacterImplantsParams) ([]ListCharacterImplantsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterJumpClones

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterJumpClones(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterJumpClonesRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterMailLabelsByIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterMailLabelsByIDs(ctx context.Context, arg ListCharacterMailLabelsByIDsParams) ([]CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterMailLabelsOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterMailLabelsOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterMailListsOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterMailListsOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterNotificationIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterNotificationIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterNotificationsAll added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterNotificationsAll(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterNotificationsAllRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterNotificationsUnread

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterNotificationsUnread(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterNotificationsUnreadRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterPlanets added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterPlanets(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterPlanetsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterSectionStatus

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]CharacterSectionStatus, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterShipSkills

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterShipSkills(ctx context.Context, arg ListCharacterShipSkillsParams) ([]ListCharacterShipSkillsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterSkillIDs added in v0.2.3

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterSkillIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterSkillProgress

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterSkillProgress(ctx context.Context, arg ListCharacterSkillProgressParams) ([]ListCharacterSkillProgressRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterSkillqueueItems

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterSkillqueueItems(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterSkillqueueItemsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterTokenScopes

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterTokenScopes(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]Scope, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntries

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntries(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterWalletJournalEntriesRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntryRefIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntryRefIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterWalletTransactionIDs

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterWalletTransactionIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacterWalletTransactions

func (q *Queries) ListCharacterWalletTransactions(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListCharacterWalletTransactionsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharacters

func (q *Queries) ListCharacters(ctx context.Context) ([]ListCharactersRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListCharactersShort

func (q *Queries) ListCharactersShort(ctx context.Context) ([]ListCharactersShortRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveCharacterIDs

func (q *Queries) ListEveCharacterIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveEntitiesByName

func (q *Queries) ListEveEntitiesByName(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveEntitiesByPartialName

func (q *Queries) ListEveEntitiesByPartialName(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveEntityByNameAndCategory

func (q *Queries) ListEveEntityByNameAndCategory(ctx context.Context, arg ListEveEntityByNameAndCategoryParams) ([]EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveEntityIDs

func (q *Queries) ListEveEntityIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveLocations

func (q *Queries) ListEveLocations(ctx context.Context) ([]EveLocation, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveMarketPrices

func (q *Queries) ListEveMarketPrices(ctx context.Context) (EveMarketPrice, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveRaceIDs

func (q *Queries) ListEveRaceIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForType

func (q *Queries) ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForType(ctx context.Context, eveTypeID int64) ([]ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForTypeRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListEveTypeIDs

func (q *Queries) ListEveTypeIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListGeneralSectionStatus

func (q *Queries) ListGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context) ([]GeneralSectionStatus, error)

func (*Queries) ListLocationIDs

func (q *Queries) ListLocationIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailIDs

func (q *Queries) ListMailIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]int64, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsForLabelOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListMailsForLabelOrdered(ctx context.Context, arg ListMailsForLabelOrderedParams) ([]ListMailsForLabelOrderedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsForListOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListMailsForListOrdered(ctx context.Context, arg ListMailsForListOrderedParams) ([]ListMailsForListOrderedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsNoLabelOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListMailsNoLabelOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListMailsNoLabelOrderedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsOrdered

func (q *Queries) ListMailsOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListMailsOrderedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsUnprocessed

func (q *Queries) ListMailsUnprocessed(ctx context.Context, arg ListMailsUnprocessedParams) ([]ListMailsUnprocessedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListMailsUnreadOrdered added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) ListMailsUnreadOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int64) ([]ListMailsUnreadOrderedRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListPlanetPins added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) ListPlanetPins(ctx context.Context, characterPlanetID int64) ([]ListPlanetPinsRow, error)

func (*Queries) ListShipSkills

func (q *Queries) ListShipSkills(ctx context.Context, shipTypeID int64) ([]ListShipSkillsRow, error)

func (*Queries) TruncateShipSkills

func (q *Queries) TruncateShipSkills(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterAsset

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterAssetParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterAssetValue

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterAssetValue(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterAssetValueParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterContract added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterContractParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterContractNotified added in v0.11.0

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterContractNotified(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterContractNotifiedParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterHomeId

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterHomeId(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterHomeIdParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatched added in v0.9.0

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatched(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatchedParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterLastLoginAt

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterLastLoginAt(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterLastLoginAtParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterLocationID

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterLocationID(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterLocationIDParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterMailIsRead

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterMailIsRead(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterMailIsReadParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterMailSetProcessed

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterMailSetProcessed(ctx context.Context, id int64) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterNotification

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterNotificationParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterNotificationSetProcessed

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterNotificationSetProcessed(ctx context.Context, id int64) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotified added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotified(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterSP

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterSP(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterSPParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterShipID

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterShipID(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterShipIDParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateCharacterWalletBalance

func (q *Queries) UpdateCharacterWalletBalance(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterWalletBalanceParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateEveCharacter

func (q *Queries) UpdateEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateEveCharacterParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacter

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributes

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributes(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabel

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabelParams) (CharacterMailLabel, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanet added in v0.8.0

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkill

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkill(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterToken

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateCharacterToken(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterTokenParams) (CharacterToken, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateEveEntity

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateEveEntity(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateEveEntityParams) (EveEntity, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPrice

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPrice(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams) error

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatus

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams) (GeneralSectionStatus, error)

func (*Queries) UpdateOrCreateLocation

func (q *Queries) UpdateOrCreateLocation(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateLocationParams) error

func (*Queries) WithTx

func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx *sql.Tx) *Queries

type Scope

type Scope struct {
	ID   int64
	Name string

type UpdateCharacterAssetParams

type UpdateCharacterAssetParams struct {
	LocationFlag string
	LocationID   int64
	LocationType string
	Name         string
	Quantity     int64
	CharacterID  int64
	ItemID       int64

type UpdateCharacterAssetValueParams

type UpdateCharacterAssetValueParams struct {
	AssetValue sql.NullFloat64
	ID         int64

type UpdateCharacterContractNotifiedParams added in v0.11.0

type UpdateCharacterContractNotifiedParams struct {
	StatusNotified string
	UpdatedAt      time.Time
	ID             int64

type UpdateCharacterContractParams added in v0.11.0

type UpdateCharacterContractParams struct {
	AcceptorID    sql.NullInt64
	DateAccepted  sql.NullTime
	DateCompleted sql.NullTime
	Status        string
	UpdatedAt     time.Time
	CharacterID   int64
	ContractID    int64

type UpdateCharacterHomeIdParams

type UpdateCharacterHomeIdParams struct {
	HomeID sql.NullInt64
	ID     int64

type UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatchedParams added in v0.9.0

type UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatchedParams struct {
	IsTrainingWatched bool
	ID                int64

type UpdateCharacterLastLoginAtParams

type UpdateCharacterLastLoginAtParams struct {
	LastLoginAt sql.NullTime
	ID          int64

type UpdateCharacterLocationIDParams

type UpdateCharacterLocationIDParams struct {
	LocationID sql.NullInt64
	ID         int64

type UpdateCharacterMailIsReadParams

type UpdateCharacterMailIsReadParams struct {
	ID     int64
	IsRead bool

type UpdateCharacterNotificationParams

type UpdateCharacterNotificationParams struct {
	ID     int64
	Body   sql.NullString
	IsRead bool
	Title  sql.NullString

type UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams added in v0.8.0

type UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams struct {
	LastNotified sql.NullTime
	CharacterID  int64
	EvePlanetID  int64

type UpdateCharacterSPParams

type UpdateCharacterSPParams struct {
	TotalSp       sql.NullInt64
	UnallocatedSp sql.NullInt64
	ID            int64

type UpdateCharacterShipIDParams

type UpdateCharacterShipIDParams struct {
	ShipID sql.NullInt64
	ID     int64

type UpdateCharacterWalletBalanceParams

type UpdateCharacterWalletBalanceParams struct {
	WalletBalance sql.NullFloat64
	ID            int64

type UpdateEveCharacterParams

type UpdateEveCharacterParams struct {
	AllianceID     sql.NullInt64
	CorporationID  int64
	Description    string
	FactionID      sql.NullInt64
	Name           string
	SecurityStatus float64
	Title          string
	ID             int64

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams struct {
	CharacterID   int64
	BonusRemaps   int64
	Charisma      int64
	Intelligence  int64
	LastRemapDate sql.NullTime
	Memory        int64
	Perception    int64
	Willpower     int64

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabelParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabelParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	LabelID     int64
	Color       string
	Name        string
	UnreadCount int64

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams struct {
	ID                int64
	HomeID            sql.NullInt64
	LastLoginAt       sql.NullTime
	LocationID        sql.NullInt64
	ShipID            sql.NullInt64
	TotalSp           sql.NullInt64
	UnallocatedSp     sql.NullInt64
	WalletBalance     sql.NullFloat64
	AssetValue        sql.NullFloat64
	IsTrainingWatched bool

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams added in v0.8.0

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams struct {
	CharacterID  int64
	EvePlanetID  int64
	LastUpdate   time.Time
	UpgradeLevel int64

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatusParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatusParams struct {
	CharacterID int64
	SectionID   string
	CompletedAt sql.NullTime
	ContentHash string
	Error       string
	StartedAt   sql.NullTime
	UpdatedAt   time.Time

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams struct {
	CharacterID        int64
	EveTypeID          int64
	ActiveSkillLevel   int64
	SkillPointsInSkill int64
	TrainedSkillLevel  int64

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterTokenParams

type UpdateOrCreateCharacterTokenParams struct {
	CharacterID  int64
	AccessToken  string
	ExpiresAt    time.Time
	RefreshToken string
	TokenType    string

type UpdateOrCreateEveEntityParams

type UpdateOrCreateEveEntityParams struct {
	ID       int64
	Category string
	Name     string

type UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams

type UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams struct {
	TypeID        int64
	AdjustedPrice float64
	AveragePrice  float64

type UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams

type UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams struct {
	SectionID   string
	CompletedAt sql.NullTime
	ContentHash string
	Error       string
	StartedAt   sql.NullTime
	UpdatedAt   time.Time

type UpdateOrCreateLocationParams

type UpdateOrCreateLocationParams struct {
	ID               int64
	EveSolarSystemID sql.NullInt64
	EveTypeID        sql.NullInt64
	Name             string
	OwnerID          sql.NullInt64
	UpdatedAt        time.Time

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