Path | Synopsis |
Package app is the root package of all domain related packages.
Package app is the root package of all domain related packages. |
Package assetcollection provides data structures to analyze and process asset data.
Package assetcollection provides data structures to analyze and process asset data. |
package goesi contains helpers used in conjunction with the goesi package
package goesi contains helpers used in conjunction with the goesi package |
Package chartbuilder provides a chart builder for rending themed Fyne charts.
Package chartbuilder provides a chart builder for rending themed Fyne charts. |
Package esistatus contains the ESI status service.
Package esistatus contains the ESI status service. |
Package evenotification contains the business logic for dealing with Eve Online notifications.
Package evenotification contains the business logic for dealing with Eve Online notifications. |
Package eveuniverse contains the Eve universe service.
Package eveuniverse contains the Eve universe service. |
Package icon contains all bundeled app icons.
Package icon contains all bundeled app icons. |
Package pcache implements a persistent cache.
Package pcache implements a persistent cache. |
Package characterstatus is a service which provides cached access to the current update status of general and character sections.
Package characterstatus is a service which provides cached access to the current update status of general and character sections. |
Package sqlite contains the logic for storing application data into a local SQLite database.
Package sqlite contains the logic for storing application data into a local SQLite database. |
Package factory contains factories for creating test objects in the repository
Package factory contains factories for creating test objects in the repository |
Package desktop contains the code for rendering the desktop UI.
Package desktop contains the code for rendering the desktop UI. |
Package mobile contains the code for rendering the mobile UI.
Package mobile contains the code for rendering the mobile UI. |
Package widget contains custom widgets with app dependencies.
Package widget contains custom widgets with app dependencies. |
Package cache implements a simple in-memory cache.
Package cache implements a simple in-memory cache. |
Package deleteapp contains the Fyne app for deleting the current users's data.
Package deleteapp contains the Fyne app for deleting the current users's data. |
Package evehtml provides converters to deal with Eve Online HTML.
Package evehtml provides converters to deal with Eve Online HTML. |
Package eveicon provides access to Eve online icons as Fyne resource.
Package eveicon provides access to Eve online icons as Fyne resource. |
Package eveimage provides cached access to images from the Eve Online image server.
Package eveimage provides cached access to images from the Eve Online image server. |
Package fynetree contains a type that makes using Fyne tree widgets easier.
Package fynetree contains a type that makes using Fyne tree widgets easier. |
package github contains features for accessing repos on Github.
package github contains features for accessing repos on Github. |
Package http provides custom http transport implementations.
Package http provides custom http transport implementations. |
Package humanize transforms values into more user friendly representations.
Package humanize transforms values into more user friendly representations. |
Package migrate provides a simple mechanism for dealing with migrations of a SQLite database.
Package migrate provides a simple mechanism for dealing with migrations of a SQLite database. |
Package optional provides the generic type Optional, which represents an optional value.
Package optional provides the generic type Optional, which represents an optional value. |
Package set implements a generic set container type.
Package set implements a generic set container type. |
Package sso provides the ability to authenticate characters with the Eve Online SSO API for desktop apps.
Package sso provides the ability to authenticate characters with the Eve Online SSO API for desktop apps. |
Package syncqueue provides queues for cuncurrent use.
Package syncqueue provides queues for cuncurrent use. |
Package widgets contains custom widgets for this app.
Package widgets contains custom widgets for this app. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.