Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func HandleLogin(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func HandleLogout(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func RenderHomePage(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func RenderLoginPage(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func SanitizeUsername(first_name string, last_name string) (username string)
- func ServeLoginPage(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- type GenericInfo
- type Playlist
- type PlaylistItem
- type Server
- func (s *Server) ADBConnect() (connection adb_wrapper.Wrapper)
- func (s *Server) ADBGetScreenshot(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBPause(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBPlay(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBPrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBStop(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ADBWakeup()
- func (s *Server) BrowserAudioPlayerSetPosition(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserOpenAudioPlayer(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserOpenURL(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserOpenVideoPlayer(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserReady(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserReadyFresh(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) BrowserReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) BrowserWebSocketHandler(c *websocket.Conn)
- func (s *Server) DisneyContinuousOpen()
- func (s *Server) DisneyID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) DisneyMovieNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) DisneyMoviePrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) DisneyOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) DisneyReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) DisneySelectProfile()
- func (s *Server) Get(key string) (result string)
- func (s *Server) GetBrowserAudioPlayer(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetBrowserVideoPlayer(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetJSON(key string, target interface{})
- func (s *Server) GetStatus() (result Status)
- func (s *Server) GetStatusUrl(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetTwitchLiveRefresh(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetTwitchLiveUpdate(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetTwitchLiveUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) GetYouTubeLiveUpdate(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Governor()
- func (s *Server) HuluContinuousOpen()
- func (s *Server) HuluID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) HuluMovieNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) HuluMoviePrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) HuluOpenURI(uri string)
- func (s *Server) HuluReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) HuluSelectProfile()
- func (s *Server) HuluTVID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) HuluTVNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) HuluTVPrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Log(message string)
- func (s *Server) LogRequest(context *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixContinuousOpen() (was_closed bool)
- func (s *Server) NetflixID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixMovieNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixMoviePrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) NetflixReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) NetflixSelectProfile()
- func (s *Server) NetflixTVID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixTVNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) NetflixTVPrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Next(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Off(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Pause(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Play(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) PlaylistAdd(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Previous(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Printf(format_string string, args ...interface{})
- func (s *Server) ReStreamRestart(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ReStreamStop(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) ReStreamURL(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) Resume(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SelectFireCubeProfile()
- func (s *Server) Set(key string, value interface{}) (result string)
- func (s *Server) SetJSON(key string, value interface{}) (result string)
- func (s *Server) SetupAdminRoutes()
- func (s *Server) SetupPublicRoutes()
- func (s *Server) SetupRoutes()
- func (s *Server) SpotifyContinuousOpen() (was_open bool)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyGetActiveButtonIndex() (result int)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyGetActiveButtonIndexFromScreenshotBytes(screenshot_bytes *[]byte) (result int)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyIsShuffleOn() (result bool)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyNavigateToUIIndexFromScreenshotBytes(screenshot_bytes *[]byte, ui_button_index int)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyNextPlaylist()
- func (s *Server) SpotifyNextPlaylistWithShuffle(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyNextSong(song_id string)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyPlaylist(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyPlaylistWithShuffle(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyPressPreviousButton()
- func (s *Server) SpotifyPreviousPlaylist(playlist_id string)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyPreviousSong(song_id string)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) SpotifySetShuffle(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyShuffleOff() (was_on bool)
- func (s *Server) SpotifyShuffleOn() (was_on bool)
- func (s *Server) SpotifySong(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) SpotifyUpdate()
- func (s *Server) SpotifyWaitOnNowPlaying()
- func (s *Server) Start()
- func (s *Server) Stop(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StoreLibrary()
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckAudioBook(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckDisney(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckEscapeRope(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckHeart(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckHulu(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckHuluTVSeries(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckNetflix(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckSpotify(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckTest(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckTwitch(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckTwitchBackground(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckTwitchUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) StreamDeckYouTube(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVGetInput(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVGetVolume(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVIRSendCode(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVMuteOff(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVMuteOn(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVPowerOff(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVPowerOn(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVPowerStatus(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVPrepare(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVSetInput(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TVSetVolume(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TimeSinceLastStart() (result time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) TwitchContinuousOpen()
- func (s *Server) TwitchFilterCurratedFollers(input_list []string) (result []string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchGetLiveFollowers() (result []string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchGetUserInfo(username string) (result Stream)
- func (s *Server) TwitchID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TwitchIsUserLive(username string) (result bool)
- func (s *Server) TwitchLiveNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TwitchLivePrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TwitchLiveRefresh() (result []string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchLiveSetQualityMax(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) TwitchLiveUpdate() (result []string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchRefreshAuthToken() (access_token string)
- func (s *Server) TwitchReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) TwitchValidateToken(access_token string) (result int)
- func (s *Server) VLCContinuousOpen() (was_open bool)
- func (s *Server) VLCID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) VLCNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) VLCOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) VLCPlayURL(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) VLCPlaylistAddURL(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) VLCPrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) VLCReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) YouTubeContinuousOpen() (was_open bool)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeGetChannelId(channel_name string) (result string)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeGetChannelsLiveVideos(channel_id string) (result []YoutubeVideo)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeGetPlaylistVideos(playlist_id string) (result []YoutubeVideo)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeID(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubeIsVideoIdAvailable(video_id string) (result bool)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeLiveNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubeLivePrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubeLiveUpdate() (result []string)
- func (s *Server) YouTubeOpenID(sent_id string)
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistAddPlaylist(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistAddVideo(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistDeleteVideo(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistGet(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistGetIndex(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistGetNextAvailableVideoID(playlist_key string) (video_id string)
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistGetPreviousAvailableVideoID(playlist_key string) (video_id string)
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistNext(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistPrevious(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubePlaylistSetIndex(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- func (s *Server) YouTubeReopenApp()
- func (s *Server) YouTubeVideo(c *fiber.Ctx) error
- type Status
- type Stream
- type YouTubeResponseItem
- type YoutubePlaylistResponse
- type YoutubeResponse
- type YoutubeVideo
- type YoutubeVideoInfo
Constants ¶
const ADS_PACKAGE = ""
const FIREFOX_FOCUS_ACTIVITY = "org.mozilla.focus/org.mozilla.focus.activity.MainActivity" const FIREFOX_FOCUS_APP_NAME = "org.mozilla.focus" const FIREFOX_ACTIVITY = "org.mozilla.firefox/org.mozilla.fenix.customtabs.ExternalAppBrowserActivity" const FIREFOX_APP_NAME = "org.mozilla.firefox"
Variables ¶
var APP_NAMES = []string{"twitch", "disney", "youtube", "spotify", "vlc", "hulu", "netflix"}
Functions ¶
func HandleLogin ¶
func HandleLogout ¶
func RenderHomePage ¶
func RenderLoginPage ¶
func SanitizeUsername ¶
weak attempt at sanitizing form input to build a "username"
func ServeLoginPage ¶
Types ¶
type GenericInfo ¶
type GenericInfo struct { ADBStatus interface{} `json:"adb_status"` PlayerName string `json:"player_name"` Activity string `json:"activity"` Package string `json:"package"` PlayerState string `json:"player_state"` CachedPlayerName string `json:"cached_player_name"` CachedPlayerCommand string `json:"cached_player_name"` }
type Playlist ¶
type Playlist []PlaylistItem
type PlaylistItem ¶
type PlaylistItem struct { Type string `json:"type"` SubType string `json:"sub_type"` URL string `json:"url"` URI string `json:"uri"` Position int `json:"position"` Watched bool `json:"watched"` TimesWatched int `json:"times_watched"` TimesSkipped int `json:"times_skipped"` TimesPlayed int `json:"times_played"` }
type Server ¶
type Server struct { FiberApp *fiber.App `yaml:"fiber_app"` Config types.ConfigFile `yaml:"config"` DB *redis.Client `yaml:"-"` ADB adb_wrapper.Wrapper `json:"-"` TV *tv_controller.Controller `json:"-"` Status Status `json:"-"` StatusMutex sync.Mutex `json:"-"` }
var GlobalServer *Server
func (*Server) ADBConnect ¶
func (s *Server) ADBConnect() (connection adb_wrapper.Wrapper)
func (*Server) BrowserAudioPlayerSetPosition ¶
func (*Server) BrowserReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) BrowserReopenApp()
func (*Server) BrowserWebSocketHandler ¶
func (*Server) DisneyContinuousOpen ¶
func (s *Server) DisneyContinuousOpen()
func (*Server) DisneyOpenID ¶
func (*Server) DisneyReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) DisneyReopenApp()
func (*Server) DisneySelectProfile ¶
func (s *Server) DisneySelectProfile()
func (*Server) GetBrowserAudioPlayer ¶
func (*Server) GetBrowserVideoPlayer ¶
func (*Server) GetJSON ¶
var test = &types.ConfigFile{} s.GetJSON( "config" , test ) fmt.Println( test.BoltDBEncryptionKey )
func (*Server) HuluContinuousOpen ¶
func (s *Server) HuluContinuousOpen()
func (*Server) HuluOpenURI ¶
func (*Server) HuluReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) HuluReopenApp()
func (*Server) HuluSelectProfile ¶
func (s *Server) HuluSelectProfile()
func (*Server) NetflixContinuousOpen ¶
func (*Server) NetflixOpenID ¶
func (*Server) NetflixReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) NetflixReopenApp()
func (*Server) NetflixSelectProfile ¶
func (s *Server) NetflixSelectProfile()
func (*Server) SelectFireCubeProfile ¶
func (s *Server) SelectFireCubeProfile()
func (*Server) SetJSON ¶ fmt.Println( s.DB.JSONSet ) 😭
func (*Server) SetupAdminRoutes ¶
func (s *Server) SetupAdminRoutes()
func (*Server) SetupPublicRoutes ¶
func (s *Server) SetupPublicRoutes()
func (*Server) SetupRoutes ¶
func (s *Server) SetupRoutes()
func (*Server) SpotifyContinuousOpen ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyGetActiveButtonIndex ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyGetActiveButtonIndexFromScreenshotBytes ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyIsShuffleOn ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyNavigateToUIIndexFromScreenshotBytes ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyNextPlaylist ¶
func (s *Server) SpotifyNextPlaylist()
func (*Server) SpotifyNextPlaylistWithShuffle ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyNextSong ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyOpenID ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyPlaylistWithShuffle ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyPressPreviousButton ¶
func (s *Server) SpotifyPressPreviousButton()
func (*Server) SpotifyPreviousPlaylist ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyPreviousSong ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) SpotifyReopenApp()
func (*Server) SpotifyShuffleOff ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyShuffleOn ¶
func (*Server) SpotifySong ¶
func (*Server) SpotifyUpdate ¶
func (s *Server) SpotifyUpdate()
func (*Server) SpotifyWaitOnNowPlaying ¶
func (s *Server) SpotifyWaitOnNowPlaying()
func (*Server) StoreLibrary ¶
func (s *Server) StoreLibrary()
func (*Server) StreamDeckHuluTVSeries ¶ added in v1.1.100
func (*Server) StreamDeckTwitchBackground ¶
func (*Server) TimeSinceLastStart ¶
func (*Server) TwitchContinuousOpen ¶
func (s *Server) TwitchContinuousOpen()
func (*Server) TwitchFilterCurratedFollers ¶
func (*Server) TwitchGetLiveFollowers ¶
func (*Server) TwitchGetUserInfo ¶
func (*Server) TwitchIsUserLive ¶
func (*Server) TwitchLiveRefresh ¶
func (*Server) TwitchLiveSetQualityMax ¶
literally trolling , we have to get pixel values to know where we are being bullied in the quality selection menu
func (*Server) TwitchLiveUpdate ¶
Update DB With List of Currated Live Followers
func (*Server) TwitchOpenID ¶
func (*Server) TwitchRefreshAuthToken ¶
func (*Server) TwitchReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) TwitchReopenApp()
func (*Server) TwitchValidateToken ¶
Token Validation curl -X GET '' \ -H 'Authorization: OAuth asdf'
func (*Server) VLCContinuousOpen ¶
func (*Server) VLCPlaylistAddURL ¶
Custom Playlist Stuff
func (*Server) VLCReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) VLCReopenApp()
func (*Server) YouTubeContinuousOpen ¶
func (*Server) YouTubeGetChannelId ¶
or just goto dev console on youtube channel's /stream page and run `ytInitialData.metadata.channelMetadataRenderer.externalId`
func (*Server) YouTubeGetChannelsLiveVideos ¶
func (s *Server) YouTubeGetChannelsLiveVideos(channel_id string) (result []YoutubeVideo)
func (*Server) YouTubeGetPlaylistVideos ¶
func (s *Server) YouTubeGetPlaylistVideos(playlist_id string) (result []YoutubeVideo)
func (*Server) YouTubeIsVideoIdAvailable ¶
func (*Server) YouTubeLiveUpdate ¶
Update DB With List of Currated Live Followers fucking idiots with this god damn quota. bro
func (*Server) YouTubeOpenID ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistAddPlaylist ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistAddVideo ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistDeleteVideo ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistGetIndex ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistGetNextAvailableVideoID ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistGetPreviousAvailableVideoID ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistNext ¶
This is not a youtube playlist , this is our own "playlist" android youtube app still doesn't have intents for playlist loading
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistPrevious ¶
func (*Server) YouTubePlaylistSetIndex ¶
func (*Server) YouTubeReopenApp ¶
func (s *Server) YouTubeReopenApp()
type Status ¶
type Status struct { StartTime string `json:"start_time"` StartTimeOBJ time.Time `json:"-"` PlayerName string `json:"player_name"` PlayerCommand string `json:"player_command"` NowPlayingID string `json:"now_playing_id"` NowPlayingText string `json:"now_playing_text"` PreviousPlayerName string `json:"previous_player_name"` PreviousPlayerCommand string `json:"previous_player_command"` PreviousStartTime string `json:"previous_start_time"` PreviousStartTimeOBJ time.Time `json:"-"` PreviousStartTimeDuration time.Duration `json:"-"` PreviousStartTimeDurationSeconds float64 `json:"previous_start_time_duration_seconds"` ADB adb_wrapper.Status `json:"adb"` TV tv_controller.Status `json:"tv"` }
type Stream ¶
type Stream struct { ID string `json:"id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` UserLogin string `json:"user_login"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` GameID string `json:"game_id"` GameName string `json:"game_name"` Type string `json:"type"` Title string `json:"title"` ViewerCount int `json:"viewer_count"` StartedAt string `json:"started_at"` Language string `json:"language"` ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnail_url"` IsMature bool `json:"is_mature"` }
curl -H 'Client-ID: your_client_id' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \ -X GET ''
type YouTubeResponseItem ¶
type YoutubePlaylistResponse ¶
type YoutubeResponse ¶
type YoutubeResponse struct {
Items []YouTubeResponseItem `json:"items"`
type YoutubeVideo ¶
type YoutubeVideoInfo ¶
type YoutubeVideoInfo struct { Items []struct { ID string `json:"id"` } `json:"items"` }