Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Jul 1, 2024
License: Unlicense
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 11
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
Fire C2 Server

- all "fresh" / "wake-up" commands need to first check if we are on the amazon firecube profile selection screen ...
adb shell pm list users
- switching back to redis
- Find some new way to get the config and db reference into logger package.
- apparently there is init() in go? that gets called before main starts ...
- Audio playing locally through speakers here instead of on streamdeck
- HTML Control Panels
- Spotify
- Detect if media control overlay is already open
- add just generic get status pre-call
- don't press anything , get 1 screenshot , detect multiple things
- now playing , which key index , shuffle status , media_controls open?
- YouTube
- adhoc playlist support
- fix s.YouTubeIsVideoIdAvailable( video_id )
- stream could just be ended , but video_id still valid
- Disney
- detect spining circle , stall-out
- force app reload with same uuid
- Twitch
- take screenshots of stream ui
- have to detect where we are in the quality selection menu
- "weird" quality selection menu trap
- start storing better state details to improve status
- fix sleep ?
adb shell settings get secure sleep_timeout
adb shell settings put secure sleep_timeout 2147483647
- PushOver Notifications
- Automatic Staging on HDMI of Twitch Live Streams
- SSH ?
ADB First Time Connection
Enter new Docker Container and Run :
adb connect $FireCubeIP:5555
failed to authenticate to
Accept the connection on the Fire Cube TV
Confirm Connection :
adb devices
sudo docker cp public-fire-c2-server:/home/morphs/.android ADB_KEYS
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ADB_KEYS/
Change to mount the ADB_KEYS folder
There is no documentation for this package.
Source Files
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.