Overview ¶
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: (interfaces: Client,OFEntryOperations)
Generated by this command:
mockgen -copyright_file hack/boilerplate/license_header.raw.txt -destination pkg/agent/openflow/testing/mock_openflow.go -package testing Client,OFEntryOperations
Package testing is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockClient
- func (m *MockClient) AddAddressToDNSConjunction(arg0 uint32, arg1 []types.Address) error
- func (m *MockClient) AddPolicyRuleAddress(arg0 uint32, arg1 types.AddressType, arg2 []types.Address, arg3 *uint16, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 []*types.PolicyRule) error
- func (m *MockClient) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction(arg0 uint32, arg1 []types.Address) error
- func (m *MockClient) DeletePolicyRuleAddress(arg0 uint32, arg1 types.AddressType, arg2 []types.Address, arg3 *uint16) error
- func (m *MockClient) DeleteStaleFlows() error
- func (m *MockClient) Disconnect() error
- func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockClient) GetFlowTableStatus() []openflow.TableStatus
- func (m *MockClient) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys(arg0, arg1 string) []string
- func (m *MockClient) GetPodFlowKeys(arg0 string) []string
- func (m *MockClient) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction(arg0 uint32) (bool, *v1beta2.NetworkPolicyReference, string, string, string)
- func (m *MockClient) GetServiceFlowKeys(arg0 net.IP, arg1 uint16, arg2 openflow.Protocol, arg3 []proxy.Endpoint) []string
- func (m *MockClient) GetTunnelVirtualMAC() net.HardwareAddr
- func (m *MockClient) Initialize(arg0 types.RoundInfo, arg1 *config.NodeConfig, arg2 *config.NetworkConfig, ...) (<-chan struct{}, error)
- func (m *MockClient) InstallEgressQoS(arg0, arg1, arg2 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallEndpointFlows(arg0 openflow.Protocol, arg1 []proxy.Endpoint) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows() error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastFlows(arg0 net.IP, arg1 openflow.GroupIDType) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType, arg1 []uint32, arg2 []net.IP) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows(arg0 uint32, arg1 bool) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2, arg3 net.IP, arg4 bool) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2 net.IP, arg3 bool) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0, arg1 net.IP) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallNodeFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2 *ip.DualStackIPs, arg3 uint32, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallPodFlows(arg0 string, arg1 []net.IP, arg2 net.HardwareAddr, arg3 uint32, arg4 uint16, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallPodSNATFlows(arg0 uint32, arg1 net.IP, arg2 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallPolicyBypassFlows(arg0 openflow.Protocol, arg1 *net.IPNet, arg2 uint16, arg3 bool) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 *types.PolicyRule) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows(arg0 []*net.IPNet) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 net.IP, arg1 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallServiceFlows(arg0 *types.ServiceConfig) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallServiceGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType, arg1 bool, arg2 []proxy.Endpoint) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 byte, arg1, arg2, arg3 bool, arg4 *openflow.Packet, arg5 uint32, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 string, arg1 []uint32, arg2 uint32, arg3 v1alpha2.Direction, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) InstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 string, arg1, arg2 int32) error
- func (m *MockClient) IsConnected() bool
- func (m *MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetrics() map[string]*types.RuleMetric
- func (m *MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP(arg0 net.IP) *types.RuleMetric
- func (m *MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetrics() map[uint32]*types.RuleMetric
- func (m *MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort(arg0 int32) *types.RuleMetric
- func (m *MockClient) NetworkPolicyMetrics() map[uint32]*types.RuleMetric
- func (m *MockClient) NewDNSPacketInConjunction(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) ReassignFlowPriorities(arg0 map[uint16]uint16, arg1 byte) error
- func (m *MockClient) RegisterPacketInHandler(arg0 byte, arg1 any)
- func (m *MockClient) ReplayFlows()
- func (m *MockClient) ResumePausePacket(arg0 *ofctrl.PacketIn) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendEthPacketOut(arg0, arg1 uint32, arg2 *protocol.Ethernet, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendICMPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 byte, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut(arg0 net.HardwareAddr, arg1 net.IP, arg2 uint32, arg3 util.Message) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut(arg0 net.HardwareAddr, arg1 net.IP, arg2 util.Message) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendTCPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 uint16, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendTraceflowPacket(arg0 byte, arg1 *openflow.Packet, arg2 uint32, arg3 int32) error
- func (m *MockClient) SendUDPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 uint16, ...) error
- func (m *MockClient) StartPacketInHandler(arg0 <-chan struct{})
- func (m *MockClient) SubscribePacketIn(arg0 byte, arg1 *openflow.PacketInQueue) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallEgressQoS(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallEndpointFlows(arg0 openflow.Protocol, arg1 []proxy.Endpoint) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticastFlows(arg0 net.IP) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticastGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterFlows(arg0 string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0 string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallNodeFlows(arg0 string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallPodFlows(arg0 string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallPodSNATFlows(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 uint32) ([]string, error)
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallServiceFlows(arg0 net.IP, arg1 uint16, arg2 openflow.Protocol) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallServiceGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 byte) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 string) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 uint32) error
- func (m *MockClient) UninstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 string) error
- type MockClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddAddressToDNSConjunction(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddPolicyRuleAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeletePolicyRuleAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteStaleFlows() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Disconnect() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetFlowTableStatus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetPodFlowKeys(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetServiceFlowKeys(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetTunnelVirtualMAC() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Initialize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEgressQoS(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEndpointFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastGroup(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallNodeFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodSNATFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyBypassFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceGroup(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTraceflowFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsConnected() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetrics() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetrics() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NetworkPolicyMetrics() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NewDNSPacketInConjunction(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ReassignFlowPriorities(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RegisterPacketInHandler(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ReplayFlows() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ResumePausePacket(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendEthPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendICMPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendTCPPacketOut(...) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendTraceflowPacket(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendUDPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) StartPacketInHandler(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SubscribePacketIn(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEgressQoS(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEndpointFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastGroup(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallNodeFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodSNATFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceGroup(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- type MockOFEntryOperations
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) AddAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) AddOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) BundleOps(arg0, arg1, arg2 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) EXPECT() *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
- func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
- type MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) BundleOps(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockClient ¶
type MockClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClient is a mock of Client interface.
func NewMockClient ¶
func NewMockClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClient
NewMockClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockClient) AddAddressToDNSConjunction ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MockClient) AddAddressToDNSConjunction(arg0 uint32, arg1 []types.Address) error
AddAddressToDNSConjunction mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) AddPolicyRuleAddress ¶
func (m *MockClient) AddPolicyRuleAddress(arg0 uint32, arg1 types.AddressType, arg2 []types.Address, arg3 *uint16, arg4, arg5 bool) error
AddPolicyRuleAddress mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 []*types.PolicyRule) error
BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MockClient) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction(arg0 uint32, arg1 []types.Address) error
DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) DeletePolicyRuleAddress ¶
func (m *MockClient) DeletePolicyRuleAddress(arg0 uint32, arg1 types.AddressType, arg2 []types.Address, arg3 *uint16) error
DeletePolicyRuleAddress mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) DeleteStaleFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) DeleteStaleFlows() error
DeleteStaleFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Disconnect ¶
func (m *MockClient) Disconnect() error
Disconnect mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockClient) GetFlowTableStatus ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetFlowTableStatus() []openflow.TableStatus
GetFlowTableStatus mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys(arg0, arg1 string) []string
GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GetPodFlowKeys ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetPodFlowKeys(arg0 string) []string
GetPodFlowKeys mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction(arg0 uint32) (bool, *v1beta2.NetworkPolicyReference, string, string, string)
GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GetServiceFlowKeys ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetServiceFlowKeys(arg0 net.IP, arg1 uint16, arg2 openflow.Protocol, arg3 []proxy.Endpoint) []string
GetServiceFlowKeys mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) GetTunnelVirtualMAC ¶
func (m *MockClient) GetTunnelVirtualMAC() net.HardwareAddr
GetTunnelVirtualMAC mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Initialize ¶
func (m *MockClient) Initialize(arg0 types.RoundInfo, arg1 *config.NodeConfig, arg2 *config.NetworkConfig, arg3 *config.EgressConfig, arg4 *config.ServiceConfig, arg5 *config.L7NetworkPolicyConfig) (<-chan struct{}, error)
Initialize mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallEgressQoS ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallEgressQoS(arg0, arg1, arg2 uint32) error
InstallEgressQoS mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallEndpointFlows ¶
InstallEndpointFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows() error
InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticastFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastFlows(arg0 net.IP, arg1 openflow.GroupIDType) error
InstallMulticastFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticastGroup ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType, arg1 []uint32, arg2 []net.IP) error
InstallMulticastGroup mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows(arg0 uint32, arg1 bool) error
InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2, arg3 net.IP, arg4 bool) error
InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2 net.IP, arg3 bool) error
InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0, arg1 net.IP) error
InstallMulticlusterPodFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallNodeFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallNodeFlows(arg0 string, arg1 map[*net.IPNet]net.IP, arg2 *ip.DualStackIPs, arg3 uint32, arg4 net.HardwareAddr) error
InstallNodeFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallPodFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallPodFlows(arg0 string, arg1 []net.IP, arg2 net.HardwareAddr, arg3 uint32, arg4 uint16, arg5 *uint32) error
InstallPodFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallPodSNATFlows ¶
InstallPodSNATFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallPolicyBypassFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallPolicyBypassFlows(arg0 openflow.Protocol, arg1 *net.IPNet, arg2 uint16, arg3 bool) error
InstallPolicyBypassFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 *types.PolicyRule) error
InstallPolicyRuleFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows ¶ added in v1.11.4
func (m *MockClient) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows(arg0 []*net.IPNet) error
InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallSNATMarkFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 net.IP, arg1 uint32) error
InstallSNATMarkFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallServiceFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallServiceFlows(arg0 *types.ServiceConfig) error
InstallServiceFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallServiceGroup ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallServiceGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType, arg1 bool, arg2 []proxy.Endpoint) error
InstallServiceGroup mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallTraceflowFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) InstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 byte, arg1, arg2, arg3 bool, arg4 *openflow.Packet, arg5 uint32, arg6 uint16) error
InstallTraceflowFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 string, arg1 []uint32, arg2 uint32, arg3 v1alpha2.Direction, arg4 v1alpha2.TrafficControlAction, arg5 types.TrafficControlFlowPriority) error
InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 uint32) error
InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) InstallVMUplinkFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (m *MockClient) InstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 string, arg1, arg2 int32) error
InstallVMUplinkFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) IsConnected ¶
func (m *MockClient) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetrics ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetrics() map[string]*types.RuleMetric
MulticastEgressPodMetrics mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP(arg0 net.IP) *types.RuleMetric
MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetrics ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetrics() map[uint32]*types.RuleMetric
MulticastIngressPodMetrics mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort(arg0 int32) *types.RuleMetric
MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) NetworkPolicyMetrics ¶
func (m *MockClient) NetworkPolicyMetrics() map[uint32]*types.RuleMetric
NetworkPolicyMetrics mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) NewDNSPacketInConjunction ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (m *MockClient) NewDNSPacketInConjunction(arg0 uint32) error
NewDNSPacketInConjunction mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ReassignFlowPriorities ¶
func (m *MockClient) ReassignFlowPriorities(arg0 map[uint16]uint16, arg1 byte) error
ReassignFlowPriorities mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RegisterPacketInHandler ¶
func (m *MockClient) RegisterPacketInHandler(arg0 byte, arg1 any)
RegisterPacketInHandler mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) ResumePausePacket ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (m *MockClient) ResumePausePacket(arg0 *ofctrl.PacketIn) error
ResumePausePacket mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendEthPacketOut ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (m *MockClient) SendEthPacketOut(arg0, arg1 uint32, arg2 *protocol.Ethernet, arg3 func(openflow.PacketOutBuilder) openflow.PacketOutBuilder) error
SendEthPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendICMPPacketOut ¶
func (m *MockClient) SendICMPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 byte, arg9 []byte, arg10 func(openflow.PacketOutBuilder) openflow.PacketOutBuilder) error
SendICMPPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (m *MockClient) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut(arg0 net.HardwareAddr, arg1 net.IP, arg2 uint32, arg3 util.Message) error
SendIGMPQueryPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (m *MockClient) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut(arg0 net.HardwareAddr, arg1 net.IP, arg2 util.Message) error
SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendTCPPacketOut ¶
func (m *MockClient) SendTCPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 uint16, arg9, arg10 uint32, arg11, arg12 byte, arg13 uint16, arg14 []byte, arg15 func(openflow.PacketOutBuilder) openflow.PacketOutBuilder) error
SendTCPPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendTraceflowPacket ¶
func (m *MockClient) SendTraceflowPacket(arg0 byte, arg1 *openflow.Packet, arg2 uint32, arg3 int32) error
SendTraceflowPacket mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SendUDPPacketOut ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MockClient) SendUDPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 string, arg4, arg5 uint32, arg6 bool, arg7, arg8 uint16, arg9 []byte, arg10 func(openflow.PacketOutBuilder) openflow.PacketOutBuilder) error
SendUDPPacketOut mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) StartPacketInHandler ¶
func (m *MockClient) StartPacketInHandler(arg0 <-chan struct{})
StartPacketInHandler mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) SubscribePacketIn ¶
func (m *MockClient) SubscribePacketIn(arg0 byte, arg1 *openflow.PacketInQueue) error
SubscribePacketIn mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallEgressQoS ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallEgressQoS(arg0 uint32) error
UninstallEgressQoS mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallEndpointFlows ¶
UninstallEndpointFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallMulticastFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticastFlows(arg0 net.IP) error
UninstallMulticastFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallMulticastGroup ¶ added in v1.7.2
func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticastGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
UninstallMulticastGroup mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallMulticlusterFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallNodeFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallNodeFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallNodeFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallPodFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallPodFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallPodFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallPodSNATFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallPodSNATFlows(arg0 uint32) error
UninstallPodSNATFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 uint32) ([]string, error)
UninstallPolicyRuleFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallSNATMarkFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 uint32) error
UninstallSNATMarkFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallServiceFlows ¶
UninstallServiceFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallServiceGroup ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallServiceGroup(arg0 openflow.GroupIDType) error
UninstallServiceGroup mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallTraceflowFlows ¶
func (m *MockClient) UninstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 byte) error
UninstallTraceflowFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 uint32) error
UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UninstallVMUplinkFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (m *MockClient) UninstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 string) error
UninstallVMUplinkFlows mocks base method.
type MockClientMockRecorder ¶
type MockClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClient.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) AddAddressToDNSConjunction ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddAddressToDNSConjunction(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
AddAddressToDNSConjunction indicates an expected call of AddAddressToDNSConjunction.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) AddPolicyRuleAddress ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddPolicyRuleAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
AddPolicyRuleAddress indicates an expected call of AddPolicyRuleAddress.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows indicates an expected call of BatchInstallPolicyRuleFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction indicates an expected call of DeleteAddressFromDNSConjunction.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) DeletePolicyRuleAddress ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeletePolicyRuleAddress(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
DeletePolicyRuleAddress indicates an expected call of DeletePolicyRuleAddress.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteStaleFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) DeleteStaleFlows() *gomock.Call
DeleteStaleFlows indicates an expected call of DeleteStaleFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Disconnect ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Disconnect() *gomock.Call
Disconnect indicates an expected call of Disconnect.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetFlowTableStatus ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetFlowTableStatus() *gomock.Call
GetFlowTableStatus indicates an expected call of GetFlowTableStatus.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys indicates an expected call of GetNetworkPolicyFlowKeys.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetPodFlowKeys ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetPodFlowKeys(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
GetPodFlowKeys indicates an expected call of GetPodFlowKeys.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction indicates an expected call of GetPolicyInfoFromConjunction.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetServiceFlowKeys ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetServiceFlowKeys(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
GetServiceFlowKeys indicates an expected call of GetServiceFlowKeys.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) GetTunnelVirtualMAC ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) GetTunnelVirtualMAC() *gomock.Call
GetTunnelVirtualMAC indicates an expected call of GetTunnelVirtualMAC.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Initialize ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Initialize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
Initialize indicates an expected call of Initialize.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEgressQoS ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEgressQoS(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
InstallEgressQoS indicates an expected call of InstallEgressQoS.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEndpointFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallEndpointFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
InstallEndpointFlows indicates an expected call of InstallEndpointFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows() *gomock.Call
InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticastFlexibleIPAMFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticastFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticastFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastGroup ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastGroup(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticastGroup indicates an expected call of InstallMulticastGroup.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticastRemoteReportFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticlusterClassifierFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticlusterGatewayFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticlusterNodeFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
InstallMulticlusterPodFlows indicates an expected call of InstallMulticlusterPodFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallNodeFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallNodeFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 any) *gomock.Call
InstallNodeFlows indicates an expected call of InstallNodeFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
InstallPodFlows indicates an expected call of InstallPodFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodSNATFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPodSNATFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
InstallPodSNATFlows indicates an expected call of InstallPodSNATFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyBypassFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyBypassFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
InstallPolicyBypassFlows indicates an expected call of InstallPolicyBypassFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
InstallPolicyRuleFlows indicates an expected call of InstallPolicyRuleFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows ¶ added in v1.11.4
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows indicates an expected call of InstallSNATBypassServiceFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATMarkFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
InstallSNATMarkFlows indicates an expected call of InstallSNATMarkFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
InstallServiceFlows indicates an expected call of InstallServiceFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceGroup ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallServiceGroup(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
InstallServiceGroup indicates an expected call of InstallServiceGroup.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTraceflowFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTraceflowFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 any) *gomock.Call
InstallTraceflowFlows indicates an expected call of InstallTraceflowFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 any) *gomock.Call
InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows indicates an expected call of InstallTrafficControlMarkFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow indicates an expected call of InstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) InstallVMUplinkFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) InstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
InstallVMUplinkFlows indicates an expected call of InstallVMUplinkFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IsConnected ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IsConnected() *gomock.Call
IsConnected indicates an expected call of IsConnected.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetrics ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetrics() *gomock.Call
MulticastEgressPodMetrics indicates an expected call of MulticastEgressPodMetrics.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP indicates an expected call of MulticastEgressPodMetricsByIP.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetrics ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetrics() *gomock.Call
MulticastIngressPodMetrics indicates an expected call of MulticastIngressPodMetrics.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort indicates an expected call of MulticastIngressPodMetricsByOFPort.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) NetworkPolicyMetrics ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NetworkPolicyMetrics() *gomock.Call
NetworkPolicyMetrics indicates an expected call of NetworkPolicyMetrics.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) NewDNSPacketInConjunction ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) NewDNSPacketInConjunction(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
NewDNSPacketInConjunction indicates an expected call of NewDNSPacketInConjunction.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ReassignFlowPriorities ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ReassignFlowPriorities(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
ReassignFlowPriorities indicates an expected call of ReassignFlowPriorities.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RegisterPacketInHandler ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RegisterPacketInHandler(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
RegisterPacketInHandler indicates an expected call of RegisterPacketInHandler.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ReplayFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ReplayFlows() *gomock.Call
ReplayFlows indicates an expected call of ReplayFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) ResumePausePacket ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) ResumePausePacket(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
ResumePausePacket indicates an expected call of ResumePausePacket.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendEthPacketOut ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendEthPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
SendEthPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendEthPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendICMPPacketOut ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendICMPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10 any) *gomock.Call
SendICMPPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendICMPPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPQueryPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
SendIGMPQueryPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendIGMPQueryPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendIGMPRemoteReportPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendTCPPacketOut ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendTCPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15 any) *gomock.Call
SendTCPPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendTCPPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendTraceflowPacket ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendTraceflowPacket(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 any) *gomock.Call
SendTraceflowPacket indicates an expected call of SendTraceflowPacket.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SendUDPPacketOut ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SendUDPPacketOut(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10 any) *gomock.Call
SendUDPPacketOut indicates an expected call of SendUDPPacketOut.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) StartPacketInHandler ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) StartPacketInHandler(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
StartPacketInHandler indicates an expected call of StartPacketInHandler.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) SubscribePacketIn ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) SubscribePacketIn(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
SubscribePacketIn indicates an expected call of SubscribePacketIn.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEgressQoS ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEgressQoS(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallEgressQoS indicates an expected call of UninstallEgressQoS.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEndpointFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallEndpointFlows(arg0, arg1 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallEndpointFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallEndpointFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallMulticastFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallMulticastFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastGroup ¶ added in v1.7.2
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticastGroup(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallMulticastGroup indicates an expected call of UninstallMulticastGroup.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallMulticlusterFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallMulticlusterFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallMulticlusterPodFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallNodeFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallNodeFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallNodeFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallNodeFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallPodFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallPodFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodSNATFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPodSNATFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallPodSNATFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallPodSNATFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallPolicyRuleFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallPolicyRuleFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallPolicyRuleFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallSNATMarkFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallSNATMarkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallSNATMarkFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallSNATMarkFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceFlows(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallServiceFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallServiceFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceGroup ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallServiceGroup(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallServiceGroup indicates an expected call of UninstallServiceGroup.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTraceflowFlows ¶
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTraceflowFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallTraceflowFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallTraceflowFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallTrafficControlMarkFlows.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow indicates an expected call of UninstallTrafficControlReturnPortFlow.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallVMUplinkFlows ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UninstallVMUplinkFlows(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
UninstallVMUplinkFlows indicates an expected call of UninstallVMUplinkFlows.
type MockOFEntryOperations ¶
type MockOFEntryOperations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOFEntryOperations is a mock of OFEntryOperations interface.
func NewMockOFEntryOperations ¶
func NewMockOFEntryOperations(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOFEntryOperations
NewMockOFEntryOperations creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) AddAll ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) AddAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
AddAll mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) AddOFEntries ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) AddOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
AddOFEntries mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) BundleOps ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) BundleOps(arg0, arg1, arg2 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
BundleOps mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteAll ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
DeleteAll mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteOFEntries ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) DeleteOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
DeleteOFEntries mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) EXPECT() *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyAll ¶
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyAll(arg0 []*openflow15.FlowMod) error
ModifyAll mocks base method.
func (*MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyOFEntries ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (m *MockOFEntryOperations) ModifyOFEntries(arg0 []openflow.OFEntry) error
ModifyOFEntries mocks base method.
type MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder ¶
type MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOFEntryOperations.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddAll ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
AddAll indicates an expected call of AddAll.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddOFEntries ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) AddOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
AddOFEntries indicates an expected call of AddOFEntries.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) BundleOps ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) BundleOps(arg0, arg1, arg2 any) *gomock.Call
BundleOps indicates an expected call of BundleOps.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteAll ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
DeleteAll indicates an expected call of DeleteAll.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteOFEntries ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) DeleteOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
DeleteOFEntries indicates an expected call of DeleteOFEntries.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyAll ¶
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyAll(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
ModifyAll indicates an expected call of ModifyAll.
func (*MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyOFEntries ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (mr *MockOFEntryOperationsMockRecorder) ModifyOFEntries(arg0 any) *gomock.Call
ModifyOFEntries indicates an expected call of ModifyOFEntries.