Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CloseDB()
- func DiffCols(tableName string, cols1 []IColumnSpec, cols2 []IColumnSpec) ([]IColumnSpec, []SUpdateColumnSpec, []IColumnSpec)
- func Exec(sql string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func FetchColumns(match string) []string
- func GetDB() *sql.DB
- func GetStringValue(dat interface{}) string
- func GetTables() []string
- func RegisterBackend(drv IBackend)
- func ResetTableID()
- func SetDB(db *sql.DB)
- func SetDBWithNameBackend(db *sql.DB, name DBName, backend DBBackendName)
- func SetDefaultDB(db *sql.DB)
- func SetupMockDatabaseBackend()
- func VarConditionWhereClause(v interface{}) string
- type DBBackendName
- type DBName
- type IBackend
- type IColumnSpec
- type ICondition
- func AND(cond ...ICondition) ICondition
- func Between(f IQueryField, r1, r2 interface{}) ICondition
- func Contains(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
- func ContainsAny(f IQueryField, v []string) ICondition
- func Endswith(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
- func Equals(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func GE(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func GT(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func In(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func IsEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsFalse(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsNotEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsNotNull(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsNull(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsNullOrEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func IsTrue(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func LE(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func LT(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func Like(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
- func NOT(cond ICondition) ICondition
- func NoEarlierThan(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func NoLaterThan(f IQueryField) ICondition
- func NotEquals(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func NotIn(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
- func OR(cond ...ICondition) ICondition
- func Regexp(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
- func Startswith(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
- type IFunction
- type IQuery
- type IQueryField
- func ADD(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func AND_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
- func CAST(field IQueryField, typeStr string, fieldname string) IQueryField
- func CONCAT(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func COUNT(name string, field ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func DATEDIFF(unit string, field1, field2 IQueryField) IQueryField
- func DATE_FORMAT(name string, field IQueryField, format string) IQueryField
- func DISTINCT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func DIV(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func GROUP_CONCAT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func GROUP_CONCAT2(name string, sep string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func INET_ATON(field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func LENGTH(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func LOWER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func MAX(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func MIN(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func MUL(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func NewFunction(ifunc IFunction, name string) IQueryField
- func NewFunctionField(name string, funcexp string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func OR_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
- func REPLACE(name string, field IQueryField, old string, new string) IQueryField
- func SUB(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func SUBSTR(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
- func SUM(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func SubStr(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
- func TIMESTAMPADD(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
- func TimestampAdd(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
- func UPPER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- type IQuerySource
- type IRowScanner
- type ITableSpec
- type InsertSqlResult
- type QueryJoinType
- type QueryOrderType
- type SAndConditions
- type SBaseBackend
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) AND_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CAST(field IQueryField, typeStr string, fieldname string) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CONCAT(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) COUNT(name string, field ...IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanInsert() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanInsertOrUpdate() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanSupportRowAffected() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanUpdate() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CaseInsensitiveLikeString() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CommitTableChangeSQL(ts ITableSpec, changes STableChanges) []string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CurrentTimeStampString() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) CurrentUTCTimeStampString() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) DATEDIFF(unit string, field1, field2 IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) DATE_FORMAT(name string, field IQueryField, format string) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) DISTINCT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) DropIndexSQLTemplate() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) DropTableSQL(table string) string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) FetchIndexesAndConstraints(ts ITableSpec) ([]STableIndex, []STableConstraint, error)
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) FetchTableColumnSpecs(ts ITableSpec) ([]IColumnSpec, error)
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) GROUP_CONCAT2(name string, sep string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetColumnSpecByFieldType(table *STableSpec, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldname string, ...) IColumnSpec
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetCreateSQLs(ts ITableSpec) []string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetTableSQL() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) INET_ATON(field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) InsertOrUpdateSQLTemplate() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) InsertSQLTemplate() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) IsSupportIndexAndContraints() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) LENGTH(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) LOWER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) MAX(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) MIN(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) Name() DBBackendName
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) OR_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) REPLACE(name string, field IQueryField, old string, new string) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) RegexpWhereClause(cond *SRegexpConition) string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) SUBSTR(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) SUM(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) SupportMixedInsertVariables() bool
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) TIMESTAMPADD(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) UPPER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) UnionAllString() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) UnionDistinctString() string
- func (bb *SBaseBackend) UpdateSQLTemplate() string
- type SBaseColumn
- func (c *SBaseColumn) AllowZero() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) AutoIncrementOffset() int64
- func (c *SBaseColumn) ColType() string
- func (c *SBaseColumn) ConvertFromValue(val interface{}) interface{}
- func (c *SBaseColumn) Default() string
- func (c *SBaseColumn) ExtraDefs() string
- func (c *SBaseColumn) GetColIndex() int
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAscii() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAutoIncrement() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAutoVersion() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsCreatedAt() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsDateTime() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsIndex() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsNullable() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsNumeric() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsPointer() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsPrimary() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsSearchable() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsString() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsSupportDefault() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsText() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsUnique() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) IsUpdatedAt() bool
- func (c *SBaseColumn) Name() string
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrement(val bool)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrementOffset(offset int64)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetColIndex(idx int)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetDefault(defStr string)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetNullable(on bool)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) SetPrimary(on bool)
- func (c *SBaseColumn) Tags() map[string]string
- type SBaseCompoundColumn
- type SBaseWidthColumn
- type SBetweenCondition
- type SCaseFunction
- type SCompoundConditions
- type SConstField
- type SDatabase
- func (db *SDatabase) DB() *sql.DB
- func (db *SDatabase) Exec(sql string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func (db *SDatabase) GetTables() []string
- func (db *SDatabase) NewRawQuery(sqlStr string, fields ...string) *SQuery
- func (db *SDatabase) TxBatchExec(sqlstr string, varsList [][]interface{}) ([]SSqlResult, error)
- func (db *SDatabase) TxExec(sqlstr string, vars ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- type SEqualsCondition
- type SFalseCondition
- type SFunctionFieldBase
- type SGreatEqualCondition
- type SGreatThanCondition
- type SInCondition
- type SIsEmptyCondition
- type SIsFalseCondition
- type SIsNotEmptyCondition
- type SIsNotNullCondition
- type SIsNullCondition
- type SIsNullOrEmptyCondition
- type SIsTrueCondition
- type SLessEqualCondition
- type SLessThanCondition
- type SLikeCondition
- type SNoEarlierThanCondition
- type SNoLaterThanCondition
- type SNotCondition
- type SNotEqualsCondition
- type SOrConditions
- type SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) All(dest interface{}) error
- func (tq *SQuery) AllStringMap() ([]map[string]string, error)
- func (tq *SQuery) AppendField(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Asc(fields ...interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Between(f string, v1, v2 interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Contains(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (self *SQuery) Copy() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Count() int
- func (tq *SQuery) CountQuery() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) CountWithError() (int, error)
- func (tq *SQuery) DebugQuery()
- func (tq *SQuery) Desc(fields ...interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Distinct() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Endswith(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Equals(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Field(name string) IQueryField
- func (tq *SQuery) Filter(cond ICondition) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) FilterByFalse() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) FilterByTrue() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) First(dest interface{}) error
- func (tq *SQuery) FirstStringMap() (map[string]string, error)
- func (tq *SQuery) GE(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) GT(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) GroupBy(f ...interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) HasField(f IQueryField) bool
- func (tq *SQuery) In(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsAltered() bool
- func (tq *SQuery) IsEmpty(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsFalse(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsGroupBy() bool
- func (tq *SQuery) IsNotEmpty(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsNotNull(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsNull(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsNullOrEmpty(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) IsTrue(f string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Join(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) LE(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) LT(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) LeftJoin(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Like(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Limit(limit int) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) NotBetween(f string, v1, v2 interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) NotEquals(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) NotIn(f string, v interface{}) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) NotLike(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Offset(offset int) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) QueryFields() []IQueryField
- func (tq *SQuery) Regexp(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) ResetFields() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) RightJoin(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Row() *sql.Row
- func (tq *SQuery) Row2Map(row IRowScanner) (map[string]string, error)
- func (tq *SQuery) Row2Struct(row IRowScanner, dest interface{}) error
- func (tq *SQuery) RowMap2Struct(result map[string]string, dest interface{}) error
- func (tq *SQuery) Rows() (*sql.Rows, error)
- func (tq *SQuery) Snapshot() *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Startswith(f string, v string) *SQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) String(fields ...IQueryField) string
- func (tq *SQuery) SubQuery() *SSubQuery
- func (tq *SQuery) Variables() []interface{}
- type SRawQueryField
- type SRegexpConition
- type SSingleCondition
- type SSqlResult
- type SStringField
- type SSubQuery
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Alias() string
- func (sqf *SSubQuery) DebugQuery()
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Expression() string
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Field(id string, alias ...string) IQueryField
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Fields() []IQueryField
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
- func (sq *SSubQuery) Variables() []interface{}
- type SSubQueryField
- type STable
- type STableChanges
- type STableConstraint
- type STableField
- type STableIndex
- type STableSpec
- func (ts *STableSpec) AddIndex(unique bool, cols ...string) bool
- func (ts *STableSpec) CheckSync() error
- func (ts *STableSpec) Clone(name string, autoIncOffset int64) *STableSpec
- func (ts *STableSpec) CloneWithSyncColumnOrder(name string, autoIncOffset int64, syncColOrder bool) (*STableSpec, error)
- func (ts *STableSpec) ColumnSpec(name string) IColumnSpec
- func (ts *STableSpec) Columns() []IColumnSpec
- func (ts *STableSpec) CreateSQLs() []string
- func (r *STableSpec) DBName() DBName
- func (ts *STableSpec) DataType() reflect.Type
- func (r *STableSpec) Database() *SDatabase
- func (t *STableSpec) DebugInsert(dt interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) DebugInsertOrUpdate(dt interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) DebugUpdateFields(dt interface{}, fields map[string]interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) Decrement(diff interface{}, target interface{}) error
- func (ts *STableSpec) DeleteFrom(filters map[string]interface{}) error
- func (ts *STableSpec) Drop() error
- func (ts *STableSpec) DropForeignKeySQL() []string
- func (ts *STableSpec) Exists() bool
- func (ts *STableSpec) Expression() string
- func (ts *STableSpec) Fetch(dt interface{}) error
- func (ts *STableSpec) FetchAll(dest interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) Increment(diff interface{}, target interface{}) error
- func (ts *STableSpec) Indexes() []STableIndex
- func (t *STableSpec) Insert(dt interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) InsertBatch(dataList []interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) InsertOrUpdate(dt interface{}) error
- func (t *STableSpec) InsertSqlPrep(data interface{}, update bool) (*InsertSqlResult, error)
- func (ts *STableSpec) Instance() *STable
- func (ts *STableSpec) Name() string
- func (ts *STableSpec) PrepareUpdate(dt interface{}) (*SUpdateSession, error)
- func (ts *STableSpec) PrimaryColumns() []IColumnSpec
- func (ts *STableSpec) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
- func (ts *STableSpec) Sync() error
- func (ts *STableSpec) SyncColumnIndexes() error
- func (ts *STableSpec) SyncSQL() []string
- func (ts *STableSpec) Update(dt interface{}, doUpdate func() error) (UpdateDiffs, error)
- func (ts *STableSpec) UpdateBatch(data map[string]interface{}, filter map[string]interface{}) error
- func (ts *STableSpec) UpdateFields(dt interface{}, fields map[string]interface{}) error
- type STripleCondition
- type STrueCondition
- type STupleCondition
- type SUnion
- type SUnionQueryField
- type SUpdateColumnSpec
- type SUpdateDiff
- type SUpdateSQLResult
- type SUpdateSession
- type TColumnNames
- type UpdateDiffs
Constants ¶
const ( // MySQL is the backend name for MySQL/MariaDB MySQLBackend = DBBackendName("MySQL") // Clickhouse is the backend name of Clickhouse ClickhouseBackend = DBBackendName("Clickhouse") // SQLiteBackend is the backend name of Sqlite3 SQLiteBackend = DBBackendName("SQLite") )
const ( // SQL_OP_AND represents AND operator SQL_OP_AND = "AND" // SQL_OP_OR represents OR operator SQL_OP_OR = "OR" // SQL_OP_NOT represents NOT operator SQL_OP_NOT = "NOT" // SQL_OP_LIKE represents LIKE operator SQL_OP_LIKE = "LIKE" // SQL_OP_REGEXP represents REGEXP operator SQL_OP_REGEXP = "REGEXP" // SQL_OP_IN represents IN operator SQL_OP_IN = "IN" // SQL_OP_NOTIN represents NOT IN operator SQL_OP_NOTIN = "NOT IN" // SQL_OP_EQUAL represents EQUAL operator SQL_OP_EQUAL = "=" // SQL_OP_LT represents < operator SQL_OP_LT = "<" // SQL_OP_LE represents <= operator SQL_OP_LE = "<=" // SQL_OP_GT represents > operator SQL_OP_GT = ">" // SQL_OP_GE represents >= operator SQL_OP_GE = ">=" // SQL_OP_BETWEEN represents BETWEEN operator SQL_OP_BETWEEN = "BETWEEN" // SQL_OP_NOTEQUAL represents NOT EQUAL operator SQL_OP_NOTEQUAL = "<>" )
const ( // TAG_IGNORE is a field tag that indicates the field is ignored, not represents a table column TAG_IGNORE = "ignore" // TAG_NAME is a field tag that indicates the column name of this field TAG_NAME = "name" // TAG_WIDTH is a field tag that indicates the width of the column, like VARCHAR(15) // Supported by: mysql TAG_WIDTH = "width" // TAG_TEXT_LENGTH is a field tag that indicates the length of a text column // Supported by: mysql TAG_TEXT_LENGTH = "length" // TAG_CHARSET is a field tag that indicates the charset of a text column // Supported by: mysql TAG_CHARSET = "charset" // TAG_PRECISION is a field tag that indicates the precision of a float column TAG_PRECISION = "precision" // TAG_DEFAULT is a field tag that indicates the default value of a column TAG_DEFAULT = "default" // TAG_UNIQUE is a field tag that indicates the column value is unique TAG_UNIQUE = "unique" // TAG_INDEX is a field tag that indicates the column is a indexable column TAG_INDEX = "index" // TAG_PRIMARY is a field tag that indicates the column is part of primary key TAG_PRIMARY = "primary" // TAG_NULLABLE is a field tag that indicates the column is nullable TAG_NULLABLE = "nullable" // TAG_AUTOINCREMENT is a field tag that indicates the integer column is auto_increment, the column should must be primary TAG_AUTOINCREMENT = "auto_increment" // TAG_AUTOVERSION is a field tag that indicates the integer column is used to records the update version of a record TAG_AUTOVERSION = "auto_version" // TAG_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP is a field tag that indicates the datetime column is the updated_at timestamp TAG_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP = "updated_at" // TAG_CREATE_TIMESTAMP is a field tag that indicates the datetime column is the created_at timestamp TAG_CREATE_TIMESTAMP = "created_at" // TAG_ALLOW_ZERO is a field tag that indicates whether the column allow zero value TAG_ALLOW_ZERO = "allow_zero" )
const ( // ErrNoDataToUpdate is an Error constant: no data to update ErrNoDataToUpdate = errors.Error("No data to update") // ErrDuplicateEntry is an Error constant: duplicate entry ErrDuplicateEntry = errors.Error("duplicate entry") // ErrEmptyQuery is an Error constant: empty query ErrEmptyQuery = errors.Error("empty query") // ErrEmptyPrimaryKey is an Error constant: no primary key ErrEmptyPrimaryKey = errors.Error("empty primary keys") // ErrUnexpectRowCount is an Error constant: the number of rows impacted by modification unexpected ErrUnexpectRowCount = errors.Error("unexpected row count") // ErrNeedsPointer is an Error constant: input should be a pointer ErrNeedsPointer = errors.Error("input needs pointer input") // ErrNeedsArray is an Error constant: input should be an Array or Slice ErrNeedsArray = errors.Error("input needs slice or array") // ErrReadOnly is an Error constant: database is read-only ErrReadOnly = errors.Error("read only input") // ErrNotSupported is an Error constant: method not supported yet ErrNotSupported = errors.ErrNotSupported // ErrTableNotExists is an Error constant: table not exists ErrTableNotExists = errors.Error("TableNotExists") // ErrUnionFieldsNotMatch is an Error constant: fields of union queries not match ErrUnionFieldsNotMatch = errors.Error("cannot union, name of fields not match") // ErrUnionDatabasesNotMatch is an Error constant: backend database of union queries not match ErrUnionAcrossDatabases = errors.Error("cannot union across different databases") )
const DefaultDB = DBName("__default__")
DefaultDB is the name for the default database instance
const IndexLimit int = 64
Variables ¶
var ( // DEBUG_SQLCHEMY is a global constant that indicates turn on SQL debug DEBUG_SQLCHEMY = false )
Functions ¶
func DiffCols ¶ added in v1.1.0
func DiffCols(tableName string, cols1 []IColumnSpec, cols2 []IColumnSpec) ([]IColumnSpec, []SUpdateColumnSpec, []IColumnSpec)
func FetchColumns ¶ added in v1.1.0
func GetStringValue ¶ added in v1.1.0
func GetStringValue(dat interface{}) string
func GetTables ¶
func GetTables() []string
GetTables get all tables' name in default database Deprecated
func RegisterBackend ¶ added in v1.1.0
func RegisterBackend(drv IBackend)
RegisterBackend registers a backend
func ResetTableID ¶ added in v1.1.0
func ResetTableID()
func SetDBWithNameBackend ¶ added in v1.1.0
func SetDBWithNameBackend(db *sql.DB, name DBName, backend DBBackendName)
SetDBWithName sets a DB instance with given name param: name DBName
func SetDefaultDB ¶ added in v1.1.0
SetDefaultDB save default global DB instance
func SetupMockDatabaseBackend ¶ added in v1.1.0
func SetupMockDatabaseBackend()
func VarConditionWhereClause ¶ added in v1.1.2
func VarConditionWhereClause(v interface{}) string
Types ¶
type DBBackendName ¶ added in v1.1.0
type DBBackendName string
type IBackend ¶ added in v1.1.0
type IBackend interface { // Name returns the name of the driver Name() DBBackendName // GetTableSQL returns the SQL for query tablenames GetTableSQL() string // GetCreateSQL returns the SQL for create a table GetCreateSQLs(ts ITableSpec) []string // IsSupportIndexAndContraints returns whether the backend supports index and contraints such as foreigh keys // MySQL: true // Sqlite: true // Clickhouse: false IsSupportIndexAndContraints() bool // FetchTableColumnSpecs parse the table definition in database to extract columns' specification of a table FetchTableColumnSpecs(ts ITableSpec) ([]IColumnSpec, error) // FetchIndexesAndConstraints parse the table defintion in database to extract index and constraints information of a table FetchIndexesAndConstraints(ts ITableSpec) ([]STableIndex, []STableConstraint, error) // GetColumnSpecByFieldType parse the field of model struct to extract column specifiction of a field GetColumnSpecByFieldType(table *STableSpec, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldname string, tagmap map[string]string, isPointer bool) IColumnSpec // CurrentUTCTimeStampString returns the string represents current UTC time CurrentUTCTimeStampString() string // CurrentTimeStampString returns the string represents current local time CurrentTimeStampString() string // CaseInsensitiveLikeString() string // RegexpWhereClause(cond *SRegexpConition) string // UnionAllString() string // UnionDistinctString() string // support mixed insert vars SupportMixedInsertVariables() bool // Drop table DropTableSQL(table string) string // CanUpdate returns wether the backend supports update CanUpdate() bool // CanInsert returns wether the backend supports Insert CanInsert() bool // CanInsertOrUpdate returns weather the backend supports InsertOrUpdate CanInsertOrUpdate() bool // InsertSQLTemplate returns the template of insert SQL InsertSQLTemplate() string // UpdateSQLTemplate returns the template of update SQL UpdateSQLTemplate() string // InsertOrUpdateSQLTemplate returns the template of insert or update SQL InsertOrUpdateSQLTemplate() string // CanSupportRowAffected returns wether the backend support RowAffected method after update // MySQL: true // Sqlite: false // Clickhouse: false CanSupportRowAffected() bool // CommitTableChangeSQL outputs the SQLs to alter a table CommitTableChangeSQL(ts ITableSpec, changes STableChanges) []string // cast CAST(field IQueryField, typeStr string, fieldname string) IQueryField // TIMESTAMPADD TIMESTAMPADD(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField // DATE_FORMAT DATE_FORMAT(name string, field IQueryField, format string) IQueryField // INET_ATON INET_ATON(field IQueryField) IQueryField // AND_Val AND_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField // OR_Val OR_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField // SUBSTR SUBSTR(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField // CONCAT CONCAT(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField // REPLACE REPLACE(name string, field IQueryField, old string, new string) IQueryField // GROUP_CONCAT2 GROUP_CONCAT2(name string, sep string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // DISTINCT DISTINCT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // COUNT COUNT(name string, field ...IQueryField) IQueryField // MAX MAX(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // MIN MIN(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // SUM SUM(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // LENGTH LENGTH(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // LOWER LOWER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // UPPER UPPER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField // DATEDIFF DATEDIFF(unit string, field1, field2 IQueryField) IQueryField }
IBackend is the interface for all kinds of sql backends, e.g. MySQL, ClickHouse, Sqlite, PostgreSQL, etc.
type IColumnSpec ¶
type IColumnSpec interface { // Name returns the name of the column Name() string // ColType returns type of the column, e.g. INTEGER, VARCHAR ColType() string // Default returns default value of the column, represents in string Default() string // IsSupportDefault returns whether this column supports being given a default value IsSupportDefault() bool // IsNullable returns whether this column is nullable IsNullable() bool // SetNullable sets this column as nullable SetNullable(on bool) // IsPrimary returns whether this column is part of the primary keys IsPrimary() bool SetPrimary(on bool) // IsUnique returns whether the value of this column unique for each row IsUnique() bool // IsIndex returns whether this column is indexable, if it is true, a index of this column will be automatically created IsIndex() bool // ExtraDefs returns some extra column attribute definitions, not covered by the standard fields ExtraDefs() string // DefinitionString return the SQL presentation of this column DefinitionString() string // IsText returns whether this column is actually a text, such a Datetime column is actually a text IsText() bool // IsSearchable returns whether this column is searchable, e.g. a integer column is not searchable, but a text field is searchable IsSearchable() bool // IsAscii returns whether this column is an ASCII type text, if true, the column should be compared with a UTF8 string IsAscii() bool // IsNumeric returns whether this column is a numeric type column, e.g. integer or float IsNumeric() bool // ConvertFromString returns the SQL representation of a value in string format for this column ConvertFromString(str string) interface{} // ConvertFromValue returns the SQL representation of a value for this column ConvertFromValue(val interface{}) interface{} // IsZero is used to determine a value is the zero value for this column IsZero(val interface{}) bool // AllowZero returns whether this column allow a zero value AllowZero() bool // Tags returns the field tags for this column, which is in the struct definition Tags() map[string]string // IsPointer returns whether this column is a pointer type definition, e.g. *int, *bool IsPointer() bool // SetDefault sets the default value in the format of string for this column SetDefault(defStr string) // IsAutoVersion IsAutoVersion() bool // IsUpdatedAt IsUpdatedAt() bool // IsCreatedAt IsCreatedAt() bool // IsAutoIncrement IsAutoIncrement() bool AutoIncrementOffset() int64 SetAutoIncrement(val bool) SetAutoIncrementOffset(offset int64) IsString() bool IsDateTime() bool // index of column, to preserve the column position GetColIndex() int // setter of column index SetColIndex(idx int) }
IColumnSpec is an interface that represents a column of a table
type ICondition ¶
type ICondition interface { WhereClause() string Variables() []interface{} // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ICondition is the interface representing a condition for SQL query e.g. WHERE a1 = b1 is a condition of equal the condition support nested condition, with AND, OR and NOT boolean operators
func AND ¶
func AND(cond ...ICondition) ICondition
AND method that combines many conditions with AND operator
func Contains ¶
func Contains(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
Contains method is a shortcut of LIKE method, Contains represents the condtion that a field contains a substring
func ContainsAny ¶
func ContainsAny(f IQueryField, v []string) ICondition
ContainsAny is a OR combination of serveral Contains conditions
func Endswith ¶
func Endswith(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
Endswith method is a shortcut of LIKE condition, Endswith represents that condition that field endswith a substring
func Equals ¶
func Equals(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
Equals method represents equal of two fields
func GE ¶
func GE(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
GE method represetns operation of Greate Than Or Equal to, e.g. a >= b
func GT ¶
func GT(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
GT method represents operation of Great Than, e.g. a > b
func IsEmpty ¶
func IsEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
IsEmpty method that justifies where a text field is empty, e.g. length is zero
func IsNotEmpty ¶
func IsNotEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
IsNotEmpty method justifies a field is not empty
func IsNotNull ¶
func IsNotNull(f IQueryField) ICondition
IsNotNull methods that justifies a field is not null
func IsNullOrEmpty ¶
func IsNullOrEmpty(f IQueryField) ICondition
IsNullOrEmpty is the ethod justifies a field is null or empty, e.g. a is null or length(a) == 0
func IsTrue ¶
func IsTrue(f IQueryField) ICondition
IsTrue method that justifies a field is true, e.g. field == 1
func LE ¶
func LE(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
LE method represents operation of Less Than Or Equal to, e.q. a <= b
func LT ¶
func LT(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
LT method represents operation of Less Than, e.g. a < b
func NOT ¶
func NOT(cond ICondition) ICondition
NOT method that makes negative operator on a condition
func NoEarlierThan ¶
func NoEarlierThan(f IQueryField) ICondition
NoEarlierThan justifies a field is no earlier than current time
func NoLaterThan ¶
func NoLaterThan(f IQueryField) ICondition
NoLaterThan method justifies a DATETIME field is before current time
func NotEquals ¶
func NotEquals(f IQueryField, v interface{}) ICondition
NotEquals method represents not equal of two fields
func OR ¶
func OR(cond ...ICondition) ICondition
OR method that combines many conditions with OR operator
func Startswith ¶
func Startswith(f IQueryField, v string) ICondition
Startswith method is a shortcut of LIKE method, Startswith represents the condition that field starts with a substring
type IFunction ¶
type IFunction interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
IFunction is the interface for a SQL embedded function, such as MIN, MAX, NOW, etc.
type IQuery ¶
type IQuery interface { // String returns the queryString String(fields ...IQueryField) string // QueryFields returns fields in the select clause QueryFields() []IQueryField // Variables returns variables in statement Variables() []interface{} // SubQuery convert this SQL to a subquery SubQuery() *SSubQuery // Field reference to a field by name Field(name string) IQueryField // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IQuery is an interface that reprsents a SQL query, e.g. SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...
type IQueryField ¶
type IQueryField interface { // the string after select Expression() string // the name of thie field Name() string // the reference string in where clause Reference() string // give this field an alias name Label(label string) IQueryField // return variables Variables() []interface{} // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IQueryField is an interface that represents a select field in a SQL query
func ADD ¶ added in v1.0.2
func ADD(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
func AND_Val ¶
func AND_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
AND_Val represents a SQL function that does binary & operation on a field
func CAST ¶ added in v1.1.0
func CAST(field IQueryField, typeStr string, fieldname string) IQueryField
CAST represents a SQL function cast types
func CONCAT ¶
func CONCAT(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
CONCAT represents a SQL function CONCAT
func COUNT ¶
func COUNT(name string, field ...IQueryField) IQueryField
COUNT represents the SQL function COUNT
func DATEDIFF ¶ added in v1.1.2
func DATEDIFF(unit string, field1, field2 IQueryField) IQueryField
func DATE_FORMAT ¶ added in v1.1.2
func DATE_FORMAT(name string, field IQueryField, format string) IQueryField
DATE_FORMAT represents a SQL function DATE_FORMAT
func DISTINCT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
DISTINCT represents the SQL function DISTINCT
func DIV ¶ added in v1.0.2
func DIV(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
func GROUP_CONCAT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
GROUP_CONCAT represents the SQL function GROUP_CONCAT
func GROUP_CONCAT2 ¶ added in v1.1.2
func GROUP_CONCAT2(name string, sep string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
GROUP_CONCAT2 represents the SQL function GROUP_CONCAT
func INET_ATON ¶
func INET_ATON(field IQueryField) IQueryField
INET_ATON represents a SQL function INET_ATON
func LENGTH ¶ added in v1.1.2
func LENGTH(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
LENGTH represents a SQL function of LENGTH
func LOWER ¶ added in v1.1.2
func LOWER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
LOWER represents the SQL function SUM
func MUL ¶ added in v1.0.2
func MUL(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
func NewFunction ¶
func NewFunction(ifunc IFunction, name string) IQueryField
NewFunction creates a field with SQL function for example: SUM(count) as total
func NewFunctionField ¶
func NewFunctionField(name string, funcexp string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
NewFunctionField returns an instance of query field by calling a SQL embedded function
func OR_Val ¶
func OR_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
OR_Val represents a SQL function that does binary | operation on a field
func REPLACE ¶
func REPLACE(name string, field IQueryField, old string, new string) IQueryField
REPLACE represents the SQL function REPLACE
func SUB ¶ added in v1.0.2
func SUB(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
func SUBSTR ¶ added in v1.1.0
func SUBSTR(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
SUBSTR represents a SQL function SUBSTR
func SubStr ¶
func SubStr(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
SubStr represents a SQL function SUBSTR Deprecated
func TIMESTAMPADD ¶ added in v1.1.2
func TIMESTAMPADD(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
TIMESTAMPADD represents a SQL function TimestampAdd
func TimestampAdd ¶
func TimestampAdd(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
TimestampAdd represents a SQL function TimestampAdd
func UPPER ¶ added in v1.1.2
func UPPER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
UPPER represents the SQL function SUM
type IQuerySource ¶
type IQuerySource interface { // Expression string in select ... from (expresson here) Expression() string // Alias is the alias in select ... from (express) as alias Alias() string // variables in statement Variables() []interface{} // Field reference to a field by name, optionally giving an alias name Field(id string, alias ...string) IQueryField // Fields return all the fields that this source provides Fields() []IQueryField // contains filtered or unexported methods }
IQuerySource is an interface that represents a data source of a SQL query. the source can be a table or a subquery e.g. SELECT ... FROM (SELECT * FROM tbl) AS A
type IRowScanner ¶
type IRowScanner interface {
Scan(desc ...interface{}) error
IRowScanner is an interface for sql data fetching
type ITableSpec ¶
type ITableSpec interface { // Insert performs an insert operation that insert one record at a time Insert(dt interface{}) error // InsertOrUpdate performs an atomic insert or update operation that insert a new record to update the record with current value InsertOrUpdate(dt interface{}) error // Update performs an update operation Update(dt interface{}, onUpdate func() error) (UpdateDiffs, error) // Increment performs a special update that do an atomic incremental update of the numeric fields Increment(diff, target interface{}) error // Decrement performs a special update that do an atomic decremental update of the numeric fields Decrement(diff, target interface{}) error // DataType returns the data type corresponding to the table DataType() reflect.Type // ColumnSpec returns the column definition of a spcific column ColumnSpec(name string) IColumnSpec // Name returns the name of the table Name() string // Columns returns the array of columns definitions Columns() []IColumnSpec // PrimaryColumns returns the array of columns of primary keys PrimaryColumns() []IColumnSpec // Indexes Indexes() []STableIndex // Expression returns expression of the table Expression() string // Instance returns an instance of STable for this spec Instance() *STable // DropForeignKeySQL returns the SQL statements to drop foreignkeys for this table DropForeignKeySQL() []string // AddIndex adds index to table AddIndex(unique bool, cols ...string) bool // SyncSQL returns SQL strings to synchronize the data and model definition of the table SyncSQL() []string // Sync forces synchronize the data and model definition of the table Sync() error // Fetch query a struct Fetch(dt interface{}) error // Database returns the database of this table Database() *SDatabase // Drop drops table Drop() error }
ITableSpec is the interface represents a table
type InsertSqlResult ¶ added in v1.1.0
type QueryJoinType ¶
type QueryJoinType string
QueryJoinType is the Join type of SQL query, namely, innerjoin, leftjoin and rightjoin
const ( // INNERJOIN represents innerjoin INNERJOIN QueryJoinType = "JOIN" // LEFTJOIN represents left join LEFTJOIN QueryJoinType = "LEFT JOIN" // RIGHTJOIN represents right-join RIGHTJOIN QueryJoinType = "RIGHT JOIN" )
type QueryOrderType ¶
type QueryOrderType string
QueryOrderType indicates the query order type, either ASC or DESC
const ( // SQL_ORDER_ASC represents Ascending order SQL_ORDER_ASC QueryOrderType = "ASC" // SQL_ORDER_DESC represents Descending order SQL_ORDER_DESC QueryOrderType = "DESC" )
func (QueryOrderType) Equals ¶
func (qot QueryOrderType) Equals(orderType string) bool
Equals of QueryOrderType determines whether two order type identical
type SAndConditions ¶
type SAndConditions struct {
SAndConditions represents the AND condition, which is a SCompoundConditions
func (*SAndConditions) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SAndConditions) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SAndConditions for IConditionq
type SBaseBackend ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SBaseBackend struct{}
func (*SBaseBackend) AND_Val ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) AND_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
AND_Val represents a SQL function that does binary & operation on a field
func (*SBaseBackend) CAST ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CAST(field IQueryField, typeStr string, fieldname string) IQueryField
func (*SBaseBackend) CONCAT ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CONCAT(name string, fields ...IQueryField) IQueryField
CONCAT represents a SQL function CONCAT
func (*SBaseBackend) COUNT ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) COUNT(name string, field ...IQueryField) IQueryField
COUNT represents the SQL function COUNT
func (*SBaseBackend) CanInsert ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanInsert() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) CanInsertOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanInsertOrUpdate() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) CanSupportRowAffected ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanSupportRowAffected() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) CanUpdate ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CanUpdate() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) CaseInsensitiveLikeString ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CaseInsensitiveLikeString() string
func (*SBaseBackend) CommitTableChangeSQL ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CommitTableChangeSQL(ts ITableSpec, changes STableChanges) []string
func (*SBaseBackend) CurrentTimeStampString ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CurrentTimeStampString() string
func (*SBaseBackend) CurrentUTCTimeStampString ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) CurrentUTCTimeStampString() string
func (*SBaseBackend) DATEDIFF ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) DATEDIFF(unit string, field1, field2 IQueryField) IQueryField
DATEDIFF represents SQL function of DATEDIFF
func (*SBaseBackend) DATE_FORMAT ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) DATE_FORMAT(name string, field IQueryField, format string) IQueryField
DATE_FORMAT represents a SQL function DATE_FORMAT
func (*SBaseBackend) DISTINCT ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) DISTINCT(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
DISTINCT represents the SQL function DISTINCT
func (*SBaseBackend) DropIndexSQLTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) DropIndexSQLTemplate() string
func (*SBaseBackend) DropTableSQL ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) DropTableSQL(table string) string
func (*SBaseBackend) FetchIndexesAndConstraints ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) FetchIndexesAndConstraints(ts ITableSpec) ([]STableIndex, []STableConstraint, error)
func (*SBaseBackend) FetchTableColumnSpecs ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) FetchTableColumnSpecs(ts ITableSpec) ([]IColumnSpec, error)
func (*SBaseBackend) GROUP_CONCAT2 ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) GROUP_CONCAT2(name string, sep string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
func (*SBaseBackend) GetColumnSpecByFieldType ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetColumnSpecByFieldType(table *STableSpec, fieldType reflect.Type, fieldname string, tagmap map[string]string, isPointer bool) IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseBackend) GetCreateSQLs ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetCreateSQLs(ts ITableSpec) []string
func (*SBaseBackend) GetTableSQL ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) GetTableSQL() string
func (*SBaseBackend) INET_ATON ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) INET_ATON(field IQueryField) IQueryField
INET_ATON represents a SQL function INET_ATON
func (*SBaseBackend) InsertOrUpdateSQLTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) InsertOrUpdateSQLTemplate() string
func (*SBaseBackend) InsertSQLTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (bb *SBaseBackend) InsertSQLTemplate() string
func (*SBaseBackend) IsSupportIndexAndContraints ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) IsSupportIndexAndContraints() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) LENGTH ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) LENGTH(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
LENGTH represents SQL function LENGTH
func (*SBaseBackend) LOWER ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) LOWER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
LOWER represents SQL function of LOWER
func (*SBaseBackend) MAX ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) MAX(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
MAX represents the SQL function MAX
func (*SBaseBackend) MIN ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) MIN(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
MIN represents the SQL function MIN
func (*SBaseBackend) Name ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) Name() DBBackendName
func (*SBaseBackend) OR_Val ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) OR_Val(name string, field IQueryField, v interface{}) IQueryField
OR_Val represents a SQL function that does binary | operation on a field
func (*SBaseBackend) REPLACE ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) REPLACE(name string, field IQueryField, old string, new string) IQueryField
REPLACE represents a SQL function REPLACE
func (*SBaseBackend) RegexpWhereClause ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) RegexpWhereClause(cond *SRegexpConition) string
func (*SBaseBackend) SUBSTR ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) SUBSTR(name string, field IQueryField, pos, length int) IQueryField
SubStr represents a SQL function SUBSTR
func (*SBaseBackend) SUM ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) SUM(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
SUM represents the SQL function SUM
func (*SBaseBackend) SupportMixedInsertVariables ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) SupportMixedInsertVariables() bool
func (*SBaseBackend) TIMESTAMPADD ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) TIMESTAMPADD(name string, field IQueryField, offsetSeconds int) IQueryField
TimestampAdd represents a SQL function TimestampAdd
func (*SBaseBackend) UPPER ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) UPPER(name string, field IQueryField) IQueryField
UPPER represents SQL function of UPPER
func (*SBaseBackend) UnionAllString ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) UnionAllString() string
func (*SBaseBackend) UnionDistinctString ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) UnionDistinctString() string
func (*SBaseBackend) UpdateSQLTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (bb *SBaseBackend) UpdateSQLTemplate() string
type SBaseColumn ¶
type SBaseColumn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SBaseColumn is the base structure represents a column
func NewBaseColumn ¶
func NewBaseColumn(name string, sqltype string, tagmap map[string]string, isPointer bool) SBaseColumn
NewBaseColumn returns an instance of SBaseColumn
func (*SBaseColumn) AllowZero ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) AllowZero() bool
AllowZero implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) AutoIncrementOffset ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) AutoIncrementOffset() int64
func (*SBaseColumn) ColType ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) ColType() string
ColType implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) ConvertFromValue ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) ConvertFromValue(val interface{}) interface{}
ConvertFromValue implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) Default ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) Default() string
Default implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) ExtraDefs ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) ExtraDefs() string
ExtraDefs implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) GetColIndex ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (c *SBaseColumn) GetColIndex() int
func (*SBaseColumn) IsAscii ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAscii() bool
IsAscii implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsAutoIncrement ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAutoIncrement() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) IsAutoVersion ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsAutoVersion() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) IsCreatedAt ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsCreatedAt() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) IsDateTime ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsDateTime() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) IsIndex ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsIndex() bool
IsIndex implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsNullable ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsNullable() bool
IsNullable implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsNumeric ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsNumeric() bool
IsNumeric implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsPointer ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsPointer() bool
IsPointer implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsPrimary ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsPrimary() bool
IsPrimary implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsSearchable ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsSearchable() bool
IsSearchable implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsString ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsString() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) IsSupportDefault ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsSupportDefault() bool
IsSupportDefault implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsText ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsText() bool
IsText implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsUnique ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsUnique() bool
IsUnique implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) IsUpdatedAt ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) IsUpdatedAt() bool
func (*SBaseColumn) Name ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) Name() string
Name implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrement ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrement(val bool)
func (*SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrementOffset ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetAutoIncrementOffset(offset int64)
func (*SBaseColumn) SetColIndex ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetColIndex(idx int)
func (*SBaseColumn) SetDefault ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetDefault(defStr string)
SetDefault implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) SetNullable ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetNullable(on bool)
SetNullable implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseColumn) SetPrimary ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseColumn) SetPrimary(on bool)
func (*SBaseColumn) Tags ¶
func (c *SBaseColumn) Tags() map[string]string
Tags implementation of SBaseColumn for IColumnSpec
type SBaseCompoundColumn ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SBaseCompoundColumn struct{}
func (*SBaseCompoundColumn) ConvertFromString ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseCompoundColumn) ConvertFromString(str string) interface{}
ConvertFromString implementation of CompoundColumn for IColumnSpec
func (*SBaseCompoundColumn) ConvertFromValue ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (c *SBaseCompoundColumn) ConvertFromValue(val interface{}) interface{}
ConvertFromValue implementation of CompoundColumn for IColumnSpec
type SBaseWidthColumn ¶
type SBaseWidthColumn struct { SBaseColumn // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SBaseWidthColumn represents a type of column that with width attribute, such as VARCHAR(20), INT(10)
func NewBaseWidthColumn ¶
func NewBaseWidthColumn(name string, sqltype string, tagmap map[string]string, isPointer bool) SBaseWidthColumn
NewBaseWidthColumn return an instance of SBaseWidthColumn
func (*SBaseWidthColumn) ColType ¶
func (c *SBaseWidthColumn) ColType() string
ColType implementation of SBaseWidthColumn for IColumnSpec
type SBetweenCondition ¶
type SBetweenCondition struct {
SBetweenCondition represents BETWEEN operator, e.g. c between a and b
func (*SBetweenCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SBetweenCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SBetweenCondition for ICondition
type SCaseFunction ¶
type SCaseFunction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SCaseFunction represents function of case ... when ... branch
func NewCase ¶
func NewCase() *SCaseFunction
NewCase creates a case... when...else... representation instance
func (*SCaseFunction) Else ¶
func (cf *SCaseFunction) Else(field IQueryField) *SCaseFunction
Else adds else clause for case when function
func (*SCaseFunction) When ¶
func (cf *SCaseFunction) When(when ICondition, then IQueryField) *SCaseFunction
When adds when clause for case when function
type SCompoundConditions ¶
type SCompoundConditions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SCompoundConditions is a Compound condition represents AND or OR boolean operation Compound condition also follows the ICondition interface
func (*SCompoundConditions) Variables ¶
func (c *SCompoundConditions) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SCompoundConditions for ICondition
func (*SCompoundConditions) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SCompoundConditions) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SCompoundConditions for ICondition
type SConstField ¶
type SConstField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SConstField is a query field of a constant
func NewConstField ¶
func NewConstField(variable interface{}) *SConstField
NewConstField returns an instance of SConstField
func (*SConstField) Expression ¶
func (s *SConstField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SConstField for IQueryField
func (*SConstField) Label ¶
func (s *SConstField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SConstField for IQueryField
func (*SConstField) Name ¶
func (s *SConstField) Name() string
Name implementation of SConstField for IQueryField
func (*SConstField) Reference ¶
func (s *SConstField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SConstField for IQueryField
func (*SConstField) Variables ¶
func (s *SConstField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SConstField for IQueryField
type SDatabase ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SDatabase represents a SQL database
func GetDBWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
GetDBWithName returns the db instance with given name
func GetDefaultDB ¶ added in v1.1.0
func GetDefaultDB() *SDatabase
GetDefaultDB get the DB instance set by default
func (*SDatabase) NewRawQuery ¶ added in v1.1.0
NewRawQuery returns an instance of SQuery with raw SQL query for a database, e.g. show tables
func (*SDatabase) TxBatchExec ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (db *SDatabase) TxBatchExec(sqlstr string, varsList [][]interface{}) ([]SSqlResult, error)
type SEqualsCondition ¶
type SEqualsCondition struct {
SEqualsCondition represents equal operation between two fields
func (*SEqualsCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SEqualsCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SEqualsCondition for ICondition
type SFalseCondition ¶
type SFalseCondition struct{}
SFalseCondition is a dummy condition that is always false
func (*SFalseCondition) Variables ¶
func (t *SFalseCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SFalseCondition for ICondition
func (*SFalseCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SFalseCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SFalseCondition for ICondition
type SFunctionFieldBase ¶
type SFunctionFieldBase struct { IFunction // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SFunctionFieldBase is a query field that is the result of a SQL embedded function, e.g. COUNT(*) as count
func (*SFunctionFieldBase) Expression ¶
func (ff *SFunctionFieldBase) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SFunctionFieldBase for IQueryField
func (*SFunctionFieldBase) Label ¶
func (ff *SFunctionFieldBase) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SFunctionFieldBase for IQueryField
func (*SFunctionFieldBase) Name ¶
func (ff *SFunctionFieldBase) Name() string
Name implementation of SFunctionFieldBase for IQueryField
func (*SFunctionFieldBase) Reference ¶
func (ff *SFunctionFieldBase) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SFunctionFieldBase for IQueryField
func (*SFunctionFieldBase) Variables ¶
func (ff *SFunctionFieldBase) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SFunctionFieldBase for IQueryField
type SGreatEqualCondition ¶
type SGreatEqualCondition struct {
SGreatEqualCondition represents >= operation on two fields
func (*SGreatEqualCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SGreatEqualCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SGreatEqualCondition for ICondition
type SGreatThanCondition ¶
type SGreatThanCondition struct {
SGreatThanCondition represetns > operation on two fields
func (*SGreatThanCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SGreatThanCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SGreatThanCondition for ICondition
type SInCondition ¶
type SInCondition struct { STupleCondition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SInCondition represents a IN operation in SQL query
func (*SInCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SInCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SInCondition for ICondition
type SIsEmptyCondition ¶
type SIsEmptyCondition struct {
SIsEmptyCondition is a condition representing the empty status of a field
func (*SIsEmptyCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsEmptyCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsEmptyCondition for ICondition
type SIsFalseCondition ¶
type SIsFalseCondition struct {
SIsFalseCondition represents a boolean is false
func (*SIsFalseCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsFalseCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsFalseCondition for ICondition
type SIsNotEmptyCondition ¶
type SIsNotEmptyCondition struct {
SIsNotEmptyCondition represents a condition that represents a field is not empty
func (*SIsNotEmptyCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsNotEmptyCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsNotEmptyCondition for ICondition
type SIsNotNullCondition ¶
type SIsNotNullCondition struct {
SIsNotNullCondition is a condition represents a comparison with not null, e.g. a is not null
func (*SIsNotNullCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsNotNullCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsNotNullCondition for ICondition
type SIsNullCondition ¶
type SIsNullCondition struct {
SIsNullCondition is a condition representing a comparison with null, e.g. a is null
func (*SIsNullCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsNullCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation for SIsNullCondition for ICondition
type SIsNullOrEmptyCondition ¶
type SIsNullOrEmptyCondition struct {
SIsNullOrEmptyCondition is a condition that justifies a field is null or empty
func (*SIsNullOrEmptyCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsNullOrEmptyCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsNullOrEmptyCondition for ICondition
type SIsTrueCondition ¶
type SIsTrueCondition struct {
SIsTrueCondition represents a boolean field (TINYINT) is true, e.g. a == 1
func (*SIsTrueCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SIsTrueCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SIsTrueCondition for ICondition
type SLessEqualCondition ¶
type SLessEqualCondition struct {
SLessEqualCondition represents <= operation on two fields
func (*SLessEqualCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SLessEqualCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SLessEqualCondition for ICondition
type SLessThanCondition ¶
type SLessThanCondition struct {
SLessThanCondition represents < operation on two fields
func (*SLessThanCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SLessThanCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SLessThanCondition for ICondition
type SLikeCondition ¶
type SLikeCondition struct {
SLikeCondition represents LIKE operation in a SQL query
func (*SLikeCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SLikeCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation for SLikeCondition for ICondition
type SNoEarlierThanCondition ¶
type SNoEarlierThanCondition struct {
SNoEarlierThanCondition compares a field with current time and ensure the field is no earlier than NOW, e.g. a >= NOW()
func (*SNoEarlierThanCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SNoEarlierThanCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SNoEarlierThanCondition for ICondition
type SNoLaterThanCondition ¶
type SNoLaterThanCondition struct {
SNoLaterThanCondition coompares a DATETIME field with current time and ensure the field is no later than now, e.g. a <= NOW()
func (*SNoLaterThanCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SNoLaterThanCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SNoLaterThanCondition for ICondition
type SNotCondition ¶
type SNotCondition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SNotCondition represents the NOT condition, which is a boolean operator
func (*SNotCondition) Variables ¶
func (c *SNotCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SNotCondition for ICondition
func (*SNotCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SNotCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementationq of SNotCondition for ICondition
type SNotEqualsCondition ¶
type SNotEqualsCondition struct {
SNotEqualsCondition is the opposite of equal condition
func (*SNotEqualsCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *SNotEqualsCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SNotEqualsCondition for ICondition
type SOrConditions ¶
type SOrConditions struct {
SOrConditions represents the OR condition, which is a SCompoundConditions
func (*SOrConditions) WhereClause ¶
func (c *SOrConditions) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of SOrConditions for ICondition
type SQuery ¶
type SQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SQuery is a data structure represents a SQL query in the form of
SELECT ... FROM ... JOIN ... ON ... WHERE ... GROUP BY ... ORDER BY ... HAVING ...
func DoQuery ¶
func DoQuery(from IQuerySource, f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
DoQuery returns a SQuery instance that query specified fields from a query source
func NewRawQuery ¶
NewRawQuery returns an instance of SQuery with raw SQL query. e.g. show tables
func (*SQuery) All ¶
All return query results of all rows and store the result in an array of data struct
func (*SQuery) AllStringMap ¶
AllStringMap returns query result of all rows in an array of stringmap(map[string]string)
func (*SQuery) AppendField ¶
func (tq *SQuery) AppendField(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
AppendField appends query field to a query
func (*SQuery) Count ¶
Count of SQuery returns the count of a query use CountWithError instead deprecated
func (*SQuery) CountQuery ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*SQuery) CountWithError ¶
CountWithError of SQuery returns the row count of a query
func (*SQuery) DebugQuery ¶
func (tq *SQuery) DebugQuery()
DebugQuery show the full query string for debug
func (*SQuery) Field ¶
func (tq *SQuery) Field(name string) IQueryField
Field implementation of SQuery for IQuery
func (*SQuery) Filter ¶
func (tq *SQuery) Filter(cond ICondition) *SQuery
Filter method filters a SQL query with given ICondition equivalent to add a clause in where conditions
func (*SQuery) FilterByFalse ¶
FilterByFalse filters query with a false condition
func (*SQuery) FilterByTrue ¶
FilterByTrue filters query with a true condition
func (*SQuery) FirstStringMap ¶
FirstStringMap returns query result of the first row in a stringmap(map[string]string)
func (*SQuery) HasField ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (tq *SQuery) HasField(f IQueryField) bool
func (*SQuery) IsAltered ¶
IsAltered of SQuery indicates whether a query was altered. By comparing with the saved query snapshot, we can tell whether a query is altered
func (*SQuery) IsGroupBy ¶ added in v1.1.0
IsGroupBy returns wether the query contains group by clauses
func (*SQuery) IsNotEmpty ¶
IsNotEmpty filters the query with a is not empty condition
func (*SQuery) IsNullOrEmpty ¶
IsNullOrEmpty filters the query with a is null or empty condition
func (*SQuery) Join ¶
func (tq *SQuery) Join(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
Join of SQuery joins query with another IQuerySource on specified condition
func (*SQuery) LeftJoin ¶
func (tq *SQuery) LeftJoin(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
LeftJoin of SQuery left-joins query with another IQuerySource on specified condition
func (*SQuery) NotBetween ¶
NotBetween filters query with a not between condition
func (*SQuery) QueryFields ¶
func (tq *SQuery) QueryFields() []IQueryField
QueryFields of SQuery returns fields in SELECT clause of a query
func (*SQuery) ResetFields ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*SQuery) RightJoin ¶
func (tq *SQuery) RightJoin(from IQuerySource, on ICondition) *SQuery
RightJoin of SQuery right-joins query with another IQuerySource on specified condition
func (*SQuery) Row2Map ¶
func (tq *SQuery) Row2Map(row IRowScanner) (map[string]string, error)
Row2Map is a utility function that fetch stringmap(map[string]string) from a native sql.Row or sql.Rows
func (*SQuery) Row2Struct ¶
func (tq *SQuery) Row2Struct(row IRowScanner, dest interface{}) error
Row2Struct is a utility function that fill a struct with the value of a sql.Row or sql.Rows
func (*SQuery) RowMap2Struct ¶
RowMap2Struct is a utility function that fetch struct from a native sql.Row or sql.Rows
func (*SQuery) Snapshot ¶
Snapshot of SQuery take a snapshot of the query, so we can tell wether the query is modified later by comparing the SQL with snapshot
func (*SQuery) Startswith ¶
Startswith filters query with a startswith condition
func (*SQuery) String ¶
func (tq *SQuery) String(fields ...IQueryField) string
String of SQuery implemetation of SQuery for IQuery
type SRawQueryField ¶
type SRawQueryField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SRawQueryField is a struct represents a field of a raw SQL query a raw query is a query that not follow standard SELECT ... FROM ... pattern e.g. show tables the struct implements IQueryField interface
func (*SRawQueryField) Expression ¶
func (rqf *SRawQueryField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SRawQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SRawQueryField) Label ¶
func (rqf *SRawQueryField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SRawQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SRawQueryField) Name ¶
func (rqf *SRawQueryField) Name() string
Name implementation of SRawQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SRawQueryField) Reference ¶
func (rqf *SRawQueryField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SRawQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SRawQueryField) Variables ¶
func (rqf *SRawQueryField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SRawQueryField for IQueryField
type SRegexpConition ¶ added in v1.1.2
type SRegexpConition struct {
SRegexpConition represents REGEXP operation in a SQL query
func (*SRegexpConition) WhereClause ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (t *SRegexpConition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation for SRegexpConition for ICondition
type SSingleCondition ¶
type SSingleCondition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SSingleCondition represents a kind of condition that composed of one query field
func NewSingleCondition ¶
func NewSingleCondition(field IQueryField) SSingleCondition
NewSingleCondition returns an instance of SSingleCondition
func (*SSingleCondition) Variables ¶
func (c *SSingleCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SSingleCondition for ICondition
type SSqlResult ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SStringField ¶
type SStringField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SStringField is a query field of a string constant
func NewStringField ¶
func NewStringField(strConst string) *SStringField
NewStringField returns an instance of SStringField
func (*SStringField) Expression ¶
func (s *SStringField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SStringField for IQueryField
func (*SStringField) Label ¶
func (s *SStringField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SStringField for IQueryField
func (*SStringField) Name ¶
func (s *SStringField) Name() string
Name implementation of SStringField for IQueryField
func (*SStringField) Reference ¶
func (s *SStringField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SStringField for IQueryField
func (*SStringField) Variables ¶
func (s *SStringField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SStringField for IQueryField
type SSubQuery ¶
type SSubQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SSubQuery represents a subquery. A subquery is a query used as a query source SSubQuery should implementation IQuerySource At the same time, a subquery can be used in condition. e.g. IN condition
func (*SSubQuery) DebugQuery ¶
func (sqf *SSubQuery) DebugQuery()
DebugQuery show the full query string for a subquery for debug
func (*SSubQuery) Expression ¶
Expression implementation of SSubQuery for IQuerySource
func (*SSubQuery) Field ¶
func (sq *SSubQuery) Field(id string, alias ...string) IQueryField
Field implementation of SSubQuery for IQuerySource
func (*SSubQuery) Fields ¶
func (sq *SSubQuery) Fields() []IQueryField
Fields implementation of SSubQuery for IQuerySource
func (*SSubQuery) Query ¶
func (sq *SSubQuery) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
Query of SSubQuery generates a new query from a subquery
type SSubQueryField ¶
type SSubQueryField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SSubQueryField represents a field of subquery, which implements IQueryField
func (*SSubQueryField) Expression ¶
func (sqf *SSubQueryField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SSubQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SSubQueryField) Label ¶
func (sqf *SSubQueryField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SSubQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SSubQueryField) Name ¶
func (sqf *SSubQueryField) Name() string
Name implementation of SSubQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SSubQueryField) Reference ¶
func (sqf *SSubQueryField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SSubQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SSubQueryField) Variables ¶
func (sqf *SSubQueryField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SSubQueryField for IQueryField
type STable ¶
type STable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STable is an instance of table for query, system will automatically give a alias to this table
func NewTableInstance ¶
func NewTableInstance(ts ITableSpec) *STable
NewTableInstance return an new table instance from an ITableSpec
func (*STable) Expression ¶
Expression implementation of STable for IQuerySource
func (*STable) Field ¶
func (tbl *STable) Field(name string, alias ...string) IQueryField
Field implementation of STableSpec for IQuerySource
func (*STable) Fields ¶
func (tbl *STable) Fields() []IQueryField
Fields implementation of STable for IQuerySource
func (*STable) Query ¶
func (tbl *STable) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
Query of STable generates a new query from a table
type STableChanges ¶ added in v1.1.0
type STableChanges struct { // indexes RemoveIndexes []STableIndex AddIndexes []STableIndex // Columns RemoveColumns []IColumnSpec UpdatedColumns []SUpdateColumnSpec AddColumns []IColumnSpec OldColumns []IColumnSpec }
type STableConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type STableConstraint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTableConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewTableConstraint(name string, cols []string, foreignTable string, fcols []string) STableConstraint
type STableField ¶
type STableField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STableField represents a field in a table, implements IQueryField
func (*STableField) Expression ¶
func (c *STableField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of STableField for IQueryField
func (*STableField) Label ¶
func (c *STableField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of STableField for IQueryField
func (*STableField) Name ¶
func (c *STableField) Name() string
Name implementation of STableField for IQueryField
func (*STableField) Reference ¶
func (c *STableField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of STableField for IQueryField
func (*STableField) Variables ¶
func (c *STableField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of STableField for IQueryField
type STableIndex ¶ added in v1.1.0
type STableIndex struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTableIndex ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewTableIndex(ts ITableSpec, name string, cols []string, unique bool) STableIndex
func (*STableIndex) IsIdentical ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (index *STableIndex) IsIdentical(cols ...string) bool
func (*STableIndex) Name ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (index *STableIndex) Name() string
func (*STableIndex) QuotedColumns ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (index *STableIndex) QuotedColumns() []string
type STableSpec ¶
type STableSpec struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STableSpec defines the table specification, which implements ITableSpec
func NewTableSpecFromStruct ¶
func NewTableSpecFromStruct(s interface{}, name string) *STableSpec
NewTableSpecFromStruct generates STableSpec based on the information of a struct model
func NewTableSpecFromStructWithDBName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewTableSpecFromStructWithDBName(s interface{}, name string, dbName DBName) *STableSpec
func (*STableSpec) CheckSync ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) CheckSync() error
CheckSync checks whether the table in database consistent with TableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Clone ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Clone(name string, autoIncOffset int64) *STableSpec
Clone makes a clone of a table, so we may create a new table of the same schema
func (*STableSpec) CloneWithSyncColumnOrder ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (ts *STableSpec) CloneWithSyncColumnOrder(name string, autoIncOffset int64, syncColOrder bool) (*STableSpec, error)
Clone makes a clone of a table, so we may create a new table of the same schema
func (*STableSpec) ColumnSpec ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) ColumnSpec(name string) IColumnSpec
ColumnSpec implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Columns ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Columns() []IColumnSpec
Columns implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) CreateSQLs ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (ts *STableSpec) CreateSQLs() []string
CreateSQL returns the SQL for creating this table
func (*STableSpec) DataType ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) DataType() reflect.Type
DataType implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) DebugInsert ¶
func (t *STableSpec) DebugInsert(dt interface{}) error
DebugInsert does insert with debug mode on
func (*STableSpec) DebugInsertOrUpdate ¶
func (t *STableSpec) DebugInsertOrUpdate(dt interface{}) error
DebugInsertOrUpdate does insertOrUpdate with debug mode on
func (*STableSpec) DebugUpdateFields ¶
func (t *STableSpec) DebugUpdateFields(dt interface{}, fields map[string]interface{}) error
DebugUpdateFields does update with debug mode on
func (*STableSpec) Decrement ¶
func (t *STableSpec) Decrement(diff interface{}, target interface{}) error
Decrement is similar to Increment methods, the difference is that this method will atomically decrease the numeric fields with the value of diff
func (*STableSpec) DeleteFrom ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (ts *STableSpec) DeleteFrom(filters map[string]interface{}) error
func (*STableSpec) DropForeignKeySQL ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) DropForeignKeySQL() []string
DropForeignKeySQL returns the SQL statements to do droping foreignkey for a TableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Expression ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Expression() string
Expression implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Fetch ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Fetch(dt interface{}) error
Fetch method fetches the values of a struct whose primary key values have been set input is a pointer to the model to be populated
func (*STableSpec) FetchAll ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) FetchAll(dest interface{}) error
FetchAll method fetches the values of an array of structs whose primary key values have been set input is a pointer to the array of models to be populated
func (*STableSpec) Increment ¶
func (t *STableSpec) Increment(diff interface{}, target interface{}) error
Increment perform an incremental update on a record, the primary key of the record is specified in diff, the numeric fields of this record will be atomically added by the value of the corresponding field in diff if target is given as a pointer to a variable, the result will be stored in the target if target is not given, the updated result will be stored in diff
func (*STableSpec) Indexes ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (ts *STableSpec) Indexes() []STableIndex
Indexes implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Insert ¶
func (t *STableSpec) Insert(dt interface{}) error
Insert perform a insert operation, the value of the record is store in dt
func (*STableSpec) InsertBatch ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (t *STableSpec) InsertBatch(dataList []interface{}) error
func (*STableSpec) InsertOrUpdate ¶
func (t *STableSpec) InsertOrUpdate(dt interface{}) error
InsertOrUpdate perform a insert or update operation, the value of the record is string in dt MySQL: INSERT INTO ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... works only for the cases that all values of primary keys are determeted before insert
func (*STableSpec) InsertSqlPrep ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *STableSpec) InsertSqlPrep(data interface{}, update bool) (*InsertSqlResult, error)
func (*STableSpec) Instance ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Instance() *STable
Instance return an new table instance from an instance of STableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Name ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Name() string
Name implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) PrepareUpdate ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (ts *STableSpec) PrepareUpdate(dt interface{}) (*SUpdateSession, error)
func (*STableSpec) PrimaryColumns ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) PrimaryColumns() []IColumnSpec
PrimaryColumns implementation of STableSpec for ITableSpec
func (*STableSpec) Query ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
Query of STableSpec generates a new query from a STableSpec instance
func (*STableSpec) Sync ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Sync() error
Sync executes the SQLs to synchronize the DB definion of s SQL database by applying the SQL statements generated by SyncSQL()
func (*STableSpec) SyncColumnIndexes ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (ts *STableSpec) SyncColumnIndexes() error
func (*STableSpec) SyncSQL ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) SyncSQL() []string
SyncSQL returns SQL statements that make table in database consistent with TableSpec definitions by comparing table definition derived from TableSpec and that in database
func (*STableSpec) Update ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) Update(dt interface{}, doUpdate func() error) (UpdateDiffs, error)
Update method of STableSpec updates a record of a table, dt is the point to the struct storing the record doUpdate provides method to update the field of the record
func (*STableSpec) UpdateBatch ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (ts *STableSpec) UpdateBatch(data map[string]interface{}, filter map[string]interface{}) error
func (*STableSpec) UpdateFields ¶
func (ts *STableSpec) UpdateFields(dt interface{}, fields map[string]interface{}) error
UpdateFields update a record with the values provided by fields stringmap params dt: model struct, fileds: {struct-field-name-string: update-value}
type STripleCondition ¶
type STripleCondition struct { STupleCondition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
STripleCondition represents a base condition that composed of THREE fields
func NewTripleCondition ¶
func NewTripleCondition(l IQueryField, r interface{}, r2 interface{}) STripleCondition
NewTripleCondition return an instance of STripleCondition
func (*STripleCondition) Variables ¶
func (t *STripleCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of STripleCondition for ICondition
type STrueCondition ¶
type STrueCondition struct{}
STrueCondition represents a dummy condition that is always true
func (*STrueCondition) Variables ¶
func (t *STrueCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of STrueCondition for ICondition
func (*STrueCondition) WhereClause ¶
func (t *STrueCondition) WhereClause() string
WhereClause implementation of STrueCondition for ICondition
type STupleCondition ¶
type STupleCondition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STupleCondition is a base condition that composed of two fields
func NewTupleCondition ¶
func NewTupleCondition(l IQueryField, r interface{}) STupleCondition
NewTupleCondition returns an instance of tuple condition
func (*STupleCondition) GetLeft ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (t *STupleCondition) GetLeft() IQueryField
func (*STupleCondition) GetRight ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (t *STupleCondition) GetRight() interface{}
func (*STupleCondition) Variables ¶
func (t *STupleCondition) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of STupleCondition for ICondition
type SUnion ¶
type SUnion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SUnion is the struct to store state of a Union query, which implementation the interface of IQuerySource
func Union ¶
Union method returns union query of several queries. Require the fields of all queries should exactly match deprecated
func UnionAllWithError ¶ added in v1.1.0
func UnionWithError ¶
UnionWithError constructs union query of several Queries Require the fields of all queries should exactly match
func (*SUnion) Expression ¶
Expression implementation of SUnion for IQuerySource
func (*SUnion) Field ¶
func (uq *SUnion) Field(name string, alias ...string) IQueryField
Field implementation of SUnion for IQuerySource
func (*SUnion) Fields ¶
func (uq *SUnion) Fields() []IQueryField
Fields implementation of SUnion for IQuerySource
func (*SUnion) Query ¶
func (uq *SUnion) Query(f ...IQueryField) *SQuery
Query of SUnion returns a SQuery of a union query
type SUnionQueryField ¶
type SUnionQueryField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SUnionQueryField represents a field of a union query
func (*SUnionQueryField) Expression ¶
func (sqf *SUnionQueryField) Expression() string
Expression implementation of SUnionQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SUnionQueryField) Label ¶
func (sqf *SUnionQueryField) Label(label string) IQueryField
Label implementation of SUnionQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SUnionQueryField) Name ¶
func (sqf *SUnionQueryField) Name() string
Name implementation of SUnionQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SUnionQueryField) Reference ¶
func (sqf *SUnionQueryField) Reference() string
Reference implementation of SUnionQueryField for IQueryField
func (*SUnionQueryField) Variables ¶
func (sqf *SUnionQueryField) Variables() []interface{}
Variables implementation of SUnionQueryField for IQueryField
type SUpdateColumnSpec ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SUpdateColumnSpec struct { OldCol IColumnSpec NewCol IColumnSpec }
type SUpdateDiff ¶
type SUpdateDiff struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SUpdateDiff is a struct to store the differences for an update of a column
func (*SUpdateDiff) String ¶
func (ud *SUpdateDiff) String() string
String of SUpdateDiff returns the string representation of a SUpdateDiff
type SUpdateSQLResult ¶ added in v1.1.2
type SUpdateSQLResult struct { Sql string Vars []interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SUpdateSession ¶
type SUpdateSession struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SUpdateSession is a struct to store the state of a update session
func (*SUpdateSession) SaveUpdateSql ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (us *SUpdateSession) SaveUpdateSql(dt interface{}) (*SUpdateSQLResult, error)
type TColumnNames ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TColumnNames []string
func (TColumnNames) Len ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cols TColumnNames) Len() int
func (TColumnNames) Less ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cols TColumnNames) Less(i, j int) bool
func (TColumnNames) Swap ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cols TColumnNames) Swap(i, j int)
type UpdateDiffs ¶
type UpdateDiffs map[string]SUpdateDiff
UpdateDiffs is a map of SUpdateDiff whose key is the column name
func (UpdateDiffs) String ¶
func (uds UpdateDiffs) String() string
String of UpdateDiffs returns the string representation of UpdateDiffs
Source Files ¶
- backends.go
- backends_base.go
- backends_mock.go
- case.go
- column.go
- conditions.go
- const.go
- constraint.go
- debug.go
- delete_batch.go
- doc.go
- errors.go
- fetch.go
- field_update.go
- filter.go
- functions.go
- inc.go
- index.go
- insert.go
- insert_batch.go
- parser.go
- query.go
- querydefs.go
- rawquery.go
- reflect.go
- sql.go
- subquery.go
- sync.go
- table.go
- tablealias.go
- template.go
- union.go
- update.go
- update_batch.go