Index ¶
- Variables
- func ParseServerDeployInfo(info string) (*computeapi.DeployConfig, error)
- func ParseServerDeployInfoList(list []string) ([]*computeapi.DeployConfig, error)
- type AccessGroupCreateOptions
- type AccessGroupIdOption
- type AccessGroupListOptions
- type AccessGroupRuleIdOption
- type AccessGroupRuleListOptions
- type AccessRuleCreateOptions
- type AclEntries
- type AclEntry
- type AppEnvironmentIdOption
- type AppEnvironmentListOptions
- type AppIdOptions
- type AppListOptions
- type Backends
- type BackupStorageCreateOptions
- type BackupStorageIdOptions
- type BackupStorageListOptions
- type BackupStorageUpdateOptions
- type CDNDomainCreateOptions
- type CDNDomainListOptions
- type CDNDomainUpdateOptions
- type CachedImageCacheImageOptions
- type CachedImageListOptions
- type CachedLoadbalancerAclListOptions
- type ClouaccountChangeOwnerOptions
- type ClouaccountChangeProjectOptions
- type ClouaccountProjectMappingOptions
- type CloudaccountEnableAutoSyncOptions
- type CloudaccountListOptions
- type CloudaccountPublicOptions
- type CloudaccountShareModeOptions
- type CloudaccountSyncOptions
- type CloudaccountSyncSkusOptions
- type CloudaccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type CloudproviderChangeProjectOptions
- type CloudproviderListOptions
- type CloudproviderStorageClassesOptions
- type CloudproviderSyncOptions
- type CloudproviderUpdateOptions
- type CloudregionIdOptions
- type CloudregionPurgeOptions
- type CloudregionSkuSyncOptions
- type ClouproviderProjectMappingOptions
- type ClouproviderSetSyncingOptions
- type DBInstanceAccountIdOptions
- type DBInstanceAccountListOptions
- type DBInstanceChangeConfigOptions
- type DBInstanceChangeOwnerOptions
- type DBInstanceCreateOptions
- type DBInstanceDatabaseCreateOptions
- type DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions
- type DBInstanceDatabaseListOptions
- type DBInstanceDeleteOptions
- type DBInstanceIdOptions
- type DBInstanceListOptions
- type DBInstanceNetworkListOptions
- type DBInstancePublicConnectionOptions
- type DBInstanceRecoveryOptions
- type DBInstanceRemoteUpdateOptions
- type DBInstanceRenewOptions
- type DBInstanceSetSecgroupOptions
- type DBInstanceSkuIdOption
- type DBInstanceSkuListOption
- type DBInstanceUpdateOptions
- type DiskBackupCreateOptions
- type DiskBackupDeleteOptions
- type DiskBackupIdOptions
- type DiskBackupListOptions
- type DiskBackupRecoveryOptions
- type DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions
- type DiskCreateOptions
- type DiskMigrateOptions
- type DnsRecordCreateOptions
- type DnsRecordIdOptions
- type DnsRecordListOptions
- type DnsRecordUpdateOptions
- type DnsZoneAddVpcsOptions
- type DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions
- type DnsZoneCreateOptions
- type DnsZoneRemoveVpcsOptions
- type EipAssociateOptions
- type EipChangeBandwidthOptions
- type EipChangeOwnerOptions
- type EipCreateOptions
- type EipDissociateOptions
- type EipUpdateOptions
- type ElasticCacheAccountCreateOptions
- type ElasticCacheAclCreateOptions
- type ElasticCacheAclUpdateOptions
- type ElasticCacheAutoRenewOptions
- type ElasticCacheBackupCreateOptions
- type ElasticCacheChangeSpecOptions
- type ElasticCacheCreateOptions
- type ElasticCacheDisableAuthOptions
- type ElasticCacheEnableAuthOptions
- type ElasticCacheIdOption
- type ElasticCacheIdOptions
- type ElasticCacheListOptions
- type ElasticCacheMainteananceTimeOptions
- type ElasticCacheParameterUpdateOptions
- type ElasticCacheRemoteUpdateOptions
- type ElasticCacheRenewOptions
- type ElasticSearchIdOption
- type ElasticSearchListOptions
- type ElasticSearchUpdateOptions
- type ElasticipListOptions
- type ExterProjectChagneProjectOptions
- type ExternalProjectCreateOptions
- type ExternalProjectIdOption
- type ExternalProjectListOptions
- type ExternalProjectUpdateOptions
- type FileSystemCreateOptions
- type FileSystemIdOption
- type FileSystemListOptions
- type GlobalVpcCreateOptions
- type GlobalVpcIdOption
- type GlobalVpcListOptions
- type HostAutoMigrateOnHostDownOptions
- type HostBackupStorageJoinOptions
- type HostBackupStorageListOptions
- type HostListOptions
- type HostReserveCpusOptions
- type HostStatusStatisticsOptions
- type HostValidateIPMI
- type IPv6GatewayListOptions
- type InstanceBackupDeleteOptions
- type InstanceBackupIdOptions
- type InstanceBackupListOptions
- type InstanceBackupManagerCreateFromPackageOptions
- type InstanceBackupPackOptions
- type InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions
- type InstanceGroupAssociateEipOptions
- type InstanceGroupAttachnetworkOptions
- type InstanceGroupBindGuestsOptions
- type InstanceGroupCreateEipOptions
- type InstanceGroupCreateOptions
- type InstanceGroupDetachnetworkOptions
- type InstanceGroupDissociateEipOptions
- type InstanceGroupGuestListOptions
- type InstanceGroupListOptions
- type InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions
- type InstanceGroupUpdateOptions
- type IsolatedDeviceIdsOptions
- type IsolatedDeviceModelCreateOptions
- type IsolatedDeviceModelListOptions
- type IsolatedDeviceModelSetHardwareInfoOptions
- type IsolatedDeviceModelUpdateOptions
- type KafkaIdOption
- type KafkaListOptions
- type KafkaUpdateOptions
- type KeyPairIdOptions
- type KeypairCreate
- type KeypairList
- type KeypairUpdate
- type KubeClusterConfigOptions
- type KubeClusterCreateOptions
- type KubeClusterIdOption
- type KubeClusterListOptions
- type KubeNodeIdOption
- type KubeNodeListOptions
- type KubeNodePoolCreateOptions
- type KubeNodePoolIdOption
- type KubeNodePoolListOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclActionPatchOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclIdOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclListOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclPublicOptions
- type LoadbalancerAclUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerActionStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerActionSyncStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentActionDeployOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentActionHbOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentActionPatchParamsOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentActionUndeployOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentDefaultParamsOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentJoinClusterOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentLeaveClusterOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentListOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentParamsOptions
- type LoadbalancerAgentUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerAssociateEipOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupIDOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupListOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendGroupUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendListOptions
- type LoadbalancerBackendUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCachedAclCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateListOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificateCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificateDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificatePrivateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificatePublicOptions
- type LoadbalancerCertificateUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerClusterCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerClusterDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerClusterGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerClusterListOptions
- type LoadbalancerClusterUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerCreateEipOptions
- type LoadbalancerCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerDissociateEipOptions
- type LoadbalancerIdOptions
- type LoadbalancerListOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerActionStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerActionSyncStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerGetBackendStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerListOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleActionStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleCreateOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleDeleteOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetBackendStatusOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleListOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerRuleUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerListenerUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerPurgeOptions
- type LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateOptions
- type LoadbalancerUpdateOptions
- type ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption
- type ModelartsPoolCreateOption
- type ModelartsPoolIdOption
- type ModelartsPoolListOptions
- type ModelartsPoolSkuListOptions
- type ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption
- type ModelartsPoolUpdateOption
- type MongoDBBackupListOptions
- type MongoDBListOptions
- type MongoDBUpdateOptions
- type MountTargetCreateOptions
- type MountTargetIdOption
- type MountTargetListOptions
- type NasSkuIdOption
- type NasSkuListOption
- type NatDCreateOptions
- type NatDDeleteShowOptions
- type NatDTableListOptions
- type NatGatewayDeleteOption
- type NatGatewayIdOptions
- type NatGatewayListOptions
- type NatPostpaidExpireOptions
- type NatSCreateOptions
- type NatSDeleteShowOptions
- type NatSTableListOptions
- type NatSkuIdOption
- type NatSkuListOption
- type NetTapFlowCreateOptions
- type NetTapFlowIdOptions
- type NetTapFlowListOptions
- type NetTapServiceCreateOptions
- type NetTapServiceIdOptions
- type NetTapServiceListOptions
- type NetworkAddressCreateOptions
- type NetworkAddressIdOptions
- type NetworkAddressIdsOptions
- type NetworkAddressListOptions
- type NetworkCreateOptions
- type NetworkIdOptions
- type NetworkIpMacCreateOptions
- type NetworkIpMacIdOptions
- type NetworkIpMacListOptions
- type NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions
- type NetworkListOptions
- type NetworkSwitchWireOptions
- type NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions
- type NetworkUpdateOptions
- type ProjectMappingCreateOption
- type ProjectMappingListOptions
- type ProjectMappingUpdateOption
- type Route
- type RouteTableAddRoutesOptions
- type RouteTableAssociationIdOptions
- type RouteTableAssociationListOptions
- type RouteTableCreateOptions
- type RouteTableDelRoutesOptions
- type RouteTableDeleteOptions
- type RouteTableGetOptions
- type RouteTableIdOptions
- type RouteTableListOptions
- type RouteTablePurgeOptions
- type RouteTableRouteSetCreateOptions
- type RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions
- type RouteTableRouteSetListOptions
- type RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions
- type RouteTableSyncstatusOptions
- type RouteTableUpdateOptions
- type Routes
- type RoutesOptions
- type SAWSCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SAccessKeyCredential
- type SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SAliyunAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SAliyunCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SApsaraCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SApsaraCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SAzureCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SAzureCredential
- type SAzureCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SBackend
- type SBaiduCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SBingoCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SCephCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions
- type SCloudAccountIdOptions
- type SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions
- type SCloudpodsCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SCtyunCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SCucloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SDnsZoneIdOptions
- type SDnsZoneListOptions
- type SEcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SGoogleCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SHCSAccountCreateOptions
- type SHCSAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SHCSAccountUpdateOptions
- type SHCSOAccountCreateOptions
- type SHCSOAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SHCSOAccountUpdateOptions
- type SHcsOpCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SHuaweiCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SInCloudSphereAccountCreateOptions
- type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateOptions
- type SJDcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SKsyunCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SNutanixCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SNutanixCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SOpenStackCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SOpenStackCredential
- type SOpenStackCredentialWithAuthURL
- type SOracleCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SProxmoxAccountCreateOptions
- type SProxmoxAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SProxmoxAccountUpdateOptions
- type SProxmoxCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SQcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SQcloudCredential
- type SQingCloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SRemoteFileAccountCreateOptions
- type SS3CloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SS3CloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SS3CloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SUcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SUserPasswordCredential
- type SVMwareCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SVMwareCredentialWithEnvironment
- type SVolcengineCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SXskyCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SZStackCloudAccountCreateOptions
- type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions
- type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions
- type SchedtagCreateOptions
- type SchedtagListOptions
- type SchedtagModelListOptions
- type SchedtagModelPairOptions
- type SchedtagSetOptions
- type SchedtagSetResource
- type SchedtagSetScopeOptions
- type SchedtagShowOptions
- type SchedtagUpdateOptions
- type SchedulerForecastOptions
- type SchedulerTestBaseOptions
- type SchedulerTestOptions
- type SecGroupRulesCreateOptions
- type SecGroupRulesListOptions
- type SecGroupRulesUpdateOptions
- type SecgroupChangeOwnerOptions
- type SecgroupCleanOptions
- type SecgroupCreateOptions
- type SecgroupIdOptions
- type SecgroupImportRulesOptions
- type SecgroupListOptions
- type SecgroupMergeOptions
- type SecgroupsAddRuleOptions
- type SecurityGroupCacheOptions
- type SecurityGroupUncacheSecurityGroup
- type ServerAddSubIpsOptions
- type ServerAssociateEipOptions
- type ServerBatchMetadataOptions
- type ServerCPUSetOptions
- type ServerCancelDeleteOptions
- type ServerChangeConfigOptions
- type ServerChangeDiskStorageOptions
- type ServerChangeOwnerCandidateDomainsOptions
- type ServerChangeOwnerOptions
- type ServerChangeStorageOptions
- type ServerCloneOptions
- type ServerCloseForwardOptions
- type ServerConfigs
- type ServerConvertToKvmOptions
- type ServerCreateBackupOptions
- type ServerCreateEipOptions
- type ServerCreateFromInstanceSnapshot
- type ServerCreateOptionalOptions
- type ServerCreateOptions
- type ServerDeleteBackupOptions
- type ServerDeleteOptions
- type ServerDeployOptions
- type ServerDissociateEipOptions
- type ServerDomainStatisticsOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValuePairOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValueTreeOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValuePairOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValueTreeOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyTagValuePairOptions
- type ServerGetPropertyTagValueTreeOptions
- type ServerHaveAgentOptions
- type ServerIdOptions
- type ServerIdsOptions
- type ServerIoThrottle
- type ServerIsoOptions
- type ServerListForwardOptions
- type ServerListOptions
- type ServerLiveMigrateOptions
- type ServerLoginInfoOptions
- type ServerMakeSshableOptions
- type ServerMigrateForecastOptions
- type ServerMigrateNetworkOptions
- type ServerMigrateOptions
- type ServerModifySrcCheckOptions
- type ServerMonitorOptions
- type ServerNicTrafficLimitOptions
- type ServerOpenForwardOptions
- type ServerPrepaidRecycleOptions
- type ServerProjectStatisticsOptions
- type ServerPublicipToEip
- type ServerQgaCommand
- type ServerQgaGetNetwork
- type ServerQgaGuestInfoTask
- type ServerQgaPing
- type ServerQgaSetPassword
- type ServerRebuildRootOptions
- type ServerRemoteUpdateOptions
- type ServerRenewOptions
- type ServerResetOptions
- type ServerRestartOptions
- type ServerSSHLoginOptions
- type ServerSaveGuestImageOptions
- type ServerSaveImageOptions
- type ServerSaveTemplateOptions
- type ServerSecGroupOptions
- type ServerSecGroupsOptions
- type ServerSendKeyOptions
- type ServerSetAutoRenew
- type ServerSetBootIndexOptions
- type ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions
- type ServerSetOSInfoOptions
- type ServerSetPasswordOptions
- type ServerSetSshportOptions
- type ServerShowOptions
- type ServerSkusCreateOptions
- type ServerSkusIdOptions
- type ServerSkusListOptions
- type ServerSkusUpdateOptions
- type ServerStartOptions
- type ServerStatusStatisticsOptions
- type ServerStopOptions
- type ServerSwitchToBackupOptions
- type ServerUpdateOptions
- type ServerUpdateSubIpsOptions
- type ServerVncOptions
- type SkuSyncOptions
- type SnapshotPolicyCreateOptions
- type SnapshotPolicyDisksOptions
- type SnapshotPolicyListOptions
- type StorageCacheImageActionOptions
- type StorageCreateOptions
- type StorageForceDetachHost
- type StorageListOptions
- type StorageSetHardwareInfoOptions
- type StorageUncacheImageActionOptions
- type StorageUpdateOptions
- type StoragecacheListOptions
- type SubscriptionCreateOptions
- type TablestoreListOptions
- type VpcChangeOwnerOptions
- type VpcCreateOptions
- type VpcIdOptions
- type VpcListOptions
- type VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions
- type VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions
- type VpcPeeringConnectionListOptions
- type VpcStatusOptions
- type VpcUpdateOptions
- type WafIPSetCacheListOptions
- type WafIPSetListOptions
- type WafInstanceCreateOptions
- type WafInstanceListOptions
- type WafRegexSetCacheListOptions
- type WafRegexSetListOptions
- type WafRuleGroupCacheListOptions
- type WafRuleGroupListOptions
- type WafRuleListOptions
- type WafRuleOptions
- type WafRuleUpdateOptions
- type ZoneCapabilityOptions
- type ZoneCreateOptions
- type ZoneIdOptions
- type ZoneListOptions
- type ZonePurgeOptions
- type ZoneStatusOptions
- type ZoneUpdateOptions
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ErrEmtptyUpdate = errors.New("No valid update data")
Functions ¶
func ParseServerDeployInfo ¶
func ParseServerDeployInfo(info string) (*computeapi.DeployConfig, error)
func ParseServerDeployInfoList ¶
func ParseServerDeployInfoList(list []string) ([]*computeapi.DeployConfig, error)
Types ¶
type AccessGroupCreateOptions ¶
type AccessGroupCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions CloudregionId string ManagerId string }
func (*AccessGroupCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AccessGroupIdOption ¶
type AccessGroupIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Access group Id"`
func (*AccessGroupIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupIdOption) GetId() string
func (*AccessGroupIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AccessGroupListOptions ¶
type AccessGroupListOptions struct {
func (*AccessGroupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AccessGroupRuleIdOption ¶
type AccessGroupRuleIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Access group rule Id"`
func (*AccessGroupRuleIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupRuleIdOption) GetId() string
func (*AccessGroupRuleIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupRuleIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AccessGroupRuleListOptions ¶
type AccessGroupRuleListOptions struct {
func (*AccessGroupRuleListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessGroupRuleListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AccessRuleCreateOptions ¶
type AccessRuleCreateOptions struct { Priority int Source string RWAccessType string `choices:"rw|r"` UserAccessType string `choices:""` Description string AccessGroupId string }
func (*AccessRuleCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AccessRuleCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AclEntries ¶
type AclEntries []*AclEntry
func NewAclEntries ¶
func NewAclEntries(ss []string) AclEntries
func (AclEntries) String ¶
func (entries AclEntries) String() string
type AclEntry ¶
func NewAclEntry ¶
type AppEnvironmentIdOption ¶
type AppEnvironmentIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"AppEnvironment ID"`
func (*AppEnvironmentIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *AppEnvironmentIdOption) GetId() string
func (*AppEnvironmentIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *AppEnvironmentIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AppEnvironmentListOptions ¶
type AppEnvironmentListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions AppId string `help:"App Id"` InstanceType string `help:"Instance Type"` }
func (*AppEnvironmentListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AppEnvironmentListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AppIdOptions ¶
type AppIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"App Id"`
func (*AppIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *AppIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*AppIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AppIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type AppListOptions ¶
type AppListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions TechStack string }
func (*AppListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *AppListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type BackupStorageCreateOptions ¶
type BackupStorageCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions StorageType string `help:"storage type" choices:"nfs|object"` NfsHost string `help:"nfs host, required when storage_type is nfs"` ObjectBucketUrl string `help:"object bucket url, required when storage_type is object"` ObjectAccessKey string `help:"object storage access key, required when storage_type is object"` ObjectSecret string `help:"object storage secret, required when storage_type is object"` CapacityMb int `help:"capacity, unit mb"` }
func (*BackupStorageCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *BackupStorageCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type BackupStorageIdOptions ¶
type BackupStorageIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"backup storage id"`
func (*BackupStorageIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *BackupStorageIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*BackupStorageIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *BackupStorageIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type BackupStorageListOptions ¶
type BackupStorageListOptions struct {
func (*BackupStorageListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *BackupStorageListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type BackupStorageUpdateOptions ¶
type BackupStorageUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions NfsHost string `help:"nfs host, required when storage_type is nfs"` ObjectBucketUrl string `help:"object bucket url, required when storage_type is object"` ObjectAccessKey string `help:"object storage access key, required when storage_type is object"` ObjectSecret string `help:"object storage secret, required when storage_type is object"` }
func (*BackupStorageUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *BackupStorageUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CDNDomainCreateOptions ¶
type CDNDomainCreateOptions struct { DOMAIN string `help:"Domain Name"` MANAGER string `help:"Cloudprovider Id"` AREA string `help:"Area" choices:"mainland|overseas|global"` SERVICE_TYPE string `help:"Service Type" choices:"web|download|media"` ORIGIN_TYPE string `help:"Origin Type" choices:"domain|ip|bucket|third_party"` ORIGIN string `help:"Origin Addr"` ServerName string `help:"Cdn Server Name"` }
func (*CDNDomainCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CDNDomainCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CDNDomainListOptions ¶
type CDNDomainListOptions struct {
func (*CDNDomainListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CDNDomainListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CDNDomainUpdateOptions ¶
type CDNDomainUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Description string Delete string `help:"Lock or not lock cdn domain" choices:"enable|disable"` }
func (*CDNDomainUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CDNDomainUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CachedImageCacheImageOptions ¶
type CachedImageCacheImageOptions struct {
ID string
func (*CachedImageCacheImageOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CachedImageCacheImageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CachedImageListOptions ¶
type CachedImageListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions ImageType string `help:"image type" choices:"system|customized|shared|market"` Region string `help:"show images cached at cloud region"` Zone string `help:"show images cached at zone"` HostSchedtagId string `help:"filter cached image with host schedtag"` Valid *bool `help:"valid cachedimage"` }
func (*CachedImageListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CachedImageListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CachedLoadbalancerAclListOptions ¶
type CachedLoadbalancerAclListOptions struct { LoadbalancerAclListOptions AclId string `help:"local acl id" ` }
func (*CachedLoadbalancerAclListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CachedLoadbalancerAclListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ClouaccountChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type ClouaccountChangeOwnerOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions ProjectDomain string `json:"project_domain" help:"target domain"` }
func (*ClouaccountChangeOwnerOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ClouaccountChangeOwnerOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ClouaccountChangeProjectOptions ¶
type ClouaccountChangeProjectOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions PROJECT string `json:"project" help:"target domain"` }
func (*ClouaccountChangeProjectOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ClouaccountChangeProjectOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ClouaccountProjectMappingOptions ¶
type ClouaccountProjectMappingOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions ProjectId string `json:"project_id" help:"default project id"` AutoCreateProject bool `help:"auto create project"` ProjectMappingId string `json:"project_mapping_id" help:"project mapping id"` EnableProjectSync bool EnableResourceSync bool }
func (*ClouaccountProjectMappingOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ClouaccountProjectMappingOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountEnableAutoSyncOptions ¶
type CloudaccountEnableAutoSyncOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SyncIntervalSeconds int `help:"new sync interval in seconds"` }
func (*CloudaccountEnableAutoSyncOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountEnableAutoSyncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountListOptions ¶
type CloudaccountListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Capability []string `help:"capability filter" choices:"project|compute|network|loadbalancer|objectstore|rds|cache|event|tablestore"` ReadOnly *bool `help:"filter read only account" negative:"no-read-only"` //DistinctField string `help:"distinct field"` ProxySetting string `help:"Proxy setting id or name"` // 按宿主机数量排序 OrderByHostCount string // 按虚拟机数量排序 OrderByGuestCount string }
func (*CloudaccountListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountPublicOptions ¶
type CloudaccountPublicOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions Scope string `help:"public_sccope" choices:"domain|system" json:"scope"` }
func (*CloudaccountPublicOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountPublicOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountShareModeOptions ¶
type CloudaccountShareModeOptions struct {}
func (*CloudaccountShareModeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountShareModeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountSyncOptions ¶
type CloudaccountSyncOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions api.SyncRangeInput }
func (*CloudaccountSyncOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountSyncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountSyncSkusOptions ¶
type CloudaccountSyncSkusOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions RESOURCE string `help:"Resource of skus" choices:"serversku|elasticcachesku|dbinstance_sku|nat_sku|nas_sku"` Force bool `help:"Force sync no matter what"` Cloudprovider string `help:"provider to sync"` Region string `help:"region to sync"` }
func (*CloudaccountSyncSkusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountSyncSkusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudaccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type CloudaccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions AccessKeyID string `help:"Aiyun|HuaWei|Aws access_key_id"` AccessKeySecret string `help:"Aiyun|HuaWei|Aws access_key_secret"` AppID string `help:"Qcloud appid"` SecretID string `help:"Qcloud secret_id"` SecretKey string `help:"Qcloud secret_key"` ProjectName string `help:"OpenStack project_name"` Username string `help:"OpenStack|VMware username"` Password string `help:"OpenStack|VMware password"` EndpointType string `help:"OpenStack endpointType"` ClientID string `help:"Azure tenant_id"` ClientSecret string `help:"Azure clinet_secret"` }
func (*CloudaccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudaccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudproviderChangeProjectOptions ¶
type CloudproviderChangeProjectOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions TENANT string `help:"ID or Name of tenant"` }
func (*CloudproviderChangeProjectOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudproviderChangeProjectOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudproviderListOptions ¶
type CloudproviderListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Usable bool `help:"Vpc & Network usable"` HasObjectStorage bool `help:"filter cloudproviders that has object storage" negative:"no-object-storage"` Capability []string `help:"capability filter" choices:"project|compute|network|loadbalancer|objectstore|rds|cache|event"` Cloudregion string `help:"filter cloudproviders by cloudregion"` ReadOnly *bool `help:"filter read only account" negative:"no-read-only"` HostSchedtagId string `help:"filter by host schedtag"` ZoneId string }
func (*CloudproviderListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudproviderListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudproviderStorageClassesOptions ¶
type CloudproviderStorageClassesOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Cloudregion string `help:"cloud region name or Id"` }
func (*CloudproviderStorageClassesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudproviderStorageClassesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudproviderSyncOptions ¶
type CloudproviderSyncOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Force bool `help:"Force sync no matter what"` FullSync bool `help:"Synchronize everything"` ProjectSync bool `help:"Auto sync project info"` Region []string `help:"region to sync"` Zone []string `help:"region to sync"` Host []string `help:"region to sync"` }
func (*CloudproviderSyncOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudproviderSyncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudproviderUpdateOptions ¶
type CloudproviderUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Name string `help:"New name to update"` AccessUrl string `help:"New access url"` Desc string `help:"Description"` }
func (*CloudproviderUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudproviderUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudregionIdOptions ¶
type CloudregionIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"Cloudregion Id"`
func (*CloudregionIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *CloudregionIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*CloudregionIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudregionIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudregionPurgeOptions ¶
type CloudregionPurgeOptions struct { CloudregionIdOptions MANAGER_ID string }
func (*CloudregionPurgeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudregionPurgeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type CloudregionSkuSyncOptions ¶
type CloudregionSkuSyncOptions struct { RESOURCE string `help:"Resource of skus" choices:"serversku|elasticcachesku|dbinstance_sku|nat_sku"` SkuSyncOptions }
func (*CloudregionSkuSyncOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *CloudregionSkuSyncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ClouproviderProjectMappingOptions ¶
type ClouproviderProjectMappingOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions ProjectMappingId string `json:"project_mapping_id" help:"project mapping id"` }
func (*ClouproviderProjectMappingOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ClouproviderProjectMappingOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ClouproviderSetSyncingOptions ¶
type ClouproviderSetSyncingOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Enabled bool `help:"Enable or disable sync"` CloudregionIds []string `help:"Cloudregion ids for sync"` }
func (*ClouproviderSetSyncingOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ClouproviderSetSyncingOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceAccountIdOptions ¶
type DBInstanceAccountIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of DBInstanceaccount"`
func (*DBInstanceAccountIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceAccountIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*DBInstanceAccountIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceAccountIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceAccountListOptions ¶
type DBInstanceAccountListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions DBInstance string `help:"ID or Name of DBInstance" json:"dbinstance"` }
func (*DBInstanceAccountListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceAccountListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceChangeConfigOptions ¶
type DBInstanceChangeConfigOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions DiskSizeGb int64 `help:"Change DBInstance storage size"` VcpuCount int64 `help:"Change DBInstance vcpu count"` VmemSizeMb int64 `help:"Change DBInstance vmem size mb"` InstanceType string `help:"Change DBInstance instanceType"` Category string `help:"Change DBInstance category"` }
func (*DBInstanceChangeConfigOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceChangeConfigOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type DBInstanceChangeOwnerOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions PROJECT string `help:"Project ID or change" json:"tenant"` }
func (*DBInstanceChangeOwnerOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceChangeOwnerOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceCreateOptions ¶
type DBInstanceCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"DBInstance Name"` InstanceType string `help:"InstanceType for DBInstance"` VcpuCount int `help:"Core of cpu for DBInstance"` VmemSizeMb int `help:"Memory size of DBInstance"` Port int `help:"Port of DBInstance"` Category string `help:"Category of DBInstance"` Network string `help:"Network of DBInstance"` Address string `help:"Address of DBInstance"` Engine string `help:"Engine of DBInstance"` EngineVersion string `help:"EngineVersion of DBInstance Engine"` StorageType string `help:"StorageTyep of DBInstance"` Secgroup string `help:"Secgroup name or Id for DBInstance"` Zone string `help:"ZoneId or name for DBInstance"` DiskSizeGB int `help:"Storage size for DBInstance"` Duration string `help:"Duration for DBInstance"` AllowDelete *bool `help:"not lock dbinstance" ` Tags []string `help:"Tags info,prefix with 'user:', eg: user:project=default" json:"-"` DBInstancebackupId string `help:"create dbinstance from backup" json:"dbinstancebackup_id"` MultiAz bool `help:"deploy rds with multi az"` }
func (*DBInstanceCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceDatabaseCreateOptions ¶
type DBInstanceDatabaseCreateOptions struct { NAME string DBINSTANCE string `help:"ID or Name of DBInstance" json:"dbinstance"` CharacterSet string `help:"CharacterSet for database"` }
func (*DBInstanceDatabaseCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceDatabaseCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions ¶
type DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of DBInstancedatabase"`
func (*DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceDatabaseIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceDatabaseListOptions ¶
type DBInstanceDatabaseListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions DBInstance string `help:"ID or Name of DBInstance" json:"dbinstance"` }
func (*DBInstanceDatabaseListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceDatabaseListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceDeleteOptions ¶
type DBInstanceDeleteOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions KeepBackup bool `help:"Keep dbinstance manual backup after delete dbinstance"` }
func (*DBInstanceDeleteOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceDeleteOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceIdOptions ¶
type DBInstanceIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"DBInstance Id"`
func (*DBInstanceIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*DBInstanceIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceListOptions ¶
type DBInstanceListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions BillingType string `help:"billing type" choices:"postpaid|prepaid"` IpAddr []string SecgroupId string }
func (*DBInstanceListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceNetworkListOptions ¶
type DBInstanceNetworkListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions DBInstance string `help:"ID or Name of DBInstance" json:"dbinstance"` Network string `help:"Network ID or name"` }
func (*DBInstanceNetworkListOptions) GetContextId ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceNetworkListOptions) GetContextId() string
func (*DBInstanceNetworkListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceNetworkListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstancePublicConnectionOptions ¶
type DBInstancePublicConnectionOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions IS_OPEN string `help:"Open Or Close public connection" choices:"true|false"` }
func (*DBInstancePublicConnectionOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstancePublicConnectionOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceRecoveryOptions ¶
type DBInstanceRecoveryOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions BACKUP string Databases []string }
func (*DBInstanceRecoveryOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceRecoveryOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceRemoteUpdateOptions ¶
type DBInstanceRemoteUpdateOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions api.DBInstanceRemoteUpdateInput }
func (*DBInstanceRemoteUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceRemoteUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceRenewOptions ¶
type DBInstanceRenewOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions DURATION string `help:"Duration of renew, ADMIN only command"` }
func (*DBInstanceRenewOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceRenewOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceSetSecgroupOptions ¶
type DBInstanceSetSecgroupOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions SECGROUP_IDS []string `help:"Security Group Ids"` }
func (*DBInstanceSetSecgroupOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceSetSecgroupOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceSkuIdOption ¶
type DBInstanceSkuIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"DBInstance Id or name"`
func (*DBInstanceSkuIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceSkuIdOption) GetId() string
func (*DBInstanceSkuIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceSkuIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceSkuListOption ¶
type DBInstanceSkuListOption struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Engine string EngineVersion string Category string StorageType string Cloudregion string VcpuCount *int VmemSizeMb *int }
func (*DBInstanceSkuListOption) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceSkuListOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DBInstanceUpdateOptions ¶
type DBInstanceUpdateOptions struct { DBInstanceIdOptions Name string Description string Delete string `help:"Lock or not lock dbinstance" choices:"enable|disable"` }
func (*DBInstanceUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DBInstanceUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupCreateOptions ¶
type DiskBackupCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions DISKID string `help:"disk id" json:"disk_id"` BACKUPSTORAGEID string `help:"back storage id" json:"backup_storage_id"` }
func (*DiskBackupCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DiskBackupCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupDeleteOptions ¶
type DiskBackupDeleteOptions struct { DiskBackupIdOptions Force bool `help:"force delete"` }
func (*DiskBackupDeleteOptions) QueryParams ¶
func (opts *DiskBackupDeleteOptions) QueryParams() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupIdOptions ¶
type DiskBackupIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"disk backup id" json:"-"`
func (*DiskBackupIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DiskBackupIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*DiskBackupIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DiskBackupIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupListOptions ¶
type DiskBackupListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions DiskId string `help:"disk id" json:"disk_id"` BackupStorageId string `help:"backup storage id" json:"backup_storage_id"` IsInstanceBackup *bool `help:"if part of instance backup" json:"is_instance_backup"` OrderByDiskName string }
func (*DiskBackupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DiskBackupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupRecoveryOptions ¶
type DiskBackupRecoveryOptions struct { DiskBackupIdOptions Name string `help:"disk name" json:"name"` }
func (*DiskBackupRecoveryOptions) GetId ¶
func (opt *DiskBackupRecoveryOptions) GetId() string
func (*DiskBackupRecoveryOptions) Params ¶
func (opt *DiskBackupRecoveryOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions ¶
type DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions struct {
func (*DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions) GetId ¶
func (opt *DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions) GetId() string
func (*DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opt *DiskBackupSyncstatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DiskCreateOptions ¶
type DiskCreateOptions struct { Manager string `help:"Preferred manager where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_manager_id"` Region string `help:"Preferred region where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_region_id"` Zone string `help:"Preferred zone where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_zone_id"` Wire string `help:"Preferred wire where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_wire_id"` Host string `help:"Preferred host where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_host_id"` Count int `help:"Count to create" json:"count"` NAME string `help:"Name of the disk"` DISKDESC string `help:"Image size or size of virtual disk"` Desc string `help:"Description" metavar:"Description"` Storage string `help:"ID or name of storage where the disk is created"` Hypervisor string `help:"Hypervisor of this disk, used by schedule"` Backend string `help:"Backend of this disk"` Schedtag []string `help:"Schedule policy, key = aggregate name, value = require|exclude|prefer|avoid" metavar:"<KEY:VALUE>"` TaskNotify bool `help:"Setup task notify"` SnapshotId string `help:"snapshot id"` BackupId string `help:"Backup id"` Project string `help:"Owner project"` }
func (DiskCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (o DiskCreateOptions) Params() (*api.DiskCreateInput, error)
type DiskMigrateOptions ¶
type DiskMigrateOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of the server" json:"-"` TargetStorageId string `help:"Disk migrate target storage id or name" json:"target_storage_id"` }
func (*DiskMigrateOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *DiskMigrateOptions) GetId() string
func (*DiskMigrateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *DiskMigrateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsRecordCreateOptions ¶
type DnsRecordCreateOptions struct { options.EnabledStatusCreateOptions DNS_ZONE_ID string `help:"Dns Zone Id"` DNS_TYPE string `choices:"A|AAAA|CAA|CNAME|MX|NS|SRV|SOA|TXT|PTR|DS|DNSKEY|IPSECKEY|NAPTR|SPF|SSHFP|TLSA|REDIRECT_URL|FORWARD_URL"` DNS_VALUE string `help:"Dns Value"` Ttl int64 `help:"Dns ttl" default:"300"` MxPriority int64 `help:"dns mx type mxpriority"` PolicyType string `choices:"Simple|ByCarrier|ByGeoLocation|BySearchEngine|IpRange|Weighted|Failover|MultiValueAnswer|Latency"` PolicyValue string `help:"Dns Traffic policy value"` }
func (*DnsRecordCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsRecordCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsRecordIdOptions ¶
type DnsRecordIdOptions struct {
ID string
func (*DnsRecordIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DnsRecordIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*DnsRecordIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsRecordIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsRecordListOptions ¶
type DnsRecordListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions DnsZoneId string `help:"DnsZone Id or Name"` }
func (*DnsRecordListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsRecordListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsRecordUpdateOptions ¶
type DnsRecordUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions DnsType string `choices:"A|AAAA|CAA|CNAME|MX|NS|SRV|SOA|TXT|PRT|DS|DNSKEY|IPSECKEY|NAPTR|SPF|SSHFP|TLSA|REDIRECT_URL|FORWARD_URL"` DnsValue string Ttl *int64 MxPriority *int64 `help:"dns mx type mxpriority"` PolicyType string `choices:"Simple|ByCarrier|ByGeoLocation|BySearchEngine|IpRange|Weighted|Failover|MultiValueAnswer|Latency"` PolicyValue string `help:"Dns Traffic policy value"` }
func (*DnsRecordUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsRecordUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsZoneAddVpcsOptions ¶
type DnsZoneAddVpcsOptions struct { SDnsZoneIdOptions VPC_IDS string }
func (*DnsZoneAddVpcsOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsZoneAddVpcsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions ¶
type DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions struct { }
func (*DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions) GetId() string
func (*DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsZoneCapabilitiesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsZoneCreateOptions ¶
type DnsZoneCreateOptions struct { options.EnabledStatusCreateOptions ZoneType string `choices:"PublicZone|PrivateZone" metavar:"zone_type" default:"PrivateZone"` VpcIds []string `help:"Vpc Ids"` ManagerId string `help:"Manager id"` }
func (*DnsZoneCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsZoneCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type DnsZoneRemoveVpcsOptions ¶
type DnsZoneRemoveVpcsOptions struct { SDnsZoneIdOptions VPC_IDS string }
func (*DnsZoneRemoveVpcsOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *DnsZoneRemoveVpcsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipAssociateOptions ¶
type EipAssociateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions INSTANCE_ID string `help:"ID of instance the eip associated with"` InstanceType string `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */ }
func (*EipAssociateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipAssociateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipChangeBandwidthOptions ¶
type EipChangeBandwidthOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions BANDWIDTH int `help:"new bandwidth of EIP"` }
func (*EipChangeBandwidthOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipChangeBandwidthOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type EipChangeOwnerOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions PROJECT string `help:"Project ID or change"` }
func (*EipChangeOwnerOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipChangeOwnerOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipCreateOptions ¶
type EipCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions Manager *string `help:"cloud provider"` Region *string `help:"cloud region in which EIP is allocated"` Bandwidth *int `help:"Bandwidth in Mbps"` IpAddr *string `help:"IP address of the EIP" json:"ip_addr"` Network *string `help:"Network of the EIP"` BgpType *string `help:"BgpType of the EIP" positional:"false" choices:"BGP|BGP_PRO"` ChargeType *string `help:"bandwidth charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth"` }
func (*EipCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipDissociateOptions ¶
type EipDissociateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions AutoDelete bool `help:"automatically delete the dissociate EIP" json:"auto_delete,omitfalse"` }
func (*EipDissociateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipDissociateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type EipUpdateOptions ¶
type EipUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions AutoDellocate *string `help:"enable or disable automatically dellocate when dissociate from instance" choices:"true|false"` IpAddr string AssociateId string AssociateType string }
func (*EipUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *EipUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheAutoRenewOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheAutoRenewOptions struct { ElasticCacheIdOptions AutoRenew bool `help:"Set elastic cache auto renew or manual renew"` }
func (*ElasticCacheAutoRenewOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ElasticCacheAutoRenewOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheChangeSpecOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheChangeSpecOptions struct { ElasticCacheIdOption Sku string `help:"elastic cache sku id"` }
func (*ElasticCacheChangeSpecOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheChangeSpecOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheCreateOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheCreateOptions struct { NAME string Manager string Cloudregion string Zone string VpcId string Network string `help:"network id"` SecurityGroup string `help:"elastic cache security group. required by huawei."` SecgroupIds []string `help:"elastic cache security group. required by qcloud."` Engine string `choices:"redis"` EngineVersion string `choices:"2.8|3.0|3.2|4.0|5.0"` PrivateIP string `help:"private ip address in specificated network"` Password string `help:"set auth password"` InstanceType string CapacityMB string `help:"elastic cache capacity. required by huawei."` BillingType string `choices:"postpaid|prepaid" default:"postpaid"` Month int `help:"billing duration (unit:month)"` Tags []string `help:"Tags info,prefix with 'user:', eg: user:project=default" json:"-"` }
func (*ElasticCacheCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheDisableAuthOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheDisableAuthOptions struct {
func (*ElasticCacheDisableAuthOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheDisableAuthOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheEnableAuthOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheEnableAuthOptions struct {
func (*ElasticCacheEnableAuthOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheEnableAuthOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheIdOption ¶
type ElasticCacheIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Elasticache Id"`
func (*ElasticCacheIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheIdOption) GetId() string
func (*ElasticCacheIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheIdOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheIdOptions struct {
ID string
type ElasticCacheListOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions SecgroupId string }
func (*ElasticCacheListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheMainteananceTimeOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheMainteananceTimeOptions struct { ElasticCacheIdOption START_TIME string `help:"elastic cache sku maintenance start time,format: HH:mm"` END_TIME string `help:"elastic cache sku maintenance end time, format: HH:mm"` }
func (*ElasticCacheMainteananceTimeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticCacheMainteananceTimeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticCacheRemoteUpdateOptions ¶
type ElasticCacheRemoteUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` computeapi.ElasticcacheRemoteUpdateInput }
type ElasticSearchIdOption ¶
type ElasticSearchIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Elasticsearch Id"`
func (*ElasticSearchIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ElasticSearchIdOption) GetId() string
func (*ElasticSearchIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticSearchIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticSearchListOptions ¶
type ElasticSearchListOptions struct {
func (*ElasticSearchListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticSearchListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticSearchUpdateOptions ¶
type ElasticSearchUpdateOptions struct { ElasticSearchIdOption Name string Description string Delete string `help:"Lock or not lock dbinstance" choices:"enable|disable"` }
func (*ElasticSearchUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticSearchUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ElasticipListOptions ¶
type ElasticipListOptions struct { Region string `help:"List eips in cloudregion"` Usable *bool `help:"List all zones that is usable"` UsableEipForAssociateType string `help:"With associate id filter which eip can associate" choices:"server|natgateway|loadbalancer"` UsableEipForAssociateId string `help:"With associate type filter which eip can associate"` OrderByIp string AssociateId []string AssociateType []string AssociateName []string IsAssociated *bool IpAddr []string options.BaseListOptions }
func (*ElasticipListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ElasticipListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ExterProjectChagneProjectOptions ¶
type ExterProjectChagneProjectOptions struct { ExternalProjectIdOption PROJECT string }
func (*ExterProjectChagneProjectOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ExterProjectChagneProjectOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ExternalProjectCreateOptions ¶
type ExternalProjectCreateOptions struct { NAME string CLOUDACCOUNT_ID string ManagerId string Project string }
func (*ExternalProjectCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ExternalProjectCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ExternalProjectIdOption ¶
type ExternalProjectIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"external project Id"`
func (*ExternalProjectIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ExternalProjectIdOption) GetId() string
func (*ExternalProjectIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ExternalProjectIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ExternalProjectListOptions ¶
type ExternalProjectListOptions struct {
func (*ExternalProjectListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ExternalProjectListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ExternalProjectUpdateOptions ¶
type ExternalProjectUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions Priority *int }
func (*ExternalProjectUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ExternalProjectUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type FileSystemCreateOptions ¶
type FileSystemCreateOptions struct { NAME string Protocol string `choices:"NFS|SMB|CPFS"` FileSystemType string Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"` NetworkId string `json:"network_id"` StorageType string `json:"storage_type"` ZoneId string `json:"zone_id"` ManagerId string `json:"manager_id"` }
func (*FileSystemCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *FileSystemCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type FileSystemIdOption ¶
type FileSystemIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"File system Id"`
func (*FileSystemIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *FileSystemIdOption) GetId() string
func (*FileSystemIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *FileSystemIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type FileSystemListOptions ¶
type FileSystemListOptions struct {
func (*FileSystemListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *FileSystemListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type GlobalVpcCreateOptions ¶
type GlobalVpcCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"Global vpc name"` MANAGER string `help:"Cloudprovider Id"` }
func (*GlobalVpcCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *GlobalVpcCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type GlobalVpcIdOption ¶
type GlobalVpcIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Global vpc Id"`
func (*GlobalVpcIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *GlobalVpcIdOption) GetId() string
func (*GlobalVpcIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *GlobalVpcIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type GlobalVpcListOptions ¶
type GlobalVpcListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions OrderByVpcCount string }
func (*GlobalVpcListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *GlobalVpcListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostAutoMigrateOnHostDownOptions ¶
type HostAutoMigrateOnHostDownOptions struct { options.BaseIdsOptions AutoMigrateOnHostDown string `help:"Auto migrate on host down" choices:"enable|disable" default:"disable"` AutoMigrateOnHostShutdown string `help:"Auto migrate on host shutdown" choices:"enable|disable" default:"disable"` }
func (*HostAutoMigrateOnHostDownOptions) Params ¶
func (o *HostAutoMigrateOnHostDownOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostBackupStorageJoinOptions ¶
type HostBackupStorageJoinOptions struct { HOST string `json:"-" help:"host id"` BACKUPSTORAGE string `json:"-" help:"backup storage id"` }
func (HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) GetMasterId ¶
func (opts HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) GetMasterId() string
func (HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) GetSlaveId ¶
func (opts HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) GetSlaveId() string
func (HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) Params ¶
func (opts HostBackupStorageJoinOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostBackupStorageListOptions ¶
type HostBackupStorageListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Host string `json:"-" help:"filter by host"` Backupstorage string `json:"-" help:"filter by backupstorage"` }
func (HostBackupStorageListOptions) GetMasterOpt ¶
func (opts HostBackupStorageListOptions) GetMasterOpt() string
func (HostBackupStorageListOptions) GetSlaveOpt ¶
func (opts HostBackupStorageListOptions) GetSlaveOpt() string
func (*HostBackupStorageListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *HostBackupStorageListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostListOptions ¶
type HostListOptions struct { Schedtag string `help:"List hosts in schedtag"` Zone string `help:"List hosts in zone"` Region string `help:"List hosts in region"` Wire string `help:"List hosts in wire"` Image string `help:"List hosts cached images" json:"cachedimage"` Storage string `help:"List hosts attached to storages"` Baremetal string `help:"List hosts that is managed by baremetal system" choices:"true|false"` Empty bool `help:"show empty host" json:"-"` Occupied bool `help:"show occupid host" json:"-"` Enabled bool `help:"Show enabled host only" json:"-"` Disabled bool `help:"Show disabled host only" json:"-"` HostType string `help:"Host type filter" choices:"baremetal|hypervisor|esxi|kubelet|hyperv|aliyun|azure|qcloud|aws|huawei|ucloud|google|ctyun"` AnyMac string `help:"Mac matches one of the host's interface"` AnyIp []string `help:"IP matches one of the host's interface"` HostStorageType []string `help:"List host in host_storage_type"` IsBaremetal *bool `help:"filter host list by is_baremetal=true|false"` ResourceType string `help:"Resource type" choices:"shared|prepaid|dedicated"` Usable *bool `help:"List all zones that is usable"` Hypervisor string `help:"filter hosts by hypervisor"` StorageNotAttached bool `help:"List hosts not attach specified storage"` Uuid string `help:"find host with given system uuid"` CdromBoot *bool `help:"filter hosts list by cdrom_boot=true|false"` Sn string `help:"find host by sn"` OrderByServerCount string `help:"Order by server count" choices:"desc|asc"` OrderByStorage string `help:"Order by host storage" choices:"desc|asc"` OrderByStorageCommitRate string `help:"Order by host storage commite rate" choices:"desc|asc"` OrderByCpuCommitRate string `help:"Order by host cpu commit rate" choices:"desc|asc"` OrderByMemCommitRate string `help:"Order by host meme commit rate" choices:"desc|asc"` options.BaseListOptions }
func (*HostListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *HostListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostReserveCpusOptions ¶
type HostReserveCpusOptions struct { options.BaseIdsOptions Cpus string Mems string DisableSchedLoadBalance bool }
func (*HostReserveCpusOptions) Params ¶
func (o *HostReserveCpusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type HostStatusStatisticsOptions ¶
type HostStatusStatisticsOptions struct { HostListOptions options.StatusStatisticsOptions }
type HostValidateIPMI ¶
type HostValidateIPMI struct { IP string `json:"ip" help:"IPMI ip address"` USERNAME string `json:"username" help:"IPMI username"` PASSWORD string `json:"password" help:"IPMI password"` }
func (HostValidateIPMI) Params ¶
func (h HostValidateIPMI) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type IPv6GatewayListOptions ¶
type IPv6GatewayListOptions struct {
func (*IPv6GatewayListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *IPv6GatewayListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupDeleteOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupDeleteOptions struct { InstanceBackupIdOptions Force bool `help:"force delete"` }
func (*InstanceBackupDeleteOptions) QueryParams ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupDeleteOptions) QueryParams() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupIdOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"instance backup id" json:"-"`
func (*InstanceBackupIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*InstanceBackupIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupListOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions OrderByGuest string }
func (*InstanceBackupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupManagerCreateFromPackageOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupManagerCreateFromPackageOptions struct { PackageName string `help:"package name" json:"package_name"` Name string `help:"instance backup name" json:"name"` BackupStorageId string `help:"backup storage id" json:"backup_storage_id"` ProjectId string `help:"target project id" json:"project_id"` }
func (*InstanceBackupManagerCreateFromPackageOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupManagerCreateFromPackageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupPackOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupPackOptions struct { DiskBackupIdOptions PackageName string `help:"package name" json:"package_name"` }
func (*InstanceBackupPackOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupPackOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions ¶
type InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions struct { DiskBackupIdOptions Name string `help:"server name" json:"name"` }
func (*InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions) GetId() string
func (*InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceBackupRecoveryOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupAssociateEipOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupAssociateEipOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.ServerAssociateEipInput }
func (*InstanceGroupAssociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupAssociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupAttachnetworkOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupAttachnetworkOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.GroupAttachNetworkInput }
func (*InstanceGroupAttachnetworkOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupAttachnetworkOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupBindGuestsOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupBindGuestsOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Guest []string `help:"ID or Name of Guest"` }
func (*InstanceGroupBindGuestsOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupBindGuestsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupCreateEipOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupCreateEipOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.ServerCreateEipInput }
func (*InstanceGroupCreateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupCreateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupCreateOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"name of instance group"` ZoneId string `help:"zone id" json:"zone_id"` ServiceType string `help:"service type"` ParentId string `help:"parent id"` SchedStrategy string `help:"scheduler strategy"` Granularity string `help:"the upper limit number of guests with this group in a host"` ForceDispersion bool `help:"force to make guest dispersion"` }
func (*InstanceGroupCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupDetachnetworkOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupDetachnetworkOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.GroupDetachNetworkInput }
func (*InstanceGroupDetachnetworkOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupDetachnetworkOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupDissociateEipOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupDissociateEipOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.ServerDissociateEipInput }
func (*InstanceGroupDissociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupDissociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupGuestListOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupGuestListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Group string `help:"Group ID or Name"` Server string `help:"Gest ID or Name"` }
func (*InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) GetMasterOpt ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) GetMasterOpt() string
func (*InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) GetSlaveOpt ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) GetSlaveOpt() string
func (*InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupGuestListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupListOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions ServiceType string `help:"Service Type"` ParentId string `help:"Parent ID"` ZoneId string `help:"Zone ID"` Server string `help:"Guest ID or Name"` OrderByVips string OrderByGuestCount string }
func (*InstanceGroupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Group string `help:"Guest ID or Name"` Network string `help:"Network ID or Name"` }
func (*InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) GetMasterOpt ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) GetMasterOpt() string
func (*InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) GetSlaveOpt ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) GetSlaveOpt() string
func (*InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupNetworkListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type InstanceGroupUpdateOptions ¶
type InstanceGroupUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Name string `help:"New name to change"` Granularity string `help:"the upper limit number of guests with this group in a host"` ForceDispersion string `help:"force to make guest dispersion" choices:"yes|no" json:"-"` }
func (*InstanceGroupUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *InstanceGroupUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type IsolatedDeviceIdsOptions ¶
type IsolatedDeviceIdsOptions struct {
type IsolatedDeviceModelCreateOptions ¶
type IsolatedDeviceModelCreateOptions struct { MODEL string `help:"device model name"` DEV_TYPE string `help:"custom device type"` VENDOR_ID string `help:"pci vendor id"` DEVICE_ID string `help:"pci device id"` DISABLE_AUTO_DETECT bool `help:"disable auto detect isolated devices on all of host"` Hosts []string `help:"hosts id or name rescan isolated device"` }
func (*IsolatedDeviceModelCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *IsolatedDeviceModelCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type IsolatedDeviceModelListOptions ¶
type IsolatedDeviceModelListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions DevType string `help:"filter by dev_type"` Model string `help:"filter by device model"` VendorId string `help:"filter by vendor id"` DeviceId string `help:"filter by device id"` HostId string `help:"filter by host id"` }
func (*IsolatedDeviceModelListOptions) Params ¶
func (o *IsolatedDeviceModelListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type IsolatedDeviceModelSetHardwareInfoOptions ¶
type IsolatedDeviceModelSetHardwareInfoOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions api.IsolatedDeviceModelHardwareInfo }
func (*IsolatedDeviceModelSetHardwareInfoOptions) Params ¶
func (o *IsolatedDeviceModelSetHardwareInfoOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type IsolatedDeviceModelUpdateOptions ¶
type IsolatedDeviceModelUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions MODEL string `help:"device model name"` VENDOR_ID string `help:"pci vendor id"` DEVICE_ID string `help:"pci device id"` DISABLE_AUTO_DETECT bool `help:"disable auto detect isolated devices on all of host"` }
func (*IsolatedDeviceModelUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *IsolatedDeviceModelUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KafkaIdOption ¶
type KafkaIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Kafka Id"`
func (*KafkaIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *KafkaIdOption) GetId() string
func (*KafkaIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *KafkaIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KafkaListOptions ¶
type KafkaListOptions struct {
func (*KafkaListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KafkaListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KafkaUpdateOptions ¶
type KafkaUpdateOptions struct { KafkaIdOption Name string Description string Delete string `help:"Lock or not lock dbinstance" choices:"enable|disable"` }
func (*KafkaUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KafkaUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KeyPairIdOptions ¶
type KeyPairIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of keypair"`
func (*KeyPairIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (self *KeyPairIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*KeyPairIdOptions) Params ¶
func (self *KeyPairIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KeypairCreate ¶
type KeypairCreate struct { NAME string `help:"Name of keypair to be created"` Scheme string `help:"Scheme of keypair, default is RSA" choices:"RSA" default:"RSA"` PublicKey string `help:"Publickey of keypair"` Desc string `help:"Short description of keypair"` }
func (*KeypairCreate) Params ¶
func (args *KeypairCreate) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KeypairList ¶
type KeypairList struct {
func (*KeypairList) Params ¶
func (self *KeypairList) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KeypairUpdate ¶
type KeypairUpdate struct { KeyPairIdOptions Name string `help:"New name of keypair"` Desc string `help:"Short description of keypair"` }
func (*KeypairUpdate) Params ¶
func (args *KeypairUpdate) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeClusterConfigOptions ¶
type KubeClusterConfigOptions struct { KubeClusterIdOption Private bool ExpireMinutes int }
func (*KubeClusterConfigOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeClusterConfigOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeClusterCreateOptions ¶
type KubeClusterCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions Version string VpcId string NetworkIds []string RoleName string PrivateAccess bool PublicAccess bool }
func (*KubeClusterCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeClusterCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeClusterIdOption ¶
type KubeClusterIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"KubeCluster Id"`
func (*KubeClusterIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *KubeClusterIdOption) GetId() string
func (*KubeClusterIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeClusterIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeClusterListOptions ¶
type KubeClusterListOptions struct {
func (*KubeClusterListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeClusterListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeNodeIdOption ¶
type KubeNodeIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"KubeNode Id"`
func (*KubeNodeIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *KubeNodeIdOption) GetId() string
func (*KubeNodeIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeNodeIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeNodeListOptions ¶
type KubeNodeListOptions struct {
func (*KubeNodeListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeNodeListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeNodePoolCreateOptions ¶
type KubeNodePoolCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions NetworkIds []string `metavar:"NETWORK"` InstanceTypes []string `metavar:"INSTANCE_TYPE"` MinInstanceCount int MaxInstanceCount int DesiredInstanceCount int RootDiskSizeGb int CloudKubeClusterId string `metavar:"CLUSTER"` KeypairId string }
func (*KubeNodePoolCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeNodePoolCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeNodePoolIdOption ¶
type KubeNodePoolIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"KubeNodePool Id"`
func (*KubeNodePoolIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *KubeNodePoolIdOption) GetId() string
func (*KubeNodePoolIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeNodePoolIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type KubeNodePoolListOptions ¶
type KubeNodePoolListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions CloudKubeClusterId string `json:"cloud_kube_cluster_id"` }
func (*KubeNodePoolListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *KubeNodePoolListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclActionPatchOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclActionPatchOptions struct { LoadbalancerAclIdOptions Add []string `help:"acl entry with cidr and comment separated by #, e.g. comment" json:"-"` Del []string `help:"acl entry with cidr and comment separated by #, e.g. comment" json:"-"` }
func (*LoadbalancerAclActionPatchOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclActionPatchOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclCreateOptions struct { options.SharableProjectizedResourceBaseCreateInput NAME string AclEntry []string `help:"acl entry with cidr and comment separated by #, e.g. comment" json:"-"` Manager string `json:"manager_id"` Region string `json:"cloudregion"` }
func (*LoadbalancerAclCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclIdOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
func (*LoadbalancerAclIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*LoadbalancerAclIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Cloudregion string }
func (*LoadbalancerAclListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclPublicOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclPublicOptions struct { options.SharableResourcePublicBaseOptions LoadbalancerAclIdOptions }
func (*LoadbalancerAclPublicOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclPublicOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAclUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAclUpdateOptions struct { LoadbalancerAclIdOptions Name string AclEntry []string `help:"acl entry with cidr and comment separated by #, e.g. comment" json:"-"` }
func (*LoadbalancerAclUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAclUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerActionStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerActionStatusOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions Status string `choices:"enabled|disabled"` }
func (*LoadbalancerActionStatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerActionStatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerActionSyncStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerActionSyncStatusOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerAgentActionDeployOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentActionHbOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentActionPatchParamsOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentActionPatchParamsOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` LoadbalancerAgentParamsOptions }
type LoadbalancerAgentActionUndeployOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentActionUndeployOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerAgentCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentDefaultParamsOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentDefaultParamsOptions struct {
Cluster string
type LoadbalancerAgentDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerAgentGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerAgentJoinClusterOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentJoinClusterOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` compute_apis.LoadbalancerAgentJoinClusterInput }
type LoadbalancerAgentLeaveClusterOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentLeaveClusterOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` compute_apis.LoadbalancerAgentLeaveClusterInput }
type LoadbalancerAgentListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Cluster string }
type LoadbalancerAgentParamsOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentParamsOptions struct { KeepalivedConfTmpl string HaproxyConfTmpl string TelegrafConfTmpl string VrrpPriority *int // required VrrpVirtualRouterId *int // required VrrpGarpMasterRefresh *int VrrpPreempt string `choices:"true|false"` VrrpInterface string // required VrrpAdvertInt *int VrrpPass string HaproxyGlobalLog string HaproxyGlobalNbthread *int `help:"enable experimental multi-threading support available since haproxy 1.8"` HaproxyLogHttp string `choices:"true|false"` HaproxyLogTcp string `choices:"true|false"` HaproxyLogNormal string `choices:"true|false"` HaproxyTuneHttpMaxhdr *int `help:"max number of http headers allowed"` TelegrafInfluxDbOutputUrl string TelegrafInfluxDbOutputName string TelegrafInfluxDbOutputUnsafeSsl *bool TelegrafHaproxyInputInterval int }
type LoadbalancerAgentUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAgentUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Name string HbTimeout *int Loadbalancers *time.Time LoadbalancerListeners *time.Time LoadbalancerListenerRules *time.Time LoadbalancerBackendGroups *time.Time LoadbalancerBackends *time.Time LoadbalancerAcls *time.Time LoadbalancerCertificates *time.Time }
func (*LoadbalancerAgentUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAgentUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerAssociateEipOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerAssociateEipOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions computeapi.LoadbalancerAssociateEipInput }
func (*LoadbalancerAssociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerAssociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerBackendCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendCreateOptions struct { BackendGroup string `required:"true"` Backend string `required:"true"` BackendType string `default:"guest"` Port *int `required:"true"` Weight *int `default:"1"` SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-on"` Ssl string `choices:"on|off"` }
func (*LoadbalancerBackendCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerBackendCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerBackendDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerBackendGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupCreateOptions struct { NAME string Loadbalancer string Type string `choices:"default|normal|master_slave"` ProtocolType string `help:"Huawei backendgroup protocol type" choices:"tcp|udp|http"` Scheduler string `help:"Huawei backendgroup scheduler algorithm" choices:"rr|sch|wlc"` Backend []string `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ }
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupIDOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupIDOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Loadbalancer string Cloudregion string NoRef bool }
func (*LoadbalancerBackendGroupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerBackendGroupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerBackendGroupUpdateOptions ¶
func (*LoadbalancerBackendGroupUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerBackendGroupUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerBackendListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions BackendGroup string Backend string BackendType string Weight *int Address string Port *int SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-on"` Ssl string `choices:"on|off"` }
func (*LoadbalancerBackendListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerBackendListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerBackendUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerBackendUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Name string Weight *int Port *int SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-on"` Ssl string `choices:"on|off"` }
func (*LoadbalancerBackendUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerBackendUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCachedAclCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCachedAclCreateOptions struct { CLOUDPROVIDER string `help:"cloud provider id"` CLOUDREGION string `help:"cloud region id"` ACL string `help:"acl id"` Listener string `help:"cloud listener id, required by huawei"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCachedAclCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCachedAclCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateCreateOptions struct { CLOUDPROVIDER string `help:"cloud provider id"` CLOUDREGION string `help:"cloud region id"` CERTIFICATE string `help:"certificate id"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCachedCertificateCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCachedCertificateCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCachedCertificateListOptions struct { LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions CertificateId string `help:"related certificate id"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCachedCertificateListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCachedCertificateListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCertificateCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificateCreateOptions struct { options.SharableProjectizedResourceBaseCreateInput NAME string Manager string `json:"manager_id"` Region string `json:"cloudregion"` Cert string `required:"true" json:"-" help:"path to certificate file"` Pkey string `required:"true" json:"-" help:"path to private key file"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCertificateCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificateCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCertificateDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificateDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
func (*LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions PublicKeyAlgorithm string PublicKeyBitLen *int SignatureAlgorithm string Cloudregion string Usable *bool `help:"List certificates are usable"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificateListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCertificatePrivateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificatePrivateOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerCertificatePublicOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificatePublicOptions struct { LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions options.SharableResourcePublicBaseOptions }
func (*LoadbalancerCertificatePublicOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificatePublicOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCertificateUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCertificateUpdateOptions struct { LoadbalancerCertificateIdOptions Name string Cert string `json:"-" help:"path to certificate file"` Pkey string `json:"-" help:"path to private key file"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCertificateUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCertificateUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerClusterCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerClusterCreateOptions struct { NAME string Zone string `required:"true"` Wire string }
func (*LoadbalancerClusterCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerClusterCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerClusterDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerClusterDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerClusterGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerClusterGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerClusterListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerClusterListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Zone string Wire string }
func (*LoadbalancerClusterListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerClusterListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerClusterUpdateOptions ¶
func (*LoadbalancerClusterUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerClusterUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCreateEipOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCreateEipOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions computeapi.LoadbalancerCreateEipInput }
func (*LoadbalancerCreateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCreateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerCreateOptions struct { NAME string Vpc string Network string Address string AddressType string `choices:"intranet|internet"` LoadbalancerSpec string `choices:"slb.s1.small|slb.s2.small|slb.s2.medium|slb.s3.small|slb.s3.medium|slb.s3.large|network"` ChargeType string `choices:"traffic|bandwidth"` Bandwidth int Zone string Zone1 string `json:"zone_1" help:"slave zone 1"` Cluster string `json:"cluster_id"` Manager string Tags []string `help:"Tags info,prefix with 'user:', eg: user:project=default" json:"-"` Eip string `json:"eip" help:"Id or name of EIP to associate with"` EipBw int `json:"eip_bw"` EipChargeType string `json:"eip_charge_type"` EipBgpType string `json:"eip_bgp_type"` EipAutoDellocate *bool `json:"eip_auto_dellocate"` }
func (*LoadbalancerCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerDissociateEipOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerDissociateEipOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions computeapi.LoadbalancerDissociateEipInput }
func (*LoadbalancerDissociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerDissociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerIdOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
func (*LoadbalancerIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*LoadbalancerIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Address string AddressType string `choices:"intranet|internet"` NetworkType string `choices:"classic|vpc"` Network string BackendGroup string Cloudregion string Zone string Cluster string `json:"cluster_id"` SecgroupId string }
func (*LoadbalancerListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerActionStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerActionStatusOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Status string `choices:"enabled|disabled"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerActionStatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerActionStatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerActionSyncStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerActionSyncStatusOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerCreateOptions struct { NAME string Loadbalancer string `required:"true"` ListenerType string `required:"true" choices:"tcp|udp|http|https"` ListenerPort *int `required:"true"` BackendServerPort *int BackendGroup *string `json:",allowempty"` Scheduler string `choices:"rr|wrr|wlc|sch|tch"` SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-cn"` ClientRequestTimeout *int ClientIdleTimeout *int BackendConnectTimeout *int BackendIdleTimeout *int AclStatus string `choices:"on|off"` AclType string `choices:"black|white"` Acl string EgressMbps int HealthCheck string `choices:"on|off"` HealthCheckType string `choices:"tcp|http"` HealthCheckDomain string HealthCheckURI string HealthCheckHttpCode string HealthCheckRise *int HealthCheckFall *int HealthCheckInterval *int HealthCheckTimeout *int HealthCheckReq string HealthCheckExp string StickySession string StickySessionType string StickySessionCookie string StickySessionCookieTimeout *int XForwardedFor string `choices:"true|false"` Gzip string `choices:"true|false"` Certificate string TLSCipherPolicy string EnableHttp2 string `choices:"true|false"` HTTPRequestRate *int HTTPRequestRatePerSrc *int Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `choices:"http|https|" json:",allowempty"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
type LoadbalancerListenerDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerGetBackendStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerGetBackendStatusOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Loadbalancer string ListenerType string `choices:"tcp|udp|http|https"` ListenerPort *int BackendGroup *string `json:",allowempty"` Scheduler string `choices:"rr|wrr|wlc|sch|tch"` SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-cn"` ClientRequestTimeout *int ClientIdleTimeout *int BackendConnectTimeout *int BackendIdleTimeout *int AclStatus string `choices:"on|off"` AclType string `choices:"black|white"` Acl string HealthCheck string `choices:"on|off"` HealthCheckType string `choices:"tcp|http"` HealthCheckDomain string HealthCheckURI string HealthCheckHttpCode string HealthCheckRise *int HealthCheckFall *int HealthCheckInterval *int HealthCheckTimeout *int HealthCheckReq string HealthCheckExp string StickySession string StickySessionType string StickySessionCookie string StickySessionCookieTimeout *int XForwardedFor string `choices:"true|false"` Gzip string `choices:"true|false"` Certificate string `json:"certificate_id"` TLSCipherPolicy string EnableHttp2 string `choices:"true|false"` HTTPRequestRate *int HTTPRequestRatePerSrc *int Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `choices:"http|https|" json:",allowempty"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleActionStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleActionStatusOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Status string `choices:"enabled|disabled"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerRuleActionStatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerRuleActionStatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleCreateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleCreateOptions struct { NAME string Listener string `required:"true"` BackendGroup string Domain string Path string HTTPRequestRate *int HTTPRequestRatePerSrc *int Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `json:",allowempty" choices:"http|https|"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleDeleteOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleDeleteOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetBackendStatusOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetBackendStatusOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleGetOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleListOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions BackendGroup string Listener string Domain string Path string Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `choices:"http|https|" json:",allowempty"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerRuleListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerRuleListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerRuleUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Name string BackendGroup string HTTPRequestRate *int HTTPRequestRatePerSrc *int Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `choices:"http|https|" json:",allowempty"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerRuleUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerRuleUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerListenerUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerListenerUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Name string BackendGroup *string `json:",allowempty"` Scheduler string `choices:"rr|wrr|wlc|sch|tch"` SendProxy string `choices:"off|v1|v2|v2-ssl|v2-ssl-cn"` ClientRequestTimeout *int ClientIdleTimeout *int BackendConnectTimeout *int BackendIdleTimeout *int AclStatus string `choices:"on|off"` AclType string `choices:"black|white"` Acl string HealthCheck string `choices:"on|off"` HealthCheckType string `choices:"tcp|http"` HealthCheckDomain string HealthCheckURI string HealthCheckHttpCode string HealthCheckRise *int HealthCheckFall *int HealthCheckInterval *int HealthCheckTimeout *int HealthCheckReq string HealthCheckExp string StickySession string StickySessionType string StickySessionCookie string StickySessionCookieTimeout *int XForwardedFor string `choices:"true|false"` Gzip string `choices:"true|false"` Certificate string TLSCipherPolicy string EnableHttp2 string `choices:"true|false"` HTTPRequestRate *int HTTPRequestRatePerSrc *int Redirect *string `choices:"off|raw"` RedirectCode *int `choices:"301|302|307"` RedirectScheme *string `choices:"http|https|" json:",allowempty"` RedirectHost *string `json:",allowempty"` RedirectPath *string `json:",allowempty"` }
func (*LoadbalancerListenerUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerListenerUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerPurgeOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerPurgeOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
type LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions computeapi.LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateInput }
func (*LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *LoadbalancerRemoteUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type LoadbalancerUpdateOptions ¶
type LoadbalancerUpdateOptions struct { LoadbalancerIdOptions Name string Delete string `help:"Lock server to prevent from deleting" choices:"enable|disable" json:"-"` Cluster string `json:"cluster_id"` BackendGroup string }
func (LoadbalancerUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts LoadbalancerUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption ¶
func (*ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption) GetId() string
func (*ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolChangeConfigOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolCreateOption ¶
type ModelartsPoolCreateOption struct { Name string `help:"Name"` ManagerId string `help:"Manager Id"` InstanceType string `help:"Instance Type"` WorkType string `help:"Work Type"` CpuArch string `help:"Cpu Arch"` NodeCount int `help:"Node Count"` Cidr string `help:"Network Cidr"` CloudregionId string `help:"Cloud Region ID"` }
func (*ModelartsPoolCreateOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolCreateOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolIdOption ¶
type ModelartsPoolIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"ModelartsPool Id"`
func (*ModelartsPoolIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolIdOption) GetId() string
func (*ModelartsPoolIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolListOptions ¶
type ModelartsPoolListOptions struct {
func (*ModelartsPoolListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolSkuListOptions ¶
type ModelartsPoolSkuListOptions struct {
func (*ModelartsPoolSkuListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolSkuListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption ¶
type ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption struct {
ID string `help:"Id"`
func (*ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption) GetId() string
func (*ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolSyncstatusOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ModelartsPoolUpdateOption ¶
func (*ModelartsPoolUpdateOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolUpdateOption) GetId() string
func (*ModelartsPoolUpdateOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ModelartsPoolUpdateOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type MongoDBBackupListOptions ¶
type MongoDBBackupListOptions struct {
func (*MongoDBBackupListOptions) Property ¶
func (opts *MongoDBBackupListOptions) Property() string
type MongoDBListOptions ¶
type MongoDBListOptions struct {
func (*MongoDBListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *MongoDBListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type MongoDBUpdateOptions ¶
type MongoDBUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Name string Description string Delete string `help:"Lock or not lock dbinstance" choices:"enable|disable"` }
func (*MongoDBUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *MongoDBUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type MountTargetCreateOptions ¶
type MountTargetCreateOptions struct { NAME string NetworkType string `choices:"vpc|classic"` FileSystemId string `json:"file_system_id"` NetworkId string `json:"network_id"` AccessGroupId string `json:"access_group_id"` }
func (*MountTargetCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *MountTargetCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type MountTargetIdOption ¶
type MountTargetIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Mount Target Id"`
func (*MountTargetIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *MountTargetIdOption) GetId() string
func (*MountTargetIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *MountTargetIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type MountTargetListOptions ¶
type MountTargetListOptions struct {
func (*MountTargetListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *MountTargetListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NasSkuIdOption ¶
type NasSkuIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Nas Id or name"`
func (*NasSkuIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *NasSkuIdOption) GetId() string
func (*NasSkuIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *NasSkuIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NasSkuListOption ¶
type NasSkuListOption struct {
func (*NasSkuListOption) Params ¶
func (opts *NasSkuListOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatDCreateOptions ¶
type NatDCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"DNAT's name"` NATGATEWAYID string `help:"The nat gateway'id to which DNat belongs"` INTERNALIP string `help:"Internal IP"` INTERNALPORT string `help:"Internal Port"` EXTERNALIP string `help:"External IP"` EXTERNALIPID string `help:"External IP ID, can be empty except huawei Cloud"` EXTERNALPORT string `help:"External Port"` IPPROTOCOL string `help:"Transport Protocol(tcp|udp)"` }
type NatDDeleteShowOptions ¶
type NatDDeleteShowOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of the DNat"`
type NatDTableListOptions ¶
type NatDTableListOptions struct { Natgateway string `help:"Natgateway name or id"` options.BaseListOptions }
type NatGatewayDeleteOption ¶
type NatGatewayDeleteOption struct { NatGatewayIdOptions Force bool }
func (*NatGatewayDeleteOption) Params ¶
func (opts *NatGatewayDeleteOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatGatewayIdOptions ¶
type NatGatewayIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of Nat Gateway"`
func (*NatGatewayIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NatGatewayIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NatGatewayIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NatGatewayIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatGatewayListOptions ¶
type NatGatewayListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Vpc string `help:"vpc id or name"` Cloudregion string `help:"cloudreigon id or name"` }
func (*NatGatewayListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NatGatewayListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatPostpaidExpireOptions ¶
type NatPostpaidExpireOptions struct { NatGatewayIdOptions apis.PostpaidExpireInput }
func (*NatPostpaidExpireOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NatPostpaidExpireOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatSCreateOptions ¶
type NatSCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"SNAT's name"` NATGATEWAYID string `help:"The nat gateway'id to which SNat belongs"` IP string `help:"External IP"` EXTERNALIPID string `help:"External IP ID, can be empty except huawei Cloud"` SourceCIDR string `help:"Source CIDR"` NetworkID string `help:"Network id"` }
type NatSDeleteShowOptions ¶
type NatSDeleteShowOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID of the SNat"`
type NatSTableListOptions ¶
type NatSTableListOptions struct { Natgateway string `help:"Natgateway name or id"` Network string `help:"Network id or name"` options.BaseListOptions }
type NatSkuIdOption ¶
type NatSkuIdOption struct {
ID string `help:"Nat Id or name"`
func (*NatSkuIdOption) GetId ¶
func (opts *NatSkuIdOption) GetId() string
func (*NatSkuIdOption) Params ¶
func (opts *NatSkuIdOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NatSkuListOption ¶
type NatSkuListOption struct {
func (*NatSkuListOption) Params ¶
func (opts *NatSkuListOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapFlowCreateOptions ¶
type NetTapFlowCreateOptions struct {
func (*NetTapFlowCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapFlowCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapFlowIdOptions ¶
type NetTapFlowIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-" help:"Id or name of net tap service"`
func (*NetTapFlowIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *NetTapFlowIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetTapFlowIdOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapFlowIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapFlowListOptions ¶
type NetTapFlowListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions TapId string `help:"filter by tap id" json:"tap_id"` HostId string `help:"filter by host id" json:"host_id"` }
func (*NetTapFlowListOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapFlowListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapServiceCreateOptions ¶
type NetTapServiceCreateOptions struct {
func (*NetTapServiceCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapServiceCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapServiceIdOptions ¶
type NetTapServiceIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"-" help:"Id or name of net tap service"`
func (*NetTapServiceIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *NetTapServiceIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetTapServiceIdOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapServiceIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetTapServiceListOptions ¶
type NetTapServiceListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions HostId string `json:"host_id" help:"Filter by host id or name"` OrderByIp string OrderByFlowCount string }
func (*NetTapServiceListOptions) Params ¶
func (o *NetTapServiceListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkAddressCreateOptions ¶
type NetworkAddressCreateOptions struct { ParentType string `help:"object type" choices:"guestnetwork" default:"guestnetwork"` ParentId string `help:"object id"` Guest string `help:"guest name or uuid" json:"guest_id"` GuestnetworkIndex int `help:"guest network interface index"` Type string `help:"address type" choices:"sub_ip" default:"sub_ip"` IPAddr string `help:"preferred ip address"` Count int `help:"create multiple addresses" json:",omitzero"` }
func (*NetworkAddressCreateOptions) GetCountParam ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressCreateOptions) GetCountParam() int
func (*NetworkAddressCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkAddressIdOptions ¶
type NetworkAddressIdOptions struct {
ID string
func (*NetworkAddressIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkAddressIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkAddressIdsOptions ¶
type NetworkAddressIdsOptions struct {
ID []string
func (*NetworkAddressIdsOptions) GetIds ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressIdsOptions) GetIds() []string
func (*NetworkAddressIdsOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressIdsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkAddressListOptions ¶
type NetworkAddressListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Type string ParentType string ParentId string NetworkId string IpAddr string GuestId []string }
func (*NetworkAddressListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkAddressListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkCreateOptions ¶
type NetworkCreateOptions struct { WIRE string `help:"ID or Name of wire in which the network is created"` NETWORK string `help:"Name of new network"` STARTIP string `help:"Start of IPv4 address range"` ENDIP string `help:"End of IPv4 address rnage"` NETMASK int64 `help:"Length of network mask"` Gateway string `help:"Default gateway"` StartIp6 string `help:"IPv6 start ip"` EndIp6 string `help:"IPv6 end ip"` NetMask6 int64 `help:"IPv6 netmask"` Gateway6 string `help:"IPv6 gateway"` VlanId int64 `help:"Vlan ID" default:"1"` IfnameHint string `help:"Hint for ifname generation"` AllocPolicy string `help:"Address allocation policy" choices:"none|stepdown|stepup|random"` ServerType string `help:"Server type" choices:"baremetal|container|eip|guest|ipmi|pxe"` IsAutoAlloc *bool `help:"Auto allocation IP pool"` BgpType string `help:"Internet service provider name" positional:"false"` Desc string `help:"Description" metavar:"DESCRIPTION"` }
func (*NetworkCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkIdOptions ¶
type NetworkIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of the network to show"`
func (*NetworkIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkIpMacCreateOptions ¶
type NetworkIpMacCreateOptions struct { NETWORK string `help:"network id" json:"network_id"` MACADDR string `help:"mac address" json:"mac_addr"` IPADDR string `help:"ip address" json:"ip_addr"` }
func (*NetworkIpMacCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkIpMacIdOptions ¶
type NetworkIpMacIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of the network_ip_mac to show"`
func (*NetworkIpMacIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkIpMacIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkIpMacListOptions ¶
type NetworkIpMacListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Network string `help:"search networks" json:"network_id"` MacAddr []string `help:"search by mac addr"` IpAddr []string `help:"search by ip addr"` }
func (*NetworkIpMacListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions ¶
type NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of resource to update"` MacAddr string `help:"update mac addr"` IpAddr string `help:"update ip addr"` }
func (*NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkIpMacUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkListOptions ¶
type NetworkListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Ip string `help:"search networks that contain this IP"` ZoneIds []string `help:"search networks in zones"` Wire string `help:"search networks belongs to a wire" json:"-"` Host string `help:"search networks attached to a host"` Vpc string `help:"search networks belongs to a VPC"` Region string `help:"search networks belongs to a CloudRegion" json:"cloudregion"` City string `help:"search networks belongs to a city"` Usable *bool `help:"search usable networks"` ServerType string `help:"search networks belongs to a ServerType" choices:"baremetal|container|eip|guest|ipmi|pxe"` Schedtag string `help:"filter networks by schedtag"` HostSchedtagId string `help:"filter by host schedtag"` IsAutoAlloc *bool `help:"search network with is_auto_alloc"` IsClassic *bool `help:"search classic on-premise network"` Status string `help:"filter by network status"` GuestIpStart []string `help:"search by guest_ip_start"` GuestIpEnd []string `help:"search by guest_ip_end"` IpMatch []string `help:"search by network ips"` BgpType []string `help:"filter by bgp_type"` HostType string `help:"filter by host_type"` RouteTableId string `help:"Filter by RouteTable"` OrderByIpStart string OrderByIpEnd string }
func (*NetworkListOptions) GetContextId ¶
func (opts *NetworkListOptions) GetContextId() string
func (*NetworkListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkSwitchWireOptions ¶
type NetworkSwitchWireOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of resource to update"` api.NetworkSwitchWireInput }
func (*NetworkSwitchWireOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkSwitchWireOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkSwitchWireOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkSwitchWireOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions ¶
type NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of resource to update"` api.NetworSyncAdditionalWiresInput }
func (*NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions) GetId() string
func (*NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkSyncAdditionalWiresOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type NetworkUpdateOptions ¶
type NetworkUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions StartIp string `help:"Start ip"` EndIp string `help:"end ip"` NetMask int64 `help:"Netmask"` Gateway string `help:"IP of gateway"` StartIp6 string `help:"IPv6 start ip"` EndIp6 string `help:"IPv6 end ip"` NetMask6 int64 `help:"IPv6 netmask"` Gateway6 string `help:"IPv6 gateway"` Dns string `help:"IP of DNS server"` Domain string `help:"Domain"` Dhcp string `help:"DHCP server IP"` Ntp string `help:"Ntp server domain names"` VlanId int64 `help:"Vlan ID"` ExternalId string `help:"External ID"` AllocPolicy string `help:"Address allocation policy" choices:"none|stepdown|stepup|random"` IsAutoAlloc *bool `help:"Add network into auto-allocation pool" negative:"no_auto_alloc"` ServerType string `help:"specify network server_type" choices:"baremetal|container|guest|pxe|ipmi|eip|hostlocal"` }
func (*NetworkUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *NetworkUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ProjectMappingCreateOption ¶
type ProjectMappingCreateOption struct { options.BaseCreateOptions RULES_FILE string }
func (*ProjectMappingCreateOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ProjectMappingCreateOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ProjectMappingListOptions ¶
type ProjectMappingListOptions struct {
func (*ProjectMappingListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ProjectMappingListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ProjectMappingUpdateOption ¶
type ProjectMappingUpdateOption struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions RulesFile string }
func (*ProjectMappingUpdateOption) Params ¶
func (opts *ProjectMappingUpdateOption) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableAddRoutesOptions ¶
type RouteTableAddRoutesOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` RoutesOptions }
func (*RouteTableAddRoutesOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableAddRoutesOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableAddRoutesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableAddRoutesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableAssociationIdOptions ¶
type RouteTableAssociationIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"route table routeset ID"`
func (*RouteTableAssociationIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableAssociationIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableAssociationIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableAssociationIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableAssociationListOptions ¶
type RouteTableAssociationListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions RouteTableId string VpcId string }
func (*RouteTableAssociationListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableAssociationListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableCreateOptions ¶
type RouteTableCreateOptions struct { NAME string Vpc string `required:"true"` RoutesOptions }
func (*RouteTableCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableDelRoutesOptions ¶
func (*RouteTableDelRoutesOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableDelRoutesOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableDelRoutesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableDelRoutesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableDeleteOptions ¶
type RouteTableDeleteOptions struct {
ID string
type RouteTableGetOptions ¶
type RouteTableGetOptions struct {
ID string
type RouteTableIdOptions ¶
type RouteTableIdOptions struct {
ID string
func (*RouteTableIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableListOptions ¶
type RouteTableListOptions struct { Vpc string Cloudregion string baseoptions.BaseListOptions }
func (*RouteTableListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTablePurgeOptions ¶
type RouteTablePurgeOptions struct {
ID string
type RouteTableRouteSetCreateOptions ¶
type RouteTableRouteSetCreateOptions struct { RouteTableId string Type string Cidr string NextHopType string NextHopId string }
func (*RouteTableRouteSetCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions ¶
type RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"route table routeset ID"`
func (*RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableRouteSetListOptions ¶
type RouteTableRouteSetListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions RouteTableId string VpcId string Type string NextHopType string NextHopId string Cidr string }
func (*RouteTableRouteSetListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions ¶
type RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"route table routeset ID"` RouteTableId string Type string Cidr string NextHopType string NextHopId string }
func (*RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableRouteSetUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RouteTableSyncstatusOptions ¶
type RouteTableSyncstatusOptions struct {
ID string
type RouteTableUpdateOptions ¶
type RouteTableUpdateOptions struct { ID string `json:"-"` Name string RoutesOptions }
func (*RouteTableUpdateOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *RouteTableUpdateOptions) GetId() string
func (*RouteTableUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RouteTableUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type RoutesOptions ¶
func (*RoutesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *RoutesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAWSCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SAWSCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"bucket that stores billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` OptionsAssumeRoleName string `help:"assume role name" json:"-"` }
func (*SAWSCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAWSCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SAWSCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAWSCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SAWSCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update AWS S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove AWS S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"update id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingBucketAccount bool `help:"remove id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"update prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingFilePrefix bool `help:"remove prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` OptionsAssumeRoleName string `help:"name of assume role" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsAssumeRoleName bool `help:"remove option of aws_assume_role_name"` }
func (*SAWSCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAWSCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAccessKeyCredential ¶
type SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment struct { SAccessKeyCredential Environment string `help:"Cloud environment" choices:"InternationalCloud|ChinaCloud" default:"ChinaCloud"` }
type SAliyunAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SAliyunAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment struct { SAccessKeyCredential Environment string `help:"Cloud environment" choices:"InternationalCloud|FinanceCloud" default:"InternationalCloud"` }
type SAliyunCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SAliyunCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAliyunAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"bucket that stores billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` }
func (*SAliyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAliyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update Aliyun S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove Aliyun S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"update id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingBucketAccount bool `help:"remove id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"update prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingFilePrefix bool `help:"remove prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` OptionsBillingScope string `help:"update billing scope" choices:"all|managed" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingScope bool `help:"remove billing scope" json:"-"` }
func (*SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAliyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SApsaraCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SApsaraCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions Endpoint string SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SApsaraCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SApsaraCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SApsaraCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SApsaraCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential OrganizationId int }
func (*SApsaraCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SApsaraCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAzureCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SAzureCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAzureCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SAzureCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAzureCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAzureCredential }
func (*SAzureCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAzureCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SAzureCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBalanceKey string `help:"update cloud balance account key, such as Azure EA key" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBalanceKey bool `help:"remove cloud blance account key" json:"-"` OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update Azure bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove Azure bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` }
func (*SAzureCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SAzureCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SAzureCredential ¶
type SAzureCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SAzureCredentialWithEnvironment struct { DirectoryID string `help:"Azure directory_id" positional:"true"` SAzureCredential Environment string `help:"Cloud environment" choices:"AzureGermanCloud|AzureChinaCloud|AzurePublicCloud" default:"AzureChinaCloud"` }
type SBaiduCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SBaiduCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SBaiduCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBaiduCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBaiduCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SBingoCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SBingoCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions Endpoint string SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SBingoCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBingoCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SBingoCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBingoCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SBingoCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SBingoCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SBingoCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCephCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SCephCloudAccountCreateOptions struct {
func (*SCephCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCephCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions ¶
type SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions struct { Name string `help:"Name of cloud account" positional:"true"` // PROVIDER string `help:"Driver for cloud account" choices:"VMware|Aliyun|Azure|Qcloud|OpenStack|Huawei|Aws"` Desc string `help:"Description" token:"desc" json:"description"` Brand string `help:"Brand of cloud account" choices:"DStack"` AutoCreateProject bool `help:"Enable the account with same name project"` AutoCreateProjectForProvider bool `help:"Is Auto Create Project For Provider"` EnableAutoSync bool `help:"Enable automatically synchronize resources of this account"` SyncIntervalSeconds int `help:"Interval to synchronize if auto sync is enable" metavar:"SECONDS"` Project string `help:"project for this account"` ProjectDomain string `help:"domain for this account"` Disabled *bool `help:"create cloud account with disabled status"` SkipDuplicateAccountCheck bool `help:"skip check duplicate account"` SamlAuth string `help:"Enable or disable saml auth" choices:"true|false"` ProxySetting string `help:"proxy setting id or name" json:"proxy_setting"` DryRun bool `help:"test create cloudaccount params"` ShowSubAccounts bool `help:"test and show subaccount info"` ReadOnly bool `help:"Read only account"` ProjectMappingId string EnableProjectSync bool EnableResourceSync bool SkipSyncResources []string `help:"Skip sync resource, etc snapshot"` Currency string `choices:"CNY|USD"` }
type SCloudAccountIdOptions ¶
type SCloudAccountIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of cloud account" json:"-"`
func (*SCloudAccountIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *SCloudAccountIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*SCloudAccountIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCloudAccountIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions ¶
type SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions Name string `help:"New name to update"` SyncIntervalSeconds *int `help:"auto synchornize interval in seconds"` AutoCreateProject *bool `help:"automatically create local project for new remote project" negative:"no_auto_create_project"` EnableAutoSyncResource *bool `help:"automatically sync resources" negative:"disable_auto_sync_resource"` ProxySetting string `help:"proxy setting name or id" json:"proxy_setting"` SamlAuth string `help:"Enable or disable saml auth" choices:"true|false"` ReadOnly *bool `help:"is account read only" negative:"no_read_only"` CleanLakeOfPermissions bool `help:"clean lake of permissions"` SkipSyncResources []string AddSkipSyncResources []string RemoveSkipSyncResources []string Desc string `help:"Description" json:"description" token:"desc"` Currency string `choices:"CNY|USD"` }
func (*SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential AuthURL string `help:"Cloudpods auth_url" positional:"true" json:"auth_url"` }
func (*SCloudpodsCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCloudpodsCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCloudpodsCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCtyunCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SCtyunCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SCtyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCtyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCtyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCucloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SCucloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SCucloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCucloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SCucloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SDnsZoneIdOptions ¶
type SDnsZoneIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"Dns zone Id or Name"`
func (*SDnsZoneIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *SDnsZoneIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*SDnsZoneIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SDnsZoneIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SDnsZoneListOptions ¶
type SDnsZoneListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions VpcId string `help:"Filter dns zone by vpc"` ZoneType string `help:"Filter dns zone by zone type" choices:"PublicZone|PrivateZone"` WithCache bool `help:"Whether to bring cache information"` }
func (*SDnsZoneListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SDnsZoneListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SEcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SEcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SEcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SEcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SGoogleCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SGoogleCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions GoogleJsonFile string `help:"Google auth json file" positional:"true"` }
func (*SGoogleCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SGoogleCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions GoogleJsonFile string `help:"Google auth json file" positional:"true"` }
func (*SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBigqueryTable string `help:"update Google big query table that stores account billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingReportBigqueryAccount string `help:"update Google account for big query table" json:"-"` OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update Google S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove Google S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"update id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingBucketAccount bool `help:"remove id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"update prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingFilePrefix bool `help:"remove prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` OptionsUsageReportBucket string `help:"update Google S3 bucket that stores account usage report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsUsageReportBucket bool `help:"remove Google S3 bucket that stores account usage report" json:"-"` OptionsUsageFilePrefix string `help:"update prefix of usage file name" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsUsageFilePrefix bool `help:"remove prefix of usage file name" json:"-"` }
func (*SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SGoogleCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SHCSAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions AuthURL string `help:"Hcs auth_url" positional:"true" json:"auth_url"` SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SHCSAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SHCSAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SHCSAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SHCSAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions Account string Password string }
func (*SHCSAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSOAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SHCSOAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions cloudprovider.SHCSOEndpoints SAccessKeyCredential DefaultRegion string `json:"default_region"` }
func (*SHCSOAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSOAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSOAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SHCSOAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions cloudprovider.SHCSOEndpoints SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SHCSOAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSOAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHCSOAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SHCSOAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SHCSOAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHCSOAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHcsOpCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SHcsOpCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SUserPasswordCredential AuthURL string `help:"HcsOp auth_url" positional:"true" json:"auth_url"` }
func (*SHcsOpCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHcsOpCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHuaweiCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SHuaweiCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SHuaweiCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHuaweiCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update Huawei S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove Huawei S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` OptionsBillingBucketAccount string `help:"update id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingBucketAccount bool `help:"remove id of account that can access bucket, blank if this account can access" json:"-"` OptionsBillingFilePrefix string `help:"update prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingFilePrefix bool `help:"remove prefix of billing file name" json:"-"` }
func (*SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SHuaweiCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SInCloudSphereAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SInCloudSphereAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions HOST string SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SInCloudSphereAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SInCloudSphereAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SInCloudSphereAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SJDcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SJDcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SJDcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SJDcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SJDcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SKsyunCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SKsyunCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SKsyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SKsyunCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SKsyunCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SNutanixCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SNutanixCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SNutanixCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SNutanixCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SNutanixCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SUserPasswordCredential }
func (*SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SNutanixCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SNutanixCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SNutanixCredentialWithEnvironment struct { SUserPasswordCredential Host string `help:"Nutanix host" positional:"true"` Port string `help:"Nutanix host port" default:"9440"` }
type SOpenStackCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SOpenStackCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SOpenStackCredentialWithAuthURL }
func (*SOpenStackCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SOpenStackCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SOpenStackCredential }
func (*SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SOpenStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SOpenStackCredential ¶
type SOpenStackCredential struct { ProjectName string `help:"OpenStack project_name" positional:"true"` SUserPasswordCredential DomainName string `help:"OpenStack domain name"` }
type SOpenStackCredentialWithAuthURL ¶
type SOpenStackCredentialWithAuthURL struct { SOpenStackCredential AuthURL string `help:"OpenStack auth_url" positional:"true" json:"auth_url"` }
type SOracleCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SOracleCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions OraclePrivateKeyFile string `help:"Oracle private key" positional:"true"` OracleTenancyOCID string OracleUserOCID string }
func (*SOracleCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SOracleCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SProxmoxAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SProxmoxAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SProxmoxCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SProxmoxAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SProxmoxAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SProxmoxAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SProxmoxAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SUserPasswordCredential }
func (*SProxmoxAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SProxmoxAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SProxmoxAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SProxmoxAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SProxmoxAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SProxmoxAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SProxmoxCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SProxmoxCredentialWithEnvironment struct { SUserPasswordCredential Host string `help:"Proxmox host" positional:"true"` Port string `help:"Proxmox host port" default:"8006"` }
type SQcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SQcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SQcloudCredential OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"bucket that stores billing report" json:"-"` }
func (*SQcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SQcloudCredential }
func (*SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update TencentCloud S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove TencentCloud S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` }
func (*SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SQcloudCredential ¶
type SQingCloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SQingCloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SQingCloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQingCloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SQingCloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SRemoteFileAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SRemoteFileAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions AuthURL string }
func (*SRemoteFileAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SRemoteFileAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SS3CloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SS3CloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential Endpoint string `help:"S3 endpoint" required:"true" positional:"true" json:"endpoint"` }
func (*SS3CloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SS3CloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SS3CloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SS3CloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SS3CloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SS3CloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SS3CloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SS3CloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SS3CloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SS3CloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SUcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SUcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SUcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SUcloudCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SAccessKeyCredential }
func (*SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SUcloudCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SUserPasswordCredential ¶
type SVMwareCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SVMwareCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SVMwareCredentialWithEnvironment }
func (*SVMwareCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVMwareCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SUserPasswordCredential Host string `help:"VMware VCenter/ESXi host"` Port string `help:"VMware VCenter/ESXi host port" default:"443"` }
func (*SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVMwareCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SVMwareCredentialWithEnvironment ¶
type SVMwareCredentialWithEnvironment struct { SUserPasswordCredential Host string `help:"VMware VCenter/ESXi host" positional:"true"` Port string `help:"VMware VCenter/ESXi host port" default:"443"` Zone string `help:"zone for this account"` }
type SVolcengineCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SVolcengineCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SAccessKeyCredential OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update Aliyun S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` }
func (*SVolcengineCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVolcengineCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SUserPasswordCredential }
func (*SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct { SCloudAccountUpdateBaseOptions OptionsBillingReportBucket string `help:"update VolcEngine S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` RemoveOptionsBillingReportBucket bool `help:"remove VolcEngine S3 bucket that stores account billing report" json:"-"` }
func (*SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SVolcengineCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SXskyCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SXskyCloudAccountCreateOptions struct {
func (*SXskyCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SXskyCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SZStackCloudAccountCreateOptions ¶
type SZStackCloudAccountCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountCreateBaseOptions SUserPasswordCredential AuthURL string `help:"ZStack auth_url" positional:"true" json:"auth_url"` }
func (*SZStackCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SZStackCloudAccountCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions ¶
type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions SUserPasswordCredential }
func (*SZStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SZStackCloudAccountUpdateCredentialOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions ¶
type SZStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions struct {
func (*SZStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SZStackCloudAccountUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagCreateOptions ¶
type SchedtagCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"Name of new schedtag"` Strategy string `help:"Policy" choices:"require|exclude|prefer|avoid"` Desc string `help:"Description"` Scope string `help:"Resource scope" choices:"system|domain|project"` Type string `help:"Resource type" choices:"hosts|storages|networks|cloudproviders|cloudregions|zones"` }
func (SchedtagCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagListOptions ¶
type SchedtagListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Type string `help:"Filter by resource type"` CloudproviderId string `help:"Filter by cloudprovider id"` }
func (SchedtagListOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagModelListOptions ¶
type SchedtagModelListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Schedtag string `help:"ID or Name of schedtag"` }
type SchedtagSetOptions ¶
type SchedtagSetOptions struct { ID string `help:"Id or name of resource"` Schedtag []string `help:"Ids of schedtag"` }
func (SchedtagSetOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagSetOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagSetResource ¶
type SchedtagSetResource struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of schetag"` Resource []string `help:"Resource id or name"` UnbindAll bool `help:"Unbind all attached resources"` }
func (SchedtagSetResource) GetId ¶
func (o SchedtagSetResource) GetId() string
func (SchedtagSetResource) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagSetResource) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagSetScopeOptions ¶
type SchedtagSetScopeOptions struct { ID []string `help:"ID or Name of schetag"` Project string `help:"ID or Name of project"` Domain string `help:"ID or Name of domain"` System bool `help:"Set to system scope"` }
func (SchedtagSetScopeOptions) GetIds ¶
func (o SchedtagSetScopeOptions) GetIds() []string
func (SchedtagSetScopeOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagSetScopeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagShowOptions ¶
type SchedtagShowOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of the scheduler tag to show"`
func (SchedtagShowOptions) GetId ¶
func (o SchedtagShowOptions) GetId() string
func (SchedtagShowOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagShowOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedtagUpdateOptions ¶
type SchedtagUpdateOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of schetag"` Name string `help:"New name of schedtag"` Strategy string `help:"Policy" choices:"require|exclude|prefer|avoid"` Desc string `help:"Description"` ClearStrategy bool `help:"Clear default schedule policy"` }
func (SchedtagUpdateOptions) GetId ¶
func (o SchedtagUpdateOptions) GetId() string
func (SchedtagUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedtagUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SchedulerForecastOptions ¶
type SchedulerForecastOptions struct {
func (SchedulerForecastOptions) Params ¶
func (o SchedulerForecastOptions) Params(s *mcclient.ClientSession) (*scheduler.ScheduleInput, error)
type SchedulerTestBaseOptions ¶
type SchedulerTestBaseOptions struct { ServerConfigs Mem int `help:"Memory size (MB), default 512" metavar:"MEMORY" default:"512"` Ncpu int `help:"#CPU cores of VM server, default 1" default:"1" metavar:"<SERVER_CPU_COUNT>"` Sku string `help:"Server SKU instance type"` Log bool `help:"Record to schedule history"` Cdrom string `help:"ISO image ID" metavar:"IMAGE_ID"` }
type SchedulerTestOptions ¶
type SchedulerTestOptions struct { SchedulerTestBaseOptions SuggestionLimit int64 `help:"Number of schedule candidate informations" default:"50"` SuggestionAll bool `help:"Show all schedule candidate informations"` Details bool `help:"Show suggestion details"` }
func (*SchedulerTestOptions) Params ¶
func (o *SchedulerTestOptions) Params(s *mcclient.ClientSession) (*scheduler.ScheduleInput, error)
type SecGroupRulesCreateOptions ¶
type SecGroupRulesCreateOptions struct { SECGROUP string `help:"Secgroup ID or Name" metavar:"Secgroup"` RULE string `json:"-"` Priority int64 `help:"priority of Rule" default:"50"` Desc string `help:"Description" json:"description"` }
func (*SecGroupRulesCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecGroupRulesCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecGroupRulesListOptions ¶
type SecGroupRulesListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Secgroup string `help:"Secgroup ID or Name"` SecgroupName string `help:"Search rules by fuzzy secgroup name"` Projects []string `help:"Filter rules by project"` Direction string `help:"filter Direction of rule" choices:"in|out"` Protocol string `help:"filter Protocol of rule" choices:"any|tcp|udp|icmp"` Action string `help:"filter Actin of rule" choices:"allow|deny"` Ports string `help:"filter Ports of rule"` Ip string `help:"filter cidr of rule"` }
func (*SecGroupRulesListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecGroupRulesListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecGroupRulesUpdateOptions ¶
type SecGroupRulesUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Name string `help:"New name of rule"` Priority int64 `help:"priority of Rule"` Protocol string `help:"Protocol of rule" choices:"any|tcp|udp|icmp"` Ports string `help:"Ports of rule"` Cidr string `help:"Cidr of rule"` Action string `help:"filter Actin of rule" choices:"allow|deny"` Desc string `help:"Description" metavar:"Description"` }
func (*SecGroupRulesUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecGroupRulesUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type SecgroupChangeOwnerOptions struct { SecgroupIdOptions apis.ProjectizedResourceInput }
type SecgroupCleanOptions ¶
type SecgroupCleanOptions struct { }
func (*SecgroupCleanOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupCleanOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupCreateOptions ¶
type SecgroupCreateOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseCreateOptions VpcId string Tags []string Rules []string `help:"security rule to create"` }
func (*SecgroupCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupIdOptions ¶
type SecgroupIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of security group destination"`
func (*SecgroupIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *SecgroupIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*SecgroupIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupImportRulesOptions ¶
type SecgroupImportRulesOptions struct { SecgroupIdOptions RULE []string `help:"rule pattern: rule|priority eg: in:allow any 1"` }
func (*SecgroupImportRulesOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupImportRulesOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupListOptions ¶
type SecgroupListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Equals string `help:"Secgroup ID or Name, filter secgroups whose rules equals the specified one"` Server string `help:"Filter secgroups bound to specified server"` Ip string `help:"Filter secgroup by ip"` Ports string `help:"Filter secgroup by ports"` Direction string `help:"Filter secgroup by ports" choices:"all|in|out"` DBInstance string `help:"Filter secgroups bound to specified rds" json:"dbinstance"` Cloudregion string `help:"Filter secgroups by region"` VpcId string Cloudaccount string `help:"Filter secgroups by account"` LoadbalancerId string }
func (*SecgroupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupMergeOptions ¶
type SecgroupMergeOptions struct { SecgroupIdOptions SECGROUPS []string `help:"source IDs or Names of secgroup"` }
func (*SecgroupMergeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupMergeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecgroupsAddRuleOptions ¶
type SecgroupsAddRuleOptions struct { SecgroupIdOptions DIRECTION string `help:"Direction of rule" choices:"in|out"` PROTOCOL string `help:"Protocol of rule" choices:"any|tcp|udp|icmp"` ACTION string `help:"Actin of rule" choices:"allow|deny"` PRIORITY int `help:"Priority for rule, range 1 ~ 100"` Cidr string `help:"IP or CIRD for rule"` Description string `help:"Desciption for rule"` Ports string `help:"Port for rule"` }
func (*SecgroupsAddRuleOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecgroupsAddRuleOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecurityGroupCacheOptions ¶
type SecurityGroupCacheOptions struct { SecgroupIdOptions VPC_ID string `help:"ID or Name of vpc"` }
func (*SecurityGroupCacheOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SecurityGroupCacheOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SecurityGroupUncacheSecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroupUncacheSecurityGroup struct { SecgroupIdOptions CACHE string `help:"ID of secgroup cache"` }
func (*SecurityGroupUncacheSecurityGroup) Params ¶
func (opts *SecurityGroupUncacheSecurityGroup) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerAddSubIpsOptions ¶
type ServerAddSubIpsOptions struct { ServerIdOptions computeapi.GuestAddSubIpsInput }
func (*ServerAddSubIpsOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerAddSubIpsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerAssociateEipOptions ¶
type ServerAssociateEipOptions struct { ServerIdOptions EIP string `help:"ID or name of EIP to associate"` }
func (*ServerAssociateEipOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerAssociateEipOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerAssociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerAssociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerBatchMetadataOptions ¶
type ServerBatchMetadataOptions struct { Guests []string `help:"IDs or names of server" json:"-"` TAGS []string `help:"Tags info, eg: hypervisor=aliyun、os_type=Linux、os_version"` }
func (*ServerBatchMetadataOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerBatchMetadataOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCPUSetOptions ¶
type ServerCPUSetOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions SETS string `help:"Cgroup cpusets CPUs spec string, e.g. '0-2,16'"` }
func (*ServerCPUSetOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerCPUSetOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCancelDeleteOptions ¶
type ServerCancelDeleteOptions struct {
func (*ServerCancelDeleteOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerCancelDeleteOptions) Description() string
type ServerChangeConfigOptions ¶
type ServerChangeConfigOptions struct { ServerIdOptions VcpuCount *int `help:"New number of Virtual CPU cores" json:"vcpu_count" token:"ncpu"` CpuSockets *int `help:"Cpu sockets"` VmemSize string `help:"New memory size" json:"vmem_size" token:"vmem"` Disk []string `help:"Data disk description, from the 1st data disk to the last one, empty string if no change for this data disk"` InstanceType string `help:"Instance Type, e.g. S2.SMALL2 for qcloud"` ResetTrafficLimits []string `help:"reset traffic limits, mac,rx,tx"` SetTrafficLimits []string `help:"set traffic limits, mac,rx,tx"` }
func (*ServerChangeConfigOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerChangeConfigOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerChangeConfigOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerChangeConfigOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerChangeDiskStorageOptions ¶
type ServerChangeDiskStorageOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions DISKID string `json:"disk_id" help:"Disk id or name"` TARGETSTORAGE string `json:"target_storage_id" help:"Target storage id or name"` KeepOriginDisk bool `json:"keep_origin_disk" help:"Keep origin disk when changed"` }
func (*ServerChangeDiskStorageOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerChangeDiskStorageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerChangeOwnerCandidateDomainsOptions ¶
type ServerChangeOwnerCandidateDomainsOptions struct {
func (*ServerChangeOwnerCandidateDomainsOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerChangeOwnerCandidateDomainsOptions) Description() string
type ServerChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type ServerChangeOwnerOptions struct { ID string `help:"Server to change owner" json:"-"` PROJECT string `help:"Project ID or change" json:"tenant"` }
func (*ServerChangeOwnerOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerChangeOwnerOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerChangeOwnerOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerChangeOwnerOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerChangeStorageOptions ¶
type ServerChangeStorageOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions TARGETSTORAGE string `json:"target_storage_id" help:"Target storage id or name"` KeepOriginDisk bool `json:"keep_origin_disk" help:"Keep origin disk when changed"` }
func (*ServerChangeStorageOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerChangeStorageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCloneOptions ¶
type ServerCloneOptions struct { SOURCE string `help:"Source server id or name" json:"-"` TARGET_NAME string `help:"Name of newly server" json:"name"` AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start server after it is created"` EipBw int `help:"allocate EIP with bandwidth in MB when server is created" json:"eip_bw,omitzero"` EipChargeType string `help:"newly allocated EIP charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth" json:"eip_charge_type,omitempty"` Eip string `help:"associate with an existing EIP when server is created" json:"eip,omitempty"` }
func (*ServerCloneOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerCloneOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerCloneOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerCloneOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerCloneOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerCloneOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCloseForwardOptions ¶
type ServerCloseForwardOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Proto string `json:"proto" help:"protocol" choices:"tcp|udp" default:"tcp"` ProxyAddr string `json:"proxy_addr" help:"proxy addr" required:"true"` ProxyPort int `json:"proxy_port" help:"proxy port" required:"true"` }
func (*ServerCloseForwardOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerCloseForwardOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerConfigs ¶
type ServerConfigs struct { Manager string `help:"Preferred cloudprovider where virtual server should bd created" json:"prefer_manager"` Region string `help:"Preferred region where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_region"` Zone string `help:"Preferred zone where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_zone"` Wire string `help:"Preferred wire where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_wire"` Host string `help:"Preferred host where virtual server should be created" json:"prefer_host"` BackupHost string `help:"Perfered host where virtual backup server should be created"` Hypervisor string `` /* 228-byte string literal not displayed */ ResourceType string `help:"Resource type" choices:"shared|prepaid|dedicated"` Backup bool `help:"Create server with backup server"` AutoSwitchToBackupOnHostDown bool `help:"Auto switch to backup server on host down"` Daemon *bool `help:"Set as a daemon server" json:"is_daemon"` Schedtag []string `help:"Schedule policy, key = aggregate name, value = require|exclude|prefer|avoid" metavar:"<KEY:VALUE>"` Disk []string `` /* 796-byte string literal not displayed */ DiskSchedtag []string `help:"Disk schedtag description, e.g. '0:<tag>:<strategy>'"` Net []string `help:"Network descriptions" metavar:"NETWORK"` NetSchedtag []string `help:"Network schedtag description, e.g. '0:<tag>:<strategy>'"` IsolatedDevice []string `help:"Isolated device model or ID" metavar:"ISOLATED_DEVICE"` RaidConfig []string `help:"Baremetal raid config" json:"-"` RootDiskMatcher string `help:"Baremetal root disk matcher, e.g. 'device=/dev/sdb' 'size=900G' 'size_start=800G,size_end=900G'" json:"-"` Project string `help:"'Owner project ID or Name" json:"tenant"` User string `help:"Owner user ID or Name"` Count int `help:"Create multiple simultaneously" default:"1"` }
func (ServerConfigs) Data ¶
func (o ServerConfigs) Data() (*computeapi.ServerConfigs, error)
type ServerConvertToKvmOptions ¶
type ServerConvertToKvmOptions struct { ServerIdsOptions PreferHost string `help:"Perfer host id or name" json:"prefer_host"` }
func (*ServerConvertToKvmOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerConvertToKvmOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCreateBackupOptions ¶
type ServerCreateBackupOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of the server" json:"-"` AutoStart bool `help:"Start guest after create backup guest" json:"auto_start"` }
func (*ServerCreateBackupOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerCreateBackupOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerCreateBackupOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerCreateBackupOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCreateEipOptions ¶
type ServerCreateEipOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Bandwidth int `help:"EIP bandwidth in Mbps" default:"5"` BgpType *string `help:"desired BGP type"` ChargeType *string `help:"bandwidth charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth"` }
func (*ServerCreateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerCreateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerCreateFromInstanceSnapshot ¶
type ServerCreateFromInstanceSnapshot struct { InstaceSnapshotId string `help:"Instace snapshot id or name"` NAME string `help:"Name of newly server" json:"name"` AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start server after it is created"` AllowDelete bool `help:"Unlock server to allow deleting"` EipBw int `help:"allocate EIP with bandwidth in MB when server is created" json:"eip_bw,omitzero"` EipChargeType string `help:"newly allocated EIP charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth" json:"eip_charge_type,omitempty"` Eip string `help:"associate with an existing EIP when server is created" json:"eip,omitempty"` }
type ServerCreateOptionalOptions ¶
type ServerCreateOptionalOptions struct { ServerConfigs MemSpec string `help:"Memory size Or Instance Type" metavar:"MEMSPEC" json:"-"` CpuSockets int `help:"Cpu sockets"` EnableMemclean bool `help:"clean guest memory after guest exit" json:"enable_memclean"` Keypair string `help:"SSH Keypair"` Password string `help:"Default user password"` LoginAccount string `help:"Guest login account"` Iso string `help:"ISO image ID" metavar:"IMAGE_ID" json:"cdrom"` IsoBootIndex *int8 `help:"Iso bootindex" metavar:"IMAGE_BOOT_INDEX" json:"cdrom_boot_index"` VcpuCount int `help:"#CPU cores of VM server, default 1" default:"1" metavar:"<SERVER_CPU_COUNT>" json:"vcpu_count" token:"ncpu"` InstanceType string `help:"instance flavor"` Vga string `help:"VGA driver" choices:"std|vmware|cirrus|qxl|virtio"` Vdi string `help:"VDI protocool" choices:"vnc|spice"` Bios string `help:"BIOS" choices:"BIOS|UEFI"` Machine string `help:"Machine type" choices:"pc|q35"` Desc string `help:"Description" metavar:"<DESCRIPTION>" json:"description"` Boot string `help:"Boot device" metavar:"<BOOT_DEVICE>" choices:"disk|cdrom" json:"-"` EnableCloudInit bool `help:"Enable cloud-init service"` NoAccountInit *bool `help:"Not reset account password"` AllowDelete *bool `help:"Unlock server to allow deleting" json:"-"` ShutdownBehavior string `help:"Behavior after VM server shutdown" metavar:"<SHUTDOWN_BEHAVIOR>" choices:"stop|terminate"` AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start server after it is created"` Deploy []string `help:"Specify deploy files in virtual server file system" json:"-"` DeployTelegraf bool `help:"Deploy telegraf agent if guest os is supported"` Group []string `help:"Group ID or Name of virtual server"` System bool `help:"Create a system VM, sysadmin ONLY option" json:"is_system"` TaskNotify *bool `help:"Setup task notify" json:"-"` FakeCreate *bool `help:"Fake create server"` DryRun *bool `help:"Dry run to test scheduler" json:"-"` UserDataFile string `help:"user_data file path" json:"-"` InstanceSnapshot string `help:"instance snapshot" json:"instance_snapshot"` Secgroups []string `help:"secgroups" json:"secgroups"` OsType string `help:"os type, e.g. Linux, Windows, etc."` Duration string `help:"valid duration of the server, e.g. 1H, 1D, 1W, 1M, 1Y, ADMIN ONLY option"` AutoRenew bool `help:"auto renew for prepaid server"` AutoPrepaidRecycle bool `help:"automatically enable prepaid recycling after server is created successfully" json:"auto_prepaid_recycle,omitfalse"` GenerateName bool `help:"name is generated by pattern" json:"-"` EipBw int `help:"allocate EIP with bandwidth in MB when server is created" json:"eip_bw,omitzero"` EipBgpType string `help:"desired BGP type of newly alloated EIP" json:"eip_bgp_type,omitzero"` EipChargeType string `help:"newly allocated EIP charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth" json:"eip_charge_type,omitempty"` Eip string `help:"associate with an existing EIP when server is created" json:"eip,omitempty"` PublicIpBw int `help:"associate public ip with bandwidth in MB where server is created" json:"public_ip_bw,omitzero"` PublicIpChargeType string `help:"newly allocated public ip charge type" choices:"traffic|bandwidth" json:"public_ip_charge_type,omitempty"` GuestImageID string `help:"create from guest image, need to specify the guest image id"` EncryptKey string `help:"encryption key"` }
func (*ServerCreateOptionalOptions) OptionalParams ¶
func (opts *ServerCreateOptionalOptions) OptionalParams() (*computeapi.ServerCreateInput, error)
type ServerCreateOptions ¶
type ServerCreateOptions struct { ServerCreateOptionalOptions NAME string `help:"Name of server" json:"-"` }
func (*ServerCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerCreateOptions) Params() (*computeapi.ServerCreateInput, error)
func (*ServerCreateOptions) ToScheduleInput ¶
func (o *ServerCreateOptions) ToScheduleInput() (*schedapi.ScheduleInput, error)
type ServerDeleteBackupOptions ¶
type ServerDeleteBackupOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of the server" json:"-"` Purge *bool `help:"Purge Guest Backup" json:"purge"` }
func (*ServerDeleteBackupOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerDeleteBackupOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerDeleteBackupOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerDeleteBackupOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerDeleteOptions ¶
type ServerDeleteOptions struct { ServerIdsOptions OverridePendingDelete *bool `help:"Delete server directly instead of pending delete" short-token:"f"` DeleteSnapshots *bool `help:"Delete server snapshots"` DeleteDisks *bool `help:"Delete server disks"` DeleteEip *bool `help:"Delete eip"` }
func (*ServerDeleteOptions) QueryParams ¶
func (o *ServerDeleteOptions) QueryParams() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerDeployOptions ¶
type ServerDeployOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Keypair string `help:"ssh Keypair used for login" json:"-"` DeleteKeypair bool `help:"Remove ssh Keypairs" json:"-"` Deploy []string `help:"Specify deploy files in virtual server file system" json:"-"` ResetPassword bool `help:"Force reset password"` Password string `help:"Default user password"` LoginAccount string `help:"Guest login account"` AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start server after deployed"` DeployTelegraf bool `help:"Deploy telegraf if guest os supported"` }
func (*ServerDeployOptions) Description ¶
func (opts *ServerDeployOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerDeployOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerDeployOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerDissociateEipOptions ¶
type ServerDissociateEipOptions struct { ServerIdOptions AutoDelete bool `help:"automatically delete the dissociate EIP" json:"auto_delete,omitfalse"` }
func (*ServerDissociateEipOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerDissociateEipOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerDissociateEipOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerDissociateEipOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerDomainStatisticsOptions ¶
type ServerDomainStatisticsOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.DomainStatisticsOptions }
type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValuePairOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValuePairOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.DomainTagValuePairsOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValuePairOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValuePairOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValueTreeOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValueTreeOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.DomainTagValueTreeOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValueTreeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyDomainTagValueTreeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValuePairOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValuePairOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.ProjectTagValuePairsOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValuePairOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValuePairOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValueTreeOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValueTreeOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.ProjectTagValueTreeOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValueTreeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyProjectTagValueTreeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerGetPropertyTagValuePairOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyTagValuePairOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.TagValuePairsOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyTagValuePairOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyTagValuePairOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerGetPropertyTagValueTreeOptions ¶
type ServerGetPropertyTagValueTreeOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.TagValueTreeOptions }
func (*ServerGetPropertyTagValueTreeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerGetPropertyTagValueTreeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerHaveAgentOptions ¶
type ServerHaveAgentOptions struct {
type ServerIdOptions ¶
type ServerIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or name of the server" json:"-"`
func (*ServerIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerIdOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerIdsOptions ¶
type ServerIdsOptions struct {
ID []string `help:"ID of servers to operate" metavar:"SERVER" json:"-"`
func (*ServerIdsOptions) GetIds ¶
func (o *ServerIdsOptions) GetIds() []string
func (*ServerIdsOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerIdsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerIoThrottle ¶
type ServerIoThrottle struct { ServerIdOptions DiskBps map[string]int `help:"disk bps of throttle, input diskId=BPS" json:"bps"` DiskIOPS map[string]int `help:"disk iops of throttle, input diskId=IOPS" json:"iops"` }
func (*ServerIoThrottle) Description ¶
func (o *ServerIoThrottle) Description() string
func (*ServerIoThrottle) Params ¶
func (o *ServerIoThrottle) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerIsoOptions ¶
type ServerIsoOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Ordinal int `help:"server iso ordinal, default 0"` }
func (*ServerIsoOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerIsoOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerListForwardOptions ¶
type ServerListForwardOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Proto *string `json:"proto" help:"protocol" choices:"tcp|udp"` Port *int `json:"port" help:"port"` Addr *string `json:"addr"` }
func (*ServerListForwardOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerListForwardOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerListOptions ¶
type ServerListOptions struct { Zone string `help:"Zone ID or Name"` Wire string `help:"Wire ID or Name"` Network string `help:"Network ID or Name"` Disk string `help:"Disk ID or Name"` Host string `help:"Host ID or Name"` Baremetal *bool `help:"Show baremetal servers"` Gpu *bool `help:"Show gpu servers"` Secgroup string `help:"Secgroup ID or Name"` AdminSecgroup string `help:"AdminSecgroup ID or Name"` Hypervisor string `` /* 269-byte string literal not displayed */ Region string `help:"Show servers in cloudregion"` WithEip *bool `help:"Show Servers with EIP"` WithoutEip *bool `help:"Show Servers without EIP"` OsType string `help:"OS Type" choices:"linux|windows|vmware"` Vpc []string `help:"Vpc id or name"` UsableServerForEip string `help:"Eip id or name"` WithoutUserMeta *bool `help:"Show Servers without user metadata"` EipAssociable *bool `help:"Show Servers can associate with eip"` HostSn string `help:"Host SN"` IpAddr string `help:"Fileter by ip"` IpAddrs []string `help:"Fileter by ips"` OrderByDisk string `help:"Order by disk size" choices:"asc|desc"` OrderByOsDist string `help:"Order by os distribution" choices:"asc|desc"` OrderByHost string `help:"Order by host name" choices:"asc|desc"` OrderByNetwork string `help:"Order by network name" choices:"asc|desc"` OrderByIp string `help:"Order by ip" choices:"asc|desc"` ResourceType string `help:"Resource type" choices:"shared|prepaid|dedicated"` BillingType string `help:"billing type" choices:"postpaid|prepaid"` ScalingGroup string `help:"ScalingGroup's id or name'"` options.BaseListOptions options.MultiArchListOptions VpcProvider string `help:"filter by vpc's provider" json:"vpc_provider"` WithMeta *bool `help:"filter by metadata" negative:"without_meta"` WithUserMeta *bool `help:"filter by user metadata" negative:"without_user_meta"` WithHost *bool `help:"filter guest with host or not" negative:"without_host"` }
func (*ServerListOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerLiveMigrateOptions ¶
type ServerLiveMigrateOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of server" json:"-"` PreferHost string `help:"Server migration prefer host id or name" json:"prefer_host"` SkipCpuCheck *bool `help:"Skip check CPU mode of the target host" json:"skip_cpu_check"` SkipKernelCheck *bool `help:"Skip target kernel version check" json:"skip_kernel_check"` EnableTLS *bool `help:"Enable tls migration" json:"enable_tls"` QuicklyFinish *bool `help:"quickly finish, fix downtime after a few rounds of memory synchronization"` MaxBandwidthMb *int64 `help:"live migrate downtime, unit MB"` KeepDestGuestOnFailed *bool `help:"do not delete dest guest on migrate failed, for debug"` }
func (*ServerLiveMigrateOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerLiveMigrateOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerLiveMigrateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerLiveMigrateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerLoginInfoOptions ¶
type ServerMakeSshableOptions ¶
type ServerMakeSshableOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions User string `help:"ssh username for ssh connection" default:"root"` PrivateKey string `help:"ssh privatekey for ssh connection"` Password string `help:"ssh password for ssh connection"` Port int `help:"ssh port for ssh connection"` }
func (*ServerMakeSshableOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerMakeSshableOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerMigrateForecastOptions ¶
type ServerMigrateForecastOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of server" json:"-"` PreferHost string `help:"Server migration prefer host id or name" json:"prefer_host"` LiveMigrate *bool `help:"Use live migrate"` SkipCpuCheck *bool `help:"Skip check CPU mode of the target host" json:"skip_cpu_check"` SkipKernelCheck *bool `help:"Skip target kernel version check" json:"skip_kernel_check"` }
func (*ServerMigrateForecastOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerMigrateForecastOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerMigrateForecastOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerMigrateForecastOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerMigrateNetworkOptions ¶
type ServerMigrateNetworkOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions computeapi.ServerMigrateNetworkInput }
func (*ServerMigrateNetworkOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerMigrateNetworkOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerMigrateOptions ¶
type ServerMigrateOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of server" json:"-"` PreferHost string `help:"Server migration prefer host id or name" json:"prefer_host"` AutoStart *bool `help:"Server auto start after migrate" json:"auto_start"` RescueMode *bool `help:"Migrate server in rescue mode, all disks must reside on shared storage" json:"rescue_mode"` }
func (*ServerMigrateOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerMigrateOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerMigrateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerMigrateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerModifySrcCheckOptions ¶
type ServerModifySrcCheckOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of server" metavar:"Guest" json:"-"` SrcIpCheck string `help:"Turn on/off src ip check" choices:"on|off"` SrcMacCheck string `help:"Turn on/off src mac check" choices:"on|off"` }
func (*ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerModifySrcCheckOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerMonitorOptions ¶
type ServerMonitorOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Qmp bool `help:"Use qmp protocol, default is hmp"` COMMAND string `help:"Qemu Monitor command to send"` }
func (*ServerMonitorOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerMonitorOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerNicTrafficLimitOptions ¶
type ServerNicTrafficLimitOptions struct { ServerIdOptions MAC string `help:"guest network mac address"` RxTrafficLimit *int64 `help:" rx traffic limit, unit Byte"` TxTrafficLimit *int64 `help:" tx traffic limit, unit Byte"` }
func (*ServerNicTrafficLimitOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerNicTrafficLimitOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerOpenForwardOptions ¶
type ServerOpenForwardOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Proto string `json:"proto" help:"protocol" choices:"tcp|udp" default:"tcp"` Port int `json:"port" help:"port" required:"true"` Addr string `json:"addr"` }
func (*ServerOpenForwardOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerOpenForwardOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerPrepaidRecycleOptions ¶
type ServerPrepaidRecycleOptions struct { ServerIdOptions AutoDelete bool `help:"after joining the pool, remove the server automatically"` }
func (*ServerPrepaidRecycleOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerPrepaidRecycleOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerProjectStatisticsOptions ¶
type ServerProjectStatisticsOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.ProjectStatisticsOptions }
type ServerPublicipToEip ¶
type ServerPublicipToEip struct { ServerIdOptions AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start new guest"` }
func (*ServerPublicipToEip) Description ¶
func (o *ServerPublicipToEip) Description() string
func (*ServerPublicipToEip) Params ¶
func (o *ServerPublicipToEip) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerQgaCommand ¶
type ServerQgaCommand struct { ServerIdOptions COMMAND string `help:"qga command"` Timeout int `help:"qga command execute timeout (ms)"` }
func (*ServerQgaCommand) Params ¶
func (o *ServerQgaCommand) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerQgaGetNetwork ¶
type ServerQgaGetNetwork struct {
func (*ServerQgaGetNetwork) Params ¶
func (o *ServerQgaGetNetwork) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerQgaGuestInfoTask ¶
type ServerQgaGuestInfoTask struct {
func (*ServerQgaGuestInfoTask) Params ¶
func (o *ServerQgaGuestInfoTask) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerQgaPing ¶
type ServerQgaPing struct { ServerIdOptions Timeout int `help:"qga command execute timeout (ms)"` }
func (*ServerQgaPing) Params ¶
func (o *ServerQgaPing) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerQgaSetPassword ¶
type ServerQgaSetPassword struct { ServerIdOptions USERNAME string `help:"Which user to set password" json:"username"` PASSWORD string `help:"Password content" json:"password"` }
func (*ServerQgaSetPassword) Params ¶
func (o *ServerQgaSetPassword) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerRebuildRootOptions ¶
type ServerRebuildRootOptions struct { ID string `help:"Server to rebuild root" json:"-"` ImageId string `help:"New root Image template ID" json:"image_id" token:"image"` Keypair string `help:"ssh Keypair used for login"` Password string `help:"Default user password"` LoginAccount string `help:"Guest login account"` NoAccountInit *bool `help:"Not reset account password"` AutoStart *bool `help:"Auto start server after it is created"` AllDisks *bool `help:"Rebuild all disks including data disks"` }
func (*ServerRebuildRootOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerRebuildRootOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerRebuildRootOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerRebuildRootOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerRebuildRootOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerRebuildRootOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerRemoteUpdateOptions ¶
type ServerRemoteUpdateOptions struct { ServerIdOptions computeapi.ServerRemoteUpdateInput }
type ServerRenewOptions ¶
type ServerRenewOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or name of server to renew"` DURATION string `help:"Duration of renew, ADMIN only command"` }
func (*ServerRenewOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerRenewOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerRenewOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerRenewOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerResetOptions ¶
type ServerResetOptions struct { ID []string `help:"ID of servers to operate" metavar:"SERVER" json:"-"` Hard *bool `help:"Hard reset or not; default soft" json:"is_hard"` }
func (*ServerResetOptions) GetIds ¶
func (o *ServerResetOptions) GetIds() []string
func (*ServerResetOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerResetOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerRestartOptions ¶
type ServerRestartOptions struct { ID []string `help:"ID of servers to operate" metavar:"SERVER" json:"-"` IsForce *bool `help:"Force reset or not; default false" json:"is_force"` }
func (*ServerRestartOptions) GetIds ¶
func (o *ServerRestartOptions) GetIds() []string
func (*ServerRestartOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerRestartOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSSHLoginOptions ¶
type ServerSaveGuestImageOptions ¶
type ServerSaveGuestImageOptions struct { ServerIdOptions IMAGE string `help:"Image name" json:"name"` AutoStart *bool `help:"Auto start server after image saved"` }
func (*ServerSaveGuestImageOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSaveGuestImageOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerSaveGuestImageOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSaveGuestImageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSaveImageOptions ¶
type ServerSaveImageOptions struct { ServerIdOptions IMAGE string `help:"Image name" json:"name"` Public *bool `help:"Make the image public available" json:"is_public"` Format string `help:"image format" choices:"vmdk|qcow2"` Notes string `help:"Notes about the image"` AutoStart *bool `help:"Auto start server after image saved"` }
func (*ServerSaveImageOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSaveImageOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerSaveImageOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSaveImageOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSaveTemplateOptions ¶
type ServerSaveTemplateOptions struct { ServerIdOptions TemplateName string `help:"The name of guest template"` }
func (*ServerSaveTemplateOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSaveTemplateOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerSaveTemplateOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSaveTemplateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSecGroupOptions ¶
type ServerSecGroupOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of server" metavar:"Guest" json:"-"` Secgrp string `help:"ID of Security Group" metavar:"Security Group" positional:"true"` }
func (*ServerSecGroupOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerSecGroupOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSecGroupOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSecGroupOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSecGroupsOptions ¶
type ServerSecGroupsOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of server" metavar:"Guest" json:"-"` SecgroupIds []string `help:"Ids of Security Groups" metavar:"Security Groups" positional:"true"` }
func (*ServerSecGroupsOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerSecGroupsOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSecGroupsOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSecGroupsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSendKeyOptions ¶
type ServerSendKeyOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID or Name of server" metavar:"Guest" json:"-"` KEYS string `help:"Special keys to send, eg. ctrl, alt, f12, shift, etc, separated by \"-\""` Hold *uint `help:"Hold key for specified milliseconds" json:"duration"` }
func (*ServerSendKeyOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSendKeyOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerSendKeyOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerSendKeyOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSendKeyOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSendKeyOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetAutoRenew ¶
type ServerSetAutoRenew struct { ServerIdOptions AutoRenew bool `help:"Set server auto renew or manual renew"` Duration string `help:"Duration for renew" default:"1M"` }
func (*ServerSetAutoRenew) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSetAutoRenew) Description() string
func (*ServerSetAutoRenew) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSetAutoRenew) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetBootIndexOptions ¶
type ServerSetBootIndexOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Disks map[string]int8 `help:"Disk index and boot index" json:"disks"` Cdroms map[string]int8 `help:"Cdrom ordinal and boot index" json:"cdroms"` }
func (*ServerSetBootIndexOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSetBootIndexOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions ¶
type ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of server" json:"-"` MaxBandwidthMB *int64 `help:"live migrate downtime, unit MB"` DowntimeLimitMS *int64 `help:"live migrate downtime limit"` }
func (*ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSetLiveMigrateParamsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetOSInfoOptions ¶
type ServerSetOSInfoOptions struct { ServerIdsOptions computeapi.ServerSetOSInfoInput }
func (*ServerSetOSInfoOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSetOSInfoOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetPasswordOptions ¶
type ServerSetPasswordOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Username string `help:"Which user to set password" json:"username"` Password string `help:"Password content" json:"password"` ResetPassword bool `help:"Force reset password"` AutoStart bool `help:"Auto start server after reset password"` }
func (*ServerSetPasswordOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSetPasswordOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSetSshportOptions ¶
type ServerSetSshportOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Port int `help:"ssh port" default:"22"` }
func (*ServerSetSshportOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSetSshportOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerShowOptions ¶
type ServerShowOptions struct {
options.BaseShowOptions `id->help:"ID or name of the server"`
func (*ServerShowOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerShowOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerShowOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerShowOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSkusCreateOptions ¶
type ServerSkusCreateOptions struct { Name string `help:"ServerSku name"` CpuCoreCount int `help:"Cpu Count" required:"true" positional:"true"` MemorySizeMB int `help:"Memory MB" required:"true" positional:"true"` OsName *string `help:"OS name/type" choices:"Linux|Windows|Any" default:"Any"` InstanceTypeCategory *string `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ SysDiskResizable *bool `help:"system disk is resizable"` SysDiskType *string `help:"system disk type" choices:"local"` SysDiskMaxSizeGB *int `help:"system disk maximal size in gb"` AttachedDiskType *string `help:"attached data disk type"` AttachedDiskSizeGB *int `help:"attached data disk size in GB"` AttachedDiskCount *int `help:"attached data disk count"` MaxDataDiskCount *int `help:"maximal allowed data disk count"` NicType *string `help:"nic type"` MaxNicCount *int `help:"maximal nic count"` GPUSpec *string `help:"GPU spec"` GPUCount *int `help:"GPU count"` GPUAttachable *bool `help:"Allow attach GPU"` ZoneId string `help:"Zone ID or name"` CloudregionId string `help:"Cloudregion ID or name"` Provider string `help:"provider"` Brand string `help:"brand"` }
func (*ServerSkusCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSkusIdOptions ¶
type ServerSkusIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of SKU to show"`
func (*ServerSkusIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSkusIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSkusListOptions ¶
type ServerSkusListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Cloudregion string `help:"region Id or name"` Usable bool `help:"Filter usable sku"` Zone string `help:"zone Id or name"` City *string `help:"city name,eg. BeiJing"` Cpu *int `help:"Cpu core count" json:"cpu_core_count"` Mem *int `help:"Memory size in MB" json:"memory_size_mb"` Name string `help:"Name of Sku"` PostpaidStatus string `help:"Postpaid status" choices:"soldout|available"` PrepaidStatus string `help:"Prepaid status" choices:"soldout|available"` CpuArch string `help:"Cpu Arch" choices:"x86|arm"` Enabled *bool `help:"Filter enabled skus"` Distinct bool `help:"distinct sku by name"` OrderByTotalGuestCount string }
func (*ServerSkusListOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusListOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSkusListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSkusUpdateOptions ¶
type ServerSkusUpdateOptions struct { ServerSkusIdOptions PostpaidStatus *string `help:"skus available status for postpaid instance" choices:"available|soldout"` PrepaidStatus *string `help:"skus available status for prepaid instance" choices:"available|soldout"` CpuCoreCount *int `help:"Cpu Count"` MemorySizeMB *int `help:"Memory MB"` InstanceTypeCategory *string `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ SysDiskResizable *bool `help:"system disk is resizable"` SysDiskMaxSizeGB *int `help:"system disk maximal size in gb"` AttachedDiskType *string `help:"attached data disk type"` AttachedDiskSizeGB *int `help:"attached data disk size in GB"` AttachedDiskCount *int `help:"attached data disk count"` MaxDataDiskCount *int `help:"maximal allowed data disk count"` NicType *string `help:"nic type"` MaxNicCount *int `help:"maximal nic count"` GPUSpec *string `help:"GPU spec"` GPUCount *int `help:"GPU count"` GPUAttachable *bool `help:"Allow attach GPU"` Zone *string `help:"Zone ID or name"` Region *string `help:"Region ID or name"` }
func (*ServerSkusUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerSkusUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerStartOptions ¶
type ServerStartOptions struct { ServerIdsOptions QemuVersion string `help:"prefer qemu version" json:"qemu_version"` }
func (*ServerStartOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerStartOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerStatusStatisticsOptions ¶
type ServerStatusStatisticsOptions struct { ServerListOptions options.StatusStatisticsOptions }
type ServerStopOptions ¶
type ServerStopOptions struct { ID []string `help:"ID or Name of server" json:"-"` Force *bool `help:"Stop server forcefully" json:"is_force"` StopCharging *bool `help:"Stop charging when server stop"` }
func (*ServerStopOptions) GetIds ¶
func (o *ServerStopOptions) GetIds() []string
func (*ServerStopOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerStopOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerSwitchToBackupOptions ¶
type ServerSwitchToBackupOptions struct { ID string `help:"ID of the server" json:"-"` AutoStart bool `help:"Start guest after switch to backup" json:"auto_start"` }
func (*ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) Description ¶
func (o *ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) Description() string
func (*ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) GetId ¶
func (o *ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) GetId() string
func (*ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerSwitchToBackupOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerUpdateOptions ¶
type ServerUpdateOptions struct { ServerIdsOptions Name string `help:"New name to change"` Vmem string `help:"Memory size" json:"vmem_size"` Ncpu *int `help:"CPU count" json:"vcpu_count"` Vga string `help:"VGA driver" choices:"std|vmware|cirrus|qxl|virtio"` Vdi string `help:"VDI protocol" choices:"vnc|spice"` Bios string `help:"BIOS" choices:"BIOS|UEFI"` Desc string `help:"Description" json:"description"` Boot string `help:"Boot device" choices:"disk|cdrom"` Delete string `help:"Lock server to prevent from deleting" choices:"enable|disable" json:"-"` ShutdownBehavior string `help:"Behavior after VM server shutdown" choices:"stop|terminate"` Machine string `help:"Machine type" choices:"q35|pc"` IsDaemon *bool `help:"Daemon server" negative:"no-daemon"` PendingDeletedAt string `help:"change pending deleted time"` Hostname string `help:"host name of server"` }
func (*ServerUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ServerUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerUpdateSubIpsOptions ¶
type ServerUpdateSubIpsOptions struct { ServerIdOptions computeapi.GuestUpdateSubIpsInput }
func (*ServerUpdateSubIpsOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerUpdateSubIpsOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ServerVncOptions ¶
type ServerVncOptions struct { ServerIdOptions Origin bool }
func (*ServerVncOptions) Params ¶
func (o *ServerVncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SkuSyncOptions ¶
type SkuSyncOptions struct { // 云平台名称 // example: Google Provider string `json:"provider,omitempty" help:"cloud provider name"` // 区域ID CloudregionIds []string `json:"cloudregion_ids" help:"cloud region id list"` }
func (*SkuSyncOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SkuSyncOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SnapshotPolicyCreateOptions ¶
type SnapshotPolicyCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions CloudregionId string ManagerId string RetentionDays int `help:"snapshot retention days" default:"-1"` RepeatWeekdays []int `help:"snapshot create days on week"` TimePoints []int `help:"snapshot create time points on one day"` }
func (*SnapshotPolicyCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SnapshotPolicyCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SnapshotPolicyDisksOptions ¶
type SnapshotPolicyDisksOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions Disks []string `help:"ids of disk"` }
func (*SnapshotPolicyDisksOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SnapshotPolicyDisksOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SnapshotPolicyListOptions ¶
type SnapshotPolicyListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions OrderByBindDiskCount string }
func (*SnapshotPolicyListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SnapshotPolicyListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageCacheImageActionOptions ¶
type StorageCacheImageActionOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions IMAGE string `help:"ID or name of image"` Force bool `help:"Force refresh cache, even if the image exists in cache"` Format string `help:"Image force" choices:"iso|vmdk|qcow2|vhd"` }
func (*StorageCacheImageActionOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageCacheImageActionOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageCreateOptions ¶
type StorageCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"Name of the Storage"` ZONE string `help:"Zone id of storage"` Capacity int64 `help:"Capacity of the Storage"` MediumType string `help:"Medium type" choices:"ssd|rotate" default:"ssd"` StorageType string `help:"Storage type" choices:"local|nas|vsan|rbd|nfs|gpfs|baremetal|clvm|slvm"` RbdMonHost string `help:"Ceph mon_host config"` RbdRadosMonOpTimeout int64 `help:"ceph rados_mon_op_timeout"` RbdRadosOsdOpTimeout int64 `help:"ceph rados_osd_op_timeout"` RbdClientMountTimeout int64 `help:"ceph client_mount_timeout"` RbdKey string `help:"Ceph key config"` RbdPool string `help:"Ceph Pool Name"` NfsHost string `help:"NFS host"` ClvmVgName string `help:"clvm vg name"` SlvmVgName string `help:"slvm vg name"` Lvmlockd bool `help:"shared lvm storage use lvmlockd"` MasterHost string `help:"slvm storage master host"` }
func (*StorageCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageForceDetachHost ¶
type StorageForceDetachHost struct { options.BaseIdOptions HOST string `help:"ID or name of host"` }
func (*StorageForceDetachHost) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageForceDetachHost) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageListOptions ¶
type StorageListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Local *bool `help:"Local storage list"` Usable *bool `help:"Usable storage list"` Zone string `help:"List storages in zone" json:"-"` Region string `help:"List storages in region"` Schedtag string `help:"filter storage by schedtag"` HostId string `help:"filter storages which attached the specified host"` HostSchedtagId string `help:"filter storage by host schedtag"` ImageId string `help:"filter storage by image"` IsBaremetal *bool `help:"Baremetal storage list"` }
func (*StorageListOptions) GetContextId ¶
func (opts *StorageListOptions) GetContextId() string
func (*StorageListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageSetHardwareInfoOptions ¶
type StorageSetHardwareInfoOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions compute.StorageHardwareInfo }
func (*StorageSetHardwareInfoOptions) Params ¶
func (o *StorageSetHardwareInfoOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageUncacheImageActionOptions ¶
type StorageUncacheImageActionOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions IMAGE string `help:"ID or name of image"` Force bool `help:"Force uncache, even if the image exists in cache"` }
func (*StorageUncacheImageActionOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageUncacheImageActionOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StorageUpdateOptions ¶
type StorageUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseUpdateOptions CommitBound float64 `help:"Upper bound of storage overcommit rate" json:"cmtbound"` MediumType string `help:"Medium type" choices:"ssd|rotate"` RbdRadosMonOpTimeout int64 `help:"ceph rados_mon_op_timeout"` RbdRadosOsdOpTimeout int64 `help:"ceph rados_osd_op_timeout"` RbdClientMountTimeout int64 `help:"ceph client_mount_timeout"` RbdKey string `help:"ceph rbd key"` Reserved string `help:"Reserved storage space"` Capacity int `help:"Capacity for storage"` MasterHost string `help:"slvm storage master host"` }
func (*StorageUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StorageUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type StoragecacheListOptions ¶
type StoragecacheListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions CloudregionId string `help:"cloudregion id"` }
func (*StoragecacheListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *StoragecacheListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type SubscriptionCreateOptions ¶
type SubscriptionCreateOptions struct { SCloudAccountIdOptions NAME string ENROLLMENTACCOUNT string OfferType string `choices:"MS-AZR-0148P|MS-AZR-0017P" default:"MS-AZR-0017P"` }
func (*SubscriptionCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *SubscriptionCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type TablestoreListOptions ¶
type TablestoreListOptions struct {
func (*TablestoreListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *TablestoreListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcChangeOwnerOptions ¶
type VpcChangeOwnerOptions struct { VpcIdOptions ProjectDomain string `json:"project_domain" help:"target domain"` }
func (*VpcChangeOwnerOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcChangeOwnerOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcCreateOptions ¶
type VpcCreateOptions struct { REGION string `help:"ID or name of the region where the VPC is created" json:"cloudregion_id"` Id string `help:"ID of the new VPC"` NAME string `help:"Name of the VPC" json:"name"` CIDR string `help:"CIDR block"` CIDR6 string `help:"IPv6 CIDR block"` Default bool `help:"default VPC for the region" default:"false"` Desc string `help:"Description of the VPC"` Manager string `help:"ID or Name of Cloud provider" json:"manager_id"` ExternalAccessMode string `help:"Filter by external access mode" choices:"distgw|eip|eip-distgw" default:""` GlobalvpcId string `help:"Global vpc id, Only for Google Cloud"` }
func (*VpcCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcIdOptions ¶
type VpcIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or name of the vpc"`
func (*VpcIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *VpcIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*VpcIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcListOptions ¶
type VpcListOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseListOptions Usable *bool `help:"Filter usable vpcs"` Region string `help:"ID or Name of region" json:"-"` Globalvpc string `help:"Filter by globalvpc"` DnsZoneId string `help:"Filter by DnsZone"` InterVpcNetworkId string `help:"Filter by InterVpcNetwork"` ExternalAccessMode string `help:"Filter by external access mode" choices:"distgw|eip|eip-distgw"` ZoneId string `help:"Filter by zone which has networks"` UsableForInterVpcNetworkId string `help:"Filter usable vpcs for inter vpc network"` OrderByWireCount string CidrBlock string `help:"IPv4 cidr block"` CidrBlock6 string `help:"IPv6 cidr block"` }
func (*VpcListOptions) GetContextId ¶
func (opts *VpcListOptions) GetContextId() string
func (*VpcListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions ¶
type VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions struct { baseoptions.EnabledStatusCreateOptions VpcId string PeerVpcId string Bandwidth int }
func (*VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions ¶
type VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions struct {
ID string `json:"Vpc peering connection ID"`
func (*VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcPeeringConnectionIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcPeeringConnectionListOptions ¶
type VpcPeeringConnectionListOptions struct {
func (*VpcPeeringConnectionListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcPeeringConnectionListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcStatusOptions ¶
type VpcStatusOptions struct { VpcIdOptions STATUS string `help:"Set Vpc status" choices:"available|pending"` }
func (*VpcStatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcStatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type VpcUpdateOptions ¶
type VpcUpdateOptions struct { baseoptions.BaseUpdateOptions ExternalAccessMode string `help:"Filter by external access mode" choices:"distgw|eip|eip-distgw|none"` Direct bool `help:"Can it be connected directly"` CidrBlock string `help:"IPv4 CIDR block"` CidrBlock6 string `help:"IPv6 CIDR block"` }
func (*VpcUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *VpcUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafIPSetCacheListOptions ¶
type WafIPSetCacheListOptions struct {
func (*WafIPSetCacheListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafIPSetCacheListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafIPSetListOptions ¶
type WafIPSetListOptions struct {
func (*WafIPSetListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafIPSetListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafInstanceCreateOptions ¶
type WafInstanceCreateOptions struct { options.BaseCreateOptions CloudregionId string CloudproviderId string SourceIps []string }
func (*WafInstanceCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafInstanceCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafInstanceListOptions ¶
type WafInstanceListOptions struct {
func (*WafInstanceListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafInstanceListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRegexSetCacheListOptions ¶
type WafRegexSetCacheListOptions struct {
func (*WafRegexSetCacheListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRegexSetCacheListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRegexSetListOptions ¶
type WafRegexSetListOptions struct {
func (*WafRegexSetListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRegexSetListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRuleGroupCacheListOptions ¶
type WafRuleGroupCacheListOptions struct {
func (*WafRuleGroupCacheListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRuleGroupCacheListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRuleGroupListOptions ¶
type WafRuleGroupListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions IsSystem bool }
func (*WafRuleGroupListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRuleGroupListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRuleListOptions ¶
type WafRuleListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions WafInstanceId string WafRuleGroupId string }
func (*WafRuleListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRuleListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRuleOptions ¶
type WafRuleOptions struct {
RULE_FILE string
func (*WafRuleOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRuleOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type WafRuleUpdateOptions ¶
type WafRuleUpdateOptions struct { options.BaseIdOptions WafRuleOptions }
func (*WafRuleUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *WafRuleUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneCapabilityOptions ¶
type ZoneCapabilityOptions struct { ZoneIdOptions Domain string }
func (*ZoneCapabilityOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneCapabilityOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneCreateOptions ¶
type ZoneCreateOptions struct { NAME string `help:"Name of zone"` NameCN string `help:"Name in Chinese"` Desc string `metavar:"<DESCRIPTION>" help:"Description"` Location string `help:"Location"` Region string `help:"Cloudregion in which zone created"` }
func (*ZoneCreateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneCreateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneIdOptions ¶
type ZoneIdOptions struct {
ID string `help:"ID or Name of zone to update"`
func (*ZoneIdOptions) GetId ¶
func (opts *ZoneIdOptions) GetId() string
func (*ZoneIdOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneIdOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneListOptions ¶
type ZoneListOptions struct { options.BaseListOptions Region string `help:"cloud region ID or Name"` City string `help:"Filter zone by city of cloudregions"` Usable *bool `help:"List all zones where networks are usable"` UsableVpc *bool `help:"List all zones where vpc are usable"` OrderByWires string OrderByHosts string OrderByHostsEnabled string OrderByBaremetals string OrderByBaremetalsEnabled string }
func (*ZoneListOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneListOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZonePurgeOptions ¶
type ZonePurgeOptions struct { ZoneIdOptions MANAGER_ID string }
func (*ZonePurgeOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZonePurgeOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneStatusOptions ¶
type ZoneStatusOptions struct { ZoneIdOptions STATUS string `help:"zone status" choices:"enable|disable|soldout"` REASON string `help:"why update status"` }
func (*ZoneStatusOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneStatusOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
type ZoneUpdateOptions ¶
type ZoneUpdateOptions struct { ZoneIdOptions Name string `help:"Name of zone"` NameCN string `help:"Name in Chinese"` Desc string `metavar:"<DESCRIPTION>" help:"Description"` Location string `help:"Location"` }
func (*ZoneUpdateOptions) Params ¶
func (opts *ZoneUpdateOptions) Params() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
Source Files
- access_group_rules.go
- access_groups.go
- app.go
- backup.go
- cachedimage.go
- cdn_domains.go
- cloudaccounts.go
- cloudproviders.go
- dbinstance_account.go
- dbinstance_database.go
- dbinstance_network.go
- dbinstance_skus.go
- dbinstances.go
- disks.go
- dnsrecords.go
- dnszone.go
- doc.go
- eips.go
- elastic_search.go
- elasticache.go
- elasticcache.go
- external_projects.go
- filesystem.go
- globalvpc.go
- host.go
- instancegroup.go
- instancegroup_guest.go
- instancegroup_network.go
- ipv6_gateways.go
- isolated_device_models.go
- kafka.go
- keypairs.go
- kube_cluster.go
- kube_node.go
- kube_node_pool.go
- loadbalanceracls.go
- loadbalanceragents.go
- loadbalancerbackendgroups.go
- loadbalancerbackends.go
- loadbalancercertificates.go
- loadbalancerclusters.go
- loadbalancerlistenerrules.go
- loadbalancerlisteners.go
- loadbalancers.go
- metadata.go
- modelarts_pool.go
- modelarts_pool_sku.go
- mongodb.go
- mount_targets.go
- nas_skus.go
- nat_skus.go
- natgateways.go
- net_tap_flows.go
- net_tap_services.go
- network.go
- networkaddress.go
- project_mappings.go
- region.go
- routetable_association.go
- routetable_routeset.go
- routetables.go
- schedtags.go
- schedulers.go
- secgroup.go
- secgrouprule.go
- server_forward.go
- servers.go
- serverskus.go
- snapshotpolicy.go
- storage.go
- storagecache.go
- tablestore.go
- vpc.go
- vpc_peering_connection.go
- waf_instances.go
- waf_ipsets.go
- waf_regexsets.go
- waf_rule_groups.go
- waf_rules.go
- zone.go
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