Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllowScatterDirective(stmt Statement) bool
- func Append(buf *strings.Builder, node SQLNode)
- func CachePlan(stmt Statement) bool
- func CanNormalize(stmt Statement) bool
- func CanonicalString(node SQLNode) string
- func CloneRefOfBool(n *bool) *bool
- func CloneRefOfInt(n *int) *int
- func CloneSliceOfString(n []string) []string
- func CompliantString(in SQLNode) string
- func Consolidator(stmt Statement) querypb.ExecuteOptions_Consolidator
- func ContainsAggregation(e SQLNode) bool
- func ConvertMySQLVersionToCommentVersion(version string) (string, error)
- func EncodeValue(buf *strings.Builder, value *querypb.BindVariable)
- func ExtractMysqlComment(sql string) (string, string)
- func FetchBindVar(name string, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable) (val *querypb.BindVariable, isList bool, err error)
- func FkChecksStateString(state *bool) string
- func ForeignKeyChecksState(stmt Statement) *bool
- func FormatImpossibleQuery(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode)
- func GetBindvars(stmt Statement) map[string]struct{}
- func GetPriorityFromStatement(statement Statement) (string, error)
- func GetWorkloadNameFromStatement(statement Statement) string
- func IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective(stmt Statement) bool
- func IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective(stmt Statement) bool
- func IsColName(node Expr) bool
- func IsDML(sql string) bool
- func IsDMLStatement(stmt Statement) bool
- func IsDistinct(f AggrFunc) bool
- func IsLiteral(expr Expr) bool
- func IsLockingFunc(node Expr) bool
- func IsNull(node Expr) bool
- func IsSimpleTuple(node Expr) bool
- func IsValue(node Expr) bool
- func KeywordString(id int) string
- func LikeToRegexp(likeExpr string) *regexp.Regexp
- func LiteralToValue(lit *Literal) (sqltypes.Value, error)
- func MultiShardAutocommitDirective(stmt Statement) bool
- func MultiTable(node []TableExpr) bool
- func MustRewriteAST(stmt Statement, hasSelectLimit bool) bool
- func Normalize(stmt Statement, reserved *ReservedVars, ...) error
- func ParseAndBind(in string, binds ...*querypb.BindVariable) (query string, err error)
- func RemoveKeyspace(in SQLNode)
- func RemoveKeyspaceInCol(in SQLNode)
- func RemoveKeyspaceInTables(in SQLNode)
- func SQLToBindvar(node SQLNode) *querypb.BindVariable
- func SQLTypeToQueryType(typeName string, unsigned bool) querypb.Type
- func String(node SQLNode) string
- func StripLeadingComments(sql string) string
- func SystemSchema(schema string) bool
- func ToString(exprs []TableExpr) string
- func TruncateQuery(query string, max int) string
- func UnescapedString(node SQLNode) string
- func VisitAggrFunc(in AggrFunc, f Visit) error
- func VisitAlgorithmValue(in AlgorithmValue, f Visit) error
- func VisitAllSelects(in SelectStatement, f func(p *Select, idx int) error) error
- func VisitAlterOption(in AlterOption, f Visit) error
- func VisitBoolVal(in BoolVal, f Visit) error
- func VisitCallable(in Callable, f Visit) error
- func VisitColTuple(in ColTuple, f Visit) error
- func VisitColumns(in Columns, f Visit) error
- func VisitConstraintInfo(in ConstraintInfo, f Visit) error
- func VisitDBDDLStatement(in DBDDLStatement, f Visit) error
- func VisitDDLStatement(in DDLStatement, f Visit) error
- func VisitExplain(in Explain, f Visit) error
- func VisitExpr(in Expr, f Visit) error
- func VisitExprs(in Exprs, f Visit) error
- func VisitIdentifierCI(in IdentifierCI, f Visit) error
- func VisitIdentifierCS(in IdentifierCS, f Visit) error
- func VisitIndexHints(in IndexHints, f Visit) error
- func VisitInsertRows(in InsertRows, f Visit) error
- func VisitListArg(in ListArg, f Visit) error
- func VisitMatchAction(in MatchAction, f Visit) error
- func VisitNamedWindows(in NamedWindows, f Visit) error
- func VisitOnDup(in OnDup, f Visit) error
- func VisitOrderBy(in OrderBy, f Visit) error
- func VisitPartitions(in Partitions, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAddColumns(in *AddColumns, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(in *AddConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAddIndexDefinition(in *AddIndexDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAliasedExpr(in *AliasedExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAliasedTableExpr(in *AliasedTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterCharset(in *AlterCharset, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterCheck(in *AlterCheck, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterColumn(in *AlterColumn, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterDatabase(in *AlterDatabase, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterIndex(in *AlterIndex, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterMigration(in *AlterMigration, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterTable(in *AlterTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterView(in *AlterView, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAlterVschema(in *AlterVschema, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAnalyze(in *Analyze, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAndExpr(in *AndExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAnyValue(in *AnyValue, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfArgument(in *Argument, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr(in *ArgumentLessWindowExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAssignmentExpr(in *AssignmentExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAutoIncSpec(in *AutoIncSpec, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfAvg(in *Avg, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBegin(in *Begin, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBetweenExpr(in *BetweenExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBinaryExpr(in *BinaryExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBitAnd(in *BitAnd, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBitOr(in *BitOr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfBitXor(in *BitXor, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCallProc(in *CallProc, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCaseExpr(in *CaseExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCastExpr(in *CastExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfChangeColumn(in *ChangeColumn, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCharExpr(in *CharExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(in *CheckConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfColName(in *ColName, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCollateExpr(in *CollateExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfColumnDefinition(in *ColumnDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfColumnType(in *ColumnType, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCommentOnly(in *CommentOnly, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCommit(in *Commit, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCommonTableExpr(in *CommonTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfComparisonExpr(in *ComparisonExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfConstraintDefinition(in *ConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfConvertExpr(in *ConvertExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfConvertType(in *ConvertType, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfConvertUsingExpr(in *ConvertUsingExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCount(in *Count, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCountStar(in *CountStar, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCreateDatabase(in *CreateDatabase, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCreateTable(in *CreateTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCreateView(in *CreateView, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(in *CurTimeFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDeallocateStmt(in *DeallocateStmt, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDefault(in *Default, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDefiner(in *Definer, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDelete(in *Delete, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDerivedTable(in *DerivedTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDropColumn(in *DropColumn, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDropDatabase(in *DropDatabase, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDropKey(in *DropKey, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDropTable(in *DropTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfDropView(in *DropView, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExecuteStmt(in *ExecuteStmt, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExistsExpr(in *ExistsExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExplainStmt(in *ExplainStmt, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExplainTab(in *ExplainTab, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExtractFuncExpr(in *ExtractFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfExtractValueExpr(in *ExtractValueExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr(in *FirstOrLastValueExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFlush(in *Flush, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfForce(in *Force, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(in *ForeignKeyDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFrameClause(in *FrameClause, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFramePoint(in *FramePoint, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFromFirstLastClause(in *FromFirstLastClause, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfFuncExpr(in *FuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGTIDFuncExpr(in *GTIDFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr(in *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr(in *GeoHashFromPointExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr(in *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr(in *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomFormatExpr(in *GeomFormatExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr(in *GeomFromGeoHashExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr(in *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomFromTextExpr(in *GeomFromTextExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr(in *GeomFromWKBExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr(in *GeomPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGroupBy(in *GroupBy, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfGroupConcatExpr(in *GroupConcatExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIdentifierCI(in *IdentifierCI, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIdentifierCS(in *IdentifierCS, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIndexDefinition(in *IndexDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIndexHint(in *IndexHint, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIndexInfo(in *IndexInfo, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfInsert(in *Insert, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfInsertExpr(in *InsertExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIntervalDateExpr(in *IntervalDateExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIntervalFuncExpr(in *IntervalFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIntroducerExpr(in *IntroducerExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfIsExpr(in *IsExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONArrayExpr(in *JSONArrayExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(in *JSONAttributesExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONContainsExpr(in *JSONContainsExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(in *JSONContainsPathExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONExtractExpr(in *JSONExtractExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONKeysExpr(in *JSONKeysExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONObjectExpr(in *JSONObjectExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONObjectParam(in *JSONObjectParam, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(in *JSONOverlapsExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(in *JSONPrettyExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(in *JSONQuoteExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(in *JSONRemoveExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONSearchExpr(in *JSONSearchExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(in *JSONStorageFreeExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(in *JSONStorageSizeExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONTableExpr(in *JSONTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(in *JSONUnquoteExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONValueExpr(in *JSONValueExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(in *JSONValueMergeExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(in *JSONValueModifierExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJoinCondition(in *JoinCondition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJoinTableExpr(in *JoinTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJtColumnDefinition(in *JtColumnDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfJtOnResponse(in *JtOnResponse, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfKeyState(in *KeyState, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfKill(in *Kill, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLagLeadExpr(in *LagLeadExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLimit(in *Limit, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLineStringExpr(in *LineStringExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr(in *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLiteral(in *Literal, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLoad(in *Load, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLocateExpr(in *LocateExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLockOption(in *LockOption, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLockTables(in *LockTables, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfLockingFunc(in *LockingFunc, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMatchExpr(in *MatchExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMax(in *Max, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMemberOfExpr(in *MemberOfExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMin(in *Min, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfModifyColumn(in *ModifyColumn, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMultiLinestringExpr(in *MultiLinestringExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMultiPointExpr(in *MultiPointExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfMultiPolygonExpr(in *MultiPolygonExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNTHValueExpr(in *NTHValueExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNamedWindow(in *NamedWindow, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNextval(in *Nextval, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNotExpr(in *NotExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNtileExpr(in *NtileExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNullTreatmentClause(in *NullTreatmentClause, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfNullVal(in *NullVal, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOffset(in *Offset, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOptLike(in *OptLike, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOrExpr(in *OrExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOrder(in *Order, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOrderByOption(in *OrderByOption, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOtherAdmin(in *OtherAdmin, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfOverClause(in *OverClause, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfParenTableExpr(in *ParenTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfParsedComments(in *ParsedComments, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinition(in *PartitionDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *PartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionEngine(in *PartitionEngine, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionOption(in *PartitionOption, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionSpec(in *PartitionSpec, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPartitionValueRange(in *PartitionValueRange, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr(in *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPointExpr(in *PointExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr(in *PointPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPolygonExpr(in *PolygonExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr(in *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPrepareStmt(in *PrepareStmt, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs(in *PurgeBinaryLogs, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfReferenceDefinition(in *ReferenceDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRegexpInstrExpr(in *RegexpInstrExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRegexpLikeExpr(in *RegexpLikeExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr(in *RegexpReplaceExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr(in *RegexpSubstrExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRelease(in *Release, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRenameColumn(in *RenameColumn, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRenameIndex(in *RenameIndex, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRenameTable(in *RenameTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRenameTableName(in *RenameTableName, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRevertMigration(in *RevertMigration, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRollback(in *Rollback, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRootNode(in *RootNode, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfRowAlias(in *RowAlias, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSRollback(in *SRollback, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSavepoint(in *Savepoint, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSelect(in *Select, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSelectInto(in *SelectInto, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSet(in *Set, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSetExpr(in *SetExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShow(in *Show, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowBasic(in *ShowBasic, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowCreate(in *ShowCreate, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowFilter(in *ShowFilter, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowMigrationLogs(in *ShowMigrationLogs, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowOther(in *ShowOther, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowThrottledApps(in *ShowThrottledApps, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfShowThrottlerStatus(in *ShowThrottlerStatus, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStarExpr(in *StarExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStd(in *Std, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStdDev(in *StdDev, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStdPop(in *StdPop, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStdSamp(in *StdSamp, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfStream(in *Stream, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSubPartition(in *SubPartition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(in *SubPartitionDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSubquery(in *Subquery, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSubstrExpr(in *SubstrExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfSum(in *Sum, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTableName(in *TableName, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTableSpec(in *TableSpec, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTablespaceOperation(in *TablespaceOperation, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTimestampDiffExpr(in *TimestampDiffExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTrimFuncExpr(in *TrimFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfTruncateTable(in *TruncateTable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUnaryExpr(in *UnaryExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUnion(in *Union, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUnlockTables(in *UnlockTables, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUpdate(in *Update, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUpdateExpr(in *UpdateExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUpdateXMLExpr(in *UpdateXMLExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfUse(in *Use, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVExplainStmt(in *VExplainStmt, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVStream(in *VStream, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfValidation(in *Validation, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfValuesFuncExpr(in *ValuesFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVarPop(in *VarPop, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVarSamp(in *VarSamp, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVariable(in *Variable, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVariance(in *Variance, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVindexParam(in *VindexParam, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfVindexSpec(in *VindexSpec, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(in *WeightStringFuncExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWhen(in *When, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWhere(in *Where, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWindowDefinition(in *WindowDefinition, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWindowSpecification(in *WindowSpecification, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfWith(in *With, f Visit) error
- func VisitRefOfXorExpr(in *XorExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitReferenceAction(in ReferenceAction, f Visit) error
- func VisitRootNode(in RootNode, f Visit) error
- func VisitSQLNode(in SQLNode, f Visit) error
- func VisitSelectExpr(in SelectExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitSelectExprs(in SelectExprs, f Visit) error
- func VisitSelectStatement(in SelectStatement, f Visit) error
- func VisitSetExprs(in SetExprs, f Visit) error
- func VisitShowInternal(in ShowInternal, f Visit) error
- func VisitSimpleTableExpr(in SimpleTableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitStatement(in Statement, f Visit) error
- func VisitSubPartitionDefinitions(in SubPartitionDefinitions, f Visit) error
- func VisitTableExpr(in TableExpr, f Visit) error
- func VisitTableExprs(in TableExprs, f Visit) error
- func VisitTableName(in TableName, f Visit) error
- func VisitTableNames(in TableNames, f Visit) error
- func VisitTableOptions(in TableOptions, f Visit) error
- func VisitUpdateExprs(in UpdateExprs, f Visit) error
- func VisitValTuple(in ValTuple, f Visit) error
- func VisitValues(in Values, f Visit) error
- func VisitVindexParam(in VindexParam, f Visit) error
- func VisitWindowDefinitions(in WindowDefinitions, f Visit) error
- func Walk(visit Visit, first SQLNode, nodes ...SQLNode) error
- type AddColumns
- type AddConstraintDefinition
- type AddIndexDefinition
- type AggrFunc
- type AggregateRule
- type AlgorithmValue
- type AliasedExpr
- type AliasedTableExpr
- func (cached *AliasedTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *AliasedTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AliasedTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints() *AliasedTableExpr
- func (node *AliasedTableExpr) TableName() (TableName, error)
- type AlterCharset
- type AlterCheck
- type AlterColumn
- type AlterDatabase
- func (cached *AlterDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *AlterDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
- func (node *AlterDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *AlterDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- type AlterIndex
- type AlterMigration
- type AlterMigrationType
- type AlterOption
- type AlterTable
- func (node *AlterTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *AlterTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *AlterTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterTable) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *AlterTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *AlterTable) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *AlterTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *AlterTable) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *AlterTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *AlterTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *AlterTable) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *AlterTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *AlterTable) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *AlterTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *AlterTable) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *AlterTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *AlterTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *AlterTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *AlterTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type AlterView
- func (node *AlterView) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *AlterView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *AlterView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AlterView) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *AlterView) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *AlterView) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *AlterView) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *AlterView) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *AlterView) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *AlterView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *AlterView) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *AlterView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *AlterView) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *AlterView) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *AlterView) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *AlterView) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *AlterView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *AlterView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *AlterView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type AlterVschema
- type Analyze
- type AndExpr
- type AnyValue
- func (*AnyValue) AggrName() string
- func (cached *AnyValue) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *AnyValue) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *AnyValue) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (av *AnyValue) GetArg() Expr
- func (av *AnyValue) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*AnyValue) IsExpr()
- func (av *AnyValue) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (av *AnyValue) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type ApplyFunc
- type Argument
- type ArgumentLessWindowExpr
- type ArgumentLessWindowExprType
- type AssignmentExpr
- type AtCount
- type AutoIncSpec
- type Avg
- func (*Avg) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Avg) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Avg) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Avg) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (avg *Avg) GetArg() Expr
- func (avg *Avg) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (avg *Avg) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*Avg) IsExpr()
- func (avg *Avg) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (avg *Avg) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (avg *Avg) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type Begin
- type BetweenExpr
- type BinaryExpr
- type BinaryExprOperator
- type BindLocation
- type BindVarNeeds
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddFuncResult(name string)
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddSysVar(name string)
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddUserDefVar(name string)
- func (cached *BindVarNeeds) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) HasRewrites() bool
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) MergeWith(other *BindVarNeeds)
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NeedsFuncResult(name string) bool
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NeedsSysVar(name string) bool
- func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NoteRewrite()
- type BindVars
- type BitAnd
- func (*BitAnd) AggrName() string
- func (cached *BitAnd) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *BitAnd) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *BitAnd) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (bAnd *BitAnd) GetArg() Expr
- func (bAnd *BitAnd) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*BitAnd) IsExpr()
- func (bAnd *BitAnd) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (bAnd *BitAnd) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type BitOr
- func (*BitOr) AggrName() string
- func (cached *BitOr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *BitOr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *BitOr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (bOr *BitOr) GetArg() Expr
- func (bOr *BitOr) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*BitOr) IsExpr()
- func (bOr *BitOr) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (bOr *BitOr) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type BitXor
- func (*BitXor) AggrName() string
- func (cached *BitXor) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *BitXor) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *BitXor) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (bXor *BitXor) GetArg() Expr
- func (bXor *BitXor) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*BitXor) IsExpr()
- func (bXor *BitXor) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (bXor *BitXor) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type BoolVal
- type CallProc
- type Callable
- type CaseExpr
- type CastExpr
- type ChangeColumn
- type CharExpr
- type CheckConstraintDefinition
- type ColName
- type ColTuple
- type CollateExpr
- type ColumnCharset
- type ColumnDefinition
- type ColumnFormat
- type ColumnKeyOption
- type ColumnStorage
- type ColumnType
- type ColumnTypeOptions
- type Columns
- type CommentDirectives
- type CommentOnly
- type Commented
- type Comments
- type Commit
- type CommonTableExpr
- type Comparator
- func (cmp *Comparator) AggrFunc(inA, inB AggrFunc) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) AlterOption(inA, inB AlterOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Callable(inA, inB Callable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) ColTuple(inA, inB ColTuple) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) ColumnCharset(a, b ColumnCharset) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Columns(a, b Columns) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Comments(a, b Comments) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) ConstraintInfo(inA, inB ConstraintInfo) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) DBDDLStatement(inA, inB DBDDLStatement) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) DDLStatement(inA, inB DDLStatement) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) DatabaseOption(a, b DatabaseOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Explain(inA, inB Explain) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Expr(inA, inB Expr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Exprs(a, b Exprs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) IdentifierCI(a, b IdentifierCI) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) IdentifierCS(a, b IdentifierCS) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) IndexHints(a, b IndexHints) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) InsertRows(inA, inB InsertRows) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) NamedWindows(a, b NamedWindows) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) OnDup(a, b OnDup) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) OrderBy(a, b OrderBy) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Partitions(a, b Partitions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddColumns(a, b *AddColumns) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddConstraintDefinition(a, b *AddConstraintDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddIndexDefinition(a, b *AddIndexDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAliasedExpr(a, b *AliasedExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAliasedTableExpr(a, b *AliasedTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterCharset(a, b *AlterCharset) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterCheck(a, b *AlterCheck) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterColumn(a, b *AlterColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterDatabase(a, b *AlterDatabase) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterIndex(a, b *AlterIndex) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterMigration(a, b *AlterMigration) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterTable(a, b *AlterTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterView(a, b *AlterView) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterVschema(a, b *AlterVschema) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAnalyze(a, b *Analyze) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAndExpr(a, b *AndExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAnyValue(a, b *AnyValue) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfArgument(a, b *Argument) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr(a, b *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAssignmentExpr(a, b *AssignmentExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAutoIncSpec(a, b *AutoIncSpec) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAvg(a, b *Avg) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBegin(a, b *Begin) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBetweenExpr(a, b *BetweenExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBinaryExpr(a, b *BinaryExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitAnd(a, b *BitAnd) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitOr(a, b *BitOr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitXor(a, b *BitXor) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBool(a, b *bool) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCallProc(a, b *CallProc) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCaseExpr(a, b *CaseExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCastExpr(a, b *CastExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfChangeColumn(a, b *ChangeColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCharExpr(a, b *CharExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(a, b *CheckConstraintDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColName(a, b *ColName) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCollateExpr(a, b *CollateExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnCharset(a, b *ColumnCharset) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnDefinition(a, b *ColumnDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnType(a, b *ColumnType) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnTypeOptions(a, b *ColumnTypeOptions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommentOnly(a, b *CommentOnly) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommit(a, b *Commit) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b *CommonTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfComparisonExpr(a, b *ComparisonExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b *ConstraintDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertExpr(a, b *ConvertExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertType(a, b *ConvertType) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertUsingExpr(a, b *ConvertUsingExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCount(a, b *Count) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCountStar(a, b *CountStar) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateDatabase(a, b *CreateDatabase) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateTable(a, b *CreateTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateView(a, b *CreateView) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(a, b *CurTimeFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDatabaseOption(a, b *DatabaseOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDeallocateStmt(a, b *DeallocateStmt) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDefault(a, b *Default) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDefiner(a, b *Definer) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDelete(a, b *Delete) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDerivedTable(a, b *DerivedTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropColumn(a, b *DropColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropDatabase(a, b *DropDatabase) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropKey(a, b *DropKey) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropTable(a, b *DropTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropView(a, b *DropView) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExecuteStmt(a, b *ExecuteStmt) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExistsExpr(a, b *ExistsExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExplainStmt(a, b *ExplainStmt) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExplainTab(a, b *ExplainTab) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExtractFuncExpr(a, b *ExtractFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExtractValueExpr(a, b *ExtractValueExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr(a, b *FirstOrLastValueExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFlush(a, b *Flush) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfForce(a, b *Force) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfForeignKeyDefinition(a, b *ForeignKeyDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFrameClause(a, b *FrameClause) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFramePoint(a, b *FramePoint) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFromFirstLastClause(a, b *FromFirstLastClause) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFuncExpr(a, b *FuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGTIDFuncExpr(a, b *GTIDFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr(a, b *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr(a, b *GeoHashFromPointExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr(a, b *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFormatExpr(a, b *GeomFormatExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr(a, b *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr(a, b *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromTextExpr(a, b *GeomFromTextExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromWKBExpr(a, b *GeomFromWKBExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGroupBy(a, b *GroupBy) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGroupConcatExpr(a, b *GroupConcatExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCI(a, b *IdentifierCI) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCS(a, b *IdentifierCS) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexColumn(a, b *IndexColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexDefinition(a, b *IndexDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexHint(a, b *IndexHint) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexInfo(a, b *IndexInfo) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexOption(a, b *IndexOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInsert(a, b *Insert) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInsertExpr(a, b *InsertExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInt(a, b *int) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntervalDateExpr(a, b *IntervalDateExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntervalFuncExpr(a, b *IntervalFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntroducerExpr(a, b *IntroducerExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIsExpr(a, b *IsExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONArrayExpr(a, b *JSONArrayExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONAttributesExpr(a, b *JSONAttributesExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsExpr(a, b *JSONContainsExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(a, b *JSONContainsPathExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONExtractExpr(a, b *JSONExtractExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONKeysExpr(a, b *JSONKeysExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectExpr(a, b *JSONObjectExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b *JSONObjectParam) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(a, b *JSONOverlapsExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONPrettyExpr(a, b *JSONPrettyExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONQuoteExpr(a, b *JSONQuoteExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONRemoveExpr(a, b *JSONRemoveExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSearchExpr(a, b *JSONSearchExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageFreeExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageSizeExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONTableExpr(a, b *JSONTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(a, b *JSONUnquoteExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueExpr(a, b *JSONValueExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(a, b *JSONValueMergeExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(a, b *JSONValueModifierExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJoinCondition(a, b *JoinCondition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJoinTableExpr(a, b *JoinTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b *JtColumnDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtNestedPathColDef(a, b *JtNestedPathColDef) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtOnResponse(a, b *JtOnResponse) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtOrdinalColDef(a, b *JtOrdinalColDef) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtPathColDef(a, b *JtPathColDef) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfKeyState(a, b *KeyState) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfKill(a, b *Kill) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLagLeadExpr(a, b *LagLeadExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLimit(a, b *Limit) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLineStringExpr(a, b *LineStringExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLiteral(a, b *Literal) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLoad(a, b *Load) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLocateExpr(a, b *LocateExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockOption(a, b *LockOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockTables(a, b *LockTables) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockingFunc(a, b *LockingFunc) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMatchExpr(a, b *MatchExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMax(a, b *Max) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMemberOfExpr(a, b *MemberOfExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMin(a, b *Min) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfModifyColumn(a, b *ModifyColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiLinestringExpr(a, b *MultiLinestringExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiPointExpr(a, b *MultiPointExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiPolygonExpr(a, b *MultiPolygonExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNTHValueExpr(a, b *NTHValueExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNamedWindow(a, b *NamedWindow) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNextval(a, b *Nextval) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNotExpr(a, b *NotExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNtileExpr(a, b *NtileExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNullTreatmentClause(a, b *NullTreatmentClause) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNullVal(a, b *NullVal) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOffset(a, b *Offset) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOptLike(a, b *OptLike) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrExpr(a, b *OrExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrder(a, b *Order) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrderByOption(a, b *OrderByOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOtherAdmin(a, b *OtherAdmin) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOverClause(a, b *OverClause) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfParenTableExpr(a, b *ParenTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfParsedComments(a, b *ParsedComments) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b *PartitionDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *PartitionDefinitionOptions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionEngine(a, b *PartitionEngine) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionOption(a, b *PartitionOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionSpec(a, b *PartitionSpec) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionValueRange(a, b *PartitionValueRange) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr(a, b *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPointExpr(a, b *PointExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *PointPropertyFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPolygonExpr(a, b *PolygonExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPrepareStmt(a, b *PrepareStmt) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPurgeBinaryLogs(a, b *PurgeBinaryLogs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfReferenceDefinition(a, b *ReferenceDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpInstrExpr(a, b *RegexpInstrExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpLikeExpr(a, b *RegexpLikeExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpReplaceExpr(a, b *RegexpReplaceExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpSubstrExpr(a, b *RegexpSubstrExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRelease(a, b *Release) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameColumn(a, b *RenameColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameIndex(a, b *RenameIndex) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTable(a, b *RenameTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTableName(a, b *RenameTableName) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTablePair(a, b *RenameTablePair) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRevertMigration(a, b *RevertMigration) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRollback(a, b *Rollback) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRootNode(a, b *RootNode) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRowAlias(a, b *RowAlias) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSRollback(a, b *SRollback) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSavepoint(a, b *Savepoint) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSelect(a, b *Select) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSelectInto(a, b *SelectInto) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSet(a, b *Set) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSetExpr(a, b *SetExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShow(a, b *Show) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowBasic(a, b *ShowBasic) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowCreate(a, b *ShowCreate) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowFilter(a, b *ShowFilter) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowMigrationLogs(a, b *ShowMigrationLogs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowOther(a, b *ShowOther) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowThrottledApps(a, b *ShowThrottledApps) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowThrottlerStatus(a, b *ShowThrottlerStatus) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStarExpr(a, b *StarExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStd(a, b *Std) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdDev(a, b *StdDev) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdPop(a, b *StdPop) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdSamp(a, b *StdSamp) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStream(a, b *Stream) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartition(a, b *SubPartition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinition(a, b *SubPartitionDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubquery(a, b *Subquery) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubstrExpr(a, b *SubstrExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSum(a, b *Sum) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableAndLockType(a, b *TableAndLockType) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableName(a, b *TableName) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableOption(a, b *TableOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableSpec(a, b *TableSpec) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTablespaceOperation(a, b *TablespaceOperation) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTimestampDiffExpr(a, b *TimestampDiffExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTrimFuncExpr(a, b *TrimFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTruncateTable(a, b *TruncateTable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnaryExpr(a, b *UnaryExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnion(a, b *Union) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnlockTables(a, b *UnlockTables) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdate(a, b *Update) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdateExpr(a, b *UpdateExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdateXMLExpr(a, b *UpdateXMLExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUse(a, b *Use) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVExplainStmt(a, b *VExplainStmt) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVStream(a, b *VStream) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfValidation(a, b *Validation) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfValuesFuncExpr(a, b *ValuesFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVarPop(a, b *VarPop) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVarSamp(a, b *VarSamp) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVariable(a, b *Variable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVariance(a, b *Variance) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVindexParam(a, b *VindexParam) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVindexSpec(a, b *VindexSpec) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(a, b *WeightStringFuncExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWhen(a, b *When) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWhere(a, b *Where) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWindowDefinition(a, b *WindowDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWindowSpecification(a, b *WindowSpecification) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWith(a, b *With) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfXorExpr(a, b *XorExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) RootNode(a, b RootNode) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SQLNode(inA, inB SQLNode) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SelectExpr(inA, inB SelectExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SelectExprs(a, b SelectExprs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SelectStatement(inA, inB SelectStatement) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SetExprs(a, b SetExprs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) ShowInternal(inA, inB ShowInternal) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SimpleTableExpr(inA, inB SimpleTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfAlterOption(a, b []AlterOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfDatabaseOption(a, b []DatabaseOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfExpr(a, b []Expr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfIdentifierCI(a, b []IdentifierCI) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColName(a, b []*ColName) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition(a, b []*ColumnDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b []*CommonTableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b []*ConstraintDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexColumn(a, b []*IndexColumn) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition(a, b []*IndexDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexOption(a, b []*IndexOption) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b []*JSONObjectParam) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b []*JtColumnDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b []*PartitionDefinition) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair(a, b []*RenameTablePair) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfVariable(a, b []*Variable) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfWhen(a, b []*When) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfString(a, b []string) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfTableExpr(a, b []TableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfTxAccessMode(a, b []TxAccessMode) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfVindexParam(a, b []VindexParam) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Statement(inA, inB Statement) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) SubPartitionDefinitions(a, b SubPartitionDefinitions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableAndLockTypes(a, b TableAndLockTypes) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableExpr(inA, inB TableExpr) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableExprs(a, b TableExprs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableName(a, b TableName) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableNames(a, b TableNames) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) TableOptions(a, b TableOptions) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) UpdateExprs(a, b UpdateExprs) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) ValTuple(a, b ValTuple) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) Values(a, b Values) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) VindexParam(a, b VindexParam) bool
- func (cmp *Comparator) WindowDefinitions(a, b WindowDefinitions) bool
- type ComparisonExpr
- type ComparisonExprOperator
- type ConstraintDefinition
- type ConstraintInfo
- type ConvertExpr
- type ConvertType
- type ConvertUsingExpr
- type CopyOnWriteCursor
- type Count
- func (*Count) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Count) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Count) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Count) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (count *Count) GetArg() Expr
- func (count *Count) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (count *Count) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*Count) IsExpr()
- func (count *Count) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (count *Count) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (count *Count) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type CountStar
- func (*CountStar) AggrName() string
- func (cached *CountStar) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *CountStar) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CountStar) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (*CountStar) GetArg() Expr
- func (*CountStar) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*CountStar) IsExpr()
- func (*CountStar) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (*CountStar) SetArgs(Exprs) error
- type CreateDatabase
- func (cached *CreateDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *CreateDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
- func (node *CreateDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *CreateDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- type CreateTable
- func (node *CreateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *CreateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *CreateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateTable) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *CreateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *CreateTable) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *CreateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *CreateTable) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *CreateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *CreateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *CreateTable) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *CreateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *CreateTable) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *CreateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *CreateTable) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *CreateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *CreateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *CreateTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *CreateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type CreateView
- func (node *CreateView) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *CreateView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *CreateView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *CreateView) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *CreateView) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *CreateView) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *CreateView) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *CreateView) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *CreateView) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *CreateView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *CreateView) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *CreateView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *CreateView) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *CreateView) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *CreateView) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *CreateView) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *CreateView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *CreateView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *CreateView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type CurTimeFuncExpr
- type Cursor
- type DBDDLStatement
- type DDLAction
- type DDLStatement
- type DatabaseOption
- type DatabaseOptionType
- type DeallocateStmt
- type Default
- type Definer
- type Delete
- func (node *Delete) AddOrder(order *Order)
- func (node *Delete) AddWhere(expr Expr)
- func (cached *Delete) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Delete) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Delete) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Delete) GetFrom() []TableExpr
- func (node *Delete) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *Delete) GetWherePredicate() Expr
- func (node *Delete) IsSingleAliasExpr() bool
- func (node *Delete) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *Delete) SetFrom(exprs []TableExpr)
- func (node *Delete) SetLimit(limit *Limit)
- func (node *Delete) SetWherePredicate(expr Expr)
- type DerivedTable
- type DistinctableAggr
- type DropColumn
- type DropDatabase
- func (cached *DropDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *DropDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
- func (node *DropDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *DropDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- type DropKey
- type DropKeyType
- type DropTable
- func (node *DropTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *DropTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *DropTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropTable) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *DropTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *DropTable) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *DropTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *DropTable) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *DropTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *DropTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *DropTable) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *DropTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *DropTable) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *DropTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *DropTable) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *DropTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *DropTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *DropTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *DropTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type DropView
- func (node *DropView) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *DropView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *DropView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *DropView) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *DropView) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *DropView) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *DropView) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *DropView) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *DropView) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *DropView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *DropView) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *DropView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *DropView) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (node *DropView) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (node *DropView) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *DropView) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *DropView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *DropView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *DropView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type Encodable
- type ExecuteStmt
- type ExistsExpr
- type Explain
- type ExplainStmt
- type ExplainTab
- type ExplainType
- type Expr
- type ExprGenerator
- type ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) CanAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) CannotAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) IsAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) MultiRowConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) SetNumCols(numCols int) ExprGeneratorConfig
- func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) SingleRowConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
- type Exprs
- type ExtractFuncExpr
- type ExtractValueExpr
- type FirstOrLastValueExpr
- type FirstOrLastValueExprType
- type Flush
- type Force
- type ForeignKeyDefinition
- type FrameClause
- type FramePoint
- type FramePointType
- type FrameUnitType
- type FromFirstLastClause
- type FromFirstLastType
- type FuncExpr
- type GTIDFuncExpr
- type GTIDType
- type Generator
- type GeoHashFromLatLongExpr
- type GeoHashFromPointExpr
- type GeoJSONFromGeomExpr
- type GeomCollPropType
- type GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr
- type GeomFormatExpr
- type GeomFormatType
- type GeomFromGeoHashExpr
- type GeomFromGeoJSONExpr
- type GeomFromHashType
- type GeomFromTextExpr
- type GeomFromWKBExpr
- type GeomFromWkbType
- type GeomFromWktType
- type GeomPropertyFuncExpr
- type GeomPropertyType
- type GroupBy
- type GroupConcatExpr
- func (*GroupConcatExpr) AggrName() string
- func (cached *GroupConcatExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *GroupConcatExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *GroupConcatExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) GetArg() Expr
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*GroupConcatExpr) IsExpr()
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type IdentifierCI
- func (cached *IdentifierCI) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node IdentifierCI) CompliantName() string
- func (node IdentifierCI) Equal(in IdentifierCI) bool
- func (node IdentifierCI) EqualString(str string) bool
- func (node IdentifierCI) EqualsAnyString(str []string) bool
- func (node IdentifierCI) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node IdentifierCI) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node IdentifierCI) IsEmpty() bool
- func (node IdentifierCI) Lowered() string
- func (node IdentifierCI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (node IdentifierCI) NotEmpty() bool
- func (node IdentifierCI) String() string
- func (node *IdentifierCI) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type IdentifierCS
- func (cached *IdentifierCS) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node IdentifierCS) CompliantName() string
- func (node IdentifierCS) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node IdentifierCS) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node IdentifierCS) IsEmpty() bool
- func (node IdentifierCS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (node IdentifierCS) NotEmpty() bool
- func (node IdentifierCS) String() string
- func (node *IdentifierCS) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type Ignore
- type IndexColumn
- type IndexDefinition
- type IndexHint
- type IndexHintForType
- type IndexHintType
- type IndexHints
- type IndexInfo
- type IndexOption
- type IndexType
- type Insert
- type InsertAction
- type InsertExpr
- type InsertRows
- type InsertValues
- type IntervalDateExpr
- func (cached *IntervalDateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *IntervalDateExpr) FnName() string
- func (node *IntervalDateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *IntervalDateExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (*IntervalDateExpr) IsExpr()
- func (node *IntervalDateExpr) IsSubtraction() bool
- func (node *IntervalDateExpr) NormalizedUnit() IntervalType
- type IntervalExprSyntax
- type IntervalFuncExpr
- type IntervalType
- type IntroducerExpr
- type IsExpr
- type IsExprOperator
- type JSONArrayExpr
- type JSONAttributeType
- type JSONAttributesExpr
- type JSONContainsExpr
- type JSONContainsPathExpr
- type JSONContainsPathType
- type JSONExtractExpr
- type JSONKeysExpr
- type JSONObjectExpr
- type JSONObjectParam
- type JSONOverlapsExpr
- type JSONPrettyExpr
- type JSONQuoteExpr
- type JSONRemoveExpr
- type JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr
- type JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr
- type JSONSearchExpr
- type JSONStorageFreeExpr
- type JSONStorageSizeExpr
- type JSONTableExpr
- type JSONUnquoteExpr
- type JSONValueExpr
- type JSONValueMergeExpr
- type JSONValueMergeType
- type JSONValueModifierExpr
- type JSONValueModifierType
- type JoinCondition
- type JoinTableExpr
- type JoinType
- type JtColumnDefinition
- type JtNestedPathColDef
- type JtOnResponse
- type JtOnResponseType
- type JtOrdinalColDef
- type JtPathColDef
- type KeyState
- type Kill
- type KillType
- type LagLeadExpr
- type LagLeadExprType
- type LengthScaleOption
- type Limit
- type LineStringExpr
- type LinestrPropType
- type LinestrPropertyFuncExpr
- type ListArg
- type Literal
- func CloneRefOfLiteral(n *Literal) *Literal
- func NewBitLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewDateLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewDecimalLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewFloatLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewHexLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewHexNumLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewIntLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewStrLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewTimeLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func NewTimestampLiteral(in string) *Literal
- func (node *Literal) Bytes() []byte
- func (cached *Literal) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Literal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Literal) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Literal) HexDecode() ([]byte, error)
- func (*Literal) IsExpr()
- func (node *Literal) SQLType() sqltypes.Type
- type Load
- type LocateExpr
- type Lock
- type LockOption
- type LockOptionType
- type LockTables
- type LockType
- type LockingFunc
- type LockingFuncType
- type MarginComments
- type MatchAction
- type MatchExpr
- type MatchExprOption
- type Max
- func (*Max) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Max) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Max) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Max) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (max *Max) GetArg() Expr
- func (max *Max) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (max *Max) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*Max) IsExpr()
- func (max *Max) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (max *Max) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (max *Max) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type MemberOfExpr
- type Min
- func (*Min) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Min) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Min) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Min) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (min *Min) GetArg() Expr
- func (min *Min) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (min *Min) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*Min) IsExpr()
- func (min *Min) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (min *Min) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (min *Min) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type ModifyColumn
- type MultiLinestringExpr
- type MultiPointExpr
- type MultiPolygonExpr
- type NTHValueExpr
- type NamedWindow
- type NamedWindows
- type Nextval
- type NodeFormatter
- type NotExpr
- type NtileExpr
- type NullTreatmentClause
- type NullTreatmentType
- type NullVal
- type Offset
- type OnDup
- type OptLike
- type Options
- type OrExpr
- type Order
- type OrderAndLimit
- type OrderBy
- type OrderByOption
- type OrderDirection
- type OtherAdmin
- type OverClause
- type ParenTableExpr
- type ParsedComments
- func (node *ParsedComments) AddQueryHint(queryHint string) (Comments, error)
- func (cached *ParsedComments) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (c *ParsedComments) Directives() *CommentDirectives
- func (node *ParsedComments) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *ParsedComments) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (c *ParsedComments) GetComments() Comments
- func (c *ParsedComments) GetMySQLSetVarValue(key string) string
- func (c *ParsedComments) Length() int
- func (c *ParsedComments) Prepend(comment string) Comments
- func (c *ParsedComments) ResetDirectives()
- func (c *ParsedComments) SetMySQLSetVarValue(key string, value string) (newComments Comments)
- type ParsedQuery
- func (pq *ParsedQuery) Append(buf *strings.Builder, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, ...) error
- func (pq *ParsedQuery) BindLocations() []BindLocation
- func (cached *ParsedQuery) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (pq *ParsedQuery) GenerateQuery(bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, extras map[string]Encodable) (string, error)
- func (pq *ParsedQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- type Parser
- func (cached *Parser) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (p *Parser) GetTruncateErrLen() int
- func (p *Parser) IsMySQL80AndAbove() bool
- func (p *Parser) NewStringTokenizer(sql string) *Tokenizer
- func (p *Parser) NormalizeAlphabetically(query string) (normalized string, err error)
- func (p *Parser) Parse(sql string) (Statement, error)
- func (p *Parser) Parse2(sql string) (Statement, BindVars, error)
- func (p *Parser) ParseExpr(sql string) (Expr, error)
- func (p *Parser) ParseStrictDDL(sql string) (Statement, error)
- func (p *Parser) ParseTable(input string) (keyspace, table string, err error)
- func (p *Parser) QueryMatchesTemplates(query string, queryTemplates []string) (match bool, err error)
- func (p *Parser) RedactSQLQuery(sql string) (string, error)
- func (p *Parser) ReplaceTableQualifiers(query, olddb, newdb string) (string, error)
- func (p *Parser) ReplaceTableQualifiersMultiQuery(multiQuery, olddb, newdb string) (string, error)
- func (p *Parser) SetTruncateErrLen(l int)
- func (p *Parser) SplitStatement(blob string) (string, string, error)
- func (p *Parser) SplitStatementToPieces(blob string) (pieces []string, err error)
- func (p *Parser) SplitStatements(blob string) (statements []Statement, err error)
- func (p *Parser) TableFromStatement(sql string) (TableName, error)
- func (p *Parser) TruncateForLog(query string) string
- func (p *Parser) TruncateForUI(query string) string
- type PartitionByType
- type PartitionDefinition
- type PartitionDefinitionOptions
- type PartitionEngine
- type PartitionOption
- type PartitionSpec
- type PartitionSpecAction
- type PartitionValueRange
- type PartitionValueRangeType
- type Partitions
- type PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr
- type PerformanceSchemaType
- type PointExpr
- type PointPropertyFuncExpr
- type PointPropertyType
- type PolygonExpr
- type PolygonPropType
- type PolygonPropertyFuncExpr
- type PositionedErr
- type Precendence
- type PrepareStmt
- type PurgeBinaryLogs
- type QueryGenerator
- type RangeCondOperator
- type ReferenceAction
- type ReferenceDefinition
- type RegexpInstrExpr
- type RegexpLikeExpr
- type RegexpReplaceExpr
- type RegexpSubstrExpr
- type Release
- type RenameColumn
- type RenameIndex
- type RenameTable
- func (node *RenameTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *RenameTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *RenameTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *RenameTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *RenameTable) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *RenameTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *RenameTable) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *RenameTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *RenameTable) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *RenameTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *RenameTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *RenameTable) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *RenameTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *RenameTable) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (*RenameTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (*RenameTable) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *RenameTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *RenameTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (node *RenameTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
- func (node *RenameTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type RenameTableName
- type RenameTablePair
- type ReservedVars
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveAll(names ...string) bool
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveColName(col *ColName) string
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveHasValuesSubQuery() string
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveSubQuery() string
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveSubQueryWithHasValues() (string, string)
- func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveVariable(compliantName string) string
- type RevertMigration
- type RewriteASTResult
- type Rollback
- type RootNode
- type RowAlias
- type SQLNode
- func CloneSQLNode(in SQLNode) SQLNode
- func CopyOnRewrite(node SQLNode, pre func(node, parent SQLNode) bool, ...) SQLNode
- func Rewrite(node SQLNode, pre, post ApplyFunc) (result SQLNode)
- func RewritePredicate(ast SQLNode) SQLNode
- func SafeRewrite(node SQLNode, shouldVisitChildren func(node SQLNode, parent SQLNode) bool, ...) SQLNode
- type SRollback
- type Savepoint
- type Scope
- type Select
- func (node *Select) AddGroupBy(expr Expr)
- func (node *Select) AddHaving(expr Expr)
- func (node *Select) AddOrder(order *Order)
- func (node *Select) AddSelectExprs(selectExprs SelectExprs)
- func (node *Select) AddWhere(expr Expr)
- func (cached *Select) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Select) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Select) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Select) GetColumnCount() int
- func (node *Select) GetColumns() SelectExprs
- func (node *Select) GetFrom() []TableExpr
- func (node *Select) GetLimit() *Limit
- func (node *Select) GetLock() Lock
- func (node *Select) GetOrderBy() OrderBy
- func (node *Select) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *Select) GetWherePredicate() Expr
- func (node *Select) GroupByExprs() []Expr
- func (node *Select) IsDistinct() bool
- func (node *Select) MakeDistinct()
- func (node *Select) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *Select) SetFrom(exprs []TableExpr)
- func (node *Select) SetInto(into *SelectInto)
- func (node *Select) SetLimit(limit *Limit)
- func (node *Select) SetLock(lock Lock)
- func (node *Select) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy)
- func (node *Select) SetWherePredicate(expr Expr)
- func (node *Select) SetWith(with *With)
- type SelectExpr
- type SelectExprs
- type SelectInto
- type SelectIntoType
- type SelectStatement
- type Set
- type SetExpr
- type SetExprs
- type Show
- type ShowBasic
- type ShowCommandType
- type ShowCreate
- type ShowFilter
- type ShowInternal
- type ShowMigrationLogs
- type ShowOther
- type ShowTablesOpt
- type ShowThrottledApps
- type ShowThrottlerStatus
- type SimpleTableExpr
- type StarExpr
- type Statement
- type StatementType
- type Std
- func (*Std) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Std) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Std) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Std) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (std *Std) GetArg() Expr
- func (std *Std) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*Std) IsExpr()
- func (std *Std) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (std *Std) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type StdDev
- func (*StdDev) AggrName() string
- func (cached *StdDev) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *StdDev) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *StdDev) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (stdD *StdDev) GetArg() Expr
- func (stdD *StdDev) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*StdDev) IsExpr()
- func (stdD *StdDev) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (stdD *StdDev) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type StdPop
- func (*StdPop) AggrName() string
- func (cached *StdPop) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *StdPop) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *StdPop) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (stdP *StdPop) GetArg() Expr
- func (stdP *StdPop) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*StdPop) IsExpr()
- func (stdP *StdPop) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (stdP *StdPop) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type StdSamp
- func (*StdSamp) AggrName() string
- func (cached *StdSamp) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *StdSamp) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *StdSamp) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (stdS *StdSamp) GetArg() Expr
- func (stdS *StdSamp) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*StdSamp) IsExpr()
- func (stdS *StdSamp) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (stdS *StdSamp) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type Stream
- type SubPartition
- type SubPartitionDefinition
- type SubPartitionDefinitionOptions
- type SubPartitionDefinitions
- type Subquery
- type SubstrExpr
- type Sum
- func (*Sum) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Sum) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Sum) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Sum) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (sum *Sum) GetArg() Expr
- func (sum *Sum) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (sum *Sum) IsDistinct() bool
- func (*Sum) IsExpr()
- func (sum *Sum) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (sum *Sum) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- func (sum *Sum) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
- type SupportOptimizerHint
- type TableAndLockType
- type TableAndLockTypes
- type TableExpr
- type TableExprs
- type TableName
- type TableNames
- type TableOption
- type TableOptions
- type TableSpec
- func (ts *TableSpec) AddColumn(cd *ColumnDefinition)
- func (ts *TableSpec) AddConstraint(cd *ConstraintDefinition)
- func (ts *TableSpec) AddIndex(id *IndexDefinition)
- func (cached *TableSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (ts *TableSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (ts *TableSpec) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- type TablespaceOperation
- type TimestampDiffExpr
- type Tokenizer
- type TrackedBuffer
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars() bool
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) Myprintf(format string, values ...any)
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) ParsedQuery() *ParsedQuery
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeAllIdentifiers()
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeNoIdentifier()
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetUpperCase(enable bool)
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteArg(prefix, arg string)
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteLiteral(lit string)
- func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteNode(node SQLNode) *TrackedBuffer
- type TrimFuncExpr
- type TrimFuncType
- type TrimType
- type TruncateTable
- func (node *TruncateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
- func (cached *TruncateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *TruncateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *TruncateTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetAction() DDLAction
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfExists() bool
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetIsReplace() bool
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetTable() TableName
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
- func (node *TruncateTable) GetToTables() TableNames
- func (*TruncateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
- func (*TruncateTable) IsTemporary() bool
- func (node *TruncateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *TruncateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
- func (*TruncateTable) SetFullyParsed(bool)
- func (node *TruncateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
- type TupleEqualityList
- type TxAccessMode
- type UnaryExpr
- type UnaryExprOperator
- type Union
- func (node *Union) AddOrder(order *Order)
- func (cached *Union) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Union) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Union) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Union) GetColumnCount() int
- func (node *Union) GetColumns() SelectExprs
- func (node *Union) GetLimit() *Limit
- func (node *Union) GetLock() Lock
- func (node *Union) GetOrderBy() OrderBy
- func (node *Union) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *Union) IsDistinct() bool
- func (node *Union) MakeDistinct()
- func (node *Union) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *Union) SetInto(into *SelectInto)
- func (node *Union) SetLimit(limit *Limit)
- func (node *Union) SetLock(lock Lock)
- func (node *Union) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy)
- func (node *Union) SetWith(with *With)
- type UnlockTables
- type Update
- func (node *Update) AddOrder(order *Order)
- func (node *Update) AddWhere(expr Expr)
- func (cached *Update) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Update) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Update) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Update) GetFrom() []TableExpr
- func (node *Update) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
- func (node *Update) GetWherePredicate() Expr
- func (node *Update) SetComments(comments Comments)
- func (node *Update) SetFrom(exprs []TableExpr)
- func (node *Update) SetLimit(limit *Limit)
- func (node *Update) SetWherePredicate(expr Expr)
- type UpdateExpr
- type UpdateExprs
- type UpdateXMLExpr
- type Use
- type VExplainStmt
- type VExplainType
- type VSchemaViews
- type VStream
- type ValTuple
- type ValType
- type Validation
- type Values
- type ValuesFuncExpr
- type VarPop
- func (*VarPop) AggrName() string
- func (cached *VarPop) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *VarPop) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *VarPop) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (varP *VarPop) GetArg() Expr
- func (varP *VarPop) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*VarPop) IsExpr()
- func (varP *VarPop) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (varP *VarPop) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type VarSamp
- func (*VarSamp) AggrName() string
- func (cached *VarSamp) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *VarSamp) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *VarSamp) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (varS *VarSamp) GetArg() Expr
- func (varS *VarSamp) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*VarSamp) IsExpr()
- func (varS *VarSamp) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (varS *VarSamp) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type Variable
- type Variance
- func (*Variance) AggrName() string
- func (cached *Variance) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
- func (node *Variance) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (node *Variance) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
- func (variance *Variance) GetArg() Expr
- func (variance *Variance) GetArgs() Exprs
- func (*Variance) IsExpr()
- func (variance *Variance) SetArg(expr Expr)
- func (variance *Variance) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
- type VindexParam
- type VindexSpec
- type Visit
- type WeightStringFuncExpr
- type When
- type Where
- type WhereType
- type WindowDefinition
- type WindowDefinitions
- type WindowSpecification
- type With
- type XorExpr
Constants ¶
const ( StrVal = ValType(iota) IntVal DecimalVal FloatVal HexNum HexVal BitNum DateVal TimeVal TimestampVal )
These are the possible Valtype values. HexNum represents a 0x... value. It cannot be treated as a simple value because it can be interpreted differently depending on the context.
const ( // LastInsertIDName is a reserved bind var name for last_insert_id() LastInsertIDName = "__lastInsertId" // DBVarName is a reserved bind var name for database() DBVarName = "__vtdbname" // FoundRowsName is a reserved bind var name for found_rows() FoundRowsName = "__vtfrows" // RowCountName is a reserved bind var name for row_count() RowCountName = "__vtrcount" // UserDefinedVariableName is what we prepend bind var names for user defined variables UserDefinedVariableName = "__vtudv" )
const ( // DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit is the query comment directive to allow // single round trip autocommit with a multi-shard statement. DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit = "MULTI_SHARD_AUTOCOMMIT" // DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache skips query plan cache when set. DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache = "SKIP_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE" // DirectiveQueryTimeout sets a query timeout in vtgate. Only supported for SELECTS. DirectiveQueryTimeout = "QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS" // DirectiveScatterErrorsAsWarnings enables partial success scatter select queries DirectiveScatterErrorsAsWarnings = "SCATTER_ERRORS_AS_WARNINGS" // DirectiveIgnoreMaxPayloadSize skips payload size validation when set. DirectiveIgnoreMaxPayloadSize = "IGNORE_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE" // DirectiveIgnoreMaxMemoryRows skips memory row validation when set. DirectiveIgnoreMaxMemoryRows = "IGNORE_MAX_MEMORY_ROWS" // DirectiveAllowScatter lets scatter plans pass through even when they are turned off by `no-scatter`. DirectiveAllowScatter = "ALLOW_SCATTER" // DirectiveAllowHashJoin lets the planner use hash join if possible DirectiveAllowHashJoin = "ALLOW_HASH_JOIN" // DirectiveQueryPlanner lets the user specify per query which planner should be used DirectiveQueryPlanner = "PLANNER" // DirectiveVExplainRunDMLQueries tells vexplain queries/all that it is okay to also run the query. DirectiveVExplainRunDMLQueries = "EXECUTE_DML_QUERIES" // DirectiveConsolidator enables the query consolidator. DirectiveConsolidator = "CONSOLIDATOR" // DirectiveWorkloadName specifies the name of the client application workload issuing the query. DirectiveWorkloadName = "WORKLOAD_NAME" // DirectivePriority specifies the priority of a workload. It should be an integer between 0 and MaxPriorityValue, // where 0 is the highest priority, and MaxPriorityValue is the lowest one. DirectivePriority = "PRIORITY" // MaxPriorityValue specifies the maximum value allowed for the priority query directive. Valid priority values are // between zero and MaxPriorityValue. MaxPriorityValue = 100 // OptimizerHintSetVar is the optimizer hint used in MySQL to set the value of a specific session variable for a query. OptimizerHintSetVar = "SET_VAR" )
const ( // Select.Distinct AllStr = "all " DistinctStr = "distinct " StraightJoinHint = "straight_join " SQLCalcFoundRowsStr = "sql_calc_found_rows " // Select.Lock NoLockStr = "" ForUpdateStr = " for update" ForUpdateNoWaitStr = " for update nowait" ForUpdateSkipLockedStr = " for update skip locked" // Select.Cache SQLCacheStr = "sql_cache " SQLNoCacheStr = "sql_no_cache " // Union.Type UnionStr = "union" UnionAllStr = "union all" UnionDistinctStr = "union distinct" // DDL strings. InsertStr = "insert" ReplaceStr = "replace" // Set.Scope or Show.Scope SessionStr = "session" GlobalStr = "global" VitessMetadataStr = "vitess_metadata" VariableStr = "variable" // DDL strings. CreateStr = "create" AlterStr = "alter" DeallocateStr = "deallocate" DropStr = "drop" RenameStr = "rename" TruncateStr = "truncate" FlushStr = "flush" CreateVindexStr = "create vindex" DropVindexStr = "drop vindex" AddVschemaTableStr = "add vschema table" DropVschemaTableStr = "drop vschema table" AddColVindexStr = "on table add vindex" DropColVindexStr = "on table drop vindex" AddSequenceStr = "add sequence" DropSequenceStr = "drop sequence" AddAutoIncStr = "add auto_increment" DropAutoIncStr = "drop auto_increment" // ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM string. DefaultStr = "default" CopyStr = "copy" InplaceStr = "inplace" InstantStr = "instant" // Partition and subpartition type strings HashTypeStr = "hash" KeyTypeStr = "key" RangeTypeStr = "range" ListTypeStr = "list" // Partition value range type strings LessThanTypeStr = "less than" InTypeStr = "in" // Online DDL hint OnlineStr = "online" // Vindex DDL param to specify the owner of a vindex VindexOwnerStr = "owner" // Partition strings ReorganizeStr = "reorganize partition" AddStr = "add partition" DiscardStr = "discard partition" DropPartitionStr = "drop partition" ImportStr = "import partition" TruncatePartitionStr = "truncate partition" CoalesceStr = "coalesce partition" ExchangeStr = "exchange partition" AnalyzePartitionStr = "analyze partition" CheckStr = "check partition" OptimizeStr = "optimize partition" RebuildStr = "rebuild partition" RepairStr = "repair partition" RemoveStr = "remove partitioning" UpgradeStr = "upgrade partitioning" // JoinTableExpr.Join JoinStr = "join" StraightJoinStr = "straight_join" LeftJoinStr = "left join" RightJoinStr = "right join" NaturalJoinStr = "natural join" NaturalLeftJoinStr = "natural left join" NaturalRightJoinStr = "natural right join" // IgnoreStr string. IgnoreStr = "ignore " // Index hints. UseStr = "use index" IgnoreIndexStr = "ignore index" ForceStr = "force index" UseVindexStr = "use vindex" IgnoreVindexStr = "ignore vindex" // Index hints For types. JoinForStr = "join" GroupByForStr = "group by" OrderByForStr = "order by" // Where.Type WhereStr = "where" HavingStr = "having" // ComparisonExpr.Operator EqualStr = "=" LessThanStr = "<" GreaterThanStr = ">" LessEqualStr = "<=" GreaterEqualStr = ">=" NotEqualStr = "!=" NullSafeEqualStr = "<=>" InStr = "in" NotInStr = "not in" LikeStr = "like" NotLikeStr = "not like" RegexpStr = "regexp" NotRegexpStr = "not regexp" // IsExpr.Operator IsNullStr = "is null" IsNotNullStr = "is not null" IsTrueStr = "is true" IsNotTrueStr = "is not true" IsFalseStr = "is false" IsNotFalseStr = "is not false" // BinaryExpr.Operator BitAndStr = "&" BitOrStr = "|" BitXorStr = "^" PlusStr = "+" MinusStr = "-" MultStr = "*" DivStr = "/" IntDivStr = "div" ModStr = "%" ShiftLeftStr = "<<" ShiftRightStr = ">>" JSONExtractOpStr = "->" JSONUnquoteExtractOpStr = "->>" // UnaryExpr.Operator UPlusStr = "+" UMinusStr = "-" TildaStr = "~" BangStr = "!" Armscii8Str = "_armscii8" ASCIIStr = "_ascii" Big5Str = "_big5" UBinaryStr = "_binary" Cp1250Str = "_cp1250" Cp1251Str = "_cp1251" Cp1256Str = "_cp1256" Cp1257Str = "_cp1257" Cp850Str = "_cp850" Cp852Str = "_cp852" Cp866Str = "_cp866" Cp932Str = "_cp932" Dec8Str = "_dec8" EucjpmsStr = "_eucjpms" EuckrStr = "_euckr" Gb18030Str = "_gb18030" Gb2312Str = "_gb2312" GbkStr = "_gbk" Geostd8Str = "_geostd8" GreekStr = "_greek" HebrewStr = "_hebrew" Hp8Str = "_hp8" Keybcs2Str = "_keybcs2" Koi8rStr = "_koi8r" Koi8uStr = "_koi8u" Latin1Str = "_latin1" Latin2Str = "_latin2" Latin5Str = "_latin5" Latin7Str = "_latin7" MacceStr = "_macce" MacromanStr = "_macroman" SjisStr = "_sjis" Swe7Str = "_swe7" Tis620Str = "_tis620" Ucs2Str = "_ucs2" UjisStr = "_ujis" Utf16Str = "_utf16" Utf16leStr = "_utf16le" Utf32Str = "_utf32" Utf8mb3Str = "_utf8mb3" Utf8mb4Str = "_utf8mb4" NStringStr = "N" // DatabaseOption.Type CharacterSetStr = " character set" CollateStr = " collate" EncryptionStr = " encryption" // MatchExpr.Option NoOptionStr = "" BooleanModeStr = " in boolean mode" NaturalLanguageModeStr = " in natural language mode" NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionStr = " in natural language mode with query expansion" QueryExpansionStr = " with query expansion" // INTO OUTFILE IntoOutfileStr = " into outfile " IntoOutfileS3Str = " into outfile s3 " IntoDumpfileStr = " into dumpfile " // Order.Direction AscScr = "asc" DescScr = "desc" // SetExpr.Expr transaction variables TransactionIsolationStr = "transaction_isolation" TransactionReadOnlyStr = "transaction_read_only" // Transaction isolation levels ReadUncommittedStr = "read-uncommitted" ReadCommittedStr = "read-committed" RepeatableReadStr = "repeatable-read" SerializableStr = "serializable" // Transaction access mode WithConsistentSnapshotStr = "with consistent snapshot" ReadWriteStr = "read write" ReadOnlyStr = "read only" // Explain formats EmptyStr = "" TreeStr = "tree" JSONStr = "json" TraditionalStr = "traditional" AnalyzeStr = "analyze" QueriesStr = "queries" AllVExplainStr = "all" PlanStr = "plan" // Lock Types ReadStr = "read" ReadLocalStr = "read local" WriteStr = "write" LowPriorityWriteStr = "low_priority write" // ShowCommand Types CharsetStr = " charset" CollationStr = " collation" ColumnStr = " columns" CreateDbStr = " create database" CreateEStr = " create event" CreateFStr = " create function" CreateProcStr = " create procedure" CreateTblStr = " create table" CreateTrStr = " create trigger" CreateVStr = " create view" DatabaseStr = " databases" EnginesStr = " engines" FunctionCStr = " function code" FunctionStr = " function status" GtidExecGlobalStr = " global gtid_executed" IndexStr = " indexes" OpenTableStr = " open tables" PluginsStr = " plugins" PrivilegeStr = " privileges" ProcedureCStr = " procedure code" ProcedureStr = " procedure status" StatusGlobalStr = " global status" StatusSessionStr = " status" TablesStr = " tables" TableStatusStr = " table status" TriggerStr = " triggers" VariableGlobalStr = " global variables" VariableSessionStr = " variables" VGtidExecGlobalStr = " global vgtid_executed" KeyspaceStr = " keyspaces" VitessMigrationsStr = " vitess_migrations" VitessReplicationStatusStr = " vitess_replication_status" VitessShardsStr = " vitess_shards" VitessTabletsStr = " vitess_tablets" VitessTargetStr = " vitess_target" VitessVariablesStr = " vitess_metadata variables" VschemaTablesStr = " vschema tables" VschemaKeyspacesStr = " vschema keyspaces" VschemaVindexesStr = " vschema vindexes" WarningsStr = " warnings" // DropKeyType strings PrimaryKeyTypeStr = "primary key" ForeignKeyTypeStr = "foreign key" NormalKeyTypeStr = "key" CheckKeyTypeStr = "check" // TrimType strings BothTrimStr = "both" LeadingTrimStr = "leading" TrailingTrimStr = "trailing" // FrameUnitType strings FrameRowsStr = "rows" FrameRangeStr = "range" // FramePointType strings CurrentRowStr = "current row" UnboundedPrecedingStr = "unbounded preceding" UnboundedFollowingStr = "unbounded following" ExprPrecedingStr = "preceding" ExprFollowingStr = "following" // ArgumentLessWindowExprType strings CumeDistExprStr = "cume_dist" DenseRankExprStr = "dense_rank" PercentRankExprStr = "percent_rank" RankExprStr = "rank" RowNumberExprStr = "row_number" // NullTreatmentType strings RespectNullsStr = "respect nulls" IgnoreNullsStr = "ignore nulls" // FromFirstLastType strings FromFirstStr = "respect nulls" FromLastStr = "ignore nulls" // FirstOrLastValueExprType strings FirstValueExprStr = "first_value" LastValueExprStr = "last_value" // FirstOrLastValueExprType strings LagExprStr = "lag" LeadExprStr = "lead" // TrimFuncType strings NormalTrimStr = "trim" LTrimStr = "ltrim" RTrimStr = "rtrim" // JSONAttributeType strings DepthAttributeStr = "json_depth" ValidAttributeStr = "json_valid" TypeAttributeStr = "json_type" LengthAttributeStr = "json_length" // JSONValueModifierType strings JSONArrayAppendStr = "json_array_append" JSONArrayInsertStr = "json_array_insert" JSONInsertStr = "json_insert" JSONReplaceStr = "json_replace" JSONSetStr = "json_set" // JSONValueMergeType strings JSONMergeStr = "json_merge" JSONMergePatchStr = "json_merge_patch" JSONMergePreserveStr = "json_merge_preserve" // LockingFuncType strings GetLockStr = "get_lock" IsFreeLockStr = "is_free_lock" IsUsedLockStr = "is_used_lock" ReleaseAllLocksStr = "release_all_locks" ReleaseLockStr = "release_lock" // PerformanceSchemaType strings FormatBytesStr = "format_bytes" FormatPicoTimeStr = "format_pico_time" PsCurrentThreadIDStr = "ps_current_thread_id" PsThreadIDStr = "ps_thread_id" // GTIDType strings GTIDSubsetStr = "gtid_subset" GTIDSubtractStr = "gtid_subtract" WaitForExecutedGTIDSetStr = "wait_for_executed_gtid_set" WaitUntilSQLThreadAfterGTIDSStr = "wait_until_sql_thread_after_gtids" // LockOptionType strings NoneTypeStr = "none" DefaultTypeStr = "default" ExclusiveTypeStr = "exclusive" // GeomeFromWktType strings GeometryFromTextStr = "st_geometryfromtext" GeometryCollectionFromTextStr = "st_geometrycollectionfromtext" PointFromTextStr = "st_pointfromtext" MultiPointFromTextStr = "st_multipointfromtext" LineStringFromTextStr = "st_linestringfromtext" MultiLinestringFromTextStr = "st_multilinestringfromtext" PolygonFromTextStr = "st_polygonfromtext" MultiPolygonFromTextStr = "st_multipolygonfromtext" // GeomeFromWktType strings GeometryFromWKBStr = "st_geometryfromwkb" GeometryCollectionFromWKBStr = "st_geometrycollectionfromwkb" PointFromWKBStr = "st_pointfromwkb" MultiPointFromWKBStr = "st_multipointfromwkb" LineStringFromWKBStr = "st_linestringfromwkb" MultiLinestringFromWKBStr = "st_multilinestringfromwkb" PolygonFromWKBStr = "st_polygonfromwkb" MultiPolygonFromWKBStr = "st_multipolygonfromwkb" // GeomFormatExpr strings TextFormatStr = "st_astext" BinaryFormatStr = "st_asbinary" // GeomPropertyType strings IsSimpleStr = "st_issimple" IsEmptyStr = "st_isempty" EnvelopeStr = "st_envelope" DimensionStr = "st_dimension" GeometryTypeStr = "st_geometrytype" // PointPropertyType strings XCordinateStr = "st_x" YCordinateStr = "st_y" LatitudeStr = "st_latitude" LongitudeStr = "st_longitude" // LinestringPropertyType strings EndPointStr = "st_endpoint" IsClosedStr = "st_isclosed" LengthStr = "st_length" NumPointsStr = "st_numpoints" PointNStr = "st_pointn" StartPointStr = "st_startpoint" // PolygonPropertyType strings AreaStr = "st_area" CentroidStr = "st_centroid" ExteriorRingStr = "st_exteriorring" InteriorRingNStr = "st_interiorringN" NumInteriorRingsStr = "st_numinteriorrings" // GeomCollPropType strings NumGeometriesStr = "st_numgeometries" GeometryNStr = "st_geometryn" // GeomFromGeoHash strings LatitudeFromHashStr = "st_latfromgeohash" LongitudeFromHashStr = "st_longfromgeohash" PointFromHashStr = "st_pointfromgeohash" // KillType strings ConnectionStr = "connection" QueryStr = "query" )
String constants to be used in ast.
const ( IntervalNone = datetime.IntervalNone IntervalMicrosecond = datetime.IntervalMicrosecond IntervalSecond = datetime.IntervalSecond IntervalMinute = datetime.IntervalMinute IntervalHour = datetime.IntervalHour IntervalDay = datetime.IntervalDay IntervalWeek = datetime.IntervalWeek IntervalMonth = datetime.IntervalMonth IntervalQuarter = datetime.IntervalQuarter IntervalYear = datetime.IntervalYear IntervalSecondMicrosecond = datetime.IntervalSecondMicrosecond IntervalMinuteMicrosecond = datetime.IntervalMinuteMicrosecond IntervalMinuteSecond = datetime.IntervalMinuteSecond IntervalHourMicrosecond = datetime.IntervalHourMicrosecond IntervalHourSecond = datetime.IntervalHourSecond IntervalHourMinute = datetime.IntervalHourMinute IntervalDayMicrosecond = datetime.IntervalDayMicrosecond IntervalDaySecond = datetime.IntervalDaySecond IntervalDayMinute = datetime.IntervalDayMinute IntervalDayHour = datetime.IntervalDayHour IntervalYearMonth = datetime.IntervalYearMonth )
IntervalType constants
const ACTION = 57580
const ACTIVE = 57939
const ADD = 57559
const ADDDATE = 57751
const ADMIN = 57940
const AFTER = 57629
const AGAINST = 57904
const ALGORITHM = 57425
const ALL = 57367
const ALTER = 57555
const ALWAYS = 57385
const ANALYZE = 57558
const AND = 57483
const ANY_VALUE = 57843
const APPROXNUM = 57703
const ARRAY = 57914
const AS = 57369
const ASC = 57371
const ASCII = 57699
const ASSIGNMENT_OPT = 57500
const AT_AT_ID = 57433
const AT_ID = 57432
const AUTOEXTEND_SIZE = 57941
const AUTO_INCREMENT = 57702
const AVG = 57828
const AVG_ROW_LENGTH = 58032
const BEFORE = 57708
const BEGIN = 57643
const BETWEEN = 57485
const BIGINT = 57659
const BINARY = 57507
const BIT = 57653
const BITNUM = 57442
const BIT_AND = 57833
const BIT_LITERAL = 57443
const BIT_OR = 57834
const BIT_XOR = 57835
const BLOB = 57682
const BOOL = 57674
const BOOLEAN = 57905
const BOTH = 57471
const BUCKETS = 57942
const BY = 57363
const BYTE = 57915
const CALL = 57381
const CANCEL = 57632
const CASCADE = 57581
const CASCADED = 57617
const CASE = 57486
const CAST = 57799
const CHANGE = 57561
const CHANNEL = 58026
const CHAR = 57672
const CHARACTER = 57675
const CHARSET = 57477
const CHECK = 57578
const CHECKSUM = 58034
const CLEANUP = 57636
const CLONE = 57943
const COALESCE = 57595
const CODE = 57709
const COLLATE = 57506
const COLLATION = 57710
const COLUMN = 57574
const COLUMNS = 57711
const COLUMN_FORMAT = 57944
const COMMENT = 57440
const COMMENT_KEYWORD = 57441
const COMMIT = 57646
const COMMITTED = 57748
const COMPACT = 58047
const COMPLETE = 57635
const COMPONENT = 57945
const COMPRESSED = 58045
const COMPRESSION = 57444
const CONNECTION = 58033
const CONSISTENT = 57651
const CONSTRAINT = 57582
const CONVERT = 57798
const COPY = 57423
const COUNT = 57827
const CREATE = 57554
const CROSS = 57416
const CSV = 57395
const CUME_DIST = 57916
const CURDATE = 57755
const CURRENT = 58029
const CURRENT_DATE = 57754
const CURRENT_TIME = 57761
const CURRENT_USER = 57764
const CURTIME = 57760
const DATA = 57388
const DATABASE = 57753
const DATABASES = 57712
const DATE = 57590
const DATETIME = 57670
const DATE_ADD = 57756
const DATE_SUB = 57757
const DAY = 57769
const DAY_HOUR = 57770
const DAY_MICROSECOND = 57771
const DAY_MINUTE = 57772
const DAY_SECOND = 57773
const DEALLOCATE = 57563
const DECIMAL = 57438
const DECIMAL_TYPE = 57666
const DEFAULT = 57375
const DEFINER = 57618
const DEFINITION = 57946
const DELAY_KEY_WRITE = 58035
const DELETE = 57357
const DENSE_RANK = 57918
const DESC = 57372
const DESCRIBE = 57588
const DESCRIPTION = 57917
const DIRECTORY = 57611
const DISABLE = 57467
const DISCARD = 57464
const DISK = 58054
const DISTINCT = 57368
const DISTINCTROW = 57382
const DIV = 57503
const DO = 57380
const DOUBLE = 57662
const DROP = 57556
const DUMPFILE = 57394
const DUPLICATE = 57374
const DYNAMIC = 58044
const ELSE = 57489
const EMPTY = 57919
const EMPTY_FROM_CLAUSE = 57475
const ENABLE = 57466
const ENCLOSED = 57393
const ENCRYPTION = 58036
const END = 57490
const ENFORCED = 57947
const ENGINE = 58037
const ENGINES = 57713
const ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = 57948
const ENUM = 57689
const ERROR = 58020
const ESCAPE = 57591
const ESCAPED = 57392
const EVENT = 57714
const EXCEPT = 57920
const EXCHANGE = 57596
const EXCLUDE = 57949
const EXCLUSIVE = 57428
const EXECUTE = 57601
const EXISTS = 57370
const EXPANSION = 57909
const EXPIRE = 57640
const EXPLAIN = 57589
const EXPORT = 58028
const EXTENDED = 57715
const EXTRACT = 57458
const ExtractValue = 57848
const FALSE = 57462
const FIELDS = 57716
const FIRST = 57628
const FIRST_VALUE = 57921
const FIXED = 58043
const FLOAT = 57437
const FLOAT4_TYPE = 57664
const FLOAT8_TYPE = 57665
const FLOAT_TYPE = 57663
const FLUSH = 57560
const FOLLOWING = 57950
const FOR = 57366
const FORCE = 57419
const FORCE_CUTOVER = 57639
const FOREIGN = 57583
const FORMAT = 58009
const FORMAT_BYTES = 58001
const FORMAT_PICO_TIME = 58002
const FROM = 57358
const FULL = 57717
const FULLTEXT = 57576
const FUNCTION = 57718
const GE = 57492
const GENERAL = 58021
const GENERATED = 57384
const GEOMCOLLECTION = 57694
const GEOMETRY = 57690
const GET_LOCK = 57850
const GLOBAL = 57740
const GROUP = 57360
const GROUPING = 57922
const GROUPS = 57923
const GROUP_CONCAT = 57832
const GTID_EXECUTED = 57719
const GTID_SUBSET = 58005
const GTID_SUBTRACT = 58006
const HASH = 58061
const HAVING = 57361
const HEADER = 57396
const HEX = 57434
const HEXNUM = 57439
const HISTOGRAM = 57952
const HISTORY = 57953
const HOSTS = 58022
const HOUR = 57774
const HOUR_MICROSECOND = 57775
const HOUR_MINUTE = 57776
const HOUR_SECOND = 57777
const ID = 57431
const IF = 57572
const IGNORE = 57571
const IMPORT = 57465
const IN = 57499
const INACTIVE = 57954
const INDEX = 57568
const INDEXES = 57579
const INNER = 57414
const INPLACE = 57422
const INSERT = 57355
const INSERT_METHOD = 58038
const INSTANT = 57424
const INT = 57657
const INTEGER = 57658
const INTEGRAL = 57436
const INTERVAL = 57550
const INTNUM = 57660
const INTO = 57373
const INVISIBLE = 57955
const INVOKER = 57626
const IS = 57495
const ISOLATION = 57742
const IS_FREE_LOCK = 57853
const IS_USED_LOCK = 57854
const JOIN = 57410
const JSON = 57686
const JSON_ARRAY = 57810
const JSON_ARRAY_APPEND = 57817
const JSON_ARRAY_INSERT = 57818
const JSON_CONTAINS = 57451
const JSON_CONTAINS_PATH = 57452
const JSON_DEPTH = 57813
const JSON_EXTRACT = 57453
const JSON_EXTRACT_OP = 57552
const JSON_INSERT = 57819
const JSON_KEYS = 57454
const JSON_LENGTH = 57815
const JSON_MERGE = 57820
const JSON_MERGE_PATCH = 57821
const JSON_OBJECT = 57811
const JSON_OVERLAPS = 57455
const JSON_PRETTY = 57448
const JSON_QUOTE = 57812
const JSON_REMOVE = 57823
const JSON_REPLACE = 57824
const JSON_SCHEMA_VALID = 57687
const JSON_SEARCH = 57456
const JSON_SET = 57825
const JSON_STORAGE_FREE = 57450
const JSON_STORAGE_SIZE = 57449
const JSON_TABLE = 57924
const JSON_TYPE = 57814
const JSON_UNQUOTE = 57826
const JSON_VALID = 57816
const JSON_VALUE = 57457
const KEY = 57479
const KEYS = 57379
const KEYSPACES = 57720
const KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = 57577
const KILL = 57474
const LAG = 57925
const LANGUAGE = 57906
const LAST = 57630
const LAST_INSERT_ID = 57402
const LAST_VALUE = 57926
const LATERAL = 57927
const LAUNCH = 57634
const LE = 57491
const LEAD = 57928
const LEADING = 57472
const LEFT = 57412
const LESS = 57605
const LEVEL = 57743
const LEX_ERROR = 57350
const LIKE = 57496
const LIMIT = 57364
const LINEAR = 58056
const LINES = 57390
const LINESTRING = 57692
const LIST = 58058
const LIST_ARG = 57446
const LOAD = 57389
const LOCAL = 58016
const LOCALTIME = 57762
const LOCALTIMESTAMP = 57763
const LOCATE = 57855
const LOCK = 57377
const LOCKED = 57956
const LOGS = 58019
const LONGBLOB = 57685
const LONGTEXT = 57681
const LOWER_THAN_CHARSET = 57476
const LOW_PRIORITY = 58017
const LTRIM = 57807
const MANIFEST = 57397
const MATCH = 57903
const MAX = 57829
const MAXVALUE = 57602
const MAX_ROWS = 58039
const MEDIUMBLOB = 57684
const MEDIUMINT = 57656
const MEDIUMTEXT = 57680
const MEMBER = 57346
const MEMORY = 58053
const MERGE = 57623
const MICROSECOND = 57778
const MID = 57802
const MIN = 57830
const MINUTE = 57779
const MINUTE_SECOND = 57781
const MIN_ROWS = 58040
const MOD = 57504
const MODE = 57406
const MODIFY = 57562
const MONTH = 57782
const MULTIPOINT = 57696
const MULTIPOLYGON = 57698
const NAME = 57612
const NAMES = 57739
const NATURAL = 57417
const NCHAR = 57677
const NCHAR_STRING = 57435
const NE = 57493
const NESTED = 57961
const NEXT = 57403
const NO = 57584
const NONE = 57426
const NOT = 57484
const NOW = 57758
const NOWAIT = 57963
const NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG = 58018
const NTH_VALUE = 57929
const NTILE = 57930
const NULL = 57459
const NULLS = 57964
const NULLX = 57701
const NULL_SAFE_EQUAL = 57494
const NUMERIC = 57667
const OF = 57931
const OFF = 57463
const OFFSET = 57365
const OFFSET_ARG = 57447
const OJ = 57965
const OLD = 57966
const ON = 57420
const ONLY = 57746
const OPEN = 57721
const OPTIMIZE = 57593
const OPTIMIZER_COSTS = 58023
const OPTION = 57619
const OPTIONAL = 57967
const OPTIONALLY = 57400
const OR = 57481
const ORDER = 57362
const ORDINALITY = 57968
const ORGANIZATION = 57969
const OTHERS = 57970
const OUTER = 57415
const OUTFILE = 57386
const OVER = 57932
const OVERWRITE = 57398
const PACK_KEYS = 58041
const PARSER = 57383
const PARTIAL = 57971
const PARTITION = 57603
const PARTITIONING = 57598
const PARTITIONS = 58055
const PASSWORD = 58042
const PATH = 57972
const PERCENT_RANK = 57933
const PERSIST = 57973
const PERSIST_ONLY = 57974
const PLAN = 58015
const PLUGINS = 57722
const POINT = 57691
const POLYGON = 57693
const POSITION = 57856
const PRECEDING = 57975
const PREPARE = 57600
const PRIMARY = 57573
const PRIVILEGES = 57723
const PROCEDURE = 57607
const PROCESS = 57977
const PROCESSLIST = 57724
const PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID = 58003
const PS_THREAD_ID = 58004
const PURGE = 57707
const QUARTER = 57783
const QUERIES = 57565
const QUERY = 57908
const RANDOM = 57978
const RANGE = 58057
const RANK = 57934
const RATIO = 57641
const READ = 57744
const REAL = 57661
const REBUILD = 57597
const RECURSIVE = 57935
const REDUNDANT = 58046
const REFERENCE = 57979
const REFERENCES = 57585
const REGEXP = 57497
const REGEXP_INSTR = 57844
const REGEXP_LIKE = 57845
const REGEXP_REPLACE = 57846
const REGEXP_SUBSTR = 57847
const RELAY = 58027
const RELEASE = 57649
const RELEASE_ALL_LOCKS = 57852
const RELEASE_LOCK = 57851
const REMOVE = 57599
const RENAME = 57557
const REORGANIZE = 57604
const REPAIR = 57592
const REPEATABLE = 57747
const REPLACE = 57797
const REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT = 57980
const RESOURCE = 57981
const RESPECT = 57982
const RESTART = 57983
const RESTRICT = 57586
const RETAIN = 57984
const RETRY = 57633
const RETURNING = 58000
const REUSE = 57985
const REVERT = 57564
const RIGHT = 57413
const RLIKE = 57498
const ROLE = 57986
const ROLLBACK = 57647
const ROLLUP = 57912
const ROW = 58030
const ROWS = 58031
const ROW_FORMAT = 58048
const ROW_NUMBER = 57936
const RTRIM = 57808
const S3 = 57387
const SAVEPOINT = 57648
const SCHEMA = 57566
const SCHEMAS = 57725
const SECOND = 57784
const SECONDARY = 57987
const SECONDARY_ENGINE = 57988
const SECONDARY_LOAD = 57990
const SECONDARY_UNLOAD = 57991
const SECURITY = 57627
const SELECT = 57352
const SEPARATOR = 57803
const SEQUENCE = 57622
const SERIALIZABLE = 57750
const SESSION = 57741
const SET = 57376
const SHARE = 57405
const SHARED = 57427
const SHIFT_LEFT = 57501
const SHIFT_RIGHT = 57502
const SHOW = 57587
const SIGNED = 57704
const SIMPLE = 57992
const SKIP = 57993
const SLOW = 58025
const SMALLINT = 57655
const SNAPSHOT = 57652
const SPATIAL = 57575
const SQL = 57620
const SQLSelectLimitUnset = -1
SQLSelectLimitUnset default value for sql_select_limit not set.
const SQL_CACHE = 57408
const SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS = 57409
const SQL_NO_CACHE = 57407
const SQL_TSI_DAY = 57788
const SQL_TSI_HOUR = 57790
const SQL_TSI_MINUTE = 57791
const SQL_TSI_MONTH = 57792
const SQL_TSI_QUARTER = 57793
const SQL_TSI_SECOND = 57794
const SQL_TSI_WEEK = 57789
const SQL_TSI_YEAR = 57796
const SRID = 57994
const START = 57644
const STARTING = 57399
const STATS_AUTO_RECALC = 58049
const STATS_PERSISTENT = 58050
const STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES = 58051
const STATUS = 57614
const STD = 57836
const STDDEV = 57837
const STDDEV_POP = 57838
const STDDEV_SAMP = 57839
const STORAGE = 58052
const STORED = 57470
const STRAIGHT_JOIN = 57411
const STREAM = 57353
const STRING = 57430
const ST_Area = 57890
const ST_AsBinary = 57873
const ST_AsGeoJSON = 57901
const ST_AsText = 57874
const ST_Centroid = 57891
const ST_Dimension = 57875
const ST_EndPoint = 57884
const ST_Envelope = 57876
const ST_ExteriorRing = 57892
const ST_GeoHash = 57900
const ST_GeomFromGeoJSON = 57902
const ST_GeometryCollectionFromText = 57857
const ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB = 57865
const ST_GeometryFromText = 57858
const ST_GeometryFromWKB = 57866
const ST_GeometryN = 57896
const ST_GeometryType = 57879
const ST_InteriorRingN = 57893
const ST_IsClosed = 57885
const ST_IsEmpty = 57878
const ST_IsSimple = 57877
const ST_LatFromGeoHash = 57899
const ST_Latitude = 57882
const ST_Length = 57886
const ST_LineStringFromText = 57859
const ST_LineStringFromWKB = 57867
const ST_LongFromGeoHash = 57897
const ST_Longitude = 57883
const ST_MultiLineStringFromText = 57860
const ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB = 57868
const ST_MultiPointFromText = 57861
const ST_MultiPointFromWKB = 57869
const ST_MultiPolygonFromText = 57862
const ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB = 57870
const ST_NumGeometries = 57895
const ST_NumInteriorRings = 57894
const ST_NumPoints = 57887
const ST_PointFromGeoHash = 57898
const ST_PointFromText = 57863
const ST_PointFromWKB = 57871
const ST_PointN = 57889
const ST_PolygonFromText = 57864
const ST_PolygonFromWKB = 57872
const ST_StartPoint = 57888
const ST_X = 57880
const ST_Y = 57881
const SUBDATE = 57759
const SUBPARTITION = 58059
const SUBPARTITIONS = 58060
const SUBQUERY_AS_EXPR = 57429
const SUBSTR = 57800
const SUBSTRING = 57801
const SUM = 57831
const SYSDATE = 57768
const SYSTEM = 57937
const TABLE = 57567
const TABLES = 57726
const TABLESPACE = 57468
const TEMPORARY = 57624
const TEMPTABLE = 57625
const TERMINATED = 57391
const TEXT = 57678
const THAN = 57606
const THEN = 57488
const THREAD_PRIORITY = 57995
const THROTTLE = 57637
const TIES = 57996
const TIME = 57668
const TIMESTAMP = 57669
const TIMESTAMPADD = 57804
const TIMESTAMPDIFF = 57805
const TINYBLOB = 57683
const TINYINT = 57654
const TINYTEXT = 57679
const TO = 57570
const TRADITIONAL = 58012
const TRAILING = 57473
const TRANSACTION = 57645
const TREE = 58010
const TRIGGER = 57608
const TRIGGERS = 57727
const TRIM = 57809
const TRUE = 57461
const TRUNCATE = 57594
const TruncationText = "[TRUNCATED]"
const UNARY = 57505
const UNBOUNDED = 57997
const UNCOMMITTED = 57749
const UNDEFINED = 57621
const UNDERSCORE_ASCII = 57509
const UNDERSCORE_BIG5 = 57510
const UNDERSCORE_CP1250 = 57512
const UNDERSCORE_CP1251 = 57513
const UNDERSCORE_CP1256 = 57514
const UNDERSCORE_CP1257 = 57515
const UNDERSCORE_CP850 = 57516
const UNDERSCORE_CP852 = 57517
const UNDERSCORE_CP866 = 57518
const UNDERSCORE_CP932 = 57519
const UNDERSCORE_DEC8 = 57520
const UNDERSCORE_EUCKR = 57522
const UNDERSCORE_GB18030 = 57523
const UNDERSCORE_GB2312 = 57524
const UNDERSCORE_GBK = 57525
const UNDERSCORE_GEOSTD8 = 57526
const UNDERSCORE_GREEK = 57527
const UNDERSCORE_HP8 = 57529
const UNDERSCORE_KEYBCS2 = 57530
const UNDERSCORE_KOI8R = 57531
const UNDERSCORE_KOI8U = 57532
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN1 = 57533
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN2 = 57534
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN5 = 57535
const UNDERSCORE_LATIN7 = 57536
const UNDERSCORE_MACCE = 57537
const UNDERSCORE_SJIS = 57539
const UNDERSCORE_SWE7 = 57540
const UNDERSCORE_TIS620 = 57541
const UNDERSCORE_UCS2 = 57542
const UNDERSCORE_UJIS = 57543
const UNDERSCORE_UTF16 = 57544
const UNDERSCORE_UTF16LE = 57545
const UNDERSCORE_UTF32 = 57546
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8 = 57547
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB3 = 57549
const UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB4 = 57548
const UNICODE = 57700
const UNION = 57351
const UNIQUE = 57478
const UNKNOWN = 57460
const UNLOCK = 57378
const UNSIGNED = 57705
const UNTHROTTLE = 57638
const UNUSED = 57913
const UPDATE = 57356
const UPGRADE = 57613
const USE = 57418
const USER = 57728
const USER_RESOURCES = 58024
const USING = 57421
const UTC_DATE = 57765
const UTC_TIME = 57766
const UTC_TIMESTAMP = 57767
const UpdateXML = 57849
const VALIDATION = 57911
const VALUE = 57404
const VALUES = 57401
const VALUE_ARG = 57445
const VARBINARY = 57676
const VARCHAR = 57673
const VARIABLES = 57615
const VARIANCE = 57842
const VAR_POP = 57840
const VAR_SAMP = 57841
const VCPU = 57998
const VEXPLAIN = 58014
const VGTID_EXECUTED = 57729
const VIEW = 57569
const VINDEX = 57609
const VINDEXES = 57610
const VIRTUAL = 57469
const VISIBLE = 57999
const VITESS = 58011
const VITESS_KEYSPACES = 57730
const VITESS_METADATA = 57731
const VITESS_MIGRATION = 57631
const VITESS_SHARDS = 57734
const VITESS_TABLETS = 57735
const VITESS_TARGET = 57736
const VITESS_THROTTLER = 57642
const VSCHEMA = 57737
const VSTREAM = 57354
const VTEXPLAIN = 58013
const WARNINGS = 57616
const WEEK = 57787
const WEIGHT_STRING = 57806
const WHEN = 57487
const WHERE = 57359
const WINDOW = 57938
const WINDOW_EXPR = 57551
const WITH = 57907
const WITHOUT = 57910
const WORK = 57650
const WRITE = 57745
const XOR = 57482
const YEAR = 57671
const YEAR_MONTH = 57786
const ZEROFILL = 57706
Variables ¶
var Equals = &Comparator{}
Equals is the default Comparator for AST expressions.
var ErrEmpty = vterrors.NewErrorf(vtrpcpb.Code_INVALID_ARGUMENT, vterrors.EmptyQuery, "Query was empty")
ErrEmpty is a sentinel error returned when parsing empty statements.
var ErrInvalidPriority = vterrors.Errorf(vtrpcpb.Code_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid priority value specified in query")
var HasValueSubQueryBaseName = []byte("__sq_has_values")
Functions ¶
func AllowScatterDirective ¶ added in v0.12.0
AllowScatterDirective returns true if the allow scatter override is set to true
func CachePlan ¶ added in v0.9.0
CachePlan takes Statement and returns true if the query plan should be cached
func CanNormalize ¶
CanNormalize takes Statement and returns if the statement can be normalized.
func CanonicalString ¶ added in v0.14.0
CanonicalString returns a canonical string representation of an SQLNode where all identifiers are always escaped and all SQL syntax is in uppercase. This matches the canonical output from MySQL.
func CloneRefOfBool ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfBool creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRefOfInt ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfInt creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfString ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneSliceOfString creates a deep clone of the input.
func CompliantString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func Consolidator ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Consolidator(stmt Statement) querypb.ExecuteOptions_Consolidator
Consolidator returns the consolidator option.
func ContainsAggregation ¶ added in v0.12.0
ContainsAggregation returns true if the expression contains aggregation
func ConvertMySQLVersionToCommentVersion ¶ added in v0.19.0
ConvertMySQLVersionToCommentVersion converts the MySQL version into comment version format.
func EncodeValue ¶
func EncodeValue(buf *strings.Builder, value *querypb.BindVariable)
EncodeValue encodes one bind variable value into the query.
func ExtractMysqlComment ¶
ExtractMysqlComment extracts the version and SQL from a comment-only query such as /*!50708 sql here */
func FetchBindVar ¶
func FetchBindVar(name string, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable) (val *querypb.BindVariable, isList bool, err error)
FetchBindVar resolves the bind variable by fetching it from bindVariables.
func FkChecksStateString ¶ added in v0.19.0
FkChecksStateString prints the foreign key checks state.
func ForeignKeyChecksState ¶ added in v0.19.0
ForeignKeyChecksState returns the state of foreign_key_checks variable if it is part of a SET_VAR optimizer hint in the comments.
func FormatImpossibleQuery ¶
func FormatImpossibleQuery(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode)
FormatImpossibleQuery creates an impossible query in a TrackedBuffer. An impossible query is a modified version of a query where all selects have where clauses that are impossible for mysql to resolve. This is used in the vtgate and vttablet:
- In the vtgate it's used for joins: if the first query returns no result, then vtgate uses the impossible query just to fetch field info from vttablet - In the vttablet, it's just an optimization: the field info is fetched once form MySQL, cached and reused for subsequent queries
func GetBindvars ¶
GetBindvars returns a map of the bind vars referenced in the statement.
func GetPriorityFromStatement ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetPriorityFromStatement gets the priority from the provided Statement, using DirectivePriority
func GetWorkloadNameFromStatement ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetWorkloadNameFromStatement gets the workload name from the provided Statement, using workloadLabel as the name of the query directive that specifies it.
func IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective ¶
IgnoreMaxMaxMemoryRowsDirective returns true if the max memory rows override directive is set to true.
func IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective ¶
IgnoreMaxPayloadSizeDirective returns true if the max payload size override directive is set to true.
func IsDMLStatement ¶
IsDMLStatement returns true if the query is an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
func IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
func IsLockingFunc ¶
IsLockingFunc returns true for all functions that are used to work with mysql advisory locks
func IsSimpleTuple ¶
IsSimpleTuple returns true if the Expr is a ValTuple that contains simple values or if it's a list arg.
func IsValue ¶
IsValue returns true if the Expr is a string, integral or value arg. NULL is not considered to be a value.
func KeywordString ¶
KeywordString returns the string corresponding to the given keyword
func LikeToRegexp ¶
LikeToRegexp converts a like sql expression to regular expression
func MultiShardAutocommitDirective ¶ added in v0.12.0
MultiShardAutocommitDirective returns true if multishard autocommit directive is set to true in query.
func MultiTable ¶ added in v0.19.0
func MustRewriteAST ¶ added in v0.10.0
MustRewriteAST takes Statement and returns true if RewriteAST must run on it for correct execution irrespective of user flags.
func Normalize ¶
func Normalize(stmt Statement, reserved *ReservedVars, bindVars map[string]*querypb.BindVariable) error
Normalize changes the statement to use bind values, and updates the bind vars to those values. The supplied prefix is used to generate the bind var names. The function ensures that there are no collisions with existing bind vars. Within Select constructs, bind vars are deduped. This allows us to identify vindex equality. Otherwise, every value is treated as distinct.
func ParseAndBind ¶ added in v0.9.0
func ParseAndBind(in string, binds ...*querypb.BindVariable) (query string, err error)
ParseAndBind is a one step sweep that binds variables to an input query, in order of placeholders. It is useful when one doesn't have any parser-variables, just bind variables. Example:
query, err := ParseAndBind("select * from tbl where name=%a", sqltypes.StringBindVariable("it's me"))
func RemoveKeyspace ¶ added in v0.13.0
func RemoveKeyspace(in SQLNode)
RemoveKeyspace removes the Qualifier.Qualifier on all ColNames and Qualifier on all TableNames in the AST
func RemoveKeyspaceInCol ¶ added in v0.19.0
func RemoveKeyspaceInCol(in SQLNode)
RemoveKeyspaceInCol removes the Qualifier.Qualifier on all ColNames in the AST
func RemoveKeyspaceInTables ¶ added in v0.18.6
func RemoveKeyspaceInTables(in SQLNode)
RemoveKeyspaceInTables removes the Qualifier on all TableNames in the AST
func SQLToBindvar ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SQLToBindvar(node SQLNode) *querypb.BindVariable
func SQLTypeToQueryType ¶ added in v0.15.3
func StripLeadingComments ¶
StripLeadingComments trims the SQL string and removes any leading comments
func SystemSchema ¶ added in v0.9.0
SystemSchema returns true if the schema passed is system schema
func ToString ¶ added in v0.11.0
ToString prints the list of table expressions as a string To be used as an alternate for String for []TableExpr
func TruncateQuery ¶ added in v0.19.0
func UnescapedString ¶ added in v0.17.0
UnescapedString will return a string where no identifiers have been escaped.
func VisitAggrFunc ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitAlgorithmValue ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitAlgorithmValue(in AlgorithmValue, f Visit) error
func VisitAllSelects ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitAllSelects(in SelectStatement, f func(p *Select, idx int) error) error
func VisitAlterOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitAlterOption(in AlterOption, f Visit) error
func VisitBoolVal ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitCallable ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitColTuple ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitColumns ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitConstraintInfo ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitConstraintInfo(in ConstraintInfo, f Visit) error
func VisitDBDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitDBDDLStatement(in DBDDLStatement, f Visit) error
func VisitDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitDDLStatement(in DDLStatement, f Visit) error
func VisitExplain ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitIdentifierCI(in IdentifierCI, f Visit) error
func VisitIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitIdentifierCS(in IdentifierCS, f Visit) error
func VisitIndexHints ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitIndexHints(in IndexHints, f Visit) error
func VisitInsertRows ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitInsertRows(in InsertRows, f Visit) error
func VisitListArg ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitMatchAction ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitMatchAction(in MatchAction, f Visit) error
func VisitNamedWindows ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitNamedWindows(in NamedWindows, f Visit) error
func VisitOnDup ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitOrderBy ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitPartitions ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitPartitions(in Partitions, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAddColumns ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAddColumns(in *AddColumns, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAddConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(in *AddConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAddIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAddIndexDefinition(in *AddIndexDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAliasedExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAliasedExpr(in *AliasedExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAliasedTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAliasedTableExpr(in *AliasedTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterCharset ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterCharset(in *AlterCharset, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterCheck ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfAlterCheck(in *AlterCheck, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterColumn(in *AlterColumn, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterDatabase(in *AlterDatabase, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterIndex ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfAlterIndex(in *AlterIndex, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterMigration(in *AlterMigration, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterTable(in *AlterTable, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAlterView ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterVschema ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAlterVschema(in *AlterVschema, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAnalyze ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitRefOfAndExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAnyValue ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitRefOfArgument ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr(in *ArgumentLessWindowExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAssignmentExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfAssignmentExpr(in *AssignmentExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAutoIncSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfAutoIncSpec(in *AutoIncSpec, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfAvg ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfBegin ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfBetweenExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfBetweenExpr(in *BetweenExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfBinaryExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfBinaryExpr(in *BinaryExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfBitAnd ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfBitOr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfBitXor ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfCallProc ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCaseExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCastExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfChangeColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfChangeColumn(in *ChangeColumn, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCharExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(in *CheckConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfColName ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCollateExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCollateExpr(in *CollateExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfColumnDefinition(in *ColumnDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfColumnType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfColumnType(in *ColumnType, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCommentOnly ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfCommentOnly(in *CommentOnly, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCommit ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfCommonTableExpr(in *CommonTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfComparisonExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfComparisonExpr(in *ComparisonExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfConstraintDefinition(in *ConstraintDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfConvertExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfConvertExpr(in *ConvertExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfConvertType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfConvertType(in *ConvertType, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfConvertUsingExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfConvertUsingExpr(in *ConvertUsingExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCount ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfCountStar ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfCreateDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCreateDatabase(in *CreateDatabase, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCreateTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCreateTable(in *CreateTable, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCreateView ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCreateView(in *CreateView, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(in *CurTimeFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfDeallocateStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfDeallocateStmt(in *DeallocateStmt, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfDefault ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDefiner ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfDelete ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDerivedTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDerivedTable(in *DerivedTable, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfDropColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDropColumn(in *DropColumn, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfDropDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDropDatabase(in *DropDatabase, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfDropKey ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDropTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfDropView ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfExecuteStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfExecuteStmt(in *ExecuteStmt, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfExistsExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfExistsExpr(in *ExistsExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfExplainStmt(in *ExplainStmt, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfExplainTab ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfExplainTab(in *ExplainTab, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfExtractFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfExtractFuncExpr(in *ExtractFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfExtractValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfExtractValueExpr(in *ExtractValueExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr(in *FirstOrLastValueExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfForce ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfForeignKeyDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(in *ForeignKeyDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFrameClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfFrameClause(in *FrameClause, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFramePoint ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfFramePoint(in *FramePoint, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFromFirstLastClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfFromFirstLastClause(in *FromFirstLastClause, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfGTIDFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfGTIDFuncExpr(in *GTIDFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr(in *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr(in *GeoHashFromPointExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr(in *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr(in *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomFormatExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomFormatExpr(in *GeomFormatExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr(in *GeomFromGeoHashExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr(in *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomFromTextExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomFromTextExpr(in *GeomFromTextExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr(in *GeomFromWKBExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr(in *GeomPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfGroupBy ¶ added in v0.20.0
func VisitRefOfGroupConcatExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfGroupConcatExpr(in *GroupConcatExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfIdentifierCI(in *IdentifierCI, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfIdentifierCS(in *IdentifierCS, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfIndexDefinition(in *IndexDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIndexHint ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfIndexInfo ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfInsert ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfInsertExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfInsertExpr(in *InsertExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIntervalDateExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitRefOfIntervalDateExpr(in *IntervalDateExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIntervalFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfIntervalFuncExpr(in *IntervalFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIntroducerExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfIntroducerExpr(in *IntroducerExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfIsExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfJSONArrayExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONArrayExpr(in *JSONArrayExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONAttributesExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(in *JSONAttributesExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONContainsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONContainsExpr(in *JSONContainsExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(in *JSONContainsPathExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONExtractExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONExtractExpr(in *JSONExtractExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONKeysExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONKeysExpr(in *JSONKeysExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONObjectExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONObjectExpr(in *JSONObjectExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONObjectParam(in *JSONObjectParam, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(in *JSONOverlapsExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONPrettyExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(in *JSONPrettyExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONQuoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(in *JSONQuoteExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONRemoveExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(in *JSONRemoveExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(in *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONSearchExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONSearchExpr(in *JSONSearchExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(in *JSONStorageFreeExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(in *JSONStorageSizeExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONTableExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONTableExpr(in *JSONTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(in *JSONUnquoteExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONValueExpr(in *JSONValueExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(in *JSONValueMergeExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(in *JSONValueModifierExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJoinCondition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfJoinCondition(in *JoinCondition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJoinTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfJoinTableExpr(in *JoinTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJtColumnDefinition(in *JtColumnDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfJtOnResponse ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfJtOnResponse(in *JtOnResponse, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfKeyState ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfKill ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitRefOfLagLeadExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfLagLeadExpr(in *LagLeadExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLimit ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfLineStringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfLineStringExpr(in *LineStringExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr(in *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLiteral ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfLoad ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfLocateExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfLocateExpr(in *LocateExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLockOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfLockOption(in *LockOption, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLockTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfLockTables(in *LockTables, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfLockingFunc ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfLockingFunc(in *LockingFunc, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfMatchExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfMax ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfMemberOfExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfMemberOfExpr(in *MemberOfExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfMin ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfModifyColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfModifyColumn(in *ModifyColumn, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfMultiLinestringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfMultiLinestringExpr(in *MultiLinestringExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfMultiPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfMultiPointExpr(in *MultiPointExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfMultiPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfMultiPolygonExpr(in *MultiPolygonExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfNTHValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfNTHValueExpr(in *NTHValueExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfNamedWindow ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfNamedWindow(in *NamedWindow, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfNextval ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfNotExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfNtileExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfNullTreatmentClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfNullTreatmentClause(in *NullTreatmentClause, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfNullVal ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOffset ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfOptLike ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOrExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOrder ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOrderByOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOrderByOption(in *OrderByOption, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfOtherAdmin ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfOtherAdmin(in *OtherAdmin, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfOverClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfOverClause(in *OverClause, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfParenTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfParenTableExpr(in *ParenTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfParsedComments(in *ParsedComments, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinition(in *PartitionDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *PartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionEngine ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionEngine(in *PartitionEngine, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionOption ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionOption(in *PartitionOption, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionSpec(in *PartitionSpec, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPartitionValueRange ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfPartitionValueRange(in *PartitionValueRange, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr(in *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr(in *PointPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfPolygonExpr(in *PolygonExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr(in *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfPrepareStmt(in *PrepareStmt, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs ¶ added in v0.17.0
func VisitRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs(in *PurgeBinaryLogs, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfReferenceDefinition ¶ added in v0.11.0
func VisitRefOfReferenceDefinition(in *ReferenceDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRegexpInstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfRegexpInstrExpr(in *RegexpInstrExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRegexpLikeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfRegexpLikeExpr(in *RegexpLikeExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr(in *RegexpReplaceExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr(in *RegexpSubstrExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRelease ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRenameColumn ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfRenameColumn(in *RenameColumn, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRenameIndex ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRenameIndex(in *RenameIndex, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRenameTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRenameTable(in *RenameTable, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRenameTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRenameTableName(in *RenameTableName, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRevertMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRevertMigration(in *RevertMigration, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfRollback ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfRootNode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func VisitRefOfRowAlias ¶ added in v0.20.0
func VisitRefOfSRollback ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSavepoint ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSelect ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSelectInto ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSelectInto(in *SelectInto, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfSet ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSetExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfShow ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfShowBasic ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfShowCreate ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfShowCreate(in *ShowCreate, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfShowFilter ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfShowFilter(in *ShowFilter, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfShowMigrationLogs ¶ added in v0.11.0
func VisitRefOfShowMigrationLogs(in *ShowMigrationLogs, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfShowOther ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfShowThrottledApps ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfShowThrottledApps(in *ShowThrottledApps, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfShowThrottlerStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func VisitRefOfShowThrottlerStatus(in *ShowThrottlerStatus, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfStarExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfStd ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfStdDev ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfStdPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfStdSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfStream ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSubPartition ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfSubPartition(in *SubPartition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(in *SubPartitionDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(in *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfSubquery ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfSubstrExpr(in *SubstrExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfSum ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfTableSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfTablespaceOperation ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfTablespaceOperation(in *TablespaceOperation, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfTimestampDiffExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func VisitRefOfTimestampDiffExpr(in *TimestampDiffExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfTrimFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfTrimFuncExpr(in *TrimFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfTruncateTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfTruncateTable(in *TruncateTable, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfUnaryExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfUnion ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfUnlockTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfUnlockTables(in *UnlockTables, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfUpdate ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfUpdateExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfUpdateExpr(in *UpdateExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfUpdateXMLExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfUpdateXMLExpr(in *UpdateXMLExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfUse ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfVExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func VisitRefOfVExplainStmt(in *VExplainStmt, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfVStream ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfValidation ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfValidation(in *Validation, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfValuesFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfValuesFuncExpr(in *ValuesFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfVarPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfVarSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfVariable ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfVariance ¶ added in v0.15.0
func VisitRefOfVindexParam ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfVindexParam(in *VindexParam, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfVindexSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfVindexSpec(in *VindexSpec, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(in *WeightStringFuncExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfWhen ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfWhere ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitRefOfWindowDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfWindowDefinition(in *WindowDefinition, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfWindowSpecification ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitRefOfWindowSpecification(in *WindowSpecification, f Visit) error
func VisitRefOfWith ¶ added in v0.13.0
func VisitRefOfXorExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitReferenceAction ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitReferenceAction(in ReferenceAction, f Visit) error
func VisitRootNode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func VisitSQLNode ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSelectExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSelectExpr(in SelectExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitSelectExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSelectExprs(in SelectExprs, f Visit) error
func VisitSelectStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSelectStatement(in SelectStatement, f Visit) error
func VisitSetExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitShowInternal ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitShowInternal(in ShowInternal, f Visit) error
func VisitSimpleTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSimpleTableExpr(in SimpleTableExpr, f Visit) error
func VisitStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitSubPartitionDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitSubPartitionDefinitions(in SubPartitionDefinitions, f Visit) error
func VisitTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitTableExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitTableExprs(in TableExprs, f Visit) error
func VisitTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitTableNames ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitTableNames(in TableNames, f Visit) error
func VisitTableOptions ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitTableOptions(in TableOptions, f Visit) error
func VisitUpdateExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitUpdateExprs(in UpdateExprs, f Visit) error
func VisitValTuple ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitValues ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitVindexParam ¶ added in v0.10.0
func VisitVindexParam(in VindexParam, f Visit) error
func VisitWindowDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func VisitWindowDefinitions(in WindowDefinitions, f Visit) error
Types ¶
type AddColumns ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AddColumns struct { Columns []*ColumnDefinition First bool After *ColName }
AddColumns represents a ADD COLUMN alter option
func CloneRefOfAddColumns ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAddColumns(n *AddColumns) *AddColumns
CloneRefOfAddColumns creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AddColumns) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AddColumns) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AddColumns) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AddColumns) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AddColumns) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AddColumns) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AddConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AddConstraintDefinition struct {
ConstraintDefinition *ConstraintDefinition
AddConstraintDefinition represents a ADD CONSTRAINT alter option
func CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition(n *AddConstraintDefinition) *AddConstraintDefinition
CloneRefOfAddConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AddConstraintDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AddConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AddConstraintDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AddConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AddConstraintDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AddConstraintDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AddIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AddIndexDefinition struct {
IndexDefinition *IndexDefinition
AddIndexDefinition represents a ADD INDEX alter option
func CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition(n *AddIndexDefinition) *AddIndexDefinition
CloneRefOfAddIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AddIndexDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AddIndexDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AddIndexDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AddIndexDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AddIndexDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AddIndexDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AggrFunc ¶ added in v0.15.0
type AggrFunc interface { Expr GetArg() Expr GetArgs() Exprs SetArg(expr Expr) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error // AggrName returns the lower case string representing this aggregation function AggrName() string }
*********** Expressions
func CloneAggrFunc ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneAggrFunc creates a deep clone of the input.
type AggregateRule ¶ added in v0.18.0
type AggregateRule int8
const ( CannotAggregate AggregateRule = iota CanAggregate IsAggregate )
Constants for Enum Type - AggregateRule
type AlgorithmValue ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlgorithmValue string
AlgorithmValue is the algorithm specified in the alter table command
func (AlgorithmValue) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node AlgorithmValue) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (AlgorithmValue) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node AlgorithmValue) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AliasedExpr ¶
type AliasedExpr struct { Expr Expr As IdentifierCI }
AliasedExpr defines an aliased SELECT expression.
func CloneRefOfAliasedExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAliasedExpr(n *AliasedExpr) *AliasedExpr
CloneRefOfAliasedExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewAliasedExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewAliasedExpr(expr Expr, alias string) *AliasedExpr
NewAliasedExpr makes a new AliasedExpr
func (*AliasedExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AliasedExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AliasedExpr) ColumnName ¶ added in v0.13.3
func (ae *AliasedExpr) ColumnName() string
ColumnName returns the alias if one was provided, otherwise prints the AST
func (*AliasedExpr) Format ¶
func (node *AliasedExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AliasedExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AliasedExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*AliasedExpr) SetAlias ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (ae *AliasedExpr) SetAlias(alias string)
type AliasedTableExpr ¶
type AliasedTableExpr struct { Expr SimpleTableExpr Partitions Partitions As IdentifierCS Hints IndexHints Columns Columns }
AliasedTableExpr represents a table expression coupled with an optional alias or index hint. If As is empty, no alias was used.
func CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr(n *AliasedTableExpr) *AliasedTableExpr
CloneRefOfAliasedTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewAliasedTableExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewAliasedTableExpr(simpleTableExpr SimpleTableExpr, alias string) *AliasedTableExpr
NewAliasedTableExpr makes a new AliasedTableExpr with an alias
func (*AliasedTableExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AliasedTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AliasedTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *AliasedTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AliasedTableExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AliasedTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints ¶
func (node *AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints() *AliasedTableExpr
RemoveHints returns a new AliasedTableExpr with the hints removed.
func (*AliasedTableExpr) TableName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AliasedTableExpr) TableName() (TableName, error)
TableName returns a TableName pointing to this table expr
type AlterCharset ¶ added in v0.9.0
AlterCharset is used to set the default or change the character set and collation in alter table command
func CloneRefOfAlterCharset ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterCharset(n *AlterCharset) *AlterCharset
CloneRefOfAlterCharset creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterCharset) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterCharset) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterCharset) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterCharset) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*AlterCharset) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterCharset) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type AlterCheck ¶ added in v0.14.0
type AlterCheck struct { Name IdentifierCI Enforced bool }
AlterCheck represents the `ALTER CHECK` part in an `ALTER TABLE ALTER CHECK` command.
func CloneRefOfAlterCheck ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfAlterCheck(n *AlterCheck) *AlterCheck
CloneRefOfAlterCheck creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterCheck) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *AlterCheck) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterCheck) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *AlterCheck) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*AlterCheck) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterCheck) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type AlterColumn ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterColumn struct { Column *ColName DropDefault bool DefaultVal Expr DefaultLiteral bool Invisible *bool }
AlterColumn is used to add or drop defaults & visibility to columns in alter table command
func CloneRefOfAlterColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterColumn(n *AlterColumn) *AlterColumn
CloneRefOfAlterColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterColumn) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*AlterColumn) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterColumn) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type AlterDatabase ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterDatabase struct { DBName IdentifierCS UpdateDataDirectory bool AlterOptions []DatabaseOption FullyParsed bool }
AlterDatabase represents a ALTER database statement.
func CloneRefOfAlterDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterDatabase(n *AlterDatabase) *AlterDatabase
CloneRefOfAlterDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterDatabase) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterDatabase) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AlterDatabase) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*AlterDatabase) GetDatabaseName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*AlterDatabase) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*AlterDatabase) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *AlterDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
type AlterIndex ¶ added in v0.14.0
type AlterIndex struct { Name IdentifierCI Invisible bool }
AlterIndex represents the `ALTER INDEX` part in an `ALTER TABLE ALTER INDEX` command.
func CloneRefOfAlterIndex ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfAlterIndex(n *AlterIndex) *AlterIndex
CloneRefOfAlterIndex creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterIndex) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *AlterIndex) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterIndex) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *AlterIndex) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*AlterIndex) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterIndex) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type AlterMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
type AlterMigration struct { Type AlterMigrationType UUID string Expire string Ratio *Literal Shards string }
AlterMigration represents a ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION statement
func CloneRefOfAlterMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterMigration(n *AlterMigration) *AlterMigration
CloneRefOfAlterMigration creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterMigration) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterMigration) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterMigration) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *AlterMigration) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AlterMigration) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterMigration) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AlterMigrationType ¶ added in v0.10.0
type AlterMigrationType int8
AlterMigrationType represents the type of operation in an ALTER VITESS_MIGRATION statement
const ( RetryMigrationType AlterMigrationType = iota LaunchMigrationType LaunchAllMigrationType CompleteMigrationType CompleteAllMigrationType CancelMigrationType CancelAllMigrationType CleanupMigrationType ThrottleMigrationType ThrottleAllMigrationType UnthrottleMigrationType UnthrottleAllMigrationType ForceCutOverMigrationType ForceCutOverAllMigrationType )
AlterMigrationType constants
type AlterOption ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterOption interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
AlterOption is an interface that represents the various options in ALTER TABLE statements
func CloneAlterOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneAlterOption(in AlterOption) AlterOption
CloneAlterOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfAlterOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfAlterOption(n []AlterOption) []AlterOption
CloneSliceOfAlterOption creates a deep clone of the input.
type AlterTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterTable struct { Table TableName AlterOptions []AlterOption PartitionSpec *PartitionSpec PartitionOption *PartitionOption Comments *ParsedComments FullyParsed bool }
AlterTable represents a ALTER TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfAlterTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterTable(n *AlterTable) *AlterTable
CloneRefOfAlterTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterTable) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.
func (*AlterTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterTable) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the AlterTable node.
func (*AlterTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the AlterTable node.
func (*AlterTable) GetAction ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetAction() DDLAction
GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetIfExists() bool
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetIsReplace() bool
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*AlterTable) GetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetTable() TableName
GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *AlterTable) IsTemporary() bool
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *AlterTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*AlterTable) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*AlterTable) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *AlterTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterTable) SetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
SetTable implements DDLStatement.
type AlterView ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterView struct { ViewName TableName Algorithm string Definer *Definer Security string Columns Columns Select SelectStatement CheckOption string Comments *ParsedComments }
AlterView represents a ALTER VIEW query
func CloneRefOfAlterView ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfAlterView creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterView) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterView) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*AlterView) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*AlterView) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AlterView) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*AlterView) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterView) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *AlterView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*AlterView) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterView) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*AlterView) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*AlterView) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*AlterView) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
type AlterVschema ¶ added in v0.9.0
type AlterVschema struct { Action DDLAction Table TableName // VindexSpec is set for CreateVindexDDLAction, DropVindexDDLAction, AddColVindexDDLAction, DropColVindexDDLAction. VindexSpec *VindexSpec // VindexCols is set for AddColVindexDDLAction. VindexCols []IdentifierCI // AutoIncSpec is set for AddAutoIncDDLAction. AutoIncSpec *AutoIncSpec }
AlterVschema represents a ALTER VSCHEMA statement.
func CloneRefOfAlterVschema ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAlterVschema(n *AlterVschema) *AlterVschema
CloneRefOfAlterVschema creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AlterVschema) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AlterVschema) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AlterVschema) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *AlterVschema) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AlterVschema) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AlterVschema) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Analyze ¶ added in v0.18.0
Analyze represents the Analyze statement.
func CloneRefOfAnalyze ¶ added in v0.18.0
CloneRefOfAnalyze creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Analyze) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (*Analyze) Format ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *Analyze) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Analyze) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Analyze) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AndExpr ¶
type AndExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
AndExpr represents an AND expression.
func CloneRefOfAndExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfAndExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AndExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*AndExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AndExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type AnyValue ¶ added in v0.18.0
type AnyValue struct {
Arg Expr
AnyValue is an aggregation function in Vitess, even if the MySQL manual explicitly says it's not It's just simpler to treat it as one see
func CloneRefOfAnyValue ¶ added in v0.18.0
CloneRefOfAnyValue creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AnyValue) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (*AnyValue) Format ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *AnyValue) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*AnyValue) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AnyValue) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type ApplyFunc ¶
An ApplyFunc is invoked by Rewrite for each node n, even if n is nil, before and/or after the node's children, using a Cursor describing the current node and providing operations on it.
The return value of ApplyFunc controls the syntax tree traversal. See Rewrite for details.
type Argument ¶ added in v0.8.0
Argument represents bindvariable expression
func CloneRefOfArgument ¶ added in v0.17.0
CloneRefOfArgument creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewArgument ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewArgument builds a new ValArg.
func NewTypedArgument ¶ added in v0.17.0
func NewTypedArgumentFromLiteral ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*Argument) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Argument) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *Argument) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Argument) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Argument) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ArgumentLessWindowExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ArgumentLessWindowExpr struct { Type ArgumentLessWindowExprType OverClause *OverClause }
ArgumentLessWindowExpr stands for the following window_functions: CUME_DIST, DENSE_RANK, PERCENT_RANK, RANK, ROW_NUMBER These functions do not take any argument.
func CloneRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr(n *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) *ArgumentLessWindowExpr
CloneRefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ArgumentLessWindowExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ArgumentLessWindowExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*ArgumentLessWindowExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*ArgumentLessWindowExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ArgumentLessWindowExpr) IsExpr()
type ArgumentLessWindowExprType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ArgumentLessWindowExprType int8
ArgumentLessWindowExprType is an enum to get types of ArgumentLessWindowExpr.
const ( CumeDistExprType ArgumentLessWindowExprType = iota DenseRankExprType PercentRankExprType RankExprType RowNumberExprType )
Constants for Enum Type - ArgumentLessWindowExprType
func (ArgumentLessWindowExprType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty ArgumentLessWindowExprType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type AssignmentExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type AssignmentExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
AssignmentExpr represents an expression of type @value := x.
func CloneRefOfAssignmentExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfAssignmentExpr(n *AssignmentExpr) *AssignmentExpr
CloneRefOfAssignmentExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AssignmentExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *AssignmentExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AssignmentExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *AssignmentExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AssignmentExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AssignmentExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*AssignmentExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*AssignmentExpr) IsExpr()
type AutoIncSpec ¶
type AutoIncSpec struct { Column IdentifierCI Sequence TableName }
AutoIncSpec defines and autoincrement value for a ADD AUTO_INCREMENT statement
func CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec(n *AutoIncSpec) *AutoIncSpec
CloneRefOfAutoIncSpec creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*AutoIncSpec) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *AutoIncSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*AutoIncSpec) Format ¶
func (node *AutoIncSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*AutoIncSpec) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *AutoIncSpec) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Avg ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Avg struct { Arg Expr Distinct bool OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfAvg ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfAvg creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Avg) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Avg) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Avg) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Avg) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Avg) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Avg) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Avg) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
type Begin ¶
type Begin struct {
TxAccessModes []TxAccessMode
Begin represents a Begin statement.
func CloneRefOfBegin ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfBegin creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Begin) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Begin) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Begin) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type BetweenExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
BetweenExpr represents a BETWEEN or a NOT BETWEEN expression.
func CloneRefOfBetweenExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfBetweenExpr(n *BetweenExpr) *BetweenExpr
CloneRefOfBetweenExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*BetweenExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *BetweenExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*BetweenExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *BetweenExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*BetweenExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *BetweenExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*BetweenExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*BetweenExpr) IsExpr()
type BinaryExpr ¶
type BinaryExpr struct { Operator BinaryExprOperator Left, Right Expr }
BinaryExpr represents a binary value expression.
func CloneRefOfBinaryExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfBinaryExpr(n *BinaryExpr) *BinaryExpr
CloneRefOfBinaryExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*BinaryExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *BinaryExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*BinaryExpr) Format ¶
func (node *BinaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*BinaryExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *BinaryExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*BinaryExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*BinaryExpr) IsExpr()
type BinaryExprOperator ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BinaryExprOperator int8
BinaryExprOperator is an enum for BinaryExpr.Operator
const ( BitAndOp BinaryExprOperator = iota BitOrOp BitXorOp PlusOp MinusOp MultOp DivOp IntDivOp ModOp ShiftLeftOp ShiftRightOp JSONExtractOp JSONUnquoteExtractOp )
Constant for Enum Type - BinaryExprOperator
func (BinaryExprOperator) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (op BinaryExprOperator) ToString() string
ToString returns the operator as a string
type BindLocation ¶ added in v0.19.0
type BindLocation struct {
Offset, Length int
type BindVarNeeds ¶
type BindVarNeeds struct { NeedFunctionResult, NeedSystemVariable, NeedUserDefinedVariables []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BindVarNeeds represents the bind vars that need to be provided as the result of expression rewriting.
func (*BindVarNeeds) AddFuncResult ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddFuncResult(name string)
AddFuncResult adds a function bindvar need
func (*BindVarNeeds) AddSysVar ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddSysVar(name string)
AddSysVar adds a system variable bindvar need
func (*BindVarNeeds) AddUserDefVar ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) AddUserDefVar(name string)
AddUserDefVar adds a user defined variable bindvar need
func (*BindVarNeeds) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *BindVarNeeds) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*BindVarNeeds) HasRewrites ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) HasRewrites() bool
func (*BindVarNeeds) MergeWith ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) MergeWith(other *BindVarNeeds)
MergeWith adds bind vars needs coming from sub scopes
func (*BindVarNeeds) NeedsFuncResult ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NeedsFuncResult(name string) bool
NeedsFuncResult says if a function result needs to be provided
func (*BindVarNeeds) NeedsSysVar ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NeedsSysVar(name string) bool
NeedsSysVar says if a function result needs to be provided
func (*BindVarNeeds) NoteRewrite ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (bvn *BindVarNeeds) NoteRewrite()
type BindVars ¶ added in v0.10.0
type BindVars map[string]struct{}
BindVars is a set of reserved bind variables from a SQL statement
type BitAnd ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BitAnd struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfBitAnd ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfBitAnd creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*BitAnd) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*BitAnd) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *BitAnd) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*BitAnd) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *BitAnd) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type BitOr ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BitOr struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfBitOr ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfBitOr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*BitOr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*BitOr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *BitOr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*BitOr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *BitOr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type BitXor ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BitXor struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfBitXor ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfBitXor creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*BitXor) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*BitXor) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *BitXor) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*BitXor) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *BitXor) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type BoolVal ¶
type BoolVal bool
BoolVal is true or false.
func (BoolVal) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node BoolVal) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type CallProc ¶ added in v0.10.0
CallProc represents a CALL statement
func CloneRefOfCallProc ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfCallProc creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CallProc) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*CallProc) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *CallProc) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CallProc) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CallProc) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Callable ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Callable interface { Expr // contains filtered or unexported methods }
*********** Expressions
func CloneCallable ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneCallable creates a deep clone of the input.
type CaseExpr ¶
CaseExpr represents a CASE expression.
func CloneRefOfCaseExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfCaseExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewCaseExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
NewCaseExpr makes a new CaseExpr
func (*CaseExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*CaseExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CaseExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type CastExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type CastExpr struct { Expr Expr Type *ConvertType Array bool }
CastExpr represents a call to CAST(expr AS type) This is separate from CONVERT(expr, type) since there are places such as in CREATE TABLE statements where they are treated differently.
func CloneRefOfCastExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfCastExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CastExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*CastExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *CastExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CastExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CastExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ChangeColumn ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ChangeColumn struct { OldColumn *ColName NewColDefinition *ColumnDefinition First bool After *ColName }
ChangeColumn is used to change the column definition, can also rename the column in alter table command
func CloneRefOfChangeColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfChangeColumn(n *ChangeColumn) *ChangeColumn
CloneRefOfChangeColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ChangeColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ChangeColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ChangeColumn) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *ChangeColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*ChangeColumn) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ChangeColumn) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type CharExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
CharExpr represents a CHAR function expression
func CloneRefOfCharExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfCharExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CharExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*CharExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *CharExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CharExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CharExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type CheckConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.9.0
CheckConstraintDefinition describes a check constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(n *CheckConstraintDefinition) *CheckConstraintDefinition
CloneRefOfCheckConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CheckConstraintDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CheckConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CheckConstraintDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *CheckConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CheckConstraintDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *CheckConstraintDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ColName ¶
type ColName struct { Name IdentifierCI Qualifier TableName }
ColName represents a column name.
func CloneRefOfColName ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfColName creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfColName ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneSliceOfRefOfColName creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewColName ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewColName makes a new ColName
func NewColNameWithQualifier ¶ added in v0.9.0
NewColNameWithQualifier makes a new ColName pointing to a specific table
func (*ColName) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*ColName) CompliantName ¶ added in v0.10.0
CompliantName is used to get the name of the bind variable to use for this column name
func (*ColName) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ColName) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ColTuple ¶
type ColTuple interface { Expr // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ColTuple represents a list of column values. It can be ValTuple, Subquery, ListArg.
func CloneColTuple ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneColTuple creates a deep clone of the input.
type CollateExpr ¶
CollateExpr represents dynamic collate operator.
func CloneRefOfCollateExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCollateExpr(n *CollateExpr) *CollateExpr
CloneRefOfCollateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CollateExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CollateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CollateExpr) Format ¶
func (node *CollateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CollateExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CollateExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*CollateExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*CollateExpr) IsExpr()
type ColumnCharset ¶ added in v0.14.0
ColumnCharset exists because in the type definition it's possible to add the binary marker for a character set, so we need to track when this happens. We can't at the point of where we parse things backfill this with an existing collation. Firstly because we don't have access to that during parsing, but more importantly because it would generate syntax that is invalid.
Not in all cases where a binary marker is allowed, a collation is allowed. See specifically under Character Set Conversions.
func CloneColumnCharset ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneColumnCharset(n ColumnCharset) ColumnCharset
CloneColumnCharset creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRefOfColumnCharset ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfColumnCharset(n *ColumnCharset) *ColumnCharset
CloneRefOfColumnCharset creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ColumnCharset) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ColumnCharset) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type ColumnDefinition ¶
type ColumnDefinition struct { Name IdentifierCI Type *ColumnType }
ColumnDefinition describes a column in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfColumnDefinition(n *ColumnDefinition) *ColumnDefinition
CloneRefOfColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition(n []*ColumnDefinition) []*ColumnDefinition
CloneSliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ColumnDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ColumnDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ColumnDefinition) Format ¶
func (col *ColumnDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ColumnDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (col *ColumnDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ColumnFormat ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ColumnFormat int
ColumnFormat is an enum that defines the type of storage.
const ( UnspecifiedFormat ColumnFormat = iota FixedFormat DynamicFormat DefaultFormat )
ColumnFormat constants
func (ColumnFormat) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (columnFormat ColumnFormat) ToString() string
ToString returns the string associated with JoinType
type ColumnKeyOption ¶
type ColumnKeyOption int
ColumnKeyOption indicates whether or not the given column is defined as an index element and contains the type of the option
const ( ColKeyNone ColumnKeyOption = iota ColKeyPrimary ColKeySpatialKey ColKeyFulltextKey ColKeyUnique ColKeyUniqueKey ColKey )
type ColumnStorage ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ColumnStorage int
ColumnStorage is an enum that defines the type of storage.
const ( VirtualStorage ColumnStorage = iota StoredStorage )
ColumnStorage constants
type ColumnType ¶
type ColumnType struct { // The base type string Type string // Generic field options. Options *ColumnTypeOptions // Numeric field options Length *int Unsigned bool Zerofill bool Scale *int // Text field options Charset ColumnCharset // Enum and Set column definition values EnumValues []string }
ColumnType represents a sql type in a CREATE TABLE statement All optional fields are nil if not specified
func CloneRefOfColumnType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfColumnType(n *ColumnType) *ColumnType
CloneRefOfColumnType creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ColumnType) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ColumnType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ColumnType) DescribeType ¶
func (ct *ColumnType) DescribeType() string
DescribeType returns the abbreviated type information as required for describe table
func (*ColumnType) Format ¶
func (ct *ColumnType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format returns a canonical string representation of the type and all relevant options
func (*ColumnType) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (ct *ColumnType) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast returns a canonical string representation of the type and all relevant options
func (*ColumnType) Invisible ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (ct *ColumnType) Invisible() bool
func (*ColumnType) SQLType ¶
func (ct *ColumnType) SQLType() querypb.Type
SQLType returns the sqltypes type code for the given column
type ColumnTypeOptions ¶ added in v0.10.0
type ColumnTypeOptions struct { /* We need Null to be *bool to distinguish 3 cases - 1. When Not Null is specified (Null = false) 2. When Null is specified (Null = true) 3. When nothing is specified (Null = nil) The complexity arises from the fact that we do not know whether the column will be nullable or not if nothing is specified. Therefore we do not know whether the column is nullable or not in case 3. */ Null *bool Autoincrement bool Default Expr DefaultLiteral bool OnUpdate Expr As Expr Comment *Literal Storage ColumnStorage Collate string // Reference stores a foreign key constraint for the given column Reference *ReferenceDefinition // Key specification KeyOpt ColumnKeyOption // Stores the tri state of having either VISIBLE, INVISIBLE or nothing specified // on the column. In case of nothing, this is nil, when VISIBLE is set it's false // and only when INVISIBLE is set does the pointer value return true. Invisible *bool // Storage format for this specific column. This is NDB specific, but the parser // still allows for it and ignores it for other storage engines. So we also should // parse it but it's then not used anywhere. Format ColumnFormat // EngineAttribute is a new attribute not used for anything yet, but accepted // since 8.0.23 in the MySQL parser. EngineAttribute *Literal // SecondaryEngineAttribute is a new attribute not used for anything yet, but accepted // since 8.0.23 in the MySQL parser. SecondaryEngineAttribute *Literal // SRID is an attribute that indiciates the spatial reference system. // // SRID *Literal }
ColumnTypeOptions are generic field options for a column type
func CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions(n *ColumnTypeOptions) *ColumnTypeOptions
CloneRefOfColumnTypeOptions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ColumnTypeOptions) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ColumnTypeOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type Columns ¶
type Columns []IdentifierCI
Columns represents an insert column list.
func CloneColumns ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneColumns creates a deep clone of the input.
func MakeColumns ¶ added in v0.18.0
MakeColumns is used to make a list of columns from a list of strings. This function is meant to be used in testing code.
func (Columns) FindColumn ¶
func (node Columns) FindColumn(col IdentifierCI) int
FindColumn finds a column in the column list, returning the index if it exists or -1 otherwise
func (Columns) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node Columns) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type CommentDirectives ¶
type CommentDirectives struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CommentDirectives is the parsed representation for execution directives conveyed in query comments
func (*CommentDirectives) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *CommentDirectives) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CommentDirectives) GetString ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (d *CommentDirectives) GetString(key string, defaultVal string) (string, bool)
GetString gets a directive value as string, with default value if not found
func (*CommentDirectives) IsSet ¶
func (d *CommentDirectives) IsSet(key string) bool
IsSet checks the directive map for the named directive and returns true if the directive is set and has a true/false or 0/1 value
type CommentOnly ¶ added in v0.15.0
type CommentOnly struct {
Comments []string
CommentOnly represents a query which only has comments
func CloneRefOfCommentOnly ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfCommentOnly(n *CommentOnly) *CommentOnly
CloneRefOfCommentOnly creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CommentOnly) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *CommentOnly) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CommentOnly) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *CommentOnly) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CommentOnly) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CommentOnly) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Commented ¶ added in v0.14.0
type Commented interface { SetComments(comments Comments) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments }
type Comments ¶
type Comments []string
Comments represents a list of comments.
func CloneComments ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneComments creates a deep clone of the input.
func (Comments) Parsed ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c Comments) Parsed() *ParsedComments
type Commit ¶
type Commit struct{}
Commit represents a Commit statement.
func CloneRefOfCommit ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfCommit creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Commit) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Commit) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type CommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
type CommonTableExpr struct { ID IdentifierCS Columns Columns Subquery *Subquery }
CommonTableExpr is the structure for supporting common table expressions
func CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr(n *CommonTableExpr) *CommonTableExpr
CloneRefOfCommonTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr(n []*CommonTableExpr) []*CommonTableExpr
CloneSliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CommonTableExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *CommonTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CommonTableExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *CommonTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CommonTableExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CommonTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Comparator ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Comparator) AggrFunc ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) AggrFunc(inA, inB AggrFunc) bool
AggrFunc does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) AlterOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) AlterOption(inA, inB AlterOption) bool
AlterOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Callable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Callable(inA, inB Callable) bool
Callable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) ColTuple ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) ColTuple(inA, inB ColTuple) bool
ColTuple does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) ColumnCharset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) ColumnCharset(a, b ColumnCharset) bool
ColumnCharset does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Columns ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Columns(a, b Columns) bool
Columns does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Comments ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Comments(a, b Comments) bool
Comments does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) ConstraintInfo ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) ConstraintInfo(inA, inB ConstraintInfo) bool
ConstraintInfo does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) DBDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) DBDDLStatement(inA, inB DBDDLStatement) bool
DBDDLStatement does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) DDLStatement ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) DDLStatement(inA, inB DDLStatement) bool
DDLStatement does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) DatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) DatabaseOption(a, b DatabaseOption) bool
DatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Explain ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Explain(inA, inB Explain) bool
Explain does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Expr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Expr(inA, inB Expr) bool
Expr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Exprs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Exprs(a, b Exprs) bool
Exprs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) IdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) IdentifierCI(a, b IdentifierCI) bool
IdentifierCI does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) IdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) IdentifierCS(a, b IdentifierCS) bool
IdentifierCS does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) IndexHints ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) IndexHints(a, b IndexHints) bool
IndexHints does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) InsertRows ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) InsertRows(inA, inB InsertRows) bool
InsertRows does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) NamedWindows ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) NamedWindows(a, b NamedWindows) bool
NamedWindows does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) OnDup ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) OnDup(a, b OnDup) bool
OnDup does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) OrderBy ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) OrderBy(a, b OrderBy) bool
OrderBy does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Partitions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Partitions(a, b Partitions) bool
Partitions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAddColumns ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddColumns(a, b *AddColumns) bool
RefOfAddColumns does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAddConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddConstraintDefinition(a, b *AddConstraintDefinition) bool
RefOfAddConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAddIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAddIndexDefinition(a, b *AddIndexDefinition) bool
RefOfAddIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAliasedExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAliasedExpr(a, b *AliasedExpr) bool
RefOfAliasedExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAliasedTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAliasedTableExpr(a, b *AliasedTableExpr) bool
RefOfAliasedTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterCharset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterCharset(a, b *AlterCharset) bool
RefOfAlterCharset does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterCheck ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterCheck(a, b *AlterCheck) bool
RefOfAlterCheck does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterColumn(a, b *AlterColumn) bool
RefOfAlterColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterDatabase(a, b *AlterDatabase) bool
RefOfAlterDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterIndex(a, b *AlterIndex) bool
RefOfAlterIndex does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterMigration ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterMigration(a, b *AlterMigration) bool
RefOfAlterMigration does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterTable(a, b *AlterTable) bool
RefOfAlterTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterView ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterView(a, b *AlterView) bool
RefOfAlterView does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAlterVschema ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAlterVschema(a, b *AlterVschema) bool
RefOfAlterVschema does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAnalyze ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAnalyze(a, b *Analyze) bool
RefOfAnalyze does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAndExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAndExpr(a, b *AndExpr) bool
RefOfAndExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAnyValue ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAnyValue(a, b *AnyValue) bool
RefOfAnyValue does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfArgument ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfArgument(a, b *Argument) bool
RefOfArgument does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr(a, b *ArgumentLessWindowExpr) bool
RefOfArgumentLessWindowExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAssignmentExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAssignmentExpr(a, b *AssignmentExpr) bool
RefOfAssignmentExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAutoIncSpec ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAutoIncSpec(a, b *AutoIncSpec) bool
RefOfAutoIncSpec does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfAvg ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfAvg(a, b *Avg) bool
RefOfAvg does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBegin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBegin(a, b *Begin) bool
RefOfBegin does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBetweenExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBetweenExpr(a, b *BetweenExpr) bool
RefOfBetweenExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBinaryExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBinaryExpr(a, b *BinaryExpr) bool
RefOfBinaryExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBitAnd ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitAnd(a, b *BitAnd) bool
RefOfBitAnd does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBitOr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitOr(a, b *BitOr) bool
RefOfBitOr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBitXor ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBitXor(a, b *BitXor) bool
RefOfBitXor does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfBool ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfBool(a, b *bool) bool
RefOfBool does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCallProc ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCallProc(a, b *CallProc) bool
RefOfCallProc does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCaseExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCaseExpr(a, b *CaseExpr) bool
RefOfCaseExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCastExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCastExpr(a, b *CastExpr) bool
RefOfCastExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfChangeColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfChangeColumn(a, b *ChangeColumn) bool
RefOfChangeColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCharExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCharExpr(a, b *CharExpr) bool
RefOfCharExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCheckConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCheckConstraintDefinition(a, b *CheckConstraintDefinition) bool
RefOfCheckConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfColName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColName(a, b *ColName) bool
RefOfColName does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCollateExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCollateExpr(a, b *CollateExpr) bool
RefOfCollateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfColumnCharset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnCharset(a, b *ColumnCharset) bool
RefOfColumnCharset does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnDefinition(a, b *ColumnDefinition) bool
RefOfColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfColumnType ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnType(a, b *ColumnType) bool
RefOfColumnType does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfColumnTypeOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfColumnTypeOptions(a, b *ColumnTypeOptions) bool
RefOfColumnTypeOptions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCommentOnly ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommentOnly(a, b *CommentOnly) bool
RefOfCommentOnly does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCommit ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommit(a, b *Commit) bool
RefOfCommit does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b *CommonTableExpr) bool
RefOfCommonTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfComparisonExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfComparisonExpr(a, b *ComparisonExpr) bool
RefOfComparisonExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b *ConstraintDefinition) bool
RefOfConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfConvertExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertExpr(a, b *ConvertExpr) bool
RefOfConvertExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfConvertType ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertType(a, b *ConvertType) bool
RefOfConvertType does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfConvertUsingExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfConvertUsingExpr(a, b *ConvertUsingExpr) bool
RefOfConvertUsingExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCount ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCount(a, b *Count) bool
RefOfCount does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCountStar ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCountStar(a, b *CountStar) bool
RefOfCountStar does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCreateDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateDatabase(a, b *CreateDatabase) bool
RefOfCreateDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCreateTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateTable(a, b *CreateTable) bool
RefOfCreateTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCreateView ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCreateView(a, b *CreateView) bool
RefOfCreateView does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfCurTimeFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(a, b *CurTimeFuncExpr) bool
RefOfCurTimeFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDatabaseOption(a, b *DatabaseOption) bool
RefOfDatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDeallocateStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDeallocateStmt(a, b *DeallocateStmt) bool
RefOfDeallocateStmt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDefault ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDefault(a, b *Default) bool
RefOfDefault does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDefiner ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDefiner(a, b *Definer) bool
RefOfDefiner does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDelete ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDelete(a, b *Delete) bool
RefOfDelete does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDerivedTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDerivedTable(a, b *DerivedTable) bool
RefOfDerivedTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDropColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropColumn(a, b *DropColumn) bool
RefOfDropColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDropDatabase ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropDatabase(a, b *DropDatabase) bool
RefOfDropDatabase does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDropKey ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropKey(a, b *DropKey) bool
RefOfDropKey does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDropTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropTable(a, b *DropTable) bool
RefOfDropTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfDropView ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfDropView(a, b *DropView) bool
RefOfDropView does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExecuteStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExecuteStmt(a, b *ExecuteStmt) bool
RefOfExecuteStmt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExistsExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExistsExpr(a, b *ExistsExpr) bool
RefOfExistsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExplainStmt(a, b *ExplainStmt) bool
RefOfExplainStmt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExplainTab ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExplainTab(a, b *ExplainTab) bool
RefOfExplainTab does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExtractFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExtractFuncExpr(a, b *ExtractFuncExpr) bool
RefOfExtractFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfExtractValueExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfExtractValueExpr(a, b *ExtractValueExpr) bool
RefOfExtractValueExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr(a, b *FirstOrLastValueExpr) bool
RefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFlush ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFlush(a, b *Flush) bool
RefOfFlush does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfForce ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfForce(a, b *Force) bool
RefOfForce does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfForeignKeyDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfForeignKeyDefinition(a, b *ForeignKeyDefinition) bool
RefOfForeignKeyDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFrameClause ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFrameClause(a, b *FrameClause) bool
RefOfFrameClause does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFramePoint ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFramePoint(a, b *FramePoint) bool
RefOfFramePoint does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFromFirstLastClause ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFromFirstLastClause(a, b *FromFirstLastClause) bool
RefOfFromFirstLastClause does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfFuncExpr(a, b *FuncExpr) bool
RefOfFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGTIDFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGTIDFuncExpr(a, b *GTIDFuncExpr) bool
RefOfGTIDFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr(a, b *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) bool
RefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr(a, b *GeoHashFromPointExpr) bool
RefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr(a, b *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) bool
RefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) bool
RefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomFormatExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFormatExpr(a, b *GeomFormatExpr) bool
RefOfGeomFormatExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr(a, b *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) bool
RefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr(a, b *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) bool
RefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomFromTextExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromTextExpr(a, b *GeomFromTextExpr) bool
RefOfGeomFromTextExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomFromWKBExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomFromWKBExpr(a, b *GeomFromWKBExpr) bool
RefOfGeomFromWKBExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) bool
RefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGroupBy ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGroupBy(a, b *GroupBy) bool
RefOfGroupBy does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfGroupConcatExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfGroupConcatExpr(a, b *GroupConcatExpr) bool
RefOfGroupConcatExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCI(a, b *IdentifierCI) bool
RefOfIdentifierCI does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIdentifierCS(a, b *IdentifierCS) bool
RefOfIdentifierCS does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIndexColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexColumn(a, b *IndexColumn) bool
RefOfIndexColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexDefinition(a, b *IndexDefinition) bool
RefOfIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIndexHint ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexHint(a, b *IndexHint) bool
RefOfIndexHint does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIndexInfo ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexInfo(a, b *IndexInfo) bool
RefOfIndexInfo does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIndexOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIndexOption(a, b *IndexOption) bool
RefOfIndexOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfInsert ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInsert(a, b *Insert) bool
RefOfInsert does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfInsertExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInsertExpr(a, b *InsertExpr) bool
RefOfInsertExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfInt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfInt(a, b *int) bool
RefOfInt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIntervalDateExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntervalDateExpr(a, b *IntervalDateExpr) bool
RefOfIntervalDateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIntervalFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntervalFuncExpr(a, b *IntervalFuncExpr) bool
RefOfIntervalFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIntroducerExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIntroducerExpr(a, b *IntroducerExpr) bool
RefOfIntroducerExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfIsExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfIsExpr(a, b *IsExpr) bool
RefOfIsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONArrayExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONArrayExpr(a, b *JSONArrayExpr) bool
RefOfJSONArrayExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONAttributesExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONAttributesExpr(a, b *JSONAttributesExpr) bool
RefOfJSONAttributesExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsExpr(a, b *JSONContainsExpr) bool
RefOfJSONContainsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsPathExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(a, b *JSONContainsPathExpr) bool
RefOfJSONContainsPathExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONExtractExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONExtractExpr(a, b *JSONExtractExpr) bool
RefOfJSONExtractExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONKeysExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONKeysExpr(a, b *JSONKeysExpr) bool
RefOfJSONKeysExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectExpr(a, b *JSONObjectExpr) bool
RefOfJSONObjectExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b *JSONObjectParam) bool
RefOfJSONObjectParam does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONOverlapsExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(a, b *JSONOverlapsExpr) bool
RefOfJSONOverlapsExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONPrettyExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONPrettyExpr(a, b *JSONPrettyExpr) bool
RefOfJSONPrettyExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONQuoteExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONQuoteExpr(a, b *JSONQuoteExpr) bool
RefOfJSONQuoteExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONRemoveExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONRemoveExpr(a, b *JSONRemoveExpr) bool
RefOfJSONRemoveExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) bool
RefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(a, b *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) bool
RefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONSearchExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONSearchExpr(a, b *JSONSearchExpr) bool
RefOfJSONSearchExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageFreeExpr) bool
RefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(a, b *JSONStorageSizeExpr) bool
RefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONTableExpr(a, b *JSONTableExpr) bool
RefOfJSONTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONUnquoteExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(a, b *JSONUnquoteExpr) bool
RefOfJSONUnquoteExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONValueExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueExpr(a, b *JSONValueExpr) bool
RefOfJSONValueExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONValueMergeExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(a, b *JSONValueMergeExpr) bool
RefOfJSONValueMergeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJSONValueModifierExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(a, b *JSONValueModifierExpr) bool
RefOfJSONValueModifierExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJoinCondition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJoinCondition(a, b *JoinCondition) bool
RefOfJoinCondition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJoinTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJoinTableExpr(a, b *JoinTableExpr) bool
RefOfJoinTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b *JtColumnDefinition) bool
RefOfJtColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJtNestedPathColDef ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtNestedPathColDef(a, b *JtNestedPathColDef) bool
RefOfJtNestedPathColDef does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJtOnResponse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtOnResponse(a, b *JtOnResponse) bool
RefOfJtOnResponse does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJtOrdinalColDef ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtOrdinalColDef(a, b *JtOrdinalColDef) bool
RefOfJtOrdinalColDef does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfJtPathColDef ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfJtPathColDef(a, b *JtPathColDef) bool
RefOfJtPathColDef does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfKeyState ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfKeyState(a, b *KeyState) bool
RefOfKeyState does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfKill ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfKill(a, b *Kill) bool
RefOfKill does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLagLeadExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLagLeadExpr(a, b *LagLeadExpr) bool
RefOfLagLeadExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLimit ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLimit(a, b *Limit) bool
RefOfLimit does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLineStringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLineStringExpr(a, b *LineStringExpr) bool
RefOfLineStringExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) bool
RefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLiteral ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLiteral(a, b *Literal) bool
RefOfLiteral does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLoad ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLoad(a, b *Load) bool
RefOfLoad does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLocateExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLocateExpr(a, b *LocateExpr) bool
RefOfLocateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLockOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockOption(a, b *LockOption) bool
RefOfLockOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLockTables ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockTables(a, b *LockTables) bool
RefOfLockTables does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfLockingFunc ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfLockingFunc(a, b *LockingFunc) bool
RefOfLockingFunc does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMatchExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMatchExpr(a, b *MatchExpr) bool
RefOfMatchExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMax ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMax(a, b *Max) bool
RefOfMax does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMemberOfExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMemberOfExpr(a, b *MemberOfExpr) bool
RefOfMemberOfExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMin(a, b *Min) bool
RefOfMin does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfModifyColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfModifyColumn(a, b *ModifyColumn) bool
RefOfModifyColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMultiLinestringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiLinestringExpr(a, b *MultiLinestringExpr) bool
RefOfMultiLinestringExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMultiPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiPointExpr(a, b *MultiPointExpr) bool
RefOfMultiPointExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfMultiPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfMultiPolygonExpr(a, b *MultiPolygonExpr) bool
RefOfMultiPolygonExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNTHValueExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNTHValueExpr(a, b *NTHValueExpr) bool
RefOfNTHValueExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNamedWindow ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNamedWindow(a, b *NamedWindow) bool
RefOfNamedWindow does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNextval ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNextval(a, b *Nextval) bool
RefOfNextval does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNotExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNotExpr(a, b *NotExpr) bool
RefOfNotExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNtileExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNtileExpr(a, b *NtileExpr) bool
RefOfNtileExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNullTreatmentClause ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNullTreatmentClause(a, b *NullTreatmentClause) bool
RefOfNullTreatmentClause does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfNullVal ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfNullVal(a, b *NullVal) bool
RefOfNullVal does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOffset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOffset(a, b *Offset) bool
RefOfOffset does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOptLike ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOptLike(a, b *OptLike) bool
RefOfOptLike does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOrExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrExpr(a, b *OrExpr) bool
RefOfOrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOrder ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrder(a, b *Order) bool
RefOfOrder does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOrderByOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOrderByOption(a, b *OrderByOption) bool
RefOfOrderByOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOtherAdmin ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOtherAdmin(a, b *OtherAdmin) bool
RefOfOtherAdmin does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfOverClause ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfOverClause(a, b *OverClause) bool
RefOfOverClause does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfParenTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfParenTableExpr(a, b *ParenTableExpr) bool
RefOfParenTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfParsedComments ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfParsedComments(a, b *ParsedComments) bool
RefOfParsedComments does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b *PartitionDefinition) bool
RefOfPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *PartitionDefinitionOptions) bool
RefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionEngine(a, b *PartitionEngine) bool
RefOfPartitionEngine does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionOption(a, b *PartitionOption) bool
RefOfPartitionOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionSpec ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionSpec(a, b *PartitionSpec) bool
RefOfPartitionSpec does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPartitionValueRange ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPartitionValueRange(a, b *PartitionValueRange) bool
RefOfPartitionValueRange does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr(a, b *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) bool
RefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPointExpr(a, b *PointExpr) bool
RefOfPointExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *PointPropertyFuncExpr) bool
RefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPolygonExpr(a, b *PolygonExpr) bool
RefOfPolygonExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr(a, b *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) bool
RefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPrepareStmt(a, b *PrepareStmt) bool
RefOfPrepareStmt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfPurgeBinaryLogs ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfPurgeBinaryLogs(a, b *PurgeBinaryLogs) bool
RefOfPurgeBinaryLogs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfReferenceDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfReferenceDefinition(a, b *ReferenceDefinition) bool
RefOfReferenceDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRegexpInstrExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpInstrExpr(a, b *RegexpInstrExpr) bool
RefOfRegexpInstrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRegexpLikeExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpLikeExpr(a, b *RegexpLikeExpr) bool
RefOfRegexpLikeExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRegexpReplaceExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpReplaceExpr(a, b *RegexpReplaceExpr) bool
RefOfRegexpReplaceExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRegexpSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRegexpSubstrExpr(a, b *RegexpSubstrExpr) bool
RefOfRegexpSubstrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRelease ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRelease(a, b *Release) bool
RefOfRelease does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRenameColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameColumn(a, b *RenameColumn) bool
RefOfRenameColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRenameIndex ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameIndex(a, b *RenameIndex) bool
RefOfRenameIndex does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRenameTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTable(a, b *RenameTable) bool
RefOfRenameTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRenameTableName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTableName(a, b *RenameTableName) bool
RefOfRenameTableName does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRenameTablePair ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRenameTablePair(a, b *RenameTablePair) bool
RefOfRenameTablePair does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRevertMigration ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRevertMigration(a, b *RevertMigration) bool
RefOfRevertMigration does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRollback ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRollback(a, b *Rollback) bool
RefOfRollback does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRootNode ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRootNode(a, b *RootNode) bool
RefOfRootNode does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfRowAlias ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfRowAlias(a, b *RowAlias) bool
RefOfRowAlias does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSRollback ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSRollback(a, b *SRollback) bool
RefOfSRollback does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSavepoint ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSavepoint(a, b *Savepoint) bool
RefOfSavepoint does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSelect ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSelect(a, b *Select) bool
RefOfSelect does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSelectInto ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSelectInto(a, b *SelectInto) bool
RefOfSelectInto does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSet ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSet(a, b *Set) bool
RefOfSet does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSetExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSetExpr(a, b *SetExpr) bool
RefOfSetExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShow ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShow(a, b *Show) bool
RefOfShow does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowBasic ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowBasic(a, b *ShowBasic) bool
RefOfShowBasic does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowCreate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowCreate(a, b *ShowCreate) bool
RefOfShowCreate does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowFilter ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowFilter(a, b *ShowFilter) bool
RefOfShowFilter does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowMigrationLogs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowMigrationLogs(a, b *ShowMigrationLogs) bool
RefOfShowMigrationLogs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowOther ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowOther(a, b *ShowOther) bool
RefOfShowOther does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowThrottledApps ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowThrottledApps(a, b *ShowThrottledApps) bool
RefOfShowThrottledApps does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfShowThrottlerStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfShowThrottlerStatus(a, b *ShowThrottlerStatus) bool
RefOfShowThrottlerStatus does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStarExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStarExpr(a, b *StarExpr) bool
RefOfStarExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStd ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStd(a, b *Std) bool
RefOfStd does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStdDev ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdDev(a, b *StdDev) bool
RefOfStdDev does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStdPop ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdPop(a, b *StdPop) bool
RefOfStdPop does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStdSamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStdSamp(a, b *StdSamp) bool
RefOfStdSamp does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfStream ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfStream(a, b *Stream) bool
RefOfStream does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSubPartition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartition(a, b *SubPartition) bool
RefOfSubPartition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinition(a, b *SubPartitionDefinition) bool
RefOfSubPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(a, b *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) bool
RefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSubquery ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubquery(a, b *Subquery) bool
RefOfSubquery does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSubstrExpr(a, b *SubstrExpr) bool
RefOfSubstrExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfSum ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfSum(a, b *Sum) bool
RefOfSum does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTableAndLockType ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableAndLockType(a, b *TableAndLockType) bool
RefOfTableAndLockType does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTableName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableName(a, b *TableName) bool
RefOfTableName does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTableOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableOption(a, b *TableOption) bool
RefOfTableOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTableSpec ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTableSpec(a, b *TableSpec) bool
RefOfTableSpec does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTablespaceOperation ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTablespaceOperation(a, b *TablespaceOperation) bool
RefOfTablespaceOperation does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTimestampDiffExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTimestampDiffExpr(a, b *TimestampDiffExpr) bool
RefOfTimestampDiffExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTrimFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTrimFuncExpr(a, b *TrimFuncExpr) bool
RefOfTrimFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfTruncateTable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfTruncateTable(a, b *TruncateTable) bool
RefOfTruncateTable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUnaryExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnaryExpr(a, b *UnaryExpr) bool
RefOfUnaryExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUnion ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnion(a, b *Union) bool
RefOfUnion does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUnlockTables ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUnlockTables(a, b *UnlockTables) bool
RefOfUnlockTables does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdate(a, b *Update) bool
RefOfUpdate does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUpdateExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdateExpr(a, b *UpdateExpr) bool
RefOfUpdateExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUpdateXMLExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUpdateXMLExpr(a, b *UpdateXMLExpr) bool
RefOfUpdateXMLExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfUse ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfUse(a, b *Use) bool
RefOfUse does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVExplainStmt(a, b *VExplainStmt) bool
RefOfVExplainStmt does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVStream ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVStream(a, b *VStream) bool
RefOfVStream does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfValidation ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfValidation(a, b *Validation) bool
RefOfValidation does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfValuesFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfValuesFuncExpr(a, b *ValuesFuncExpr) bool
RefOfValuesFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVarPop ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVarPop(a, b *VarPop) bool
RefOfVarPop does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVarSamp ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVarSamp(a, b *VarSamp) bool
RefOfVarSamp does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVariable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVariable(a, b *Variable) bool
RefOfVariable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVariance ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVariance(a, b *Variance) bool
RefOfVariance does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVindexParam ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVindexParam(a, b *VindexParam) bool
RefOfVindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfVindexSpec ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfVindexSpec(a, b *VindexSpec) bool
RefOfVindexSpec does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWeightStringFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(a, b *WeightStringFuncExpr) bool
RefOfWeightStringFuncExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWhen ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWhen(a, b *When) bool
RefOfWhen does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWhere ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWhere(a, b *Where) bool
RefOfWhere does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWindowDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWindowDefinition(a, b *WindowDefinition) bool
RefOfWindowDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWindowSpecification ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWindowSpecification(a, b *WindowSpecification) bool
RefOfWindowSpecification does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfWith ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfWith(a, b *With) bool
RefOfWith does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RefOfXorExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RefOfXorExpr(a, b *XorExpr) bool
RefOfXorExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) RootNode ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) RootNode(a, b RootNode) bool
RootNode does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SQLNode ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SQLNode(inA, inB SQLNode) bool
SQLNode does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SelectExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SelectExpr(inA, inB SelectExpr) bool
SelectExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SelectExprs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SelectExprs(a, b SelectExprs) bool
SelectExprs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SelectStatement ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SelectStatement(inA, inB SelectStatement) bool
SelectStatement does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SetExprs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SetExprs(a, b SetExprs) bool
SetExprs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) ShowInternal ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) ShowInternal(inA, inB ShowInternal) bool
ShowInternal does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SimpleTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SimpleTableExpr(inA, inB SimpleTableExpr) bool
SimpleTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfAlterOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfAlterOption(a, b []AlterOption) bool
SliceOfAlterOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfDatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfDatabaseOption(a, b []DatabaseOption) bool
SliceOfDatabaseOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfExpr(a, b []Expr) bool
SliceOfExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfIdentifierCI(a, b []IdentifierCI) bool
SliceOfIdentifierCI does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColName(a, b []*ColName) bool
SliceOfRefOfColName does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition(a, b []*ColumnDefinition) bool
SliceOfRefOfColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr(a, b []*CommonTableExpr) bool
SliceOfRefOfCommonTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition(a, b []*ConstraintDefinition) bool
SliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexColumn ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexColumn(a, b []*IndexColumn) bool
SliceOfRefOfIndexColumn does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition(a, b []*IndexDefinition) bool
SliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexOption ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfIndexOption(a, b []*IndexOption) bool
SliceOfRefOfIndexOption does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam(a, b []*JSONObjectParam) bool
SliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition(a, b []*JtColumnDefinition) bool
SliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition(a, b []*PartitionDefinition) bool
SliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair(a, b []*RenameTablePair) bool
SliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfVariable ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfVariable(a, b []*Variable) bool
SliceOfRefOfVariable does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfRefOfWhen ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfRefOfWhen(a, b []*When) bool
SliceOfRefOfWhen does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfString ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfString(a, b []string) bool
SliceOfString does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfTableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfTableExpr(a, b []TableExpr) bool
SliceOfTableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfTxAccessMode ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfTxAccessMode(a, b []TxAccessMode) bool
SliceOfTxAccessMode does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SliceOfVindexParam ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SliceOfVindexParam(a, b []VindexParam) bool
SliceOfVindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Statement ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Statement(inA, inB Statement) bool
Statement does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) SubPartitionDefinitions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) SubPartitionDefinitions(a, b SubPartitionDefinitions) bool
SubPartitionDefinitions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableAndLockTypes ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableAndLockTypes(a, b TableAndLockTypes) bool
TableAndLockTypes does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableExpr ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableExpr(inA, inB TableExpr) bool
TableExpr does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableExprs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableExprs(a, b TableExprs) bool
TableExprs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableName ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableName(a, b TableName) bool
TableName does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableNames ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableNames(a, b TableNames) bool
TableNames does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) TableOptions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) TableOptions(a, b TableOptions) bool
TableOptions does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) UpdateExprs ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) UpdateExprs(a, b UpdateExprs) bool
UpdateExprs does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) ValTuple ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) ValTuple(a, b ValTuple) bool
ValTuple does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) Values ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) Values(a, b Values) bool
Values does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) VindexParam ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) VindexParam(a, b VindexParam) bool
VindexParam does deep equals between the two objects.
func (*Comparator) WindowDefinitions ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cmp *Comparator) WindowDefinitions(a, b WindowDefinitions) bool
WindowDefinitions does deep equals between the two objects.
type ComparisonExpr ¶
type ComparisonExpr struct { Operator ComparisonExprOperator Left, Right Expr Escape Expr }
ComparisonExpr represents a two-value comparison expression.
func CloneRefOfComparisonExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfComparisonExpr(n *ComparisonExpr) *ComparisonExpr
CloneRefOfComparisonExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewComparisonExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewComparisonExpr(operator ComparisonExprOperator, left, right, escape Expr) *ComparisonExpr
NewComparisonExpr makes a new ComparisonExpr
func (*ComparisonExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ComparisonExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ComparisonExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ComparisonExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ComparisonExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ComparisonExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ComparisonExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ComparisonExpr) IsExpr()
func (*ComparisonExpr) IsImpossible ¶
func (node *ComparisonExpr) IsImpossible() bool
IsImpossible returns true if the comparison in the expression can never evaluate to true. Note that this is not currently exhaustive to ALL impossible comparisons.
type ComparisonExprOperator ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ComparisonExprOperator int8
ComparisonExprOperator is an enum for ComparisonExpr.Operator
const ( EqualOp ComparisonExprOperator = iota LessThanOp GreaterThanOp LessEqualOp GreaterEqualOp NotEqualOp NullSafeEqualOp InOp NotInOp LikeOp NotLikeOp RegexpOp NotRegexpOp )
Constants for Enum Type - ComparisonExprOperator
func (ComparisonExprOperator) Inverse ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (op ComparisonExprOperator) Inverse() ComparisonExprOperator
func (ComparisonExprOperator) IsCommutative ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (op ComparisonExprOperator) IsCommutative() bool
func (ComparisonExprOperator) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (op ComparisonExprOperator) ToString() string
ToString returns the operator as a string
type ConstraintDefinition ¶
type ConstraintDefinition struct { Name IdentifierCI Details ConstraintInfo }
ConstraintDefinition describes a constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition(n *ConstraintDefinition) *ConstraintDefinition
CloneRefOfConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition(n []*ConstraintDefinition) []*ConstraintDefinition
CloneSliceOfRefOfConstraintDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ConstraintDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ConstraintDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ConstraintDefinition) Format ¶
func (c *ConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ConstraintDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *ConstraintDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ConstraintInfo ¶
type ConstraintInfo interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ConstraintInfo details a constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneConstraintInfo ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneConstraintInfo(in ConstraintInfo) ConstraintInfo
CloneConstraintInfo creates a deep clone of the input.
type ConvertExpr ¶
type ConvertExpr struct { Expr Expr Type *ConvertType }
ConvertExpr represents a call to CONVERT(expr, type)
func CloneRefOfConvertExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfConvertExpr(n *ConvertExpr) *ConvertExpr
CloneRefOfConvertExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ConvertExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ConvertExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ConvertExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ConvertExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ConvertExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ConvertExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ConvertExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ConvertExpr) IsExpr()
type ConvertType ¶
type ConvertType struct { Type string Length *int Scale *int Charset ColumnCharset }
ConvertType represents the type in call to CONVERT(expr, type)
func CloneRefOfConvertType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfConvertType(n *ConvertType) *ConvertType
CloneRefOfConvertType creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ConvertType) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ConvertType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ConvertType) Format ¶
func (node *ConvertType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ConvertType) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ConvertType) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ConvertUsingExpr ¶
ConvertUsingExpr represents a call to CONVERT(expr USING charset).
func CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr(n *ConvertUsingExpr) *ConvertUsingExpr
CloneRefOfConvertUsingExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ConvertUsingExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ConvertUsingExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ConvertUsingExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ConvertUsingExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ConvertUsingExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ConvertUsingExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ConvertUsingExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ConvertUsingExpr) IsExpr()
type CopyOnWriteCursor ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CopyOnWriteCursor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CopyOnWriteCursor) Node ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (c *CopyOnWriteCursor) Node() SQLNode
Node returns the current node we are visiting
func (*CopyOnWriteCursor) Parent ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (c *CopyOnWriteCursor) Parent() SQLNode
Parent returns the parent of the current node. Note: This is the parent before any changes have been done - the parent in the output might be a copy of this
func (*CopyOnWriteCursor) Replace ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (c *CopyOnWriteCursor) Replace(n SQLNode)
Replace replaces the current node with the given node. Note: If you try to set an invalid type on a field, the field will end up with a nil and no error will be reported.
func (*CopyOnWriteCursor) StopTreeWalk ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (c *CopyOnWriteCursor) StopTreeWalk()
StopTreeWalk aborts the current tree walking. No more nodes will be visited, and the rewriter will exit out early
type Count ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Count struct { Args Exprs Distinct bool OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfCount ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfCount creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Count) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Count) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Count) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Count) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Count) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Count) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Count) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
type CountStar ¶ added in v0.15.0
type CountStar struct { // TL;DR; This makes sure that reference equality checks works as expected // // You're correct that this might seem a bit strange at first glance. // It's a quirk of Go's handling of empty structs. In Go, two instances of an empty struct are considered // identical, which can be problematic when using these as keys in maps. // They would be treated as the same key and potentially lead to incorrect map behavior. // // Here's a brief example: // // “`golang // func TestWeirdGo(t *testing.T) { // type CountStar struct{} // // cs1 := &CountStar{} // cs2 := &CountStar{} // if cs1 == cs2 { // panic("what the what!?") // } // } // “` // // In the above code, cs1 and cs2, despite being distinct variables, would be treated as the same object. // // The solution we employed was to add a dummy field `_ bool` to the otherwise empty struct `CountStar`. // This ensures that each instance of `CountStar` is treated as a separate object, // even in the context of out semantic state which uses these objects as map keys. OverClause *OverClause // contains filtered or unexported fields }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfCountStar ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfCountStar creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CountStar) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*CountStar) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *CountStar) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*CountStar) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CountStar) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type CreateDatabase ¶ added in v0.9.0
type CreateDatabase struct { Comments *ParsedComments DBName IdentifierCS IfNotExists bool CreateOptions []DatabaseOption FullyParsed bool }
CreateDatabase represents a CREATE database statement.
func CloneRefOfCreateDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCreateDatabase(n *CreateDatabase) *CreateDatabase
CloneRefOfCreateDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CreateDatabase) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CreateDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CreateDatabase) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CreateDatabase) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*CreateDatabase) GetDatabaseName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*CreateDatabase) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*CreateDatabase) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
type CreateTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
type CreateTable struct { Temp bool Table TableName IfNotExists bool TableSpec *TableSpec OptLike *OptLike Comments *ParsedComments FullyParsed bool }
CreateTable represents a CREATE TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfCreateTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCreateTable(n *CreateTable) *CreateTable
CloneRefOfCreateTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CreateTable) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*CreateTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CreateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CreateTable) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CreateTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CreateTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*CreateTable) GetAction ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetAction() DDLAction
GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetIfExists() bool
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetIsReplace() bool
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*CreateTable) GetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetTable() TableName
GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *CreateTable) IsTemporary() bool
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *CreateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*CreateTable) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*CreateTable) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *CreateTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateTable) SetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
SetTable implements DDLStatement.
type CreateView ¶ added in v0.9.0
type CreateView struct { ViewName TableName Algorithm string Definer *Definer Security string Columns Columns Select SelectStatement CheckOption string IsReplace bool Comments *ParsedComments }
CreateView represents a CREATE VIEW query
func CloneRefOfCreateView ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCreateView(n *CreateView) *CreateView
CloneRefOfCreateView creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CreateView) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*CreateView) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CreateView) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CreateView) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CreateView) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CreateView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*CreateView) GetAction ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetAction() DDLAction
GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetIfExists() bool
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *CreateView) GetIfNotExists() bool
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *CreateView) GetIsReplace() bool
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetOptLike() *OptLike
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *CreateView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*CreateView) GetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetTable() TableName
GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *CreateView) IsTemporary() bool
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *CreateView) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*CreateView) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*CreateView) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *CreateView) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*CreateView) SetTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *CreateView) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
SetTable implements DDLStatement.
type CurTimeFuncExpr ¶
type CurTimeFuncExpr struct { Name IdentifierCI Fsp int // fractional seconds precision, integer from 0 to 6 or an Argument }
CurTimeFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for CURRENT DATE/TIME functions supported functions are documented in the grammar
func CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr(n *CurTimeFuncExpr) *CurTimeFuncExpr
CloneRefOfCurTimeFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *CurTimeFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) Format ¶
func (node *CurTimeFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *CurTimeFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*CurTimeFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type Cursor ¶
type Cursor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Cursor describes a node encountered during Apply. Information about the node and its parent is available from the Node and Parent methods.
func (*Cursor) Replace ¶
Replace replaces the current node in the parent field with this new object. The use needs to make sure to not replace the object with something of the wrong type, or the visitor will panic.
func (*Cursor) ReplaceAndRevisit ¶ added in v0.13.0
ReplaceAndRevisit replaces the current node in the parent field with this new object. When used, this will abort the visitation of the current node - no post or children visited, and the new node visited.
type DBDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DBDDLStatement interface { IsFullyParsed() bool GetDatabaseName() string SetFullyParsed(bool) Statement // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DBDDLStatement represents any DBDDL Statement
func CloneDBDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneDBDDLStatement(in DBDDLStatement) DBDDLStatement
CloneDBDDLStatement creates a deep clone of the input.
type DDLAction ¶ added in v0.8.0
type DDLAction int8
DDLAction is an enum for DDL.Action
const ( CreateDDLAction DDLAction = iota AlterDDLAction DropDDLAction RenameDDLAction TruncateDDLAction CreateVindexDDLAction DropVindexDDLAction AddVschemaTableDDLAction DropVschemaTableDDLAction AddColVindexDDLAction DropColVindexDDLAction AddSequenceDDLAction DropSequenceDDLAction AddAutoIncDDLAction DropAutoIncDDLAction RevertDDLAction )
Constants for Enum Type - DDL.Action
type DDLStatement ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DDLStatement interface { IsFullyParsed() bool IsTemporary() bool GetTable() TableName GetAction() DDLAction GetOptLike() *OptLike GetIfExists() bool GetIfNotExists() bool GetIsReplace() bool GetTableSpec() *TableSpec GetFromTables() TableNames GetToTables() TableNames AffectedTables() TableNames SetTable(qualifier string, name string) SetFromTables(tables TableNames) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool) Commented Statement // contains filtered or unexported methods }
DDLStatement represents any DDL Statement
func CloneDDLStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneDDLStatement(in DDLStatement) DDLStatement
CloneDDLStatement creates a deep clone of the input.
type DatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.14.0
type DatabaseOption struct { Type DatabaseOptionType IsDefault bool Value string }
DatabaseOption is a struct that stores Collation or Character Set value
func CloneDatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneDatabaseOption(n DatabaseOption) DatabaseOption
CloneDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRefOfDatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfDatabaseOption(n *DatabaseOption) *DatabaseOption
CloneRefOfDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption(n []DatabaseOption) []DatabaseOption
CloneSliceOfDatabaseOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DatabaseOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *DatabaseOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type DatabaseOptionType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type DatabaseOptionType int8
DatabaseOptionType is an enum for create database options
const ( CollateType DatabaseOptionType = iota CharacterSetType EncryptionType )
Constant for Enum Type - DatabaseOptionType
func (DatabaseOptionType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node DatabaseOptionType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type DeallocateStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
type DeallocateStmt struct { Comments *ParsedComments Name IdentifierCI }
DeallocateStmt represents a Deallocate Statement More info available on
func CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt(n *DeallocateStmt) *DeallocateStmt
CloneRefOfDeallocateStmt creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DeallocateStmt) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *DeallocateStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*DeallocateStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *DeallocateStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*DeallocateStmt) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DeallocateStmt) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Default ¶
type Default struct {
ColName string
Default represents a DEFAULT expression.
func CloneRefOfDefault ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfDefault creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Default) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Default) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Default) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Definer ¶ added in v0.14.0
Definer stores the user for AlterView and CreateView definers
func CloneRefOfDefiner ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfDefiner creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Definer) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*Definer) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (definer *Definer) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Definer) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (definer *Definer) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type Delete ¶
type Delete struct { With *With Ignore Ignore Comments *ParsedComments TableExprs []TableExpr Targets TableNames Partitions Partitions Where *Where OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit }
Delete represents a DELETE statement. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.
func CloneRefOfDelete ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfDelete creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Delete) AddWhere ¶ added in v0.18.0
AddWhere adds the boolean expression to the WHERE clause as an AND condition.
func (*Delete) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Delete) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Delete) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Delete) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Delete) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements SupportOptimizerHint.
func (*Delete) GetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*Delete) IsSingleAliasExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Delete) SetComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
SetComments for Delete
func (*Delete) SetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
type DerivedTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DerivedTable struct { Lateral bool Select SelectStatement }
DerivedTable represents a subquery used as a table expression.
func CloneRefOfDerivedTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfDerivedTable(n *DerivedTable) *DerivedTable
CloneRefOfDerivedTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewDerivedTable ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewDerivedTable(lateral bool, selectStatement SelectStatement) *DerivedTable
NewDerivedTable makes a new DerivedTable
func (*DerivedTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *DerivedTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*DerivedTable) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DerivedTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*DerivedTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DerivedTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type DistinctableAggr ¶ added in v0.18.0
*********** Expressions
type DropColumn ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropColumn struct {
Name *ColName
DropColumn is used to drop a column in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfDropColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfDropColumn(n *DropColumn) *DropColumn
CloneRefOfDropColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DropColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *DropColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*DropColumn) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*DropColumn) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DropColumn) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type DropDatabase ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropDatabase struct { Comments *ParsedComments DBName IdentifierCS IfExists bool }
DropDatabase represents a DROP database statement.
func CloneRefOfDropDatabase ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfDropDatabase(n *DropDatabase) *DropDatabase
CloneRefOfDropDatabase creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DropDatabase) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *DropDatabase) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*DropDatabase) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropDatabase) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*DropDatabase) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DropDatabase) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*DropDatabase) GetDatabaseName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropDatabase) GetDatabaseName() string
GetDatabaseName implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*DropDatabase) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropDatabase) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
func (*DropDatabase) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *DropDatabase) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DBDDLStatement interface
type DropKey ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropKey struct { Type DropKeyType Name IdentifierCI }
DropKey is used to drop a key in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfDropKey ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfDropKey creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DropKey) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*DropKey) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropKey) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*DropKey) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DropKey) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type DropKeyType ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropKeyType int8
DropKeyType is an enum that represents the type of key being dropped in an alter table statement
const ( PrimaryKeyType DropKeyType = iota ForeignKeyType NormalKeyType CheckKeyType )
DropKeyType constants
func (DropKeyType) ToString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (key DropKeyType) ToString() string
ToString returns the DropKeyType as a string
type DropTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropTable struct { Temp bool FromTables TableNames // The following fields are set if a DDL was fully analyzed. IfExists bool Comments *ParsedComments }
DropTable represents a DROP TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfDropTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfDropTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DropTable) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.
func (*DropTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*DropTable) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*DropTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DropTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*DropTable) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *DropTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*DropTable) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropTable) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropTable) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*DropTable) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*DropTable) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
type DropView ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DropView struct { FromTables TableNames IfExists bool Comments *ParsedComments }
DropView represents a DROP VIEW statement.
func CloneRefOfDropView ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfDropView creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*DropView) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropView) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.
func (*DropView) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*DropView) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropView) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*DropView) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *DropView) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*DropView) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropView) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *DropView) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*DropView) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropView) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.9.0
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*DropView) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*DropView) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *DropView) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*DropView) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
type ExecuteStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ExecuteStmt struct { Name IdentifierCI Comments *ParsedComments Arguments []*Variable }
ExecuteStmt represents an Execute Statement More info available on
func CloneRefOfExecuteStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfExecuteStmt(n *ExecuteStmt) *ExecuteStmt
CloneRefOfExecuteStmt creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ExecuteStmt) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ExecuteStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExecuteStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ExecuteStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ExecuteStmt) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExecuteStmt) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ExistsExpr ¶
type ExistsExpr struct {
Subquery *Subquery
ExistsExpr represents an EXISTS expression.
func CloneRefOfExistsExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfExistsExpr(n *ExistsExpr) *ExistsExpr
CloneRefOfExistsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewExistsExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewExistsExpr(subquery *Subquery) *ExistsExpr
NewExistsExpr makes a new ExistsExpr
func (*ExistsExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ExistsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExistsExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ExistsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ExistsExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExistsExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ExistsExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ExistsExpr) IsExpr()
type Explain ¶
type Explain interface { Statement // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Explain is an interface that represents the Explain statements
func CloneExplain ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneExplain creates a deep clone of the input.
type ExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.10.0
type ExplainStmt struct { Type ExplainType Statement Statement Comments *ParsedComments }
ExplainStmt represents an Explain statement
func CloneRefOfExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfExplainStmt(n *ExplainStmt) *ExplainStmt
CloneRefOfExplainStmt creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ExplainStmt) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ExplainStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExplainStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ExplainStmt) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ExplainStmt) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*ExplainStmt) SetComments ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
type ExplainTab ¶ added in v0.10.0
ExplainTab represents the Explain table
func CloneRefOfExplainTab ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfExplainTab(n *ExplainTab) *ExplainTab
CloneRefOfExplainTab creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ExplainTab) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ExplainTab) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExplainTab) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *ExplainTab) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ExplainTab) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExplainTab) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ExplainType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ExplainType int8
ExplainType is an enum for ExplainStmt.Type
const ( EmptyType ExplainType = iota TreeType JSONType TraditionalType AnalyzeType )
Constant for Enum Type - ExplainType
func (ExplainType) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ty ExplainType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type Expr ¶
type Expr interface { IsExpr() SQLNode }
Expr represents an expression.
func AndExpressions ¶ added in v0.11.0
AndExpressions ands together two or more expressions, minimising the expr when possible
func AppendString ¶ added in v0.19.0
AppendString appends a string to the expression provided. This is intended to be used in the parser only for concatenating multiple strings together.
func CloneSliceOfExpr ¶ added in v0.14.4
CloneSliceOfExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func ExtractINFromOR ¶ added in v0.16.0
ExtractINFromOR rewrites the OR expression into an IN clause. Each side of each ORs has to be an equality comparison expression and the column names have to match for all sides of each comparison. This rewriter takes a query that looks like this WHERE a = 1 and b = 11 or a = 2 and b = 12 or a = 3 and b = 13 And rewrite that to WHERE (a, b) IN ((1,11), (2,12), (3,13))
func ReplaceExpr ¶
ReplaceExpr finds the from expression from root and replaces it with to. If from matches root, then to is returned.
func SplitAndExpression ¶
SplitAndExpression breaks up the Expr into AND-separated conditions and appends them to filters. Outer parenthesis are removed. Precedence should be taken into account if expressions are recombined.
type ExprGenerator ¶ added in v0.18.0
type ExprGenerator interface {
Generate(config ExprGeneratorConfig) Expr
type ExprGeneratorConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
type ExprGeneratorConfig struct { // AggrRule determines if the random expression can, cannot, or must be an aggregation expression AggrRule AggregateRule Type string // MaxCols = 0 indicates no limit NumCols int // SingleRow indicates that the query must have at most one row SingleRow bool }
func NewExprGeneratorConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewExprGeneratorConfig(aggrRule AggregateRule, typ string, numCols int, singleRow bool) ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) CanAggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) CanAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) CannotAggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) CannotAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) IsAggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) IsAggregateConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) MultiRowConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) MultiRowConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) SetNumCols ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) SetNumCols(numCols int) ExprGeneratorConfig
func (ExprGeneratorConfig) SingleRowConfig ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (egc ExprGeneratorConfig) SingleRowConfig() ExprGeneratorConfig
type Exprs ¶
type Exprs []Expr
Exprs represents a list of value expressions. It's not a valid expression because it's not parenthesized.
func CloneExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneExprs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (Exprs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node Exprs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ExtractFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
type ExtractFuncExpr struct { IntervalType IntervalType Expr Expr }
ExtractFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2019-07-02') type functions.
func CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr(n *ExtractFuncExpr) *ExtractFuncExpr
CloneRefOfExtractFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ExtractFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *ExtractFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExtractFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *ExtractFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ExtractFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExtractFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ExtractFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ExtractFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type ExtractValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
ExtractValueExpr stands for EXTRACTVALUE() XML function Extract a value from an XML string using XPath notation For more details, postVisit
func CloneRefOfExtractValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfExtractValueExpr(n *ExtractValueExpr) *ExtractValueExpr
CloneRefOfExtractValueExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ExtractValueExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ExtractValueExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ExtractValueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ExtractValueExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*ExtractValueExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ExtractValueExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*ExtractValueExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ExtractValueExpr) IsExpr()
type FirstOrLastValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FirstOrLastValueExpr struct { Type FirstOrLastValueExprType Expr Expr NullTreatmentClause *NullTreatmentClause OverClause *OverClause }
FirstOrLastValueExpr stands for the following window_functions: FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE
func CloneRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr(n *FirstOrLastValueExpr) *FirstOrLastValueExpr
CloneRefOfFirstOrLastValueExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*FirstOrLastValueExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *FirstOrLastValueExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*FirstOrLastValueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *FirstOrLastValueExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*FirstOrLastValueExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *FirstOrLastValueExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*FirstOrLastValueExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*FirstOrLastValueExpr) IsExpr()
type FirstOrLastValueExprType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FirstOrLastValueExprType int8
FirstOrLastValueExprType is an enum to get types of FirstOrLastValueExpr.
const ( FirstValueExprType FirstOrLastValueExprType = iota LastValueExprType )
Constants for Enum Type - FirstOrLastValueExprType
func (FirstOrLastValueExprType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty FirstOrLastValueExprType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type Flush ¶ added in v0.10.0
type Flush struct { IsLocal bool FlushOptions []string TableNames TableNames WithLock bool ForExport bool }
Flush represents a FLUSH statement.
func CloneRefOfFlush ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfFlush creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Flush) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Flush) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *Flush) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Flush) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Flush) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Force ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Force struct{}
Force is used to specify force alter option in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfForce ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfForce creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Force) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *Force) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*Force) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Force) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type ForeignKeyDefinition ¶
type ForeignKeyDefinition struct { Source Columns IndexName IdentifierCI ReferenceDefinition *ReferenceDefinition }
ForeignKeyDefinition describes a foreign key in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition(n *ForeignKeyDefinition) *ForeignKeyDefinition
CloneRefOfForeignKeyDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ForeignKeyDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ForeignKeyDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ForeignKeyDefinition) Format ¶
func (f *ForeignKeyDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ForeignKeyDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (f *ForeignKeyDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type FrameClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FrameClause struct { Unit FrameUnitType Start *FramePoint End *FramePoint }
FrameClause represents frame_clause More information available here:
func CloneRefOfFrameClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfFrameClause(n *FrameClause) *FrameClause
CloneRefOfFrameClause creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*FrameClause) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *FrameClause) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*FrameClause) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *FrameClause) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*FrameClause) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *FrameClause) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type FramePoint ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FramePoint struct { Type FramePointType Unit IntervalType Expr Expr }
FramePoint refers to frame_start/frame_end More information available here:
func CloneRefOfFramePoint ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfFramePoint(n *FramePoint) *FramePoint
CloneRefOfFramePoint creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*FramePoint) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *FramePoint) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*FramePoint) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *FramePoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*FramePoint) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *FramePoint) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type FramePointType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FramePointType int8
FrameUnitType is an enum to get types of FramePoint.
const ( CurrentRowType FramePointType = iota UnboundedPrecedingType UnboundedFollowingType ExprPrecedingType ExprFollowingType )
Constants for Enum Type - FramePointType
func (FramePointType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty FramePointType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type FrameUnitType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FrameUnitType int8
FrameUnitType is an enum to get types of Unit used in FrameClause.
const ( FrameRowsType FrameUnitType = iota FrameRangeType )
Constants for Enum Type - FrameUnitType
func (FrameUnitType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty FrameUnitType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type FromFirstLastClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FromFirstLastClause struct {
Type FromFirstLastType
FromFirstLastClause refers to from_first_last According to SQL Docs: from_first_last is part of the SQL standard, but the MySQL implementation permits only FROM FIRST (which is also the default). This means that calculations begin at the first row of the window. FROM LAST is parsed, but produces an error. To obtain the same effect as FROM LAST (begin calculations at the last row of the window), use ORDER BY to sort in reverse order.
func CloneRefOfFromFirstLastClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfFromFirstLastClause(n *FromFirstLastClause) *FromFirstLastClause
CloneRefOfFromFirstLastClause creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*FromFirstLastClause) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *FromFirstLastClause) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*FromFirstLastClause) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *FromFirstLastClause) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type FromFirstLastType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type FromFirstLastType int8
FromFirstLastType is an enum to get types for FromFirstLastClause
const ( FromFirstType FromFirstLastType = iota FromLastType )
Constants for Enum Type - FromFirstLastType
func (FromFirstLastType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty FromFirstLastType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type FuncExpr ¶
type FuncExpr struct { Qualifier IdentifierCS Name IdentifierCI Exprs Exprs }
FuncExpr represents a function call.
func CloneRefOfFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*FuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*FuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *FuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type GTIDFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
GTIDFuncExpr stands for GTID Functions Set1 Acts as gtid_set for WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() and WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() For more details, postVisit
func CloneRefOfGTIDFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfGTIDFuncExpr(n *GTIDFuncExpr) *GTIDFuncExpr
CloneRefOfGTIDFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GTIDFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *GTIDFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GTIDFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *GTIDFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GTIDFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GTIDFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GTIDFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GTIDFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type GTIDType ¶ added in v0.15.0
type GTIDType int8
GTIDType is an enum that get types of GTIDFunc
type Generator ¶ added in v0.18.0
type Generator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGenerator ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewGenerator(maxDepth int, exprGenerators ...ExprGenerator) *Generator
func (*Generator) Expression ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (g *Generator) Expression(genConfig ExprGeneratorConfig) Expr
Creates a random expression. It builds an expression tree using the following constructs: - true/false - AND/OR/NOT - string literals, numeric literals (-/+ 1000) - columns of types bigint and varchar - scalar and tuple subqueries - =, >, <, >=, <=, <=>, != - &, |, ^, +, -, *, /, div, %, <<, >> - IN, BETWEEN and CASE - IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, IS TRUE, IS NOT TRUE, IS FALSE, IS NOT FALSE Returns the random expression (Expr) and its type (string)
Note: It's important to update this method so that it produces all expressions that need precedence checking. It's currently missing function calls and string operators
type GeoHashFromLatLongExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr(n *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr
CloneRefOfGeoHashFromLatLongExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeoHashFromLatLongExpr) IsExpr()
type GeoHashFromPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr(n *GeoHashFromPointExpr) *GeoHashFromPointExpr
CloneRefOfGeoHashFromPointExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeoHashFromPointExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeoHashFromPointExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeoHashFromPointExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeoHashFromPointExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeoHashFromPointExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeoHashFromPointExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeoHashFromPointExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeoHashFromPointExpr) IsExpr()
type GeoJSONFromGeomExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr(n *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr
CloneRefOfGeoJSONFromGeomExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeoJSONFromGeomExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomCollPropType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomCollPropType int8
GeomCollPropType is an enumthat enumerates the kind of geom coll property functions with possible values: GeometryN NumGeometries
const ( GeometryN GeomCollPropType = iota NumGeometries )
Enum Types of geom collection property functions
func (GeomCollPropType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomCollPropType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr struct { Property GeomCollPropType GeomColl Expr PropertyDefArg Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr(n *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr
CloneRefOfGeomCollPropertyFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomCollPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFormatExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFormatExpr struct { FormatType GeomFormatType Geom Expr AxisOrderOpt Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomFormatExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomFormatExpr(n *GeomFormatExpr) *GeomFormatExpr
CloneRefOfGeomFormatExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomFormatExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomFormatExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomFormatExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomFormatExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomFormatExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomFormatExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomFormatExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomFormatExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFormatType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFormatType int8
GeomFormatType is an enum to get the types of geom format functions with possible values: BinaryFormat TextFormat
const ( TextFormat GeomFormatType = iota BinaryFormat )
Enum Types of spatial format functions
func (GeomFormatType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomFormatType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GeomFromGeoHashExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromGeoHashExpr struct { GeomType GeomFromHashType GeoHash Expr SridOpt Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr(n *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) *GeomFromGeoHashExpr
CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoHashExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomFromGeoHashExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomFromGeoHashExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomFromGeoHashExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomFromGeoHashExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomFromGeoHashExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomFromGeoHashExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFromGeoJSONExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromGeoJSONExpr struct { GeoJSON Expr HigherDimHandlerOpt Expr // This value determine how the higher dimensions are handled while converting json to geometry Srid Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr(n *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr
CloneRefOfGeomFromGeoJSONExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomFromGeoJSONExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFromHashType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromHashType int8
GeomFromHashType is an enum that determines what kind geom being retireived from hash
const ( LatitudeFromHash GeomFromHashType = iota LongitudeFromHash PointFromHash )
Enum Types of geom from geohash functions
func (GeomFromHashType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomFromHashType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GeomFromTextExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromTextExpr struct { Type GeomFromWktType WktText Expr Srid Expr AxisOrderOpt Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomFromTextExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomFromTextExpr(n *GeomFromTextExpr) *GeomFromTextExpr
CloneRefOfGeomFromTextExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomFromTextExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomFromTextExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomFromTextExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomFromTextExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomFromTextExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomFromTextExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomFromTextExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomFromTextExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFromWKBExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromWKBExpr struct { Type GeomFromWkbType WkbBlob Expr Srid Expr AxisOrderOpt Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr(n *GeomFromWKBExpr) *GeomFromWKBExpr
CloneRefOfGeomFromWKBExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomFromWKBExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomFromWKBExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomFromWKBExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomFromWKBExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomFromWKBExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomFromWKBExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomFromWKBExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomFromWKBExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomFromWkbType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromWkbType int8
GeomFromWkbType is an enum to get the types of wkb functions with possible values: GeometryFromWKB GeometryCollectionFromWKB PointFromWKB LineStringFromWKB PolygonFromWKB MultiPointFromWKB MultiPolygonFromWKB MultiLinestringFromWKB
const ( GeometryFromWKB GeomFromWkbType = iota GeometryCollectionFromWKB PointFromWKB LineStringFromWKB PolygonFromWKB MultiPointFromWKB MultiPolygonFromWKB MultiLinestringFromWKB )
Enum Types of WKT functions
func (GeomFromWkbType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomFromWkbType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GeomFromWktType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomFromWktType int8
GeomFromWktType is an enum to get the types of wkt functions with possible values: GeometryFromText GeometryCollectionFromText PointFromText LineStringFromText PolygonFromText MultiPointFromText MultiPolygonFromText MultiLinestringFromText
const ( GeometryFromText GeomFromWktType = iota GeometryCollectionFromText PointFromText LineStringFromText PolygonFromText MultiPointFromText MultiPolygonFromText MultiLinestringFromText )
Enum Types of WKT functions
func (GeomFromWktType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomFromWktType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GeomPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomPropertyFuncExpr struct { Property GeomPropertyType Geom Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr(n *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) *GeomPropertyFuncExpr
CloneRefOfGeomPropertyFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GeomPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GeomPropertyFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GeomPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GeomPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GeomPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GeomPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type GeomPropertyType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GeomPropertyType int8
GeomPropertyType is an enum to get the types of geom property functions with possible values: Dimension Envelope IsSimple IsEmpty GeometryType
const ( IsSimple GeomPropertyType = iota IsEmpty Dimension GeometryType Envelope )
Enum Types of spatial property functions
func (GeomPropertyType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty GeomPropertyType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type GroupBy ¶
GroupBy represents a GROUP BY clause.
func CloneRefOfGroupBy ¶ added in v0.20.0
CloneRefOfGroupBy creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GroupBy) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*GroupBy) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GroupBy) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type GroupConcatExpr ¶
type GroupConcatExpr struct { Distinct bool Exprs Exprs OrderBy OrderBy Separator string Limit *Limit }
GroupConcatExpr represents a call to GROUP_CONCAT
func CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr(n *GroupConcatExpr) *GroupConcatExpr
CloneRefOfGroupConcatExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*GroupConcatExpr) AggrName ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*GroupConcatExpr) AggrName() string
func (*GroupConcatExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *GroupConcatExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*GroupConcatExpr) Format ¶
func (node *GroupConcatExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*GroupConcatExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *GroupConcatExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*GroupConcatExpr) GetArg ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) GetArg() Expr
func (*GroupConcatExpr) GetArgs ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) GetArgs() Exprs
func (*GroupConcatExpr) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) IsDistinct() bool
func (*GroupConcatExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*GroupConcatExpr) IsExpr()
func (*GroupConcatExpr) SetArg ¶ added in v0.19.5
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetArg(expr Expr)
func (*GroupConcatExpr) SetArgs ¶ added in v0.19.5
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetArgs(exprs Exprs) error
func (*GroupConcatExpr) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (grpConcat *GroupConcatExpr) SetDistinct(distinct bool)
type IdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
type IdentifierCI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IdentifierCI is a case insensitive SQL identifier. It will be escaped with backquotes if necessary.
func CloneIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneIdentifierCI(n IdentifierCI) IdentifierCI
CloneIdentifierCI creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRefOfIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfIdentifierCI(n *IdentifierCI) *IdentifierCI
CloneRefOfIdentifierCI creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneSliceOfIdentifierCI(n []IdentifierCI) []IdentifierCI
CloneSliceOfIdentifierCI creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewIdentifierCI ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewIdentifierCI(str string) IdentifierCI
NewIdentifierCI makes a new IdentifierCI.
func (*IdentifierCI) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *IdentifierCI) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (IdentifierCI) CompliantName ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) CompliantName() string
CompliantName returns a compliant id name that can be used for a bind var.
func (IdentifierCI) Equal ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) Equal(in IdentifierCI) bool
Equal performs a case-insensitive compare.
func (IdentifierCI) EqualString ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) EqualString(str string) bool
EqualString performs a case-insensitive compare with str.
func (IdentifierCI) EqualsAnyString ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (node IdentifierCI) EqualsAnyString(str []string) bool
EqualsAnyString returns true if any of these strings match
func (IdentifierCI) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (IdentifierCI) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node IdentifierCI) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (IdentifierCI) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if the name is empty.
func (IdentifierCI) Lowered ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) Lowered() string
Lowered returns a lower-cased column name. This function should generally be used only for optimizing comparisons.
func (IdentifierCI) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals into JSON.
func (IdentifierCI) NotEmpty ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node IdentifierCI) NotEmpty() bool
NonEmpty returns true if the name is not empty.
func (IdentifierCI) String ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCI) String() string
String returns the unescaped column name. It must not be used for SQL generation. Use sqlparser.String instead. The Stringer conformance is for usage in templates.
func (*IdentifierCI) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *IdentifierCI) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
type IdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
type IdentifierCS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IdentifierCS is a case sensitive SQL identifier. It will be escaped with backquotes if necessary.
func CloneIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneIdentifierCS(n IdentifierCS) IdentifierCS
CloneIdentifierCS creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRefOfIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfIdentifierCS(n *IdentifierCS) *IdentifierCS
CloneRefOfIdentifierCS creates a deep clone of the input.
func GetTableName ¶
func GetTableName(node SimpleTableExpr) IdentifierCS
GetTableName returns the table name from the SimpleTableExpr only if it's a simple expression. Otherwise, it returns "".
func NewIdentifierCS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewIdentifierCS(str string) IdentifierCS
NewIdentifierCS creates a new IdentifierCS.
func (*IdentifierCS) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *IdentifierCS) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (IdentifierCS) CompliantName ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCS) CompliantName() string
CompliantName returns a compliant id name that can be used for a bind var.
func (IdentifierCS) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCS) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (IdentifierCS) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node IdentifierCS) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (IdentifierCS) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCS) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if TabIdent is empty.
func (IdentifierCS) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals into JSON.
func (IdentifierCS) NotEmpty ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node IdentifierCS) NotEmpty() bool
NonEmpty returns true if TabIdent is not empty.
func (IdentifierCS) String ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node IdentifierCS) String() string
String returns the unescaped table name. It must not be used for SQL generation. Use sqlparser.String instead. The Stringer conformance is for usage in templates.
func (*IdentifierCS) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *IdentifierCS) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
type Ignore ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Ignore bool
Ignore represents whether ignore was specified or not
type IndexColumn ¶
type IndexColumn struct { // Only one of Column or Expression can be specified // Length is an optional field which is only applicable when Column is used Column IdentifierCI Length *int Expression Expr Direction OrderDirection }
IndexColumn describes a column or expression in an index definition with optional length (for column)
func CloneRefOfIndexColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfIndexColumn(n *IndexColumn) *IndexColumn
CloneRefOfIndexColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn(n []*IndexColumn) []*IndexColumn
CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IndexColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *IndexColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type IndexDefinition ¶
type IndexDefinition struct { Info *IndexInfo Columns []*IndexColumn Options []*IndexOption }
IndexDefinition describes an index in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfIndexDefinition(n *IndexDefinition) *IndexDefinition
CloneRefOfIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition(n []*IndexDefinition) []*IndexDefinition
CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IndexDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *IndexDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*IndexDefinition) Format ¶
func (idx *IndexDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*IndexDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (idx *IndexDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type IndexHint ¶ added in v0.14.0
type IndexHint struct { Type IndexHintType ForType IndexHintForType Indexes []IdentifierCI }
IndexHint represents an index hint. More information available on
func CloneRefOfIndexHint ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfIndexHint creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IndexHint) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*IndexHint) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *IndexHint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*IndexHint) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *IndexHint) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type IndexHintForType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type IndexHintForType int8
IndexHintForType is an enum for FOR specified in an IndexHint
const ( NoForType IndexHintForType = iota JoinForType GroupByForType OrderByForType )
Constant for Enum Type - IndexHintForType
func (IndexHintForType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty IndexHintForType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type IndexHintType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type IndexHintType int8
IndexHintType is an enum for IndexHint.Type
const ( UseOp IndexHintType = iota IgnoreOp ForceOp UseVindexOp IgnoreVindexOp )
Constant for Enum Type - IndexHintType
func (IndexHintType) IsVindexHint ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (ty IndexHintType) IsVindexHint() bool
IsVindexHint returns if the given hint is a Vindex hint or not.
func (IndexHintType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty IndexHintType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type IndexHints ¶
type IndexHints []*IndexHint
IndexHints represents a list of index hints.
func CloneIndexHints ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneIndexHints(n IndexHints) IndexHints
CloneIndexHints creates a deep clone of the input.
func (IndexHints) Format ¶
func (node IndexHints) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (IndexHints) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node IndexHints) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type IndexInfo ¶
type IndexInfo struct { Type IndexType Name IdentifierCI ConstraintName IdentifierCI }
IndexInfo describes the name and type of an index in a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfIndexInfo ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfIndexInfo creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IndexInfo) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*IndexInfo) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (ii *IndexInfo) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type IndexOption ¶
IndexOption is used for trailing options for indexes: COMMENT, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, USING, WITH PARSER
func CloneRefOfIndexOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfIndexOption(n *IndexOption) *IndexOption
CloneRefOfIndexOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption(n []*IndexOption) []*IndexOption
CloneSliceOfRefOfIndexOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IndexOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *IndexOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type IndexType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type IndexType int8
IndexType is the type of index in a DDL statement
type Insert ¶
type Insert struct { Action InsertAction Comments *ParsedComments Ignore Ignore // The Insert as syntax still take TableName. // The change is made for semantic analyzer as it takes AliasedTableExpr to provide TableInfo Table *AliasedTableExpr Partitions Partitions Columns Columns Rows InsertRows RowAlias *RowAlias OnDup OnDup }
Insert represents an INSERT or REPLACE statement. Per the MySQL docs, Replace is the counterpart to `INSERT IGNORE`, and works exactly like a normal INSERT except if the row exists. In that case it first deletes the row and re-inserts with new values. For that reason we keep it as an Insert struct. Replaces are currently disallowed in sharded schemas because of the implications the deletion part may have on vindexes. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.
func CloneRefOfInsert ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfInsert creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Insert) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Insert) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Insert) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Insert) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Insert) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Insert.
func (*Insert) SetComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
SetComments for Insert
type InsertAction ¶ added in v0.8.0
type InsertAction int8
InsertAction is the action for insert.
const ( InsertAct InsertAction = iota ReplaceAct )
Constants for Enum Type - Insert.Action
type InsertExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
InsertExpr represents an INSERT expression
func CloneRefOfInsertExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfInsertExpr(n *InsertExpr) *InsertExpr
CloneRefOfInsertExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*InsertExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *InsertExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*InsertExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *InsertExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*InsertExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *InsertExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*InsertExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*InsertExpr) IsExpr()
type InsertRows ¶
type InsertRows interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
InsertRows represents the rows for an INSERT statement.
func CloneInsertRows ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneInsertRows(in InsertRows) InsertRows
CloneInsertRows creates a deep clone of the input.
type InsertValues ¶
InsertValues is a custom SQL encoder for the values of an insert statement.
func (InsertValues) EncodeSQL ¶
func (iv InsertValues) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder)
EncodeSQL performs the SQL encoding for InsertValues.
type IntervalDateExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
type IntervalDateExpr struct { Syntax IntervalExprSyntax Date Expr Interval Expr Unit IntervalType }
IntervalDateExpr represents ADDDATE(), DATE_ADD()
func CloneRefOfIntervalDateExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CloneRefOfIntervalDateExpr(n *IntervalDateExpr) *IntervalDateExpr
CloneRefOfIntervalDateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IntervalDateExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cached *IntervalDateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*IntervalDateExpr) FnName ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *IntervalDateExpr) FnName() string
func (*IntervalDateExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *IntervalDateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*IntervalDateExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *IntervalDateExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*IntervalDateExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*IntervalDateExpr) IsExpr()
func (*IntervalDateExpr) IsSubtraction ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *IntervalDateExpr) IsSubtraction() bool
func (*IntervalDateExpr) NormalizedUnit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *IntervalDateExpr) NormalizedUnit() IntervalType
type IntervalExprSyntax ¶ added in v0.18.0
type IntervalExprSyntax int8
const ( IntervalDateExprDateAdd IntervalExprSyntax = iota IntervalDateExprDateSub IntervalDateExprAdddate IntervalDateExprSubdate IntervalDateExprBinaryAdd IntervalDateExprBinaryAddLeft IntervalDateExprBinarySub IntervalDateExprTimestampadd )
type IntervalFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
IntervalFuncExpr represents an INTERVAL function expression
func CloneRefOfIntervalFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfIntervalFuncExpr(n *IntervalFuncExpr) *IntervalFuncExpr
CloneRefOfIntervalFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IntervalFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *IntervalFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*IntervalFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *IntervalFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*IntervalFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *IntervalFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*IntervalFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*IntervalFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type IntervalType ¶ added in v0.18.0
type IntervalType = datetime.IntervalType
*********** Expressions
type IntroducerExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
IntroducerExpr represents a unary value expression.
func CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr(n *IntroducerExpr) *IntroducerExpr
CloneRefOfIntroducerExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IntroducerExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *IntroducerExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*IntroducerExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *IntroducerExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*IntroducerExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *IntroducerExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*IntroducerExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*IntroducerExpr) IsExpr()
type IsExpr ¶
type IsExpr struct { Left Expr Right IsExprOperator }
IsExpr represents an IS ... or an IS NOT ... expression.
func CloneRefOfIsExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfIsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*IsExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*IsExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *IsExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type IsExprOperator ¶ added in v0.8.0
type IsExprOperator int8
IsExprOperator is an enum for IsExpr.Operator
const ( IsNullOp IsExprOperator = iota IsNotNullOp IsTrueOp IsNotTrueOp IsFalseOp IsNotFalseOp )
Constant for Enum Type - IsExprOperator
func (IsExprOperator) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (op IsExprOperator) ToString() string
ToString returns the operator as a string
type JSONArrayExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONArrayExpr struct {
Params Exprs
JSONArrayExpr represents JSON_ARRAY() More information on
func CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr(n *JSONArrayExpr) *JSONArrayExpr
CloneRefOfJSONArrayExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONArrayExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONArrayExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONArrayExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONArrayExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONArrayExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONArrayExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONArrayExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONArrayExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONAttributeType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONAttributeType int8
JSONAttributeType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM
const ( DepthAttributeType JSONAttributeType = iota ValidAttributeType TypeAttributeType LengthAttributeType )
Constants for Enum Type - JSONAttributeType
func (JSONAttributeType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty JSONAttributeType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type JSONAttributesExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONAttributesExpr struct { Type JSONAttributeType JSONDoc Expr Path Expr }
JSONAttributesExpr represents the argument and function for functions returning JSON value attributes More information available on
func CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr(n *JSONAttributesExpr) *JSONAttributesExpr
CloneRefOfJSONAttributesExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONAttributesExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONAttributesExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONAttributesExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONAttributesExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONAttributesExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONAttributesExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONAttributesExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONAttributesExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONContainsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONContainsExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_CONTAINS() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr(n *JSONContainsExpr) *JSONContainsExpr
CloneRefOfJSONContainsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONContainsExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONContainsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONContainsExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONContainsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONContainsExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONContainsExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONContainsExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONContainsExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONContainsPathExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONContainsPathExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr(n *JSONContainsPathExpr) *JSONContainsPathExpr
CloneRefOfJSONContainsPathExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONContainsPathExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONContainsPathExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONContainsPathExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONContainsPathExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONContainsPathType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONContainsPathType int8
JSONContainsPathType is an enum to get types of Trim
type JSONExtractExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONExtractExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_EXTRACT() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr(n *JSONExtractExpr) *JSONExtractExpr
CloneRefOfJSONExtractExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONExtractExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONExtractExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONExtractExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONExtractExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONExtractExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONExtractExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONExtractExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONExtractExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONKeysExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONKeysExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_KEYS() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr(n *JSONKeysExpr) *JSONKeysExpr
CloneRefOfJSONKeysExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONKeysExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONKeysExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONKeysExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONKeysExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONKeysExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONKeysExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONKeysExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONKeysExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONObjectExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONObjectExpr struct {
Params []*JSONObjectParam
JSONObjectExpr represents JSON_OBJECT() More information on
func CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr(n *JSONObjectExpr) *JSONObjectExpr
CloneRefOfJSONObjectExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONObjectExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONObjectExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONObjectExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONObjectExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONObjectExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONObjectExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONObjectExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONObjectExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONObjectParam defines a key/value parameter for a JSON_OBJECT expression
func CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam(n *JSONObjectParam) *JSONObjectParam
CloneRefOfJSONObjectParam creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam(n []*JSONObjectParam) []*JSONObjectParam
CloneSliceOfRefOfJSONObjectParam creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONObjectParam) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONObjectParam) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONObjectParam) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONObjectParam) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONObjectParam) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONObjectParam) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type JSONOverlapsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONOverlapsExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_OVERLAPS() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr(n *JSONOverlapsExpr) *JSONOverlapsExpr
CloneRefOfJSONOverlapsExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONOverlapsExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONOverlapsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONOverlapsExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONOverlapsExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONPrettyExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONPrettyExpr struct {
JSONVal Expr
JSONPrettyExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_PRETTY()
func CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr(n *JSONPrettyExpr) *JSONPrettyExpr
CloneRefOfJSONPrettyExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONPrettyExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONPrettyExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONPrettyExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONPrettyExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONPrettyExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONPrettyExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONPrettyExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONPrettyExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONQuoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONQuoteExpr struct {
StringArg Expr
JSONQuoteExpr represents JSON_QUOTE() More information
func CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr(n *JSONQuoteExpr) *JSONQuoteExpr
CloneRefOfJSONQuoteExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONQuoteExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONQuoteExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONQuoteExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONQuoteExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONQuoteExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONQuoteExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONQuoteExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONQuoteExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONRemoveExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONRemoveExpr represents the JSON_REMOVE() For more information, postVisit
func CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr(n *JSONRemoveExpr) *JSONRemoveExpr
CloneRefOfJSONRemoveExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONRemoveExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONRemoveExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONRemoveExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONRemoveExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONRemoveExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONRemoveExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONRemoveExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONRemoveExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr represents the structure of JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() More information available on
func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr(n *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr
CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONSchemaValidFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr represents the structure of JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() More information available on
func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr(n *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr
CloneRefOfJSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONSchemaValidationReportFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONSearchExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONSearchExpr struct { JSONDoc Expr OneOrAll Expr SearchStr Expr EscapeChar Expr PathList []Expr }
JSONSearchExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_SEARCH() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr(n *JSONSearchExpr) *JSONSearchExpr
CloneRefOfJSONSearchExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONSearchExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONSearchExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONSearchExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONSearchExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONSearchExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONSearchExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONSearchExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONSearchExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONStorageFreeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONStorageFreeExpr struct {
JSONVal Expr
JSONStorageFreeExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_STORAGE_FREE()
func CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr(n *JSONStorageFreeExpr) *JSONStorageFreeExpr
CloneRefOfJSONStorageFreeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONStorageFreeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONStorageFreeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONStorageFreeExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONStorageFreeExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONStorageSizeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONStorageSizeExpr struct {
JSONVal Expr
JSONStorageSizeExpr represents the function and argument for JSON_STORAGE_SIZE()
func CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr(n *JSONStorageSizeExpr) *JSONStorageSizeExpr
CloneRefOfJSONStorageSizeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONStorageSizeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONStorageSizeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONStorageSizeExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONStorageSizeExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONTableExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONTableExpr struct { Expr Expr Alias IdentifierCS Filter Expr Columns []*JtColumnDefinition }
JSONTableExpr describes the components of JSON_TABLE() For more information, postVisit
func CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr(n *JSONTableExpr) *JSONTableExpr
CloneRefOfJSONTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONTableExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONTableExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*JSONTableExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type JSONUnquoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONUnquoteExpr struct {
JSONValue Expr
JSONRemoveExpr represents the JSON_UNQUOTE() For more information, postVisit
func CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr(n *JSONUnquoteExpr) *JSONUnquoteExpr
CloneRefOfJSONUnquoteExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONUnquoteExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONUnquoteExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONUnquoteExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONUnquoteExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONValueExpr struct { JSONDoc Expr Path Expr ReturningType *ConvertType EmptyOnResponse *JtOnResponse ErrorOnResponse *JtOnResponse }
JSONValueExpr represents the function and arguments for JSON_VALUE() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr(n *JSONValueExpr) *JSONValueExpr
CloneRefOfJSONValueExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONValueExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONValueExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONValueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONValueExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*JSONValueExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONValueExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*JSONValueExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONValueExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONValueMergeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONValueMergeExpr struct { Type JSONValueMergeType JSONDoc Expr JSONDocList Exprs }
JSONValueMergeExpr represents the json value modifier functions which merges documents. Functions falling under this class: JSON_MERGE, JSON_MERGE_PATCH, JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE
func CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr(n *JSONValueMergeExpr) *JSONValueMergeExpr
CloneRefOfJSONValueMergeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONValueMergeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONValueMergeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONValueMergeExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONValueMergeExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONValueMergeType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONValueMergeType int8
JSONValueModifierType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM
const ( JSONMergeType JSONValueMergeType = iota JSONMergePatchType JSONMergePreserveType )
Constants for Enum Type - JSONValueMergeType
func (JSONValueMergeType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty JSONValueMergeType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type JSONValueModifierExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONValueModifierExpr struct { Type JSONValueModifierType JSONDoc Expr Params []*JSONObjectParam }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr(n *JSONValueModifierExpr) *JSONValueModifierExpr
CloneRefOfJSONValueModifierExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JSONValueModifierExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JSONValueModifierExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JSONValueModifierExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*JSONValueModifierExpr) IsExpr()
type JSONValueModifierType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JSONValueModifierType int8
JSONValueModifierType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: JSON_DEPTH JSON_TYPE JSON_VALID ENUM
const ( JSONArrayAppendType JSONValueModifierType = iota JSONArrayInsertType JSONInsertType JSONReplaceType JSONSetType )
Constants for Enum Type - JSONValueModifierType
func (JSONValueModifierType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty JSONValueModifierType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type JoinCondition ¶
JoinCondition represents the join conditions (either a ON or USING clause) of a JoinTableExpr.
func CloneRefOfJoinCondition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfJoinCondition(n *JoinCondition) *JoinCondition
CloneRefOfJoinCondition creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewJoinCondition ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewJoinCondition(on Expr, using Columns) *JoinCondition
NewJoinCondition makes a new JoinCondition
func (*JoinCondition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *JoinCondition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JoinCondition) Format ¶
func (node *JoinCondition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JoinCondition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JoinCondition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type JoinTableExpr ¶
type JoinTableExpr struct { LeftExpr TableExpr Join JoinType RightExpr TableExpr Condition *JoinCondition }
JoinTableExpr represents a TableExpr that's a JOIN operation.
func CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr(n *JoinTableExpr) *JoinTableExpr
CloneRefOfJoinTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewJoinTableExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewJoinTableExpr(leftExpr TableExpr, join JoinType, rightExpr TableExpr, condition *JoinCondition) *JoinTableExpr
NewJoinTableExpr makes a new JoinTableExpr
func (*JoinTableExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *JoinTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JoinTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *JoinTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*JoinTableExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JoinTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type JoinType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type JoinType int8
JoinType represents the type of Join for JoinTableExpr
const ( NormalJoinType JoinType = iota StraightJoinType LeftJoinType RightJoinType NaturalJoinType NaturalLeftJoinType NaturalRightJoinType )
Constants for Enum Type - JoinType
func (JoinType) IsCommutative ¶ added in v0.20.0
IsCommutative returns whether the join type supports rearranging or not.
type JtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtColumnDefinition struct { JtOrdinal *JtOrdinalColDef JtPath *JtPathColDef JtNestedPath *JtNestedPathColDef }
JtColumnDefinition represents the structure of column definition in JSON_TABLE
func CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition(n *JtColumnDefinition) *JtColumnDefinition
CloneRefOfJtColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition(n []*JtColumnDefinition) []*JtColumnDefinition
CloneSliceOfRefOfJtColumnDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JtColumnDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JtColumnDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JtColumnDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JtColumnDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*JtColumnDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JtColumnDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type JtNestedPathColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtNestedPathColDef struct { Path Expr Columns []*JtColumnDefinition }
JtNestedPathColDef is type of column definition with nested column definitions
func CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef(n *JtNestedPathColDef) *JtNestedPathColDef
CloneRefOfJtNestedPathColDef creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JtNestedPathColDef) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JtNestedPathColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type JtOnResponse ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtOnResponse struct { ResponseType JtOnResponseType Expr Expr }
JtOnResponse specifies for a column the JtOnResponseType along with the expression for default and error
func CloneRefOfJtOnResponse ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJtOnResponse(n *JtOnResponse) *JtOnResponse
CloneRefOfJtOnResponse creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JtOnResponse) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JtOnResponse) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*JtOnResponse) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *JtOnResponse) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*JtOnResponse) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *JtOnResponse) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type JtOnResponseType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtOnResponseType int
JtOnResponseType describes the type of column: default, error or null
const ( ErrorJSONType JtOnResponseType = iota NullJSONType DefaultJSONType )
Constant for Enum Type - JtOnResponseType
type JtOrdinalColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtOrdinalColDef struct {
Name IdentifierCI
JtOrdinalColDef is a type of column definition similar to using AUTO_INCREMENT with a column
func CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef(n *JtOrdinalColDef) *JtOrdinalColDef
CloneRefOfJtOrdinalColDef creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JtOrdinalColDef) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JtOrdinalColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type JtPathColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
type JtPathColDef struct { Name IdentifierCI Type *ColumnType JtColExists bool Path Expr EmptyOnResponse *JtOnResponse ErrorOnResponse *JtOnResponse }
JtPathColDef is a type of column definition specifying the path in JSON structure to extract values
func CloneRefOfJtPathColDef ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfJtPathColDef(n *JtPathColDef) *JtPathColDef
CloneRefOfJtPathColDef creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*JtPathColDef) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *JtPathColDef) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type KeyState ¶ added in v0.9.0
type KeyState struct {
Enable bool
KeyState is used to disable or enable the keys in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfKeyState ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfKeyState creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*KeyState) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*KeyState) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *KeyState) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*KeyState) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *KeyState) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type Kill ¶ added in v0.18.0
Kill represents a kill statement
func CloneRefOfKill ¶ added in v0.18.0
CloneRefOfKill creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Kill) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (*Kill) Format ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *Kill) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the kill statement
func (*Kill) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Kill) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the kill statement
type LagLeadExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type LagLeadExpr struct { Type LagLeadExprType Expr Expr N Expr Default Expr OverClause *OverClause NullTreatmentClause *NullTreatmentClause }
LagLeadExpr stand for the following: LAG, LEAD
func CloneRefOfLagLeadExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfLagLeadExpr(n *LagLeadExpr) *LagLeadExpr
CloneRefOfLagLeadExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LagLeadExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *LagLeadExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LagLeadExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *LagLeadExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*LagLeadExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LagLeadExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*LagLeadExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LagLeadExpr) IsExpr()
type LagLeadExprType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type LagLeadExprType int8
LagLeadExprType is an enum to get types of LagLeadExpr.
const ( LagExprType LagLeadExprType = iota LeadExprType )
Constants for Enum Type - FirstOrLastValueExprType
func (LagLeadExprType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty LagLeadExprType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type LengthScaleOption ¶
LengthScaleOption is used for types that have an optional length and scale
type Limit ¶
type Limit struct {
Offset, Rowcount Expr
Limit represents a LIMIT clause.
func CloneRefOfLimit ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfLimit creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewLimitWithoutOffset ¶ added in v0.18.0
NewLimitWithoutOffset makes a new Limit without an offset
func (*Limit) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Limit) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Limit) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type LineStringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LineStringExpr struct {
PointParams Exprs
LineString represents LineString(POINT(x,y), POINT(x,y), ..) expression
func CloneRefOfLineStringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfLineStringExpr(n *LineStringExpr) *LineStringExpr
CloneRefOfLineStringExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LineStringExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *LineStringExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LineStringExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *LineStringExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*LineStringExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LineStringExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*LineStringExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LineStringExpr) IsExpr()
type LinestrPropType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LinestrPropType int8
LinestrPropType is an enum that enumerates the kind of line string property functions: EndPoint IsClosed Length NumPoints PointN StartPoint
const ( EndPoint LinestrPropType = iota IsClosed Length NumPoints PointN StartPoint )
Enum Types of linestring property functions
func (LinestrPropType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty LinestrPropType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type LinestrPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LinestrPropertyFuncExpr struct { Property LinestrPropType Linestring Expr PropertyDefArg Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr(n *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr
CloneRefOfLinestrPropertyFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LinestrPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type ListArg ¶
type ListArg string
ListArg represents a named list argument.
func NewListArg ¶ added in v0.12.0
NewListArg builds a new ListArg.
func (ListArg) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node ListArg) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Literal ¶ added in v0.8.0
Literal represents a fixed value.
func CloneRefOfLiteral ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfLiteral creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewBitLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewBitLiteral builds a new BitNum containing a bit literal.
func NewDateLiteral ¶ added in v0.15.0
NewDateLiteral builds a new Date.
func NewDecimalLiteral ¶ added in v0.13.0
func NewFloatLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewFloatLiteral builds a new FloatVal.
func NewHexLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewHexLiteral builds a new HexVal.
func NewHexNumLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewHexNumLiteral builds a new HexNum.
func NewIntLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewIntLiteral builds a new IntVal.
func NewStrLiteral ¶ added in v0.8.0
NewStrLiteral builds a new StrVal.
func NewTimeLiteral ¶ added in v0.15.0
NewTimeLiteral builds a new Date.
func NewTimestampLiteral ¶ added in v0.15.0
NewTimestampLiteral builds a new Date.
func (*Literal) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Literal) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *Literal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Literal) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Literal) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Load ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Load struct { }
Load represents a LOAD statement
func CloneRefOfLoad ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfLoad creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Load) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *Load) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Load) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Load) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type LocateExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
LocateExpr represents a LOCATE function expression
func CloneRefOfLocateExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfLocateExpr(n *LocateExpr) *LocateExpr
CloneRefOfLocateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LocateExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *LocateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LocateExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *LocateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*LocateExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LocateExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*LocateExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LocateExpr) IsExpr()
type Lock ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Lock int8
Lock is an enum for the type of lock in the statement
Constants for Enum Type - Lock
func (Lock) GetHighestOrderLock ¶ added in v0.20.0
GetHighestOrderLock returns the higher level lock between the current lock and the new lock
type LockOption ¶ added in v0.9.0
type LockOption struct {
Type LockOptionType
LockOption is used to specify the type of lock to use in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfLockOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfLockOption(n *LockOption) *LockOption
CloneRefOfLockOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LockOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *LockOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LockOption) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *LockOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*LockOption) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LockOption) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type LockOptionType ¶ added in v0.9.0
type LockOptionType int8
LockOptionType is an enum for LockOption.Type
const ( DefaultType LockOptionType = iota NoneType ExclusiveType )
LockOptionType constants
func (LockOptionType) ToString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (lock LockOptionType) ToString() string
ToString returns the LockOptionType as a string
type LockTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
type LockTables struct {
Tables TableAndLockTypes
LockTables represents the lock statement
func CloneRefOfLockTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfLockTables(n *LockTables) *LockTables
CloneRefOfLockTables creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LockTables) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *LockTables) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LockTables) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *LockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the LockTables node.
func (*LockTables) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LockTables) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the LockTables node.
type LockingFunc ¶ added in v0.14.0
type LockingFunc struct { Type LockingFuncType Name Expr Timeout Expr }
LockingFunc represents the advisory lock functions.
func CloneRefOfLockingFunc ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfLockingFunc(n *LockingFunc) *LockingFunc
CloneRefOfLockingFunc creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*LockingFunc) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *LockingFunc) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*LockingFunc) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *LockingFunc) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*LockingFunc) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *LockingFunc) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*LockingFunc) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*LockingFunc) IsExpr()
type LockingFuncType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type LockingFuncType int8
LockingFuncType is an enum that get types of LockingFunc
const ( GetLock LockingFuncType = iota IsFreeLock IsUsedLock ReleaseAllLocks ReleaseLock )
Constants for Enum Type - LockingFuncType
func (LockingFuncType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty LockingFuncType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type MarginComments ¶
MarginComments holds the leading and trailing comments that surround a query.
func SplitMarginComments ¶
func SplitMarginComments(sql string) (query string, comments MarginComments)
SplitMarginComments pulls out any leading or trailing comments from a raw sql query. This function also trims leading (if there's a comment) and trailing whitespace.
type MatchAction ¶ added in v0.14.0
type MatchAction int
MatchAction indicates the type of match for a referential constraint, so a `MATCH FULL`, `MATCH SIMPLE` or `MATCH PARTIAL`.
const ( // DefaultMatch indicates no action was explicitly specified. DefaultMatch MatchAction = iota Full Partial Simple )
func (MatchAction) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (a MatchAction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (MatchAction) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (a MatchAction) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type MatchExpr ¶
type MatchExpr struct { Columns []*ColName Expr Expr Option MatchExprOption }
MatchExpr represents a call to the MATCH function
func CloneRefOfMatchExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfMatchExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*MatchExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*MatchExpr) Format ¶
func (node *MatchExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*MatchExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *MatchExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type MatchExprOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
type MatchExprOption int8
MatchExprOption is an enum for MatchExpr.Option
const ( NoOption MatchExprOption = iota BooleanModeOpt NaturalLanguageModeOpt NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionOpt QueryExpansionOpt )
Constant for Enum Type - MatchExprOption
func (MatchExprOption) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (option MatchExprOption) ToString() string
ToString returns the option as a string
type Max ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Max struct { Arg Expr Distinct bool OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfMax ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfMax creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Max) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Max) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Max) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Max) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Max) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Max) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Max) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
type MemberOfExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
MemberOf represents the function and arguments for MEMBER OF() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr(n *MemberOfExpr) *MemberOfExpr
CloneRefOfMemberOfExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*MemberOfExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *MemberOfExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*MemberOfExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *MemberOfExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*MemberOfExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *MemberOfExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*MemberOfExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*MemberOfExpr) IsExpr()
type Min ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Min struct { Arg Expr Distinct bool OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfMin ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfMin creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Min) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Min) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Min) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Min) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Min) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Min) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Min) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
type ModifyColumn ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ModifyColumn struct { NewColDefinition *ColumnDefinition First bool After *ColName }
ModifyColumn is used to change the column definition in alter table command
func CloneRefOfModifyColumn ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfModifyColumn(n *ModifyColumn) *ModifyColumn
CloneRefOfModifyColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ModifyColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ModifyColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ModifyColumn) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *ModifyColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*ModifyColumn) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ModifyColumn) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type MultiLinestringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type MultiLinestringExpr struct {
LinestringParams Exprs
MultiPoint represents a geometry collection for linestrings
func CloneRefOfMultiLinestringExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfMultiLinestringExpr(n *MultiLinestringExpr) *MultiLinestringExpr
CloneRefOfMultiLinestringExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*MultiLinestringExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *MultiLinestringExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*MultiLinestringExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *MultiLinestringExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*MultiLinestringExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *MultiLinestringExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*MultiLinestringExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*MultiLinestringExpr) IsExpr()
type MultiPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type MultiPointExpr struct {
PointParams Exprs
MultiPoint represents a geometry collection for points
func CloneRefOfMultiPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfMultiPointExpr(n *MultiPointExpr) *MultiPointExpr
CloneRefOfMultiPointExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*MultiPointExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *MultiPointExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*MultiPointExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *MultiPointExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*MultiPointExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *MultiPointExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*MultiPointExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*MultiPointExpr) IsExpr()
type MultiPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type MultiPolygonExpr struct {
PolygonParams Exprs
MultiPolygon represents a geometry collection for polygons
func CloneRefOfMultiPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfMultiPolygonExpr(n *MultiPolygonExpr) *MultiPolygonExpr
CloneRefOfMultiPolygonExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*MultiPolygonExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *MultiPolygonExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*MultiPolygonExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *MultiPolygonExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*MultiPolygonExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *MultiPolygonExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*MultiPolygonExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*MultiPolygonExpr) IsExpr()
type NTHValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NTHValueExpr struct { Expr Expr N Expr OverClause *OverClause FromFirstLastClause *FromFirstLastClause NullTreatmentClause *NullTreatmentClause }
NTHValueExpr stands for the NTH_VALUE()
func CloneRefOfNTHValueExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfNTHValueExpr(n *NTHValueExpr) *NTHValueExpr
CloneRefOfNTHValueExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*NTHValueExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *NTHValueExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*NTHValueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *NTHValueExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*NTHValueExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NTHValueExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*NTHValueExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*NTHValueExpr) IsExpr()
type NamedWindow ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NamedWindow struct {
Windows WindowDefinitions
Types for window functions
func CloneRefOfNamedWindow ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfNamedWindow(n *NamedWindow) *NamedWindow
CloneRefOfNamedWindow creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*NamedWindow) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *NamedWindow) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*NamedWindow) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *NamedWindow) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*NamedWindow) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NamedWindow) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*NamedWindow) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*NamedWindow) IsExpr()
type NamedWindows ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NamedWindows []*NamedWindow
Types for window functions
func CloneNamedWindows ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneNamedWindows(n NamedWindows) NamedWindows
CloneNamedWindows creates a deep clone of the input.
func (NamedWindows) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node NamedWindows) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (NamedWindows) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node NamedWindows) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Nextval ¶
type Nextval struct {
Expr Expr
Nextval defines the NEXT VALUE expression.
func CloneRefOfNextval ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfNextval creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Nextval) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Nextval) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Nextval) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type NodeFormatter ¶
type NodeFormatter func(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode)
NodeFormatter defines the signature of a custom node formatter function that can be given to TrackedBuffer for code generation.
type NotExpr ¶
type NotExpr struct {
Expr Expr
NotExpr represents a NOT expression.
func CloneRefOfNotExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfNotExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewNotExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
NewNotExpr makes a new NotExpr
func (*NotExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*NotExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NotExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type NtileExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NtileExpr struct { N Expr OverClause *OverClause }
NtileExpr stands for the NTILE()
func CloneRefOfNtileExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfNtileExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*NtileExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*NtileExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *NtileExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*NtileExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NtileExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type NullTreatmentClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NullTreatmentClause struct {
Type NullTreatmentType
NullTreatmentClause refers to null_treatment According to SQL Docs: Some window functions permit a null_treatment clause that specifies how to handle NULL values when calculating results. This clause is optional. It is part of the SQL standard, but the MySQL implementation permits only RESPECT NULLS (which is also the default). This means that NULL values are considered when calculating results. IGNORE NULLS is parsed, but produces an error.
func CloneRefOfNullTreatmentClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfNullTreatmentClause(n *NullTreatmentClause) *NullTreatmentClause
CloneRefOfNullTreatmentClause creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*NullTreatmentClause) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *NullTreatmentClause) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*NullTreatmentClause) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NullTreatmentClause) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type NullTreatmentType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NullTreatmentType int8
NullTreatmentType is an enum to get types for NullTreatmentClause
const ( RespectNullsType NullTreatmentType = iota IgnoreNullsType )
Constants for Enum Type - NullTreatmentType
func (NullTreatmentType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty NullTreatmentType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type NullVal ¶
type NullVal struct{}
NullVal represents a NULL value.
func CloneRefOfNullVal ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfNullVal creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*NullVal) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *NullVal) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Offset ¶ added in v0.14.0
Offset is an AST type that is used during planning and never produced by the parser it is the column offset from the incoming result stream
func CloneRefOfOffset ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfOffset creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Offset) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*Offset) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Offset) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Offset) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Offset) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OnDup ¶
type OnDup UpdateExprs
OnDup represents an ON DUPLICATE KEY clause.
func CloneOnDup ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneOnDup creates a deep clone of the input.
func (OnDup) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node OnDup) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OptLike ¶
type OptLike struct {
LikeTable TableName
OptLike works for create table xxx like xxx
func CloneRefOfOptLike ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfOptLike creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*OptLike) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*OptLike) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *OptLike) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OrExpr ¶
type OrExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
OrExpr represents an OR expression.
func CloneRefOfOrExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfOrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*OrExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*OrExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *OrExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Expr Expr Direction OrderDirection }
Order represents an ordering expression.
func CloneRefOfOrder ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfOrder creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewOrder ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewOrder(expr Expr, direction OrderDirection) *Order
NewOrder makes a new Order
func (*Order) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Order) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Order) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OrderAndLimit ¶ added in v0.20.0
type OrderBy ¶
type OrderBy []*Order
OrderBy represents an ORDER By clause.
func CloneOrderBy ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneOrderBy creates a deep clone of the input.
func (OrderBy) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node OrderBy) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OrderByOption ¶ added in v0.9.0
type OrderByOption struct {
Cols Columns
OrderByOption clause is used to specify the order by in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfOrderByOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfOrderByOption(n *OrderByOption) *OrderByOption
CloneRefOfOrderByOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*OrderByOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *OrderByOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*OrderByOption) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *OrderByOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*OrderByOption) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *OrderByOption) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type OrderDirection ¶ added in v0.8.0
type OrderDirection int8
OrderDirection is an enum for the direction in which to order - asc or desc.
const ( AscOrder OrderDirection = iota DescOrder )
Constant for Enum Type - OrderDirection
func (OrderDirection) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (dir OrderDirection) ToString() string
ToString returns the direction as a string
type OtherAdmin ¶
type OtherAdmin struct{}
OtherAdmin represents a misc statement that relies on ADMIN privileges, such as REPAIR, OPTIMIZE, or TRUNCATE statement. It should be used only as an indicator. It does not contain the full AST for the statement.
func CloneRefOfOtherAdmin ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfOtherAdmin(n *OtherAdmin) *OtherAdmin
CloneRefOfOtherAdmin creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*OtherAdmin) Format ¶
func (node *OtherAdmin) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*OtherAdmin) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *OtherAdmin) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type OverClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
type OverClause struct { WindowName IdentifierCI WindowSpec *WindowSpecification }
OverClause refers to over_clause More information available here:
func CloneRefOfOverClause ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfOverClause(n *OverClause) *OverClause
CloneRefOfOverClause creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*OverClause) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *OverClause) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*OverClause) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *OverClause) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*OverClause) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *OverClause) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type ParenTableExpr ¶
type ParenTableExpr struct {
Exprs TableExprs
ParenTableExpr represents a parenthesized list of TableExpr.
func CloneRefOfParenTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfParenTableExpr(n *ParenTableExpr) *ParenTableExpr
CloneRefOfParenTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ParenTableExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ParenTableExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ParenTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ParenTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ParenTableExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ParenTableExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ParsedComments struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CloneRefOfParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfParsedComments(n *ParsedComments) *ParsedComments
CloneRefOfParsedComments creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ParsedComments) AddQueryHint ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ParsedComments) AddQueryHint(queryHint string) (Comments, error)
AddQueryHint adds the given string to list of comment. If the list is empty, one will be created containing the query hint. If the list already contains a query hint, the given string will be merged with the existing one. This is done because only one query hint is allowed per query.
func (*ParsedComments) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ParsedComments) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ParsedComments) Directives ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *ParsedComments) Directives() *CommentDirectives
Directives parses the comment list for any execution directives of the form:
It returns the map of the directive values or nil if there aren't any.
func (*ParsedComments) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ParsedComments) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ParsedComments) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ParsedComments) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ParsedComments) GetComments ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (c *ParsedComments) GetComments() Comments
func (*ParsedComments) GetMySQLSetVarValue ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *ParsedComments) GetMySQLSetVarValue(key string) string
GetMySQLSetVarValue gets the value of the given variable if it is part of a /*+ SET_VAR() */ MySQL optimizer hint.
func (*ParsedComments) Length ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *ParsedComments) Length() int
func (*ParsedComments) Prepend ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *ParsedComments) Prepend(comment string) Comments
func (*ParsedComments) ResetDirectives ¶ added in v0.15.5
func (c *ParsedComments) ResetDirectives()
ResetDirectives sets the _directives member to `nil`, which means the next call to Directives() will re-evaluate it.
func (*ParsedComments) SetMySQLSetVarValue ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *ParsedComments) SetMySQLSetVarValue(key string, value string) (newComments Comments)
SetMySQLSetVarValue updates or sets the value of the given variable as part of a /*+ SET_VAR() */ MySQL optimizer hint.
type ParsedQuery ¶
type ParsedQuery struct { Query string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ParsedQuery represents a parsed query where bind locations are precomputed for fast substitutions.
func BuildParsedQuery ¶
func BuildParsedQuery(in string, vars ...any) *ParsedQuery
BuildParsedQuery builds a ParsedQuery from the input.
func NewParsedQuery ¶
func NewParsedQuery(node SQLNode) *ParsedQuery
NewParsedQuery returns a ParsedQuery of the ast.
func (*ParsedQuery) Append ¶
func (pq *ParsedQuery) Append(buf *strings.Builder, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, extras map[string]Encodable) error
Append appends the generated query to the provided buffer.
func (*ParsedQuery) BindLocations ¶ added in v0.18.7
func (pq *ParsedQuery) BindLocations() []BindLocation
func (*ParsedQuery) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ParsedQuery) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ParsedQuery) GenerateQuery ¶
func (pq *ParsedQuery) GenerateQuery(bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, extras map[string]Encodable) (string, error)
GenerateQuery generates a query by substituting the specified bindVariables. The extras parameter specifies special parameters that can perform custom encoding.
func (*ParsedQuery) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pq *ParsedQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshaler for ParsedQuery.
type Parser ¶ added in v0.19.0
type Parser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTestParser ¶ added in v0.19.0
func NewTestParser() *Parser
func (*Parser) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Parser) GetTruncateErrLen ¶ added in v0.19.0
GetTruncateErrLen is a function used to read the value of truncateErrLen
func (*Parser) IsMySQL80AndAbove ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Parser) NewStringTokenizer ¶ added in v0.19.0
NewStringTokenizer creates a new Tokenizer for the sql string.
func (*Parser) NormalizeAlphabetically ¶ added in v0.19.0
NormalizeAlphabetically rewrites given query such that: - WHERE 'AND' expressions are reordered alphabetically
func (*Parser) Parse ¶ added in v0.19.0
Parse behaves like Parse2 but does not return a set of bind variables
func (*Parser) Parse2 ¶ added in v0.19.0
Parse2 parses the SQL in full and returns a Statement, which is the AST representation of the query, and a set of BindVars, which are all the bind variables that were found in the original SQL query. If a DDL statement is partially parsed but still contains a syntax error, the error is ignored and the DDL is returned anyway.
func (*Parser) ParseExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
ParseExpr parses an expression and transforms it to an AST
func (*Parser) ParseStrictDDL ¶ added in v0.19.0
ParseStrictDDL is the same as Parse except it errors on partially parsed DDL statements.
func (*Parser) ParseTable ¶ added in v0.19.0
ParseTable parses the input as a qualified table name. It handles all valid literal escaping.
func (*Parser) QueryMatchesTemplates ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (p *Parser) QueryMatchesTemplates(query string, queryTemplates []string) (match bool, err error)
QueryMatchesTemplates sees if the given query has the same fingerprint as one of the given templates (one is enough)
func (*Parser) RedactSQLQuery ¶ added in v0.19.0
RedactSQLQuery returns a sql string with the params stripped out for display
func (*Parser) ReplaceTableQualifiers ¶ added in v0.19.0
ReplaceTableQualifiers takes a statement's table expressions and replaces any cases of the provided database name with the specified replacement name. Note: both database names provided should be unescaped strings.
func (*Parser) ReplaceTableQualifiersMultiQuery ¶ added in v0.19.0
ReplaceTableQualifiersMultiQuery accepts a multi-query string and modifies it via ReplaceTableQualifiers, one query at a time.
func (*Parser) SetTruncateErrLen ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Parser) SplitStatement ¶ added in v0.19.0
SplitStatement returns the first sql statement up to either a ';' or EOF and the remainder from the given buffer
func (*Parser) SplitStatementToPieces ¶ added in v0.19.0
SplitStatementToPieces split raw sql statement that may have multi sql pieces to sql pieces returns the sql pieces blob contains; or error if sql cannot be parsed
func (*Parser) SplitStatements ¶ added in v0.19.0
SplitStatements splits a given blob into multiple SQL statements.
func (*Parser) TableFromStatement ¶ added in v0.19.0
TableFromStatement returns the qualified table name for the query. This works only for select statements.
func (*Parser) TruncateForLog ¶ added in v0.19.0
TruncateForLog is used when displaying queries as part of error logs to avoid overwhelming logging systems with potentially long queries and bind value data.
func (*Parser) TruncateForUI ¶ added in v0.19.0
TruncateForUI is used when displaying queries on various Vitess status pages to keep the pages small enough to load and render properly
type PartitionByType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type PartitionByType int8
PartitionByType is an enum storing how we are partitioning a table
const ( HashType PartitionByType = iota KeyType RangeType ListType )
Constant for Enum Type - PartitionByType
func (PartitionByType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (partitionType PartitionByType) ToString() string
ToString returns the partition type as a string
type PartitionDefinition ¶
type PartitionDefinition struct { Name IdentifierCI Options *PartitionDefinitionOptions }
PartitionDefinition describes a very minimal partition definition
func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition(n *PartitionDefinition) *PartitionDefinition
CloneRefOfPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition(n []*PartitionDefinition) []*PartitionDefinition
CloneSliceOfRefOfPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *PartitionDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionDefinition) Format ¶
func (node *PartitionDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PartitionDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type PartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
type PartitionDefinitionOptions struct { ValueRange *PartitionValueRange Comment *Literal Engine *PartitionEngine DataDirectory *Literal IndexDirectory *Literal MaxRows *int MinRows *int TableSpace string SubPartitionDefinitions SubPartitionDefinitions }
func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions(n *PartitionDefinitionOptions) *PartitionDefinitionOptions
CloneRefOfPartitionDefinitionOptions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *PartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionDefinitionOptions) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *PartitionDefinitionOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PartitionDefinitionOptions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionDefinitionOptions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type PartitionEngine ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionEngine ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionEngine(n *PartitionEngine) *PartitionEngine
CloneRefOfPartitionEngine creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionEngine) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *PartitionEngine) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionEngine) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *PartitionEngine) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PartitionEngine) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionEngine) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type PartitionOption ¶ added in v0.13.0
type PartitionOption struct { Type PartitionByType IsLinear bool KeyAlgorithm int ColList Columns Expr Expr Partitions int SubPartition *SubPartition Definitions []*PartitionDefinition }
PartitionOption describes partitioning control (for create table statements)
func CloneRefOfPartitionOption ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionOption(n *PartitionOption) *PartitionOption
CloneRefOfPartitionOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *PartitionOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionOption) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *PartitionOption) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PartitionOption) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionOption) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type PartitionSpec ¶
type PartitionSpec struct { Action PartitionSpecAction Names Partitions Number *Literal IsAll bool TableName TableName WithoutValidation bool Definitions []*PartitionDefinition }
PartitionSpec describe partition actions (for alter statements)
func CloneRefOfPartitionSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionSpec(n *PartitionSpec) *PartitionSpec
CloneRefOfPartitionSpec creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionSpec) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *PartitionSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionSpec) Format ¶
func (node *PartitionSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PartitionSpec) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionSpec) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type PartitionSpecAction ¶ added in v0.8.0
type PartitionSpecAction int8
PartitionSpecAction is an enum for PartitionSpec.Action
const ( ReorganizeAction PartitionSpecAction = iota AddAction DiscardAction DropAction ImportAction TruncateAction CoalesceAction ExchangeAction AnalyzeAction CheckAction OptimizeAction RebuildAction RepairAction RemoveAction UpgradeAction )
Constant for Enum Type - PartitionSpecAction
type PartitionValueRange ¶ added in v0.14.0
type PartitionValueRange struct { Type PartitionValueRangeType Range ValTuple Maxvalue bool }
func CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange(n *PartitionValueRange) *PartitionValueRange
CloneRefOfPartitionValueRange creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PartitionValueRange) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *PartitionValueRange) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PartitionValueRange) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *PartitionValueRange) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PartitionValueRange) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PartitionValueRange) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type PartitionValueRangeType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type PartitionValueRangeType int8
PartitionValueRangeType is an enum for PartitionValueRange.Type
const ( LessThanType PartitionValueRangeType = iota InType )
Constant for Enum Type - PartitionValueRangeType
func (PartitionValueRangeType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (t PartitionValueRangeType) ToString() string
ToString returns the partition value range type as a string
type Partitions ¶
type Partitions Columns
Partitions is a type alias for Columns so we can handle printing efficiently
func ClonePartitions ¶ added in v0.10.0
func ClonePartitions(n Partitions) Partitions
ClonePartitions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (Partitions) Format ¶
func (node Partitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (Partitions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node Partitions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
type PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr struct { Type PerformanceSchemaType Argument Expr }
PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr stands for Performance Schema Functions Argument has different meanings for different types For FORMAT_BYTES, it means count For FORMAT_PICO_TIME, it means time_val For PS_THREAD_ID it means connection_id For more details, postVisit
func CloneRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr(n *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr
CloneRefOfPerformanceSchemaFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*PerformanceSchemaFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type PerformanceSchemaType ¶ added in v0.15.0
type PerformanceSchemaType int8
PerformanceSchemaType is an enum that get types of LockingFunc
const ( FormatBytesType PerformanceSchemaType = iota FormatPicoTimeType PsCurrentThreadIDType PsThreadIDType )
Constants for Enum Type - PerformanceSchemaType
func (PerformanceSchemaType) ToString ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (ty PerformanceSchemaType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type PointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
PointExpr represents POINT(x,y) expression
func CloneRefOfPointExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
CloneRefOfPointExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PointExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*PointExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *PointExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PointExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PointExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type PointPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PointPropertyFuncExpr struct { Property PointPropertyType Point Expr ValueToSet Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr(n *PointPropertyFuncExpr) *PointPropertyFuncExpr
CloneRefOfPointPropertyFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PointPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *PointPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PointPropertyFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *PointPropertyFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PointPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PointPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*PointPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*PointPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type PointPropertyType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PointPropertyType int8
PointPropertyType is an that enumerates the kind of point property functions: XCordinate YCordinate Latitude Longitude
const ( XCordinate PointPropertyType = iota YCordinate Latitude Longitude )
Enum Types of point property functions
func (PointPropertyType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty PointPropertyType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type PolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PolygonExpr struct {
LinestringParams Exprs
PolygonExpr represents Polygon(LineString(POINT(x,y), POINT(x,y), ..)) expressions
func CloneRefOfPolygonExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfPolygonExpr(n *PolygonExpr) *PolygonExpr
CloneRefOfPolygonExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PolygonExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *PolygonExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PolygonExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *PolygonExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PolygonExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PolygonExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*PolygonExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*PolygonExpr) IsExpr()
type PolygonPropType ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PolygonPropType int8
PolygonPropType is an enum that enumerates the kind of polygon property functions: Area Centroid ExteriorRing InteriorRingN NumInteriorRing
const ( Area PolygonPropType = iota Centroid ExteriorRing InteriorRingN NumInteriorRings )
Enum Types of linestring property functions
func (PolygonPropType) ToString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (ty PolygonPropType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type PolygonPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PolygonPropertyFuncExpr struct { Property PolygonPropType Polygon Expr PropertyDefArg Expr }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr(n *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr
CloneRefOfPolygonPropertyFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*PolygonPropertyFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type PositionedErr ¶
PositionedErr holds context related to parser errors
func (PositionedErr) Error ¶
func (p PositionedErr) Error() string
type Precendence ¶
type Precendence int
Precendence is used to know the precedence between operators, so we can introduce parens when needed in the String representation of the AST
const ( Syntactic Precendence = iota P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 )
type PrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
type PrepareStmt struct { Name IdentifierCI Statement Expr Comments *ParsedComments }
PrepareStmt represents a Prepare Statement More info available on
func CloneRefOfPrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfPrepareStmt(n *PrepareStmt) *PrepareStmt
CloneRefOfPrepareStmt creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PrepareStmt) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *PrepareStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PrepareStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *PrepareStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PrepareStmt) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PrepareStmt) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type PurgeBinaryLogs ¶ added in v0.17.0
PurgeBinaryLogs represents a PURGE BINARY LOGS statement
func CloneRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CloneRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs(n *PurgeBinaryLogs) *PurgeBinaryLogs
CloneRefOfPurgeBinaryLogs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*PurgeBinaryLogs) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (cached *PurgeBinaryLogs) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*PurgeBinaryLogs) Format ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (node *PurgeBinaryLogs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*PurgeBinaryLogs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *PurgeBinaryLogs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type QueryGenerator ¶ added in v0.18.0
type QueryGenerator interface { IsQueryGenerator() ExprGenerator }
type RangeCondOperator ¶ added in v0.8.0
type RangeCondOperator int8
RangeCondOperator is an enum for RangeCond.Operator
type ReferenceAction ¶
type ReferenceAction int
ReferenceAction indicates the action takes by a referential constraint e.g. the `CASCADE` in a `FOREIGN KEY .. ON DELETE CASCADE` table definition.
const ( // DefaultAction indicates no action was explicitly specified. DefaultAction ReferenceAction = iota Restrict Cascade NoAction SetNull SetDefault )
These map to the SQL-defined reference actions. See
func (ReferenceAction) Format ¶
func (a ReferenceAction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (ReferenceAction) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (a ReferenceAction) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (ReferenceAction) IsCascade ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (ra ReferenceAction) IsCascade() bool
IsCascade returns true if the reference action is of cascade type.
func (ReferenceAction) IsRestrict ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (ra ReferenceAction) IsRestrict() bool
IsRestrict returns true if the reference action is of restrict type.
type ReferenceDefinition ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ReferenceDefinition struct { ReferencedTable TableName ReferencedColumns Columns Match MatchAction OnDelete ReferenceAction OnUpdate ReferenceAction }
ReferenceDefinition describes the referenced tables and columns that the foreign key references
func CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition(n *ReferenceDefinition) *ReferenceDefinition
CloneRefOfReferenceDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ReferenceDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (cached *ReferenceDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ReferenceDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (ref *ReferenceDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ReferenceDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (ref *ReferenceDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type RegexpInstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type RegexpInstrExpr struct { Expr Expr Pattern Expr Position Expr Occurrence Expr ReturnOption Expr MatchType Expr }
RegexpInstrExpr represents REGEXP_INSTR() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfRegexpInstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfRegexpInstrExpr(n *RegexpInstrExpr) *RegexpInstrExpr
CloneRefOfRegexpInstrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RegexpInstrExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *RegexpInstrExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RegexpInstrExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RegexpInstrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RegexpInstrExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RegexpInstrExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*RegexpInstrExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*RegexpInstrExpr) IsExpr()
type RegexpLikeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
RegexpLikeExpr represents REGEXP_LIKE() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfRegexpLikeExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfRegexpLikeExpr(n *RegexpLikeExpr) *RegexpLikeExpr
CloneRefOfRegexpLikeExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RegexpLikeExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *RegexpLikeExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RegexpLikeExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RegexpLikeExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RegexpLikeExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RegexpLikeExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*RegexpLikeExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*RegexpLikeExpr) IsExpr()
type RegexpReplaceExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type RegexpReplaceExpr struct { Expr Expr Pattern Expr Repl Expr Occurrence Expr Position Expr MatchType Expr }
RegexpReplaceExpr represents REGEXP_REPLACE() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr(n *RegexpReplaceExpr) *RegexpReplaceExpr
CloneRefOfRegexpReplaceExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RegexpReplaceExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *RegexpReplaceExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RegexpReplaceExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RegexpReplaceExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RegexpReplaceExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RegexpReplaceExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*RegexpReplaceExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*RegexpReplaceExpr) IsExpr()
type RegexpSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type RegexpSubstrExpr struct { Expr Expr Pattern Expr Occurrence Expr Position Expr MatchType Expr }
RegexpSubstrExpr represents REGEXP_SUBSTR() For more information, see
func CloneRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr(n *RegexpSubstrExpr) *RegexpSubstrExpr
CloneRefOfRegexpSubstrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RegexpSubstrExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *RegexpSubstrExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RegexpSubstrExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RegexpSubstrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RegexpSubstrExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RegexpSubstrExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*RegexpSubstrExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*RegexpSubstrExpr) IsExpr()
type Release ¶
type Release struct {
Name IdentifierCI
Release represents a release savepoint statement.
func CloneRefOfRelease ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfRelease creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Release) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Release) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Release) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type RenameColumn ¶ added in v0.15.0
RenameColumn is used to change the column definition in alter table command
func CloneRefOfRenameColumn ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CloneRefOfRenameColumn(n *RenameColumn) *RenameColumn
CloneRefOfRenameColumn creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RenameColumn) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (cached *RenameColumn) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RenameColumn) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *RenameColumn) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RenameColumn) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RenameColumn) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type RenameIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
type RenameIndex struct { OldName IdentifierCI NewName IdentifierCI }
RenameIndex clause is used to rename indexes in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfRenameIndex ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfRenameIndex(n *RenameIndex) *RenameIndex
CloneRefOfRenameIndex creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RenameIndex) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *RenameIndex) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RenameIndex) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *RenameIndex) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RenameIndex) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RenameIndex) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type RenameTable ¶ added in v0.9.0
type RenameTable struct {
TablePairs []*RenameTablePair
RenameTable represents a RENAME TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfRenameTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfRenameTable(n *RenameTable) *RenameTable
CloneRefOfRenameTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RenameTable) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables returns the list table names affected by the DDLStatement.
func (*RenameTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *RenameTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RenameTable) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *RenameTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*RenameTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RenameTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*RenameTable) GetAction ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetAction() DDLAction
GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetIfExists() bool
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetIsReplace() bool
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*RenameTable) GetTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetTable() TableName
GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*RenameTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*RenameTable) IsTemporary() bool
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *RenameTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*RenameTable) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*RenameTable) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *RenameTable) SetFullyParsed(fullyParsed bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*RenameTable) SetTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
SetTable implements DDLStatement.
type RenameTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
type RenameTableName struct {
Table TableName
RenameTableName clause is used to rename the table in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfRenameTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfRenameTableName(n *RenameTableName) *RenameTableName
CloneRefOfRenameTableName creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RenameTableName) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *RenameTableName) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RenameTableName) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RenameTableName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*RenameTableName) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RenameTableName) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type RenameTablePair ¶ added in v0.10.0
RenameTablePair represents the name of the original table and what it is going to be set in a RENAME TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfRenameTablePair ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfRenameTablePair(n *RenameTablePair) *RenameTablePair
CloneRefOfRenameTablePair creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair(n []*RenameTablePair) []*RenameTablePair
CloneSliceOfRefOfRenameTablePair creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RenameTablePair) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *RenameTablePair) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type ReservedVars ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ReservedVars struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReservedVars keeps track of the bind variable names that have already been used in a parsed query.
func NewReservedVars ¶ added in v0.11.0
func NewReservedVars(prefix string, known BindVars) *ReservedVars
NewReservedVars allocates a ReservedVar instance that will generate unique variable names starting with the given `prefix` and making sure that they don't conflict with the given set of `known` variables.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveAll ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveAll(names ...string) bool
ReserveAll tries to reserve all the given variable names. If they're all available, they are reserved and the function returns true. Otherwise, the function returns false.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveColName ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveColName(col *ColName) string
ReserveColName reserves a variable name for the given column; if a variable with the same name already exists, it'll be suffixed with a numberic identifier to make it unique.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveHasValuesSubQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveHasValuesSubQuery() string
ReserveHasValuesSubQuery returns the next argument name to replace subquery with has value.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveSubQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveSubQuery() string
ReserveSubQuery returns the next argument name to replace subquery with pullout value.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveSubQueryWithHasValues ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveSubQueryWithHasValues() (string, string)
ReserveSubQueryWithHasValues returns the next argument name to replace subquery with pullout value.
func (*ReservedVars) ReserveVariable ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (r *ReservedVars) ReserveVariable(compliantName string) string
type RevertMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
type RevertMigration struct { UUID string Comments *ParsedComments }
RevertMigration represents a REVERT VITESS_MIGRATION statement
func CloneRefOfRevertMigration ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfRevertMigration(n *RevertMigration) *RevertMigration
CloneRefOfRevertMigration creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RevertMigration) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *RevertMigration) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*RevertMigration) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *RevertMigration) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*RevertMigration) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *RevertMigration) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*RevertMigration) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *RevertMigration) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments for RevertMigration, does not implement DDLStatement
type RewriteASTResult ¶
type RewriteASTResult struct { *BindVarNeeds AST Statement // The rewritten AST }
RewriteASTResult contains the rewritten ast and meta information about it
func PrepareAST ¶
func PrepareAST( in Statement, reservedVars *ReservedVars, bindVars map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, parameterize bool, keyspace string, selectLimit int, setVarComment string, sysVars map[string]string, fkChecksState *bool, views VSchemaViews, ) (*RewriteASTResult, error)
PrepareAST will normalize the query
func RewriteAST ¶
func RewriteAST( in Statement, keyspace string, selectLimit int, setVarComment string, sysVars map[string]string, fkChecksState *bool, views VSchemaViews, ) (*RewriteASTResult, error)
RewriteAST rewrites the whole AST, replacing function calls and adding column aliases to queries. SET_VAR comments are also added to the AST if required.
type Rollback ¶
type Rollback struct{}
Rollback represents a Rollback statement.
func CloneRefOfRollback ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfRollback creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Rollback) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Rollback) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type RootNode ¶ added in v0.12.0
type RootNode struct {
RootNode is the root node of the AST when rewriting. It is the first element of the tree.
func CloneRefOfRootNode ¶ added in v0.12.0
CloneRefOfRootNode creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneRootNode ¶ added in v0.12.0
CloneRootNode creates a deep clone of the input.
type RowAlias ¶ added in v0.20.0
type RowAlias struct { TableName IdentifierCS Columns Columns }
func CloneRefOfRowAlias ¶ added in v0.20.0
CloneRefOfRowAlias creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*RowAlias) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*RowAlias) Format ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (node *RowAlias) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*RowAlias) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (node *RowAlias) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type SQLNode ¶
type SQLNode interface { Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer) }
SQLNode defines the interface for all nodes generated by the parser.
func CloneSQLNode ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneSQLNode creates a deep clone of the input.
func CopyOnRewrite ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CopyOnRewrite( node SQLNode, pre func(node, parent SQLNode) bool, post func(cursor *CopyOnWriteCursor), cloned func(before, after SQLNode), ) SQLNode
CopyOnRewrite traverses a syntax tree recursively, starting with root, and calling pre and post for each node as described below. Rewrite returns a syntax tree, where some nodes can be shared with the original syntax tree.
If pre is not nil, it is called for each node before the node's children are traversed (pre-order). If pre returns false, no children are traversed, but post is still called for that node.
If post is not nil, and a prior call of pre didn't return false, post is called for each node after its children are traversed (post-order).
In the post call, the cursor can be used to abort the current traversal altogether.
Also in the post call, a user can replace the current node. When a node is replaced, all the ancestors of the node are cloned, so that the original syntax tree remains untouched
The `cloned` function will be called for all nodes that are cloned or replaced, to give the user a chance to copy any metadata that needs copying.
Only fields that refer to AST nodes are considered children; i.e., fields of basic types (strings, []byte, etc.) are ignored.
func Rewrite ¶
Rewrite traverses a syntax tree recursively, starting with root, and calling pre and post for each node as described below. Rewrite returns the syntax tree, possibly modified.
If pre is not nil, it is called for each node before the node's children are traversed (pre-order). If pre returns false, no children are traversed, and post is not called for that node.
If post is not nil, and a prior call of pre didn't return false, post is called for each node after its children are traversed (post-order). If post returns false, traversal is terminated and Apply returns immediately.
Only fields that refer to AST nodes are considered children; i.e., fields of basic types (strings, []byte, etc.) are ignored.
func RewritePredicate ¶ added in v0.16.0
RewritePredicate walks the input AST and rewrites any boolean logic into a simpler form This simpler form is CNF plus logic for extracting predicates from OR, plus logic for turning ORs into IN
type SRollback ¶
type SRollback struct {
Name IdentifierCI
SRollback represents a rollback to savepoint statement.
func CloneRefOfSRollback ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSRollback creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SRollback) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*SRollback) Format ¶
func (node *SRollback) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*SRollback) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SRollback) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Savepoint ¶
type Savepoint struct {
Name IdentifierCI
Savepoint represents a savepoint statement.
func CloneRefOfSavepoint ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSavepoint creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Savepoint) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Savepoint) Format ¶
func (node *Savepoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Savepoint) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Savepoint) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Scope ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Scope int8
Scope is an enum for scope of query
const ( NoScope Scope = iota SessionScope // [SESSION | @@SESSION.| @@LOCAL. | @@] This is the default if no scope is given GlobalScope // {GLOBAL | @@GLOBAL.} system_var_name VitessMetadataScope // @@vitess_metadata.system_var_name PersistSysScope // {PERSIST_ONLY | @@PERSIST_ONLY.} system_var_name PersistOnlySysScope // {PERSIST_ONLY | @@PERSIST_ONLY.} system_var_name VariableScope // @var_name This is used for user defined variables. NextTxScope // This is used for transaction related variables like transaction_isolation, transaction_read_write and set transaction statement. )
Constants for scope of variables See
type Select ¶
type Select struct { Cache *bool // a reference here so it can be nil Distinct bool StraightJoinHint bool SQLCalcFoundRows bool // The With field needs to come before the FROM clause, so any CTEs have been handled before we analyze it With *With From []TableExpr Comments *ParsedComments SelectExprs SelectExprs Where *Where GroupBy *GroupBy Having *Where Windows NamedWindows OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit Lock Lock Into *SelectInto }
Select represents a SELECT statement.
func CloneRefOfSelect ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSelect creates a deep clone of the input.
func GetAllSelects ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetAllSelects(selStmt SelectStatement) []*Select
GetAllSelects gets all the select statement s
func GetFirstSelect ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetFirstSelect(selStmt SelectStatement) *Select
GetFirstSelect gets the first select statement
func NewSelect ¶
func NewSelect( comments Comments, exprs SelectExprs, selectOptions []string, into *SelectInto, from TableExprs, where *Where, groupBy *GroupBy, having *Where, windows NamedWindows, ) *Select
NewSelect is used to create a select statement
func (*Select) AddGroupBy ¶ added in v0.14.0
AddGroupBy adds a grouping expression, unless it's already present
func (*Select) AddHaving ¶
AddHaving adds the boolean expression to the HAVING clause as an AND condition.
func (*Select) AddSelectExprs ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *Select) AddSelectExprs(selectExprs SelectExprs)
func (*Select) AddWhere ¶
AddWhere adds the boolean expression to the WHERE clause as an AND condition.
func (*Select) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Select) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Select) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Select) GetColumnCount ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetColumnCount return SelectExprs count.
func (*Select) GetColumns ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (node *Select) GetColumns() SelectExprs
GetColumns gets the columns
func (*Select) GetOrderBy ¶ added in v0.14.0
GetOrderBy gets the order by clause
func (*Select) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Select) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements the Commented interface
func (*Select) GetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*Select) GroupByExprs ¶ added in v0.20.0
GroupByExprs returns the group by expressions
func (*Select) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
IsDistinct implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Select) MakeDistinct ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *Select) MakeDistinct()
MakeDistinct makes the statement distinct
func (*Select) SetComments ¶ added in v0.12.0
SetComments implements the Commented interface
func (*Select) SetInto ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (node *Select) SetInto(into *SelectInto)
SetInto sets the into clause
func (*Select) SetOrderBy ¶ added in v0.12.0
SetOrderBy sets the order by clause
func (*Select) SetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
type SelectExpr ¶
type SelectExpr interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SelectExpr represents a SELECT expression.
func CloneSelectExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSelectExpr(in SelectExpr) SelectExpr
CloneSelectExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
type SelectExprs ¶
type SelectExprs []SelectExpr
SelectExprs represents SELECT expressions.
func CloneSelectExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSelectExprs(n SelectExprs) SelectExprs
CloneSelectExprs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (SelectExprs) AllAggregation ¶ added in v0.13.3
func (s SelectExprs) AllAggregation() bool
AllAggregation returns true if all the expressions contain aggregation
func (SelectExprs) Format ¶
func (node SelectExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (SelectExprs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node SelectExprs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SelectInto ¶ added in v0.9.0
type SelectInto struct { Type SelectIntoType FileName string Charset ColumnCharset FormatOption string ExportOption string Manifest string Overwrite string }
SelectInto is a struct that represent the INTO part of a select query
func CloneRefOfSelectInto ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfSelectInto(n *SelectInto) *SelectInto
CloneRefOfSelectInto creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SelectInto) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *SelectInto) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*SelectInto) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *SelectInto) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*SelectInto) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SelectInto) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SelectIntoType ¶ added in v0.9.0
type SelectIntoType int8
SelectIntoType is an enum for SelectInto.Type
const ( IntoOutfile SelectIntoType = iota IntoOutfileS3 IntoDumpfile )
Constant for Enum Type - SelectIntoType
func (SelectIntoType) ToString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (sel SelectIntoType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type SelectStatement ¶
type SelectStatement interface { Statement InsertRows OrderAndLimit GetLock() Lock SetLock(lock Lock) SetInto(into *SelectInto) SetWith(with *With) MakeDistinct() GetColumnCount() int GetColumns() SelectExprs Commented IsDistinct() bool GetOrderBy() OrderBy SetOrderBy(OrderBy) GetLimit() *Limit // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SelectStatement any SELECT statement.
func CloneSelectStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSelectStatement(in SelectStatement) SelectStatement
CloneSelectStatement creates a deep clone of the input.
type Set ¶
type Set struct { Comments *ParsedComments Exprs SetExprs }
Set represents a SET statement.
func CloneRefOfSet ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSet creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewSetStatement ¶ added in v0.15.0
func NewSetStatement(comments *ParsedComments, exprs SetExprs) *Set
NewSetStatement returns a Set struct
func (*Set) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Set) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Set) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SetExpr ¶
SetExpr represents a set expression.
func CloneRefOfSetExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSetExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SetExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*SetExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SetExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SetExprs ¶
type SetExprs []*SetExpr
SetExprs represents a list of set expressions.
func CloneSetExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneSetExprs creates a deep clone of the input.
func UpdateSetExprsScope ¶ added in v0.16.0
UpdateSetExprsScope updates the scope of the variables in SetExprs.
func (SetExprs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node SetExprs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Show ¶
type Show struct {
Internal ShowInternal
Show represents a show statement.
func CloneRefOfShow ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfShow creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Show) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Show) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Show) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowBasic ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ShowBasic struct { Command ShowCommandType Full bool Tbl TableName DbName IdentifierCS Filter *ShowFilter }
ShowBasic is of ShowInternal type, holds Simple SHOW queries with a filter.
func CloneRefOfShowBasic ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfShowBasic creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowBasic) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*ShowBasic) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *ShowBasic) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowBasic) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowBasic) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowCommandType ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ShowCommandType int8
ShowCommandType represents the show statement type.
const ( UnknownCommandType ShowCommandType = iota Charset Collation Column CreateDb CreateE CreateF CreateProc CreateTbl CreateTr CreateV Database Engines FunctionC Function GtidExecGlobal Index OpenTable Plugins Privilege ProcedureC Procedure StatusGlobal StatusSession Table TableStatus Trigger VariableGlobal VariableSession VGtidExecGlobal VitessMigrations VitessReplicationStatus VitessShards VitessTablets VitessTarget VitessVariables VschemaTables VschemaKeyspaces VschemaVindexes Warnings Keyspace )
ShowCommandType constants
func (ShowCommandType) ToString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (ty ShowCommandType) ToString() string
ToString returns ShowCommandType as a string
type ShowCreate ¶ added in v0.10.0
type ShowCreate struct { Command ShowCommandType Op TableName }
ShowCreate is of ShowInternal type, holds SHOW CREATE queries.
func CloneRefOfShowCreate ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfShowCreate(n *ShowCreate) *ShowCreate
CloneRefOfShowCreate creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowCreate) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ShowCreate) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ShowCreate) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *ShowCreate) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowCreate) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowCreate) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowFilter ¶
ShowFilter is show tables filter
func CloneRefOfShowFilter ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfShowFilter(n *ShowFilter) *ShowFilter
CloneRefOfShowFilter creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowFilter) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ShowFilter) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ShowFilter) Format ¶
func (node *ShowFilter) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowFilter) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowFilter) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowInternal ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ShowInternal interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ShowInternal will represent all the show statement types.
func CloneShowInternal ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneShowInternal(in ShowInternal) ShowInternal
CloneShowInternal creates a deep clone of the input.
type ShowMigrationLogs ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ShowMigrationLogs struct { UUID string Comments *ParsedComments }
ShowMigrationLogs represents a SHOW VITESS_MIGRATION '<uuid>' LOGS statement
func CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs(n *ShowMigrationLogs) *ShowMigrationLogs
CloneRefOfShowMigrationLogs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowMigrationLogs) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (cached *ShowMigrationLogs) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ShowMigrationLogs) Format ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *ShowMigrationLogs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowMigrationLogs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowMigrationLogs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowOther ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ShowOther struct {
Command string
ShowOther is of ShowInternal type, holds show queries that is not handled specially.
func CloneRefOfShowOther ¶ added in v0.14.0
CloneRefOfShowOther creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowOther) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*ShowOther) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ShowOther) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowOther) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowOther) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowTablesOpt ¶
type ShowTablesOpt struct { Full string DbName string Filter *ShowFilter }
ShowTablesOpt is show tables option
type ShowThrottledApps ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ShowThrottledApps struct {
Comments Comments
ShowThrottledApps represents a SHOW VITESS_THROTTLED_APPS statement
func CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps(n *ShowThrottledApps) *ShowThrottledApps
CloneRefOfShowThrottledApps creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowThrottledApps) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *ShowThrottledApps) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ShowThrottledApps) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *ShowThrottledApps) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowThrottledApps) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowThrottledApps) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ShowThrottlerStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
type ShowThrottlerStatus struct {
Comments Comments
ShowThrottlerStatus represents a SHOW VITESS_THROTTLED_APPS statement
func CloneRefOfShowThrottlerStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CloneRefOfShowThrottlerStatus(n *ShowThrottlerStatus) *ShowThrottlerStatus
CloneRefOfShowThrottlerStatus creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ShowThrottlerStatus) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cached *ShowThrottlerStatus) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ShowThrottlerStatus) Format ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (node *ShowThrottlerStatus) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ShowThrottlerStatus) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ShowThrottlerStatus) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SimpleTableExpr ¶
type SimpleTableExpr interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SimpleTableExpr represents a simple table expression.
func CloneSimpleTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSimpleTableExpr(in SimpleTableExpr) SimpleTableExpr
CloneSimpleTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
type StarExpr ¶
type StarExpr struct {
TableName TableName
StarExpr defines a '*' or 'table.*' expression.
func CloneRefOfStarExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfStarExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*StarExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*StarExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *StarExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Statement ¶
type Statement interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Statement represents a statement.
func CloneStatement ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneStatement creates a deep clone of the input.
func ParseNext ¶
ParseNext parses a single SQL statement from the tokenizer returning a Statement which is the AST representation of the query. The tokenizer will always read up to the end of the statement, allowing for the next call to ParseNext to parse any subsequent SQL statements. When there are no more statements to parse, an error of io.EOF is returned.
func ParseNextStrictDDL ¶
ParseNextStrictDDL is the same as ParseNext except it errors on partially parsed DDL statements.
type StatementType ¶
type StatementType int
StatementType encodes the type of a SQL statement
const ( StmtSelect StatementType = iota StmtStream StmtInsert StmtReplace StmtUpdate StmtDelete StmtDDL StmtBegin StmtCommit StmtRollback StmtSet StmtShow StmtUse StmtOther StmtAnalyze StmtUnknown StmtComment StmtPriv StmtExplain StmtSavepoint StmtSRollback StmtRelease StmtVStream StmtLockTables StmtUnlockTables StmtFlush StmtCallProc StmtRevert StmtShowMigrationLogs StmtCommentOnly StmtPrepare StmtExecute StmtDeallocate StmtKill )
These constants are used to identify the SQL statement type. Changing this list will require reviewing all calls to Preview.
func ASTToStatementType ¶
func ASTToStatementType(stmt Statement) StatementType
ASTToStatementType returns a StatementType from an AST stmt
func Preview ¶
func Preview(sql string) StatementType
Preview analyzes the beginning of the query using a simpler and faster textual comparison to identify the statement type.
func (StatementType) String ¶
func (s StatementType) String() string
type Std ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Std struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfStd ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfStd creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Std) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Std) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Std) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Std) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Std) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type StdDev ¶ added in v0.15.0
type StdDev struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfStdDev ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfStdDev creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*StdDev) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*StdDev) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *StdDev) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*StdDev) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *StdDev) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type StdPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
type StdPop struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfStdPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfStdPop creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*StdPop) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*StdPop) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *StdPop) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*StdPop) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *StdPop) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type StdSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
type StdSamp struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfStdSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfStdSamp creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*StdSamp) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*StdSamp) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *StdSamp) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*StdSamp) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *StdSamp) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type Stream ¶
type Stream struct { Comments *ParsedComments SelectExpr SelectExpr Table TableName }
Stream represents a SELECT statement.
func CloneRefOfStream ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfStream creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Stream) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Stream) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Stream) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Stream) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Stream) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Stream.
func (*Stream) SetComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
SetComments for Stream
type SubPartition ¶ added in v0.13.0
type SubPartition struct { Type PartitionByType IsLinear bool KeyAlgorithm int ColList Columns Expr Expr SubPartitions int }
SubPartition describes subpartitions control
func CloneRefOfSubPartition ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CloneRefOfSubPartition(n *SubPartition) *SubPartition
CloneRefOfSubPartition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SubPartition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (cached *SubPartition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*SubPartition) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *SubPartition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*SubPartition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SubPartition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SubPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SubPartitionDefinition struct { Name IdentifierCI Options *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions }
Subpartition Definition Corresponds to the subpartition_definition option of partition_definition
func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition(n *SubPartitionDefinition) *SubPartitionDefinition
CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SubPartitionDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *SubPartitionDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*SubPartitionDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *SubPartitionDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*SubPartitionDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SubPartitionDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type SubPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SubPartitionDefinitionOptions struct { Comment *Literal Engine *PartitionEngine DataDirectory *Literal IndexDirectory *Literal MaxRows *int MinRows *int TableSpace string }
Different options/attributes that can be provided to a subpartition_definition.
func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions(n *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions
CloneRefOfSubPartitionDefinitionOptions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SubPartitionDefinitionOptions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type SubPartitionDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SubPartitionDefinitions []*SubPartitionDefinition
This is a list of SubPartitionDefinition
func CloneSubPartitionDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneSubPartitionDefinitions(n SubPartitionDefinitions) SubPartitionDefinitions
CloneSubPartitionDefinitions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (SubPartitionDefinitions) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node SubPartitionDefinitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (SubPartitionDefinitions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node SubPartitionDefinitions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type Subquery ¶
type Subquery struct {
Select SelectStatement
Subquery represents a subquery used as an value expression.
func CloneRefOfSubquery ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfSubquery creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewSubquery ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewSubquery(selectStatement SelectStatement) *Subquery
NewSubquery makes a new Subquery
func (*Subquery) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Subquery) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Subquery) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type SubstrExpr ¶
SubstrExpr represents a calls to - SubstrExpr(expression, expression, expression) - SubstrExpr(expression, expression) - SubstrExpr(expression FROM expression) - SubstrExpr(expression FROM expression FOR expression)
func CloneRefOfSubstrExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfSubstrExpr(n *SubstrExpr) *SubstrExpr
CloneRefOfSubstrExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*SubstrExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *SubstrExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*SubstrExpr) Format ¶
func (node *SubstrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*SubstrExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *SubstrExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*SubstrExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*SubstrExpr) IsExpr()
type Sum ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Sum struct { Arg Expr Distinct bool OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfSum ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfSum creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Sum) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Sum) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Sum) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Sum) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Sum) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Sum) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Sum) SetDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
type SupportOptimizerHint ¶ added in v0.14.0
type SupportOptimizerHint interface { Commented // contains filtered or unexported methods }
SupportOptimizerHint represents a statement that accepts optimizer hints.
type TableAndLockType ¶ added in v0.9.0
TableAndLockType contains table and lock association
func CloneRefOfTableAndLockType ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfTableAndLockType(n *TableAndLockType) *TableAndLockType
CloneRefOfTableAndLockType creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TableAndLockType) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *TableAndLockType) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type TableAndLockTypes ¶ added in v0.9.0
type TableAndLockTypes []*TableAndLockType
TableAndLockTypes is a slice of TableAndLockType
func CloneTableAndLockTypes ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneTableAndLockTypes(n TableAndLockTypes) TableAndLockTypes
CloneTableAndLockTypes creates a deep clone of the input.
type TableExpr ¶
type TableExpr interface { SQLNode // contains filtered or unexported methods }
TableExpr represents a table expression.
func CloneSliceOfTableExpr ¶ added in v0.11.0
CloneSliceOfTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneTableExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneTableExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
type TableExprs ¶
type TableExprs []TableExpr
TableExprs represents a list of table expressions.
func CloneTableExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneTableExprs(n TableExprs) TableExprs
CloneTableExprs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (TableExprs) Format ¶
func (node TableExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (TableExprs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node TableExprs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type TableName ¶
type TableName struct {
Name, Qualifier IdentifierCS
TableName represents a table name. Qualifier, if specified, represents a database or keyspace. TableName is a value struct whose fields are case sensitive. This means two TableName vars can be compared for equality and a TableName can also be used as key in a map.
func CloneRefOfTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfTableName creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneTableName ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneTableName creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewTableName ¶ added in v0.18.0
NewTableName makes a new TableName
func NewTableNameWithQualifier ¶ added in v0.18.0
NewTableNameWithQualifier makes a new TableName with a qualifier
func (*TableName) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (TableName) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node TableName) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type TableNames ¶
type TableNames []TableName
TableNames is a list of TableName.
func CloneTableNames ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneTableNames(n TableNames) TableNames
CloneTableNames creates a deep clone of the input.
func (TableNames) Format ¶
func (node TableNames) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (TableNames) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node TableNames) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type TableOption ¶ added in v0.9.0
type TableOption struct { Name string Value *Literal String string Tables TableNames CaseSensitive bool }
TableOption is used for create table options like AUTO_INCREMENT, INSERT_METHOD, etc
func CloneRefOfTableOption ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfTableOption(n *TableOption) *TableOption
CloneRefOfTableOption creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TableOption) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *TableOption) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
type TableOptions ¶ added in v0.9.0
type TableOptions []*TableOption
TableOptions specifies a list of table options
func CloneTableOptions ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneTableOptions(n TableOptions) TableOptions
CloneTableOptions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (TableOptions) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node TableOptions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (TableOptions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node TableOptions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type TableSpec ¶
type TableSpec struct { Columns []*ColumnDefinition Indexes []*IndexDefinition Constraints []*ConstraintDefinition Options TableOptions PartitionOption *PartitionOption }
TableSpec describes the structure of a table from a CREATE TABLE statement
func CloneRefOfTableSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfTableSpec creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TableSpec) AddColumn ¶
func (ts *TableSpec) AddColumn(cd *ColumnDefinition)
AddColumn appends the given column to the list in the spec
func (*TableSpec) AddConstraint ¶
func (ts *TableSpec) AddConstraint(cd *ConstraintDefinition)
AddConstraint appends the given index to the list in the spec
func (*TableSpec) AddIndex ¶
func (ts *TableSpec) AddIndex(id *IndexDefinition)
AddIndex appends the given index to the list in the spec
func (*TableSpec) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*TableSpec) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (ts *TableSpec) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type TablespaceOperation ¶ added in v0.9.0
type TablespaceOperation struct {
Import bool
TablespaceOperation is used to discard or import the tablespace in an alter table statement
func CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation(n *TablespaceOperation) *TablespaceOperation
CloneRefOfTablespaceOperation creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TablespaceOperation) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *TablespaceOperation) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*TablespaceOperation) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *TablespaceOperation) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*TablespaceOperation) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *TablespaceOperation) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type TimestampDiffExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
type TimestampDiffExpr struct { Expr1 Expr Expr2 Expr Unit IntervalType }
TimestampDiffExpr represents the function and arguments for TIMESTAMPDIFF functions.
func CloneRefOfTimestampDiffExpr ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CloneRefOfTimestampDiffExpr(n *TimestampDiffExpr) *TimestampDiffExpr
CloneRefOfTimestampDiffExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TimestampDiffExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (cached *TimestampDiffExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*TimestampDiffExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (node *TimestampDiffExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*TimestampDiffExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *TimestampDiffExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*TimestampDiffExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*TimestampDiffExpr) IsExpr()
type Tokenizer ¶
type Tokenizer struct { AllowComments bool SkipSpecialComments bool SkipToEnd bool LastError error ParseTree Statement BindVars map[string]struct{} Pos int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Tokenizer is the struct used to generate SQL tokens for the parser.
type TrackedBuffer ¶
TrackedBuffer is used to rebuild a query from the ast. bindLocations keeps track of locations in the buffer that use bind variables for efficient future substitutions. nodeFormatter is the formatting function the buffer will use to format a node. By default(nil), it's FormatNode. But you can supply a different formatting function if you want to generate a query that's different from the default.
func NewTrackedBuffer ¶
func NewTrackedBuffer(nodeFormatter NodeFormatter) *TrackedBuffer
NewTrackedBuffer creates a new TrackedBuffer.
func (*TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars ¶
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars() bool
HasBindVars returns true if the parsed query uses bind vars.
func (*TrackedBuffer) Myprintf ¶
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) Myprintf(format string, values ...any)
Myprintf mimics fmt.Fprintf(buf, ...), but limited to Node(%v), Node.Value(%s) and string(%s). It also allows a %a for a value argument, in which case it adds tracking info for future substitutions. It adds parens as needed to follow precedence rules when printing expressions. To handle parens correctly for left associative binary operators, use %l and %r to tell the TrackedBuffer which value is on the LHS and RHS
The name must be something other than the usual Printf() to avoid "go vet" warnings due to our custom format specifiers. *** THIS METHOD SHOULD NOT BE USED FROM ast.go. USE astPrintf INSTEAD ***
func (*TrackedBuffer) ParsedQuery ¶
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) ParsedQuery() *ParsedQuery
ParsedQuery returns a ParsedQuery that contains bind locations for easy substitution.
func (*TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeAllIdentifiers ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeAllIdentifiers()
SetEscapeAllIdentifiers sets whether ALL identifiers in the serialized SQL query should be quoted and escaped. By default, identifiers are only escaped if they match the name of a SQL keyword or they contain characters that must be escaped. Enabling this option will prevent the optimized fastFormat routines from running.
func (*TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeNoIdentifier ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetEscapeNoIdentifier()
SetEscapeNoIdentifier sets whether NO identifiers in the serialized SQL query should be quoted and escaped. Warning: this can lead to query output that is not valid SQL Enabling this option will prevent the optimized fastFormat routines from running.
func (*TrackedBuffer) SetUpperCase ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) SetUpperCase(enable bool)
SetUpperCase sets whether all SQL statements formatted by this TrackedBuffer will be normalized into uppercase. By default, formatted statements are normalized into lowercase. Enabling this option will prevent the optimized fastFormat routines from running.
func (*TrackedBuffer) WriteArg ¶
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteArg(prefix, arg string)
WriteArg writes a value argument into the buffer along with tracking information for future substitutions.
func (*TrackedBuffer) WriteLiteral ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteLiteral(lit string)
func (*TrackedBuffer) WriteNode ¶
func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteNode(node SQLNode) *TrackedBuffer
WriteNode function, initiates the writing of a single SQLNode tree by passing through to Myprintf with a default format string
type TrimFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type TrimFuncExpr struct { TrimFuncType TrimFuncType Type TrimType TrimArg Expr StringArg Expr }
TrimFuncExpr represents a TRIM function More information available on
func CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr(n *TrimFuncExpr) *TrimFuncExpr
CloneRefOfTrimFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TrimFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *TrimFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*TrimFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *TrimFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*TrimFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *TrimFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*TrimFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*TrimFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type TrimFuncType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type TrimFuncType int8
TrimFuncType is an enum to get types of TrimFunc. TrimFunc stand for one of the following: LTRIM, RTRIM, TRIM
const ( NormalTrimType TrimFuncType = iota LTrimType RTrimType )
Constants for Enum Type - TrimFuncType
func (TrimFuncType) ToString ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ty TrimFuncType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type TrimType ¶ added in v0.14.0
type TrimType int8
TrimType is an enum to get types of Trim
Constants for Enum Type - TrimType
type TruncateTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
type TruncateTable struct {
Table TableName
TruncateTable represents a TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
func CloneRefOfTruncateTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfTruncateTable(n *TruncateTable) *TruncateTable
CloneRefOfTruncateTable creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*TruncateTable) AffectedTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) AffectedTables() TableNames
AffectedTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*TruncateTable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *TruncateTable) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*TruncateTable) Format ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*TruncateTable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *TruncateTable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*TruncateTable) GetAction ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetAction() DDLAction
GetAction implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetFromTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetFromTables() TableNames
GetFromTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetIfExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfExists() bool
GetIfExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetIfNotExists ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetIfNotExists() bool
GetIfNotExists implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetIsReplace ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetIsReplace() bool
GetIsReplace implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetOptLike ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetOptLike() *OptLike
GetOptLike implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*TruncateTable) GetTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetTable() TableName
GetTable implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetTableSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetTableSpec() *TableSpec
GetTableSpec implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) GetToTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetToTables() TableNames
GetToTables implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) IsFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*TruncateTable) IsFullyParsed() bool
IsFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) IsTemporary ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*TruncateTable) IsTemporary() bool
IsTemporary implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) SetComments ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (node *TruncateTable) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
func (*TruncateTable) SetFromTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) SetFromTables(tables TableNames)
SetFromTables implements DDLStatement.
func (*TruncateTable) SetFullyParsed ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*TruncateTable) SetFullyParsed(bool)
SetFullyParsed implements the DDLStatement interface
func (*TruncateTable) SetTable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (node *TruncateTable) SetTable(qualifier string, name string)
SetTable implements DDLStatement.
type TupleEqualityList ¶
type TupleEqualityList struct { Columns []IdentifierCI Rows [][]sqltypes.Value }
TupleEqualityList is for generating equality constraints for tables that have composite primary keys.
func (*TupleEqualityList) EncodeSQL ¶
func (tpl *TupleEqualityList) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder)
EncodeSQL generates the where clause constraints for the tuple equality.
type TxAccessMode ¶ added in v0.16.0
type TxAccessMode int8
TxAccessMode is an enum for Transaction Access Mode
const ( WithConsistentSnapshot TxAccessMode = iota ReadWrite ReadOnly )
Transaction access mode
func CloneSliceOfTxAccessMode ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CloneSliceOfTxAccessMode(n []TxAccessMode) []TxAccessMode
CloneSliceOfTxAccessMode creates a deep clone of the input.
func (TxAccessMode) ToString ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (ty TxAccessMode) ToString() string
ToString returns the TxAccessMode type as a string
type UnaryExpr ¶
type UnaryExpr struct { Operator UnaryExprOperator Expr Expr }
UnaryExpr represents a unary value expression.
func CloneRefOfUnaryExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfUnaryExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*UnaryExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*UnaryExpr) Format ¶
func (node *UnaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*UnaryExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *UnaryExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type UnaryExprOperator ¶ added in v0.8.0
type UnaryExprOperator int8
UnaryExprOperator is an enum for UnaryExpr.Operator
const ( UPlusOp UnaryExprOperator = iota UMinusOp TildaOp BangOp NStringOp )
Constant for Enum Type - UnaryExprOperator
func (UnaryExprOperator) ToString ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (op UnaryExprOperator) ToString() string
ToString returns the operator as a string
type Union ¶
type Union struct { With *With Left SelectStatement Right SelectStatement Distinct bool OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit Lock Lock Into *SelectInto }
Union represents a UNION statement.
func CloneRefOfUnion ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfUnion creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Union) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Union) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Union) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Union) GetColumnCount ¶ added in v0.12.0
GetColumnCount implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Union) GetColumns ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (node *Union) GetColumns() SelectExprs
GetColumns gets the columns
func (*Union) GetOrderBy ¶ added in v0.14.0
GetOrderBy gets the order by clause
func (*Union) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Union) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Union) IsDistinct ¶ added in v0.18.0
IsDistinct implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Union) MakeDistinct ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *Union) MakeDistinct()
MakeDistinct implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Union) SetComments ¶ added in v0.12.0
SetComments implements the SelectStatement interface
func (*Union) SetInto ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (node *Union) SetInto(into *SelectInto)
SetInto sets the into clause
func (*Union) SetOrderBy ¶ added in v0.12.0
SetOrderBy sets the order by clause
type UnlockTables ¶ added in v0.9.0
type UnlockTables struct{}
UnlockTables represents the unlock statement
func CloneRefOfUnlockTables ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfUnlockTables(n *UnlockTables) *UnlockTables
CloneRefOfUnlockTables creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*UnlockTables) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *UnlockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the UnlockTables node.
func (*UnlockTables) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *UnlockTables) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the UnlockTables node.
type Update ¶
type Update struct { With *With Comments *ParsedComments Ignore Ignore TableExprs []TableExpr Exprs UpdateExprs Where *Where OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit }
Update represents an UPDATE statement. If you add fields here, consider adding them to calls to validateUnshardedRoute.
func CloneRefOfUpdate ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfUpdate creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Update) AddWhere ¶ added in v0.10.0
AddWhere adds the boolean expression to the WHERE clause as an AND condition.
func (*Update) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Update) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Update) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*Update) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *Update) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Update.
func (*Update) GetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (*Update) SetComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
SetComments for Update
func (*Update) SetWherePredicate ¶ added in v0.20.0
type UpdateExpr ¶
UpdateExpr represents an update expression.
func CloneRefOfUpdateExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfUpdateExpr(n *UpdateExpr) *UpdateExpr
CloneRefOfUpdateExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*UpdateExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *UpdateExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*UpdateExpr) Format ¶
func (node *UpdateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*UpdateExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *UpdateExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type UpdateExprs ¶
type UpdateExprs []*UpdateExpr
UpdateExprs represents a list of update expressions.
func CloneUpdateExprs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneUpdateExprs(n UpdateExprs) UpdateExprs
CloneUpdateExprs creates a deep clone of the input.
func (UpdateExprs) Format ¶
func (node UpdateExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (UpdateExprs) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node UpdateExprs) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type UpdateXMLExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
UpdateXMLExpr stands for UpdateXML() XML function Return replaced XML fragment For more details, postVisit
func CloneRefOfUpdateXMLExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfUpdateXMLExpr(n *UpdateXMLExpr) *UpdateXMLExpr
CloneRefOfUpdateXMLExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*UpdateXMLExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *UpdateXMLExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*UpdateXMLExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *UpdateXMLExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*UpdateXMLExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *UpdateXMLExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
func (*UpdateXMLExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*UpdateXMLExpr) IsExpr()
type Use ¶
type Use struct {
DBName IdentifierCS
Use represents a use statement.
func CloneRefOfUse ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfUse creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Use) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Use) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Use) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type VExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
type VExplainStmt struct { Type VExplainType Statement Statement Comments *ParsedComments }
VExplainStmt represents an VtExplain statement
func CloneRefOfVExplainStmt ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CloneRefOfVExplainStmt(n *VExplainStmt) *VExplainStmt
CloneRefOfVExplainStmt creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VExplainStmt) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (cached *VExplainStmt) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*VExplainStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (node *VExplainStmt) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*VExplainStmt) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *VExplainStmt) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*VExplainStmt) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (node *VExplainStmt) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements Commented interface.
func (*VExplainStmt) SetComments ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (node *VExplainStmt) SetComments(comments Comments)
SetComments implements Commented interface.
type VExplainType ¶ added in v0.16.0
type VExplainType int8
VExplainType is an enum for VExplainStmt.Type
const ( QueriesVExplainType VExplainType = iota PlanVExplainType AllVExplainType )
Constant for Enum Type - VExplainType
func (VExplainType) ToString ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (ty VExplainType) ToString() string
ToString returns the type as a string
type VSchemaViews ¶ added in v0.16.0
type VSchemaViews interface {
FindView(name TableName) SelectStatement
type VStream ¶ added in v0.8.0
type VStream struct { Comments *ParsedComments SelectExpr SelectExpr Table TableName Where *Where Limit *Limit }
VStream represents a VSTREAM statement.
func CloneRefOfVStream ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfVStream creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VStream) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*VStream) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *VStream) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*VStream) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *VStream) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*VStream) GetParsedComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *VStream) GetParsedComments() *ParsedComments
GetParsedComments implements VStream.
func (*VStream) SetComments ¶ added in v0.14.0
SetComments for VStream
type ValTuple ¶
type ValTuple Exprs
ValTuple represents a tuple of actual values.
func CloneValTuple ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneValTuple creates a deep clone of the input.
func (ValTuple) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node ValTuple) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Validation ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Validation struct {
With bool
Validation clause is used to specify whether to use validation or not
func CloneRefOfValidation ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfValidation(n *Validation) *Validation
CloneRefOfValidation creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Validation) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *Validation) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*Validation) Format ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (node *Validation) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*Validation) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Validation) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type Values ¶
type Values []ValTuple
Values represents a VALUES clause.
func CloneValues ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneValues creates a deep clone of the input.
func (Values) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node Values) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type ValuesFuncExpr ¶
type ValuesFuncExpr struct {
Name *ColName
ValuesFuncExpr represents a function call.
func CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr(n *ValuesFuncExpr) *ValuesFuncExpr
CloneRefOfValuesFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*ValuesFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *ValuesFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*ValuesFuncExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ValuesFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*ValuesFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *ValuesFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*ValuesFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*ValuesFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type VarPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
type VarPop struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfVarPop ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfVarPop creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VarPop) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*VarPop) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *VarPop) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*VarPop) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *VarPop) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type VarSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
type VarSamp struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfVarSamp ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfVarSamp creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VarSamp) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*VarSamp) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *VarSamp) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*VarSamp) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *VarSamp) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type Variable ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Variable struct { Scope Scope Name IdentifierCI }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfVariable ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfVariable creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfVariable ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneSliceOfRefOfVariable creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewSetVariable ¶ added in v0.15.0
NewSetVariable returns a variable that can be used with SET.
func NewVariableExpression ¶ added in v0.15.0
NewVariableExpression returns an expression the evaluates to a variable at runtime. The AtCount and the prefix of the name of the variable will decide how it's evaluated
func (*Variable) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Variable) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Variable) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*Variable) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Variable) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Variance ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Variance struct { Arg Expr OverClause *OverClause }
*********** Expressions
func CloneRefOfVariance ¶ added in v0.15.0
CloneRefOfVariance creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*Variance) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*Variance) Format ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (node *Variance) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
func (*Variance) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Variance) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
type VindexParam ¶
type VindexParam struct { Key IdentifierCI Val string }
VindexParam defines a key/value parameter for a CREATE VINDEX statement
func CloneRefOfVindexParam ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfVindexParam(n *VindexParam) *VindexParam
CloneRefOfVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfVindexParam ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneSliceOfVindexParam(n []VindexParam) []VindexParam
CloneSliceOfVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneVindexParam ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneVindexParam(n VindexParam) VindexParam
CloneVindexParam creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VindexParam) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *VindexParam) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (VindexParam) Format ¶
func (node VindexParam) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (VindexParam) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node VindexParam) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type VindexSpec ¶
type VindexSpec struct { Name IdentifierCI Type IdentifierCI Params []VindexParam }
VindexSpec defines a vindex for a CREATE VINDEX or DROP VINDEX statement
func CloneRefOfVindexSpec ¶ added in v0.10.0
func CloneRefOfVindexSpec(n *VindexSpec) *VindexSpec
CloneRefOfVindexSpec creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*VindexSpec) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (cached *VindexSpec) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*VindexSpec) Format ¶
func (node *VindexSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node. The "CREATE VINDEX" preamble was formatted in the containing DDL node Format, so this just prints the type, any parameters, and optionally the owner
func (*VindexSpec) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *VindexSpec) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node. The "CREATE VINDEX" preamble was formatted in the containing DDL node Format, so this just prints the type, any parameters, and optionally the owner
func (*VindexSpec) ParseParams ¶
func (node *VindexSpec) ParseParams() (string, map[string]string)
ParseParams parses the vindex parameter list, pulling out the special-case "owner" parameter
type Visit ¶
Visit defines the signature of a function that can be used to postVisit all nodes of a parse tree. returning false on kontinue means that children will not be visited returning an error will abort the visitation and return the error
type WeightStringFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
type WeightStringFuncExpr struct { Expr Expr As *ConvertType }
WeightStringFuncExpr represents the function and arguments for WEIGHT_STRING('string' AS [CHAR|BINARY](n))
func CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr(n *WeightStringFuncExpr) *WeightStringFuncExpr
CloneRefOfWeightStringFuncExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *WeightStringFuncExpr) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *WeightStringFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *WeightStringFuncExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) IsExpr ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*WeightStringFuncExpr) IsExpr()
type When ¶
When represents a WHEN sub-expression.
func CloneRefOfWhen ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfWhen creates a deep clone of the input.
func CloneSliceOfRefOfWhen ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneSliceOfRefOfWhen creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*When) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*When) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *When) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type Where ¶
Where represents a WHERE or HAVING clause.
func CloneRefOfWhere ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfWhere creates a deep clone of the input.
func NewWhere ¶
NewWhere creates a WHERE or HAVING clause out of a Expr. If the expression is nil, it returns nil.
func (*Where) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*Where) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *Where) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type WindowDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
type WindowDefinition struct { Name IdentifierCI WindowSpec *WindowSpecification }
Types for window functions
func CloneRefOfWindowDefinition ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfWindowDefinition(n *WindowDefinition) *WindowDefinition
CloneRefOfWindowDefinition creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*WindowDefinition) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *WindowDefinition) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*WindowDefinition) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *WindowDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*WindowDefinition) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *WindowDefinition) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type WindowDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
type WindowDefinitions []*WindowDefinition
Types for window functions
func CloneWindowDefinitions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneWindowDefinitions(n WindowDefinitions) WindowDefinitions
CloneWindowDefinitions creates a deep clone of the input.
func (WindowDefinitions) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node WindowDefinitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (WindowDefinitions) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node WindowDefinitions) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type WindowSpecification ¶ added in v0.14.0
type WindowSpecification struct { Name IdentifierCI PartitionClause Exprs OrderClause OrderBy FrameClause *FrameClause }
WindowSpecification represents window_spec More information available here:
func CloneRefOfWindowSpecification ¶ added in v0.14.0
func CloneRefOfWindowSpecification(n *WindowSpecification) *WindowSpecification
CloneRefOfWindowSpecification creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*WindowSpecification) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (cached *WindowSpecification) CachedSize(alloc bool) int64
func (*WindowSpecification) Format ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (node *WindowSpecification) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node
func (*WindowSpecification) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *WindowSpecification) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node
type With ¶ added in v0.13.0
type With struct { CTEs []*CommonTableExpr Recursive bool }
With contains the lists of common table expression and specifies if it is recursive or not
func CloneRefOfWith ¶ added in v0.13.0
CloneRefOfWith creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*With) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (*With) Format ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (node *With) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)
Format formats the node.
func (*With) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *With) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
type XorExpr ¶
type XorExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
XorExpr represents an XOR expression.
func CloneRefOfXorExpr ¶ added in v0.10.0
CloneRefOfXorExpr creates a deep clone of the input.
func (*XorExpr) CachedSize ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (*XorExpr) FormatFast ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (node *XorExpr) FormatFast(buf *TrackedBuffer)
FormatFast formats the node.
Source Files
- analyzer.go
- ast.go
- ast_clone.go
- ast_copy_on_rewrite.go
- ast_equals.go
- ast_format.go
- ast_format_fast.go
- ast_funcs.go
- ast_rewrite.go
- ast_rewriting.go
- ast_visit.go
- bind_var_needs.go
- cached_size.go
- comments.go
- constants.go
- cow.go
- encodable.go
- generate.go
- impossible_query.go
- keywords.go
- like_filter.go
- literal.go
- normalizer.go
- parse_table.go
- parsed_query.go
- parser.go
- precedence.go
- predicate_rewriting.go
- random_expr.go
- redact_query.go
- reserved_vars.go
- rewriter_api.go
- sql.y
- token.go
- tracked_buffer.go
- truncate_query.go
- utils.go