
v0.19.4 Latest Latest

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Published: May 8, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 3




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const (
	// Vitess specific errors, (100-999)
	ERNotReplica      = ErrorCode(100)
	ERNonAtomicCommit = ErrorCode(301)

	// unknown
	ERUnknownError = ErrorCode(1105)

	// internal
	ERInternalError = ErrorCode(1815)

	// unimplemented
	ERNotSupportedYet = ErrorCode(1235)
	ERUnsupportedPS   = ErrorCode(1295)

	// resource exhausted
	ERDiskFull               = ErrorCode(1021)
	EROutOfMemory            = ErrorCode(1037)
	EROutOfSortMemory        = ErrorCode(1038)
	ERConCount               = ErrorCode(1040)
	EROutOfResources         = ErrorCode(1041)
	ERRecordFileFull         = ErrorCode(1114)
	ERHostIsBlocked          = ErrorCode(1129)
	ERCantCreateThread       = ErrorCode(1135)
	ERTooManyDelayedThreads  = ErrorCode(1151)
	ERNetPacketTooLarge      = ErrorCode(1153)
	ERTooManyUserConnections = ErrorCode(1203)
	ERLockTableFull          = ErrorCode(1206)
	ERUserLimitReached       = ErrorCode(1226)

	// deadline exceeded
	ERLockWaitTimeout = ErrorCode(1205)

	// unavailable
	ERServerShutdown = ErrorCode(1053)

	// not found
	ERDbDropExists          = ErrorCode(1008)
	ERCantFindFile          = ErrorCode(1017)
	ERFormNotFound          = ErrorCode(1029)
	ERKeyNotFound           = ErrorCode(1032)
	ERBadFieldError         = ErrorCode(1054)
	ERNoSuchThread          = ErrorCode(1094)
	ERUnknownTable          = ErrorCode(1109)
	ERCantFindUDF           = ErrorCode(1122)
	ERNonExistingGrant      = ErrorCode(1141)
	ERNoSuchTable           = ErrorCode(1146)
	ERNonExistingTableGrant = ErrorCode(1147)
	ERKeyDoesNotExist       = ErrorCode(1176)

	// permissions
	ERDBAccessDenied            = ErrorCode(1044)
	ERAccessDeniedError         = ErrorCode(1045)
	ERKillDenied                = ErrorCode(1095)
	ERNoPermissionToCreateUsers = ErrorCode(1211)
	ERSpecifiedAccessDenied     = ErrorCode(1227)

	// failed precondition
	ERNoDb                          = ErrorCode(1046)
	ERNoSuchIndex                   = ErrorCode(1082)
	ERCantDropFieldOrKey            = ErrorCode(1091)
	ERTableNotLockedForWrite        = ErrorCode(1099)
	ERTableNotLocked                = ErrorCode(1100)
	ERTooBigSelect                  = ErrorCode(1104)
	ERNotAllowedCommand             = ErrorCode(1148)
	ERTooLongString                 = ErrorCode(1162)
	ERDelayedInsertTableLocked      = ErrorCode(1165)
	ERDupUnique                     = ErrorCode(1169)
	ERRequiresPrimaryKey            = ErrorCode(1173)
	ERCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = ErrorCode(1179)
	ERReadOnlyTransaction           = ErrorCode(1207)
	ERCannotAddForeign              = ErrorCode(1215)
	ERNoReferencedRow               = ErrorCode(1216)
	ERRowIsReferenced               = ErrorCode(1217)
	ERCantUpdateWithReadLock        = ErrorCode(1223)
	ERNoDefault                     = ErrorCode(1230)
	ERMasterFatalReadingBinlog      = ErrorCode(1236)
	EROperandColumns                = ErrorCode(1241)
	ERSubqueryNo1Row                = ErrorCode(1242)
	ERUnknownStmtHandler            = ErrorCode(1243)
	ERWarnDataOutOfRange            = ErrorCode(1264)
	ERNonUpdateableTable            = ErrorCode(1288)
	ERFeatureDisabled               = ErrorCode(1289)
	EROptionPreventsStatement       = ErrorCode(1290)
	ERDuplicatedValueInType         = ErrorCode(1291)
	ERSPDoesNotExist                = ErrorCode(1305)
	ERNoDefaultForField             = ErrorCode(1364)
	ErSPNotVarArg                   = ErrorCode(1414)
	ERRowIsReferenced2              = ErrorCode(1451)
	ErNoReferencedRow2              = ErrorCode(1452)
	ERDupIndex                      = ErrorCode(1831)
	ERInnodbReadOnly                = ErrorCode(1874)

	// already exists
	ERDbCreateExists = ErrorCode(1007)
	ERTableExists    = ErrorCode(1050)
	ERDupEntry       = ErrorCode(1062)
	ERFileExists     = ErrorCode(1086)
	ERUDFExists      = ErrorCode(1125)

	// aborted
	ERGotSignal          = ErrorCode(1078)
	ERForcingClose       = ErrorCode(1080)
	ERAbortingConnection = ErrorCode(1152)
	ERLockDeadlock       = ErrorCode(1213)

	// invalid arg
	ERUnknownComError              = ErrorCode(1047)
	ERBadNullError                 = ErrorCode(1048)
	ERBadDb                        = ErrorCode(1049)
	ERBadTable                     = ErrorCode(1051)
	ERNonUniq                      = ErrorCode(1052)
	ERWrongFieldWithGroup          = ErrorCode(1055)
	ERWrongGroupField              = ErrorCode(1056)
	ERWrongSumSelect               = ErrorCode(1057)
	ERWrongValueCount              = ErrorCode(1058)
	ERTooLongIdent                 = ErrorCode(1059)
	ERDupFieldName                 = ErrorCode(1060)
	ERDupKeyName                   = ErrorCode(1061)
	ERWrongFieldSpec               = ErrorCode(1063)
	ERParseError                   = ErrorCode(1064)
	EREmptyQuery                   = ErrorCode(1065)
	ERNonUniqTable                 = ErrorCode(1066)
	ERInvalidDefault               = ErrorCode(1067)
	ERMultiplePriKey               = ErrorCode(1068)
	ERTooManyKeys                  = ErrorCode(1069)
	ERTooManyKeyParts              = ErrorCode(1070)
	ERTooLongKey                   = ErrorCode(1071)
	ERKeyColumnDoesNotExist        = ErrorCode(1072)
	ERBlobUsedAsKey                = ErrorCode(1073)
	ERTooBigFieldLength            = ErrorCode(1074)
	ERWrongAutoKey                 = ErrorCode(1075)
	ERWrongFieldTerminators        = ErrorCode(1083)
	ERBlobsAndNoTerminated         = ErrorCode(1084)
	ERTextFileNotReadable          = ErrorCode(1085)
	ERWrongSubKey                  = ErrorCode(1089)
	ERCantRemoveAllFields          = ErrorCode(1090)
	ERUpdateTableUsed              = ErrorCode(1093)
	ERNoTablesUsed                 = ErrorCode(1096)
	ERTooBigSet                    = ErrorCode(1097)
	ERBlobCantHaveDefault          = ErrorCode(1101)
	ERWrongDbName                  = ErrorCode(1102)
	ERWrongTableName               = ErrorCode(1103)
	ERUnknownProcedure             = ErrorCode(1106)
	ERWrongParamCountToProcedure   = ErrorCode(1107)
	ERWrongParametersToProcedure   = ErrorCode(1108)
	ERFieldSpecifiedTwice          = ErrorCode(1110)
	ERInvalidGroupFuncUse          = ErrorCode(1111)
	ERTableMustHaveColumns         = ErrorCode(1113)
	ERUnknownCharacterSet          = ErrorCode(1115)
	ERTooManyTables                = ErrorCode(1116)
	ERTooManyFields                = ErrorCode(1117)
	ERTooBigRowSize                = ErrorCode(1118)
	ERWrongOuterJoin               = ErrorCode(1120)
	ERNullColumnInIndex            = ErrorCode(1121)
	ERFunctionNotDefined           = ErrorCode(1128)
	ERWrongValueCountOnRow         = ErrorCode(1136)
	ERInvalidUseOfNull             = ErrorCode(1138)
	ERRegexpError                  = ErrorCode(1139)
	ERMixOfGroupFuncAndFields      = ErrorCode(1140)
	ERIllegalGrantForTable         = ErrorCode(1144)
	ERSyntaxError                  = ErrorCode(1149)
	ERWrongColumnName              = ErrorCode(1166)
	ERWrongKeyColumn               = ErrorCode(1167)
	ERBlobKeyWithoutLength         = ErrorCode(1170)
	ERPrimaryCantHaveNull          = ErrorCode(1171)
	ERTooManyRows                  = ErrorCode(1172)
	ERLockOrActiveTransaction      = ErrorCode(1192)
	ERUnknownSystemVariable        = ErrorCode(1193)
	ERSetConstantsOnly             = ErrorCode(1204)
	ERWrongArguments               = ErrorCode(1210)
	ERWrongUsage                   = ErrorCode(1221)
	ERWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect = ErrorCode(1222)
	ERDupArgument                  = ErrorCode(1225)
	ERLocalVariable                = ErrorCode(1228)
	ERGlobalVariable               = ErrorCode(1229)
	ERWrongValueForVar             = ErrorCode(1231)
	ERWrongTypeForVar              = ErrorCode(1232)
	ERVarCantBeRead                = ErrorCode(1233)
	ERCantUseOptionHere            = ErrorCode(1234)
	ERIncorrectGlobalLocalVar      = ErrorCode(1238)
	ERWrongFKDef                   = ErrorCode(1239)
	ERKeyRefDoNotMatchTableRef     = ErrorCode(1240)
	ERCyclicReference              = ErrorCode(1245)
	ERIllegalReference             = ErrorCode(1247)
	ERDerivedMustHaveAlias         = ErrorCode(1248)
	ERTableNameNotAllowedHere      = ErrorCode(1250)
	ERCollationCharsetMismatch     = ErrorCode(1253)
	ERWarnDataTruncated            = ErrorCode(1265)
	ERCantAggregate2Collations     = ErrorCode(1267)
	ERCantAggregate3Collations     = ErrorCode(1270)
	ERCantAggregateNCollations     = ErrorCode(1271)
	ERVariableIsNotStruct          = ErrorCode(1272)
	ERUnknownCollation             = ErrorCode(1273)
	ERWrongNameForIndex            = ErrorCode(1280)
	ERWrongNameForCatalog          = ErrorCode(1281)
	ERBadFTColumn                  = ErrorCode(1283)
	ERTruncatedWrongValue          = ErrorCode(1292)
	ERTooMuchAutoTimestampCols     = ErrorCode(1293)
	ERInvalidOnUpdate              = ErrorCode(1294)
	ERUnknownTimeZone              = ErrorCode(1298)
	ERInvalidCharacterString       = ErrorCode(1300)
	ERQueryInterrupted             = ErrorCode(1317)
	ERTruncatedWrongValueForField  = ErrorCode(1366)
	ERIllegalValueForType          = ErrorCode(1367)
	ERDataTooLong                  = ErrorCode(1406)
	ErrWrongValueForType           = ErrorCode(1411)
	ERNoSuchUser                   = ErrorCode(1449)
	ERForbidSchemaChange           = ErrorCode(1450)
	ERWrongValue                   = ErrorCode(1525)
	ERDataOutOfRange               = ErrorCode(1690)
	ERInvalidJSONText              = ErrorCode(3140)
	ERInvalidJSONTextInParams      = ErrorCode(3141)
	ERInvalidJSONBinaryData        = ErrorCode(3142)
	ERInvalidJSONCharset           = ErrorCode(3144)
	ERInvalidCastToJSON            = ErrorCode(3147)
	ERJSONValueTooBig              = ErrorCode(3150)
	ERJSONDocumentTooDeep          = ErrorCode(3157)

	ERLockNowait                = ErrorCode(3572)
	ERRegexpStringNotTerminated = ErrorCode(3684)
	ERRegexpBufferOverflow      = ErrorCode(3684)
	ERRegexpIllegalArgument     = ErrorCode(3685)
	ERRegexpIndexOutOfBounds    = ErrorCode(3686)
	ERRegexpInternal            = ErrorCode(3687)
	ERRegexpRuleSyntax          = ErrorCode(3688)
	ERRegexpBadEscapeSequence   = ErrorCode(3689)
	ERRegexpUnimplemented       = ErrorCode(3690)
	ERRegexpMismatchParen       = ErrorCode(3691)
	ERRegexpBadInterval         = ErrorCode(3692)
	ERRRegexpMaxLtMin           = ErrorCode(3693)
	ERRegexpInvalidBackRef      = ErrorCode(3694)
	ERRegexpLookBehindLimit     = ErrorCode(3695)
	ERRegexpMissingCloseBracket = ErrorCode(3696)
	ERRegexpInvalidRange        = ErrorCode(3697)
	ERRegexpStackOverflow       = ErrorCode(3698)
	ERRegexpTimeOut             = ErrorCode(3699)
	ERRegexpPatternTooBig       = ErrorCode(3700)
	ERRegexpInvalidCaptureGroup = ErrorCode(3887)
	ERRegexpInvalidFlag         = ErrorCode(3900)

	ERCharacterSetMismatch = ErrorCode(3995)

	ERWrongParametersToNativeFct = ErrorCode(1583)

	// max execution time exceeded
	ERQueryTimeout = ErrorCode(3024)

	ErrCantCreateGeometryObject      = ErrorCode(1416)
	ErrGISDataWrongEndianess         = ErrorCode(3055)
	ErrNotImplementedForCartesianSRS = ErrorCode(3704)
	ErrNotImplementedForProjectedSRS = ErrorCode(3705)
	ErrNonPositiveRadius             = ErrorCode(3706)

	// server not available
	ERServerIsntAvailable = ErrorCode(3168)

Error codes for server-side errors. Originally found in include/mysql/mysqld_error.h and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-errors/en/server-error-reference.html The below are in sorted order by value, grouped by vterror code they should be bucketed into. See above reference for more information on each code.

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const (
	// SSUnknownSqlstate is ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION in
	// include/mysql/sql_state.h, but:
	// const char *unknown_sqlstate= "HY000"
	// in client.c. So using that one.
	SSUnknownSQLState = "HY000"

	// SSNetError is network related error
	SSNetError = "08S01"

	// SSWrongNumberOfColumns is related to columns error
	SSWrongNumberOfColumns = "21000"

	// SSWrongValueCountOnRow is related to columns count mismatch error
	SSWrongValueCountOnRow = "21S01"

	// SSDataTooLong is ER_DATA_TOO_LONG
	SSDataTooLong = "22001"

	// SSDataOutOfRange is ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE
	SSDataOutOfRange = "22003"

	// SSConstraintViolation is constraint violation
	SSConstraintViolation = "23000"

	// SSCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction is
	SSCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = "25000"

	// SSAccessDeniedError is ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR
	SSAccessDeniedError = "28000"

	SSNoDB = "3D000"

	// SSLockDeadlock is ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK
	SSLockDeadlock = "40001"

	// SSClientError is the state on client errors
	SSClientError = "42000"

	// SSDupFieldName is ER_DUP_FIELD_NAME
	SSDupFieldName = "42S21"

	// SSBadFieldError is ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR
	SSBadFieldError = "42S22"

	// SSUnknownTable is ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE
	SSUnknownTable = "42S02"

	// SSQueryInterrupted is ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED;
	SSQueryInterrupted = "70100"

Sql states for errors. Originally found in include/mysql/sql_state.h

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const (
	// CRUnknownError is CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR
	CRUnknownError = ErrorCode(2000)

	// CRConnectionError is CR_CONNECTION_ERROR
	// This is returned if a connection via a Unix socket fails.
	CRConnectionError = ErrorCode(2002)

	// CRConnHostError is CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR
	// This is returned if a connection via a TCP socket fails.
	CRConnHostError = ErrorCode(2003)

	// CRUnknownHost is CR_UNKNOWN_HOST
	// This is returned if the host name cannot be resolved.
	CRUnknownHost = ErrorCode(2005)

	// This is returned if the client tries to send a command but it fails.
	CRServerGone = ErrorCode(2006)

	// CRVersionError is CR_VERSION_ERROR
	// This is returned if the server versions don't match what we support.
	CRVersionError = ErrorCode(2007)

	// CRServerHandshakeErr is CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR
	CRServerHandshakeErr = ErrorCode(2012)

	// CRServerLost is CR_SERVER_LOST.
	// Used when:
	// - the client cannot write an initial auth packet.
	// - the client cannot read an initial auth packet.
	// - the client cannot read a response from the server.
	//     This happens when a running query is killed.
	CRServerLost = ErrorCode(2013)

	// CRCommandsOutOfSync is CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC
	// Sent when the streaming calls are not done in the right order.
	CRCommandsOutOfSync = ErrorCode(2014)

	// This is the highest possible number for a connection error.
	CRNamedPipeStateError = ErrorCode(2018)

	// CRCantReadCharset is CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET
	CRCantReadCharset = ErrorCode(2019)

	CRSSLConnectionError = ErrorCode(2026)

	// CRMalformedPacket is CR_MALFORMED_PACKET
	CRMalformedPacket = ErrorCode(2027)

Error codes for client-side errors. Originally found in include/mysql/errmsg.h and https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-errors/en/client-error-reference.html


This section is empty.


func ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode

func ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode(state vterrors.State) string

ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode returns MySQL error code for the given vterrors.State If the state is == 0, an empty string is returned

func ConvertStateToMySQLState

func ConvertStateToMySQLState(state vterrors.State) string

ConvertStateToMySQLState returns MySQL state for the given vterrors.State If the state is == 0, an empty string is returned

func IsConnErr

func IsConnErr(err error) bool

IsConnErr returns true if the error is a connection error.

func IsConnLostDuringQuery

func IsConnLostDuringQuery(err error) bool

IsConnLostDuringQuery returns true if the error is a CRServerLost error. Happens most commonly when a query is killed MySQL server-side.

func IsEphemeralError

func IsEphemeralError(err error) bool

IsEphemeralError returns true if the error is ephemeral and the caller should retry if possible. Note: non-SQL errors are always treated as ephemeral.

func IsSchemaApplyError

func IsSchemaApplyError(err error) bool

IsSchemaApplyError returns true when given error is a MySQL error applying schema change

func IsTooManyConnectionsErr

func IsTooManyConnectionsErr(err error) bool

IsTooManyConnectionsErr returns true if the error is due to too many connections.

func NewSQLErrorFromError

func NewSQLErrorFromError(err error) error

NewSQLErrorFromError returns a *SQLError from the provided error. If it's not the right type, it still tries to get it from a regexp. Notes about the `error` return type: The function really returns *SQLError or `nil`. Seemingly, the function could just return `*SQLError` type. However, it really must return `error`. The reason is the way `golang` treats `nil` interfaces vs `nil` implementing values. If this function were to return a nil `*SQLError`, the following undesired behavior would happen:

var err error
err = NewSQLErrorFromError(nil) // returns a nil `*SQLError`
if err != nil {
  doSomething() // this actually runs


type ErrorCode

type ErrorCode uint16

func (ErrorCode) ToString

func (e ErrorCode) ToString() string

type SQLError

type SQLError struct {
	Num     ErrorCode
	State   string
	Message string
	Query   string

SQLError is the error structure returned from calling a db library function

func NewSQLError

func NewSQLError(number ErrorCode, sqlState string, format string, args ...any) *SQLError

NewSQLError creates a new SQLError. If sqlState is left empty, it will default to "HY000" (general error). TODO: Should be aligned with vterrors, stack traces and wrapping

func (*SQLError) Error

func (se *SQLError) Error() string

Error implements the error interface

func (*SQLError) Number

func (se *SQLError) Number() ErrorCode

Number returns the internal MySQL error code.

func (*SQLError) SQLState

func (se *SQLError) SQLState() string

SQLState returns the SQLSTATE value.

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