Overview ¶
Package mock_model is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockCircuitBreakerStatus
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AcquireStatusLock() bool
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen(arg0 int32, arg1 bool) int32
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) Allocate() bool
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) EXPECT() *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetCircuitBreaker() string
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64() int64
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStartTime() time.Time
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStatus() model.Status
- func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) IsAvailable() bool
- type MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AcquireStatusLock() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) Allocate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreaker() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStartTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStatus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) IsAvailable() *gomock.Call
- type MockInstance
- func (m *MockInstance) DeepClone() model.Instance
- func (m *MockInstance) EXPECT() *MockInstanceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockInstance) GetCampus() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetCircuitBreakerStatus() model.CircuitBreakerStatus
- func (m *MockInstance) GetHost() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetIDC() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetId() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetInstanceKey() model.InstanceKey
- func (m *MockInstance) GetLogicSet() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetMetadata() map[string]string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetNamespace() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetPort() uint32
- func (m *MockInstance) GetPriority() uint32
- func (m *MockInstance) GetProtocol() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetRegion() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetRevision() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetService() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetTtl() int64
- func (m *MockInstance) GetVersion() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetVpcId() string
- func (m *MockInstance) GetWeight() int
- func (m *MockInstance) GetZone() string
- func (m *MockInstance) IsEnableHealthCheck() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) IsHealthy() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) IsIsolated() bool
- func (m *MockInstance) SetHealthy(arg0 bool)
- type MockInstanceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) DeepClone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCampus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreakerStatus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetHost() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetIDC() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetId() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetInstanceKey() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetLogicSet() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetMetadata() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetNamespace() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPort() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPriority() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetProtocol() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRegion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRevision() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetService() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetTtl() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVersion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVpcId() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetWeight() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetZone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsEnableHealthCheck() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsHealthy() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsIsolated() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHealthy(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockServiceClusters
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) AddInstance(arg0 model.Instance)
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) EXPECT() *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 int) interface{}
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetInstanceMetaValues(arg0 model.Location, arg1 string) map[string]string
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetNearbyCluster(arg0 model.Location) (*model.Cluster, int)
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetServiceInstances() model.ServiceInstances
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetServiceKey() model.ServiceKey
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasCampus(arg0 string) bool
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasRegion(arg0 string) bool
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasZone(arg0 string) bool
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) IsCanaryEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) IsNearbyEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) SetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 int, arg1 interface{})
- func (m *MockServiceClusters) SetNearbyCluster(arg0 model.Location, arg1 *model.Cluster, arg2 int)
- type MockServiceClustersMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) AddInstance(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetInstanceMetaValues(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNearbyCluster(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceInstances() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceKey() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasCampus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasRegion(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasZone(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsCanaryEnabled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsNearbyEnabled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetExtendedCacheValue(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetNearbyCluster(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockServiceInstances
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) EXPECT() *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetHashValue() uint64
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetInstance(arg0 string) model.Instance
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetInstances() []model.Instance
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetMetadata() map[string]string
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetNamespace() string
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetRevision() string
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetService() string
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetServiceClusters() model.ServiceClusters
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetTotalWeight() int
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetType() model.EventType
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsCacheLoaded() bool
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsInitialized() bool
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsNotExists() bool
- func (m *MockServiceInstances) ReloadServiceClusters()
- type MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetHashValue() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstance(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstances() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetMetadata() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetNamespace() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetRevision() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetService() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetServiceClusters() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetTotalWeight() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsCacheLoaded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsInitialized() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsNotExists() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) ReloadServiceClusters() *gomock.Call
- type MockValueContext
- func (m *MockValueContext) EXPECT() *MockValueContextMockRecorder
- func (m *MockValueContext) GetClientId() string
- func (m *MockValueContext) GetCurrentLocation() model.LocationInfo
- func (m *MockValueContext) GetEngine() model.Engine
- func (m *MockValueContext) GetValue(arg0 string) (interface{}, bool)
- func (m *MockValueContext) Now() time.Time
- func (m *MockValueContext) SetCurrentLocation(arg0 *model.Location, arg1 model.SDKError) bool
- func (m *MockValueContext) SetValue(arg0 string, arg1 interface{})
- func (m *MockValueContext) Since(arg0 time.Time) time.Duration
- func (m *MockValueContext) WaitLocationInfo(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint32) bool
- type MockValueContextMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetClientId() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetCurrentLocation() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetEngine() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetValue(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) Now() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetCurrentLocation(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetValue(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) Since(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) WaitLocationInfo(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockCircuitBreakerStatus ¶
type MockCircuitBreakerStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCircuitBreakerStatus is a mock of CircuitBreakerStatus interface.
func NewMockCircuitBreakerStatus ¶
func NewMockCircuitBreakerStatus(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockCircuitBreakerStatus
NewMockCircuitBreakerStatus creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AcquireStatusLock ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AcquireStatusLock() bool
AcquireStatusLock mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen(arg0 int32, arg1 bool) int32
AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) Allocate ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) Allocate() bool
Allocate mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) EXPECT() *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetCircuitBreaker ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetCircuitBreaker() string
GetCircuitBreaker mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64 ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64() int64
GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64 mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen() int32
GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStartTime ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStartTime() time.Time
GetStartTime mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStatus ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) GetStatus() model.Status
GetStatus mocks base method.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatus) IsAvailable ¶
func (m *MockCircuitBreakerStatus) IsAvailable() bool
IsAvailable mocks base method.
type MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder ¶
type MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockCircuitBreakerStatus.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AcquireStatusLock ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AcquireStatusLock() *gomock.Call
AcquireStatusLock indicates an expected call of AcquireStatusLock.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen indicates an expected call of AddRequestCountAfterHalfOpen.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) Allocate ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) Allocate() *gomock.Call
Allocate indicates an expected call of Allocate.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen indicates an expected call of AllocatedRequestsAfterHalfOpen.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreaker ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreaker() *gomock.Call
GetCircuitBreaker indicates an expected call of GetCircuitBreaker.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen indicates an expected call of GetFailRequestsAfterHalfOpen.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64 ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64() *gomock.Call
GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64 indicates an expected call of GetFinalAllocateTimeInt64.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen() *gomock.Call
GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen indicates an expected call of GetRequestsAfterHalfOpen.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStartTime ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStartTime() *gomock.Call
GetStartTime indicates an expected call of GetStartTime.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStatus ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) GetStatus() *gomock.Call
GetStatus indicates an expected call of GetStatus.
func (*MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) IsAvailable ¶
func (mr *MockCircuitBreakerStatusMockRecorder) IsAvailable() *gomock.Call
IsAvailable indicates an expected call of IsAvailable.
type MockInstance ¶
type MockInstance struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstance is a mock of Instance interface.
func NewMockInstance ¶
func NewMockInstance(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockInstance
NewMockInstance creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockInstance) DeepClone ¶
func (m *MockInstance) DeepClone() model.Instance
DeepClone mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockInstance) EXPECT() *MockInstanceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockInstance) GetCampus ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetCampus() string
GetCampus mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetCircuitBreakerStatus ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetCircuitBreakerStatus() model.CircuitBreakerStatus
GetCircuitBreakerStatus mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetInstanceKey ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetInstanceKey() model.InstanceKey
GetInstanceKey mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetLogicSet ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetLogicSet() string
GetLogicSet mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetMetadata ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetMetadata() map[string]string
GetMetadata mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetNamespace ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetNamespace() string
GetNamespace mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetPriority ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetPriority() uint32
GetPriority mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetProtocol ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetProtocol() string
GetProtocol mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetRegion ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetRegion() string
GetRegion mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetRevision ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetRevision() string
GetRevision mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetService ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetService() string
GetService mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetVersion ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetVersion() string
GetVersion mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetVpcId ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetVpcId() string
GetVpcId mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) GetWeight ¶
func (m *MockInstance) GetWeight() int
GetWeight mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) IsEnableHealthCheck ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsEnableHealthCheck() bool
IsEnableHealthCheck mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) IsHealthy ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsHealthy() bool
IsHealthy mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) IsIsolated ¶
func (m *MockInstance) IsIsolated() bool
IsIsolated mocks base method.
func (*MockInstance) SetHealthy ¶
func (m *MockInstance) SetHealthy(arg0 bool)
SetHealthy mocks base method.
type MockInstanceMockRecorder ¶
type MockInstanceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockInstanceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockInstance.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) DeepClone ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) DeepClone() *gomock.Call
DeepClone indicates an expected call of DeepClone.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCampus ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCampus() *gomock.Call
GetCampus indicates an expected call of GetCampus.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreakerStatus ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetCircuitBreakerStatus() *gomock.Call
GetCircuitBreakerStatus indicates an expected call of GetCircuitBreakerStatus.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetHost ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetHost() *gomock.Call
GetHost indicates an expected call of GetHost.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetIDC ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetIDC() *gomock.Call
GetIDC indicates an expected call of GetIDC.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetId ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetId() *gomock.Call
GetId indicates an expected call of GetId.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetInstanceKey ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetInstanceKey() *gomock.Call
GetInstanceKey indicates an expected call of GetInstanceKey.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetLogicSet ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetLogicSet() *gomock.Call
GetLogicSet indicates an expected call of GetLogicSet.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetMetadata ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetMetadata() *gomock.Call
GetMetadata indicates an expected call of GetMetadata.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetNamespace ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetNamespace() *gomock.Call
GetNamespace indicates an expected call of GetNamespace.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPort ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPort() *gomock.Call
GetPort indicates an expected call of GetPort.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPriority ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetPriority() *gomock.Call
GetPriority indicates an expected call of GetPriority.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetProtocol ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetProtocol() *gomock.Call
GetProtocol indicates an expected call of GetProtocol.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRegion ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRegion() *gomock.Call
GetRegion indicates an expected call of GetRegion.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRevision ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetRevision() *gomock.Call
GetRevision indicates an expected call of GetRevision.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetService ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetService() *gomock.Call
GetService indicates an expected call of GetService.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetTtl ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetTtl() *gomock.Call
GetTtl indicates an expected call of GetTtl.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVersion ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVersion() *gomock.Call
GetVersion indicates an expected call of GetVersion.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVpcId ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetVpcId() *gomock.Call
GetVpcId indicates an expected call of GetVpcId.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetWeight ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetWeight() *gomock.Call
GetWeight indicates an expected call of GetWeight.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetZone ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) GetZone() *gomock.Call
GetZone indicates an expected call of GetZone.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsEnableHealthCheck ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsEnableHealthCheck() *gomock.Call
IsEnableHealthCheck indicates an expected call of IsEnableHealthCheck.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsHealthy ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsHealthy() *gomock.Call
IsHealthy indicates an expected call of IsHealthy.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsIsolated ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) IsIsolated() *gomock.Call
IsIsolated indicates an expected call of IsIsolated.
func (*MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHealthy ¶
func (mr *MockInstanceMockRecorder) SetHealthy(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetHealthy indicates an expected call of SetHealthy.
type MockServiceClusters ¶
type MockServiceClusters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServiceClusters is a mock of ServiceClusters interface.
func NewMockServiceClusters ¶
func NewMockServiceClusters(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockServiceClusters
NewMockServiceClusters creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockServiceClusters) AddInstance ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) AddInstance(arg0 model.Instance)
AddInstance mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) EXPECT() *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetClusterInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
GetClusterInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetExtendedCacheValue ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 int) interface{}
GetExtendedCacheValue mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetInstanceMetaValues ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetInstanceMetaValues(arg0 model.Location, arg1 string) map[string]string
GetInstanceMetaValues mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetNearbyCluster ¶
GetNearbyCluster mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 model.ClusterKey) *model.ClusterValue
GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetServiceInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetServiceInstances() model.ServiceInstances
GetServiceInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) GetServiceKey ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) GetServiceKey() model.ServiceKey
GetServiceKey mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) HasCampus ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasCampus(arg0 string) bool
HasCampus mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) HasRegion ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasRegion(arg0 string) bool
HasRegion mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) HasZone ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) HasZone(arg0 string) bool
HasZone mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) IsCanaryEnabled ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) IsCanaryEnabled() bool
IsCanaryEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) IsNearbyEnabled ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) IsNearbyEnabled() bool
IsNearbyEnabled mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) SetExtendedCacheValue ¶
func (m *MockServiceClusters) SetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 int, arg1 interface{})
SetExtendedCacheValue mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceClusters) SetNearbyCluster ¶
SetNearbyCluster mocks base method.
type MockServiceClustersMockRecorder ¶
type MockServiceClustersMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServiceClustersMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockServiceClusters.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) AddInstance ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) AddInstance(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddInstance indicates an expected call of AddInstance.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetClusterInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetClusterInstances indicates an expected call of GetClusterInstances.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances indicates an expected call of GetContainMetaKeyClusterInstances.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances indicates an expected call of GetContainNotMatchMetaKeyClusterInstances.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetExtendedCacheValue ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetExtendedCacheValue(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetExtendedCacheValue indicates an expected call of GetExtendedCacheValue.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetInstanceMetaValues ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetInstanceMetaValues(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetInstanceMetaValues indicates an expected call of GetInstanceMetaValues.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNearbyCluster ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNearbyCluster(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetNearbyCluster indicates an expected call of GetNearbyCluster.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances indicates an expected call of GetNotContainMetaKeyClusterInstances.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceInstances() *gomock.Call
GetServiceInstances indicates an expected call of GetServiceInstances.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceKey ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) GetServiceKey() *gomock.Call
GetServiceKey indicates an expected call of GetServiceKey.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasCampus ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasCampus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasCampus indicates an expected call of HasCampus.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasRegion ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasRegion(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasRegion indicates an expected call of HasRegion.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasZone ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) HasZone(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasZone indicates an expected call of HasZone.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsCanaryEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsCanaryEnabled() *gomock.Call
IsCanaryEnabled indicates an expected call of IsCanaryEnabled.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsNearbyEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) IsNearbyEnabled() *gomock.Call
IsNearbyEnabled indicates an expected call of IsNearbyEnabled.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetExtendedCacheValue ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetExtendedCacheValue(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetExtendedCacheValue indicates an expected call of SetExtendedCacheValue.
func (*MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetNearbyCluster ¶
func (mr *MockServiceClustersMockRecorder) SetNearbyCluster(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNearbyCluster indicates an expected call of SetNearbyCluster.
type MockServiceInstances ¶
type MockServiceInstances struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServiceInstances is a mock of ServiceInstances interface.
func NewMockServiceInstances ¶
func NewMockServiceInstances(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockServiceInstances
NewMockServiceInstances creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockServiceInstances) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) EXPECT() *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetHashValue ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetHashValue() uint64
GetHashValue mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetInstance ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetInstance(arg0 string) model.Instance
GetInstance mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetInstances ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetInstances() []model.Instance
GetInstances mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetMetadata ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetMetadata() map[string]string
GetMetadata mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetNamespace ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetNamespace() string
GetNamespace mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetRevision ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetRevision() string
GetRevision mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetService ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetService() string
GetService mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetServiceClusters ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetServiceClusters() model.ServiceClusters
GetServiceClusters mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetTotalWeight ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetTotalWeight() int
GetTotalWeight mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) GetType ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) GetType() model.EventType
GetType mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) IsCacheLoaded ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsCacheLoaded() bool
IsCacheLoaded mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) IsInitialized ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsInitialized() bool
IsInitialized mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) IsNotExists ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) IsNotExists() bool
IsNotExists mocks base method.
func (*MockServiceInstances) ReloadServiceClusters ¶
func (m *MockServiceInstances) ReloadServiceClusters()
ReloadServiceClusters mocks base method.
type MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder ¶
type MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockServiceInstances.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetHashValue ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetHashValue() *gomock.Call
GetHashValue indicates an expected call of GetHashValue.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstance ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstance(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetInstance indicates an expected call of GetInstance.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstances ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetInstances() *gomock.Call
GetInstances indicates an expected call of GetInstances.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetMetadata ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetMetadata() *gomock.Call
GetMetadata indicates an expected call of GetMetadata.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetNamespace ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetNamespace() *gomock.Call
GetNamespace indicates an expected call of GetNamespace.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetRevision ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetRevision() *gomock.Call
GetRevision indicates an expected call of GetRevision.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetService ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetService() *gomock.Call
GetService indicates an expected call of GetService.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetServiceClusters ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetServiceClusters() *gomock.Call
GetServiceClusters indicates an expected call of GetServiceClusters.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetTotalWeight ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetTotalWeight() *gomock.Call
GetTotalWeight indicates an expected call of GetTotalWeight.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetType ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) GetType() *gomock.Call
GetType indicates an expected call of GetType.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsCacheLoaded ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsCacheLoaded() *gomock.Call
IsCacheLoaded indicates an expected call of IsCacheLoaded.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsInitialized ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsInitialized() *gomock.Call
IsInitialized indicates an expected call of IsInitialized.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsNotExists ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) IsNotExists() *gomock.Call
IsNotExists indicates an expected call of IsNotExists.
func (*MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) ReloadServiceClusters ¶
func (mr *MockServiceInstancesMockRecorder) ReloadServiceClusters() *gomock.Call
ReloadServiceClusters indicates an expected call of ReloadServiceClusters.
type MockValueContext ¶
type MockValueContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockValueContext is a mock of ValueContext interface.
func NewMockValueContext ¶
func NewMockValueContext(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockValueContext
NewMockValueContext creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockValueContext) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) EXPECT() *MockValueContextMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockValueContext) GetClientId ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) GetClientId() string
GetClientId mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) GetCurrentLocation ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) GetCurrentLocation() model.LocationInfo
GetCurrentLocation mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) GetEngine ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) GetEngine() model.Engine
GetEngine mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) GetValue ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) GetValue(arg0 string) (interface{}, bool)
GetValue mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) SetCurrentLocation ¶
SetCurrentLocation mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) SetValue ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) SetValue(arg0 string, arg1 interface{})
SetValue mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) Since ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) Since(arg0 time.Time) time.Duration
Since mocks base method.
func (*MockValueContext) WaitLocationInfo ¶
func (m *MockValueContext) WaitLocationInfo(arg0 context.Context, arg1 uint32) bool
WaitLocationInfo mocks base method.
type MockValueContextMockRecorder ¶
type MockValueContextMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockValueContextMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockValueContext.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetClientId ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetClientId() *gomock.Call
GetClientId indicates an expected call of GetClientId.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetCurrentLocation ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetCurrentLocation() *gomock.Call
GetCurrentLocation indicates an expected call of GetCurrentLocation.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetEngine ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetEngine() *gomock.Call
GetEngine indicates an expected call of GetEngine.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetValue ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) GetValue(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetValue indicates an expected call of GetValue.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) Now ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) Now() *gomock.Call
Now indicates an expected call of Now.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetCurrentLocation ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetCurrentLocation(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCurrentLocation indicates an expected call of SetCurrentLocation.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetValue ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) SetValue(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetValue indicates an expected call of SetValue.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) Since ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) Since(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Since indicates an expected call of Since.
func (*MockValueContextMockRecorder) WaitLocationInfo ¶
func (mr *MockValueContextMockRecorder) WaitLocationInfo(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
WaitLocationInfo indicates an expected call of WaitLocationInfo.