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A Malicious Traffic Detection System For Small Hardware
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Compile assets and go binary
# build go binary
VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) && \
go build -o fengg -ldflags "-X tea.fen.gg/fengg/server/config.VERSION=$VERSION"
# set linux capabilities
sudo setcap 'cap_net_admin=+ep' fengg
# compile assets
yarn install
# use either dev or build
yarn [dev|build]
Run server application
VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
CARCH="armv7h" \
CHOST="armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" \
GOARM="7" \
GOARCH="arm" \
go build \
-o fengg \
-ldflags "-s -w" \
-gcflags=all=-trimpath=$(pwd) \
-asmflags=all=-trimpath=$(pwd) \
-ldflags "-X tea.fen.gg/fengg/server/config.VERSION=$VERSION"
Merge database migration files
Drop the database and create a new one. Afterwards remember the highest
schema version and delete all files in db/migrations
Then run the following command (replace XXX with the mentioned version):
pg_dump \
-T public.schema_migrations \
-O -s -U postgres -d fengg \
| sed -e '/^--/d' \
| sed -e '/^$/d' \
| grep -v '^SELECT pg_catalog\.set_config.*search_path' \
> db/migrations/000XXX_merged_initial_database.up.sql
Commit and test your changes!