Overview ¶
Package location contains geolocation related constants and variables.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( None = CountryCode(0) Afghanistan = CountryCode(6) AlandIslands = CountryCode(24) Albania = CountryCode(12) Algeria = CountryCode(104) AmericanSamoa = CountryCode(19) Andorra = CountryCode(4) Angola = CountryCode(15) Anguilla = CountryCode(9) Antarctica = CountryCode(17) AntiguaandBarbuda = CountryCode(7) Argentina = CountryCode(18) Armenia = CountryCode(13) Aruba = CountryCode(23) Australia = CountryCode(21) Austria = CountryCode(20) Azerbaijan = CountryCode(26) Bahamas = CountryCode(45) Bahrain = CountryCode(34) Bangladesh = CountryCode(30) Barbados = CountryCode(28) Belarus = CountryCode(51) Belgium = CountryCode(31) Belize = CountryCode(52) Benin = CountryCode(36) Bermuda = CountryCode(39) Bhutan = CountryCode(46) Bolivia = CountryCode(41) BonaireSaintEustatiusandSaba = CountryCode(43) BosniaandHerzegovina = CountryCode(27) Botswana = CountryCode(49) BouvetIsland = CountryCode(48) Brazil = CountryCode(44) BritishIndianOceanTerritory = CountryCode(223) BritishVirginIslands = CountryCode(553) Brunei = CountryCode(40) Bulgaria = CountryCode(33) BurkinaFaso = CountryCode(32) Burundi = CountryCode(35) CaboVerde = CountryCode(74) Cambodia = CountryCode(268) Cameroon = CountryCode(65) Canada = CountryCode(53) CaymanIslands = CountryCode(285) CentralAfricanRepublic = CountryCode(58) Chad = CountryCode(498) Chile = CountryCode(64) China = CountryCode(66) ChristmasIsland = CountryCode(76) CocosIslands = CountryCode(55) Colombia = CountryCode(67) Comoros = CountryCode(273) CookIslands = CountryCode(63) CostaRica = CountryCode(70) Croatia = CountryCode(200) Cuba = CountryCode(73) Curacao = CountryCode(75) Cyprus = CountryCode(77) Czechia = CountryCode(78) DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo = CountryCode(56) Denmark = CountryCode(89) Djibouti = CountryCode(88) Dominica = CountryCode(91) DominicanRepublic = CountryCode(93) Ecuador = CountryCode(107) Egypt = CountryCode(111) ElSalvador = CountryCode(490) EquatorialGuinea = CountryCode(173) Eritrea = CountryCode(122) Estonia = CountryCode(109) Eswatini = CountryCode(494) Ethiopia = CountryCode(124) FalklandIslands = CountryCode(141) FaroeIslands = CountryCode(145) Fiji = CountryCode(140) Finland = CountryCode(139) France = CountryCode(148) FrenchGuiana = CountryCode(162) FrenchPolynesia = CountryCode(396) FrenchSouthernTerritories = CountryCode(500) Gabon = CountryCode(157) Gambia = CountryCode(169) Georgia = CountryCode(161) Germany = CountryCode(83) Ghana = CountryCode(164) Gibraltar = CountryCode(165) Greece = CountryCode(174) Greenland = CountryCode(168) Grenada = CountryCode(160) Guadeloupe = CountryCode(172) Guam = CountryCode(177) Guatemala = CountryCode(176) Guernsey = CountryCode(163) Guinea = CountryCode(170) GuineaBissau = CountryCode(179) Guyana = CountryCode(181) Haiti = CountryCode(202) HeardIslandandMcDonaldIslands = CountryCode(195) Honduras = CountryCode(196) HongKong = CountryCode(193) Hungary = CountryCode(203) Iceland = CountryCode(227) India = CountryCode(222) Indonesia = CountryCode(212) Iran = CountryCode(226) Iraq = CountryCode(225) Ireland = CountryCode(213) IsleofMan = CountryCode(221) Israel = CountryCode(220) Italy = CountryCode(228) IvoryCoast = CountryCode(61) Jamaica = CountryCode(247) Japan = CountryCode(250) Jersey = CountryCode(239) Jordan = CountryCode(249) Kazakhstan = CountryCode(286) Kenya = CountryCode(265) Kiribati = CountryCode(269) Kosovo = CountryCode(609) Kuwait = CountryCode(283) Kyrgyzstan = CountryCode(267) Laos = CountryCode(287) Latvia = CountryCode(308) Lebanon = CountryCode(288) Lesotho = CountryCode(305) Liberia = CountryCode(304) Libya = CountryCode(311) Liechtenstein = CountryCode(295) Lithuania = CountryCode(306) Luxembourg = CountryCode(307) Macao = CountryCode(327) Madagascar = CountryCode(319) Malawi = CountryCode(335) Malaysia = CountryCode(337) Maldives = CountryCode(334) Mali = CountryCode(324) Malta = CountryCode(332) MarshallIslands = CountryCode(320) Martinique = CountryCode(329) Mauritania = CountryCode(330) Mauritius = CountryCode(333) Mayotte = CountryCode(644) Mexico = CountryCode(336) Micronesia = CountryCode(143) Moldova = CountryCode(316) Monaco = CountryCode(315) Mongolia = CountryCode(326) Montenegro = CountryCode(317) Montserrat = CountryCode(331) Morocco = CountryCode(313) Mozambique = CountryCode(338) Myanmar = CountryCode(325) Namibia = CountryCode(339) Nauru = CountryCode(356) Nepal = CountryCode(354) NetherlandsAntilles = CountryCode(14) NewCaledonia = CountryCode(341) NewZealand = CountryCode(364) Nicaragua = CountryCode(347) Niger = CountryCode(343) Nigeria = CountryCode(345) Niue = CountryCode(359) NorfolkIsland = CountryCode(344) NorthKorea = CountryCode(276) NorthMacedonia = CountryCode(323) NorthernMarianaIslands = CountryCode(328) Norway = CountryCode(353) Oman = CountryCode(377) Pakistan = CountryCode(401) Palau = CountryCode(413) PalestinianTerritory = CountryCode(409) Panama = CountryCode(391) PapuaNewGuinea = CountryCode(397) Paraguay = CountryCode(415) Peru = CountryCode(395) Philippines = CountryCode(398) Pitcairn = CountryCode(404) Poland = CountryCode(402) Portugal = CountryCode(410) PuertoRico = CountryCode(408) Qatar = CountryCode(417) RepublicoftheCongo = CountryCode(59) Reunion = CountryCode(447) Romania = CountryCode(457) Russia = CountryCode(463) Rwanda = CountryCode(465) SaintBarthelemy = CountryCode(38) SaintHelena = CountryCode(476) SaintKittsandNevis = CountryCode(274) SaintLucia = CountryCode(289) SaintMartin = CountryCode(318) SaintPierreandMiquelon = CountryCode(403) SaintVincentandtheGrenadines = CountryCode(549) Samoa = CountryCode(591) SanMarino = CountryCode(481) SaoTomeandPrincipe = CountryCode(488) SaudiArabia = CountryCode(469) Senegal = CountryCode(482) Serbia = CountryCode(461) SerbiaandMontenegro = CountryCode(71) Seychelles = CountryCode(471) SierraLeone = CountryCode(480) Singapore = CountryCode(475) SintMaarten = CountryCode(492) Slovakia = CountryCode(479) Slovenia = CountryCode(477) SolomonIslands = CountryCode(470) Somalia = CountryCode(483) SouthAfrica = CountryCode(651) SouthGeorgiaandtheSouthSandwichIslands = CountryCode(175) SouthKorea = CountryCode(278) SouthSudan = CountryCode(487) Spain = CountryCode(123) SriLanka = CountryCode(297) Sudan = CountryCode(472) Suriname = CountryCode(486) SvalbardandJanMayen = CountryCode(478) Sweden = CountryCode(473) Switzerland = CountryCode(60) Syria = CountryCode(493) Taiwan = CountryCode(517) Tajikistan = CountryCode(504) Tanzania = CountryCode(520) Thailand = CountryCode(502) TheNetherlands = CountryCode(350) TimorLeste = CountryCode(506) Togo = CountryCode(501) Tokelau = CountryCode(505) Tonga = CountryCode(509) TrinidadandTobago = CountryCode(514) Tunisia = CountryCode(508) Turkey = CountryCode(512) Turkmenistan = CountryCode(507) TurksandCaicosIslands = CountryCode(497) Tuvalu = CountryCode(516) USVirginIslands = CountryCode(555) Uganda = CountryCode(527) Ukraine = CountryCode(521) UnitedArabEmirates = CountryCode(5) UnitedKingdom = CountryCode(158) UnitedStates = CountryCode(539) UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands = CountryCode(533) Uruguay = CountryCode(545) Uzbekistan = CountryCode(546) Vanuatu = CountryCode(567) Vatican = CountryCode(547) Venezuela = CountryCode(551) Vietnam = CountryCode(560) WallisandFutuna = CountryCode(578) WesternSahara = CountryCode(112) Yemen = CountryCode(629) Zambia = CountryCode(663) Zimbabwe = CountryCode(673) )
country codes to two letter upper case ISO country code as uint16.
Variables ¶
var ContinentAF = [...]CountryCode{ Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, CaboVerde, Cameroon, CentralAfricanRepublic, Chad, Comoros, DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo, Djibouti, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, GuineaBissau, IvoryCoast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, RepublicoftheCongo, Reunion, Rwanda, SaintHelena, SaoTomeandPrincipe, Senegal, Seychelles, SierraLeone, Somalia, SouthAfrica, SouthSudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, WesternSahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe, }
var ContinentAN = [...]CountryCode{ Antarctica, BouvetIsland, FrenchSouthernTerritories, HeardIslandandMcDonaldIslands, SouthGeorgiaandtheSouthSandwichIslands, }
var ContinentAS = [...]CountryCode{ Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, BritishIndianOceanTerritory, Brunei, Cambodia, China, CocosIslands, Georgia, HongKong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, NorthKorea, Oman, Pakistan, PalestinianTerritory, Philippines, Qatar, SaudiArabia, Singapore, SouthKorea, SriLanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, UnitedArabEmirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, }
var ContinentEU = [...]CountryCode{ AlandIslands, Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, BosniaandHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, FaroeIslands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, IsleofMan, Italy, Jersey, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, NorthMacedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, SanMarino, Serbia, SerbiaandMontenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, SvalbardandJanMayen, Sweden, Switzerland, TheNetherlands, Ukraine, UnitedKingdom, Vatican, }
var ContinentNA = [...]CountryCode{ Anguilla, AntiguaandBarbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, BonaireSaintEustatiusandSaba, BritishVirginIslands, Canada, CaymanIslands, CostaRica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, DominicanRepublic, ElSalvador, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, NetherlandsAntilles, Nicaragua, Panama, PuertoRico, SaintBarthelemy, SaintKittsandNevis, SaintLucia, SaintMartin, SaintPierreandMiquelon, SaintVincentandtheGrenadines, SintMaarten, TrinidadandTobago, TurksandCaicosIslands, USVirginIslands, UnitedStates, }
var ContinentOC = [...]CountryCode{ AmericanSamoa, Australia, ChristmasIsland, CookIslands, Fiji, FrenchPolynesia, Guam, Kiribati, MarshallIslands, Micronesia, Nauru, NewCaledonia, NewZealand, Niue, NorfolkIsland, NorthernMarianaIslands, Palau, PapuaNewGuinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, SolomonIslands, TimorLeste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands, Vanuatu, WallisandFutuna, }
var ContinentSA = [...]CountryCode{ Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, FalklandIslands, FrenchGuiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, }
var Continents = map[string][]CountryCode{ "SA": ContinentSA[:], "AS": ContinentAS[:], "EU": ContinentEU[:], "AF": ContinentAF[:], "OC": ContinentOC[:], "NA": ContinentNA[:], "AN": ContinentAN[:], }
var CountryISOCode = [...]string{}/* 252 elements not displayed */
var EeaCountries = EuCountries.With( Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, )
EeaCountries defined the EEA countries.
var EuCountries = NewSet( Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, TheNetherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, )
EuCountries defines the 27 member country of European Union.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CountryCode ¶
type CountryCode uint16
CountryCode stores ISO code of countries.
It's encoded as a base-26. For example, code "QR" is encoded as `('Q'-'A')*('Z'-'A'+1) + ('R'-'A') + 1`. This encoding allows for smaller lookup tables for countries.
func ToCountryCode ¶
func ToCountryCode(s string) CountryCode
ToCountryCode convert string to CountryCode. encoding is based on the ASCII representation of the country code.
func (CountryCode) Equal ¶
func (c CountryCode) Equal(o CountryCode) bool
Equal compares two country code.
func (*CountryCode) Scan ¶
func (c *CountryCode) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (CountryCode) String ¶
func (c CountryCode) String() string
String returns with the upper-case (two letter) ISO code of the country.
type Set ¶
type Set [(countryCodeCount + bitsPerBucket - 1) / bitsPerBucket]uint32
Set implements a data-structure for fast lookups for country codes.
func NewSet ¶
func NewSet(countries ...CountryCode) (r Set)
NewSet returns a set that has the specific countries set.
func (*Set) Contains ¶
func (set *Set) Contains(c CountryCode) bool
Contains checks whether c exists in the set.
func (Set) With ¶
func (set Set) With(countries ...CountryCode) Set
With implements a fluid interface for constructing a set.
func (Set) Without ¶
func (set Set) Without(countries ...CountryCode) Set
Without implements a fluid interface for constructing a set.