
v1.114.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 2, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



Package location contains geolocation related constants and variables.



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const (
	None                                   = CountryCode(0)
	Afghanistan                            = CountryCode(6)
	AlandIslands                           = CountryCode(24)
	Albania                                = CountryCode(12)
	Algeria                                = CountryCode(104)
	AmericanSamoa                          = CountryCode(19)
	Andorra                                = CountryCode(4)
	Angola                                 = CountryCode(15)
	Anguilla                               = CountryCode(9)
	Antarctica                             = CountryCode(17)
	AntiguaandBarbuda                      = CountryCode(7)
	Argentina                              = CountryCode(18)
	Armenia                                = CountryCode(13)
	Aruba                                  = CountryCode(23)
	Australia                              = CountryCode(21)
	Austria                                = CountryCode(20)
	Azerbaijan                             = CountryCode(26)
	Bahamas                                = CountryCode(45)
	Bahrain                                = CountryCode(34)
	Bangladesh                             = CountryCode(30)
	Barbados                               = CountryCode(28)
	Belarus                                = CountryCode(51)
	Belgium                                = CountryCode(31)
	Belize                                 = CountryCode(52)
	Benin                                  = CountryCode(36)
	Bermuda                                = CountryCode(39)
	Bhutan                                 = CountryCode(46)
	Bolivia                                = CountryCode(41)
	BonaireSaintEustatiusandSaba           = CountryCode(43)
	BosniaandHerzegovina                   = CountryCode(27)
	Botswana                               = CountryCode(49)
	BouvetIsland                           = CountryCode(48)
	Brazil                                 = CountryCode(44)
	BritishIndianOceanTerritory            = CountryCode(223)
	BritishVirginIslands                   = CountryCode(553)
	Brunei                                 = CountryCode(40)
	Bulgaria                               = CountryCode(33)
	BurkinaFaso                            = CountryCode(32)
	Burundi                                = CountryCode(35)
	CaboVerde                              = CountryCode(74)
	Cambodia                               = CountryCode(268)
	Cameroon                               = CountryCode(65)
	Canada                                 = CountryCode(53)
	CaymanIslands                          = CountryCode(285)
	CentralAfricanRepublic                 = CountryCode(58)
	Chad                                   = CountryCode(498)
	Chile                                  = CountryCode(64)
	China                                  = CountryCode(66)
	ChristmasIsland                        = CountryCode(76)
	CocosIslands                           = CountryCode(55)
	Colombia                               = CountryCode(67)
	Comoros                                = CountryCode(273)
	CookIslands                            = CountryCode(63)
	CostaRica                              = CountryCode(70)
	Croatia                                = CountryCode(200)
	Cuba                                   = CountryCode(73)
	Curacao                                = CountryCode(75)
	Cyprus                                 = CountryCode(77)
	Czechia                                = CountryCode(78)
	DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo           = CountryCode(56)
	Denmark                                = CountryCode(89)
	Djibouti                               = CountryCode(88)
	Dominica                               = CountryCode(91)
	DominicanRepublic                      = CountryCode(93)
	Ecuador                                = CountryCode(107)
	Egypt                                  = CountryCode(111)
	ElSalvador                             = CountryCode(490)
	EquatorialGuinea                       = CountryCode(173)
	Eritrea                                = CountryCode(122)
	Estonia                                = CountryCode(109)
	Eswatini                               = CountryCode(494)
	Ethiopia                               = CountryCode(124)
	FalklandIslands                        = CountryCode(141)
	FaroeIslands                           = CountryCode(145)
	Fiji                                   = CountryCode(140)
	Finland                                = CountryCode(139)
	France                                 = CountryCode(148)
	FrenchGuiana                           = CountryCode(162)
	FrenchPolynesia                        = CountryCode(396)
	FrenchSouthernTerritories              = CountryCode(500)
	Gabon                                  = CountryCode(157)
	Gambia                                 = CountryCode(169)
	Georgia                                = CountryCode(161)
	Germany                                = CountryCode(83)
	Ghana                                  = CountryCode(164)
	Gibraltar                              = CountryCode(165)
	Greece                                 = CountryCode(174)
	Greenland                              = CountryCode(168)
	Grenada                                = CountryCode(160)
	Guadeloupe                             = CountryCode(172)
	Guam                                   = CountryCode(177)
	Guatemala                              = CountryCode(176)
	Guernsey                               = CountryCode(163)
	Guinea                                 = CountryCode(170)
	GuineaBissau                           = CountryCode(179)
	Guyana                                 = CountryCode(181)
	Haiti                                  = CountryCode(202)
	HeardIslandandMcDonaldIslands          = CountryCode(195)
	Honduras                               = CountryCode(196)
	HongKong                               = CountryCode(193)
	Hungary                                = CountryCode(203)
	Iceland                                = CountryCode(227)
	India                                  = CountryCode(222)
	Indonesia                              = CountryCode(212)
	Iran                                   = CountryCode(226)
	Iraq                                   = CountryCode(225)
	Ireland                                = CountryCode(213)
	IsleofMan                              = CountryCode(221)
	Israel                                 = CountryCode(220)
	Italy                                  = CountryCode(228)
	IvoryCoast                             = CountryCode(61)
	Jamaica                                = CountryCode(247)
	Japan                                  = CountryCode(250)
	Jersey                                 = CountryCode(239)
	Jordan                                 = CountryCode(249)
	Kazakhstan                             = CountryCode(286)
	Kenya                                  = CountryCode(265)
	Kiribati                               = CountryCode(269)
	Kosovo                                 = CountryCode(609)
	Kuwait                                 = CountryCode(283)
	Kyrgyzstan                             = CountryCode(267)
	Laos                                   = CountryCode(287)
	Latvia                                 = CountryCode(308)
	Lebanon                                = CountryCode(288)
	Lesotho                                = CountryCode(305)
	Liberia                                = CountryCode(304)
	Libya                                  = CountryCode(311)
	Liechtenstein                          = CountryCode(295)
	Lithuania                              = CountryCode(306)
	Luxembourg                             = CountryCode(307)
	Macao                                  = CountryCode(327)
	Madagascar                             = CountryCode(319)
	Malawi                                 = CountryCode(335)
	Malaysia                               = CountryCode(337)
	Maldives                               = CountryCode(334)
	Mali                                   = CountryCode(324)
	Malta                                  = CountryCode(332)
	MarshallIslands                        = CountryCode(320)
	Martinique                             = CountryCode(329)
	Mauritania                             = CountryCode(330)
	Mauritius                              = CountryCode(333)
	Mayotte                                = CountryCode(644)
	Mexico                                 = CountryCode(336)
	Micronesia                             = CountryCode(143)
	Moldova                                = CountryCode(316)
	Monaco                                 = CountryCode(315)
	Mongolia                               = CountryCode(326)
	Montenegro                             = CountryCode(317)
	Montserrat                             = CountryCode(331)
	Morocco                                = CountryCode(313)
	Mozambique                             = CountryCode(338)
	Myanmar                                = CountryCode(325)
	Namibia                                = CountryCode(339)
	Nauru                                  = CountryCode(356)
	Nepal                                  = CountryCode(354)
	NetherlandsAntilles                    = CountryCode(14)
	NewCaledonia                           = CountryCode(341)
	NewZealand                             = CountryCode(364)
	Nicaragua                              = CountryCode(347)
	Niger                                  = CountryCode(343)
	Nigeria                                = CountryCode(345)
	Niue                                   = CountryCode(359)
	NorfolkIsland                          = CountryCode(344)
	NorthKorea                             = CountryCode(276)
	NorthMacedonia                         = CountryCode(323)
	NorthernMarianaIslands                 = CountryCode(328)
	Norway                                 = CountryCode(353)
	Oman                                   = CountryCode(377)
	Pakistan                               = CountryCode(401)
	Palau                                  = CountryCode(413)
	PalestinianTerritory                   = CountryCode(409)
	Panama                                 = CountryCode(391)
	PapuaNewGuinea                         = CountryCode(397)
	Paraguay                               = CountryCode(415)
	Peru                                   = CountryCode(395)
	Philippines                            = CountryCode(398)
	Pitcairn                               = CountryCode(404)
	Poland                                 = CountryCode(402)
	Portugal                               = CountryCode(410)
	PuertoRico                             = CountryCode(408)
	Qatar                                  = CountryCode(417)
	RepublicoftheCongo                     = CountryCode(59)
	Reunion                                = CountryCode(447)
	Romania                                = CountryCode(457)
	Russia                                 = CountryCode(463)
	Rwanda                                 = CountryCode(465)
	SaintBarthelemy                        = CountryCode(38)
	SaintHelena                            = CountryCode(476)
	SaintKittsandNevis                     = CountryCode(274)
	SaintLucia                             = CountryCode(289)
	SaintMartin                            = CountryCode(318)
	SaintPierreandMiquelon                 = CountryCode(403)
	SaintVincentandtheGrenadines           = CountryCode(549)
	Samoa                                  = CountryCode(591)
	SanMarino                              = CountryCode(481)
	SaoTomeandPrincipe                     = CountryCode(488)
	SaudiArabia                            = CountryCode(469)
	Senegal                                = CountryCode(482)
	Serbia                                 = CountryCode(461)
	SerbiaandMontenegro                    = CountryCode(71)
	Seychelles                             = CountryCode(471)
	SierraLeone                            = CountryCode(480)
	Singapore                              = CountryCode(475)
	SintMaarten                            = CountryCode(492)
	Slovakia                               = CountryCode(479)
	Slovenia                               = CountryCode(477)
	SolomonIslands                         = CountryCode(470)
	Somalia                                = CountryCode(483)
	SouthAfrica                            = CountryCode(651)
	SouthGeorgiaandtheSouthSandwichIslands = CountryCode(175)
	SouthKorea                             = CountryCode(278)
	SouthSudan                             = CountryCode(487)
	Spain                                  = CountryCode(123)
	SriLanka                               = CountryCode(297)
	Sudan                                  = CountryCode(472)
	Suriname                               = CountryCode(486)
	SvalbardandJanMayen                    = CountryCode(478)
	Sweden                                 = CountryCode(473)
	Switzerland                            = CountryCode(60)
	Syria                                  = CountryCode(493)
	Taiwan                                 = CountryCode(517)
	Tajikistan                             = CountryCode(504)
	Tanzania                               = CountryCode(520)
	Thailand                               = CountryCode(502)
	TheNetherlands                         = CountryCode(350)
	TimorLeste                             = CountryCode(506)
	Togo                                   = CountryCode(501)
	Tokelau                                = CountryCode(505)
	Tonga                                  = CountryCode(509)
	TrinidadandTobago                      = CountryCode(514)
	Tunisia                                = CountryCode(508)
	Turkey                                 = CountryCode(512)
	Turkmenistan                           = CountryCode(507)
	TurksandCaicosIslands                  = CountryCode(497)
	Tuvalu                                 = CountryCode(516)
	USVirginIslands                        = CountryCode(555)
	Uganda                                 = CountryCode(527)
	Ukraine                                = CountryCode(521)
	UnitedArabEmirates                     = CountryCode(5)
	UnitedKingdom                          = CountryCode(158)
	UnitedStates                           = CountryCode(539)
	UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands       = CountryCode(533)
	Uruguay                                = CountryCode(545)
	Uzbekistan                             = CountryCode(546)
	Vanuatu                                = CountryCode(567)
	Vatican                                = CountryCode(547)
	Venezuela                              = CountryCode(551)
	Vietnam                                = CountryCode(560)
	WallisandFutuna                        = CountryCode(578)
	WesternSahara                          = CountryCode(112)
	Yemen                                  = CountryCode(629)
	Zambia                                 = CountryCode(663)
	Zimbabwe                               = CountryCode(673)

country codes to two letter upper case ISO country code as uint16.


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var Continents = map[string][]CountryCode{
	"SA": ContinentSA[:],
	"AS": ContinentAS[:],
	"EU": ContinentEU[:],
	"AF": ContinentAF[:],
	"OC": ContinentOC[:],
	"NA": ContinentNA[:],
	"AN": ContinentAN[:],
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var CountryISOCode = [...]string{}/* 252 elements not displayed */
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var EeaCountries = EuCountries.With(

EeaCountries defined the EEA countries.

EuCountries defines the 27 member country of European Union.


This section is empty.


type CountryCode

type CountryCode uint16

CountryCode stores ISO code of countries.

It's encoded as a base-26. For example, code "QR" is encoded as `('Q'-'A')*('Z'-'A'+1) + ('R'-'A') + 1`. This encoding allows for smaller lookup tables for countries.

func ToCountryCode

func ToCountryCode(s string) CountryCode

ToCountryCode convert string to CountryCode. encoding is based on the ASCII representation of the country code.

func (CountryCode) Equal

func (c CountryCode) Equal(o CountryCode) bool

Equal compares two country code.

func (*CountryCode) Scan

func (c *CountryCode) Scan(value interface{}) error

Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.

func (CountryCode) String

func (c CountryCode) String() string

String returns with the upper-case (two letter) ISO code of the country.

func (CountryCode) Value

func (c CountryCode) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.

type Set

type Set [(countryCodeCount + bitsPerBucket - 1) / bitsPerBucket]uint32

Set implements a data-structure for fast lookups for country codes.

func NewFullSet

func NewFullSet() (r Set)

NewFullSet returns a set that has every bit filled.

func NewSet

func NewSet(countries ...CountryCode) (r Set)

NewSet returns a set that has the specific countries set.

func (*Set) Contains

func (set *Set) Contains(c CountryCode) bool

Contains checks whether c exists in the set.

func (*Set) Count

func (set *Set) Count() int

Count returns the number of items in the set.

func (*Set) Include

func (set *Set) Include(c CountryCode)

Include adds c to the set.

func (*Set) Remove

func (set *Set) Remove(c CountryCode)

Remove removes c from the set.

func (Set) With

func (set Set) With(countries ...CountryCode) Set

With implements a fluid interface for constructing a set.

func (Set) Without

func (set Set) Without(countries ...CountryCode) Set

Without implements a fluid interface for constructing a set.


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