Running e2e Tests
The section outlines how to set the env variable for running e2e test.
Building e2eTest.conf
insecure-flag = "true"
hostname = "<VC_IP>"
user = "<USER>"
password = "<PASSWORD>"
port = "443"
datacenters = "<Datacenter_Name>"
Please update the hostname
and datacenters
as per your testbed configuration.
datacenters should be comma separated if deployed on multi-datacenters
Note: For zone tests, it is recommended to setup VC with 3 clusters having the following topology values:
Cluster-1 : region-a
ESXi hosts in Cluster-1 : zone-a
Cluster-2 : region-b
ESXi hosts in Cluster-2 : zone-b
Cluster-3 : region-c
ESXi hosts in Cluster-3 : zone-c
Setting env variables for All e2e tests
export E2E_TEST_CONF_FILE="/path/to/e2eTest.conf"
export SHARED_VSPHERE_DATASTORE_URL="ds:///vmfs/volumes/5cf05d97-4aac6e02-2940-02003e89d50e/"
export NONSHARED_VSPHERE_DATASTORE_URL="ds:///vmfs/volumes/5cf05d98-b2c43515-d903-02003e89d50e/"
export TOPOLOGY_WITH_SHARED_DATASTORE="<region-1-shared-datastore>:<zone-1-with-shared-datastore>"
export TOPOLOGY_WITH_NO_SHARED_DATASTORE="<region-2-without-shared-datastore>:<zone-2-without-shared-datastore>"
export TOPOLOGY_WITH_ONLY_ONE_NODE="<region-3-with-only-one-node>:<zone-3-with-only-one-node>"
export STORAGE_POLICY_FROM_INACCESSIBLE_ZONE="PolicyNameInaccessibleToSelectedTopologyValues"
export INACCESSIBLE_ZONE_VSPHERE_DATASTORE_URL="DataStoreUrlInaccessibleToSelectedTopologyValues"
Please update the values as per your testbed configuration.
Setting SSH keys for VC with your local machine to run full sync test
ssh-keygen -t rsa (ignore if you already have public key in the local env)
ssh root@vcip mkdir -p .ssh
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@vcip 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
ssh root@vcip "chmod 700 .ssh; chmod 640 .ssh/authorized_keys"
Setting full sync time var
- Add
in csi-driver-deploy.yaml for vsphere-csi-metadata-syncer
- Setting time interval in the env
export FULL_SYNC_WAIT_TIME=350 // In seconds
export USER=root
Please update values as per your need.
Make sure env var FULL_SYNC_WAIT_TIME should be at least double of the manifest var in csi-driver-deploy.yaml
Running tests
To run all of the e2e tests, set GINKGO_FOCUS to empty string
export GINKGO_FOCUS=""
To run a particular test, set GINKGO_FOCUS to the string located after [csi-block-e2e] in “Ginkgo.Describe()” for that test
To run the Disk Size test (located at
export GINKGO_FOCUS="Volume\sDisk\sSize"
To run topology aware tests, setup CCM with instructions provided at
Set the GINKGO_FOCUS env variable
export GINKGO_FOCUS="csi-topology-block-e2e"
Run e2e tests
make test-e2e
Note that specify spaces using “\s”.