Index ¶
- type ApplicationProfileWrapper
- func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.ApplicationProfile
- func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithSupportedMode(supportedMode v1alpha1.SupportedMode) *ApplicationProfileWrapper
- func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithVolumeBundleReferences(volumeBundleReferences ...v1alpha1.VolumeBundleReference) *ApplicationProfileWrapper
- type ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Data(data map[string]string) *ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Label(key, value string) *ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Obj() *corev1.ConfigMap
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Profile(v string) *ConfigMapWrapper
- func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) WithOwnerReference(ref metav1.OwnerReference) *ConfigMapWrapper
- type ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) Command(command ...string) *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) Obj() *corev1.Container
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) Stdin() *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) TTY() *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithRequest(resourceName corev1.ResourceName, quantity resource.Quantity) *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithResources(resourceRequirements corev1.ResourceRequirements) *ContainerWrapper
- func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *ContainerWrapper
- type JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) BackoffLimitPerIndex(backoffLimitPerIndex int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Clone() *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Command(command []string) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Completions(completion int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.JobTemplate
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Parallelism(parallelism int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithRequest(key corev1.ResourceName, value resource.Quantity) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *JobTemplateWrapper
- func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *JobTemplateWrapper
- type JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) CompletionMode(completionMode batchv1.CompletionMode) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) CompletionTime(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Completions(v int32) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Label(key, value string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) MaxExecTimeSecondsLabel(v string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Obj() *batchv1.Job
- func (j *JobWrapper) Parallelism(v int32) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Priority(v string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Profile(v string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Spec(spec batchv1.JobSpec) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) StartTime(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Subdomain(subdomain string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) Succeeded(value int32) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) WithEnvVarIndexValue(name string) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) WithInitContainer(initContainer corev1.Container) *JobWrapper
- func (j *JobWrapper) WithVolume(volume corev1.Volume) *JobWrapper
- type PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Clone() *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Command(command []string) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Obj() *corev1.PodTemplate
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Stdin() *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) TTY() *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithRequest(key corev1.ResourceName, value resource.Quantity) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *PodTemplateWrapper
- func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *PodTemplateWrapper
- type PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Label(key, value string) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Obj() *corev1.Pod
- func (j *PodWrapper) Phase(phase corev1.PodPhase) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Profile(v string) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) Spec(spec corev1.PodSpec) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) StartTime(t time.Time) *PodWrapper
- func (j *PodWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodWrapper
- type RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Clone() *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) HeadGroupSpec(spec rayv1.HeadGroupSpec) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas(groupName string, maxReplicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) MinReplicas(groupName string, minReplicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayClusterSpec
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Replicas(groupName string, replicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Suspend(suspend bool) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
- type RayClusterTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Clone() *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.RayClusterTemplate
- func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
- type RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) AvailableWorkerReplicas(availableWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredCPU(desiredCPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredGPU(desiredGPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredMemory(desiredMemory resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredTPU(desiredTPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredWorkerReplicas(desiredWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) MaxWorkerReplicas(maxWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) MinWorkerReplicas(minWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayCluster
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Priority(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Profile(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) ReadyWorkerReplicas(readyWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Reason(reason string) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) State(state rayv1.ClusterState) *RayClusterWrapper
- func (j *RayClusterWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayClusterWrapper
- type RayJobTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Clone() *RayJobTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Entrypoint(entrypoint string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.RayJobTemplate
- func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) WithRayClusterSpec(spec *rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
- type RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) EndTime(endTime time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Entrypoint(entrypoint string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) JobDeploymentStatus(jobDeploymentStatus rayv1.JobDeploymentStatus) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) JobStatus(jobStatus rayv1.JobStatus) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Message(message string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayJob
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Priority(v string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Profile(v string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) RayClusterName(rayClusterName string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Reason(reason rayv1.JobFailedReason) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayJobSpec) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) StartTime(startTime time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) Suspend(suspend bool) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) WithRayClusterLabelSelector(v string) *RayJobWrapper
- func (j *RayJobWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayJobWrapper
- type ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) ClusterIP(clusterIP string) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) Label(key, value string) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) Obj() *corev1.Service
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) Profile(v string) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) Selector(key, value string) *ServiceWrapper
- func (w *ServiceWrapper) WithOwnerReference(ref metav1.OwnerReference) *ServiceWrapper
- type SupportedModeWrapper
- type VolumeBundleWrapper
- func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.VolumeBundle
- func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *VolumeBundleWrapper
- func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *VolumeBundleWrapper
- func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *VolumeBundleWrapper
- type WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Clone() *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas(maxReplicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MinReplicas(minReplicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) RayStartParams(rayStartParams map[string]string) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Replicas(replicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
- func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ApplicationProfileWrapper ¶
type ApplicationProfileWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.ApplicationProfile }
ApplicationProfileWrapper wraps an ApplicationProfile.
func MakeApplicationProfile ¶
func MakeApplicationProfile(name, ns string) *ApplicationProfileWrapper
MakeApplicationProfile creates a wrapper for an ApplicationProfile
func (*ApplicationProfileWrapper) Obj ¶
func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.ApplicationProfile
Obj returns the inner ApplicationProfile.
func (*ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithSupportedMode ¶
func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithSupportedMode(supportedMode v1alpha1.SupportedMode) *ApplicationProfileWrapper
WithSupportedMode adds the SupportedMode
func (*ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithVolumeBundleReferences ¶
func (ap *ApplicationProfileWrapper) WithVolumeBundleReferences(volumeBundleReferences ...v1alpha1.VolumeBundleReference) *ApplicationProfileWrapper
WithVolumeBundleReferences adds WithVolumeBundleReferences to VolumeBundles.
type ConfigMapWrapper ¶
ConfigMapWrapper wraps a ConfigMap.
func MakeConfigMap ¶
func MakeConfigMap(name, ns string) *ConfigMapWrapper
MakeConfigMap creates a wrapper for a ConfigMap
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) Data ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Data(data map[string]string) *ConfigMapWrapper
Data sets data.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) Label ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Label(key, value string) *ConfigMapWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *ConfigMapWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) Mode ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *ConfigMapWrapper
Mode sets the profile label.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Obj() *corev1.ConfigMap
Obj returns the inner ConfigMap.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) Profile ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) Profile(v string) *ConfigMapWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*ConfigMapWrapper) WithOwnerReference ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWrapper) WithOwnerReference(ref metav1.OwnerReference) *ConfigMapWrapper
WithOwnerReference adds the owner reference.
type ContainerWrapper ¶
ContainerWrapper wraps a Container.
func MakeContainer ¶
func MakeContainer(name, image string) *ContainerWrapper
MakeContainer creates a wrapper for a Container
func (*ContainerWrapper) Command ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) Command(command ...string) *ContainerWrapper
Command set command.
func (*ContainerWrapper) Obj ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) Obj() *corev1.Container
Obj returns the inner Container.
func (*ContainerWrapper) Stdin ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) Stdin() *ContainerWrapper
Stdin set stdin=true.
func (*ContainerWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *ContainerWrapper
WithEnvVar add EnvVar to Env.
func (*ContainerWrapper) WithRequest ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithRequest(resourceName corev1.ResourceName, quantity resource.Quantity) *ContainerWrapper
WithRequest add Request to the ResourceList.
func (*ContainerWrapper) WithResources ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithResources(resourceRequirements corev1.ResourceRequirements) *ContainerWrapper
WithResources set Resources.
func (*ContainerWrapper) WithVolumeMount ¶
func (c *ContainerWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *ContainerWrapper
WithVolumeMount add VolumeMount to VolumeMounts.
type JobTemplateWrapper ¶
type JobTemplateWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.JobTemplate }
JobTemplateWrapper wraps a JobTemplate.
func MakeJobTemplate ¶
func MakeJobTemplate(name, ns string) *JobTemplateWrapper
MakeJobTemplate creates a wrapper for a JobTemplate
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *JobTemplateWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) BackoffLimitPerIndex ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) BackoffLimitPerIndex(backoffLimitPerIndex int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
BackoffLimitPerIndex updates the backoffLimitPerIndex on the job template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Clone ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Clone() *JobTemplateWrapper
Clone clone JobTemplateWrapper.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Command ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Command(command []string) *JobTemplateWrapper
Command set command to primary pod templates.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Completions ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Completions(completion int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
Completions updates the completions on the job template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Label ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *JobTemplateWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Obj ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.JobTemplate
Obj returns the inner JobTemplate.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) Parallelism ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) Parallelism(parallelism int32) *JobTemplateWrapper
Parallelism updates the parallelism on the job template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) RestartPolicy ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *JobTemplateWrapper
RestartPolicy updates the restartPolicy on the pod template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithContainer ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithContainer add container to the pod template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithEnvVar add volume to the job template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithInitContainer add init container to the pod template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithRequest ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithRequest(key corev1.ResourceName, value resource.Quantity) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithRequest set command to primary pod templates.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithVolume add volume to the job template.
func (*JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount ¶
func (j *JobTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *JobTemplateWrapper
WithVolumeMount add volume mount to pod templates.
type JobWrapper ¶
JobWrapper wraps a Job.
func (*JobWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *JobWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*JobWrapper) CompletionMode ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) CompletionMode(completionMode batchv1.CompletionMode) *JobWrapper
CompletionMode updates job completions.
func (*JobWrapper) CompletionTime ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) CompletionTime(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
CompletionTime sets the .status.completionTime
func (*JobWrapper) Completions ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Completions(v int32) *JobWrapper
Completions updates job completions.
func (*JobWrapper) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
CreationTimestamp sets the .metadata.creationTimestamp
func (*JobWrapper) GenerateName ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *JobWrapper
GenerateName updates generateName.
func (*JobWrapper) Label ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Label(key, value string) *JobWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*JobWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *JobWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*JobWrapper) MaxExecTimeSecondsLabel ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) MaxExecTimeSecondsLabel(v string) *JobWrapper
MaxExecTimeSecondsLabel sets the max exec time seconds label.
func (*JobWrapper) Mode ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *JobWrapper
Mode sets the profile label.
func (*JobWrapper) Parallelism ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Parallelism(v int32) *JobWrapper
Parallelism updates job parallelism.
func (*JobWrapper) Priority ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Priority(v string) *JobWrapper
Priority sets the workload priority class label.
func (*JobWrapper) Profile ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Profile(v string) *JobWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*JobWrapper) RestartPolicy ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *JobWrapper
RestartPolicy updates the restartPolicy on the pod template.
func (*JobWrapper) Spec ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Spec(spec batchv1.JobSpec) *JobWrapper
Spec set job spec.
func (*JobWrapper) StartTime ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) StartTime(t time.Time) *JobWrapper
StartTime sets the .status.startTime
func (*JobWrapper) Subdomain ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Subdomain(subdomain string) *JobWrapper
Subdomain updates pod template subdomain.
func (*JobWrapper) Succeeded ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) Succeeded(value int32) *JobWrapper
Succeeded sets the .status.succeeded
func (*JobWrapper) WithContainer ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *JobWrapper
WithContainer add container on the pod template.
func (*JobWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *JobWrapper
WithEnvVar add env var to the container template.
func (*JobWrapper) WithEnvVarIndexValue ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) WithEnvVarIndexValue(name string) *JobWrapper
WithEnvVarIndexValue add env var to the container template with index value.
func (*JobWrapper) WithInitContainer ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) WithInitContainer(initContainer corev1.Container) *JobWrapper
WithInitContainer add init container on the pod template.
func (*JobWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (j *JobWrapper) WithVolume(volume corev1.Volume) *JobWrapper
WithVolume add volume.
type PodTemplateWrapper ¶
type PodTemplateWrapper struct{ corev1.PodTemplate }
PodTemplateWrapper wraps a PodTemplate.
func MakePodTemplate ¶
func MakePodTemplate(name, ns string) *PodTemplateWrapper
MakePodTemplate creates a wrapper for a PodTemplate.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *PodTemplateWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Clone ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Clone() *PodTemplateWrapper
Clone clone PodTemplateWrapper.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Command ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Command(command []string) *PodTemplateWrapper
Command set command to primary pod templates.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Label ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *PodTemplateWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Obj ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Obj() *corev1.PodTemplate
Obj returns the inner PodTemplate.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) Stdin ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) Stdin() *PodTemplateWrapper
Stdin set stdin=true on primary pod templates.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) TTY ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) TTY() *PodTemplateWrapper
TTY set tty=true on primary pod templates.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithContainer ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithContainer add container to the pod template.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithEnvVar add volume to the pod template.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithInitContainer add container to the pod template.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithRequest ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithRequest(key corev1.ResourceName, value resource.Quantity) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithRequest set command to primary pod templates.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithVolume add volume to the pod template.
func (*PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount ¶
func (p *PodTemplateWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *PodTemplateWrapper
WithVolumeMount add volume mount to pod templates.
type PodWrapper ¶
PodWrapper wraps a Pod.
func (*PodWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *PodWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*PodWrapper) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *PodWrapper
CreationTimestamp sets the .metadata.creationTimestamp.
func (*PodWrapper) GenerateName ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *PodWrapper
GenerateName updates generateName.
func (*PodWrapper) Label ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Label(key, value string) *PodWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*PodWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *PodWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*PodWrapper) Mode ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *PodWrapper
Mode sets the profile label.
func (*PodWrapper) Phase ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Phase(phase corev1.PodPhase) *PodWrapper
Phase set pod status phase.
func (*PodWrapper) Profile ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Profile(v string) *PodWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*PodWrapper) RestartPolicy ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) RestartPolicy(restartPolicy corev1.RestartPolicy) *PodWrapper
RestartPolicy updates the restartPolicy on the pod template.
func (*PodWrapper) Spec ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) Spec(spec corev1.PodSpec) *PodWrapper
Spec set pod spec.
func (*PodWrapper) StartTime ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) StartTime(t time.Time) *PodWrapper
StartTime sets the .status.startTime.
func (*PodWrapper) WithContainer ¶
func (j *PodWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *PodWrapper
WithContainer add container on the pod template.
type RayClusterSpecWrapper ¶
type RayClusterSpecWrapper struct{ rayv1.RayClusterSpec }
RayClusterSpecWrapper wraps a RayClusterSpec.
func FromRayClusterSpec ¶
func FromRayClusterSpec(spec rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
FromRayClusterSpec creates a wrapper for a RayClusterSpec.
func MakeRayClusterSpec ¶
func MakeRayClusterSpec() *RayClusterSpecWrapper
MakeRayClusterSpec creates a wrapper for a RayClusterSpec
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) Clone ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Clone() *RayClusterSpecWrapper
Clone RayClusterSpecWrapper.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) HeadGroupSpec ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) HeadGroupSpec(spec rayv1.HeadGroupSpec) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
HeadGroupSpec add worker group to the ray cluster spec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas(groupName string, maxReplicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
MaxReplicas set MaxReplicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) MinReplicas ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) MinReplicas(groupName string, minReplicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
MinReplicas set MinReplicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayClusterSpec
Obj returns the inner RayClusterSpec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) Replicas ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Replicas(groupName string, replicas int32) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
Replicas set Replicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) Suspend ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) Suspend(suspend bool) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
Suspend set suspend.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
WithEnvVar add volume to the ray cluster spec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
WithVolume add volume to the ray cluster spec.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolumeMount ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
WithVolumeMount add volume mount to pod templates.
func (*RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec ¶
func (w *RayClusterSpecWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayClusterSpecWrapper
WithWorkerGroupSpec add worker group to the ray cluster spec.
type RayClusterTemplateWrapper ¶
type RayClusterTemplateWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.RayClusterTemplate }
RayClusterTemplateWrapper wraps a RayClusterTemplate.
func MakeRayClusterTemplate ¶
func MakeRayClusterTemplate(name, ns string) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
MakeRayClusterTemplate creates a wrapper for a RayClusterTemplate
func (*RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Clone ¶
func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Clone() *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
Clone RayClusterTemplateWrapper.
func (*RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Label ¶
func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.RayClusterTemplate
Obj returns the inner RayClusterTemplate.
func (*RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Spec ¶
func (w *RayClusterTemplateWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayClusterTemplateWrapper
Spec set entrypoint.
type RayClusterWrapper ¶
type RayClusterWrapper struct{ rayv1.RayCluster }
RayClusterWrapper wraps a RayCluster.
func MakeRayCluster ¶
func MakeRayCluster(name, ns string) *RayClusterWrapper
MakeRayCluster creates a wrapper for a RayCluster
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayClusterWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) AvailableWorkerReplicas ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) AvailableWorkerReplicas(availableWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
AvailableWorkerReplicas set AvailableWorkerReplicas.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *RayClusterWrapper
CreationTimestamp sets the .metadata.creationTimestamp
func (*RayClusterWrapper) DesiredCPU ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredCPU(desiredCPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
DesiredCPU set DesiredCPU.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) DesiredGPU ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredGPU(desiredGPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
DesiredGPU set DesiredGPU.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) DesiredMemory ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredMemory(desiredMemory resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
DesiredMemory set DesiredMemory.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) DesiredTPU ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredTPU(desiredTPU resource.Quantity) *RayClusterWrapper
DesiredTPU set DesiredTPU.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) DesiredWorkerReplicas ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) DesiredWorkerReplicas(desiredWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
DesiredWorkerReplicas set DesiredWorkerReplicas.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) GenerateName ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
GenerateName updates generateName.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Label ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayClusterWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) MaxWorkerReplicas ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) MaxWorkerReplicas(maxWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
MaxWorkerReplicas set MaxWorkerReplicas.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) MinWorkerReplicas ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) MinWorkerReplicas(minWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
MinWorkerReplicas set MinWorkerReplicas.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Mode ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *RayClusterWrapper
Mode sets the profile label.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Obj ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayCluster
Obj returns the inner RayCluster.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Priority ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Priority(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
Priority sets the workload priority class label.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Profile ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Profile(v string) *RayClusterWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) ReadyWorkerReplicas ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) ReadyWorkerReplicas(readyWorkerReplicas int32) *RayClusterWrapper
ReadyWorkerReplicas set ReadyWorkerReplicas.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Reason ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Reason(reason string) *RayClusterWrapper
Reason set Reason.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) Spec ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayClusterWrapper
Spec set job spec.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) State ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) State(state rayv1.ClusterState) *RayClusterWrapper
State set State.
func (*RayClusterWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec ¶
func (j *RayClusterWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayClusterWrapper
WithWorkerGroupSpec add worker group to the ray cluster template.
type RayJobTemplateWrapper ¶
type RayJobTemplateWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.RayJobTemplate }
RayJobTemplateWrapper wraps a RayJobTemplate.
func MakeRayJobTemplate ¶
func MakeRayJobTemplate(name, ns string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
MakeRayJobTemplate creates a wrapper for a RayJobTemplate
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) Clone ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Clone() *RayJobTemplateWrapper
Clone RayJobTemplateWrapper.
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) Entrypoint ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Entrypoint(entrypoint string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
Entrypoint set entrypoint.
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) Label ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.RayJobTemplate
Obj returns the inner RayJobTemplate.
func (*RayJobTemplateWrapper) WithRayClusterSpec ¶
func (w *RayJobTemplateWrapper) WithRayClusterSpec(spec *rayv1.RayClusterSpec) *RayJobTemplateWrapper
WithRayClusterSpec set entrypoint.
type RayJobWrapper ¶
RayJobWrapper wraps a RayJob.
func MakeRayJob ¶
func MakeRayJob(name, ns string) *RayJobWrapper
MakeRayJob creates a wrapper for a RayJob
func (*RayJobWrapper) Annotation ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Annotation(key, value string) *RayJobWrapper
Annotation sets the label key and value.
func (*RayJobWrapper) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) CreationTimestamp(t time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
CreationTimestamp sets the .metadata.creationTimestamp
func (*RayJobWrapper) EndTime ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) EndTime(endTime time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
EndTime set endTime.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Entrypoint ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Entrypoint(entrypoint string) *RayJobWrapper
Entrypoint set entrypoint.
func (*RayJobWrapper) GenerateName ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) GenerateName(v string) *RayJobWrapper
GenerateName updates generateName.
func (*RayJobWrapper) JobDeploymentStatus ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) JobDeploymentStatus(jobDeploymentStatus rayv1.JobDeploymentStatus) *RayJobWrapper
JobDeploymentStatus set jobDeploymentStatus.
func (*RayJobWrapper) JobStatus ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) JobStatus(jobStatus rayv1.JobStatus) *RayJobWrapper
JobStatus set jobStatus.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Label ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Label(key, value string) *RayJobWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*RayJobWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *RayJobWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Message ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Message(message string) *RayJobWrapper
Message set message.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Mode ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *RayJobWrapper
Mode sets the profile label.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Obj ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.RayJob
Obj returns the inner RayJob.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Priority ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Priority(v string) *RayJobWrapper
Priority sets the workload priority class label.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Profile ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Profile(v string) *RayJobWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*RayJobWrapper) RayClusterName ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) RayClusterName(rayClusterName string) *RayJobWrapper
RayClusterName set rayClusterName.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Reason ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Reason(reason rayv1.JobFailedReason) *RayJobWrapper
Reason set reason.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Spec ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Spec(spec rayv1.RayJobSpec) *RayJobWrapper
Spec set job spec.
func (*RayJobWrapper) StartTime ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) StartTime(startTime time.Time) *RayJobWrapper
StartTime set startTime.
func (*RayJobWrapper) Suspend ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) Suspend(suspend bool) *RayJobWrapper
Suspend set suspend.
func (*RayJobWrapper) WithRayClusterLabelSelector ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) WithRayClusterLabelSelector(v string) *RayJobWrapper
WithRayClusterLabelSelector sets the ClusterSelector.
func (*RayJobWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec ¶
func (j *RayJobWrapper) WithWorkerGroupSpec(spec rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec) *RayJobWrapper
WithWorkerGroupSpec add worker group to the ray cluster template.
type ServiceWrapper ¶
ServiceWrapper wraps a Service.
func MakeService ¶
func MakeService(name, ns string) *ServiceWrapper
MakeService creates a wrapper for a Service
func (*ServiceWrapper) ClusterIP ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) ClusterIP(clusterIP string) *ServiceWrapper
ClusterIP sets clusterIP.
func (*ServiceWrapper) Label ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) Label(key, value string) *ServiceWrapper
Label sets the label key and value.
func (*ServiceWrapper) LocalQueue ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) LocalQueue(v string) *ServiceWrapper
LocalQueue sets the localqueue label.
func (*ServiceWrapper) Mode ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) Mode(v v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode) *ServiceWrapper
Mode sets the mode label.
func (*ServiceWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) Obj() *corev1.Service
Obj returns the inner Service.
func (*ServiceWrapper) Profile ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) Profile(v string) *ServiceWrapper
Profile sets the profile label.
func (*ServiceWrapper) Selector ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) Selector(key, value string) *ServiceWrapper
Selector sets the selector key and value.
func (*ServiceWrapper) WithOwnerReference ¶
func (w *ServiceWrapper) WithOwnerReference(ref metav1.OwnerReference) *ServiceWrapper
WithOwnerReference adds the owner reference.
type SupportedModeWrapper ¶
type SupportedModeWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.SupportedMode }
SupportedModeWrapper wraps a SupportedMode.
func MakeSupportedMode ¶
func MakeSupportedMode(name v1alpha1.ApplicationProfileMode, template v1alpha1.TemplateReference) *SupportedModeWrapper
MakeSupportedMode creates a wrapper for a SupportedMode
func (*SupportedModeWrapper) Obj ¶
func (m *SupportedModeWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.SupportedMode
Obj returns the inner SupportedMode.
type VolumeBundleWrapper ¶
type VolumeBundleWrapper struct{ v1alpha1.VolumeBundle }
VolumeBundleWrapper wraps a VolumeBundle.
func MakeVolumeBundle ¶
func MakeVolumeBundle(name, namespace string) *VolumeBundleWrapper
MakeVolumeBundle creates a wrapper for a VolumeBundle
func (*VolumeBundleWrapper) Obj ¶
func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) Obj() *v1alpha1.VolumeBundle
Obj returns the inner VolumeBundle.
func (*VolumeBundleWrapper) WithEnvVar ¶
func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithEnvVar(envVar corev1.EnvVar) *VolumeBundleWrapper
WithEnvVar add EnvVar to EnvVars.
func (*VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *VolumeBundleWrapper
WithVolume add volume on the volumes.
func (*VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolumeMount ¶
func (vb *VolumeBundleWrapper) WithVolumeMount(volumeMount corev1.VolumeMount) *VolumeBundleWrapper
WithVolumeMount add volume mount on the volumes.
type WorkerGroupSpecWrapper ¶
type WorkerGroupSpecWrapper struct{ rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec }
WorkerGroupSpecWrapper wraps a WorkerGroupSpec.
func MakeWorkerGroupSpec ¶
func MakeWorkerGroupSpec(groupName string) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
MakeWorkerGroupSpec creates a wrapper for a WorkerGroupSpec
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Clone ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Clone() *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
Clone WorkerGroupSpecWrapper.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MaxReplicas(maxReplicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
MaxReplicas set maxReplicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MinReplicas ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) MinReplicas(minReplicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
MinReplicas set minReplicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Obj ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Obj() *rayv1.WorkerGroupSpec
Obj returns the inner WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) RayStartParams ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) RayStartParams(rayStartParams map[string]string) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
RayStartParams set rayStartParams on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Replicas ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) Replicas(replicas int32) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
Replicas set replicas on WorkerGroupSpec.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithContainer ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithContainer(container corev1.Container) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
WithContainer add container to the pod template.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithInitContainer ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithInitContainer(container corev1.Container) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
WithInitContainer add init container to the pod template.
func (*WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithVolume ¶
func (w *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper) WithVolume(name, localObjectReferenceName string) *WorkerGroupSpecWrapper
WithVolume add volume to the WorkerGroupSpec.
Source Files
- application_profile_wrappers.go
- configmap_wrappers.go
- container_wrappers.go
- job_template_wrappers.go
- job_wrappers.go
- pod_template_wrappers.go
- pod_wrappers.go
- ray_cluster_spec_wrapper.go
- ray_cluster_template_wrappers.go
- ray_cluster_wrappers.go
- ray_job_template_wrappers.go
- ray_job_wrappers.go
- service_wrappers.go
- supported_mode_wrappers.go
- volume_bundle_wrappers.go
- worker_group_spec_wrapper.go