WARNING: This driver is in ALPHA currently. This means that there may be
potentially backwards compatability breaking changes moving forward. Do NOT use
this drive in a production environment in its current state.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an officially supported Google product
GCP Compute Persistent Disk CSI Driver
The GCP Compute Persistent Disk CSI Driver is a
Specification compliant driver used by Container Orchestrators to manage the
lifecycle of Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks.
Templates and further information for installing this driver on Kubernetes are
in ./deploy/kubernetes/README.md
Setup GCP service account first (one time step)
To bring up developed drivers:
$ make push-container
$ ./deploy/kubernetes/deploy-driver.sh
To bring down drivers:
$ ./deploy/kubernetes/delete-driver.sh
Unit tests in _test
files in the same package as the functions tested.
Sanity and E2E tests can be found in ./test/
and more detailed testing
information is in ./test/README.md
Dependency Management
Use dep
$ dep ensure
To modify dependencies or versions change ./Gopkg.toml