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v0.5.9 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 22, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 19,573


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Kubernetes controller-runtime Project

The Kubernetes controller-runtime Project is a set of go libraries for building Controllers. It is leveraged by Kubebuilder and Operator SDK. Both are a great place to start for new projects. See Kubebuilder's Quick Start to see how it can be used.


Versioning, Maintenance, and Compatibility

The full documentation can be found at, but TL;DR:


  • We follow Semantic Versioning (semver)
  • Use releases with your dependency management to ensure that you get compatible code
  • The master branch contains all the latest code, some of which may break compatibility (so "normal" go get is not recommended)




Community, discussion, contribution, and support

Learn how to engage with the Kubernetes community on the community page.

controller-runtime is a subproject of the kubebuilder project in sig apimachinery.

You can reach the maintainers of this project at:


Contributions are greatly appreciated. The maintainers actively manage the issues list, and try to highlight issues suitable for newcomers. The project follows the typical GitHub pull request model. See for more details. Before starting any work, please either comment on an existing issue, or file a new one.

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.



Package controllerruntime provides tools to construct Kubernetes-style controllers that manipulate both Kubernetes CRDs and aggregated/built-in Kubernetes APIs.

It defines easy helpers for the common use cases when building CRDs, built on top of customizable layers of abstraction. Common cases should be easy, and uncommon cases should be possible. In general, controller-runtime tries to guide users towards Kubernetes controller best-practices.

Getting Started

The main entrypoint for controller-runtime is this root package, which contains all of the common types needed to get started building controllers:

import (
    controllers ""

The examples in this package walk through a basic controller setup. The kubebuilder book ( has some more in-depth walkthroughs.

controller-runtime favors structs with sane defaults over constructors, so it's fairly common to see structs being used directly in controller-runtime.


A brief-ish walkthrough of the layout of this library can be found below. Each package contains more information about how to use it.

Frequently asked questions about using controller-runtime and designing controllers can be found at


Every controller and webhook is ultimately run by a Manager (pkg/manager). A manager is responsible for running controllers and webhooks, and setting up common dependencies (pkg/runtime/inject), like shared caches and clients, as well as managing leader election (pkg/leaderelection). Managers are generally configured to gracefully shut down controllers on pod termination by wiring up a signal handler (pkg/manager/signals).


Controllers (pkg/controller) use events (pkg/events) to eventually trigger reconcile requests. They may be constructed manually, but are often constructed with a Builder (pkg/builder), which eases the wiring of event sources (pkg/source), like Kubernetes API object changes, to event handlers (pkg/handler), like "enqueue a reconcile request for the object owner". Predicates (pkg/predicate) can be used to filter which events actually trigger reconciles. There are pre-written utilities for the common cases, and interfaces and helpers for advanced cases.


Controller logic is implemented in terms of Reconcilers (pkg/reconcile). A Reconciler implements a function which takes a reconcile Request containing the name and namespace of the object to reconcile, reconciles the object, and returns a Response or an error indicating whether to requeue for a second round of processing.

Clients and Caches

Reconcilers use Clients (pkg/client) to access API objects. The default client provided by the manager reads from a local shared cache (pkg/cache) and writes directly to the API server, but clients can be constructed that only talk to the API server, without a cache. The Cache will auto-populate with watched objects, as well as when other structured objects are requested. The default split client does not promise to invalidate the cache during writes (nor does it promise sequential create/get coherence), and code should not assume a get immediately following a create/update will return the updated resource. Caches may also have indexes, which can be created via a FieldIndexer (pkg/client) obtained from the manager. Indexes can used to quickly and easily look up all objects with certain fields set. Reconcilers may retrieve event recorders (pkg/recorder) to emit events using the manager.


Clients, Caches, and many other things in Kubernetes use Schemes (pkg/scheme) to associate Go types to Kubernetes API Kinds (Group-Version-Kinds, to be specific).


Similarly, webhooks (pkg/webhook/admission) may be implemented directly, but are often constructed using a builder (pkg/webhook/admission/builder). They are run via a server (pkg/webhook) which is managed by a Manager.

Logging and Metrics

Logging (pkg/log) in controller-runtime is done via structured logs, using a log set of interfaces called logr ( While controller-runtime provides easy setup for using Zap (, pkg/log/zap), you can provide any implementation of logr as the base logger for controller-runtime.

Metrics (pkg/metrics) provided by controller-runtime are registered into a controller-runtime-specific Prometheus metrics registry. The manager can serve these by an HTTP endpoint, and additional metrics may be registered to this Registry as normal.


You can easily build integration and unit tests for your controllers and webhooks using the test Environment (pkg/envtest). This will automatically stand up a copy of etcd and kube-apiserver, and provide the correct options to connect to the API server. It's designed to work well with the Ginkgo testing framework, but should work with any testing setup.


This example creates a simple application Controller that is configured for ReplicaSets and Pods.

* Create a new application for ReplicaSets that manages Pods owned by the ReplicaSet and calls into ReplicaSetReconciler.

* Start the application. TODO(pwittrock): Update this example when we have better dependency injection support

package main

import (

	appsv1 ""
	corev1 ""

	controllers ""

func main() {
	var log = controllers.Log.WithName("builder-examples")

	manager, err := controllers.NewManager(controllers.GetConfigOrDie(), controllers.Options{})
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not create manager")

	err = controllers.
		NewControllerManagedBy(manager). // Create the Controller
		For(&appsv1.ReplicaSet{}).       // ReplicaSet is the Application API
		Owns(&corev1.Pod{}).             // ReplicaSet owns Pods created by it
		Complete(&ReplicaSetReconciler{Client: manager.GetClient()})
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not create controller")

	if err := manager.Start(controllers.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not start manager")

// ReplicaSetReconciler is a simple Controller example implementation.
type ReplicaSetReconciler struct {

// Implement the business logic:
// This function will be called when there is a change to a ReplicaSet or a Pod with an OwnerReference
// to a ReplicaSet.
// * Read the ReplicaSet
// * Read the Pods
// * Set a Label on the ReplicaSet with the Pod count
func (a *ReplicaSetReconciler) Reconcile(req controllers.Request) (controllers.Result, error) {

	rs := &appsv1.ReplicaSet{}
	err := a.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, rs)
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	pods := &corev1.PodList{}
	err = a.List(context.TODO(), pods, client.InNamespace(req.Namespace), client.MatchingLabels(rs.Spec.Template.Labels))
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	rs.Labels["pod-count"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(pods.Items))
	err = a.Update(context.TODO(), rs)
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	return controllers.Result{}, nil

Example (UpdateLeaderElectionDurations)

This example creates a simple application Controller that is configured for ReplicaSets and Pods. This application controller will be running leader election with the provided configuration in the manager options. If leader election configuration is not provided, controller runs leader election with default values. Default values taken from:

defaultLeaseDuration = 15 * time.Second
defaultRenewDeadline = 10 * time.Second
defaultRetryPeriod   = 2 * time.Second

* Create a new application for ReplicaSets that manages Pods owned by the ReplicaSet and calls into ReplicaSetReconciler.

* Start the application. TODO(pwittrock): Update this example when we have better dependency injection support

package main

import (

	appsv1 ""
	corev1 ""

	controllers ""

func main() {
	var log = controllers.Log.WithName("builder-examples")
	leaseDuration := 100 * time.Second
	renewDeadline := 80 * time.Second
	retryPeriod := 20 * time.Second
	manager, err := controllers.NewManager(controllers.GetConfigOrDie(), controllers.Options{
		LeaseDuration: &leaseDuration,
		RenewDeadline: &renewDeadline,
		RetryPeriod:   &retryPeriod,
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not create manager")

	err = controllers.
		NewControllerManagedBy(manager). // Create the Controller
		For(&appsv1.ReplicaSet{}).       // ReplicaSet is the Application API
		Owns(&corev1.Pod{}).             // ReplicaSet owns Pods created by it
		Complete(&ReplicaSetReconciler{Client: manager.GetClient()})
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not create controller")

	if err := manager.Start(controllers.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil {
		log.Error(err, "could not start manager")

// ReplicaSetReconciler is a simple Controller example implementation.
type ReplicaSetReconciler struct {

// Implement the business logic:
// This function will be called when there is a change to a ReplicaSet or a Pod with an OwnerReference
// to a ReplicaSet.
// * Read the ReplicaSet
// * Read the Pods
// * Set a Label on the ReplicaSet with the Pod count
func (a *ReplicaSetReconciler) Reconcile(req controllers.Request) (controllers.Result, error) {

	rs := &appsv1.ReplicaSet{}
	err := a.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, rs)
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	pods := &corev1.PodList{}
	err = a.List(context.TODO(), pods, client.InNamespace(req.Namespace), client.MatchingLabels(rs.Spec.Template.Labels))
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	rs.Labels["pod-count"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(pods.Items))
	err = a.Update(context.TODO(), rs)
	if err != nil {
		return controllers.Result{}, err

	return controllers.Result{}, nil




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// GetConfigOrDie creates a *rest.Config for talking to a Kubernetes apiserver.
	// If --kubeconfig is set, will use the kubeconfig file at that location.  Otherwise will assume running
	// in cluster and use the cluster provided kubeconfig.
	// Will log an error and exit if there is an error creating the rest.Config.
	GetConfigOrDie = config.GetConfigOrDie

	// GetConfig creates a *rest.Config for talking to a Kubernetes apiserver.
	// If --kubeconfig is set, will use the kubeconfig file at that location.  Otherwise will assume running
	// in cluster and use the cluster provided kubeconfig.
	// Config precedence
	// * --kubeconfig flag pointing at a file
	// * KUBECONFIG environment variable pointing at a file
	// * In-cluster config if running in cluster
	// * $HOME/.kube/config if exists
	GetConfig = config.GetConfig

	// NewControllerManagedBy returns a new controller builder that will be started by the provided Manager
	NewControllerManagedBy = builder.ControllerManagedBy

	// NewWebhookManagedBy returns a new webhook builder that will be started by the provided Manager
	NewWebhookManagedBy = builder.WebhookManagedBy

	// NewManager returns a new Manager for creating Controllers.
	NewManager = manager.New

	// CreateOrUpdate creates or updates the given object obj in the Kubernetes
	// cluster. The object's desired state should be reconciled with the existing
	// state using the passed in ReconcileFn. obj must be a struct pointer so that
	// obj can be updated with the content returned by the Server.
	// It returns the executed operation and an error.
	CreateOrUpdate = controllerutil.CreateOrUpdate

	// SetControllerReference sets owner as a Controller OwnerReference on owned.
	// This is used for garbage collection of the owned object and for
	// reconciling the owner object on changes to owned (with a Watch + EnqueueRequestForOwner).
	// Since only one OwnerReference can be a controller, it returns an error if
	// there is another OwnerReference with Controller flag set.
	SetControllerReference = controllerutil.SetControllerReference

	// SetupSignalHandler registered for SIGTERM and SIGINT. A stop channel is returned
	// which is closed on one of these signals. If a second signal is caught, the program
	// is terminated with exit code 1.
	SetupSignalHandler = signals.SetupSignalHandler

	// Log is the base logger used by controller-runtime.  It delegates
	// to another logr.Logger.  You *must* call SetLogger to
	// get any actual logging.
	Log = log.Log

	// SetLogger sets a concrete logging implementation for all deferred Loggers.
	SetLogger = log.SetLogger


This section is empty.


type Builder

type Builder = builder.Builder

Builder builds an Application ControllerManagedBy (e.g. Operator) and returns a manager.Manager to start it.

type GroupResource

type GroupResource = schema.GroupResource

GroupResource specifies a Group and a Resource, but does not force a version. This is useful for identifying concepts during lookup stages without having partially valid types

type GroupVersion

type GroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion

GroupVersion contains the "group" and the "version", which uniquely identifies the API.

type Manager

type Manager = manager.Manager

Manager initializes shared dependencies such as Caches and Clients, and provides them to Runnables. A Manager is required to create Controllers.

type ObjectMeta

type ObjectMeta = metav1.ObjectMeta

ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.

type Options

type Options = manager.Options

Options are the arguments for creating a new Manager

type Request

type Request = reconcile.Request

Request contains the information necessary to reconcile a Kubernetes object. This includes the information to uniquely identify the object - its Name and Namespace. It does NOT contain information about any specific Event or the object contents itself.

type Result

type Result = reconcile.Result

Result contains the result of a Reconciler invocation.

type SchemeBuilder

type SchemeBuilder = scheme.Builder

SchemeBuilder builds a new Scheme for mapping go types to Kubernetes GroupVersionKinds.

type TypeMeta

type TypeMeta = metav1.TypeMeta

TypeMeta describes an individual object in an API response or request with strings representing the type of the object and its API schema version. Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta.



Path Synopsis
scratch-env Module
Package pkg provides libraries for building Controllers.
Package pkg provides libraries for building Controllers.
Package builder provides wraps other controller-runtime libraries and exposes simple patterns for building common Controllers.
Package builder provides wraps other controller-runtime libraries and exposes simple patterns for building common Controllers.
Package cache provides object caches that act as caching client.Reader instances and help drive Kubernetes-object-based event handlers.
Package cache provides object caches that act as caching client.Reader instances and help drive Kubernetes-object-based event handlers.
Package client contains functionality for interacting with Kubernetes API servers.
Package client contains functionality for interacting with Kubernetes API servers.
Package apiutil contains utilities for working with raw Kubernetes API machinery, such as creating RESTMappers and raw REST clients, and extracting the GVK of an object.
Package apiutil contains utilities for working with raw Kubernetes API machinery, such as creating RESTMappers and raw REST clients, and extracting the GVK of an object.
Package config contains libraries for initializing REST configs for talking to the Kubernetes API
Package config contains libraries for initializing REST configs for talking to the Kubernetes API
Deprecated: please use pkg/envtest for testing.
Deprecated: please use pkg/envtest for testing.
Package controller provides types and functions for building Controllers.
Package controller provides types and functions for building Controllers.
Package controllertest contains fake informers for testing controllers When in doubt, it's almost always better to test against a real API server using envtest.Environment.
Package controllertest contains fake informers for testing controllers When in doubt, it's almost always better to test against a real API server using envtest.Environment.
Package controllerutil contains utility functions for working with and implementing Controllers.
Package controllerutil contains utility functions for working with and implementing Controllers.
Package conversion provides interface definitions that an API Type needs to implement for it to be supported by the generic conversion webhook handler defined under pkg/webhook/conversion.
Package conversion provides interface definitions that an API Type needs to implement for it to be supported by the generic conversion webhook handler defined under pkg/webhook/conversion.
Package envtest provides libraries for integration testing by starting a local control plane Control plane binaries (etcd and kube-apiserver) are loaded by default from /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin.
Package envtest provides libraries for integration testing by starting a local control plane Control plane binaries (etcd and kube-apiserver) are loaded by default from /usr/local/kubebuilder/bin.
Package printer contains setup for a friendlier Ginkgo printer that's easier to parse by test automation.
Package printer contains setup for a friendlier Ginkgo printer that's easier to parse by test automation.
Package event contains the definitions for the Event types produced by source.Sources and transformed into reconcile.Requests by handler.EventHandler.
Package event contains the definitions for the Event types produced by source.Sources and transformed into reconcile.Requests by handler.EventHandler.
Package handler defines EventHandlers that enqueue reconcile.Requests in response to Create, Update, Deletion Events observed from Watching Kubernetes APIs.
Package handler defines EventHandlers that enqueue reconcile.Requests in response to Create, Update, Deletion Events observed from Watching Kubernetes APIs.
Package healthz contains helpers from supporting liveness and readiness endpoints.
Package healthz contains helpers from supporting liveness and readiness endpoints.
Package log contains utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package log contains utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package integration implements an integration testing framework for kubernetes.
Package integration implements an integration testing framework for kubernetes.
Package integrariontests is holding the integration tests to run against the framework.
Package integrariontests is holding the integration tests to run against the framework.
Package leaderelection contains a constructors for a leader election resource lock.
Package leaderelection contains a constructors for a leader election resource lock.
Package fake mocks a resource lock for testing purposes.
Package fake mocks a resource lock for testing purposes.
Package log contains utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package log contains utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package zap contains helpers for setting up a new logr.Logger instance using the Zap logging framework.
Package zap contains helpers for setting up a new logr.Logger instance using the Zap logging framework.
Package manager is required to create Controllers and provides shared dependencies such as clients, caches, schemes, etc.
Package manager is required to create Controllers and provides shared dependencies such as clients, caches, schemes, etc.
Package signals contains libraries for handling signals to gracefully shutdown the manager in combination with Kubernetes pod graceful termination policy.
Package signals contains libraries for handling signals to gracefully shutdown the manager in combination with Kubernetes pod graceful termination policy.
Package metrics contains controller related metrics utilities
Package metrics contains controller related metrics utilities
Package application documents patterns for building Controllers to manage specific applications.
Package application documents patterns for building Controllers to manage specific applications.
Package operator serves to redirect users to the application package.
Package operator serves to redirect users to the application package.
Package predicate defines Predicates used by Controllers to filter Events before they are provided to EventHandlers.
Package predicate defines Predicates used by Controllers to filter Events before they are provided to EventHandlers.
Package ratelimiter defines rate limiters used by Controllers to limit how frequently requests may be queued.
Package ratelimiter defines rate limiters used by Controllers to limit how frequently requests may be queued.
Package reconcile defines the Reconciler interface to implement Kubernetes APIs.
Package reconcile defines the Reconciler interface to implement Kubernetes APIs.
Package recorder defines interfaces for working with Kubernetes event recorders.
Package recorder defines interfaces for working with Kubernetes event recorders.
Package runtime contains not-quite-internal mechanisms for controller-runtime, plus some deprecated exports of functionality moved elsewhere.
Package runtime contains not-quite-internal mechanisms for controller-runtime, plus some deprecated exports of functionality moved elsewhere.
Package inject defines interfaces and functions for propagating dependencies from a ControllerManager to the components registered with it.
Package inject defines interfaces and functions for propagating dependencies from a ControllerManager to the components registered with it.
Package log contains (deprecated) utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package log contains (deprecated) utilities for fetching a new logger when one is not already available.
Package scheme contains utilities for gradually building Schemes, which contain information associating Go types with Kubernetes groups, versions, and kinds.
Package scheme contains utilities for gradually building Schemes, which contain information associating Go types with Kubernetes groups, versions, and kinds.
Package signals contains libraries for handling signals to gracefully shutdown the manager in combination with Kubernetes pod graceful termination policy.
Package signals contains libraries for handling signals to gracefully shutdown the manager in combination with Kubernetes pod graceful termination policy.
Package scheme contains utilities for gradually building Schemes, which contain information associating Go types with Kubernetes groups, versions, and kinds.
Package scheme contains utilities for gradually building Schemes, which contain information associating Go types with Kubernetes groups, versions, and kinds.
Package source provides event streams to hook up to Controllers with Controller.Watch.
Package source provides event streams to hook up to Controllers with Controller.Watch.
Package webhook provides methods to build and bootstrap a webhook server.
Package webhook provides methods to build and bootstrap a webhook server.
Package admission provides implementation for admission webhook and methods to implement admission webhook handlers.
Package admission provides implementation for admission webhook and methods to implement admission webhook handlers.
Package conversion provides implementation for CRD conversion webhook that implements handler for version conversion requests for types that are convertible.
Package conversion provides implementation for CRD conversion webhook that implements handler for version conversion requests for types that are convertible.
setup-envtest Module

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