
v1.29.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 23, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 16



Package consts stages all the consts under pkg/.

Package consts stages all the consts under pkg/.



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const (
	// VMTypeVMSS is the vmss vm type
	VMTypeVMSS = "vmss"
	// VMTypeStandard is the vmas vm type
	VMTypeStandard = "standard"
	// VMTypeVmssFlex is the vmssflex vm type
	VMTypeVmssFlex = "vmssflex"

	// ExternalResourceGroupLabel is the label representing the node is in a different
	// resource group from other cloud provider components
	ExternalResourceGroupLabel = ""
	// ManagedByAzureLabel is the label representing the node is managed by cloud provider azure
	ManagedByAzureLabel = ""
	// NotManagedByAzureLabelValue is the label value representing the node is not managed by cloud provider azure
	NotManagedByAzureLabelValue = "false"

	// LabelFailureDomainBetaZone refer to
	LabelFailureDomainBetaZone = ""
	// LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion failure-domain region label
	LabelFailureDomainBetaRegion = ""
	// LabelPlatformSubFaultDomain is the label key of platformSubFaultDomain
	LabelPlatformSubFaultDomain = ""

	// ADFSIdentitySystem is the override value for tenantID on Azure Stack clouds.
	ADFSIdentitySystem = "adfs"

	// AzureMetricsNamespace is the namespace of the azure metrics
	AzureMetricsNamespace = "cloudprovider_azure"

	// VhdContainerName is the vhd container name
	VhdContainerName = "vhds"
	// UseHTTPSForBlobBasedDisk determines if we use the https for the blob based disk
	UseHTTPSForBlobBasedDisk = true
	// BlobServiceName is the name of the blob service
	BlobServiceName = "blob"

	// MetadataCacheTTL is the TTL of the metadata service
	MetadataCacheTTL = time.Minute
	// MetadataCacheKey is the metadata cache key
	MetadataCacheKey = "InstanceMetadata"
	// MetadataURL is the metadata service endpoint
	MetadataURL = ""

	// DefaultDiskIOPSReadWrite is the default IOPS Caps & Throughput Cap (MBps)
	// per
	DefaultDiskIOPSReadWrite = 500
	// DefaultDiskMBpsReadWrite is the default disk MBps read write
	DefaultDiskMBpsReadWrite = 100

	DiskEncryptionSetIDFormat = "/subscriptions/{subs-id}/resourceGroups/{rg-name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{diskEncryptionSet-name}"

	// MachineIDTemplate is the template of the virtual machine
	MachineIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/%s"
	// AvailabilitySetIDTemplate is the template of the availabilitySet ID
	AvailabilitySetIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/%s"

	// NodeLabelRole specifies the role of a node
	NodeLabelRole = ""
	// NodeLabelHostName specifies the host name of a node
	NodeLabelHostName = ""
	// MasterNodeRoleLabel specifies is the master node label for a node
	MasterNodeRoleLabel = ""
	// ControlPlaneNodeRoleLabel specifies is the control-plane node label for a node
	ControlPlaneNodeRoleLabel = ""

	// NicFailedState is the failed state of a nic
	NicFailedState = "Failed"

	// StorageAccountNameMaxLength is the max length of a storage name
	StorageAccountNameMaxLength = 24

	CannotFindDiskLUN = "cannot find Lun"

	// DefaultStorageAccountType is the default storage account type
	DefaultStorageAccountType = string(storage.SkuNameStandardLRS)
	// DefaultStorageAccountKind is the default storage account kind
	DefaultStorageAccountKind = storage.KindStorageV2
	// FileShareAccountNamePrefix is the file share account name prefix
	FileShareAccountNamePrefix = "f"
	// SharedDiskAccountNamePrefix is the shared disk account name prefix
	SharedDiskAccountNamePrefix = "ds"
	// DedicatedDiskAccountNamePrefix is the dedicated disk account name prefix
	DedicatedDiskAccountNamePrefix = "dd"

	// RetryAfterHeaderKey is the retry-after header key in ARM responses.
	RetryAfterHeaderKey = "Retry-After"

	// StrRawVersion is the raw version string
	StrRawVersion string = "raw"

	// ProvisionStateDeleting indicates VMSS instances are in Deleting state.
	ProvisionStateDeleting = "Deleting"
	// VmssMachineIDTemplate is the vmss manchine ID template
	VmssMachineIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/%s/virtualMachines/%s"
	// VMSetCIDRIPV4TagKey specifies the node ipv4 CIDR mask of the instances on the VMSS or VMAS
	VMSetCIDRIPV4TagKey = "kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV4"
	// VMSetCIDRIPV6TagKey specifies the node ipv6 CIDR mask of the instances on the VMSS or VMAS
	VMSetCIDRIPV6TagKey = "kubernetesNodeCIDRMaskIPV6"

	// TagsDelimiter is the delimiter of tags
	TagsDelimiter = ","
	// TagKeyValueDelimiter is the delimiter between keys and values in tagas
	TagKeyValueDelimiter = "="
	// VMSetNamesSharingPrimarySLBDelimiter is the delimiter of vmSet names sharing the primary SLB
	VMSetNamesSharingPrimarySLBDelimiter = ","
	// ProvisioningStateDeleting ...
	ProvisioningStateDeleting = "Deleting"
	// ProvisioningStateSucceeded ...
	ProvisioningStateSucceeded = "Succeeded"
	// ProvisioningStateUnknown is the unknown provisioning state
	ProvisioningStateUnknown = "Unknown"
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const (
	// VMSSNameSeparator is the separator of the vmss names
	VMSSNameSeparator = "_"
	// VMSSKey is the key when querying vmss cache
	VMSSKey = "k8svmssKey"
	// VMASKey is the key when querying vmss cache
	VMASKey = "k8svmasKey"
	// NonVmssUniformNodesKey is the key when querying nonVmssUniformNodes cache
	NonVmssUniformNodesKey = "k8sNonVmssUniformNodesKey"
	// AvailabilitySetNodesKey is the availability set nodes key
	AvailabilitySetNodesKey = "k8sAvailabilitySetNodesKey"

	// VmssFlexKey is the key when querying vmssFlexVM cache
	VmssFlexKey = "k8sVmssFlexKey"

	// GetNodeVmssFlexIDLockKey is the key for getting the lock for getNodeVmssFlexID function
	GetNodeVmssFlexIDLockKey = "k8sGetNodeVmssFlexIDLockKey"
	// VMManagementTypeLockKey is the key for getting the lock for getVMManagementType function
	VMManagementTypeLockKey = "VMManagementType"

	// NonVmssUniformNodesCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the non vmss uniform node cache
	NonVmssUniformNodesCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 900
	// VMSSCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the vmss cache
	VMSSCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 600
	// VMSSVirtualMachinesCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the vmss vm cache
	VMSSVirtualMachinesCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 600
	// VMASCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the vmas cache
	VMASCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 600

	// VmssFlexCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the vmss flex cache
	VmssFlexCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 600
	// VmssFlexVMCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds is the TTL of the vmss flex vm cache
	VmssFlexVMCacheTTLDefaultInSeconds = 600

	// ZoneFetchingInterval defines the interval of performing zoneClient.GetZones
	ZoneFetchingInterval = 30 * time.Minute


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const (
	// CloudProviderName is the value used for the --cloud-provider flag
	CloudProviderName = "azure"
	// AzureStackCloudName is the cloud name of Azure Stack
	AzureStackCloudName = "AZURESTACKCLOUD"
	// RateLimitQPSDefault is the default value of the rate limit qps
	RateLimitQPSDefault = 1.0
	// RateLimitBucketDefault is the default value of rate limit bucket
	RateLimitBucketDefault = 5
	// BackoffRetriesDefault is the default backoff retry count
	BackoffRetriesDefault = 6
	// BackoffExponentDefault is the default value of the backoff exponent
	BackoffExponentDefault = 1.5
	// BackoffDurationDefault is the default value of the backoff duration
	BackoffDurationDefault = 5 // in seconds
	// BackoffJitterDefault is the default value of the backoff jitter
	BackoffJitterDefault = 1.0

azure cloud config

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const (
	IPVersionIPv6            bool   = true
	IPVersionIPv4            bool   = false
	IPVersionIPv4String      string = "IPv4"
	IPVersionIPv6String      string = "IPv6"
	IPVersionDualStackString string = "DualStack"

IP family variables

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const (
	// PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesInternal means that the `internal` load balancers are pre-configured
	PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesInternal = "internal"
	// PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesExternal means that the `external` load balancers are pre-configured
	PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesExternal = "external"
	// PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesAll means that all load balancers are pre-configured
	PreConfiguredBackendPoolLoadBalancerTypesAll = "all"

	// MaximumLoadBalancerRuleCount is the maximum number of load balancer rules
	// ref:
	MaximumLoadBalancerRuleCount = 250

	// LoadBalancerSkuBasic is the load balancer basic sku
	LoadBalancerSkuBasic = "basic"
	// LoadBalancerSkuStandard is the load balancer standard sku
	LoadBalancerSkuStandard = "standard"

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternal is the annotation used on the service
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternal = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternalSubnet is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify what subnet it is exposed on
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerInternalSubnet = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerMode is the annotation used on the service to specify
	// which load balancer should be associated with the service. This is valid when using the basic
	// sku load balancer, or it would be ignored.
	// 1. Default mode - service has no annotation ("")
	//	  In this case the Loadbalancer of the primary VMSS/VMAS is selected.
	// 2. "__auto__" mode - service is annotated with __auto__ value, this when loadbalancer from any VMSS/VMAS
	//    is selected which has the minimum rules associated with it.
	// 3. "name" mode - this is when the load balancer from the specified VMSS/VMAS that has the
	//    minimum rules associated with it is selected.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerMode = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAutoModeValue is the annotation used on the service to specify the
	// Azure load balancer auto selection from the availability sets
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerAutoModeValue = "__auto__"

	// ServiceAnnotationDNSLabelName is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify the DNS label name for the service.
	ServiceAnnotationDNSLabelName = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationSharedSecurityRule is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify that the service should be exposed using an Azure security rule
	// that may be shared with other service, trading specificity of rules for an
	// increase in the number of services that can be exposed. This relies on the
	// Azure "augmented security rules" feature.
	ServiceAnnotationSharedSecurityRule = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerResourceGroup is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify the resource group of load balancer objects that are not in the same resource group as the cluster.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerResourceGroup = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationIPTagsForPublicIP specifies the iptags used when dynamically creating a public ip
	ServiceAnnotationIPTagsForPublicIP = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationAllowedServiceTags is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify a list of allowed service tags separated by comma
	// Refer for all supported service tags.
	ServiceAnnotationAllowedServiceTags = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationAllowedIPRanges is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify a list of allowed IP Ranges separated by comma.
	// It is compatible with both IPv4 and IPV6 CIDR formats.
	ServiceAnnotationAllowedIPRanges = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationDenyAllExceptLoadBalancerSourceRanges  denies all traffic to the load balancer except those
	// within the service.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges. Ref:
	ServiceAnnotationDenyAllExceptLoadBalancerSourceRanges = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerIdleTimeout is the annotation used on the service
	// to specify the idle timeout for connections on the load balancer in minutes.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerIdleTimeout = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerEnableHighAvailabilityPorts is the annotation used on the service
	// to enable the high availability ports on the standard internal load balancer.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerEnableHighAvailabilityPorts = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeProtocol determines the network protocol that the load balancer health probe use.
	// If not set, the local service would use the HTTP and the cluster service would use the TCP by default.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeProtocol = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeInterval determines the probe interval of the load balancer health probe.
	// The minimum probe interval is 5 seconds and the default value is 15. The total duration of all intervals cannot exceed 120 seconds.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeInterval = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeNumOfProbe determines the minimum number of unhealthy responses which load balancer cannot tolerate.
	// The minimum number of probe is 1. The total duration of all intervals cannot exceed 120 seconds.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeNumOfProbe = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeRequestPath determines the request path of the load balancer health probe.
	// This is only useful for the HTTP and HTTPS, and would be ignored when using TCP. If not set,
	// `/` would be configured by default.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerHealthProbeRequestPath = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationAzurePIPTags determines what tags should be applied to the public IP of the service. The cluster name
	// and service names tags (which is managed by controller manager itself) would keep unchanged. The supported format
	// is `a=b,c=d,...`. After updated, the old user-assigned tags would not be replaced by the new ones.
	ServiceAnnotationAzurePIPTags = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationDisableLoadBalancerFloatingIP is the annotation used on the service to disable floating IP in load balancer rule.
	// If omitted, the default value is false
	ServiceAnnotationDisableLoadBalancerFloatingIP = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationAdditionalPublicIPs sets the additional Public IPs (split by comma) besides the service's Public IP configured on LoadBalancer.
	// These additional Public IPs would be consumed by kube-proxy to configure the iptables rules on each node. Note they would not be configured
	// automatically on Azure LoadBalancer. Instead, they need to be configured manually (e.g. on Azure cross-region LoadBalancer by another operator).
	ServiceAnnotationAdditionalPublicIPs = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConfigurations is the list of load balancer configurations the service can use.
	// The list is separated by comma. It will be omitted if multi-slb is not used.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerConfigurations = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationDisableTCPReset is the annotation used on the service to disable TCP reset on the load balancer.
	ServiceAnnotationDisableTCPReset = ""

	// ServiceTagKey is the service key applied for public IP tags.
	ServiceTagKey       = "k8s-azure-service"
	LegacyServiceTagKey = "service"
	// ClusterNameKey is the cluster name key applied for public IP tags.
	ClusterNameKey       = "k8s-azure-cluster-name"
	LegacyClusterNameKey = "kubernetes-cluster-name"
	// ServiceUsingDNSKey is the service name consuming the DNS label on the public IP
	ServiceUsingDNSKey       = "k8s-azure-dns-label-service"
	LegacyServiceUsingDNSKey = "kubernetes-dns-label-service"

	// DefaultLoadBalancerSourceRanges is the default value of the load balancer source ranges
	DefaultLoadBalancerSourceRanges = ""

	// TrueAnnotationValue is the true annotation value
	TrueAnnotationValue = "true"

	// LoadBalancerMinimumPriority is the minimum priority
	LoadBalancerMinimumPriority = 500
	// LoadBalancerMaximumPriority is the maximum priority
	LoadBalancerMaximumPriority = 4096

	// FrontendIPConfigIDTemplate is the template of the frontend IP configuration
	FrontendIPConfigIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/%s/frontendIPConfigurations/%s"
	// BackendPoolIDTemplate is the template of the backend pool
	BackendPoolIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/%s/backendAddressPools/%s"
	// LoadBalancerProbeIDTemplate is the template of the load balancer probe
	LoadBalancerProbeIDTemplate = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/%s/probes/%s"

	// InternalLoadBalancerNameSuffix is load balancer suffix
	InternalLoadBalancerNameSuffix = "-internal"

	// FrontendIPConfigNameMaxLength is the max length of the frontend IP configuration
	FrontendIPConfigNameMaxLength = 80
	// LoadBalancerRuleNameMaxLength is the max length of the load balancing rule
	LoadBalancerRuleNameMaxLength = 80
	// PIPPrefixNameMaxLength is the max length of the PIP prefix name
	PIPPrefixNameMaxLength = 80
	// IPFamilySuffixLength is the length of suffix length of IP family ("-IPv4", "-IPv6")
	IPFamilySuffixLength = 5

	// LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypeNodeIPConfiguration is the lb backend pool config type node IP configuration
	LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypeNodeIPConfiguration = "nodeIPConfiguration"
	// LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypeNodeIP is the lb backend pool config type node ip
	LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypeNodeIP = "nodeIP"
	// LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypePODIP is the lb backend pool config type pod ip
	// TODO (nilo19): support pod IP in the future
	LoadBalancerBackendPoolConfigurationTypePODIP = "podIP"

load balancer

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const (
	// VmssVMNotActiveErrorMessage not active means the instance is under deleting from Azure VMSS.
	VmssVMNotActiveErrorMessage = "not an active Virtual Machine Scale Set VM instanceId"
	// OperationCanceledErrorMessage means the operation is canceled by another new operation.
	OperationCanceledErrorMessage = "canceledandsupersededduetoanotheroperation"
	// CannotDeletePublicIPErrorMessageCode means the public IP cannot be deleted
	CannotDeletePublicIPErrorMessageCode = "PublicIPAddressCannotBeDeleted"
	// ReferencedResourceNotProvisionedMessageCode means the referenced resource has not been provisioned
	ReferencedResourceNotProvisionedMessageCode = "ReferencedResourceNotProvisioned"
	// ParentResourceNotFoundMessageCode is the error code that the parent VMSS of the VM is not found.
	ParentResourceNotFoundMessageCode = "ParentResourceNotFound"
	// ConcurrentRequestConflictMessage is the error message that the request failed due to the conflict with another concurrent operation.
	ConcurrentRequestConflictMessage = "The request failed due to conflict with a concurrent request."
	// CannotUpdateVMBeingDeletedMessagePrefix is the prefix of the error message that the request failed due to delete a VM that is being deleted
	CannotUpdateVMBeingDeletedMessagePrefix = "'Put on Virtual Machine Scale Set VM Instance' is not allowed on Virtual Machine Scale Set"
	// CannotUpdateVMBeingDeletedMessageSuffix is the suffix of the error message that the request failed due to delete a VM that is being deleted
	CannotUpdateVMBeingDeletedMessageSuffix = "since it is marked for deletion"
	// OperationPreemptedErrorMessage is the error message returned for vm operation preempted errors
	OperationPreemptedErrorMessage = "Operation execution has been preempted by a more recent operation"

error messages

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const (
	// DefaultNodeMaskCIDRIPv4 is default mask size for IPv4 node cidr
	DefaultNodeMaskCIDRIPv4 = 24
	// DefaultNodeMaskCIDRIPv6 is default mask size for IPv6 node cidr
	DefaultNodeMaskCIDRIPv6 = 64
	// DefaultNodeCIDRMaskSize is the default mask size for node cidr
	DefaultNodeCIDRMaskSize = 24

node ipam controller

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const (
	// ImdsInstanceAPIVersion is the imds instance api version
	ImdsInstanceAPIVersion = "2021-10-01"
	// ImdsLoadBalancerAPIVersion is the imds load balancer api version
	ImdsLoadBalancerAPIVersion = "2020-10-01"
	// ImdsServer is the imds server endpoint
	ImdsServer = ""
	// ImdsInstanceURI is the imds instance uri
	ImdsInstanceURI = "/metadata/instance"
	// ImdsLoadBalancerURI is the imds load balancer uri
	ImdsLoadBalancerURI = "/metadata/loadbalancer"

metadata service

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const (
	RouteNameFmt       = "%s____%s"
	RouteNameSeparator = "____"

	// DefaultRouteUpdateIntervalInSeconds defines the route reconciling interval.
	DefaultRouteUpdateIntervalInSeconds = 30


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const (
	DefaultCloudProviderConfigSecName      = "azure-cloud-provider"
	DefaultCloudProviderConfigSecNamespace = "kube-system"
	DefaultCloudProviderConfigSecKey       = "cloud-config"

cloud provider config secret

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const (
	HealthProbeAnnotationPrefixPattern = "health-probe_%s"

	// HealthProbeParamsProtocol determines the protocol for the health probe params.
	// It always takes priority over spec.appProtocol or any other specified protocol
	HealthProbeParamsProtocol HealthProbeParams = "protocol"

	// HealthProbeParamsPort determines the probe port for the health probe params.
	// It always takes priority over the NodePort of the spec.ports in a Service
	HealthProbeParamsPort HealthProbeParams = "port"

	// HealthProbeParamsProbeInterval determines the probe interval of the load balancer health probe.
	// The minimum probe interval is 5 seconds and the default value is 5. The total duration of all intervals cannot exceed 120 seconds.
	HealthProbeParamsProbeInterval  HealthProbeParams = "interval"
	HealthProbeDefaultProbeInterval int32             = 5

	// HealthProbeParamsNumOfProbe determines the minimum number of unhealthy responses which load balancer cannot tolerate.
	// The minimum number of probe is 2. The total duration of all intervals cannot exceed 120 seconds.
	HealthProbeParamsNumOfProbe  HealthProbeParams = "num-of-probe"
	HealthProbeDefaultNumOfProbe int32             = 2

	// HealthProbeParamsRequestPath determines the request path of the load balancer health probe.
	// This is only useful for the HTTP and HTTPS, and would be ignored when using TCP. If not set,
	// `/healthz` would be configured by default.
	HealthProbeParamsRequestPath  HealthProbeParams = "request-path"
	HealthProbeDefaultRequestPath string            = "/"

health probe

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const (
	// ServiceAnnotationPLSCreation determines whether a PLS needs to be created.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSCreation = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSResourceGroup determines the resource group to create the PLS in.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSResourceGroup = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSName determines name of the PLS resource to create.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSName = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationSubnet determines the subnet name to deploy the PLS resource.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationSubnet = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationIPAddressCount determines number of IPs to be associated with the PLS.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationIPAddressCount = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSIPConfigurationIPAddress determines a space separated list of static IPs for the PLS.
	// Total number of IPs should not be greater than the IP count specified in ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationIPAddressCount.
	// If there are fewer IPs specified, the rest are dynamically allocated. The first IP in the list is set as Primary.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSIpConfigurationIPAddress = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSFqdns determines a space separated list of fqdns associated with the PLS.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSFqdns = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSProxyProtocol determines whether TCP Proxy protocol needs to be enabled on the PLS.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSProxyProtocol = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSVisibility determines a space separated list of Azure subscription IDs for which the PLS is visible.
	// Use "*" to expose the PLS to all subscriptions.
	ServiceAnnotationPLSVisibility = ""

	// ServiceAnnotationPLSAutoApproval determines a space separated list of Azure subscription IDs from which requests can be
	// automatically approved, only works when visibility is set to "*".
	ServiceAnnotationPLSAutoApproval = ""

	// ID string used to create a not existing PLS placehold in plsCache to avoid redundant
	PrivateLinkServiceNotExistID = "PrivateLinkServiceNotExistID"

	// Key of tag indicating owner service of the PLS.
	OwnerServiceTagKey = "k8s-azure-owner-service"

	// Key of tag indicating cluster name of the service that owns PLS.
	ClusterNameTagKey = "k8s-azure-cluster-name"

	// Default number of IP configs for PLS
	PLSDefaultNumOfIPConfig = 1

private link service

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const (
	LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperationAdd    LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperation = "add"
	LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperationRemove LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperation = "remove"

	DefaultLoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateIntervalInSeconds = 30

	ServiceNameLabel = ""
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const (
	ClusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeModeServiceNodePort = "servicenodeport"
	ClusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeModeShared          = "shared"
	ClusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeDefaultPort         = 10256
	ClusterServiceLoadBalancerHealthProbeDefaultPath         = "/healthz"
	SharedProbeName                                          = "cluster-service-shared-health-probe"

Load Balancer health probe mode

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const (
	VMPowerStatePrefix       = "PowerState/"
	VMPowerStateStopped      = "stopped"
	VMPowerStateStopping     = "stopping"
	VMPowerStateDeallocated  = "deallocated"
	VMPowerStateDeallocating = "deallocating"
	VMPowerStateUnknown      = "unknown"

VM power state

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const CreatedByTag = "k8s-azure-created-by"

CreatedByTag tag key for CSI drivers

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const RateLimited = "rate limited"

RateLimited error string

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const (
	VMSSTagForBatchOperation = "aks-managed-coordination"


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var (
	// Service.Spec.LoadBalancerIP has been deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Those two annotations are introduced as alternatives to set IPv4/IPv6 LoadBalancer IPs.
	// Refer for more details.
	ServiceAnnotationLoadBalancerIPDualStack = map[bool]string{
												// contains filtered or unexported fields
	// ServiceAnnotationPIPName specifies the pip that will be applied to load balancer
	ServiceAnnotationPIPNameDualStack = map[bool]string{
										// contains filtered or unexported fields
	// ServiceAnnotationPIPPrefixID specifies the pip prefix that will be applied to the load balancer.
	ServiceAnnotationPIPPrefixIDDualStack = map[bool]string{
											// contains filtered or unexported fields

LB variables for dual-stack

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var IPVersionIPv6StringLower = strings.ToLower(IPVersionIPv6String)


func BuildAnnotationKeyForPort added in v1.24.12

func BuildAnnotationKeyForPort(port int32, key PortParams) string

BuildAnnotationKeyForPort get health probe configuration key for port

func BuildHealthProbeAnnotationKeyForPort added in v0.7.14

func BuildHealthProbeAnnotationKeyForPort(port int32, key HealthProbeParams) string

BuildHealthProbeAnnotationKeyForPort get health probe configuration key for port

func GetAttributeValueInSvcAnnotation added in v0.7.14

func GetAttributeValueInSvcAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, key string, validators ...BusinessValidator) (*string, error)

GetAttributeValueInSvcAnnotation get value in annotation map using key

func GetHealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation added in v0.7.14

func GetHealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, port int32, key HealthProbeParams, validators ...BusinessValidator) (*string, error)

GetHealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation get health probe configuration for port

func GetInt32HealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation added in v0.7.14

func GetInt32HealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, port int32, key HealthProbeParams, validators ...Int32BusinessValidator) (*int32, error)

GetInt32HealthProbeConfigOfPortFromK8sSvcAnnotation get health probe configuration for port

func GetLoadBalancerConfigurationsNames added in v1.28.0

func GetLoadBalancerConfigurationsNames(service *v1.Service) []string

getLoadBalancerConfigurationsNames parse the annotation and return the names of the load balancer configurations.

func Getint32ValueFromK8sSvcAnnotation added in v0.7.14

func Getint32ValueFromK8sSvcAnnotation(annotations map[string]string, key string, validators ...Int32BusinessValidator) (*int32, error)

Getint32ValueFromK8sSvcAnnotation get health probe configuration for port

func IsHealthProbeRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled added in v1.24.12

func IsHealthProbeRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled(annotations map[string]string, port int32) (bool, error)

IsHealthProbeRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled return if port is for health probe only

func IsK8sServiceDisableLoadBalancerFloatingIP added in v1.0.22

func IsK8sServiceDisableLoadBalancerFloatingIP(service *v1.Service) bool

IsK8sServiceDisableLoadBalancerFloatingIP return if floating IP in load balancer is disabled in kubernetes service annotations

func IsK8sServiceHasHAModeEnabled added in v0.7.14

func IsK8sServiceHasHAModeEnabled(service *v1.Service) bool

IsK8sServiceHasHAModeEnabled return if HA Mode is enabled in kubernetes service annotations

func IsK8sServiceUsingInternalLoadBalancer added in v0.7.14

func IsK8sServiceUsingInternalLoadBalancer(service *v1.Service) bool

IsK8sServiceUsingInternalLoadBalancer return if service is using an internal load balancer.

func IsLBRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled added in v1.24.12

func IsLBRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled(annotations map[string]string, port int32) (bool, error)

IsHealthProbeRuleOnK8sServicePortDisabled return if port is for health probe only

func IsPLSEnabled added in v1.24.20

func IsPLSEnabled(annotations map[string]string) bool

IsPLSEnabled return true if ServiceAnnotationPLSCreation is true

func IsPLSProxyProtocolEnabled added in v1.24.20

func IsPLSProxyProtocolEnabled(annotations map[string]string) bool

IsPLSProxyProtocolEnabled return true if ServiceAnnotationPLSProxyProtocol is true

func IsTCPResetDisabled added in v1.25.19

func IsTCPResetDisabled(annotations map[string]string) bool

IsTCPResetDisabled return true if ServiceAnnotationDisableTCPReset is true


type BusinessValidator added in v0.7.14

type BusinessValidator func(*string) error

BusinessValidator is validator function which is invoked after values are parsed in order to make sure input value meets the businees need.

type HealthProbeParams added in v0.7.14

type HealthProbeParams string

type Int32BusinessValidator added in v0.7.14

type Int32BusinessValidator func(*int32) error

Int32BusinessValidator is validator function which is invoked after values are parsed in order to make sure input value meets the businees need.

type LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperation added in v1.28.0

type LoadBalancerBackendPoolUpdateOperation string

type PortParams added in v1.24.12

type PortParams string
const (
	PortAnnotationPrefixPattern            = ""
	PortAnnotationNoLBRule      PortParams = "no_lb_rule"
	// NoHealthProbeRule determines whether the port is only used for health probe. no lb probe rule will be created.
	PortAnnotationNoHealthProbeRule PortParams = "no_probe_rule"

port specific

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