Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddMergeAction(h ...Any)
- func AddRender(key string, render func(*Message, ...Any) string)
- func HasUsr() bool
- func HasVar() bool
- func Module(prefix string, arg ...Any)
- func Render(m *Message, cmd string, args ...Any) string
- func Run(arg ...string) string
- func Runs(cb func(), arg ...string) string
- func SaveImportant(m *Message, arg ...string)
- type Action
- type Actions
- type Any
- type Cache
- type Caches
- type Command
- type Commands
- type Config
- type Configs
- type Context
- func (c *Context) Begin(m *Message, arg ...string) *Context
- func (c *Context) Cap(key string, arg ...Any) string
- func (c *Context) Close(m *Message, arg ...string)
- func (c *Context) Cmd(m *Message, key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (c *Context) ID() int32
- func (c *Context) Merge(s *Context) *Context
- func (c *Context) MergeCommands(Commands Commands) *Context
- func (c *Context) Prefix(arg ...string) string
- func (c *Context) Register(s *Context, x Server, cmd ...string) *Context
- func (c *Context) Server() Server
- func (c *Context) Start(m *Message, arg ...string)
- type Contexts
- type Frame
- type Handler
- type List
- type MakeInfo
- type Map
- type Maps
- type Message
- func (m *Message) Action(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) ActionHand(cmd *Command, key, sub string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) ActionKey() string
- func (m *Message) Actions(key string) *Action
- func (m *Message) Add(key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) AdminCmd(cmd string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Append(key string, arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) AppendSimple(key ...string) (res []string)
- func (m *Message) AppendTrans(cb func(value string, key string, index int) string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Appendv(key string, arg ...Any) []string
- func (m *Message) Assert(expr Any) bool
- func (m *Message) Auth(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Cmd(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) CmdAppend(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) CmdHand(cmd *Command, key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) CmdList(arg ...string) []string
- func (m *Message) CmdMap(arg ...string) map[string]map[string]string
- func (m *Message) Cmds(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Cmdv(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Cmdx(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Cmdy(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Command() *Command
- func (m *Message) CommandKey() string
- func (m *Message) Commands(key string) *Command
- func (m *Message) Conf(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Confv(arg ...Any) (val Any)
- func (m *Message) Copy(msg *Message, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Cost(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Cut(fields ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) CutTo(key, to string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Debug(str string, arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) Design(action Any, help string, input ...Any)
- func (m *Message) Detail(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Detailv(arg ...Any) []string
- func (m *Message) Display(file string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) DisplayCSS(file string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Echo(str string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoAnchor(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoAudios(src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoButton(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoDownload(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoFields(cmd string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoIFrame(src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoImages(src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoInfoButton(info string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoLine(str string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoQRCode(src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoScript(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) EchoVideos(src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Error(err bool, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) ErrorNotImplement(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Fields(length int, fields ...string) string
- func (m *Message) FieldsIsDetail() bool
- func (m *Message) FieldsSetDetail()
- func (m *Message) FileURI(dir string) string
- func (m *Message) FormatChain() string
- func (m *Message) FormatCost() string
- func (m *Message) FormatMeta() string
- func (m *Message) FormatPrefix(traceid ...string) string
- func (m *Message) FormatShip(traceid ...string) string
- func (m *Message) FormatSize() string
- func (m *Message) FormatStack(s, n int) string
- func (m *Message) FormatTaskMeta() task.Meta
- func (m *Message) FormatsMeta(w io.Writer, arg ...string) (res string)
- func (m *Message) Go(cb func(), arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) GoSleep(t string, cb func(), arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) GoSleep300ms(cb func(), arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) GoSleep30ms(cb func(), arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) GoSleep3s(cb func(), arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) GoWait(cb func(func()), arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Info(str string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) IsChromeUA() bool
- func (m *Message) IsCliUA() bool
- func (m *Message) IsDebug() bool
- func (m *Message) IsEnglish() bool
- func (m *Message) IsErr(arg ...string) bool
- func (m *Message) IsErrNotFound() bool
- func (m *Message) IsErrNotFoundIndex() bool
- func (m *Message) IsErrNotFoundSpace() bool
- func (m *Message) IsGetMethod() bool
- func (m *Message) IsLocalhost() bool
- func (m *Message) IsMetaKey() bool
- func (m *Message) IsMobileUA() bool
- func (m *Message) IsOk() bool
- func (m *Message) IsWeixinUA() bool
- func (m *Message) IsWorker() bool
- func (m *Message) Length() (max int)
- func (m *Message) Log(level string, str string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Logs(level string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) MergeLink(url string, arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) MergePod(pod string, arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) MergePodCmd(pod, cmd string, arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Message() *Message
- func (m *Message) Option(key string, arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) OptionArgs(key ...string) string
- func (m *Message) OptionCB(key string, cb ...Any) Any
- func (m *Message) OptionDefault(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) OptionFields(arg ...string) string
- func (m *Message) OptionSimple(key ...string) (res []string)
- func (m *Message) OptionSplit(key ...string) (res []string)
- func (m *Message) Options(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Optionv(key string, arg ...Any) Any
- func (m *Message) ParseLink(p string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Prefix(arg ...string) string
- func (m *Message) PrefixKey() string
- func (m *Message) Process(cmd string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) ProcessAgain()
- func (m *Message) ProcessBack(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessClose() *Message
- func (m *Message) ProcessConfirm(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessCookie(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessDisplay(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessField(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessGrow(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessHistory(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessHold(text ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessInner() *Message
- func (m *Message) ProcessLocation(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessOpen(url string)
- func (m *Message) ProcessOpenAndRefresh(url string) *Message
- func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) ProcessReplace(url string, arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessRewrite(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessRich(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) ProcessSession(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) Push(key string, value Any, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushAction(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushAnchor(arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) PushAudios(key, src string)
- func (m *Message) PushButton(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushDetail(value Any, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushDownload(key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushIFrame(key, src string)
- func (m *Message) PushImages(key, src string, arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) PushQRCode(key, src string) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushRecord(value Any, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) PushScript(arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) PushSearch(arg ...Any)
- func (m *Message) PushStream() *Message
- func (m *Message) PushVideos(key, src string)
- func (m *Message) RenameAppend(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenameOption(from, to string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Render(cmd string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderDownload(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderJson(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderRedirect(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderResult(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderStatus(status int, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderStatusBadRequest(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderStatusForbidden(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderStatusNotFound(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderStatusUnauthorized(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderTemplate(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) RenderVoid(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Resource(file string, arg ...string) string
- func (m *Message) Result(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Results(arg ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Resultv(arg ...Any) []string
- func (m *Message) RewriteAppend(cb func(value, key string, index int) string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Search(key string, cb Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Set(key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SetAppend(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SetResult(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) ShortKey() string
- func (m *Message) Sleep(d Any, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Sleep300ms(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Sleep30ms(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Sleep3s(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Sort(key string, arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) SortInt(key string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SortIntR(key string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SortStr(key string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SortStrR(key string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Source() *Context
- func (m *Message) Spawn(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) SpawnSilent(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Split(str string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SplitIndex(str string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) SplitIndexReplace(str string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Start(key string, arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Stats(arg ...string) (res []string)
- func (m *Message) Status(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) StatusTime(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) StatusTimeCount(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) StatusTimeCountStats(field ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) StatusTimeCountTotal(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) System(arg ...Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) Table(cb Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) TableAmount(cb func(Maps) float64) float64
- func (m *Message) TableEcho() *Message
- func (m *Message) TableEchoWithStatus() *Message
- func (m *Message) TableStats(field ...string) map[string]int
- func (m *Message) TablesLimit(count int, cb func(value Maps)) *Message
- func (m *Message) Target() *Context
- func (m *Message) Template(p string, data ...Any) string
- func (m *Message) Time(arg ...string) string
- func (m *Message) ToLowerAppend(arg ...string) *Message
- func (m *Message) Toast(content string, arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) ToastFailure(arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) ToastProcess(arg ...string) func(...string)
- func (m *Message) ToastSuccess(arg ...string)
- func (m *Message) Trans(en string, zh string) string
- func (m *Message) Travel(cb Any) *Message
- func (m *Message) TryCatch(catch bool, cb ...func(*Message))
- func (m *Message) Wait(d string, cb ...Handler) (wait func() bool, done Handler)
- func (m *Message) Warn(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnAlreadyExists(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotAllow(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotFound(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotFoundIndex(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotFoundSpace(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotFoundSpide(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotLogin(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotRight(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotValid(err Any, arg ...Any) bool
- func (m *Message) WarnNotValidTime(time Any, arg ...Any) bool
- type Messages
- type Option
- type Server
Constants ¶
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const ( TB = "\t" SP = " " DF = ":" EQ = "=" AT = "@" QS = "?" PS = "/" PT = "." FS = "," NL = "\n" OK = "ok" TRUE = "true" FALSE = "false" SUCCESS = "success" PROCESS = "process" FAILURE = "failure" WINDOWS = "windows" HTTPS = "https" HTTP = "http" DEMO = "demo" MAIL = "mail" HELP = "help" INFO = "info" SHOW = "show" MAIN = "main" AUTO = "auto" LIST = "list" BACK = "back" BASE = "base" CORE = "core" MISC = "misc" SHY = "shy" DEV = "dev" DEV_IP = "dev_ip" OPS = "ops" ICE = "ice" CAN = "can" APP = "app" POD = "pod" CMD = "cmd" ARG = "arg" ENV = "env" RUN = "run" RES = "res" ERR = "err" STR = "str" STR_R = "str_r" INT_R = "int_r" INT = "int" )
View Source
const ( CONTEXTOS = "ContextOS" // CONTEXTS = "contexts" INTSHELL = "intshell" LEARNING = "learning" VOLCANOS = "volcanos" TOOLKITS = "toolkits" ICEBERGS = "icebergs" RELEASE = "release" MATRIX = "matrix" ICONS = "icons" INSTALL = "install" REQUIRE = "require" PUBLISH = "publish" PORTAL = "portal" LOCAL = "local" )
View Source
const ( MOD_DIR = 0750 MOD_FILE = 0640 MOD_BUFS = 4096 MOD_DATE = kit.MOD_DATE MOD_TIME = kit.MOD_TIME MOD_TIMES = kit.MOD_TIMES MOD_TIME_ONLY = "15:04:05" )
View Source
const ( SRC = "src" ETC = "etc" BIN = "bin" VAR = "var" USR = "usr" JSON = "json" CSV = "csv" SH = "sh" GO = "go" JS = "js" SVG = "svg" CSS = "css" HTML = "html" LIB = "lib" PAGE = "page" PANEL = "panel" PLUGIN = "plugin" INDEX_CSS = "index.css" CONST_JS = "const.js" PROTO_JS = "proto.js" FRAME_JS = "frame.js" INDEX_SH = "" PLUGIN_INPUT = "/plugin/input/" PLUGIN_LOCAL = "/plugin/local/" PLUGIN_STORY = "/plugin/story/" PLUGIN_TABLE_JS = "/plugin/table.js" PKG_MOD = "/pkg/mod/" ISH_PLUGED = ".ish/pluged/" USR_INSTALL = "usr/install/" USR_REQUIRE = "usr/require/" USR_PUBLISH = "usr/publish/" USR_INTSHELL = "usr/intshell/" USR_LEARNING = "usr/learning/" USR_VOLCANOS = "usr/volcanos/" USR_TOOLKITS = "usr/toolkits/" USR_ICEBERGS = "usr/icebergs/" USR_RELEASE = "usr/release/" USR_PROGRAM = "usr/program/" USR_GEOAREA = "usr/geoarea/" USR_ICONS = "usr/icons/" USR_LOCAL = "usr/local/" USR_LOCAL_GO = "usr/local/go/" USR_LOCAL_GO_BIN = "usr/local/go/bin/" USR_LOCAL_BIN = "usr/local/bin/" USR_LOCAL_LIB = "usr/local/lib/" USR_LOCAL_WORK = "usr/local/work/" USR_LOCAL_REPOS = "usr/local/repos/" USR_LOCAL_IMAGE = "usr/local/image/" USR_LOCAL_EXPORT = "usr/local/export/" USR_LOCAL_DAEMON = "usr/local/daemon/" VAR_DATA_IMPORTANT = "var/data/.important" VAR_LOG_BOOT_LOG = "var/log/boot.log" VAR_LOG_ICE_PORT = "var/log/ice.port" VAR_LOG_ICE_PID = "var/log/" VAR_LOG = "var/log/" VAR_TMP = "var/tmp/" VAR_CONF = "var/conf/" VAR_DATA = "var/data/" VAR_FILE = "var/file/" VAR_PROXY = "var/proxy/" VAR_TRASH = "var/trash/" VAR_PORTAL = "var/portal/" BIN_ICE_BIN = "bin/ice.bin" ETC_INIT_SHY = "etc/init.shy" ETC_LOCAL_SHY = "etc/local.shy" ETC_EXIT_SHY = "etc/exit.shy" ETC_MISS_SH = "etc/" ETC_PATH = "etc/path" SRC_MAIN_SH = "src/" SRC_MAIN_SHY = "src/main.shy" SRC_MAIN_HTML = "src/main.html" SRC_MAIN_ICO = "src/main.ico" SRC_MAIN_CSS = "src/main.css" SRC_MAIN_JS = "src/main.js" SRC_MAIN_GO = "src/main.go" SRC_WEBVIEW_GO = "src/webview.go" SRC_VERSION_GO = "src/version.go" SRC_BINPACK_GO = "src/binpack.go" SRC_BINPACK_USR_GO = "src/binpack_usr.go" SRC_TEMPLATE = "src/template/" SRC_PRIVATE = "src/private/" SRC_SCRIPT = "src/script/" USR_SCRIPT = "usr/script/" README_MD = "" MAKEFILE = "Makefile" LICENSE = "LICENSE" GO_MOD = "go.mod" GO_SUM = "go.sum" GO_WORK = "" GO_WORK_SUM = "" ICE_BIN = "ice.bin" CAN_PLUGIN = "can._plugin" )
View Source
const ( MSG_CMDS = "cmds" MSG_FIELDS = "fields" MSG_SESSID = "sessid" MSG_METHOD = "method" MSG_DEBUG = "debug" MSG_DETAIL = "detail" MSG_OPTION = "option" MSG_APPEND = "append" MSG_RESULT = "result" MSG_OPTS = "_option" MSG_UPLOAD = "_upload" MSG_SOURCE = "_source" MSG_TARGET = "_target" MSG_HANDLE = "_handle" MSG_ACTION = "_action" MSG_STATUS = "_status" MSG_SPACE = "_space" MSG_INDEX = "_index" MSG_SCRIPT = "_script" MSG_OUTPUT = "_output" MSG_ARGS = "_args" MSG_PROCESS = "_process" MSG_DISPLAY = "_display" MSG_DISPLAY_CSS = "_display_css" MSG_TOOLKIT = "_toolkit" MSG_USERIP = "user.ip" MSG_USERUA = "" MSG_USERWEB = "user.web" MSG_USERPOD = "user.pod" MSG_USERPOD0 = "user.pod0" MSG_USERWEB0 = "user.web0" MSG_USERHOST = "" MSG_USERADDR = "user.addr" MSG_USERDATA = "" MSG_USERNICK = "user.nick" MSG_USERNAME = "" MSG_USERROLE = "user.role" MSG_USERZONE = "" MSG_LANGUAGE = "user.lang" MSG_AVATAR = "user.avatar" MSG_BG = "" MSG_FG = "sess.fg" MSG_COST = "sess.cost" MSG_MODE = "sess.mode" MSG_THEME = "sess.theme" MSG_TITLE = "sess.title" MSG_RIVER = "sess.river" MSG_STORM = "sess.storm" MSG_COUNT = "sess.count" MSG_DAEMON = "sess.daemon" MSG_DAEMON0 = "sess.daemon0" MSG_UNSAFE = "sess.unsafe" MSG_ONLINE = "" MSG_REFERER = "sess.referer" MSG_CHECKER = "aaa.checker" YAC_MESSAGE = "yac.message" YAC_STACK = "yac.stack" SSH_ALIAS = "ssh.alias" SSH_TARGET = "" LOG_DISABLE = "log.disable" LOG_TRACEID = "" MSG_NODEICON = "node.icon" MSG_NODENAME = "" MSG_NODETYPE = "node.type" MSG_FILES = "file.system" FROM_SPACE = "" FROM_DAEMON = "from.daemon" FIELD_OPTION = "field.option" TABLE_CHECKBOX = "table.checkbox" TOAST_DURATION = "toast.duration" DREAM_SIMPLE = "dream.simple" SPACE_NOECHO = "space.noecho" SPACE_TIMEOUT = "space.timeout" )
View Source
const ( RENDER_BUTTON = "_button" RENDER_ANCHOR = "_anchor" RENDER_QRCODE = "_qrcode" RENDER_SCRIPT = "_script" RENDER_IMAGES = "_images" RENDER_VIDEOS = "_videos" RENDER_AUDIOS = "_audios" RENDER_IFRAME = "_iframe" RENDER_STATUS = "_status" RENDER_REDIRECT = "_redirect" RENDER_DOWNLOAD = "_download" RENDER_TEMPLATE = "_template" RENDER_RESULT = "_result" RENDER_JSON = "_json" RENDER_VOID = "_void" RENDER_RAW = "_raw" )
View Source
const ( PROCESS_COOKIE = "_cookie" PROCESS_SESSION = "_session" PROCESS_LOCATION = "_location" PROCESS_REPLACE = "_replace" PROCESS_HISTORY = "_history" PROCESS_CONFIRM = "_confirm" PROCESS_REFRESH = "_refresh" PROCESS_REWRITE = "_rewrite" PROCESS_DISPLAY = "_display" PROCESS_FIELD = "_field" PROCESS_FLOAT = "_float" PROCESS_INNER = "_inner" PROCESS_AGAIN = "_again" PROCESS_HOLD = "_hold" PROCESS_BACK = "_back" PROCESS_RICH = "_rich" PROCESS_GROW = "_grow" PROCESS_OPEN = "_open" PROCESS_CLOSE = "_close" PROCESS_ARG = "_arg" FIELD_PREFIX = "_prefix" FIELDS_DETAIL = "detail" )
View Source
const ( CTX_FOLLOW = "follow" CTX_BEGIN = "begin" CTX_START = "start" CTX_SERVE = "serve" CTX_CLOSE = "close" CTX_INIT = "_init" CTX_EXIT = "_exit" CTX_OPEN = "_open" CTX_TITLE = "_title" CTX_TRANS = "_trans" CTX_ICONS = "_icons" CTX_STYLE = "_style" AFTER_INIT = "afterInit" )
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const ( LOG_CMDS = "cmds" LOG_AUTH = "auth" LOG_COST = "cost" LOG_INFO = "info" LOG_WARN = "warn" LOG_ERROR = "error" LOG_DEBUG = "debug" )
View Source
const ( ErrWarn = "warn: " ErrNotLogin = "not login: " ErrNotRight = "not right: " ErrNotAllow = "not allow: " ErrNotFound = "not found: " ErrNotValid = "not valid: " ErrNotStart = "not start: " ErrNotFoundIndex = "not found index: " ErrNotFoundSpide = "not found spide: " ErrNotFoundSpace = "not found space: " ErrAlreadyExists = "already exists: " ErrNotImplement = "not implement: " ErrTooDeepCount = "too deep count: " )
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const ( COMMAND = "command" ACTION = "action" STYLE = "style" INDEX = "index" )
View Source
const ( SEARCH = "search" INPUTS = "inputs" CREATE = "create" SELECT = "select" IMPORT = "import" EXPORT = "export" KEY = "key" VALUE = "value" FIELD = "field" EXTRA = "extra" META = "meta" TIME = "time" HASH = "hash" TYPE = "type" NAME = "name" TEXT = "text" LINK = "link" )
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const ( SERVE = "serve" SPACE = "space" TITLE = "title" THEME = "theme" )
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const ( EVENT = "event" ROUTINE = "routine" )
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const ( SIZE = "size" SOURCE = "source" SCRIPT = "script" )
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const ( FOREVER = "forever" SYSTEM = "system" START = "start" )
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const ( CTX = "ctx" MDB = "mdb" WEB = "web" AAA = "aaa" LEX = "lex" YAC = "yac" SSH = "ssh" GDB = "gdb" TCP = "tcp" NFS = "nfs" CLI = "cli" LOG = "log" )
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const ( LOG_TRACE = "log_trace" TCP_DOMAIN = "tcp_domain" )
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const ( INIT = "init" QUIT = "quit" EXIT = "exit" )
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const (
DEBUG = "debug"
Variables ¶
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var Index = &Context{Name: ICE, Help: "冰山模块", Commands: Commands{ CTX_INIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { m.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context) { kit.If(p != nil, func() { c._command(m.Spawn(c), c.Commands[CTX_INIT], CTX_INIT, arg...) }) }) }}, CTX_OPEN: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { m.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context) { kit.If(p != nil, func() { c._command(m.Spawn(c), c.Commands[CTX_OPEN], CTX_OPEN, arg...) }) }) }}, INIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { m.Cmd(kit.Keys(MDB, CTX_INIT)) m.Cmd(CTX_INIT) m.Cmd(EXPORT, IMPORT) m.Cmd(SOURCE, ETC_INIT_SHY) loadImportant(m) m.Cmd(CTX_OPEN) m.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context, key string, cmd *Command) { if h, ok := cmd.Actions["afterInit"]; ok { h.Hand(m.Spawn(c, key, cmd), arg...) } }) }}, QUIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { m.GoSleep300ms(func() { os.Exit(kit.Int(kit.Select("0", arg, 0))) }) }}, EXIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { m.GoSleep300ms(func() { m.root.Option(EXIT, kit.Select("0", arg, 0)) m.Cmd(SOURCE, ETC_EXIT_SHY) m.Cmd(CTX_EXIT) if HasUsr() { m.Cmd(EXPORT, EXPORT) } removeImportant(m) }) }}, CTX_EXIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, arg ...string) { defer m.Target().Close(m.Spawn(), arg...) m.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context) { kit.If(p != nil, func() { c._command(m.Spawn(c), c.Commands[CTX_EXIT], CTX_EXIT, arg...) }) }) }}, }, server: &Frame{}}
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Actions ¶ added in v1.2.7
type Any ¶ added in v1.2.7
type Any = interface{}
type Command ¶
type Context ¶
type Context struct { Name string Help string Caches Caches Configs Configs Commands Commands // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Context) MergeCommands ¶ added in v1.2.7
type Frame ¶
type Frame struct{}
type Handler ¶ added in v1.3.0
type MakeInfo ¶ added in v0.9.8
type Message ¶
type Message struct { W http.ResponseWriter R *http.Request O io.Writer I io.Reader // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Message) ActionHand ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (*Message) AdminCmd ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) AppendTrans ¶ added in v0.4.7
func (*Message) CmdHand ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (*Message) CmdMap ¶ added in v1.2.9
func (*Message) Design ¶ added in v1.2.6
func (*Message) Display ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Message) DisplayCSS ¶ added in v1.9.24
func (*Message) EchoFields ¶ added in v1.5.5
func (*Message) EchoInfoButton ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (*Message) EchoLine ¶ added in v1.4.7
func (*Message) ErrorNotImplement ¶ added in v1.2.9
func (*Message) FormatPrefix ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (*Message) FormatsMeta ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (*Message) GoSleep ¶ added in v1.5.5
func (*Message) GoSleep300ms ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (*Message) GoWait ¶ added in v1.6.1
func (*Message) MergeLink ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*Message) MergePod ¶ added in v1.1.7
func (*Message) MergePodCmd ¶ added in v1.5.5
func (*Message) ProcessOpenAndRefresh ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) ProcessReplace ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*Message) PushDetail ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (*Message) PushRecord ¶ added in v1.1.8
func (*Message) RenameOption ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (*Message) RenderStatus ¶ added in v1.2.7
func (*Message) RenderStatusBadRequest ¶ added in v1.2.7
func (*Message) RenderStatusForbidden ¶ added in v1.2.7
func (*Message) RenderStatusNotFound ¶ added in v1.2.7
func (*Message) RenderStatusUnauthorized ¶ added in v1.2.7
func (*Message) Resource ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (*Message) RewriteAppend ¶ added in v1.5.20
func (*Message) SplitIndex ¶ added in v0.7.8
func (*Message) SplitIndexReplace ¶ added in v1.5.19
func (*Message) StatusTimeCountStats ¶ added in v1.8.7
func (*Message) TableAmount ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (*Message) TableEchoWithStatus ¶ added in v1.5.18
func (*Message) TableStats ¶ added in v1.8.7
func (*Message) TablesLimit ¶ added in v1.5.5
func (*Message) ToLowerAppend ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*Message) ToastProcess ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*Message) Wait ¶ added in v1.5.5
func (*Message) WarnAlreadyExists ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) WarnNotAllow ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) WarnNotFound ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) WarnNotFoundIndex ¶ added in v1.8.8
func (*Message) WarnNotFoundSpace ¶ added in v1.8.8
func (*Message) WarnNotFoundSpide ¶ added in v1.9.12
func (*Message) WarnNotLogin ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) WarnNotRight ¶ added in v1.8.6
func (*Message) WarnNotValid ¶ added in v1.8.6
type Option ¶
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