
package module
v1.2.4 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: May 9, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 2




  • 使用icebergs可以将各种模块或项目集成到一起,快速开发出集中式的服务器。
  • 使用icebergs可以将各种设备自由的组合在一起,快速搭建起分布式的服务器。

0. 搭建服务

0.1 一键部署
mkdir miss; cd miss && curl -s | sh


0.2 使用方式




默认还会启动一个web服务,访问地址 http://localhost:9020 ,就可以通过网页进行操作。





0.3 使用示例

1. 项目开发


如果第三方模块也无法满足使用需求,还可以自己开发模块, icebergs提供了模板,可以一键创建新模块,快速添加自己的功能模块。

1.1 部署环境


mkdir miss; cd miss && curl -s | sh


为了方便以后创建项目与模块。 可以将辅助脚本template.sh下载,并添加到可执行目录中。

1.2 添加第三方模块

在src/main.go文件中,就可以import任意的第三方模块, 执行一下make命令,就会重新生成ice.bin。 重新启动服务,就可以使用第三方模块了。

1.3 开发模块 tutor hello


在src/main.go 中import新加的模块, 执行make命令,程序编译完成后, 重启服务,就可以使用新模块了。

1.4 开发框架


git clone usr/icebergs


replace => ./usr/icebergs

2 原型 type.go

2.1 msg.Detail
2.2 msg.Option
2.3 msg.Append
2.4 msg.Result
2.5 msg.Travel
2.7 msg.Conf
2.8 msg.Cmd
2.9 msg.Cap

3 框架 base.go

3.1 注册模块 Register
3.2 创建资源 Begin
3.3 加载配置 _init
3.4 启动服务 Start
3.5 保存配置 _exit
3.6 释放资源 Close

4 基础模块 base/

4.1 模块中心 base/ctx/
4.2 命令中心 base/cli/
4.3 认证中心 base/aaa/
4.4 网页中心 base/web/
4.5 词法中心 base/lex/
4.6 语法中心 base/yac/
4.7 事件中心 base/gdb/
4.8 日志中心 base/log/
4.9 网络中心 base/tcp/
4.10 文件中心 base/nfs/
4.11 终端中心 base/ssh/
4.12 数据中心 base/mdb/

5 核心模块 core/

5.1 编程中心 core/code/
5.2 文档中心 core/wiki/
5.3 聊天中心 core/chat/
5.4 团队中心 core/team/
5.5 贸易中心 core/mall/

6 其它模块 misc/

6.1 终端管理 misc/zsh/
6.1 终端管理 misc/tmux/
6.1 代码管理 misc/git/
6.1 代码管理 misc/vim/
6.1 公众号 misc/mp/
6.1 小程序 misc/wx/
6.1 浏览器 misc/chrome/
6.1 机器人 misc/lark/
6.1 开发板 misc/pi/




View Source
const (
	TB = "\t"
	SP = " "
	DF = ":"
	PS = "/"
	PT = "."
	FS = ","
	NL = "\n"

	OK      = "ok"
	TRUE    = "true"
	FALSE   = "false"
	SUCCESS = "success"
	FAILURE = "failure"
	PROCESS = "process"
	RESTART = "restart"
	OF      = " of "

	INIT = "init"
	EXIT = "exit"
	SAVE = "save"
	LOAD = "load"

	AUTO = "auto"
	LIST = "list"
	BACK = "back"
	EXEC = "exec"

	SHOW = "show"
	PLAY = "play"
	HELP = "help"
	HTTP = "http"

	BASE = "base"
	CORE = "core"
	MISC = "misc"

	SHY = "shy"
	DEV = "dev"
	OPS = "ops"
	ICE = "ice"

	ENV = "env"
	RUN = "run"
	ERR = "err"

	POD = "pod"
	CTX = "ctx"
	CMD = "cmd"
	ARG = "arg"
	RES = "res"
View Source
const (
	MOD_DIR  = 0750
	MOD_FILE = 0640

	MOD_CHAN = 16
	MOD_TICK = "1s"
	MOD_BUFS = 4096

	MOD_DATE = "2006-01-02"
	MOD_TIME = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
View Source
const (
	VOLCANOS = "volcanos"
	LEARNING = "learning"
	ICEBERGS = "icebergs"
	TOOLKITS = "toolkits"
	INTSHELL = "intshell"
	CONTEXTS = "contexts"

	INSTALL = "install"
	RELEASE = "release"
	PUBLISH = "publish"
	REQUIRE = "require"
	DISPLAY = "display"
View Source
const (
	SRC = "src"
	ETC = "etc"
	BIN = "bin"
	VAR = "var"
	USR = "usr"

	HTML = "html"
	CSS  = "css"
	JS   = "js"
	GO   = "go"
	SH   = "sh"
	CSV  = "csv"
	JSON = "json"

	USR_VOLCANOS = "usr/volcanos"
	USR_LEARNING = "usr/learning"
	USR_ICEBERGS = "usr/icebergs"
	USR_TOOLKITS = "usr/toolkits"
	USR_INTSHELL = "usr/intshell"
	USR_INSTALL  = "usr/install"
	USR_RELEASE  = "usr/release"
	USR_PUBLISH  = "usr/publish"

	PLUGIN_INPUT = "/plugin/input"
	PLUGIN_STORY = "/plugin/story"
	PLUGIN_LOCAL = "/plugin/local"

	FAVICON  = "favicon.ico"
	PROTO_JS = "proto.js"
	FRAME_JS = "frame.js"
	INDEX_JS = "index.js"
	ORDER_JS = "order.js"
	ORDER_SH = ""
	INDEX_SH = ""

	USR_LOCAL        = "usr/local"
	USR_LOCAL_GO     = "usr/local/go"
	USR_LOCAL_GO_BIN = "usr/local/go/bin"
	USR_LOCAL_BIN    = "usr/local/bin"
	USR_LOCAL_LIB    = "usr/local/lib"
	USR_LOCAL_WORK   = "usr/local/work"
	USR_LOCAL_IMAGE  = "usr/local/image"
	USR_LOCAL_RIVER  = "usr/local/river"
	USR_LOCAL_DAEMON = "usr/local/daemon"
	USR_LOCAL_EXPORT = "usr/local/export"

	VAR_RUN       = "var/run"
	VAR_TMP       = "var/tmp"
	VAR_LOG       = "var/log"
	VAR_CONF      = "var/conf"
	VAR_DATA      = "var/data"
	VAR_FILE      = "var/file"
	VAR_PROXY     = "var/proxy"
	VAR_TRASH     = "var/trash"
	BIN_ICE_SH    = "bin/"
	BIN_ICE_BIN   = "bin/ice.bin"
	BIN_BOOT_LOG  = "bin/boot.log"
	ETC_INIT_SHY  = "etc/init.shy"
	ETC_LOCAL_SHY = "etc/local.shy"
	ETC_EXIT_SHY  = "etc/exit.shy"
	ETC_MISS_SH   = "etc/"
	ETC_PATH      = "etc/path"

	SRC_HELP       = "src/help"
	SRC_DEBUG      = "src/debug"
	SRC_RELEASE    = "src/release"
	SRC_MAIN_GO    = "src/main.go"
	SRC_MAIN_SHY   = "src/main.shy"
	SRC_MAIN_SVG   = "src/main.svg"
	SRC_VERSION_GO = "src/version.go"
	SRC_BINPACK_GO = "src/binpack.go"
	SRC_RELAY_GO   = "src/relay.go"
	README_MD      = ""
	MAKEFILE       = "Makefile"
	ICE_BIN        = "ice.bin"
	GO_SUM         = "go.sum"
	GO_MOD         = "go.mod"
View Source
const (
	MSG_DETAIL = "detail"
	MSG_OPTION = "option"
	MSG_APPEND = "append"
	MSG_RESULT = "result"

	MSG_CMDS   = "cmds"
	MSG_FIELDS = "fields"
	MSG_SESSID = "sessid"
	MSG_DOMAIN = "domain"
	MSG_OPTS   = "_option"

	MSG_ALIAS  = "_alias"
	MSG_SCRIPT = "_script"
	MSG_SOURCE = "_source"
	MSG_TARGET = "_target"
	MSG_HANDLE = "_handle"
	MSG_OUTPUT = "_output"
	MSG_ARGS   = "_args"

	MSG_UPLOAD = "_upload"
	MSG_DAEMON = "_daemon"
	MSG_ACTION = "_action"
	MSG_STATUS = "_status"

	MSG_DISPLAY = "_display"
	MSG_PROCESS = "_process"

	MSG_USERIP   = "user.ip"
	MSG_USERUA   = ""
	MSG_USERWEB  = "user.web"
	MSG_USERPOD  = "user.pod"
	MSG_USERADDR = "user.addr"
	MSG_USERROLE = "user.role"
	MSG_USERNICK = "user.nick"
	MSG_LANGUAGE = "user.lang"

	MSG_TITLE = "sess.title"
	MSG_TOPIC = "sess.topic"
	MSG_RIVER = "sess.river"
	MSG_STORM = "sess.storm"
	MSG_TOAST = "sess.toast"
	MSG_LOCAL = "sess.local"
View Source
const (
	RENDER_RAW      = "_raw"
	RENDER_VOID     = "_void"
	RENDER_RESULT   = "_result"
	RENDER_ANCHOR   = "_anchor"
	RENDER_BUTTON   = "_button"
	RENDER_SCRIPT   = "_script"
	RENDER_QRCODE   = "_qrcode"
	RENDER_IMAGES   = "_images"
	RENDER_VIDEOS   = "_videos"
	RENDER_IFRAME   = "_iframe"
	RENDER_TEMPLATE = "_template"
	RENDER_REDIRECT = "_redirect"
	RENDER_DOWNLOAD = "_download"
View Source
const (
	PROCESS_LOCATION = "_location"
	PROCESS_REPLACE  = "_replace"
	PROCESS_HISTORY  = "_history"
	PROCESS_REFRESH  = "_refresh"
	PROCESS_REWRITE  = "_rewrite"
	PROCESS_DISPLAY  = "_display"
	PROCESS_FIELD    = "_field"
	PROCESS_INNER    = "_inner"
	PROCESS_AGAIN    = "_again"

	PROCESS_OPEN = "_open"
	PROCESS_HOLD = "_hold"
	PROCESS_BACK = "_back"
	PROCESS_GROW = "_grow"

	FIELD_PREFIX = "_prefix"
View Source
const (
	CACHE_LIMIT  = "cache.limit"
	CACHE_BEGIN  = "cache.begin"
	CACHE_COUNT  = "cache.count"
	CACHE_OFFEND = "cache.offend"
	CACHE_FILTER = "cache.filter"
	CACHE_VALUE  = "cache.value"
	CACHE_FIELD  = "cache.field"
	CACHE_DETAIL = "detail"
View Source
const (
	CTX_FOLLOW = "follow"
	CTX_STATUS = "status"
	CTX_STREAM = "stream"

	CTX_BEGIN = "begin"
	CTX_START = "start"
	CTX_SERVE = "serve"
	CTX_CLOSE = "close"

	CTX_INIT = "_init"
	CTX_EXIT = "_exit"
View Source
const (
	// 通用
	LOG_INFO  = "info"
	LOG_COST  = "cost"
	LOG_WARN  = "warn"
	LOG_ERROR = "error"
	LOG_DEBUG = "debug"

	// 命令
	LOG_AUTH = "auth"
	LOG_CMDS = "cmds"
	LOG_SEND = "send"
	LOG_RECV = "recv"

	// 状态
	LOG_BEGIN = "begin"
	LOG_START = "start"
	LOG_SERVE = "serve"
	LOG_CLOSE = "close"

	// 数据
	LOG_CREATE = "create"
	LOG_REMOVE = "remove"
	LOG_INSERT = "insert"
	LOG_DELETE = "delete"
	LOG_MODIFY = "modify"
	LOG_SELECT = "select"
	LOG_EXPORT = "export"
	LOG_IMPORT = "import"
View Source
const (
	ErrWarn         = "warn: "
	ErrPanic        = "panic: "
	ErrExists       = "exists: "
	ErrExpire       = "expire: "
	ErrTimeout      = "timeout: "
	ErrFailure      = "failure: "
	ErrNotLogin     = "not login: "
	ErrNotFound     = "not found: "
	ErrNotRight     = "not right: "
	ErrNotStart     = "not start: "
	ErrNotImplement = "not implement: "
View Source
const (
	// CTX = "ctx"
	CLI = "cli"
	WEB = "web"
	AAA = "aaa"
	LEX = "lex"
	YAC = "yac"
	GDB = "gdb"
	LOG = "log"
	TCP = "tcp"
	NFS = "nfs"
	SSH = "ssh"
	MDB = "mdb"
View Source
const (
	COMMAND = "command"
	ACTION  = "action"
	CONFIG  = "config"
	STYLE   = "style"
	INDEX   = "index"
	ARGS    = "args"
	INPUTS  = "inputs"
	FEATURE = "feature"
View Source
const (
	SERVE = "serve"
	SPACE = "space"
	SPIDE = "spide"
	CACHE = "cache"
View Source
const (
	KEY    = "key"
	VALUE  = "value"
	SCRIPT = "script"
	LINK   = "link"

	META = "meta"
	HASH = "hash"
	TIME = "time"
	TYPE = "type"
	NAME = "name"
	TEXT = "text"


View Source
var Index = &Context{Name: "ice", Help: "冰山模块", Configs: map[string]*Config{
	HELP: {Value: kit.Data("index", Info.Help)},
}, Commands: map[string]*Command{
	CTX_INIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, c *Context, cmd string, arg ...string) {
		defer m.Cost(CTX_INIT)
		m.root.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context) {
			if cmd, ok := c.Commands[CTX_INIT]; ok && p != nil {
				c.cmd(m.Spawn(c), cmd, CTX_INIT, arg...)
	INIT: {Name: "init", Help: "启动", Hand: func(m *Message, c *Context, cmd string, arg ...string) {
		m.Cmd("source", ETC_INIT_SHY)
	HELP: {Name: "help", Help: "帮助", Hand: func(m *Message, c *Context, cmd string, arg ...string) {
	EXIT: {Name: "exit", Help: "结束", Hand: func(m *Message, c *Context, cmd string, arg ...string) {
		m.root.Option(EXIT, kit.Select("0", arg, 0))
		defer c.Close(m.root.Spawn(), arg...)

		m.Cmd("source", ETC_EXIT_SHY)
	CTX_EXIT: {Hand: func(m *Message, c *Context, cmd string, arg ...string) {
		defer m.Cost(CTX_EXIT)
		m.Option("cmd_dir", "")
		m.Option("dir_root", "")
		m.root.Travel(func(p *Context, c *Context) {
			if cmd, ok := c.Commands[CTX_EXIT]; ok && p != nil {
				m.TryCatch(m.Spawn(c), true, func(msg *Message) {
					c.cmd(msg, cmd, CTX_EXIT, arg...)
}, server: &Frame{}, wg: &sync.WaitGroup{}}
View Source
var Info = struct {
	Make MakeInfo

	HostName string
	PathName string
	UserName string
	PassWord string

	Colors   bool
	Domain   string
	NodeType string
	NodeName string
	CtxShare string
	CtxRiver string

	Help  string
	Route map[string]string // 路由命令
	File  map[string]string // 文件命令
	Pack  map[string][]byte // 打包文件
	Dump  func(w io.Writer, name string, cb func(string)) bool
	Log   func(m *Message, p, l, s string)

	render map[string]func(*Message, string, ...interface{}) string
	names  map[string]interface{}
	Help: `
^_^      欢迎使用冰山框架       ^_^
^_^  Welcome to Icebergs World  ^_^

	Route: map[string]string{},
	File:  map[string]string{},
	Pack:  map[string][]byte{},
	Dump:  func(w io.Writer, name string, cb func(string)) bool { return false },
	Log:   func(m *Message, p, l, s string) {},
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
View Source
var Pulse = &Message{
	time: time.Now(), code: 0,
	meta: map[string][]string{},
	data: map[string]interface{}{},

	source: Index, target: Index, Hand: true,


func AddFileCmd added in v1.1.8

func AddFileCmd(dir, key string)

func AddRender

func AddRender(key string, render func(*Message, string, ...interface{}) string)

func Display

func Display(file string, arg ...string) map[string]string

func DisplayBase added in v0.7.9

func DisplayBase(file string, arg ...string) map[string]string

func DisplayLocal added in v0.7.0

func DisplayLocal(file string, arg ...string) map[string]string

func DisplayRequire added in v0.7.9

func DisplayRequire(n int, file string, arg ...string) map[string]string

func DisplayStory added in v0.7.9

func DisplayStory(file string, arg ...string) map[string]string

func FileCmd added in v1.1.8

func FileCmd(dir string) string

func FileRequire added in v1.2.0

func FileRequire(n int) string

func FileURI added in v1.2.0

func FileURI(dir string) string

func GetFileCmd added in v1.1.8

func GetFileCmd(dir string) string

func MergeAction

func MergeAction(list ...interface{}) map[string]*Action

func Render

func Render(m *Message, cmd string, args ...interface{}) string

func Run

func Run(arg ...string) string

func SelectAction added in v0.4.9

func SelectAction(list map[string]*Action, fields ...string) map[string]*Action


type Action

type Action struct {
	Name string
	Help string
	Hand ActionHandler
	List []interface{}

type ActionHandler added in v1.1.7

type ActionHandler func(m *Message, arg ...string)

type Cache

type Cache struct {
	Name  string
	Help  string
	Value string

type Command

type Command struct {
	Name   string
	Help   string
	Action map[string]*Action
	Meta   map[string]interface{}
	Hand   CommandHandler
	List   []interface{}

type CommandHandler added in v1.1.7

type CommandHandler func(m *Message, c *Context, key string, arg ...string)

type Config

type Config struct {
	Name  string
	Help  string
	Value interface{}

type Context

type Context struct {
	Name string
	Help string

	Caches   map[string]*Cache
	Configs  map[string]*Config
	Commands map[string]*Command

	Contexts map[string]*Context
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Context) Begin

func (c *Context) Begin(m *Message, arg ...string) *Context

func (*Context) Cap

func (c *Context) Cap(key string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Context) Close

func (c *Context) Close(m *Message, arg ...string) bool

func (*Context) Cmd

func (c *Context) Cmd(m *Message, key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Context) ID

func (c *Context) ID() int32

func (*Context) Merge

func (c *Context) Merge(s *Context) *Context

func (*Context) Register

func (c *Context) Register(s *Context, x Server, n ...string) *Context

func (*Context) Server

func (c *Context) Server() Server

func (*Context) Spawn

func (c *Context) Spawn(m *Message, name string, help string, arg ...string) *Context

func (*Context) Start

func (c *Context) Start(m *Message, arg ...string) bool

type Frame

type Frame struct{}

func (*Frame) Begin

func (f *Frame) Begin(m *Message, arg ...string) Server

func (*Frame) Close

func (f *Frame) Close(m *Message, arg ...string) bool

func (*Frame) Spawn

func (f *Frame) Spawn(m *Message, c *Context, arg ...string) Server

func (*Frame) Start

func (f *Frame) Start(m *Message, arg ...string) bool

type MakeInfo added in v0.9.8

type MakeInfo struct {
	Path     string
	Time     string
	Hash     string
	Module   string
	Remote   string
	Branch   string
	Domain   string
	Version  string
	HostName string
	UserName string

type Message

type Message struct {
	Hand bool

	W http.ResponseWriter
	R *http.Request
	O io.Writer
	I io.Reader
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Message) Action

func (m *Message) Action(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) ActionKey added in v0.8.0

func (m *Message) ActionKey() string

func (*Message) Add

func (m *Message) Add(key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Append

func (m *Message) Append(key string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) AppendSimple

func (m *Message) AppendSimple(key ...string) (res []string)

func (*Message) AppendTrans added in v0.4.7

func (m *Message) AppendTrans(cb func(value string, key string, index int) string) *Message

func (*Message) Appendv

func (m *Message) Appendv(key string, arg ...interface{}) []string

func (*Message) Assert

func (m *Message) Assert(expr interface{}) bool

func (*Message) Back

func (m *Message) Back(res *Message) *Message

func (*Message) CSV

func (m *Message) CSV(text string, head ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Call

func (m *Message) Call(sync bool, cb func(*Message) *Message) *Message

func (*Message) Cap

func (m *Message) Cap(arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Capi

func (m *Message) Capi(key string, val ...interface{}) int

func (*Message) Capv

func (m *Message) Capv(arg ...interface{}) interface{}

func (*Message) Cmd

func (m *Message) Cmd(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Cmds

func (m *Message) Cmds(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Cmdx

func (m *Message) Cmdx(arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Cmdy

func (m *Message) Cmdy(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) CommandKey added in v0.6.1

func (m *Message) CommandKey() string

func (*Message) Conf

func (m *Message) Conf(arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Confi

func (m *Message) Confi(key string, sub string) int

func (*Message) Config added in v0.4.9

func (m *Message) Config(key string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) ConfigOption added in v1.1.8

func (m *Message) ConfigOption(key ...string)

func (*Message) ConfigSimple added in v0.5.0

func (m *Message) ConfigSimple(key ...string) (list []string)

func (*Message) Configm added in v0.7.8

func (m *Message) Configm(key string, arg ...interface{}) map[string]interface{}

func (*Message) Configv added in v0.6.3

func (m *Message) Configv(key string, arg ...interface{}) interface{}

func (*Message) Confm

func (m *Message) Confm(key string, sub interface{}, cbs ...interface{}) map[string]interface{}

func (*Message) Confv

func (m *Message) Confv(arg ...interface{}) (val interface{})

func (*Message) Copy

func (m *Message) Copy(msg *Message, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Cost

func (m *Message) Cost(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Cut

func (m *Message) Cut(fields ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Debug

func (m *Message) Debug(str string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Detail

func (m *Message) Detail(arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Detailv

func (m *Message) Detailv(arg ...interface{}) []string

func (*Message) Display added in v0.7.0

func (m *Message) Display(file string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) DisplayBase added in v0.7.9

func (m *Message) DisplayBase(file string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) DisplayLocal added in v0.7.0

func (m *Message) DisplayLocal(file string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) DisplayStory added in v0.7.9

func (m *Message) DisplayStory(file string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) DisplayStoryJSON added in v1.0.7

func (m *Message) DisplayStoryJSON(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Done

func (m *Message) Done(ok bool) bool

func (*Message) Echo

func (m *Message) Echo(str string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) EchoAnchor

func (m *Message) EchoAnchor(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) EchoButton

func (m *Message) EchoButton(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) EchoDownload

func (m *Message) EchoDownload(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) EchoIFrame added in v0.7.7

func (m *Message) EchoIFrame(src string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) EchoImages

func (m *Message) EchoImages(src string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) EchoQRCode

func (m *Message) EchoQRCode(src string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) EchoScript

func (m *Message) EchoScript(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) EchoVideos added in v0.5.3

func (m *Message) EchoVideos(src string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Error

func (m *Message) Error(err bool, str string, arg ...interface{}) bool

func (*Message) Event

func (m *Message) Event(key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Fields

func (m *Message) Fields(length int, fields ...string) string

func (*Message) FieldsIsDetail added in v0.6.2

func (m *Message) FieldsIsDetail() bool

func (*Message) FormatChain

func (m *Message) FormatChain() string

func (*Message) FormatCost

func (m *Message) FormatCost() string

func (*Message) FormatMeta

func (m *Message) FormatMeta() string

func (*Message) FormatPrefix added in v0.6.2

func (m *Message) FormatPrefix() string

func (*Message) FormatShip added in v0.6.2

func (m *Message) FormatShip() string

func (*Message) FormatSize

func (m *Message) FormatSize() string

func (*Message) FormatStack

func (m *Message) FormatStack() string

func (*Message) FormatTime

func (m *Message) FormatTime() string

func (*Message) FormatsMeta added in v0.6.3

func (m *Message) FormatsMeta() string

func (*Message) Go

func (m *Message) Go(cb interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) GoToast

func (m *Message) GoToast(title string, cb func(toast func(string, int, int)))

func (*Message) Grow

func (m *Message) Grow(prefix string, chain interface{}, data interface{}) int

func (*Message) Grows

func (m *Message) Grows(prefix string, chain interface{}, match string, value string, cb interface{}) map[string]interface{}

func (*Message) Hold

func (m *Message) Hold(n int) *Message

func (*Message) Info

func (m *Message) Info(str string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) IsCliUA

func (m *Message) IsCliUA() bool

func (*Message) IsErr added in v0.7.9

func (m *Message) IsErr(arg ...string) bool

func (*Message) IsErrNotFound added in v0.7.9

func (m *Message) IsErrNotFound() bool

func (*Message) Length added in v0.6.2

func (m *Message) Length() (max int)

func (*Message) Load

func (m *Message) Load(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Log

func (m *Message) Log(level string, str string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_AUTH

func (m *Message) Log_AUTH(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_CREATE

func (m *Message) Log_CREATE(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_DELETE

func (m *Message) Log_DELETE(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_EXPORT

func (m *Message) Log_EXPORT(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_IMPORT

func (m *Message) Log_IMPORT(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_INSERT

func (m *Message) Log_INSERT(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_MODIFY

func (m *Message) Log_MODIFY(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_REMOVE

func (m *Message) Log_REMOVE(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_SELECT

func (m *Message) Log_SELECT(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Log_SEND

func (m *Message) Log_SEND(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Logs

func (m *Message) Logs(level string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) MergeCmd added in v1.1.7

func (m *Message) MergeCmd(cmd string, arg ...interface{}) string
func (m *Message) MergeLink(url string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) MergePod added in v1.1.7

func (m *Message) MergePod(pod string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) MergePodURL added in v1.2.0

func (m *Message) MergePodURL(url string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) MergeURL2 added in v0.7.4

func (m *Message) MergeURL2(url string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) MergeWebsite added in v1.1.7

func (m *Message) MergeWebsite(web string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Option

func (m *Message) Option(key string, arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) OptionCB added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) OptionCB(key string, cb ...interface{}) interface{}

func (*Message) OptionDefault added in v1.1.8

func (m *Message) OptionDefault(key, value string) string

func (*Message) OptionFields

func (m *Message) OptionFields(arg ...string) string

func (*Message) OptionLoad

func (m *Message) OptionLoad(file string) *Message

func (*Message) OptionPage

func (m *Message) OptionPage(arg ...string) int

func (*Message) OptionPages added in v1.2.0

func (m *Message) OptionPages(arg ...string) (page int, size int)

func (*Message) OptionSimple

func (m *Message) OptionSimple(key ...string) (res []string)

func (*Message) OptionSplit

func (m *Message) OptionSplit(key ...string) (res []string)

func (*Message) OptionTemplate

func (m *Message) OptionTemplate() string

func (*Message) OptionUserWeb added in v0.4.7

func (m *Message) OptionUserWeb() *url.URL

func (*Message) Optionv

func (m *Message) Optionv(key string, arg ...interface{}) interface{}

func (*Message) PodCmd

func (m *Message) PodCmd(arg ...interface{}) bool

func (*Message) Prefix

func (m *Message) Prefix(arg ...string) string

func (*Message) PrefixKey

func (m *Message) PrefixKey(arg ...string) string

func (*Message) Process

func (m *Message) Process(action string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessAgain added in v0.5.0

func (m *Message) ProcessAgain()

func (*Message) ProcessBack

func (m *Message) ProcessBack()

func (*Message) ProcessCommand

func (m *Message) ProcessCommand(cmd string, val []string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) ProcessCommandOpt

func (m *Message) ProcessCommandOpt(arg []string, args ...string)

func (*Message) ProcessDisplay

func (m *Message) ProcessDisplay(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessField

func (m *Message) ProcessField(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessHistory added in v1.2.0

func (m *Message) ProcessHistory(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessHold

func (m *Message) ProcessHold()

func (*Message) ProcessInner

func (m *Message) ProcessInner()

func (*Message) ProcessLocation

func (m *Message) ProcessLocation(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessOpen added in v0.5.0

func (m *Message) ProcessOpen(url string)

func (*Message) ProcessRefresh

func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh(delay string)

func (*Message) ProcessRefresh300ms

func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh300ms()

func (*Message) ProcessRefresh30ms

func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh30ms()

func (*Message) ProcessRefresh3ms added in v1.0.8

func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh3ms()

func (*Message) ProcessRefresh3s

func (m *Message) ProcessRefresh3s()

func (*Message) ProcessReplace added in v1.2.0

func (m *Message) ProcessReplace(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ProcessRewrite

func (m *Message) ProcessRewrite(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Push

func (m *Message) Push(key string, value interface{}, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) PushAction

func (m *Message) PushAction(list ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) PushAnchor

func (m *Message) PushAnchor(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushButton

func (m *Message) PushButton(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushDetail added in v1.1.3

func (m *Message) PushDetail(value interface{}, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) PushDownload

func (m *Message) PushDownload(key string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushIFrame added in v0.7.7

func (m *Message) PushIFrame(key, src string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) PushImages

func (m *Message) PushImages(key, src string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) PushNotice added in v0.7.2

func (m *Message) PushNotice(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushNoticeGrow added in v0.7.2

func (m *Message) PushNoticeGrow(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushNoticeToast added in v0.7.2

func (m *Message) PushNoticeToast(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushPodCmd

func (m *Message) PushPodCmd(cmd string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) PushQRCode

func (m *Message) PushQRCode(key string, src string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) PushRecord added in v1.1.8

func (m *Message) PushRecord(value interface{}, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) PushRefresh added in v0.9.9

func (m *Message) PushRefresh(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushScript

func (m *Message) PushScript(arg ...string)

func (*Message) PushSearch

func (m *Message) PushSearch(args ...interface{})

func (*Message) PushVideos

func (m *Message) PushVideos(key, src string, arg ...string)

func (*Message) RenameAppend

func (m *Message) RenameAppend(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Render

func (m *Message) Render(cmd string, args ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) RenderCmd added in v0.6.3

func (m *Message) RenderCmd(index string, args ...interface{})

func (*Message) RenderDownload

func (m *Message) RenderDownload(args ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) RenderIndex

func (m *Message) RenderIndex(serve, repos string, file ...string) *Message

func (*Message) RenderRedirect

func (m *Message) RenderRedirect(args ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) RenderResult

func (m *Message) RenderResult(args ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) RenderTemplate

func (m *Message) RenderTemplate(args ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) RenderWebsite added in v1.1.2

func (m *Message) RenderWebsite(pod string, dir string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Result

func (m *Message) Result(arg ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) Resultv

func (m *Message) Resultv(arg ...interface{}) []string

func (*Message) Rich

func (m *Message) Rich(prefix string, chain interface{}, data interface{}) string

func (*Message) Richs

func (m *Message) Richs(prefix string, chain interface{}, raw interface{}, cb interface{}) (res map[string]interface{})

func (*Message) Right

func (m *Message) Right(arg ...interface{}) bool

func (*Message) Save

func (m *Message) Save(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Search

func (m *Message) Search(key string, cb interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Set

func (m *Message) Set(key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) SetAppend added in v0.5.3

func (m *Message) SetAppend(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) SetResult added in v0.4.2

func (m *Message) SetResult(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Sleep

func (m *Message) Sleep(d string, arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Sleep300ms added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Sleep300ms(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Sleep30ms added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Sleep30ms(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Sleep30s added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Sleep30s(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Sleep3s added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Sleep3s(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Sort

func (m *Message) Sort(key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) SortInt

func (m *Message) SortInt(key string)

func (*Message) SortIntR

func (m *Message) SortIntR(key string)

func (*Message) SortStr

func (m *Message) SortStr(key string)

func (*Message) SortStrR

func (m *Message) SortStrR(key string)

func (*Message) SortTime

func (m *Message) SortTime(key string)

func (*Message) SortTimeR

func (m *Message) SortTimeR(key string)

func (*Message) Source

func (m *Message) Source() *Context

func (*Message) Space

func (m *Message) Space(arg interface{}) []string

func (*Message) Spawn

func (m *Message) Spawn(arg ...interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) Split

func (m *Message) Split(str string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) SplitIndex added in v0.7.8

func (m *Message) SplitIndex(str string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Start

func (m *Message) Start(key string, arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Status

func (m *Message) Status(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) StatusTime

func (m *Message) StatusTime(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) StatusTimeCount

func (m *Message) StatusTimeCount(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) StatusTimeCountTotal

func (m *Message) StatusTimeCountTotal(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Table

func (m *Message) Table(cbs ...func(index int, value map[string]string, head []string)) *Message

func (*Message) Tables added in v0.9.9

func (m *Message) Tables(cbs ...func(value map[string]string)) *Message

func (*Message) Target

func (m *Message) Target() *Context

func (*Message) Time

func (m *Message) Time(args ...interface{}) string

func (*Message) ToLowerAppend added in v1.1.2

func (m *Message) ToLowerAppend(arg ...string) *Message

func (*Message) Toast

func (m *Message) Toast(text string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Toast30s added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Toast30s(text string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Toast3s added in v0.6.4

func (m *Message) Toast3s(text string, arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ToastFailure added in v0.9.9

func (m *Message) ToastFailure(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ToastProcess added in v0.9.0

func (m *Message) ToastProcess(arg ...interface{}) func()

func (*Message) ToastRestart added in v0.9.9

func (m *Message) ToastRestart(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) ToastSuccess added in v0.7.4

func (m *Message) ToastSuccess(arg ...interface{})

func (*Message) Travel

func (m *Message) Travel(cb interface{}) *Message

func (*Message) TryCatch

func (m *Message) TryCatch(msg *Message, silent bool, hand ...func(msg *Message)) *Message

func (*Message) Upload

func (m *Message) Upload(dir string)

func (*Message) Warn

func (m *Message) Warn(err interface{}, arg ...interface{}) bool

func (*Message) Watch

func (m *Message) Watch(key string, arg ...string) *Message

type Option

type Option struct {
	Name  string
	Value interface{}

func OptionFields

func OptionFields(arg ...string) Option

func OptionHash

func OptionHash(arg string) Option

type Server

type Server interface {
	Spawn(m *Message, c *Context, arg ...string) Server
	Begin(m *Message, arg ...string) Server
	Start(m *Message, arg ...string) bool
	Close(m *Message, arg ...string) bool

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL