Working with Configurations
This tour illustrates the basic configuration management included in the OCM library. The library provides an extensible framework to bring together configuration settings and configurable objects.
It covers five basic scenarios:
Basic configuration management illustrating the configuration of credentials.generic
Handling of arbitrary configuration.ocm
Central configurationprovide
Providing new config object typesconsume
Preparing objects to be configured by the config management
Running the example
You can call the main program with a config file option (--config <file>
) and the name of the scenario.
The config file should have the following content:
Set your favorite OCI registry and don't forget to add the repository prefix for your OCM repository hosted in this registry.
Basic Configuration Management
Similar to the other context areas, Configuration is handled by the configuration contexts. Therefore, for the example, we just get the default configuration context.
ctx := config.DefaultContext()
The configuration context handles configuration objects.
A configuration object is any object implementing
the config.Config
interface. The task of a config object
is to apply configuration to some target object.
One such object is the configuration object for credentials provided by the credentials context. It finally applies settings to a credential context.
creds := credcfg.New()
Here, we can configure credential settings: credential repositories and consumer id mappings. We do this by setting the credentials provided by our config file for the consumer id used by our configured OCI registry.
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(cfg.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid consumer")
(Credential) Configuration objects are typically serializable and deserializable.
spec, err := json.MarshalIndent(creds, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "marshal credential config")
fmt.Printf("this a a credential configuration object:\n%s\n", string(spec))
Like all the other manifest based descriptions this format always includes a type field, which can be used to deserialize a specification into the appropriate object. This can be done by the config context. It accepts YAML or JSON.
o, err := ctx.GetConfigForData(spec, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "deserialize config")
if diff := deep.Equal(o, creds); len(diff) != 0 {
fmt.Printf("diff:\n%v\n", diff)
return fmt.Errorf("invalid des/erialization")
Regardless what variant is used (direct specification object or descriptor) the config object can be added to a config context.
err = ctx.ApplyConfig(creds, "explicit cred setting")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot apply config")
Every config object implements the
ApplyTo(ctx config.Context, target interface{}) error
It takes an object, which wants to be configured.
The config object then decides, whether it provides
settings for the given object and calls the appropriate
methods on this object (after a type cast).
Here is the code snippet from the apply method of the credential config object (.../api/credentials/config/type.go):
func (a *Config) ApplyTo(ctx cfgcpi.Context, target interface{}) error {
list := errors.ErrListf("applying config")
t, ok := target.(cpi.Context)
if !ok {
return cfgcpi.ErrNoContext(ConfigType)
for _, e := range a.Consumers {
t.SetCredentialsForConsumer(e.Identity, CredentialsChain(e.Credentials...))
This way the config mechanism reverts the configuration request, it does not actively configure something, instead an object, which wants to be configured calls the config context to apply pending configs. To do this the config context manages a queue of config objects and applies them to an object to be configured.
If the credential context is asked now for credentials, it asks the config context for pending config objects and applies them. Therefore, we now should be able to get the configured credentials.
credctx := credentials.DefaultContext()
found, err := credentials.CredentialsForConsumer(credctx, id)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get credentials")
// an error is only provided if something went wrong while determining
// the credentials. Delivering NO credentials is a valid result.
if found == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no credentials found")
fmt.Printf("consumer id: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf("credentials: %s\n", obfuscate(found))
if found.GetProperty(credentials.ATTR_USERNAME) != cfg.Username {
return fmt.Errorf("password mismatch")
if found.GetProperty(credentials.ATTR_PASSWORD) != cfg.Password {
return fmt.Errorf("password mismatch")
Handling of Arbitrary Configuration
The config management not only manages configuration objects for any other configurable object, it also provides a configuration object of its own. The task of the object is to handle other configuration objects to be applied to a configuration object.
generic := configcfg.New()
The generic config object holds a list of any other config objects, or their specification formats. Additionally, it is possible to configure named sets of configurations, which can later be enabled on-demand by their name at the config context.
We recycle our credential config from the last example to get a config object to be added to our generic config object.
creds, err := credConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
Now, we can add this credential config object to our generic config list.
err = generic.AddConfig(creds)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "adding config")
As we have seen in our previous example, config objects are typically serializable and deserializable. This also holds for the generic config object of the config context.
spec, err := json.MarshalIndent(generic, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "marshal credential config")
fmt.Printf("this a a generic configuration object:\n%s\n", string(spec))
The result is a config object hosting a list (with 1 entry) of other config object specifications.
The generic config object can be added to a config context, again, like any other config object. If it is asked to configure a configuration context it uses the methods of the configuration context to apply the contained list of config objects (and the named set of config lists). Therefore, all config objects applied to a configuration context are asked to configure the configuration context itself when queued to the list of applied configuration objects.
If we now ask the default credential context (which uses the default configuration context to configure itself) for credentials for our OCI registry, the credential mapping provided by the config object added to the generic one, will be found.
ctx := config.DefaultContext()
err = ctx.ApplyConfig(creds, "generic setting")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot apply config")
credctx := credentials.DefaultContext()
// query now works, also.
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(cfg.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid consumer")
found, err := credentials.CredentialsForConsumer(credctx, id)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get credentials")
fmt.Printf("consumer id: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf("credentials: %s\n", obfuscate(found))
The very same mechanism is used to provide central configuration in a configuration file for the OCM ecosystem, as will be shown in the next example.
Central Configuration
Although the configuration of an OCM context can
be done by a sequence of explicit calls according to the mechanisms
shown in the examples before, a simple convenience
library function is provided, which can be used to configure an OCM
context and all related other contexts with a single call
based on a central configuration file (~/.ocmconfig
ctx := ocm.DefaultContext()
_, err := utils.Configure(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuration")
This file typically contains the serialization of such a generic configuration specification (or any other serialized configuration object), enriched with specialized config specifications for credentials, default repositories, signing keys and any other configuration specification.
Standard Configuration File
Most important are here the credentials. Because OCM embraces lots of storage technologies for artifact storage as well as storing OCM component version metadata, there are typically multiple technology specific ways to configure credentials for command line tools. Using the credentials settings shown in the previous tour, it is possible to specify credentials for all required purposes, and the configuration management provides an extensible way to embed native technology specific ways to provide credentials just by adding an appropriate type of credential repository, which reads the specialized storage and feeds it into the credential context. Those specifications can be added via the credential configuration object to the central configuration.
One such repository type is the Docker config type. It
reads a dockerconfig.json
file and feeds in the credentials.
Because it is used for a dedicated purpose (credentials for
OCI registries), it not only can feed the credentials, but
also their mapping to consumer ids.
We first create the specification for a new credential repository of
type dockerconfig
describing the default location
of the standard Docker config file.
credspec := dockerconfig.NewRepositorySpec("~/.docker/config.json", true)
// add this repository specification to a credential configuration.
ccfg := credcfg.New()
err = ccfg.AddRepository(credspec)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid credential config")
By adding the default location for the standard Docker config
file, all credentials provided by the docker login
are available in the OCM toolset, also.
A typical minimal .ocmconfig
file can be composed as follows.
We add this config object to an empty generic configuration object
and print the serialized form. The result can be used as
default initial OCM configuration file.
ocmcfg := configcfg.New()
err = ocmcfg.AddConfig(ccfg)
spec, err := yaml.Marshal(ocmcfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "marshal ocm config")
// the result is a typical minimal ocm configuration file
// just providing the credentials configured with
// <code>doicker login</code>.
fmt.Printf("this a typical ocm config file:\n--- begin ocmconfig ---\n%s--- end ocmconfig ---\n", string(spec))
The result should look similar to (but with reordered fields):
- type:
- repository:
type: DockerConfig
dockerConfigFile: ~/.docker/config.json
propagateConsumerIdentity: true
Because of the ordered map keys the actual output looks a little bit confusing:
- repositories:
- repository:
dockerConfigFile: ~/.docker/config.json
propagateConsumerIdentity: true
type: DockerConfig
Besides from a file, such a config can be provided as data, also, taken from any other source, for example from a Kubernetes secret.
err = utils.ConfigureByData(ctx, spec, "from data")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuration")
If you have provided your OCI credentials with
docker login
, they should now be available.
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(cfg.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid consumer")
found, err := credentials.CredentialsForConsumer(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get credentials")
fmt.Printf("consumer id: %s\n", id)
fmt.Printf("credentials: %s\n", obfuscate(found))
The configuration library function does not only read the ocm config file, it also applies spiff processing to the provided YAML/JSON content. Spiff is an in-domain yaml-based templating engine. Therefore, you can use any spiff dynaml expression to define values or even complete sub structures.
ocmcfg = configcfg.New()
ccfg = credcfg.New()
cspec := credentials.CredentialsSpecFromList("clientCert", `(( read("~/ocm/keys/myClientCert.pem") ))`)
id = credentials.NewConsumerIdentity("", "hostname", "")
ccfg.AddConsumer(id, cspec)
This config object is not directly usable, because the cert value is not a valid certificate. We use it here just to generate the serialized form.
- consumers:
- credentials:
- credentialsName: Credentials
clientCert: (( read("~/ocm/keys/myClientCert.pem") ))
type: Credentials
If this is used with the above library functions, the finally generated config object will contain the read file content, which is hopefully a valid certificate.
Providing new config object types
So far, we just used existing config types to configure existing objects. But the configuration management is highly extensible, and it is quite simple to provide new config types, which can be used to configure any new or existing object, which is prepared to consume configuration.
The next chapter will show how to prepare an object to be automatically configurable by the configuration management. Here, we focus on the implementation of new config object types. Therefore, we want to configure the credential context by a new configuration object.
The Configuration Object Type
Typically, every kind of configuration object lives in its own package, which always have the same layout.
A configuration object has a type, the configuration type. Therefore,
the package declares a constant TYPE
It is the name of our new configuration object type. To be globally unique, it should always end with a DNS domain owned by the provider of the new type.
const TYPE = ""
Next, we need a Go type. ExampleConfigSpec
is the new Go type for the
config specification covering our example configuration.
It just encapsulates our simple configuration structure
used to configure the examples of our tour.
type ExampleConfigSpec struct {
// ObjectVersionedType is the base type providing the type feature
// for (config) specifications.
runtime.ObjectVersionedType `json:",inline"`
// Config is our example config representation.
helper.Config `json:",inline"`
Every config type structure must contain a field (and the appropriate methods)
for storing the config type name. This is done by embedding the
type runtime.ObjectVersionedType
from the runtime
package. This package
contains everything to work with specification objects and
As second field we just embed the config structure used to read the tour config. This way any kind of configuration information can be mapped to the configuration management.
A config type typically provide a constructor for a config object of this type:
func NewConfig(cfg *helper.Config) cpi.Config {
return &ExampleConfigSpec{
ObjectVersionedType: runtime.NewVersionedTypedObject(TYPE),
Config: *cfg,
Additional setters can be used to configure the configuration object.
Here, programmatic objects (like an ocm.RepositorySpec
) are
converted to a form storable in the configuration object.
// SetTargetRepository takes a repository specification
// and adds its serialized form to the config object.
func (c *ExampleConfigSpec) SetTargetRepository(target ocm.RepositorySpec) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(target)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Target = data
return nil
// SetTargetRepositoryData sets the target repository specification
// from a byte sequence.
func (c *ExampleConfigSpec) SetTargetRepositoryData(data []byte) error {
err := runtime.CheckSpecification(data)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Target = data
return nil
The utility function runtime.CheckSpecification
can be used to
check a byte sequence to be a valid specification.
It just checks for a valid YAML document featuring a non-empty
// CheckSpecification checks a byte sequence to describe a
// valid minimum specification object.
func CheckSpecification(data []byte) error {
var obj ObjectTypedObject
err := DefaultYAMLEncoding.Unmarshal(data, &obj)
if err != nil {
return errors.ErrInvalidWrap(err, "repository specification", string(data))
if obj.GetType() == "" {
return errors.ErrInvalidWrap(fmt.Errorf("non-empty type field required"), "repository specification", string(data))
return nil
The most important method to implement is ApplyTo(_ cpi.Context, tgt interface{}) error
which must be implemented by all configuration objects.
Its task is to apply the described configuration settings to a dedicated
func (c *ExampleConfigSpec) ApplyTo(_ cpi.Context, tgt interface{}) error {
switch t := tgt.(type) {
// if the target is a credentials context
// configure the credentials to be used for the
// described OCI repository.
case credentials.Context:
// determine the consumer id for our target repository-
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(c.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid consumer")
// create the credentials.
creds := c.GetCredentials()
// configure the targeted credential context with
// the provided credentials (see previous examples).
t.SetCredentialsForConsumer(id, creds)
// if the target consumes an OCI repository, propagate
// the provided OCI repository ref.
case RepositoryTarget:
// all other targets are ignored, we don't have
// something to set at these objects.
return cpi.ErrNoContext(TYPE)
return nil
Therefore, it decides, whether it is able to handle a dedicated type of target object and how to configure it. This way a configuration object may apply is settings or even parts of its setting to any kind of target object.
Our configuration object supports two kinds of target objects: if the target is a credentials context it configures the credentials to be used for the described OCI repository similar to our credential management example.
But we want to accept more types of target objects. Therefore, we introduce an own interface declaring the methods required for applying some configuration settings.
// RepositoryTarget consumes a repository name.
type RepositoryTarget interface {
SetRepository(r string)
By checking the target object against this interface, we are able to configure any kind of object, as long as it provides the necessary configuration methods.
Now, we are nearly prepared to use our new configuration, there is just one step
missing. To enable the automatic recognition of our new type (for example
in the ocm config file), we have to tell the configuration management
about the new type. This is done by an init()
function in our config package.
Here, we call a registration function,
which gets called with a dedicated type object for the new config type.
A type object describes the config type, its type name, how
it is serialized and deserialized and some description.
We use a standard type object, here, instead of implementing
an own one. It is parameterized by the Go pointer type (*ExampleConfigSpec
) for
our specification object.
func init() {
// register the new config type, so that is can be used
// by the config management to deserialize appropriately
// typed specifications.
cpi.RegisterConfigType(cpi.NewConfigType[*ExampleConfigSpec](TYPE, "this ia config object type based on the example config data."))
Using our new Config Object
After preparing a new special config type we can feed it into the config management. Because of the registration the config management now knows about this new type.
A usual, we gain access to our required contexts.
credctx := credentials.DefaultContext()
// the credential context is based on a config context
// used to configure it.
ctx := credctx.ConfigContext()
To setup our environment we create our new config based on the actual settings and apply it to the config context.
examplecfg := NewConfig(cfg)
ctx.ApplyConfig(examplecfg, "special acme config")
Now, we should be prepared to get the credentials the usual way.
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(cfg.Repository)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get consumer id")
fmt.Printf("usage context: %s\n", id)
// the returned credentials are provided via an interface, which might change its
// content, if the underlying credential source changes.
creds, err := credentials.CredentialsForConsumer(credctx, id, ociidentity.IdentityMatcher)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "credentials")
fmt.Printf("credentials: %s\n", obfuscate(creds))
Using in the OCM Configuration
Because of the new credential type, such a specification can now be added to the ocm config, also. So, we could use our special tour config file content directly as part of the ocm config.
ocmcfg := configcfg.New()
err = ocmcfg.AddConfig(examplecfg)
spec, err := yaml.Marshal(ocmcfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "marshal ocm config")
// the result is a minimal ocm configuration file
// just providing our new example configuration.
fmt.Printf("this a typical ocm config file:\n--- begin ocmconfig ---\n%s--- end ocmconfig ---\n", string(spec))
The resulting config file looks as follows:
- component:
password: ghp_xyz
username: mandelsoft
version: 0.1.0
Applying to our Configuration Interface
Above, we added a new kind of target, the RepositoryTarget
By providing an implementation for this interface, we can
configure such an object using the config management.
We just provide a simple implementation for this interface, just storing the configured
repository specification.
// SimpleRepositoryTarget is demo target object
// just implementing our new configuration interface.
type SimpleRepositoryTarget struct {
repository string
var _ RepositoryTarget = (*SimpleRepositoryTarget)(nil)
func (t *SimpleRepositoryTarget) SetRepository(repo string) {
t.repository = repo
The context management now is able to apply our config to such an object.
target := &SimpleRepositoryTarget{}
_, err = ctx.ApplyTo(0, target)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "applying to new target")
fmt.Printf("repository for target: %s\n", target.repository)
This way any specialized configuration object can be added by a user of the OCM library. It can be used to configure existing objects or even new object types, even in combination.
What is still required is a way to implement new config targets, objects, which wants to be configured and which autoconfigure themselves when used. Our simple repository target is just an example for some kind of ad-hoc configuration. A complete scenario is shown in the next example.
Preparing Objects to be Configured by the Config Management
We already have our new config object type, and a target interface which must be implemented by a target object to be configurable. The last example showed how such an object can be configured in an ad-hoc manner by directly requesting it to be configured by the config management.
Now, we want to provide an object, which configures
itself when used.
Therefore, we introduce a Go type RepositoryProvider
which should be an object, which is
able to provide an OCI repository reference.
It has a setter and a getter (the setter is
provided by our ad-hoc SimpleRepositoryTarget
To be able to configure itself, the object must know about the config context it should use to configure itself.
Therefore, our type contains an additional field updater
Its type cpi.Updater
is a utility provided by the configuration
management, which holds a reference to a configuration context
and is able to
configure an object based on a managed configuration
watermark. It remembers which config objects from the
config queue are already applied, and replays
the config objects applied to the config context
after the last update.
Finally, a mutex field is contained, which is used to synchronize updates later.
type RepositoryProvider struct {
lock sync.Mutex
// cpi.Updater is a utility, which is able to
// configure an object based on a managed configuration
// watermark. It remembers which config objects from the
// config queue are already applied, and replays
// the config objects applied to the config context
// after the last update.
updater cpi.Updater
For this type a constructor is provided, which initializes
the updater
field with the desired configuration context.
func NewRepositoryProvider(ctx cpi.ContextProvider) *RepositoryProvider {
p := &RepositoryProvider{}
// To do its work, the updater needs a connection to
// the config context to use and the object, which should be
// configured.
p.updater = cpi.NewUpdater(ctx.ConfigContext(), p)
return p
The magic now happens in the methods provided by our configurable object. The first step for methods of configurable objects dependent on potential configuration is always to update itself using the embedded updater.
Please note, the config management reverses the request direction. Applying a config object to the config context does not configure dependent objects, it just manages a config queue, which is used by potential configuration targets to configure themselves. The actual configuration action is always initiated by the object, which want to be configured. The reason for this is to avoid references from the management to managed objects. This would prohibit the garbage collection of all configurable objects as long as the configuration context exists.
func (p *RepositoryProvider) GetRepository() (string, error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
err := p.updater.Update()
if err != nil {
return "", err
// now, we can do our regular function, aka
// providing a repository ref.
return p.repository, nil
After defining our repository provider type we can now start to use it together with the configuration management and out configuration object.
As usual, we first determine out context to use.
credctx := credentials.DefaultContext()
New, we create our provide configurable object by binding it to the config context.
prov := NewRepositoryProvider(credctx)
If we ask now for a repository we will get the empty answer, because nothing is configured, yet.
repo, err := prov.GetRepository()
if err != nil {
errors.Wrapf(err, "get repo")
if repo != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Oops, found repository %q", repo)
Now, we apply our config from the last example. Therefore, we create and initialize the config object with our program settings and apply it to the config context.
ctx := credctx.ConfigContext()
examplecfg := NewConfig(cfg)
err = ctx.ApplyConfig(examplecfg, "special acme config")
if err != nil {
errors.Wrapf(err, "apply config")
Without any further action, asking for a repository now will return the configured ref. The configurable object automatically catches the new configuration from the config context.
repo, err = prov.GetRepository()
if err != nil {
errors.Wrapf(err, "get repo")
if repo == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no repository provided")
fmt.Printf("using repository: %s\n", repo)
Now, we should also be prepared to get the credentials, our config object configures the provider as well as the credential context.
id, err := oci.GetConsumerIdForRef(repo)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot get consumer id")
fmt.Printf("usage context: %s\n", id)
creds, err := credentials.CredentialsForConsumer(credctx, id, ociidentity.IdentityMatcher)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "credentials")
fmt.Printf("credentials: %s\n", obfuscate(creds))
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